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An Evaluation of Phare-financed Energy and Environment Programmes Inventory Report September 1999

This report was produced by "Environment Resources Management" (ERM) for the Evaluation Unit of the Joint External Relation Service (SCR) of the European Commission. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this report, nor does it accept responsibility for any consequence of their use.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: ......................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1 INVENTORY RESULTS ............................................................................................ 4 1.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 4 1.1.1 Background ...................................................................................................... 4 1.1.2 Approach to the Inventory ................................................................................ 4 1.2 INVENTORY RESULTS .................................................................................................. 5 1.3 CONCLUSIONS.......................................................................................................... 11 1.4 IMPLICATIONS FOR PHASE 2 ...................................................................................... 12 2 METHODS USED................................................................................................... 13 2.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE INVENTORY ............................................................................... 13 2.2 KEY ACTIVITIES....................................................................................................... 13 2.3 DATA COLLECTION .................................................................................................. 13 2.3.1 Type of data.................................................................................................... 13 2.3.2 Data Gathering Process ................................................................................. 14 2.3.3 Data Verification and Synthesis ...................................................................... 15 2.4 CLASSIFICATION AND DATA MANAGEMENT............................................................... 15 2.5 LIMITATIONS OF THE INVENTORY.............................................................................. 16


1.1 1.1.1


Background This Inventory Report has been prepared by Environmental Resources Management (ERM) as the key output of Phase 1 of a project entitled: Evaluation of the Phare-financed Energy and Environment Programme. The Report contains the results of the inventory and a description of methods used. The inventory is based on records of all funds committed to Phare national and multi-country energy and environment programmes between 1990 and 1997. It covers 10 candidate member states including: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria. The inventory is designed to be used as a basis for selecting a representative sample of projects for detailed evaluation during Phase 2. The evaluation will focus on defining the relevance, effectiveness and impact of past Phare programming. The results of the evaluation will lead to a set of general recommendations for future programming, within the context of Phares evolving role as a proactive and strategic instrument for directing the accession of selected CECs.


Approach to the Inventory This report follows three months of preparation and brief field visits to all 10 candidate member states. As there is currently no unified list of Phare energy and environment programmes and projects, the primary purpose of the field visits was to compile a detailed inventory. In addition to listing projects, we collected information on the outputs and objectives of each as a basis for classification. In terms of output we distinguish between Institutional reform and Investment projects, as follows: Institutional reform including - organisations; pricing; regulations; and awareness; Investment including - physical assets; demonstrations; investment funds; and investment preparation. There are a number of other projects which do not fall easily within these two categories. These include strategic planning projects and support for PMUs, both of which we consider to be inputs rather than outputs. Critical aid projects address specific issues at a given time and have not been included within institutional reform or investment. There are also a number of unknowns for which insufficient information is available and projects of multiple output. 4

At the objectives level, projects divide into those which aim to achieve one of the following: energy savings; improved energy supply; reduced waste and water use; improved waste services and water supply; pollution reduction; and biodiversity conservation.

Following classification, we coded all projects and entered them into a database (operated via Microsoft Access). The database has proved to be an effective way of collating the inventory and presenting the results both visually and numerically. We present a more detailed description of methods used during inventory and classification in Section 2 of this report, as well as a full print-out of the database as Annex A. The full inventory, by country and by sector is presented as a separate document to this report (Appendix A).



The inventory consists of 795 projects with a total expenditure (based on funds committed) of about 570 MECU. Figure 1 presents the evolution of the programme from 1990 to 1997. The graph shows an expected distribution of strategic studies peaking during the early years and dropping off thereafter, and a similar distribution for institutional reform, though rising again during the later years. We have included critical aid as a separate line to show an expected peak in the early years and to distinguish this from investments which are surprisingly high during the early years. Figure 1 also shows that expenditure has been declining since 1996. Figure 1: Evolution of Phare Energy and Environment Programmes
60 50 Expenditure (MECU) 40 30 20 10 0 90 91 92 93 94 Year of Programme 95 96 97 Strategies Institutional Investment Critical aid

Tables 1 and 2 provide a summary of the inventory by sector (energy and environment) and by country, demonstrating the following: overall expenditure committed to the environment sector programme (about 345 MECU) is significantly greater than the energy sector programme (about 225 MECU) (1) ; the environment sector programme started marginally earlier than the energy sector programme, with five out of ten countries beginning in 1990; expenditure on the environmental sector programme is highest in Poland and Hungary, followed by Bulgaria and the Czech Republic; and expenditure on the energy sector programme is highest in Bulgaria, followed by Romania and Lithuania. Table 1: Summary of Phare Environment Programme (1990-1998)
Country Bulgaria Czech Rep. Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovenia Slovakia Multi-country Total
Source: ERM, 1998

Number of Programmes 4 4 5 7 6 9 5 3 1 5 5 55

Year of first Programme 1990 1990 1992 1990 1992 1992 1990 1991 1998 1990 1991

Year of last Programme 1994 1997 1997 1995 1997 1997 1995 1996 1998 1995 1997

Committed (MECU) 28.19 20.65 13.25 69.71 12.92 19.66 88.77 15.49 0.00 16.16 64.59 349.79

Table 2: Summary of Phare Energy Programme (1990-1998)

Country Bulgaria Czech Rep. Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovenia Slovakia Multi-country Total
Source: ERM, 1998

Number of Programmes 8 4 4 5 4 8 4 4 3 5 5 55

Year of first Programme 1991 1991 1992 1991 1993 1991 1991 1991 1993 1991 1992

Year of last Programme 1996 1997 1996 1996 1997 1997 1994 1995 1995 1995 1996

Committed (MECU) 70.78 5.67 5.00 16.55 2.79 21.04 7.49 29.46 7.24 10.95 42.62 219.59

(1) May 1998 figures

Figure 2 presents the average size of projects demonstrating a typical bimodal distribution. Small projects (under 1.0 MECU) are the most numerous while larger projects (over 1.0 MECU) account for most of the spending - 70% of total expenditure. Figure 2: Numbers of projects and expenditure (MECU) by size category
350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.00-0.09 0.10-0.49 0.50-0.99 Size category (MECU) Expenditure Number 1.00-4.99 5.00+

Total expenditure on energy and environment sector programmes by country is presented in Figure 3. Three countries dominate overall spending including, in ascending order, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria. With the exception of Bulgaria, there is less variance in the size of the energy programme between countries that the environment programme. Expenditure on energy is surprisingly low both in Hungary and Poland considering their relative size. Expenditure on the energy programme in Bulgaria is particularly high, as compared to other countries. Lithuania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic are the only two countries which appear to have equal spending on energy and environment, with all other countries tending to favour one or the other. Figure 3: Country distribution for energy and environment (1990-1997)
120.0 100.0 Expenditure (MECU) 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 BG CR ES HU ENE LE LI PL Country RO ENV SL SR ZZ

Figure 4 presents expenditure by output. Investments in physical assets dominate the programme both for energy and environment. Other important 7

project outputs include institutional support for organisations, investment preparation and strategic studies. Project management support is the 5th largest output category accounting for about 7% of total expenditure. Figure 4: Expenditure (MECU) by output
Z3 Unknown Z 2 M ultiple Z1 Project m anagem ent V 5 Critical aid V 4 Investm ent preparation V 3 Financing V 2 D emonstrations V 1 Physical assets S4 A w areness S3 Regulations S2 Pricing S1 Organisations S0 Strategy 0 Energy 50 Environment 100 150 200 250

Expenditure (M E C U )

Table 3 presents expenditure as a matrix of project outputs against project objectives. Overall, it shows that about 20% of all expenditure is on institutional reform and about 60% on investment activities; the remainder being classified as other. The cells in the matrix define groupings of projects of similar output and objective. We have identified ten key project groupings (based on total expenditure) which are marked in bold. Collectively these key project groupings account for about 380 MECU or about 70% of total expenditure. Figure 5 compares expenditure on the ten key project groupings showing considerable variation. In five out of ten groups, expenditure is in the range of 10-30 MECU. For the remaining groupings expenditure ranges from 30 to 80 MECU. Seven out of ten key project groupings are investment projects. The most significant of these in ascending order are investments in physical assets to: improve energy supply; improve waste management and water supply; and to reduce pollution.

Table 3

Figure 5: Total expenditure (MECU) by key project grouping

9 Biodiversity assets 8 Pollution investment preparation 7 Pollution assets 6 Waste/water assets 5 Energy savings funds 4 Energy supply demos 3 Energy supply assets 2 Pollution organisations 1 Energy supply organisations 0 Strategies 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 Expenditure (MECU) 70.0 80.0 90.0

A further review of the key project groupings in Figure 6 shows some variation in mean project size. In all but two, mean project size is less than 2 MECU and in five cases below 1 MECU. Only in the case of investment in physical assets for improving energy supply is the mean project size above 3 MECU. Figure 6: Average project size (MECU) within key project groupings
9 Biodiversity assets 8 Pollution investment preparation 7 Pollution assets 6 Waste/water assets 5 Energy savings funds 4 Energy supply demos 3 Energy supply assets 2 Pollution organisations 1 Energy supply organisations 0 Strategies 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Average project expenditure (MECU)

Table 4 presents the key project groupings by country in percentage terms. We have shaded those cells where expenditure in a given country appears to be unusually high. A review of Table 4 indicates the following: expenditure on institutional strengthening has been low in all countries with the exception of Slovakia where 15% of spending has been on institutional reform in support of pollution control; Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia appear to have prioritised expenditure on energy saving funds more than other countries; Estonia, Hungary and Lithuania have prioritised investments in improving waste management and water supply more than other countries; Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia appear to have the most balanced programme, with expenditure in at least eight of the ten key project groupings; 10

Slovenia appears to have the most skewed programme with expenditure in only four out of ten key project groupings. Table 4: Percentage expenditure (%) by country and key project grouping
Key Project Grouping BG CR ES HU LE 0 Strategies 6 7 17 5 1 1 Energy supply organisations 9 3 5 1 4 2 Pollution organisations 0 5 8 4 7 3 Energy supply assets 34 0 0 5 0 4 Energy supply demonstrations 3 0 3 1 0 5 Energy saving funds 0 14 0 6 7 6 Waste and water assets 0 2 27 23 11 7 Pollution assets 24 29 5 29 5 8 Pollution investment prep. 1 8 0 6 0 9 Biodiversity assets 0 0 0 2 0 LI PL RO SL SR ZZ 7 19 3 19 14 25 6 0 9 5 1 9 0 8 6 0 15 10 14 0 21 0 7 0 7 0 1 3 0 0 10 0 5 34 14 0 32 7 17 0 4 0 2 12 6 0 11 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 2 0 Avg 12 5 6 10 1 4 10 14 2 3


CONCLUSIONS The inventory and database which we have compiled provide evidence of the range and balance of Phare support to energy and environment. We have drawn a number of conclusions from analysis of the results of the inventory. Since 1990, the Phare energy and environment programme has provided support to about 800 projects with a total committed expenditure of about 570 MECU. Nearly two-thirds of projects are less than 0.5 MECU is size. Those of more than 1.0 MECU account for about two-thirds of total expenditure. Overall expenditure on the environment sector programme (60%) is significantly greater that the energy sector programme (40%). The evolution of the energy and environment programme shows early peaks in expenditure for both institutional and investment projects, dropping off during the middle years before rising again in the later years. Investments account for 60% of Phare expenditure on energy and environment, as opposed to 20% on institutional strengthening and 10% on other (principally strategic studies and support for PMUs). Projects providing support in the form of physical assets account for about 40% of total expenditure and tend to be the larger projects: 1.5 and 3.5 MECU, as opposed to less than 1.0 MECU for other types of output. Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary have each received more than double the expenditure of any other country. Most countries have spent significantly more on environment than on energy projects, though Bulgaria and Romania have spent more on energy, and Lithuania has spent roughly in equal proportions.


There are clear differences in the balance of programmes between countries. For example, Bulgaria and Romania have a high proportion of expenditure on investment in assets for energy supply; and the Czech and Slovak Republics have devoted a high proportion of expenditure to investment in pollution reduction and the establishment of energy savings funds. We have identified a total of ten key project groupings representing clusters of projects of similar output and objective. Of these ten the most significant (in terms of expenditure) are investment projects in physical assets addressing: (i) improving energy supply; (ii) improving waste management and water supply; and (iii) reducing pollution. Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia appear to have the most balanced programmes with expenditure in at least eight of the ten key project groupings, while Slovenia has the most skewed programme with expenditure in only four out of ten.


IMPLICATIONS FOR PHASE 2 Within the context of this study, the inventory provides a basis against which to select an appropriate project sample for detailed evaluation. The results which we have outlined above have a number of implications for Phase 2. Given that total expenditure on the environment sector is significant greater than the energy sector, it is probable that our project sample should be weighted accordingly. The perception that the Phare programme has moved progressively from critical aid to institutional strengthening to investment is only partly reflected in expenditure allocations. The importance of investment throughout the period, and in terms of total expenditure, suggests that particular attention should be given to this in the evaluation. Given that 70% of total expenditure is accounted for by ten key project groupings, these groupings constitute an appropriate population from which to select our project sample. While there are clear differences between countries in the focus of the programme, the primary focus of evaluation will be the effectiveness and relevance of the Phare energy and environment programmes as a whole, rather than the performance of national project portfolios.




OBJECTIVES OF THE INVENTORY The purpose of the inventory was to compile a comprehensive list of the outputs and objectives of environment and energy sector programmes in ten EU candidate member states, as a basis for the selection of a representative sample for evaluation during Phase 2, and to facilitate analysis of the range and balance of the programmes. In defining environment and energy, the scope of our search was limited to national programmes falling within the responsibility of energy and environment Project Management Units (PMUs) in each country, as well as multi-country programmes. Cross-border and horizontal programmes and excluded from the evaluation.


KEY ACTIVITIES From the start of the project in May, the inventory phase has progressed as follows: May: briefing with DG1A and desk research to compile draft inventory tables based on available Financial Memoranda, Work Programmes, OMAS reports and financial databases; June-July: brief inventory field visits to 10 candidate countries in order to validate inventory tables and assess information availability for Phase 2; August: classification of projects, development of project database, analysis of results, validation of preliminary conclusions with DG1A, and selection of sample for evaluation. The full inventory is voluminous. We have presented it as a separate document (Appendix A to the Inventory Report) also containing a full list of meetings held during the inventory phase and our questionnaire protocol using during interviews.

2.3 2.3.1

DATA COLLECTION Type of data From May to July we assimilated a large amount of data into country-specific tables describing all Phare energy and environment projects in 10 candidate countries, including two multi-country programmes. In compiling the inventory we collected the following data: the name, timing and budget for each Programme; a list of every project and sub-project carried out within each Programme; 13

the approximate duration of each project to indicate both the length and temporal position of the project within the study period (1990-1997); and financial data showing amount allocated, committed and disbursed as of May 1998. In addition, we collected information on the outputs of each project and subproject as a basis for (i) classifying according to output, and (ii) selecting a sample for detailed evaluation during Phase 2. 2.3.2 Data Gathering Process Having prepared draft inventory tables based on a review of project documents available from DG1A in Brussels, field teams (comprising one ERM specialist supported by a local specialist from ERM local offices and the Regional Environmental Centre) visited each candidate country. Country visits generally lasted three to five days depending on the size of the programme. The teams gathered data via one-to-one interviews and analysis of secondary data sources held in-country. Interviews We carried out interviews with PMUs or EU delegation staff using a questionnaire protocol developed by ERM (Appendix A to this report ), focusing on the following areas: validation of our draft inventory tables; the policy context to Phare energy and environment programmes including national policies and Phare funding policy in these sectors; the role of each institution within the project cycle and its relationship to other involved institutions; the type and level of data available for the evaluation stage. The information gathered during the meetings was generally sufficient, though information of disbursements and project duration were sometimes lacking. Lack of information occurred when we interviewed staff with limited or no first hand experience of a given project or programme. In such cases, it was important to review secondary sources. On completion of the country visits, we met all available task managers at DG1A in Brussels in order to validate and discuss our findings Secondary Sources We reviewed the main operational documents identified during discussions with key staff at DG1A, EU Delegations and the PMUs. The two principal documents were the Financial Memoranda and Work Programmes. While Financing Memoranda are a good first reference point, we found that they do not always contain sufficiently comprehensive and up-to-date project information to act as sole sources. Work Programmes, OMAS reports and sometimes project terms of reference were the most useful sources of secondary information to which we referred after the interview stage. 14

The PMUs were generally able to provide up-to-date print outs of financial information from the PERSEUS database. This data provides financial allocation, commitment and disbursement on a project by project basis. It also distinguishes between those contracts managed and funded directly from Brussels and those managed locally. 2.3.3 Data Verification and Synthesis We carried out an iterative process of speaking to PMU staff, reviewing work programmes and re-confirming our interpretation of project outputs and objectives. At the end of the visit, once the inventory tables were completed, we submitted draft tables to the PMU and EU delegation for review and approval. Completed inventory tables are presented in Annex A. We reviewed summary results of the inventory with selected task managers and the evaluation unit at DG1A, in order to obtain early feedback on the methods which we used and an interpretation of emerging trends.


CLASSIFICATION AND DATA MANAGEMENT We have classified projects according to output and objective, following logical framework terminology. This provides the basis of a matrix within which we can analyse patterns and ultimately select a sample of projects for evaluation. We have defined categories of output and objective in an attempt to reflect the guidance provided in our terms of reference and preliminary discussions/review from DG1A. The categories are as follows: Output Category Organisations Pricing Regulations Awareness Physical assets Demonstrations Investment funds Investment preparation Strategic studies Critical aid Multiple projects Unknown Objective category Energy savings Improved energy supply Reduced waste and water use Waste services and water supply Pollution reduction Biodiversity conservation Code (O) (P) (R) (A) (Y) (D) (F) (I) (S) (C) (Z) (?) Code (C) (S) (C) (S) (P) (B)

From the information contained in the inventory tables we have coded each project according to output and objective and entered these details into a database. In some cases, we found projects to have multiple outputs or 15

objectives. Occasionally we have had to post a ? in the database due to lack of information. We present a sample of the database below and a full print out in Annex A.
Sector code ENV ENV Country code RO RO Prog. code 9105 9105 Proj. code 04 04 Sub-proj. Title Code 01 02 Institutional devt ... Plan for monitoring ... Objective code P P Output code O O Commit. (MECU) 1.19 1.19

Having completed the database and generated Table 3 (see Section 1) we were able to define the most important project groupings based on total expenditure. We identified a total of 10 key project groupings which collectively represent the core of the programme, and a suitable population from which to select a sample of projects for evaluation. The key project groupings are presented in Figure 5 (see Section 1). Because all projects in any given cell share similar outputs and objectives, we can expect that they should lead to similar lessons about effectiveness, from which useful recommendations can be generated.


LIMITATIONS OF THE INVENTORY Inevitably the process described above is subject to certain limitations relating principally to quality of information and to a certain level of judgement/subjectivity that has been necessary. Classification of projects according to output and objective was carried out on the basis of an interpretation of information provided in the inventory tables. Much of the time this was relatively straightforward but occasionally judgement was required. In order to minimise randomness being introduced into the database in this way, classification was carried out by two members of the team only working closely together to ensure consistency in any judgement made. In a number of cases, projects clearly had multiple outputs or objectives. When one of these was clearly dominant, we classified the project according to the dominance output or objective. Otherwise, our approach was to assign the project to a multiple category by which it is effectively excluded from selection in the sample, (except in the case of strategies). In a number of cases, insufficient project level information was available either in Brussels or at the country level, particularly for projects during the early years of Phare. We have been obliged to classify these projects as unknowns. We found information on individual project duration to be very variable, particularly during the early years. This has limited our ability to provide an accurate temporal analysis of energy and environment programmes. As a proxy, we have used the programme date (ie. RO 9105). This will have the effect of producing a more theoretical distribution of projects against time, rather than one based on fact. 16

Evaluation of Phare-Financed Energy and Environment Programmes: Appendix A to the Inventory Report
August 1998

This report has been prepared by Environmental Resources Management the trading name of Environmental Resources Management Limited, with all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of the Contract with the client, incorporating our General Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the resources devoted to it by agreement with the client. We disclaim any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of the above. This report is confidential to the client and we accept no responsibility of whatsoever nature to third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such party relies on the report at their own risk.

In line with our company environmental policy we purchase paper for our documents only from ISO 14001 certified or EMAS verified manufacturers. This includes paper with the Nordic Environmental Label.


This document forms Appendix A to the Inventory Report. It contains important reference material relevant to the inventory, as follows: Appendix A1 - full inventory tables by country and sector; Appendix A2 - records of all meetings held in the 10 candidate countries during compilation of the inventory; Appendix A3 - the questionnaire protocol used by ERM during interviews with EU delegation staff, PMU staff and representatives from relevant government ministries.

Appendix 1

Inventory Tables




**** TABLE 1 NOT INCLUDED IN INVENTORY **** Table 1: TACIS Programme, 1991 Programme Code: ES 9101 Duration: 1992 Amount: M
Project Code Project and sub-project Title 9101 Energy advisor to the Ministry of Industry and Trade Duration 92-92 A 0.22 C 0.22 D 0.22 Outputs Institutional strengthening through the provision of energy policy advice and training to the government and utilities by the advisor. Start co-ordinating donor funding. Notes

Source: OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PIU. Duration data were estimates made by the PIU; and outputs were from the Terms of References.

Table 2: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF), (energy), 1992 Programme Code: ES 9201.03 Duration: 93-94 Amount: 0.2 M
Project Code 9201.03.01 Project and sub-project Title Energy Adviser to the Ministry of Trade and Industry Duration 93-94 A 0.20 C 0.20 D 0.20 Outputs Provision of team leader for the PIU. Groundwork laid for the establishment of a PIU. Continued capacity building through the provision of energy policy advice to the government. Notes

Source: OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PIU. Duration data were estimates made by the PIU; and outputs were from the Terms of References.

Table 3: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF) (energy), 1993 Programme Code: ES 9302.01 Duration: 94-95 Amount: 0.605 M
Project Code 9302.01.01 Project and sub-project Title Project Management Unit Dration 94-96 A 0.435 C 0.435 D 0.435 Outputs Operational PIU assisting the government in policy development (particularly restructuring the energy sector and improving energy efficiency) and enhancement of project programming implementation and co-ordination capacities. An operational Estonian National Energy Database. The object is to improve the Database is now in availability of information about the energy sector in Estonia through operation and information establishing an energy database. The first phase will evaluate the existing is still being inputted. situation concerning energy data according to the EU standards. Based on that experience, an updated energy database, meeting the EU requirements, will be established and implemented. This includes a transfer of skills to database users. The database is to be used by the Estonian Energy Research Institute which will provide information on request to interested government institutions. Notes


Energy Database





Source: OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PIU. Duration data were estimates made by the PIU; and outputs were from the Terms of References.

Table 4: Energy Programme, 1994 Programme Code: ES 9404 Expected Duration: 7/94-12/96 Amount: 3.0 M
Project Code 9404.01.01 Project and sub-project Title Estonian Electricity Sector Restructuring Duration 95-96 A 0.30 C 0.30 D 0.29 Outputs An Action Plan detailing the organisational structure, management, financing and operational arrangements for Eesti Energia (the state monopoly company for electricity generation and distribution). The Plan will be based on an assessment of existing situation and modelling various future scenarios. The Plan was to be agreed with Eesti Energia so recommendations could be adopted, leading to the sector operating in a more commercially viable manner. 9404.01.01 Elaboration of a Transmission Network Business Plan 96-96 0.05 0.05 0.05 Assistance to Eesti Energia work group to elaborate a business plan for the transmission network. Notes Eesti Energia is the largest company in Estonia. The study was thus subject to political debate over privatisation. This debate is still going on.

Addendum to above project. Small and complicated and limited output.


Energy Conservation Strategy: 94-95 assessment and development of the Energy Conservation Programme




The project outputs include: guidelines and procedures to evaluate and rank proposed energy projects tools for monitoring the development of energy conservation programmes data to set priorities for implementing cost effective energy efficiency measures a strategic framework for future energy conservation actions The objective is for the Strategy to provide state and local authorities with up-to-date tools for the development and monitoring of energy efficiency improvements. The results will be an enhanced local capability to identify, design, monitor and assess the effectiveness of energy conservation programmes.

Project Code 9404.01.03

Project and sub-project Title Energy Strategy Plan for Estonia

Duration 95-96

A 0.45

C 0.45

D 0.44

Outputs Estonias first Integrated Energy Strategy (IES) proposing means (legal and otherwise) of achieving sector restructuring and investigating future fuel supply options (oil shale vs gas). The project will assist the government in preparing the IES by: assessing the existing situation in the energy sector; investigating various development scenarios using a computer model and to propose to the government an strategy and action plan for the energy sector and its sub-sectors (oil, gas etc).

Notes Project completed.


Regional Energy Centres





Establishment (equipping and staffing) of three Regional Energy Centres, Additional contract located throughout Estonia - Rakvere, Vilkandi and Voru, as part of a under 97 programme national network. The aim of the network of RECs is to: assist and train municipalities and companies in the restructuring process and implementation of energy efficiency measures. reduce emission levels and improve the environmental situation through energy conservation measures The RECs will mainly work with local governments in small towns and rural communities. Improved institutional and organisational structure of the energy sector. The project will assist the government in achieving this by analysing the current institutional situation and making recommendations for improving its structure. The study looks at role, objectives, management, performance and staff needs assessment of all relevant government institutions. The recommendations should include proposals for required amendments to legislation to support institutional change and training.


Institutional development of the energy sector






Standardisation of the energy sector Standardisation of heat load and energy consumption





Standard codes of practice in the energy sector in order to fulfil EU directives. Development of standardised methods for calculating heat load and energy consumption of buildings. The output is a Draft Standard for Calculating Heat Load and Energy Consumption of Buildings to fulfil EU directives.






Project Code 9404.05.01

Project and sub-project Title Oil shale study

Duration 95-96

A 0.45

C 0.45

D 0.15

Outputs Two main outputs: a test to see if oil shale could be burnt in a fluidized bed combustion (FBC) boiler; and a binding commercial offer to construct a demonstration FBC boiler. The test combustion will be the basis for the design of a new pilot power plant. The commercial offer for the demonstration boiler will be based upon M&O cost estimates for such a boiler. The objective of the project is to assist in the modernisation process of existing shale oil burning boilers in the energy sector and take into account environmental requirements.

Notes Results were positive.

Source: OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PIU. Duration data were estimates made by the PIU; and outputs were from the Terms of References.

Table 5: Energy Programme, 1996 Programme Code: ES 9617 Duration: 6/96-on-going Amount: 2.0 M
Project Code 9617.01 Project and sub-project Title PIU Duration 97-ongoing A ? C ? D ? Outputs Notes

PIU to assist the energy sector in Estonia during the restructuring process for 75% complete (approx) accession to the EU. The PIU involves EU and local experts to provide technical extension contract assistance to the Minister and relevant officials in developing policies, strategies and plans concerning energy supply and efficiency. Training courses for utilities, local government and state departments to assist the energy sector in its transition to the market based economy and accelerate the integration process with EU. 60 people selected for the training, in economics, management and energy planning. 50-60% complete (approx)


Training staff in energy sector 97-ongoing




Investment Preparation Facility





Assistance to municipalities to prepare energy efficiency investments. The 20% complete (approx) project is implemented by the Regional Energy Centres. They will develop guidelines for supporting local activities and provide technical assistance to the local authorities for energy planning activities and following the guidelines. Continued assistance to the government in developing the Energy Saving Program. Review projects implemented to-date and assist in identifying goals for future energy investments combined with knowledge transfer from other countries experience in this field. 99% complete (approx)


Post implementation performance analysis for energy investments






Metering Plan for electricity sector





A metering plan for electricity sector including generation, transmission, export 50% complete (approx) - import and distribution of both active and reactive power. This plan is to serve as a basis of the investment program for renovating the metering system. Within the framework of this project, the needed know how/technology transfer for the renovation is to be provided by a demonstration project. Promoting decentralisation of the grid system and institutional restructuring of Eesti Energia.

Source: Desiree, discussion with PIU, summary project data sheets, PIU final report, 97. Note: disbursement does not necessarily reflect the percentage a project is complete.

Table 1: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF), (environment component), 1992 Programme Code: ES 9201.03 Duration:8/92-12/93 Amount: 0.32 M
Project Code 9201.03 Project and sub-project Title TA to MoE (PIU) Duration 10/92-12/93 A C 0.32 D 0.32 Outputs Operational PIU providing environmental policy advice to the Ministry, particularly focused on environmental funds, legislation and environmental liability Notes

Source: draft OMAS, discussion with environment PIU. Financial data: Project Financial Breakdown Data Sheet (PIU) provide committed financial data. Allocated and Disbursed financial data were not available. Need to request Desiree spreadsheets from Brussels. Duration: Programme/Project Status Data Sheet (PIU)

Table 2: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF) (environment), 1993 Programme Code: ES 9302.01 Duration: 1/93-12/95 Amount: 0.41 M
Project Code 9302.01 Project and sub-project Title Oil Shale Mine (final design) Duration 4/84-2/95 A C 0.07 D 0.07 Outputs Notes

Design of a model project (a farm) to demonstrate options for the reclamation of Subsequent contract for disturbed soil (from oil shale mining) to farmers and the MOE. supplying equipment for reclamation. A National Environment Strategy (NES) providing the first national framework NES approved by of priorities. The project provided technical expertise to help with the strategies Parliament in 1997. The formulation. NES formed the basis for the NEAP (implementation stage of the process).


Institutional Support to MOE for National Environmental Strategy (NES)




Source: draft OMAS, discussion with environment PIU. Financial data: Project Financial Breakdown Data Sheet (PIU) provide committed financial data. Allocated and Disbursed financial data were not available. Need to request Desire spreadsheets from Brussels. Duration: Programme/Project Status Data Sheet (PIU)

Table 3: Pollution Monitoring and Enforcement Programme, 1994 Programme Code: ES 9408 Duration: 12/94-on-going Amount: 2.5 M
Project Code 9408.01.01 Project and sub-project Title Master Plan for Pollution Monitoring and Enforcement (MPME) Duration 2/96-on-going A C 0.435 D 0.435 Outputs Establishment of an operational PIU at the Environmental Information Centre to co-ordinate the Master Plan preparation. Project included training of new PIU staff in management and monitoring and enforcement skills. A Masterplan for Pollution Monitoring and Enforcement was produced by the PIU. The development of the Masterplan included assessing national capacity, legislation and policy and made recommendations on how to strengthen the system and meet EU standards. The PIU was also responsible for the subsequent implementation of 4 projects identified in the Masterplan (through providing assistance in project design, tendering, evaluation and supervision). The projects are detailed below. 9408.02 Improvement of data use and data management in environmental monitoring programme (DADAM) 10/97-8/98 0.42 Notes The plan was adopted in April 1997. 27 projects were identified in the Masterplan for funding. Phare funded 4 of them (presented below). Other were funded by other donor agencies.

Objective is to increase and improve the Environmental Information Centres use of environmental monitoring data for management and policy/system development. Output includes tools which EIC can use to interpret data - eg environmental indicators, water quality objectives. The project included TA and equipment.

Project nearly complete.


Improvement of environmental monitoring and enforcement capabilities (ENMOCAP)



Objective is to help the Environmental Inspectorate improve its environmental Project nearly complete monitoring and enforcement capacity. Outputs included guidelines for monitoring; pilot tests of the guidelines; and an integrated permit database. The components include training of the Environment Inspectorate staff in wastewater, air and landfill monitoring. The objective is improved national environmental quality monitoring through the provision of laboratory and field equipment to government environmental laboratories and inspectorates and the provision of hydrometric monitoring stations to the Institute of Hydrology, which are all part of a national monitoring network. Project also provides training for use of equipment. . Mobile air monitoring unit to be used by the Environmental Inspectorate for air quality testing with the objective of improving air pollution control. Project nearly complete


Sampling and laboratory equipment supply (SALES)




Mobile unit for air emission monitoring (MOBAIR)



Project nearly complete

Source: draft OMAS, discussion with environment PIU. Financial data: Project Financial Breakdown Data Sheet (PIU) provide committed financial data. Allocated and Disbursed financial data were not available. Need to request Desiree spreadsheets from Brussels.

Duration: Programme/Project Status Data Sheet (PIU)

Table 4: Infrastructure Development Programme (environment), 1995 Programme Code: ES 9504.02 Duration: 8/95 on-going Amount: 3.5 M
Project Code 9504.02.01 Project and sub-project Title Reduction of pollution in oil shale mining areas - Water Resource Management (REDOS I) Duration 11/95-11/97 A C 0.19 D 0.19 Outputs Notes

A strategy for water management in north east Estonia (an old industrial area Being implemented under with oil shale pollution and very poor water quality). The strategy put forward RADOS II a set of options for the following: strengthening public management minimising water use in industries water management and reduction of abstraction technical rehabilitation of water distribution systems A NEAP through provision of TA to the MOE in its formulation. The process is reported to have worked very well 30% of budget for equipment procurement


National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) Establishment of a GIS based biodiversity monitoring system Provision of equipment for Matsalu Nature Reserve







A GIS based Biodiversity Monitoring System. Project includes a biodiversity monitoring masterplan, the establishment of the Estonian biodiversity monitoring system and a GIS based biodiversity information system. Provision of equipment (tractor, mowers etc) and marine monitoring equipment to Matsalu Reserve. Part of Phare commitment under the World Bank Haapsalu-Matsalu environment project.




Tendering scheduled for summer 1998.


Small municipalities environment project - TA



Technical assistance to the Estonian Water Company to design water and sewer SMEP is part of a $50 network rehabilitation in 3 towns (out of the 13 being financed under the EBRD EBRD loan. Phare loan). Training component included. contributed 2.5 M as cofinanciers. Includes the 2 The consultants were to act as a PIU and drafted the TORs etc for the 2 projects below. following equipment provision projects. Improved cleaning and inspection of sewers in the 3 towns by providing municipalities with equipment for cleaning and detecting leakage from water mains. Included cleaning of the sewers and showing local staff how to use the hi-tech equipment to clean the sewers (acting as a demonstration and technology transfer project). 70% of budget for equipment procurement


Small municipalities environment project Equipment and services



Project Code 9504.02.01

Project and sub-project Title Small municipalities environment project Materials and equipment

Duration 12/97-12/98

C 0.60

D ?

Outputs Water pipeline rehabilitation in small towns through provision of equipment and materials to municipalities.

Notes Municipalities to pay for the installation of the equipment as local contribution to the project.


Civil engineering and project preparation support (APSU interim contract)




Continued running of the PIU before launch of the APSU through provision of a bridging loan.

Source: draft OMAS, discussion with environment PIU. Financial data: Project Financial Breakdown Data Sheet (PIU) provide committed financial data. Allocated and Disbursed financial data were not available. Need to request Desiree spreadsheets from Brussels. Duration: Programme/Project Status Data Sheet (PIU)

Table 5: Environment Programme, 1996 Programme Code: ES 9616 Duration: 6/96-on-going Amount: 1.0 M
Project Code 9616.01 Project and sub-project Title Duration A C 0.35 D 0.35 Outputs Addendum to PIU management contract Notes

Civil engineering and project 4/96-12/97 preparation support (contract addendum) Accession Programme Support Unit (APSU) 4/98-3/00

9616.01.01/ 9616.02.01


Operational APSU, supervising the accession process and assisting with design, monitoring and supervision of Phare environmental projects.

Source: draft OMAS, discussion with environment PIU. Financial data: Project Financial Breakdown Data Sheet (PIU) provide committed financial data. Allocated and Disbursed financial data were not available. Need to request Desiree spreadsheets from Brussels. Duration: Programme/Project Status Data Sheet (PIU)

Table 6: Infrastructure Programme (environment), 1997 Programme Code: ES 9623.02 Duration: 12/96-on-going Amount: 3.3 MECU
Project Code 9623.02.01 Project and sub-project Title Implementation of the Water Resource Management Plan for Ida-Virumaa region (REDOS II - TA) Duration 3/98-11/00 A C 0.90 D ? Outputs Implementation of key recommendations of the REDOS project (9504.02.01) through the provision of TA for improving the water supply network in priority areas of the Ida-Virumaa region. Output is a series of design documents (solutions) for the water and wastewater infrastructure systems for the area and a series of technical specifications for the equipment needed (to be purchased in the project below). 9623.02.02 REDOS II - Materials and Works 1.6 0 0 Implementation of key recommendations of the REDOS project (9504.02.01) through the provision of equipment for improving the water supply network in priority areas of the Ida-Virumaa region. Reconstruction of the water supply network in Keila city through the provision of equipment and materials for construction and reconstruction for the water supply network. Expected to be contracted by end of 1998. Notes

Keila water and waste water project (equipment and materials)


Contract just signed.

Source: draft OMAS, discussion with environment PIU. Financial data: Project Financial Breakdown Data Sheet (PIU) provide committed financial data. Allocated and Disbursed financial data were not available. Need to request Desiree spreadsheets from Brussels. Duration: Programme/Project Status Data Sheet (PIU)




Table 1: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF) (Energy component), 1993 Programme Code: LE 9302 Duration: 9/94-11/95 Amount: ?
Project Code 9302 Project and sub-project Title PIU for energy Duration 9/94-11/95 A ? C ? D ? Outputs Assistance and training to the energy department and utilities to support energy sector restructuring. The PIU once established also to manage future projects. Notes

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PMU, PERSEUS database.

Table 2: Infrastructure Development Programme (energy component), 1995 Programme Code: LE 9503 Duration:11/95-on-going Amount: 2.15 M
Project Code 9503.02.01 Project and sub-project Title Licensing of entrepreneurial activities in the energy sector Duration 6/96-12/97 A 0.20 C ? D 0.19 Outputs Implementation of certain provisions of the Energy Regulatory Law. The TA is to assist the Energy Regulatory Board to implement licensing procedures (preparing operating documents and procedures). The licenses allow power companies to provide energy supply. Notes Companies must demonstrate fair operation and charging to obtain licenses.


