Jim Lemaster Campus Crusade
Jim Lemaster Campus Crusade
Jim Lemaster Campus Crusade
Jim LeMaster was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. In the late 80’s, Jim completed a Masters of Science
at the University of Washington in the field of Construction Management. During the school study, Jim learned in
ministry skills and knowledge through involvement with Campus Crusade. When Jim took the last short-term
ministry trips to China, he met with his wife Ruth and got marry in 1988. Ruth, daughter of Elder C.S. Yang, was
also a long-time New Jersey resident and CCCNJ attendant.
Jim and Ruth joined Campus Crusade as missionaries in 1993 and then have been living in China or Taiwan since
1994. Jim later received a Masters in Divinity at China Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan. Jim’s work in Far East has
been somewhat varied, including the evangelization and disciple training, various human resources duty, helping
and teaching new theological courses, giving pre-evangelistic lectures, dealing with apologetic issues and doing
pre-marital counseling. Jim held leadership positions in several of these areas.
In 2007, Jim was accepted as a provisional Doctor of Ministry student at Southern Evangelical Seminary in
Charlotte, NC. Currently, Jim is also working a discipleship curriculum for international students (including
Chinese students), and Ruth is carrying the bulk of the home-schooling load. They have 3 children, Rebecca,
Micah and Anna.
Rev. Lam has wonderful family, spouse Pearl Lam, 3 children Caris (married), Iris (married) and Johan, and now
is living in California
Since then, ERS is called to serve the Lord in the fields of mass media production and information aids for
churches, evangelical ministries, and missionaries to serve Christian believers, and ultimately to bring non-
believers to know God.
ChangHorng & Jinny Lin have wonderful family with 3 children, Stephanie, Iris and Joseph. They are living in
Santa Rosa, California now.