Is 6665-1985
Is 6665-1985
Is 6665-1985
8 copyrtght
Gr 7
Indian Standard
Ckoirmm SHRI V. A. KRrstbtauu~~~v
Mmnbar SL.RMYOR OPWORKSI II (ELECT)(AlfemUfIto Shri V. A. Krisbnamwthy) Directorate General d Sup&s \Vo Cnn
Eastern Regional Electrical Contractors Association Ltd, Calcutta SHRI L. N. Manin (Alfmtufr) General Electric Co of India Pvt Ltd. Calcutta Sitar G. S. CHANDRASEK~~AR Sxar P. K. Snw~ ROY (Alfmafc) CHIE~~U~AL ENOINEER, NORTHERN Railway Uoard (Mb&try of Railways) SHRI D. S. Dosw SHRI JA~DISHS~~tu.n (Alfmsfr) SHRI T. S. GILL SHRI M. P. GUPTA Sxnr S. F. MEHTA (ABanafr) SHR~M. P. GUPTA SHRI G. S. CHANDRASRKllER (Alfmafe) SHRI B. H. MHATRZ .%ZRZH. B. NAIX (Alfrmaf8) &RI B. K. MUY~~HR~HE %mr T. K. KUNDU (ANon&) &RI JAYANT R. PARI SHRt B. G. GHOSHAL (Alfcmulr)
Bajaj Elestricals Ltd. Bombay Central Public Workr Department (Archikct Wing), New D&i Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay Indian Engbkering Association, Calcutta Bombay
Bombay Electric Supply & Transport Undertakiig, Nations1 Tut Hindco Lighting How. Calcutta Ltd. Bombay
SHRI S. K. Rw (ANancrfr) %?,I K. S. Saw SHRl s. SEN .%tr H. Stwa (Alfew.&) SHRl H. SIN,,.. Sxar K. K. ROHATGI (Alfemok) Snrit P. N. Savuvw~~ Slrnr B. G. DESESHPANDB fAlfumfd
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquartera Centrai iMining Ruearch Surfion (CSIR), Dhanbad National Pbyslcal Laboratory (CSIR), New Delhi Bharat Clectrical Indwtries Ltd, Calcutta Illuminating Engineering Society oCIndia, Calcutta
General of Factory Advice Service b: Labour (Miniitry of Labour, Employment % Rebabilitation), Bombay ( Codinwd on p.gc 2 )
Members Sum c. K. VYAS SHRI Y. s. VwKATEswAnns, Dinctot (Elcc tech) Director General,
for Industrial
: P2
Ltd, Bomba)
Ranchi Ltd, Bombay Sew Delhi
Ltd, General
Directorate tion),
IS : 6665 - 1972
Indian Standard
S This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution a 8 August 1972, after the draft finalized by the Illuminating Engineering ectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division louncil. .1 Taking into consideration the increasing industrial activities in India rhereby a large number of people have to work on tasks and processes of Icreasing intricacy and detail with working hours extending into the night, .eed has been felt for well planned and efficient industrial lighting which lould create easier seeing conditions and agreeable atmosphere. This has :d to the publication of this code of practice. 1.3 This code has been drawn up in order to deal with the sPecia1 aspects If industrial lighting and shall be read in conjunction with IS: 3646 (Part I).966*, IS: 3646 (Part II)-1966t and IS: 3646 (Part III)-1968:. 1.4 In preparing this code, assistance has been derived from the following: IES Code. Recommendations for good interior lighting. 1961. The Illuminating Engineering Society, London. IES Technical Report No. 2. The calculation of coefficients of utilization. The British zonal method. The Illuminating Engineering Society, London. Interior lighting design. British Lighting Council, UK. 1966. The Illuminating Engineering IES Lighting handbook. Society, USA. Modern factory lighting. British Electrical Development Association and the ELMA Lighting Service Bureau, London. 0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS: 2-1960s. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. *Code of practicefor interior illumination: Part I Principles of good lighting and aspects of design. tCode of practice for interior illumination: Part II Schedule for values of illumination and glare index. $Code of practice for interior illumination: Part III Calculations of coefficient9 of utilization by the BZ method. Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). 3
19: 66fi5-1972
1. SCOPE 1.1 This code covers the principles and practice governing good lighting for various industrial premises. It recommends the levels of illumination and quality requirements to be achieved by general principles of lighting. 2. TERMINOLOGY 2.1 For the purpose of this standard (Part XVI/&x l)-1968* shall apply. 3. GENE&U FEATURES the definitions given m IS: 1885 LIGHTING
3.1 Indptrial lighting encompasses seeing tasks, operating conditions and economrc conditions. Visual tasks may be classified either small or very large; dark or light; opaque, trans arent or translucent; specular of diffuse surfaces; flat or contoured shapes. R ith each of the various task conditions, lighting should be suitable for adequate visibility in developing raw materials into finished products. Physical hazards exist in manufacturing processes and, therefore, lighting should contribute to the utmost as a safety factor in preventing accidents. The speed of operations may be such as to allow only minimum time for visual perception and, therefore, lighting should be a compensating factor to increase the speed of vision. 3.2 Light should serve not only as a production tool and an aid to safety but should also contribute to the overall environment conditions of the work space. The lighting system should be a part of a planned environment contributing to the comfort and well-being of the users. 3.3 The design of a lighting system and selection of equipment is influenced by many economic factors. The choice, however, should not only be based on the project and the running costs of the lighting but also on the relationship of total lighting cost to costs arising out of other plant producing facilities and labour. 4. FACTORS INFLUENCING PRACTICE GOOD INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING
4.1 A good industrial lighting should take into account: a) adequate quantity of illumination, and b) good quality of illumination. - The utilitarian goal of a lighting system 43 Qpaatity &Iuumin*ti0ss is to provide for optimal performance of a given task. A starting point will be the determination of relationship between illumination and performance, but the 6nal recommendation has to take into consideration other &ton such as avoidance of fatigue, physiological and psychological effects, *ElcctroWhaicalvocabulary:Part XVI Lighting,se&m 1 Gxm-al2+spax% 4
economics, etc. Desirable criteria for determining the quan2ty of ilhunination are: a) adequacy for preventing occupational eye-strain and the risk of accidental injury due to bad visibility; b) adequacy for creating an agreeabfe luminous environment; and c) adequacy for different satis&ctory levels of visual performance, each standard being applicable to a particular range of visual task. 4.2.1 A general lighting system s@ould_be designed to provige a uniform distribution of light over the entire work area. Where work areas are close to walls, -such as work benches, the first row of huninaires should be located closer to wall or additional lighting should be prdvided over the particular work space. 4.!U To ensure that a given illumination level will be maintained, it is necessary to design a system to give initially more light than the required minimum. 4.2.3 In locations where dirt will collect very rapidly on huninaire surfaces and where adequate maintenance is not avaihble, the initial value should be still higher. 42.4 Higher initial values shall be provided for the absorption of the light while designing lighting requirements. Qpality of illumination pertains to the 4.3 QJIality ofIllumiIlationdistribution of brightness in ,the visual environment. The term is used in a positive sense and implies that all brightness should contribute favourably to visual performance, visual comfort, ease of seeing, safety and aesthetics for the specific visual task involved. Glare, diffusion, direttion, uniformity, colour, luminance and luminance ratios all have a significant effect on visibility and the ability to see easily, accurately and quickly. Certain seeing tasks such as discernment of fine details, require much more carell analysis and higher quality i!lumination than others. Areas where seeing tasks are severe and performed over long periods of time require much higher quality than where seeing tasks are casual or of relatively short duration. 4.3.1 Direct Glare To reduce direct glare in industrial areas, the following steps should be taken : a) Decrease the luminance of light sources or lighting equipment, or both; b) Reduce the area of high luminance causing the glare condition; c) Increase the angle between the glare source and the line of vision; and d) Increase the luminance of the area surrounding the glare source and against which it is seen. 4.3.19 There is such. a wide divergence of tasks and environmental !i
conditions in industry that it may not be economically feasible to recommend a degree of quality which will satisfy all cases. The luminance control required depends on the task, length of time in which the task is performed, and the mounting height of the luminaires. 43.2 Luminance and Luminance Ratios Ratios-The ability to see detail depends upon the contrast between the detail and its background. The greater the contrast, difference in luminance, the more readily the seeing task is performed. However, the eyes function most comfortably and more efficiently when the luminances within the remainder of the environment are relatively uniform. Therefore, all luminances in the field of view should be carefully controlled. The recommended procedure for planning brightness pattern and controlling glare is detailed in IS: 3646 (Part I)-1966* and IS: 3646 (Part II)- 1966t. To achieve the recommended luminance relationships, it is necessary to select the reflectances of all finishes of the room surfaces and equipment as well as control the luminance distribution. The recommended reflectance values for industrial interiors and equipment are given in Table 1. Reflectance should be maintained as near as practical to recommended values.
TABLE 1 SuitrAcrs Ceiling WaIlS De&s and bench tops, machines and equipment FloOrS REFLECTANCE VALUES REPLECTANC~ Percent 80 to 90 40 to 60 25 to 45 Not less than 20 High reflectance surfaces are generally desirable to provide the recommended luminance relationships and high utilization of light. They also improve the appearance of the work space. It is also desirable that the background is slightly darker than the seeing task. 4.3.3 Rejected Glare Reflected glare is caused by the reflection of high luminance light sources from shiny surfaces. In manufacturing processes this may be
a particularly serious problem where critical seeing is involved with highly polished surfaces such as polished sheet metal, vernier scales, and critically machined metal surfaces. deign. Reflected glare can be minimized or eliminated by using light
*Code of practice for interior illumination: Part I Principlesof good lighting and aspects of
tcode of practice for iritcrior illumination: Part II Schedule for values of illumination and glare index.