PIU energy (95 contract)


Coordination of foreign aid flow in Latvia. Institutional strengthening A continuation of activities through policy advise from the long term advisor and training by short term under the 1993 budget. advisors to Energy Department staff on technical and management issues related to energy sector restructuring. Also assistance in project preparation , application for funding, draft TORs etc and to act as a transfer of knowledge of EU practices and legislation to Ministry staff. A study for options and needs for an energy efficiency fund. The study identified areas for energy savings and investment needs. Setting up of the Fund. Working on tender documents to select a bank to manage the Fund. The funds in this project are also for disbursement to start providing soft loans for the energy efficiency projects. A study identifying the extent to which energy supply could be provided by peat in order to try to national energy sources. The study included an identification of potential environmental problems and possible investment opportunities to exploit peat resources. Implementation of international accountancy standards in the national power company Latvenergo to be used during daily work practices. The project is to increase the transparency of the company to comply with EU directives and promote its further commercialisation. A feasibility study to identify what regulations need to be drafted to secure oil supply during supply crisis. The project will develop an emergency planning system. Both the planning system and the regulations are to fulfil EU directives.

Feasibility study for 9/6-9/97 establishment of Energy Fund Deposit to Energy Fund 6/98-ongoing







Peat extraction, processing and utilisation in energy sector





Commercial accounting systems for Latvenergo




Emergency situation management




Project Code 9503.02.07

Project and sub-project Title Quality systems of testing institutions

Duration 3/98-/98

A 0.20

C ?

D 0.08

Outputs Accreditation of an existing laboratory belonging to Latvenergo (national power company) to comply with EU standards. This could be used as a demonstration project for other laboratories belonging to subsidiary power companies. Overall strategic plan setting framework and priorities for developing and restructuring the energy sector. Recommendations to be basis for the National Energy Development Program which set priorities for fuel supply and use in future years.



National energy development 10/96-6/97 programme



NEP approved by government in 1998. A project of this kind is quite late in the day?

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, Desirees database.

Table 3: Energy Programme, 1996 Programme Code: LE 9611 Expected Duration: 4/97-on-going Amount: M
Project Code 9611.01.01 Project and sub-project Title Extension of PIU 95 contract Duration 4/97-5/98 A 0.18 C ? D 0.18 Outputs On-going management of Phare energy projects. Continued advise and assistance for establishment of legislative harmonisation and institutional strengthening.. Standardised terminology to be used by the Department of Energy. Included assistance in translation, technical clarifications and text layout. Improved the commercial operations of the national power company (Latvenergo) and national gas company (Latvijas Gaze) through carrying out an analysis of company debts, setting up a debtor database and establishing mechanisms for improving billing and collection in the energy sector. This project also fulfilled the TA pre-requisite for a World Bank structural loan. To provide basis for the National Energy Law. The Law is now at draft stage and going through the approval process in Parliament. The Law sets out all regulations for the energy sector, focusing on the development of an internal energy market and codes of practice. Standardisation of oil terminology to be used by Department of Energy. Included assistance in translation, technical clarifications and text layout. To help department understand and conform with EU standards Notes see financial data sheet??

Adaption of electrotechnical terminology standards Debt reduction




to conform with EU standards?




check outputs are correct.

Drafting of Energy Law




Adaptation of oil terminology 4/98-12/98 standards (planned) Quality assessments/ systems to start 7/98 in gas sector






Achieve quality and safety requirements for gas storage, distribution and Follow on from 9503.02.07 supply through providing safety guidelines on installing equipment. project. Evaluation of existing gas safety norms and regulations and compare their compliance with international (EU) standards and propose a programme to implement EU directives. Objective is to harmonise legislation and regulation for safe handling of gas supply. Development of regulations for wiring and the implementation of EU standards for handling electrical installations. Objective is to further harmonisation with EU legislation and regulation (for wiring).


Quality assessments/wiring regulations

to start 8/98

Project Code 96?

Project and sub-project Title Structural policy on fuel

Duration To start 7/98

C 0

D 0

Outputs Assessment of how implementing EU requirements for energy supply (use of resources) would impact Latvia and propose ways to implement regulatory instruments to most cost-effectively achieve a competitive energy market. Project to include training Energy Department staff in using appropriate models.

Notes Is there an EU directive on fuel mix or this to further commercialise the sector or promote energy diversification? Energy efficiency component?

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, Desirees database.

Table 4: Infrastructure Development Programme, (energy component) 1997 Programme Code: LE 9704 Expected Duration: to start Amount: 3.95 M
Project Code 9704.01.01 9704.01.01 Project and sub-project Title Duration A 0 0 C 0 0 D 0 0 Outputs Further funds are to be added to the Fund. Notes TORs to be drafted

Investment for the Energy Fund to start Technical assistance for the Fund Energy accession support to start

Advisor to be provided to the Fund to establish procedures so Ministry can run Tender under preparation the Fund. A facility of know-how to coordinate the preparation of the Latvian energy sector for complete EU legislation harmonisation. The agency will identify differences in legislation, prepare a long-term approximation plan, assist in drafting primary and secondary legislation and carry out a training programme for energy sector staff. Project and outputs to be decided. Implementation of a previous studys recommendations (from 1995 programme). Contracting


to start

9704.01.02.02 9704.01.02.03

Renewable energy programme Energy emergency system set up Database for energy administration licensing/ Energy Regulatory Board Database Development of cogeneration scheme

to start to start

0 0

0 0

0 0

TORs to be drafted Tender under preparation




Implementation and operation of an up-to-date information system within the on-going. energy sector for district heating, electricity, LPG and natural gas. Database for licensing administration and tariff/cost registration and regulation. Project to Is this project description provide both technical assistance and computer equipment. still correct? Project and outputs to be decided. TORs to be drafted.


to start

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, Desirees database. Note: TORs will be ready by the end of 1998. All projects in this programme will then be contracted by the CFCU.

Table 1: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF), (environment component), 1992 Programme Code: LE 9201 Duration:93-4/95 Amount: 0.49 M
Project Code 9201.03 9201.03 Project and sub-project Title TOR for Liepaja waste water Liepaja water supply and waste water feasibility study. Duration 93-93 94-94 A 0.03 0.32 C 0.03 0.32 D 0.03 0.32 Outputs TOR for the Liepaja project feasibility study. The output is 3 studies for Liepajas (Latvias third largest city) water supply and wastewater treatment systems; an institutional review (investigate the most appropriate institutional framework for water management, assess tariff policy, long term financial sustainability and plan long term investments), a technical feasibility study (investigating potential to rehabilitate and upgrade the sewage and water supply networks, evaluate options for sludge disposal), and short term operational assistance (looking at energy efficiency of the wastewater treatment plant and waste minimisation strategies). Notes

The overall objective is to determine the priorities for rehabilitating, expanding or upgrading the present infrastructure and prepare a realistic programme for investment. 9201.03 Long term advisor to MEPRD 7/94-4/95 0.14 0.14 0.14

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, TORs, Desirees database.

Table 2: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF) (environment component), 1993 Programme Code: LE 9302 Duration: 10/94-12/96 Amount: 1.07 M
Project Code 9302? Project and sub-project Title Daugavpils water supply/sewerage Duration 12/94-12/96 A 0.34 C 0.34 D 0.33 Outputs A masterplan and initial investment program to improve water infrastructure (supply and waste water treatment) in Daugavpils (Latvias second largest city). The study is to include: a baseline study providing a description and assessment of the status of Daugavpils water supply, sewerage, wastewater treatment systems, financial status and institutional arrangements; a strategic plan for upgrading and expansion identifying least cost solutions for infrastructure improvements, taking into account available financial resources; feasibility study detailing a first phase investment programm (3-5 years) for immediate investments for upgrading and expanding the water infrastructure. This framework contract is for a series of projects under 300,000 , managed by Carl Bro consultants, sub-contracting local consultants. Projects include TA and feasibility studies in all areas of environment. Operational PIU, established within the MEPRD. This includes a long term advisor and a small team of local experts all provided by DEVCO consulting. PIU is to both manage Phare projects and support Ministry activities. Notes

9302 (&9305)

Framework contract






Project management support for the MEPRD (PIU)





Source: Financial Memorandum, Work Programme, discussion with PMU, PERSEUS database.

Table 3: Waste Water and Water Supply Development Programme, (800+ programme1), 1994 Programme Code: LE 9407 Duration: 5/95-10/98 Amount: 2.53 M
Project Code ? Project and sub-project Title Advisor to MEPRD Duration 5/95-9/95 A 0.03 C 0.03 D 0.03 Outputs Contract extension to 9201.03 for salary for long term advisor for 5 additional months. Continued operation and activities of environment PIU. A study with the project concept for the 800+ programme. It included a review of reports to lay the basis for the strategic analysis (below). The outputs focusing on the sewerage and water supply needs of all small municipalities and rural areas in Latvia are: a complete an inventory of the existing water infrastructure and services; a strategy with long-term least-cost technical solutions for future water supply and wastewater services; and estimation of costs for all necessary investments; the design of a programme to finance and manage projects identified in the strategy. The objective is to establish the framework for the operation of the 800+ programme. Improved water services through investments to upgrade facilities in 3 towns as part of the 800+ programme. The towns are to act as pilot schemes for other towns. Which towns? If under 800+ who manages the project?? The 800+ programme is a national programme and currently funds approx 50 projects. Separate PIU (see 95 programme below). Notes

? 9407?

PMU support to MEPRD Project 800+ start-up

10/96-12/97 8/95-11/95

0.18 0.05

0.18 0.05

0.18 0.05


Strategic analysis






Works contract for 3 towns




Project is currently 50% complete. Co-financed with State budget.

Monitoring and leakage




Funds used to part finance a project initially commenced and concluded in 1996. Which?

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, TORs, Desirees database.

(1) 1 800 indicates the number of small and medium sized towns in Latvia

Table4: Infrastructure Development - Environment Sector, 1995 Programme Code: LE 9503 Duration: 5/96-on-going Amount: 2.25 M
Project Code 9503.03.03 Project and sub-project Title Latvian Environmental Investment Fund Duration 5/96-4/97 A 0.21 C 0.21 D 0.21 Outputs A set of guidelines and programme which would allow the government to establish the Investment Fund. Strategic planning was carried out to lay the groundwork for the Fund. This included a needs assessment study; a feasibility study (investigating options for Fund structure) and conceptual design for the Fund (including possible sources of financing, legislative requirements and costs of establishing the Fund). The studies included widespread consultation and consensus building with involved parties. Fund project selection will be made in accordance with priorities set out in the NEPP and NEAP1. The Funds activities are planned to : improve water supply and wastewater treatment improve water quality in groundwater, rivers and Baltic Sea decentralise service responsibility to municipalities 9503? Daugavpils water supply and awaiting start water treatment project 1.67 0 0 Provision of groundwater supply to Daugavpils area. This will improve water quality and supply security. Phare funds will support the construction of a water pipeline from the well to the water treatment plant. Phare is providing 10% of the finances with the World Bank and Nordic countries financing the rest. As Duagavpils is a large city, the project is not covered within the 800+ programme. Liaison between MEPRD and EU Brussels. One person from MEPRD sent to Brussels to work at the Commission. 10/96-4/97 0.14 0.14 0.08 Continued technical assistance to MEPRD on environmental legislation, project monitoring and management. Delays in Brussels over contract Notes The LEIF is now operational. It is a soft loan revolving Fund and is different from the already existing Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) which is a grant facility.


Liaison Officer

This project is part funded from 9407. This is to part fund extension to DEVCO framework contract.


TA for institutional building

(2) 1 NEPP - National Environmental Protection Programme, NEAP - National Environment Action Plan.

Project Code

Project and sub-project Title


A 0.19

C 0.19

D 0.19

Outputs A PSU (project support unit) managing the 800+ project. Its particular roles are to supervise the 20 feasibility studies being undertaken through granted aided schemes by various donors for 800+ projects and to manage the transfer of funds from the MEPRD to 800+ projects.

Notes This contract was signed through the Carl-Bro framework contract. Additional funding was also received from the EC Delegation in Riga.

Supervision and management 6/97-12/97 of feasibility studies (for 800+ project)

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, Desirees database.

Table 5: Environment Programme, 1996 Programme Code: LE 9612 Duration: 10/96-6/98 Amount: 0.5 M
Project Code 9612.02.01 Project and sub-project Title Continued PIU support to MEPRD Tender evaluation Duration 10/96-12/97 A 0.20 C 0.20 D 0.20 Outputs Continuation of management and advisory activities carried out by the PIU. Notes





Selection of the best proposal for the 3 towns project (see above). A technical expert was hired to evaluate the proposals. The objective of the project is to have an effective institutional structure, able to coordinate and implement national environment investment policy. The output was the capacity building of the recently established Environmental Agency. The project assisted in developing the Agencys procedures, staffing, training (eg in business plan development) links with other institutions. The Agency is to implement government policy for hazardous and solid waste. Continued management work of the PSU (another 6 months of operation).

Under the Carl-Bro framework contract Agency is operational.

Environmental Investment Management Strategy





800+ feasibility study supervision





Extended contract.

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, Desirees database.

Table 6: Environment Programme, 1997 Programme Code: LE 9702 Duration: 1/98-ongoing Amount: 6.95 M
Project Code Project and sub-project Title Technical assistance for waster supply and wastewater Duration to start A 1.0 C 0 D 0 Outputs Notes

Continued technical assistance for the management and implementation of the 800+ TOR prepared in programme (now in operation). A follow on from the strategic analysis project (see May 1998 above). Output is efficiently and effectively running 800+ programme. Several different assistance activities are requested in the TOR. They include: supervision of the feasibility studies for the small municipal projects; help in preparation of TORs; assistance in contracting for the implementation of the investment programme (construction activities); and monitoring and assessment of projects financed under the 800+ initiative. Loans to be disbursed by the Fund through provision by Phare of grant money for Fund capital. Provision of an expert to advise on the operation of the Fund. Advisor will train staff already working at the Fund. Continued operations of the PIU now called the CFT (focusing more on support for investment projects). Provision of equipment for a Sea Quality Monitoring Laboratory, part of the Marine Institute in Latvia. Project awaiting approval by Ministry of Finance. awaiting contract to be signed as of 7/98

Direct investment into Latvian Environmental Investment Fund TA to LEIF

to start


to start


Contracting and Facilitation Team (CFT) Environmental Laboratory System




to start


Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, Desirees database. Note: also 800,000 allocated for a Regional Development project (as Ministry also for Regional Development).

***** NOT INCLUDED IN THE INVENTORY ***** Table7: Cross-Border Programme, 1994 Programme Code: LE 9404 Duration: 96-9/98 Amount: 3 M
Project Code 9404.01 Project and sub-project Title Jurmala pipeline duration 4/97-4/98 A 1.9 C 1.89 D 0.38 Outputs Installation of a sewerage pipeline between Jurnala and Riga to allow sewage to be received at Riga wastewater treatment facility. Includes investment (by Phare) for a pumping station. Increased public environmental education. Project includes a TV and radio production group for environment; a computer based video and film archive; a training centre for film makers and journalists. Split into the following 4 sub-projects. Notes


Media centre






Hazardous waste management Broceni negotiations Hazardous waste PIU EIA of waste storage facility 8/96-8/97 9/97-9/98 1/97-9/97 0.05 0.30 0.15 0.04 0.3 0.15 0.04 0.3 0.15

9404.03.01 9404.03.02 9404.03.03

Operational PIU managing the process of cleaning up accumulated hazardous waste. EIA of storing waste at the Gardene (a town where there is a former soviet military site). Provision of equipment for waste collection including trucks. Will collect waste stored in the Gardene (see above) A CBC PIU to be established. To coordinate environment programmes with the environment PIU.


Hazardous waste collection system Project management








Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PIU, Desirees database.




Table 1: TA to Energy Sector, TACIS funded Programme, 1991 Programme Code: LI 91 Expected Duration: Amount: 1.25 M Document Type: Project Identification
Project Code 911 Project and sub-project Title Resident energy advisor to the Ministry of Energy Dration 8/92-8/932 A 0.19 C 0.19 D 0.19 Outputs Advising on policy development/strategic planning and training Ministry staff. Also coordinating G24 assistance for the energy sector. Project included budget for installing a database system for the Ministry of Energy. A National Energy Strategy, identifying short and long term needs for energy sector development in Lithuania. The Strategy was to lay the foundations for future national policy and Phare projects. Developed a training tool for nuclear safety. PMU evaluated proposal, managed consultants etc. Notes

Support to the development of a national energy strategy





Nuclear Safety




Source: Financial Memorandum, discussion with PMU 1 - no codes available as part of TACIS Programme 2 - starting dates are taken, where possible, as date of contract signature. Otherwise they are proposal submission date. Completion dates are denotes by submission of final report.

Table 2: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF), (Energy Sector Programme) 1992 Programme Code: LI 9201.03 Expected Duration: 8/92-12/95 Amount: 0.60 M Type of Document: Project Identification
Project Code 9201.03.01 Project and sub-project Title Continued resident advisory support to Ministry Duration 8/93-8/94 A 0.250 C 0.206 D 0.206 Outputs Continual provision of advise on transition of the energy sector to the Ministry and utilities. Focusing on how to build on existing supply conditions and types of policies to implement. This includes training of the staff. Project also is for the running the PIU and management and implementation of the 1991& 92 PIU managed Energy Programmes. A study estimating local energy resource capacity. The study includes an implementation plan for using local energy sources and identifies potential investments eg for geothermal and wood chip projects. Objective is to promote steps toward energy diversification and national supply security, by reducing dependence on external energy sources. Notes


Study on Lithuanias national 12/93-7/94 energy resources




Source: Financial Memorandum, Work Programme, discussion with PMU, PERSEUS database.

Table 3: General Technical Assistance Facility, GTAF, (Energy Sector Programme) 1993 Programme Code: LI 9302.04 Expected Duration:11/93-12/95 Amount: 2 M Type of Document: Project Identification
Project Code 9302.04.01 Project and sub-project Title Establishment of the PIU Duration 6/94-6/95 A 0.9 C 0.905 D 0.905 Outputs Local management of the energy sector programmes through establishment of a fully functional PMU (from 1 advisor to a team). Provide continued advise and assistance to the MoE. Establish and operate a training facility for ministry and utility staff. Aim is to manage projects based on the NES. A detailed action plan for modernisation of the electricity transmission system, assessing priority needs. Recommend inadequate plant and equipment which could be financed by a World Bank loan. Also a training component included. All leading to increasing economic efficiency of the transmission system (reduce electricity losses etc). A strategic study to recommend better organisation and management of LSPS. Output is to be an action plan for the comprehensive restructuring of LSPS, including new organisational structures, management practices and corporate financial policies. The objective is to ensure efficient and continued operations of LSPS in the long term. Study on how the heating system could be decentralised to the Municipalities. The objective is to assist the government in preparing rules and regulations for decentralised energy distribution and in establishing the institutions necessary for implementation. Included an implementation plan for the municipality of Birzai to demonstrate how to apply procedures during implementation. Energy efficiency project. Bus to carry out energy audits and information campaigns outside the main urban areas in Lithuania. First audit carried out in May 1997. The audit was a recommendation of the NES Notes


Technical audit of Electricity Transmission System






Restructuring and management consultancy for the Lithuanian State Power System (LSPS)





Study recommended establishing 3 business units (generation, heat distribution and electricity networks).


Decentralisation of District Heating






Energy saving bus





Project Code 9302.04.06

Project and sub-project Title Management training for Lithuanian Gas Technical training for Lithuanian Gas Least-cost planning of the electrical power system

Duration 11/94-12/94

A 0.05

C 0.05

D 0.05

Outputs To improve the managerial skills of Lithuanian Gas in the areas of international project finance, gas contracting, revenue collection and technical measures. Train 50 engineers through courses in Lithuania and Denmark.

Notes 10 upper management staff trained. Under another Budget Line Under another Budget Line








Least -cost Power Sector Development Programme based on the NES to be produced. To provide a comprehensive analysis of the power sector as a basis for the development of modernisation strategies and predicted eventual energy demand and generating capacity.

Source: COP, FM, discussion with PMU. 1 - this project experienced a 7 month delay between proposal submission date and signature of project contract. This occurs to varying degrees with many other projects.

Table 4: Energy Sector Programme, 1994 Programme Code: LI 9403 Objective: Implement national energy strategy Expected Duration:7/94-12/97 Amount: 6.9 M
Project Code 9403.01.02 Project and sub-project Title Preparation for Energy Efficiency Fund Energy Efficiency Fund Duration 3/96-10/96 A 0.3 C 0.3 D 0.3 Outputs Set up framework for an operational Fund: development of procedures, regulations and training of staff. A revolving fund to finance energy efficiency investments through grants and loans. Phare supplied the seed capital. Fund delayed discussions on regulations and the governments existing Energy Saving Fund. Continuation of activities (see above) Develop a computer network for daily functioning of the Ministry and provide communication with the energy companies. Supply and installation of straw fired boiler (at the Agricultural College in Pasvalys) as a demonstration project to increase energy diversification and energy efficiency through improving small-scale heating plants. Large spin-off effects with 10 similar projects about to be carried out around Lithuania. The study estimated that energy consumption could be reduced by 30%. Also potential for problems when cofinancing (NB - in Czech Republic) Notes


7/981-no 3.0 completion date set. 8/95-9/96 11/96-7/97 0.7 0.1

9403.01.03 9403.01.04

Continued support for PIU Extension of Ministry computer network Increased energy efficiency at municipal level

0.7 0.1

0.7 0.1







Hospital energy efficiency study





Energy audit of Vilnius University hospital, measuring all types of energy consumption. Output is recommendations to reduce consumption and increased efficiency through maintenance requirements and possible investments.


Dubrava Forestry Project





Forest plantations, using modern technology and quick and reliable growing Ministry of Forestry seedlings. The mature trees could act as a source of wood chip for a Danish wanted Phare to support funded project burning such fuel. this project and does not have its own programme.

Energy sector restructuring

Project Code 9403.02.02

Project and sub-project Title Evaluation of the higher education for the energy sector

Duration 6/96-12/96

A 0.25

C 0.25

D 0.25

Outputs A review of higher education in engineering (electrical, heating and mechanical) at the Technological University of Kaunas and the Technical University of Vilnius and at Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Objective is to improve education which will help the long term reform of the energy sector. Assistance to homeowners for investment in energy efficiency improvements by establishing a system of loans to the Association.



Assistance to Homeowners Association Energy sector rehabilitation





Environmental and technical auditing of large power stations.





Objective is to implement financially viable technology to improve boiler efficiency. This included installation of combustion equipment for 25 selected power stations. These were to meet priority needs and acting as demonstration projects for other power stations around Lithuania. Also training plant operators in the use of Nox control equipment.

15 locations agreed for modernisation.


Oil market study for a light oil import facility






Development of dynamic oil models to evaluate national oil fields





The Technical Assistance includes assisting in the design of the facility, The facility has equipment purchase and training staff in operations, management and subsequently been built equipment use. The specific objective is to improve the design capabilities of and is now in operation. the facility. Overall, the TA required as a pre-loan condition for the investment into the light oil import facility ($100m project). . Technical study showing underground reserves. Objective is to promote use of national oil reserves to increase national energy supply. Assistance also includes purchasing the computer hardware and software for the modelling and training specialists in using the model for future use. ?? A study into the geological conditions of an area identified for a gas storage facility. The facility would improve supply security and cater for winter peak demand. Reduce time-dependency on foreign imports. Also part of pre-accession criteria for energy supply reserves. Planning and technical documents for the construction of a pilot small hydro-electric plant. The pilot project is to promote local producers of small hydro equipment and attract new investors. Lithuania has no gas.


Underground gas storage






Small hydro design study



Based on findings from Lithuanias own energy resources.

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with Energy PMU, Desiree database 1 - planned start date, awaiting de-blocking of funds for the Fund.

Table 5: Infrastructure Development Programme, (energy sector component) 1995 Programme Code: LI 9503.03 Expected Duration:8/95-12/97 Amount: 2.8 M
Project Code 9503.03.01 Project and sub-project Title Continued support for PIU Duration A 0.6 C 0.6 D 0.6 Outputs Continued provision of advise to the Energy Agency and management of PMU projects. Technical assistance to draft a series of regulations to govern the energy sector, Drafts of the regulations including tariffs. 2 outputs are the Regulatory Law (on how the sector should were completed in 12/97. be regulated) and Licenses for heat and gas use. Project was includes project 9403.02.01 as similar objectives and money had not yet been spent. Training of Lithuanian Energy Company staff. Notes


Assistance to develop regulatory framework





Power sector efficiency and management improvement programme GIS









Technical investigation into potential for GIS use and provision of GIS equipment. ?? under framework contract


Establishment of a Lithuanian District Heating Association Reorganisation of the CHP and DH in Vilnius and Kaunas








under framework contract

9503.03.01/02 Assistance to the Energy /03 Efficiency Fund 9503.03.01 Execution of the Energy Conservation Policy and preparation of the draft Law on Energy




under framework contract




under framework contract

Project Code 9503.03.04

Project and sub-project Title Tax and Royalties for the Oil Sector

Duration 5/97-9/97

A 0.08

C 0.08

D 0.08

Outputs A study highlighting the effect of concession terms on incentives to invest in exploration and production in the oil sector - particular emphasis on taxes and royalties as a means of government revenue. The study will recommend changes to financial incentives to promote investment in national oil and gas, in order to promote energy diversification..

Notes completed.

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PMU, Desiree database

Table 6: Public Investment Programme (Energy sector component), 1995 Programme Code: LI 9505.01 Expected Duration: Amount: 2.5 M
Project Code 9505.01 Project and sub-project Title Gas pipeline segment Duration 4/97-7/97 A 2.5 C 2.5 D 2.25 Outputs Notes

An installed segment (Panevezys-Siavliai) of a transmission gas pipeline. Phare The investment was in the will pay for the segments construction and installation. form of a grant and was managed by the PMU.

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PMU, Desiree database.

Table7: Energy and Nuclear Safety Programme, 1996 Programme Code: LI 9601 Expected Duration: 8/95-12/98 Amount: 6.25 M (minus 250,000 for nuclear safety)
Project Code 9601.01.01 Project and sub-project Title PIU Energy efficiency 9601.01.01.02 Energy Awareness Campaign 1/98-1/99 0.435 0.435 ? An integrated programme using TV adverts, leaflets and a hotline to influence consumer behaviour. A PR company has designed the campaign and has prepared a 5 year plan for future activities to promote public energy efficiency awareness. The campaigns objective is to persuade private households to install heating meters and valves. on-going Duration A 0.25 C 0.25 D 0.25 Outputs PMU? (omas) Notes

Diversification of energy supply 9601.02 Utilisation of local energy resources Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure Feasibility studies for investment in energy sector rehabilitation 1/98-7/98 0.15 0.15 ? Update of the 1993 study of using local energy resources.






Feasibility study on the electricity network, identifying areas for rehabilitation and reducing transmission and distribution (T&D) losses. This is to lead to improved service efficiency and reduced need for fuel supply. Additional audits of power stations carried out This included installing Nox Project used remaining burners and measuring equipment. budget from the other audit project (9403.03.02).


On-going power station audits




Energy sector restructuring

Project Code 9601.04.01

Project and sub-project Title Implementation of privatisation plan

Duration 4/98-10/98

A 0.1

C 0.1

D ?

Outputs Management performance audit of the Gas Company as part of the preconditions for privatisation, making recommendations for changing the organisation to become more commercially orientated and efficient.

Notes The project was recommended by the World Bank as a precursor to one of its loans and is on-going.

Infrastructure Development 9601.06.01 Gas pipeline 1/98-1/99 2.1 2.1 2.1 An installed segment of a distribution pipeline supply houses of Utina, Ukmerge and Anuksciai cities with heating gas. Phare to finance the segments construction and installation. Objective of storage facility is to maintain strategic reserves for at least 90 days to meet EU standards. It will also enable consumers to purchase fuel at lower prices. The 0.045 allocated is for the TA component of the investment. The TA is part of the Framework Contract. A demonstration project to show how to use Lithuanias substantial geothermal resources. Additional objective is to enable consumers in Klaipeda to use less heavy fuel oil and thus reduce pollution to the environment. Not yet tendered


Heavy fuel storage



Contract to be signed


Geothermal plant


Out for tender


Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PMU, Desiree database.

Table8: Energy Sector Programme, 1997 Programme Code: LI 970 Expected Duration: 6/96-12/98 Amount: 3 M
Project Code 9701.01.02 Project and sub-project Title Assistance in revising National Energy Strategy Presentation of revised NES to Parliament and the public Training and translation of EU legislation Implementation of energy sector approximation Underground natural gas storage facility (in Vaskai) Nuclear safety project Duration 2/98-8/98 A 0.3 C D Outputs An updated strategic plan for the short and long term development needs of Lithuanias energy sector. Increased awareness and understanding of the recommendations of the revised NES at a political and national (public) level. Improved knowledge at the Ministry on EU legislation, leading to accelerated development of Lithuanian energy legislation to EU standards. 0.025 0 0 A work programme, for implementing the approximation of the energy sector, including timetables and areas for short-term assistance. A facility to store natural gas. This is an investment project promoting a reduction in time-dependency on foreign imported fuel. Improved safety of the nuclear power plant - Ignalena. Notes on-going

to begin


TOR just prepared. Not yet contracted. Just contracted.



Contracts under preparation Tenders under evaluation.

to begin



Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, discussion with PMU, report by PMU, Desiree database.

Table 1: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF), 1992 Programme Code: LI 9201 Expected Duration: 8/92-12/95 Amount: 0.015 M
Project Code 9201.03.01 Project and sub-project Technical Assistance to Department of Environmental Protection Duration 8/92-12/95 A 0.015 C 0.015 D 0.015 Outputs No data. Presumably for initial strategic planning and institutional strengthening through provision of a long term advisor. Notes


Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 1997.

Table2: General Technical Assistance Facility (GTAF), 1993 Programme Code: LI 9302.07 Expected Duration: 11/93-12/95 Amount: 1 M (minus 50,000 for cancelled project on radiation monitoring network)
Project Code 9302.07.01? Project and sub-project Title Establishment of the PIU in the MoEP and long term advisor to the MoEP Duration 7/94-6/95 A 0.13 C 0.127 D 0.127 Outputs Operational PIU in the Ministry to assist in project identification, development and application for funding. Also to co-ordinate with other IFIs to gain IFI funding for environmental investments. Also transfer of know-how to Ministry staff in environmental management, project preparation, appraisal of EIAs and establishment of a monitoring system. A framework and action plan for setting national environmental policies, priorities and programming. Strategic planning Notes


Assistance in drafting National Environmental Strategy






Inventory of contamination of 10/93-12/95 former military sites




Inventory of all former Soviet military sites including cost estimates for remediation of environmental damage, risk assessment of sites to people and environment, suitability for intended use and the need for further investigation. This is an important planning stage in identifying and cleaning up priority contamination sites across Lithuania.

Source: OMAS, discussion with PMU, Desiree, Donor and IFI Activities, PMU, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 1997.

Table 3: Environmental Protection Programme, 1994 Programme Code: LI 9406 Expected Duration:7/94-10/97 Amount: 1 M
Project Code 9406.01.02 Project and sub-project Title Duration A 0.35 C 0.348 D Outputs Notes By contrast to single projects' funding, framework contract is an interesting approach for more efficient and rapid disbursement of funds and implementation of projects. Worth further investigation.

Long term planning and 12/94-12/97 institutional support for Ministry of Environmental Protection


Strengthening the management 1995-1996 capacities of small water utilities.



0.263 This is a framework contract. Therefore many small scale projects. review technical specifications for equipment for oil decontamination at Zokniai former military site review technical specifications for equipment for oil decontamination at the oil storage site in Alytus option paper for the Environmental Investment Fund preparation of background information material for a meeting of donors in the hazardous waste sector draft supervision plans for WWTP equipment contracts supervision of the WWTP equipment contracts drafting technical specifications for Palanga WWTP electrical redesign of Palanga WWTP preparation of TOR for Biodiversity and Landscape conservation project assistance in preparing Environmental Investment programme training for wastewater treatment plant employees preparation of TOR for TA to support European Integration process ad-hoc assistance to the PIU draft Lithuanian position paper on the Baltic Green Equity Scheme tendering and supervision of Palanga WWTP equipment (hard and software)review of present training activities organised by donors and prepare a training needs analysis preparation of TOR for institutional strengthening through information technology project support to HELCOM Secretariat for procurement and supply of office 0.379 Strengthening wastewater management and planning capacity at the local of utilities through in-country and overseas training; technical assistance for the development of business investment plans for selected enterprises (particularly those not receiving major international assistance).

Project Code 9406.03

Project and sub-project Title Pilot project to clean-up a contaminated site Cross Border Co-operation Feasibility study for Panevezys water utility

Duration early 1995-?

A 0.17

C 0.05


Notes Follow up from inventory project

0.045 Supply of oil skimming equipment for the clean up of 3 sites (selected from findings of the Inventory)

ZZ 96.03


study on the technical and financial feasibility for investment in the Phare Cross Border Coupgrading of Panevezys WWTP. Includes a business operations assessment operation Programme and of the Panevezys Water Company. co-financed by EIB. 1.02 0.687


Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 1997.

Table4: Infrastructure Development, 1995 (which includes environment, energy and transport) Programme Code: LI 9503.01 Programme Objective (for environment): institutional strengthening, pollution prevention policies and support to priority regional investments Expected Duration: 8/95 - 12/97 Amount: 9.5 M total; 3.7 M for Environment Document Type: COP
Project Code 9503.01.01 Project and sub-project Title Duration Establishment of the Environmental Investment Fund 1996-ongoing A 2.30 C 2.30 D 0.07 Outputs An operational Lithuanian Environmental Investment Fund. The Fund will be used for soft loans and grants for SME. Phare will provide 2 M for the Funds capital and 300,000 for TA. Notes USAID involved in TA and capacity building issues. Whilst Fund is now operational no disbursement has yet occurred (just got clearance as political delays)


Bio-diversity and Landscape Conservation (strengthening of databases and management capacity for Lithuanian protected areas) Hazardous waste management

Autumn 96-?




Objective is to improve the management of the Lithuanian protected areas system through review and enhancement of regulations, enforcement, administration. This includes the creation of an information system on protected areas.






A needs review for hazardous waste treatment facilities, action plan and training

Hazardous waste management also under the responsibility of the Ministry of Economy


Project preparation and management support





Continued support for PIU through provision of a Phare advisor providing assistance to the PIU and the Ministry on project preparation, appraisal, definition, project management, procurement and evaluation. Also training and co-ordinating with bilateral and IFIs.

3.7 Total


Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 1997. Note: disbursement may be higher as OMAS is reporting from the Desiree database as of 12/97.

Table5: European Integration Programme (Environmental Component), 95 Programme Code: LI9504.05 Expected Duration: 8/95-12/97 Document Type: OMAS Amount: 0.5 M
Project Code 9504.05.01 Project and sub-project Title Duration A 0.5 C 0.487 D Outputs Notes Project was extended till July 1998

Technical assistance to support 97.03-98.07 the process of integration in the environmental sector

0.487 The project aims to strengthen the MoE's base of human and physical resources for carrying out the long-term task of approximation. The output is a strategy and action plan for the task of approximation based on national priorities and technical assistance identifying differences between EU and national legislation for approximating Lithuania's environmental laws and regulations in priority areas


Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU and project associates, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 1997

Table 6: Public Investment Programme (Environmental Component), 95 Programme Code: LI9505.02 Expected Duration:8/95-12/98 Document Type: OMAS Amount: 3 M
Project Code LI-9505.02 Project and sub-project Title Investment in Kaunas WWTP Duration 1995-1999 A 3.000 C 3.000 D 0.162 Outputs Phare financing the discharge pipelines and treated wastewater effluent channels. Wastewater from Kaunas currently pollutes the Neris and Nemunas rivers which both empty into the Baltic. Objective: Remove Kaunas from the HELCOM hot-spot list. Reduce sewage discharge to groundwater and river around Kaunas. Objective: to reduce risk of intrusion of polluted water in drinking water reserves, environmental damage (aquatic habitats) and health risks. Travel arrangement Inspection of equipment Project management and supervision Tender document preparation Installation and renovation of sewer Civil works at pump. stat. PS-4. Installation of equipment at PS-4 Civil works for inlet and outlet WWTP Transformer substitution Notes Phare funds were seen as a trigger to further financing for the project. Contribution to be provided on a grant basis. As of June 1998, Phare contributed 9% to the overall budget of Kaunas WWTP. EBRD is one of the main donors providing ca 15% of project funding. Part of equipment is transferred to Kaunas based on the basis of twinning agreement among Kaunas Water and Stockholm Water companies

0.004 0.026 0.103 0.059 0.503 0.249

0.004 0.026 0.102 0.030 0 0

0.961 1.095

0 0

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 1997.

Table 7: Public Investment Programme (Environmental Component), 1996 Programme Code: LI 9602 Expected Duration: 6/96-12/98 Document Type: COP Amount: 2.5 M
Project Code 9602.01.01 Project and sub-project Title Investment in Kaunas Waste Water Treatment Plant Duration 1996-1998 A 2.5 C ? D ? Outputs Continued supplies and construction related to electrical equipment and civil works (transformation buildings and WWTP outlet). These are built on previous expenditures for the plant Pumping station equipment Electrical equipment Notes Large amounts of money remain unutilised. Important area for closer investigation of donor-recipient relationships and programme strategic planning

0.011 0.597 Total

0 0

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June


Table 8: European Integration Programme (Environmental Component), 97 Programme Code: LI 9701-5 Expected Duration: 1998-99 Amount: 0.9 M Document Type: Financial Memorandum
Project Code Project and sub-project Title Modernization of Laboratory Practice and Environmental Monitoring System Duration Started in May 1998 A 0.9 C 0.9 D 0 Outputs Notes

Provision of pollution monitoring equipment to achieve compliance with norms Project is carried out by and standards harmonized EU legislation. Carl Bro under the The immediate project objectives: framework arrangement Modernization of the air monitoring and laboratory practices and their compliance with the EU standards; Start-up of the process of accreditation and certification according to the international standards Expected outputs: Updated procurement list of the equipment required for the central air monitoring laboratory in the MoE; List of subjects for the training programme; Time schedule for installation and testing of the supplied equipment


Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU, Terms of Reference, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 1997.

Table 9: Cross Border Co-operation Programme (Environmental Component), 95 Programme Code: LI 9507 Expected Duration:8/95-12/98 Amount: M
Project Code 9507.02.01 Project and sub-project Title Investment in Palanga WWTP Duration A 1.2 C D Outputs Supply and installation of mechanical and electrical equipment for the Palanga WWTP (in particular for construction of the biological wastewater treatment facilities). The wider objective of the project - to reduce water pollution levels, particularly regarding the Baltic Sea (Palanga is located on the Baltic coast) Notes Project has been delayed because Planaga and Lithuanian authorities have partially financed the part of equipment which at the same time was included into ToR and the bill of quantities

0.014 0.094 Total

0.014 0.047

TA to re-tendering procedure TA for completion of construction

Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU and Technical Assistance division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Table 10: Cross Border Co-operation Programme (Environmental Component), 1996 Programme Code: LI 9617 Expected Duration: 12/96-12/99 Amount: 1.95 M
Project Code 9617.02.01 Project and sub-project Title Construction of the hazardous waste storage in Klaipeda Duration 1996-2000 A 1.950 C 0 D 0 Outputs Operational Klaipeda waste storage facility through Phare funding its construction Notes The project has been delayed, because due to the underdeveloped hazardous waste legislation in Lithuania it was impossible to prepare the terms of reference until 1997


Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU and Technical Assistance division at the Ministry

of Foreign Affairs.

