Hydraulic Turbines by White
Hydraulic Turbines by White
Hydraulic Turbines by White
10.1 Introduction Hydraulic turbines extract energy from water which has a high head. There are basically two types, reaction and impulse, the difference being in the manner of head conversion. In reaction turbines the water fills the blade passages and the head change or pressure drop occurs within the impeller. They can be of radial, axial or mixed flow types. In impulse turbines the high head is first converted through a nozzle into a high velocity jet which strikes the blades at one position as they pass by. Reaction turbines are smaller because water fills all the blades at one time.
10.2 Reaction Turbines Reaction turbines are low-head, high-flow devices. The flow is opposite to that in a pump (from volute to eye of impeller after transferring most of the energy of the water to the impeller) but a difference is the important role stationary guide vanes play. Purely radial and mixed flow designs are called Francis turbines. At even lower heads an axial flow, propeller turbine is more compact. It can be fixed bladed but better efficiency is obtained over an operating range by using adjustable vanes, in the Kaplan turbine. configurations are shown in Fig. 10.1. Various impeller
Fig. 10.1 Reaction turbines: (a) Francis, radial type; (b) Francis, mixed-flow; (c) propeller axial-flow; (d) performance curves for a Francis turbine, n = 600 rpm, D = 0.686 m, Nsp = 29 (from White).
10.3 Simple Radial Turbine Theory The Euler turbomachine equations derived in Chapter 9 for pumps also apply to turbines if we reverse the flow direction and reshape the blades. Fig. 10.2 shows a radial turbine runner.
Fig. 10.2 Inlet and outlet velocity diagrams for an idealised radial-flow reaction turbine runner (from White).
Again assume one-dimensional frictionless flow through the blades. Adjustable inlet guide vanes are essential for good efficiency. They bring the inlet flow to the blades at angle and absolute velocity V2 for minimum shock or directional miss-match loss. After vectorially adding in the runner tip speed u2 = r2, the outer blade angle should be set at 2 to accommodate the relative velocity w2. Consideration of angular momentum as for pumps (Chapter 9) gives an idealised formula for the power P extracted by the runner:
The absolute inlet flow normal velocity Vn2 = V2sin2 is proportional to the flow rate Q. If the flow rate changes and the runner speed u2 is constant, the vanes must be adjusted to a new angle 2 so that w2 still follows the blade surface.
10.4 Power Specific Speed Turbine parameters are similar to those of a pump, but the dependent variable is the output brake horsepower which depends on the inlet flow rate Q, available head H, impeller speed n and diameter D. The efficiency is the output brake horsepower divided by the available water horsepower gQH. The dimensionless forms are CQ, CH and CP defined as for a pump (Chapter 9 in Module A). If we neglect viscous and roughness effects, the functional relationships are written with CP as the independent variable: CH = gH = CH ( CP ) n2 D2 CQ = Q bhp = CQ ( CP ) = = ( C P ) 3 gQH nD (10.1)
Fig. 10.1 shows typical performance curves for a Francis radial turbine. The maximum efficiency point is called normal power.
A parameter that compares the output power with the available head, independent of size, is found by eliminating the diameter between CH and CP. It is called the power specific speed
. N sp n ( bhp1/ 2 ) CP1/ 2 = N sp = CH 5 / 4 1/ 2 ( gH )5 / 4
( rpm ) ( bhp1/ 2 ) 5/ 4 H ( ft )
10.5 Impulse Turbines For high head (typically above 250 m) and relatively low power (i.e. low Nsp from (10.2)) not only would a reaction turbine require too high a speed but also the high pressure in the runner would require a massive casing thickness. The impulse turbine in Fig. 10.3 is ideal for this situation. Since Nsp is low, n will be low and the high pressure is confined to the small nozzle which converts the head to an atmospheric pressure jet of high velocity Vj. The jet strikes the buckets and imparts a momentum change. The buckets have an elliptic split-cup shape and are called Pelton wheels.
Fig. 10.3 Impulse turbine: (a) side view of wheel and jet; (b) top view of bucket; (c) typical velocity diagram (from White).
together with the velocity diagram in Fig. 10.3. Noting that u1 = u2 = u, we substitute the absolute exit and inlet tangential velocities into the turbine power relation:
where u = 2nr is the bucket linear velocity and r is the pitch radius, or distance to the jet centreline. A bucket angle = 180o gives maximum power but is physically impossible because water must clear the next bucket. In practice, 165o and 1 cos 1.966 or only 2 percent less than maximum power.
From (10.4) the theoretical power of an impulse turbine is a maximum when dP/du = 0, or
1 u * = 2 n* r = V j 2 For a perfect nozzle, the entire available head would be converted to jet velocity V j = ( 2 gH ) . Since there are 2 to 8 percent nozzle losses, a velocity coefficient Cv is used:
1/ 2
V j = Cv ( 2 gH )
1/ 2
0.92 Cv 0.98
By combining (10.1) and (10.5) the theoretical impulse turbine efficiency becomes:
= 2 (1 cos ) ( Cv )
( 2 gH )
1/ 2
1 Maximum efficiency occurs at = Cv 0.47. 2 Fig. 10.4 shows (10.6) plotted for an ideal turbine ( = 180o, Cv = 1.0) and for typical working conditions ( = 160o, Cv = 0.94). The latter case predicts max = 85 percent but windage, mechanical friction, backsplashing and nonuniform bucket flow reduce this to about 80 percent. An impulse turbine is not quite as efficient as the Francis or propeller turbines at their BEPs.
Fig. 10.4 Efficiency of an impulse turbine calculated from (10.6): solid curve = ideal, = 180 , o Cv = 1.0; dashed curve = actual, = 160 , Cv = 0.94; open circles = data, Pelton wheel, diameter = 0.61 m (from White).
Fig. 10.5 shows the optimum efficiency of the three types of turbines, and the importance of the power specific speed Nsp as a selection tool for designers.
The water power available to a turbine may vary due to either head or flow rate changes, both of which are common in hydroelectric plants. The demand for power also varies from light to heavy, and the operating response is a change in the flow rate by adjustment of a gate valve or needle valve (Fig. 10.3). As shown in Fig. 10.6, all three turbines achieve fairly uniform efficiency as a function of the level of power being extracted. Especially effective is the adjustable-blade (Kaplan-type) propeller turbine.
Fig. 10.6 Efficiency versus power level for various turbine designs at constant speed and head (from White).
More detail of a Pelton wheel turbine is shown in Fig. 10.7. Rapid shutdown of the turbine, as would be required after loss of load from the driven machine, cannot be effected by rapid 10-6
closure of the spear (needle valve) due to water hammer effects. Shutdown is effected by inserting into the jet either a cut-off to destroy its kinetic energy or a deflector to direct the jet away from the bucket. The jet is then cut off at a suitably safe rate.
Fig. 10.8 shows a typical large Francis turbine in which water is fed radially to the runner from guide vanes which are disposed around the full circumference. The angle of these vanes can be varied to control machine output and the water is uniformly distributed to them by a spiral casing. The loads on the guide vanes can be very large. The guide vanes are moved by cranks attached to the end of one of the spindles, the other end of the crank being located in a regulating ring. The ring is rotated by hydraulic rams or servomotors. Some form of slipping device is incorporated so that if a foreign body jams between two vanes, the remainder can be moved normally. A warning device indicates that the slipping device is operating. Large axial thrusts are handled by admitting some high-pressure water to the underside of the machine and by using a thrust bearing (usually of the tilting-pad type).
Fig. 10.9 shows details of a large Kaplan turbine through which the water flow is essentially axial. The runner resembles a ships propeller whose blades (typically four to six in number) are adjustable in pitch to present the optimum angle of attack to the water flow. The blades are most conveniently adjusted by means of a lever arm within the hub.
10.7 Pumped-Storage
Pumped-storage involves operations between two lakes; water is run through a turbine when peak electricity generation is needed, and pumped from the lower to the higher lake to store potential energy at periods of low demand. Separate pumps and turbines can be used, or a reversible pump-turbine. Such a machine enables both pumping and turbining to be
performed by the same runners. It is effectively a Francis turbine whose runner geometry is a compromise between the optimum for pumping and generation. During generation, the turbine output is absorbed by the generator; whilst pumping, the generator acts as a motor, driving the runner in the opposite direction. An advantage of the combined unit is the reduction of equipment and installation costs.
Fig. 10.9 A large Kaplan turbine showing detail of the hub mechanism for varying blade angle (from MPSP).