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Ontario Burden of



Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Authors: Jeffrey C. Kwong, MD, MSc, CCFP, FRCPC Natasha S. Crowcroft, MB BS, MRCP, FFPH, MSc, MD(Cantab) Michael A. Campitelli, MPH Sujitha Ratnasingham, MSc Nick Daneman, MD, MSc, FRCPC Shelley L. Deeks, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, FAFPHM Douglas G. Manuel, MD, MSc, FRCPC

Published by the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. 2010 Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion and Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any format or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the proper written permission of the publisher. Canadian cataloguing in publication data Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Includes bibliographical references. ISBN: 978-1-926850-03-0 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Jeffrey C. Kwong Natasha S. Crowcroft Michael A. Campitelli Sujitha Ratnasingham Nick Daneman Shelley L. Deeks Douglas G. Manuel

How to cite this publication

Kwong JC, Crowcroft NS, Campitelli MA, Ratnasingham S, Daneman N, Deeks SL, Manuel DG. Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Advisory Group; Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS): An OAHPP/ICES Report. Toronto: Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences; 2010. Ontario Agency for Health Promotion and Protection 480 University Avenue, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M5G 1V2 Telephone: 647-260-7100 www.oahpp.ca Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) G1 06, 2075 Bayview Avenue Toronto, ON M4N 3M5 Telephone: 416-480-4055 www.ices.on.ca The opinions, results and conclusions reported in this paper are those of the authors and are independent from the funding sources. No endorsement by the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (OAHPP), the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) or the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) is intended or should be inferred.

December 2010

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Publication Information Executive Summary List of Acronyms List of Exhibits Authors and Acknowledgements About OAHPP and ICES

2 4 192 193 196 198







Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Common Bacterial Infections Viral Hepatitis Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Viral Respiratory Infections Intestinal Infections Vaccine Preventable Diseases Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) Mycoses Vector-borne and Imported Infections

38 39 59 65 79 87 99 109 111 117


Overall Methods
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Outcome Measures Approaches to Assessing Disease Burden Age Groups Time Frame Data Sources Disease List and Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Estimation of Incidence and Mortality

9 10 13 13 13 13 15 22

Detailed Description of the Development of the Severity Weights Using the CLAMES Methodology




Comparison of the burden of infectious diseases using the standard Global Burden of Disease (GBD) and ONBOIDS methodologies


Overall Results and Interpretation

3.1 Death and Reduced Functioning 3.2 Pathogen-Based and Syndrome-Based Planning 3.3  The Enemy Within and the Enemy Without: Endogenous and Exogenous Pathogens 3.4 Gender Lens on Infectious Diseases Burden 3.5 Public Perceptions and Public Health 3.6 Prevention Past and Future 3.7  Comparing ONBOIDS to Other Burden of Disease Studies in Canada 3.8  Comparing ONBOIDS to Other Burden of Infectious Disease Studies

23 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 37

Strengths and Limitations

5.1 Strengths 5.2 Limitations 5.2a  Overall Limitations Impacting Both YLL and YERF Estimates 5.2b Limitations Specific to YLL Estimates 5.2c Limitations Specific to YERF Estimates

122 123 123 123 126 126

Burden of Selected Syndromes



 CD-10 and OHIP Codes Used to I Extract Data from Health Care Utilization and Mortality Databases


Conclusions and Recommendations


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Contents

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Executive Summary

Over the past decade, infectious diseases have regained prominence in Ontario, with outbreaks of E. coli O157:H7, West Nile virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and pandemic H1N1 influenza. The Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS) provides a current assessment of the mortality and morbidity of infectious disease in Ontario. The studys objectives were to: determine the relative contributions of select infectious diseases to the overall burden of infectious diseases in Ontario; inform priority setting, planning and decision-making; establish a baseline for future evaluations of public health interventions; and identify strengths and weaknesses of existing infectious disease data in Ontario.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Executive Summary

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

The study
ONBOIDS built on previous international and Canadian work. A composite health gap measure health-adjusted life years (HALYs)was used to assess disease burden. HALYs allow for the simultaneous description of both premature mortality and the reduced functioning or suboptimal state of health associated with diseases or injuries (i.e., morbidity). HALYs quantify the amount of healthy life lost by estimating the difference between actual population health and a specified norm or goal. Disease burden was estimated by pathogen (e.g., Streptococcus pneumoniae) and by syndrome (e.g., pneumonia); 51 distinct infectious pathogens and 16 syndromes were considered. We focused on those infections that were severe enough to require health care or which were reportable; for selected pathogens, we adjusted for underdiagnosis and underreporting. To reduce some of the anticipated year-to-year variability arising from the dynamic nature of infectious diseases, we estimated annual disease incidence and mortality by calculating three-year averages from the latest data available. Deaths that occurred during 20032005 were extracted from Ontario vital statistics data. Disease incidence was estimated for 20052007 by compiling Ontario reportable disease data, health care utilization data and cancer registry data, and supplementing with local modeling studies and national and international epidemiologic studies. Etiologic agent distributions for non-specific syndromes and average durations of disease courses were determined from epidemiologic

studies and expert opinion. Severity weights for the various health states were generated using the Classification and Measurement System of Functional Health (CLAMES) instrument developed by Statistics Canada.

Each year in Ontario, there are over 7,000,000 infectious disease episodes and nearly 4,900 deaths from infectious diseases. Infectious diseases accounted for 82,881 HALYs, comprising 68,213 years of life lost due to premature mortality and 14,668 year-equivalents of reduced functioning; more than 80% of the disease burden associated with infectious diseases is from premature mortality rather than from disease-associated morbidity. The 10 most burdensome infectious agents were: hepatitis C virus (HCV), Streptococcus pneumoniae, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), Escherichia coli, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS), Staphylococcus aureus, influenza, Clostridium difficile and rhinovirus; nearly 50% of the total burden of infectious diseases could be attributed to the top five pathogens. Among selected infectious syndromes, the five most burdensome were pneumonia, septicaemia, urinary tract infections, acute bronchitis and endocarditis.

There was a dramatic range in the severity of infectionsfrom the common cold to terminal AIDSand duration of illnessfrom days (e.g., for cystitis and upper respiratory tract infections) to decades (e.g., for HIV and the sequelae of bacterial meningitis). A large proportion of the burden of illness could be attributed to a small number of pathogens and syndromes for which highly effective targeted interventions (e.g., pneumococcal, HBV and HPV vaccines) and non-specific interventions (e.g., hand washing, male and female condoms) already exist, so the future burden of some of these infectious agents and syndromes may be dramatically reduced with greater uptake of available interventions. The mortality and morbidity associated with illnesses that can be prevented by childhood vaccination (e.g., measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, polio and diphtheria) have been largely eliminated as a result of the success of routine childhood vaccination programs. These remain priorities to ensure that control is sustained. A significant burden associated with infections is caused by pathogens that constitute the human bodys normal microbiological flora (e.g., E. coli, S. aureus). These infections often take place in health care settings. Addressing this burden will require interventions that minimize transmission of these pathogens to normally sterile body sites and emphasize the ongoing need to strengthen infection prevention programs in health care settings.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Executive Summary

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Although the overall burden was similar between males and females, marked differences in sexspecific burden were noted for certain pathogens (HCV, HBV, HPV and HIV/AIDS) and syndromes (e.g., urinary tract infections). The burden of infectious diseases often correlates poorly with public perception, media attention and resource allocation; many of the pathogens ranked among the top 20 receive little recognition as significant contributors to disease burden in the population. The total burden of infectious diseases was equivalent to roughly 25% of the burden of all cancers (estimated in a previous Canadian study).* The ranking of infectious diseases was similar to that reported in a European pilot study** that assessed the burden of only seven pathogens, and the magnitude of the burden was comparable to the findings of a previous Australian study^ for some infectious diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS, chlamydia) but not others (e.g., HCV, tuberculosis). This provides some validation of our methods.

Strengths and weaknesses

The study is a thorough examination of the burden of infectious diseases. Strengths of the study include the expansion of the use of the pathogen-based approach; the comprehensiveness of infectious diseases included; the inclusion of a broader range of health states/sequelae of infectious diseases; and the use of linkable health care utilization data. To our knowledge, this represents the most thorough examination of the burden of infectious diseases to date, worldwide. In such an ambitious undertaking there are inevitably limitations to both the data available and the methods applied. Identification of such limitations was indeed an objective of the study. Our approach had similar limitations to those of other burden of disease studies. These included: the static nature of the burden of disease methodology and its implications for dynamic processes, such as infectious diseases; suboptimal data quality and availability; the scope of the study being restricted to the health burden and not economic or psychosocial impacts; questions related to the generalizeability of the etiologic agent distributions; the exclusion of certain important infectious agents, syndromes and health states; and the burden of undiagnosed and unreported cases.

Interpretation and recommendations

Further work is required to improve the timeliness of data access and the quality of information available. A top priority should be to improve the data infrastructure required for surveillance, high-quality research and program evaluation by expanding the linkage of data sources already in existence. While the prevention of some infectious diseases will require the development of novel interventions, much of Ontarios infectious disease burden could be reduced through better implementation of existing interventions. The estimated burden of a disease is only one of a multitude of considerations necessary for setting priorities for future action. A critical evaluation of the effectiveness of available interventions, as well as economic, political and ethical considerations, are also important components of priority setting. Efforts such as ONBOIDS serve to inform decision-making, identify areas of future research and action, and highlight gaps in data availability and quality. These findings can assist planners, decision-makers, practitioners and researchers in their efforts to improve the health of Ontarios population.
* Public Health Agency of Canada. Population Health Impact of Disease in Canada (PHI). Accessed on September 13, 2010 at http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/phi-isp/index-eng.php. **  van Lier EA, Havelaar AH, Nanda A. The burden of infectious diseases in Europe: a pilot study. Euro Surveill 2007; 12(12):E34. ^ Mathers C, Vos T, Stevenson C. The Burden of Disease and Injury in Australia. Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; 1999. Accessed on September 13, 2010 at http://www.aihw.gov.au/publications/phe/bdia/bdia.pdf.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Executive Summary

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


In the face of limited health resources, the increasing importance of evidencebased priority setting, health program evaluation, and economic evaluation has led to a demand for enhanced knowledge about the relative contributions of specific diseases and injuries to the loss of healthy life.1
Several methods to quantify population-level disease burden have been proposed. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) method was first proposed by Dean T. Jamison at the World Bank in the 1993 World Development Report.2 Subsequently, the Harvard School of Public Health was contracted to construct first estimates, and the methodology was used by the World Health Organization (WHO) to assess the health of populations; similar approaches have been taken to assess regional, state level, or national burden of disease (e.g., European Union, Australia).3 , 4 Building on this work, Statistics Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada collaborated on the Population Health Impact of Disease in Canada (PHI) project.5 These types of approaches have never been used to assess disease burden in Ontario. Since the mission of the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (OAHPP) is to support health care providers, the public health system and partner Ministries in making informed decisions and taking informed action to improve the health and security of all Ontarians through the transparent and timely provision of credible scientific advice and practical tools, assessing the provincial burden of diseases and injuries is consistent with OAHPPs mandate.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 1 / Introduction

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

The Ontario Burden of Disease Study (ONBODS) is a three-year project designed to provide three comprehensive reports on the burden of disease for Ontario. Because OAHPP was created partially in response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak of 2003, it seemed logical to start a burden of disease study with a focused assessment of infectious diseases, resulting in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS). Unlike certain chronic health conditions (e.g., cancer, diabetes), very little research has previously been conducted in Ontario or Canada to quantify the burden of infectious disease. A study dedicated to infectious disease would fill that knowledge gap and provide an in-depth picture of a larger number of infectious agents than has been typically included in burden of disease studies. Future reports will examine the burden of mental illness and addictions, and the burden associated with risk factors for chronic diseases.

The objectives of ONBOIDS are to:

1. Determine the relative contributions of various infectious diseases to the overall burden of infectious diseases in Ontario. 2. Inform priority setting, planning and decision-making. 3. Establish a baseline for future evaluations of public health interventions. 4. Identify strengths and weaknesses of existing data on infectious diseases in Ontario, and define areas requiring improvement.

We also did not include an evaluation of the full impact of infectious disease outbreaks. These, as seen with SARS and the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, may have much broader economic and societal impacts than their effect on the health of a population. The methods used in this study do not permit such an assessment to be done. Novel methods are needed to comprehensively assess the health and economic burden of outbreaks of infectious diseases. Finally, this report does not include an assessment of the success of interventions. For example, we do not present the burden of disease prevented by interventions such as vaccination programs, early antibiotic treatment for invasive bacterial disease and hospital infection control. These are vital public health programs. In general, vaccine-preventable diseases have very low remaining burden of illness precisely because the programs are so successful. Furthermore, several of the infections which we identified as having significant burden are also those for which new vaccines are under development. An important complementary study to carry out would be an investigation of the number of lives saved and morbidity prevented through various intervention strategies (e.g., vaccination). The findings of this report support continued investments in all these areas and should in no way be interpreted as meaning that they deserve any less attention in the future.