Table 11: Public Investment Financing Programme (Environmental Component), 1997 Programme Code: LI 97 Expected Duration: 97-99 Document Type: COP Amount: 4.250 M 1
Project Code LI-97 Project and sub-project Title Continued investment in construction Kaunas Waste Water Treatment Plant Duration 1997-1999 A 2.250 C D 0 Outputs Notes

Continued supplies and construction of the Large amounts of money remain unutilised. Important area for elevators, civil and electrical works closer investigation of donor-recipient relationships and upgrading/ installing pumping stations, programme strategic planning pipes, valves, etc. The WWTP facility is expected to be operational in 1999. Upgrading of Klaipeda WWTP The World Bank, Sweden, Finland and the Phare program are all involved in upgrading the Klaipeda WWTP. In 1995, a loan agreement with WB was signed for 7 million USD. Grant financing comes from Sweden (5 million USD), Finland (2 million), plus 16 mln. USD local input. The project also has an institutional strengthening component


Investment into construction of Klaipeda waste water treatment plant




Source: Financial Memorandum, OMAS, Desiree, discussion with PMU, Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 1997.

(3) 1 The total sum allocated for PIP is 10.75 MECU.




Table 1: Polish Energy Sector Assistance Programme (PESAP), 1991 Programme Code: PL 9103 Expected Duration: 3/92-11/95 Amount:3 M
Project Code 9103.01 Project and sub-project title Duration A 1.32 C 1.32 D 1.32 Outputs A fully operational PMU, the Energy Restructuring Group (ERG), managing Phare funding activities and providing policy and legislative reform advice to senior officials at the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Phare support consists of a team of foreign and Polish energy experts (4 each and 2 advisors on energy conservation). Provision of high level legal and regulatory advisory support from ERG to MoIT. This included one project on the development of an accelerated least cost closure programme for coal mines. An energy saving strategy addressing all aspects of energy conservation and DSM; possible energy audits, increased public awareness and trained staff in energy saving issues. One specialist working for the district heating management. This includes 4 activities: district heating in Radon; district heating in Swiebodzice; flue gas desulphurisation in Lodz; and pilot gas supply to 15 villages located in ecological district of Komancza. Effective management of energy production and distribution companies through having managers educated about working in a market economy. Actions include training in finance, planning etc. Training also provided for coal companies and supervisory staff eg MoIT senior staff. OMAS reports several pilot heating district projects carried out and a Master Plan for District heating in Radom prepared. Notes Support to ERG is a cofinanced initiative also supported by USAID and UK Know-how Fund.

High level advisory support 11/92-11/94 and programme management

9103.02 9103.02.01

Technical Assistance Legislation and Regulation 11/92-4/94

1.72 0.22

1.72 0.22

1.72 0.22


Energy Conservation and Efficiency






Management Assistance, Training and Human Resource Development Evaluation





9103.03 Total

0.06 3.04

? 3.04

? 3.03

Source: Financial Memorandum, Work Programme, discussion with Cweti Czyzycka, Energy PMU, PERSEUS database.

Table 2: Facility for Implementation of Effective Sectoral and Technical Assistance in the Energy Sector (FIESTA), 1992 Programme Code: PL 9213 Overall Programme Objective: Assist GOP to develop energy reform policies and institutional support Amount:1.3 M Expected Duration: 6/93-12/95
Project Code 9213.01 9213.01.01 Project and sub-project Energy Sector Energy Efficiency Agency 10/94-12/96 0.20 0.145 0.144 Operation of the Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (PNECA), coordinating efforts to conserve energy through increased public awareness. 6 activities were carried out: identifying potential for energy efficiency investments in schools and hospitals; establishing a framework for energy audits in owners of single houses; identifying potential for energy efficiency investments in small industrial enterprises; disseminating information on the benefits of energy efficiency to public; providing office equipment for PNECA and providing expenses for conferences and workshops. Master Plan for Warsaw Energy Policy Guidelines in line with EU standards based on analysis of compatability of polish energy policy guidelines and international regulations. No information available in WPs reviewed. Continued operation of ERG (from funds remaining from 91 programme) Duration A C D Outputs Notes

9213.01.02 9213.01.03

DSM/IRP Master Plan Development Energy Policy Guidelines

4/94-3/96 12/95-12/96

0.50 0.44

0.50 0.43

0.50 0.42

9213.01.04 9213.02.01 Total

Financial Survey of Energy Companies Additional support to ERG


0.16 ?

0.16 ?

0.15 ?

Source: Financial Memorandum, Work Programme, discussion with Cweti Czyzycka, Energy PMU, PERSEUS database.

Table 3: Energy Sector Restructuring (part of Enterprise Restructuring), 1993 Programme Code: PL 9315 Amount: 2.5 M Expected Duration: 8/94-2/98
Project Code 9315.01.01 9315.01.02 Project and sub-project Continued support for ERG Energy Law 1 Duration 8/94-5/96 10/96-11/97 A 2.0 0.29 C 2.0 0.28 D 2.0 0.28 Outputs Managed by Brussels, not PMU 17 draft ordinances and a set of regulations to support the implementation of energy legislation (the Energy Law) in line with EU legislation; further to legal advice provided to the Minister of Industry and Trade. Moved to the 1994 programme due to delays in contracting. 2 months operational costs for ERG manager, leading to a report of activities during the 2 months Support to NPECA, particularly improved database including names of auditors etc. PNECA is in the process of providing training in energy efficiency in the production sector and in individual households as part of Polands efforts to meet EU requirements relating to energy efficiency. New equipment delivered, mostly computers Notes

9315.01.03 9315.01.04

Energy Law 2 Bridging assistance 5/96-6/96

0 0.02

0 0.02

0 0.02


Energy auditing scheme





9315.01.06 Total

ERG office equipment


0.009 2.50

0.008 2.50

0.0075 2.48

Source: Financial Memorandum, Work Programme, discussion with Cweti Czyzycka, Energy PMU, PEREUS database.

Table 4: Support for Enterprise Restructuring/Privatisation and Energy, 1994 Programme Code: PL9405 Amount: 2.2 (later revised to 1.2) M Expected Duration: 2/95-12/97
Code 9405.02.01 9405.02.02 Project and sub-project Advisory and training support to MoIT (ERG) Energy Efficiency Duration A 0.51 12/97-12/98 0.175 C 0.51 0.175 D 0.51 0.175 Outputs Provision of advice (on a daily basis) to MoIT. Operation of the Energy Auditing scheme ENCONSULT and Premium and Guarantee Fund PGF. (follow up from PL9315). It is an institutional building element (WP2). This includes purchase of network hardware and software and training users in both system operation and how to act in an emergency situation. see below Implementation of the Energy Law through completing final set of ordinances and addressing comments on the draft legislation. This is to conclude the unfinished part of the Energy Law component in Phare 1993. Reports on restructuring energy sub-sectors (eg district heating) ready for integration into the EU. A new forecast and energy efficiency strategy for Poland developed by the Ministry of Economy and the newly established Energy Market Agency through technical assistance. The forecast or efficiency strategy is expected to form the basis for Polands new energy policy guidelines. Last 6 months operation of ERG and its local experts. In July 1997 1 M transferred to flood damage programme (as still remaining) leading to a reduction in energy project under this programme. Notes

9405.02.03 9405.02.03.01

Adjustment activities for EU accession Implementation of Energy Law Strengthening the transition of 12/97-12/98 energy sub-sectors New forecast and energy 12/97-12/98 efficiency strategy

0.49 0.20

? ?

0.29 ?

9405.02.03.02 9405.02.03.03

0.18 0.10

? ?

? ?

9405.02.04 Total

PMU operational costs


0.035 1.2

0.035 ?

