Cryptolog 61

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APR-JUN 1981
cui: ::::::::::: ::::::: .. / :::
THE POETS' CORNER (U). .. ' 11
Without "Portfolio (U) I 15
DIA Videocasette Program (U) ................................................ 19
P.L. 86-36
GLAS6.rIEI B MSA/G66M 123 2
REV.EW eN 1 SiP 2911
Declassified and Approved for Release by NSA on '10-'1.2-.20'1.2 pursuant to E.O. '135.26.
vl DR Case # 54778
DOCID: -4019689
'rt) I'
Published by PI, Techniques and Standards,
for the Personnel of Operations
VOL. VIII, No.4 - 6
Editor-in-Chief............ David H. Williams (11035)
Collection............... 1 1(85555)
Cryptanalysis ............. 1 1(49925)
Cryptolinguistics .........1 1(5981s)
Information Science..... L(3034S}
Language I 1(&1615)
Machine support ............. 1 tS084S)
Mathematics 1 tC8518s)
Special Research Vera R. Filby (71195)
Traffic Analysis ................ Taurone (35735)
For individual subscriptions
name and organizational designator
:"P. L. 86- 3 6
oocro: 40r9689

P.L. 86-36
eoPle workins at NSA during the last
ten years have been able to witness
and perhaps experience a phenomenon
{u} likely to occur only once in the life-
time of an organization. During this
period NSA has moved along portion of
its life cycle from a new, continually grow-
ing organization toa middle-aged organiza-
tion with a static or even decreasing work
force. This change was so subtle and occur-
red over such a long period of time that
many may not have even noticed that it was
taking place. To those who prepare and read
the internal job announcements, it should
have been obvious. To the managers, identi-
fying and recognizing its occurrence should
have been eraeial.
an organization moves into the mid-
dle-aged phase of its life cycle, aanr char-
acteristics surface that are quite comparable
to those of a person entering middle age. As
with some people, a "middle-age spread" de-
velops. In most organizations this usually
occur s at the lower supervisory, higher
worker level (G!ades 11 or 12 at NSA). All
of a sudden the majority of the "working
people" have achieved that grade. A bulge
or overabundance of people at that pay level
occurs--in the neighborhood of 5000 in the
Agency at present. The input grade or grades
below the overstaffed level suffer a corre-
sponding decrease, since there is reduced
hiring and promotions continue. Promotions
out of the overstaffed level, in this case,
to Grade 13, are not sufficient to reduce the
bUlge since promotions "in" are more numerous
that promotions "out."
(U) Thus we have a situation somewhat similar
to that which occurs when a person cheats on a
diet: a wide spot is created at the middle.
This diminishes the desireability of anything
less than a supervisory position, as personnel
jockey for positions with the best promotion
potential. People who actually do the work
become harder and harder to find, since the
rewards to be gained are not as easy to come
by for the non-supervisors. Specialty jobs
become difficult to fill. (Just look at the
number of job advertisements for traffic ana-
lysts or engineers, :if you need convincing.)
Career development is forgotten as managers
attempt to hold onto what few workers they
have, especially the good ones. Closely
guarding these valuable resources becomes a
major managerial function, sometimes with-
out proper consideration of the organization
as a whole, or of the individual. This, in
turn, creates a frustration for those who
can't achieve a supervisory status and are
relegated to a worker position. This frus-
ration causes them to give up, become non-
productive and to hang on. only long enough
to find a vacancy they consider more advan-
tageous to their career. This process cre-
ates trauma within the organization.