sources of low luminance or by orienting the work so that reflections are not directed in the normal line of vision. Supplementary lighting is a solution to such problems. 4.3.4
The general lighting system for a factory should be designed for uniformly distributed illumination. In uniform illumination, the distribution of light with a maximum and minimum illumination at dny point should not be more than one-sixth above or below the average level in the area. Harsh shadows should be avoided, but some shadow effect may be desirable from the general lighting system to accentuate the depth and form of objects. There are a few specific visual tasks where clearly defined shadows improve visibility and such effects should be provided by supplementary lighting equipment arranged for the particular task. 4.3.5 Colour Quality sf Light there appears to be no effect light. However;wherc colour of the work process, the light rendering properties. 5. RECOMMENDED For general seeing tasks in industrial areas upon visual a.cuity by variations in colour of discrimination and colour matching are a part source selected should have the desired colour
5.1 Any recommended illumination values should be graded according to the difficulty of the visual task. These values should be maintained in service through proper cleaning and relamping of lighting equipment, the cleanmg of windows, and the maintenance of reflectance values of the room surfaces. Initial values shall be greater from the artificial lighting system by a percentage sufficient to compensate for the normal depreciation expected in service. An industry may also have an office or a conference room and for values as given under the head lighting of these spaces, the illumination Offices, Schools and Public Buildings in IS: 3646 (Part II)-1966* shall apply. The recommended values of illumination and limiting values of glare index for industrial buildings and processes are given in Table 2 (see page 21 j.
be based upon sound reasoning. Since there is no distinct threshold level of illumination below which the performance of particular visual task is greatly impeded, some compromise has to be sought between an ideal level and one which is obviously inadequate. Generally, a recommended !evel is arrived at after being carefully weighed in the relation it bears to the eyesight, the visual task, the environment, and the economics involved. Any specification is, therefore, always open to a great deal of controversy. It may, however, be summarised that any of the above recommended levels of illumination could serve chiefly as a guide to good practices. It is not always sufficient to provide just enough light and leave it at that. Adequate illumination will benefit
5.2 It is not a simple matter to specify suitable intensity levels if these are to
people with normal sight, but the benefit will be far greater to those with faulty vision. For example, elderly people require higher illumination values for the same facility of seeing as young people [see also 3.4 of IS : 3646 (Part I)1966*]. 5.3 In any lighting arrangement the required level of illumination could be achieved through a combined usage of the natural daylighting and the.artificial lighting. The object of designing artificial lighting specifically to supplement the available natural light is to provide light which satisfies the recommendations of both quantity and quality in all parts of the room or building, while at the same time preserving the sense that the lighting is predommantly natural [see also 5.3 of IS: 3646 (Part I)-1966*]. 6. DAYLIGHTING 6.1 Most people prefer to work in buildings having good daylighting. One of the characteristics of daylight which gives it this appeal is the constant change both in quality and quantity, creating interest and avoiding monotony. This variation is taken into account when planning a scheme to ensure that at no time will the illumination over the working area be less than that recommended for the particular visual task. In some buildings it will be possible to achieve this by natural lighting alone, but in other buildin especially those located in obstructed city areas, it will be necessary to suppYs el ment the natural lighting by artificial lighting designed to operate permanently during day time; this should be properly co-ordinated with natural lighting as recommended in IS: 3646 (Part I)-1966*. For detailed aspects of daylighting, reference may be made to IS : 2440- 1968t and IS : 6060197 I+. 6.2 The uniformity of illumination will depend on the design of the fenestration. Since this is part of the overall design of the building many factors come into picture. Generally there appears to be greater scope and freedom in industrial buildings for providing window arrangements which will give the desired daylighting conditions. Industrial buildings are generally located in unobstructed areas where there is sufficient open spaces all around; they have mostly one storey so that there is possibility of having skylights or windows in roofing, as for example, saw tooth roofing and monitor windows. The heights of the buildings are also enough to have a satisfactory spacing to height ratio of the windows. 7. PERMANENT @SW SUPPLEMJ3NTARY ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING
7.1 This refers to artificial lighting provided for use in daytime to supplement natural daylight.
design. t&de
l Caie of practice for intaior illumination: Part I Principles of good lighting and aspectsof
of pm&x for daylighting of buildings (jimf mision). of practice for daylighting of factory buildings.
