IEM Syllabus With Front Page-Final

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INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Course Structure and scheme of Evaluation (Semester wise, curriculum details) SEMESTER-I
HRS/Week Subject Code Subject L T P Evaluation Scheme Sessional Exam ESE Total Credits (Internal) (Theory/ Practical) TA CT Sub Total 25 25 50 100 150 4

MMEIM -101

MMEIM -102

MMEIM -103

Business Mathematics Business Practice and Management Managerial Economics & Accounting Work Study Professional Elective-I Professional Elective - II











MMEIM -104







3 3 0 0 22

0 0 3 0 3

0 0 0 5 5

25 25 50 25 --

25 25 -25 --

50 50 50 50 400

100 100 ... 100 700

150 150 50 150 1100

3 3 1 2 25

Seminar-I Industrial MMEIM-108 Engineering Lab TOTAL


MMEIM 105.1 MMEIM 105.2 MMEIM 105.3 MMEIM 105.4 MMEIM 106.1 MMEIM 106.2 MMEIM 106.3 MMEIM 106.4

ELECTIVE-I Marketing Research Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Marketing Logistics Business Policy ELECTIVE-II Quantitative Techniques Modern Manufacturing System design Integrated Materials Management Practical Project Management

Evaluation Scheme Sessional Exam ESE Total Credits (Internal) (Theory/ Practical) TA CT Sub Total 25 25 50 100 150 4

HRS/Week Subject Code Subject L T P

MMEIM -201

MMEIM -202

MMEIM -203 MMEIM -204

Financial Management Computer Applications in Management Research Methodology Business Communicati on and Report writing
Professional Elective-I Professional Elective - II Seminar-II Software Lab






4 4

0 0

0 0

25 25

25 25

50 50

100 100

150 150

4 4













3 1


0 0 22

3 0 3

0 5 5

50 25 --

-25 --

50 50 400

... 100 700

50 150 1100

2 25



MMEIM 205.1 MMEIM 205.2 MMEIM 205.3 MMEIM 205.4 MMEIM 206.1 MMEIM 206.2 MMEIM 206.3 MMEIM 206.4

ELECTIVE-I Organizational Behaviour Quality Management Industrial Relations Plant Engineering and Maintenance ELECTIVE-II Supply Chain Management Human Resource Management Total Quality Management Ergonomics and Environmental Management


HRS/Week Subject Code MMEIM -301 Subject L T 0 P 20

Evaluation Scheme ESE Sessional Exam ( Oral**) (Internal) C Sub TA

T Total

Total Credits


Industrial Training Mini Project/ Thesis-Phase I






10 30


100 150

0 100

100 250

5 15


HRS/Week Subject Code Subject L T P

Evaluation Scheme ESE Sessional Exam Thesis (Internal) Evaluation CT Sub TA** and Viva Total ** 100 0 100 100

Total Credits

MMEIM -401

MMEIM -402

Thesis-Phase II Masters comprehensive Viva





100 300 15 Total Credits = 80

TOTAL Grand Total Marks of all semesters 2750

TA Teachers Assessment(Quizzes, attendance, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Seminars, field visit etc) CT Class Test: Minimum two class tests conducted by the institute ESE University End Semester Exam will be conducted by the Institute through M.G University L=Lecture Hours ,T-Tutorials, P Practical *TA-based on technical report submitted together with presentation at the end of industrial training

** Industrial training evaluation will be conducted at the end of the third semester by a panel of examiners, with atleast one external examiner constituted by the university. ***50% of the marks will be awarded by the project guide and the remaining 50% of marks shall be awarded by a panel of examiners, including project guide constituted by the department. **** Thesis evaluation and viva voce will be conducted at the end of the fourth semester by a panel of examiners with at least one external examiner, constituted by the university.


Module 1:Rank of a matrix, elementary transformations, Normal form of a matrix, Echelon form of a matrix, consistent system of linear equations, Cramers rule for solving linear equations, solution of system of homogenous and non-homogenous linear equations. Module 2:Standard Distribution Uniform: Geometric Binomial; Poisson; Fitting of Distributions (Binomial and Poisson). Properties Mean, Variance; Exponential; Normal; Standard Normal definitions, Simple Properties and applications, Use of Standard Normal Tables for Computation of Various Probabilities. Module 3:Testing of hypothesis- Statistical hypothesis, Simple and composite hypothesis Null and

Alternate hypothesis, Type I and Type II errors, Critical Region, Size of the test, P value, Power Large Sample test Z test, Chi-Square test; Small sample tests t test, Chi-square test, F test, Tests of Correlation and Regression; Analysis of Variance (one way classification); Non parametric tests (All tests as techniques only). Basic ideas, sign test for one sample and two sample cases, signed rank tests for one sample and two sample cases, run test for randomness. Module 4:Curve Fitting: Principle of Least Squares, Fitting of Straight Lines, Parabolas, Exponential Curves. Bivariate Linear Correlation Scatter Diagram Pearsons Correlation Coefficient, Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient. Bivariate Linear Regression Regression Lines, Coefficients of Regression. REFERENCES: (1) S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons (2) Richard Johnson (2006): Probability and Statistics for Engineers (Miller and Freund). Prentice Hall. (3) V.K. Rohatgi: An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Wiley Eastern (4) Gibbons J.D. Non parametric methods for quantitative analysis. (5) S.P. Gupta: Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi (6) Medhi J: Statistical Methods an Introductory Text, Wiley Eastern 1992 (7) B.S Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers


Module 1: Introduction to management, managing & managers, evolution of management theory, organization structure, industrial politics, authority, responsibility, accountability, span of control & delegation of power. Module 2: Functions of management, planning, decision making, planning & strategic management, strategy implementation, SWOT analysis, MBO Module 3: Organizing organizational design & structure, human resource Management managing

organizational change & innovation , leading motivation ,leadership, teams & team work, communication & negotiation. Controlling, effective control, operations Management, information system. Module 4: Learning Organization, Management in the 21 century, organization & natural environments, social responsibility & ethics, globalization and management, inventing & re-inventing organizations, culture & multiculturalism. Case studies in innovative business practices. Note Special emphasis should be given to case studies involving the specific management functions. References : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. James A F stoner, Edward et al, Principles of management. Robinson, Administrative Practices & Management. Koontz, Principles of Management. Keith Devis, Human Behavior at Work. Fred Luthans, Organizational Behavior.