(U) The individual entering middle age tends
to suffer the depressions, frustrations and
fears ,that are a normal part of the aging
process; the middle-aged organization is
susceptible to these same emotions. Mana-
gers are particularly vulnerable. Some
must make adjustments and some may have to
make complete revisions in their style of
management. In the early formative years,
there is a steady stream of new, bright,
eager employees continually entering on
duty. Mistakes in planning, and motivation,
and in the managing of these employees
were easy to overcome because of the contin-
uing new input, on the one hand, and the
opportunities caused by constant upward
movement of personnel, on the other. Mana-
gers were certain that they could always re-
place a lost or unmotivated employee; conse-
quently, less management of personnel assets
was required, and less was done. Thus, the
manager in the or growing organization
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTQLOG * Page 1

needs fewer managerial skill in order to get
by. As the organization grows older and
finally reaches the point where few new em-
ployees are entering on board, a whole new
type of managerial perspective becomes nec-
essary. The replacement of personnel who
move up, on or out becomes increasingly dif-
ficult. If the manager is assigned to an
area which is, in the minds of the on-board
employees, a less than desireable one, his
ability to recruit from within the organi-
zation is diminished. Mistakes that were
previously covered up or glossed over now
can result in the loss of a valuable re-
source. The manager must now face up to his
problems and make decisions. More import-
antly, these decisions must be the
greater part of the time. The manager must
motivate his people and create a reputation
for fair play and excellence, which will help
him in the recruiting process, since recruit-
ing situations will be such that frequently
the manager must sell himself in order to
attract the numbers and types of people re-
The manager must now learn to manage!
(U) He must motivate, provide job enrich-
ment, and develop his employees so that job
satisfaction and, consequently, morale are
high within the organization. Since he will
usually be short of resources, he must learn
how to deploy them so as to obtain the maxi-
mum output from the available resources. The
welfare of his personnel must occupy a major
part of his workday. No longer cari the prob-
lems of the employee be given-short shrift,'
since the loss of even a single employee can
cause a severe jolt to the work force. Con-
tinuous failure will eventually lead to the
demise of the organization, since empty billets
are the most logical candidates for reduction,
After all, if you've managed to get along with-
out some for a period of-time, it
probably wasn't worth doing in the first place.
(U) The managers of a middle-aged organi-
zation have to lead rather than operate from
a position of arbitrary ,authority, since other
opportunities are readily available to those
at the working level. Those who master the
techniques of leadership will have little
trouble attracting personnel; those who can't
will always be short-handed or will attempt
to institute a policy of limiting intra-orga-
nizational transfers. (The recent moratorium
on transfers of clerical personnel is an ex-
ample of this.) When this happens the orga-
nization loses; the inevitable results are
discontent, decreased productivity, and, even-
tually, the loss of employees through attrition.
(U) In short, managers of middle-aged orga-
nizations must, firstly, recognize the symp-
toms, and then take whatever actions are neces-
sary to alter their managerial philosophies
so as to become leaders. Some will not have
to change at all; others will make the needed
changes; and the rest will fail.
"[The] Joys [and Frustrations] _of
P1urai {Arthur J.] Sa-
lemme, CRYPTOLOG, January 1978
"When our daughter and a friend of hers
were both five and were eating lunch at
our house, my wife gave them'each a sand-
wich and a slice of American cheese cut
in strips. The little friend particu-
larly [enjoyed] the latter and asked
what they were. 'Cheese,' she was told.
'Well then,' she asked, may I please
have another chee? "'
"This field of research is so virginal that no human eye
has ever set foot on it."
--Opening sentence of a doctoral
dissertation in physics. cited
in smithsonian, March 1981
Apr-'Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 2
---DOCID: 4019689
1 1053
P.L. 86-36
ince the Russian pro.fessional Qualifi-
cation Examination (PQE) was institu-
ted in 1967 as a means to identify the
most competent Russian lin-
guists, the number of people taking Part
IIA, the classified translation section giv-
en every six months, has increased from 16
to almost 200. This drastic increase in the
work load for the members of the PQE com-
mittee chosen to prepare and grade each
test is one of the main reasons for the
recent change in the grading system intro-
duced last September in PQE #21. This
article will explain the general testing
procedure and the grading system currently
used by the committee.
The examination itself is generally
about 70 to 80 lines long, and consists
of four to six selections of voice and
printer traffic, some in Cyrillic and some
in transliteration. The committee attempts
to ensure that the items used for the test
are representative of the different types
of material encountered b Russian lin-
uists at NSA.
In selecting these items the committee
looks for linguistic or technical elements
that a capable Agency linguist with several
years of experience should reasonably be ex-
pected to be able to resolve: garbles in
printer traffic, transliterated Russian,
transcription errors, poor grammar or in-
complete sentences in the original text,
omission of punctuation and prepositions,
highly colloquial expressions, and so forth.