7.2 The need for providing PSAL in buildings arises due to two reasons: a) Due to various reasons adequate daylighting over the whole working area may not be available. b) To create acceptable brightness levels on the various surfaces in the working interior. 7.2.1 For areas where the depths of the rooms are much more than the height of the room, and windows may be available at one or two sides only, it is necessary to bring up the lighting to a level necessary for the task. At the dark spots, supplementary lighting is required. 7.2.2 Brightness Cons&rations - The eye adapts itself to the prevailing brightness of the surroundings. The apparent brightness of the various surfaces or objects will depend on this adaptation level. For instance, when a room interior is seen through an open door f+om outside with bright daylight, it will appear gloomy. But on entering the room, after the eye has adapted, things will appear brighter. When a room is lit by daylight the eye has a firly high adaptation level due to the bright sky seen through the window opening. Therefore, the parts of the room remote from the windows will appear gloomy even if the illumination in these parts in terms of hut is of the order normally recommended for the type of visual task. It is, therefore, necessary to brighten up these parts if a proper balance of brightness is to be restored which will create comfortable visual environment. This second consideration is at least as important as the first while determining the amount of light to be supplied by the supplementary lighting system. This requirement in some cases, may result in having higher levels of illumination than required for the particular visual task involved or higher than the amenity level. During night time since the entire area is illuminated- to a level recommended for the satisfactory performance of the task carried out in the work area concerned, no additional problem of balance of brightness is involved provided the general requirement of avoidance of high brightness contrast by having suitably finished surfaces in the room is satisfied (see Fig. 1). 8. SUPPLEMENTARY
8.1 Difficult seeing tasks often require a specific amount or quality of lighting which cannot readily be obtained by standard general lighting methods. To solve such problems supplementary luminaires often are used to provide higher illumination levels for small or restricted areas. Also they are used to furnish a certain luminance, or colour, or to permit special aiming or positioning of light sources to produce or avoid highlights or shadows to best portray the details of the task (see Fig. 2).
8.2 Before supplementary lighting can be specified it is necessary torewgnise the exact nature of the visual task and to understand its light reflecting or transmitting characteristics. An improvement in the visibility of the task will 9
depend upon one or more of the four fundamental visibility luminance, poor contrast, size and time available for seeing.
8.3 The planning of supplementary lighting also entails consideration of the visual comfort of both those workers who benefit directly and those who are in the immediate areas. Supplementary equipment must be carefully shielded to prevent glare for the user and his associates. Luminance ratios should be carefully controlled. Ratios between task and immediate surroundings should be limited as recommended earlier. To attain these limits it is necessary to co-ordinate the design of supplementary and general lighting.
9. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS OF DESIGN FOR LIGHTING INDUSTRIAL AREAS 9.1 The designer of an industrial lighting system should consider the follow-
ing factors as the first and imnortant reauirement of good ularinina : 4 Determine the quaniity and quality of illun%nati& desirable for the manufacturing processes involved; b) Select lighting equipment that will provide the quantity and quality requirements by examining photometric characteristics, and mechanical performance that meet installation, operating and actual maintenance conditions; 4 Select and arrange equipment so that it will be easy and practical to maintain; and 4 Balance all the economic factors including initial, operating and maintenance costs, versus the quantity and quality requirements for optimum visual performance. The choice of the electricity distribution system may affect overall economics. 9.2 Typed of Lighting Equipment 93.1 The manner in which the light from the lamps is controlled by the lighting equipment governs, to a large extent, the important effects of glare, shadows, distribution and diffusion. 9.2.2 Most industrial applications call for either direct or semi-direct types. Luminaires with some upward components of light are preferred for most areas because an illuminated ceiling or upper structure reduces lumipance ratios between luminaires and the background. The upward light reduces the dungeon effect of totally direct lighting and creates a more comfortable and more cheerful environment. Good environmental luminance relationships can also often be achieved with totally direct lighting if the illumination level and the room reflectances are high (see Fig. 3.). 93.3 In selecting industrial lighting equipment, it will be noted that other factors leading to more comfortable installations include: a) Light-coloured finishes on the outside of luminaires to reduce luminance ratios between the outside of the luminaire and the inner reflecting surfaces. 10
b) 4 4
Higher mounting heights to raise lumlnaires out of the normal field of view. Better shielding of the light source by deeper reflectors, cross baffles, or louvres. This is particularly important with high wattage incandescent filament or mercury vapour discharge sources. Selecting light control material, such as specular or nonspecular ahuninium or prismatic configurated glass or plastic that can limit the luminaire luminance in the shielded zone.
9.2.4 Top openings in lumlnaires generally minimise dirt collection on the reflector and lamp by allowing an air draft path to move dirt particles upward and through the luminaire to the outer air. Therefore, ventilated types of luminaires have proven their ability to minimise maintenance of luminaires. 9.!Z.S Special attention is required to be paid to the selection of lighting equipment for industrial interiors with highly corrosive atmosphere or fire and explosion hazard [see also IS: 4013-1967*, IS: 461%19677, and IS: 2206 (Part I)-1962$]. Lightingfittingsmade ofcorrosionresistant material specially designed for corrosive atmosphere are to be selected for chemical factories, fertilizer plants and other similar industries where corrosive fumes are present in the atmosphere. For industrial areas containing inflammable dust and gases, the choice oflighting eqtilpment will be guided by relevant Indian Standard specifications. 10. LIGHT SOURCES AND THEIR APPLICATION IN INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING 10.1 For industrial lighting the sources of light generally available in the country at present are tungsten filament lamps, tubular fluorescent lamps and high pressure mercury vapour (HPMV) discharge lamps. The selection of any one of these or a combination of these depends on : a) Type of application, b) Atmospheric conditions of industrial interiors and/or exteriors, cj Structural features, d) Initial outlay, e) Running cost, and f) Ease of maintenance.