There are a number of limitations to burden of disease studies, which is why identifying strengths and weaknesses was made an objective of the study. An explicit health economic component has not been included in the analysis. Furthermore, while we were for the most part able to assess the disease burden associated with health care utilization, we were generally not able to include the economic, societal and individual impacts of many mild but commonly occurring infections that do not come to the attention of clinical or public health services. We acknowledge that these are of great economic significance and deserve consideration at a later stage.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 1 / Introduction

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Overall Methods
The methodology for ONBOIDS was adapted from the GBD and PHI studies.1,5,6 In order to measure and compare the burdens associated with different diseases it is necessary to quantify the burden for each disease using an appropriate summary measure of population health.
We used the health-adjusted life year (HALY). The HALY is a composite health gap measure that allows for the simultaneous description of both mortality and morbidity by incorporating deaths occurring before a pre-specified life expectancy (premature mortality) and the reduced functioning or suboptimal state of health associated with diseases or injuries. HALYs quantify the amount of healthy life lost by estimating the difference between actual population health and some specified norm or goal. HALYs are an umbrella term for a family of measures, including disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs).7 A scientific advisory committee composed of investigators with the appropriate expertise (e.g., infectious diseases specialists, public health physicians, epidemiologists) oversaw the process. This committee identified the disease groups and diseases/ agents to include in the study. Members from this group and other experts formed smaller disease group subcommittees to identify health states and appropriate data sources for each disease. They also reviewed the data collected to ensure plausibility and clinical accuracy. The approach was driven, at least in part, by the availability of data; gaps were identified in order to make recommendations on future needs for improved data access and quality.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


2.1 OUTCOME MEASURES Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL)
YLL measures the years of potential life lost due to premature mortality (Equation 2.1). YLL is calculated for each age group for each infectious agent/disease. To get the YLL for each age group and for each agent, the number of deaths in an age group due to a particular cause is multiplied by L, the standard loss function. L is the number of years of life lost due to premature mortality in each age group. The YLL for each age group is summed to get the YLL for an agent. Deaths that were ill-defined were proportionally redistributed to relevant causes. Equation 2.1: YLLc,a,s = Nc,a,s * La,s
Where: Nc,a,s La,s = = number of deaths due to cause (c) for a given age group (a) and sex (s) standard loss function in years (number of years of life lost due to premature mortality for the age and sex stratum)

Year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF)

YERF measures the years of healthy life lost due to reduced functioning as a result of a disease or condition (Equation 2.2). The calculation of YERF for each infectious disease required the following steps:
1. A detailed description of the natural history of each disease and its associated health states was determined. Each disease could have multiple health states which outline the possible stages in the progression of the disease. 2. The incidence for each health state of each disease was estimated. Information on health state incidence was collected from Ontario data when available and/ or epidemiologic studies, or was approximated using overall disease incidence and distribution of the disease by health state (disaggregated by age group and sex whenever possible). 3. The duration of each health state was determined. We assumed the duration was uniform across age and sex because age- and sex-specific estimates were not available. 4. The severity weight associated with each health state, also assumed to be uniform across age and sex, was determined by an expert medical panel using the Classification and Measurement System of Functional Health (CLAMES) methodology.8 (See Severity Weights and Appendix A for further details). 5. The YERF for each health state (for each age group and sex) were calculated by multiplying the incidence by the severity weight and duration. The YERF for each health state were then calculated by adding the YERF for age groups and sexes within the health state. 6. The YERF for each disease were ascertained by summing the YERF for each health state associated with the disease.

The process of calculating YERF required information from multiple data sources. The incidence of disease and health states was collected from various sources, such as reportable disease and health care utilization data, as available and appropriate. Epidemiologic studies were most often used to ascertain estimates of health state duration and the distribution of disease by health state. Equation 2.2: YERFc,h,a,s = Ic,h,a,s * Dc,h * SWc,h
Where: Ic,h,a,s Dc,h SWc,h = = = incident cases by cause (c), health state (h), age (a), and sex (s) average duration of health state severity weight associated with health state

Health-adjusted life years (HALYs)

The HALYs for each disease were calculated by adding the YLL and YERF for the disease (Equation 2.3), Equation 2.3: HALY = YLL + YERF
In theory, the HALY measures future healthy years of life lost due to each incident case of disease or injury. It is thus an incidence-based measure rather than a prevalence-based measure.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Social value choices

The calculation of HALYs requires several distinct social value choices. There were four main social value choices made by the ONBOIDS investigators. 1. Life expectancy Life expectancy (LE) is the number of years a person could be expected to live from a given age. The calculation of YLL requires the definition of a standard loss function (L) that represents the LE for that age group (See Equation 2.1). The standard loss function, and subsequent calculation of YLL, will vary depending on the LE used. In the GBD study, the same predefined LE (by age group and sex) was used for all countries. This was based on the highest attainable LE using the Coale and Demeny West level 26 model life table.9, 10 For females, the highest LE at birth was 82.5 years (the life expectancy for females in Japan). For males, LE at birth was set at 80 years based on the presumed biological difference between the two sexes (2.5 years). In this study, we used the LE for the Ontario population (82.0 years for females and 77.4 years for males) to take into account the local demographic profile,11 although we appreciate that by not using the LE from the GBD study our results may be less comparable to other burden of disease studies worldwide. 2. Age weighting Due to changing levels of dependency and productivity throughout the life course, a year of life lost at age 30 may be valued more highly than a year of life lost at age 75. In the GBD study, nonOntario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

uniform age weights were used to give the highest weight to years lost in young adulthood.1 This decision was based on economic value, as young adults are considered more productive and necessary to the economy. However, the use of age weights to adjust the calculation of DALYs is controversial. Age weighting is highly debated as it violates principles of societal equity.12 Furthermore, the quantitative methodology used to implement age weights in the calculation of DALYs has been called into question.13 Finally, to our knowledge there is insufficient evidence that Canadians value a year of life lived in a particular age group more than others. For these reasons, age weighting was not used in our analysis. 3. Discounting Discounting means that future life years are assigned less value than those lived today. This is based on the economic concept that one prefers benefits now rather than in the future.14 The GBD study discounted future life years at a rate of 3%. Using this discount rate, a year of healthy life lived in 10 years time is worth 24 percent less than a year of healthy life lived in the present.15 As with age weighting, there is controversy regarding the application of discounting to future health effects. It has been argued that life does not lose value to society if it is in the future rather than the present16 and that life cannot be valued in strictly monetary terms. Thus, applying economic theories such as opportunity costs may not be appropriate.13 It has also been argued that discounting biases health policy against preventive health programs (e.g., vaccination, smoking cessation), which tend to have

longer term benefits, in favour of acute therapeutic care which has immediate benefits. Finally, it is also unknown if Canadians prefer health benefits in the present as opposed to in the future. Due to this controversy, the current analysis was conducted without discounting. 4. Severity weights Severity weights (or health state valuations) quantify societal preferences for different health states. These weights do not represent the lived experience of any health state, or imply any societal value of the person in a health state. Rather, they quantify societal preferences for health states in relation to the societal ideal of optimal health. The weights for HALY calculation are expressed on a scale from zero to one, with zero representing a state of optimal health and one representing a state equivalent to death. The GBD study developed disability weights using responses from individuals in 10 different countries. However, there was incomplete alignment between diseases and health states evaluated in the GBD study and those included in ONBOIDSONBOIDS evaluated a far more extensive number of infectious diseases. Therefore, a set of Ontario-specific severity weights was developed. The CLAMES methodology was previously developed as part of the PHI study for generating preference scores for the Canadian population.8 CLAMES used the Standard Gamble (SG) methodology with predominantly lay panels to capture societys preferences more accurately than previous studies. A drawback was that classifications (the combination of scores for 11 distinct attributes) were previously


Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


developed for only a relatively limited number of diseases (including 24 infectious diseases). Consequently, ONBOIDS researchers assembled a panel of health professionals to develop a classification for each health state under investigation using the CLAMES system. The system provides a preference weight for any potential classification. A severity weight is obtained by subtracting the CLAMES preference weight from 1.0. A more detailed description of the methods used to generate the severity weights can be found in Appendix A.

The GBD study incorporated discounting future time at a rate of 3% for DALYs, whereas discounting is not necessarily included in QALY calculations. The use of discounting will reduce the apparent burden of chronic conditions relative to acute conditions. However, as stated previously, we did not discount in this study. DALYs generally use disability weights (0 = perfect health and 1 = death) that often rely on expert opinion to place conditions on a continuum of disability, whereas QALYs use utility weights (0 = death and 1 = perfect health) that are generated through preference exercises using techniques such as the standard gamble. Use of the CLAMES instrument effectively produces utility weights, which we converted into severity weights by subtracting from 1.0. Finally, DALYs are frequently separated into the mortality (YLL) and morbidity (years of life lived with disability, or YLD) components, whereas QALYs generally are not.

QALYs but was technically neither, we used the more generic HALY as our outcome measure. In addition, by using HALYs we maintain consistency with the PHI study which was conducted in Canada.5 To assess the impact of using HALYs as opposed to DALYs for ONBOIDS, we computed DALYs (incorporating age-weighting, discounting at a rate of 3%, standard GBD life expectancy, and disability weights from previous studies) for the top 20 most burdensome infectious agents. The results were consistent with our main analysis and are provided in Appendix B.

Comparing HALYs, DALYs, and QALYs

The concept of HALYs and the similarities and differences between DALYs and QALYs have been reviewed in detail previously.7 The most salient differences between DALYs and QALYs are:
 Q ALYs have been used by health economists since the 1960s predominantly for evaluating interventions in clinical settings,17 whereas DALYs were developed in the 1990s for measuring and comparing disease burden in populations.2 QALYs can be thought of as a good to be maximized, whereas DALYs, as a health gap measure, can be thought of as a bad to be minimized. The term QALYs lost can be used in a similar way that DALYs are generally used. Age weighting is generally applied to DALYs and not to QALYs. As described above, age weighting applies more weight to the disease burden afflicting working-age adults. But the use of age weighting is controversial and the ONBOIDS advisory committee chose not to apply age weighting in ONBOIDS.

Uncertainty in the HALY estimates

HALY calculations require numerous estimates from a wide range of data sources; therefore, it is not possible to accurately quantify the uncertainty for these estimates in the traditional manner (e.g., 95% confidence intervals). While a certain degree of uncertainty is inherent in all HALY estimates, it is accepted that only point estimates be provided, without attempting to incorporate all the uncertainty associated with the estimates.

Since the objective of ONBOIDS was to estimate the burden of infectious diseases at the population level, and since the available data facilitated the division of the burden into the mortality and morbidity components, we considered using DALYs rather than QALYs as the outcome measure. However, because the advisory committee chose not to use age-weighting, discounting or the standard GBD life expectancy, and also supported the use of the CLAMES instrument rather than incorporate disability weights from the GBD and other DALYbased studies, we did not feel it was appropriate to label our outcome measure a DALY. As our desired outcome measure had attributes of both DALYs and

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


In the incidence-based approach to disease burden calculations, all new cases are counted in an average year and all health outcomes (including those in future years) are assigned to the initial event. One major assumption of this approach is that the incidence, mortality and progression of diseases will be unchanged over time. The incidence-based approach contrasts with the prevalence-based approach in which the health status of a population at a specific point of time is assessed, possibly followed by attribution of the prevalent diseases to etiological agents or conditions. In the steady state situation there should be no difference between the approaches. For the majority of pathogens in this study, the incidence-based approach was used to calculate disease burden. However, we used a prevalence-based approach to calculate the burden of HPV because the transition parameters from HPV infection to the various HPV-related cancers have not yet been delineated.

made to take a primarily pathogen-based approach (e.g., to quantify the burden of Streptococcus pneumoniae by attributing a certain proportion of cases of and deaths from pneumonia, septicaemia, acute otitis media and other conditions to S. pneumoniae). This approach facilitates the estimation of the potential impact of additional pathogen-specific interventions such as vaccines (e.g., vaccines against S. pneumoniae). However, to also allow comparability with other burden of disease studies and to assess the impact of non-pathogen-specific interventions, such as smoking cessation for pneumonia prevention, estimates of the burden of selected syndromes were also calculated (Appendix C).

possible to use the same three years for all of the data sources. Consequently, we used the three most current years of available data, as follows:
Mortality: Reportable disease: Health care utilization: Cancer registry: 2003-2005 2005-2007 2005-2007 2005-2007



The calculation of HALYs required information on mortality, disease incidence, health state distribution and health state duration, as well as severity weights associated with each health state. These estimates were collected from the following data sources:


The following age groups were used for the YLL, YERF, and HALY calculations: less than 1 year, 14 years, and five-year age groups to 90 years or older. Due to limitations in data availability it was not always possible to obtain data for all age groups, in which case age groups were aggregated together.

Census estimates
The Census of Canada is administered in fiveyear intervals by Statistics Canada, which collects demographic and socioeconomic data on the population.18 Census data for Ontario were used to create estimates of life expectancy for the population by the age groups specified in section 2.3.

Pathogen-based approach
Following the lead of the GBD study, most burden of disease studies measure the impact of certain agents (e.g., HIV, TB) and certain syndromes that are caused by multiple etiologic agents (e.g., pneumonia, septicaemia, acute otitis media). In this report, a syndrome is defined as a combination of symptoms and signs which may be caused by several different pathogens. For ONBOIDS, a deliberate decision was
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods


Burden of disease studies generally identify a single year of study for which data are collected and estimates generated. Infectious diseases frequently exhibit substantial year-to-year variability due to episodic outbreaks, the introduction of interventions such as vaccines and other secular trends. Therefore, ONBOIDS used a three-year average for estimating annual disease incidence and mortality. Unfortunately, due to restrictions in data availability it was not

Vital statistics
The Ontario Office of the Registrar General collects mortality data from death certificates completed by physicians. Due to legal reporting requirements, registration of deaths is considered to be virtually complete with regard to fact of death, but the accuracy of the cause of death is variable. Only a

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


single cause of death (also called the underlying cause), coded using the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), was available for this study, and these mortality data were not linkable to other health administrative data. Availability of multiple causes of death allows more sophisticated analysis to be carried out. However, uncertainty in classifying cause of death may persist even with multiple causes of death, especially with infectious diseases. For example, people with chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer may die from pneumonia, but their cause of death is often coded and attributed to one of their predisposing chronic conditions. Mortality records for Ontario residents who died outside of the province are not available. We also excluded deaths of non-residents that occurred in Ontario. The codes used for extracting the mortality data are listed in Appendix D.

In Ontario, all reportable disease data are stored in the integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS), a centralized provincial reporting system. In 2005, iPHIS replaced the Reportable Disease Information System (RDIS), linking all Ontario public health units into a common database. Data for estimating disease incidence were obtained from the Public Health Protection and Prevention Branch, Public Health Division, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Health care utilization data

Because not all infectious diseases are reportable under the HPPA and as reportable disease data are known to underestimate burden of disease, health care utilization data (e.g., hospitalization and emergency department visit records, physician billing claims) were used to estimate the incidence of a subset of infectious diseases where reportable disease data were thought to be incomplete. In Ontario, all hospitalizations and medically necessary physician services are freely available under public health care insurance to almost the entire resident population. New immigrants and migrants, as well as Canadians who have been out of the country for seven months or more, are not covered by Ontarios health insurance plan until after three months of moving or returning to Ontario, so their burden may be missed. For ONBOIDS, health care utilization data were collected from several large, validated databases.20 Data were extracted from the Canadian Institute for Health Informations Discharge Abstract Database (CIHI-DAD) and Same-Day Surgery

database (CIHI-SDS), which contain detailed information on diagnoses and procedures for all acute care hospitalizations and same-day surgeries, respectively.21, 22 Data on visits to emergency departments were obtained from CIHIs National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS).23 Diagnoses in these datasets are coded using ICD10. Data on physician visits were collected from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) physician billing claims database, which contains claims for outpatient clinic visits from approximately 98% of Ontario physicians.24, 25 The diagnostic codes used in OHIP are generally similar to ICD-9 codes. A unique identifier (encrypted health card number) allows for de-identified linkage of individuals across datasets. A list of all ICD-10 and OHIP codes used in this study are listed in Appendix D.

