Bjork - CH 4 Differential - Equations
Bjork - CH 4 Differential - Equations
Bjork - CH 4 Differential - Equations
Tomas Bjrk
Print publication date: 2004 Print ISBN-13: 9780199271269 Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: Oct-05 DOI: 10.1093/0199271267.001.0001
Stochastic Integrals
Tomas Bjrk (Contributor Webpage)
DOI: 10.1093/0199271267.003.0004
4.1 Introduction
The purpose of this book is to study asset pricing on financial markets in continuous time. We thus want to model asset prices as continuous time stochastic processes, and the most complete and elegant theory is obtained if we use diffusion processes and stochastic differential equations as our building blocks. What, then, is a diffusion? Loosely speaking we say that a stochastic process X is a diffusiondiffusion if its local dynamics can be approximated by a stochastic difference equation of the following type: Here Z(t) is a normally distributed disturbance term which is independent of everything which has happened up to time t, while and are given deterministic functions. The intuitive content of (4.1) is that, over the time interval [t, t + t], the X-process is driven by two separate terms.
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A locally deterministic velocity (t, X(t)). A Gaussian disturbance term, amplified by the factor (t, X(t)). The function is called the (local) drift term term of the process, whereas is called the diffusion term term. In order to model the Gaussian disturbance terms we need the concept of a Wiener process. Definition 4.1 A stochastic process W is called a Wiener process if the following conditions hold: 1 W(0) = 0. 2 The process W has independent increments, i.e. if r < s t < u then W(u) W(t) and W(s) W(r) are independent stochastic variables. 3 For s < t the stochastic variable W(t) W(s) has the Gaussian distribution . 3 W has continuous trajectories. Remark 4.1.1 Note that we use a somewhat old fashioned notation, where N [, ] denotes a Gaussian distribution with expected value and standard deviation . In Fig. 4.1 a computer simulated Wiener trajectory is shown.
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(p. 37 )
We may now use a Wiener process in order to write (4.1) as where W(t) is defined by Let us now try to make (4.2) a bit more precise. It is then tempting to divide the equation by t and let t tend to zero. Formally, we would obtain where we have added an initial condition and where is the formal time derivative of the Wiener process W. If v were an ordinary (and well defined) process we would now in principle be able to solve (4.3) as a standard ordinary differential equation (ODE) for (p. 38 ) each v-trajectory. However, it can be shown that with probability 1 a Wiener trajectory is nowhere differentiable (cf. Fig. 4.1), so the process v cannot even be defined. Thus this is a dead end. Another possibility of making eqn (4.2) more precise is to let t tend to zero without first dividing the equation by t. Formally we will then obtain the expression
and it is now natural to interpret (4.5) as a shorthand version of the following integral equation In eqn (4.6) we may interpret the ds-integral as an ordinary Riemann integral. The natural interpretation of the dW-integral is to view it as a RiemannStieltjes integral for each W-trajectory, but unfortunately this is not possible since one can show that the W-trajectories are of locally unbounded variation. Thus the stochastic dW-integral cannot be defined in a naive way. As long as we insist on giving a precise meaning to eqn (4.2) for each Wtrajectory separately, we thus seem to be in a hopeless situation. If, however, we relax our demand that the dW-integral in eqn (4.6) should be defined trajectorywise we can still proceed. It is in fact possible to give a global (L2-)definition of integrals of the form
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for a large class of processes g. This new integral conceptthe so called It integralwill then give rise to a very powerful type of stochastic differential calculusthe It calculus. Our program for the future thus consists of the following steps: 1 Define integrals of the type . 2 Develop the corresponding differential calculus. 3 Analyze stochastic differential equations of the type (4.5) using the stochastic calculus above.
4.2 Information
Let X be any given stochastic process. In the sequel it will be important to define the information generated by X as time goes by. To do this in a rigorous (p. 39 ) fashion is outside the main scope of this book, but for most practical purposes the following heuristic definitions will do nicely. See the appendices for a precise treatment. Definition 4.2 The symbol denotes the information generated by X on the interval [0, t], or alternatively what has happened to X over the interval [0, t]. If, based upon observations of the trajectory {X(s); 0 s t}, it is possible to decide whether a given event A has occurred or not, then we write this as or say that A is -measurable. If the value of a given stochastic variable Z can be completely determined given observations of the trajectory {X(s); 0 s t}, then we also write If Y is a stochastic process such that we have for all t 0 then we say that Y is adapted to the filtration
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. The above definition is only intended to have an intuitive content, since a precise definition would take us into the realm of abstract measure theory. Nevertheless it is usually extremely simple to use the definition, and we now give some fairly typical examples. 1 If we define the event A by A = {X(s) 3.14, for all s 9} then we have . 2 For the event A = {X(10) > 8} we have . Note, however, that we do not have , since it is impossible to decide if A has occurred or not on the basis of having observed the X-trajectory only over the interval [0, 9]. 3 For the stochastic variable Z, defined by we have . 4 If W is a Wiener process and if the process X is defined by then X is adapted to the W-filtration.
(p. 40 )
5 With W as above, but with X defined as X is not adapted (to the W-filtration).
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impose some kind of integrability conditions on g, and the class 2 turns out to be natural. Definition 4.3 (i) We say that the process g belongs to the class 2 [a, b] if the following conditions are satisfied.
. The process g is adapted to the -filtration.
(ii) We say that the process g belongs to the class 2 if g 2 [0, t] for all t > 0. Our object is now to define the stochastic integral , for a process g 2 [a, b], and this is carried out in two steps. Suppose to begin with that the process g 2 [a, b] is simple, i.e. that there exist deterministic points in time a = t0 < t1 < < tn = b, such that g is constant on each subinterval. In other words we assume that g(s) = g(tk) for s [tk, tk + 1). Then we define the stochastic integral by the obvious formula
Remark 4.3.1 Note that in the definition of the stochastic integral we take so called forward increments of the Wiener process. More specifically, in the generic term g(tk) [W(tk + 1) W(tk)] of the sum the process g is evaluated at the left end tk of the interval [tk, tk + 1] over which we take the W-increment. This is essential to the following theory both from a mathematical and (as we shall see later) from an economical point of view. For a general process g 2 [a, b] which is not simple we may schematically proceed as follows: 1 Approximate g with a sequence of simple processes gn such that
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(p. 41 )
2 For each n the integral is a well-defined stochastic variable Zn, and it is possible to prove that there exists a stochastic variable Z such that Zn Z (in L2) as n . 3 We now define the stochastic integral by
The most important properties of the stochastic integral are given by the following proposition. In particular we will use the property (4.12) over and over again. Proposition 4.4 Let g be a process satisfying the conditions
Proof A full proof is outside the scope of this book, but the general strategy is to start by proving all the assertions above in the case when g is simple. This is fairly easily done, and then it only remains to go to the limit in the sense of (4.9). We illustrate the technique by proving (4.12) in the case of a simple g. We obtain
Since g is adapted, the value g(tk) only depends on the behavior of the Wiener process on the interval [0, tk]. Now, by definition W has independent
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increments, so [W(tk + 1)) W(tk)] (which is a forward increment) is independent of g(tk). (p. 42 ) Thus we have
Remark 4.3.2 It is possible to define the stochastic integral for a process g satisfying only the weak condition For such a general g we have no guarantee that the properties (4.12) and (4.13) hold. Property (4.14) is, however, still valid.
4.4 Martingales
The theory of stochastic integration is intimately connected to the theory of martingales, and the modern theory of financial derivatives is in fact based mainly on martingale theory. Martingale theory, however, requires some basic knowledge of abstract measure theory, and a formal treatment is thus outside the scope of the more elementary parts of this book. Because of its great importance for the field, however, it would be unreasonable to pass over this important topic entirely, and the object of this section is to (informally) introduce the martingale concept. The more advanced reader is referred to the appendices for details. Let us therefore consider a given filtration (flow of information) {t}t0, where, as before, the reader can think of t as the information generated by all observed events up to time t. For any stochastic variable Y we now let the symbol denote the expected value of Y, given the information available at time t. A precise definition of this object requires measure theory, so we have to be content with this informal description. Note that for a fixed t, the object E[Yt] is a stochastic variable. If, for example, the filtration is generated by a single observed process X, then the information available at time t will of course depend upon the behavior of X over the interval [0, t], so the conditional expectation E[Yt] will in this case be a function of all past Xvalues {X(s): s t}. We will need the following two rules of calculation.
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The first of these results should be obvious: in the expected value E[Z Yt] we condition upon all information available time t. If now Z t, this means that, given the information t, we know exactly the value of Z, so in the conditional expectation Z can be treated as a constant, and thus it can be taken outside the expectation. The second result is called the law of iterated expectations, and it is basically a version of the law of total probability. We can now define the martingale concept. Definition 4.6 A stochastic process X is called an (t)-martingale if the following conditions hold: X is adapted to the filtration {}t0. For all t For all s and t with s t the following relation holds:
A process satisfying, for all s and t with s t, the inequality is called a supermartingale, and a process satisfying is called a submartingale. The first condition says that we can observe the value X(t) at time t, and the second condition is just a technical condition. The really important condition is the third one, which says that the expectation of a future value of X, given the information available today, equals today's observed value of X. Another way of putting this is to say that a martingale has no systematic drift. It is possible to prove the following extension of Proposition 4.4.
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is an -martingale. In other words, modulo an integrability condition, every stochastic integral is a martingale. Proof Fix s and t with s < t. We have
The integral in the first expectation is, by Proposition 4.4, measurable w.r.t. , so by Proposition 4.5 we have From Proposition 4.4 we also see that , so we obtain We have in fact the following stronger (and very useful) result. Lemma 4.9 Within the framework above, and assuming enough integrability, a stochastic process X (having a stochastic differential) is a martingale if and only if the stochastic differential has the form i.e. X has no dt-term. Proof We have already seen that if dX has no dt-term then X is a martingale. The reverse implication is much harder to prove, and the reader is referred to the literature cited in the notes below.
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(p. 45 )
Let X be a stochastic process and suppose that there exists a real number x0 and two adapted processes and such that the following relation holds for all t 0. where a is some given real number. As usual W is a Wiener process. To use a less cumbersome notation we will often write eqn (4.16) in the following form: In this case we say that X has a stochastic differential given by (4.17) with an initial condition given by (4.18). Note that the formal string dX(t) = (t) dt + (t) dW(t) has no independent meaning. It is simply a shorthand version of the expression (4.16) above. From an intuitive point of view the stochastic differential is, however, a much more natural object to consider than the corresponding integral expression. This is because the stochastic differential gives us the infinitesimal dynamics of the X-process, and as we have seen in Section 4.1, both the drift term (s) and the diffusion term (s) have a natural intuitive interpretation. Let us assume that X indeed has the stochastic differential above. Loosely speaking we thus see that the infinitesimal increment dX(t) consists of a locally deterministic drift term (t) dt plus an additive Gaussian noise term (t) dW(t). Assume furthermore that we are given a C1,2-function and let us now define a new process Z by We may now ask what the local dynamics of the Z-process look like, and at first it seems fairly obvious that, except for the case when f is linear in x, Z will not have a stochastic differential. Consider, for example, a discrete time example where X satisfies a stochastic difference equation with additive Gaussian noise in each step, and suppose that f(t, x) = ex. Then it is clear that Z will not be driven by additive Gaussian noisethe noise will in fact be multiplicative and log-normal. It is therefore extremely surprising that for continuous time models the stochastic differential structure with a drift term plus additive Gaussian noise will in fact be preserved even under nonlinear transformations. Thus the process Z will have a stochastic differential, and the form of dZ is given explicitly by the famous (p. 46 ) It formula below.
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Before turning to the It formula we have to take a closer look at some rather fine properties of the trajectories of the Wiener process. As we saw earlier the Wiener process is defined by a number of very simple probabilistic properties. It is therefore natural to assume that a typical Wiener trajectory is a fairly simple object, but this is not at all the case. On the contraryone can show that, with probability 1, the Wiener trajectory will be a continuous function of time (see the definition above) which is nondifferentiable at every point. Thus a typical trajectory is a continuous curve consisting entirely of corners and it is of course quite impossible to draw a figure of such an object (it is in fact fairly hard to prove that such a curve actually exists). This lack of smoothness gives rise to an odd property of the quadratic variation of the Wiener trajectory, and since the entire theory to follow depends on this particular property we now take some time to study the Wiener increments a bit closer. Let us therefore fix two points in time, s and t with s < t, and let us use the handy notation Using well-known properties of the normal distribution it is fairly easy to obtain the following results, which we will use frequently
We see that the squared Wiener increment (W(t))2 has an expected value which equals the time increment t. The really important fact, however, is that, according to (4.22), the variance of [W(t)]2 is negligible compared to its expected value. In other words, as t tends to zero [W(t)]2 will of course also tend to zero, but the variance will approach zero much faster than the expected value. Thus [W(t)]2 will look more and more deterministic and we are led to believe that in the limit we have the purely formal equality The reasoning above is purely heuristic. It requires a lot of hard work to turn the relation (4.23) into a mathematically precise statement, and it is of course even harder to prove it. We will not attempt either a precise formulation or a precise proof. In order to give the reader a flavor of the full theory we will, however, give another argument for the relation (4.23).
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Let us therefore fix a point in time t and subdivide the interval [0, t] into n equally large subintervals of the form
(p. 47 )
, where k = 0, 1, , n 1. Given this subdivision, we now define the quadratic variation of the Wiener process by Sn, i.e.
and our goal is to see what happens to Sn as the subdivision becomes finer, i.e. as n . We immediately see that
Thus we see that E[Sn] = t whereas Var[Sn] 0 as n . In other words, as n we see that Sn tends to the deterministic limit t. This motivates us to write or, equivalently, Note again that all the reasoning above has been purely motivational. In this text we will have to be content with accepting (4.26) as a dogmatic truth, and now we can give the main result in the theory of stochastic calculusthe It formula. Theorem 4.10 (It's formula) Assume that the process X has a stochastic differential given by where and are adapted processes, and let f be a C1,2-function. Define the process Z by Z(t) = f(t, X(t)). Then Z has a stochastic differential given by
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Remark 4.5.1 In the statement of the theorem above we have, for readability reasons, suppressed a lot of variables. The term f/x, for example, is shorthand notation for
(p. 48 )
and correspondingly for the other terms. Proof A full formal proof is outside the scope of this text, so we only give a heuristic proof (see Remark 4.5.2). If we make a Taylor expansion including second order terms we obtain By definition we have so, at least formally, we obtain The term containing (dt)2 above is negligible compared to the dt-term in (4.27), and it can also be shown that the (dt)(dW)-term is negligible compared to the dt-term. Furthermore we have (dW)2 = dt from (4.23), and plugging in all this into the Taylor expansion (4.29) gives us the result. It may be hard to remember the It formula, so for practical purposes it is often easier to copy our proof above and make a second order Taylor expansion. Proposition 4.11 (It's formula) With assumptions as in Theorem 4.10, df is given by where we use the following formal multiplication table.
Remark 4.5.2 As we have pointed out, the proof of the It formula above does not at all constitute a formal proof. We end this section by giving an outline of the full proof. What we have to prove is that, for all t, the following relation holds with probability one:
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We therefore divide the interval [0, t] as 0 = t0 < t1 < < tn = t into n equal subintervals. Then we have
(p. 49 )
Using Taylor's formula we obtain, with subscripts denoting partial derivatives and obvious notation,
where Sk is a remainder term. From this we obtain where Pk is a remainder term. If we now substitute (4.33)(4.35) into (4.32) we obtain, in shorthand notation, where
Very much as when we proved earlier that (Wk)2 t, it is possible to show that
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and it is fairly easy to show that K1 and K2 converge to zero. The really hard part is to show that the term R, which is a large sum of individual remainder terms, also converges to zero. This can, however, also be done and the proof is finished.
(p. 50 )
4.6 Examples
In order to illustrate the use of the It formula we now give some examples. All these examples are quite simple, and the results could have been obtained as well by using standard techniques from elementary probability theory. The full force of the It calculus will be seen in the following chapters. The first two examples illustrate a useful technique for computing expected values in situations involving Wiener processes. Since arbitrage pricing to a large extent consists of precisely the computation of certain expected values this technique will be used repeatedly in the sequel. Suppose that we want to compute the expected value E[Y] where Y is some stochastic variable. Schematically we will then proceed as follows: 1 Try to write Y as Y = Z(t0) where t0 is some point in time and Z is a stochastic process having an It differential. 2 Use the It formula to compute dZ as, for example,
3 Write this expression in integrated form as 4 Take expected values. Using Proposition 4.4 we see that the dW-integral will vanish. For the ds-integral we may move the expectation operator inside the integral sign (an integral is just a sum), and we thus have Now two cases can occur:
(a) We may, by skill or pure luck, be able to calculate the expected value E[(s)] explicitly. Then we only have to compute an ordinary Riemann integral to obtain E[Z(t)], and thus to read off E[Y] = E[Z(t0)].
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(b) If we cannot compute E[(s)] directly we have a harder problem, but in some cases we may convert our problem to that of solving an ODE.
(p. 51 )
Solution: Define Z by Z(t) = W4(t). Then we have Z(t) = f(t, X(t)) where X = W and f is given by f(t, x) = x4. Thus the stochastic differential of X is trivial, namely dX = dW, which, in the notation of the It formula (4.28), means that = 0 and = 1. Furthermore we have f/t = 0, f/x = 4x3, and 2 f/ x2 = 12x2. Thus the It formula gives us
Written in integral form this reads Now we take the expected values of both members of this expression. Then, by Proposition 4.4, the stochastic integral will vanish. Furthermore we may move the expectation operator inside the ds-integral, so we obtain Now we recall that E[W2(s)] = s, so in the end we have our desired result Example 4.13 Compute E[eW(t)]. Solution: Define Z by Z(t) = eW(t). The It formula gives us so we see that Z satisfies the stochastic differential equation (SDE)
In integral form this reads Taking expected values will make the stochastic integral vanish. After moving the expectation within the integral sign in the ds-integral and defining m by m(t) = E[Z(t)] we obtain the equation
(p. 52 )
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This is an integral equation, but if we take the t-derivative we obtain the ODE
Solving this standard equation gives us the answer It is natural to ask whether one can compute (in some sense) the value of a stochastic integral. This is a fairly vague question, but regardless of how it is interpreted, the answer is generally no. There are just a few examples where the stochastic integral can be computed in a fairly explicit way. Here is the most famous one. Example 4.14 Compute
Solution: A natural guess is perhaps that . Since It calculus does not coincide with ordinary calculus this guess cannot possibly be true, but nevertheless it seems natural to start by investigating the process Z(t) = W2(t). Using the It formula on the function f(t, x) = x2 and with X = W we get In integrated form this reads so we get our answer
We end with a useful lemma. Lemma 4.15 Let (t) be a given deterministic function of time and define the process X by
(p. 53 )
Then X(t) has a normal distribution with zero mean, and variance given by
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This is of course an expected result because the integral is just a linear combination of the normally distributed Wiener increments with deterministic coefficients. See the exercises for a hint of the proof.
and W1, , Wd are d independent Wiener processes. Defining the drift vector by
where f:R+ Rn R is a C1, 2 mapping. Then, using arguments as above, it can be shown that the stochastic differential df is given by
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Written out in full (see the exercises) this gives us the following result. Theorem 4.16 (It's formula) Let the n-dimensional process X have dynamics given by with notation as above. Then the following hold: The process f(t, X(t)) has a stochastic differential given by
Here the row vector i is the ith row of the matrix , i.e. and the matrix C is defined by where * denotes transpose. Alternatively, the differential is given by the formula
(p. 55 )
and tr denotes the trace of a matrix. The trace is defined, for any square matrix A, as the sum of the diagonal elements, i.e.
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In other words
(p. 56 )
Let us now assume that the rows of have unit length, i.e.
