Bylaws of The Arizona Knights of Columbus State Nov 2011

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Amendments approved by Supreme on August 16, 2011


PREAMBLE To the extent that the following provisions are consistent with the Constitution and Laws of the Order of the Knights of Columbus, they shall constitute the Bylaws of the Arizona State Council. Such Bylaws are severable; and they are intended to supplement the Constitution and Laws of the Order. ARTICLE I CONSTRUCTION SEC: 1. The words employed herein shall be given their common meanings. While it is intended that these Bylaws shall be firmly adhered to, no construction shall be adopted which produces injustice or an end result, which conflicts with the goals and principles of the Order. SEC: 2. The final authority in the matter of construing these Bylaws shall be the Supreme Board of Directors; however, all questions, relating to construction hereof shall be first submitted to the State Advocate for opinion. Appeals may be taken from an opinion of the State Advocate to the State Deputy and, thereafter, the Supreme Board. SEC: 3. To the extent that they are consistent with these Bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern; however, they shall be subject to the same rules of construction. ARTICLE II ANNUAL MEETINGS SEC: 1. Annual meetings of the State Council, the members of which are designated in Section 12 of the Supreme Constitution, shall be conducted on the weekend in May which commences with the third Friday and ends in the afternoon of the following Sunday. However, such date may be changed by resolution passed at any duly and regularly called meeting of the State Council without the amendment of this Article. Further, should emergency

conditions militate against, holding the annual meeting at the time or place designated by this Article or by the State Council, the State Deputy is authorized to select another time or place. However, in that eventuality the State Deputy shall identify the emergency in writing, mailing a copy thereof to all Councils. SEC: 2. In keeping with the past practice, at each annual meeting the State Council shall select by ballot the place of the annual meeting to be held two (2) years hence. SEC: 3. In exercising any authority granted under this Article, the State Deputy shall seek the advice of the other state officers. SEC: 4. The order of business at Annual State Council meetings shall be: 1. The call to order; 2. The Warden's report on membership cards in the possession of persons in attendance; 3. Opening prayer led by the State Chaplain or by the State Deputy in the Chaplain's absence; 4. Pledge of allegiance; 5. Roll call of officers, delegates, District Deputies and chairmen; and the roll shall be called each time the session is reconvened; 6. Appointment of committees; 7. Recess; 8. Reconvening, report of Warden and roll call; 9. Report of Committee on Credentials and adjusting committee appointments to the extent necessary; 10. Call for corrections to the minutes of the annual meeting for the year immediately preceding (Such minutes shall be kept available to the officers and delegates at all times during any annual meeting.);

11. Reports of state officers, state chairmen, District Deputies and Grand Knights, according to the order provided by the State Deputy. Such reports shall be submitted in writing; however, an oral resume thereof may be delivered on the floor. The State Deputy shall prescribe a time limitation on such oral resume; 12. Reports of committees, subject to the conditions and requirements of paragraph 11, supra; 13. General business (Annual budget, etc.); 14. Election of officers and delegates; 15. Selection of annual meeting place; 16. Recess for annual meeting of the members of the St. Joseph's Youth Camp (time to be limited by the State Deputy); 17. Reconvening; 18. Assessment of annual per capita tax; 19. Good of the Order (District Masters, Past State Deputies, etc.); 20. Closing prayer by the State Chaplain or State Deputy in the Chaplain's absence; and 21. Adjournment. In the exercise of his sound discretion, the State Deputy may vary the order of business as the need appears. SEC: 5. The State Deputy shall, at the annual meeting, appoint such committees as may be necessary to be authorized, including: 1. Committee on Credentials, five (5) members. 2. Committee on Resolutions, five (5) members. 3. Committee to audit annual reports of State Secretary and State Treasurer, three (3) members. 4. Committee on delegate expense, three (3) members.

SEC: 6. The State Secretary shall prepare and furnish credential blanks to the Grand Knights of each council on or before February 15th of each year. SEC: 7. The Recorder of each council shall prepare and certify two (2) copies of credentials on the blanks so furnished and shall forward one (1) copy thereof to the State Secretary at least six (6) weeks before the annual meeting of the State Council, and retain one (1) copy for the council records. SEC: 8. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Repealed 1989 SEC: 9. The State Deputy shall preside at all meetings performing the usual duties of chairman, and the State Secretary shall record all proceedings of the annual meeting. In the absence or inability of the State Deputy, the State Secretary shall execute the duties of the State Deputy. In the absence or inability of the State Deputy and the State Secretary, the obligation of executing the duties of the State Deputy shall devolve on the other state officers in the order in which they are named in Section 12c of the Constitution of the Supreme Council. SEC: 10. Unless otherwise determined by the State Council all committees shall be appointed by the State Deputy or presiding officer, and he shall be ex-officio a member of all committees. In the interval between the annual meetings, when the exigency of circumstances demand it, the State Deputy is empowered to appoint special committees who shall report at the next stated meeting. The State Council shall after approval thereof by the State Deputy, pay all proper expenses of any such committee. SEC: 11. All sessions of the State Council shall be conducted in the third section. The State Warden shall check membership cards at the opening of meetings and shall admit none but duly qualified members, except by permission of the officers of the State Council. SEC: 12. All resolutions for changes and amendments of the Bylaws shall be submitted in writing by any council within the jurisdiction or by any committee duly appointed by the Arizona State Council or the State Deputy to the State Advocate at least thirty (30) days before the annual meeting. Resolutions submitted after this date may be considered at the annual meeting upon approval of the officers of the State Council.

SEC: 13. When a member is about to speak he shall rise and address the chair giving his name and the name of his council. The presiding officer shall announce the name of the member entitled to the floor, and the member shall then confine his remarks to the subject under consideration. No member shall speak longer than five (5) minutes without permission of the chair, or more than once upon any question until all others who desire to speak have spoken. SEC: 14. The roll call shall not be called upon a demand for the yeas and the nays unless requested by a majority of the members present. ARTICLE III SPECIAL MEETINGS SEC: 1. Special meetings of the State Council may be held from time to time; however, for such purposes the State Council shall constitute all of the state officers and the Grand Knight of every subordinate council. SEC: 2. To the extent that it is consistent with the purposes of the special meeting, the order of business for annual meetings shall control. SEC: 3. No assessments may be levied at a special meeting. ARTICLE IV NOTICE SEC: 1. Written notice of the time and place of annual meetings shall be mailed to the Grand Knight of every subordinate council at least sixty (60) days before the date of each meeting; however, a failure to comply strictly with this requirement shall not invalidate the meeting. For the purpose of establishing the validity of any annual meeting, these Bylaws and any amendment thereof shall constitute adequate notice to the members of the State Council. SEC: 2. Written notice of the date, place and purposes of any special meeting of the State Council shall be sent to the Grand Knight of every subordinate council no less than fifteen (15) days before the date of the special meeting. Such notice is deposited in the United States Post Office, postage prepaid,