Reportable disease data

Under the authority of the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA), physicians and laboratories in Ontario are mandated to report all confirmed and suspect cases of a reportable disease to the Medical Officer of Health.19 Since many infectious diseases of interest are reportable, estimates of disease incidence for a number of the diseases included in ONBOIDS were based on reportable disease data. On the other hand, not all infectious diseases included in the report are reportable, underreporting is known to occur for some reportable diseases, and sometimes only a subset of infections due to a pathogen are reportable (e.g., invasive S. pneumoniae rather than all S. pneumoniae cases).
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Ontario Cancer Registry

The Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR) of Cancer Care Ontario registers all new cases of cancer in the province except for non-melanoma skin cancer.26 The OCR identifies cancer cases from four major data sources: 1) hospital discharge or day surgery summaries with cancer diagnoses; 2) pathology reports with any mention of cancer; 3) records from the Regional Cancer Centres or Princess Margaret Hospital; and 4) death certificates with cancer as the underlying cause of death. The OCR was used to collect data on the incidence of cancerous health states for selected infectious diseases (i.e., cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, penis, anal canal and oropharynx for human papillomavirus (HPV); and hepatocellular carcinoma for hepatitis B and C).

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Evaluating evidence from epidemiologic studies and the use of expert opinion
If infectious disease incidence or health state data were not available from any of the data sources listed above, then the medical databases MEDLINE and PubMed were searched for population-based epidemiologic studies regarding infectious disease incidence. The durations of the health states associated with an infectious disease were also estimated from epidemiologic studies. Ontariospecific studies were preferred, but studies from elsewhere in Canada or from other high-income countries were used, if necessary. The external validity of the studies was considered. Medical and infectious disease reference textbooks (e.g., Harrisons Internal Medicine,27 Heymanns Control of Communicable Diseases28) were used to obtain estimates of the health state durations when the information was not found in any of the previously mentioned data sources. The expert groups were asked to validate all of the estimates for the parameters in their areas.


The list of infectious diseases studied was mostly adapted from the latest GBD study.1 Diseases/ infectious agents were included if they were associated with severe morbidity or mortality (e.g., HIV) or if they were common in the Ontario population (e.g., E. coli). Diseases that were legally reportable to public health authorities (e.g., measles) were also considered for inclusion, as were diseases with a recent media or public profile in Ontario (e.g., West Nile virus). The included diseases and associated health states are listed in Exhibit 2.1, and the data sources used for each disease are listed in Exhibit 2.2. Diseases were divided into groups based on microbiologic taxonomy (e.g., mycoses), disease manifestation (e.g., hepatitis), mode of transmission (e.g., sexually transmitted infections) and intervention (e.g., vaccine-preventable diseases). The disease groups are not mutually exclusive, as some infectious agents could have been considered under more than one disease group (e.g., S. pneumoniae was included in the common bacterial infections group but could have been included in the vaccine-preventable diseases group).

The list is not exhaustive, with many infectious agents excluded from this report either because of data limitations or to maintain project timelines. Some of the more notable examples of excluded agents were Helicobacter pylori, non-tuberculosis mycobacteria, norovirus, rotavirus, Epstein-Barr virus and Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease). However, these and other excluded pathogens certainly merit further study and could be incorporated into future versions of ONBOIDS.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 2.1 List of infectious diseases and associated health states included in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS)

Streptococcus pneumoniae Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus Group B streptococcus Group A streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Legionella Neisseria meningitidis Other gram-negative bacteria Other gram-positive bacteria
Viral hepatitis

Bacterial meningitis + sequelae*; septic arthritis; otitis media; septicaemia; pneumonia; acute bronchitis; conjunctivitis Acute prostatitis (males); cystitis; pyelonephritis; septicaemia; pneumonia; bacterial meningitis + sequelae* Endocarditis; septicaemia; pneumonia; septic arthritis; osteomyelitis; cellulitis Bacterial meningitis + sequelae*; septicaemia; sepsis of the newborn; septic arthritis; cellulitis; osteomyelitis Bacterial meningitis + sequelae*; septic arthritis; pharyngitis; cellulitis; necrotizing fasciitis; septicaemia; pneumonia Bacterial meningitis + sequelae*; septic arthritis; septicaemia; pneumonia; otitis media Pneumonia Bacterial meningitis + sequelae* Acute prostatitis (males); cystitis; pyelonephritis; septicaemia; pneumonia; endocarditis; bacterial meningitis Septicaemia; endocarditis; cystitis; pyelonephritis; acute prostatitis (males); septic arthritis

Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis A virus

Sexually transmitted infections

Chronic hepatitis; decompensated cirrhosis; hepatocellular cancer; transplant Acute symptomatic episode; chronic hepatitis; decompensated cirrhosis; hepatocellular cancer; transplant Uncomplicated episode; prolonged or relapsing episode; transplant

Human papillomavirus HIV/AIDS Gonorrhea ( Neisseria gonorrhea) Chlamydia ( Chlamydia trachomatis) Herpes simplex virus Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)

Symptomatic anogenital warts; cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anal canal and oropharynx (including effects and after-effects of treatment) Diagnosed HIV (without AIDS); AIDS with mild complications; AIDS with moderate complications; AIDS with severe complications Ophthalmia neonatorum; urethritis (males); epididymitis/orchitis (males); cervicitis (females); pelvic inflammatory disease (females) + sequelae** Ophthalmia neonatorum; neonatal penumonia; urethritis (males); epididymitis/orchitis (males); cervicitis (females); pelvic inflammatory disease (females) + sequelae** Primary genital herpes syndrome; first symptomatic episode without primary genital herpes syndrome; recurrent genital herpes; neonatal herpes; encephalitis Primary syphilis; secondary syphilis; neurosyphilis; congenital syphilis

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 2.1 (CONTINUED) List of infectious diseases and associated health states included in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS)


Influenza Rhinoviruses Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza virus Adenovirus Coronaviruses

Intestinal infections

Otitis media; upper respiratory tract infection; pneumonia; acute bronchitis; bronchiolitis Upper respiratory tract infection; otitis media; bronchiolitis (children); acute bronchitis Upper respiratory tract infection; otitis media; bronchiolitis (children); acute bronchitis; pneumonia Upper respiratory tract infection; otitis media; acute bronchitis; pneumonia Upper respiratory tract infection; otitis media; bronchiolitis; pneumonia; conjunctivitis Upper respiratory tract infection; acute bronchitis

Clostridium difficile Campylobacter Salmonella Listeria Giardia lamblia Shigella E. coli O157:H7 Yersinia enterocolitica Cryptosporidium Cyclospora cayetensis
Vaccine-preventable diseases

Enterocolitis; post-colectomy Gastroenteritis, mild; gastroenteritis, moderate; gastroenteritis, severe; reactive arthritis; Guillain Barr syndrome; inflammatory bowel disease Gastroenteritis, mild; gastroenteritis, moderate; gastroenteritis, severe; septicaemia Gastroenteritis; septicaemia; bacterial meningitis Infectious episode with acute diarrhea; chronic giardiasis (diarrhea) Gastroenteritis Non-bloody diarrhea; bloody diarrhea; haemolytic uraemic syndrome; end-stage renal disease Gastroenteritis; mesenteric adenitis Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis

Varicella zoster virus Pertussis ( Bordetella pertussis) Poliovirus Rubella Mumps Tetanus ( Clostridium tetani )

Acute varicella episode; varicella with complications; acute zoster episode; zoster with complications Acute episode; pneumonia; seizure disorder Acute episode; long-term sequelae (paralysis) Infectious episode; congenital rubella syndrome Acute episode; orchitis (males); meningitis; deafness; encephalitis Acute episode

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 2.1 (CONTINUED) List of infectious diseases and associated health states included in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS)

Measles Diphtheria ( Corynebacterium diphtheriae )


Acute episode; otitis media; encephalitis; pneumonia Infectious episode; neurological complications

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Pre-diagnosed pulmonary infection; pulmonary infection (treated, in isolation); pulmonary infection (treated, not in isolation); extra-pulmonary infection (lymph node); extra-pulmonary infection (non-lymph node)

Candida Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly PCP) Aspergillus Blastomyces Histoplasma

Vector-borne and imported infections

Candidiasis, non-invasive; candidiasis, semi-invasive; candidiasis, invasive Pneumocystosis Aspergillosis, non-invasive and unspecified; aspergillosis, pulmonary invasive; aspergillosis, non-pulmonary invasive Blastomycosis, pulmonary and unspecified; blastomycosis, disseminated Histoplasmosis

West Nile virus Dengue Malaria Typhoid/Paratyphoid fever ( Salmonella typhi /paratyphi )
* Seizure disorder, motor deficits, deafness ** Ectopic pregnancy, infertility

West Nile fever; West Nile neuroinvasive disease; long-term neurological complications Dengue fever Plasmodium falciparum, not severe; P.falciparum, severe; Non-P.falciparum malaria Infectious episode

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 2.2 Data sources used to estimate disease incidence for each infectious agent in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS)

DISEASE/INFECTIOUS AGENT Common bacterial infections

Streptococcus pneumoniae Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus Group B streptococcus Group A streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Legionella Neisseria meningitidis Other gram-negative bacteria Other gram-positive bacteria



Health Care Utilization Data

Ontario Cancer Registry

Epidemiologic Studies

Statistical/ Simulation Models


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Viral hepatitis
Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis A virus

Sexually transmitted infections

Human papillomavirus HIV/AIDS Gonorrhea ( Neisseria gonorrhea) Chlamydia ( Chlamydia trachomatis) Herpes simplex virus Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)

Viral respiratory infections

Influenza Rhinoviruses Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza virus Adenovirus Coronaviruses

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 2.2 (CONTINUED) Data sources used to estimate disease incidence for each infectious agent in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS)

DISEASE/INFECTIOUS AGENT Intestinal infections

Clostridium difficile Campylobacter Salmonella Listeria Giardia lamblia Shigella E. coli O 157:H7 Yesinia enterocolitica Cryptosporidium Cyclospora cayetensis



Health Care Utilization Data

Ontario Cancer Registry

Epidemiologic Studies

Statistical/ Simulation Models

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Vaccine-preventable diseases
Varicella zoster virus Pertussis ( Bordetella pertussis) Poliovirus Rubella Mumps Tetanus ( Clostridium tetani ) Measles Diphtheria ( Corynebacterium diphtheriae)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

x x x x x x

Candida Pneumocystis jiroveci (formerly PCP) Aspergillus Blastomyces Histoplasma

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 2.2 (CONTINUED) Data sources used to estimate disease incidence for each infectious agent in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS)

DISEASE/INFECTIOUS AGENT Vector-borne and imported infections

West Nile Virus Dengue Malaria Typhoid/Paratyphoid fever ( Salmonella typhi/paratyphi )



Health Care Utilization Data

Ontario Cancer Registry

Epidemiologic Studies

Statistical/ Simulation Models


x x x x

Syndromes due to other agents

Pneumonia due to other agents Endocarditis due to other agents Septicaemia due to other agents Encephalitis due to other agents Acute bronchitis due to other agents Upper respiratory infections due to other agents Necrotizing fasciitis due to other agents Urinary tract infections due to other agents Cellulitis due to other agents Pharyngitis due to other agents Osteomyelitis due to other agents Otitis media due to other agents Conjunctivitis due to other agents Bacterial meningitis due to other agents Septic arthritis due to other agents Bronchiolitis due to other agents
iPHIS = Integrated Public Health Information System * adjusted for underreporting/underdiagnosis

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Details for estimating the incidence of and mortality for each disease are outlined in Chapter 4. In general, disease-specific mortality estimates were extracted from vital statistics data for all infectious agents. Estimates of non-fatal disease incidence came from multiple data sources (Exhibit 2.2). The majority of infectious disease incidence estimates came from reported disease counts and from episode counts observed in health care utilization datasets. Infections are generally of short duration, therefore these counts can be considered incident cases. For a few of the infectious agents, we adjusted reported disease counts for underreporting. Lastly, for a few diseases (HIV, hepatitis B and C) the methodology and expertise existed to use statistical or simulation models to generate more accurate estimates of disease incidence and their sequelae.

The syndrome-based approach

Many of the included conditions refer to syndromes where etiologic agents are frequently not identified (e.g., pneumonia). In these cases, epidemiologic studies and expert opinion were used to determine the proportions of the syndrome attributable to various etiologic agents. Since this method starts with counts of non-specific syndromes, we refer to this method of estimating disease incidence as the syndrome-based approach. When reportable disease data were unavailable and/or were identified as being insufficiently comprehensive (e.g., diseases where only invasive infections were deemed reportable), health care utilization data were used to estimate disease incidence. The three most recent years of hospitalization, same-day surgery, emergency department, and physician billing claims data were searched for the presence of diagnostic codes corresponding to the infectious diseases of interest. We looked for the relevant codes in all diagnostic codes, not just the one deemed to be the most responsible diagnosis. For each disease where administrative data were used, an episode length was established. An episode length was defined as the amount of time that must have elapsed between occurrences of the infection in the health care utilization data to be considered separate events in a single individual. Infections that occurred before the episode length had elapsed were considered part of the same episode. As per reportable diseases, event counts were averaged over the three years of data collected to generate an annual estimate of incidence.

The modeling approach

It is a considerable challenge to accurately estimate the number of new infections from HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) that occur annually in Ontario. Aside from the standard issues associated with underreporting of diseases, reported cases of HIV, HBV and HCV do not necessarily represent new infections. In fact, the majority of new diagnoses are among people who were infected in the past, and sometimes in the distant past. Thus, the numbers of cases reported to public health authorities, even if they were complete, are not an accurate reflection of the number of new infections. Furthermore, this approach does not capture the burden of prevalent chronic infections. To overcome these limitations of the data, actuarial modeling studies were used to estimate the numbers of incident infections and the sequelae related to these infectious agents. These models incorporated data from multiple sources for population demographics, disease prevalence and incidence (adjusted for underreporting), and transition parameters. Further details about these models are presented in the sections specific to infectious agents in Chapter 4.

