Security and Privacy of Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

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Security and Privacy of Collaborative Spectrum

Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Zhaoyu Gao

, Haojin Zhu

, Shuai Li

, Suguo Du

and Xu Li

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China

{gaozy1987}, {zhu-hj, shuailee, sgdu}

INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, France

[email protected]
Collaborative spectrum sensing is regarded as a promising approach to signicantly improve the
performance of spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs). However, due to the open nature
of wireless communications and the increasingly available software-dened radio platforms, collaborative
spectrum sensing also poses many new research challenges, especially in the aspects of security and
privacy. In this article, we rstly identify the potential security threats towards the collaborative spectrum
sensing in CRNs. Then we review the existing proposals related to secure collaborative spectrum sensing.
Furthermore, we identify several new location privacy related attacks in collaborative sensing, which
are expected to compromise secondary users location privacy by correlating their sensing reports and
their physical locations. To thwart these attacks, we propose a novel privacy preserving framework in
collaborative spectrum sensing to prevent location privacy leaking. We design and implement a real-
world testbed to evaluate the system performance. The attack experiment results show that, if there is no
any security guarantee, the attackers could successfully compromise a secondary users location privacy
at the success rate larger than 90%. We also show that the proposed privacy preserving framework can
signicantly improve the location privacy of secondary users with a minimal effect on the performance
of the collaborative sensing.
Keywords Security, Location Privacy, Privacy Preserving, Collaborative Sensing
The proliferation of smart phones and mobile Internet based applications require a better
utilization of radio channels. To address the ever increasing demand for wireless bandwidth,
January 28, 2012 DRAFT
cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have been proposed to improve the efciency of channel utiliza-
tion under the current static channel allocation policy. Unlike conventional spectrum regulation
paradigms in which the majority of the spectrum is allocated to xed licensed users (or primary
users) for exclusive use, a CRN system permits unlicensed users (or secondary users) to utilize
the idle spectrum as long as it does not introduce interference to the primary users. As an
important regulatory step, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has recently adopted
rules to allow unlicensed radio operation in the unused portions of the TV spectrum, commonly
referred as white space, which is expected to provide additional spectrum.
One major technical challenge in designing dynamic spectrum access systems is to detect
the presence of primary users and to further determine the availability of a certain channel.
It is recently discovered that collaboration among multiple secondary users can signicantly
improve the performance of spectrum sensing by exploiting their spatial diversity. Therefore,
collaborative spectrum sensing has been widely adopted in all existing standards or proposals,
i.e., IEEE 802.22 WRAN, CogNeA, IEEE 802.11af and WhiteFi.
Collaborative spectrum sensing is regarded as a promising approach to signicantly improve
the performance of spectrum sensing in CRNs. However, due to the open nature of wireless
communications and the increasingly available software dened radio platforms, e.g., Universal
Software Radio Peripherals (USRPs), it also poses many new research challenges, especially in
the aspects of security and privacy. A malicious node may seek to exploit a channel in a region by
falsely reporting a present primary signal, or dually, seek to vandalize the network by reporting
that a present primary is not detected thereby encouraging interference from secondary users.
Further, a selsh node may try to enjoy a free wireless access service without contributing to the
spectrum sensing result. Least but not last, untrusted collaborative spectrum fusion center may
try to compromise the location privacy of a specic user by geo-locating it from its collaborative
spectrum sensing reports.
In this article, we summarize the existing security threats towards collaborative spectrum
sensing in CRNs, and review existing solutions to them. We then identify several new security
attacks in collaborative spectrum sensing, which aim to compromise secondary users location
privacy by correlating their sensing reports and their physical locations. To thwart these attacks
and preserve location privacy, we propose a novel privacy preserving framework for collaborative
spectrum sensing. We design and implement a real-world testbed to evaluate its performance.
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The attack experiment results indicate that, when there is no security technique employed, the
attacker can compromise a secondary users location privacy at a success rate larger than 90%.
We further show that the proposed privacy preserving framework can signicantly improve the
location privacy of secondary users without jeopardizing the collaborative spectrum sensing
In CRNs, a fundamental task of each CR user is to detect the presence of primary users
(PUs) if they exist or to identify the available spectrum if PUs are absent. Although the FCCs
recent ruling eliminates spectrum sensing as a requirement for devices that have geo-location
capabilities and can access a new TV band (geo-location) database, it is expected that spectrum
sensing and its variants will still play an important role in improving the performance of CRNs
for the following reasons. First, collaborative spectrum sensing can be used to support the
operation of sensing-only devices that cannot access the database. Second, compared with the