10.1.1 Apart .from these, factors such as luminous efficiency, lamp luminance, lamp life, colour rendering properties and ease of optical control, play a very vital role in the choice of light sources. All these aspects should be b carefully considered while designing an industrial lighting scheme.
uniform lighting whereas for highbays it is desired from economic and maintenance considerations to use HPMV tion of HPMV and tungsten filament lamps. Application lamps is limited according to modern lighting practice, in certain cases also for colour appreciation and in case short duration.
lighting technique, lamps or combinaof tungsten filament to local lighting and of infrequent use for
10.3 In spite of very low initial outlay due to poor efficiency, short life and eventual very frequent replacement, tungsten filament lamps are not employed for general lighting of industries. Tubular fluorescent lamps and HPMV lamps for general lighting have to be selected after considering variety of above noted aspects. 11. LIGHTING RELATED TO STRUCTURE OF INDUSTRIAL PREMISES 11.1 Factory Spaces With Skylights - Where daylighting is given due consideration in the design ofa building, the shape of the building is primarily determined by this requirement. The working area is also planned on the basis of daylighting. While planning the artificial lighting the layout of the lighting fittings has to be related to the layout of the working area so as to obtain the most favourable lighting effect for comfortable working. Where the lighting can be integrated with natural shape and structure of the building while still meeting the requirements of lighting effect on the working place, a better result can be achieved. The trend is noticeable in our country in many industrial buildings where instead of the conventional sawtoothed roofed building on a rectangular plan, other designs like shelled roofing, etc, have been adopted. Close co-ordination between the architect and lighting engineer can result in a lighting installation which is in tune with the architectural form of the building and at the same time satisfactorily fulfils the primary function of supplying fight on the work places. 11.2 Closed Ceiling 11.2.1 In this type of construction there is very little dependence on daylighting which is mainly from side windows and is inadequate and consequently the work layout is organized on considerations other than daylighting requirements. The artificial lighting has to be designed purely on the needs of the nature of work, layout of niachinery, etc. Where false ceiling is provided, the lighting fittings may be recessed in the false ceiling giving a more streamlined appearance to the whole installation (see Fig. 4). 11.2.2 Generally a continuous mounting of the fittings is to be preferred, in case of tubular fluorescent lamps fittings, to an arrangement of reflectors at intervals since it gives a more restful view. Once the total number of fittings for providing a particular level of illumination is determined the possibility of having continuous rows should be examined and should be adopted, if possible, provided the spacing between rows/height above working plane ratio satidies the conditions for uniform distribution of light (rti Fig. 5). 15
IS : 6665 - 1972
11.2.3 It is generally desired from the users point of view that the fittings should, as far as possible, be fixed to the existing members in the roofstructure like the bottom members of the trusses or longitudinal tie members, etc. The fittings have to be oriented according to the layout of the machinery to obtain most satisfactory seeing conditions. A layout decided on such a consideration may not coincide with the existing structural elements and additional members may have to be provided specifically for fixing the lighting fittings. An interesting development which takes care of this problem economically is the trunking system. The trunking, which is essentially metal channels with cover plates at the bottom, of standard lengths joined together, is run across the hall with suspensions at necessary intervals. Incidentally, this minimises the number of suspension points compared to individually mounted fittings each with two suspension pipes. The wiring is run through the trunking itself and the fittings are attached to the trunking at the required locations. 11.3 Highbay Ha& 11.3.1 Generally high
roofing is provided in factory interiors where sufficient clearance for large workpieces handled in the particular factory is required or where overhead travelling crane is provided or where fumes and smoke have to be carried off. The artificial lighting has to be located at a greater height in the roof structure to allow unobstructed manipulation of crane, etc (see Fig. 6): While for low and medium mounting height fluorescent lighting is an immediate choice, for highbay lighting it may sometimes be more advantageous to use less number of high lumen output sources like the high wattage mercury vapour/filament lamp combination or high wattage fluorescent coated mercury vapour lamps. 113.2 Due to high mounting the horizontal illumination is much more than the vertical illumination. If the lighting is to beimproved, it is generally achieved by having additional fittings at a lower height but fixed to the sides. 12. MAINTENANCE OF LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS 12.1 Regular maintenance of lighting installations cannot be neglected without prejudicing the level of illumination and hence the benefits that proceed from good lighting. Attention is drawn to the progressive depreciation of the lighting installation depending on the locations of usage and hence the maintenance problem is an extremely important one. 12.2 Special mention should be made of group replacement of the lamps and starters in case of fluorescent lamps lighting fittings. The desirability of group replacement is largely determined by lamp replacement costs and should be considered on its merit in each case.