addressed to the Grand Knight at his last known mailing address, proof of receipt of the notice need not be made. SEC: 3. State officers shall keep all the other state officers currently apprised of the business of the order. ARTICLE V BUSINESS BY WRITTEN RESOLUTION SEC: 1. As to such business which may be conducted by special meeting of the State Council, written resolutions may be distributed to all the State Officers and Grand Knights with instructions to return the same to the State Secretary, indicating a yes" or "no" vote and signed by the person entitled to vote. Such resolutions shall contain an instruction, notifying the member of the State Council that a failure to return the written resolution, marked and signed as instructed, no later than a date certain shall constitute an abstention. The date certain shall be twenty-five (25) days after the date on which the resolution was mailed. A majority of the ballots cast shall govern, and the written resolutions, which are returned to the State Secretary, shall be preserved by him until the succeeding annual meeting when they shall be made available for inspection by the members of the State Council. SEC: 2. Failure to preserve such written resolutions shall constitute a ground for invalidating the same by majority vote of the State Council at the annual meeting. ARTICLE VI STATE OFFICERS' MEETING SEC: 1. The state officers shall meet as often as is necessary to perform the business of the Order efficiently, but in no event shall there be less than six (6) such meetings scheduled throughout the fraternal year. Minutes of these meetings shall be recorded and secured in archive by written copy and/or magnetic media for historical purposes. ARTICLE VII DUTIES OF OFFICERS SEC: 1. State Deputy: In addition to the duties otherwise prescribed, the State Deputy shall appoint all committees and

chairmen thereof. He may call special meetings of the State Council. He shall call special meetings of the State Council when requested to do so by a majority of the state officers. With the aid of the state officers, he shall prepare and submit to the State Council a proposed annual budget. He shall countersign with the State Secretary all vouchers addressed to the State Treasurer directing the disbursement of State Council funds, and he shall supervise all persons subordinate to him in the exercise of their duties. SEC: 2. State Secretary: The State Secretary shall collect and receive all moneys due the State Council and all funds obtained from any source by or through any person or persons acting for or in the name of the State Council or under its directions or authority. He shall keep an account of the indebtedness of each subordinate council to the State Council. He shall pay over to the State Treasurer all moneys received by him promptly. He shall keep a financial record of all State Council funds, designating the specific class thereof, according to the special purpose to which such funds have been appropriated. He shall prepare all vouchers addressed to the State Treasurer directing disbursement of State Council Funds. He shall sign such vouchers and present them to the State Deputy for his signature. He shall prepare and mail, or have served, all notices, required by these Bylaws. He shall keep his financial records current and open for inspection at all times. He shall prepare in writing a current report and account and submit the same to the State Council at the annual meeting. He shall prepare financial reports at least quarterly and submit the same to the State Deputy. He shall accurately record the minutes of State Officer and State Council meetings and preserve the same. He shall duplicate and distribute the minutes of the meetings. He shall keep sample copies of all state forms. He shall compile a list of all delegates and alternates to Annual State Council meetings and provide copies to the other State Officers. In collaboration with the State Treasurer, he shall prepare annually the appropriate Internal Revenue Service forms for Tax Exempt Organizations. He shall perform such other duties as directed by these Bylaws, as are traditionally within the province of a Secretary and as directed by the State Deputy. SEC: 3. State Treasurer: The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the State Council and shall keep an accurate account of the same. He shall pay out all moneys authorized in written vouchers issued by the State Secretary and countersigned by the State Deputy. He shall report quarterly in writing to the State Council the year's total receipts and total

disbursements and the interest earned on State funds on deposit. He shall report the current fund balances to the State Council at its annual meeting. He shall cooperate with the State Secretary in the preparation of financial reports and announce any discrepancies between the records of the two officers. He shall keep his records available for inspection. He shall keep his financial records current. He shall give receipts for moneys received and shall perform such other duties as directed by the State Deputy. SEC: 4. State Advocate: The State Advocate shall be the legal advisor of the State Council. Upon request, he shall render opinions, interpreting the Constitution and Laws of the Order and these Bylaws. Upon receipt of resolutions from delegates to the State Council, he shall duplicate the same and send a copy to all State Officers and Grand Knights at least twenty-one (21) days before the State Council convenes its meeting (However, when the resolution has not been delivered to him at least thirty (30) days before the State Council convenes its meeting, he shall be under no duty to make such general distribution). Irrespective of when he receives resolutions, he shall bring them to the attention of all State Officers. He shall deliver copies thereof to the State Deputy and the State Secretary. He shall be chairman of the Committee on Resolutions. He shall report annually in writing to the State Council the conduct of his office for the fraternal year up to the date of the State Convention. At the conclusion of the Annual Supreme Council meeting, he shall submit a written report to the membership pertaining to the status of Arizona State Council resolutions and those resolutions that proposed changes to Supreme Council Bylaws and/or Supreme Council Policy. SEC: 5. State Warden: The State Warden shall examine all membership cards at meetings of the State Council, making certain of the right of all persons in attendance to be present. He shall see that proper decorum is observed at all such meetings, obeying the directions of the State Deputy or duly designated presiding officer. He shall properly arrange the council chamber for such meetings and see that all entrances are properly closed and guarded, allowing only those who are qualified to enter and shall perform such other duties as directed by the State Deputy. SEC: 6. State Chaplain: The State Chaplain shall conduct all religious exercises of the State Council. He shall be the religious advisor to the State Council at the annual meeting of the State Council. He shall submit his written report,

disclosing his observations and conclusions regarding the spiritual condition of the Knights of Columbus within the State of Arizona. As a fraternal courtesy, a suitable stipend should be offered for his reverent services. SEC: 7. District Deputies: District Deputies shall submit written reports to the State Council at the annual meeting, using the form prescribed by the State Deputy and shall perform such other duties as the State Deputy directs. SEC: 8. Bonds of State Officers: Before assuming the duties of their offices, the State Secretary and State Treasurer shall be bonded to indemnify the State Council against any loss sustained by reason of neglect or misconduct in the amount of $5,000.00 or such other sum as the State Council directs. Such shall be procured through the Supreme Council, where possible, and the State Council shall pay the premiums. SEC: 9. Supreme Council Delegates: Delegates from the State Council to the Supreme Council shall urge the adoption of all resolutions adopted by the State Council for presentation to the Supreme Council. ARTICLE VIII PER CAPITA SEC: 1. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Arizona State Council, there shall be a per capita tax and other assessments levied against and collected annually, twice a year, billed by August 15th and February 15th for six (6) months each billing. SEC: 2. The amount of the per capita tax as well as other assessments shall be approved annually by two-third (2/3) majority of voting delegates in attendance at the Annual State Convention. SEC: 3. In calculating the per capita tax and other assessments due from subordinate councils, honorary life members and those who have been granted "disabled status" by the Supreme Council of said subordinate councils shall not be included. And, a reduction of $2.05 in per capita fees charged to subordinate councils for each Inactive Member.