0.035 1.01

Source: Financial Memorandum, Work Programme, discussion with Cweti Czyzycka, Energy PMU, PEREUS database.

````````Table 1: Environmental Sector Programme (Phase I), 1990 Prog. Code: PL 9002 Expected duration: 1990-1997 Amount: 22 M (+ 1.41 M from interest)
Code PL9002-01 Project and sub-project title Air Pollution Duration A 13.00 C 10.81 D 10.81 Outputs Increase the availability of air emission abatement technology for power stations in Poland through facilitation of the manufacturing of abatement technologies/equipment Introduce the production of Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) in Poland through assistance in obtaining the license for international technology transfer Introduce the introduction of Circular Fluidised Bed Boilers (FBB) in Poland through computerisation of design and draughting operations and through provision of a bending roller. 6.09 Air Monitoring Equipment 6.09 Strengthen the ability of the State Environmental Inspectorate to enforce environmental laws and regulations. Output: air monitoring equipment delivered Notes

PL9002-0101 PL9002-0102 PL9002-0103

Flue Gas Desulphurisation Facilities Licensing



4.29 Production of Circular Fluidised Bed Boilers


PL9002-03 PL9002-0301

Waste Treatment Incineration for Toxic/Chemical Waste Management - Study


1.32 0.93

1.32 0.93 Options relating to minimum size required for an incineration plant for toxic waste to be cost-effective as well as approaches to achieve effective management of storage and disposal of toxic waste Clear insight in the production, collection, disposal etc. of municipal waste in Poland in order to develop an effective municipal waste policy.


Survey of Municipal Waste Management Strategies - Study



Code PL9002-02 PL9002-0201

Project and sub-project title Water Protection Desalination of Coal Mine Waste Water - Study


A 2.0

C 1.98 0.74

D 1.98 0.74



Most feasible option for reducing the discharge of salt from coal mines into the Vistula River

Study recommended a specific technology and further investment study, which was carried out under sub-project PL9002-08-04 Part of the project was extended under PL9002-08-07. Investors for implementation (estimated at 250 M ) has been identified at the end of the project Co-financing by the Swedish Government of sludge dewatering unit. Supply of equipment provided under subproject PL9002-07-03.


Cracow Waste Water Treatment Plant - Study



Decreased discharge of waste water from domestic sewage and local steel plant through upgrading of the Cracow waste water treatment plant. Output: study presenting the most cost-effective options for sewage handling, effluent treatment and sludge de-watering; design of a bankable investment project implementing the recommendations in the study; computer modelling system for storm and waste water collection Environmentally sound disposal of sludge from the Czajka WWTP in Warsaw. Result: presentation of the best option for sludge disposal through a study, resulting in recommendation to conduct a pre-investment study for a possible EBRD loan. Increased level of environmental protection in two valuable nature areas in Poland


Czjaka Waste Water Treatment Plant - Study




Nature Conservation





Master Plan for Great Mazurian Lakes Foundation - Study



Identification of priority actions which result in increased nature protection in Implementing agency: the Great Mazurian Lakes Region through the development of a Master Plan Foundation for the Protection of and strengthening on the Great Mazurian Lakes Foundation, amongst others the Great Mazurian Lakes through provision of GIS scheme. Co-financing for key actions obtained from US. Project has been continued under the Phare 1991 Environmental Sector Programme


Master Plan for Warta River Basin - Study



Identification of priority measures to decrease the discharge of (untreated) municipal waste water into the Warta River through development of a Master Plan, including a set of priority actions.

Code PL9002-05(01)

Project and sub-project title Environmental Management and Co-ordination Unit (ECMU) (Project Implementation Unit) Temporary Allocation Savings for Czajka


A 0.5

C 0.92

D 0.92

Outputs Increasing the capacity of the ECMU to operate the Phare Environmental Sector Programme through provision of office equipment, assistance in project design, developing terms of reference and contracting. Expanded project preparation and implementation system put in place. Savings from project PL9002-02-03





This is not a real project, but an administrative activity to show that cost savings have been generated

PL9002-07 PL9002-0701

Contingencies Moravian Gates Air Pollution


3.12 0.12

2.80 0.12 Increase insight in transboundary (Czech) sources of air pollution affecting air Preparation for project PL9002quality in Poland. Project included gathering monitoring data with a mobile 01-03 laboratory and training in the use of the laboratory, provided to the State Inspectorate by Italy Identify options for mitigation of the negative impacts on landscape, nature and environment of the Czorsztyn Dam in the Upper Dunajec catchment area, construction of which has been completed for 75%, during further completion of construction through a study and through consultations with interested parties Improve management of sludge to reduce discharges of sludge into the Warta River through increased effectiveness and efficiency of the monitoring of waste water discharge and sludge treatment through automation. Increase awareness of the state of the Polish environment at specific target groups and the general public through publication and disbursement of the publication Environment in Poland - Issues and Solution. Strengthen the capability of the National Fund to develop environmental investment strategies and to manage the Fund. Outputs: studies Continuation of sub-project PL9002-02-03


Czorsztyn Dam Assessment




Czajka WWTP equipment




State of Polish Environment




National Fund for Environmental Protection / BIOS



Code PL9002-0706

Project and sub-project title Environmental Education and Training Programme


C 0.63

D 0.63

Outputs Increase the understanding and knowledge of environmental issues and environmental management amongst staff of ministries, provincial and local government and NGOs through a training programme, including a study visit to a selected EU country


PL9002-08 PL9002-0801

Portfolio of projects Wieliczka Salt Mine

2.52 0.08

2.51 0.08 Identified options for solving the acute problems relating to inlet of water in the salt mine, which has a tourist and medical function, as well as options for the development of the area as a tourist/health resort Contribution to objectives of the World Bank project: strengthening institutional capacity for hydrometeorological monitoring in the Upper Vistula Basin through providing key monitoring equipment Options for environmentally sound further construction of the Swinna Poreba Dam in the Upper Silesia Region and present options privatisation of the (operation of the) dam. Clear insight in the financial and economic viability of the solution recommended in project PL9002-02-01 for reducing the discharge of salt from coal mines into the Vistula River Improved the operation of the Unit for Privatisation within the Ministry of Environment through provision of assistance to establishment and operation Type of dedusting installation identified for the electrical furnaces of the Huta steel plant, contributing to reducing the emission of dust from this plant Decrease discharge of waste water from domestic sewage and local steel plant through upgrading of the Cracow waste water treatment plant. Output: study Continuation of sub-project presenting the most cost-effective options for sewage handling, effluent PL9002-02-02 treatment and sludge de-watering; design of a bankable investment project implementing the recommendations in the study; computer modelling system for storm and waste water collection Continuation of sub-project PL9002-02-01 Co-financing provided by the World Bank


Upper Vistula River Basin




Swinna Poreba Dam




Desalination Investment Study



PL9002-0805 PL9002-0806

Inter-ministerial Unit



Steel Industry




Cracow/Kujawy Study



Code PL9002-0808

Project and sub-project title Central Training Station / Policy Support


C 0.17

D 0.16

Outputs Technical Assistance to ensure effective and efficient continuation of the Phare PMU/Environmental Co-ordination and Management Unit which has been transferred from the Ministry of Environment to the National Fund.



Core Funding / Technical Assistance



Diverse seminars and TA

Sources of information: Financing Memorandum; Work Programme No. 7

Table 2: Environmental Sector Programme (Phase II), 1991 Prog. Code: PL9102 Expected duration: 1991-1993 Amount: 35 M
Code PL9102-01 Project and sub-project title Institutional strengthening of environmental support (1) Assessment of existing and proposed systems of environmental management Duration 9/92 - 12/97 A 1.72 C 1.69 D 1.67 Outputs Notes


9/92 - 9/97




PL1902-01-03 Cofinancing of the Interministerial Methods and costs for the adaptation of Polish standards to those of the EU Co-ordination and other relevant international standards and for the preparation of Unit for the policies and plans which implement selected high priority local and resolution of regional environmental priorities; through the publication in Polish of EC environmental environmental legislation, an assessment of the institutional capacity in problems has environmental protection and technical assistance relating to EU integration been cancelled and or overall management of project PL1902-01


Economic and legal instruments in environmental protection policy

3/94 - 12/97




Integration of economic and environmental issues in decision-making and the introduction of legal, administrative and economic instruments for the efficient implementation of the Polish Environmental Policy; achieved by testing improved institutional systems of environmental management through the production of an inventory and assessment of the efficiency of economic instruments applied in Poland, the provision of draft environmental legislation with aims to harmonisation with EC legislation, and the preparation of a feasibility study regarding the introduction of a system of tradable permits. Evaluation of the costs of implementing medium-term environmental strategies as part of the National Environmental Policy through providing clear insight in its costs. The project outputs are: a methodology to assess the costs of harmonisation of Polish standards with EU environmental standards, a programme of compliance schedules for polluters, draft legislation regarding environmental liability.

PL9102-01-04 Definition of priorities and costs for implementation of medium term priorities 6/94 - 6/95 0.20 0.20 0.20

Code PL9102-02

Project and sub-project title Regional Environmental Programme for Upper Silesia (2) (3)

Duration 1992 - 1997

A 14.14

Outputs The project objective is to improve the environmental situation in the Upper Silesia Region, whose inhabitants suffer from serious water and air pollution, illegal dumping of municipal waste and food contamination resulting from soil pollution.

Notes Project Implementation: Regional Implementation Unit (RIU) in Katowice

14.00 13.82


Master Plan for Municipal Waste for Upper Silesia




Increased understanding of the problems and their causes relating to solid waste (municipal, hospital waste and sludge) in the Region as well as in clear recommendations for waste reduction, separate collection, storage, treatment and disposal. Activities: study and design for improved waste handling, including development of a local waste management improvement plan with a pilot plan for Katowice Voivodship; preparation and implementation of a pilot project in the city of Katowice for municipal waste utilisation; supply of equipment for the pilot project in Katowice Voivodship; staff training and public awareness raising in municipal waste treatment aiming at capacity building to operate a modern municipal waste system and motivating waste producers to prevent, recycle and properly dispose of waste Reduced low-level emissions of dust and gas, particularly in the centre of the Upper Silesia Industrial Region, as well as in 11 particularly affected cities. The plan should result in recommendations aiming at reducing dust emissions with 85-90% and sulphur dioxide emissions with 50-55%. Activities: study and design work on district heating systems and introduction of gas as an energy source; study for the for the Voivodship of Katwoce and 2 selected cities; development of an action programme for Upper Silesia; District heating pilot project in Rybnik; training of staff of municipalities and waste companies on emission reduction


Master Plan for low-level air pollution emission abatement




Code PL9102-02-03

Project and sub-project title Optimisation of water and waste water management

Duration ?

A 3.87

C 3.85

D 3.85

Outputs The project comprises a study which should result in a clear understanding of cost-effective and economic policy options for the protection of the quality and quality of groundwater, surface water and mine water in the region. Activities: development of a Master Plan aiming at formulation of the criteria for a regional long-term water management plan. This plan should serve as a guiding policy paper for the sector; pilot project for Zwiercie (preparation of studies and project design); strengthening of institutional management and training of operational staff in water and waste water treatment based on EU experience; supply of equipment for elimination of excessive water use.



Study of the elimination of food production in areas polluted with toxic substances




A set of policy options designed to eliminate food production in areas with contaminated soils. Activities: study and design of options for threatened areas in the Region; pilot projects in two selected areas Long and short-term international expert advice


TA /Adviser, Project Management, equipment




Code PL9102-03 PL9102-03-01

Project and sub-project title Sectoral Programmes (4) Toxic waste

Duration ? ?

A 9.43 1.19

C 9.36 1.18

D 9.35 1.17



System in place to evaluate the risks created by the increasing quantity of hazardous waste on Polish territory and to take corrective action; putting in place of organisational structures, equipment an know-how for Poland to identify, classify and control hazardous waste in order to meet international requirements as a signatory to the Basel Convention on trans-boundary transport of hazardous waste. Activities: development of Master Plan for Hazardous Waste and Site Rehabilitation, including TA for TOR preparation and development of a pilot project for storage of pesticides, equipment and including establishment of a small pesticide storage facility; TA for project management. Increasing the efficiency of the national organisation for chemical and ecological rescue operations operated by the General Inspectorate in order to effectively deal with threats to the environment. This will result in an increased ability to implement protection measures under extraordinary circumstances and to strengthen the national capacity to protect the environment in case of accidental release of pollutants. Activities: development of Master Plan for National System; supply of equipment to the Regional Rescue Unit and training centres; staff training for environmental and rescue services; TA for project management; provision of equipment. Promoting and developing environmental education, training and information provision through the establishment of a network of regional centres (NGOs). Activities: TA and training to staff of selected regional centres, supply of equipment, development and dissemination of brochures. Development of regular and special (additional to mandatory school programme) environmental education programmes for primary schools. TA for project management; provision of equipment Pilot project introducing Geothermal Heating in Poland.


National System for the Mitigation of Accidental Threats to the Environment





Assistance to the set-up of a network of Regional Environmental Education Centres





Alternative Energy Thermal Heating Station ? and Network Pyrzyce




Code PL9102-04

Project and sub-project title Continuation of investments from Programme PL 9002 Protection of the Great Mazurian Lakes Region


A 2.15

C 2.14

D 2.10







improving the regions state of the environment and restoring the balance between the regions ecological value and its economic development (tourism, urbanisation). Activities: provision of equipment to operate a GIS system for the region. Includes the installation of hardware and software and the creation of a database of maps etc. of the region; TA to the Foundation of the Great Mazurian Lakes Region for project implementation, including preparation of tender documents Reduction of pollution of the River Warta through the upgrading of the sewage system in a selected town in the River Warta Basin. Th project should promote environmentally sound development in the River Basin. Activities: provision of equipment for 5 waste water treatment plants (incl. training on its use); installation of computer hardware and software for GIS application to the Regional Water Management Board in Poznan and to Environmental Agencies in 15 Voivodships

Implementing organisation for PL1902-04-01: Foundation for the Great Mazurian Lakes Region


Environmental Protection of the Warta River Basin




Implementing organisation for PL9102-04-02: Warta River Foundation


Programme Management / Environmental Co-ordination and Management Unit (PMU)




Strengthening the capacity of the Environmental Co-ordination and Management Unit to execute its tasks. Activities: TA/Advisers, programme management, framework agreement, equipment, overheads. Project includes hiring of international and local staff for project management, development of an emergency assistance scheme, training in project management, office equipment and strategy development for the National Fund.

The Environmental Co-ordination and Management Unit is located in the National Fund, after being transferred from the Ministry of Environment in 1994


Strengthening of the State Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) (5)

? - 1/95




Project objectives are to improve the quality and reliability of monitoring results by implementation of quality assurance systems in laboratories involved in the EMS and development of a system for assessing the impact of emissions from mobile sources on ambient air quality in Polish towns.

Code PL9102-08

Project and sub-project title Development of an environmental management system (EMS) (5) Master Plan and Pilot Project for EMS

Duration 6/95 - 6/97

A 1.04

C 1.04

D 1.04

Outputs Main output: decision-support computer system (network) for the management of monitoring data. Improving the efficiency of processing and distribution of monitoring data through strengthening of the state information system. Activities: Development of a computerised system for the management of monitoring data and a pilot project for its introduction. Includes training for the use of the system. Project benefits the State Environment Inspectorate in the first place Supply of hardware and software to operate the system, introduced in a pilot project, to the State Inspectorate, Voivodship Inspectorates and other relevant institutions.







Implementation of key activities Computer hardware and software - as support for the EMS




PL9102-09 PL9102-09-01 PL9102-09-02 PL9102-09-03 PL9102-09-04 PL9102-10

Supply of equipment to key facilities (5) Surface water quality monitoring equipment Ambient air quality monitoring Equipment for operational and organisational infrastructure of SIEP Equipment for monitoring Technical assistance to the State Environmental Inspectorate

1996 - early 1997

2.28 0.50 0.53 0.40 0.85 0.82

2.27 0.50 0.53 0.40 0.85 0.70

2.27 0.50 0.53 0.40 0.84 0.70

Outputs: purchase of monitoring and analysing equipment for Environment Inspectorates in Voivodships and training for its use

Technical Assistance to the State Environmental Inspectorate to manage projects benefiting the Regional Environmental Inspectorates; long-term international consultancy; equipment; training materials


Review and assessment of projects




Financial control and auditing of programme PL1902, issued by the EC

Sources of information Financing Memorandum Work Programme No. 8 Informacja dla Ministra Ochrony Srodowiska, Zasobow Naturalnych I Lesnictwa o Stpniu Wykorzystania Pomocy Finansowej w Ramacch Programow PHARE dla Sektora Ochrony Srodowiska, Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Srodowiska I Gospodarki Wodnej, na dzien 31 grudnia 1997 r., Informacja opracowana przez Zespol Wspolpracy z Zagranica NFOSiGW

Specific (footnotes): 1. Oral information from Mr Roman Jankowski, Project Co-ordinator, National Fund 2. The Regional Environmental Programme for Upper Silesia financed by the Commission of the European Union - Summary and Evaluation Report, TNO, April 1998 3. Oral information from Mr Kabulski, Project Coordinator, National Fund ? 4. Oral information by Mr Roman Jankowski, Project Coordinator , National Fund and by Mr Kabulski, Co-ordinator for sub-project PL1902-03-04 5. Oral information provided by Ms Cichon, Project Co-ordinator, National Fund

Table 3: Environmental Sector Programme for Poland (Phase III), 1992 Prog. Code: PL9204 Duration: 1995-1996 (extended twice to 1998) Amount: 18 M
Code 01 Project and sub-project Development of policy tools towards selected infrastructure development programmes Duration A C D 1.14 Outputs Notes In the FM, this part is referred to as Window 1 to provide support to government and non-profit private sector activities in policy formulation and the development of monitoring and management tools Completed strategic environmental assessment of the proposed Polish motorway network, providing clear policy guidance on managing environmental impacts (according to international standards) to decisionmakers Useful information for decision-makers enabling minimisation of impacts of the proposed gas pipeline on the ecological environment across nine Voivods, including the internationally important Green Lungs of Europe area. 1.14 1.14


Overall study of the impact of motorway network on the natural environment in Poland


0.74 0.74



Study on nature conservation issues connected with the construction of the Russian-Western Europe Gas Pipeline





02 02.01

Investment projects Procurement of supplies for the campaign to eradicate forest pests (including Nun moths) Geothermal project

15.5 15.49 8.49 8.49

14.18 8.47 No information on output - missing pages in Work Programme (contact Envt PMU office or Commission) No information on output - missing pages in Work Programme (contact Envt PMU office or Commission) Efficient management of all technical, financial and administrative tasks associated with this programme, via short and long-term technical assistance, training courses and funding of equipment (phone, fax, e-mail) for the PMU. Links with Phare 1994 Programme






Technical assistance to programme management

1.48 1.48


Sources: 4th Work Programme, Financing Memorandum; no discussions possible with PMU Prog. Coordinator

Table 4: Forestry Development Programme, 1994 Prog. Code: PL9403 Duration: 1995-1997 Amount: 12 M (+0.09 interest)
Code 01 Project and sub-project Forest pest suppresion Duration 1995-1998 A C 1.8 D 1.5 Outputs Protection of areas from further destruction from various forest pests - a response to an emergency requirment. The project involves suppression of nun months and other forest pests, based on a previous successful Phare pest control programme carried out in 1994, involving supply of bioagents and the modernisation of an airstrip for crop sprayers Promoting profitability and environmental sustainability in the private forestry sector, through the supply of seedlings to private farmers, the supply of modernised forestry management equipment to be leased at cheap rates, and assistance in the preparation of business plans. The PMU/GDSF had tried to set up a soft loan facility for the private sector but could not be approved by the commission in time, possibly because of procedural problems associated with using EU grant money for loans. This project forms one part of a GDSF state forest rehabilitation programme. Notes


Sustainable private forestry






Restoration of damaged forests in the Sudety mountain and Notec regions




Two pilot projects (Sudety and Nodec) successfully implementing up-to-date technologies for the restoration of damaged forest ecosystems for potential replication elsewhere. The projects involved application of plant protection and fertilisation techniques and the construction of water retention ponds for groundwater recharge. Support for an internationally co-financed project to establish a gene bank and associated nursery, specifically involving the construction of a hostel for staff/guests, assistance in the collection of important seed varieties, and applied research in conducting fungi suppression methods. A fully functioning national network of fire towers for early warning. This project strengthens the existing system, but once completed should result in the overall system working effectively, principally via constructing new towers wherever necessary.


Forest biodiversity protection




This is not a pilot project and it did result in physical investments, however its aim is more related to assisting with the establishment of an effectively functioning institution Physical investments were required for construction of the towers, but in the interests of establishing an effectively functioning institution/service


Forest fire protection measures




Code 06

Project and sub-project Technical assistance for programme management

Duration 1995-1998

C 1

D 0.9

Outputs An effectively functioning unit within the GDFS capable of design and implementation of projects supported via the Phare programme. Primarily provided through technical assistance to develop GDFS planning and management capability (on the job training and study tours). A fully functioning nursery with the capacity to provide high quality seedlings for the replanting of a 30 km2 area of degraded land recently vacated by the Russian military.

Notes Essentially institutional strengthening via skills transfer.


Rehabilitation of military site




An investment in a specific area for future forest production and conservation benefit

Sources: Financing Memorandum, 5th Work Programme, discussions with ??? (PMU Prog. Coordinator)
A - Allocated C - Committed D - Disbursed

Table 5: Environmental Protection, 1995 Prog. Code: PL9507 Duration: 1996-1998 (an extension to disbursement period until end of 2000 has been requested from Commission) Amount: 8 M (10 M reallocated to flood disaster on basis of Addendum to FM signed on 21 August, 1997)
Code 01 Project and sub-project Improving production facilities to reduce environmental impacts Duration A 2.6 C 0 D 0 Outputs A reduction in the level of air pollution emissions from a combined heat and power facility, as well as household units in 6 valley villages. Notes Original idea was to establish a soft loan facility to be accessed by the private sector, which was not approved by Commission. To be classified as physical investment


Utilisation of colliery gas



Supply and installation of a gas turbine using methane emissions from a coal mine for combined production of 2.7 MW of electrical power and 3.1 MW of heat, (as part of a non-Phare wider investment programme financed by EEG Suszec), thereby reducing negative impact of emissions on environment


Low-level air pollution abatement



Improvement in the heat efficiency of coal combustion Demonstration physical investment in household cooking and heating appliances in 6 valley villages (Gminas), thereby reducing emissions of CO, CO2 and Sox. Enhancement of other surrounding communities in implementing similar improvements via an information campaign

02 02.01

Construction of maritime waste water treatment complex Maritime waste treatment plant

1997-1998 1997-1998

1.2 1.2

0 0

0 0 Equipment for reception and treatment of oily wastes from shipping provided and working effectively Docking facilities for small vessels in connection with a hazardous waste treatment plant constructed and operating. Probably to be classified as physical investment


Protection of biodiversity




See below

Code 03.01

Project and sub-project Protection of Biebrza National Park

Duration 1997-1998

A 1.5

C 0.14

D 0

Outputs Equipment designed to modernise the existing waste water treatment plant at Elk delivered and installed (with staff trained in order to operate the plant effectively), thereby treating discharges of municipal and industrial waste waters. A Waste Management Agency in upper Silesia capable of managing future investment in solid waste management facilities. The project includes training in waste management, preparation of investment plans and feasibility studies, and a public awareness campaign to reduce waste generation. Effective demonstration of bioremediation techniques in the decontamination of a site from hazardous wastes, as a basis for selecting comparing a range of available options for clean-up.

Notes A physical investment project designed to protect the Biebrza National Park from pollution and degradation

04 04.01

Waste treatment projects Solid waste management in upper Silesia 1997-1998

1.9 0.85 0 0 First proposed under Phare 1991 Programme. This is essentially institutional development in the interests of effective future investment projects being implemented.


Remediation of pesticide bunker in Niedzwiady


0.05 0.05

The Phare project stops at demonstrating one bioremediation techniques. Comparison within the context of other possible techniques is beyond the scope of this project Physical investment projects


Modernisation of solid waste treatment plant in Katowice



Reduction of noise and odour pollution from the Katowice composting plant to acceptable levels in relation to local communities, based on the provision of equipment Effective operation of the Katowice sorting plant, via provision of modernisation equipment.


Equipment for Czajka Wastewater treatment plant 4/98-1999 in Warsaw

0.20 0

The completion of the modernisation of the Waste water Physical investment project. The first treatment plant so that it is effectively treating to its full phase of upgrading this facility was capacity; by completing the biogaz installation; carried out during 1990 Phare. installation of electromagnetic flow meters; delivery of software for control system; commissioning of new equipment, and start up of entire system. Continued efficient management of all technical, financial and administrative tasks associated with this programme, via short and long-term technical assistance, training courses and funding of site visits.


Programme Management





Sources: 3rd Work Programme; discussions with (PMU Prog. Coordinator)




Table 1: Assistance for restructuring of the energy sector Prog. Code: HU 9103 Duration: 1/02/921 - 30/11/96 Amount: 5 M
Code 1 1.1 1.2 Project and sub-project Sector studies Electricity Sector Study Coal Sector Study Duration 0.60 Replaced by DH study 1/4/923 -31/3/93 0.23 0.23 Two studies (looking at vertical integration and socio-economic impact), to assist in the programme of coal mine reform/privatisation, leading to improved efficiency and reliability of coal supply Study of options for reforming organisations involved in supply of district heating, through new strategies and legislation Training and education to assist in strategic energy planning and training in energy management Development of a system of statistics to support essential strategic planning Database of energy related activities to assist the daily activity and decision making of the Energy Department A C2 D Outputs Notes


District Heating Sector Study

9/93 9/920.85



Energy Centre



Energy statistics





Investment data/appraisal




5 5.1

Energy savings Energy Savings Campaign

15/9/926//93 11/94-11/95




Campaign of public awareness of methods and importance of energy saving Primarily focused on improving supply efficiency for energy managers in industry and a district heating service through training managers Four demonstration projects of potential for energy savings in district heating. Monitoring and dissemination of results of pilot


Regional Energy Concept, Baranya




District Heating Pilot Project Debrecen





(4) Start date for first work programme 2 (5) From proposed budget in First Work Programme 3 (6) date of submission of TOR by consultants

project Management assistance Renewable energy 9/956/950.60 0.57 0.59 0.46 0.59 0.46 Training in market management for energy supply companies Piloting and demonstration of new technology., including biomass, geothermal and solar

Contingencies Total

0.14 4.36

0.13 4.12

Table 2: Energy and Environment Programme (energy component ) Prog. Code: HU 9402 Duration: 13/12/94-30/6/98 Amount: 1.047 M
Project code and title 5 Feasibility study for revolving Fund Duration 9/957/96 0.12 A 0.12 C 0.11 D Outputs Study to design Phare support for a Revolving Fund. The study suggested using Phare money as loanable funds, and this was supported in Brussels. Conduct publicity campaign to raise awareness of methods and importance of energy savings and impact on environment Publicity, training and workshops to raise awareness about potential improvements in energy efficiency amongst domestic users and industry, including use of renewable energy Training of trainers and auditors and production of training material Notes

Energy efficiency campaign





7 excl 7.1.3

Hungary-EC Energy Centre




7.1.3 8

Energy audits Programme management 0.05

0.10 0.03

0.04 0.03

*Note: Allocation according to the last approved Work Programme

Table 3: Energy Prog. Code: HU9512 Duration: FM: 20/12/95; WP: 1/9/96 - present Amount: 4 M
Project code and title 1 2 3 3.1 (except 3.1.4) 3.1.4 Study of control/monitoring system Energy efficiency for municipalities Hungary-EU Energy Centre Information Duration 0.15 0.40 0.19 Information to raise awareness about potential improvements in energy efficiency amongst domestic users and industry, including use of renewable energy Energy auditing for firms applying for Energy Fund loans; demonstration to other firms and public of the value of auditing Training for energy managers and auditors Training for energy managers Logistics to support Energy Centre, allocated to the various activities of the Energy Centre 0.15 Studies of possible publicity and investment preparation support for domestic investment in energy saving 2.05 2.05 Co-financing for loans to improve energy efficiency A C D Outputs Design of a system to manage the country's strategic oil reserves Support for investment plans, demonstrations, awareness and management capacity in municipalities to improve energy efficiency Notes Cancelled and covered by other finance

Energy audit

3.2 3.3 3.4

Training Seminars/workshop Infrastructure support

Energy saving in housing

5 6

Energy Efficiency Co-financing Scheme Programme management /contingency

2.05 0.26

*Note: Allocation according to the last approved Work Programme

Table 4: Energy Prog. Code: HU9609 Duration: 20/12/96 Amount: 5.5 M

Project code and title 1 2 3,4 5 Secondary reserve capacity Energy Saving Revolving Fund Programme management/contingencies Evaluation Duration A C 4.700 5.446 2.946 0.25 0.05 D Outputs Investment in increasing security oil reserves Further funds to boost activities of Energy Fund, managed by commercial banks, to be provided to firms on commercial basis Support for PMU Notes Cancelled 2.5 M transferred to support SMEs Cancelled Cancelled

*Note: Commitments according to the last approved Work Programme

Table 1: Solutions for Critical Environmental Problems Type of Document: Entec Study, Ex-Post evaluation of the Phare Environment Sector, 1990 & 1991 programmes Prog. Code: HU9002 Duration: 1990-1995 (1) Amount: 25 M
Project code and title Environmental Education and Training (151, 152) Duration A C 0.191 0.350 Legislation (601, 801, 901) 0.140 0.1 0.181 Information Systems (124) 0.098 D Outputs 151: Study of environmental education policy; assistance in formation of national policy; 152: Training for environmental managers 601: Development of a legislative framework for pollution abatement; 801: development of a long term strategy for nature conservation and the supporting and corresponding legislative framework; 901: preparatory activities towards water management legislation. 124: Feasibility study for an integrated regional monitoring system in Hungary 101: Purchase of emission monitoring equipment and training of the users 0.581 108: upgrading bus fleet to reduce emission 0.725 109:purchase of laboratory equipment to measure the exhaust emissions from cars equipped with catalytic converters and training of the users of the equipment 112; study on the potential for air pollution and waste reduction in the aluminium industry 113: Feasibility study for hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities 121: identification of the main drinking water zones and the potential sources of contamination Notes

Protection of Air Quality (101/A/B/C, 108, 109)


Waste Management (112, 113, 121

0.226 0.330 0.840

Nature Conservation (134, 135, 150, 160, 808


0.189 0.04 0.2

134: study on the protection requirements, the therapeutic value of natural springs and the rehabilitation of a cave 135: provision of equipment to the management of a National Park and upgrading of their buildings 150: define the measures to be taken in order to establish ecologically stable environments in specific wetlands and grasslands 160: policy recommendations with respect to reduce the negative environmental effects of intensive agriculture 808: purchase of equipment for the daily management of a National Park

Water Resources (104, 110, 123, 124/I/II, 153, 154, 190, 904, 905

0.860 0.360 0.937

0.563 0.504 0.590 1.200 0.600

104: rehabilitation of the Oxbow water environment 110: feasibility study for the extension of a waste water treatment plant 123: provision of equipment for sit dredging and reed in order to improve and sustain the water quality harvesting 124,I: provision of equipment for the detection of micro-pollutants in water 124, II: provision of hydrological monitoring equipment 153: development of methodology for defining groundwater source protection zones 154: study on geothermal water sources, providing base line information and a model for geothermal aquifers + provision of equipment 190: installation of a sewer system, in order to protect ground water resources from pollution resulting septic tank leakages 902-904: study on the alternatives for the management of waste water and sludge and defining a strategy for institutional strengthening and the financing of the policy 905 (replacing 903): formulation of a number of alternative schemes for a surface monitoring system 120: study on the most appropriate flue gas treatment technology for SO2 emission reduction at three power stations 202 I: reduce SO2 emissions at a power plant by applying a technology combining fluidisation bed firing combined with the conventional process of pulverised coal burning 202 III: construction of a pipe line required to switch domestic heating from coal to gas fired, in order to reduce SO2 emissions 205: study on the technical and economical conditions for using geothermal water sources as an energy source and on the use of bio-bas from municipal waste landfills 210: installation of a computer energy management system, enabling to reduce the energy consumption at two industrial plants (Taurus)


Energy saving (120, 202/I/III, 205, 210)

0.124 0.830

1.000 0.291


Note: the 1990 programme contained a collection of small programmes from the Ministries activities, with little programming. The above classification is based on the clusters defined in the ENTEC Evaluation Report (1) the programme was extended with 1,5 year

Table 2: Environment Prog. Code: HU 9102 Type of Document: Entec Study, Ex-Post evaluation of the Phare Environment Sector, 1990 & 1991 programmes Duration: 1991-1994 (1) (FM signed in January 1992) Amount: 10 M
Project code and title Environmental Education and Training (401, 402, 403) Duration A C 0.400 0.350 0.200 Public Awareness Raising (504, 705, 807) 0.272 0.244 0.176 D Outputs 401:Training for environmental managers managers; 402: establish postgraduate training course; 403: communications training for KTM 504:TV programme on sustainable development; 705:public awareness of solid waste management; 807:promote public awareness of nature conservation and support for identification of nature conservation projects 304: preparatory work for the harmonisation of legislation with EU legislation; 305:A study on the possible introduction of environmental charges; 702:drafting of municipal waste management legislation 303/802:Purchase of hard and soft ware to strengthen the management capacity in the natural resources area 704: preparatory work for the set-up a municipal waste information system on waste generation and its management, enabling the planning of recovery and disposal 602:Study on the benefit on the catalytic converters 602/1:mobile lab to advice garages and car owners on how to reduce emissions 604:Master plan study for an environmentally friendly transport system and traffic management 605: purchase of equipment for emission monitoring 606:installation of monitoring equipment 701: development of masterplan for MSW management, identifying the Notes

Legislation (304, 305, 702)

0.200 0.134 0.197

Information Systems (303/802, 704)

0.509 (or 0.9) 0.242

Protection of Air Quality (602, 602/1, 604, 605, 606

0.166 0.310 0.315 1.800 1.400

Waste Management (701, 702, 703



institutional, regulatory and economic requirements and including a comparative study of the regulatory framework in Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. The plan also included a short, medium and long term management strategy for MSW 703: promote various collecting schemes for the segregate collection of recyclable waste materials and identifying recycling possibilities 803: study of eco friendly eco-tourism in Hungarys national parks 804: provision of equipment required to implement of specific bird protection programme 805: drafting of a manual for the identification of ecological important areas and wildlife habitats 806: provision of vehicles to the park management

Nature Conservation (803, 804, 805, 806,

0.143 0.130 0.090 0.061

(1) the programmes was extended by 6 months

Table 3: Environmental Sector Programme Prog. Code: HU9203 Duration: 23/02/93-23/02/96 (implementation continues in 98 and the deadline for disbursement was February 1997) Amount: 10 M Type of Document: OMAS Report, 31 March 1998, an report, containing an overview of the programme provided by the PMU (for 01.1-01-14 and 02.-02.8; the amounts for 02-10-02.20 are from the OMAS report, while we kept the coding of the overview report)
Project code and title 01 Support of Government and NGOs for implementation of policies (Window 1) Duration A C D Outputs Notes 14 projects have been executed, covering basically three areas: air emission reduction, hazardous waste management, protection of drinking water resources develop a filing and archiving system for EIAs in the libraries of the regional env. inspectorates (feasibility study + procurement of a microfiche apparatus) improvement of the quality of environmental education through training of teachers procurement of measuring equipment, survey on noise pollution, including analysis at over 200 monitoring points, establishment of a database study on good agricultural practices, not endangering groundwater resources, with special regard to the protection zones around drinking water sources and identification the necessary legislation preparation and distribution, amongst the Environment Inspectorates, of a manual on data collection and processing study on the development of a national strategy, incl. the possible introduction of financial instruments and on the drafting of hazardous waste legislation

3.0 2..983 2..947


Survey and establishment of the necessary infrastructure for the implementation of EIA



Environmental teacher training



Derivation of policies and regulations to reduce noise and vibration pollution



Environmentally friendly cultivating technologies to protect drinking water resources of drinking water protective areas



Development of methodology for the collection and processing of data on the state of the environment Management of waste: packaging, dry batteries, asbestos





Organisation of a nation wide bio-monitoring Programme


installation of a bio-monitoring network and training of the users and identification of how the collected data should form the basis of a strategy study on purification techniques for polluted springs and development of rehabilitation plans for 3 areas development of a management plan, including the formulation of alternative proposals for efficient water use preparation of an EIA a strategic study on the development of an environmentally friendly transport studies related to harmonisation of energy legislation, regulations in energy markets and regulations for the single energy market an assessment of the organisational, financial and technical situation of the CEPF and of its role on the market a strategic plan to address MOLs environmental problems, incl. identification of the environmental problems and the potential liabilities for the Exploration and & Production Division This project was transferred to the Ministry of Industry, with the approval of the EU Delegation


Active protection of drinking water resources under hydrological conditions prevailing in Hungary Pre-feasibility study for the water management of the Hortobagy-Berettyo catchment area EIA for the construction of the Vac by-pass road Programme on the development of combined transport Assistance for harmonisation in the energy field




01.10 01.11

0.133 0.326




Institutional analysis of the Central Environmental Protection Fund (CEPF) Environmental audit of the Hungarian Oil and Gas Company (MOL)




02 02.1 02.2

Support for environmental investments + loans (Window 2) Redics Municipality: sewerage canalisation and waste water treatment plant (WWT) Kornye Mun. - sewerage and WWT

6.3 0.294 0.753 construction of canalisation and a waste water treatment plant installation of a sewerage system and connection to a treatment plant sewerage system and connection to a treatment plan sewerage system and connection to a treatment plan construction of canalisation and a waste water treatment plant

02.3 02.4 02.5

Nemesvamos Mun. -sewerage Mateszalka Mun. - sewerage Ujudvar Mun. sewerage and WWT

0.334 0.747 0.233

02.6 02.7

Buk Mun. sewerage and WWT Nyergesujfalu Mun. - district heating

0.344 0.162

increase of capacity of existing plant + upgrading upgrade of the district heating system in order to reduce atmospheric pollution improvement of energy efficiency, improvement of ambient air quality, decrease of noise emissions


Kaposvar Mun. district heating


02.10 02.12 02.14

Szecseny Mun. -sewerage Palvlgyi sewerage Devecser Mun. -sewerage and WWT

0.355 0.125 0.187 construction of a biological waste water treatment plant, capable of treating septic tank sludges, in order to prevent the pollution of the underground hydro-geological system

02.15 02.16 02.17 02.19

Szigetszentmiklos Mun. -WWT Szigetszentmiklos Mun. -sewerage Dunavarsany Mun.- sewerage and WWT CAOLA Share Company-Environmental investment and reconstruction of Zalaegerszeg factory Ozd, Small Section Mill Company-Environmentally friendly reuse of old railway track Technical assistance to CEPF and the PMD

0.754 0.754 0.749 0.135 construction of a waste water treatment facility



definition of environmentally sound production techniques for reinforcement bars for concrete from old railway tracks



Table 4: Energy and environment Programme 1994 (environment component) Type of Document: OMAS Report, 31 March 1998, WP 6 1 July 1998 Prog. Code: HU9402 Duration: 13/12/94 - Dec. 97 Amount: 14.5 M (+1M for energy), 14,642,981 = budget allocated in WP 5 (included interest earned)
Project code and title 01 Policy development and harmonisation of environmental legislation Policy Development Duration A(1/2) 3.5 C (2) 3.489 D (2) Outputs 1.411 Notes




0.518 Development of environmental policy. The various subprojects are related to: development of policy; environment planning and management; media work; awareness-raising and training. 0.767 Four different components have been contracted: development of new environmental legislation/ emerging EU environmental legislation and practice/information systems on EU law/ upgrading of the structures for implementation and enforcement 0.124 2.954 strengthen the enforcement capacity of the (REIs) 0.165 2.608 improving the monitoring capacity of labs 0.180 procurement of equipment and training of the users 3.899 provides funds to both the public and the private sector 3.649 provision of funds for a waste water treatment plant, sewerage or solid waste disposal, upgrading of district heating systems


Harmonisation of environmental legislation



01.3 02 02.1 02.2 02.3 03 03.1

Quality Assurance Assistance Upgrading laboratories of the regional environmental Inspectorates (REIs) Equipment for the Lake Balaton area Laboratory upgrading Training of laboratory staff Funding support to local environmental investment needs Establishment of a funding facility to support municipalities in their environmental tasks

0.250 3 0.165 2.608 0.225 7.643 7.293

0.239 3 0.165 2.608 0.225 7.594 7.245


Support to private environmental funds



0.250 Modernisation of a coke plant

Partly unsuccessful. Only one firm applied for Phare support so far. Uncommitted funds reallocated to the municipal support scheme.


Programme management




(1) budget allocated in WP 5 (2) Financial status of programme, attached to WP 6, 1 July 1998

Table 5: Transport, Communication, Water Management Type of Document: OMAS Report, 31 March 1998 Prog. Code: HU9407-03 Duration: 09/03/95-31/12/97 Amount: 0.72 (water management component)
Project code and title Feasibility studies for municipal sewage treatment at two cities Duration A 0.20 C 0.15 D Outputs water management planning and reduction of investment in treatment plants, in order to reduce pollution. Notes No significant results have been achieved by July !((&, according to the OMAS report

Regulation of public water utilities



guarantee the quality of services and improved management of idem water resources Human resources development and strengthening of the management capacity strengthen the monitoring capacity idem

Water management development of Danube branch



Modernisation of groundwater monitoring systems




Table 6: Water management Type of Document: OMAS Report, 31 March 1998 Prog. Code: HU 9511 Duration: 20/12/95-31/12/98 Amount: 5 M
Project code and title Sewage and sludge investments of major cities Duration A 5 C 5 D Outputs treatment of household waste water Notes no significant results have been achieved by July 1997

Table 7: Environment Sector Programme Type of Document: OMAS Report, 31 March 1998, Work Programme 3, 13 July 1998 Prog. Code: HU9513 Duration: 20/12/95-31/03/99 (period of WP 1: 1 January 97-31 March 98) Amount: 7 M
Project code and title 01. Co-financing of environmental investments Duration A 5.0 C D Outputs set up of an Environmental Credit Scheme to support private sector investment in environment Notes FA signed by EC, EBRD & the Budapest Bank on 30/06/97. The PMU is not involved in either the technical or financial management of the scheme


Development of the Lake Balaton Catchment Area


development of pollution control strategies, investments in waste water treatment facilities

02.01 02.02 02.03

Pollution Reduction Programme Balaton Environmental Investment Local Environmental Initiatives