database built from propagation models, collaborative spectrum sensing can provide a more
accurate view of spectrum availability since the database may be conservative and declare many
channels (at locations away from the TV transmitters) as occupied even if they are idle. Third,
the details of spectrum sensing results assist in selecting higher quality channels for operation
when multiple channels are available. Finally, utilizing the geo-location database for spectrum
availability information is similar to traditional location based services; it will inevitably leak
users location information, and may not be desirable for location-privacy-sensitive secondary
Collaborative spectrum sensing methods can be generally classied as centralized or distributed
sensing, as illustrated in Fig. 1. In centralized sensing, a central node called Fusion Center (FC)
controls a three-step cooperative sensing process. First, the FC selects a control channel and
instructs all cooperating CR users to individually perform local sensing. Second, all cooperating
CR users report their sensing results to FC via the control channel. Finally, FC combines the
received local sensing reports to determine the presence of PUs, and diffuses the decision back
to cooperating CR users. On the contrary, distributed sensing does not need any centralized
FC to make the cooperative decision; CR users communicate with each others in a peer-to-
peer manner and iteratively converge to a unied decision on the presence or absence of PUs.
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Fig. 1. Distributed CRN and Centralized CRN
Common signal detection techniques include matched lter, energy detection, cyclostationary
detection and wavelet detection, among which energy detection is the most popular approach
due to its simplicity and short sensing time (less than 1ms for a channel). In this article, we adopts
energy detection to detect signal. However, the proposed scheme could be readily extended to
other signal detection techniques.
In collaborative spectrum sensing of CRNs, there are several main emerging security challenges
as introduced below.
Authentication: Several aspects of authentication issues should be considered when securing
collaborative spectrum sensing.
Primary User Authentication: In CRNs, an attacker may transmit its signal with high
power or mimic specic features of the primary users signal (e.g., use the same pilot or
synchronization word) to bypass the primary user detection method used. Consequently,
secondary users may incorrectly identify the attackers signal as the primary users and
will not use the relevant channel. Such attack is called Primary User Emulation (PUE)
attack [1], [2]. To thwart this attack, secondary users should authenticate the identity
of received signal when sensing the targeted channel.
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Secondary User Authentication: When the FC (or a secondary user) collects sensing
reports from other users, it should authenticate the identities of the secondary users.
Otherwise, a potential attacker may forge the identity of a secondary user to send false
sensing reports.
Sensing Report Authentication: Although secondary users identities can be authenti-
cated during the sensing report aggregation process, it is possible that some legitimate
but malicious secondary users report unauthentic sensing results in an internal attack.
This attack is coined as Spectrum Sensing Data Falsication (SSDF) attack [3], [4].
Hence, the sensing reports of each secondary user should be authenticated as well.
Incentive Mechanisms: Most of existing collaborative spectrum sensing schemes assume
that all secondary users are ready to sense. This assumption might be easily violated in
the presence of selsh users, who may not cooperate in order to save their own wireless
resources (e.g., energy or transmission time) while enjoying the sensing results from others
[5], [6]. Such selsh behaviors seriously degrade the performance of collaborative spectrum
sensing. Incentive mechanisms are necessary to stimulate collaboration.
Data Condentiality: It implies that a sensing report is well protected and not revealed to
unauthorized external users who may monitor the communication channels by eavesdrop-
ping. Data Condentiality can be easily achieved by end-to-end encryption, which requires
the presence of mutual authentication among sensing collaborators.
Privacy Preservation: Compared with the above mentioned security problems, privacy
issues have received little attention in CRNs so far. Privacy is primarily regarded as pre-
serving the anonymity of a sensing node and/or the privacy of its location. Location privacy
protection intends to prevent adversaries (e.g., other sensing nodes or external observers)
from linking a sensing nodes sensing report to the nodes physical location.
In this section, we summarize the existing works related to the security issues in CRNs. All
of these works mainly focus on the PUE, SSDF and incentive problems, while few of them
consider the privacy issues in CRNs.
Thwarting Primary User Emulation (PUE) Attack: PUE attack is introduced for the rst
time in [1]. In the same article, a location distinction approach is suggested to distinguish
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an attackers signal from the primary users signal and therefore mitigate PUE attack. This
approach uses received signal strength (RSS) to estimate the source location of a signal, and
decides whether the signal is from the primary user based on the prior knowledge of the
primary users location. In [2], link signature is adopted to authenticate the primary users
signal. A helper node is proposed to inform a secondary user about the link signature of the
primary user at its location. Then, when the attacker launches PUE attack, the secondary
user is able to detect it by comparing the link signature of the primary user and that of the
received signal.
Thwarting Spectrum Sensing Data Falsication (SSDF) Attack: In [3], an abnormal
misbehavior detection scheme is proposed. In this scheme, it is unrealistically assumed