Then it is easy to see (how?) that each of the components W1, , Wn separately are standard (i.e. unit variance) Wiener processes. Let us now define the (instantaneous) correlation matrix of W by We then obtain
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i.e. Definition 4.17 The process W, constructed as above, is called a vector of correlated Wiener processes, with correlation matrix . Using this definition we have the following It formula for correlated Wiener processes. Proposition 4.18 (It's formula) Take a vector Wiener process W = (W1, , Wn) with correlation matrix as given, and assume that the vector process X = (X1, , Xk)* has a stochastic differential. Then the following hold: For any C1,2 function f, the stochastic differential of the process f(t, X(t)) is given by
(p. 57 )
If, in particular, k = n and dX has the structure where 1, , n and 1, , n are scalar processes, then the stochastic differential of the process f(t, X(t)) is given by
We end this section by showing how it is possible to translate between the two formalisms above. Suppose therefore that the n-dimensional process X has a stochastic differential of the form i.e.
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W is assumed to be d-dimensional standard vector Wiener process (i.e. with independent components) of the form
(p. 58 )
where, as usual, i is the ith row of the matrix . Let us now define n new scalar Wiener processes by We can then write the X-dynamics as As is easily seen, each is a standard scalar Wiener process, but are of course correlated. The local correlation is easily calculated as
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have the local correlation matrix . The connections between (4.41) and (4.42) are given by the following expressions:
(p. 59 )
4.9 Exercises
(a) Z(t) = et, (b) , where g is an adapted stochastic process. (c) Z(t) = eW(t) (d) Z(t) = eX(t), where X has the stochastic differential ( and are constants). (e) Z(t) = X2(t), where X has the stochastic differential
Exercise 4.2 Compute the stochastic differential for Z when Z(t) = 1/X(t) and X has the stochastic differential By using the definition Z = X1 you can in fact express the right hand side of dZ entirely in terms of Z itself (rather than in terms of X). Thus Z satisfies a stochastic differential equation. Which one? Exercise 4.3 Let (t) be a given deterministic function of time and define the process X by Use the technique described in Example 4.13 in order to show that the characteristic function of X(t) (for a fixed t) is given by
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thus showing that X(t) is normally distributed with zero mean and a variance given by
Exercise 4.4 Suppose that X has the stochastic differential where is a real number whereas (t) is any stochastic process. Use the technique in Example 4.13 in order to determine the function m(t) = E[X(t)].
(p. 60 )
and that (t) 0 with probability one for all t. Show that this implies that X is a submartingale. Exercise 4.6 A function h(x1, , xn) is said to be harmonic if it satisfies the condition
Let W1, , Wn be independent standard Wiener processes, and define the process X by X(t) = h(W1(t), , Wn(t)). Show that X is a martingale (submartingale) if h is harmonic (subharmonic). Exercise 4.7 The object of this exercise is to give an argument for the formal identity when W1 and W2 are independent Wiener processes. Let us therefore fix a time t, and divide the interval [0, t] into equidistant points 0 = t0 < t1 < < tn = t, where . We use the notation Now define Qn by
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Exercise 4.8 Let X and Y be given as the solutions to the following system of stochastic differential equations.
(p. 61 )
Note that the initial values x0, y0 are deterministic constants. (a) Prove that the process R defined by R(t) = X2 (t) + Y2(t) is deterministic. [(b)] Compute E[X(t)].
(a) If B is n d and C is d n, then BC is n n. Show that (b) With assumptions as above, show that (c) Show that the It formula in Theorem 4.16 can be written as
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4.10 Notes
As a (far reaching) introduction to stochastic calculus and its applications, ksendal (1995) and Steele (2001) can be recommended. Standard references on a more advanced level are Karatzas and Shreve (1988), and Revuz and Yor (1991). The theory of stochastic integration can be extended from the Wiener framework to allow for semimartingales as integrators, and a classic in this field is Meyer (1976). Standard references are Jacod and Shiryaev (1987), Elliott (1982), and Dellacherie and Meyer (1972). An alternative to the classic approach to semimartingale integration theory is presented in Protter (1990).
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