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MYOB Insight For Non Profit Organisations

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for non-prot organisations

An industry-specic guide for your MYOB software


Introduction Choosing your MYOB software Understanding the essentials Choosing your nancial and payroll years Creating your accounts list Reviewing your accounts list Checking your preferences Setting up opening balances Getting ready to go Recording income Where do I record the receipt of grants, subsidies and donations? Creating an invoice for services provided or items sold Changing the look and layout of invoices Issuing receipts Creating the same invoice again and again Dealing with expenses Recording expenses Recording a supplier invoice Paying suppliers electronically Organising petty cash Tracking assets and depreciation Reporting on fundraising activities Creating an items list for things you buy and sell Tracking the referral source for donations and fundraising Reporting on income from particular fundraising activities Case Study Wildplant Rescue

3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 16

Analysing nancials in more detail Setting up income accounts Analysing income and expenditure for different cost centres Creating jobs and categories Deciding between jobs and categories Reporting on particular grants Auspicing funds for other groups Auspicing large grants with many transactions Auspicing smaller grants that dont have their own bank account Setting up budgets Creating monthly budgets Creating annual budgets Creating annual budgets for different grants

17 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 22 22 22 23

Adapting budget templates in Excel 23 Accounting for tricky situations Allocating lump sum funding evenly throughout the year Accounting for unused grant money at end of year Allowing for sinking funds or building provision funds Reports Creating income and expenditure reports Reporting on a cash basis Generating custom reports 24 24 25 25 27 27 27 28

Preparing accounts for your auditor 29 Case study Earth Foods Co-operative Managing GST Recording GST on income and expenses Deciding what codes to use when 30 31 31 32

MYOB Technology Pty Ltd


for non-prot organisations

Non-prot organisations have many specic requirements when running their accounts. They need to be able to track grants, issue receipts, generate budget reports, auspice other groups, report on different cost centres and much more. In this guide, youll nd practical solutions to all these issues, along with lots of ideas and tips on the best way to set up MYOB software. You might be a childcare centre, conservation group, cooperative or medical research body. Maybe youre a church, employment service, youth centre or wildlife refuge. This guide covers scenarios relevant to all these kind of organisations, and many more besides. Throughout this guide, youll also come across case studies where you can read about real-life examples of non-prot organisations. Browse through these case studies to get the big picture of how MYOB software can work for your organisation, and to discover new tips and ideas.

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for non-prot organisations

Choosing your MYOB software

For small non-prot organisations, either MYOB BusinessBasics (for Windows) or MYOB FirstEdge (for Macs) provides a perfect starting point. However, if you need advanced nancial reports, purchases or inventory reporting, then MYOB Accounting is your best bet. For organisations with employees, MYOB Accounting Plus, MYOB Premier (for Windows) or MYOB AccountEdge (for Macs) provides the most suitable solution. MYOB Accounting Plus includes payroll, and MYOB Premier and MYOB AccountEdge also provide multi-user capability, meaning that more than one person can work in the software at a time. Whichever product you choose, if you want to upgrade to another product thats further up the family tree, you can do so at any time. You dont need to buy the new software from scratch; you simply pay an upgrade price. To nd out more about these MYOB products, visit www.myob.com.au .

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for non-prot organisations

Understanding the essentials

The following steps are a brief guide to getting started, highlighting important information specic to non-prot organisations.

Choosing your nancial and payroll years

When you create your rst company le, the New Company File Assistant asks you to specify the last month in your nancial year. Although this month defaults to June, be careful to check with your accountant that this is the case, as many non-prot organisations have different nancial year-ends. Whatever you select your nancial year to be, this will not affect your payroll year, which in Australia always ends in June. All you have to do is specify your current payroll year in the General Payroll Information window that appears during payroll setup. Dont be concerned if nancial and payroll years end in different months, as MYOB software has no problem with this scenario.

Creating your accounts list

When you create the company le for your business, the New Company File Assistant asks you to build your accounts list, giving you the option of starting with a standard list. There are several templates relevant to non-prot organisations, including associations and clubs; day care centres, educational institutions non-prot organisations and religious organisations. These templates provide sample lists of accounts and are a good starting point. Dont worry if you cant nd an accounts list that is perfect - you can add, change or delete as many accounts as you like.

Reviewing your accounts list

Before entering your opening balances, you need to adapt your accounts list so that it suits the unique needs of your business. Your accounts list is a list of categories to which you allocate all transactions. There are eight major account categories (or, for MYOB BusinessBasics and FirstEdge, there are six categories). Account Category Assets What it means Things you own, or that people owe you. Includes bank accounts, outstanding customer accounts or grants and new equipment. Asset account numbers start with 1. What you owe to other people. Includes loans, grants paid in advance, taxes payable and outstanding supplier accounts. Liability account numbers start with 2. This is the surplus or decit that the organisation has made since its inception. Examples of equity accounts include retained prots and capital reserves. Equity account numbers start with 3. Money in! Includes donations, grants, subsidies and sales. Income account numbers start with 4. Cost of sales are any direct costs, such as goods you buy for resale. (Your organisation may not have any cost of sales accounts.) Cost of sales account numbers start with 5. Overheads. The day-to-day running costs of your organisation. Includes wages, electricity, repairs, insurance and so on. Expense account numbers start with 6.



