Men and Women

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Men and women

How familiar are you with such dialogues? And whos who?Whos the man and whos the women?

A: You never agree with anything I say ! B: What do you mean by never ?I have just agreed with the last two issues. A: You always have another opinion and you are the only one whos always right! B: Its not true !I dont have always another opinion. For instance last evening we had the same opinion and also last evening and last Saturady , too, so you cant say that I always have another opinion. A: You say the same every time I talk about this subject. B: That is a lie! I dont say this every time! A: And you caress me only when you want us to make love. B: Dont overreact !Not only when Another dialogue

A: We never go out to a restaurant B: Thats not true !We went out last week. A: Everybody ignores me! B: Im sure some people pay attention to you. A: Im so tired I cant do anything. B: If you dont like the job, quit ! A: The house is a mess all the time ! B: Its not a mess all the time ! A: Nobody listen to me anymore! B: But Im just listening to you! A: Nothing works out! B: Are you blaming me? A: You dont love me anymore! B: How come? Thats why Im here! A: We are always in a hurry! B: Thats not true !On Friday we were restful! A: I want more romanticism! B: Do you mean Im not romantic enough? You can easily notice how a world by-world interpretation of the womens words can actually lead the mean to a misinterpretation because the man is accustomed to use the language as a mean to pass on only actions and information. We can notice as well how the mans answers can lead to an argument.

When men and women are about to argue it usually means that they misunderstand each other. In such circumstances it is important for them to reconsider and interpret what they have heard. Confusing and affection-lacking communication represent the greatest problem of human relationships.


Left hemisphere cordoned the right side of human body Mathematics Speech Logics Facts Deduction Analysis Practicality Order Words of a song Framework Very accurate Details detection

Right hemisphere cordoned the left side of human body Creativity Artistic Visual Intuition Ideas Imagination Perspective view The melody of a song Global image Perception Spacial orientation Multiple processing

In 1995,at Yales University a scientist team lead by dr. Bennett and dr. Sally Shaywitz made some tests on different men and women in order to establish what part of the brain is used to match words in lyrics.Using RMN(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to detect minor changes of blood circulation in different parts of the brain, they confirmed the fact men use mostly the left side of the brain. Unfortunately,nowadays we live in a social environment in which may people insists that we are all the same despite the mountain of evidence showing that we are different programmed and we have evolved with variate innate capacities and inclinations!

Why women are well connected ?

The right and left hemisphere are connected through a series of nerves named corpus calossum .This network makes one part of the brain communicate with the other part hence the exchange of information being allowed. Try to imagine you have two computers on your sholders and they are connected through a single interface. This would be corpus calossum. Roger Gorski, neurologist from the Californian University of Los Angeles confirmed that ,in fact ,the womens brain has a thicker corpus callosum that the mans ,women having over 30% more links between the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere.He also proved that the man and women use different parts of the brain for speech ,whilst women use both left and right side .These experiments as well as countless other researches made in the 90s has abarly pointed out to the same conclusion: mens brain function differently from the womens .

Girls The left side of the brain develops more rapidly than the boys. She speaks sooner and better than her brother. She reads sooner. She learns more rapidly foreign language.

Boys More speech disorders The right side of the brain develops rapidly Better logical orientantion and perception skills. He excels in math, puzzle games construction and problems solving way ahead of girls.

One may think the intersexual differences are minor or irrelevant ,but the evidences dont sustain this perspective.

Why men can do only one thing at a time ? All the researches we benefit agree that as far as men are concerned ,the brain is specialized .Divided. Mens brain is made up to focus on accurate ,precise tasks and the majority of them will tell you they can do only one thing on a time .When the man stops the car to see the name of the street ,what does he do with the radio? He turns it off. The majority of women dont understand why they do that. Women can read while they listen and they can also speak at the same time. Why cant he do it? Why does he want to turn off the Tv when the telephone rings?

The answer is that the mans brain is so divided to make only one thing at a time because there are fewer connections between the right and the left hemisphere through corpus calosssum. These findings have been confirmed by scientists all over the world. Researches have also revealed that the female estrogen hormone stimulates the development of the nerve cells enhancing the connection between the two hemispheres. They also show that the more connections have developed the more fluent speech is. This also explains womens ability to execute at one time more unrelated things. As we have discussed ,therefore, the women is better equipped in terms of sensory, through that multiple connections being able to perform a more rapid transfer of information between hemispheres deliver quick and clear judgments about different people and situation on an intuitive level as well. The womens brain is so divided that she can do many things at a time. These things may well have no connection and still the brain continues to work without interruption .She can talk on the phone ,cooking at the same time a new recipe and watch TV, too. If a men shaves and you talk to him ,surely he will cut himself. As women use both sides of the brain ,many of them find it difficult to distinguish the right from the left hand. About 50% of women cant distinguish between the right and the left hand without looking at a ring or a watch.

