Eridian Onitor: Your System Board
Eridian Onitor: Your System Board
Eridian Onitor: Your System Board
Meridian Library System Suite 7 816 East 25th Street Kearney NE 68847 Phone: 800-657-2192 Phone: 308-234-2087 Fax: 308-234-4040 Email: [email protected] Website:
Crafternoon: Crafts include papercraft, crossstitch, origami, knitting, sewing (including designing, sewing and repairing). Use free papercraft patterns online and use teen friendly patterns (cartoon characters, etc.)
Online resources data Putting all the data together, you can create a key performance indicator dashboard. Most of us have data but dont use it to change and deliver value to our customers
Graphic Design: Includes theory of design, wood block printing, silk screen printing and using a digBroadcast your main message to all your audiencital vinyl cutter. es. Narrowcast specific message to segmented, speElectronics/robotics: Includes soldering, building amplifiers, Arduino, and creation of a robot army. cific audiences. Online resources: Adruino,cc Have a mobile strategy. Use of smart phones is up 63 percent. This includes immigrants and atrisk groups. Text ready to read tips. Create or recommends readers advisory apps. Focus your social media strategy on what the customers want.
Although these program may all be too big for your library, the idea behind it is usable. Teaching kids some of the skills that are dying out is a great idea and there are probably people in your Bus to ALA in Chicago community who can be instructors. Its worth a try Okay its official Nebraska Library Association if you want to increase usage by your teens. is partnering with Nebraska Regional Library Systems, with the help of a continuing education grant from Nebraska Library Commission to charter a 56 passenger bus to ALA Chicago 2013. We will be leaving from Lincoln on June 27th probably 7 a.m., with a pick up point in Omaha. The bus will return on July 2nd after the closing session, which will mean leaving Chicago Marketing Trends and Innovations for early afternoon my guess is 1 p.m. but the Libraries agenda wasnt posted last I looked. Cost for ridData from all your sources is big data. Some of ers is $50 for a round trip, and well encourage these sources are: riders to contribute to a driver gratuity. Cardholder data Usage patterns Web analytics Social media analytics Attendance data Customer input data So, now we need those of you who are interested to officially register to be on the bus. We want to have a count in by April 10th, in order to qualify for the grant so dont delay.
The link is below for the online registration and certainly if you have questions, let us know. We will try and work with folks interested in finding a roommate to split hotel costs, or in carpooling to Lincoln/Omaha for catching the bus. option=com_mc&view=mc&mcid=form_138634 Hope to see you on the bus! Brenda Ealey NLA ALA Councilor
2. At least four additional letters that support and endorse the nomination are required. Such letters may provide further information about the nomination. 3. More information and lists of previous recipients may be found on the NLA web page. 4. Nominations not selected are carried over to the following year, and additional letters of support are welcome for those nominations. 5. Nominations and letters of support must be received by May 31, 2013. 6. Nominations may be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] or mailed to Corinne Jacox, Creighton University Law Library, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178.
2013 Mari Sandoz and Meritorious Service Nominations The NLA Scholarship and Awards Committee invites nominations for the 2013 Meritorious Service Award and the Mari Sandoz Award. The Meritorious Service Award is given annually to a person, corporation or organization which has contributed to the improvement of library service in a local community, region, state agency, or in library legislation. It may be given to an individual or a group. The Mari Sandoz Award recognizes significant, enduring contribution to the Nebraska book world through writing, film production or related activity. Nomination Procedures: 1. The original letter of nomination should include the nominee's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, accomplishments, and any relevant supporting documentation. The letter should include the name, title, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person or group making the nomination.
