Psychrometrics 20111212 PDF
Psychrometrics 20111212 PDF
Psychrometrics 20111212 PDF
. Psychometric ..
2-1 (evaporation) (Condensation) (Standard Air) (Specific Heat of Air) Daltons Law 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-10 (Temperature) (Temperature) (Temperature) on nsat on 2-10 2-11 2-13 2-17 2-19 2-19 (Specific Volume) ( Enthalpy ) 2-23 2-24 2-27 2-27 2-31 2-39 2-39 2-43 2-45 (ETS) an at a n 2-48 2-49 (Heat) 2-50 2-51 2-53 Air Washer 2-54 2-55
. . . . s o t at .. Dry Bulb .. Wet Bulb .. Dew Point .. .. Humidity Ratio .. Relative Humidity .. .. . ns l at at (Cooling . Lat nt . Sensible (Humidification Latent Process
heating) Dehumidification)
. Air Mixing Process . Determining Supply Air Condition . Coil Process . Psychometric Analysis . Contact Factor(CF) Bypass Factor(BF) . Reheat . Fan . Steam injection . Chilled Water . . Water Spray into Air Steam (Adiabatic Saturation)
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
Chapter-2 Psychromatics ( ( ) on t on n Dry Bulb Enthalpy meaning) () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Psychrometric (equation) s Ps o o t t at at Sensible heat lat nt (property of a at total at (mixed air) s ns l lat nt total ool n on pt (properties) at n loa (air property) (air property Wet Bulb Standard s o t s f u t Dew o nt Ps o t (physical Relative Humidity(RH) sp
. Psychometric American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) a (humidity) on t on n (cleanliness) (treat on t on n u air conditioning (temperature) (distribution) p o ss
s the process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature, st ut on to tt qu nts of t on t on spa
t , l anl n ss an
air con on Confort a on t on n p o ss (t at (properties of air) Confort a on t on n Industrial air conditioin (confortable) Industrial air con t o n
(dry air)
o st a 2-1
(atmosphere) air-water vapor (dry air)
aqueous vapor
Mo st air)
Mo st
(dry air) conditioning system Chart (chart) s o t s at (properties of air) (line) (table) (properties of air) (treat) (chart) Psychometric air
(properties of air)
Air conditioning process SI chart Psychrometric c a t Industires cooling process Air con (trouble s o t s at constant Wet Bulb (p ssu s o t s at (w at (physical meaning) Constant Enthalpy at (parallel) a on t on n Psychrometric c a t chart IP (chart)
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
( )
equipment process Ps o t at (line) (straight line) process (process) ? (curve) process air conditioning Process a - on t on n
(solid form)
apo at on
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
(evaporation) (hot air) (evaporation) evaporation (evaporation) (evaporation) (vaporization wat at a (Condensation) con nsat on (e apo at on at (water vapor content) o al Dry Bulb (water Dry Bulb Wet Bulb (water vapor content) (condensation) t on Vaporization
vapor content)
Dry Bulb
(water vapor) (water vapor) Saturated Air and Unsaturated Air content) (water vapor) (water vapor) . (standard) (
(sea p ssu L l
l (70
29.921 tan a
(atmospheric a
on t ons at
- . (h at Specific heat (mass) (1 k (1 kilocalorie) (energy) U a K Cp =1.006 kJ/kg K (1C) 68F (20C) (air) (water) sp lo alo f at 1 (Specific Heat of Air) (heat sp f at
(a ount of
at (energy) 1 Spec f at
(1 lb) sp sp f t f at p atu at
Cp =1.006 kJ/kg
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
Air Specific heat (Btu/ lb F) Density at 68F (lb/ ft ) Heat capacity of fluid at 68F (Btu / ft F) (air) Substance air Water Ice Wood Iron Mercury Alcohol Copper remove) (water) (ice) specific IP
3 3
Conventional metric and Yard-pound system kcal/kgC, Btu/lbF 0.24 1.0 0.504 0.327 0.129 0.0333 0.615 0.095
S.l metric system kJ/kg K 1.005 4.187 2.110 1.369 0.540 0.139 2.575 0.398 (heat
- 1 BTU
1 kcal (1 lb) U n 1