The etiologic agent-based approach

The etiologic agent-based approach (abridged as the agent-based approach) begins with case counts of a confirmed etiologic agent. This often required reportable disease counts from iPHIS, which were averaged over three years (20052007) to generate an annual estimate of incidence. Where possible, we adjusted for underreporting using estimates from epidemiologic studies. We also used epidemiologic studies and expert opinion to determine the proportions of cases that would progress through various health states.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 2 / Overall Methods

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Overall Results and Interpretation

We estimated that infectious diseases accounted for 82,881 health-adjusted life years (HALYs) annually, with 68,213 years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and 14,668 year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF).
Common bacterial infections accounted for the greatest proportion of the total HALYs among the 10 disease groups presented in Exhibit 3.1. The top three disease groups (common bacterial infections, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections) accounted for 73% of the total HALYs. For all disease groupsexcept vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs)YLL accounted for a greater burden than YERF.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Females accounted for more HALYs than males for 60% of the disease groups. The exceptions were viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, mycoses and vector-borne and imported infectionswhere men accounted for more HALYs than women (Exhibit 3.2). Sex-specific differences in disease burden are discussed further in section 3.4.

Exhibit 3.1 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs), by disease group
Aggregated by Disease Group Common bacterial infections Viral hepatitis Sexually transmitted infections Viral respiratory infections Intestinal infections Vaccine-preventable diseases Tuberculosis Mycoses Vector-borne and imported infections Syndromes due to other agents HALYs 0 10000 20000 30000 40000

Exhibit 3.2 Health-adjusted life years (HALYs), by disease group and sex
Aggregated by Disease Group Common bacterial infections Viral hepatitis Sexually transmitted infections Viral respiratory infections Intestinal infections Vaccine-preventable diseases Tuberculosis Mycoses Vector-borne and imported infections Syndromes due to other agents HALYs 0 10000 20000 30000 40000
Male Female

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Among the selected infectious disease syndromes, pneumonia accounted for the greatest proportion of total HALYs (Exhibit 3.3). YLL accounted for a greater burden than YERF for most syndromes. The exceptions were acute bronchitis, upper respiratory

tract infections, otitis media, pharyngitis and conjunctivitisvery common conditions that rarely lead to death. The top three syndromes (pneumonia, septicaemia, urinary tract infections) accounted for 73% of the total syndrome HALYs. The burden of

disease for most syndromes was only slightly higher for females; for urinary tract infections, the burden for females was more than twice as high (Exhibit 3.4).


Exhibit 3.3 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs), by infectious disease syndrome
Syndrome Pneumonia Septicaemia Urinary tract infections Acute bronchitis Endocarditis Upper respiratory infections Bacterial meningitis Cellulitis Encephalitis Otitis media Osteomyelitis Necrotizing fasciitis Pharyngitis Septic arthritis Conjunctivitis Bronchiolitis HALYs 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 3.4 Health-adjusted life years (HALYs), by infectious disease syndrome and sex
Syndrome Pneumonia Septicaemia Urinary tract infections Acute bronchitis Endocarditis Upper respiratory infections Bacterial meningitis Cellulitis Encephalitis Otitis media Osteomyelitis Necrotizing fasciitis Pharyngitis Septic arthritis Conjunctivitis Bronchiolitis HALYs 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Male Female

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

The top 20 pathogens ranked by disease burden are shown in Exhibit 3.5. Hepatitis C virus was the highest-ranked pathogen in terms of disease burden, followed by Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) and human papillomavirus (HPV). For most of the pathogens ranked in the top 20, YLL contributed more to disease burden than YERF, with the exception of rhinovirus, chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Exhibit 3.5 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for the top 20 pathogens, ranked by disease burden
Agent/Disease Name Hepatitis C virus Streptococcus pneumoniae Human papillomavirus Hepatitis B virus Escherichia coli HIV/AIDS Staphylococcus aureus Influenza Clostridium difficile Rhinovirus Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza virus Group B streptococcus Group A streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Tuberculosis Legionella Chlamydia Adenovirus Gonorrhea HALYs 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


The top 10 pathogens accounted for approximately 67% of total HALYs, and the top 20 pathogens accounted for 75% (Exhibit 3.6). Nearly half of the burden of infectious disease in Ontario could be attributed to five pathogens: hepatitis C virus (HCV),

HPV, S. pneumoniae, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Escherichia coli (E. Coli). Only 14 specific pathogens contributed 1% or more to the total HALYs, while 21 pathogens contributed less than 0.1% to the total HALYs estimated.

Exhibit 3.6 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF), number and percentage of total annual health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for each pathogen, ranked by disease burden
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Hepatitis C virus Streptococcus pneumoniae Human papillomavirus Hepatitis B virus Escherichia coli HIV/AIDS* Staphylococcus aureus Influenza Clostridium difficile Rhinovirus Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza virus Group B streptococcus Group A streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Tuberculosis Legionella Chlamydia Adenovirus




% of Total HALYs

20 21 22

Gonorrhea Varicella Coronavirus Neisseria meningitidis Herpes virus Pertussis Candida Campylobacter Poliomyelitis Pneumocystis jiroveci Salmonella Aspergillus West Nile virus Blastomyces Listeria Giardia Shigella Hepatitis A Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)




% of Total HALYs

7,729 6,475 6,167 6,698 6,430 4,929 3,320 2,548 1,721 95 914 581 700 574 628 647 570 28 287

983 1,601 1,418 86 341 1,312 400 1,076 107 1,615 397 259 123 216 125 15 40 442 150

8,713 8,076 7,585 6,785 6,771 6,242 3,720 3,624 1,828 1,710 1,310 840 823 791 753 662 609 470 437

10.5 9.7 9.2 8.2 8.2 7.5 4.5 4.4 2.2 2.1 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5

27 89 23 211 136 0 104 2 117 111 66 49 55 59 57 0 24 0 0

371 303 369 152 138 220 91 144 0 2 42 31 15 2 1 52 4 22 18

398 392 392 363 274 220 195 146 117 113 108 79 70 61 57 52 28 22 18

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

*Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 3.6 (CONTINUED) Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF), number and percentage of total annual health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for each pathogen, ranked by disease burden
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51


E. coli O157 Dengue Malaria Histoplasma Rubella Yersinia Typhoid/Paratyphoid Cryptosporidium Cyclospora cayetensis Tetanus Mumps Measles Diphtheria Pneumonia** Other gram-negative bacteria Other gram-positive bacteria Endocarditis** Septicaemia**




% of Total HALYs


Encephalitis** Upper respiratory infections** Necrotizing fasciitis** Acute bronchitis** Urinary tract infections** Cellulitis** Pharyngitis** Osteomyelitis** Otitis media** Conjunctivitis** Bacterial meningitis** Septic arthritis** Bronchiolitis**




% of Total HALYs

0 13 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,161 4,505 3,558 741 594

17 0 0 6 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 324 219 74 10 13

17 13 6 6 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,484 4,725 3,632 751 606

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 5.7 4.4 0.9 0.7

391 25 344 9 266 133 6 196 0 0 29 64 0


26 327 3 278 17 112 220 21 137 123 47 6 1 14,668

417 353 347 287 283 244 226 217 137 123 76 70 1 82,881

0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0


**due to other agents

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


The nine pathogens that caused the greatest number of deaths also caused the greatest disease burden, with some change in ranking order (Exhibit 3.7). Exhibit 3.7 Number and percentage of average annual deaths for each pathogen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23


# of Deaths

% of Total Deaths

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


# of Deaths

% of Total Deaths

Streptococcus pneumoniae Escherichia coli Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis B virus Influenza Staphylococcus aureus Human papillomavirus Clostridium difficile HIV/AIDS* Respiratory syncytial virus Haemophilus influenzae Parainfluenza virus Legionella Group A streptococcus Tuberculosis Adenovirus Group B streptococcus Poliomyelitis Neisseria meningitidis Herpes virus Candida Varicella Rhinovirus

632 600 369 346 272 268 254 167 133 96 62 59 59 48 41 29 18 8 7 7 7 6 5

12.9 12.3 7.5 7.1 5.6 5.5 5.2 3.4 2.7 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Pneumocystis jiroveci West Nile virus Aspergillus Salmonella Blastomyces Listeria Chlamydia Gonorrhea Coronavirus Pertussis Campylobacter Giardia Shigella Hepatitis A Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) E. coli O157 Dengue Malaria Histoplasma Rubella Yersinia Typhoid/Paratyphoid

4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

39 40 41 42 43 44 45

*Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 3.7 (CONTINUED) Number and percentage of average annual deaths for each pathogen
46 47 48 49 50 51



# of Deaths

% of Total Deaths



# of Deaths

% of Total Deaths

Cryptosporidium Cyclospora cayetensis Tetanus Mumps Measles Diphtheria Pneumonia** Other gram-negative bacteria Other gram-positive bacteria Endocarditis** Septicaemia** Urinary tract infections** Osteomyelitis** Necrotizing fasciitis**

0 0 0 0 0 0 529 400 264 53 43 28 17 15

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.8 8.2 5.4 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.3

Encephalitis** Cellulitis** Septic arthritis** Upper respiratory infections** Pharyngitis** Bacterial meningitis** Bronchitis** Otitis media** Conjunctivitis** Bronchiolitis** Total

14 12 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4,896

0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0

**due to other agents

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


The list of most common infections is dominated by respiratory viruses, with rhinovirus, influenza, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus and adenovirus among the top 10 (Exhibit 3.8). Others in the top 10 include S. pneumoniae, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Group A streptococcus. Exhibit 3.8 Number and percentage of average annual estimated incident cases for each pathogen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


# of Incident Cases

% of Total Incident Cases

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


# of Incident Cases

% of Total Incident Cases

Rhinovirus Influenza Streptococcus pneumoniae Coronavirus Escherichia coli Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza virus Adenovirus Staphylococcus aureus Group A streptococcus Varicella* Haemophilus influenzae Campylobacter Candida Chlamydia Salmonella Gonorrhea Human papillomavirus Herpes virus Pertussis

1,615,561 621,151 518,703 461,767 451,268 341,471 253,292 203,393 158,443 118,989 116,049 105,076 88,566 71,616 61,761 34,693 32,234 15,756 14,677 8,874

22.4 8.6 7.2 6.4 6.3 4.7 3.5 2.8 2.2 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1

Legionella Group B streptococcus Clostridium difficile Shigella Hepatitis C virus E. coli O157 HIV/AIDS** Giardia Hepatitis A Tuberculosis Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) Cryptosporidium Yersinia Histoplasma Aspergillus Hepatitis B virus Malaria Pneumocystis jiroveci Neisseria meningitidis Typhoid/Paratyphoid

7,574 6,764 5,364 5,120 3,469 3,188 1,965 1,596 795 673 367 357 327 245 235 213 183 177 159 133
* Includes recurrent clinical disease caused by prior infections (i.e., herpes zoster [shingles])

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

**Human immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 3.8 (CONTINUED) Number and percentage of average annual estimated incident cases for each pathogen
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51



# of Incident Cases

% of Total Incident Cases



# of Incident Cases

% of Total Incident Cases

Cyclospora cayetensis Rubella Blastomyces West Nile virus Listeria Mumps Dengue Measles Tetanus Poliomyelitis Diphtheria Upper respiratory infections*** Conjunctivitis*** Pharyngitis*** Otitis media*** Bronchitis***

106 105 55 50 39 26 14 3 1 0 0 799,472 277,484 221,030 213,114 83,914

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 3.9 3.1 3.0 1.2

Other gram-negative bacteria Pneumonia*** Cellulitis*** Urinary tract infections*** Other gram-positive bacteria Osteomyelitis*** Septic arthritis*** Septicaemia*** Encephalitis*** Bronchiolitis*** Endocarditis*** Necrotizing fasciitis*** Bacterial meningitis*** Total

83,532 61,852 55,494 33,979 25,358 4,392 1,053 966 898 570 385 191 22 7,196,349

1.2 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0

***due to other agents

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



In keeping with other international studies this investigation used HALYsconceptually similar to DALYsas a summary measure of the burden of individual diseases on population health. HALYs and DALYs incorporate not only premature mortality, but also morbidity. For example, the Victorian Burden of Diseases Study determined that YLD (years of life lived with a disability) (343,671 [53%]) exceeded YLL (309,471 [47%]) when looking at all diseases and conditions.15 For some diseases, disability accounts for an even greater proportion of disease burden (e.g., more than two-thirds of DALYs associated with diabetes mellitus, and more than nine-tenths of DALYs associated with depression). Therefore, one of the most striking aspects of our study of infectious diseases in Ontario was the dominant burden of premature mortality (YLL) over reduced functioning (YERF). In Ontario, 82% of HALYs attributable to infectious diseases were from premature mortality (68,213 YLL), whereas only a small percentage (18%) of HALYs were related to reduced functioning (14,668 YERF). In fact, YLL exceeded YERF for 17 of the top 20 pathogens. Exceptions among the pathogens studied in ONBOIDS included rhinovirus, coronavirus, gonorrhea, chlamydia, varicella zoster virus, Campylobacter, and Giardia where YERF exceeded YLL. The amount that a disease reduces functioning is a consequence of disease incidence, severity and duration. The dominant impact of mortality over
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

reduced functioning for the infectious diseases does not relate to low disease incidence; these diseases are remarkably common in our population, with a total of more than 7,000,000 episodes of infection per year. Nor does the dominance of mortality over reduced functioning relate to low severity weights for ill patients; for example, the weight for septicaemia (0.652) represents greater severity than receiving palliative care for cancer (0.516).5 Instead, the low YERF impact of infectious diseases relates mostly to limited disease duration. Whereas patients with chronic illnesses can survive for many years in a disabled state, most infectious diseases either result in death relatively quickly or resolve with minimal long-term sequelae for survivors. Even if a particular disease has a severity weight approximating that of death (1.0), if the disease duration is only one week, one incident case of that disease would contribute only 0.02 YERF. In contrast, one case of a mild systemic illness with a severity weight near perfect health (0.1) could contribute 2.0 YERF if it lasts for 20 years. Previous studies from Australia have suggested only a slight dominance of premature mortality over morbidity for infections, but not to the extent observed in our study.4, 15 As a sensitivity analysis, we repeated our analysis using the standard GBD methodology and found much more parity between the contributions of premature mortality and morbidity (Appendix B). Using the GBD methodology (i.e., DALYs), premature mortality contributed only 49% of the total burden of the top 20 pathogens, whereas using the ONBOIDS methodology (i.e., HALYs), premature mortality

contributed 82% of the total disease burden for these pathogens (Appendix B, Table B.2). These differences arise from substantial reductions in YLL for the pathogens that mainly cause deaths in elderly individuals due to the use of age-weighting and discounting, as well as increased YLD due to generally heavier weights used in health state valuation (i.e., the disability weights from previous GBD studies tend to be greater magnitude than the severity weights derived for ONBOIDS). Given this uncertainty, we hesitate to recommend whether decision makers should focus their attention on preventing mortality versus morbidity when prioritizing interventions for a particular pathogen, except for pathogens where the results are consistent regardless of the methodology employed.