An aspirant is expected to produce a trans-
lation that accurately conveys the content
of the original in good English, while
adhering to NSA translation guidelines.
Four hours are allowed for the examination.
E6 668) The PQE IIA sub-committee consists
of a chairman and four other members, all
of whom are required to be certified Rus-
sian linguists from various operational
elements of the Agency. The chairman en-
sures that the committee, like the test, is
representative of the diverse analytical
elements exploiting Russian traffic. The
committee selects a number of items it
feels are appropriate for the test and drafts
model translations. Then, several certified
linguists who are not on the committee are
asked to take the test, in order to establish
that its length and level of difficulty are
acceptable. This validation group also aids
in establishing a standard by which the per-
formance of the aspirants will be judged.
Next, the test is reviewed by the
Language Career Panel's Standing Committee
on Language Testing (SCLT) to ensure that
the test is fair, as well as comparable
in length and difficulty with tests in
other languages. It also approves the
grading system to be used by the committee.
Finally, several certified linguists, who
have volunteered to act as controls, take
the test along with the aspirants and under
the same conditions.
(U) For the four tests
ing PQE #21, each of the
was responsible for .grading several of the
test items, but not the entire test.
Three committee members graded each test
item, in order to obtain a more balanced
evaluation. These three individuals would
eactI-deduct points, according to a fixed
numberical scale for the various types of
errors,l with a total score assigned
to the item being graded. These three
scores were later combined to produce an
average grade for the item, and the sum of
these grades was used as the aspirant's
overall grade for the PQE. Finally, the
test papers with the least number of points
deducted were passed, with the exact num-
ber of passes being determined by the con-
trol group. The passing mark for the
aspirants has generally been set at a
significantly lower level than that of the
validation and control groups.
(U) This approach, while satisfying the
need for a reasonably objective grading
system, led to several problems,.which were
noted by both the aspirants and the commit-
tee members. To begin with, the large num-
ber of test papers involved forced the com-
Apr-Jun 81 * CRyl"tOLoG * Page 3
DocrD: 4019689
mittee to spend an enormous amount of time
on establishing an exact grade for each
paper--six months for PQE '20, as an ex-
ample. This seemed to be a less than ef-
ficient system, since most of the commit-
tee's time was spent grading the papers
with the most errors and the least chance
of passing. It should be noted in this
connection that some PQEs in other lan-
guages have been graded using the same
system of deducting points for errors,
but in conjunction with a cutoff score,
such losing more than an es-
tablished number of points automatically
failed the test, making it unnecessary to
continue grading the paper. Furthermore,
the number of aspirants for the other lan-
guages has been much smaller, as few as
two or three, in some cases, which meant
that less time was required for grading.
(ti) The numerical grading system, as
used for the.Russian PQE, has also inad-
vertently tended to maximize the attention
given to minor errors, since a grader under
pressure to arrive at an accurate score for
each test is inclined to look for minor
errors and to deduct points for them. This
has, unfortunately, at times resulted in
disagreements and grading discrepancies
among the committee memebers, since no two
graders are likely to share the same opin-
ion of the boundary between poor word
choice and a definite mistranslation, or
of the of poor spelling and
grammar in a translation. In addition,
the numerical grades, while providing
apparent have tended to em-
phasize the number of errors and to ob-
scure the nature of the errors; one 4-
point syntactical error may mathematically
equal four I-point English usage errors,
but these cannot be considered equivalent
reflections of a linguist's ability to
produce an acceptable translation. This
caused some problems during the grading
of PQE '20, since the length of time
required to grade the tests in the first
place precluded any comprehensive review
of the grades before they were released.
(U) As a result of the problems arising
during the grading of PQE '20, the com-
mitte preparing PQE '21 decided to modify
the grading system to incorporate the
cutoff feature mentioned above. The cut-
off point, like the curve used for grading
the preceding exams, was to be based on
the performance of the validation group.
