Employees Feelings About The Welfare Measures

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EMPLOYEES FEELINGS ABOUT THE WELFARE MEASURES The respondents were asked to express their opinion regarding the welfare measures are going to improve the organizational effecting in Dairyfarm, they have stated the following. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 Strongly Agree Agree Undecided

RATING SCALE Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

NO.OF RESPONDENTS 14 76 10 00 00 100

76 76

PERCENTAGE 14 76 10 00 00 100


14 10 10


ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 76% of the employees agree that the welfare measures are going to improve the organizational efficiently, but 14% Strongly agree 10% Undecided with it. INTERPRETATION: From the above table they are agreed that they are maintaining welfare measures. 2

5. EMPLOYEES OPINION ON LOYALITY & SENSE OF BELONGINGNESS : The respondents were asked to express their opinion regarding whether it bring loyalty and sense of belonging in the employees.

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

RATING SCALE Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

NO.OF RESPONDENTS 14 83 3 00 00 100

PERCENTAGE 14 83 3 00 00 100

ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 97% of employees agree that it bring the loyalty & sense of belonging ness in the employees and 3% of the employees disagree with it. INTERPRETATION:

From the above table employees ara agreed for Loyality and sense of belongingness.

6. EMPLOYEES FEELING ABOUT THE INTELLECTUAL & SOCIAL WELFARE OF FAMILY: The respondents were asked to express their opinion regarding the intellectual & social well being-ness of you and your family in the society S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 RATING SCALE Strongly agree agree undecided disagree Strongly disagree total NO.OF RESPONDENTS 09 88 03 00 00 100 PERCENTAGE 09 88 03 00 00 100

ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 97% of employees agree that it helps for the intellectual & Social well being ness of me & family in the society and 3% are undecided with it .

INTERPRETATION: From the above table employees are strongly agreed for Intelectual and Social welfare of families.

7. EMPLOYEES FEELINGS ABOUT THE ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES: The respondents were asked to express their opinion regarding the accommodation facilities for the workers employed at a distance from their hours , they stated the following. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 RATING SCALE Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO.OF RESPONDENTS 12 78 02 06 02 100 PERCENTAGE 12 78 02 06 02 100

ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 90% of employees agree that the company shall provide the accommodation facilities for the workers employed at a distance from their hours and 10%of them are disagree with it. INTERPRETATION: From the above table employees agreed for providing accomidation facilities.

8. EMPLOYEES FEELING ABOUT THE HEALTH & EDUCATIONAL SERVICES: The respondent were asked to express their opinion regarding the health, educational of services provides by the organization.

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

RATING SCALE Very much Good Average Below average Poor Total

NO.OF RESPONDENT 06 77 15 05 00 100

PERCENTAGE 06 77 15 05 00 100

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 Very much Good Average 6 6 15 15 77 77


ANALYSIS: The 77% of the employees and their children are satisfied with the educational services health provided by the Dairyfarm, and 6% and 15% of the employees are expressed their satisfied opinion on the maintenance of schools & colleges.

INTERPRETATION: From above table employees feeling good at health and educational facilities. 9. EMPLOYEES FEELING ABOUT THE WORKERS CONDITIONS:

The respondents were asked to express their opinion regarding the workers conditions provided in the organization. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 RATING SCALE Very much Good Average Below average Poor Total NO.OF RESPONDENTS 08 74 13 05 00 100 PERCENTAGE 08 74 13 05 00 100

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Very much Good Average Below average 8 8 13 13 5 5 74 74 NO.OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE 100 100

0 0 Poor Total

ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 95% of the employees are satisfied with the working condition provided in the dairyfarm, but 5% are not satisfied with it.

INTERPRETATION: From the above table we can see that employees working condition is good. 10. EMPLOYEES OPINION ON THE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES :

The respondent was asked to express their opinion regarding the recreational facilities provided by the Dairy farm.

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

RATING SCALE Very much Some what Not Not at all Cant Say Total

NO.OF RESPONDENTS 10 88 00 00 02 100

PERCENTAGE 10 88 00 00 02 100

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very much 10 10 0 0 RATING SCALE Very much Some what 10 10 0 0 0 0 2 2 NO.OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE 88 88


Not at all Cant Say

A ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 98% of the employees satisfied with the recreation facilities by the Dairyfarm, and 2% only not satisfied with this. INTERPRETATION: From the above table ,recreational facilities are some what benefited. 11. EMPLOYEE OPINION ON THE WELFARE FACILITIES PROVIDED FOR WOMEN EMPLOYEE:

The respondents were asked to express their opinion regarding the welfare facilities for women employees in the Dairy farm.

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6
120 100 80 60 40 20 4 4 0 Excellent Good 40 40

RATING SCALE Excellent Good Average Below average Poor Total

NO.OF RESPONDENTS 04 40 52 02 02 100

100 100

PERCENTAGE 04 40 52 02 02 100

52 52


2 2 Average Below average

2 2 Poor Total

2 2 Cant Say

ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 52% of employees were felt average 40% of employees felt well, 4%, felt excellent and remaining 4% felt well. INTERPRETATION: From the above table, we can say that welfare facilities are providing average for women employees

12. EMPLOYEES INVOLVED IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF WELFARE PROGAMS: The respondents were asked to express their opinion regarding the implementation of welfare programs in the Dairyfarm.