that the spectrum usage pattern of the primary user, which usually is an ON-OFF ratio of
the primary users signal, is known. A secondary user whose sensing reports conict with
this pattern is regarded as malicious. The effectiveness of this scheme decreases when the
ON-OFF ratio approximates to 1. A machine learning based scheme is proposed in [4],
which does not rely on any specic signal propagation model. In this scheme, a trusted
initial set of signal propagation data in a region is taken as input to build a Support Vector
Machine (SVM) classier. The classier is then used to detect integrity violations. In [7],
the proposed User-centric Misbehavior Detection Scheme (UMDS) is based on the fact that
a secondary user tends to trust its own sensing reports rather than others. A user chooses
its own sensing reports over multiple target channels as the trust base and evaluates other
users trust levels. It regards the users with fairly different sensing reports as malicious. The
advantage of UMDS is that it also performs well in attacker-dominant situations.
Stimulating Selsh Behaviors in Collaborative Sensing: Selsh users in collaborative
sensing may not be willing to contribute to the cooperation, because scanning the spectrum
and broadcasting the sensing results will cost their extra time and energy. There are a few
previous proposals addressing selsh behaviors in CRNs. In [5], for a free-rider, not to share
sensing results is proved to be the dominating strategy in non-incentive CRNs. Besides,
some classic incentive strategies (Tit-for-Tat and 2-player Trigger, etc.) are demonstrated
to be improper for enhancing collaborative spectrum sensing, since punishing a specic
node without affecting others is an easy task. In order to thwart selshness, an N player
horizontal innite game is adopted to analyze several incentive strategies, such as Grim
January 28, 2012 DRAFT
Trigger and Carrot-and-Stick, furthermore some improved strategies under random errors
are proposed to achieve better system performance. In [6], an evolutionary game is adopted
to study how to collaborate for a secondary user when there are selsh users. Evolution
Dynamics is used to analyze whether the secondary user should choose to be a free-rider at
the risk of no contributor in the network, or to contribute at some cost. Learning algorithms
are also proposed to enable secondary users to have the evolutionary stable strategy based
on their own payoff observations.
From the above discussions, it can be concluded that most of the current works mainly focus
on the security aspects of CRNs while privacy issue has not been investigated before. In the
following section, we will identify several new privacy threats in CRNs.
Location privacy threats represent a unique security challenge in CRNs. This is mainly because
that a secondary users sensing reports on the signal propagation of primary users are highly
correlated to its physical location. Therefore, similar to geo-locating individuals via WiFi or
Bluetooth signals, a malicious attacker may exploit the correlation to geo-locate the secondary
user and thus compromise the users location privacy. Below, we identify a few new location
privacy attacks in CRNs. In the next section, we will introduce a novel location privacy preserving
framework to resist these attacks.
External CR Report & Location Correlation Attack: Due to the open nature of wireless
communications, an external attacker may easily obtain the CR reports of a specic sensing
node by eavesdropping and compromise its location privacy by correlating the CR reports
and the nodes physical location.
Internal CR Report & Location Correlation Attack: A malicious attacker, e.g., the FC,
may participate in the collaborative spectrum sensing as a legitimate node and receives
sensing reports from other nodes as rewards. After obtaining the sensing reports, it com-
promises any of these nodes location privacy by correlating the nodes CR reports and
physical location.
Internal Differential CR Report & Location Correlation Attack: Unlike previous two
attacks that are based on individual sensing reports, this attack analyzes the aggregation
result of the sensing reports. The adversary appears as an internal node. It estimates a specic
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Fig. 2. RLC and DLC attacks in collaborative spectrum sensing of CRN. These two attacks may correlate users sensing
reports with their physical locations.
nodes sensing report and infers its location information by comparing the aggregation result
before and after the node joins/leaves the network.
For ease of presentation, we refer to the rst two attacks collectively as CR Report & Location
Correlation Attack (or RLC attack) and term the last one as Differential CR Report & Location
Correlation Attack (or DLC attack), which are shown in Fig.2.
To launch RLC attack or DLC attack, an attacker normally needs to generate the signal
propagation patterns by collecting the average RSS value of each channel at every position.
However, to avoid measuring RSS exhaustively, the attacker may adopt a simplied approach.
Specically, it eavesdrops all the sensing reports transmitted within the network and uses them
to build a signal propagation model. By this approach, even without the corresponding location
information, it can still turn to some classication method to partition the RSS data into multiple
sets corresponding to various locations. In our experiments, we chooses /-means classication
method for the attack because this method works very well in the case that the number of clusters
/ (or number of collaborators) is known to the attacker. Further, as a typical machine learning
algorithm, it supports utilizing Euclidean distance as a metric or a variance as the measurement
January 28, 2012 DRAFT
of cluster scatters. After performing the classication, the attacker obtains the centroid of each
cluster, which corresponds to a physical location.
When launching RLC attack, the attacker calculates the distance between the expectation of
users sensing reports 1[:

] and the centroid of each cluster. The expectation can be calculated

as the average value of the users several sensing reports. If the distance between the expectation
and the centroid of a specic cluster is less than a predetermined value c, the sensing report
is regarded as belonging to this cluster with a high correct probability, which means that this
sensing collaborator is expected to be at this position. Thus the location privacy of the users
can be easily violated. Note that, a large c may lead to a poor localization accuracy (or multiple
potential positions), while a small c may make the attacker fail to link a sensing report to any
cluster. The attacker needs to choose an appropriate c empirically in order to have the best
attacking performance.
DLC attack can be performed as follows. After a sensing node joins or leaves the network,
the adversary estimates the nodes submitted sensing report by comparing the changes of the
aggregation result induced by the nodes arrival/departure. After obtaining the estimated sensing
report, it infers the location information of the node by determining whether the report belongs
to a particular cluster in a similar way to RLC attack.
In this section, we propose a novel location privacy preserving framework for collaborative
spectrum sensing to thwart various attacks mentioned above and provide location privacy guaran-
tee for secondary users. The proposed framework is composed of two parts: Privacy Preserving
Sensing Report Aggregation protocol (PPSRA) and Distributed Dummy Report Injection Protocol
(DDRI). Specically, PPSRA utilizes applied cryptographic techniques to allow the FC to obtain
the aggregation result from various secondary users without learning each individuals values
while DDRI can provide differential location privacy for secondary users by introducing a novel
sensing data randomization technique. Fig. 3 shows the proposed framework, which is to be
described in detail below.
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A. Privacy Preserving Sensing Report Aggregation against RLC Attack
PPSRA protocol is grounded on the concept of secret sharing in [9]. By sharing the FCs
secret among : secondary users, each secondary user encrypts the sensing report with its secret
and the FC cannot decrypt the secret unless it collects and aggregates the encrypted sensing
reports from all the sensing nodes. In particular, PPSRA can be described as follows:
System Setup: Let = {n
. n
. . . . . n
. n

} be the set of secondary users and n

the FC. A trusted third party generates a secret key :/

for each secondary user n

, s.t.