Module -1: Definition of Managerial Economics, Decision making and the fundamental concepts affecting business decisions, Utility Analysis & Demand Curve, Demand Forecasting. Module-2: Cost Considerations, Break even Analysis, Break even Analysis application, Cost Output relationship. Principles of Capital Budgeting Cost of Capital, Market Structure, Pricing and Output, Pricing Methods. Module -3: Accounting and its functions, Accounting Principles concepts and standards, Accounting Equation Journalising Posting- Balancing of Accounts Meaning of Accounts Balances Financial books - Books of Orginal Entry. Ledgers Cash Books Trial Balances(Simple Problems Only) Bank Reconciliation Statement. Trial Balances errors and their rectification Adjusting, Closing and Transfer entries. Module -4: Final Accounts of Trading Organizations Trading and profit and Loss Account Balance Sheet (sole tradership only ). Final Accounts of Non Trading Organization- Receipts and Payment Account Income and Expenditure Account Balance Sheet.(Simple Problems Only) Analysis of Financial Statements Limitations of Financial Statements. References 1. Advanced Accounting Vol.1 2. Principles and Practice of Accounting :R.L.Gupta :R.L.Gupta and V.K.Gupta

3. Principles and Practices of Accounting Vol.1 :Balakrishna Nair.N 4. Book-Keeping and Accounts 5.Accountancy Principles and Practices 6.Analysis of Financial Statements 7.Advanced Accounting 8. Managerial Economics K.C.Sankaranarayanan, and Dr. Jose T.Payyappilly 9.Managerial Economics 10.Problems in Business Economics :Haynes , Mote & Poul :M.C.Nair & Mariam :W.W.Bigg & H.A.R.J.Willson :D.L.Sarkar :S.P.Jain & K.L. Narang :S.P.Jain & K.L. Narang :Dr.M.V.Pylee,Dr.


Module 1: Introduction to productivity: productivity vs standard of living, productivity of various facilities, reasons for low productivity, management techniques to improve productivity. Methods Engineering: Methods Design formulation and analysis of methods design problems, review of methods engineering. Principles of Motion Economy: Micro motion study (therbligs), memo motion study, SIMO chart, chronocycle graph, recording techniques. Module 2: Work Measurement: Importance of time standards for manufacturing process, performance rating systems, various types of allowances. Techniques for work measurements: Stop watch time study, work sampling, PMTS, MTM, analytical estimation, various forms used in time study methods, measurement of indirect labour. Module 3: Ergonomics: Human factors Engineering, human performance in physical work, anthropometry, design of workstation, design of displays and controls. Manufacturing Planning: Selection of optimum process group technology various methods adaptability, steps involved in selection illustration. Module 4: Cost Accounting: Cost estimation difference types steps involved in cost estimation labour cost direct indirect labour variance material cost direct indirect material cost variance with examples. Overhead cost: Elements in over heads machine hour rate, apportioning methods, variance examples, activity based costing pricing methods. References: 1. ILO, Introduction to work study, Oxford & IBH Publishing company, New Delhi. 2. Samuel Eilon, Elements of production Planning & Control, Macmillan. 3. Narang CBS &Kumar V,Production & Costing Khanna Pub. 4. Barners (Marranse), Motion & Time study John Wiley & Sons 5. Scheele ED & Others , Principles &Design Of Production Control System Prentice Hall.


Module 1: Marketing and Environment: Market in all contexts Marketing Concepts Present and Emerging (Societal), Marketing facets\ tasks, and approaching to the study of marketing Integrated marketing Indian environment Indian cosumer Profile.

Module 2: Marketing management process : Marketing goals , Objectives and strategies Marketing organizations.

Module 3: Market segmentation : Consumer satisfaction Needs Vs wants- Market segments Basis of Segmentations, Product segments Functional & Non functional. Buyer Behaviour : Importance of understanding Consumer behaviour Influence of demographic Economic and psychological factors Buyer groups by behaviour Products groups by appeal.

Module 4: Product : Product life cycle Product planning Product mix and product line Branding and packaging, Product development, Product testing, Test marketing, Launching a product.

