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Seahawk Scoop

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MOTTO: Inspire with our Hearts, Lead with Humility, Soar with Pride.


Parents, please be sure your children get a good nights sleep and are at school & on time everyday. Testing through April 23!
See the dates & grade levels that will be testing under FCS Calendar of Events below. **11th & 12th Grade students will not be required to come to school on Mon. & Tues., April 22 & 23.
**JV/Varsity Cheer Try Outs: Packets must be completed & returned Mon, April 22, to Lynn Clark or Leigh Smith. Try outs will be Wed, April 24, through Saturday, April 27. **H/S EOC Math Tutoring: H/S math teachers will resume EOC tutoring the week of April 22 to high school students from 5 P.M. to 6 P.M. in the locations of Apalachicola on Mondays and Carrabelle & Eastpoint on Wednesdays. To sign your child up for the free tutoring sessions, please call 670-2800. H/S students may also sign up with their math teachers or in the front office. Dale Millender, Math Coach SCHOLARSHIPS: See Ms. Joyner in room 811 for Applications -ABC School: Due April 26 -FairPoint Communications: Due April 26 -CFES: Due April 30 -Seafood Festival: Due April 30 -Centennial Bank: Due May 3 -Deputy Quinnaland Rhodes: Due May 3 -Donnie Wilson: Due May 3 -Project Hope: Must be postmarked May 4 -Loretta Taylor: Due May 10 NO CULINARY CLASS CAF THIS WEEK
LUNCH FOR FRIDAY 4/19/13 KG-5th Gr: Cheese Pizza, Chef Salad, or Turkey Wrap Choice of Sweet Green Peas or Broccoli w/ Dip Choice of Fresh Banana or Sliced Peaches 6th-12th Gr: Same as above or Spicy Chicken Sandwich

Pre-order your 2012-13 Yearbook NOW!

Elementary Yearbook- $25 Middle/High Yearbook- $55
See a Yearbook Staff member or Ms. Edwards.


**Fri, Apr 19: -FCAT: Make Ups

-Guest Art Instructor, Dolores Lowery, in Weyrichs 2nd period class -3rd Gr. Boyd or C. Creamer- Kite Flying by multipurpose bldg, 10-11:00am -KG Classes- Kite Flying on athletic fields, 12:30-1:30p -3rd Gr, Schaffer & Ford Classes- Kite Flying by multipurpose bldg, 12:45-1:45pm

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**Sat, Apr 20:

-Fundraiser: 8th Grade- Popcorn at Apalach Boat Show, 10:00am-2:00pm -Fundraiser: FCS Band- Bagging for Bucks @ Cbelle IGA, 10:00am-2:00pm

**Sun, Apr 21: -Boys Basketball Open Gym, 3-6:00pm- Coach M. Sweatt -Brain Bowl Team returns from Orlando @ approx. 3:00pm **Mon, Apr 22: -FCAT: 5 Grade- Math 6-9th Grades- Reading

-10th Gr. Class Officers meeting in room 1218 (Weyrich) during lunch -Baseball District Tournament in Bristol- FCS vs Liberty @ 4:00pm (winner will play 4/23/13) **Tue, Apr 23: -FCAT: 5 Grade- Math 6-9th Grades- Reading

-Field Trip: 2nd Grade to Sweatmore Ranch, Panama City, 8:00am-2:00pm -9th Grade Class Officers meeting in room 802 during breakfast -M/S & H/S FCA meetings in gym during lunches **Wed, Apr 24: -FCAT: Make Ups

-NHS meeting in room 1220 (Duhart) during breakfast -JV/Varsity Cheer Try-outs in gym, 3-5:30pm **Thu , Apr 25: -FCAT: : Make Ups

-H/S Math Club meeting in room 1210 (Weston) during lunch -JV/Varsity Cheer Try-outs in gym, 3-5:30pm -National Honor Society Induction Ceremony in cafeteria @ 6:30pm- Duhart Mark Your Calendars

FCS Band Spring Concert: May 9 @ 7:00pm-cafeteria Elem. & M/S Muffins for Moms: May 10, 7:30-8:30am-library