Income Cost of sales


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for non-prot organisations

Understanding the essentials

Other Income

Other Expenses

Extraordinary income that is not part of normal operations. Could include compensation income, capital gains or interest income. Other Income account numbers start with 8. Note that this account category is not available in MYOB BusinessBasics or MYOB FirstEdge. Extraordinary expenses that are not part of normal operations. Could include lawsuit expenses, capital losses, or re damage costs. Other Expenses account numbers start with 9. Note that this account category is not available in MYOB BusinessBasics or MYOB FirstEdge.

Checking your preferences

You can customise all MYOB software so that it works for your business the way you want it to. You can do everything from changing the appearance of your windows, to automatically requesting a backup prompt each time you quit the program. It all happens via the Preferences window. To review your preferences, go to the Setup menu, choose Preferences and then explore the System, Windows, Reports & Forms, Banking, Sales, Purchases and Security tabs. Rememberyour choice of preferences does not commit you to this for ever and ever, for you can change your preferences at any time. One preference setting is recommended, especially for new users. Make your company le changeable. If you make mistakes, you can correct them, without needing to make complicated reversing journals. To do this, go to the Security tab in the Preferences window and clear the Transactions CANT be Changed; They Must be Reversed checkbox.

Setting up opening balances

To enter opening account balances, go to the Setup menu, choose Balances, and then choose Account Opening Balances. Most non-prot organisations dont need to set up outstanding customer accounts, but if you do, then go to the Setup menu, choose Balances, and then choose Customer Opening Balances. To enter opening balances for outstanding supplier accounts, go to the Setup menu, choose Balances, and then choose Supplier Opening Balances. For your organisation to get up and running, probably the only essential opening balance is that of your bank accounts. Your opening account gures wont balance, but this out of balance amount simply goes to the Historical Balancing account. You or your accountant can x this later.

Getting ready to go
Before you start entering transactions, work out how you intend to back up your company le. If your le is going to contain very few transactions, you may be able to t your backup onto oppy disk. Otherwise, youll need to have a CD burner or a zip drive. You might have been lucky so far, but nobody can guarantee continued immunity to power surges, theft, re or hard disk failure. If you dont organise a system now, youll probably forget about it until its too lateand then youll be sorry.

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for non-prot organisations

Recording income
Most non-prot organisations receive the bulk of their income from grants, subsidies and donations. The easiest way to record such transactions is in the Receive Money window. However, if you sell items or provide services as well, you may need to create invoices and receipts. The next few sections of this guide deal with these different ways of recording income.

Where do I record the receipt of grants, subsidies and donations?

1. Go to the Banking command centre and click Receive Money (or, for MYOB BusinessBasics and MYOB FirstEdge, go to the Bank Register and select Receive Money as the transaction type). 2. Record the Date, Amount and Payor (the Payor is the person or organisation from whom you have received the grant). 3. Select an income Allocation Account. This will start with 4- and should be called something like Income from Grant or Income from Subsidy. For more information about accounts, see Setting up income accounts on page 17. 4. Enter Job or Category details, if relevant. For more information about jobs and categories, see Analysing income and expenditure for different cost centres on page 17. 5. Check the Tax code and click Record. (Dont forget that many government grants include GST.)

Creating an invoice for services provided or items sold

To create an invoice for services provided or items sold, go to the Sales command centre and click Enter Sales (or, for MYOB BusinessBasics and MYOB FirstEdge, go to the Sales Register and click New Sale). Next, click Layout to choose the most appropriate invoice format. The service layout is the most common choice for non-prot organisations, as theres plenty of room for descriptions and membership. However, if you create invoices repeatedly for the same service, whether its rental of a hall, toy library membership, photocopying or staff supervision, then youre best to create items for each of these services and use the item layout. Item invoices speed up the invoicing process, for when you select an item code from the Items List, the description (e.g. Toy Library Membership) appears automatically. Dont worry if this invoice layout includes unnecessary columns, such as the Backorder column or the Job column, as you can customise your nal invoice so that these dont print.

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for non-prot organisations

Recording income
Item invoices speed up repetitive invoicing

Changing the look and layout of invoices

With all MYOB software, you can customise your invoices or receipts so that they look exactly as you want them to look. You can change the fonts, add your own logo, draw boxes, add comments and much more. All you have to do is go to the Sales command centre, click Print Invoices and then click Customise (refer to MYOB help for more details on customisation commands). Below is one possible way in which an account could be customised. Note that although this invoice has been recorded using an Item layout, the printed version doesnt include the Item Code or Quantity columns. You can customise your invoice to look just as you want it to look

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Recording income
Issuing receipts
If you like, you can issue receipts for money received, rather than a full invoice. Receipts are essentially the same as an invoice, but are generally smaller with less detail. To print a receipt, go to the Sales command centre, record the payment using the Receive Payments function, and then click Print Receipts. You can print receipts customer payments

Creating the same invoice again and again

If you issue identical accounts or receipts to many individuals (maybe youre printing up lots of receipts, each for the same amount, or maybe you send someone the same account every month) you can memorise these account details to make repetitive billing a quick and easy process. To do this, create your rst invoice. However, when you are ready to record it click the Save Recurring button instead of Record. Name this recurring sale appropriately and click OK to return to your original invoice. Now click Record. For the second and subsequent invoices, simply go to create an invoice, click Use Recurring, and select your recurring sale. The invoice details will appear automatically. All you need to do is change the customers name each time (if issuing the same receipt to lots of different people), or change the date each time (if issuing the same account to someone month after month). Click Record (not Save Recurring) once this is done.