References: 1.Kotler Philip : Marketing Management :Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi 1989 2.Stanton William J : Fundamentals of Marketing 6th ed McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi 1973

3.William F Schoel

Marketing Contemporary Concepts and Practices

4.Cundiff Edward W

Fundamentals of Modern Marketing ,Pretice Hall of India Pvt. New Delhi

5.Davar R.S

Modern Marketing Management in The Indian Context

Progressive corporation Pvt. Ltd Bombay Marketing Management & The Indian Economy, 2nd Ed., Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi 1979

6.Neelamegham S

(MMEIM 105.2) MARKETING AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Module 1: Marketing definition- Marketing concepts present and emerging. Market mix and product mix. Concepts and classifications of products, services, needs, wants and demands. Societal, integrated, mega and micro marketing. Role of the internet. Marketing of services, Governmental and private marketing. Latest trends in Indian marketing environment. Module 2: Marketing management process: Marketing goals, objectives and strategies. Classification of marketing strategies. Marketing strategies for growth and emerging markets. Strategies for mature and stable markets. Requirements for global, international and transnational competencies. Functioning of different types of marketing organizations. Module 3: Market mix: Product life cycle strategies branding brand equity packaging- marketing activities connected with product development and launching test marketing. Price, satisfaction, delight and value. Pricing strategies. Methods for promoting the products and services. Service channels and marketing logistics. Module 4: Consumer bahaviour- definition. Determinants of consumer behaviour. Psychological, social, demographic and cultural factors. Types and stages of buyer decision behaviour. Models of consumer behaviour. Role of gate keepers and influencers. Application of market research in consumer behaviour. Domestic versus industrial purchases. Indian consumer profile.Market segmentation- definition- difference between market segmentation and product differentiation. Bases of segmentation. Characteristic features of market segments. Service segmentation. Functional and non functional aspects of segmentation. Product proliferation. Application of market research in segmentation. Limiting features of market segmentation. References: 1. Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control: Kotler Philip, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi 1989 2. Principles of Marketing: Philip Kotler, Grey Armstrong, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2010. 3. Fundamentals of modern marketing: Cundiff, E.W., Still, R.R, Prentice Hall Inc. 1981. 4. Indian Marketing Demographics: S.L .Rao, I. Natarajan, Global Business Press, Delhi.

5. Consumer Behaviour: Schiffman, Leon G., Kanuk, Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood-Cliffs, 1987.

(MMEIM 105.3) MARKETING LOGISTICS Module 1: Supply chain management and logistics introduction. Objectives and scope. Physical distribution management. Functions of the logistics system transportation, warehousing, order processing, information handling and procurement. Customer relationship management. Marking mix - Product - PLC. Product line, product mix strategies Module 2: Importance of marketing logistics system goals Integrated logistics management major logistics functions role of RFID. Marketing channels and SCM vertical marketing system horizontal marketing system multi channel distribution system. Channel design decisions channel management decisions. Module 3: Retailing and wholesaling marketing decisions for retailing and wholesaling. Types of wholesalers trends in wholesaling. Direct and online marketing types promise and challenges. Module 4: Transportation alternatives and technologies; transportation performance analysis; total transportation cost analysis; fleet development and management; fleet performance indicators; routing and scheduling; shipment planning; vehicle loading; transportation management and information systems requirements. Logistics in different industries: Third party, and fourth party logistics, Reverse logistics, Airline Schedule Planning, Railway Networks, Postal services, the maritime industries, health care industry and other service industries References: 1. David Bloomberg, Stephen LeMay, Joe Hanna: Logistics, Prentice Hall 2002 2. Thomas Teufel, Jurgen Rohricht, Peter Willems: SAP Processes: Logistics, AddisonWesley, 2002. 3. Murphy, G.J. "Transport and Distribution", 2nd Edition, Business Books 4. Ballou, R.H., Business Logistics Management/Supply Chain, 5th edition, 2004, PrenticeHall 5. Philip Kotler, Grey Armstrong :Principles of Marketing, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2010.

(MMEIM 105.4) BUSINESS POLICY Module 1: An overview of strategic management process levels of strategy objective, mission and goals social responsibility of business and social audit . Module 2 : Business environment SWOT analysis Portfolio analysis and strategies,Business reorganization and turn around management,Nature and types of competition competitive analysis competitive advantage of nations competitive environment in India Module 3: Strategic advantages and positioning, Growth strategies mergers and acquisitions- Globalization

Module 4: Strategy implementation, evaluation and control - Management of change Managing for future

Reference: 1. Gerry Johnson and Kevin Scholes Exploring corporate strategy, PHI 2005 2. Ahar Kazmi., Business Policy, TMH 3. B K Chopra, Business policy for Indian Industry, times Research foundation, Mumbai 4. Peter F Drucker, management Allied publishing, Bombay 5. Kenneth R Andrews, The concept of Corporate strategy, Taraporewala publishing Bombay

(MMEIM 106.1) Module 1:


Introduction to Operations Research: Models and mathematical models, optimization, systems approach, objective function, decision variable, constraints, decision rule, parameters, deterministic versus probabilistic models, static versus dynamic models, step in implementation of operation research. Linear Programming: Formulation of Linear Programming models, graphical method of solving linear programming problems, simplex method of solving LP problems- maximisation problems, minimisation problems and problems involving artificial variables, degeneracy, sensitivity analysis. concept of duality, concept of

Module 2 : Transportation models Stepping stone method using the Northwest Corner rule, MODI method Minum cost method of getting the first feasible solution, Vogels approximation method, degeneracy in transportation problem. Assignment Models: Floods Techniqe or the Hungarian Method.

Module 3 : Dynamic programming Concept of state, stage, policy, return, value of state and principle of optimality, solution of deterministic finite state models. Markov Chains: Concept of state, transition matrix and probability vectors, determination of steady state probabilities, absorbing Markov Chains. Module 4: Queuing models:Single line single server infinite population model with Poisson arrival and Exponential service times, single line single server finite population model with Poisson arrival and Exponential service times. Simulation: Monte-Carlo simulation.

Reference: 1. Gupta & Hira, Operation Research. 2. Philips & Ravindran, Operation Research Principle & Practice. 3. Dimitri P Bertsekas, Dynamic Programming. 4. Taha HA, Operation Research an introduction.

5. Hamda & Taha , Operation Research.

(MMEIM-106.2) - MODERN MANUFACTURING SYSTEM DESIGN Objectives: - To familiarize the students with the concepts of production and Operations Management Systems. To familiarize various models in manufacturing systems and application of tools for manufacturing systems design. Module 1:Introduction to Manufacturing System Introduction to Operations Management, Current trends in Manufacturing in India, Operations Management functions. Operations management in service systems. Methods of sales forecasting: time series analysis, moving average, exponential smoothing, least square fit methods, regression analysis and other methods such as market survey and Delphi analysis. Aggregate planning methods - graphical and reaction rate methods. Aggregate planning with linear programming transportation model. Linear Decision Rule. Master Production schedule. Production planning in made to stock and made to -order type of companies. Scheduling Loading and Sequencing. Gantt charts, Index method, Johnsons method, critical ratio and other methods of loading and sequencing. Dispatching- progress reporting and expediting functions. Designing, installing and evaluating production control system. Module 2:Facilities Planning:Plant location: - Selection of locations, Factor rating, Transportation methods, Centriod methods. Locating service facilities. Facility Layout- Basic production layout, product layout, Process layout, Group layout (Cellular), Problems in GT/CMS - Design of CMS Production Flow Analysis, Rank Order Clustering (ROC) Optimization Models, traditional approaches and nontraditional approaches- Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, Fixed position layout, Retail Service Layout, Office Layout, Automated production Systems, Automation, Software for Automation:- Systematic layout planning, CORELAP, ALDEP and CRAFT.. Flexible Manufacturing Systems-Components of FMS, Structure of FMS, Conceptual model of FMS. Characteristics of Lean systems for services and Manufacturing- Pull method of work flow, Small lot sizes, Kanban system, Value stream mapping, JIT Business Process Reengineering - Principles of Reengineering, Implementation of Reengineering, Issues in Reengineering. Module 3:Resources Planning Planning frame work, Multiple levels in products, Product structure, Bill of Materials, Time phasing the requirement, Determining the Lot size, Lead time information. Material

Requirement Planning, Updating MRP Schedules, Safety stock and Safety Lead Time. Capacity Requirement Planning, Distribution Requirement Planning, Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP-II). Enterprise Resources Planning- Definition, Evolution, Demand of ERP, ERP Modules, Benefits of ERP, Competitive Environment Analysis, Strategic Need Analysis, Feasibility Analysis, ERP soft wares, ERP enabled Business Process Re-Engineering, and Resources Planning in Services. Module 4:Simulation Applications in Manufacturing Systems Systems modeling, general systems theory, concept of simulation, simulation as a decision making tool, types of simulation. Pseudo random numbers, methods of generating random variates, testing of random numbers and variates. Problem formulation, data collection and reduction, time flow mechanism, key variables, logic flow chart, starting condition, run size, experimental design consideration, output analysis and interpretation validation. Comparison and selection of simulation languages, Development of simulation models for systems like, queuing systems, production systems, inventory systems, maintenance and replacement systems, investment analysis and network.



Mahadevan.B, Operations Management-Theory ad Practice, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.

2. 3.

Everrttee E Adam Jr. Ronald J Elbert, Production & Operations Management. Richard B Chase, F Robert Jacobs, Nicholas J Aquilano, Nitin K Agarwal. Opeartions Managemnt for competitive advantage

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Lee J Krajewski, Larry P Ritzma, Operation Management strategy & analysis. Joseph G Monks, Operations Management.Mc Graw Hill International Ltd. Mahadev Jaiswal, Ganesh Vanappalli, Enterprise Resource Planning, MacMillon. Ellen Monk, B ret Wagner, ERP, Thomson. Jerry Banks and John S.Carson, Barry L Nelson, David M.Nicol, P.Shahabudeen, Discrete event system simulation, Pearson Education, 2007.


Law A.M, Simulation Modelling and Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill,2008


Introduction, scope of materials management, primary and secondary objectives, integrated materials management, elation with other functional areas of organization. Organizing for materials management, basis for forming organizations, conventional and modern approaches to organizing materials management Module 2: Materials identification, classifying of materials, codification of materials, standardization, simplification and variety reduction of materials Module 3:

Inventory control techniques, FSN, VED, ABC, working capital management with reference to inventory. Management of stores location different types of stores methods of storing safety and security of materials stores equipment materials handling equipment factors affecting materials handling. Module 4: Stores issues and receipts procedures - forms and policies - accounting in stores, organization materials safety and security. Management of surplus obsolete and scrap materials, accumulation of surplus obsolete and scrap materials methods of disposal regulations and procedures Purchasing planning purchasing materials norms of vendor rating CEI methodology, Japanese industry, selection and development purchasing procedures and methods legal aspects, sources of supply, out sourcing. Sub contracting, criteria for selecting sub contractors rating

References: 1. Materials Management, P Gopalakrishnan, PHI 2. Purchasing And Materials Management, Leenders Fearon, Universal Book Stall 3. Purchasing And Inventory Control K S Menon Wheeler Publishers 4. Integrated materials management - A. K. Datta-PHI 5. Purchasing and Supply Management-Dobbler, Burt D.N-TMI,7/e, 2004 [IEM 2001]


Module 1:- Introduction and Systems approach Basic characteristics of modern projects, The need of project management, Types of project managers, The forms of project management. The systems approach, Basic systems concept, A general systems approach, The life cycle concepts of projects, A systems design algorithm. Planning of Projects Project organization structure, Formal and informal organization structure, Forms of organization structures, Requirements of project organization, Matrix organization structure, Pure project organization structure, selection of project organization structure. Work definition, Planning of project work, Work Breakdown Structure(WBS), Responsibility chart and responsibility matrix, Integration of WBS and organization structure, a detailed project plan. Conflict and negotiation.