The cutting machines are available for the following months: May, June July, September, October, November, December
shot day, please help ALA make the case for what happens in libraries across the country in a single day! It's easy as 1-2-3. Let ALA Know! If you are interested in hosting a Snapshot Day, or if you have already hosted one and would like to tell us about it, please contact Joaquin Falcon, ALA Office for Library Advocacy, or Michael Dowling, Director of the ALA Chapter Relations Office. Visit the Library Snapshot Day Primer to Library Snapshot Day: A Day in the Life get you started. If possible, please use some or all of these criteria as part of the of Your Library information you gather. Although the main purpose of Library Snapshot Day is to help Library Snapshot Day provides a way for libraries of all types across a state, region, libraries at the state and local level, ALA would like to translate statewide results into system or community to show what hapnational results that can be used for nationpens in a single day in their libraries. How al media and advocacy efforts. many books are checked out? How many people receive help finding a job? Doing Send ALA your results! Please fill out this their taxes? Doing their homework? This initiative provides an easy means to collect form (Word document or PDF) and help statistics, photos and stories that will enable ALA compile information about what haplibrary advocates to prove the value of their pens in libraries across the country in a single day. Once complete, you can email the libraries to decision-makers and increase form to [email protected] or fax it to (312) public awareness. 280.3255, attention Office for Library Advocacy. Resources Library Snapshot Day Primer: a step-bystep guide on creating your own Library Snapshot Day. Snapshot Days by State. See examples from around the nation. Talk to others about Library Snapshot Day. Visit our ALA Connect page for information sharing, tips, questions and ideas. 03/30/11 -- featuring Peggy Cadigan and Rob Banks. View content. 12/19/11 -- featuring Craig Seasholes, Washington Library Media Assn. (hear recording) and Ashlee Clark and Marsha McDevitt-Stredney, State Library of Ohio (hear recording). View content. Planning your own Snapshot Day? If you're planning to host your own snap The concept originated in New Jersey as a joint effort between the New Jersey Library Assn. and the New Jersey State Library. Soon after, many states began emulating the effort. At the 2010 ALA Midwinter Meeting, the ALA Advocacy Coordinating Group, in conjunction with the Chapter Relations Committee and COSLA, agreed to take this initiative to a national level, asking that states across the country find a date to conduct their own Library Snapshot Day. All links may be found at http:// statelocalefforts/snapshotday)
Naonal Library Week is April 14 to 20. Plannowtotakesomephotosfor SnapshotDay2013duringNa onal LibraryWeek!Watchyouremailfor anupdatetothelinks! Howwillyoubethankingyourlocal andstateocialsfortheirpartsin makingyourlocalpubliclibrarydy namicandvibrant?Ifyoureinvi ng ocialstoeventsduringNLW,be suretothankandremindthemhow importanttheirsupportisincrea ng abe ercommunity.Encouragestate senatorstosupporttheNebraskaLi braryCommissionsbudgetincrease becauseitmeansmoreservicesfor thepeopleinyourcommunity. Haveyoutakenthe metosign NLAswww.change.orgpe onto demonstratesupportforthebudget increase?Doitnowbyfollowing:
All Nebraska public libraries are members of United for Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. The Nebraska Library Commission has purchased memberships to ensure that public library staff members, Friends, Trustees, and Foundations can take advantage of United for Libraries' services to enhance fundraising, advocacy, and public awareness. The NLC plans to renew the memberships through 2013. To access United for Libraries' resources, contact the Nebraska Library Commission Reference and Information Services for username and password at 402-471-4016 or 800-307-2665.
United for Libraries, formerly the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF) "is a national network of enthusiastic library supporters who believe in the importance of libraries as the social and intellectual centers of communities and campuses. No one has a stronger voice for librarh p:// ons/stateof ies than those who use them, raise money for them, and govern them. By uniting these voicnebraskafundthe20132015budget es, library supporters everywhere will become requestsfromthenebraskalibrary a real force to be reckoned with at the local, commission.Askyourcircleoffriendsto state, and national levels."