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for non-prot organisations

Dealing with expenses

The simplest way to record expenses, suitable for most non-prot organisations, is to go to the Banking command centre and click Spend Money (or, for MYOB BusinessBasics and MYOB FirstEdge, go to the Bank Register and select Spend Money as the transaction type). An alternative way to record expenses, suitable for larger organisations, is to enter all supplier invoices in the Purchases command centre when you receive them. Later, these invoices are paid using the Pay Bills window. (Note that purchases arent available in MYOB BusinessBasics or FirstEdge.) This method works well if your organisation pays a substantial amount of accounts each month and needs to keep tabs on how much is owed, but by its very nature is a more complicated way of working.

Recording expenses
To record an expense: 1. Go to the Banking command centre and click Spend Money. (Or, if youre using MYOB BusinessBasics or MYOB FirstEdge, select Spend Money from the Bank Register.) 2. Click the Pay from Account button in the top-left and select your bank account, or, if you plan to make this payment online, click Group with Electronic Payments. 3. For cheques, enter the cheque number in the Cheque No. eld. For other transactions, such as credit card debits or electronic payments, simply ignore the Cheque No. eld. 4. Enter the date and amount, and in the Card eld, enter the name of the person you are paying. If youve never paid this person before, youll see a list of cards, asking you to select one of them. Either double-click on a name to select it from the list or click New to create a new card. 5. Write a brief description in the Memo eld, if desired. 6. In the Acct# column, specify which account this expense should go to. 7. Check the Amount is correct. Usually, this amount includes GST, assuming youve marked the Tax Inclusive checkbox on the top-right. 8. Fill in the Job column if you want to track expenses by particular projects or cost centres. Otherwise, leave this column blank. 9. If you want to include additional information about this transaction, do so in the additional Memo column that appears next to the Job column. 10. Fill in your Tax code, double-check the tax total (this calculates automatically), then click Record.

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Dealing with expenses

Recording expenditure is easy

Recording a supplier invoice

Non-prot organisations tend to use one of two layouts when recording purchases: either an Item layout or a Service layout. Most purchases, such as advertising, electricity or telephone accounts, are likely to be Service purchases. However, if you purchase goods for resale (maybe you sell T-shirts or other items for fund-raising purposes), then an Item purchase is best. Heres how to record a purchase: 1. Go to the Purchases command centre, click Enter Purchases. 2. Click the Layout button and select either Item or Service as your layout. 3. Fill in the supplier name and if required, enter the purchase order number. 4. Check the date and enter the suppliers invoice number in the Supplier Inv# eld. 5. For item invoices, enter the Quantity, Item Number and check the Price. Enter each line one at a time, making sure the nal total tallies. 6. For service invoices, choose your allocation account in the Acct# eld. Dont worry about detailed descriptions, as theyre usually not necessary. A general description such as materials does just ne. 7. Make sure the GST total matches with your supplier invoice, then click Record.

Paying suppliers electronically

MYOB M-Powered payments enable you to make electronic payments to your suppliers directly from your MYOB software. Once you subscribe to this service, you can use your MYOB software to record payments in your company le and then transmit these payments electronically using a secure link. The M-Powered Services Centre in your MYOB software monitors the progress of all payments and, at your request, emails or faxes remittance advices direct to your suppliers.

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Dealing with expenses

If you pay more than ve suppliers per week, M-Powered payments are well worth the fees. If you were to put a value on your own time (or on your bookkeepers time) and calculate how long it takes you to pay a supplier (including writing a cheque, printing a remittance advice, writing their address on an envelope, entering the payment into your MYOB company le, and so on) as well as the costs (the envelope, the stamp, the petrol to the post ofce, etc.), then chances are that paying a supplier is much more expensive than you think. M-Powered payments offer other benets too, although these are somewhat less tangible. You can schedule payments to be made at future dates, ensuring that suppliers are paid on time, even when youre away from the business. Payments are more secure, as you pay directly from your account into your suppliers account (whereas cheques are more prone to fraud or getting lost in the mail). Finally, an M-Powered Services Centre keeps track of all online payments, including when payments are sent, when theyre processed, if they fail due to insufcient nds, and so on. To subscribe to M-Powered payments, all you have to do is click the M-Powered Services Centre icon that appears on the bottom-right of every command centre. (Note that M-Powered payments are only available for MYOB Accounting, MYOB Accounting Plus and MYOB Premier.) For more information about M-Powered payments, how to subscribe, the current pricing structures, and to read the Product Disclosure Statement, visit www.myob.com.au/m-powered/ .

Organising petty cash

The amounts may be petty in regards to your petty cash tin, but thats not to say you wont have difculty getting it to balance. Heres a method thats fool-proof for almost any organisation: 1. Start off with a oat, say $200. Write a cash cheque for this oat, and allocate this cheque to an asset account called Petty Cash. If you dont have an account by this name already, create one now, remembering to select Bank as the Account Type. 2. Whenever employees take money out of the tin, get them to give you a receipt in exchange. Store these receipts in the tin. 3. Now, add up the receipts and work out which expense categories they belong to. Then go to the Spend Money window but this time change the bank account at the top to read Petty Cash. Complete the payment, allocating it across several allocation accounts and several amounts. Click Record when youre done. 4. When funds in the tin get low, write out a cash cheque to top the tin back up to its original oat value. For example, if you have a $200 oat but theres only $4.50 left in the tin, write out a cash cheque for $195.50. Make the payment from your cheque account and allocate this cheque to Petty Cash.