Module 2:- Scheduling of Projects Project scheduling, Definitions, Gantt charts, Network scheduling, Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM). Risk analysis using simulation. Project scheduling with resource constraints, crashing of projects, Resource leveling, resource loading and simple problems. Module 3:- Budgeting and Appraisal of projects Project costing, Cost of project, Mean of finance, cost of production, cost estimation and budgeting, and Project Cost Accounting System (PCAS). Construction and use of audit report, Project audit life cycle, Essentials of audit and evaluation, Varieties of project termination, the termination process, The Final Report. Project appraisal, Financial evaluation of projects, Net Present Value Method, Benefit Cost Ratio method, Internal Rate of Return method, Accounting Rate of return method, Assessment of various methods, simple problems. Module 4:- Controlling of Projects Introduction, Phases and types of project control, Variance Analysis of project performance, Problems of project control. Simple problems. The role of project manager, team work and leadership functions, Information needs and the reporting process, computers in project management, softwares in project management.

References 1. Prasanna Chandra, projects planning Analysis Selection Implementation and Review, Tata McGraw-hill, 2006 2. Parameswar P Iyer, Engineering Project Management with case studies, Vikas publishing house,2001 3. Harvey Maylor, Project Management, Pearson Education 4. Ghattas R.G., Sandra L. Mckee, Practical Project Management, Prentice hall 2000 5. Jack R. Meredith, and Samuel J. Mantel Jr., Project Management A Managerial Approach, John Wiley and Sons, 2006 6. Harold Kerzner,Project Management A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, John Wiley and Sons, 2006.

(MMEIM-108) - LAB I INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING LAB The lab shall provide an environment to undertake method, motion and time study exercises within the infrastructure of workshop of Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industries around at the basic level. The lab should also include experiments on ergonomic evaluation and Quality Control. Experiments on Method Study o Practical application of Operation process charts, Flow process charts, Multiple Activity chart, Two handed Process chart, Travel Chart, Flow and string diagrams, Models and templates, Cyclegraphs and Chronocyclegraph etc Experiment on micro motion study using video analysis- preparation SIMO chart Experiments on Work measurement Analysis o o o Standard Time estimation using conventional Stop Watch Time Study Use of Work Sampling Analysis Use of PMTS like Work Factor system, MTM, MOST etc

Experiments on Ergonomic Evaluation Study and construction of X and R chart Study and construction of P chart Study and construction of OC curve Learning Curves


Module 1: Finance Management Nature Scope and Functions Financial statements Nature and limitations Analysis for Management Tools and Techniques of Analysis. Module 2: Ratio analysis Computation and Interpretation of Important ratio. Profitability ratio Activity ratio Leverage Ratios Use and limitations of ratio analysis. Module 3: Funds flow and cash flow analysis preparation of flow statements Utility and limitations of flow analysis Cash forecasting. Module 4: Financial planning Capital Budgeting Appraisal of Project Profitability risk, Profitability and Investment Decisions B.E.P. Analysis. Cost Accounting, Management of Working capital Estimation of working capital requirement Methods of Financing Management of cash and marketable securities- Accounts receivables and Inventories.

References : 1. 2. 3. 4. Pandey L.M Pravannachandra Van Horn Khan. M.Y and Jain - Financial Management - Financial Management - Financial Management - Financial Management


Module 1 : Fundamentals of computers Evolution of Computing Machines, Generations of Computers, Classifications of Computers, Over view of Internal and External Components of a Computer system., binary number system, generation of chips and programming languages Overview of Operating system along with its type and functions. Applications of Computers.

Module 2 : Networking of computer. LAN, WAN, Enterprise wide network, Internet and Internet uses in . Internet tools - Web Bowser, E-mail. Search engines, Instant messaging. Computer security- Malicious Programs, Cryptography, Digital signature Fire wall, Users identification and Authentication. Security awareness and policies. Introduction to emerging trends in IT Electronic Commerce, Electronic data interchange, Mobile communication, Blue tooth, Global Positioning system, Infrared communication, Smart card, SQL, Neural network, Artificial Intelligence.

Module 3 : Management information System Concepts of Data, Information and knowledge. Processing of data using computers. Storage and Retrieval of massive data on computers. Data Warehousing and Data mining. Document Image Management Systems (DIMS). Phases in software Systems Life Cycle. Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Based Systems and their Applications in management.

Module 4: Computerization - Prospects and Problems Information Technology for achieving competitive edge in Business and industry. Infrastructure Requirement, Selection of Hardware and Software, Implementation and transition Skills up gradation and re deployment of staff as a result of computerization. problems.

Systems, modeling, general systems theory, concept of simulation, simulation as a decision making tool, types of simulation. Comparison simulation languages, Awareness of Simulation languages GPSS, ARENA. References 1. Introduction to Information Technology ITL Education Solutions Ltd. Pearson Education. New Delhi 2. J. Daniel Couger & Fred R McFadden, Whiley, A First course in Data Processing. 3. Rajaraman.Introduction to Computers. 4. Operating Manuals of MS DOS, WINDOWS, UNIX< Novell Netware, LOTUS, DBASE etc. 5. Various computer magazines like Computer World, PC quest etc.