SEC: 4. The Arizona State Council shall make a rebate to college councils in its jurisdiction of fifty percent (50%) of the annual per capita tax assessed against and paid by the membership of said college councils, and said councils shall use said rebate for Catholic and fraternal programs. SEC: 5. All subordinate councils in Arizona shall be entitled to a discount of ten (10) cents per taxable member on the amount of the State Council per capita assessment for the current period if paid within thirty (30) days of billing, and if not paid within thirty (30) days no discount shall be allowed. ARTICLE IX COMPENSATION AND FINANCE SEC: 1. No member of the Order shall be compensated for performing his duties, as prescribed by the Constitution, Laws of the Order and these Bylaws, except where expressly provided by the State Council. SEC: 2. No one, representing the State Council, shall obligate the State Council for any amount in excess of the funds on hand. SEC: 3. Among other things, annual budgets shall make recommendations for: per capita assessments, voluntary contributions, per diem payments for attending meetings, travel reimbursement on a mileage basis, overnight lodging reimbursement, food allowances, publication costs, publicity, office expense, host council compensation, State Deputy discretionary fund, charitable contributions, and officer compensation. Adequate liability insurance, including medical coverage, must be provided. SEC: 4. The fund allocations in the budget may be expressed as dollar amount, as a percentage of funds available or expected to be available, or a mixture of both. SEC: 5. Delegates, District Deputies, and State Council Directors and Chairman, called upon to attend and make an annual report at the annual meeting of the Arizona State Council, shall be reimbursed by the State Council at the same rate at which the State Deputy is reimbursed from Supreme for his travels, which will be announced by the State Secretary as part of the per capita and budget report and approved yearly by the delegates to the annual meeting, fifty (50) miles or more one way, and $25.00 a day per diem.

ARTICLE X PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISERS SEC: 1. The employment of professional advertising solicitors by the subordinate councils is prohibited. It being understood, however, that nothing in this Bylaw shall be construed to prohibit any council from the sale of advertising, where solicitation is made by members of the council. ARTICLE XI ST. JOSEPH'S YOUTH CAMP FUND SEC: 1. The function of the St. be charitable entirely, and the promote, foster and support the Joseph's Youth Camp and related Joseph's Youth Camp Fund shall fund shall be used solely to programs and facilities of St. youth programs.

SEC: 2. Such fund shall be derived from a voluntary assessment levied by the Arizona State Council against subordinate councils, other voluntary donations by members, subordinate councils, other interested individuals or groups, and from fund raising efforts established by the Arizona State Council specifically for the benefit of the fund. SEC: 3. Disbursements from the fund, and use of the emblem or name of the Arizona State Council or the Knights of Columbus in conjunction with St. Joseph's Youth Camp, shall be controlled by the officers of the Arizona State Council. ARTICLE XII STATE COUNCIL CHARITABLE FUND SEC: 1. The function of the State Council Charitable Fund shall be charitable entirely. Before charitable donations are made there from, it shall accumulate a principal amount of at least $100,000.00. SEC: 2. Such Fund shall be controlled by a committee, consisting of Past State Deputies who shall pass rules for governing themselves, consistent with the Constitution, Laws of the Order and these Bylaws, and who shall designate and select their own officers. The State Council Charitable Fund committee shall be composed of three (3) Past State Deputies who shall serve for a

two-year term, one (1) committee member being appointed by the State Deputy every other year beginning in 1984. The committee member to be replaced shall be chosen by agreement from amongst the existing members. Service on said committee shall not preclude reappointment to another term. Vacancies caused by resignation, death or other valid cause shall be filled by appointment by the State Deputy for the remainder of the unserved term. SEC: 3. When the State Council Charitable Fund reaches a principal amount of $100,000.00, the committee shall select an appropriate fiduciary trustee; and the funds shall be conveyed thereto. The trustee may be changed at the discretion of the committee, and such trustee shall be subject to the directions of the committee. SEC: 4. The committee may employ the services of investment analysts; however, such shall be selected from among the members of the Order whenever feasible. SEC: 5. The committee must keep permanent records of its activities, financial and otherwise, and it must report annually in detail to the State Council. SEC: 6. It shall comply strictly with all requirements of the law, tax and otherwise. SEC: 7. The committee members shall not be compensated for their personal services in the absence of express provision by the State Council. SEC: 8. In selecting who shall benefit from the charities of the State Council Charitable Fund, the committee shall confer with the current State Deputy. SEC: 9. Final approval for disbursement from the fund shall be controlled by the officers of the Arizona State Council. Only interest accrued from the principal amount of $100,000 shall be used for charitable donations. ARTICLE XIII INSURANCE The State Officers may enter into an agreement with any outside agency to provide liability insurance to subordinate councils. The cost for this insurance may be passed on to the councils as

an extra assessment as necessitated by the policy billing. The amount of the assessment and the dates due are to be approved each year by resolution at the Annual Meeting of the State Council. ARTICLE XIV PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES FUND SEC: 1. The function of the People with Intellectual disabilities Fund shall be charitable entirely, and the fund shall be used solely for the benefit of people with intellectual disabilities. SEC: 2. Such fund shall be derived from the proceeds of an annual fund-raising event and from voluntary donations by members, subordinate councils, and other interested individuals or groups specifically for the benefit of the fund. The statewide public annual fund raising event shall normally be conducted on the first weekend in October, which also includes the Friday of that weekend. This does not, however, preclude subordinate councils from initiating other fund raising activity prior or subsequent to that date. SEC: 3. The annual fund raising event shall be directed by, and the efforts of the subordinate councils coordinated by, the People with Intellectual Disabilities Director, who shall be appointed by the State Deputy. Said Director may, with approval of the State Deputy, establish and prescribe rules, regulations, and reporting formats for conduct of the fund-raising effort. Subordinate councils unable to participate on the established date for the annual fund raising event, or who desire to conduct the event on a different date, may request permission to do so by submitting a written request through the People with Intellectual Disabilities Director to the State Deputy. If, because of limited manpower, a subordinate council desires to extend their drive, they shall similarly request permission of the State Deputy. In the event of inclement weather on the established weekend, subordinate councils are authorized without prior written approval of the State Deputy to conduct the drive on the following weekend. SEC: 4. Disbursements from the fund shall be at the discretion of, and controlled by the officers of the Arizona State Council. However, seventy-five percent (75%) of the funds raised by each subordinate council shall be returned to said council for disbursement to an organization, selected by said council that