Is: 66fs-1972
2. Fortory Out&or Anar stockyards, main entrancea, exit roads, car internal factory roarb
3. Aimqft Factorbx and Mainbnancr H-s a) Stock parta productions b j Drillii, riveting, screw f&&e&q, sheet aluminium layout and template work, wing nectioq, cowling weldi, m&assembly, final assembly, mspection c) Maintenance and repaira (hangers) 4. AssombJyShops a) Rough work, for example, frame assembly, agembly of heavy machinery b) Medium work, for example, machined parts, engine assembly, vehicle body assembly c) Fine work, for example, radio and telephone equipment, typewriter and otlice machinery asembly d) Very fine work, for example, assembly of very small precision meshanisms, instruments 5. Bake&s a) Mixiig and make-up rooms, oven rooms, wrapping rooms b) Decorating and icing 6. Boiler Houw (Industnkl) a) C%3alandashhandGng b) Boiler rooms: i) Boiler fronts and operating areas ii) other areas
25 25 25 28 25 22 19
25 25
*Optical aids should be used whae necessary. tSupplementary local lighting may be required for gauge glasses and instrument panels. (C&fIUuff)
IS t 666!i-1972
TABLE2 SL No. RECO MMENDED VALUES OF ILLUMINATION LIMITING VALUES OF GLARE INDEX-Contd AVERAOE ILLoYzoN 7. Bookbinding a) Pasting, punching and stitching b) Binding and folding-miscellaneous c) Finishing, blocking and inlaying 200 300 300 1000 700 loo0 700 700 150 200 Special lighting 450 300 200 300 450 200 450 450 25 22 22 19 22 22 22 22 25 25 22 25 25 25 25 22 22
9. Brew&s and Distil&rias a) General working areas b) Brewhouse, bottling and canning plants c) Bottle inspection
10. &ning
and Prasaroing Factorias a) Inspection of beans, rice, barley, etc b) Preparation: Kettle areas, mechanical cleaning, dicing, trimming c) Canned and bottled goods: Retorts d) High speed labelliig lines e) Can inspection
11. Carfit Fador& a) Winding, beaming b) Designing, jacquard card cutting, setting pattern, tufting, topping, cutting, hemming, fringipg c) Weaving, mending, inspection 12. cnmniu
13. &m&al Works a) Hand furnaces, boiimg tanks, stationery driers, stationery or gravity crystallizers, mechanical driers, evaporators, filtration plants, mechanical crystallizing bleaching, extractors, percolators, nitr#oax, electrolytic cells l$ Controls, gauged, values; etc ~@ci+d attentiopshould~be paid to-the col+r q+ity
of the light.
IS : 6665-1972
c) Control rooms: i) Vertical control panels ii) Control desks 14. Chocola&and Conf~ctiotuvy Factories a) Mixing, blending, boiling b) Chocolate husking, winnowing, fat extraction, crushing and refining, feeding, bean cleaning, sorting, milling, cream making c) Hand decorating, inspection, wrapping, packing 15. Clothing Factories a) Matching-up bj Cutting, sewing: i) Light ii) Medium iii) Dark ivj Pressing c) Inspection: i) Light ii) Medium iii) Dark d) Hand Tailoring: i) Light ii) Medium iii) Dark 16. Collieries (Swfw Buildings) a) Coal preparation plant: i) Working areas ii) Other areas iii) Picking belt, iv) Winding houses b) Lamp rooms: i) Main areas ii) Repair sections iii) Weigh cabins c) Fan houses 17. Dairies a) General working areas
200 to 306 300 150 200 306 450+ 306 450 700 300 450 1000 1500 450 1000 1500
19 19 28 25 22
19 19 19
:2 300
150 E 150 loo
*Special attention should be paid to the colour quality of the light. tSupplementary locallighting may be required for sight ghuses.
IS: 666511972
b) Bottte inspection c) Bottle filling 18. Die Sinking
1W Special lighting 450 300 1000 700 150+ 200 7OOt 2OOOt 200 100
a) General
b) Fine 19. Dye Works a) Reception, grey perching b) Wet processes c) Dry pro==+ d) Dyers offices e) Final perching 20. EMriciiy 6herating St&ms: IndoorLocatbns Turbine halls Auxiliiry equipment; battery rooms, blowers, auxiliary generators, switchgear and transformer chambers Boiler houses (including operating floors) platforms, coal conveyors, pulverizers, feeders, precipitators, soot and slag blowers Boiler house and turKme house BaXZE-Ilts Cbnveyor houses, conveyor gent&s, junction towers Control rooms: i) Vertical control panels Control de& . . .ii) . .. III) KearotcOntrol panels iv) Switch houses h) Nuclear reactors and steam raising plants: i) Reactor areas, boilers, galleries ii) Gas circulator bays iii) Reactor charge/discharge face 2 1. Electric$y GeneratingStations: Oufdoor Lacations a) Coal unloading areaS b) Coal storage areas c) Conveyors
28 28 19
25 -
100 70 70 to 100
*Supplementary local lighting should Le used where necesmry. TSpecial attention should be paid to the colour quality of the light.