Module 1: Meaning of research, types of research, research methods and methodology stages of research process - statement of objectives- defining problems - hypothesis review of literature. Research in social science and management. Module 2: Research design and sampling design. Different types of research designs. Experimental designs ANOVA Completely randomized design randomized block design. Census Vs sample studies. Types of sampling - probability and non-probability sampling. Sampling theory and sampling distribution. Sample size determination. Module 3: Tools and techniques of data collection. Questionnaire and schedule for field surveys, interview, observation, simulation, experimental and case study methods. Collection, recording, editing and coding of data. Scaling of data. Scale classification and types. Measurement of validity, reliability and practicality. Cronbachs Alpha Module 4: Data analysis and interpretation statistical methods, testing of hypothesis, testing of population mean, variance and proportion Z test t test F test - chi square test. Test for correlation and regression fitting regression lines standard error of the estimate. Testing goodness of fit of data - analysis of dependence - analysis of interdependence. Introduction to non parametric tests, factor analysis and cluster analysis and path analysis. Use of SPSS and other software. Meaning of interpretation and inference importance and care for interpreting results. Presentation of reports popular reports and technical reports - structure and style. Oral and written presentations. Parts of a research report. Methods of giving references and appendices. References 1. Research Methodology: Methods and techniques : C. R. Kothari

2. Research Methodology: Pannerselvam 3. Management Research Methodology : K. N. Krishnaswami, Appa Iyer and M Mathirajan, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2010 4. Research Methodology: Ranjit Kumar, Pearson Education, Delhi, 2009. 5. Hand Book of Research Methodology : M N Borse, Sree Nivas Publications, Jaipur, 2004

6. Business Research Methods: William G Zikmund, South Western Ltd, 2003 7. Research Methods in Social Science: P K Majumdar, Viva Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2005 8. Analyzing Quantitative Data: Norman Blaikie, SAGE Publications , London, 2003 9. SPSS for Windows: Pearson Education New Delhi, 2007


Module 1: Introduction to Communication understanding communication, Internal and external communication, Effective communication in Business

Module 2: Verbal Communication includes Planning, Preparation, Delivery, Feedback and assessment of activities like: Public speaking, Group Discussion, Oral Presentation skills, Perfect Interview, Listening and observation skills, body language and use of Presentation aids. Types of effective Technical and Business Presentation Types of presentations designs and delivery of Oral presentations

Module 3: Written communication in business Business letters principles and mechanism of letter writing, types of letters and their importance Memos Routine messaging, requests, replies, announcements, brochures, newsletters, articles Reports, Writing Business reports, Technical report writing, project proposals

Module 4: Time management skills, HR skills: leadership, communication, negotiation, motivating (inter personal and inter group). Risk taking skills, Organising skills: Events management

References: 1. Shurts Robert L, Written Communication in Business. 2. Herta A Murphy Charls E Pick, Effective Business & Communication, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1981 3. William M Chute & Erwin, Communication in Business & Industry. 4. Norman P Sigband, Effective Report Writing, Harper and Row, 1960 5. John J Mackay, C Fitzer ,Business Communication skills: Principles & practice Prentice Hall, 1984.

(There should be adequate exposure to case studies, presentations, debates and discussions, simulation of stress exercises, team exercises, planning exercises, personality testing, feedback etc.)


Module 1: The Organizational Basics for behaviour, Systems approach to organization Organizational structure Making Organizing effective ent Organizational culture.

Module 2: Perception and learning, Theories of learning, Motivation theories, Role analysis and Inter personal Dynamics, Assumptions, perceptions and feelings Interpersonal interactions, activities and sentiments Interpersonal communication Problems in role effectiveness.

Module 3: Personality Theories effects on behaviour. Group Dynamics and Inter-group relationships, Characteristics of work group Basic forces that shape group behavior Dynamics of effective operating groups Work group behaviour and productivity. Team Management

Module 4: Organizational Development - Styles and skills in leadership and communication Power and politics in organization- Managing differences and conflicts Managing change Organisation and society. Grid Management Transactional Analysis Sensitivity Training Process consultancy.


1. Fred Luthans 2. Danial. C. Fieldman and Hugh Arnold Organization

: Organizational Behaviour : Managing Individual and Group Behaviour in

3. William H. Newman and Andrew R Mc Gill : The process of Management Strategy Action and Results. 4. Harold Koontz and Weihrich :Management

5. James A. F. Stoner And Charles Wankel : Management 6. Stephen P Robbins : Organizational Behaviour

(MEIM - 205.2) - QUALITY MANAGEMENT Module 1: QUALITY CONCEPTS: Quality Dimensions Quality definitions - Quality control Quality Assurance Quality planning - Quality costs Economics of quality Quality loss function. Module 2: STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL: Process variability Control charts for variables, Warning control limits process capability, machine capability and gauge capability studies Statistical tolerance. OTHER CONTROL CHARTS: Control charts for attributes, Demerit control chart, control charts for individual measurement, moving range chart, multi-variate chart, cum-sum chart. Module 3: ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING: Economics of sampling Acceptance sampling by variables and attributes Single, double and sequential plans OC curves ATI, ASN, AOQL Standard sampling tables-IS2500, Dodge- Roaming and MIL- standards. Module 4: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND SIX SIGMA: TQM concepts, Quality system, seven tools of quality, 5S, QFD, KAIZEN, POKAYOKE, Six sigma concepts DMAIC/ DMADV approach. References: 1. Douglas, C. Montgomery, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, IInd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2001. 2. Grant, E.L. and Leavenworth, R.S., Statistical Quality Control, TMH, 2000. 3. Dale H.Besterfiled, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education Asia, 2002.