signittoo!Afriendaskingafriendishow Membership in United for Libraries provides wewillsucceed! Nebraska public libraries with subscriptions to The Voice, the newsletter of United for LibrarAlsoNLWisagreat metoshowcasethe ies with in-depth articles on successful fundfreecomputertrainingyouprovideatyour raising, advocacy, trustee news, and public access to awards, discounts on library.TheNebraskaLibraryCommission awareness, library resources, and global networking opispar cipa nginEveryoneOn.Learnmore portunities with others who support libraries. ath p:// page_id=1041 FrancineCaneld,NLAAdvocacyChair
Connect2Compete Digital Literacy/ EveryoneOn EveryoneOn is a national campaign powered by Connect2Competea national nonprofit organizationbringing together leaders from communities, the private sector, and leading foundations. Through our programs and the power of technology, we will improve the lives of Americans regardless of their age, race, geography, income, or education level. The use of technology to access educational content is necessary to ensure future generations can compete in the global economy and to prepare them for the 21st century workforce. Connect2Compete will promote the importance of digital literacy skills and increase access to free computer and Internet training classes. The EveryoneOn campaign aims to help the millions of Americans who do not have the digital literacy skills they need to succeed and help them understand the relevance the Internet has in their lives. Connect2Compete plans to expand its program to all 50 states in the coming months. Nebraska libraries can check out the plans for this campaign at The Ad Council has created resources to describe the importance of EveryoneOn and to promote digital literacy in local communities. Libraries can begin using these materials at any time if they are ready and interested. Additional resources will continue to become available in the coming months. The toolkit currently includes: Background information Downloadable posters, postcards, table cards, flyers, and graphics Tips on using the campaign materials and spreading the word In the coming weeks, libraries will be invited to view a webinar that will discuss EveryoneOn, including the toolkit materials and how they can be used to support these efforts. The campaign launches on March 21, 2013, and several cities are working directly with Connect2Compete to host a local event to support EveryoneOn. In addition, Webjunction has scheduled a Webinar, Engaging Stakeholders, the First Step to Creating a Digitally Inclusive Community, for April 10, 2013, 12:00-1:00 p.m. CT, events/webjunction/ Engag-
ing_Stakeholders_Digitally_Inclusive_Community. html . We look forward to additional activities and roll-outs in communities across the US over the next three years. If you missed the Big Talk for Small Libraries workshop, the sessions can be viewed online at the following; bigtalk/2013-presentations/ Fnd the best books and media for youth for 2013 through YALSA's Best of the Best! They also offer downloadable spine labels, customizable bookmarks, and more tools for librarians to use to promote the very best in teen books to teens in their communities.
The sign on the giraffe says: Please do read to the animals Cute idea!!
2014 Golden Sower Award nominee for WHEN A DRAGON MOVES IN
2014 Golden Sower Award nominee for MAY B.
2014 Golden Sower Award nominee for PAYBACK TIME
ALSO: 2013-2014 Golden Sower Previews by Karen Drevo & Marci Retzlaff; Book Display & Discount Sales by Norfolk Public Library Foundation of titles by Jodi Moore, Caroline Rose & Carl Deuker; Sales of Golden Sower Items; Autograph Session/Book Signing with Jodi Moore, Caroline Rose & Carl Deuker; Door Prizes; 5 Continuing Education Hours (for all day attendance) from the Nebraska Library Commission for School & Public Librarians; 5 Professional Growth Points (for all day attendance) for Teachers/Staff employed by Norfolk Public Schools TICKETS: Youth (18 & under): $5.00/advance & $7.50/door Adults: $25.00/advance & $30.00/door !Free admission for current SCYP members! Advance tickets are available at Norfolk Public Library OR by mail order. To order tickets by mail, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope with full payment (write checks to Norfolk Library Foundation--Literature Festival) to: Literature Festival Norfolk Public Library 308 W. Prospect Avenue Norfolk, NE 68701 For more information, contact Karen Drevo at NPL by phone (402/844-2108) or e-mail [email protected]
Do you know someone who would be interested in serving on your Library System Board? The Meridian Library System is accepting nominations for three 3-year board terms beginning July 1, 2013. Nominees representing any of the System counties are welcome. On the next page, you will find additional information about the System Board and its role. Nominee information: NAME _________________________________________________ ADDRESS ______________________________________________ TELEPHONE: HOME _____________ WORK __________________ LIBRARY CONNECTION: __________________________________ E-mail address: __________________________________________ Please submit nominations by May 15, 2013 to: Meridian Library System 816 E 25th Street, Suite 7 Kearney NE 68847 Or attach to an e-mail to: [email protected]
WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE SYSTEM BOARD? The System Board is the governing body of the Meridian Library System; its function is similar to that of a public library board of trustees or any non-profit corporation. Board member tasks and accomplishments include: Be an advocate for the System and System services Budget preparation User satisfaction survey and evaluation of System services and programs Evaluation of progress toward meeting the goals and objectives stated in the System Strategic Plan Design of specifications for provision of System services HOW OFTEN DOES THE SYSTEM BOARD MEET? The System Board meets at four times per year, at such time and place and format as may be designated. As a general rule, the Board meets every three months. Meetings usually last about two hours. At least two meetings will be via phone conference call. ARE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD REIMBURSED FOR EXPENSES? Members are not permitted to receive a salary, wage or fee for their services. However, they are reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in carrying out their duties. The cost of travel to and from Board and committee meetings is reimbursed at the current Federal allowable rate;
