Beauty and The Beast: The Theory and Practice of Information Integration
Beauty and The Beast: The Theory and Practice of Information Integration
Beauty and The Beast: The Theory and Practice of Information Integration
Information Integration
Laura Haas
IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120
[email protected]
1 Introduction
“For us… growth is a way of life. So we’ll continue to grow”1. Nearly two thirds of
CEOs surveyed recently said that growth is the key priority, requiring quick delivery
of new products and services in response to rapidly changing market conditions [2].
Yet only 13% felt that their business was well-positioned to react quickly [2]. They
stressed the need to capture and understand all available information to make rapid
business decisions, but today that is not such an easy task. In fact, 68% of the CEOs
listed the integration of disparate applications and infrastructure as a key issue for
their business, one that slows them down and stops the flow of information [2].
Meanwhile, customers tell us that 30% of their people’s time is spent just looking for
the information they need to do their jobs.
Why is information so hard to find? Partly, this is due to the increasing volumes of
information available on line. But there is a second, deeper problem, and that is the
fragmentation of information, and the proliferation of information sources. Even
Mukesh Ambani, chairman and managing director of Reliance Industries, India’s largest
private sector company, as quoted in [1].
within a relatively controlled environment such as an enterprise Information
Technology (IT) organization, customers report many database instances, often
hidden behind applications, not to mention document repositories and other sources of
unstructured information. For example, analysts report [3] that 79% of companies (of
all sizes) have more than two document stores, while 25% have more than fifteen.
Information is not only hard to find, but further complications such as overlapping,
conflicting and incomplete information are inevitable. Almost any business with
multiple business units has multiple sources of customer information, for example –
often with conflicting information for the same customers.
Information integration is the database community’s answer to these problems.
The goal of information integration is to enable rapid development of new
applications requiring information from multiple sources. This simple goal hides
many challenges, from identifying the best data sources to use, to creating an
appropriate interface to (or schema for) the integrated data. Much research has
focused on how best to do the integration itself, for example, how to query diverse
sources with differing capabilities and how to optimize queries or execution plans.
Other issues concern how to cleanse information to get a consistent view, how to deal
with uncertainty and trace data lineage, and how to identify the same object in
different data sources (a problem known by various names, including entity
resolution). There has been a lot of progress on individual challenges, but information
integration remains a difficult task. We believe that one reason for that is that these
challenges are inter-related, part of the overall process of integration, and yet have
been largely considered in isolation. Thus, the separate solutions do not always work
well together. Perhaps more importantly, the solutions that are relevant to a particular
integration task depend heavily on the application requirements regarding data
qualities (e.g., currency, consistency, completeness) and quality of service (e.g.,
response time, availability, resources consumed). We lack a clear view of
information integration that positions the various technologies relative to each other
and relative to the application requirements for the integration problem that must be
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 elaborates on the overall
information integration challenge, and presents an extended example of a real
integration problem to motivate our suggestions for future work. In Section 3, we
briefly survey the research underpinnings of information integration, showing how the
research applies to our example, while Section 4 reviews the state of the art in the
industry today, showing what products are available for use. Section 5 comes back to
the issue of unification and the end-to-end information integration problem. We pose
a new challenge to the research community with both theoretical and systems
implications, and explore several possible approaches. Finally, the paper concludes in
section 6.
Standardization. This task typically leverages the work of the previous task to
determine the best way to represent the integrated information. This includes
designing the “target” or integrated schema, deciding at the field level what the
standard representation should be (e.g., will full names be represented as first name
followed by last name, or last name comma first name?), and even defining the
terminology and abbreviations to use (“str”vs. “st”for “street”). In addition to these
rules on how data is represented, other rules that specify how to cleanse or repair data
may be provided. Issues here include how to handle inconsistent or incomplete data
(for example, if we find multiple phone numbers for the same person, should we keep
all of them, or only the most recent?) and how to identify data that refers to the same
objects (for example, is John Q Public the same person as John Public?).