M/S Teachers Meeting: Tues, April 23, in room 1007 (Countryman) @ 2:20pm School Leadership Meeting: Wed, April 24, in front office conference room @ 2:30pm Monthly Employee Appreciation: Mon, April 29, @ 6:00pm at Apalach Riverside Caf Restaurant Contribution is Appetizer - RSVP to Lisa Sweatt at [email protected]

FACULTY MEETINGS- 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each Month SCHOOL BASED LEADERSHIP MEETINGS- 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each Month FCS STAFF BIRTHDAYS 4/15-4/21
Lydia Countryman (4/18) Brenda Vause (4/18) Louise Chipman (4/21)

Miscellaneous **FSU Coastal Marine Lab in St. Teresa - Open House: Saturday, April 20, 10:00am-3:00pm Hands on Activities Touch Tanks Interactive Displays Silent Auction with Great Prizes Tour 65 ft. Research Vessel Food & Fun! **2nd Annual Patriots Day: Saturday, April 27, at Veterans Memorial Plaza, 230 Market St, Apalach Program begins @ 11:00am Cajun Cookout begins @ Noon for $10 Donation Proceeds to Benefit Veterans Memorial Plaza

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SCHOLARSHIPS FOR HOMELESS YOUTH AVAILABLE: The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) is a federally funded information and technical assistance center at SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). NCHE hosts the Homeless Education Listserv to help administrators, educators, advocates, and service providers share information and ideas on meeting the educational needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness. The ideas on this listserv do not reflect the views of NCHE, SERVE, or UNCG. The application for 2013 LeTendre scholars is posted. Applications must be received by June 14, 2013 at 5 pm Eastern. The application can be downloaded by visiting:

**Franklin Co. Dental Clinic: The new Dental Clinic in the Carrabelle Health Dept building is now offering comprehensive
dental exams to patients 6 months to 20 years of age. For appointment or more info, please call 697-4121.

**Parent Survey For Students with IEPs: Parents of children with disabilities & current IEP in grades preschool to 12, Is your school supporting your involvement in your childs education? You may participate in a survey being offered by the Florida Dept. of Education. The responses to the survey provide important information for planning & monitoring improvement activities. Complete the survey online at www.esesurvey.com from 2/1/13 to 6/30/13 6.30.13 FYI Parents - Student Documents & Forms Online: Parent documents of interest may be found at www.franklincountyschools.org/schoolcodeofconduct.htm . Documents include but are not limited to: Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, FC Academy Handbook, Athletic Handbook, Parent's Right to Know, School Improvement Plans, Parent Involvement Plans, Student Records Manual, Supplemental Education Services (Tutoring), School Public Accountability Reports and the District Title I -5 Year Plan. All documents will be made available in Spanish upon request. Call 670-2810 x 4108 or email [email protected] indef.
MCKAY SCHOLARSHIP: Established in 2000 for parents of students with disabilities to choose the best educational
settingpublic or privatefor their child.

Who is eligible?
Students who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Accommodation Plan (for more than 6 months) and meet the following requirements: The student spent the prior school year in attendance at a Florida public school during the preceding October and February FTE surveys in Pre-K through grade 12, or The student spent the prior school year in attendance at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind during the preceding October and February FTE surveys in kindergarten through 12, or The student received specialized instructional services under the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program during the previous school year, or The student is a dependent child of a member of the United States Armed Forces who transfers to Florida from out of state due to a parents permanent change of station orders

What are the options?

Request a different public school that follows your districts choice policy Request a public school in an adjacent school district that has space and provides the services contained in students IEP or 504 Plan Receive a scholarship for your child to attend a participating private school Where do I go for more information? Office of Independent Education and Parental Choice, Florida Department of Education- www.floridaschoolchoice.org or 1 (800) 447-1636

GED classes are being offered again at Franklin County School on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays from 4-8:00pm. The next GED Test will be given May 20 & 21, 2013 at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm. To register for the test or for classes, contact Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481. The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, National origin, age, handicap, or marital status. **The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Sandi Hengle, Homeless Liaison, at the Franklin County School District Office in Eastpoint, 670-2810 or cell number 323-0982.

**PARENTS Register to receive automated emergency calls from the Franklin County Sheriff Dept. You will be notified of any emergency situations in Franklin County (for example; emergency school closings, road closings). Go to www.franklinsheriff.com , on the top right of home page- click on Franklin County Florida Emergency Notification System emblem & complete required information.

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