0.6 Cancelled 0.350 Support the installation of the project Office Infrastructure of the Balaton Development Council (BDC) institutional strengthening for the EU harmonised env. Legislation; study on the financial implications of introduction of IPPC; guidance on how to apply BAT in individual permit decisions


Strengthening of Implementation of Environmental Legislation




Czech Republic



Table 1: Energy Sector Support Programme, 1991 Prog. Code: CS 9101.2 Duration: 1991 - June 1995 Amount: 2.8 M (1)
Code Project and sub-project Energy Policy A1/91 Comprehensive Energy Sector Study and Integrated pricing / Taxation Study 10/9312/94 0.50 0.50 Objectives: Increase insight in key issues relevant for the development of a government energy strategy (demand, taxation, pricing, regulation, international requirements) and in the status of reform of the energy sector; enable the development of a realistic energy strategy; Outputs: Energy sector study consisting of 10 reports on the following topics: Demand forecasts; Coal sector; Petroleum sector; Gas sector; Electricity sector; Heat sector; Regulation of the energy sectors; International policy requirements; Energy taxes; Energy balance Recommendations for further advancing the Governments strategic aims, including recommendations on policy tools to be applied Final management remained with the Slovak PMU Recipient institution: Federal Ministry of Energy Duration A C D Outputs Notes


Training and Transfer of Models

until 6/95


Objectives: Enhance the Ministrys capability in energy planning; Project results directly from project enable/ increase the capability of the Ministry to make energy A1 demand forecasts and to identify least-cost options for different energy sectors; Outputs: ownership of MEDEE and MARKAL models transferred to the Ministry; computer hardware and software installed at the Ministry; training delivered regarding the use of the models

Code A2/91

Project and sub-project Development of regulatory institutions, processes and methods for power, natural gas and district heating sectors

Duration 2/92-12/92

A 0.65

C 0.65

Outputs Objectives: Increase insight in options to establish independent regulatory institutions and to improve the regulatory framework; Outputs: recommendations on the establishment of a regulatory institution and on improvements of the regulatory system

Notes Project managed directly from Brussels


Power least-cost development study

3/92 - 3/93


0.28 0.28 Objectives: increase insight in options to develop the Czech power sector against least costs; Outputs: study recommending measures and options for development of the power sector

Project managed directly from Brussels


Database for MIT

1/94 - 6/94


0.09 0.09 Objectives: Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of energy data Recipients: Department of processing; improve the adequacy of information provision internally Analytics and to external parties by the Ministry; increase access to energy data within the Ministry and other relevant parties; Outputs: a user friendly information system developed (tailor-made) for the Energy Division of the Ministry; training provided for users of the system; user guidelines

Energy Conservation B1/91 Energy Efficiency in Buildings 7/94 - 1/95 1.09 (CSFR) 1.08 1.08 Objectives: Increase investments in energy saving in buildings in the Czech Republic; increase insight and understanding amongst building management in all aspects of energy saving measures; Outputs: demonstration project being implemented in selected buildings; energy saving measures implemented in selected buildings (insulation and installation of boilers); measurement and control equipment installed and operated; measurements carried out; training on use of installed equipment implemented; results and recommendations disseminated amongst building managers etc. 0.70 Objectives: Generate investment in energy saving in Czech and Slovak glass and paper industry; Outputs: 16 energy audits carried out in Czech and Slovak glass and paper factories; study tour /training implemented for selected energy experts (including the energy inspectorate) Recipients: Czech towns Project management by the Slovak PMU Part of the project implemented in the Slovak Republic. See also Slovak project 42-01 B1 under the 91 Phare Energy Sector Programme Project management by the Slovak PMU See also Slovak project 42-02 B2 under the 91 Phare Energy Sector Programme


Energy Efficiency in Industry



Regional Energy Studies C1/91 Regional Energy Study Ostrava 7/93 - 5/94 0.28 0.28 0.28 Objectives: Increase adequacy of decision-making on regional level on development of the energy sector, in particular regarding mining and heavy industry; increase understanding and insight in regional energy demand and available regional resources as well as in options for rational use of energy on regional level; provide the base for the development of regional energy policies; Outputs: study implemented; study report including energy demand forecast for the region until 2010, forecast of demand for and availability of coal, demand in the steel industry, cogeneration in SMEs and heat supply; providing recommendations for future energy policy development in the region of Ostrava and concrete options for investments Recipient: municipality, regional development agency and MIT A similar regional study was carried out in the Slovak Republic under the 91 programme (see Slovak project C2) Project resulted in the development of a draft Regional Energy Concept; concept may not be directly useful after new administrative regions will be established Follow-up of this project under the 92 Programme (see project C5a/92)


Regional Energy Study Most

7/93 - 11/94



Objectives: Increase adequacy of decision-making on regional level on development of the energy sector, increase understanding and insight in regional energy demand and available regional resources as well as in options for rational use of energy on regional level; provide the base for the development of a regional energy policy; Outputs: study implemented; study report including energy demand forecast, assessment of potential for energy saving, energy supply, potential to reduce environmental impacts of energy production

Recipient: municipality, regional development agency and MIT Project has provided the input for a Regional Energy Concept for the Most region, which has been officially approved by the regional authorities Follow-up of this project under the 92 Programme (see project C5a/92)


(1) Original amount allocated to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic was 5 M . The programme was split into a Czech and a Slovak part in 1992 Sources: Assessment of the European Union Phare Programme, Czech Republic, Energy Sector Support Programme, Final Assessment Report for Assistance funded under CS-9201, Energy Sector Support, Annual Assessment Report for Assistance funded under CZ-9303, Infrastructure / Energy, by OMAS Consortium Middle Unit, 30 April 1998 Phare Energy Projects in the Czech Republic, Phare Energy PMU, Czech Republic, January 1997 Phare Energy Sector Support Programme for the Czech Republic, Phare Energy PMU, February 1998 Phare Energy Sector Support Programme 1991 CR, Progress of Projects and Main Contracts, updated 10.07.1995 Oral information from Mr Michal Pastvinsky, Head Energy PMU Oral information from Mr Jaroslav Bartos, Head of Energy Policy Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade

Table 2: Energy Sector Support Programme, 1992 Prog. Code: CS 9202 Duration: Nov. 1992 - Dec. 1995 Amount: 2.61 M (1)
Code Project and sub-project Energy policy A5a/92 TA to the Ministry of Industry and Trade until 3/95 0.05 0.06 0.06 Objectives: on ad hoc basis increase capacity, knowledge and skills of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) and the Energy Agency in a range of issues, including economic issues, nuclear safety and in co-ordination of international assistance; Outputs: short-term assistance provided on diverse issues Objectives: increase capacity, knowledge and skills of the MIT to perform key tasks in the field of policy, legislation, EU accession and implementation of the European Energy Treaty; increase insight in the extent to which Czech legal and institutional system complies with EU framework; Outputs: study implemented; study report presenting recommendation for institutional and legal review Based on the results of the project the Energy Agency has been restructured (see project B9) Duration A C D Outputs Notes


TA to the Ministry of Industry and Trade

12/95 12/96




This project formed the base for 2 follow-up projects: project D4d under the 1993 programme and a regulatory project under the 1997 programme

Energy Efficiency B3/92 Efficiency in Buildings (schools, hospitals) 9/95 - 8/96 0.11 0.11 0.11 Objectives: Increase investments in energy saving in schools and Beneficiaries: schools, hospitals in the Czech Republic; increase insight and hospitals, Ministry of Health, understanding amongst school and hospital management in Ministry of Education benefits of energy saving measures; standardise the methodology applied for heat and energy diagnostics and for energy audits; Outputs: demonstration audits and diagnostics in 8 schools and 4 hospitals; demonstration projects including detailed feasibility/pre-investment studies; workshop for school and hospital managers raising awareness on energy saving; brochures developed, printed and disseminated

Code B4/92

Project and sub-project Energy Efficiency in Breweries


C 0.10

D 0.10

Outputs Objectives: Reduce energy use in breweries in the Czech Republic; increase investment in energy saving in breweries; increase insight and understanding of options for low-cost measures leading to energy savings in breweries among managers; Outputs: 3 complete energy audits carried in 3 Czech breweries; recommendations for low-cost measures and investments leading to energy saving; results disseminated to breweries and malt plants; study visit to Western breweries Objectives: Enable the Czech Association of Breweries and Malt Houses to carry out energy audits; reduce energy use in Czech breweries; Outputs: measuring equipment for audits delivered to the Association; training to the Research Institute for Beer and Malt in handling the measuring equipment and in evaluation of the measurements Objectives: Increase investments in energy saving relating to drying technologies in industry; increase insight in and understanding of options for energy saving in relation to drying technologies; Outputs: identification, preparation (audits) and design of 3 demonstration projects on energy saving in relation to drying technologies; review of producers of drying equipment; dissemination workshop

Notes The project is judged as successful by the Energy PMU. One of the breweries has implemented the full package of recommenda-tions; others have implemented part of the recommendations

7/94 - 4/95 0.10


Energy Efficiency in Breweries - follow up

1/95 - 7/95




Follow-up of B4b Beneficiary: the Czech Association of Breweries and Malt Houses / Research Institute for Beer and Malt 2 medium-size furniture companies and 1small paper company were selected


Energy efficiency in industry (drying technologies)

9/94 - 9/95 0.12



Code B6/92

Project and sub-project Cogeneration and district heating survey

Duration 9/94-9/95

A 0.18

C 0.18

D 0.18

Outputs Objectives: Increase adequacy of policy and legal decision-making in relation to co-generation for district heating; increase insight in heat demand and supply in the Czech Republic and in the effectiveness and efficiency of existing cogeneration units for district heating; increase investment in cogeneration; Outputs: study implemented; study report providing recommendations for policy and legal measures to support cogeneration; preinvestment studies implemented Objectives: Increase insight and understanding of need and options for increasing the efficiency (and thus reduce energy use) and safety of boilers/turbines in Nova Hute Steelworks in Ostrava; improve adequacy of inspection and maintenance of the boilers; Outputs: pre-inspection of the two boilers carried out; detailed inspection of most critical boiler; on-site training of local personnel; recommendations for increased safety and efficiency of the boilers Objectives: Enable decision-making on the establishment of an energy saving revolving fund in the Czech Republic; increase insight on feasibility of establishment of a revolving fund as mechanism to increase investments in energy saving in industry and the building sector; Outputs: recommendations regarding the conditions and main scheme for the establishment of an energy saving fund financed from the Phare programme

Notes Pre-investment studies were carried out in hospitals in Jicin and Prague. One of the studies indicated that cogeneration is feasible and several financing proposals were made to the hospital


Life assessment of boilers

6/94 11/95





Feasibility study - revolving fund for energy efficiency

5/94 - 3/95 0.10



Based on the recommendations presented in this project a decision has been taken to further develop the fund. See further the 1993 programme. Further feasibility assessments have been funded under a framework contract provided from Brussels

Code B9/92

Project and sub-project Assistance to Czech Energy Agency (CEA)


A 0.15

Outputs Objectives: Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Czech Energy Agency in performing its key tasks; Outputs: recommendations regarding key tasks and responsibilities and structure of the Agency

Notes Follow-up of project A5b


Assistance to CEA - Part 1

7/94 - 9/95 0.04



Specific outputs: report including recommendations for new structure and long-term objectives of the Agency Specific outputs: report including recommendations on the role of the Agency in energy policy development and in promoting energy saving, recommendations on its organisational structure and on international co-operation with other institutions

Agency closed after this subproject The idea for this sub-project came up after the Agency was closed mid-95 and started with a new director


Assistance to CEA - Part 2

12/95 12/96




Regional energy studies C4/92 Energy Concept for Prague 2/94 - 2/95 0.30 0.30 0.30 Objectives: Increase adequacy of decision-making in the Prague municipality on energy policy and planning issues; increase insight and understanding of potential for energy saving in industry, residences and services in Prague; Outputs: study implemented; study report including energy demand forecast for Prague; recommendations on heat supply options for each district in Prague; recommendations on legal and administrative improvements in the Prague Municipality; action plan for the promotion of energy efficiency Objectives: Generate investment in energy saving in heat supply in buildings in town of Vejprty; Outputs: detailed pre-investment studies for heat supply in 14 selected buildings; Follow-up of project C3 under the 91Phare programme


Follow-up study Most (Vejprty)

11/95 10/96




Code C5b/92

Project and sub-project Follow-up study Ostrava

Duration 11/95 4/96

A 0.05

C 0.05

D 0.05

Outputs Objectives: Increase energy efficiency in district heating in Ostrava; improve the efficiency of the heat supply and distribution system in the city of Ostrava; Outputs: recommendations for a new structure of district heat supply; recommendations on the establishment of a new district heating company; recommendations concerning district heating supply in Frydlant Objectives: Enable decision-making on long-term district heat supply for the city; enable development of a long-term energy strategy for the city; increase energy efficiency in district heat supply in Karlovy Vary; Outputs: recommendations for energy saving in heat supply; recommendations for long-term energy strategy for K. Vary;

Notes Follow-up of project C1 under the 91Phare programme (Regional Study Ostrava Region); implementation of recommendations resulting from the 91 project Follow-up of a study completed under programme of DG XVII of the EC in 1993; most of the recommendation included in this study have been implemented


Heat supply Karlovy Vary

8/95 - 3/96 0.05




Energy Conservation in Brno Schools

7/94 - 3/95 0.05



Objectives: raise awareness in schools in the municipality of Brno Follow-up of a study financed on energy issues; generate a base for low-cost measures to save by DGVII of the EC energy in schools; increase insight in energy consumption in schools in Brno; enable the energy department at the municipality of Brno to measure consumption of energy and water at schools and to perform energy and water consumption audits; Output: installation and testing of software for central energy and water monitoring; training of staff of the municipality to use the software; energy and water audits carried out in schools; training of school managers on energy and water saving;


Project and sub-project Energy supply diversification





Renewable energy study

7/95 6/96




Objectives: Gain insight in feasibility of the installation of a district heating system in the town of Benesov nad Cernou based on waste wood as alternative to coal; Outputs: detailed feasibility study providing recommendations for the establishment of a district heating system on wood;

Co-financing for investment were made available by the State Environmental Fund. The project could not be implemented as the technology was sold to a foreign company and was not available anymore on the Czech market. Extensions were provided under the 93 programme.


Coal sector study

12/94 4/96




Objectives: Enable long-term decision-making on future developments of the coal sector, taking energy demand and environmental aspects into account; Outputs: study providing forecasts and recommendations on future demand for coal, options for clean coal technologies, financing possibilities for future investments; social and economic impacts of coal sector restructuring Objectives: Reduce energy consumption for district heat supply in the spa town of Marianske Lazne; improve the management of energy supply in the town; Outputs: study providing recommendations on options for diversification of sources for heat supply, options for energy saving and options for improvement of the environmental conditions in the town related to energy supply


Energy supplies to Marianske Lazne

until 5/96





Project and sub-project Training





Management training and training for district until 12/96 heating specialists




Objectives: Improve the management of energy utilities in the Czech Republic; Outputs: training courses for top managers and executive managers from power, gas, heat and coal utilities and for district heating managers (all separate) in the areas of finance and accounting, marketing and competition, human resources development, leadership and the role of managers and business strategy development Objectives: Improve the management of energy utilities in the Czech Republic; Outputs: training course on requirements for ISO 9000 certification for design companies active in the energy sector; TA for the development of a quality management system in a selected organisation No information available


Training in Quality Management Systems

until 10/96





Training of heating system technicians

until 4/94





Training in Energy Statistics and Information Systems

until 4/94

< 0.01



Objectives: Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of energy data processing at the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT); improve the adequacy of information provision internally and to external parties by the Ministry; Outputs: training seminar focusing on exchange of information between experts in energy statistics of EU Ministries and the Czech MIT Objectives: Increase the capacity in the Czech Republic to prepare energy projects and to attract funding from Tacis, Phare and IFIs; Outputs: 2 training seminars each for 20 energy consultants on tendering procedures and administrative, technical and financial requirements of Phare, Tacis and IFIs Objectives: Improve the management of the MIT and enhance the possibilities of the MIT to exchange information and experiences with partners in foreign countries; Outputs: management course for high level executive staff and language courses for MIT staff Follow-up of project A4 under the 91 Energy Programme Database for MIT


Workshop on Proposal preparation for Energy until 6/94 Sector





Language and Management Training for MIT

until 5/94




Code F1 F2

Project and sub-project Extension PMU Local experts

Duration 1/95 - 1/96 6/94 12/95

A 0.20 0.09

C 0.07 0.08

D 0.07 0.08

Outputs No information available Objectives: Enhance the capacity of the PMU and the MIT to implement key tasks; Outputs: assistance provided by local consultants in the work of the PMU and the MIT regarding Phare programming, including Phare programme development, tendering, contracting, project supervision and monitoring and co-ordination with other Phare and EC programmes


Direct contract from CEC


(1) Original amount allocated to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic was 4 M . The programme was split into a Czech and a Slovak part in 1992 Sources: Assessment of the European Union Phare Programme, Czech Republic, Energy Sector Support Programme, Final Assessment Report for Assistance funded under CS-9201, Energy Sector Support, Annual Assessment Report for Assistance funded under CZ-9303, Infrastructure / Energy, by OMAS Consortium Middle Unit, 30 April 1998 Financing Memorandum Energy Sector Support Programme CS 9202 Phare Energy Projects in the Czech republic, Phare Energy PMU, Czech Republic, January 1997 Phare Energy Sector Support Programme for the Czech Republic, Phare Energy PMU, February 1998 Phare Energy Sector Support Programme 1992 CR, Progress of Projects and Main Contracts, updated 10.01.1997 Oral information from Mr Michal Pastvinsky, Head Energy PMU

Table 3: Infrastructure Programme, 1993 - Energy Component Prog. Code: CZ 9303.02 Duration: April 1994 - June 1997 Amount: 6 M (1)
Code Project and sub-project Supporting Activities to the Energy Saving Fund B10a Assistance to Energy Saving Companies (ESCOs) 7/96 - 1/97 0.06 0.06 0.06 Objectives: Increase investments in energy saving in the Czech Republic; improve the qualifications of managers of potential Energy Saving Companies (ESCOs); Outputs: intensive training course for 20 managers of potential ESCOs in Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), including project development energy audits, technical and financial appraisal, risk and sensitivity analysis, contract types, engineering of improvements, technical design and project implementation, operation and maintenance, warranties and guaranties, selling and marketing of APC and Czech contract law Objectives: Increase the number of submissions of sound energy saving projects to the Energy Saving Fund (ESF); increase investments in energy saving in schools, hospitals and SMEs in the Czech Republic; Outputs: 3 one day seminars for schools hospitals and SMEs explaining EPC in detail and providing a platform for discussion. Case studies of successful projects presented to the participants of the seminar Duration(2) A C D Outputs Notes


Training of clients to EPC

7/96 - 1/97





Technical Support to Project Certification

11/96 - 5/97




Objectives: Improve the quality of projects proposed to the ESF for funding; improve the quality of project appraisal by the locally contracted bank; Outputs: clients manual describing how to apply for ESF loans; energy audit guide for clients and others; methodology for technical and economic project appraisal; register of consultants to assist clients in project development and implementation

Code B11b

Project and sub-project Promotional Campaign to the Fund

Duration(2) 12/96 - 5/98

A 0.04

C 0.04

D 0.04

Outputs Objectives: Guarantee sufficient influx of bankable projects submitted to the ESF; Outputs: information campaign targeting potential clients to the fund , including articles for newspapers and selected journals, advertisements (call for projects) in newspapers and journals, dissemination of client manuals developed under project B11a, seminars and workshops held for potential clients, dissemination of results on projects under implementation Objectives: Gain insight in the effectiveness of the Energy Saving Fund by the end of the commitment period for the funds; Outputs: Evaluation



Evaluation of the Fund, assistance to PMU Phare Energy Saving Fund



Project not yet contracted


Management of the Energy Saving Fund

10 years



4.70 (3)

Objectives: Increase investments in energy saving in hospitals, schools and SMEs; Outputs: a revolving Energy Saving Fund established and managed by a local commercial bank. Companies and organisations can apply for a soft loan from this fund for investment in energy saving, consisting of a commercial loan from the bank complemented by a Phare interest free contribution

Implementation of the fund has had some delays, partly due to discussions held with EBRD to setup a joint fund. This idea was finally abandoned. A contract has been signed with a local Czech bank in April 97. A Monitoring Board has been established. Preliminary results indicate that the loans provided are not attractive

Code B13b

Project and sub-project Technical Appraisal of ESF Projects


A 0.20

C 0.20

D 0.20

Outputs Objectives: Enhance the capacity of the locally contracted bank for the Energy Saving Fund in technical appraisal of projects submitted to the bank for funding; Outputs: technical assistance provided by a group of external experts, the Project Appraisal group (PAG), on reviewing energy audits, assessing cost- effectiveness of proposed energy saving measures, risk and sensitivity analysis, assessment of eligibility of the project

Notes For schools and hospitals. Project implemented within the contract with the local bank. Appraisals will be carried out according to procedures developed under project B11a

Clean Coal Utilisation D4 Pre-investment study for a clean coal technology application 12/96 - 12/97 0.43 0.43 0.43 Objectives: Enable decision-making on power sector regulation; enable decision-making on investment in clean coal technology in a selected installation; Output: pre-investment study carried out, assessing the feasibility of clean coal technology in the selected unit and providing recommendations for investment Follow-up of project D2 under the 92 programme


Follow-up Assistance to the MIT

11/96 - 12/97




Objectives: enable decision-making on implementation on the EC Electricity Follow-up of Liberalisation Directive and on establishment of a new regulatory project B5b under department within the MIT; Outputs: Advice regarding the before mentioned the 92 programme issues to the MIT

Code D5

Project and sub-project


C 0.10

D 0.10

Outputs Objectives: Enable decision-making on application of clean coal technologies; increase insight and understanding of environmental impacts of clean coal technologies an in options for disposal of Czech brown and hard coal; Outputs: survey on mentioned topics, including combustion tests in power plants Objectives: Improve effectiveness and efficiency of information processing and information exchange within the MIT and with external parties to MIT; Outputs: design of an on-line information system for the MIT for data relating to demand-supply forecasts; price control and monitoring, regulation and authorisation of producers Objectives: Enable and provide investments in energy saving in a hospital in the city of Decin; increase investments in energy saving in hospitals in the Czech Republic; Outputs: pre-investment study; project design; investment (co-financing); supervision of investments in hospital in Decin; dissemination of results of demonstration project; Objectives: increase investments in energy saving on local level in the Czech Republic; increase the number of good and bankable projects proposals on energy saving at local level; Outputs: one week training seminar for energy experts of local administration offices in energy efficiency project preparation;

Notes Possibilities were sought to link the project directly to project D4

Analytical support to Clean Coal Technologies 11/96 - 12/97 0.10


Advanced Information System

10/96 - 10/97 0.10



Project is a followup of project A4 under the 91 programme


Demonstration project Decin

12/96 - 5/98





Training in Business Planning

12/96 - 6/97





Follow-up Energy Supplies to Vejprty

10/96 - 3/97




Objectives: Enable investment in energy saving in the town of Vejprty; bring an energy saving investment project to its implementation phase; Outputs: detailed technical project documentation prepared; technical specifications prepared for the supply tender for the project

WP6 mentions that seminar was found very useful by all participants and may be repeated Relates to project C5a under the 92 programme, which was a follow-up of a project under the 91 programme.


Project and sub-project Contingencies / other





Study stays for the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) to European Institutions

12/96 - 12/97




Objectives: Enhance the Czech Republics capacity to meet international requirements related to EU accession, the European Energy Charter and others; improve Czech knowledge and skills relating to international energy issues; Outputs: study stays in European institutions for a group of Czech experts, including possibilities to attend lectures. Objectives: Strengthen the capacity of the Energy PMU to carry out key tasks; Outputs: ad hoc short term assistance provided in the areas of energy efficiency and clean coal utilisation, monitoring and managing 1993 projects, project design and implementation, development of a reporting system for the local bank managing the ESF Objectives: strengthen capacity and capability of the Energy Policy Department of the MIT to deal with Phare energy programming in the context of reduced input from the Energy PMU; Outputs: technical assistance provided by local consultant to the Policy department in evaluation of the ESF, programme extension, support to energy projects funded by DG XVII, promotion of clean coal technologies


Ad-hoc experts for the MIT and PMU

12/96 - 12/97





Support to MIT in Energy Policy

8/97 - 7/98





(1) 5 M has been allocated to the Revolving Fund for Energy Saving and 1 M for Clean Coal Utilisation (2) All projects are completed. Data on exact duration were not available (3) Approximate amount. Exact amount is known by the contracted local bank
Sources: Assessment of the European Union Phare Programme, Czech Republic, Energy Sector Support Programme, Final Assessment Report for Assistance funded under CS-9201, Energy Sector Support, Annual Assessment Report for Assistance funded under CZ-9303, Infrastructure / Energy, by OMAS Consortium Middle Unit, 30 April 1998 Phare Energy Sector Supply Programme for the Czech Republic, Phare Energy PMU, February 1998 Phare Energy Projects in the Czech Republic, Phare Energy PMU, January 1997 Oral information from Mr Michal Pastvinsky, Head Energy PMU Oral information Mr Stephen Collins, EC Delegation, Head Investment Section Phare Phare Energy Sector Support Programme 1993, CZ 9303, Czech Republic, Work Programme No. 6, June 97 Phare Energy Sector Support Programme 1993 CR, Progress and Projects Main Contracts, update 24.06.99

Table 4: Economic and Social Cohesion Programme - Institution Building Prog. Code: CR9703 Duration:1997 - 1999 Amount: 0.5 M
Code Project and sub-project Establishment of a regulatory body for the energy sector Duration A 0.48 C D Outputs Objectives: ensure independent regulation and enforcement in the energy sector; strengthen the capacity and capability of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Finance in regulating the energy sector Outputs: an independent regulatory body established Notes ToR under preparation

Sources: Assessment of the European Union Phare Programme, Czech Republic, Environment Sector Programme CS 9002 and CS 9102, Final Assessment Report by OMAS Northern Unit, 31st January 1997 Oral information from Mr Michal Pastvinsky, Energy PMU Oral information from Mr Stephen Collins and Mr Roman Gardea, EC Delegation Draft Commission Decision of 1997 establishing a Country Operational Programme for the Czech Republic in 1997

Table 1: Environment Sector Programme, 1990 Prog. Code: CS 9002CR Duration: 1991 - 1996 Amount: 18.8 M (1)
Code Project and sub-project Water Protection WAT/11 Improving the Monitoring of Drinking Water Quality completed in 1994 Duration A 5.35 0.55 C
(2) (3)




4.35 0.54

4.34 0.54 Objective: enhance the capacity of River Boards and the Water Research Institute to monitor the quality of water in reservoirs used for the provision of drinking water and improve the adequacy of monitoring data; Output: analytical equipment provided to and operated by the above institutions Objective: Gain insight in the feasibility of incinerating sewage sludge originating from the Prague Sewage Treatment Plant in existing cement ovens as long-term solution for treatment; Output: feasibility study advising whether incineration at cement kilns is economically and environmentally feasible Recipient institutions: Water Research Institute and River Boards. Part of the original project was transferred to the Slovak Republic


Sludge Disposal of Prague Sewage Treatment Plant - Phase I

completed in 1994




The study resulted in the conclusioon that the option is not feasible as environmental requirements would make the option economically unfeasible. A Phase 2 project was carried out under the Bank Environmental Fund as Phase 2 (EC/WAT/30) Recipient institutions: Water Research Institute (now acting as representative of the CR for the Elbe Convention) and River Boards


Monitoring System for Water Quality in the Elbe Catchment Area

completed in 1994




Objectives: contribute to the establishment of a unified monitoring system for the Elbe River Basin; increase the capacity of key institutions for identification of pollutants and management of early warning systems for accidents; contribute to improvement of water quality data base; support CR to meet obligations within Elbe Convention; Outputs: 5 monitoring stations; analytical equipment for 5 River Boards and for the Water Research Institute


Project and sub-project Waste Management


A 2.74

(2) (3)




2.53 0.68

2.48 0.67 Objectives: contribute to putting into operation of a hazardous waste information centre which would monitor production, transport and management of hazardous waste with the aim to control transboundary transport of hazardous waste as obligation under the Basel Convention; Outputs: delivery of laboratory equipment and other supplies, including training on use of the equipment Recipient institution: Hazardous Waste Information Centre being established and operated by the Technical University. The Centre is currently still in operation. Part of the original project transferred to the Slovak Republic


Information Centre for Hazardous Waste Ostrava

completed in 1994



Basic Engineering Services for Hazardous Waste Disposal Centre Ostrava

completed in 1994




Objectives: Enable realisation of a new hazardous waste The project has been completed, but disposal centre in Ostrava (including incinerator); the results were not applicable any Ensure sufficient level of information on the impacts of more after the split-up of the CSFR the centre on local air quality; Outputs: detailed design of the centre; equipment to monitor local air quality

Energy ENE/15 Basic Engineering for Information and Control System for V213 Nuclear Reactors completed in 1994

2.00 1.00

1.76 0.94

1.66 0.92 Objectives: Upgrade current information and control systems in the Dukovany NPP (operational); Output: study identifying optimal approach to replacing the existing system; TA for procurement and tendering Objectives: Upgrade information and control system in the Temelin NPP (under construction); replace original Temelin PP still under construction at system by a new one meeting Western nuclear safety present criteria; Output: TA for selection of supplier, contracting and management of design and construction


Basic Engineering for Information and Control System for Temelin Nuclear Reactors

completed in 1994





Project and sub-project General


A 2.45

(2) (3)




2.91 0.81

2.90 0.81 Objective: support to putting into operation of a certified laboratory for determination of (eco)toxicological substances in accordance with EU standards; Outputs: supply of equipment for (eco)toxicological tests Objectives: Increase capacity in the Czech Republic for the monitoring and control of food quality, sample preparation and data processing; Outputs: supply of equipment to Institute of Public Health and Faculty of Medicine Objectives: facilitate investigation on effects of natural karst caves on patients with respiratory diseases caused by air pollution; support utilisation of karst caves for treatment of these patients in a pilot project; Outputs: supply of karst monitoring and medical equipment for scientific studies Beneficiary: Research Institute for Organic Synthesis. This institute has now a certified (eco)toxicological laboratory


Toxicological Centre Pardubice

completed in 1994



Supply of Equipment for Food Quality Monitoring completed in 1994




Beneficiaries: State Health Institute and Medical Faculty at Charles University Part of project transferred to Slovak Republic Project jointly developed by MoE and Ministry of Health

Utilisation of Natural Resources in Health Care HEA/10 completed in 1994 0.80 0.79 0.78

PIU 26.01 26.02 PMU/CS 9002 PMU TA Contract Bank Environmental Fund (4) EC/AIR/21 Integrated atmospheric pollution monitoring completed in 1996


1.07 0.14 0.93

0.97 0.12 0.85 5.70 1.56 Objective: Enhance the capacity of key institutions in monitoring air pollution, tracking pollution incidents and setting targets for reducing pollution; Outputs: delivery and installation of air monitoring equipment Beneficiaries: Masarykova University, University of Chemical technology, University of Mining, Czech Institute of Ecology, Czech Environmental Inspection Agency (CIZP) and Agricultural Institute (VUOZ) na na


5.70 1.60


Project and sub-project


(2) (3)





Loans for investments in Municipalities

loans disbursed medio 95



Objective: Enable municipalities to invest in reduction of local air pollution; Outputs: Soft loans provided to selected municipalities for the installation of boilers to replace local heating systems running on brown coal

The project is complementary to project ENE/26. This project and project ENE/26 provided together loans to 7 municipalities The loans provided to municipalities were often co-financing activities


Air pollution monitoring network, Plzen

completed early 1996



Objective: Contribute to putting into operation of a pollution monitoring programme and early warning system for pollution incidents in the city of Plzen; Outputs: computer hardware and software and 2 air pollution monitoring station delivered and installed.


Project and sub-project


(2) (3)





Loans for investments in Municipalities

Loans disbursed medio 95 Loan disbursed 10/95



See AIR 22


Loan to Research Institute for Organic Syntheses



Objective: Enable the Institute to invest in enhancing the This project builds on the results of capacity of its Centre for Ecology, Toxicology and project EC/HEA/2, which has been Analysis to carry out key tasks successfully implemented. This is an exceptional project for Phare as the Centre has been privatised after the completion of EC/HEA/2. But because of the excellent performance of the Centre during the first project a soft loan has been provided. Objective: Enhance the capacity of key institutions in the field of monitoring of air quality to carry out their key tasks; Outputs: delivery and installation of water quality monitoring equipment for both catchment areas; a hydrological study for the Jizera mountains catchment area Objective: Identify suitable alternatives for the discharge and treatment of waste water from the Jesenicko region being discharged into drinking water catchment areas without sufficient treatment; facilitate decision-making on improvement of water quality in drinking water catchment areas; Outputs: a study presenting waste water draining and treatment options to the regional water company and municipalities Beneficiaries: Water Research Institute in Brno (Morava catchment area) and Hydrometeorological Institute (Jizera mountains)


Water quality monitoring programme in Morava and Jizera mountain catchment areas

completede arly 1996



Waste water treatment study of towns and villages in the Jesenicko region EC/WAT/ 29.1 completed late 95 0.04 0.04

EC/WAT/ 29.2

Water monitoring programme for Kolin

completed early 1996



Objectives: Support the improved operation of the sewer network in the municipality of Kolin; Outputs: delivery and installation of equipment to monitor storm water overflows

The project forms a component of an overall project for the construction of a municipal waste water treatment plant which was planned to start late 1995. This project includes the construction of a main sewer system including storm water storage tanks


Sludge Disposal of Prague Sewage Treatment Plant - Phase II

completed early 96



Objective: Increase insight in the environmental impact of sewage sludge produced by the Prague Sewage Treatment Plant; Output: delivery and installation of monitoring equipment for air emissions and water discharges Objectives: Increase insight in the (transboundary) impacts of an existing waste disposal site for mining waste on the environment and in possible measures to mitigate the environmental impact; increase the awareness of and inform interested parties and the public on the impact of the waste disposal site on the environment ; Outputs: EIA process carried out in accordance with Czech law and international guidelines and an EIA report produced and disseminated Objectives: increase the efficiency of processing of monitoring data through improved exchange of monitoring data between key institutions; Outputs: delivery of hardware (servers) for the set-up of an online data base network.

Additional component to project EC/WAT/12


Environmental Impact Assessment of Turow Power Plant and mine in CRs border area with Poland

9/95 - 9/96




Information network on atmospheric pollution for environmental agencies






A C D Notes:

Amount Allocated (M ) Amount Committed (M ) Amount Disbursed (M )

(1) Original amount allocated to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic was 30 M . The amount of 18.8 M

was the amount which was allocated to the Czech Republic after the division of the programme into two parts. The project commitments differ sometimes substantially from the original allocations as a reshuffle of budgets has taken place after the division of the programme in a Czech and a Slovak part. There is some confusion about the exact amount which has finally been allocated and exact figures are difficult to trace. There have e.g. been additional funds from interest, but there also has been some cash flow from the Phare PMU back to the EC in Brussels. A total amount of 18.3 M was found in the accounts of the PMU while the EC Delegation presented a figure of 20.0 M (2) Commitments differ for some projects substantially from the original allocation after the division of the programme into a Czech and a Slovak part. The project with code AIR/9, which is not presented in this table, disappeared completely from the list of projects.

(3) Figures are from 30 September 1997 (4) Remaining funds from the 1990 programme which could not be disbursed within the given time limit, were channelled into a bank fund together with remaining funds from
the 1991 programme. New projects to be financed from this fund were identified. Although the projects are here presented as projects under the 1990 programme, they are basically 1990/1991 projects. The indication in the table that the full amount is disbursed actually means that the full amount has been transferred to the bank. Most projects financed from this fund are in their final stages of completion. Actual figures on disbursement of funds per projects date from 15 June 1997. Sources: Assessment of the European Union Phare Programme, Czech Republic, Environment Sector Programme CS 9002 and CS 9102, Final Assessment Report by OMAS Northern Unit, 31st January 1997 Phare PHASE I CS 9002, Trial Balance, 30th September 1997 Codicil to Financing Memorandum for Phare Environmental Sector Programme, Phase I, November/December 1992 List of PHARE financed projects 1991-1995, Ministry of the Environment, PHARE PMU, Praha/Czech Republic, October 1995 Oral information from Mr Ctibor Kocman, Environment PMU Financial status report on Bank Fund of 15.6.97 (in Czech)

Table 2: Environment Sector Programme, 1991 Prog. Code: CS 9102CR Duration: 1992 - 1996 Amount: 2.64 M (1)
Code Project and sub-project Duration A C
(2) (3)




Health Impact of Air Pollution EC/HEA/1 8-Part 1 Study of the Health Impact of the Environmental Pollution - Teplice Programme

1.35 completed 1.35 in 94

0.85 0.85

0.83 0.83 Objectives: Gain increased insight in the impacts of the high environmental pollution level (particularly air pollution) in Teplice on public health; provide baseline scientific data on the health impact for further decision making; Output: laboratory analytical equipment delivered and installed; air monitoring stations delivered and installed 0.05 0.00 1.80 0.50 Objectives: Gain increased insight in the impacts of the high Follow-up of project EC/HEA/18 - Part 2 environmental pollution level (particularly air pollution) in implemented under 91 programme (see Teplice on public health; provide detailed monitoring data above) on the health impact for further decision making; Output: (additional) laboratory analytical equipment and monitoring equipment delivered and installed; Continued under Bank Environmental Fund as EC/HEA/18 - Part 2 Part of the project transferred to Slovak Republic


PIU Contingencies Bank Environmental Fund (4)

0.16 0.13

0.09 0.00 1.80 0.50

EC/HEA/1 8-Part 2

Study of the health impact of environmental completed pollution - part 2 early 96

Code EC/EDU/2 4

Project and sub-project Education programme for environmentally sustainable development

Duration completed in 1996

(2) (3)





1.04 Objectives: Increase the environmental awareness and knowledge of selected groups of the Czech population Outputs: 3 educational subprojects described below Objectives subproject 1: Support the facilitation and streamlining of the introduction of environmental issues in education curricula at universities, primary and secondary schools and other institutions; Increase the operationality of the Environmental Education Centre (EEC); Outputs: detailed curricula developed for universities and schools, agendas and modules prepared for study visits and workshops to be organised by the EEC

Subproject 1: Environmental training centre/facility



Project and sub-project


(2) (3)




Subproject 2: Educational co-operation between higher educational institutions


Objectives subproject 2: Increased co-operation between higher educational institutions on environmental education; increased availability of materials for environmental higher education; Outputs: university curricula and textbooks developed for studies at BSc and MSc level on sustainable development; purchase of library equipment and equipment for the set-up of information networks

Subproject 3: Activities in connection with raising public awareness


Objectives subproject 3: Enable the EEC to organise environmental awareness raising activities for the general public and to support environmental NGOs in their awareness raising activities; Outputs: information material developed (videos, books and publications; equipment provided to NGOs for administrative and educational purposes

EC/EDU/2 5.1

Implementation of the Europe Agreement



0.09 Objectives: Enable the assessment of the implications (mainly economic) of fulfilling the environmental obligations under the Europe Agreement by the Czech Republic; The assessment should facilitate priority setting for environmental investments relating to EU accession; Outputs: translation of EC Environmental Directives; preparation of summaries of key pieces of the EC environment acquis

Beneficiary: Prague University of Economics

EC/EDU/2 5.2

Cleaner production training in North Moravia



Objectives: Enhance the capacity in the North Moravia region to initiate and prepare clean production projects; increase the understanding and awareness of the concept and benefits of clean production amongst university teachers and students, local authorities and other schools; Outputs: establishment of a CP centre at the Technical University in Ostrava; training/ education curricula on clean production for Ostrava Technical University; post-graduate training implemented at University; short training implemented for local authorities; 1-day seminar for regional schools

Beneficiary: Ostrava Technical University, regional authorities This project was originally designed as a common project with WAT/32; in the present arrangement both projects were implemented by different contractors

EC/WAT/3 Cleaner Production to improve 2 Odra River



Objectives: Reduce emissions from local industries into the Beneficiary: Ostrava Technical University, Odra River; increase investment in clean production in the local industry Odra River Basin in the region of North Moravia; Outputs: local partnerships with industry; advice on establishment of a See notes for project EDU/25.2 CP centre at the TU in Ostrava; identification of 6 CP demonstration projects; regional CP programme





(1) Original amount allocated to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic was 5 M (2) Commitments differ for some projects substantially from the original allocation after the division of the programme into a Czech and a Slovak part. The project with code
EDU/19, which is not presented in this table, disappeared completely from the list of projects. (3) Figures are from 30 September 1997 (4) Remaining funds from the 1991 programme which could not be disbursed within the given time limit, were channelled into a bank fund together with remaining funds from the 1990 programme. New projects to be financed from this fund were identified. Although the projects are here presented as projects under the 1991 programme, they are basically 1990/1991 projects. The indication in the table that the full amount is disbursed actually means that the full amount has been transferred to the bank. Most projects financed from this fund are in their final stages of completion. Actual figures on disbursement of funds per projects date from 15 June 1997. Sources: Assessment of the European Union Phare Programme, Czech Republic, Environment Sector Programme CS 9002 and CS 9102, Final Assessment Report by OMAS Northern Unit, 31st January 1997

Phare PHASE II CS 9102, Trial Balance, 30th September 1997 Codicil to Financing Memorandum for Phare Environmental Sector Programme, Phase 2, November/December 1992 List of PHARE financed projects 1991-1995, Ministry of the Environment, PHARE PMU, Praha/Czech Republic, October 1995 Oral information from Mr Ctibor Kocman, Environment PMU Financial status report on Bank Fund of 15.6.97 (in Czech)

Table 3: Business Environment Fund Prog. Code: CZ 9602 Duration: March 1998 - March 2005 Amount: 5 M
Code Project and sub-project Establishment and management of a Business Environmental Programme (BEP) BEP Loans Duration A C D Outputs Notes




Objectives: increase investments in cleaner technologies and waste minimisation in industrial private companies; increase investments in the remediation of damage caused by severe flooding in specific regions of the CR; Outputs: a Business Environmental Fund established managed by a local commercial bank; via this Fund a minimum number of 8 loans provided to private industrial companies to be used to invest in cleaner technologies and waste minimisation