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for non-prot organisations


Dealing with expenses

Recording petty cash

Tracking assets and depreciation

Many non-prot organisations end up owning a diverse range of assets (furnishings, computers, books, motor vehicles, etc) and for insurance and depreciation purposes will need to maintain an asset register. MYOB AssetManager Pro provides the perfect solution. MYOB AssetManager Pro is designed in a way that looks and feels similar to other MYOB software, with similar account numbering and structures. You can keep an organised record of your assets, as well as calculating monthly and annual depreciation gures. AssetManager can track assets by location, cost centre or any other way you choose, and keep a detailed log of service calls for equipment. Visit www.myob.com.au/products/assetmanager_pro/ to nd out more about MYOB AssetManager Pro.

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Reporting on fundraising activities

Most non-prot organisations do some form of fund-raising. The next few sections of this guide explain how to set up an items list for things you buy and sell; tracking where donors or pledges come from and analysing the success of individual fund-raising drives.

Creating an items list for things you buy and sell

Some non-prot organisations buy items to re-sell, either to the general public or via mail-order to members. MYOB software makes it easy for you to track the income and expenditure from these sales. The simplest approach is to create a description and price for each item in your Items List. When you create these items, mark the I Sell This Item checkbox only, and select an appropriate income account. This way you can raise receipts easily and efciently and if desired, generate sales reports for each item sold. The more complex approach is to keep track of quantities on hand, so that you record every unit bought and sold. When you create these items in your Items List, mark the I Sell This Item, I Buy This Item and I Inventory This Item checkboxes. This approach is more time-consuming than simply tracking what you sell, but proves to be an efcient way of monitoring stock levels, generating re-orders and keeping an eye on costs.

Tracking the referral source for donations and fundraising

You can track the referral source for all donations and fundraising. For example, if youre running a radio campaign asking for members of the public to make donations, when you record the income from these donations (assuming youre using sales), you can enter Radio Campaign as the Referral Source. If you note the referral source in this manner for all donations received, you can call up a Sales Referral Source report at any time. Tracking donation income according to referral source

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Reporting on fundraising activities

Reporting on income from particular fundraising activities
The easiest way to see how much income a particular fundraising activity generates is to set up a job for it (see Creating jobs and categories on page 18 for details). For example, if you were selling rafe tickets, you could create a new job in your Jobs List called R for rafe. Every transaction that related to the rafe (including rafe sales as well as the expenses of printing rafe tickets) would be coded with R in the Job eld. Once complete, you can create lots of different reports, including a Job Prot & Loss report, which would show summary income and expense totals for the fundraising activity, displayed along with a nal net prot.

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Case Study Wildplant Rescue

Business Name: Overview: Wildplant Rescue Wildplant Rescue is a local conservation group propagating and selling indigenous plants to the community. They run MYOB BusinessBasics.
Wildplant Rescue is a non-prot organisation run by a group of committed volunteers and one paid horticulturalist. They rent premises next to the National Parks Ofce and three days a week, members of the public visit to purchase plants and ask for advice. Wildplant Rescue has a very simple setup for their accounts. When they make sales, volunteers issue hand-written receipts and once a week, do the banking. The treasurer checks that total receipts match with the banking and simply works from the bank statement, recording each deposit as income. Most expenses are paid for by cheque and the treasurer records these transactions in the Bank Register. Recording transactions in this way is enough to produce simple Income and Expenditure reports for the committee. Last year, when they received a one-off capital works grant to purchase a new greenhouse, the treasurer recorded all associated expenses using the job code Green, so that at the end of the project she could print a detailed acquittal report for the funding body.

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for non-prot organisations


Analysing nancials in more detail

As soon as you start recording transactions in your MYOB software, youll be able to see how much money has come through the door, what your total expenses have been and how much surplus or decit you have at the end of the day. Useful as this information may be, chances are that your committee or reporting body may ask for more detailed nancials. The next few sections explain how.

Setting up income accounts

One of the simplest ways you can provide detailed nancial information for your organisation is to incorporate sufcient detail in the accounts list. Go to the Accounts List, click the Income tab, and read whats there. If you have three or fewer types of income categories, have a think about how you might describe your different income types in more detail. (However, around about eight income accounts is usually the maximum, as any more detail than this and you wont be able to see the wood for the trees.) Maybe your organisation is a childcare centre that receives income from parent fees, fee relief subsidy, capital works grants, special needs grants, donations and fund-raising. If so, create an income account for each source. Maybe your organisation is a medical research foundation that receives money from memberships, grants, donations and fund-raising. Again, create an income account for each source. By creating individual income accounts in this way, your nancial reports will show at a glance how much income is received from each source, every time you print your Prot & Loss report.

Analysing income and expenditure for different cost centres

Many non-prot organisations nd that they need to analyse nancial information in more detail than a basic Prot & Loss report can offer. Maybe they want to report on a grant, see how much each service is costing to run, or set up budgets for different departments. All of this is possible (and even quite easy!) using the jobs and categories features. The idea of jobs and categories is that every transaction can be coded in several different ways. For example, in the Spend Money transaction below, the Card shows the name of the supplier; the Acct# column shows the type of expense, the Job column shows the project code and the Category shows the location. Use jobs and categories to track cost centres, grants, auspiced funds or locations

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Analysing nancials in more detail

Jobs and categories (available in MYOB Accounting, MYOB Accounting Plus, MYOB Premier and MYOB AccountEdge) offer an additional level of analysis in your nancial reporting. Both jobs and categories provide an easy way to track the income and expenditure for different cost centres within your organisation. Here are some ways in which different organisations take advantage of jobs and categories: Your organisation might administer several different grants and need to report on the expenditure and funds remaining for each grant. You could do this by creating a unique job number for each grant. Your organisation might provide various services, e.g. after hours childcare, Meals on Wheels and transport for the handicapped. You could analyse the income and expenses for each of these services by creating a unique job number for each service you provide. Your organisation might operate in more than one location, e.g. an information service in several different towns. You could report on the running costs of each location by creating a unique category for each one. Your organisation might auspice the funds of another organisation. By creating a category for this other organisation, you can create the necessary balance sheet and income/expenditure reports.