Specification. In this step, the artifacts that will control the actual execution are
produced. As a result, the techniques and technologies used for specification are
intimately linked to the choice of execution engine(s). For example, mapping tools
specify the relationship between source(s) and target(s), and then typically can
generate a query or other executable artifact (e.g., XSLT) that would produce data in
the desired target form. Often, however, the specification is part of actually
configuring an integration engine to do the desired integration. Thus, determining the
execution engine should be thought of as part of specification.
Execution. This is where the integration actually happens. Integration can be
accomplished via materialization, federation and/or indexing. Materialization creates
and stores the integrated data set; this may be thought of as eager integration. There
are many techniques for materialization. Extract/Transform/Load (ETL) jobs extract
data from one or more data sources, transform them as indicated in the job script, and
then store the result in another data source. Replication makes and maintains a copy
of data, often differentially by reading database log files. Caching captures query
results for future reuse. Federation creates a virtual representation of the integrated
set, only materializing selected portions as needed; it can be thought of as lazy
integration. Federation is a form of mediation; in general, mediation refers to an
integration technique in which requests are sent to a “mediator”process which does
routing and translation of requests. Search takes a different approach, creating a
single index over the data being integrated. This is commonly used for unstructured
data, and represents a partial materialization, since typically the index identifies
relevant documents, which will be fetched dynamically at the user’s request.
Note that these tasks are interdependent, and existing tools often support (pieces
of) several of these tasks. They may be overlapped in practice; for instance, it is not
necessary to have a complete understanding before starting to standardize. Likewise,
a particular integration may not require all of the subtasks for any task, and in really
simple cases, some tasks may seem to vanish altogether.
The integration process is iterative, and never-ending. Change is constant; there is
always another source to deal with, a new application with new requirements, an
update to some schema, or just new data that requires analysis.
Fig. 1: Chico’s customer-related data is spread over multiple data sources, in multiple formats.
Only partial schemas are shown; the real data would have many more tables, and columns, as
well as richer XML document types. Gathering full information on customer entitlement
requires detailed knowledge of the sources, a complex join and understanding the service types.
equivalent. But that is not so easy, as customer information for Chico is scattered
across multiple tables; there is no single customer list, even for Chico alone. Further,
Chico checked entitlement by looking up the product registration number in the
orders database(s) to see if the customer bought support, and if so, at what level.
Grande was more focused on customer accounts, with a certain level of service for a
customer based on overall sales (e.g., Gold vs. Platinum customers). So not only is
the information about customers organized differently, but the semantics of customer
entitlement are also different for the two companies. Eventually, the combined
company will want to settle on a single scheme, but in the short term, they just want
to continue to support both customer sets, smoothly.
Janet Lee, a Grande IT architect, is asked to set up this combined customer support
system. Janet is not familiar with the Chico systems, of course, and because of the
loss of Chico staff, she will not have the benefit of their expertise. She needs first to
understand what information is available to her. She will need to find the Chico
customer information and information on what types of support exist. This
information is spread over order, billing and defect tables in multiple databases and in
the document management system that tracks contracts (Figure 1). She will probably
need to talk to someone in sales to understand the Chico support semantics, and she
will likely want to inspect or analyze the relational data so that she knows what she is
up against in terms of standardization. For that task, she will need to specify how to
represent various data, such as address (Chico doesn’t store state, and the address is
all in a single field, where Grande has state, city and zip all in separate fields). She
will design a merged representation, and define the rules that determine what happens
when there is disagreement (for example, when the same customer appears in both
databases with different information). 2 She may also need to write rules to determine
when data refers to the same customer. Janet then needs to specify how to do the
integration. Although there are some tools that will support an abstract,
nonprocedural way of doing this, for example, mapping tools, even these today tend
to be associated with a particular integration engine.
So Janet now faces the question of how to execute the actual integration. She
could, for example, choose to materialize the combined customer list. To do that,
she’ll need to define an Extract/Transform/Load (ETL) job, deciding how often it
needs to run, or whether it can be run once, and then refreshed incrementally at
regular intervals. A differential refresh might be better handled using a replication
product –and if the transformations needed are simple enough, the replication engine
might be all that is needed. In any case, she will need to set up one or both products
and configure them to reach the actual data sources, and to run her job or jobs.