is assisting people with intellectual disabilities. For disbursement of the remaining funds, the officers of the Arizona State Council shall give first consideration to areas in Arizona that do not have active subordinate councils. However, such funds may be invested for a period not to exceed six (6) months prior to disbursement to increase the amount available for disbursement. Immediately following authorized disbursement of said funds, all subordinate councils will be notified in writing, detailing the disposition of said funds. SEC: 5 The People with Intellectual Disabilities Fund was established to aid those individuals that have intellectual disabilities as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations specialized agency for health. The Supreme Council Office of the Knights of Columbus adopted the term intellectual disabilities as a synonym for mental retardation following Special Olympics lead. Handicapped individuals can be either physically or mentally impaired. Intellectual disability can occur with or without any other physical or mental disorder. Therefore, proceeds from this fund shall only be used for individuals handicapped with intellectual disabilities. ARTICLE XV INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ARTICLE XVI RAUL G. NAVARRETE VOCATIONS FUND SEC: 1. The function of the Raul G. Navarrete Vocations Fund shall be charitable entirely, and the fund shall he used solely to promote and foster vocations, and for the development of programs of education, information and counseling about vocations. SEC: 2. Such fund shall be derived from voluntary donations by members, subordinate councils, other interested individuals or groups, and from fund raising efforts established by the Arizona State Council specifically for the benefit of the fund. Each local council may, on a voluntary basis, make a donation of one (1) cent per day per member to the Raul G. Navarrete Fund, or make any other donation, or take any other action a council sees fit to support the fund. Such donations are to be delivered and presented at the Annual State Meeting at a time designated by the State Deputy.

SEC: 3. Disbursements from the fund shall be at the discretion of, and controlled by the officers of the Arizona State Council. SEC: 4. A guideline for disbursement from the fund shall be designated as seventy-five percent (75%) for activities for those seeking the priesthood or another religious life, and twenty-five percent (25%) for activities for those participating in the diaconate program. ARTICLE XVII BOARD OF TRUSTEES SEC: 1. The Board of Trustees, comprised of five (5) Past State Deputies appointed by the State Deputy, shall annually review all financial operations and make recommendations to the officers of the Arizona State Council for the subsequent years budget. SEC: 2. (a) The Board of Trustees shall annually, within thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting, make a thorough examination of the accounts and financial expenditures of every kind and nature, by whomever made, and prepared a report on the financial condition of the State Council for the Officers of the Arizona State Council and for presentation at the State Convention. (b) The Board of Trustees shall, within ninety (90) days following the end of the fraternal year, conduct a supplementary examination of the accounts and financial expenditures of every kind and nature, by whomever made, which were not included in the previous examination, and prepare a supplementary report covering the last quarter of the fraternal year to be included as an addendum to the Report of the Annual Meeting. In so far as possible, the supplemental examination of the financial accounts should be conducted by the same Trustees performing the initial examination. SEC: 3. The Board of Trustees shall make recommendations to the officers of the Arizona State Council for disbursements from the State Charitable Fund. The Board of Trustees shall also ensure that all funds of the Arizona State Council are either federally insured or collateralized by federal, state or municipal obligations.

SEC: 4. The Board of Trustees shall prepare a report to be presented at the annual meeting of the Arizona State Council detailing the amount of deposits in each financial institution and whether such funds are federally insured or otherwise collateralized as required by Article XVII, Section 3. Funds held by the Arizona State Council in a fund designated for evangelization may be invested in funds that may not have such insurance or collateralization. ARTICLE XVIII Deleted and replaced by Appendix VII ARTICLE XIX AMENDMENTS SEC: 1. These Bylaws, or any part thereof, may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the Arizona State Council present and voting at the meeting when the amendment or repealed measure is presented, and the approval of the same by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the State Council present and voting at the next succeeding annual meeting of the Arizona State Council. SEC: 2. Neither amendment of these Bylaws nor any part thereof shall take effect until approved by the Supreme Board of Directors. GENERAL OPERATING GUIDELINES OR PROCEDURES FOR ARIZONA KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PROCEDURE I Resolutions adopted, but not made part of these Bylaws, pertaining to operation of the Arizona State Council. 1966 All subordinate councils urged to incorporate program of religious instruction in agenda of their meetings. 1967 Arizona State Deputy authorized to disburse $300.00 from State Council funds for entertainment at Supreme Conventions.

1969 Third Degree Memorial Services authorized for any Knight in good standing at the time of his death. (This service was not approved by Supreme.) 1972 State Deputy authorized to disburse the same amounts of moneys for expenses to the President of the Youth Camp Board of directors, as would be any delegate to the annual meeting. 1985 Local councils shall hold at least one (1) function per year for the benefit of the Raul G. Navarrete Fund. 1990 Assessment of $2.00 per member per annum to be paid on a voluntary basis to St. Joseph's Youth Camp. PROCEDURE II ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION ORGANIZATIONAL GUIDELINES 1. Purpose: The purpose of this document is to issue specific guidelines pertaining to activities that are permitted at the Annual State Meeting, hereafter identified as Convention, and host council actions required in support thereof. 2. General Guidelines: a. All the activities concerning the organization of the Convention are the responsibility of the State Deputy as the chief executive officer of the State Council in coordination with the host council. b. The only raffles permitted at the Convention are the State Council raffle and door prize(s) raffle sponsored by the host council. The drawings for these two raffles will be held as specified by the State Deputy. c. Presentation of awards, gifts, and recognitions at the banquet on Saturday is limited to those prescribed by the State Deputy.

d. Awards, gifts, and recognition from subordinate councils and/or private individuals or committees may be presented, if time permits, at the conclusion of the meetings on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. These presentations are prohibited at the banquet on Saturday. e. The host council will provide the State Officers with the necessary support for the successful operation of the Convention. f. The State Deputy has the right to veto any decision taken by the host council in the preparation for the Convention.

g. The State Deputy will provide to the host council a cash advance towards state officer convention expenses. h. The State Deputy is responsible for the payment of the following expenses: 1. Hotel/motel accommodations and convention packages for State Officers, Bishops, Master of Ceremonies, and other special guests. 2. Saturday banquet tickets for the recipient of the Chaplain of the Year and Family of the Year. 3. Saturday banquet tickets and hotel accommodations for the recipient of the Knight of the Year and his significant other. i. The host council will publish in the convention program without cost to the State Deputy, pictures of the State Officers on a single page, letter from the Supreme Knight, letters and/or pictures of the Supreme Representative, State Deputy, Bishops, Governor, and Mayor of the host council city. j. All requirements concerning the Fourth Degree Honor Guard and Color Guard will be submitted by the host council to the District Master. k. Seating and other arrangements of the chamber of the convention meetings will be the responsibility of and under the supervision of the State Warden.