Creating jobs and categories

To create a new job, go to the Lists menu, choose Jobs and then click New. Enter a Job Name, Job Number and a short description, if required. This is usually enough information to get started with (additional elds such as Start Date, Finish Date and Manager arent essential). Click OK to return to the Jobs List. To create a new category, you rst need to turn on category tracking. Go to the Setup menu, choose Preferences, and then click the System tab. Mark the Turn on Category Tracking checkbox. Next, go to the Lists menu, choose Categories and then click New. Enter a Category ID, Category Name and a short Description if required. If you want to be forced to enter a category for every transaction, select Categories are Required rather than Categories are Not Required when switching on category tracking in your system preferences. You can create both header and detail jobs

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Analysing nancials in more detail

Deciding between jobs and categories
If youre unsure of whether to use categories or jobs for something, bear the following in mind: You can split a single transaction across several jobs, but you cant select more than one category for a single transaction. Jobs can be grouped in a way similar to general ledger accounts, with both Header Jobs and Detail Jobs, meaning that you can have cost centres within cost centres. You can print a Balance Sheet for each category, but you cant print a Balance Sheet for each job. Balance Sheets are particularly important for funds reporting. See Auspicing funds for other groups on page 20 for more details.

Reporting on particular grants

A requirement of many grants is that you provide a detailed acquittal report of all funds received and disbursed. The easiest way to do this is to set up a job for each grant. For example, if you received a Library Grant, the solution in this situation would be to create a new job in your Jobs List called L for library. Every transaction that related to the library would be coded with L in the Job eld. Once complete, you can create lots of different reports, including: A Job Prot & Loss report, showing summary expense totals for the project, displayed in standard Prot & Loss format. A Job Activity Detail report, showing details of every payment made during the project, grouped according to the expense category. A Job Inquiry report, showing details of every payment made during the project, grouped in date order. A Jobs [Budget Analysis] report, comparing actuals to budgets, and displaying variances.

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for non-prot organisations


Auspicing funds for other groups

Sometimes one government body is asked to auspice a grant for another government body or community group. For example, a local tennis club may receive a grant for $10,000 but this grant is given to the Community Health Centre to administer. The concept of auspicing means that the grant does not belong to your organisation. If you wish to track a grant that has been given directly to your organisation, refer instead to Reporting on particular grants on page 19 .

Auspicing large grants with many transactions

If you are auspicing a large grant (or multiple grants) that has many transactions and its own bank account, the best approach is to create a separate company le for that grant. For example, if the local neighbourhood centre were to auspice the funds for the after-school care program and this program has its own bank account, employees and premises, it makes sense to create a new company le exclusively for after-school care transactions.

Auspicing smaller grants that dont have their own bank account
If there are only a few transactions relating to a grant and it does not have its own bank account, the best approach is to include these transactions in your organisations company le. The most efcient way of doing this is to set up a category for the auspiced organisation (note that categories are not available in MYOB BusinessBasics or MYOB FirstEdge). To set up categories, see Creating jobs and categories on page 18. This complete, all you have to do is remember to complete the category eld for every transaction that relates to this grant. You can see how a cheque written on behalf of the tennis club might look in the screenshot below.

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Auspicing funds for other groups

Using categories to track transactions for auspiced funds

Once you have recorded a few transactions, youll be able to print a range of reports. Within the Accounts tab in the Index to Reports window, you can print a Category Prot & Loss report, a Category Balance Sheet or, for details of all transactions, sorted by allocation account, a Category General Ledger Detail report. (If you nd that the Payee rather than the Memo appears on this report, go to the Setup menu, choose Preferences and then click the Banking tab. Clear the Display Payee, Rather than Memo, in Registers checkbox.) A Category Prot & Loss report is the perfect way to report on auspiced funds

Incidentally, your organisation may have used the jobs feature up until now to report on auspiced funds. Jobs work well and have the added benet that you can create budgets, but unfortunately, you cant generate a Job Balance Sheet report. The ability to create a Balance Sheet for auspiced groups is the main reason why categories are preferable to jobs.

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Setting up budgets
All MYOB software programs have the ability to set up budgets, compare budgets against actuals, send reports to Excel and more. Its worth taking time to gure out what reports your organisation needs. You can either use one of the existing budget reports or nd the one thats closest to what you want and send it to Excel.

Creating monthly budgets

To enter a budget for an account, rst go to the Accounts command centre and click Accounts List. Double-click an account for which you wish to create a budget, then click the Budget button. Entering monthly budgets

If your budget for a particular account is the same each month, click Shortcut. Here you can enter the monthly amount just once, completing the whole years budget automatically. To look at budget reports, go to the Analysis menu in the Command Centre, select Prot & Loss, click Filters and choose to compare budgets to actuals.