A study of infectious diseases involves an added layer of complexity compared to other disease groups, because infections can be divided according to the causative agent (pathogen-based approach) or by the type of illness in the host (syndrome-based approach). When a patient is seen with any infectious syndrome, empiric treatment is often initiated without identification of the specific etiologic agent, especially when the most likely pathogens associated with a syndrome are well known or where the rapid initiation of treatment is felt to be important. Most pathogens can cause multiple syndromes in varying frequency, and most syndromes may be caused by multiple pathogens in varying frequency. For

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example, S. pneumoniae is the most common cause of pneumonia, but there are many other causes of pneumonia, such as Haemophilus influenzae and Legionella pneumophila. This is also true of many other syndromes caused by S. pneumoniae, such as meningitis, septicaemia and otitis media. The ONBOIDS approach has been predominantly pathogen-based, and has demonstrated that the most burdensome infectious pathogens include HCV, S. pneumoniae, HPV, E. coli, HBV, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), S. aureus and influenza. These data are an important means to quantify the potential benefits of new vaccine development (e.g., for S. aureus) or by extending coverage with available vaccines (e.g., for influenza and HPV). They can also help define the potential benefit of other pathogen-specific prevention and treatment strategies. They do not, however, reflect the historical change in burden due to current vaccines against infectious diseases. In addition, our data outline the infectious disease syndromes with the highest burden, including pneumonia, septicaemia and urinary tract infections. These results can help guide horizontal prevention methods that are independent of the causative pathogen. For example, many methods of preventing pneumonia, such as smoking cessation, are not pathogen-specific. Syndrome-based data may actually be more accurate for conditions for which a causative pathogen is usually not identified for individual cases. The approach may also be helpful in guiding the development of syndromic treatment protocols, as well as primary and secondary prevention strategies.
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

One of the most concerning aspects of infectious diseases is their capacity to transfer from one person to another. Communicability is exemplified by several of the top pathogens in Ontario, such as HPV (sexual), HIV and hepatitis viruses (sexual, blood-borne and mother-to-child transmission) and influenza (respiratory transmission). However, not all infectious diseases result from transmission from an external (exogenous) source. Instead, many infectious diseases are caused by bacteria that constitute part of the normal flora of the skin, mouth, genitalia or gastrointestinal tract (endogenous). For example, our intestine is home to about 100 trillion bacteria, more than the number of human cells in the body.29 Normal residents of the intestine, E. coli and other gram-negative bacteria are responsible for nearly 11,000 potential years of life lost per year in Ontario. Preventing transmission of more virulent or drug-resistant strains between individuals may help to reduce a portion of disease burden from these bacteria, but greater gains may be achieved by strategies to prevent these bacteria from gaining access to normally sterile body sites. For example, minimizing the use of urinary and vascular catheters among hospitalized patients can help prevent some of the kidney and bloodstream infections caused by these bacteria. In general, ONBOIDS indicates that the concept of exogenous and endogenous pathogens is an important consideration in policies involving infectious diseases since the preventive strategies and treatment interventions differ between these two groups.


The overall burden of infectious diseases in Ontario was relatively similar for males (40,416 HALYs) and females (42,465 HALYs); however, there were marked differences in the sex-specific burden for a number of individual pathogens and syndromes. Some of these sex differences have obvious biological explanations, such as the differential burden of HPV (cervical cancer in women) and urinary tract pathogens (shorter urethra in women). In contrast, many of the illnesses with greater burden among males would appear to relate to psychosocial rather than biological factors. The three pathogens exhibiting a large male predominance (HIV, HBV and HCV) are commonly associated with high-risk behaviours including unprotected sexual intercourse (among men who have sex with men, as well as heterosexual sexual encounters) and injection drug use. Other explanations for sex-specific differences may include a greater tendency for health-seeking behaviour among women,30 a longer average life expectancy for women (more potential years of life to lose) and differences in the age structure between males and females. In general, these results indicate that some interventions may need to be targeted to the different sexes.


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This report highlights that the actual burden of individual pathogens is not necessarily proportionate to the attention they receive in the popular media. For example, West Nile virus and Listeria have received extensive media attention in recent years, yet they contributed only 70 (0.08%) and 57 (0.07%) HALYs, respectively. This may suggest that public communications ought to better reflect population burden, with more discussion related to more common agents and syndromes. Alternatively, it suggests that public notices appropriately account for more than just the quantity of disease burden, but also the preventability of the burden (e.g., meat processing and Listeria), and the fear associated with newly emerging infections (typified by West Nile virus). Further work is required to understand public risk perception on the value of life. It is unlikely that Ontarians regard one YLL in an 80-year-old with influenza as equivalent to one YLL in a 10-year-old with meningococcal meningitis.13,31

It would be wrong to conclude that the low burden of illness associated with these diseases means they are not highly significant from a public health and resource allocation perspective. Among the potentially vaccine-preventable viral infections, HPV, HBV, influenza and varicella zoster virus merit further efforts to increase vaccine uptake, given the burden of disease associated with these pathogens. Furthermore, new vaccines are under development for several of the top causes of morbidity and mortality in Ontario (e.g., group B streptococcus, group A streptococcus). This report also highlights a number of other important general avenues for intervention. Behavioural interventions may help prevent significant HALYs if rates of blood-borne and sexually transmitted pathogens can be reduced. The large burden imposed by common nosocomial pathogens (gram-negative bacteria, S. aureus, C. difficile) suggests that increasing attention must be paid to preventing infections among hospitalized patients. The findings in this report will help public health authorities place these risks into context. The current estimated burdens of a number of infectious agents characterized by longer disease courses (e.g., HIV, HPV, HBV and HCV) relate partially to historic trends and/or imported infections; therefore, a proportion of these burdens may not necessarily represent current targets for prevention of incident infections in Ontario.


The Population Health Impact of Disease in Canada (PHI) group used a similar approach to ONBOIDS to quantify the burden of cancer in Canada in 2001.5, 6 Although the scope of this study was national, comparisons to ONBOIDS can be made by applying the proportion of the Canadian population living in Ontario (approximately 40%) to the HALYs. In total, we estimated that infectious diseases accounted for 82,881 HALYs annually. The PHI group estimated 905,000 HALYs attributable to cancers diagnosed in 2001 in Canada,5 or roughly 362,000 HALYs for Ontario. Therefore, the burden of all infectious diseases is approximately one-quarter of the burden of all malignancies diagnosed, although it should be noted that the burden of HPV-related cancers and hepatocellular carcinoma were included in both studies. The burden of all infectious diseases in Ontario is roughly equal to the burden calculated for lung cancer alone. HCV, the infectious disease calculated to account for the greatest number of HALYs at 8,713, was about equal to the burden of ovarian cancer (in 10th place amongst the cancers). Although infectious diseases were calculated to have only approximately one-quarter of the burden of cancer in Ontario, it is important to highlight that the data sources used to capture cancer incidence and mortality are probably more comprehensive


Our data must be interpreted both as a measure of past interventions and a compass for future interventions. For example, the low burden of measles, mumps, rubella, polio, diphtheria and tetanus should be considered strong evidence of the importance and success of vaccination programs.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

and accurate than those used for infectious diseases. As noted in our study limitations (section 5.2), we believe that there is substantial underreporting and underdiagnosis of some infectious diseases (e.g., intestinal infections and influenza) and that some infectious disease deaths are not classified as such. These limitations may exist when estimating cancer incidence and mortality, although probably not to the extent of infectious diseases. Therefore, the burden of infectious diseases may be closer to the burden of cancers than demonstrated by these results. Regardless of the potential underestimation of infectious disease burden, the finding that infectious diseases have approximately one-quarter of the burden of cancers shows that infectious diseases still contribute substantially to the overall morbidity and mortality of Ontarians. Strategies that reduce both cancers and infectious disease may therefore be particularly important for resource allocation (e.g., smoking cessation to prevent cancer and pneumonia).

per 100,000 population) facilitates comparisons of the burden of infectious disease between the studies. Similar to ONBOIDS, the ECDC study did not incorporate discounting or age-weighting in their primary analysis. In ONBOIDS, we estimated the disease burden for all the pathogens in the ECDC pilot study. The seven common infectious diseases were ranked in a similar order between the two studies, with the exception of influenza, which was ranked much lower in the ECDC study due to their use of reported (laboratoryconfirmed) cases of influenza instead of the syndromebased approach or modeled estimates of influenza illness. Laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza likely underestimate the true incidence in the community, as only a small fraction of patients suspected of having influenza have specimens collected and tested.32 As we would expect, the magnitude of burden attributable to tuberculosis in Europe was also very different from the burden of tuberculosis in Ontario, because the ECDC study included a number of Eastern European countries with a high prevalence of tuberculosis.33 However, the burden of TB in Ontario is similar to the burden in the Netherlands and Sweden. A negligible burden of measles was also detected in the majority of European countries. Comparisons to other burden of disease studies can be difficult due to differences in: 1) the outcome measure (HALYs vs. DALYs); 2) social value choices (age-weighting, discounting and different methods to calculate disability/severity weights for health states);

and 3) methods used to address underreporting or infectious disease incidence and mortality. To facilitate comparisons to studies from other regions, the current report also included an additional analysis using the GBD methodology to calculate DALYs with full age-weighting, discounting and GBD disability weights (Appendix B). Using the burden per capita estimates, we can compare the burden of individual infectious pathogens that were assessed in both the Australian burden of disease study4 and our ONBOIDS investigation: The burdens of HIV/AIDS and chlamydia were similar between Ontario and Australia. The burdens of HBV and HCV were nearly 2.5 times greater in Ontario compared to Australia. The burden of tuberculosis was nearly twice as high in Australia than in Ontario. Some of the observed differences may represent true differences in disease incidence between Australia and Ontario, but some may relate to the different data sources, health states and methodologies used in the two studies.



The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) recently conducted a pilot study to determine the burden of seven infectious diseases (influenza, measles, HIV-infection, tuberculosis, campylobacterosis, salmonellosis and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli) on the continent.3 Use of a per capita measure of burden (DALYs/HALYs per year

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 3 / Overall Results and Interpretation

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Chapters 2 and 3 described the overall methods and results of ONBOIDS. This chapter provides a more detailed description of the methods and results for the disease burden of each infectious agent. A description of selected individual infectious syndromes can be found in Appendix C.
The following information is provided for each infectious agent in the study: 1. A brief description of the pathogen and its sequelae. 2. An outline of the data sources and methods used to calculate disease burden. 3. A table of parameters that specify the values used in the disease burden calculation. 4. A description of how disease burden was distributed among the Ontario population. 5. A discussion of some of the most pertinent limitations for calculating the pathogen-specific disease burden. (Study limitations are described in greater detail in Chapter 5.)

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Infectious agents assigned to this disease group generally have the potential to infect different anatomic sites and most are not reportable diseases (except when they manifest as invasive disease). Within this disease group, S. pneumoniae was calculated to have the highest disease burden, followed by E. coli and S. aureus (Exhibit 4.1). Gramnegative bacteria other than E. coli also contributed a considerable collective burden. Most of the disease burden from common bacterial infections was from premature mortality. There was generally a higher burden from these common bacterial infections in females compared to males (Exhibit 4.2).

Exhibit 4.1 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for common bacterial infections
Agent/Disease Name Streptococcus pneumoniae Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus Group B streptococcus Group A streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Legionella Neisseria meningitidis Other gram-negative bacteria Other gram-positive bacteria HALYs 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000


Exhibit 4.2 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for common bacterial infections, by sex
Agent/Disease Name Streptococcus pneumoniae Escherichia coli Staphylococcus aureus Group B streptococcus Group A streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Legionella Neisseria meningitidis Other gram-negative bacteria Other gram-positive bacteria HALYs 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Male Female

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



S. pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a gram-positive bacterium with a human reservoir, colonizing the nasopharynx of 510% of adults and 2040% of children. It has multiple serotypes and causes a range of syndromes ranging in severity from mild to fatal. S. pneumoniae can cause upper respiratory tract infections, such as otitis media (middle ear infection), sinusitis (sinus infection), bronchitis (upper airway infection) and lower respiratory tract infections. This organism is the number one bacterial cause of pneumonia (lung infection) and meningitis (cerebrospinal fluid infection). It is also capable of producing invasive infection at many other sites. Variable levels of resistance have emerged among S. pneumoniae to most of the commonly used antibacterial drugs. A polysaccharide vaccine for 23 S. pneumoniae serotypes has been available for use in adults for many years. Between 2001 and the present, protein-conjugated vaccines for S. pneumoniae serotypes 7, 10 and 13 have been approved for use in children and high-risk groups.