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

RATING SCALE Always Often Rarely Occasionally Never Total

NO.OF RESPONDENTS 02 22 69 07 00 100

PERCENTAGE 02 22 69 07 00 100

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Always Often 2 2 22 22



7 0 0


Occasionally PERCENTAGE



ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 69% of the employees are involved rarely, 22% of the employees are involved often, and 2% of employees are involved occasionally. INTERPRETATION: From the above table we observe that employees are rarely involved in employee welfare measures. 13. EMPLOYEES OPINION ON NON-STATUTORY WELFARE MEASURES:

The respondent was asked to express their opinion regarding the non-statutory welfare measures provided by the company. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 RATING SCALE Excellent Good Average Below aver age Poor Total NO.OF RESPONDENTS 07 69 24 00 00 100 PERCENTAGE 07 69 24 00 00 100

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Excellent 7 7





0 Good Average

0 age



ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 76% of employees are satisfied and remaining 24% are feeling average.

INTERPRETATION: From the above table employees are good at non-statutory programmes.


The respondent was asked to express their opinion regarding the need of special machinery for the implementation of welfare programs in the organization.

S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6

RATING SCALE Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree Total

NO.OF RESPONDENTS 07 84 02 05 02 100

PERCENTAGE 07 84 02 05 02 100

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly Agree 7 7



2 Agree



Strongly Disagree


ANALYSIS: The above graph reveals that 84% are agreeing, 7% strongly agreeing, 2% are undecided, 5%diagree and remaining 2% strongly disagree. INTERPRETATION: From the above table most of the employees are agreed for special machinery in the organization.


Number of Respondents 5 12 36 51 104

S.NO 1 2 3 4

Age group below 25 26-30 31-35 35&above Total

% of Respondents 4.8 11.5 34.6 49.0 100

Inference: In industrial sector workers are working in different age group starting from 20to58 years. So, the age factor of workers determine their involvement, concentration and performance. The above table points out that, most of the respondents 49% are in age group of 35 &above, 34.6% of respondents are in the age of 31-35 years.11.5% of respondents are in age group of 26-30years.4.8%of respondents are in age group of below 25 years.
Age of the Employee







0 below 25 26 - 30 31 - 35 35 & above

Age of the Employee


% of Respondents 12.5 14.4 29.8 43.3 100

S.No 1 2 3 4

Education H.S.C I.T.I U.G P.G Total

Number of Respondents 13 15 31 45 104

Inference: The above table shows that, most of the respondents (43.3) P.G, have studied U.G, 29.8% of the respondents have studied I.TI, 14.4% of the respondents12.5% of the respondents have studied H.SC and 14.4% of the respondents have studied others in H.sc.

Qualification of the Employee







0 H.s.c I.T.I U.G P.G

Qualification of the Employee

17. EXPERIENCE OF EMPLOYEES: S.No 1 2 3 4 Experience below 5yrs 6-10yrs 11-20yrs above20yrs Total Number of respondents 15 25 23 41 104 % of Respondents 14.4 24.0 22.1 39.4 100

Inference: The above table shows that, most of the respondents (39.4%)have experienced above 20yrs, 24.0% of the respondents have experienced 6-10yrs, 22.1% of the respondents have experienced 11-20yrs and 14.4% of the respondents have experienced 5-15 yrs.

Experience of the Employee

above 20yrs Below 5yrs

6 - 10yrs

11 - 20yrs


S.No 1 2 Marital status Number of Respondents % of Respondents Married Unmarried Total 48 56 104 46.2 53.8 100

Inference: The above table shows that, most of the respondents (53.8%) have unmarried, (46.2%) of the respondents are married.

Marital status






10 0 Married Unmarried

Marital status


S.No 1 2 3 4 5

Monthly Income below 5000 5001 to 10000 10001 to 15000 15001 to 20000 20001 and above Total

No of respondents % of respondents 18 23 16 13 34 104 17.3 22.1 15.4 12.5 32.7 100

Inference: From the above table it is observed that salary level of 20001 and above 32.7% of the respondents.
Monthly Income of the Employee
below 5000

20001 and above

5001 to 10000

15001 to 20000 10001 to 15000


S.NO 1 2 3 4 5

Safety measures Cap, Overcoat & Helmet Cap, Overcoat, Shoes & Gloves Cap, Shoes, Helmet & Eye glass Cap, Shoes, Gloves & Eye glass Cap, Helmet, Overcoat, Shoes , Gloves & Eyeglass Total

No of respondents 8 12 15 25 44 104

% of Respondents 7.7 11.5 14.4 24.0 42.3 100

Inference: From the above table it is found that 44 respondents are expecting cap, helmet, over coat. Shoes, eye glass & gloves and 25 respondents are expecting cap shoes, gloves & eyeglass , from the Management.

Safety Equipment given by Organization







0 Cap, Overcoat & Helm Cap,Shoes, Helment & Cap,Helment,Overcoat Cap,Overcoat,Shoes & Cap,Shoes,Gloves & E

Safety Equipment given by Organization

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