Creating annual budgets

Many non-prot organisations dont budget on a monthly basis, but on an annual basis. During the year, they compare how much of their annual budget has been used up, and the value of funds remaining. To do this, all you have to do is enter your entire annual budget for each account in the rst month of the year. For example, if your annual budget for telephone expense was $3,000 and your nancial year ran from January to December, you would enter the entire budget amount of $3,000 in January. This way, the Budget Analysis report tells you throughout the year what percentage of your budget had been consumed. If you require greater exibility in the presentation or layout of your budget reports, its easy to send the report thats closest to the one you want to Excel. Simply display the report, click the Send To button and select Excel. Excel will open automatically, load the template, and display the report. You can then change report titles, cut and paste columns or rows, add colours, convert the report to graphs, or whatever you like!

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Setting up budgets
Non-prot organisations relying on extensive budget or cashow reports may also want to check out Twokeys, a third party product that links with MYOB software, providing even more sophisticated budget and cashow forecasting features.

Creating annual budgets for different grants

To create an annual budget for different grants, the best approach is to create a unique Job number for each grant (see Reporting on particular grants on page 19 ). To enter budget details for each job go to the Jobs List, highlight the relevant grant and click Budgets. The list of accounts which follow allow you to enter a total budget for all relevant income and expenses. This budget will be a budget for the entire period of the grant and doesnt set itself to zero when you start a new nancial year. The great thing about this is that if your grant spans across a nancial year end (perhaps your nancial year runs from January to December but the grant runs from March to February), all budget totals will carry forward. However, if you have a grant that renews each year and for which the budget changes, you will need to return to the Jobs List and edit the budget gures at the beginning of each year.

Adapting budget templates in Excel

As mentioned above, you can send any budget report directly to a template in Excel, ready to adapt to your specic needs. If you nd that youre making the same changes in Excel every time you generate a new budget report, it may be more efcient to adapt the Excel template itself. For every report in your MYOB software, theres a corresponding Excel template (found in the Spredsht folder of your MYOB program folder). Essentially, a template is a shell document that has preset formatting, headers, footers, margins, etc. People use templates for lots of reasons, but most of the time they use them to create standard formats for reports or letters that they can use again and again, without having to retype or redesign the document each time. (You can identify Excel templates because they all end with the letters xlt, whereas regular Excel documents end with xls.) You can nd lots of detail about modifying Excel templates at www.myob.com.au/support/ . However, probably most important to remember is that the nal version of your customised template should preferably keep the original lename, and the template must be saved as a template, with an .xlt extension. If you change the name of a template, every time you try to generate the corresponding report in your MYOB software, youll get a message that the template cannot be found, and you will be asked to locate the desired Excel template.

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Accounting for tricky situations

Many non-prot organisations dont have an even stream of money throughout the year. Income uctuates on a monthly basis, with both grant income and capital expenditure occurring on an irregular basis.

Allocating lump sum funding evenly throughout the year

Many non-prot organisations receive their funding in one lump sum at the beginning of the year. This is great for cashow, but tends to distort Prot & Loss reporting; one month of the year shows an enormous prot, but all the other months show a substantial loss. To show funding income evenly throughout the year, do the following steps: 1 2 First, create a new liability account called Unused Funds. When you receive a lump sum of funding, go to the Receive Money window and allocate the funding to this Unused Funds account. Divide this lump sum by twelve (or by however many months it is meant to cover) to establish the real amount of income you receive each month. Go to the Record Journal Entry window (accessible from the Accounts command centre) and create a journal that Debits your Unused Funds account and Credits your Income from Funding account, as shown below. Click Save Recurring to save this journal as a recurring monthly journal.

Allocating lump sum funding evenly throughout the year

Each month, record this general journal. At the end of the funding period, the balance of your Unused Funds account should be zero.

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Accounting for tricky situations

Accounting for unused grant money at end of year
Unused grant money (usually referred to Unearned Income or Unexpended Grants) is an important consideration for many non-prot organisations at the end of each nancial year. For example, if you receive a 12 month grant in September and your nancial year ends in December then you will still have 8 months of your grant to go. Strictly speaking, this unused grant money is a liability for your organisation and you need to show it as such. Heres what to do: 1 Go to the Accounts List and create a new Liability account called Unearned Income. Calculate how much grant allocation you need to carry forward to the next nancial year. This is the amount of Unearned Income you need to show in your Balance Sheet. Next, go the Accounts command centre and click Record Journal Entry. On the rst line of this journal Debit the income account to which you allocated the grant when it was received initially. This will be a 4- account and should be called something like Grant Income. On the second line of this journal Credit your Unearned Income account.

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Note that once you have started a new year, you will need to reverse this journal. Go to the Record Journal Entry window and date it the rst day of your nancial year. This time youll need to Debit your Unearned Income account and Credit your Grant Income account.

Allowing for sinking funds or building provision funds

Many non-prot organisations create sinking funds or building provision funds so that they can provide for future large expenses. Usually these amounts are transferred to a separate bank account and an expense account is debited for the amount of the provision. Heres what to do: 1 If the sinking fund has its own bank account, create a new asset account in the Accounts List called Sinking Fund or something similar. Select Bank as the Account Type. When money is transferred to the sinking fund, go to the Spend Money window and select the Sinking Fund as your Allocation Account. Next, go the Accounts command centre and click Record Journal Entry. On the rst line of this journal Debit an expense account called Building Maintenance Expense, Repair & Maintenance Expense or something similar.