Data sources and HALY calculation

As S. pneumoniae is often not confirmed with laboratory testing and is not a reportable disease unless it is invasive, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes S. pneumoniae most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from S. pneumoniae infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to S. pneumoniae (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 4.3 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
Health State Percentage of Syndrome Attributable to S. Pneumoniae Duration Severity Weight Episode Length* Number of Episodes Number of Deaths


Bacterial meningitis (BM)

32 (04 years) 45 (514 years) 51 ( 15 years) 34, 35 2435 65


2 weeks27


3 years


Sequelae of BM Seizures Motor deficits Deafness Septicaemia Pneumonia Septic arthritis Acute bronchitis Otitis media Conjunctivitis Permanent Permanent Permanent 1 week
38 27

0.039 0.062 0.071 0.652 0.136 0.108 0.086 0.052 0.023

N/A N/A N/A 30 days 30 days 60 days 30 days 30 days 15 days

35 95 13 748 75,742 35 198,501 194,420 48,968

0 0 0 34 586 0 3 0 0

936 4.8 30
37 39

2 weeks 2 weeks 4.5 days

140 20 26
42 44 46

19 days41
43 45 47


1 week

* Episode length denotes the amount of time that must have elapsed between occurrences of the infection in the health care utilization data to be considered separate events in a single individual.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 632 deaths and 518,703 health care utilization episodes attributable to S. pneumoniae. The burden was slightly higher in females compared to males. Most of the burden was in individuals aged 65 or older. In particular, there were many pneumonia deaths among the elderly, and a high percentage of those deaths (30%) were caused by this pathogen.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of S. pneumoniae are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. The assumption that the attributable fraction of the included syndromes for S. pneumoniae is the same for non-fatal cases as for

fatal cases would likely lead to an underestimate of S. pneumoniae burden, since this pathogen is generally more virulent than other leading causes of meningitis and lower respiratory tract infection.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



E. coli is a gram-negative bacillus and one of the most common constituents of the normal gastrointestinal tract. Some invasive strains of E. coli are not normal gastrointestinal flora and so can produce intestinal infection (e.g., enterohaemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7). However, even normal endogenous strains of E. coli can produce infection when they access areas outside of the bowel lumen. The most common infection produced by E. coli is cystitis (lower urinary tract infection [UTI]) or pyelonephritis (upper UTI), which can also be associated with septicaemia (bloodstream infection). Among hospitalized patients, skin and oropharnygeal colonization with gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli is very common, and in this context E. coli can contribute to a range of other syndromes that would not be common among nonhospitalized patients, such as E. coli pneumonia (lung infection). It is also a common cause of neonatal meningitis. E. coli O157:H7 was considered separately from other strains of E. coli (in the intestinal infection disease group) due to differences in mode of transmission, potential interventions for prevention, data sources and magnitude of disease burden.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Because E. coli (other than the O157:H7 strain) is not a reportable pathogen, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes that E. coli most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from E. coli infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to E. coli (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.

Among hospitalized patients, skin and oropharnygeal colonization with gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli is very common, and in this context E. coli can contribute to a range of other syndromes that would not be common among nonhospitalized patients...

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 4.4 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Escherichia coli (E. coli )
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to E. coli Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths


Bacterial meningitis (BM) Sequelae of BM Seizures Motor deficits Deafness Septicaemia Pneumonia Acute prostatitis (males only)

7 (014 years) 1 ( 15 years) 34, 35 1535 50


2 weeks27


3 years


Permanent Permanent Permanent 1 week

38 27

0.039 0.062 0.071 0.652 0.136 0.039

N/A N/A N/A 30 days 30 days 60 days

2 5 1 3,723 9,089 1,558

0 0 0 168 70 0

936 23.9 3.6

37 48

2 weeks

3.5 (due to acute infection) 80 (due to E. coli)49, 50

1 week51

Pyelonephritis Cystitis
* Deaths due to pyelonephritis and cystitis are aggregated.

8049 80

10 days 5 days

0.030 0.023

60 days 30 days

47,501 389,379


Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 600 deaths and 451,268 health care utilization episodes attributable to E. coli. The burden of E. coli was markedly higher in females compared to males, primarily due to a greater number of deaths due to UTIs in older women. Most of the burden of E. coli was in individuals aged 65 or older. There were a large number of deaths from UTIs in this age group,
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

with the majority of those deaths (80%) attributable to E. coli. A large number of septicaemia deaths attributable to E. coli also contributed to the burden in the elderly. Limitations These estimates for the burden of E. coli are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario

vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. E. coli is involved in a broader range of syndromes among hospitalized as compared to nonhospitalized patients, but the data used in this study do not adequately distinguish between these sources of acquisition.

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S. aureus is a gram-positive bacterium which colonizes the nares (nostrils) of 1040% of people. The bacterium possesses a range of virulence factors, and although carriage can be asymptomatic, it can also produce a range of serious illnesses. It is the number one pathogen associated with hospitalacquired infections but also a common cause of community-acquired infections. Common sites of infection include cellulitis (soft tissue infection), osteomyelitis (bone infection), septic arthritis (joint infection), septicaemia (bloodstream infection), endocarditis (heart valve infection) and pneumonia (lung infection). Many strains of S. aureus now contain genetic material which renders them resistant to penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics (MRSA, or methicillin resistant S. aureus), which further complicates treatment. A vaccine is currently under development.

Exhibit 4.5 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Staphylococcus aureus
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to Staphylococcus Aureus Duration Severity Weight Episode Length* Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Septicaemia Endocarditis Pneumonia Septic arthritis Cellulitis Osteomyelitis

15.537 26

1 week38 52 days

0.652 0.174 0.136 0.108 0.070 0.041

30 days 60 days 30 days 60 days 30 days 60 days

2,415 334 7,574 1,299 142,293 4,528

109 46 59 6 18 30

339 37 50 50
40 54 55

2 weeks37 33 days 10.5 days

41 54

6 weeks

Data sources and HALY calculation

Because S. aureus is not a reportable pathogen, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes S. aureus most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from S. aureus infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to S. aureus (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 268 deaths and 158,443 health care utilization episodes attributable to S. aureus. There was a slightly higher burden of S. aureus in females compared to males. Most of the burden due to S. aureus is among individuals aged 65 or older, which can likely be attributed to a large number of pneumonia, septicaemia, endocarditis and cellulitis deaths occurring in that age group and a substantial percentage of those deaths being attributed to S. aureus.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of S. aureus are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. Due to the lack of comprehensive population-based laboratory data in Ontario, we are unable to determine the fraction of the burden related to MRSA for all sites of infection. However, data from 81 licensed bacteriology laboratories in Ontario indicated that in 2008, 17% (521 of 2,992) of all S. aureus isolated from blood cultures were methicillin resistant, suggesting that roughly one-sixth of the burden of S. aureus may be related to MRSA.56 While MRSA has received much media attention, the fact that most of the burden from S. aureus is still from non-antibiotic resistant strains is underrecognized.

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Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a grampositive bacterium which can colonize the skin, gastrointestinal tract, as well as the female lower genital tract. Transmission from mother to child can result in neonatal septicaemia (bloodstream infection in the first 28 days of life) and meningitis (cerebrospinal infection). Pregnant mothers can also develop infections of the amniotic fluid or genital tract. The organism also causes invasive infections in non-pregnant adults, especially individuals with underlying diabetes mellitus or cancer. Common sites of invasive infection include cellulitis (soft tissue infection), septicaemia (bloodstream infection), septic arthritis (joint infection) and osteomyelitis (bone infection). Fortunately, GBS remains universally susceptible to penicillin, although some resistance has emerged to other classes of antibiotics. A vaccine is currently under development.

Data sources and HALY calculation

GBS is only reportable in neonates, and even among neonates GBS may not be confirmed during the management and treatment of the various syndromes caused by this organism. For these reasons, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes GBS most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from GBS infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to GBS (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.


Fortunately, GBS remains universally susceptible to penicillin, although some resistance has emerged to other classes of antibiotics.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.6 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Group B streptococcus
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to GBS Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Bacterial meningitis (BM)

22 (04 years) 6 (514 years) 1 ( 15 years) 34, 35 27 (% of BM cases) 35 65 (% of BM cases) 9 (% of BM cases) 1

35 36

2 weeks27


3 years


Sequelae of BM Seizures Motor deficits Deafness Septicaemia Sepsis of newborn (aged 01 years) Septic arthritis Cellulitis Osteomyelitis Permanent Permanent Permanent 1 week

0.039 0.062 0.071 0.652 0.652 0.108 0.070 0.041

N/A N/A N/A 30 days 3 years 60 days 30 days 60 days

6 16 2 156 334 351 5,692 183

0 0 0 7 6 2 1 1

57, 58

22.559 1060, 61 2

1 week38 19 days41 10.5 days



6 weeks

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 18 deaths and 6,764 health care utilization episodes attributable to GBS. The burden of GBS was slightly higher for males because there were more sepsis deaths occurring in neonatal males. Most of the disease burden affected neonates.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of GBS are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. The distribution of etiologic agents causing neonatal infections is known to be shifting over time (related to changing maternal screening and peripartum prophylaxis strategies in Canada between 1997 and 2004), so our reliance on epidemiologic studies to determine the attributable fraction may lead to overestimates of disease burden.63

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Group A streptococcus (GAS) is a gram-positive bacterium with a human reservoir (throat carriage among 20% of children and a lesser percentage of adults) with person-to-person transmission by respiratory droplets. The bacterium possesses a range of virulence factors, and although carriage can be asymptomatic it can also produce both non-invasive and invasive syndromes. Non-invasive syndromes include pharyngitis (sore throat) and superficial skin infections such as pyoderma or impetigo. Immune-mediated complications can affect the heart through rheumatic fever and kidney via glomerulonephritis. Invasive soft tissue involvement can range from the dermis and subcutaneous tissues as manifested by erysipelas and cellulitis, to rapidly progressive destruction of the deeper fascial layers as manifested by necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating disease). Other common sites of invasive infection include the bone, joint, lung, and bloodstream. Some invasive infections can be accompanied by shock and multi-organ failure as manifested by Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. Fortunately, GAS remains universally susceptible to penicillin, although some resistance has emerged to other classes of antibiotics. A vaccine is currently under development.

Data sources and HALY calculation Because GAS is not a reportable disease (aside from invasive infections), we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes GAS most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from GAS infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to GAS (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.


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Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.7 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Group A streptococcus
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to GAS Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Necrotizing fasciitis Bacterial meningitis Septicaemia Pneumonia Septic arthritis Cellulitis Pharyngitis

2264 Rare 0.6

65 66

8.5 days 2 weeks 1 week

27 38

0.729 0.652 0.652 0.136 0.108 0.070 0.052

60 days 3 years 30 days 30 days 60 days 30 days 30 days

54 N/A 94 2,525 562 81,107 34,647

4 N/A 4 20 3 17 0

167 1640 28.5


2 weeks27 19 days41 10.5 days


22.5 (% of children) 7.5 (% of adults) 68

1 week69

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 48 deaths and 118,989 health care utilization episodes attributable to GAS. The burden of Group A Streptococcus was relatively equal between males and females. The most common manifestation of GAS was pharyngitis, and the majority of these cases occurred in younger individuals. However, the majority of HALYs lost due to GAS were for individuals aged 65 or older. In particular, a large number of cellulitis deaths occurred in that age group, and a high percentage of those deaths are attributed to GAS.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of GAS are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. Nevertheless, the total number of deaths per year is very similar to the results of Ontario-wide surveillance of invasive group A streptococcal disease that was conducted in this province between 1992 and 2000.70 We estimated slightly more deaths per year which could be explained by the fact that prior surveillance relied on isolation of the organism from a sterile site culture.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


H. influenzae is a gram-negative bacterium with a human reservoir, colonizing the upper airway and female genital tract. The organism is transmitted via respiratory droplets, and can produce infections such as pneumonia (lung infection), septic arthritis (joint infection), epiglottis, septicaemia (bloodstream infection) and meningitis (cerebrospinal fluid infection). The introduction of vaccine against the predominant serotype (serotype b) has led to dramatic reductions in infections with H. influenzae, although increases in cases of infections with nontypeable H. influenzae have been reported.71

Data sources and HALY calculation Because H. influenzae is not a reportable disease (unless it is invasive and serotype b), we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes most commonly cause by H. influenzae. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from H. influenzae infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to H. influenzae (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.8 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Haemophilus influenzae
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to H.influenzae Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Bacterial meningitis (BM) Sequelae of BM Seizures Motor deficits Deafness Septicaemia Pneumonia Septic arthritis Otitis media

4 (014 years) 2 ( 15 years) 34, 35 15 (% of BM cases) 35 50 (% of BM cases) 35 9 (% of BM cases) 36 0.472 373 140 13

2 weeks27


3 years

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 62 deaths and 105,076 health care utilization episodes attributable to H. influenzae. The burden of H. influenzae was relatively equal between males and females. Since the majority of deaths attributed to H. influenzae were due to pneumonia and most pneumonia deaths occur in older individuals, most of the burden was in individuals aged 65 or older. Limitations These estimates for the burden of H. influenzae are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. The distribution of etiologic agents causing many of the infectious syndromes caused by H. influenzae is known to be shifting over time (due to universal immunization against H. influenzae type b), so our reliance on epidemiologic studies to determine the attributable fraction may lead to invalid estimates of disease burden. The assumption that the attributable fraction of the included syndromes for H. influenzae is the same for non-fatal and fatal cases would likely lead to an overestimate of H. influenzae burden, because this pathogen is generally less virulent than other leading causes of meningitis. Additionally, epiglottitis was not considered as a health state in this analysis because a suitable etiologic study in the post H. influenzae type B vaccination era could not be found. This omission could lead to an underestimate of H. influenzae burden.

Permanent Permanent Permanent 1 week38 2 weeks27 19 days41 4.5 days


0.039 0.062 0.071 0.652 0.136 0.108 0.052

N/A N/A N/A 30 days 30 days 60 days 30 days

1 4 1 62 7,754 35 97,210

0 0 0 3 59 0 0

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Legionella is a gram-negative bacterium that is responsible for Pontiac fever and Legionnaires disease. It acquired its name in 1976 after an outbreak that occurred at a war veteran convention of the American Legion. It is found in freshwater ponds, cooling towers, swimming pools, air conditioning systems and fountains. It is not spread from personto-person, but through mist droplets from its water sources. After an incubation period of two to 10 days, patients with Legionnaires disease may experience fevers, chills, cough and ataxia (loss of coordination) and may also exhibit gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting or diarrhea. Mortality occurs from pneumonia and has been as high as 30% in previous outbreaks. Antibiotics are the treatment of choice for Legionella pneumonia. Pontiac fever has the same initial symptoms as Legionnaires disease but is not associated with pneumonia or death. Public water systems are routinely tested for Legionella, and bacterial levels are controlled through chlorination among other methods.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Legionella is rarely confirmed with laboratory testing because most cases of pneumonia are treated empirically without identifying the causative pathogen. Therefore, analyzing only reported cases of legionellosis would severely underestimate the burden of Legionella. Consequently, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes Legionella most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of pneumonia. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of pneumonia attributable to Legionella and the duration of pneumonia.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.9 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Legionella

Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to Legionella Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths



2 weeks27


30 days



Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 59 deaths and 7,574 health care utilization episodes (all pneumonia) attributable to Legionella. The burden of Legionella was relatively equal between males and females. Since pneumonia was the only health state considered for Legionella and most pneumonia deaths occur in older individuals, most of the burden from Legionella was in individuals aged 65 or older.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Legionella are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. Use of epidemiologic studies to determine the attributable fraction is a particular concern for Legionella because that there are wide geographic and temporal variations in this proportion which are not well understood (apart from outbreaks). The assumption that Legionella is responsible for the same attributable fraction of pneumonia mortality and incidence would likely lead to an underestimate of Legionella burden. This pathogen is generally more virulent than other leading causes of pneumonia.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


N. meningitidis (meningococcus) is a gram-negative bacterium with a human reservoir, colonizing a variable proportion of healthy people. New strains are acquired by respiratory droplets, and occasionally result in severe invasive illnesses. The most common presentations are septicaemia or meningococcemia (bloodstream infections) which can be fulminant and rapidly fatal, as well as meningitis (cerebrospinal fluid infection). Most cases are sporadic, but some are associated with outbreaks. The organism is usually susceptible to penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics. Prophylactic antibiotics are also offered to close contacts of infected patients, and vaccines are now available for some serogroups (A, C, Y and W135). There is no vaccine against serogroup B.

