Programming The Actel M1A3P Evaluation Board With The Cortex™-M1 Processor And Using The Realview Microcontroller Development Kit Mdk Featuring The Keil Μvision 3 Ide
Programming The Actel M1A3P Evaluation Board With The Cortex™-M1 Processor And Using The Realview Microcontroller Development Kit Mdk Featuring The Keil Μvision 3 Ide
Programming The Actel M1A3P Evaluation Board With The Cortex™-M1 Processor And Using The Realview Microcontroller Development Kit Mdk Featuring The Keil Μvision 3 Ide
This application note describes the techniques to install the ARM Cortex-M1 soft core into the Actel ProASIC3 M1A3P-DEV-KIT-SCS evaluation board using the Actel FlashPro utility. Once this is accomplished, you can write, run and debug your C and C++ programs for the Cortex-M1 using RealView MDK featuring the Keil Vision3 IDE. MDK version 3.22e and later contains support for this board. You can obtain the evaluation version of this software from The evaluation or the full version of MDK contains two example projects to run on the M1A3P. These project files are contained in C:\Keil\ARM\Boards\Actel\M1A3P.
1) Start FlashPro: Click on the FlashPro icon. FlashPro will start up. 2) Create a new project: In the FlashPro window click on New Project and enter a project name. I chose Keil as shown in Figure 1. Click on OK.
Figure 1 FlashPro New Project 3) Once the project has been created the FlashPro window will look like Figure 2. Note FlashPro has detected the M1A3P board and its USB port.
4) Enter the new Cortex-M1 image: Click on Configure Device. 5) Select Browse and find and select the file socTop_KEIL.stp. Figure 3 will be the result.
Figure 3 Cortex-M1 image loaded into FlashPro 6) Program the FPGA: Click on PROGRAM and FlashPro will start programming the FPGA. Ignore the error about the VPUMP. 7) When the programming is successfully completed Figure 4 will be shown. The green RUN PASSED is a very good sign as is Program Passed in the comments window. 8) The FPGA is now loaded with the Cortex-M1 and ready to have a program loaded and run. We will use RealView MDK with Keil Vision3 to do this. Close FlashPro, remove the USB cable and power cycle the Actel board. You will not have to repeat these steps again unless you load another image into the FPGA.
Figure 4 Cortex-M1 image loaded into the Actel FPGA Flash memory. 3 Keil, An ARM company. 1-800-348-8051 [email protected]
Figure 5 Vision3 front menu showing Flash and RAM selection menu.
The Actel Flash 3) Load: Click on the load icon to program the executable into the Actel boards Flash. will program and verify. Note: you do not need this step if you plan on running the program in RAM. 4) Debugger: Start the debugger by clicking on its icon. 5) Run: Click on the Run icon. The LEDS will slowly change simulating a traffic light. The Actel Quick Start Guide in Step 4 describes a graphical program that interfaces to the traffic light example. This PC executable is traffic_Light.exe and also be found on the Actel CD that came with the kit.