= 0. We coin the scanned spectrums as

C = {


. .

} and denotes user


s sensing report on spectrum


by :

. Let denote a cyclic group of prime order j for

which Decisional Dife-Hellman is hard and H : denotes a hash function modeled
as a random oracle.
Sensing Report Encrypting: Each secondary user n

performs its spectrum sensing on



at time slot t, and then encrypts the sensing report :

with its secret key as


= p


. (1)
Then n

sends the encrypted sensing report c

to the FC.
Aggregation Phase: After receiving the spectrum sensing reports from all the participants,
the FC obtains the nal aggregate sensing result by computing:

= H(t)



= 0, it is obvious that \

= p


. Therefore, to obtain the aggregated

sensing result for time slot t, the FC needs to compute the discrete log of \

base p and then



. Note that, the RSS values in collaborative sensing reports are typically not
large. In our experiment, RSS value varies in the range of [30, 0], which makes the plaintext
space quite small. As pointed out by [9], when the plaintext space is small, decryption can be
accomplished via a brute-force search. If utilizing the Pollards lambda method, this computation
time could be nished in 6.93ms. Such a computational overhead can satisfy the real-time
requirements of collaborative sensing, in which the time interval for two regular CR sensing is
January 28, 2012 DRAFT
Fig. 3. A privacy preserving collaborative spectrum sensing framework
The security of PPSRA scheme is based on [9]. In PPSRA, the FC can only obtain the
encrypted data c

from n

, and according to [9], the FC cannot deduce the sensing report :

without the nodes secret key :/

. Therefore, PPSRA successfully resists Internal RLC attack

since each sensing result is encrypted with the users secret and the FC can only obtain the
overall aggregation result with no clue about the individual values. However, as we pointed out
in Section V, though it can successfully thwart RLC attack, PPSRA cannot thwart DLC attack.
In the following, we will show how to protect the differential location privacy of secondary users
by injecting some special noises.
B. Distributed Dummy Report Injection against DLC Attack
In traditional differential privacy literature, the standard procedure for ensuring differential
privacy is to let the FC add an appropriate magnitude of noise or to let each participant add the
noise in a distributed way before publishing the desired statistic [8]. However, adding noise to
sensing reports may seriously degrade the performance of collaborative sensing, which obviously
deviates from the original goal of collaborative sensing. To address this problem, we introduce
January 28, 2012 DRAFT
a Distributed Dummy Report Injection protocol (DDRI) to protect the location privacy of the
secondary users.
The basic idea of the DDRI is the following. During a user leaving/joining phase, other users
uses a dummy sensing report :

, which is provided by the FCs own sensing (or any voluntary
secondary users), to replace the real sensing report (of the leaving/joining user) at a predened
probability j. Unlike traditional noise based differential privacy protection techniques which may
have a negative effect on collaborative sensing, such a dummy report based approach will not
pollute the aggregation result. Instead, it only increases the weight of a real sensing report from
the FC of the overall aggregation result and reduce the number of real participants involved in
the collaborative sensing, which are two major metrics considered in the subsequent performance
analysis. In our experiment, it is found that by choosing an appropriate probability :

