Password Policy Implemantation
Password Policy Implemantation
Password Policy Implemantation
The following are tips on how to defender against password attacks: I. Try to avoid the following: Numeric or words only: this makes it easy for the attacker to crack this passwords and he wont take long time to crack it. Do not use your own name or pet name or dictionary words: Never write down your password either 1 DAVID MOGAPI +267 74303410 | INFORSECFAMILY
Never use your personal information Never use a single password in all application or computer accounts Make sure that you have a long password, combination of small and capital letters, numbers and special characters i.e. P@$$w0rd Replace some characters with numbers which are easily associated with. Always add at least a single special character in your password You can choose a dictionary word and totally change it into a very strong password by reversing the word and changing letters into numbers and special characters You can also separate each character with a number or special character
One can ask what kind of solution do we have in order to defend our systems from these kinds of attacks , since we all know that users will never have follow your advice. I will say its very simple if you think about it but hey lot of systems administrators gave up said 8 characters and i dont care whatever you are going to use to make your password. This is due to a very simple thing people dont like to remember anything and one thing for sure a human mind will easily remember less than five strong passwords but above that just forget about it. The following are just a few you may want to look into if you are Systems Administrator: I. Proper Password policy: include the following in your policy: Enforce Password history Specify minimum and maximum password age Specify minimum password length Make sure that your passwords meet complexity requirements Choosing Passwords Password enforcement Administration passwords should be protected very careful and make sure that you do not have many administrative accounts in your system, also make sure that your servers do not have the same passwords
If you do not like password policy complication biometrics is your best choice.