( Continued )
4 Fuel oil delivery headen 4 Oil storage tanks f) Catwalks Sl Platforms, boiler and turbine decks h) Transformers and outdoor switchgear 22. ERgltlCiItg
a) Hand b) Machine (ccr Die Sinking) 23. Famx BuiLdings (Daidss) a) Boiler houses b) Milk rooma c) Washing and sterilizing rooms d) Stables e) Milking parlours 24. Flour Mills a) Roller, purifier, silks and packing tloors b) Wetting tables 25. FO?@S General 26. a) Charging floors; tumbling cleaning, pouring, shaking out, rough moulding and rough core making b) Fine mouldiig and core making, inspection 27.
lux 50 50 50 50 100 loao 50 150 150 50 150 150 300 150 150 So0 70 150 300 soto50* 100
25 25 25 25 25 28 28 25 28 28 25 28 25
a) Parking areas (interior) b) Washing and polishing, greasing, general servi&g, pits c) Repaira 28. Gas Work
IS : 6665 - 1972
TABLE2 -.-_
_ RECO~~
20, 501
29. Gauge and Tool Roinns General 30. Glass Works and Processes a) Furnace rooms, bending, annealing lehrs b) Mixing rooms, forming (blowing, drawing, pressing, rolling) c) Cutting to size, grinding, polishing, toughening d) Finishing (bevelling, decorating, etching, silvering) e) Brilliant cutting f) Inspection: i) General ii) Fine 31, Glove Making a) Pressing, knitting, b) Sewing: i) Light ii) Medium iii) Dark c) Inspection: i) Light ii) Medium iii) Dark 32. Hat Making a). Stiffening, braiding, cleaning, refining, forming, sizing, pouncing, flanging, finishing, ironmg b) Sewing: i) Light ii) Medium iii) Dark 33. Ho&y and Knitwear a) Circular and flat knitting winders, cutting out, folding *Supplementary tsupplementary local lighting local lighting
28 28 25 22 19 19 119
19 22
22 Z
should be used at important points. and optical aids should be used where neccsrary. ( Cohwed)
b) Lock stitch and overlocking machines: i) Light ii) Medium iii) Dark c) Mending d) Examining and hand finishing,light, medium, dark e) Linking or runningan 34. zn.rpe&n shops @zag&&g) 4 Rough work, for example, counting, rough checking of stock parts, etc b) Medium work, for example, Go and No-go gauges, sub-assembl+s 4 Fine work, for example, radio and telecommunication equipment, calibrated scales,precisionmechanisms, instruments d) Very fine work, for example, gauging and inspection-of small intricate parts 4 Minute work, for example, very small instruments
.22 22 22 19 19 19 28 25 22 19 10
35. Iron and St& works 10 to 20 4 Marsballing and outdoor stockyards 100 b) Stain, gangways,basements,quarries,loading docks 100 4 Slab yards, melting shops! ingot stripping soaking pis, blast f+ace workmg areas, picking and cleaning lines, mechanical plants, pump houses 150 4 Mould preparation; rolling and wire mills, mill *. motor rooms, power and blower houses 200 4 Slab inspection and conditioning, cold strip mills, sheet and plate fin&King, tinnmg, galvanizing, machine and roll shops 300 f) Plate inspection Special lighting s) Tinplate inspection 36.
28 28 28
19 10 -
*Optical aids should bd used where necessary. tSpecia1 attention to colour quality of light may be necoaary. (continusd)
it-. arIdTsf
37. Labor~s
a) General laboratories, balance rooms b) Electrical and instrument h&orator& 38. LlunaWs aad D#yck?aaiIlgworks sorting,washing,drying, ironing (calena) Recei 7 upatch dering), b) Drycleaning, bulk machine work c) Fine hand ironing, pressing, inspection, men&ing, vetting 39. Laoihsr Drarsing a) Vats, cleaning, tanning, &ret&ii, cutting, flahing and stuffig b) Finishing, staking, splitting and stating 40. L+mr workiag a) Prusmg and glaiing b) Cutting, scarfing, sewing c) Grading and matching 41. Machina and Fitting Shojs a) Rough bench and machine work autob) Medium bench and machine work, ordin matic machines, rough grinding, mediuma% u&g and polishing c) Fine bench and machine work, fine automatic machines, medium grinding, fine bulling and polishing 42. Motor VehiclePlants a) General sub-assemblies, chassii assembly, car assembly b) Final inspection c) Trim shops, body sub-assemblia, body assembly d) Spray bootha 43. Paint Works a) General automatic procedsea b) Special batch mixing c) Colour matching
19 19 25 25 25
26 28 22 22 19 28 25 22
450 700 1000+ 150 300 700
25 25 25 25 22 19
a) b) c) d)
Dipping, tiring, rough spraying Rubbing, ordinary painting, spraying and finishing Fine painting, spraying and finishing Retouching and matching
25 25 25 19