3. Specific Responsibilities and Duties: a. State Deputy (1) Appoint a committee of not less than three(3) members to seek out and negotiate multi-year room and meal rates with hotels capable of accommodating the annual meeting in the major metropolitan areas. (2) Make the locations of future annual meetings be known so that local councils may bid on hosting the annual meeting. (3) Advise the host council as to the date and time for the Memorial Mass/Sunday obligation and the family rosary on Friday, if scheduled. (4) Selection of the Master of Ceremonies for the banquet on Saturday. (5) Issuance of invitations to dignitaries and special guests to the Convention. (6) Establish head table seating requirements for the Saturday banquet. (7) Advise the host council of seating arrangements for State officers, dignitaries, and guests at the rosary on Friday, and the Memorial Mass/Sunday obligation. (8) Provide for the offertory procession at the Memorial Mass/Sunday obligation. (9) Prescribe for the disposition of funds collected at the Memorial Mass/Sunday obligation. (10) Advise the host council of the requirements for the State Deputy recognition breakfast on Saturday morning. (11) Reimburse the host council at cost for State Officers and guests expenses for the Friday evening function and Saturday banquet. (12) Establish hospitality room hours of operation.

(13) Establish dress code requirements for banquet and, if scheduled, ball. b. Host Council (1) Establishment of various committees and subcommittees necessary to adequately prepare for and support the Convention. (2) Appointment of committee chairpersons. (3) Development of pre-convention activities. (4) Staffing and operation of the convention registration desk. (5) Procurement of convention souvenirs and mementos for issuance at the registration desk to those attending the Convention. (6) If scheduled, contract for musical support following the Saturday night banquet. (7) Room arrangements and seating and Mass requirements for Memorial Mass/Sunday obligation as well as family rosary on Friday, if scheduled. (8) Establish cost for convention program or booklet ads. (9) Publish convention program or booklet. (10) Procurement of writing tablets for State Officers, delegates, District Deputies, Past State Deputies, District Master, State Directors and Chairmen. (11) Printing of tickets for the various convention functions. (12) Direct communication with each council concerning pre-registration and registration requirements of delegates and non-delegates. (13) Automatic room reservation for each State Officer as designated by the State Secretary and each delegate.

(14) Will prepare invitation to the dignitaries for State Deputy signature. c. State Deputy and Host Council Coordination (1) Selection of convention hotel/motel(s).

(2) All matters concerning the registration of delegates. (3) Development and preparation of convention activities except those specifically identified in paragraph 3 above. (4) Selection of the menu for the banquet on Saturday and the awards luncheon on Sunday. (5) Establishing the cost for the convention package on a pre-registration and registration basis. (6) Hotel/motel accommodations of the State Officers, dignitaries, and special guests will be arranged in the manner requested by the State Officers. Hotel/motel reservations for State officers, dignitaries, and special guests are the responsibility Of the State Secretary. (7) Determination as to whether a "ball" will be scheduled following the banquet on Saturday night. PROCEDURE III GUIDELINES FOR FINANCIAL CAMPAIGNS 1. Statement of Policy on the Code of Ethics of the Arizona State Council in Connection with Fund-Raising Programs. It is expected that the officers and members of subordinate councils, Chapters, Squires Circles, Fourth Degree Assemblies, and other groups, corporations, organizations and associations affiliated with the State Council, will fully observe rules similar to those expected of professional and business people of honor and probity Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such rules require that officers and members:

a. Will comply with all local, state, and federal laws. b. Will not knowingly promote, conduct, or organize financial campaigns in any manner that might be detrimental to the Order. c. Will not accept gifts, articles of values, or services from persons or companies that provide material or services in connection with financial campaigns. 2. Specific Instructions a. In every promotional activity for which the name and/or emblem of the order are used, prior permission for its use must be obtained from the State Deputy. b. The request for permission must be in writing and should contain the following information and enclosures: (1) Brief description of the program.

(2) Date of approval for establishment and implementation of the program: (a) Sponsoring Unit (Council, Assemble, Circle or other entity). (b) Required Approval (Motion at business meeting or Record in minutes). (3) List of participating units and specific charities. (4) Copy of photocopy of signed agreement with any vendor or promotional organization that furnishes items or services on which the program is based. (If an agreement is not required, include a copy or photocopy of correspondence from the vendor.) Be specific in regards to terms, price, amounts, etc. (5) Incomplete requests will not be considered by the Arizona State Council. c. Participating units must: (1) Ensure that all local, state, and federal laws regulations and ordinances have been complied with before the program is implemented.

(2) Require that all receipts and disbursements are controlled by the duly elected financial officers of the unit in accordance with their Bylaws. (3) Be sure that all contributions and proceeds are deposited promptly and recorded in accordance with good business practices. (4) Make disbursements by check ONLY for all costs and expenses. Transfer of the balance of funds can only be made to the sponsoring unit. (5) Insure only expenses that are necessary, reasonable, and directly related to the program being conducted. (6) Report to the sponsoring unit on the form provided IMMEDIATELY upon completion of the program. (7) Disburse all net proceeds by sponsoring unit by check ONLY payable to the charitable organization designated by the sponsoring AND/OR subordinate unit. MEMO FOR RECORD: The above guidelines were distributed at the 1983 midyear meeting, and were derived from guidelines adopted by the Supreme Board of Directors at a meeting held April 16 18, 1977. PROCEDURE IV ARIZONA STATE COUNCIL CEREMONIAL GUIDELINES 1. Purpose: These guidelines and policy have been prepared to foster the efforts of degree work in Arizona and to insure understanding and compliance by each subordinate council. 2. Background: a. The responsibility for the Exemplification of the First Degree rests with the Grand Knight of each council. Each council must have a certified First Degree Team. Certification is made by the responsible District Deputy. b. The responsibility for the Exemplification of the Second Degree is the District Deputy. Each District Deputy will have a certified Second Degree Team in his district. Teams

composed of various council members in proximity may be formed to assure coverage for each district. Certification is made by the State Ceremonial Director. c. The Exemplification of the major degree, the Third Degree, is the responsibility of the State Deputy through his Ceremonial Director. Certification is made by the Supreme Council Ceremonial Director. d. A Degree Team may be certified only if all parts are memorized and the team demonstrates its ability to properly conduct the degree. e. Certification of a Degree Team can be suspended or rescinded by the State Deputy or State Ceremonial Director if it ceases to meet the foregoing criteria. f. Each Grand Knight is charged with the responsibility for instituting and maintaining a properly certified First Degree Team for conduct of that degree in his council. The team will operate under the Grand Knight's jurisdiction. Enclosure 1 prescribes the procedure for starting a First Degree Team. g. Each District Deputy is charged with the responsibility for instituting and maintaining a properly certified Second Degree Team for his District. The team operates under the District Deputy's jurisdiction. Enclosure 2 provides the procedure for starting a Second Degree Team. h. The State Deputy is charged with the responsibility for instituting and maintaining a sufficient number of properly certified Third Degree Teams for the State. The teams operate under the State Deputy's jurisdiction in coordination with the State Ceremonial Director. Enclosure 3 prescribes the procedure for starting a Third Degree Team. i. Conferring officers conduct the Exemplification of the Third Degree and are independent of the Third Degree Team. They are selected by the State Deputy and can be certified by the State Deputy or the State Ceremonial Director. It is preferred that they be Past State Deputies. 3. Host Councils:

a. A Grand Knight scheduling an Exemplification of the First Degree is the host council for the function. Other councils may participate by sponsoring candidates, if they so desire. A snack, at no cost to candidates, would be in order. b. A Grand Knight requesting an Exemplification of the Second Degree will be designated the host council by the appropriate District Deputy with notification of the State Ceremonial Director. Other councils should make maximum effort to have their qualified First Degree members participate and receive the honors of the Second Degree. A snack, at no cost to candidates, should be provided. c. A Grand Knight requesting an Exemplification of the major or Third Degree will be designated the host council by the State Ceremonial Director. Requests for the Exemplification of the Third Degree are directed to the State Ceremonial Director who will schedule the degree after coordination with the State Deputy. District Deputies and Grand Knights should make maximum effort to have qualified Second Degree members attend. The host council has the option as to the type social that will be provided. 4. Policy for Conducting Degrees: a. Class honorees should be designated for each Exemplification. b. The First Degree is to be conducted at a regular meeting of a council. A First Degree should be scheduled frequently enough to initiate new members expeditiously after their election to membership in the council. c. New members should be initiated in their own council. When circumstances do not make this possible, they may take their degree at another council, but the following procedure is prescribed by Supreme: (1) The council must vote to allow the candidate to take his degree at another council. (2) The Grand Knight must certify to the Grand Knight of the other council that such a vote was taken and has his approval to be initiated in the other council.

d. A council not having its own First Degree team may invite a team from another council in proximity to conduct the degree at one of its regular meetings. e. Second and Third Degrees should be scheduled at appropriate locations throughout the State frequently enough to expedite the advancement of new members to full knighthood. f. It is not prohibited to hold a First Degree on the same day as a Second Degree. g. No degree may be given to a priest except by observation on his part. Priests shall take no part in the degrees as they are being admitted to same, with the exception that they shall take all pledges and participate in the conferring of knighthood. h. Candidates and membership attending any degree should be advised to wear proper attire of the area in which the degree is to be conducted. i. A Second Degree may be held independently of a Third Degree, but in normal practice, because of the distances often involved for remote candidates, a Second Degree must also be held in conjunction with the Third Degree. j. Facilities for the conduct of degrees must be securable during the ceremonial so those non-members cannot observe or overhear them. They should consist not only of a chamber for the conduct of the degree, but also a separate antechamber where candidates can be assembled and oriented. Usually a council having such facilities hosts the degree, but it is not necessary that a host council has or uses its own hall. Schools, churches or other facilities may be used as long as they meet the requirements outlined above. k. Alcoholic beverages will not be consumed by anyone at the degree location until after the completion of the last degree scheduled for the day. l. Only members in good standing of the degree being conducted, or higher, may be admitted to the chamber. m. All members in the chamber must conduct themselves in the manner instructed by the officer conducting the degree.

The Warden and Guards are to enforce this rule, especially during the Knighting ceremony. 5. Cost: a. First Degree - The host council will not charge any cost to other councils sponsoring candidates for refreshments/snacks served following the degree. Participating councils may voluntarily contribute towards these expenses. b. Second Degree - The host council will not charge any cost to other councils sponsoring candidates for refreshments/snacks served following the degree. Participating councils may voluntarily contribute towards these expenses. c. Third Degree - The exemplification cost for each candidate is $10.00 and will be collected by the host council prior to the Exemplification of the Third Degree. The exemplification cost of $10.00 for the religious is paid by his council. Each Financial Secretary is required to provide the host council a list of candidates authorized to receive the degree as well as a check covering their exemplification costs. The Conferring Officer of the Third Degree will issue an invoice to the host council showing the date and location of the degree, the number of candidates and the total of their exemplification costs to be forwarded by the host council to the State Secretary. A copy of the invoice is sent to the State Secretary. The host council will forward the total exemplification costs to the State Secretary with a copy of the invoice. Collection of unpaid initiation costs is the responsibility of the host council Financial Secretary. These monies will be deposited by the State Treasurer in the State Council Degree Team Fund. A host council may levy an additional charge for a meal following the Exemplification. Every effort should be made to keep the cost at $5.00 or less per member. 6. Degree Team Expenses: a. Each Third Degree Team Captain is provided with a working fund of $500.00 to cover expenses pending reimbursement by the State Treasurer in accordance with supra b below.

b. As stated earlier, there are no State Council Degree Team expenses for the Exemplification of the First Degree. Third Degree team expenses are paid to the Degree Team Captain by the State Treasurer subsequent to processing of claim by the State Ceremonial Director and approved by the State Deputy. In the event there are Second Degree expenses, they will be processed in the same manner as Third Degree expenses. These expenses are: (1) The State Deputys reimbursement rate from Supreme for mileage for each vehicle up to three (3) needed for any trip exceeding fifty (50) miles one way. No mileage will be paid for trips of fifty (50) miles one way or less. (2) Expenses incurred for the maintenance of degree paraphernalia, meals, refreshments and overnight lodging when needed. A host council is encouraged to provide suitable hospitality to the degree team as a matter of fraternal courtesy. c. Claims for reimbursement by the Major Degree Team Captain are prepared on a voucher form prescribed by the State Council. PROCEDURE FOR REQUISITIONING CEREMONIAL BOOKS AND CERTIFYING FIRST DEGREE TEAMS Obtaining Degree Ceremonial Books: Form No. 532 1. Grand Knight requests books through the State Ceremonial Director. 2. State Ceremonial Director approves request and mails it to the Supreme Secretary. 3. Supreme Secretary will serialize, register and forward the books to the Financial Secretary. Form First Degree Team:

1. Team must rehearse the ceremonial and memorize their parts. 2. When ready, the Grand Knight requests certification from the District Deputy. Certification by District Deputy: Form No. 543 1. District Deputy reviews the team at a dress rehearsal. Memorization is mandatory. 2. Inspect and report on condition of paraphernalia and equipment. 3. Collect all old degree books. 4. Complete certification form and forward to Supreme Secretary along with all old degree books. After Certification: 1. Supreme Secretary will credit council for all old books returned. 2. Team certificate and certification cards for team members will be recorded and mailed by the Supreme Secretary to the District Deputy for presentation. PROCEDURE FOR REQUISITIONING CEREMONIAL BOOKS AND CERTIFYING SECOND DEGREE TEAMS Obtaining Degree Ceremonial Books: Form No. 533 1. District Deputy requests books through the State Ceremonial Director. 2. State Ceremonial Director approves the request and mails it to the Supreme Secretary. 3. Supreme Secretary will serialize, register, and forward the books to the District Deputy.