Sensible heat (dry air) (water vapor) Latent Heat Sensible Heat + p as
= Total heat
[Latent Heat is the ENERGY stored in Water Vapour.] [Sensible Heat is the ENERGY stored in dry air.] . (substance) Daltons Law s t total p ssu Daltons Law (mixture) quals t su (total pressure) (partial pressure) of t pa t al p ssu mixture
P = Total pressure Pa = partial pressure of dry air Pw= partial pressure of water vapor 25C Saturated vapour pressure a Partial pressure of dry air(Pa)= Partial pressure of saturated vapour(Pw)= Total(standard) pressure(P)= Humidity ratio (partial pressure of dry air) ratio Daltons Law Pa = P Pw Pa = 14.6-0.2 = 14.4 Psia Humidity ratio = 0.0086 lb w/ lb d.a (water vapor)
ps a humidity
partial pressure
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
(dry air)
W = 0.0086 lb w/lb da x 7000 gr/ lb = 60. 2 gr w/lb da (dry air) (water vapor) 60.2 grain
Pw = partial pressure of water vapor at Dry Bulb temperature Pws = situation pressure of water vapor at Dry Bulb temperature . s o t at
- s
at (Temperature)
- s
.. Dry Bulb
Bulb Dry
t ul
- l n
Dry Bulb
Wet Bulb
- Dry lu
Wet Bulb Wet Bulb Wet Bulb Dry Bulb wat t ul apo
WB (evaporation) Dry Bulb (amount of moisture) Wet Bulb Dry Bulb t ul Dry Bulb Wet Bulb
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
(water vapor) (evaporation) ul Dry (humidity) ( t a a at satu at on ul Bulb (temperature (humidity) (humidity) t ul (cooling effect)
Dry Bulb
- Dry Bulb W t lu
t ul Dry Bulb t ul t
Dry () (37C) Wet Bulb Wet Bulb Wet Bulb () Dry (33C) Bulb
(water 2-11
76.5F Ps o t at
- 76.5F Wet Bulb Cooling coil Specific Ent alp (leaving air) D
- D
psychrometric WB humidity at o
- 90F DB (intersection point) WB 71.2F .. Dew Point (liquid Dew Point Humidity(RH) Relative temperature) (current air temperature) 100% RH Humidity(RH) (Temperature) onstant water) ao t
D tu l
humidity ratio 55 a
specific enthalpy
Dew Point
Relative Hu
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
Relative Humidity(RH) 80F DB 100% Relative Humidity(RH) 100% Relative Humidity(RH) D D - Dew Point Dew Point condensation Dew Point (condensation) Point A Point B 08kg Dew Point Wet Bulb 25C A(point A) Dry Bulb (water vapour content) 50% satu at satu at 25C 0.020 16 kg (water vapour content)0.010 (100% Saturated air (water vapour content) saturated air (water vapor) Dew Point (current air temperature) ul ul 100F Dry Bulb
- Dew Point B
satu at on l n
(water 14.2C (water vapour content)0.010 08kg 0.010 08kg B(point (wat apo
atu at
nsat on
- D w po nt on (temperature)
nsat on
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
ul ul 100% D w o nt
D w o nt
D w o nt (water vapor) (water vapor) Dew Point Dew Point Dew Point (temperature) (moisture or water vapour) Dew Point (moisture or water vapour) condensation Dew Point Dew Point Saturated Air 100% RH Dry Bulb Wet Bulb (horizational line) Dew Point (temperature) (temperature) (-
(saturated air)
p atu Dry Bulb 80F (condensation) (condensation) 80F Dry Bulb o t s at ( 50 D 50% Relative Humidity(RH) 2-15 50 % Relative Humidity(RH) Dew Point Relative
( ( ) D
) (intersection Point) Dew Point (condensation (condensation Dew Point Wet Bul (Properties) Dry Bulb(given) RH %(given) Wet Bulb Dew Point = = = = 80F 50% 67F 59F (Value) Wet Bul Dew Point
- Dew Point .. on
Web Bulb
Dew (water (condensation) Dew condensation con nsat on Point (t p atu (t p atu vapour) Point
Dew Point
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
- Condensation Dew condensation con Dew Point (fully saturated) Point on nsat on (Single- laz D Humidity (RH) w n ow nsat on Point
70F DB (condensation)
% RH 2-17
RH (condensation u u t t at o at o
(dry a
(water vapor)
at o (water vapor)
(water vapor)
at o
.. Relative Humidity