(MMEIM - 205.3) INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Module 1: Industrial Relations: The changing concepts of Industrial relations, Factors affecting employee stability. Application of Psychology to industrial relations. Module 2: Industrial Harmony and Conflict: Harmonious relations in industry, importance and means; cause of industrial disputes, Machinery for settling of disputes, Negotiation, Conciliation, Mediation, Arbitration and Adjudication, Strikes, Lock-outs, Layout and Retrenchment codes of discipline, Grievance procedure, Labour management co-operation; Workers participation in management. Module 3: Labour Relations: Changing concept of management labour relations; Statute laws, Tripartite conventions, development of the idea of social justice, limitation of management prerogatives increasing labour responsibility in productivity. Joint Consultation: Principal types, Attitude of trade unions and management; Joint consultation in India. Module 4: Trade Unions: Development of trade unionism, Theories of trade unionism, Aim and objectives, Structure and governing of trade unions. Problems of Indian Trade Unions: Political activities, Welfare, Legislation, Responsibilities, positive role in economic and social development. Role of Collective Bargaining - Methods and tactics, Administration of collective bargaining agreements; Fair and unfair labour practice. Tripartite Machinery: At the center and in the states; I.L.O. Its functions and role in labour movement Industrial health and safety; Industrial legislations. References: 1. Mamoria C.B and Sathish Mamoria,Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House,New Delhi,1998.

2. Dwivedi.R.S Human Relations 7 Organisational Behaviour, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi,1997. 3. Pylee.M.V and Simon George ,Industrial Relations and Personnel Management ,Vikas Publishing 4. 5. N.G.Nair,Lata House Nair,Personnel (P) Management and and Ltd.,New Industrial Laws,Vikas Delhi,1995 Relations,S.Chand,2001 ,4TH edition,2000




6. C.S.Venkata Ratnam,Globalisation and Labour Mangement Relations,Response Books,2001


Module 1: Wear and Lubrication: -wear-classification-theories of wear-analytical treatment of wearstages of wear-effect of moisture, gas and liquid on wear-effects of temperature-corrosive wear- fretting-fatigue-calculation of working life-design considerations. Lubricants: -solid, fluid and semifluid-synthetic lubricant-general properties and uses-tests and classification-aniline point-cloud, pour and flash point-carbon residue-flash and fire pointssulphur content-lubricant additives-lubricant systems-lubrication equipments and

components. Module 2: Maintenance: -Breakdown and preventive maintenance-deterioration and failure analysis- planning, scheduling, and controlling of maintenance work-organisation for maintenance. Replacement: - causes of deterioration and obsolescence-sudden and gradual obsolescence and deterioration-economic analysis-MAPI method. Evolution of maintenance management-SWOT analysis-subjective methods of evaluation-objective criteria of evaluation. Module 3: Reliability: -concept and definition-chance of failure-wear and failure application of stochastic model for reliability studies-reliability of series, parallel and stand by systemsestimation of parameters of failure distribution-maintainability and availabilityproblems. Module 4: Non destructive testing and diagnostic instruments: - inventory control of spare partssimple problems. Safety management: - accident prevention program-designing of safe operation-fire protection legal provisions for safety in industry. References 1. Standard Handbook of Plant Engineering - Robert C.Rosder 2. Reliability&Maintainability Management - Balbir S.Shillon 3. Industrial Maintainence Management - Sushilkumar, Srivasthava

4. Handbook of Tribology - Bharat Bhooshan, B.K.Guptha

5. Inspection, Quality control and Reliability - S.C.Sharma 6. Maintenance and Spare parts management - P.Gopalakrishnan, A.K.Banergy.

(MMEIM - 206.1) SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Objectives:-To give the students a clean understanding of the concepts of supply chain management and related logistics management in the fast changing business environment. The inputs also show how SCM improve the enterprise effectiveness with objectives of improving its profitability and synergy with customers and suppliers. Module 1:Introduction to SCM Understanding the Supply Chain- The changing business landscapes driving forces-Supply Chain concepts and characteristics-Discussions of logistics interface with micro economy such as marketing, production and other functional areas and macro economy such as global economic policies. Planning Demand and Supply -Demand Forecasting- Role of Aggregate PlanningPlanning Strategies, MRP, ERP, DRP- Managing predictable variability. Module 2:Procurement and Inventory Decision Making Inbound logistics along the Supply Chain- Material management: - Procurement and importance of item and service purchased- Documentation in Purchase, Significance of inventories in broader perspective- Inventories in the organization- rationale for inventory- Classifying inventory- Approaches to managing inventories under conditions of certainty and uncertaintyInventory at multiple locations and determining optimal level of inventory-Problems in Inventory Management. Module 3:Ware Housing Decisions Role nature and importance of warehouses- Warehouse operations and design, Documentation in Ware Housing Operations- Material Handling and storage. Transportation system and

ManagementRole of Transportation in Supply Chain- Factors affecting transport decisions and selection decision- Documentation for Transport, Basic Modes of transportation- Classification of carriersManagement Strategy for carrier shipments- Network design. Module 4:Supply Chain and Logistics Information System Use of Information in a supply chain- Information system building process and role of Ebusiness in a supply chain- Positioning information in logistics-Methods Obstacles to co-

ordination in a supply chain. Performance Measurement System in Supply Chain - Current issues

in performance measurement and reporting; monitoring, controlling and directing- Challenges for future; cycle reduction strategies, Inventory reduction strategies and E-Commerce strategies. Managing International Supply Chain.. References: 1. Burt, Dobler and Starling, World Class Supply Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Coyle Bondi and Langely, The management of Business Logistics a Supply Chain Perspective, Thomson South Western. 3. Boversox and Closs, Logistical Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. David J Bloomberg, Stephen Lemay, Joe B. Hanna, Logistics, PHI 5. Sunil Chopra, Supply Chain Management, Strategy, Planning & Operation, Pearson 6. Jermy Shapiro, Modeling and Supply Chain, Duxbury Publication. 7. Mohanty R.P, Deshmukh S.G. Essentials of Supply Chain Management, Phoenix Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