It was also decided that the committee
would no longer attempt to assign an exact
numerical grade to each test. Under the
new system, a grader was to read the entire
test paper and assign a Pass or a Fail to
each test--as had been done for PQEs #15
and *16--after comparing the aspirant's
performance to those of the members of
the validation group, with the emphasis
on the major errors committed by the as-
pirant. Each test was graded by three
committee members, and a unanimous opin-
ion, whether pass or fail, was recorded as
such without further discussion. Split
decisions were resolved by discussions
among the graders, with the final grade
determined by consensus. Minor errors
were generally taken into account only
for borderline papers, which were failed
if they contained an excessive number.
(U) The new grading system has already
shown itself to be superior to previous
methods in several ways. First, the
evaluation of the tests was completed
in just three months, as compared to
the six months required for PQE '20.
Most of the committee's time was spent on
borderline papers, where more effort was
required, rather than on the papers that
would clearly be failed in any case. Fur-
thermore, the emphasis in grading was
directed to the most serious types of
errors, with a corresponding de-emphasis
in the more subjective areas of word
choice, elegance of phrasing, and the
like. Finally, the immediately appar-
ent distinction between a Pass and a Fail
--as contrasted with the difference
between two numerical scores--ensured
that any disputed tests would automati-
cally be reviewed by the committee, with
any grading errors, such as overlooking
omitted sentences, being detected during
the review process.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(U) The rest of this article will pro-
vide examples of the principal types of
errors, and show the relative weights
assigned to them in grading. The ex-
amples are given either in Cyrillic
or in transliteration, just as they
appeared in the original material from
which they were extracted. Also,
garbles and other defects in the original
have been left uncorrected. Each ex-
ample includes the original Russian (R),
the roodel translation prepared by the
ccmnittee (M), and the aspirant's ver-
sion (T).
f6t- MAJOR ERRORS. The focus in grading,
as explained above, is on major errors--
those for which four or.eight points would
have been deducted under the previous sys-
tem. These can, for the most part, be
regarded as errors in grammar or syntax.
The aspirant has not understood the
relationships among the elements of a sen-
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 4
DOCID: 4019689
S E C R E ~ SPOKE EO 1.4. (c)
tence, or among the sentences in the orlgl-
nal, and has accordingly produced a trans-
lation with serious distortions of the
meaning and structure of the original.
The triage system used for preliminary
grading (separating the papers into
pass, fail, and needs-further-discussion
categories) used the number of grammatical
and syntactical errors as its primary
criterion, although certain other errors,
such as the omission of an entire phrase or
sentence, were also considered to be major.
Apr-Jun 81 *CRYPTOLOG * Page 5
DOCID: 4019689
EO 1.4. (c)
P..L. 86-36
expected ,i this type\of error occurs much
more frequently than\grammatical or syn-
tactical ones. Thismay to some extent be
a result of the four-hour time limit on
the PQE, but in many cases it appears
to be more a result of\carelessness or
indifference on the part of the translator
Other errors treated as minor by the PQE
#21 committee have included the omission
of a word in the translation, extremely
awkward or incomprehensible English, in-
correct verb tense usage, and so forth.
Here are some examples of minor errors
from PQEs #20 and 21.
The aspirant treated an adjective as a
noun and separated it from the noun it
modifies. It should be noted that there
were several errors in the transcript
used for this item (masculine and feminine
modifiers for a neuter noun), and that the
aspirant's error may have originated in his
mistranslation of the verb SCHITAL.
In summary, most of the common major
errors involve verb forms, Russian word
colloquial expressions and noun
endings. These, in addition to lexical
errors, can lead a translator to see
nonexistent relationships in the text
and to produce translations based on
them, sometimes causing distortions in
other parts of the text, so as to make
them fit the translator's perception.
"'ffSEt- MINOR ERRORS. Lexical errors are
considered "minor" only in the sense that
they are less serious than grammatical and
syntactical ones. Such errors (for which
two points were deducted under the Child
system) cannot, however, be considered as
insignificant. Gross mistranslations can
occasionally affect the meaninl of a text
as seriously as a syntactical error, and
even less severe ones will degrade the
quality of a translation. As miKht be
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 6
DOCID: 4019689
EO 1.4. (c)
P.L. 86-36
For PQE #21 this type of error was taken
into account primarily for tests near the
rough cutoff level designated for the num-
ber of major errors. A test that would
have been borderline on the basis of the
major errors it contained would fail if
it also had a large number of lexical er-
rors, with the cutoff point for these minor
errors being determined by the performance
of the validation group.
account. In spite .of objections from
several aspirants.that the purpose of the
PQE is to test command of Russian, not
English, an individual translating from
Russian into Ellglish is expected to be
able to express himself well in the latter.