- Relative Humidity Relative Humidity(RH) (percentage Dry Bulb saturation lat Dry Bulb Dry Bulb satu at on Dry Bulb
- Relative Humidity saturation (percentage Dry Bulb (percentage satu at on satu at on satu at on 100% saturation
(weight) Relative Humidity(RH) Relative Humidity(RH) wat apo ns t wat apo ns t ass p un t olu
abolute satu at on
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
- apa t ont nt D ul Relative Humidity(RH) Dry Bulb D t ul ul t Dry ul Wet Bulb Bulb
ul Dry Bulb
( )
Dry Bulb
(water vapor)
(water vapor)
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
Relative Humidity(RH) Saturated air 100 % Relative Humidity 100 % Relative humidity Dry Bulb 90F Wet Bulb 90F Dew Point 90F
100% RH
80 % Relative humidity Dry Bulb 80F Wet Bulb 75F Dew Point 73F
50 % Relative humidity Dry Bulb 90F Wet Bulb 75F Dew Point 69F Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Wet Bulb depression
( %
) 80% Relative
100% Saturated Air Dew Point Wet Bulb the air) Bulb (saturated) (water vapour) unsaturated (100 % saturation (a) ) Dry Bulb (Wet Bulb
) Dry
latent heat -
vapour) 2-21
(evaporation) (water vapour) latent heat Relative Humidity(percent) depression .. Specific volume (dry air) Specific volume IP (volume) ft3 l (ft
Wet Bulb
(Specific Volume) (dry Specific volume air) SI (volume) m3 (m3) (dry air) (volume)
o at
at specific volume
Dry Bulb
specific volume
80F Dry
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
- Specific volume
nt alp (total
t energy)
s st n
(total energy Thermodynamic (control volume) (gas burbine t o na Thermodynamic pot nt al enthalpy nt alp s ns l lat nt at at t o system na
int nal
(gas burbine) s st thermodynamic system Ent alp (dry air) (water vapor) (liquid) nt alp s of Vaporization nt alp s of Vaporization of Water solids) thermodynamic pot nt al s st
- Enthalpy
Wet Bul
s al
onstant nt alp (error) Ent alp nt alp (Unit) Ul Wet Bulb Wet Bulb
30C Dry Bulb 25C (enthalpy) (Enthalpy) 25C Dry Bulb 65%RH 25C Dry Bulb
70% RH
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
Dry Bulb
(vertical line)
34F Dry Bulb Relative Humidity(RH) (intersection po nt Wet Bulb Wet Bulb
Dry Bulb (water vapour content) constant humidity sensible (heat remove) nt alp Sensible cooling ) (increases) (increases) (increases) (increases) (decreases) (constant) (constant) (constant) (Humidification Dehumidification) (water vapour addition) Humidification (heat loss ) (decreases) (decreases) (decreases) (decreases) (increases) (constant) (constant) (constant) at n po ss
sensible ool n p o ss Parameters Dry Bulb Temperature Enthalpy Humid Volume Wet Bulb Temperature Percentage Saturation Moisture Content Dew Point Temperature Vapour Pressure . Latent Heat Sensible heating (heat ga n
Humidification ( o (dehumidification
- Humidification
- Sensible heating
(process) Cooling u
Cooling f n 2-26
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
- Sensible heat
(process) (process)
- sensible heat
(dry air) air (water vapor) sensible heat Sensible heat process sensible heat (dry air)
(water vapor)
sensible heat
an IP
w x t
Q= Sensible heat added to or removed from air(BTU/hr) Ma = Mass of dry air = weight of air(lb/hr) Mw=Mass of water vapour = weight of water vapour( lb/hr) t = t2-t1= temperature change in(F) l t lb/hr (moist air)
(dry air)
(water vapor)
- Electric resistance heater (water vapor) (water vapor) sensible heat = 2880 Btu/hr (electric heater) Qs = 0.24 x 400 x (90-60)
- Heating process
Capacity = 2880 Btu/hr x 1kw/3410 Btu/hr = 0.84 kW (water vapor) Psychrometric chart sensible heat 60F Dry Bulb 65%RH (heater) (error) humidity ratio l wl a RH
Mw=0.0072 lbw/lb d.a x 400 lb air/hr= 2.9 lbw/hr water vapour nt alp (change) w x t
Qs = 0.24 x 400(90-60)+ 0.45 x 2.9 x(90-60) = 2880 + 39 = 2919 Btu/hr , vapor) vapor) M Psychrometric c a t point) specific volume CFM (gas) (pressure) air) CFM 2-28 13.25 ft/lb specific volume (gas) (entering air) CFM (temperature) (leaving 60F Dry Bulb 65% RH (intersection enthalpy change Q(sensilbe) (heater) (volume flow rate) 400 lb/hr % tu (water (water
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
14.0 ft3 l
a (entering air) (leaving air)CFM mass flow rate (leaving (entering air) volume matric flow rate
Leaving air flow rate (CFM)= 400 lb/hr x 1hr/60min x 14.0 ft3/lb = 93.3 CFM Law of conservation of mass air) CFM
CFM - cooling coil coil (performance) : cooling coil sensible cooling p fo an sensible cooling sensible cooling capacity 50,000 Btu/hr Dry Bulb 2000 CFM Dry Bulb coil cooling coil cooling
tout= tin - t = Cooling coil (leaving air) vaporization (evaporation) sensible performance Dry Bulb (evaporation tu l
QL W2 W1 . Sensible Latent Process Air conditioning system Cooling latent heat (heat) IP QTotal = Q Sensible + Q Latent
= Latent heat Change, Btu/hr or Watt = Humidity Ration Change, grw/ lb da process (process) sensible heat latent heat (cooling) (process) Air side SI QTotal = Q Sensible + Q Latent QS (Watt)= 1.232 x L/s x(t2-t1) QL(Watt)= 3012 x L/s x(W2 W1) QTotal(Watt)= 1.2 x L/s x(h2-h1) = Volume Flow Rate of Air being process. = Enthalpy Change(Btu/lb F) = temperature an = Humidity Ration Change(lbw/lb d.a) Air Handling Unit(AHU) rate) air) air Dry Bulb , M Dry Bulb (kJ/kg K) (kg/kg d.a) (air flow (return supply (supply air)
sensible heat
QS(Btu/hr) = 1.1 x CFM x(t2-t1) QL(Btu/hr) = 0.68 x CFM x(W2 W1) QTotal(Btu/hr) = 4.5 x CFM x(h2-h1) CFM h2-h1 t2-t1 (t w2 w1(w L/s
- Cooling process ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Sensible cooling capacity Latent cooling capacity Total cooling capacity The amount of moisture condensed (or) removed.
= 1.1 x 20,000 x 18 = 396,000 Btu/hr Psychrometric Chart W1 W2 w2 w1 =82-75 = 7.0 gr w/lb da = 0.68 x 20,000 x 7.0
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
= 95,000 Btu/hr (total heat Removed) 396,000 Total heat h1 h2 Enthalpy Psychrometric cooling capacity Refrigeration Ton ? + 95,000 = 491,000 Btu/hr
nsat on
() condensate pipe
condensate water (size) (SI unit) Question 25C Dry Bulb 20 ) (properties) (SI CFM L/s
drain pipe
- ( ( ) () ) 25 C Dry Bulb 25C Dry Bulb 20 C Wet Bulb 20 C Wet Bul 25C Dry Bulb po nt 20C Wet Bulb (intersection point) Dott V t al L n Wet Bulb Dott lopp n (intersection (properties)
Property Dry Bulb temperature Wet Bulb temperature Relative Humidity(RH) Enthalpy Humidity Ratio by Mass Specific Volume of Air Dew Point temperature (SI unit) = = = = = = =
Value 25C (given) 20C (given) 63% 57.5 kJ/kg of dry air 12.6 g/kg dry air 0.86 meter cube/kg of dry air 17.6C o nt 50C Dry Bulb
o nt
o nt
- Psychrometric chart (air propertie) D Entering air temperature L Leaving air temperature Blue Line Yellow Line Red Line Green Line Black Line Brown Line Grey Line Purple Line = = = = = = = = Cooling Process EAT Dry Bulb temperature EAT Wet Bulb temperature EAT Enthalpy LAT Dry Bulb temperature LAT Enthalpy EAT Humidity Ratio(Same as LAT on sensible cooling) LAT Humidity Ratio M (outside air) sensible ool n 75F Dry Bulb 70.5F WB Psychrometric chart
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
Outside Conditions(EAT): Entering Air CFM = 2000 Dry Bulb = 90F Wet Bulb = 75F ( ( ) () (outside air) (point) ) Dry Bulb Dry Bulb Design Web Bulb ( otto
Final Conditions(LAT):leaving air CFM = 2000(Same) Dry Bulb = 75F Wet Bulb = 70.5F o zontal ax s t ul
t axis)
lat nt ool n (final conditions) LAT Point, leaving air condition Dry Bulb = po nt (brown line at o (purple line (runing) Fan Coil Unit(FCU) (performance U ll wat air side (performance DX (Direct Expansion) Un t (locate 26.41 Btu/lb.
chilled water un t ( )
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
() ()
(propety (formula) (flow rate) Data U 18,000 CMH Temp: 13 / 12.8(C Dry Bulb/WB) data Psychometrics at data Enthalpy(h)= 36.1 kJ/kg = apa t Off-coil h2(Point 1) total cooling capa t = 36.1 kJ/kg Data Liter per Cube Feet per
On Coil Condition:= Return Air 18,000 CMH Temp: 26 / 19(C Dry Bulb/WB) Ps s o o t t s at at latent ool n Enthalpy(h)= 53.9 kJ/kg On-coil h1 (Point 1)
before point (point 1) After point(Point 2) Before Point (Point 1) (entering air properties) Point 1 Enthalpy = h1(kJ/kg) Point 1 Dry Bulb Temp = t1(C) Point 1 humidity ratio = w1(kg/kg d.a) , M
Point 2 Enthalpy = h1(kJ/kg) Point 2 Dry Bulb Temp = t1(C) Point 2 humidity ratio = w1(kg/kg d.a)
Liter per Sencond =(18,000 CMH x 1,000 )/ 3600 = 5000 L/s = 5,000 X 1.2(53.9 36.1) = 106,800 Watts = 106.8 kW(106.8/3.517 = 30.37RT) = 5,000 X 1.2(26 13) = 80,080 Watts = 80.1 kW(80.1/3.517= 22.77RT) ( Return air Supply air Return Air Flow Rate ata in(kW)
ool n
(data) 19.5C Wet Bulb 13.03C Wet Bulb total cooling capacity 2-35
at ( ) tu n a
tu n a
o nt DB
(locate) (intersection po nt
RH = 51.26(%), h(enthalpy)= 55.4 kJ/kg W= 0.01122 kg of water/kg of dry air ( ) uppl = a DB h(enthalpy)=36.71 kJ/kg (intersection point)
W= 0.00919 kg of water/kg of dry air at properties) ( ) ( ) pa a t al ulat utton Dry Bulb onl n softwa (lair
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
() () () () () ()
19.5C WB
= 51.26(%), h(enthalpy)= 55.4 kJ/kg = 0.01122 kg of water / kg of dry air = 13.4C Dry Bulb 13.03C WB = 96.00 (%), h(enthalpy)=36.71 kJ/kg = 0.00919 kg of water / kg of dry air = 1.2 x Liter per Sec x( h1-h2) = 1.2 x 3236 x(55.4 - 36.71) = 72,4577 Watt = 20.63 RT
Total Cooling(Watts)
= 1.232 x Liter per Sec x( t1-t2) = 1.232 x 3236 x(26.7-13.4) =51,414 Watt = 51.41 kW / 3.517 = 14.61 RT = 3012 x Liter per Sec x(w1-w2) = 3012 x 3236 x(0.01122-0.00919)= 19,878 Watt Yor an U
technical r po t
U ool n
o l sp
f at on
. Air Mixing Process Air conditioning process Air mixing process (outdoor air) supply air heat (content) Conservation of energy return air sensible (air mixing process)
(heat gain)
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
Cooling load
(low temperature air) supply air (heat extraction) - - Air con , tu Wet Bulb sensible cooling load 78F Dry Bulb (air flow rate) , 50% RH M supply air tu
) Chart WR = 71 gr w/lb d.a WS = 71-16 = 55 gr w/lb d.a CFM CMH supply air CFM condition Supply Air Condition (F Dry Bulb) 53 58 62.4 78 Point 1 1A at (condition) (sastified) (properties) Point R = 78F Dry Bulb - (points) Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) Psychometric c a t ( ( ) ) Room condition ( %RH RSHR RSHR slop condition Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) heat latent heat ) RSHR slop room con t on Sensible Heat Factor(SHF) RSHR supply air condition Room Sensible Heat Ratio (RSHR) Supply air RSHR sensible RSHR Dry Bulb Wet Bulb 50% RH supply air 1B W( gr w / lb d.a) 55 60 62.6 50% Psychometric (points) Dry Bulb RH(%) CFM uppl Wet Bulb supply air a olu flow at Supply air volume flow rate
Point 1 1A 1B R
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
- (condition) Dry Bulb %RH WB) RSHR Line Sensible Heat Ratio Slop(RSHR) cooling load c at () RSHR , RSHR Line RSHR (equation) tu s o t RSHR sensible cooling load 77F Dry Bulb SHR (sastified)
at point
0.75 slope Guide Point guide line guide point 80F Dry Bulb
SHR Guide
room condition point SHR slop RSHR supply air condition RSHR RSHR Equipment 0.75 slop supply air RSHR room condition RSHR air conditioning equipment supply air condition
(customer) 2-41
(customer) data RSCL = 150,000 Btu/hr Room design conditions = 78F Dry Bulb Design supply air = 62F Dry Bulb Supply air condition (measured) = 61F Dry Bulb ( ( ) ) RSHR equation supply air condition 59F WB RLCL = 53,000 Btu/hr 50%RH
( )
(design condition) ( ) Supply air condition point c at air condition unit 62F Dry Bulb adjust
- ( ( ) ) SHR cooling coil (outdoor air) ps (analysis . Coil Process Cooling Cooling coil (leaving air)
( ) Refrigerant temperature
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
process line
st a
t ln condition
- Cooling coil process process (straight line) cooling coil (performance) t ou l coil line) Cooling coil (entering air) 24,000 CFM 86 F DB 2-43 process line s oot n (straight line cooling
59 F Dry Bulb
cooling coil
Enterign Air Point = Point 2 Leaving Air point = Point 1 Qsensible = 1.1x CFM x(t2-t1) = 1.1 x 24,000 x(68-59) = 734,000 Btu/hr Qlatent = 0.68 x CFM x(w2-w1) = 670,000 Btu/hr Qtotal= 734,000 + 670,000 = 1,404,000 Btu/hr = 117 tons - Total Capacity Qtotal enthalpy(h) = 4.5 x CFM(h1-h2) = 4.5 x 24,000(36.8-23.8)= 1,404,000 Btu/hr IP Qs(Btu/h) Ql(Btu/h) Qtotal(Btu/h) (Unit) . Psychometric Analysis supply air condition capacity ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Room sensible and latent heat gain (heat load calculation Outside and inside design condition ) Ventilation(outside air) requirement ( Supply Air CFM Dry Bulb Supply (size) draft s o fo t ASHRAE SMACNA ANSI AISI data air CFM (application) application duct (size supply air CFM Dry Bulb Duct staleness CFM recommendation ) ( ) Weather data cooling coil = 1.1 x CFM x (t2-t1)F = 0.68 x CFM x (W2-W1) = 4.5 x CFM x (h2-h1) Qs(watt) Ql(watt) Qtotal(watt) SI = 1.232 x L/s x (t2-t1)C = 3012 x L/s x (W2-W1) = 1.2 x L/s x (h2-h1)
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
(outside) design condition (inside) design condition ( utside air) difference) ( ( ) () ( ) ) Supply air CFM Supply air conditioning Conditioning entering cooling coil M
Supply air
- (outside air) exhaust Air ( ) RSCL = 1.1 x CFM3(t4-t3) duct Exhaust Air
( )
RSHR Point 3 WB
( )
(entering air)
return air
Point 7 Point 2 (entering air) po nt cooling coil Point 3 coil process WB2 = 67.2F
Point 3
Qs = 1.1 x CFM 2( Dry Bulb2 Dry Bulb3 ) = 1.1 X 33,640( 81.2-58) = 858,500 Btu /hr Coil latent load QL = 0.68 x CFM2( W2 W3) = 0.68 X 233,640(77.5-65.0) = 286,000 Btu/hr Total cooling load Qt = Qs + QL = 1,145,000 Btu/ hr = 95.4 Refrigeration Ton (RT) QS(Coil sensible load) hx h3 (horizational distance)
QS= 4.5 x CFM( hx h3 ) = 4.5 x 33,640( 29.8-24.1) = 862,900 Btu/hr QL(Coil latent load) h2 hx (vertical distance) QL = 4.5 x CFM(h2 hx) = 4.5 x 33,640(31.7-29.8) = 287,600 Btu/hr Qt(Total cooling load) h2 h3 (distance) Qt = 4.5 x CFM((h2 h3) = 4.5 X 33,640(31.7-24.1) = 1,150,000 Btu/hr = 95.4 tons RSHR mixing air cooling coil room air (outside air) cooling load load coil process room heat load (outside air heat) (heat) (remove) outside air load 2-46 load coil
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
Cooling coil (room load) (outside air load) RSCL RLCL QTotal(OA) Coil Load Contact Factor(CF) (surface)