A contract has been signed with a local Czech bank in March 98. Since then no concrete activities have taken place The Contractor ( a local Czech bank) will provide co-financing to be blended with Phare funds. Loans never finance more than 80% of the project cost and Phare contribution per project range from 50,000 to 600,000

Supervisory Board will consist of 3 representatives of the MoE, 2 of the contracted local bank and 1 of the CEC Local bank is held to submit quarterly progress reports to the MoE and the CEC; full records on each loan are available to the MoE or CEC TA to the BEP 0.30 0.00 0.00 Objectives: Enable the contractor to carry out its key tasks for the Business Environmental Programme; Enhance the contractors capacity to carry out key tasks for the BEP, mainly related to appraisal of projects; Outputs: TA to the Bank Environmental Fund Project not yet specified TA to monitoring and advising on the BEP 0.20 0.00 0.00 Project under tendering


Assessment of the European Union Phare Programme, Czech Republic, Environment Sector Programme CS 9002 and CS 9102, Final Assessment Report by OMAS Northern Unit, 31st January 1997 Financing Agreement for the establishment of a Business Environmental Programme in the Czech Republic, Phare CZ 9602/0101, read and approved by the CEC on 10/3/98 Oral information from Mr Stephen Collins, Delegation of the EC, Head of Phare Investment Section

Oral information from Ms Alexandra Orlikova, Head of Environment PMU, and Mr Ctibor Kocman, Consultant at the Environment PMU.

Table 4: Economic and Social Cohesion Programme - Environment Component Prog. Code: CZ9705-05 Duration: 1997 - 1999 Amount: 2 M
Code Project and sub-project (1) Duratio n A C D Outputs Notes


Development of a management information system for approximation




Objectives: Increase access to environmental information for MoE staff and staff of other Recipient: Czech Ministry of ministries and regional authorities; improve quality of environmental data stored in MoE Environment databases; Outputs: identification and catalogisation of all data and information sources held by the MoE; development of a meta-information syntax; develop procedures relating ToR under preparation to quality of data and information; negotiate schedules for data sharing; prepare guidelines for extending the information system (MEDIS) to external organisations Objectives: Increase the awareness of the benefits of EMAS and its relation with IPPC among government, industry and the public; improve environmental management in and environmental performance of enterprises; increase insight in the usefulness of EMAS as a tool to introduce IPPC Outputs: training on EMAS for government official, enterprises and interested members from the public; implement EMAS in a number of selected enterprises; develop recommendations regarding EMAS and IPPC Objectives: increase the awareness of the need for and benefits of information sharing, voluntary codes of practice and public consultation in the context of EU approximation (EIA and IPPC); strengthen the capabilities of regional and municipal authorities to involve the public in decision-making; Outputs: training courses on EIA; demonstration EIA studies; demonstration strategic options study Project not specified yet Recipient: MoE Other beneficiaries: industrial enterprises, public ToR under preparation


Support to the introduction of EMAS



Integrated environmental decision-making and support in public participation activities


ToR under preparation

Technical Assistance


Notes: Sources: Assessment of the European Union Phare Programme, Czech Republic, Environment Sector Programme CS 9002 and CS 9102, Final Assessment Report by OMAS Northern Unit, 31st January 1997 Oral information from Mr Ctibor Kocman, Environment PMU Draft Commission Decision of 1997 establishing a Country Operational Programme for the Czech Republic in 1997

(1) In all three projects particular attention will be given to ensuring effective support in three pilot micro-region selected under the Phare 1997 Regional Development Project




Table 1: PHARE Energy Support Programme 1991 Prog. Code: SR9101 Duration: 1992 - 1994 Amount: 1.56 M (1)
Code Project and sub-project Energy Policy 41-01 A1 Comprehensive energy sector study and integrated energy pricing/taxation study 12/93-8/94 0.49 0.49 0.49 Objectives: Increase insight in key issues relevant for the development of a government energy strategy (demand, taxation, pricing, regulation, international requirements) and in the status of reform of the energy sector; enable the development of a realistic energy strategy; Outputs: Energy sector study consisting of several reports on different issues; recommendations relating to a government energy strategy Follow-up in the form of software and training has been requested by the Ministry of Economy Study has been used as input in the Slovak Energy Concept presenting strategic aims until the year 2005 See also Czech project A1 under 91 programme Project implemented in the former CSFR. Objectives: Increase insight in options to establish independent regulatory institutions and to improve the regulatory framework; Outputs: recommendations on the establishment of a regulatory institution and on improvements of the regulatory system Objectives: increase insight in options to develop the Slovak power sector against least costs; Outputs: study recommending measures and options for development of the power sector Project managed directly from Brussels See also Czech project A2 under 91 programme Project worked out in the frame of the former CSFR. Project managed directly from Brussels See also Czech project A3 under 91 programme Duration A (2) C D Outputs Notes

1991-92 41-02 A2 Development of regulatory institutions for the power, gas and heat sector 0.00 0.00 0.00

41-03 A3

Least cost development study for the power sector





Code 41-04 A4

Project and sub-project Statistics energy data base

Duration 1994

A (2) 0.08

C 0.08

D 0.08



Objectives: Increase the effectiveness and See also Czech project A4 under the 91 efficiency of energy data processing; improve energy programme the adequacy of information provision internally and to external parties by the Ministry; increase access to energy data within the Ministry and other relevant parties; Outputs: a user friendly information system developed (tailor-made) for the Energy Division of the Ministry; training provided for users of the system; user guidelines

Energy Efficiency 42-01 B1 Energy efficiency in buildings 1993-94 0.00 0.00 0.00 Objectives: Increase investments in energy saving in buildings in the Slovak Republic; increase insight and understanding amongst building management in all aspects of energy saving measures; Outputs: demonstration project being implemented in selected buildings (implementation of measures and measurements of results during winter season); results and recommendations disseminated amongst building managers etc. Project partly implemented in the Czech Republic (see project B1 under the Czech 91 Programme). In the Slovak Republic project implemented in the cities of Trencin and Rajec. Project management remained within Czech Energy PMU Projects preliminary results were that 49 % of energy saved results from better insulation while only 10 % can be attributed to replacement of boilers Project seen as successful by Slovak Energy PMU

Code 42-02 B2

Project and sub-project Energy efficiency in industry

Duration 6/93-6/94

A (2) 0.66

C 0.66

D 0.66

Outputs Objectives: Increase investment in energy saving in Slovak glass and paper industry; Outputs: 8 energy audits carried out in 4 Slovak glass factories and in 4 pulp & paper factories; study tour implemented for selected energy experts

Notes Project partly implemented in the Czech Republic (see project B2 under the Czech 91 Energy Sector Programme). Project management remained within Slovak Energy PMU The 4 audits in the paper industry were seen as successful by the Slovak Energy PMU, the audits in the glass industry were less successful. Follow-up of this project has been realised under the 92 programme in the form of a pre-investment study for on of the audited paper factories (see project B6/92)

Regional Study 43-01 C2 Regional energy study for the Ziar nad Hronom region 9/93-8/94 0.23 0.23 0.23 Objectives: Increase understanding and insight in regional energy demand and available regional resources as well as in options for rational use of energy on regional level; provide the base for the development of regional energy policies; Outputs: study implemented; study report providing recommendations for future energy policy development in the region of Ziar-nad Hronom and concrete options for investments. 2 similar regional studies were carried out in the Czech Republic under the 91 programme (see Czech projects C1 and C3) Follow-up of this project has been realised under the 92 programme (see project B7/92)


Project and sub-project PMU and Equipment


A (2)




Study tours

< 0.01

< 0.01

Objectives: Increase capability of the Energy Division of the Ministry of Economy and the Energy PMU in implementing key tasks. Outputs: Study trips to the French Ministry and Energy agency and seminar-training in Grenoble. Computer, printer, copy machine. Around 10,041 advertisement. spent as petty cash and



< 0.01

< 0.01


(1) Original amount allocated to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic was 5 M . The programme was split into a Czech and a Slovak part in 1992. Projects identified under the
original programme were either transferred into Slovak or Czech projects after the split, or projects were split in a Slovak and a Czech component with a separate Czech and a Slovak budget allocation (2) Several projects have a budget allocation of 0 M . This indicates that the projects were either completed in the Czechoslovak Republic (project B1 with a Czechoslovak allocation of 1.09 M ) or that the projects were directly financed from Brussels (A1, A3, and B2; amounts allocated not known) Sources: 6th Work Programme, CS 9101 (Slovak part) Progress report May 92- March 93 and Second Work Programme April 93- September 93, Phare energy programme, Slovak Republic, Oral information provided by Mrs. Rapantova/ PMU Energy

Table 2: Energy Sector Support Programme, 1992 Prog. Code: CS 9202 SR Duration: May 1993 - December 1995(1) Amount: 1.46 M (+ 0.04 M interest) (2) (3)
Code 06 41 41.02 or A6 Project and sub-project Long-term assistance to the PMU Energy policy Seminars Duration 2 years A 0.20 0.08 0.01 C 0.20 0.08 0.01 D 0.20 0.08 0.01 Support to the organisation of 3 seminars in Bratislava: Social Housing Seminar; World Energy Council Conference; Modern District Heating Objective: Develop a realistic and feasible proposal for the restructuring of the energy sector Output: Advice to the Ministry concerning the possible interests of different stakeholders in the energy sector; concrete advise on the Ministrys ideas to privatise the energy sector or to bring all Power Companies together under a joint stock company; concrete advise for amendments of the proposal developed by the Ministry Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Economy regarding the updating of the 1993 Energy Concept. 41.04 Updating Energy Concept 0.05 0.05 0.05 Technical Assistance in drafting of the Slovak Energy Law. 41.05 Support to the Ministry 0.01 0.01 0.01 No more detailed information available on this project Outputs Assistance to management of the PMU by two longterm advisers Notes Directly managed from Brussels

41.03 or A7

Short-Term Assistance

< 0.01

< 0.01

< 0.01

Beneficiary: Ministry of Economy, Energy Division Project was judged as successful by the Energy PMU

No more detailed information available on this project

Code 42 42.01 or B3

Project and sub-project Energy Efficiency District Heating of Senec


A 0.60 0.02

C 0.60 0.02

D 0.58 0.02



Objectives: Improve efficiency and reliability of heat supply system in Senec. Outputs: technical supplies for the upgrading of the heat distribution network

Pilot project

42.03 or B5

Energy audits

until 6/96




Objective: provide recommendations for energy efficiency improvements measures in 6 industrial plants, 1 university and 1 hospital; prepare investment via Energy Saving Scheme (ESS) Outputs: 8 pre-investment studies, suitable to be submitted to the ESS (see 1993 Energy Sector Programme)

42.04 or B6

Follow-up on retrofitting energy equipment in a pulp and paper plant




Objectives: Prepare investments aiming at increasing Follow-up of 1991 project Energy energy efficiency and reduction of air emissions efficiency in industry, no. 42.02 or B2. from a selected pulp and paper plant. Output: Feasibility or pre-investment study for retrofitting of the energy equipment in the pulp and paper plant

42.05 or B7

Follow up on Ziar-nad- Hronom regional energy study




Objectives: Investment preparation for regional energy saving measures proposed in 1991 regional energy study for Ziar-nad-Hronom. Output: preinvestment study/ detailed elaboration for energy saving measures too be submitted for funding to the future Phare Energy Saving Scheme; training;

Ziar-nad-hronom regional study has been completed under CSFR energy programme of 1991

Code 42.06

Project and sub-project Energy Agency


C 0.20

D 0.18

Outputs Objective: gain increased insight in energy consumption of individual households in Trencin; Output: measurement campaign of assessing energy bills and possibly at a later stage assessing of other items

Notes Follow up of Phare 1991 project Energy in Buildings, project no. 42-01 or B1 Campaign was not very effective in the first place as energy bills did not appear to reflect individual energy consumption Demonstration building showed 41% higher efficiency than comparable building without equipment and insulation; results have been published in scientific magazine Technical Services in Buildings (TZB).

until 2/1996 0.20

42.08 or B8a

Additional measuring analysis Trencin and Rajec




Objectives: Improving the energy efficiency of selected buildings ; demonstrate the effects on energy efficiency of insulation to interested parties in the housing sector; Outputs: temperature control equipment and insulation installed in a demonstration building; results disseminated in housing sector

43 43.01 or E1

Energy diversification Geothermal project

0.13 0.08

0.13 0.08

0.13 0.08 Objectives: gain insight in the feasibility of establishing a geothermal power plant at a selected site. Output: study 2 M follow-up to this project was provided under the 1995 programme: Co-financed by France Government Co-financing from Dutch Government

43.02 or E2

Co-generation Unit for West Slovakian Distribution Utility




Objectives: gain insight in feasibility of co-generation for heat supply to replace the existing old system Output Feasibility study assessing the possible installation of 4 co-generation units in Komarno city


Code 44 44.02

Project and sub-project Regional energy studies Zahorie regional energy study


A 0.22

C 0.22 0.22

D 0.22 0.22



until 12/95


Objective: increase insight in options for energy saving and rational use of energy resources in the region of Zahorie; provide input data for the development of a regional energy action plan. Output: energy investment scenarios for the region

45 45.01

Training Training for Slovak Power Companies

0.15 0.05

0.15 0.05

0.15 0.05 Objective: increase insight in management of district heating systems Output: training and study visit to Danish technical institutions Co-financing from Danish Government


Training for Slovak Gas Supply Company (SPP)





Objectives: increase capabilities and skills of Gas Training co-financed by French Supply Company managers in financial and Government technical management; establish a system of trainers to disseminate the gained knowledge and skills further on Output: training for trainers on financial and technical management of gas supply companies Objectives: increase Slovakias capacity to carry out energy audits Output: training on energy audits for consultants and energy managers


Training for consultants




Code 46 or F 46.01 or F1

Project and sub-project Contingencies Seminars, conferences, study visits


A 0.04 0.04

C 0.04 0.04

D 0.04 0.04



Objectives: Enhance knowledge and skills in relevant areas through exchanges with Energy Agencies and relevant Ministries in other countries and through organisation of and participation in (international) workshops; Outputs: study visits to EAs and Ministries in France, Spain, the Netherlands, Finland and Italy; support to/participation in 3 workshops on energy issues

46.02 or F2 47


< 0.01

< 0.01

< 0.01

Petty cash





Directly managed from Brussels

Notes: 1. An agreement on the allocation of funds under the 1992 Programme for the Slovak Republic was signed in November 1992. The original Financial Memorandum for the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic was signed in July 1992. Commitment and Disbursement were both expired as a result of the split-up of the programme. 2. Originally 4 M for Czechoslovakia 3. 0.32 M of this amount has been contracted directly by DG1A in Brussels. Sources: Financing Memorandum Energy Sector Support Programme CS 9202 Financial Status of Programme CS-9202: Energy Sector TA Programme, printed on 26/05/98 6th Work Programme, Phare Energy Support Programme 1992, CS 9202 (Slovak Part), Phare Energy PMU, March 29, 1996 excerpts from 4th Work Programme, Phare Energy Support Programme 1992, CS 9202 (Slovak Part), Phare Energy PMU Oral information by Mrs Ivana Rapantova, Head of Energy PMU

Table 3: Infrastructure Programme -Energy Component, 1993 Prog. Code: SR 9303.02 Duration: 1994 - 1996 Amount: 1 M (+ 0.06 M interest)
Code 93/02-01 Project and sub-project Preparatory steps 12/95 12/96 Duration A 0.10 0.05 C 0.12 0.05 D 0.11 0.05 Objective: Improve capability of municipalities/ housing Project developed in co-operation with Ministry authorities in W-Slovakia to undertake housing estate of Housing and Public Works rehabilitation and energy saving projects. Outputs: training on management of housing development Final project report available at PMU projects; Housing Authority Guide Outputs Notes

93/02-01- Training and assistance for rehabilitation 01 of buildings

93/02-01- CHEMKO Strazske 02

11/96 - 8/97




Objectives: Enable investment in energy efficiency measures in chemical company CHEMKO Strazske Output: energy-audit; recommendations for energyefficiency measures; pre-investment study based on which a bankable project can be developed which is to be funded from the ESS (see project 93/02-02-01) Objectives: Enhance the capacity and skills of PBK bank to appraise energy saving projects submitted to ESS through technical assistance. Outputs: list of bankable energy saving projects

Phare funds contributed to implementation of 80% of the project; other 20% was provided by company itself Final project report available at PMU


ESS assistance

12/96 - 9/97




Projects appraised were taken from a list of projects prepared both under the Phare Programme and by the EBRD. Project resulted so far in list of 8 projects submitted to ESS.

Code 93/02-02

Project and sub-project Energy Saving Revolving Loans


A 0.80

C 0.80 0.80

D 0.80 0.80



93/02-02- Loans (first allocation) 01



Objective: put the Energy Saving Scheme into operation through the provision of a first tranch allocation of funds; Outputs: (soft) loans contracted and disbursed for energy saving projects in (primarily) the industrial sector

PKB bank has signed an agreement with Phare for a total contribution of 3.8 M . EBRD has signed an agreement for an additional 7.6 M to the scheme. Loans consist of 1 tile Phare grant funds completed by 2 tiles EBRD loan funds. Loans will have to be returned within 10 years after a 2-yr grace period. Funds returned to the ESS will be transferred to the Ministry of Economy after 10 yrs as working budget. Results so far: 4 loans signed from 1993 allocation Available information (at PMU): Report Organisation and Utilisation of an Energy Saving Fund in Slovakia, BCEOM, 1994, Commissioned by DG1 available at EM; Minutes of meetings of ESS technical Support Committee (confidential) Project appraisal reports (confidential) Accounts Statements Credit reports from PBK bank (incl. figures on results in terms of energy saving by clients) (confidential)


Contingencies 12/96 - 9/97

0.10 0.05

0.10 0.05

0.10 0.05 Objectives: increase efficiency and effectivity and reduce environmental impacts of operations in a pilot power plant; increase awareness amongst different parties on possibilities to increase efficiency and environmental friendliness in power production. Outputs: pilot Environmental and Energy Management System (EMAS) developed and introduced in pilot power plant Project outputs are planned to serve as base for introduction in Novaky coal-fired power plant and later in other power facilities in Slovakia Final project report available at PMU

93/02-03- Energy and Environmental Management 02 Systems


Project and sub-project


A 0.05

C 0.05

D 0.05

Outputs Objectives: enabling PMU to operate, to increase knowledge and skills on relevant issues; Outputs: study visits abroad, site visits; petty cash


93/02-03- Seminars, study tours, conferences, 03 miscellaneous, PMU management

Sources: Financing Memorandum of the Phare 1993 Infrastructure Programme, SR 9303 Work Programme 7, Programme SR 9303.02 List of project descriptions from programmes 1993, 1994 and 1995, Energy PMU (in Slovak) Local Status of Contracts, SR9303, Infrastructure, Slovak Ministry of Economy - PMU PH Oral information from Mr Eduard Lifka, Project Manager, Energy PMU Oral information from Ms Ivana Rapantova, Head Energy PMU

Table 4: Infrastructure Programme - Energy Component, 1994 Prog. Code: SR9406.02 Duration: 1994 - 1997 Amount: 4 M
Code Project and sub-project Energy Efficiency Policy 94/02-01- Technical assistance 01 94/02-01- Advice to the Ministry 02 8/95-12/96 Duration A 0.65 0.34 C 0.65 0.34 D 0.64 0.34 Objectives: Enhance the capacity and capability of the Phare Energy PMU to implement key tasks; Outputs: TA for 18 months by external consultant Objectives: increase level of harmonisation of Slovak legislation with EU legal requirements; Outputs: recommendations and support to the formulation of the Energy Efficiency Law in the form of comparison of the draft energy law and the Energy Charter Treaty and energy acts of the EU countries Objectives: Improve decision-making on energy issues on regional level; Outputs: Formulation of regional scenarios (business as usual versus alternative) for energy demand and supply; development of action based on selected scenario covering short-, medium- and long- term investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy by 2005 for three selected districts in the Central Slovakia. Contract with external advisor expired on January 21, 1997. Outputs Notes





Interim Report has been submitted to PMU office in June 1997.

1997 94/02-01- Regional energy study 03 0.22 0.22 0.22 Selected districts: Velky Krtis, Lucenec, Rimavska Sobota. Results presented at a conference held at the Ministry of Economy on May 12, 1997. Results served also as input to Slovak National Energy Strategy Support to further investments envisaged under 1997 programme


Project and sub-project

Duration 9/96-6/97

A 0.05

C 0.05

D 0.05

Outputs Objectives: improve quality of energy data produced and distributed by the Ministry of Economy; contribute to meeting international reporting requirements (OECD/IEA); Outputs: development and installation of energy database and information system for management of energy data provided by the Slovak Statistical Office. Objectives: Enable Ministry staff and other energy experts to attend Regional Policy Conference held in Bratislava on May 12, 1997 accompanying the exhibition on Rational Use of Energy; Outputs: contributions in costs of participation Objectives: increase initiatives and investments in energy saving and housing estate rehabilitation at municipal level; Outputs: dissemination of results of project Training and Assistance for Rehabilitation of Buildings implemented under the 1993 programme to a wide audience at a workshop held in May 1997. Objectives: increase initiatives and investments in energy saving in the Slovak Republic; increase awareness on benefits of energy saving measures amongst wide audience Outputs: Presentation of the results of energy audits performed under the present and earlier Phare Programmes

Notes Final report presented at a meeting held at the Power Research Institute (EGU) on June 27, 1997.

94/02-01- Energy data base 04

94/02-01- Support for Regional Energy Policy Conference 05


< 0.01


< 0.01

94/02-01- Workshop on training and assistance for 06 rehabilitation of buildings


< 0.01


< 0.01

Follow-up of project 93/02-01-01 under the 1993 energy sector programme

94/02-01- Conference on the results of energy audits 07


< 0.01


< 0.01


Project and sub-project Energy audits


A 0.32

C 0.32 0.24

D 0.31 0.24



94/02-02- Energy Investments Studies 01



Objectives: Increase investments in energy saving in industries; enable Energy Saving Scheme (ESS) to disburse loans for energy saving projects in industrial companies; Outputs: bankable energy saving investment projects prepared suited for a loan from the ESS. Objectives: increase the number of good and bankable energy saving projects submitted to the ESS for funding; increase investments in energy saving in industries; Outputs: training on the working of the ESS for Slovak energy consultants

Selected industrial companies participated with a financial contribution equal to 20 % of the total cost of the study. The project prepared 7 projects.

94/02-02- Training on ESS fund 02





Representatives of OECD and PB Kosice also participated.

Energy diversification 94/02-03- Briquettes from lignite 01 9/96-9/97

0.03 0.01

0.03 0.01

0.03 0.01 Objectives: Increase insight in the possibilities for more efficient and environmentally friendly use of lignite briquettes as fuel at a national level; enable decisionmaking and/or investment in new technologies for more efficient use of lignite as fuel. Outputs: study considering lignite briquetting technology without cement which improves the caloric yield of the lignite fuel, including laboratory tests Investments in new lignite technology should create employment opportunities in Zahorie region. Completed. Final report submitted in April 1997.

94/02-03- Biogas development 02





Objectives: Increase insight in the possibilities for more efficient production of biogas at a selected factory Study concerns a plant at a state producing biogas from manure; prepare investments in owned farm in South Slovakia energy efficiency improvement in the selected biogas plant; Outputs: study evaluation efficiency of biogas conversion in selected plant and options for improvement; recommendations for initiatives and investment which improve the efficiency


Project and sub-project Energy Saving Fund




94/02-04- Loans 01



1.50 (1)

Objectives: continue the operation of the Energy Saving Scheme through the provision of a second and final tranch allocation of funds; Outputs: (soft) loans contracted and disbursed for energy saving projects in (primarily) the industrial sector

The total contracted amount is composed of two allocations: the 1993 Programme allocation of (project 93/02-02-01) 800.000, and the 1994 Programme allocation of 3.000.000 . PBK was appointed as the local fund managing bank.


(1) Disbursement figure refers to the amount transferred to the bank. None of the disbursed funds have, however, been disbursed as loans to clients for energy saving projects
Sources: Financing Memorandum of the Phare 1994 Infrastructure Programme, SR 9406 6th Work Programme, SR 9406 List of project descriptions from programmes 1993, 1994 and 1995, Energy PMU (in Slovak) Local Status of Contracts, SR9406, Infrastructure, Slovak Ministry of Economy - PMU PH, printed 13.7.1998

Oral information from Mr Eduard Lifka, Project Manager, Energy PMU

Table 5: Energy Sector programme, 1995 Prog. Code: SR 9502 Duration: 1995 - 1998 Amount: 3 M
Code Project and sub-project Energy Policy 95/01-01- Management of the PMU 01 Duration A 0.32 1/97 - 12/98 0.05 C 0.28 0.04 D 0.17 0.02 Objectives: Enhance the capacity of the Energy PMU to carry out key tasks; Output: local expert contracted for a period of 24 months Objectives: Enhance the capacity of the Energy PMU to manage Phare projects; Output: local expert contracted for a period of 24 months Objectives: Enable the implementation of the Kosice Geothermal Project; Output:: short-term technical assistance provided by an international consultant for tendering and contracting in the framework of the Kosice project Project managed from Brussels Kosice project, amounting to 2 M , was funded under this programme (see last project in this table) Follow-up/extension of project 94/02-01-04 under the 94 programme Contract awarded to Slovak Power Research Institute (EGU). Joint final report with project 94/02-01-04 Outputs Notes

95/01-01- Management of Phare Projects 02

1/97 - 12/98 0.05




Short-term Technical Assistance for Kosice Geothermal Plant

9/97 - 11/97 0.03




Energy Efficiency Indicators

9/96 - 9/97




Objectives: improve quality of energy data produced and distributed by the Ministry of Economy; contribute to meeting international reporting requirements (OECD/IEA); Outputs: development and installation of energy database and information system for management of energy data provided by the Slovak Statistical Office.

Code 95/01-04

Project and sub-project ESS fund monitoring and PMU assistance

Duration until 12/97

A 0.10

C 0.10

D 0.05

Outputs Objectives: Enhance the capacity of the Energy PMU to prepare projects and to monitor progress of the ESS fund project; Outputs: TA provided by a foreign advisor; list of project proposals to be included in the Phare 1998 programme Objectives: Enhance the capacity of the Energy PMU to manage housing related and special projects (mainly nuclear energy); Outputs: assistance provided by a local energy expert for a period of 12 months



Management of housing related and special projects

12/97 - 1/98 0.03


< 0.01

Energy Efficiency 95/02-01 Energy audits until 3/98

0.37 0.26

0.35 0.25

0.35 0.25 Objectives: Enable the Energy Saving Scheme (ESS) to provide loans for energy efficiency projects in industries; improve the quality of projects submitted to the ESS for funding; Outputs: energy audits carried out in 6 industrial enterprises Project implemented in close cooperation with the Slovak Energy Agency Audits were performed with assistance of a foreign partner on a twinning basis; in a number of cases projects were co-financed by the recipient company See for more information on the Energy Saving Scheme, Phare Energy Programmes 1993 and 1994


Energy Auditors Training Course

11/97 - 3/98 0.01



Objectives: Increase the capacity to perform energy audits in the Slovak Republic; increase the knowledge and understanding of energy auditing among energy consultants and industrial management; Outputs: 2 rounds of the Energy Auditor Course , each for 40 energy consultants and industrial managers, and provided by the Slovak Energy Agency

SEA had already provided 2 rounds of this course before the project started


Project and sub-project

Duration ongoing from 1/97

A 0.05

C 0.05

D 0.01

Outputs Objectives: Ensure reduced energy use in newly constructed buildings; harmonisation of standards for newly constructed buildings with EU standards Outputs: development of performance standards to be applied by the Ministry of Construction and Public Works (MVVP) for construction of new buildings Objectives: Ensure reduced energy use in newly constructed buildings; increase insight in low-cost options to achieve reduced energy use in new buildings; Outputs: most cost-efficient energy efficiency measures for the Slovak building sector identified

Notes Beneficiary: Slovak Ministry of Construction and Public Works (MVVP) No project progress reports produced yet

95/02-03- Energy Performance Standards for the 01 Building Sector

95/02-03- Economic criteria for energy saving 02 investments in building sector





Regional energy study 95/03-01 Regional Energy Study for East Slovakia 7/97 ongoing

0.22 0.22

0.22 0.22

0.11 0.11 Objectives: increase insight in options for energy saving and rational use of energy resources in the Kosice region; provide input data for the development of a regional energy action plan. Output: energy investment scenarios for the region Format of the resulting report might be used as standard for the regional energy strategy studies which regional state administration offices are held to provide before September 1998 under a recent Slovak law


Project and sub-project Energy diversification


A 0.07

C 0.07 0.02

D 0.04 0.02




Feasibility study for Small Hydroelectric Power Plant



Objectives: increase the use of hydroelectric power in Slovakia as alternative to conventional sources of energy ; increase insight in the feasibility of the use of hydroelectric power in Slovakia; Outputs: new hydropower technology (ball-casing turbine) demonstrated on-site and in practice in a small hydroelectric power plant; recommendations on application of the demonstrated technology in Slovakia Objectives: Increase the use LPG as alternative to natural gas in Slovakia; increase insight in the feasibility of the use of LPG in Slovakia; Outputs: feasibility study identifying sites suitable for development of LPG distribution networks and (particular areas not connected to gas at present), assessing the market for LPG. The study looked also at possibilities to develop LPG networks in remote areas and at possibilities to convert LPG pipelines to natural gas pipelines in the future

Demonstration site in Gelnica, East Slovakia, is probably still in operation. Energy PMU will be able to verify this when necessary Patent has been given for the new technology


Feasibility study for development of LPG Distribution Networks in Slovakia

4/97 - 4/98




Final report on the project available at Energy PMU

Geothermal project -co-financing 95/05-01 Geothermal heating plant Kosice 7/97 ongoing

2.01 2.01

2.01 2.01

1.47 1.47 Objectives: Enable investment in extension of the capacity of geothermal heating provided to the Kosice region (east Slovakia); increase insight in geothermal potential in the Kosice regional Outputs: 2 parametric wells drilled and pumping tests carried out for investigation of geothermal potential in the Kosice region; MoU signed between Ministry of Economy and Geoterm Kosice Association (GKA) signed in October 1996 and endorsed by Brussels in July 1997 is available at Energy PMU No other reports are available at PMU. Possibly GKA reports directly to DG1A in Brussels

Sources: Programme and contract information 1995, Slovakia, Phare, published by the European Commission, DG IA Slovak Republic Financing Memorandum, PHARE, Country Operational Programme 1995, European Commission, DG1A 6th Work Programme, Infrastructure Programme including Energy, SR 9502, Energy PMU (to be approved by EC) Financial Status of Programme SR-9502: Energy, printed on 26/05/98 Oral information provided by Mr Eduard Lifka, Energy PMU

Table 1: Environment Sector Programme, 1990 Prog. Code: SR 9002 Duration: January 1991 March 1997 Amount: 11.201 M (+ 0.49 interest ) (1)
Code Project and sub-project Water Protection 42.01 Danubian Lowland-ground water mode EC/WAT /1 1994-1996 2.51 2.51 2.44 Provision of relevant data about the impact of dam construction on environment as and input of simulation of scenarios supporting decision-making process. Final report available at PMU, additional information available at Comenius University Bratislava. 68 169 were not disbursed. Physical investment project. Control station located in Bratislava, Banska Bystrica, Zilina and Kosice. Duration A C D Outputs Notes

42.02 Improving the monitoring of drinking water quality EC/90/W AT/11





Improvement of drinking water monitoring capacity and capability of 4 control centres allowing them to provide more precise information for decision-makers and general public. Supply of the equipment for control centres. Improved protection of karst-fissure areas especially in relation to the ground water quality and drinking water exploitation. As an output recommendation for improvement of protection and ecological criteria for a rational exploitation of karst aquifers were formulated.

42.02 Master plan for drinking groundwater protection in EC/90/W fissured rocks and fissured-karst areas AT/11b





Interests budget. Project implementation has been satisfactory.

Waste Management 43.01 Waste Sector Study EC/90?W AS/5 1992-1994 1.01 1.01 1.01 Improvement of waste management via preparing According to PMU, implementation alternative scenarios and national waste sector policy. highly satisfactory. National and regional concerned institutions provided with basic guidelines for taking all necessary planning, implementation and control actions in the waste management area. The project started up a waste information centre and provided training for the institutional staff.


Project and sub-project

Duration 1995

A 0.45

C 0.45

D 0.43

Outputs Better knowledge about classification, production and handling of hazardous wastes; meeting the conditions for joining the Basel Convention. Operational Hazardous Waste Information Centre as an output. Increase of the capacity of hazardous waste incinerator and improvement of its environmental standards in order to meet strict requirements.

Notes HWIC is now the regional centre for training and technology transfer for the BC.

43.02 Information Centre for Hazardous Waste EC/90/W AS/6

43.05 Basic Engineering Services for Hazardous Waste EC/90/W Incinerator Duslo Sala AS/8





Implementation not successful because of splitting of the Federal Republic, privatization of the enterprise Duslo Sala, definition of a new management program and priorities of Recipient Institutions.

EC/90/W Design of waste containers AS/8b


Provision of basic information on waste containers and transport as a basis for future development of hazardous waste container according to EU construction, design and manufacture regulations. Development of national waste container technical standards.

Project not included in the assessment of the local disbursement schedule. Interests budget.

Health Protection 45.02 EC/90/H Ecotoxicological Center Bratislava EA/3 45.03 EC/90/H Equipment for food quality monitoring EA/4 45.04 EC/90/H Protection of natural resources in karst areas EA/10

16 months




Increased research and monitoring capacity of the center. Equipment for assessment of toxicity of chemical substances and wastes provided and working effectively.




Ecotoxicological center is operating successfully. Institute has already been privatized, Ministry has a contract with newly established Provided and effectively working laboratory equipment for institution. food quality monitoring increasing the capacity of the Completed according to the plan. Slovak Agricultural and food Inspection Bratislava.. Monitoring of caves used for Improving utilization of karst caves for speleotherapeutic treatment of children and for the protection of the caves. Recommendations and identified measures for protection of caves micro-climate conditions. Special equipment was provided for measuring micro-climate conditions, physical and chemical parameters in the caves atmosphere. Highly satisfactory.





Project and sub-project Nuclear Safety




44.01 EC/90/E NE/14

Expert opinion on operational safety of V 230 reactors




Improvement of operational safety of V 230 nuclear reactor by identification of the week points and evaluation of the effects of supplementary modifications of NPP Jaslovske Bohunica.

A few additional tasks arisen from the review.

44.04 EC/90/E NE/17

Upgrading of professional knowledge on modern nuclear technologies




Upgrade of the knowledge of professionals in the nuclear Implementation of the set of training power sector and consequently increased operational safety for trainer and supply of data of the plants. management software has been, according to PMU, highly satisfactory.

Technical Assistance 46.01 PMU Technical Assistance 0.96 0.96 0.96 Continued efficient management of all technical, financial and administrative tasks associated with PHARE environmental program for the Slovak Republic.

Notes: (1) originally 30 M

for Czechoslovakia

Sources: Final Assessment Report by OMAS Middle Unit , Slovak Republic, Environmental Sector Programme CS 9002SR, CS 9102SR, December 1996 Financing Memorandum Environment Sector Programme (PHARE - 1990) Czech and Slovak Federal Republic Draft Financing Proposal Environment Sector Programme (PHARE - 1990) Czech and Slovak Federal Republic Final Monitoring and Assessment Report, Environmental Sector Programme CS 9002 SR, Slovak Republic, May 1997 Special report: Slovakia Slovakia curing cave children, PHARE Info No. 10, March 1997 Oral information provided by Mr. Paolo Bacca/ PMU at the Slovak Ministry of Environment


Amount Allocated (M ) Amount Committed (M ) Amount Disbursed (M )

Table 2: Environment Sector Programme, 1991 Prog. Code: SR 9102 Duration: September 1993 - December 1997) (1) Amount: 2.39 M for Slovak Republic(2)
Code Project and sub-project Duration(3) A C D Outputs Notes (4) Final reports available for all projects Environmental Protection EC\91\ WAT\20 Improvement of water quality monitoring 14 months 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.87 Objective: Increasing the capacity to monitor drinking water quality and achieve international standards in monitoring drinking water. Output: preparatory study for development of monitoring system and hydrogeological database, delivery and installation of 4 mobile monitoring stations, hardware and tailored software facilities and staff training. Recipient: Slovak Hydro Meteorological Institute, Bratislava Part of original project for CSFR (1.35 M ) transferred to Czech Republic - Teplice Programme Judged as satisfactory by PMU Health EC\91\ HEA\18 Study of health impact of environmental pollution 18 months 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 Objective: gain increased insight in impact of high concentrations of carcinogenic substances in the environment in the region of Novaky in order to identify how urgently pollution reduction measures are needed. Output: public health and occupational health assessment report, public health surveillance plan. Supply of monitoring equipment. Recipient: Specialised State Institute of Health, B. Bystrica Judged as highly satisfactory by PMU Chemical factory (main source of emissions) closed after completion of project and therefore need for urgent measures disappeared largely


Project and sub-project Environmental Education and Public Awareness


A 0.55

C 0.55

D 0.46


Notes (4)

EC\91\ EDU\19

Environmental education and public awareness in 22 months Slovakia




Objectives: increasing the level of environmental awareness of the Slovak population through support to existing educational activities and creation of an institutional framework for environmental education. Assessment and identification of different measures as input to sub-projects. Outputs: Main study followed by 3 subprojects / concrete activities mentioned below.

Recipient: Slovak environmental Agency (SEA), B. Bystrica Implemented by British Council Project judged as unsatisfactory by PMU Judged as highly unsatisfactory by PMU mainly related to contractors performance. Sub-projects started before this project was completed.

EC\91\ EDU\19b

Support for management courses, City University of Bratislava (CUB)

12 months




Improvement of the level of environmental education at the CUB through reinforcement of translation of management literature and through provision of equipment for environmental education, including PCs.

Recipient: CUB Judged as highly satisfactory by PMU

EC\91\ EDU\19c

Multi media campaign

15 months




Objective: Increase the participation of the public in decision-making through enhancing their awareness of their role in EIA procedures and their awareness of ecosystems and their threats. Output: information dissemination, through video, handbook, leaflet. Preparation of an international workshop dealing with possibilities for east-west co-operation in research and technology; funding Slovak participation in XIII international geological congress, Poland

Beneficiary: MoE, information on participation possibly available at EIA Department Judged as satisfactory by the PMU

EC\91\ EDU\91d

Management courses

11 months




Recipients: Humboldt Foundation, Bratislava; D. Stur Institute of Geology, Bratislava Judged as satisfactory by PMU


Project and sub-project PMU Technical Assistance to PIU


A 0.34

C 0.34 0.25

D 0.31 0.25


Notes (4)



Objective: improve professional skills of PMU staff and improve management of Phare Programmes and projects. Output: Working tools provided to PMU staff through technical and financial assistance, including support in project identification and design, tender completion, contracting, supervision, project management, monitoring and evaluation etc.

Judged as fully satisfactory by PMU

PMU Administrative Costs




Operational costs PMU

Judged as unsatisfactory by MU as not all financial resources have been disbursed.

Notes: 1. An agreement on the allocation of funds under the 1991 Programme for the Slovak Republic was signed in September 1993. The original Financial Memorandum for the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic was signed in February 1991. Commitment and Disbursement were both expired as a result of the split-up of the programme. 2. Originally 5 M for Czechoslovakia 3. Most projects were delayed between 6 to 12 months due to the split-up of the Czechoslovak Republic 4. Final project reports are available on all projects implemented under the 1991 Programme, except for pure equipment delivery projects. Sources: Final Assessment Report by OMAS Middle Unit , Slovak Republic, Environmental Sector Programme CS 9002SR, CS 9102SR, December 1996 Financing Memorandum Environmental Sector Programme Phase 2, T 9102, Czech and Slovak federal Republic Final Monitoring & Assessment Report, Programme CS 910, Environment, Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Programme Management Unit, Bratislava, January 1998 The Phare environmental programme in Slovakia, Lead author Paolo Bacca, with contribution from Eduard Lukacik

Table 3: Infrastructure Programme -Environment Component, 1993 Prog. Code: SR 9303.03 Duration: March 1994 - June 1998 Amount: 2 M (plus 0.07 M interest)
Code Project and sub-project Air Protection EU\93\ AIR\22 Local Study of Air Pollution in Kosice and Bratislava. National Needs assessment of Air Pollution. 5/96-11/97 Duration A 0.78 0.77 C 0.78 0.77 D (1) 0.77 0.77 Objectives: provide input data from all 12 regions, but with special attention to Bratislava and Kosice regions, to the MoE for the development of a national strategy for air pollution abatement for three specific pollutants which were not monitored before; Outputs: equipment for sampling and analysing of selected air pollutants delivered and installed, training on se of equipment delivered, study presenting concentrations in ambient air of priority air pollutants, identification of main sources of selected pollutants, assessment of risks to human health, identification of priority measures and identification of needs for policy review/ assessment of level of compliance and enforcement; 4 monitoring campaigns were executed Recipients: City Council Office of Kosice, Dept. of Municipal Strategy, Health & Cities Projects, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMU). Final seminar in November 1997 According to PMU expected results have been achieved and project was highly satisfactory Measures identified (partly) based on the provided data can be found in Slovaks environmental approximation strategy Outputs Notes


Project and sub-project Water Protection


A 0.95 0.90

C 0.95 0.90

D (1) 0.95 0.90



EU\93\ WAT\24

Establishment of National Reference Laboratory for 7/96-7/97 Water Sector 12 months

Objectives: Standardisation of water quality and quantity data analysis through establishment of a national reference laboratory for the water sector. Technical assistance in defining technical specification. Output: appropriate institution selected to operate reference laboratory, laboratory equipment delivered and installed, standard methods developed

Recipient : Water Research Institute (WRI), Bratislava (selection part of project) According to PMU results have been achieved and project was satisfactorily implemented; laboratory is currently only accredited laboratory

EU\93\ WAT\24b

National Reference Laboratory - Selection of Analytical Methods





Objective: Standardisation of analysis of selected water pollutants; Output: Identification, development and testing of analytical methods.

Recipient : WRI, Bratislava Subproject

PMU PMU consultants 24 months

0.35 0.34

0.35 0.34

0.35 0.34 Objective: improve professional skills of PMU staff and improve management of Phare Programmes and projects. Output: Working tools provided to PMU staff through technical and financial assistance, including support in project identification and design, tender completion, contracting, supervision, project management, monitoring and evaluation etc. According to PMU project was highly satisfactory

PMU administrative costs

24 months




Operational costs and publication of legal documents

Notes: 1. Disbursement figures are from June 1997 Sources: Annual Assessment Report by OMAS Middle region, Slovak Republic, Infrastructure Programmes (Environment) SR-9303.03 and SR-9406.03, March 1997 Financing Memorandum of the Phare 1993 Infrastructure Programme, SR 9303

Monitoring and Assessment Report No. 3, Environment, programme Number SR 9303, Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Phare Programme Management Unit, November 1997 The Phare environmental programme in Slovakia, Lead author Paolo Bacca, with contribution from Eduard Lukacik

Table 4: Infrastructure Programme - Environment Component, 1994 Prog. Code: SR9406.03 Duration: June 1995 - June 1998 Amount: 1 M
Code Project and sub-project Institutional strengthening EU/ISS/ 26 Institutional strengthening of the Ministry 9/96-2/97 Duration A 0.43 0.25 C 0.43 0.25 D 0.41 0.25 Objectives: Increase capacity of the Ministry of Environment to effectively and efficiently implement key tasks, including EU approximation and meeting international obligations. Outputs: assessment of institutional constraints; improved operational and management procedures developed and implemented; translation of EC environment directives; development and introduction of database management system relating to (EC) legislation and international relations; supply of hardware and software. Recipient: MoE, Depts. of International Relations, Administration, Policy and Legislation. Main recommendations resulting from project: adopt new budget allocation system; establish EU Integration Unit within MoE At present Integration Unit is not yet functioning. Outputs Notes

EU/ISS/2 Institutional strengthening of the Agency 7





Objectives: Increase capacity of the Slovak Environment Agency (SEA) to implement key tasks and improve exchange of information between SEA branches. Outputs: assessment of key tasks of the Agency through comparisons with institutions in Finland, Spain and the Netherlands; translation of EC environment directives; development and introduction of electronic communication system (hardware and software)

Recipient: SEA, Banska Bystrica and branch offices. Comparison with similar practices in Finland, the Netherlands and Spain.


Project and sub-project Environmental Protection




EU/REV /28

Assistance to the Environmental Revolving Fund

17 months




Objectives: Assessment of the feasibility of the establishment of a revolving environmental fund providing soft loans for environmental projects benefiting both the private and public sector. Outputs: Assessment of banking systtem; assessment of feasibility to create revolving fund window within existing State Environmental Fund; development of appraisal criteria; development of fund internal mechanisms and operational manual; identification and appraisal of 25 projects for possible funding; identification of possible IFIs contribution