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Accounting for tricky situations

5 On the second line of this journal Credit a liability account called Provision for Building Maintenance or Provision for Repairs & Maintenance or something similar.

This journal will show repairs and maintenance as a consistent expense from year to year, regardless of when these repairs are actually carried out. When you withdraw funds from your sinking fund to pay for repairs, go to the Spend Money window and select the sinking fund as the bank account from the drop-down list at the top left. Enter your liability account (e.g. Provision for Building Maintenance) as the Allocation Account.

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Non-prot organisations often have reporting requirements that differ from those of regular businesses. The follow sections of this guide talk about income and expenditure reports, cash reporting, custom reports and preparing for an audit.

Creating income and expenditure reports

Non-prot organisations often expect income and expenditure reports, rather than prot & loss reports. Although the only difference between these two reports is terminology, its worth taking the time to present nancial reports in the format with which your committee or director is most comfortable. The easiest way to create an income and expenditure report is to display your Prot & Loss, and click the Send To button. Select Excel and, after a few seconds, youll see this report open up in Excel. From this point, all you have to do is change the terminology. Change the heading of Prot & Loss to Income and Expenditure; Operating Prot to Operating Surplus; Operating Loss to Operating Decit and so on. Send reports to Excel so that you can customise them further

Reporting on a cash basis

Sometimes non-prot organisations request that the Income & Expenditure report be cash-based, so that the Operating Surplus or Decit shown on this statement is exactly the same as the difference in the bank account balance for that period. Within the Accounts tab of the Index to Reports window, youll see that you have a choice between producing a Prot & Loss [Accrual] report or a Prot & Loss [Cash] report. MYOB Technology Pty Ltd


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The Prot & Loss [Accrual] report shows all income as soon as you create a sale, and all expenses as soon as you create a purchase. This report is good for seeing the true protability of your trading. The Prot & Loss [Cash] report only shows income when you receive payment for a sale and only shows expenses when you make a payment for a purchase. This report is good for showing where the cash came in and then where it went. When working with cash-based reports, do talk to both your committee and your auditor about what their expectations are. For example, if you purchase a $10,000 van and allocate this expenditure to an asset account, the $10,000 wont show up in your Prot & Loss report, regardless of whether its cash or accrual. For this reason, you may be best to allocate purchases of capital items to an expense account for the purposes of monthly reporting, even if your auditor re-allocates this to an asset account when preparing end-of-year nancial reports.

Generating custom reports

If you nd that youre regularly sending reports into Excel and then manipulating the information, it may be worth commissioning a custom report. Custom reports extract key information out of your MYOB company le and re-organise this information in a spreadsheet, word processor or database (depending on your preference and the complexity of information required). There are several ways to generate custom reports: Probably the most practical approach is to contact an MYOB Certied Consultant who has skills in writing custom reports. Most custom reports only cost a few hundred dollars to write, which is very cost-effective considering the programming skills and development software required. To nd out more about Certied Consultants, visit www.myob.com.au/support/ccmembers/. On the other hand, if youre interested in learning some of the more advanced features of Microsoft Excel and Word, then youll nd that MYOB ODBC Direct opens doors to creating a varied range of simple reports. MYOB ODBC enables a one-way extraction of data from your company le, meaning that other applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Crystal Reports and Filemaker Pro can see the data in your company le, extract it into their own format, and then manipulate it through queries. To nd out more about MYOB ODBC Direct, visit http://d2d.myob.com.au . Moving further along, MYOB ReportWriter relies on a custom version of MYOB ODBC Direct to help you generate your own custom reports, working with the data in your MYOB company le. Although MYOB ReportWriter facilitates the learning process for edgling programmers, youll need some understanding of relational databases and of the MYOB company le structure. Visit www.myob.com.au/products/reportwriter/ to nd out more. MYOB BusinessAnalyst functions as an intelligent viewer for ReportWriter reports, meaning that you can enjoy the benets of custom reports without having to purchase MYOB ReportWriter or create your own reports. In a way, BusinessAnalyst is like working with lego: once you have a pile of blocks, you can move them around and manipulate them. Building reports becomes easy, even fun. However, if a new

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Managing GST
block is needed (a different kind of report, drawing on different data), then you have to ask the factory (ReportWriter) to do it for you. Visit www.myob.com.au/products/businessanalyst/ to nd out more.

Preparing accounts for your auditor

Every organisation has different requirements that they must full in order to prepare nal accounts for their auditor. The best approach is always to work closely with your auditor, making sure you provide the information in the format thats easiest for them to understand. However, here are a few general tips that apply to most situations: An auditor focuses rst on verifying every item on your balance sheet. So, before you send your accounts, go through every account on your balance sheet and make sure it makes sense. In particular, dont forget that bank accounts and investment accounts should be reconciled (and remember to record the interest on investments!). Most auditors will have MYOB software on their system and be able to read your le. Simply back up your company le onto CD or zip disk, or, if your le is relatively small, email them a copy. If your auditor doesnt have MYOB software, print a General Ledger Detail report for the whole year, a Transaction Journal [General Journal] report for the whole year and a Trial Balance as at the last day of your nancial year. If you forget to print a receivables or payables listing on the last day of your nancial year, dont despair. You can print a Receivables Reconciliation Summary or a Payables Reconciliation Summary with the last day of your nancial year as the date. Always print a Bank Reconciliation report on the last day of your nancial year before progressing to subsequent reconciliations.