= 740,000 Btu/hr = 150,000 = 257,400 = 1,147,000 Btu/hr Effective Surface Temperature(ETS). (surface) cooling coil Bypass Factor(BF) cooling coil
Effective temperature)
coil coil
cooling coil cooling coil EST saturated air Dry Bulb (leaving air)
coil ( coil Bypass Factor(BF) Cooling surface tube velocity CF (-) Coil EST Coil process line b pass (size) fin arrangement of rows
CF = 1 (surface)
) cooling coil (leaving air) (leaving air) saturated air cooling coil (fin spacing) air face coil process line ETS
c at
Dry Bulb1 = Dry Bulb temperature of air entering to the cooling coil ( ) Dry Bulb2 = Dry Bulb temperature of air leaving to the cooling coil( EST = Effective Surface temperature of Coil(F) - Cooling coil DB ( ( ) ( ) ) 54 at Point 2 Coil process line Contact Factor(CF) l a n ondition Bypass Factor(BF) (entering saturated line equation air) Point 1 (leaving air) coil process line 100% RH Line Contact Factor(CF) DB (entering air) 56 Effective Surface Temperature(EST)
= 0.83 Bypass Factor(BF) Coil Cool n ol (steep) coil process steep coil process r . Reheat Cooling coil )
coil selection
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
electric heater
- Reheat coil used to provide satifactory supply air condition supply air condition ( ) Room Latent Cooling Load(RLCL) (steep) RSHR reheat ( ) Cooling coil Humidity l (steep) RSHR (industrial application) cooling coil dehumidification reheat comfort air conditioning . Fan (Heat) at Fan Heat Gain(FHG) l reheat RH(%) capacity ool n ol cooling coil supply air 100% Outside air r at Room Total Cooling Load(RTCL) saturation line
- gain)
an Fan Air Handling Unit (AHU) Draw-through steam) Fan heat gain AHU Blow-through (up steam) cooling heat
(power) fan ga n Draw-through fan cooling coil fan cooling coil FHG
16C Dry Bulb ol water mass flow capacity 1.02 hot water coil
at n hot
specific heat
(heating) s
. Water Spray into Air Steam (Adiabatic Saturation) Saturated (evaporation) latent heat
sp a n
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
sensible heat
(loss Enthalpy
Dry Bulb (heat adding) (heat removing) psychometric chart 21C Dry Bulb 50% saturation (airstream) (spray) (mixture) ultimate condition (heat (heat enthalpy adding) removal)
- Water Spray into Air Steam ps enthalpy(41.08 kJ/kg) (latent at an saturation enthalpy enthalpy o t at process sensible heat constant (sensible heat loss) latent heat
(mixture) (evaporation)
satu at
Ultimate condition
saturation point (point C) AC/AB 0.2K spray system effectiveness AC constant Wet Bulb constant (dry air) Gas mixture . Steam Injection (moisture) (steam injection) form) ) Dry Bulb 100C Steam injection 100C steam 21C Dry Bulb 50% saturation airstream 1 kg steam/150 kg dry air (final condition) moisture content of air before = 0.0079 kg/kg moisture added, 1 kg/150 kg = 0.0067 kg/kg Final moisture content = 0.0148 kg/kg superheated (evaporation) Steam (Dry (water spraying) (water vapour sensible heat Bulb steam Wet Bulb (water vapour) mixture Adiabatic (constant enthalpy) (error)
- Steam injection Dry Bulb 20C 100C steam steam specific heat capacity specific heat capacity
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
(steam) . Chilled Water Air Washer (final air condition) chilled water o stu
Dry Bulb
(entering air) spray ont nt (moisture) (Moisture will condense out of the air.)