Data sources and HALY calculation We used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes N. meningitidis most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from N. meningitidis infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to N. meningitidis (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state. However, we were unable to accurately identify the fraction of septicaemia cases attributable to N. meningitidis (since only a negligible proportion of bacteremia episodes are caused by this pathogen), so did not include that as a health state. As a comparison, we also examined the number of reported cases of invasive meningococcal infection in the Ontario reportable disease dataset (iPHIS). Unfortunately, we did not have access to the data to differentiate between meningitis and septicaemia.

Most cases are sporadic, but some are associated with outbreaks. The organism is usually susceptible to penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.10 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Neisseria meningitidis
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to N. meningitidis Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Bacterial meningitis (BM)

25 (04 years) 35 (514 years) 37 ( 15 years) 34, 35 5 (% of BM cases) 35 33 (% of BM cases)


2 weeks 27


3 years


Sequelae of BM Seizures Motor deficits Deafness Permanent Permanent Permanent 0.039 0.062 0.071 N/A N/A N/A 5 36 10 0 0 0

9 (% of BM cases) 36

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of seven deaths and 159 health care utilization episodes attributable to N. meningitidis. The burden was relatively equal between males and females. Bacterial meningitis was the most prominent health state caused by N. meningitidis, and most of the burden occurred in children aged 014 years. There was an average of 72 cases per year of invasive meningococcal disease recorded in iPHIS (i.e., reported to public health authorities). Using the syndrome-based approach, we estimated 108 meningococcal meningitis episodes per year.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of N. meningitidis are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. The omission of meningococcal septicaemia as a health state could lead to an underestimation of the burden of illness secondary to meningococcal disease in Ontario; however, given the rarity of the outcome, this underestimation is likely to be small. Our methodology does not capture changing disease incidence over time, and there is some evidence from other jurisdictions in North America that meningococcal disease has been decreasing over the past decadenot unexpected given implementation of universal meningococcal vaccination programs during the time period under study.74

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Although E. coli is the most common gram-negative bacterium to produce clinical illness, and the burden of some other gram-negative bacteria are considered separately (Legionella, Haemophilus influenzae type B), there are a number of other gram-negative bacilli commonly implicated in infections (Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., Proteus spp., Citrobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp., Serratia spp., Acinetobacter spp., etc.). The spectrum of illnesses caused by these pathogens is relatively similar to those described for E. coli.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Because infections with these bacteria are not reportable we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes these bacteria most commonly cause. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from other gram-negative bacterial infections. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to other gram-negative bacteria (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.11 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to other gram-negative bacteria
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to Other GramNegative Bacteria Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Bacterial meningitis (BM) Sequelae of BM Seizures Motor deficits Deafness Septicaemia Endocarditis Pneumonia Acute prostatitis (males only)

3 (014 years); 1 ( 15 years) 34, 35 15 (% of BM cases) 35 50 (% of BM cases) 9 (% of BM cases)

35 36

2 weeks 27


3 years

Permanent Permanent Permanent 1 week 2 weeks 1 week


0.039 0.062 0.071 0.652 0.174 0.136 0.039

N/A N/A N/A 30 days 60 days 30 days 60 days

1 3 1 3,443 26 265,247 195

0 0 0 155 4 195 0

22.136 274 1047 3.5 (% of prostatitis due to acute infection); 10 (% of acute prostatitis due to other gram-negative bacteria)49, 50 1049 10

57 days 53
27 51

Pyelonephritis Cystitis

10 days 5 days

0.03 0.023

60 days 30 days

5,938 48,672


* Deaths due to pyelonephritis and cystitis were aggregated.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 400 deaths and 83,532 health care utilization episodes attributable to other gram-negative bacteria. The burden of other gram-negative bacteria was higher in females compared to males, primarily due to a higher number of deaths due to UTIs in females. Most of the burden of other gram-negative bacteria affects individuals aged 65 or older, which can likely be attributed to a large number of deaths due to urinary tract infection in this age group. A large number of septicaemia and pneumonia deaths attributable to other gramnegative bacteria also contribute to the burden of these infectious agents in the elderly.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of other gramnegative bacteria are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of nonspecific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. Due to the lack of comprehensive laboratory data, we are unable to determine the fraction of the burden related to drug-resistant gram-negative bacteria. This group of pathogens highlights another important limitation of our methodology: we have not distinguished community-acquired infections from hospitalacquired infections. For example, some of these organisms (e.g., Pseudomonas) are among the top causes of hospital-acquired pneumonia but only rare causes of community-acquired pneumonia.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



In addition to the leading gram-positive bacterial pathogens, which have been described separately (S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, group A streptococcus, group B streptococcus), there are a number of other important organisms in this category that we have grouped together for the purpose of this analysis (Enterococcus, Streptococcus viridans, nongroup A non-group B beta-hemolytic streptococci, coagulase-negative staphylococci and others). These organisms are heterogeneous with respect to their clinical manifestations but are common contributors to a number of different syndromes, such as endocarditis, genitourinary infections, septic arthritis and septicaemia.

Exhibit 4.12 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to other gram-positive bacteria
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to Other Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Septicaemia Endocarditis Septic arthritis Acute prostatitis (males only)

24.557 42 5
76 40

1 week38 52 days
53 41

0.652 0.174 0.108 0.039

30 days 60 days 60 days 60 days

3,817 539 176 74

172 74 1 0

19 days

3.5 (% due to acute infection); 3.8 (% due to other gram-positive bacteria) 50, 77 3.877 3.8

1 week51

Pyelonephritis Cystitis

10 days 5 days

0.030 0.023

60 days 30 days

2,256 18,496


* Deaths due to pyelonephritis and cystitis are aggregated.

Data sources and HALY calculation

As other gram-positive bacteria are not always confirmed with laboratory testing and infection with these bacteria are not reportable, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes other gram-positive bacteria most commonly cause. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from other gram-positive bacterial infections. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to other gram-positive bacteria (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 264 deaths and 25,358 health care utilization episodes attributable to other gram-positive bacteria. The burden of other gram-positive bacteria was similar in both males and females. Most of the burden due to other gram-positive bacteria was in those aged 65 or older, likely because of a large number of deaths due to septicaemia and endocarditis in this age group.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of other gram-positive bacteria are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of nonspecific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. This is especially true given that a different profile of gram-positive pathogens contribute to each of the above syndromes. For example, Streptococcus viridans is a common cause of endocarditis but not cystitis; Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a common cause of cystitis but not endocarditis; Enterococcus is a common cause of both of these syndromes.

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All major types of viral hepatitis (hepatitis A, B and C) were considered to this disease group. Viral hepatitis is characterized by inflammation of the liver and may have both asymptomatic (subclinical) and symptomatic phases. Hepatitis A is distinct from B and C in terms of route of transmission, prognosis and epidemiology. It causes only acute viral hepatitis; hepatitis B and C may cause both acute and chronic viral hepatitis. Since hepatitis A burden is primarily related to acute illness, and hepatitis B and C burden is mostly related to chronic illness and complications, different approaches are required to calculate the disease burden for the respective strains. Within this disease group, hepatitis C was found to have the highest disease burden in Ontario, with nearly twice the burden of hepatitis B (Exhibit 4.13). The burden of hepatitis A was negligible. For both hepatitis B and C, disease burden was much higher in males, although the relative magnitude of the difference in burden between males and females was greater for hepatitis B (Exhibit 4.14).

Exhibit 4.13 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for common bacterial infections
Agent/Disease Name


Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis A virus HALYs 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000

Exhibit 4.14 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for common bacterial infections, by sex
Agent/Disease Name Hepatitis C virus Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis A virus HALYs 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Male Female

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects the liver, and is most commonly transmitted by blood to blood contact, such as sharing contaminated needles. After an incubation period of several weeks, most people are asymptomatic; however the majority (5085%) of infected people eventually develop chronic hepatitis. Cirrhosis (liver scarring and loss of function) is common over time (410% after 20 years),78 and some patients develop hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) (13% after 30 years).79 The infection can be cleared by antiviral medications; however hepatitis C remains the most common cause for liver transplants. There are no vaccines available against HCV.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Although HCV is a reportable disease in Ontario, reported cases generally represent infections that occurred in the past. In addition, diagnosis is difficult due to the presence of only mild or non-specific symptoms and/or the failure of physicians to consider HCV and order the appropriate diagnostic testing. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to estimate deaths related to hepatitis C. We included 100% of deaths coded as hepatitis C, 25% of deaths coded as hepatocellular cancer (personal communication, Dr. Morris Sherman, March 5, 2010) and 27% of deaths coded as unspecified cirrhosis or hepatic failure (hepatic failure, chronic hepatitis, other and unspecified cirrhosis, portal hypertension, hepatorenal syndrome and esophageal varices).80 The latter two were necessary because HCV infection is frequently underdiagnosed and underreported.

For YERF, we used the results of an actuarial model to estimate the incidence of new infections of HCV and projected outcomes of chronic HCV infection. Details of this model are described elsewhere.81 The investigators first estimated the populations potentially at risk for HCV infection, stratifying the population by country of birth (Canadian-born vs. immigrants) and risk group (injection drug users, blood transfusion recipients, hemophilia patients and the general population) and taking into account life table mortality and deaths from competing causes (e.g., HIV, drug use, trauma). Next, HCV incidence for each group was modeled from various data sources, while adjusting for underreporting and asymptomatic infection. Lastly, the investigators used published transition parameters and a Markov model to estimate the incidence and durations of outcomes experienced by HCV-infected individuals over time (chronic hepatitis, decompensated cirrhosis, hepatocellular cancer and liver transplant).

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 4.15 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to hepatitis C virus
Health State Duration* Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State


Chronic hepatitis Decompensated cirrhosis Hepatocellular cancer Transplant

* Median duration for all ages and sexes combined.

7.5 years 5.8 years 0.58 years 7.1 years

0.035 0.628 0.357 0.057

358 216 135 61

...hepatitis C remains the most common cause for liver transplants. There are no vaccines available against HCV.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 369 deaths from HCV (144 coded as hepatitis C, 66 coded as hepatocellular cancer and 153 coded as unspecified cirrhosis or hepatic failure) and 3,469 incident cases of HCV infection. The burden of HCV was greatest among men aged 4450 years. Limitations These estimates for the burden of HCV are limited most significantly by uncertainty around attributing non-specific liver-related deaths to HCV. In our calculation of YLL, we included 100% of deaths coded as hepatitis C under the assumption that all such deaths are truly due to HCV. We then included 25% of deaths coded as hepatocellular cancer based on data from the largest quaternary care centre in Ontario.82 However, that proportion may not be representative of the entire province. Interestingly, that proportion matched precisely data from a global liver cancer and primary cirrhosis study.80 Lastly, we
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

also included 27% of deaths coded as one of several non-specific liver-related conditions (listed above) based on data from the same global study. Again, these data might not generalize to the experience in Ontario and may have resulted in an over-estimation of the burden of illness, as their inclusion resulted in 41% of the total HCV-attributable deaths. Although we suspect that some proportion of HCV-related deaths are not coded as such, we are uncertain about the precise extent of underdiagnosis and undercoding of HCV-related deaths; the inclusion of non-specific liver-related conditions would have minimized this. Since YLL accounted for most of the burden of HCV, we may have over- or underestimated the true burden of HCV. For example, not including any of the deaths coded as one of the non-specific conditions would decrease the burden of HCV from 9,658 to 6,377 HALYs, which would still keep HCV among the four most burdensome pathogens. Another limitation of these estimates is that the mortality burden derived from current vital statistics data may not represent

the future mortality burden resulting from current incident cases, as therapies such as entecavir and tenofovir have recently been used to successfully treat patients with HCV and others might be available in the future. Finally, we did not consider the decrease in quality of life resulting from treatment/remission for liver cancer because the average survival time for liver cancer is generally quite short.

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Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infects the liver, and is transmitted by sexual contact, injection drug use, and vertical transmission from mother-to-child during delivery. After an incubation period of one to four months, infection can be asymptomatic or can result in acute hepatitis (liver inflammation) with symptoms such as fever, weight loss, abdominal pain, fatigue and jaundice. The majority of infected infants (8090%) go on to develop chronic hepatitis, but only a minority of infected adults (5%) do so. Chronic hepatitis can be complicated by cirrhosis (liver scarring and loss of function), as well as hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer). Antiviral medications can be used to slow the infection, and a vaccine is available to protect against infection.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Although HBV is a reportable disease in Ontario, reported cases represent acute infections due to the case definition used for surveillance;83 persons with chronic hepatitis B infection would be omitted. In addition, the disease may be underdiagnosed due to the presence of only mild or non-specific symptoms, the failure of individuals to present for testing, and/or the failure of physicians to consider HBV and order the appropriate diagnostic testing. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to estimate deaths related to hepatitis B. We included 100% of deaths coded as hepatitis B, 55% of deaths coded as hepatocellular cancer, (personal communication, Dr. Morris Sherman, March 5, 2010), and 30% of deaths coded as cirrhosis or

hepatic failure (hepatic failure, chronic hepatitis, other and unspecified cirrhosis, portal hypertension, hepatorenal syndrome and esophageal varices).80 The latter two were necessary because HBV infection is frequently underdiagnosed and underreported. For YERF, we estimated the incidence of new HBV infections using estimates from the Public Health Agency of Canadas Enhanced Hepatitis Sentinel Surveillance System (EHSSS), adjusting for asymptomatic new infections,84 underreporting and the high specificity of the EHSSS case definition. (personal communication, Dr. Robert Remis, August 20, 2009). We used epidemiologic studies to estimate the outcomes experienced by HBVinfected individuals over time (acute symptomatic episode, chronic hepatitis, decompensated cirrhosis, hepatocellular cancer and liver transplant).