Alternatively, she could choose to federate the various data sources, providing a
single (virtual) view of the combined data. In this case, she will need to set up and
configure the federation software to reach the data sources, and then define
appropriate views over the data. In a customer support environment, a good search
capability is typically critical. It is possible that Janet could return the information
needed by the support representative just via search. She will want to evaluate that
possibility, and possibly set up search software, configuring crawlers, getting an index
built, and so on. Of course, a combination of these various integration engines may
be the best approach – materializing critical information for the first, fast check,
keeping it up-to-date via replication, using federation to “drill down”if the customer
has further questions about their account, and using search as a way to retrieve details
of the relevant service plans.
How will Janet decide? To make her decision, she must take a number of factors
into account. She will think about the requirements of the task: how quickly must the
information be returned, how many end users will be using the system
simultaneously, whether it will be needed 24x7, and so on. Other requirements apply
to the data quality: how current must the data be, how complete, how accurate. Janet
will also think about the physical constraints on the solution, for example, how much
storage space is available, the processing power at her disposal, a limit on total cost,
perhaps. Finally, the policies Grande has in place for security or to comply with
relevant industry regulations will also affect the solution. For purposes of this paper,
we will refer to these varied types of requirements – qualities of service, qualities of
data, physical constraints and policies – as the solution desiderata. These desiderata
are critical to determining the best techniques to use for a particular scenario;
however, only Janet’s experience allows her to make the decision – there are no
studies or formal guidance on what desiderata require which integration techniques.
To summarize, in order to integrate enough data for this one critical but simple
scenario, Janet must go through quite a complex process. She will need to develop an
understanding of the data and its semantics. She will need to assess the quality and
Note that the order of these may vary a bit, for example, some tools would allow Janet to
write these “cleansing”rules as part of specifying the integration.
degree of overlap of the data, identifying common customers and merging and
standardizing their information while dealing with any inconsistencies. She will need
to design the integrated view or target schema. Finally, she will need to choose one or
more integration engines to deploy, configure them to reach the various data sources,
and create the instructions needed (the ETL script, view, or program) for them to
instantiate the target schema. In our simple example, Janet is dealing with primarily
relational data. If some of the data is unstructured, her task is harder still.
Fortunately, the research and development communities have made great strides
towards tools to address these challenges. In the next two sections, we examine some
of the highlights of this work.
Out in the marketplace, tools for integrating information are proliferating. Many
smaller companies sell products addressing one or more of the integration steps we
have enumerated. Meanwhile, larger companies, most notably IBM and Informatica,
are consolidating tools for the various steps into powerful platforms for information
integration and access [42, 43]. Rather than trying to cover all the products on the
market, we will instead describe in some detail the present market leader, namely,
IBM Information Server [44].
• WebSphere Information Analyzer
• WebSphere Business Glossary
• Rational Data Architect
• Rational Data Architect
• WebSphere QualityStage
• Rational Data Architect
• Each execution engine
• WebSphere DataStage
• WebSphere Federation Server
• WebSphere Replication Server
• WebSphere Data Event Publisher
Operational platform:
• Connectors to databases, applications, and web sources
• WebSphere Metadata Server and Metadata Workbench
• WebSphere Information Services Director
Fig. 2: Individual products comprising IBM Information Server, listed by the integration task
they support. Additional products in the suite provide a common platform for the products
listed to run on. That platform includes connectivity to a broad range of sources, shared
metadata, and the ability to invoke the various products as services, from a range of different
programming environments.
In fact, it handles specification for any integration that can be done by an SQL engine today.
Incorporating additional Clio capabilities would give it the ability to also handle XML to
SQL, SQL to XML and XML to XML transformations.
Hence, the various engines are increasingly interoperating with related IBM products
for content federation [46] and enterprise search and text analysis [47, 48].
This brief description is offered as an example of the types of products that exist
today. For each product mentioned, there are many competitive products that could
be substituted. Each typically has its own unique strengths. Further, a particular
function (e.g., finding relationships among data records) may be present in many
products. Different vendors will package functionality differently, depending on the
strengths of their products and the market niche they expect to address with them.