Nebraska Learns 2.0: An Ongoing Learning Resource for the Nebraska Library Community The Nebraska Library Commissions online learning program, Nebraska Learns 2.0, debuted in 2008. The program is still going strong today and, over the years, we have been thrilled with the participation and conversations that have developed. Nebraska Learns 2.0 ( is an ongoing self-discovery program which encourages participants to take control of their own learning and to utilize their lifelong learning skills through exploration and PLAY. The goal of the program is to encourage participants to experiment with and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are reshaping the way people, society and libraries access information and communicate with each other. There are no formal classes or workshops offered to support this program. Instead, participants are encouraged to work together and share with each other their discoveries, techniques and how tos, both in person and through their blogs. Nebraska Learns 2.0 participants are offered an opportunity to do a new Thing each month. In Nebraska Learns 2.0., a Thing is essentially a Lesson. Participants have all month to complete that Thing and receive one CE credit. If you are busy one month, or taking a month long vacation, thats OK. You can just skip that months Thing and participate again the next month. Participants are always welcome to go back and do Things they missed, however CE credit will only be award for completing the current months Thing during that month. Another facet of Nebraska Learns 2.0 is BookThing. Each month we pick a single title that we feel has relevance to librarianship and/or information theory. Some of the titles will be very obviously related, while others may not seem so on the surface, but there is a connection. Your assignment will be to read the book and create a blog post answering some questions about the title. Each title will be assigned a variable number of CE credits based on the length of the book. If youve previously read the months choice, thats great! You dont have to re-read the book, unless you really want to. You are still welcome to participate by sharing your thoughts on the book. If you are new to Nebraska Learns 2.0, your first assignment is to sign up to participate at: nelearns/sign-up-2/ Then check out this months Thing and BookThing on the program website at http:// This program is open to ALL Nebraska librarians, library staff, library friends, library board members and school media specialists.
Does your library need a Web site? The Nebraska Library Commission can give you one for free. The Nebraska Libraries on the Web project has been around since 2010 and is open to any public library in the state of Nebraska. If youre looking to move your librarys Web site away from the version created with FrontPage back in 2002, have more than just a single page on your city or towns Web site, or create your librarys first Web presence this service is for you. As a participant heres what you get: Nebraska Libraries on the Web uses the open source WordPress platform which currently supports more than 63 million Web sites around the world. WordPress is nearly infinitely customizable with more than 1,700 base themes to choose from and more than 24,000 plugins that can add nearly any feature that youd want. If you need more server space or a new feature just ask. Multiple user accounts for your staff are available, providing you the ability to give different staff members different levels of access to your site. When you sign up the Nebraska Library Commission will provide you with some default content including a contact form and a calendar for your site. From there all you need to do is supply any additional information youd like. All work is done through simple forms; no coding experience is needed. NLC staff provides all of the support and training youll need along with a community of more than 50 other Nebraska libraries who currently host their Web site with us. NLC staff takes care of all of the software updates, security issues, and backups. All you need to do it provide the content. The system is hosted in-house at the Nebraska Library Commission and is connected to the Internet through the network of the State of Nebraska. This guarantees both highly reliable speeds and uptime of any service provider in the state. And how much will it cost your library to participate? Nothing! We provide all this at no cost to you. All we ask is that you keep up with posting new content to your site on a regular basis and allow us to insert a small link back to the projects site and the NLC. If you are interested in signing up or want more information head over to and click on Want to Participate? You can also contact Michael Sauers via e-mail at [email protected].
Meridian Library System Leadership Award The Leadership Award is offered annually by the Meridian Library System to a deserving library employee. Nominations may focus on, but are not limited to, the following: customer service, innovative programs, technological development. A minimum of three supporting letters for the nominee shall accompany the nomination form. Nominations and supporting documentation are due to the Meridian Library System Office by June 1, 2013. Name of Nominee: ____________________________________________ Library: _____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________________________________ Name of person making the nomination: ___________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________________________________ I am nominating this person because: