Autodesk Inventor 2013 Materials and Appearances
Autodesk Inventor 2013 Materials and Appearances
Autodesk Inventor 2013 Materials and Appearances
The color style definition is used to create a new custom Realistic Appearance.
In Inventor 2013 Appearances replace color styles. The Appearance Browser and Editor provide the tools to create new and edit existing appearances. Migration uses the legacy color style definition to move your styles from a prior release to Inventor 2013. As was mentioned before, the option state (checked/unchecked) dictates which part of the color style definition is migrated. To help in making the choice we provide the following: Condition You prefer or use the Realistic Appearance, including changing assignments. You left the option checked (ON). Action No action is required. Your assigned appearance will migrate.
You unchecked (OFF) the Realistic Appearance option for color styles. You have some color styles with the Realistic Appearance ON and some with it OFF.
The appearances displayed in the Document Appearance section are the color styles that are cached in the document. Depending on the age of the document, how you managed style migration in the past, and how you used styles, the number of appearances in a legacy document may range from a few to many. What do I do to keep my custom color styles as Appearances? You need to create a custom library and populate the library with the appearances you want to keep from all documents containing a unique custom appearance.
2. Name the Category. 6. From the Document Appearances section, drag and drop all appearances you want to keep into the custom library. You can drop them on category nodes or on the library node.
How do I purge the unused Appearances? 1. On the Manage tab Styles and Standards panel click Purge. 2. In the Purge dialog box, make certain the box next to Materials is checked. Note: If not purging styles, uncheck the Styles box. 3. In the Compare materials against list, select the material library to compare against, the list updates to show the materials in the document. 4. In the list section, set the Purge? value to Yes for materials you want removed from the document. 5. Click OK. All list items designated "Yes" for purging are removed.
As you can see, there is a difference in color and shininess. This is attributable to the properties that are not used in the Shaded visual style when rendering the scene. See the Appearance Editor documentation for details on which appearance type properties are supported in the Shaded visual style.
Custom color styles with texture maps may require some additional texture modifications. Adjusting textures requires being in the Appearance Editor or using the Adjust Appearance in-canvas tools. We will consider how this is done using the Appearance Editor and picking up the process from where it was in the previous question. 1. In the Appearance Browser, edit the custom appearance. 2. In the Appearance editor, click the Image preview to access the Texture Editor.
3. In the Texture Editor you can: switch images, modify the Position, Scale, and Repeat values. In this instance, Scale needs to be modified.
1. Click the Source name to replace the image with another. 2. Modify the Position of the map including rotation. 3. Scale the map to suit requirements. To scale non-uniformly, click the aspect ratio link. 4. After making modifications, close the Texture Editor. 5. In the Appearance Editor, click Apply, or OK if done editing Appearance. 6. Close the Appearance Browser when done. to break
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Materials Styles
Autodesk Inventor 2013 Materials and Appearances How do I manage my Materials and Appearances?
In Inventor 2012, the Realistic Appearance option was checked as a default. As previously noted, the option setting has migration ramifications. Notably, any color style that has been touched at one time is considered different from the standard Inventor color style, and is migrated as a custom appearance. Custom appearances populate the document and are displayed in the Appearance Browser, Document Appearances section. Lets consider the four most common ways customers have interacted with material and color styles in previous releases. As is Condition Action You do not modify Inventor color styles. In Inventor 2012, in the Style Editor, edit all color You prefer the Shaded visual style display over the styles you want to retain. Ensure the Realistic Realistic visual style display. Appearance option is OFF (unchecked). As a result, you do not use the Realistic visual style display mode. No action is required. The Realistic Appearance You do not modify Inventor color styles. option is ON by default and color styles will You prefer the Realistic visual style display over migrate using those appearance assignments. the Shaded visual style display. As a result, you use the Realistic visual style display mode. Note: You are able to use Task Scheduler to migrate multiple datasets. See Migrating using Task Scheduler later in this document. Style Libraries If you maintain custom Style Libraries or modify those delivered with Inventor and want to retain the changes, you can do so by modifying the 2012 color style use of the Realistic Appearance option. The following table assists in determining the setting you would want to use in Inventor 2012 Color Styles. Condition You do not modify Inventor color styles. You prefer the Shaded visual style display, not the Realistic visual style display. As a result, you do not use the Realistic visual style display mode. You do not modify Inventor color styles. You prefer the Realistic visual style display over the Shaded visual style display. As a result, you use the Realistic visual style display mode. Action In Inventor 2012, in the Style Editor, edit all color styles you want to retain. Ensure the Realistic Appearance option is OFF (unchecked). Save all changes. No action is required. The Realistic Appearance option is ON by default and color styles will migrate using those appearance assignments.