can pose a minimal effect on the performance of collaborative spectrum sensing.
In this section, we rst demonstrate the practicality of the identied RLC and DLC attacks
by using real-world experiments. Then, we show the effectiveness of the proposed PPSRA and
DDRI protocols by comparing their privacy leaking with the traditional collaborative spectrum
sensing. In our experiment, it is also shown that PPSRA and DDRI pose a limited negative effect
on the performance of collaborative spectrum sensing.
A. System Setup
Our experiment environment is set up at Building of Electronic Information and Electrical
Engineering School and located at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minghang Campus. We use
Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) with a TVRX daughterboard (50 MHz to 860 MHz
Receiver) and a wide band antenna (70 MHz to 1000 MHz) to detect the TV radio signal in
the building. Then we scan the spectrum from 600 MHz to 860 MHz at these 13 places with
each spectrum scanned for 10 seconds totally while every 8 MHz spectrum scanned for 33ms.
To evaluate the privacy leaking risks of various attacks, we emulate an attackers behavior to
geo-locate a secondary user as presented in Section V.
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B. Experiment Results
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the identied RLC and DLC attacks, we consider two
performance metrics, Attack Successful Rate (ASR) and the Location Privacy Entropy (LPE).
In both of RLC and DLC attacks, if the attacker could correctly geo-locate a secondary user by
correlating his sensing report to his physical locations out of total 13 locations, it is regarded as
a successful attack. However, in some cases, the attacker may not accurately correlate a sensing
report to a location. In stead, with a limited number of sensing reports, the attacker can still
derive a potential location set, which includes the real location of the target secondary user. From
the information theory point of view, with RLC and DLC attacks, the attacker can still obtain
a certain location information of the secondary users. Therefore, by adopting the denition of
entropy [10], we could have a similar denition on location privacy, which is used to describe
the uncertainty of the attackers to correlate a sensing report (or the secondary user) to a specic
location. The experiment result of RLC and DLC without any privacy preserving method is
shown in TABLE. I, where c is the bound of distance between centroid and sample point.
Attack Type Max ASR Min ASR Average ASR Average LPE
1.44 100% 76.92% 91.31% 0.47
2.25 100% 92.31 99.15% 0.06
4.00 61.54% 46.15% 56.77% 0.47
2.25 92.31% 46.15% 71.08% 1.31
4.00 92.31% 53.85% 79.31% 0.52
6.25 100% 69.23% 84.38% 0.36
It is observed that with a proper parameter c, i.e. RLC with c = 2.25 and DLC with c = 6.25
in TABLE. I, in both attacks, ASR can reach about 90% , and the achieved entropy can be close
to 0, while the maximum entropy is log
13 3.7. So it indicates that, with a proper parameter
c, the attacker could launch both of the RLC and DLC effectively.
We further evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed PPSRA and DDRI protocols as well
as the impact of DDRI on the performance of the collaborative sensing. In our experiment, we
derive the probability j from a normal distribution `(j. o). It is obvious that without knowing
January 28, 2012 DRAFT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
parameter (dBm
entropy under RLC
entropy under DLC
entropy under our framework
(a) Entropy under RLC, DLC and our framework
662670Mhz 798806Mhz 750758Mhz






without DDRI
under DDRI with =0.06
under DDRI with =0.15
under DDRI with =0.3
(b) The uctuation of RSS with different
Fig. 4. The evaluation results about the RLC attack, DLC attack and DDRI and DDRIs impact on collaborative sensing
the individual sensing report, both of the external or internal RLC may not be effective any more.
On the other hand, in terms of DLC, there are still some locations can be inferred, but most of
the correlation is not authentic. So ASR of DLC is also close to 0. In Fig. 4(a), it is observed that
under the protection, the entropy level of secondary users location privacy remains unchanged,
which means the uncertainty of the attackers about users location remains unchanged. Thus,
the users location privacy could be well protected. Fig. 4(b) shows that DDRI pose a limited
effect on the performance of collaborative spectrum sensing.
In summary, the experiment results conrm the existence of RLC and DLC, and substantiate
the effectiveness of the privacy preserving framework.
Collaborative spectrum sensing is regarded as a fundamental task for each secondary user in
cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In this paper, we rstly identify the potential security threats in
collaborative spectrum sensing. We then give a comprehensive survey on the existing works on
secure collaborative spectrum sensing, which shows that location privacy issue has received little
attention so far. With the real-world experiments, we point out three new location privacy related
attacks in collaborative spectrum sensing. To thwart these new attacks, we propose a novel privacy
preserving collaborative spectrum sensing framework including a privacy preserving sensing
report aggregation (PPSRA) protocol to thwart external/internal RLC attack and distributed
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dummy report injection (DDRI) protocol to prevent DLC attack. Our experiment results have
demonstrated the practicality of the identied RLC and DLC attacks and the proposed PPSRA
and DDRI protocols could effectively thwart these attack with a minimized overhead.
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