Aspirants are encouraged to bring an En-
glish dictionary and a thesaurus to the
examination along with the Russian-English
dictionaries recommended by the panel.
(U) The area of word choice and
phrasing is more ambiguous. Graders
are usually fairly tolerant, at least
under a Pass/Fail system, as long as
the./translation can be understood. Mis-
takes like beginning a formal intergov-
e.rnmental message with "Dear Friends"
(inappropriate style) will generally be
overlooked by the committee in deter-
mining an aspirant's grade. Aspirants
should realize, however, that a trans-
lation that disconcerts a reader or
forces him to make an effort in order to
understand what was mean--such as might
result from adherence to Russian word
order--is an inferior one.
rants are also expected to follow the
minimal format rules prescribed for NSA
translations by USSID 300: capitalizing
proper names, indicating interpolations
by the translator, noting garbled words,
and so forth. As has been the case with
style and spelling errors, no aspirant has
failed the Russian PQE exclusively because
of failure to observe Agency conventions.
It is, however, recommended that aspirants
familiarize themselves with the relevant
portions of USSID 300 before taking the
test, and attempt to follow these conven-
tions as much as possible.
(U) CONCLUSION. The Russian PQE IIA com-
mittee feels that the modified Pass/Fail
system now being used is an improvement
over the point system which it replaced.
In addition to requiring less time for
the grading process--a vital consideration
in view of the large and ever-increasing
number of aspirants--we feel that it can
provide results that are both fair and
1 For a description of this scoring sys-
tem, see "An Objective APyroach to
SCOrij ....T...r... a ....nslations," by
CRYPTOLOG, March 1976.
(U) ENGLISH ERRORS. Although no aspirants
have been failed solely because of poor
spelling or English grammar--errors for
which one point would have been deducted
under the Child system--these mistakes
do affect the quality of a translation
and may influence a grader's opinion of a
paper, even if not formally taken into
* * * * * * * * * *
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * P ~ g e 7
P.L. 86-36
--OOCID: 4lJl9689
Third Party
1 18309
L L. 86-36
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 8 EO 1. 4. (c)
EO 1.4. (d)
DOCID: 4019689
- - - - - - ~ ~ ~
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 9
EO 1.4. (c)
EO 1.4. (d)
P.L. 86-36
DOCID: 4019689
Is there any mythology buff out there who can identify
whatever personal attributes of these two Greek goddesses
make this quotation an apt one? If so, please all
CRYPTOLOG on 1103s.
EO 1.4. (c)
EO 1. 4. )d)
P. L. 8
81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 10
EO 1.4. (c)
P.L. 86-36
DOCID: 4019689
Introduction is e eee
In the mid-l9S0s a cryptanalytic effort was underway in ADVA, the
predecessor of today's AS (Cipher Analysis), against a particularly
recalcitrant wired-wheel system. The R&D element then known as
MATH, comparable to the current R5l (Mathematical Research Division),
as part of its mission to provide applied mathematical support to
PROD elements, suggested to ADVA a novel (for those times) approach
involving eigenvectors. The ADVA analysts resisted this as being
no improvement over the techniques they were already using. MATH
reported this reluctance to the ADVA leadership, slyly adding that
perhaps "ADVA was frightened by eigenvectors." A lively "discussion"
ensued, the upshot of which was this "D/F", sent from William Lut-
winiak, Deputy Chief of ADVA, to Arthur Levenson, the Chief.
Apr-JllJ1 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 11
II...NBbB \'1* 8SMIN'f 8II...NNBb8 SNb'I'
DOCID: 4019689
NSA-Crostic No.33
D. H. W.
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 12
.L. 86-36
DOCID: 4019689
Apr-May 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 13
DOCID: 4019689
... .I. 1,1 .,.1. .eel P r. .. - ~
r. II ;;. r .. r-----
!! 1-
-1 .:- e. -:: I
Most people find that "REQUEST STATUS
cient. But now and then there are
exceptions ...