Retaining both requires additional effort. 1. In Inventor 2012, in the Style Editor, edit all color styles you want to retain. Ensure the Realistic Appearance option is OFF (unchecked). 2. Migrate the color styles to a custom library. 3. In Inventor 2012, in the Style Editor, o Edit all color styles you want to retain. Ensure the Realistic Appearance option is ON (checked). o Modify the name to read differently from the Shaded view version. Do this to avoid naming collisions in the document. 4. Migrate the color styles to the custom library.
1. Migrate the colors and materials.xml styles to a new custom material or appearance library. Note: it is not required to have separate libraries, but they may be easier to manage by doing so. 1. Start a new part. 2. In the QAT, click Material Browser . 3. In the browser toolbar, click Manage Migrate Inventor Styles.
4. In the Migrate Styles dialog box specify the Migrate From location which where the 2012 or earlier Materials.xml and Colors.xml files reside. By default the path is
s 5. Click Create New Library. 6. Specify the Migrate To location, typically the same location as the InventorMaterialsLibrary.adsk file. By default the path is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2013\Design Data\Materials in Windows 7. 7. Click OK. The library is created and populates the library section of the Material/Appearance Browser. 8. Drag and drop custom appearances or materials from the Document section or from other libraries into your custom library. 9. Close the Browser. 2. Add the custom library to the active and appropriate projects file. 1. Select the project to which you will add the library. 2. Right-click the Material Libraries node and click Add Library.
3. Navigate to and select the custom library you want to add to the project. Click OK.
Reminder: The migration process uses the Realistic Appearance color style setting to determine which definition is migrated and associated with the appearance name. Take appropriate action as described previously to ensure the correct definition is migrated. IMPORTANT: Inventor 2013 requires a document, new or existing, to be open to get access to the Material and Appearance libraries, content, and user interface. You cannot work on the libraries outside of an open document. Materials and Appearances are no longer styles. They are no longer managed using the Style Library Manager. You still use the Style Manager to transfer other Styles content, such as Drafting Standards, between Style libraries. The Style Management Wizard is no longer available. Though materials and appearances are not considered styles, some style commands are used for library tasks. For example, Purge is used to remove unused materials and appearances from documents. Update is used to modify document materials and appearances so they match library definitions.
Document Templates For customers who did not use style libraries and preferred to retain styles in document templates and managed these according to each template, we strongly urge you to migrate template based styles to custom libraries in order to retain custom appearances. It is neither recommended nor advisable to maintain appearances in a document. The following message is associated with the move from templates to styles and has been in Inventor for a couple of releases.
3. Navigate to and select the custom library you want to add to the project. Click OK. 4. To make the added library the active library, the first one searched or referenced, right click the library node and click Active Library.
Migrating Models
The following provides two examples of how to migrating model and style content.
4. In the Migrate Styles dialog box, specify the Migrate From location which where the Materials.xml and Colors.xml files reside. By default the path is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2012\Design Data in Windows 7.
5. Specify the Migrate To location which is typically the InventorMaterialsLibrary.adsk file or a custom library you create. By default the path is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2013\Design Data\Materials in Windows 7.
Scenario 2: Migrating an individual material style glowingredunranium.styxml Prerequisite: You have exported an Inventor 2012 custom material style to a *.styxml file. 1. Start Inventor. 2. Start a new part file. 3. On the Manage tab, in the Styles and Standards panel, click Style Editor.
7. In the Style Editor, click Done. The style is imported into the current document and is located in the Document Appearances.
9. Drag and drop the imported appearance into the custom library. Alternatively, right-click the appearance and in the Add to list, select the library where the appearance will be stored.
3. Navigate to and select the custom library you want to add to the project. Click OK. 4. To make the added library the active library, the first one searched or referenced, right click the library node and click Active Library.
STEP 3 Update the content center library 1. Keep the project file open and add the custom content center library by clicking on the lower right icon in the editor.
Make sure you have migrated your custom materials before the next step. 3. Click the Update button at the lower right. 4. Optional: Test that the new library works correctly, a. Start a new assembly. b. Place a part from the My Library library. Alternatively, check the material in the content center editor.
Where can I learn more about Material and Appearance libraries and the associated definitions?
Much of the information in this document is found in WikiHelp. There you will find procedures for: Blog topics
Style conflict message How to preserve Inventor 2012 cached styles in Inventor 2013
4. In the Project File Editor, Appearance Libraries , right-click the Inventor Material Library node and select Remove Library. Repeat this step in Material Libraries. Save the changes.
6. Edit the Project File. 7. Right click the Appearance/Material Libraries node and click Add Library.
8. Navigate to and select My_ InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib. 9. Right-click the library node and click Active Library.
Note: After adding your custom library, you can remove all other libraries if you do not want them available by default. You can always navigate to them during a session, they just would not be available automatically. 10. Save the project changes. Modify the Library content 1. Create a new part file, such as AssetMgmnt.ipt. For library management purposes, it is advisable to keep the part free of geometry.
3. In the Material or Appearance Browser, confirm My_InventorMaterialLibrary is the active library. 4. To edit materials or appearances these must be added to a document. 5. Modify materials and appearances according to your requirements. 6. Drag and drop the modified materials and appearances into the respective libraries. 7. Save the part file for future asset tasks and exit Inventor. Overwrite working libraries Customize the following general description to work with your corporate policies and procedures. Set an appropriate time to make the library switch and ensure that NO ONE is accessing the material library file you are replacing. These steps apply to Inventor libraries and custom libraries you create. 1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder where the InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib file is located. 2. Copy My_InventorMaterialsLibrary.asklib and paste into the folder location of the InventorMaterialLibrary. 3. Ensure the file permissions for My_InventorMaterialsLibrary.asklib are Read-Only. 4. (for Vault only) Check out InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib. To avoid an error message, ensure no one is accessing the library.
5. Delete the old InventorMaterialsLibrary.adsklib file. If server-based, take the necessary precautions for a centralized access point. 6. Rename My_InventorMaterialsLibrary.asklib to InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib. 7. (for Vault only) Check-in the renamed library. 8. (for distributed use) Distribute the library to the appropriate machines overwriting the existing library. Before distributing the library, ensure NO ONE is accessing the target libraries you will overwrite. 9. In line with your policies and procedures, notify users that they can begin working. The project file for users continues to point at the InventorMaterialLibrary. IMPORTANT: If, when switching between project files, one of the libraries displays an error and restart Inventor to resolve the library access issue. , exit
4. Exit and Restart Inventor. This step removes the library from memory.
7. Navigate to and select InventorMaterialLibrary_v1.0.adsklib. 8. Right-click the library node and click Active Library.
9. Save the project changes. Modify the library content 1. Create a new part file, such as AssetMgmnt.ipt. 2. In the QAT, click Material Browser
3. In the Material Browser, confirm InventorMaterialLibrary_v1.0 is the active library. 4. Modify document materials and appearances according to your requirements. 5. Drag and drop modified materials and appearances from the Document section into the appropriate library to update the library definition. 6. Save the part file for future asset tasks and exit Inventor. Overwrite working libraries Customize the following description to work with your corporate policies and procedures. 1. Copy InventorMaterialLibrary_v1.0.adsklib and paste into the folder where the InventorMaterialLibrary is located. 2. Ensure that the file permissions on the new version library are Read-Only. 3. (for vault) Check in the new library version to Vault.
Important information
The following information helps you to determine which method will help you manage your libraries effectively. Both methods apply to the Inventor Material Library and custom libraries you create. Vault has a known issue, when you check out a library that is in use in someones document. The following error message displays:
If you edit a material library while someone is still using Inventor the following error message displays:
From within the Material or Appearance Browsers, If you open a library and its copy in the same session, this error message displays:
The two methods involve editing both the project files and library copies. If material library modifications occur frequently, we recommend that you establish a project dedicated to asset management.
The information in this document can be found in various sections of the WikiHelp content. FAQ Part 1 FAQ Part II Data Migration > Whats Changed in R2013 Data Migration > Inventor 2013 Data Migration > Migrate Color Styles to Appearances and Migrate Material Styles to Materials Data Migration > Migrating Content Center custom materials and appearances Manage Materials and Appearances 2013 Library Management Methods Migration Mapping Materials Migration Mapping - Appearances