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Case study Earth Foods Co-operative

Business Name: Overview: Earth Foods is a local health food co-operative, based in country NSW. Earth Foods use MYOB RetailManager and MYOB Premier.
Earth Foods started from humble beginnings twenty years ago, but has now grown to be a fairly large operation, selling organic foods and fresh produce to the local community. They have eight part-time employees and an active management committee. For many years, Earth Foods struggled by with a simple cash register adorned with only three buttons. However, with the advent of GST, they purchased MYOB RetailManager to manage point-of-sale, a system that has helped them to provide improved service to members, ne-tune their prot margins and reduce out-of-stock items. Being a non-prot organisation, Earth Foods run on minimal prot margins, and indeed, as they have grown more successful, they have repeatedly reduced their margins, especially on fresh produce. However, these small margins mean that the committee have to be vigilant that small monthly surpluses dont turn into decits. Prompt monthly nancial reports straight from MYOB Premier help them to monitor results. The bookkeeper is a part-voluntary position and prefers to work from home. She dials up into the shop computer using her broadband connection and works on the accounts, paying employees, supplier accounts and other expenses. To keep operations as efcient as possible, she tries to do as she can by electronic transfer, including employee superannuation, pays and supplier payments.

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Managing GST
MYOB software makes accounting for GST about as easy as something so complex could be. So long as you record all your transactions and allocate the right tax code to each one, theres not a great deal that can go wrong. The main thing to remember is to allocate the right tax code when recording transactions. This done, everything else should fall into place.

Recording GST on income and expenses

Whenever you record a transaction, you can choose whether to enter the amount as tax-inclusive or tax-exclusive by toggling the Tax Inclusive checkbox in the top right of every window. (When recording payments or receipts in MYOB BusinessBasics and MYOB FirstEdge, you will need to click the Split button in order to view this option.) Usually, youll nd it easiest to mark the Tax Inclusive checkbox and enter all amounts including tax. Youll nd that the GST calculates automatically and you dont have to go looking up every receipt to double-check the tax total. You can make life easy for yourself by going to the Accounts List and, one by one, double-clicking each account and checking the linked Tax Code. By linking all income and expense accounts to the most appropriate tax code, the correct codes pop up automatically whenever you record sales, purchases or Spend Money transactions. Most non-prot organisations nd that they only need six tax codes: CAP; FRE; GST; ITS; N-T and QUE. To review your codes, go to the Lists menu and choose Tax Codes. Comparing your list with the list shown below, delete any codes you dont need (theyll only serve to cause confusion) and add any codes that are missing. For all tax codes, the Linked Account for Tax Collected eld should be GST Collected from Sales and the Linked Account for Tax Paid eld should be GST Paid on Purchases. Once youre nished, your tax code list should look similar to the one below: Keep your Tax Code List simple and youre less likely to make mistakes

What do the different codes mean? Heres an explanation: CAP (GST on capital acquisitions) If youre not part of the Simplied Tax System (which is the case for many non-prot organisations) then you need to report all capital acquisitions (new equipment, furnishings or vehicles) separately on your Business Activity Statement. To do this, you need a separate tax code called CAP.

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Managing GST
If you are part of the Simplied Tax System then you need to report all capital acquisitions (new equipment, furnishings or vehicles) that cost more than $1,000. To do this, you need a separate tax code called CAP. If youre not sure whether or not youre part of the Simplied Tax System, ask your auditor or accountant. FRE (GST-free goods and services) Use FRE as your tax code if you supply any GST-free services or if you purchase GST-free supplies such as bank charges, donations, GST-free food or government charges. If you employ any subcontractors who have an ABN but arent registered for GST, use FRE as the tax code for their payments. GST (Goods and Services Tax) GST is the tax code that youll use for most sales and purchases. ITS (input taxed sale) Use this code for interest income. N-T (not reportable) N-T stands for not reportable and is the code you use for everything that falls outside the GST net, such as wages; superannuation; loan repayments and bank transfers. QUE (query) Use the query code whenever youre not sure what code to use. That way, when you get to the end of the quarter, you can print a report for all transactions coded QUE and ask your accountant or MYOB Certied Consultant to give you a hand choosing the correct codings.

Deciding what codes to use when

One of the tricky things when rst recording income and expenses is to gure out what tax code to use when. Here are tips to help you out, written especially with non-prot organisations in mind: Income For income from donations, subsidies or grants that are GST-free, select FRE as the tax code. For income that attracts GST (and remember that even government grants usually include GST), select GST as the tax code. Interest income should have ITS as the tax code.

Expenses Most expenses should have GST as the tax code, including things such as advertising, electricity, postage and telephone. Capital acquisitions should have CAP as the tax code.

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Managing GST
Donations should have FRE as the tax code, as should almost all bank charges and interest expense. Government charges are almost all GST-free, and include licence renewals, motor vehicle registration, council rates, water rates, land tax and stamp duty. Insurance is tricky, because almost every insurance policy is a mixture of taxable and tax-free (stamp duty doesnt have GST on it). Enter QUE as the tax code for insurance expense, then double-check the exact amount of GST on every insurance payment when you record it. Milk, tea, coffee and some rst aid supplies should have FRE as the tax code. Residential rents should have ITS as the tax code, commercial rent should have GST as the tax code. Subcontractors should have GST as the tax code. However, if your organisation employs any subbies who arent registered for GST, but have an ABN, record these expenses as FRE. Superannuation should have N-T as the tax code. Travel within Australia should have GST as the tax code; overseas travel should have FRE as the tax code. Wages should have N-T as the tax code.

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