Cavity Block Exercise: Prerequisite Knowledge
Cavity Block Exercise: Prerequisite Knowledge
Cavity Block Exercise: Prerequisite Knowledge
Prerequisite Knowledge
Creating a Part, Saving a Part, Creating a Sketch, Drawing Lines, Automatic Relations Vertical, Horizontal, Coincident. Smart Dimensioning, Extruded Boss/Base (Blind End Condition). On completion of this exercise you will have used: Sketch rectangle Centre line Equal relations Sketch mirror Extruded Boss/Base Extruded Cut Rectangle, Centreline, Add Relation, Sketch Mirror, Extruded Boss/Base and Extruded Cut.
Commands Used
Getting Started New Part Create a new part. Save the part as Cavity Block in your chosen location.
Getting started Where to start? The first feature is the main part of the block and we will then remove the two cavities.
Choosing a plane
Select Top Plane from the manager tree. When you select the top plane four options will appear over the Top Plane. Select the sketch icon from this list of options. To view the sketch toolbar press S on you keyboard.
Creating a sketch
Click the drop down arrow beside the Rectangle command, now select the Centre Rectangle command.
Dimension Sketch
Select Smart Dimension from the sketch toolbar to dimension the sketch
Zoom to Fit
Press F to resize the view to fill the screen. Exit the sketch.
Press S on the keyboard and then choose Extruded Boss/Base from the Features Toolbar.
Click OK button
Renaming a feature
Select the Extrude feature in the Feature Manager Tree. Press F2.
Creating the Cavities Sketching on a Face Any face of a model may be used to generate a plane to contain a sketch.
Select the top face of the block. Then select the sketch icon List that appears.
from the
Change View
From the options on the top of the graphics area select the View orientation icon and select Normal To . This allows us to look in on the surface at a 90 degree angle.
To create a new sketch select the sketch icon from the List on the chosen surface. Then Press S to view the Sketch toolbar. From the sketch toolbar Select centreline from The line command.
Draw a line from the midpoint of the horizontal lines. The midpoint is automatically located when the cursor hovers over the required line.
Draw a second centreline from the origin to the midpoint of one of the vertical lines.
Rectangle Command
Press S and select the Centre Rectangle Sketch command and draw 2 rectangles On the centre line.
Dimension sketch
Exit Sketch. Isometric View Select Isometric from the View Orientation toolbar.
Extruded Cut
Cuts a solid model by extruding a sketched profile in one or two directions. Press S on the keyboard and select Extrude Cut from the Features toolbar.
Cut Extrude Feature Settings End Condition = Through All Through All End Condition This type of end condition always cuts through the entire model no matter how far. Depth is ignored because the Extruded Cut is Through All
Click OK button
Completed feature
Renaming a feature
Rename it Cavity
Click Save
to save your work and click File, Close to close the part.
Exercise Complete!