Recipient: MoE, Dept. of Economic Instruments Available information: final project report; list of 25 investment preappraised projects is available. Original idea: create a tool for soft loan provision within the State Environmental Fund. Due to the weak banking system now a grant fund. Project has been delayed by attempts to introduce this loan scheme in the State Environmental Fund. Phare fund is not yet operational.

Development and implementation of Economic Policies EU/POL /25 Economic instruments of the environmental policy 10 months 0.25 0.24 0.25 Objectives: enhance the capability of the MoE to identify and Recipient: MoE, Dept. of Economic apply economic tools as integral part of national economic Instruments policy; increase the generation of financial resources for environmental investment. Outputs: recommendations for legislate improvements; comparative study on Slovak and EU application of economic tools; analysis of economic instruments used in Slovakia

Technical Assistance PMU Technical Assistance 6.5 months 12/96 0.13 013 0.13 Objective: improve professional skills of PMU staff and improve management of Phare Programmes and projects. Output: Working tools provided to PMU staff through technical and financial assistance, including support in project identification and design, tender completion, contracting, supervision, project management, monitoring and evaluation etc.

Sources: Financing Memorandum of the Phare 1994 Infrastructure Programme, SR 9406 Monitoring and Assessment Report No. 3 (July 1996-June 1997), Environment, Programme No. SR9406, Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Phare Programme Management Unit, September 1997 The Phare environmental programme in Slovakia, Lead author Paolo Bacca, with contribution from Eduard Lukacik

Table 5: Infrastructure programme, Environment Component, 1995 Prog. Code: SR 9503 Duration: December 1995 July 1998 Amount: 1.00 M
Code Project and sub-project Environmental Protection EU/WAS Waste Recycling /29 7/96-8/97 Duration A 0.50 0.20 C 0.49 0.20 D 0.33 0.20 Objective: Increase level of industrial waste recycling through development of legislation. Ouput: A proposal of Statutory Order on Packaging Materials prepared in compliance with the EU Directive. Implementation of recycling techniques supported by recommendations for legislative, regulatory, organisational and economic measures supporting economically and technically feasible recycling of industrial waste and a feasible recycling pattern of solid municipal waste. Recipient institutions: SEA Bratislava, MoE. Project dealt also with recycling of car batteries, tyres etc. Outputs Notes

EU/AIR/ Air Quality Monitoring. National Emission 30 Inventory System.

until 9/98




Objective: Centralisation of management of air monitoring data for use by different institutions for different purposes (Inspection, monitoring, international reporting). Outputs: Development and implementation of a system for collection, treatment, utilization and presentation of air quality date in a unique National Emission Inventory System. Preparation of the basic questionnaire for collection of data. Identification of few key spots and implementation of a pilot phase for testing the pilot system. Used also for CORINAIR.

Recipient institution: Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute On going project; should be finished by September Also delivery of software


Project and sub-project Institutional Strengthening and Harmonization


A 0.25

D 0.21



EU/ISS/ 32

Institutional Strengthening of Slovak Inspection

1 year




Improvement of the effectiveness of SEI activities, strengthening its status and harmonization with EU practice with regard to environmental legislation, environmental inspection system, authorities and responsibilities of inspection, staff requirements, technical equipment of control institutions. Operational permanent training center for highly specialized software training to expert operating in various environmental fields in order to create a team able to implement the latest technologies. Center located at the Slovak Environmental Agency Banska Bystrica. Delivery of PCs.

Study tours, cooperation with Finland and the Netherlands executed in the framework of the project.

EU/ISS/ 33

Training Centre




Recipient institution: Slovak Environmental Agency Banska Bystrica 87,500 were contracted and disbursed for the sub- project.

Policy Review EU/POL /31 Rational Use of Water

0.15 0.15

0.15 0.15

0.14 0.14 Improvement of decision making process at the water protection department of MoE via providing precise model for quantitative evaluation of natural groundwater resources, evaluation of the quality changes and changes in groundwater resources due to the climatic changes. Approximation of this procedure with EU requirements. Forecast for the use of water resources and its quality. Recipient institution MoE, department of water protection.

. Technical Assistance Technical Assistance to PMU 9/96-11/98 0.11 0.07 Continued efficient management of all technical, financial and administrative tasks associated with PHARE environmental program for the Slovak Republic. 72,411 were contracted for project. The project is under implementation. Disbursement is on going. The rest of budget, including 10,200 interests, will be contracted for PMU ADM. Around 79.000 allocated from WAS/29, AIR/30 and ISS/32.

Notes: According to PMU, overall implementation progress shall be considered as satisfactory. Indicated disbursement by July 1998. Sources: Programme and contract information 1995, Slovakia, Phare, published by the European Commission, DG IA; Draft Country Operational Programme for the Slovak Republic, European Commission, DG1A; Monitoring and assessment report No. 2, Programme Number SR9503. December 1997; Oral information provided by Mr. Paolo Bacca/ PMU at the Slovak Ministry of Environment




Table 1: General Technical Assistance Facility (energy component), 1993 Programme Code: SL - 9302 Duration: 1993-96 Amount: 0.9 M
Project Code 9302.02.01 Project and sub-project Development of Legal, Regulatory and Institutional Framework of the Energy Sector in Slovenia Duration 94 / Jan-95 A 0.35 C 0.35 D 0.35 Outputs Recommendations in regard to the reorganisation, operation and privatisation on the energy sector for the preparation of the Draft Energy Law and policy development by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The study included a legal and institutional framework analysis of the energy sector. Recommendations included areas for energy efficiency improvements and measures to secure them ie investment opportunities. A comprehensive national conservation programme with a detailed energy survey, assessment of the conservation potential, cost-effectiveness of the programmes to become part of the energy strategy including development of the Agency for Efficient Energy Use and initial discussion of options for an Energy Fund. Carried out in parallel with the development of the national Resolution for Efficient Energy Use and Supply. Notes


Energy Conservation Strategy for the Rep. Of Slovenia

Apr - 94 /Oct 96




Financial Data: Desires 5/98 OMAS, Energy Advisors database and interview with energy advisor.

Table 2: National Energy Programme, 1994 Programme Code: SL - 9404 Duration: 1994-96 Amount: 2 M
Project Code 9404.01 9404. 01.01 Project and sub-project Energy Saving Fund Preparation Feasibility Study for Setting up an Energy Saving Fund Duration A C D Outputs Notes

Oct -95 / Feb - 97




A study detailing design of an Energy Saving Fund, including proposed procedures and organisation of a Fund. The study included tender documents for the Fund manager and identification of investment areas. Demonstration of viable energy efficiency measures for the private sector. Six projects were carried out to demonstrate a range of technological options (4 for industry and 2 for buildings). The projects were also to demonstrate the financial viability of such investments so that they would be replicated by other companies. Project was a recommendation of NCS (above). Project had a cofinancing arrangement with Phare contributing 30% and the involved companies financing 70%. Government has subsequently monitored the success of these projects. A lot of interest in the seminars by companies. Integration with government activities which started the audit programme and then continued to finance seminars after the Phare project.


Demonstration Projects for Energy Efficiency Investments in Building and Industry Sector in Slovenia

Oct - 95 / Aug- 0.55 97




Energy Audits and Training of Auditors

May - 96/ Mar - 97




Development of the auditing market through initial training courses for new auditors across the country and raise awareness about the value of energy saving audits with potential clients (companies). This included seminars for energy intensive industries.


Information and Awareness Building Campaign

Dec - 96/ Jun - 98




Implementation of an energy efficiency campaign in all Slovenia to raise awareness amongst all energy users of opportunities to save energy. Campaign targeted the public through TV and billboards. It assisted industry by increasing access to auditors and informing about the availability of the funds, media. The project also increased the profile of the Energy Efficiency Agency.


Integrated Resource Planning

Project Code 9404.02.01

Project and sub-project Support for Introduction of Integrated Resource Planning

Duration Sept - 95/ Dec - 96

A 0.350

C 0.349

D 0.349

Outputs A planning model to strengthen strategic decision making, and, in part, meet Kyoto goals. The model covered both supply and demand side management aiming for least cost solutions through scenario analysis A Manual was also produced but no training for Ministry staff on how to use the model. A variety of activities to continue and strengthen the operations of the Energy Agency including workshops for staff on project management, logical frameworks and TOR preparation. Also included installation of a computer network and salary for local expert. Resident energy advisor to the Ministry of Economic Development (short term contract).


9404.04 9404.04.01

Institutional Strengthening Support for the Agency for Efficient use of Energy Apr - 96/ Jun - 97 0.24 0.24 0.24


Assistance to the Agency for Efficient use of Energy Energy efficiency and DSM

Apr-96/ Jul - 96 Apr - 96







0.004. Participation in the conferences.

Directly contracted with Phare in Brussels. No information known in -country. Directly contracted with Phare in Brussels. No information known in -country. Directly contracted with Phare in Brussels. No information known in -country. Directly contracted with Phare in Brussels. No information known in -country.


Evaluation & Conference

Apr - 96



0.006. na


Meeting in Kastrup

Apr - 96






Representatives of the Energy

Apr - 96





Financial Data: Desirees 5/98 OMAS, Energy Advisors database and interview with energy advisor.

Table 3: Energy Infrastructure Programme, 1995 Programme Code: SL - 9503 Duration: 1995 - ongoing Amount: 4.4 M
Project Code 9503.01.01 Project and sub-project Energy Saving Fund Duration Jan 98 / ongoing A 2.0 C 2.0 D 1.0 Outputs Establishment and operation of the Fund for loans in the energy efficiency field, including setting up a Fund Manager. Fund is based on capital grant from Phare and commercial bank capital and government subsidy allowing lower than market interest rates. Notes The Fund is in operation. Preferential loans are only maintained if energy saving goals are achieved. Energy Agency to monitor performance of loans.



Energy Efficiency Financing Scheme - Technical Assistance to the Fund Manager and the Monitoring Unit Energy Efficiency Financing Scheme: Evaluation of Local Banks IRP: Integrated Closed Loop

Jan - 97 / ongoing




Assistance to the Funds manager, providing him with proper organisational, administrative and banking procedures for the Fund. Included putting control mechanisms in place to ensure loans are in compliance with the funds regulations. Selection of the best proposal from the Banks to run the Fund. Technical assistance to the promoters of the Fund in the selection of the bank to act as a Funds manager. Macro-economic model to integrate with the existing energy model (IRP) tools in Slovenia in order for policy makers to understand the impacts of different energy sector restructuring options. Developed under SlovenianAustrian co-operation. Phares contribution is for model runs. ERM project

May - 96/ Mar - 97





Jan - 98/ ongoing





Strategy and Business Plan for the EU Accession Energy Sector, Slovenia

July 98 / ongoing



0.035. Strategy and business plan, enabling harmonisation with the EU regulations and market structures. To provide for the ministrys energy staff the support for daily operations in accordance to the European standards. 0.25 Enhancement and standardisation of the health and safety guidelines and codes of practice in order to comply with EU directives. Grant support scheme to reimburse 500 private households, across Slovenia, who built solar collectors on their houses.


Technical Safety of Natural Gas Supply Support to Renewable Energy - Incentive Scheme for Solar Collectors

Jul - 96/ Dec - 97 Aug - 97/ Dec - 97







Co-financing with GOS who also contributed 200,000 Ecu.

Project Code 9503.03.02

Project and sub-project Pilot Project for Biomass Fired District Heating Procurement

Duration Jan - 98/ May - 98

A 0.36

C 0.35

D 0.21

Outputs Supply of the equipment to be installed in a boiler house in Gornj Grad as part of a pilot project to develop its District Heating Network.

Notes Co-financing with GOS and municipality. Total project to also obtain financing from the Eco-Fund. Initial feasibility study not deemed adequate.


Pilot Project for Biomass Fired District Heating: Completion of Feasibility Study Pilot Project for Biomass Fired District Heating: Evaluation and Dissemination of Results

n.a./ Aug - 97




Feasibility study to EC standards for the Biomass Fired District Heating project. Study to enable decision making for granting Phare money for purchasing the equipment. The financing plan including commitments from all parties involved. Presentation of the achievements of the demonstration project to interested parties (other municipalities) including: timely implementation of the project, fulfilling the technical parameters of the feasibility study, realisation of financial feasibility, organisational success and sustainability of biomass utilisation. Object to get other municipalities to finance similar projects.


Nov 97/ ongoing






Training Study Tour for a Press Delegation on Nuclear Safety Energy and Environmental Accounts

Nov - 96




Demonstration of nuclear safety to the Slovenian press through a visit to Project requested by Brussels. European nuclear facilities. Was controversial in Slovenia. Establishment of annual Energy and Environment accounts carried out for the Ministry of Economic Development in order to fill data gaps on CO2 emissions etc. Continued support to the MED and Energy Agency by provision of senior international adviser. Advisor providing energy policy advise to the Ministry and assisting in Phare project implementation with the Agency. Study of impacts of different scenarios of opening up the electricity market on the national economy to act as a policy planning tool for the MED. Implementation of a monitoring and assessment methodology for the Agency for Efficient Use of Energy for the evaluation of the effect and management of energy conservation programmes in Slovenia. Example of a Ministry request, which was not a national priority.

Oct - 96 / Jun - 97





Support to the Ministry Resident Adviser

Nov - 97/ Nov - 99





Macroeconomic Effects of Electricity Market Opening

Oct - 96/ ongoing




Evaluation of the Energy Conservation Programme in Slovenia

Jan - 98/ Jun - 98



Financial Data: Desires 5/98 OMAS, Energy Advisors database

and interview with energy advisor.

Table 1: Country Operation Programme (environment component), 1997 Programme Code: Duration: 1998-on-going Amount: 4 M
Project Code Project and sub-project Duration A 4.0 C 0 D 0 Outputs Enhancement of an existing government environmental fund to disburse soft loans for a variety of investment projects including energy efficiency and water infrastructure. Notes Funds planned to be received from Brussels in July 1998 and to be disbursed by September 1998.

Environmental credit scheme 5/98-on-going

Source: OMAS, Desiree, discussion with Energy Agency and Phare Advisor.

**** TABLES 2 & 3 RECORDED BUT NOT INCLUDED IN THE EVALUATION **** Table 2: Cross Border Cooperation Programme (Slovenia/Italy - environment component), 1994 Programme Code: 9403.02 Duration: 1993-96 Amount: 1.9 M
Project Code 9403.02.01 9403.02.01-01 Project and sub-project Title Approximate duration TIMAV River Reka 10/97-5/98 A 1.19 0.43 0.43 0.40 Prevention of river flooding which is a regular occurrence. The project will construct sand dams, reconstruct a bridge and rearrange the riverbeds of the river Reka (supplied by the spring). Cross-border element as the river is a source of water for Trieste. Preservation of groundwater quality from Timav spring, which is threatened by pollution by the establishment of a wastewater collection system in Ilirska Bistrica. A protection area established and opened to the public in the Karst region, spanning both Slovenia and Italy. The project is to both contribute to the operation of the Park and coordinate economic activities (forestry, tourism and agriculture). This project includes the following activities: establishment of an information centre (through furniture and computer equipment procurement); a management plan; zoning and evaluation of the Park area; personnel training of staff and local communities for working in the Park; a pilot project for cycling routes; establishment of a small project Fund (grants) to facilitate the implementation of small pilot projects in the Park (eg traditional costumes, lighting in caves). Investment project. C D Expected Outputs Notes


Pollution prevention Sewerage of Ilirska Bistrica





The next phase will finance a WWTP.


Karst Park





All projects are now completed except last three which will be finished in 9/98.


Protection of Nova Gorica




Project is aimed to prevent floods occurring from periodic high waters.

Project Code

Project and sub-project Title Approximate duration Pikol water retention system 8/97-7/98

A 0.44

C 0.44

D 0.44

Expected Outputs Construction of a water retention site at Pikol to capture excess water during periods of high flow. Increased water retention capacity for the Vrtojbica brook through construction of a protected embankment before the brook passes through an urban area.

Notes Investment

Vrtojbica brook





Source: Discussion with CBC PIU and Work Programmes

Table 3: Cross Border Cooperation Programme (Slovenia/Austria - environment component), 1995 Programme Code: SL9505 Duration: 199 Amount: M
Project Code 9505.05.01 Project and sub-project WWTP Gornja Duration 95-7/98 A 0.40 C 0.4 D ? Outputs Investment to improve water quality of the Mura and prevent regular flooding of the city centre. The investments include the procurement and construction of a main sewage collector, a pumping station and two retaining basins (in Grajski Hrib and Pokopaliska ulica). Notes WWTP to be build in next phase.


Jesenice - Industrial Regeneration



A feasibility study to assess the potential for the establishment of a Physical planning project development agency to facilitate the regeneration process of the area (severely part of responsibility of affected by the decline of the local steel industry). The study will include MEPP various options and responsibilities for the type of agency to be established and the strategic priorities for regeneration. There is also a component for information exchange.

Source: Discussion with CBC PIU and Work Programmes




Table 1: Technical Assistance Fund Prog. Code: RO-9105 Duration: 17/07/91-31/03/95 Total Amount: 26 M Type of Document: internal note of the Ministry of Industry on Phare , as at 20.01.1997
Project code and title 01 Restructuring of ARCE 02 Restructuring of R.A. RENEL 03 Restructuring of siderurgical industry 04 Restructuring of petrochemical industry 05 Workshop on restructuring of metallurgical industry 06 TA for industrial restructuring Duration A 0.44 0.49 0.52 0.53 0.08 0.07 C 0.44 0.49 0.52 0.53 0.08 0.07 D Outputs Restructuring Restructuring of RENEL Restructuring Restructuring Information dissemination TA Notes the project is finalised finalised finalised finalised finalised finalised

Table 2: General Technical Assistance Prog. Code: RO-9205 Duration: 12/05/92-31/12/95 Amount: 16 M S Type of Document: internal note of the Ministry of Industry on Phare , as at 20.01.1997 all projects have been finalised
Project code and title 01 Study on environmental impact of thermal powerplants and lignite mines 02 Training and financial expert for RENEL 03 Energy use in paper industry 04 Measurement equipment 05 Institutional Strengthening of ARCE (Romanian Agency for Energy Conservation) 06 Energy audits conducted by ARCE in tertiary sector 07 Set up Energy cities programme 08 Energy conservation in cement industry 09 Strategy for renewables 10 Energy efficiency in public buildings 11 Study on district heating system in Bucarest 0.052 0.03 0.03 0.052 0.03 0.035 Duration A 0.526 0.67 C 0.526 0.67 D Outputs Notes

0.05 0.05 0.15 0.12 0.17 1

0.05 0.051 0.09 0.15 0.11 0.99 Networking between municipalities

Table 3: General Technical Assistance Prog. Code: RO-9305 Duration: 07/02/94-30/06/96 Total Amount for GTAF : 27 M Amount for Energy component 05: 5 M Type of Document: print out PERSEUS, Work Programme n 7
Project code and title 01 energy 9.94-10.96 B 01- Energy policy adviser to the Phare PMU Ministry of Industry 02 Energy efficiency demonstration projects 0.250 Duration A 5 C 6 0.781 P Outputs 2.6 Study reviewing the energy sector/assistance aimed at project completed October 1996 institutional strengthening of the energy sector/development of energy policy 0.246 To demonstrate the possibility improvement of energy efficiency in industry and hospitals Notes

B001 Integrated energy services to industries L002 Energy use and saving measures in hospitals 03 Energy efficiency technical assistance

0.6 0.250 0.677 0.220 Regulatory support to issue the energy conservation law/increase the effectiveness of the Energy Conservation Agency/ raise awareness of households and industry on energy efficiency Exchange of know-how between EU and Romanian experts Increase awareness of consumer groups on energy conservation/transfer of skills to key agencies launching similar campaigns Advisory support and institutional strengthening this project was an awareness campaign

B-001 Training and information package


L 002 Awareness campaign


B003 Support and assistance to ARCE B 004 Energy efficiency in public buildings

0.188 0.05

04 Fuel policy



1.027 Assistance to the Government in development and implementation of a fuel policy through studies 0.163 Assessment of tariff policy and existing capacity for producing electricity and heat 0.602 Assessment of rehabilitation of hydro-electric plants capacity and investment opportunities and justification of the need for completion 0.263 Assessment of cost and quantity of fuel supply options the Final report was submitted in March (indigenous and imported) 1998 0.135 a study to assist the Government in refining its policy on pricing lignite and hard coal Improvement of energy efficiency: identification of technical needs for interconnection to the UCPTE/support the electrical interconnection study this project supported an $ 80 million EBRD/EIB loan to rehabilitate the transmission system. The study was cofinanced by RENEL. There is no trace of it in the PERSEUS database. This project is co-financed by RENEL and starts in August or September. the study was finalised June 1998 by Tractebel, SEP and EDF

L001 Least cost power capacity development study, and Electricity and heat Tariff study L002 Assessment of Hydro-electric plants and justification for finishing incomplete hydro-power and thermal power plants L003 Fuel sourcing







05 Energy pricing and tariffs for coal



06 High voltage transmission network



07 Co-financing for UNDP GEF project



Capacity building to reduce greenhouse emissions in Romania/promote private and public investments in energy efficiency pilot projects/information dissemination 0.196 Identification of high cost opportunities for energy saving and prepare financial submissions for funding by banks

L001 Improving energy efficiency for large industries



the project is completed. Phare and EBRD wanted to set up a revolving fund for energy efficiency measures, but the scheme got never implemented

L002 Capacity development of local energy strategies



0.161 Extend the activities of the Energy Cities Network, set up using GTAP 1992 funds 0.053 Prepare and distribute a manual on district heating management 0.007 This mainly for administrative support, such as service

L003 Modernisation of district heating systems



08 Operations



copy machine 09 Bucharest District heating follow up assistance 10 Renewable Energy Strategy 0.05 0.047 0.05 0.045 a financial audit of the Bucharest district heating company to support a loan application with the EIB Definition of an economically attractive geothermal project with selected energy users/ identification of financing resources and prepare a credit-approval file 0.048 new project introduced during the implementation of RO9305/05 new project introduced during the implementation of RO9305/05

11 Bridging TA for Ministry of Industry PMU



project introduced during the implementation of RO9305/05

12 Bridging TA for RENEL PMU




project introduced during the implementation of RO9305/05, as a follow-up for project 01

Programme totals (WP 7)




Table 4: Conventional Energy support Programme Type of Document: Financial status Prog. Code: RO9504 Duration: 29/11/95-31/12/98 Amount: 21 M , reduced to 19 M for floods relief Type of Document: FM, Work programme 3, covering period 1.01.98-30.06.98
Project code and title 01. Technical co-operation and investment 01.01-L Energy policy 0.750 0.45 Assistance to the Government in the development of an integrated energy policy Implement demand-side energy saving measures and thereby to reduce NOX, SO2, CO2 emissions and particulates Raise awareness of industry on energy efficiency Duration A C D Outputs Notes No trace in PERSEUS database

01.02 L energy efficiency



01.02.L001 Monitoring and targeting in key industrial sectors 01.02.L003 Implementing energy saving measures in schools

0.5 0.25

0.3 0.25

01.02.L004 Support for implementing the Energy Efficiency Protocol of the Energy Charter



Assessment of implications of implementation? Encouragement of private initiatives to use energy efficiently will be part of L009 will be part of L009

01.02. L005 ARCE strengthening of modelling capabilities 01.02. L006 Publication of technical guides for industry and consumers 01.02.L007 Short term assistance on energy efficiency 01.02. L008 Strengthening ARCE 01.02.L009 Institutional strengthening of energy efficiency

0.075 0.2

0.05 0.15

will be part of L009


will be part of L009

01.03-L Energy and the environment



training of RENEL staff to improve the performance of the thermal power plants/SSM to reduce emissions training of power plant operators on the use of environmental monitoring equipment improve efficiency in power generation and hence reduce emissions, trough training of operators this project is ongoing, but will be finalised in September 1998 This project started in June 1998 (Lahmeyer)

01.03-L001 Audit and training in environmental in thermal power plants 01.03-L002 Audit and training in maintenance & operation in thermal power plants 01.03.L003 Audit and training in occupational health and safety in thermal power plants 01.03.-L004 Clean Coal Programme







The contractor has not been chosen yet


investigation of cost-effective ways of meeting EU standards. The aim is reduced emissions increased security of supply by seeking alternative sources of gas, promotion of renewable energy supplies, enhanced oil production and clean coal. feasibility studies/ aim: diversify Romanias energy sources feasibility studies of operating oil fields to attract investors TA with preparation of a model plan for mine closure

This project will not be conducted

01.04.L Security of supply



01.04-L001 Implementation of strategy on renewable energy sources, identification and demonstration projects 01.04.L002 Assessment of low capital enhanced Oil Recovery Schemes 01.04.L003 Assistance with preparation for coal mine closures 01.04. L004 Regional Development Study for the Mining Region Gorj County 01. 04. L005 Regional Development study for the mining region of Jiu Valley 01.04.L006 Feasibility study for infrastructure in public works project



the project has been deleted



a study on the strategy for re-development of the region a study on the strategy for re-development of the region



01.04.L008 Quick response measures for the preparation of employment and local development in the mining region of Gorj County 01.04. L009 Quick response measures for the preparation of employment and local development in the mining region of Jiu Valley 01.04.L010 Study on cost of clean-up of the Jiu Valley


study to identify the employment options/TA for implementation projects


study to identify the employment options/TA for implementation projects clean-up of the Jiu river TA for PMU for the management of funds destined to reduce impact of restructuring on employment

0.1 0.1 01.04.L011 Technical Assistance of Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) for management for Phare regional development funds 0.425 01.04. L012-21 Direct contracts for supporting local initiatives in Gorj County 0.425 01.04. L012-31 Direct contracts for supporting local initiatives in Gorj County 01. 05. L Development of European Network

support to local small business initiatives

support to local small businesses



preparatory work for the loan application with EBRD, to rehabilitate the distribution grid for interconnection with UCPTE acquisition of models developed by the EU electric utilities assessment of work and funds for this purpose still in proposal phase

01.05.L001 Software development and training programme for electric grid operation 01.05.L002 Feasibility study for rehabilitation of Power Distribution System in Bucharest 01.05.L003 Feasibility study for rehabilitation of Power Distribution System in Bacau County 01.05. L004 Power distribution master plan








audit and assessment of the work and funds for this purpose audit of the entire RENEL distribution system / assessment of the work and funds for this purpose investment support and technical assistance provided by EBRD through its energy efficiency special fund, with an aim to increase energy efficiency in industry




the Masterplan is currently being prepared

.01.06.-B EBRD Energy Conservation Funding scheme and associated measures



.01.07-L UNDP/GEF Project on capacity building to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving energy efficiency 02. EBRD power sector operational efficiency improvement project 03. Management, audit, monitoring, evaluation


for industry and municipalities; demo projects, information dissemination and technical assistance infrastructure support





technical assistance to PMU covering of expenses of the PMU audit/evaluation of the programme

04-B Audit and evaluation



Table 1: Technical Assistance Fund Prog. Code: RO-9105 Duration: 17/07/91-31/03/95 Total Amount: 26 M Type of Document: Financial status, A national Environmental Policy for Romania
Project code and title 04 Environment 04.1 Institutional development and personnel training National environmental monitoring system established 04.2 General Plan for the National System of Integrated Monitoring Duration A 2.5 C 2.38 D Outputs 2.38 Institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Environment Notes

Table 2: General Technical Assistance, Environment ** Prog. Code: RO-9206 Duration: 09/11/92 - 12/3/94 Amount: 5 M Type of Document: Framework Agreement, Financial Status, OMAS Report
Project code and title 01. Strengthening of environmental management (TA + studies/long term TA expert) Duration A* 0.475 C* 0.475 P* 0.439 93% Outputs Strengthened capabilities of MoE and local agencies: development of sector strategies for environment. Media + emission and discharge standards +economic instruments + strengthening of enforcement capability Enhanced monitoring and data management capacity to provide information upon which to base policy: TA + air pollution monitoring equipment procured. Public awareness campaign + training on the use and development the majority of the budget was used for of legal and economic instruments for policy and enforcement equipment, rather than for training. The general public was not reached by the awareness campaign Notes

02. Environmental monitoring


2.872 100%

2.809 98%

03. Training programme


1.644 100%

1.641 99%


*source: Financial status; the MoE had requested a budget re-allocation from the original FM allocations because the implementation was behind schedule constraints ** designed to build upon the achievements of RO-9105/ managed from Brussels, because of the poor management capacity of the MoE: no PMU in the MoE

Table 3: Waste Water Treatment programme in Jiu Valley * Prog. Code: RO9608 Duration: 29/5/97-31/12/2000 Amount: 8.4 M Type of Document: FP, FM, Financial Status 26.05.98:
Project code and title 01. Supply and installation of sewer network pipes and ancillary equipment 02. Waste water treatment plant refurbishment 03. Design and supervision for Waste Water Facility 04. TA Duration A 6.33 C 0 D Outputs 0 Sewerage equipment Notes

0.81 0.49

0 0.34 69 % 0.299 88 % 0.340 87 %

0 Waste water treatment equipment 0.016 Investment preparation for waste water 3% 0.098 29 % 0.096 25 %


05. Management support


* carried out in cooperation with the EBRD (a loan, through its MUDPII programme) and managed by the beneficiary authority, the RAAVJ, the local water authority. The RAAVJ and the national government cover part of the costs




Table 1: Assistance for Restructuring the Energy Sector Prog. Code: BG9107 Duration: 13/4/92 end 95 extended to end 97 Addendum in 4/2/93 Amount: 10 M
Project code and title 01 Restructuring the energy sector 01 Organisation and policy formation 09/92 01/95 Duration A 3.50 2.01 2.01 Study to define options and recommendations for Complex energy management model establishment of an organisation to oversee energy sector produced, though useful price management. analysis. Limited dissemination in Bulgaria. Created good debate and had input into draft energy laws. 0.75 Study to define a strategy for energy conservation and efficiency, and recommend legal changes and other implementation actions. No formal dissemination process. 0.15 PMU information system. 0.28 Economic and social study giving recommendations for restructuring & rationalisation of the mine, including management plans and costings, and associated employment diversification activities. 0.15 TA to assist in constructing a database of energy users 0.10 ? 0.68 Wide range of studies, covering mainly technical feasibility, sector restructuring and legislation/ regulations 0.06 Basic office and lab equipment 1.17 Operated effectively. C D Outputs Notes

02 Energy efficiency and conservation

09/92 04/94


03 EPIMS 11 Bobov Dol Mining complex study 09/92 10/94

0.15 0.28

13 Database assistance 14 Training and short term advice 15 Follow-up of completed projects

0.15 0.10 0.70

16 Equipment for RECs 02 Nuclear safety 2.65

0.05 1.19

03 Electricity 05 Assessment of use of domestic lignite 06 Gas supply to households 07 Generation plants improvement 09/92 10/94


3.37 0.77 0.24 0.76

3.32 0.77 Technical study with no follow-up 0.24 Technical study with no follow-up 0.74 Study to improve management systems, covering supply/loss planning, maintenance, pricing, procurement. Recommendations for particular shortterm adjustment activities at one power station. 0.32 Study to assess Bulgaria's high voltage transmission network and make proposals for improvement, including possible connection to UCPTE, with associated investment plan. Some study missions to Germany and Switzerland. 0.33 Technical study with no follow-up 0.78 Technical study with no follow-up 0.14 Technical study with no follow-up. Concluded that safety regulations were too strict, compared with EU standards, preventing commercial opportunities. 0.71 0.71 ? 0.78 0.73 0.52 0.02

08 Electricity interconnection

09/92 04?/95


10 Review of briquette industry 11 District heating optimisation 12 Assessment of LPG use in households

0.34 0.79 0.16

04 Management assistance and training 01 Management training 05 PMU Assistance 01 Technical Assistance 02 Short term TA 06 Evaluation 05 Contingencies * 2Mecu for 1992+ rest pending Commission decision

0.00 0.00

0.71 0.71 0.86 0.81 0.56

0.30 0.60


Table 2: Short Term Energy Import Prog. Code: BG9111 Duration: 20/12/91 end 95 (extended to end 96) Amount: 10.06 M
Project code and title 01 Electricity import from Poland Duration A C 6.60 D Outputs Payment for emergency imports of electricity from Poland arising from NEK inability to generate sufficient electricity Payment for emergency imports of electricity from Poland arising from NEK inability to generate sufficient electricity Supporting TA for tendering Spare parts for electricity generation. Generated counterpart funds for which records have not been made available to the EC. Notes Possible creation of counterpart funds?

02 Electricity import from Romania


Possible creation of counterpart funds?

03 TA for electricity imports 04 Spare parts through PROMPT (mainly in 9207)

0.11 0.15

Table 3: Emergency Energy Supply (winter 92/93) Prog. Code: BG9207 Duration: 05/05/97 end 95 (extended) Amount: 10 M
Project code and title 01 Short term demand reduction campaign 02 Emergency supply of spare parts through PROMPT 03 Nuclear TA: Kozloduy NPP units 5+6 Duration All Com 0.25 8.75 1.05 Disb Expected outputs/objectives 0.24 ? 8.74 Spare parts of electricity generation 1.01 Comments/ Information

Table 4: Conventional Energy Programme Prog. Code: BG9307 Duration: 7/3/94 end 96 (extended to end 98) Amount: 8.4 M
Project code and title 01 Demonstration programme for energy 01 Multi-dwelling houses district heating 02 Multi-dwelling houses individual heating 03 Hospitals 04 Public buildings 05 Energy management Duration A 3.00 C 3.01 0.48 0.46 0.67 0.90 0.45 D Outputs 2.34 0.35 Design of improved District Heating systems, tendering of demos and dissemination/training for results. 0.38 Design of improved heating systems, tendering of demos and dissemination/training for results. 0.55 Design of improved heating systems, tendering of demos and dissemination/training for results. 0.69 Design of improved heating systems, tendering of demos and dissemination/training for results. 0.32 Assistance in the creation of energy management capacity in a demo municipality and dissemination of results. 0.06 1.61 0.71 Study of energy saving potential. Training of REC staff. Creation of regional energy plan and associated demo projects. Preparation of awareness campaigns and other dissemination. 0.85 Study of energy saving potential. Training of REC staff. Creation of regional energy plan and associated demo projects. Preparation of awareness campaigns and other dissemination. 0.06 Particular support in moving from study to implementation for 02-01 and 02-02 0.53 0.48 Study of barriers and incentives for renewable energy Notes

06 Project monitoring 02 Regional energy concepts/centres 01 Lovetch pilot region 3.70

0.07 3.36 1.71

02 Haskovo pilot region


03 Project monitoring (for project 02)


03 Assessment of renewable energies 01 TA and economic assessment


0.54 0.49

companies. Proposals for improved incentives. Implementation of some small-scale demo projects. Design of public information campaign. Training for COE staff. 02 Razlog/Shoumen waste use assessment 4 months 0.05 0.05 Design study for use of waste as source of power for improved heating system. 1.34 0.70 0.33 0.31

04 Support to PMU 01 TA 02 Operational budget 03 Contingencies (managed by Brussels)


1.61 0.83 0.33 0.45

Table 5: Conventional Energy Programme Prog. Code: BG9404 Duration: 27/4/95 end 97 (addendum 14/1/97 with extension) Amount: 15 M
Project code and title 01 Coal for Varna power station Duration A C 7.50 D Outputs 3.00 Special addendum to switch use of funds from larger Maritsa contribution to direct purchase of coal for power plant, following temporary closure of nuclear plants for inspections. 0.00 Installation of flue gas desulpherisation plant with 90% efficiency. Co-financing with other donors. Notes

02 Contribution to Maritsa FGD plant



Table 6: Conventional Energy Prog. Code: BG9411 Duration:3/5//95 - end 98 Amount: 3.4 M
Project code and title 01 Organisation development 01 Reorganisation of energy sector institutions and companies 3 yrs Duration A 1.60 C 1.57 1.00 D Outputs 0.21 0.17 Study to propose new organisation structure, job descriptions, pay structures. Promotion of proposed changes with managers. Prepare proposals for organisational structure and information systems. Train staff. Propose funding strategy and help in preparing projects for finance applications. 0.04 Supplementary funds for BG 9307/01 & 02 0.79 0.26 Study to identify losses and propose economical methods for reduction of losses and for sustainable monitoring/control of losses. 0.41 Study to design monitoring system. Tender for supply of monitoring equipment. Reporting on state of pipeline. 0.12 Study to design optimal grading systems and changes in management practices. Prepare specs for pilot grading operation and purchase equipment. Specification of hard rock detection technology and assistance in procurement [financing from where?]. Assist in modification of management to utilise hard rock detection. Status not clear. Notes

02 TA to Energy Efficiency Fund

1 yr


03 Follow-up of completed projects 02 Improvement of energy supply conditions 01 Monitoring/control of electricity losses 1.45

0.27 1.48 0.30

02 Gas pipeline monitoring system


03 Coal measurement/grading in open pit mines

10 mnths


04 Detection of hard rock in open pit mine

8 mnths

03 PIU assistance and operation 01 TA 02 Operation costs 03 Evaluation and audit 12 mnths


0.35 0.14 0.12 0.09

0.28 0.13 0.07 Includes travel, seminars, o/m for vehicles and office equipment. 0.07

Table 7: Conventional Energy Programme Prog. Code: BG9508 Duration: 08/03/96 - 30/6/98 Amount: 5 M
Project code and title 01 Harmonisation of policy/legislation and investment promotion 01 Harmonisation of energy standards with EU Duration A 2.50 0.40 C 2.61 0.40 Identify differences in standards and propose solutions. Publish EU standards in Bulgarian. Create & equip EPU to: monitor EU developments; Possibly cancelled because of lack of participate in alignment of Bulgarian policy, legislation commitment to sectoral and standards; and promote public debate. restructuring. 0.50 Create & equip ERA to: assistance in evolution of regulations to enable market competition Training of trainers to assist energy company managers in applying for investment financing form IFA and banks. Feasibility study to define potential for reconstruction, in the context of a major World Bank economic reconstruction programme for parastatals. New proposal in latest work programme, no details available New proposal in latest work programme, no details available New proposal in latest work programme, no details available New proposal in latest work programme. Probably refers to minor workshop and CoE training programme ERA not yet functioning. Status unclear. D Outputs Notes

02 Assistance in creation of Energy Policy Unit


03 Assistance in creation of Energy Regulation Authority


04 Project management training



05 DHC rehabilitation feasibility study


06 Study of DH strategy, incl. Legislation & regulations


07 TA for privatisation of some of DHC


08 TA for new tariff policy & public awareness campaign


09 TA for finalisation of energy strategy & workshop


to promote understanding of sustainable pricing policy. 10 Support for FRPs for DHC 0.30 TA, training, equipment. New proposal in latest work programme. 0.04 0.04 Study of economic, social and environmental implications of coal mine closure and plan for closure. Organise monitoring of environmental parameters. Prepare proposals for alternative use of assets, including other companies in region and assist companies in obtaining finance for clean-up of old uranium facilities. No information available 0.02 0.02

02 Improvement of mining sector viability 01 Pilot closure of coal mine

2.20 1.20

2.20 0.98

02 Removal of consequences of Bukhovo uranium mine closure



03 Modern mining equipment 03 TA to PMU in CoE/Programme management 01 TA 02 Operation costs 03 Contingencies 04 Audit, monitoring, evaluation 0.06 0.24

0.22 0.24 0.09 0.15 0.06

Table 8 Energy Programme Prog. Code: BG9601 Duration: 05/07/96 end 97 (extended to end 98) Amount: 10 M
Project code and title 01 Purchase of alternative energy supplies Duration A 5.00 C 5.00 D Outputs 4.50 Special addendum to enable emergency purchase of coal [?]. 2.74 2.51 Grant for dredging of Varna port to enable larger vessels to deliver coal, thus reducing dependence on nuclear and lignite and imports from one country alone. 0.23 Training in management, accounting and procurement. Preparation of strategic plans for institutional restructuring. 0.50 0.43 Financial analysis of DH companies and proposals for management improvement. 0.04 Study of structure and role of possible ESCO and proposals for formation. Study of possible structure for privatisation. 0.04 Technical and financial study of new storage facilities and preparation of business plan for financing applications. 0.03 Notes

02 Assistance in the diversification of energy supplies 01 Varna port dredging


3.53 2.54

02 TA to NEK


03 Increasing energy supply and reducing demand 01 Financial recovery plans for district heating


1.41 0.70

02 Legislation for energy service company


03 Restructuring power for competition/investment 04 Feasibility study of Chiren gas storage

0.37 0.20

04 Audit, monitoring, evaluation



Table 1: Air Pollution Monitoring Programme Prog. Code: BG 9002 (was Phare/90/068/030/001) Duration: 01/91 end 93 (extended to 30/09/94) Amount: 3.5 M
Project code and title Air monitoring equipment Duration 03/91 09/94 A 3.11 C D Outputs 3.48 Funding of air monitoring stations (2.17 M assurance lab (0.25 M equipment (0.284 M (0.643 M Technical assistance and training - 07/94 0.14 ). ambient air monitors ().066 M ), quality ), ), info systems (0.075 M Notes

), emission monitoring

) and other monitoring equipment

0.15 Short term TA to assist in tendering. Most tendering done from Brussels. 0.00



Table 2: Environmental Sector Programme 1991+92 Prog. Code: BG9101 Duration: 01/92 30/09/95 Amount: 15 M
Project code and title 01 Technical Assistance Assorted equipment/furnishings Duration A 1.60 2.28 NCESD lab furnishings (0.95 M MEW/NCESD? (1.07 M Eco-tourism/public education 0.347 ), computers ) ), other equipment (0.24 M C D Outputs Notes

Management plans, guides, visitor centre, video for national parks. Renovation and upgrading of MEW library (0.18 M ? Training in lab and monitoring techniques and management, computing, language Studies to produce strategies for air quality monitoring. Study to propose changes in legislation for EIA [possibly in 9310?]. 2 study tours, one for harmonisation of hazardous waste regulations, the other for familiarisation with EC procedures. TA to MEW. ).

MEW Library and public awareness EIA activities Training

0.18 0.106 ?



Study tours

Short and long-term TA for MEW 02 Monitoring equipment for LIC 01 Air 11.90 6.74

Monitoring equipment

02 Water 03 Radiation 04 Information systems for NCESD/REIs Contingencies 1.50

4.17 2.23 0.04

Monitoring equipment Monitoring equipment Networking & communications systems for NCESD and Cancelled because only one tender REIs received.

Table 3: 1993 Environment Sector Programme Prog. Code: BG9310 Duration: 7/3/94 -31/12/96 (extended to 30/06/97) Amount: 7 M
Project code and title 01 Monitoring equipment, data management, associated training Duration A 1.5 C 1.424 D Outputs Notes

1.383 Provision of equipment to assist MoE, NCESD and REIs with Not clear how REIs will monitoring and communication of water, air, noise and finance running costs electromagnetic radiation. Information is disseminated through Qtrly and Annual reports. Small to provide library services in REIs. Phone exchange for MEW and NCESD. 0.307 Funds for refurbishment and equipment for REIs, including study for specification and part financing of refurbishment with NEPF. 0.638 Supplement of MEW planning to incorporate waste disposal, land use, soil erosion and air pollution. Intended as pilot in area where pollution is moderate, so investments are feasible and identifiable results can be expected. Study and full design and tendering to technical solutions for containing spills from old tailing pond, following closure of uranium mine which used to utilise water from the tailing pond. Implementation under CBC. Specs and tenders for equipment prepared, but no acceptable site identified. Project now cancelled. 0.76 Completed project to prepare and implement grant-funded clean-up activities from copper plant, in preparation for privatisation. Sand reprocessed and contained in land fill. Successful project, with good sources of information on pollutant, ecology, social and economic benefits Not clear how implementation is expected to take place

02 Laboratory upgrading and refurbishment



03 Selected pollution alleviation projects 01 Mesta River environment management plan


3.42 0.15

02 Eleshnitza uranium tailing pond rehabilitation

- ongoing


Completed study and tender documents

03 Chemical waste incineration



04 Vromos Bay clean-up

94 07/98


05 Minor Environmental Protection Projects


Fund for minor investments in emission control and pollution prevention, costing less than 200,000. Used for 11 studies and pilot activities. Managed by PMU except Sevko for NPEF.

04 Institutional support for MOE and PMD 01 Management of programme


0.900 0.02

0.812 Hiring of specialised consultants, both to handle additional workload of new programme and to manage new database & project appraisal. Study by Bulgarian expert to produce ecological zones and reference indices for bio-diversity and target/indicator species, plus a plan for implementing a monitoring activity. Technical training for MEW, NCESD and REI staff in lab operation and toxicity. Study tours for mine rehabilitation, integrated permitting, water conservation, soil erosion, water basin management and financial tools for environmental management. Production and dissemination of 6 video films. Demo audit for a sugar plant in Gorna Oryahovitza. Demo EIA pocedure for Russe municipality, including EIA of the main polluters and of the city masterplan (06/96). Seminars to exchange lessons, including short term auditing of main polluters and EIA on city masterplans, with participation from main cities in Bulgaria. 0.413

02 National biomonitoring strategy


03 Training


04 Study tours and information


Contingencies and evaluation Total higher than 15m, because of use of interest earned



Table 4: 1994 Environment Programme (part of 1994 infrastructure programme) Prog. Code: BG9408 Duration: 01/09/95 end 96 (extended to 30/06/97) Amount: 4.2 M
Project code and title Duration A C D Outputs Notes

01 Developing of NCESD 01 Equipment

1.00 0.90


0.542 Refurbishment and equipping of offices for NCESD, including library, conference centre, public awareness centre, fire protection and some lab and office equipment TA for training of NCESD and NEPF. Study tour for senior MEW/NCESD staff to see latest developments in EU. Running costs currently funded by MEW and NEPF.