NOTE: All districts have been furnished ceremonial books. Only additional districts added to the State Council need apply for ceremonial books. Form Second Degree Team: 1. Team must rehearse the ceremonial and memorize their parts. 2. When ready, District Deputy requests certification from the State Ceremonial Director. Certification by State Ceremonial Director: Form No. 544 1. State Ceremonial Director or his representative will review the team at a dress rehearsal. Memorization is mandatory. 2. Inspect and report on condition of paraphernalia and equipment. 3. Collect all old degree books. 4. Complete certification form and forward to the Supreme Secretary along with all old degree books. After Certification: 1. Supreme Secretary will credit district for all old books returned. 2. Team certificate and certification cards for team members will be recorded and mailed by the Supreme Secretary to the State Ceremonial Director for presentation. PROCEDURE FOR REQUISITIONING CEREMONIAL BOOKS AND CERTIFYING THIRD DEGREE TEAMS Obtaining Degree Ceremonial Books: Form No. 534

1. Request will come from the team captain to the State Deputy or the State Ceremonial Director. 2. State Deputy or State Ceremonial Director approves the request and mails it to the Supreme Secretary. 3. Supreme Secretary will serialize, register and forward the books to the team captain. Form Third Degree Team: 1. Team must rehearse the ceremonial and memorize their parts. 2. When ready, the State Deputy or the State Ceremonial Director contacts the Supreme Council's Director of Ceremonials to certify the team. 3. State Deputy assures himself the team is ready before requesting certification. Certification by Regional Coordinator: Form No. 545 1. Supreme Council office will assign a regional coordinator to observe the team for certification purposes and collect all old degree books. Memorization is mandatory. 2. Regional coordinator will mail the certification form to the Supreme Secretary along with all old degree books. After Certification: 1. Supreme Secretary will credit the state for all old books returned. 2. Team certificate and certification cards for team members will be recorded and mailed to the State Deputy for presentation. PROCEDURE V USE OF KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CLUBHOUSES

1. Purpose: These guidelines are issued to assure that Knights of Columbus clubhouses or facilities are not used to conduct activities that would bring discredit upon our Honored Order, Country, or beloved Church. 2. Background: a. Subordinate councils are unincorporated associations holding charters from the Supreme Council and subject to being dissolved or merged pursuant to the order's laws. Therefore, such councils cannot effectively acquire title to real estate. b. Councils desiring to obtain their own clubhouses are required to form a corporation or association (hereafter identified as corporation) to do so in its behalf. These corporations are known as a Home Corporation. Articles of Incorporation are prepared and filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission by an attorney selected by the council. After approval, corporation Bylaws based on the Articles of Incorporation is prepared. The order's or the Council's name cannot be used as part of the corporate name. c. The corporation is an aid to the council and Order by fostering our fraternal, charitable, and benevolent aims. Its Articles of Incorporation "statement of purpose" must clearly express this purpose. Only members in good standing of the affiliated council should be members of the corporation. When a person's council membership is terminated his membership and all rights in the corporation terminates. 3. Use of Clubhouses: a. Clubhouses are provided by the corporation for the specific benefit of the affiliated council. b. Clubhouses not in use for a council activity may be utilized for other functions or activities. c. Clubhouses shall not be used for wedding ceremonies even though both parties involved are non-Catholics. However, clubhouses are authorized to be used for wedding receptions.

d. Clubhouses shall not be used by organizations espousing unpatriotic activities or functions. e. Clubhouses shall not be used by any organization sponsoring or conducting non-Christian activities. f. Clubhouses shall be closed on Good Friday so that the day can be spent on prayers and meditation. 4. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws: For information purposes, a copy of corporation Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws shall be provided to the State Advocate. PROCEDURE VI PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR 1. Purpose: To promulgate policy pertaining to "privilege Of the floor" applicable to Past State Deputies, District Deputies and State Council Committee Chairmen. 2. Background: Chapter II Section 12 (b) of the Charter, Constitution and Laws of the Knights of Columbus specifies that Past State Deputies, other than the Immediate Past State Deputy or last living Past State Deputy, and District Deputies are permitted the privileges of membership in the State Council, but without the right to vote therein. State Council Committee Chairmen, who are not otherwise members of the State Council, can only speak on questions pertaining to functions of their particular committees, but without the right to vote therein. 3. Policy: a. Past State Deputies: (1) Have the privilege of the floor to speak on issues being discussed or considered. (2) Nominating speeches or seconding speeches for a candidate for State Office or Supreme Council delegate/alternate may be made by a Past State Deputy without first obtaining the privilege of the floor from a delegate.

(3) In order to present a motion for State Council consideration, a Past State Deputy must first obtain the privilege of the floor for that purpose from a delegate. b. District Deputies. (1) Have the privilege of the floor to speak on issues being discussed or considered. (2) District Deputies, who are not elected subordinate council delegates, must first obtain the privilege of the floor from a delegate to permit a nominating or seconding speech for a candidate for State Office or Supreme Council delegate/alternate or for the purpose of presenting a motion for State Council consideration. c. State Committee Chairmen. (1) Have the privilege of the floor to submit an oral committee report. (2) Respond to questions from the floor pertaining to the function of their respective committee. (3) Committee Chairmen, who are not elected subordinate council delegates, must first obtain the privilege of the floor from a delegate to permit a nominating or seconding speech for a candidate for State Office or Supreme Council delegate/alternate or for the purpose of presenting a motion for State Council consideration. PROCEDURE VII CAMPAIGNING 1. Campaigning, i.e., letters seeking support or endorsements and souvenirs issued for the sole purpose of gaining support for candidates is prohibited. However, discussions to determine who is willing to serve in office, and what their contributions and qualifications might be is permitted in order to make an intelligent decision at the time of elections. 2. Advertisements concerning the availability of a competent council member who is considered to be excellent state officer

material are permitted. These ads may identify the state office being sought by the candidate. A council may adopt a resolution within their own council setting forth the qualifications of the brother. This resolution can then be mailed to other councils by a cover letter advising that the resolution was adopted by the membership. The cover letter cannot solicit support or endorsements for him. 3. Posters and pictures of a favorite son may be displayed in hospitality rooms or private rooms. 4. Ads and pictures of favorite sons may be included in the convention program provided they do not solicit support or endorsements. PROCEDURE VIII ARIZONA STATE RAFFLE/LOTTERY PROCEDURES 1. Authorization: Permission to conduct a raffle/lottery and use the name or emblem of the order for such purpose must be obtained from the State Deputy or District Master before the raffle/lottery is conducted. The request for permission must be in writing signed by the chief administrative officer of the unit and should contain the following information: a. A brief description of the program. b. The date that the subordinate unit approved the establishment and implementation of the program. c. Identification of the participating unit or units and the charitable purpose of the program or the charities designated by the sponsoring unit to share in the proceeds. NOTE: It is considered proper for sponsoring and participating units to designate their organization as the recipient of raffle/lottery proceeds for their scholarship, vocations, youth, etc. programs provided a separate account is maintained for each program designated as a recipient of the funds derived from the raffle/lottery. d. Copy of the proposed raffle/lottery program showing in full detail the proposed distribution of tickets, sale of tickets, collection of monies from sales of tickets, deposit of monies into designated accounts for charitable