(MMEIM - 206.2) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Module 1: Human Resource Management Introduction and Importance- Conceptual between Personnel Management and HRM Strategic HRM- role of a HR Manager Module 2: Human Resources Planning Objectives - HRP Process Manpower Estimation - Job analysis -job Description-Job Specification - Recruitment-Sources of Recruitment - Selection ProcessPlacement and Induction -Retention of Employees. Module 3: Training and Development-Objectives and Needs - Training Process- Methods of Training-Tools and Aids - Evaluation of training Programs. Career Planning-Succession Planning. Different methods of Performance Appraisal - Rating Errors Competency Management. Compensation Management-Concepts and Components-Job EvaluationIncentives and Benefits.

Retirement/Separation - Superannuation - Voluntary Retirement Schemes- Resignation Discharge-Dismissal -Suspension-Layoff. Module 4: Performance Management System Definition, Concept and Ethics. Productivity ManagementConcepts-TQM-Kaizen-Quality Circles Industrial relations - Grievance Procedure - collective





References: 1 Human Resource Management 2 Personnel Management C. Gary B. Dessler Mamoria

3 Managing Human Resources R. S. Dwiwedi 4 Human Resource Management 5 Human Resource Management 6 Human Resource Management Dr. Mirza L. P. & M. C. Pardeshi Zaiyadin Prasad

7 Managing Human Resources Arun Monppa

(MMEIM - 206.3) TOTAL QUA ITY MANAGEMENT Module 1: CONCEPTS AND PHILOSOPHY Basic concepts, leadership, customer satisfaction, employee involvement, Continuous process improvement, supplier partnership, need for TQM, principles of TQM, TQM framework, Quality philosophies of Deming, Crosby, Juran, Ishikawa and Feigenbaum, TQM models. Module 2: TQM PROCESS QC tools, problem solving methodologies, new management tools, Statistical process control, quality circles, bench marking, strategic quality planning, . Module 3: TQM SYSTEMS Quality policy deployment, quality function deployment, introduction to BPR and FMEA QUALITY SYSTEM Need for ISO 9000 system, advantages, clauses of ISO 9000, Implementation of ISO 9000, QS9000 systems, introduction to EMS, quality costs, quality auditing. Case studies. Performance measures, one factor, two factor and orthogonal designs, parameter design, tolerance designloss function Module 4: IMPLEMENTATION OF TQM KAIZEN, 5S, JIT, POKAYOKE, Taguchi methods, Steps in TQM implementation, National and international quality awards, case studies.

REFERENCES: 1.Dale H.Besterfiled, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education Asia, (Indian 2002) 2. Rose, J.E. Total Quality Management, Kogan Page Ltd. 1993. 3. John Bank, The essence of total quality management, PHI 1993. 4. Greg Bounds, Lyle Yorks et al, Beyond Total Quality Management, McGraw Hill, 5. Takashi Osada, The 5Ss The Asian Productivity Organisation, 1991. 6. Masaki Imami, KAIZEN, McGraw Hill, 1986. 1994. reprint

(MMEIM-206.4) ERGONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Module 1: Physiological Performance: Factors affecting physiological performance, physical work load and energy expenditure, heat stress, manual lifting, shift work Module 2: Work Space Design: Anthropometry, Workspace designs for standing and seated workers, arrangement of components within a physical space, interpersonal aspect of workplace design. Module 3: Design of Equipments: Ergonomic factors to be considered in the design of displays and control, design for maintainability, design of human computer interaction. Module 4: Cognitive Ergonomics: Information Theory, Information processing, signal detection theory, Human response, human errors, cognitive task analysis. Design of Environment: Vision and Illumination design Noise and Vibration

References: 1. Martin Helander, A guide to Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2nd Edition, CRC, Taylor & Francis Group 2006. 2. Bridger, R.S., Introduction to Ergonomics, McGraw Hill, 1995. 3. MeCormik, J., Human Factors Engineering and Design, McGraw Hill, 1992.


OR Softwares, MATLAB, Simulation softwares like GPSS, SIMSRIPT, PALISADE shall be used to develop capability in OR & statistical areas. AUTOCAD, Mechanical Desktop, SOLID WORKS, ANSYS, IDEAS to use in design and analysis & simulation of products. CNC machines and CAM software can be used to develop manufacturing competence with latest technologies. DBMS, Networking & Interfacing exercise to deal with data exchange & communication problems. OR problem solving exercise using OR packages like LINDO, LINGO, TORA Use of Simulation softwares- Simulation Exercise using GPSS, Witness, Arena, SIMSRIPT, PALISADE , SLAM, C++ etc, Case studies. Development of simulation models using the simulation language studied for systems like, queuing systems, production systems, inventory systems, maintenance and replacement systems, investment analysis and network. Statistical Analysis using statistical packages like SPSS, Stat graphics etc Use of MATLAB in Indutrial Engineering applications Use of Softwares in Ergonomic Analysis Material planning, tooling software exercise Computer packages like CRAFT, CORELAP, ALDEP etc for Layout Analysis Development of Random number generator, Testing of random number generator. Nonuniform Random varieties generation and testing. Quality Control Software packages Use of Project Management softwares like MS Project, Primavera etc Scheduling Exercises using C++ and scheduling softwares Geometrical Modelling and Drafting exercise Analysis, Mechanism and simulation exercises CNC programming and Machining Exercises using Database software. Networking essentials and Interfacing study

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