Looking back to the extended example from Section 2.2, Janet’s pain becomes
more concrete. Which products should she use for which steps in the integration?
Will Rational Data Architect and WebSphere Federation Edition provide better results
than WebSphere QualityStage and DataStage? How can she know that the products
she chooses will meet the application desiderata?
Despite the many products available today, there are still many opportunities for
research in each of the basic functions needed. We don’t have an ultimate answer on
how to tell that two pieces of data refer to the same object, for example. We are still
learning how to automate schema integration. The wealth of research pointed to in
Section 3 shows how rich an area integration is for new discoveries.
However, in working with customers such as Janet over the last few years, we have
come to believe that there is a more global problem that needs to be addressed. The
issue that we see is that there is no theoretical –nor much practical –guidance for the
many Janets of the world on how to make these choices. This is problematic, because
the wrong choice can lead to bad results: orders of magnitude difference in
performance, lack of flexibility to accommodate changes in the company’s processes,
or just difficult, time-wasting implementations.
More concretely, what is wrong with today’s products, from the consumer
standpoint? There are too many, with too much functional overlap. (We have
described a relatively simple situation, in which they were all IBM products. In
general, the poor customer would be choosing from many products from many
different companies, much less compatible with each other than the IBM suite). Once
an integration approach is chosen, it is hard to switch; for example, the work done to
use federation today would have to be largely redone to move to a materialization
approach, as might be desired if the data were really massive or response time were
critical, for example. This is too bad, as federation is much better for rapid
prototyping to show the benefits of integration than materialization, which typically
requires months (and sometimes years) of effort before the benefits are visible. When
you consider that integration is an ongoing effort (new sources and new requirements
for information arrive constantly), flexibility becomes a major issue.
The products are also too hard to use together to support a complete integration
scenario. Most of the industrial-strength integration products available today have
many knobs that must be set to configure them to meet a particular set of
requirements. They are typically too focused on their own functionality and not on
smooth interoperability with other tools needed in the integration process. Hence,
they may be difficult or expensive to use in combination. The emergence of product
suites such as IIS as described above is a start at addressing this problem, but there is
still progress needed, especially when dealing with products from multiple vendors.
Ultimately, the time until the customer realizes value from the integration project
(and her investment in the tools) is too long, and the costs are too high. Because of
the complexity of these decisions, even for a simple case such as that in our example,
consulting engagements are frequently needed in even the best-staffed IT departments
in order to deliver a successful integration. Bringing in a specialist makes the project
more likely to succeed, but with high associated cost. It also adds another step to the
process –finding the right expert.
We need enormous advances in integration technology to get beyond these issues.
In an ideal world, integration would happen almost automatically. In this world, the
user would specify what information he wants, what he wants the result to look like,
and what properties he needs the result to have, and the system would “do it”(though
probably with user involvement at various points to verify key decisions, etc). This is
hardly a new vision. We are basically arguing for nonprocedural information access.
In a simpler time, relational databases were the answer to the same quest. The
difference is that in today’s world, the information needed for a new application is
likely to come from multiple heterogeneous sources.
More concretely, we would like to see the various integration execution engines
converge, so that, to the user, there is no visible difference between an ETL engine, a
replication engine, federation or even search in terms of the first three steps of the
integration process. Understanding, standardization and specification should be done
the same way, regardless. The execution will just happen, based on the solution
desiderata: the qualities of service desired, the constraints, and so on. The user might
be blissfully unaware of what execution engine (or engines) does the actual
integration under the covers.
To reach this information integration “nirvana”, a number of advances in
technology are needed. We must raise the level of abstraction significantly above
where it is today, where characteristics of individual products become primary
concerns for the integrator. A critical challenge is to represent all the information
needed for the task. Today, an important component of that information is found only
in the user’s head, or, in a well-disciplined IT department, perhaps in one or more
requirement documents. This is the information on the solution desiderata. Because
it is not available in a machine interpretable format, we have no way for an
integration tool to consider those requirements and hence, automate integration.