02 TA


02 Upgrading National Monitoring 01 National monitoring equipment


1.32 0.65

0.013 Provision of further monitoring equipment, including for Tender prepared. wastes and soil, plus more items for air and water. This should complete the monitoring equipment. Assistance with preparation of tender documents for provision Tender prepared of equipment. Assistance with reconstruction implementation? 0.049 NEPF financing for tender preparation for provision of equipment for ? General fund for rapid deployment in feasibility studies for possible investments identified as priorities by forthcoming study of major Danube polluters. Preparation & publication of booklet in Bulgarian and English providing advice to potential investors on application for finance.

02 Upgrading regional laboratories


03 Pre-investment studies for Danube pollution



01 Feasibility studies & minor investments

02 Guidelines for investors

04 Selected pollution abatement projects 01 Vehicle exhaust improvement


0.815 0.35

0.080 Conversion of buses to gas, if ongoing feasibility study recommends. Grant supplied to Sevko tannery, to act as demo for other tanneries. Completed, but not clear is used

02 Tannery effluents


03 Bukhovo waste disposal site reconstruction

0.175 0.08? 0.175

Emergency stabilisation work on tailing pond wall. Study to identify main sources of pollution 0.100 Grants for rehabilitation of sites contaminated by mining/industry

Lack of commitment by participating organisations? Demonstration on 50? Ha.

04 Rehabilitation of contaminated lands

05 National Botanic Gardens conservation


Construction/repair of glasshouses and road to improve access Completed and education facilities Lighting to make safe for visitors 0.286 Various technical assistance for Phare programme management, including 2 long term foreign TA and operating costs for PMU. Funding of consultant to help manage the CBC programme, plus associated operating costs. Study to determine national strategy, including costed action plan for alignment with EU waste legislation New recruitment delayed, extensions effective Cancelled because not considered cost-effective

06 Magura cave conservation 05 Institutional support for MOE and PMU 01 TA/operating costs to PMU 0.395

0.03 0.535 0.290

02 Support for CBC management


03 National waste disposal strategy

- 07/98




Multi Country Program mes



Table 1: Multi-country energy Prog. Code: ZZ 9208 Duration (i.e. starting and expiry date according to FM): 01/08/92-31/12/95 Amount: 7 M Type of Document: Status Report 15.05.96, Financial Status 24.05.96
Project code and title 01. A Albania, Bulgaria, Romania: electricity interconnection with UCPTE Duration (1) 11.09.93 ? (1) 11.09.93 ? A 1 C 1 D 97 % Outputs feasibility study for the interconnection (synhronous operation) of these countries to UCPTE electrical network, with an aim to secure the supply of energy/costestimates feasibility / technical study on the synchronous operation of CENTREL and UCPTE power systems and towards the development of the Trans-European Networks (TEN) Initiative/ cost estimates/training CENTREL load despatching staff a Masterplan for the natural gas interconnection, with possible supply routes through CEECs towards the EU, aimed at diversification of energy supply increase the management capacity in the oil sector/ training/ recommendation on how to to facilitate the development of efficient bulk oil market increase the management capacity in the power sector Notes Albania, Bulgaria, Romania preparing , including investments for interconnection in 1997-1998. Technically managed by RENEL CENTREL operates synchronously with UCPTE since October 1995

01C Technical assistance to CENTREL/interconnection with UCPTE

97 %

02 Natural gas interconnection

(1) 13.05.93 ?

99 %

identification and assessment of future demand, potential suppliers and routes/ 3 follow-up projects introduced under the 94 & 95 MCEP + 2 Synergy projects the problem of trade liberalisation for oil and oil products is being dealt with in the projects related to Energy Charter

03 Oil sector: twinning/training on the demand side

(1) 01.95 -?

84 %

04 Management twinning/Training in the power sector 05 Energy Charter

(1) 25.08.93 ? (1) 28.08.93 ?

99 %

97 %

areview of how to coverge the energy policies of in 1994 all Phare countries signed the Energy Charter the CEECs by introducing the principles of the Treaty Charter in the their energy policies/ training of both industry and governmental organisations of

the CEECs with the implementation of the Energy Charter

Table 2: Multi-country Energy 1993 Prog. Code: ZZ 9308 Duration: 22/11/1993-31/12/1995 Amount: 5 M Type of Document: Status Report 15.05.96
Project code and title 01 Improvement of urban efficiency through multilateral co-operation and development networks 0302A Technical assistance to the Electricity Interconnection of Albania, Bulgaria and Romania with UCPTE (continuation) 03/01 Interface between the extended UCPTE network and its Eastern Neighbours (electricity interconnection) Duration (1) 08.94 - ? A 2 C 2 D Outputs Notes ** this programme of projects is a joint vernture between Phare, ECOS and Ouverture

90 % demonstration projects, involving co-operation and networking of municipalities in Central Europe and EU on energy efficiency strategies/ restructuring of the energy sector

(1) 11.95 - ?



90 % further technical study on the connection of the electricity networks Technically managed by of Albania, Bulgaria and Romania to UCPTE; training to improve the RENEL professional skills of control power system operators 90 strategic study of the needs and ways for future co-operation % between the electricity networks of EU and NIS countries; led to a clearer definition of the potential options for interconnecting major Trans-European power networks/ identification of the major technical problems related to energy quality and security of supply Interconnection of the systems is confirmed as feasible/ elaboration a catalogue with standards measures for interconnection

(1) 12.94 - ?

0.5 (+ 0.5 from Tacis)


03 02 B Technical assistance to CENTREL interconnection with UCPTE (continuation) 04 Energy Regulation and Legislation

(1) 12.95 - ?



(1) 11.95 - ?

90 % establishment of CENTREL/UCPTE control and accounting centre to interconnection was improve co-operation and prepare transition to parallel operation of achieved two years earlier power systems than originally planned 90 % training and drafting of legislation, aiming at convergence of CEEC policy + harmonisation with EU policy:

** All projects are completed

Table 3: the Multi-country Energy 1994 Programme Prog. Code: ZZ 9417 Duration: 30.07.94 - 31.05.97 Amount: A: 13 C: 13 D: 9.22 M Type of Document: Status Report 15.05.96, Financial Status 1.07.98 (PCU)
Project code and title 01. Natural gas interconnection Tarrifs and pricing / Harmonisation of transit fee policies Duration (1) 04.96 - ? A 2.204 C 2.204 D 1.025 Outputs assistance to the natural gas companies to up-date the tariff and price policies/ a study on transit fee policies in gas interconnection Notes The closing seminar for the Tarrifs and Pricing component was held in the Czech Republic in May 98/the final doc. on harmonisation were distributed in April 98

02 Clean coals strategy for Central and Eastern Europe

(1) 01.95 - ?


strategic study on environmentally the results of the study have already been friendly utilisation of coal in power plants applied by Poland and the Czech Republic / orientation of international financial assistance to minimise the social impact of mine closures policy study on the convergence of CEECs policy with the EU, aiming at a single European energy market, in coherence with the Energy Charter principles strategic study on a a common natural gas strategy for the Baltic countries/proposals for safe supply routes raising awareness on and building capacity for energy efficiency an up-dated PHARE Progress and Strategy Paper, on the harmonisation of CEECs policies with EU policies

03 Convergency of energy policies

(1) 12.95 - ?




04 Co-ordination of natural gas strategies in Baltic Republics 05. Twinning activities for energy consultants, Ministry officials, National Energy Efficiency Organisations

(1) 03.95 - ?




04.96 - ?




06. Programme Co-ordination Unit

09.94 - ?




The Closing Seminar was held in Bucharest in May 98/the final report for the Networking of EEOrganisations and Ministry officials is approved. decentralisation of the project transfer of the technical management of 93 management: establishment of a PCU projects from Brussels to the PCU, even if the within the Romanian Ministry for Industry 93 on-going projects are still managed at the end of 94 financially by DGIA

Table 4: Multi-country Energy Programme 1995

Prog. Code: ZZ 9511 Duration: 23.08.95 - 31.12.97 Amount: A: 9 C: 8.932 D: 2.58 M Type of Document: Status report: 06.06.97/Project Fiches, Financial Status on 01.07.98 (PCU )
Project code and title 01. Energy policy 01.01 Black Sea Regional Energy Centre 01.02 Harmonisation of energy statistics (1) 06.96 - ? (1) 06.96 - ? Duration A 2.450 C 2.440 D 0.646 set up of the centre survey of data collection methods used in CEECs/implementation of the survy on energy consumption in private households and small farrms Centre was set up in 1995. The project was completed in april 1998 Outputs Notes

01.03 Assistance to the Baltic Council of Ministers Committee of Energy 02 Energy efficiency 02.01 Co-operation of local communities

(1) 06.97 - ?

developing co-operation between Baltic States ongoing themselves and BS and EU/information exchange 2.918 2.918 1.360 improvement of energy efficiency in CEEC communities/net-working with EU local communities a clear image of the heat supply, legislative and regulatory framework/ concrete proposals for future actions aiming at convergence with EU framework 0.750 0.750 0.063 demo/ investment projects (fuel switching and co- ongoing generation)/dissemination of results 1.744 1.727 0.144 training of local experts in investment ongoing completed in 05..95

(1) 12.96 - ?

02.02 Heat supply, legislative framework

(1) 07.97 - ?

03 Integrated energy-environment strategy 03.01Black Triangle demo projects (1) 06.97 - ?

04 Interconnection of Energy networks 04.01 Energy investment project management expert (1) 07.97-?

training 05. Programme Co-ordination Unit (1) 09.94 - ? 1.138 1.079 0.370

management in the field of energy networks

Table 5: Multi-country Energy 1996 programme Prog. Code: ZZ 9612 Duration: 25.06.96 - 31.12.98 None of the projects have started yet. Amount: A: 9 C: 1.14 D: 0.127 M Type of Document: FP + evaluation report (Martine), Financial Status 01.07.98 (PCU), Revised Work Progamme 2
Project code and title 01 Energy Policy 01.01 Energy Charter Treaty Round III 15 months Duration A 3.8 1 C 0.06 D 0 raise the understanding of the ECT and legislation approximation Outputs Notes

01.02 Approximation of CEEC to EU Energy Legislation 01.03 Energy statistics and reporting systems

15 months 15 months

1 1.2 + 0.8 introducing a compatible energy statistics schemes, aiming at harmoniation/institutional development by enlarging the top staff cooperation leading to a restructure of energy secotor on both the supply and demand side and an improvement of security of energy supply 0 0 at sub-regional levels in selected CEECs (strategic end-user)/know-exchange between experts of the benificiaries identification of the potential beneficiaries of pilot projects + of strategy for implementation

01.04 Black Sea Regional Cooperation

01/98-20 months


02 Energy supply 02.01 Enhancement of gas supply security 14 months

2 1.3

02.02 Promotion of the small scale cogeneration solutions

12 months


03 Energy efficiency and environment 03.01 Energy efficiency & economics in housing sector 16 months

1.6 0.95


0 raising public awareness/guidelines for the development of energy efficiency investments networking between experts of CEECs and EU/training

03.02 Good management practice in district heating

04/9822 months


04. Programme management and evaluation 04.01 Programme Co-ordination Unit 04.02 Supplementary management activities

1..6 1.3 0.3



Table 1: Regional Environment Programme Prog. Code: ZZ9111 Duration: 27/11/91-30/9/95 Amount: 20 M Type of document: Financing Proposal + no LF
Project code and title Duration A 9.5 C 9.27 D Outputs Notes

01-Integrated Environmental Programme for the Danube River basin 01.01 Coordination unit 01.02 Inventory emissions, biological resources, 01.03 Study of riverine soil pollution 13/4/922/9/97 13/2/9415/6/98 5/2/963/5/96 17/2/9422/4/97 25/2/9415/4/97 10/4/954/4/99

7.46 Support the Danube bordering countries to fulfill their obligations under the FP only (no FM or LF; FP covers only Danube Convention, that is aimed at effective environmental management . Bulgaria, Hungary, former Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania Establishment of coordination unit Inventory of major environmental problems + preparation of comprehensive recovery programme + integration of a long-term environmental development plan into regional and national strategies Study

0.7 2.5

0.59 2,89



01.04 Networks, NGOs, Training



Activities related to NGO participation (including public awareness) + training. Training to ensure comparable monitoring activities. An effective system of networks to support programme activities. Mainly top-up equipment to supplement of existing equipment. Research activities to be used to define legal, policy and management framework to help to improve the environmental problems of the Danube estuary and Black Sea and better manage this sensitive coastal environment

01.05 Water monitoring



01.06 Research Danube Delta and Black Sea



01.07 Facility for small research activities


1 3

0.71 2.96 98%

Research activities related to the Danube programme 2,93 A recovery and development plan for the Black Triangle concentrating 98% primarily on air pollution abatement, waste management and nature protection only concerns Poland, CZ, FRG

02-Integrated Environmental Programme for the Black Triangle

02.01 Preparation of Framework Plan




Inventory of major environmental problems + preparation of comprehensive recovery programme +ntegration a long-term environmental development plan into regional and national strategies Support for the establishment of a BT Secretariat in Poland or CZ, to reduce trans-border pollution in the Black Triangle Support for the establishment of a joint ambient monitoring network (including equipment) concerns Poland, Czech, Germany

02.02 Support for Black Triangle secretariat 02.03 Ambient Air monitoring Network

7/7/9215/4/97 10/7/9230/4/00

0.4 1.8


03-R&D programme on the effects on health of air pollution in selected regions


2.56 Provide a sound scientific basis for reducing health risks in the most cost85% effective way +improve understanding of air pollution on health + facilitate exchanges of data/expertise between regions with similar air pollution problems and European research institutes Study of impact of air pollution on health to demonstrate links and support strategic planning. Big epidemeology study. Data collection and analysis. Training, exchange of personnel, scientific workshops. For standardisation of epidemeology studies. 2.77 Integration of environment information systems in Europe: provision of 92% comprehensive environmental inventories and cartography Biophysical inventory. Planning tool for sector: environment, agriculture, forestry, general land-use; Inventory/data on sulphur dioxide, nitrogen, volatile organic compounds Identification/assessment of biotope sites; environmental planning and policy instrument 0.94 Basis for environment programme in Europe, including curative and 94% preventive measures + awareness raising on environmental issues 0.45 91% 17.11 [S/A-P]

03.01 Studies




03.02 Training, workshops 04-Corine methodologies


1.0 3

0.98 2.87 92% 1.94 0.48 0.45 0.94 94% 0.45 91% 19.48

04.01 Corine Land Cover 04.02 Corine Air 04.03 Corine Biotopes 05-State of the Environment report

18/8/9228/10/97 05/01/9328/10/97 22/1/9328/10/97 14/5/9222/8/97 17/8/9217/4/97

2 0.5 0.5 1

06-Contingencies Total

0.5 20.00

Table 2: Prog. Code: ZZ9211 Duration: 1/8/92-30/4/96 Amount: 16 Mecu Type of document: no info except Desire database + evaluation report 7/97
Project code and title 01-Danube Integrated Programme 02-Black sea Integrated programme Duration 26/3/9317/1/98 13/1/9414/2/00 A 3.9 1 C 3.84 0.98 D Outputs Notes 3.58 92% 0.89 Coastal zone management, EIA, auditing, raising awareness, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Russian 89% support NGOs in Bulgaria and Romania to enhance public Federation, Turkey, Ukraine awareness + support to monitoring laboratories in BU+RO through equipment supply (see evaluation report P35/36) 1.85 Regional programmes to tackle critical problems; institutions for 93% promoting public opinion 2.78 PCU assisting in integration and project preparation Mainly small local demonstration projects Mainly small local demonstration projects [C/A-P]

03-Baltic Sea Integrate Programme

17/11/9330/11/97 22/8/9411/5/98


04-Black Triangle



04.1 PCU/Coord./secretariat
04.02 Polish projects 04.03 Czech projects

04.4 Contingencies
05-Remote Sensing 05.01 Corine Land Cover 5/3/936/10/97 4.9 2.5 4.69 4.53 92% Precursor of EEA. Basic database of land cover. Extension of data sources to common analysis. Extension of Mera to Bulgaria, Czech Rep, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia + results/outputs of MERA 92 (see p.1/187 of evaluation report). Monitoring environment. Used for various studies of ecological trends.

05.02 MARS Applications


05.03 Black Triangle Demo


05.04 Danube Demo 06-Regional Environment Centre 07-Programme coordination Total 2/6/937/5/97

0.3 1.00 0.3 16 1,00 0.30 15,67 1,00 0.29 98% 14,92

Table 3: Multi-Country Environment Programme Prog. Code: ZZ9512 Duration:23/8/95-31/8/98 Amount: 20 M Type of document: FinancingProposal + LF
Project code and title Duration 01-Promotion of closer Integration into the EU A 12.00 C 7.34 D Outputs 6.16 Closer integration: establishment of compatible environmental info 51% systems and info exchanged between Phare countries and Eu 34% Environmental databases and information at regional level and subregional level + participation of experts from CEECs in the definition of EEA projects + use of comparable information for implementation of environmental policies + EOINET structure 49% Harmonise methods and statistical data, create uniform system for rapid environmental and agricultural estimates; strengthened statistical system; open up EU programmes and promote integration. Managed separately with PMU status, but had lots of problems with tendering. 2 M 01.03.Regional Environmental Centre 18/7/96- NGO Small grants and Capacity 18/12/97 Building 02- Compliance with International conventions 02.01.Danube River Basin Programme 23/3/968/1/98? 1.00 1.30 cancelled. [A-C/P] Notes

01.01.CEEC cooperation with the EEA :




Corine activities (Biotopes, LandCover) linked to ZZ911 [S-P]

01.02.MARS and related environmental applications (MERA)




Extension of MERA acticities to Albania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia + continuation in existing 6 countries [S/O-P]

80% Projects planned and implemented by NGOs (local grant programme + strengthened NGOs (fellowship programme + dissemination + training)



0.59 Compliance with international conventions to improve the environment 46% 0.47 Improved water monitoring and assessment capability; improved emergency warning and alarm system techniques; regional environmental studies; applied research; legislative reform; implementation of Strategic Action Plan Rehabilitation of priority wetlands. Raise awareness of importance of wetlands and conduct demonstrations of how to conserve wetlands Satellite phone and needs assessment Link to ZZ9211 +ZZ9111 [O-P]






Warning system


Monitoring Strategic plan Management and research 02.02.Black Sea 5/9717/2/00 0.50

0.012 0.011 0.517 0.50

Needs assessment Tender evaluations

0.14 Integrated programme in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech and Slovak Fed Rep., Germany, Hungary, Romania Slovenia, Ukraine, Moldova. Link to ZZ92. Priorities set by Black Sea PCU. Environmental education & public awareness, though support to NGOs and publicity campaigns. Training for effective monitoring network including equipment

Delay of >2 years due to coordination between Russia and Turkey [O/R/A/L-P] [A-P] IEGWS contract

Public Awareness

Pollution Control


[O-P] Equipment contracted, but quite likely that overspecified with too high running costs Collaboration with TACIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Georgia ) [I/A/O-P]

03-Examples for Regional cooperation: Black Triangle


5.00 4.26+J AMS

2.91 Initial allocation of 80% for investment of which 8 major projects 58% accounted for 3.6 M . Contracts signed for 4.20 M . Projects include: gas heating conversion, desulpherisation, wastewater, tree planting and studies. Support to REC for awareness promotion (0.06 M for equipment, training and start-up JAMS (small <0.3 M ). Support ).

04-Old Liabilities Preventing Investments Development of remediation concepts for uranium mining operations 05-Project Management, preparation for future programmes, pilot actions 05.01.Regional Environmental Fund 20/4/967/11/99 4/5/967/11/99 4/7/964/7/97



0.88 Development of remediation methods to promote inward investment



91% Inventory and verification

Concerns: BG, CZ, HU, Po, RO and SL. Little field activity as yet.



0.65 92% 0.40 Projects identified, prepared and set up by the Ministries of Environment



05.02. programme management and liaison



0.25 strengthened liaison office





Table 4: Environment Prog. Code: ZZ9613 Duration: 25/6/96-31/12/98 Amount: 10 M Type of document: no FM + no FP only financial status
Project code and title 01- Approximation MARS 02- Conventions 02/01 Danube Warning system Duration A 1.00 25/10/964.20 3.50 C 0 1.78 2.50+ 0.278 D Outputs 0 Cancelled and gone to Danube 0.95 0.95+ Strengthening organisations to enable them to manage an accident emergency warning system Strengthening TNMN's ability to manage a trans-national network for monitoring and helping to acredit the labs. Pilot clean technologies and assisting in preparing for investment proposals Notes



Strategic plan Management and research 02/02 Baltic ICZN1 11/974/99? 1.50

0.933 0.357 1.40+

0.21+ Define the coastal zones requiring protection. Passing and enforcement of land use legislation to protect coastal zones 0.015 Meeting in Sept 1998 to finalise programme, to be contracted by end of year. Aquaculture demonstration project and a study on the establishment of an Environment Fund

02/03 Black Sea



Sustainable Development

Coastal Zone Management


Tourism development potential feasibility study

(7) 1 Included as Biodiversity project in OMAS 1998 evaluation report

Regional Activity Centre 03- Regional cooperation: Black Triangle 04- Health and biodiversity 04/01 Forestry programme 04/02 Uranium remediation 04/03 Nature parks 05- Management Total 29/4/9712/11/99 7/7/9717/2/99 07/9707/98+ 10/9704/9730/11/967/11/99 0.50 0.41+

Georgia only, under TACIS 0.22 Mainly for PCU maintenance. Some activities include pilot demos, though at a small scale 0.43 59% Project preparation study covering strategies and investments 0.28 Data verification, pilot projects to test and demonstrate clean-up technologies 0.58+ Training, workshops and secondment to strengthen the management of national parks 0.17+ 2.78 C-P O-B

3.10 0.60 1.00 1.50 0.70 10.00

0.70 0.60 1.00 1.50 0.70

Table 5 Project Code: ZZ9725 Duration:3/12/97-31/10/99 Amount:17 Mecu Type of document: no FM; only draft Commision decision on Multicountry annual operational programme 1997
Project code and title 01-approximation/harmonisation Duration 31/3/983/4/00 A 6.50 C 3,42 D Outputs 0.72 Adapt or set up new institutions and administrative 11% procedures to conform with EU requirements + development of networks + common activities among similar professional groups throughout the region Small scale NGO activities + NGO capacity building. Includes shifting of 0.4 M MARS/MERA 2.00 from PMU. link to ZZ9512. Cancelled. Notes no FM; only Financing Proposal




Creation of management systems + means for rapid estimates of changes in land-use, patterns and/or environmental change/degradation. 0.9 already switched. Remainder acting as contingency 61% 1,82 State of Environment Report 0.45 Cooperation on critical regional environmental issues , 8% subject of international conventions Implementation of the Strategic Action Plan

European Environment Agency 02-implementation of International conventions Danube River Basin Environmental Programme Black Sea Environmental Programme 28/2/9830/4/00

3.5 5.90




Strengthened participation of Bulgaria and Romania in the linked to TACIS projects in Ukraine, Russia,, implementation of the Bucharest Convention and Black Sea Georgia Action Plan 0.06 3% Improved protection and management of water in transboundary river basins. Increased from original 0.6 M concerns Latvia and Lithuania initially

03-regional cooperation Pilot Project for the Protection and management of Transboundary Rivers in the Baltic Region


1.80 1.0


Black Triangle Project



Reduced pollution : investments in local environmental improvements, awareness-raising and public environmental reporting 0.15 7% Control risks to human health and environment: implementation of national remediation programmes for 9 countries (data collection + evaluation + pilot project). Allocation includes some shifting from MARS/MERA 0 Support to MCP Liaison Office. To be used for preparation of nature conservation issues in Baltic countries 1.38 link to ZZ9512

04-protection of health and biodiversity



Remediation Concepts for Uranium Mining operations








**** THE FOLLOWING ARE HORIZONTAL PROGRAMMES **** Table 6: Prog. Title: Support for the Preparation of an Immediate Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe (PostDobris) Prog. Code: ZZ9218 This is not a Multi-Country Programme, but a Horizontal Programme Duration: 31/1/92-31/1/96 Amount: 10 Mecu Type of document: Financing Proposal + no LF
Project code and title Project and investment preparation Fund Total Duration 31/3/9331/1/96 A C D Outputs 10.00 9.41 8.86 In the framework of the Dublin and Dobris process; immediate environmental Action Programme for CEECs Notes

Table 7: Environmental Legislation Prog. Code: ZZ9602 Duration: 25/2/96-30/4/99 Amount: 10 M Type of document: no FM, no FP, nothing except financial status
Project code and title 01-Policy advice and PIU 02-CBA + country specific 03-seminars, network total Duration 12/9/9612/9/99 12/9/9612/9/99 12/9/9612/9/99 A 2.00 7.00 1.00 10.00 C 2,00 7,00 1,00 10,00 D 0.77 39% 0 0.42 42% 1,19 Outputs Notes

Table 8: Environment Project Preparation Prog. Code: ZZ9603 Duration:25/2/96-31/12/98 Amount:15 M Type of document: no FM + no FP only financial status
Project code and title Duration A 4.25 10.75 C 3.50 7,49 D 1,39 33% 2,52 23% 3,91 Outputs Notes

01-project identification and management 02- project preparation




Appendix A2

Schedule of Meetings

Estonia: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings (13-15 July)

Date and Time Monday, 9am Organisation Environment Accession Programme Support Unit (PIU), Ministry of Environment Key Contacts Mr George McDonnell Position Project Manager Purpose Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PIU. Discuss PIUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolution between 92-98. Collect project data (status, descriptions and financial) and draft OMAS report. Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PIU. Discuss PIUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving policy 93-98. Request project output information and start talking through programmes and projects. Follow up meeting to fill in inventory tables. Project clarification.

Monday, 11am

Energy PIU, Department of Mr Toomas Koovit Energy Development, Ministry of Economic Affairs

PIU Energy Consultant

Monday, 2.308pm

Environment PIU

George McDonnell

Project Manager

Tuesday 9.30am Energy PIU Tuesday, 3pm Environment PIU

Mr Toomas Koovit George McDonnell

PIU Energy Consultant Project Manager

Work through project TORs. Follow up meeting to complete inventory tables.

Tuesday, 5pm

EU Delegation

Mr Lapaleinan

Energy Task Manager

Discuss energy sector dynamics and government energy policy and the role of Phare within the sector. Out of office (sick)

Wednesday, 9am Wednesday, 10am

EU Delegation

Mr Marchelidon

Environment Task Manager PIU Energy Consultant

Energy PIU

Mr Toomas Koovit

Complete tables.

Date and Time No meetings

Organisation Energy Development Department Energy PIU Environment Ministry

Key Contacts Mr Heikki Kulbas Mr Georg Nielsen Mr Allen Grumov

Position Director (PAO) Team leader/external advisor Director (PAO)

Purpose On holiday On holiday On holiday

Latvia: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings (8-10 July)

Date and Time Wednesday, 8.30am Organisation EU Delegation Key Contacts Mr Weiss Michel Levante Position ? Phare Programme Officer Purpose Introduced purpose of visit. Discussed the delegations role in the funding program. Discussed how EU policy funding in the country has evolved 89-98. Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PIU. Discuss PIUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving policy 89-98. Discuss Phare involvement in Investment Fund.

Wednesday, 10.15pm

Wednesday, 11.15pm

Environment PIU, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MEPRD) Latvian Environmental Investment Fund Energy PIU

Ms Daze Roze Ilze Kirse

EU Projects Co-ordinator Technical Expert

Indra Samite Mr Cunculis

Director Local technical expert

Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PMU. Discuss PIUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving policy 93-98. Request project output information and start talking through programmes and projects. Follow up meeting to fill in inventory tables. Project clarification.

Wednesday, 2pm

Environment PIU

Janis Zirnitis Dace Roze

Local technical expert EU projects co-ordinator Under Secretary of State, Head of Energy Department (PAO) Local technical expert Director, Investment Department, and Programme Authorising Officer (PAO)

Thursday, 10am Energy Department, Ministry Aleksandrs Oss of Economy

Introduce project and discuss national energy policy evolution and how Phare projects relate. PAOs role in project identification.

Thursday, 4pm Thursday, 9am

Energy PIU Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Mr Cunculis Zigfrids Bruvers

Follow up meeting to complete inventory tables. Discuss national environmental policy evolution and how Ministry works with PIU. Discuss how Phare programmes relate to national policy.

Date and Time Thursday, 3.30pm Thursday, 3.30pm

Organisation Environment PIU EU Delegation

Key Contacts Dace Roze Michel Levant

Position EU Projects Co-ordinator EU Phare Programme Officer

Purpose Complete project inventory and collect policy papers. Wrap up session. Explain main findings from visit.

Lithuania: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings

Date and Time Monday, 9am Organisation EU Delegation Key Contacts Mr Thiel Clas Nykvist Position First Counselor E&E Task Manager Purpose Introduced purpose of visit. Discussed the delegations role in the funding program. Discussed how EU policy funding in the country has evolved 89-98. Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PMU. Discuss PMUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving policy 89-98. Request a meeting with the programme coordinator(s), ASAP, to work through filling in the inventory tables. Recommend work programmes and FMs are brought for references.

Monday, 2pm

Environment PMU, Ministry of Environment

Gintaras Jodinskas

Head of Programs and PMU

Monday, 4pm

Energy PMU

Morten Sondergaard

Energy Agency, Ministry of Economy

Marijus Franckevicius

Head of PMU and advisor to the Ministry Acting Director

Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PMU. Discuss PMUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving policy 89-98. Request a meeting with the programme coordinator(s), ASAP, to work through filling in the inventory tables. Recommend work programmes and FMs are brought for references. Follow up meeting to fill in inventory tables. Project clarification.

Tuesday, 11am

Energy PMU

Morten Sondergaard

Juratere Vorobjova Tuesday, 2pm Environment PMU Gintaras Jodinskas

Head of PMU and advisor to the Ministry Energy consultant Head of Programs and PMU Head of Programs and PMU

Follow up meeting to fill in inventory tables. Go through files and TORs. Continue reviewing files

Wednesday, 9am

Environment PMU

Gintaras Jodinskas

Date and Time Wednesday, 4pm

Organisation Energy PMU,

Key Contacts Morten Sondergaard,

Position Head of PMU and advisor to the Ministry Head of Programs and PMU Programme Authorising Officer (PAO) First Counselor E&E Task Manager

Purpose Complete project inventory Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Ministrys role in the Phare funding programme. Discuss role of PMU and long term advisors in the project management cycle and institutional arrangements between the PMU, Ministries and Brussels. Discuss national environmental policy evolution and how Ministry works with PMU.

Thursday, 9am

Environment PMU

Gintaras Jodinskas

Thursday, 2pm

Environment Ministry

Mr Dragunas

Thursday, 3.30pm

EU Delegation

Mr Thiel Clas Nykvist

Wrap up session. Explain results of visit and review the inventory tables for confirmation of accuracy.

Poland: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings

Date and Time Monday, 3pm Organisation EU Delegation Key Contacts Mr Peretti Maria Ptaszynska Jerzy Kwiecinski Cweti Czyzycka, Marek Krawczyk Michal Dobrzynski, Position Head of Delegation Task Manager - Environment Programme Officer - Energy Expert Expert Programme Director Purpose Introduced purpose of visit. Asked them to explain the delegations role in the funding program. Asked suggested people to meet. Introduced purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PMU. Discuss PMUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving policy 89-98. Requested a meeting with the programme coordinator(s), to work through filling in the inventory tables. Requested FMs. Introduced purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PMU. Requested a meeting with the programme coordinator(s), next day, to work through filling in the inventory tables. Recommended work programmes and FMs were brought for references.

Tuesday, 10.30am

Energy PMU, Foundation for Industrial Restructuring

Tuesday, 1pm

Environment PMU, International Department, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management Energy PMU

Krzysztof Napieraj, Grazyna Gosdalik,

Director, International Department Expert, International Department

Wednesday, 9am12.30pm Wednesday, 1-4.30pm

Cweti Czyzycka


Follow up meeting to fill in inventory tables. Discuss types of available data for main projects. Follow up meeting to fill in inventory tables. Discuss types of available data for main projects.

Energy PMU

Grazyna Gozdalik Anna Cichon Roman Jankowski Maciej Kabulski Hanna Piasecka Elzbieta Sokolow

Expert, International Department Programme Coordinator

Date and Time Thursday 10.00 am Thursday, pm Friday, 9am

Organisation National Fund for Environment, Phare PMU Ministry of Environment Ministry of Energy

Key Contacts Anna Cichon

Position Programme Coordinator

Purpose Discussion of administrative procedures relating to the PMU, the National Fund, the Ministry of Environment and EU Commission. Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Ministrys role in the Phare funding programme.

Meeting cancelled

Jacek Nowakowski Cweti Czyzycka

PAO, Department of Energy, Ministry of Economy Expert, FIRE (PMU) Head of Delegation Task Manager - Environment Programme Officer - Energy

Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Ministrys role in the Phare funding programme.

Friday, 3pm

EU Delegation

Mr Peretti Maria Ptaszynska Jerzy Kwiecinski

Wrap up session. Explain results of visit and review the inventory tables for confirmation of accuracy.

Hungary: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings

Date and Time 29 June 29 June 30 June Organisation EU Delegation EU Delegation Ministry of Industry Trade and Tourism (MITT) Phare Energy PIU, MITT Key Contacts Richard Guildford Chrisztina Palla Dr Fay Barnabas Position Adviser, Energy Adviser, Environment Deputy General Director Purpose

1 July

Geza Meszaros,

Deputy Programme Authorising Officer Project Officer Deputy General Director

1 July 2 July

Phare Energy PIU, MITT Ministry for Environment and Regional Policy (MERP) Phare Environment PMU, MERP Phare MCP Environment PMU REC, Budapest

Klara Haidegger Dr Bela Donath

2 July

Zsuzsanna Czeger

Programme Manager

2 July

Kalin Borrisov

Liaison Officer

3 July

Gerald Fancoj

Project Officer

Czech Republic: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings ( 3 - 6 August 1998)

Date and Time Organisation Monday 3 August, 10 am - EC Delegation 12.30 p.m. Key Contacts Mr Stephen Collins, Head Investment Section Phare Purpose Introduction to purpose of visit. Understanding of how EU policy funding in the country has evolved in period 89-98. Collection of relevant programme and project documentation Introduction to purpose of visit and explanation of further information needs. Understanding of role and tasks of Environment PMU in Phare programming. Arrangements for further meetings Follow up meeting to discuss programmes in more detail and to discuss types of available data for main projects. Further discussion on development of Phare programmes since 1989 and on other donor financing in the environment sector Introduction to purpose of visit and explanation of information needs. Discussion on role and responsibilities of Energy PMU in Phare programming; Discussion on development of Phare Energy programmes since 89. Detailed discussion on programmes and projects and on types of available data for main projects. Discussed historic and current national environmental policy. Also Ministry of Environments role in the Phare funding programme Discussed historic and current national energy policy. Also Ministry of Industry and Trades role in the Phare funding programme.

Monday 3 August, 2 - 5 p.m.

Environment PMU

Mr Ctibor Kocman, Consultant

Tuesday 4 August, 2 - 3 p.m.

Environment PMU

Ms Alexandra Orlikova, Head of PMU and Director of International Department of the MoE Mr Ctibor Kocman, Consultant Mr Michal Pastvinsky, Head of Energy PMU

Wednesday 5 August, 9 am - 12 p.m.

Energy PMU

Thursday 6 August, 9 - 10 a.m.

Ministry of Environment, Strategies Mr Jaroslav Benes, Head of Department Department Mr Jiri Jiranek Ministry of Industry, Energy Policy Mr Jaroslav Bartos, Head of Department Department Mr Ales Uchytil, Deputy Head of Department

Thursday 6 August, 1.30 3 p.m.

Date and Time Thursday 6 August, 4-5 p.m.

Organisation EC Delegation, Phare Investment Section

Key Contacts Mr Roman Gardea, Energy and Environment Task Manager

Purpose Wrap up session. Explain results of visit and review the results for confirmation of accuracy.

Slovakia: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings

Date and Time Monday 13 July, 9.00 Organisation Energy PMU Key Contacts Ms Rapantova, Head of PMU Purpose Introduction to purpose of visit and explanation of further information needs. Arrangements for further meetings with programme coordinator(s). Follow up meeting to discuss programmes in more detail and to discuss types of available data for main projects. Monday 13 July, 14.00 Tuesday 14 July, 9.00 EU Delegation Mr Peter Muska, energy and environment task manager Mr Bacca (adviser), Mr Kelbel (E&E programme manager) Project managers Introduction to purpose of visit. Understanding of how EU policy funding in the country has evolved in period 89-98. Collection of relevant programme and project documentation Introduction to purpose of visit and explanation of further information needs. Arrangements for further meetings with programme coordinator(s). Follow up meeting to discuss programmes in more detail and to discuss types of available data for main projects. Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Ministrys role in the Phare funding programme. Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Ministrys role in the Phare funding programme.

Environment PMU

Wednesday 15 July, Ministry of Environment am Wednesday 15 July, Ministry of Economy pm Thursday 16 July, am Thursday 16 July, 15.00 Reserve for Energy PMU or other EU Delegation Mr Peter Muska, E&E task manager

Wrap up session. Explain results of visit and review the results for confirmation of accuracy.

Date and Time


Key Contacts


Slovenia: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings (12-15 July)

Date and Time Monday, 9am Organisation Ministry of the Environment and Physical Planning Key Contacts Irena Brcko-Kogoj Position Counsellor and Phare Coordinator Purpose Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs. Discuss coordination of Phare funded environment projects. Collect project data (status, descriptions and financial).

Monday, 11am

Agency for Efficient Energy Use, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Franc Beravs

Director and Phare Coordinator

Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs. Discuss Agencys relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving energy policy 93-98. Request project output information and start talking through programmes and projects. Discuss the various environment programmes in Slovenia.

Monday, 2pm

Ministry of the Environment and Physical Planning Agency for Efficient Energy Use, Ministry of Economic Affairs

David Cabot

International Consultant

Monday, 3.30pm

Dr Ole Bornsen

Energy Policy Adviser

Discuss purpose of visit and collect project information.

Tuesday, 8.30am EU Delegation

Bojan Suvorov

Economic Attache (responsible for Energy and Environment Programmes) Director

Discuss Delegations role in implementation of Phare projects and evolution of Phare/ Slovenian strategy for energy and environment projects in Slovenia.

Tuesday, 11pm

Energy Supply Directorate, Marko Sencar Ministry of Economic Affairs

Discuss energy sector dynamics and government energy policy and the role of Phare within the sector.

Date and Time Wednesday, 2pm

Organisation Department for European Affairs, Ministry of the Environment and Physical Planning Ministry of the Environment and Physical Planning Agency for Efficient Use of Energy

Key Contacts Zoran Kus

Position Head of Department

Purpose Discuss evolution of national environmental priorities and policies in Slovenia.

Wednesday, 36pm Thursday, 9.3011.30

Irena Brcko-Kogoj

Counsellor (and Phare Coordinator) Energy Policy Adviser

Complete environment project tables.

Dr Ole Bornsen

Clarify outstanding points regarding project information. Discuss potential projects for evaluation.

Romania: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings

Date and Time Monday, 6 July, 10 am-1 pm Organisation EU Delegation Key Contacts Camelia Chirascu, Programme manager infrastructure Andrea Nicolaj, Deputy head of Delegation was abroad Purpose Introduce purpose of visit/explanation on the delegations role in the funding program/discussion on how EU policy funding in the country has evolved 91-98/gathering of project documents Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the environment programme/review of draft inventory tables

Wednesday, 8 July, 9.30 am-11.30 am

Environment PMU

Serena Adler, Director of the Directorate for European Integration George Dulcu, responsible for the 93 Environment programme G. Barbu, Director of DG Programmes with Intern. Organisations Aura Raducu, Deputy Director General Ms. Simona Nanescu Mr. Nicolay Milev Mr. Josef Votruba G. Barbu H. Raducu I. Brown

Wednesday, 8 July, 12-6 pm

MC Energy PMU

Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the MC PMU/request further meeting to go through detailed information/review draft tables

Tuesday, 9 July, 9.30 am-12

Energy PMU

Discussion on information needs/request further meeting/review of draft inventory tables

Tuesday, 9 July, 5 pm-6pm Monday 13 July, 1 pm-3.30 pm

MC Energy PMU National and MC Energy PMU Renel

J. Votruba (PMU staff)

Follow up meeting to review inventory tables/ discuss types of available data for main projects/discuss ERM classification Follow up meeting to discuss draft report and tables for both national and MC energy and to submit them for review /general discussion on the Phare programme Discuss the role of RENEL in the implementation of projects/review of tables

G. Barbu

Livia Trana Ian Brown Programme co-ordinators

Tuesday, 14 July, 9 am-11 am

Date and Time Organisation Tuesday, 14 July, 11 Energy PMU am-1 pm Tuesday, 14 July, 3 EU Delegation pm

Key Contacts Ian Brown Camelia Chirascu

Purpose discuss Browns and Barbus comments on our tables and report Reporting back on our visit, by phone because EU Delegation to busy for a meeting, because of visit of Brussels delegation on Phare

Bulgaria: Inventory Field Trip - Schedule of Meetings

Date and Time Monday, 10:00 Organisation EU Delegation Key Contacts Ms.Teodora Mircheva Mr.Alexandar Alexandrov Purpose Introduce purpose of visit. Ask them to explain the delegations role in the funding program. Discuss how EU policy funding in the country has evolved 89-98. Request any summary reports available on funded projects. Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PMU. Discuss PMUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving policy 89-98. Request a meeting with the programme coordinator(s), ASAP, to work through filling in the inventory tables. Recommend work programmes and FMs are brought for references. Introduce purpose of visit and what information needs we have for the PMU. Discuss PMUs relation to Ministry and Delegation and evolving policy 89-98. Request a meeting with the programme coordinator(s), ASAP, to work through filling in the inventory tables. Recommend work programmes and FMs are brought for references. Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Ministrys role in the Phare funding programme.

Monday, 14:30pm

Environment PMU

Ms.Yordanka Stoyanova Head

Monday, 16:30pm

Energy PMU

Mr.Dimitar Stoytchev Head

Tuesday, 10:00

Ministry of Environment Mr.Todor Dimitrov, Head and Waters Mr.Ognyan Gabev, Dpt of underground Programme coordinator mineral resources Energy PMU Ms.Dora Tomova, PC Ms.Svetla Ramzova, PC

Tuesday, 3:00

Data collection

Tuesday, 18:30

Ministry of Ms.Nona Karadjova, Head Environment, Dpt of Environmental economics and strategies

Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Ministrys role in the Phare funding programme.

Date and Time Wednesday, 9:30

Organisation Energy PMU

Key Contacts Ms.Dora Tomova, PC Ms.Svetla Ramzova, PC Mr.KonstantinNedyalkov Programme coordinator

Purpose Data collection

Wednesday, 10:00

Committee of Energy

Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Committees role in the Phare funding programme.

Wednesday, 13:30

EU Delegation

Ms.Gergana Liutzkanova, Technical Assistant Ms.Janet Yaneva, Head

Data collection

Wednesday, 17:00

Ministry of Environment, National Environment Protection Fund Ministry of Environment, National Center for Environment and Sustainable Development Environment PMU EU Delegation

Discuss historic and current national policy. Also the role of the NEPF in the Phare funding programme.

Thursday, 9:30

Mr.Dimitar Kantardjiev, Director General

Discuss historic and current national policy. Also Ministrys role in the Phare funding programme.

Thursday, 11:30 Friday, 11:00

Ms.Yordanka Stoyanova Ms.Teodora Mircheva

Data collection Wrap up session. Explain results of visit and review the inventory tables for confirmation of accuracy. Discuss historic and current national policy. Also the role of the NEEA and the State Fund Energy Efficiency in the Phare funding programme.

Friday, 15:00

National Energy Efficiency Agency

Mr.George Stoilov, Chairman Mr.Kolio Kolev, Director

Appendix A3

Questionn aire protocol

INVENTORY FIELD VISIT PROTOCOL This checklist of questions is to guide you in your discussions with both EU Delegation, PMUs and relevant government ministries

Objectives The visit is first phase in an EC evaluation of E&E programmes. Objective of visit is to carry out: programme and project inventory; identify all E&E programmes and their projects record and classify the output of each project policy and institutional review (1989-1998); understand the evolution of Phare E&E funding policy in Poland understand relationship between Phare delegation, PMU and relevant ministries review national E&E policy identify other donor funding activity data assessment; ascertain the type of data required to measure the project output against Phare evaluation criteria investigate data sources and level of availability, reliability, and consistency identify persons most useful to contact at evaluation stage regarding project outputs and performance. Background

1. How long have you been involved with the Phare program? 2. What is your agencys role in the project management cycle? 3. How has this changes since 1989?
The following appear as the trend for example: 1990-1994 (annual programs/financial memoranda) 1995-1998 (multi-year programs/ COPs) 1998-onwards (new orientation of Phare)

4. How has funding policy (for programmes/projects) evolved during 1990s? The
following appear as the trend - confirm for your country: demand-driven (priority projects)/institutional strengthening accession driven/legal, regulatory development (raise standards) investments and Fund development (help meet standards)

5. What is the working relationship between the Phare delegation, PMU and
relevant ministries (for programme/project design, implementation, supervision and monitoring)?

6. What has been the focus of other donor activities in E&E?

Programme and Project Inventory

7. Explain inventory methods and rationale to Delegation/PMU. The following

types of information is required at a project level: duration (by project/subproject) level of funds allocated level of funds committed/contracted level of funds disbursed/paid expected outputs of each project and subproject where possible, actual outputs

8.What documents in addition to the following may be useful? Financial memoranda Country Operation Programmes, COPs (including Sector Operation Programmes, SOPs) work programmes OMAS reports (E&E) financial database (PERSEUS) Find out if any are not available in English 9. Obtain Financing Memorandums for all E&E programmes. 10. Verify all E&E programmes with PMU to check for omissions. 11. Review our description and classification of each projects expected outputs with delegation and/or PMU.

12. Please provide a detailed financial status for each programme 13. are responsible for any multi-country projects in E&E. If so, please list these what information do you have on these?

14. Leave draft tables with responsible task managers in delegation/PMUs for their

15. Can we have a list of contacts for the evaluation stage who have first hand
experience of programme(s) and project(s)? Data Availability Assessment

16. How many projects have outputs which could be evaluated (levels of
disbursement, easily measured indicators)?

17. For those project where there are clear outputs to evaluate, what level of
information would be available (use draft list of indicators as a prompt)?

18. Which programmes or projects cannot be evaluated due to expected lack of

information? 19. Do you have your own monitoring and evaluation procedures? National E&E Policy Review 20. Describe historic and existing energy policy in Country X. 21. Describe historic and existing environment policy in Country X

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