- Chilled Water Air Washer (leaving air) sn l saturation efficiency spray banks air washer % 23C Dry Bulb 50% saturation single bank air washer (a) (b) Chart satu at on (by proportion) Dry Bulb Dry Bulb 23C 5C % (0.008 9 kg/kg 23C () () (final condition) (final condition) 10.4C Dry Bulb satu at on ff (spray n AC/AB an of sp a % % AC/AB (initial water temperature B) air washer Double %
saturation efficiency
chiller water
(spray )
= 4.77 kJ = 1.1 K . ( ) Psychometric chart DB (F) a b c d e ( ) 70 40F Dry Bulb DP WB ( ) 75F Dry Bulb (condensation) ( ) 90F Dry Bulb cooling
WB (F) 60 65
Dew Pt (F)
80 75
50 50 40% 70% (electric heater) RH (surface) s 52F o t at 80F process (cold water) RH% 70F Dry Bulb dehumidification process 56F DB ps 54F WB o t 2-54
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
() () WB ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Sensible load Latent load Total load Moisture M 70% RH (air flow rate)
( ) Fan Coil Unit(FCU) 80F Dry Bulb 56.5F (entering air) (leaving air) 58F Dry Bulb
Room Sensible Heat Ratio(RSHR) Room Latent Cooling load(RLCL) Wet Bulb , tu design condition 58F Dry Bulb 66F Wet Bulb Room Latent 77F Dry Supply air flow 60F
Cooling Load (RSCL) 112,000 Btu/hr , ( ) Bulb () 50 supply air 57F Wet Bulb 67F Dry Bulb M supply air
Dry Bulb
Room Sensible Cooling Load(RSRL) Cooling Load(RLCL) rate (CFM) Cooling coil Dry Bulb factor) 9,000 Btu Supply air Wet Bulb 80F Dry Bulb cooling coil
Effective Surface Temperature(EST) 82F Dry Bulb Effective Surface Temperature(EST) Dry Bulb Wet Bulb 55% RH 95F Dry Bulb 74F Wet Bulb M cooling coil arrangement condition 78F Dry Bulb , tu 58F Dry Bulb 56F Dry Bulb condition Wet Bulb Dry Bulb 50% RH 2-55 Load Contact Factor (CF) condition RSCL air
A/C unit
18,000 Btu/hr
900 CFM supply air air con unit 76F Dry Bulb
tu (waste)
() RSCL = 812,000 Btu/hr RLCL = 235,000 Btu/hr Ventilation air Supply air = 6,000 CFM = 56F Dry Bulb 50% RH
Space conditions = 77F Dry Bulb ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( () ) at ) Apparatus arrangement Supply air CFM Dry Bulb total load Mixed air conditioning Coil sensible load latent load (outdoor air) coil process 20,000 CFM (leaving air)
(schematic diagram )
total load
Contract Factor(CF)
Bypass Factor(BF)
( ( ) ( )
cooling capacity( Btu/hr ) on nsat (water removal rate) sensible load Dew Point sensible cooling load , design condition supply air duct arrangement supply air supply air (CFM) (CFM) Wet Bulb (moisture content) (outdoor air) 260 CFM 95F Dry Bulb 76F x t ul gr/lb Enthalpy lb/lb (outdoor air) (outdoor (mixed air) 2-56 tu
( ) ( ) ()
Return air
Chapter-1 Psychromatics
entering air enthalpy Relative Humidity(RH) and lb/lb) ( ) ( ) A/C unit p () tu condition nta sensible cooling load 76F Dry Bulb (outside air flow rate) 95F Dry Bulb (mix) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) () A/C unit Return air ) Equipment uppl a 76F Wet Bulb mixed air duct arrangement (flow rate) Refrigerating unit (size) (outdoor air) capacity (outside air flow)
Mixed air
Dry Bulb
Wet Bulb
(moisture content) (gr/lb Btu/hr 260 CFM refrigeration ton 130 CFM tu
cooling load
latent ool n
(outdoor air)
(outdoor air)
Effective Surface Temperature(EST) ) Coil contact factor(CF) outdoor air (outdoor air) supply air 52F Dry Bulb total load (Btu/hr reheat (capacity) -Endbypass factor (BF)
( ( )