The level of abstraction needs to rise in other ways, as well. For example, it must
support logical or even business-level descriptions of what information is needed, as
opposed to concrete physically-linked descriptions such as column and table names,
or existing view definitions. Janet should be able to say she wants customer
information and the system should find and deliver it. That will require much richer
metadata than we have today, much of which will need to be derived automatically.
To support the rising level of abstraction, more sophisticated techniques are needed to
automate the various parts of the process, from discovery to entity resolution to
configuration and tuning.
There are challenges here for both the theoretical and the more systems-oriented
research communities. From the theoretical perspective, we lack a deep
understanding of what fundamental operations are needed to integrate information.
While Bernstein [22] has suggested a set of operations, we do not know if they are
complete, nor do we have precise semantics for them. Is there a unifying theory of
integration that subsumes the separate problems of data integration and data
exchange? We have posited that achieving our goal requires being able to represent
the solution desiderata. What role do these properties or characteristics of the result
play, what aspects can be represented and how? We need a model of these desiderata,
and how they relate to the integration task. We have wished for fully automatic
integration. How close to our goal can we possibly get?
From a systems research perspective, there are several approaches one might take
to this challenge. Perhaps the simplest is to start by building an “Integration
Advisor”, on the model of today’s physical design advisors [49, 50]. This tool would
lead the user through the various integration steps, asking for input on the desiderata,
and then recommend the appropriate engines, and perhaps even generate the
configuration information needed. This would simplify the integration process
greatly. However, there are still many issues to be addressed in creating this tool,
such as what input must the user provide, what really are the tradeoffs among the
different integration approaches, which desiderata matter, and so on. Another
approach would be to start with a language to express the integration desired
(covering data plus desiderata), and then build a system to interpret (or compile) that
request against the tools and engines on hand today. In other words, this approach
would treat the current set of integration engines as given, and the result of
compilation would be a script that invoked one or more of them to accomplish the
integration. Alternatively, the system could compile to a new engine with a complete
set of operators for integration. In this last case, we are returned to the questions of
what is the model of information and what are the basic operations that we posed
above to the theory community, as presumably this system would be the interpreter of
some subset of those operations.
These are big challenges, and they hide a raft of further interesting problems. How
can we deal with uncertainty in a general way within the integration context? How
can we exploit the results of the discovery algorithms that are being developed to tell
us more about the data? Can we extend our theories of integration to include
uncertainty and newly produced knowledge? How much can we model, and how
much must we just make informed engineering choices?
We have focused in this paper on an information-centric view of integration. But
in fact, the most common form of integration today is still enterprise application
integration (EAI). Confronted with a myriad of choices of tools and techniques, many
customers fall back on the most popular alternative: writing a special-purpose
application, possibly exploiting some workflow or other process support tools. We
call this application-level, procedural style of integration process integration.
Integration at the application level is unfortunate, for several reasons. First, it is not
clear that writing a special-purpose application will be simpler even for an easy first
project as in our example. All of the initial hard work to understand the data and
standardize on an integrated representation will need to be done anyway, and an
integration approach chosen, i.e., whether to materialize, federate and/or search.
Without the use of at least some information integration tools, a lot of code will be
written to accomplish the integration [51]. Second, when the code for the integration
is in the application, it can only be optimized by the programmer, so performance will
be only as good as the programmer [52]. Third, it may be harder to reuse the work
done for this application when the next application over the same data or data sources
comes along.
We will never be able to stop programmers from writing code to do integration if
they want to do it. But we can ask how far we can and should go in terms of
simplification. What if we could not only relieve customers from deciding whether
ETL or federation was the answer, but also unify many of the basic tools that are used
in the application for integration (for example, business process integration, message
queuing, and so on)? Can we replace all the process integration and information
integration techniques with a single integration engine? This is what we refer to as
the “Big I” vision: a single engine for all integration needs, which takes a
nonprocedural specification of those needs and automatically chooses the right
approach or combination of approaches.
6 Conclusion
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