Women regard change as it follows They turn to other people, they speak, they try to find ways to make the change. They take time to say goodbye (they might get trapped in this middle phase). They slowly build a new beginning. They picture the future through words and images. They pass onto the change of perspective after everything has been explained. They express their emotions and it is easier for them to be emotionally mobile and flexible. They usually need to enhance self-awareness. Men regard change as it follows: They take action. They pass over the farewell phase and they take charge of the transition phase. They rapidly move towards a new beginning (after they have involved). They give an example instead of explaining. They get more naturally to a self-confidence feeling.

Mistakes women make during changes: They talk too much Mistakes men make during changes: They waste time suffering for what they have lost. They forget to identify or to say goodbye from what they lose They forget to think of them and their needs. by changing. They They analyze different and notice takethings action from without thinkingperspectives of consequences. more opportunities. They follow the first path that comes to their mind. They expect try again if the first attempt fails women think: WhatWhat men think: Men dont have feelings . That she tries to put it off. Where is he going. That she is wick and inflexible. Why doesnt into things at the time. That it is irrelevant he forlook what is needed Why he thought first? That she is hasnt too emotional. She would better get over it. If she needs something, she will let me know. She is reluctant. Why doesnt she choose an option and put it in action?

How to approach a change? He needs to be reminded that She needs time to suffer and to talk about the loss the change brings. She may get stuck thinking of what to do during the changes. She may forget to think of her own needs while helping the others during changes. She has an artistic vision about the future. For her it is easier to be creative during changes. He mustnt Say: Everything will be alright. Why worry? Take action without telling her why and without taking into account her reactions. Consider she will tell him in case she needs anything. Expect her to follow him without having previously talked to her. Ignore her solutions. She needs to be reminded that When changes occur, men need to take action. If she needs support, she would better ask for it. Sometimes it is better to just follow him and then ask for his motives. If he makes many things at a time it doesnt mean he doesnt listen to her. He is not used to watch all the time the person whom he speaks to. She mustnt Consider him insensitive. Assume he knows what she needs. Tell him that it is wrong to take action immediately after changes. Expect him to spend a lot of time talking to his friends when opportunity strikes. Get upset if he looks into a different direction during an important conversation. Remember! Each gender has a natural style that comes in hand when approaching changes. It is likely that women should ask for help, search the possible options and regard change in a less structured way. Men are prone to act and prefer traditional solutions and structure. It is ok to borrow some of the opposite genders attitudes, but it is difficult to always behave against your nature. If you know your style as well as the opposite genders style you will be able to

understand the other one and to better communicate.

Men, women and changes along the life circles Change may have various meanings in different life ages. Men and women regard themselves differently as they go along the years. Let us look at ourselves with a smile: Age 8 15 20 A woman looks at herself in the A man looks at himself in the mirror mirror She sees a fairytale princess. He sees a sports hero. She sees herself fat/ with freckles/ He sees a young man; he wishes he clumsy/and she wants to stay in. were older, more mature. She sees herself fat/ with freckles/ He sees somebody the world is clumsy, but she goes out. 30 40 waiting for, somebody young and strong, whom future awaits for. She dislikes what she sees but she He sees successes and focuses on is too busy to care. promoting in life , career, etc. She dislikes what she sees, but she He sees less hair , white hairs, and says to herself: At least I am starts looking for something else but 50 clean and she goes out. he doesnt really know what that is. She sees a woman and goes to live He sees gray hair and says to himself her life. 60 he would better do something fast before everything comes to an end. She sees a woman and says to He sees only gray hair, thinks he has herself: If only they saw me a last opportunity in life and enjoys 70 know. its sweetness. She is happy to see a living He is happy is he sees a little hair, woman who breathes and enjoys thinks Let by goners be by goners 80 life. and starts enjoying himself. She puts a flower in her hair and He is amazed he is still alive, spends goes out to have fun. 90 a lot of time thinking of the past and still enjoys his hair. She cannot see well, so why He doesnt look in the mirror worry! anymore, he spends a lot of time

sleeping, and in his dreams he has still got hair.

Men, women, changes and love affairs Men and women regard themselves even more differently in terms of love affairs. Therefore it is no wonder that sometimes we seem not to be able to ever come together. Age 8 15 20 30 40 50 60 A womans love life A mans love life She doesnt care about the boys. He hates girls. She likes boys and tries to figure He is interested in girls, but he is out what they really want. Men fight over her attention. afraid of them. He likes girls and isnt fearful

anymore. She hears the biological clock Women want him now. ticking. It is the last change for her to find Women want him even more now. the chosen one. She feels the warmth of young He rules the social life arena. women. She understands the reasons why He feels he wants to bond to a certain women get down to plastic woman. surgery. She would like to find a man who He is happy to be with any woman. could drive at night. She would like to find a man who He is happy to be with anybody else. could drive. She is happy if she can walk. He is happy to be.

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