45. Papar Works a) Paper and board making: i) Machine houses, calendering, pulp mills, pretion plants, cutting, finishing, trimming ii) p nspection and sorting (over hauling) b) Paper converting processes: i) Corrugated board, cartons, containers and paper sack manufacture, coating and laminating processes ii) Associated printing 46. Phmmoauricnls and Fine Chemical Works a) Raw material storage b) Control laboratories and testing C) Pharmaceuticals manufacturing: grinding, granulatmg, mixing and drying, tableting, stcrihzing and washmg, preparation of solutions and filling, labrr ling, capping, cartoning and wrapping, inspectiorr d) Fine chemical manulacture: i Plant pmcessing ii1 Fine chemical finishing 47. Plastb wmks a) Manufacture (see Chemical Works) b) Processing: i Calendering, extrusion iij Moulding-compression, injection iii) Sheet fabrication: 1) Shaping 2) Trimming, ma&mm * * g, polishing 3) Cementing
22 25 25
23 19 25
b) Fii
and polishing
IS : 6665-1972
%. 49. Potkry and Clay Products a) Grinding, filter pressing, kiln rooms, moulding, pressing, cleaning, trimming, glazing, firing b) Enamelling, colouring, decorating 50. Printing Works a) Type foundries: i) Matrix making, dressing type, hand and machine casting ii) Front assembly, sorting b) Printing plants: i) Machine composition, imposing stones ii) Presses iii) Composing room iv) Proof reading c) Electrotyping: i) Block-making, electroplating, washing, backing ii) Moulding, finishing, routing d) Photo-engraving: i) Block-making, etching, masking ii) Finishing, routing e) Colour printing : Inspection area 5 1. Rubber Processin a) Fabric preparation creels b) Dipping, moulding, compounding calendars c) Tyre and tube making 52. Sheet Metal Works a) Benchwork, scribing, pressing, punching, shearing, stamping, spinning, folding b) Sheet inspection 53. Soap Factories a) Kettle houses and ancillariq, glycerine evaporation and distillation, contmuous indoor soap making, plants: i) General areas ii) Control panels
150 450*
28 19
25 22
z: 19 19
2; z5 19
3: 700*
25 25 25
25 -
25 25
( Continued )
Is :6665-1972
ILLUMIN.~TI~N 1IJX or continuous soap cooling, cuttihg and dr)ing, soap milling, plodding: i) General areas ii) Control panels, key equipment wrapping and packing, granules c) Soap stamping, making, granules storage and handling. filling and packing granules: i) General areas ii) Control panels, machines 4 Edible products processing and packing Structural Steel Fabrication Plants a) General b) Marking off Textile Mills (Cotton or Linen) a) Bale breaking, blowing, carding, roving, slubbing, spinning (ordinary counts), winding, heckling, spreading, cabling b) Warping, slashing, dressing and dyeing, doubling (fancy), spimling (fine counts) c) Healding (drawing-in) d) Weaving: i) Patterned cloths, fine counts dark ii) Patterned cloths, fine counts light iii) Plain grey cloth e) Cloth inspection Textile Mills (Silk or Synthetics) a) Soaking, fugitive tinting conditioning or setting of twist b) Spinning c) Winding, twisting, rewinding and coning, quilting, slashing : i) Light thread ii) Dark thread d) Warping e) Healding (drawing-in) f) Weaving g) Jnspection Te.&le Mills ( Woolleu) a) Scouring, carbonizing, teasing, preparing, raising, brushing, pressing, back-washing, gilling, crabbing and blowing attention should be paid to the colour quality
b) Batch
25 25 25 28 28 25
19 25 25
25 25 25 19 19 25
of the light.
( Continued)
TS : 6665-1972
25 25
c) d) c)
f) g)
Blending, carding, combing (white), drying, cropping Spinning, roving, winding, warping, (coloured), twisting Healding (drawing-in) Weaving: i) Fine worsteds ii) h4edium worsteds, fine woollens iii) Heavy rvoollens Burling and mending Perching: i) Grey ii) Final flat, jacquard carpet
tentering, combing
300 700 700 2 ooo* looms,
fZ 19
25 25 22 22 28 25 25 28 25 22 19
58. Textile Mills (Jufe) a) Weaving, spinning, winding b) Yarn calendar 59. Tobacco Factories All processes 60. Upholstering Furniture and vehicles
200 150
300 100 150 150 150 300 700 150
61. Warehouses and Bulk Stores a) Large material, loading bays b) Small material, racks c) Packing and despatch 62, Welding ana Soldering a) Gas and arc welding, rough spot welding b) Medium soldering, brazing and spot welding, for example, domestic hardware c) Fine soldering and spot welding, for example, instruments, radio set assembly d) Very fine soldering and spot welding, for example, radio valves 63. Woodworking Shops a) Rough sawing, and bench work b) Sizing, planning, rough sanding, medium machine and bench work, gluing, veneering, cooperage c) Fine bench and machine work, fine sanding and finishing *Special tSpecia1 attention attention should should be paid to the colour quality be paid to the colour quality