~ ~
" \
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 14
P.L . 8(
HAtJ8:bB 'qz\ JQJcUNT SIb' NNEbiS Q)JbV
DOCID: 4019689
This is an address given by Mr.
at the 1980 Symposium of the
Communications Analysis Asso-
ciation, and is based on his
extensive experience on the
Soviet Military Problem.
Specialty Without
Portfolio eU) I IA2.

This article is classified
SECRET Ilfdoffii "ViA MoffItt' ONLY
in its entirety.
n addition to cryptanalysis, which
I do not intend to deal with in this
discussion, communications intelligence
has always involved two primary, overlapping
but distinct, tasks with respect to target
c ordering and understanding target
communications structure and pro-
cedures--commonly referred to as
trafftc analysis, and
cdescribing target organizations,
activities, intentions and trends
--known as intelligence analysis
or special research analysis.
The major overlaps of the two disciplines
are in their contribution to target organi-
zation, or order of battle, and command and
Of these two skills, only the latter
one, intelligence analysis,has been ef-
fectively accommodated in the NSA career
structure. Traffic analysis, in terms of
its application, is largely regarded as a
skill to employ if time and resources per-
mit, which means that it is basically non-
functioning in many important areas. In
career terms, it has been essentially in-
accessible to representative numbers of
people, being an apprentice slot which
must be abdicated by those with more than
modest ambitions.
EO 1.4. (c)
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 15 P. L. 86- 36
Ut)!LlI.E "I' SQAIIN'T 811ANNBhS 6141;*
DOCID: 4019689
EO 1.4. (c)
P.L. 86-36
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 16
SHeRe" Ut:l'IBhEl 'AA S8ldlU'f' 8ItAlmBhS el4bY
DOCID: 4019689
... / ./
EO 1.4. (c)
P.L. 86-36
Apr-Jon 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 17
Il1dfBbl!l 'f1l\ 86MHff ellAfRfBbS elf"'I
DOCID: 4019689
Those readers who wish to send contributions to
CRYPTOLOG, and who have access to PLATFORM, may
forward their submissions via PLATFORM. Send
them to cryptolog (that's all in lower case)
at B A R l C ~ 5 . Contributions, naturally, will
also continue to be accepted in handwritten
or typed form. Any questions? Call 11035. * CRYPTOLOG * Page 18
EO 1.4. (c)
P.L. 86-36
DOCID: 40196ff9
Did you know? Collateral Documents (T5322) holds a collection
of videocasettes which are products of DIA's Defense Intelligence
Videocasette (DIV) Program. The subjects range from documentaries
on the Soviet military to interviews with authorities on Chinese
(U) The following is a list of the titles currently available. All
titles are UNCLASSIFIED. Classifications of the tapes themselves vary.
The Soviet People
The Soviet Soldier
Soviet Airborne Forces
Soviet Amphibious Forces
Soviet Air Operation Concept
Soviet Tactical Electronic Warfare
The New Soviet Tanks
Soviet Armed Helicopters
The KIEV Deploys
*The SS-20
*The Soviet Afghanistan Invasion
Warsaw Pact Military Posture
The Chinese People
China's Military Posture
(U) Except for those titles marked with an asterisk, these tapes
may be borrowed from T5322 for a period of two weeks. For further
information, caq Ion 8642su.Themasteriskedmtitlesuumay
be obtained from A2045, 5091s.
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 19

P.L. 86-36
DOCID: 4019689
CRYPTOLOG has no magical, automated way of
updating our address list. So if you change
jobs without letting us know, your continued
receipt of the magazine will depend on the
personnel at you former job.
Soem are very helpful in calling to notify
us of new addresses. But not all are. Also,
if your job doesn't change, but your organi-
zation does, because of reorganization, you
may not continue toreceive your copy.
So, if you have moved, or if you have been
reorganized, the best way to insure that you
will continue to receive CRYPTOLOG is to
give us a call at 1103s.
Apr-Jun 81 * CRYPTOLOG * Page 20
Pl-oct 81-83-9'5'

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