purposes, any proposed distribution of net funds where there is more than one (1) participating unit, estimated expenses in the operation of the program, and such other information as the State Deputy or District Master may deem appropriate. 2. Participating Units a. The unit initiating the program must insure that all local and state laws, regulations, and ordinances have been complied with before submitting the request for permission to the State Deputy or District Master. b. All receipts and disbursements are to be controlled by the duly elected financial officers of the council, chapter, assembly, or affiliated organization in accordance with the Order's Bylaws. c. Ticket sales and proceeds from ticket sales are to be promptly deposited and recorded in accord with good business practices and accounting controls, for example: duplicate deposit slips, separation of responsibilities for receipts, disbursements, and recording. Disbursements are to be made by check only for all costs and expenses. Costs should be necessary and directly related to the program, such as cost of printing, cost of distributing tickets, cost of licenses if applicable, and cost of prizes. d. A separate bank account must be established for each promotion to include separate records of receipt and disbursement of all funds. Under no circumstances should any program funds be commingled with other funds of the sponsoring unit. e. All of the net funds should be payable to the charitable organization(s) designated by the sponsoring unit in accord with the request for permission for the program. All the net proceeds must be distributed within twelve months of the close of the raffle/lottery or before request is made of the State Deputy or District Master for the approval of a subsequent program of this nature. The distribution shall be made by check only. 3. Reporting

a. At the conclusion of the program, after the raffle/lottery is complete and all funds distributed, a report shall be prepared and forwarded to the State Deputy or District Master. The report shall include the following: (1) Dates of the beginning and end of the program. (2) Total funds collected, before expenses.

(3) Expense incurred in direct operation of the program. (3) Recipients of net proceeds with amounts received.

b. All receipts and disbursements must be recorded in the prescribed audits of the sponsoring and/or participating units and should be the subject of careful review by the trustees of these units. The trustees shall be particularly diligent to insure that there is no commingling of funds from an approved program with any other funds of their unit. 4. Points to Remember a. The reason for the very detailed procedures is to protect against the POTENTIAL LOSS OF TAX-EXEMPT STATUS if funds raised through raffles/lotteries are not accounted for and distributed in compliance with Federal and local tax laws. b. Where the name or emblem of the Order is not used in a program, no permission is required. c. Permission is not required if the tickets or lottery numbers are not sold to the general public, or if the sales are limited to intra-Knights of Columbus members only. d. An affiliated organization wishing to conduct a raffle/lottery using the name or emblem of the Order and making an offering to the general public must prepare and forward the request for permission, but must submit it through the office of the Grand Knight who will forward it to the State Deputy. PROCEDURE IX ARIZONA STATE COUNCIL PROTOCOL

1. Purpose: To provide clear cut State Council policy and guidance pertaining to protocol to be exercised by the membership in the State of Arizona. 2. References: a. Protocol Booklet - item #1612/NC b. Grand Knight's Handbook - item #915 c. Fourth Degree Color Corps Drill Manual - item #808 3. Background: Protocol policy and guidelines are issued by the Supreme Council in various publications. These documents are quite good, but do lack in certain important areas. For example the 1977 edition of "Protocol Knights of Columbus" item #1912/NC did provide head table seating arrangement for third and fourth degree functions; however, subsequent editions eliminated these valuable instructions. In reference 2c, the suggested Order of Procession of Knights of Columbus dignitaries and their spouses is provided. 4. Policy: a. It is impossible to state a rule for every situation. Good judgment should be exercised by the Chief Executive Officer present and common courtesy extended. b. At a through ranking spouses Third Degree function the order of procession the Fourth Degree Honor Guard is from the lowest officer to the highest-ranking officer and their as follows:

(1) Assembly Officers (2) Council Officers (3) Faithful Navigators (4) Grand Knights (5) Chapter President(s) (6) State Directors (7) District Deputies (8) Former Masters (9) Past State Deputies (10) General Insurance Agent (11) Master of the Fourth Degree* (12) State Council Officers* (13) Vice Supreme Master (14) Supreme Directors

* At a Fourth Degree Function, the Master of the Fourth Degree and State Council Officers will exchange places. (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Supreme Master Supreme Officers State Deputy Supreme Knight Members of the Clergy (At Mass Processions) Members of the Hierarchy

d. This same protocol should be observed for Head Table seating. 5. Head Table Seating Arrangement: a. When the head table has an uneven number of persons, the Presiding Officer or Master of Ceremonies is seated at the center of the table or to the immediate right of the rostrum. b. Seating is arranged by rank from the middle out to either end, with the highest ranking official seated in the middle of the head table to the immediate left of the rostrum with the ranking in accordance with b above. c. The following list is applicable for speaking and seating arrangements: (1) Bishops, Priests (2) Knights of Columbus (in ranking order) (3) Heads of other Fraternals (Lions, Elks, etc.) (4) Civic Dignitaries (5) 6. Introductions: a. Head table is introduced from the right toward the middle, then from the left toward the middle. Members of the head table who will be speaking are excluded from these introductions. b. For speaking programs, officials are introduced from lowest rank up to the main speaker of the occasion. An official of junior rank should never speak after someone with a higher office unless he has been selected specifically as the speaker for the activity.

c. Persons introduced from the audience should be ranked from the top down using the ranking listing in 4b above. d. At cooperative affairs, officers of other organizations should be seated next to Knights of Columbus of commensurate rank and introduced at the same time. 7. Council Meetings: a. Council chambers should be arranged in the form of an anchor thereby permitting members to sit in a bow from the Warden to the Deputy Grand Knight and the Chancellor to the Deputy Grand Knight. The row of seats can be doubled as needed. Such an arrangement permits greater participation in the meeting by all the attendees. The classroom style of seating arrangement behind the Deputy Grand Knight restricts the members to look at the back of the Deputy Grand Knight's head or cause him to have neck problems when swiveling back and forth to see who is speaking. b. The anchor arrangement also provides space to the right of the Grand Knight for visiting dignitaries as well as providing the membership with greater visibility of all officers and members and encourages participation in the meeting. c. When a visiting dignitary first appears in council chamber, the Grand Knight raps the gavel three (3) times so that the membership will rise in recognition of the entrance of the visiting dignitary. d. Field Insurance Agents are introduced at council meetings and invited to address the membership. Field Agents are excellent recruiters and should be extended every courtesy. PROCEDURE X STATE COUNCIL FUNDS TO RAUL G. NAVARRETE 1. Be it resolved that at the direction of the State Council that the annual donation of $1000 previously made to the State Council Charitable Fund now be made to the Raul G. Navarrete Vocations Fund.

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