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 4.16 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to hepatitis B virus
Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State


Acute symptomatic episode Chronic hepatitis Decompensated cirrhosis Hepatocellular cancer Transplant

6 weeks 12 years 21 months 0.58 years 7.1 years

0.121 0.035 0.628 0.357 0.057

65 12 13 308 4

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 346 deaths (32 coded as hepatitis B, 145 coded as hepatocellular cancer, and 170 coded as unspecified cirrhosis or hepatic failure) and 213 incident cases of HBV infection. Most of the disease burden affects males and individuals between the ages of 40 and 79. Limitations These estimates for the burden of HBV are limited most significantly by uncertainty around attributing nonspecific liver-related deaths to HBV. In our calculation of YLL, we included 100% of deaths coded as hepatitis B under the assumption that all such deaths are truly due to HBV. We then included 55% of deaths coded as hepatocellular cancer based on data from the largest quaternary care centre in Ontario.82 However, that proportion may not be representative of the entire province. Interestingly, that proportion very closely matched data from a global liver cancer and primary
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

cirrhosis study (the proportion was 53% in that study).80 Lastly, we also included 30% of deaths coded as one of several non-specific liver-related conditions (listed above) based on data from the same global study Again, these data might not generalize to the experience in Ontario and may have resulted in an over-estimation of the burden of illness, as their inclusion resulted in 49% of the total HBV-attributable deaths. Although we suspect that some HBV-related deaths are not coded as such, we are uncertain about the extent of underdiagnosis and undercoding of HBV-related deaths; the inclusion of non-specific liver-related conditions would have minimized this. Since YLL accounted for most of the burden of HBV, we may have over- or underestimated the true burden of HBV. For example, not including any of the deaths coded as one of the non-specific conditions would decrease the burden of HBV from 6,704 to 3,479 HALYs.

Another limitation of these estimates is that the mortality burden derived from current vital statistics data may not represent the future mortality burden resulting from current incident cases, as therapies such as entecavir and tenofovir have recently been used to successfully treat patients with HBV and others might be available in the future. We are fairly certain that our estimate of YERF is an underestimate because we based it on new infections that have occurred in Ontario as derived from surveillance data. However, most patients with HBV in Ontario originate from HBVendemic regions and acquired their infection prior to immigration,85 and our methodology did not capture those cases of HBV-related illness. Nonetheless, our estimate of the mortality burden includes the deaths occurring among this population. Finally, we did not consider the decrease in quality of life resulting from treatment/remission for liver cancer because the average survival time for liver cancer is generally quite short.

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Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infects the liver and is transmitted by contaminated food and water sources. Canadians most often acquire the infection during travel to endemic countries. High-risk groups include those living in poverty and Aboriginal populations. In recent years, outbreaks have been reported in specific risk groups: children, men who have sex with men, homeless populations and injecting drug users. After an incubation period of about a month, it can cause hepatitis (liver inflammation) with symptoms such as fever, weight loss, abdominal pain, fatigue and jaundice. Fewer than 5% develop fulminant hepatitis, and the case fatality ratio is 0.5% overall but varies greatly with age. Treatment is generally supportive, although liver transplantation may be

required in rare cases of hepatic failure. A highly effective vaccine is available that provides protection from the virus; however, the vaccine is currently not publicly funded in Ontario unless the individual is a member of a high-risk group (persons with chronic liver disease, persons engaging in intravenous drug use and men who have sex with men). The vaccine is also available for purchase among persons who travel to high-risk countries.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since hepatitis A is a reportable disease in Ontario, we used an agent-based approach to calculate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to hepatitis A infection. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of hepatitis A from Ontarios reportable disease

database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute, uncomplicated episode of hepatitis A. Since reported cases may underestimate the actual number of cases in the community, we used epidemiologic studies to quantify the underreporting of hepatitis A.86, 87 Using data from these papers, we estimated there were five hepatitis A cases in the community for every case that was diagnosed and reported. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported hepatitis A cases that progressed to a prolonged/relapsing episode or required a transplant and to determine the duration of illness of each of these health states. A mathematical model was used to estimate survival time after transplantation to determine duration. Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 795 incident cases attributable to hepatitis A. Since there were no deaths due to hepatitis A, the entire disease burden was a result of YERF. The disease burden attributed to hepatitis A is relatively similar between males and females and mostly affects individuals between the ages of one and 44. Limitations A major limitation of these estimates of HAV disease burden is the high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting. We adjusted for underreporting based on studies conducted in the United States and Australia; however, those results may not be generalizeable to Ontario. The validity of these estimates is also dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data. The limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5.

Exhibit 4.17 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to hepatitis A virus
Health State Percentage of Reported Hepatitis A Cases per Year that Progress to Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Acute uncomplicated episode of hepatitis A Prolonged episode of hepatitis A Liver transplant

100 1588 188

1.5 weeks


0.121 0.136 0.057

795 119 8

1 year28 Modeled estimates based on survival time after transplantation

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Infectious agents assigned to this disease group are most frequently spread through sexual contact. These diseases were associated with a diverse set of health states as some infections are associated with genital lesions (herpes) or with inflammation of the cervix or urethra (chlamydia and gonorrhea), while infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of malignancies in the anogenital region (cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anal canal), as well as genital warts. Some of the pathogens in the STI disease group are reportable (HIV, syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea), and some have clearly definable syndromes that could be captured using health care utilization data. The incidence of some other pathogens could not be quantified using either reported cases or health care utilization data, so estimates of incidence from epidemiologic studies or from mathematical models were used instead. Within this disease group, HPV was calculated to have the highest disease burden (Exhibit 4.18). The next most closely ranked pathogen was HIV/AIDS. The dominance of HPV in this disease group is attributable to the burden from HPV-related cancer incidence and mortality in young women. Most of the disease burden attributed to STIs was found in females, as HPV, gonorrhea and chlamydia all had much higher disease burden in females compared with males (Exhibit 4.19). However, this is in direct contrast to the burden of HIV/AIDS in Ontario, which is far greater in males than females.

Exhibit 4.18 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for sexually transmitted infections
Agent/Disease Name Human papillomavirus HIV/AIDS Chlamydia Gonorrhea Herpes simplex virus Syphilis HALYs 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000


Exhibit 4.19 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for sexually transmitted infections, by sex
Agent/Disease Name Human papillomavirus HIV/AIDS Chlamydia Gonorrhea Herpes simplex virus Syphilis HALYs 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Male Female

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Human papillomavirus (HPV) is transmitted through sexual contact and is the leading cause of cervical cancer, anal cancer and genital warts. Most infections resolve spontaneously in women who are otherwise healthy; infections are typically asymptomatic. HPV is capable of causing benign and cancerous anogenital disease, as well as benign and malignant head and neck lesions.89 Studies over the past two decades have revealed that persistent infection with oncogenic HPV types is the necessary cause of virtually all cervical cancer. In efforts to reduce the morbidity and mortality related to cervical cancer, pap smears are routinely used to screen for abnormal cells that may lead to cervical cancer. Vaccines are available to prevent two of the oncogenic forms of HPV; one vaccine also protects against nononcogenic forms of HPV, which are responsible for about 90% of genital warts.

To calculate YERF for the HPV-related cancers, we adapted the approach developed by Statistics Canada for estimating the burden of cancers.90 Briefly, individuals with cancer experience some or all of the following health states: diagnosis (good, fair or poor prognosis), treatment (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and certain combinations of those options), remission (after one or more treatment modalities), and if death occurs within five years, palliative care and terminal care (last month of life) attributable to the cancer. Stage distributions at diagnosis (i.e., proportion of individuals diagnosed at a particular stage) were obtained from the OCR for 2007 and 2008. Five-year relative survival estimates and treatment distributions were determined from epidemiologic studies and expert opinion. We made several simplifying assumptions. The first was that all incident cases underwent some form of treatment. In reality, some patients are too frail at diagnosis to receive treatment, but the proportion not undergoing any treatment is generally small. Second, we simplified the treatment options by not distinguishing between curative and palliative radiation therapy and by not considering chemotherapy associated with mild, moderate and severe toxicity (keeping the mild form only). Third, we assumed that only the deaths that occurred within five years of diagnosis were attributable to the cancer (i.e., those who survived past five years died of something else), and those who survived past five years had a life expectancy that was the same as the rest of their age-sex stratum. Fourth, we assumed that the proportion dying within five

years was independent of the type(s) of treatment and that those who died experienced on average 2.25 years in remission (five years minus the time spent in palliative (five months) and terminal care (one month) divided by two = 4.5 years/2 = 2.25 years). Fifth, we assumed the reduction in functioning to be similar when in remission, regardless of the treatment modality (or modalities) employed. Finally, we did not consider recurrent cancers. The results of a study from Manitoba were used to estimate the age- and sex-specific incidence rates of anogenital warts.91

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since HPV is not a reportable disease in Ontario, we used a syndrome-based approach to calculate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to the following malignancies (syndromes) caused by HPV: cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anal canal, penis and oropharynx. For YERF, the Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR) was used to determine incident cases of the malignancies listed above. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each cancer attributable to HPV (to estimate both deaths and incident cases).
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 4.20 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancers
Cancer site Percentage Attributed to HPV Stage Percentage at Diagnosis Severity Weight for Diagnosis^ Five-Year Survival Surgery Only Radiation Only Surgery & Radiation Chemotherapy & Radiation Surgery, Chemotherapy & Radiation





52 21 27 66 34 100 56 44 100 18 82

0.109 0.147 0.191 0.109 0.191 0.147 0.109 0.147 0.109 0.109 0.147

8027 65 30 85 25 54

60* 10 80* 35 10* 5** 5 100 100*** 40 95 85

25 100 90 10 50 90


Vulva Vagina Anal canal Penis Oropharynx

3640 90



10 15

93 93


80** 55 85 8595, 96 70


5027 337293


Note: for ranges, the midpoint was used in estimates ^ Dependent on prognosis (i.e., five-year survival)

* Personal communication. Dr. Joan Murphy, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada **  Personal communication. Dr. Bernard Cummings, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada *** P  ersonal communication. Dr. Ian Poon, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Canada

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.21 Parameters for estimating the disease burden of various health states of human papillomavirus (HPV)
Health State Severity Weight Duration

Surgery Radiation Chemotherapy Remission Palliative care Terminal care

0.268 0.219 0.250 0.035 0.516 0.821

4 weeks 6 weeks 2 weeks Lifetime 5 months 1 month

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 254 deaths (157 from cervical cancer, 12 from vaginal cancer, 19 from vulvar cancer, 24 from anal canal cancer, 5 from penile cancer and 37 from oropharyngeal cancer), 1,090 incident malignancies (528 cases of cervical cancer, 45 cases of vaginal cancer, 67 cases of vulvar cancer, 219 cases of anal canal cancer, 25 cases of penile cancer and 206 cases of oropharyngeal cancer) and 14,666 incident cases of anogenital warts attributable to HPV. The burden of HPV was significantly higher in females as there were many more incident cases of cancer and cancer deaths in females. Disease burden attributable to HPV affects individuals over the age of 20 years with the burden peaking in those aged 4064. Limitations Most of the limitations have been outlined in the simplifying assumptions in the Data Sources and HALY Calculation section. In addition, the wide
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

range of estimates in the percentage of oropharyngeal cancers attributable to HPV is evidence of the uncertainty associated with this parameter and may have lead to either an under- or overestimation of the burden of illness. Data regarding the etiology of oropharyngeal cancers are emerging and more precise estimates will likely be available in the future. Another limitation is the assumption that HPV is responsible for the same attributable fraction for both cancer mortality and incidence. However, this may not be the case. For example, patients with HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancers have a better prognosis than those with HPV-negative cancers.97 Finally, recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (juvenile or adult onset) was not included in this study, leading to an underestimate of the burden of HPV. Although relatively rare (prevalence estimated at one per 100,000 children), this condition can cause substantial morbidity in affected individuals.98

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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus associated with Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), was first discovered in 1983, had caused more than 25 million deaths by 2006, and currently infects more than 40 million people worldwide. The virus is transmitted by sexual contact, use of needles contaminated with HIV, exposure to HIV-infected bodily fluids, and from mother to child via the birth canal or breastfeeding. It infects human white blood cells and gradually destroys the immune system, so that after a prolonged latent period, patients eventually develop opportunistic infections. If untreated, HIV infection progresses to death after a median of 10 years. There is currently no cure for HIV, but a combination of antiviral medications can suppress the virus, allowing patients to survive for a much longer (and as of yet undefined)


Data sources and HALY calculation

Although HIV and AIDS are reportable diseases in Ontario, reported cases include a mixture of both incident and prevalent cases of infection, as the period between infection and laboratory confirmation varies among all reported cases of HIV/ AIDS. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to HIV. For YERF, we calculated the disease burden due to HIV and AIDS separately. For HIV, we used the results of a mathematical model to estimate the incidence of new infections of HIV for the years 20052007. To calculate HIV incidence, HIV serodiagnoses among different HIV exposure categories (men who have sex with men, injection drug use, mother-to-child transmission, blood product/transfusion recipient, emigrated from HIV-endemic area, heterosexual transmission) from the Ontario Central Public Health Laboratory were extracted. Results from

detuned assays were used to distinguish between recent and remote HIV infection, and data from different HIV/AIDS studies were used to adjust for selection biases associated with HIV testing patterns among individuals at varying risks to HIV and HIV incidence among repeat testers, as well as determine the exposure category for those with missing risk factor information.99 The incidence among the different exposure groups was aggregated to yield a total number of cases for Ontario. The above mathematical model also produced estimates of AIDS incidence by using reported AIDS cases from the Ontario AIDS Surveillance Program and adjusting for reporting delays and underreporting.99 A simplifying assumption was that all cases of AIDS would reach the terminal phase of AIDS, although it is possible that some individuals with AIDS may have died from other causes before the terminal phase. Durations of HIV and AIDS were determined using modeled survival times.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

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Exhibit 4.22 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
Health State Duration (years) Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

HIV AIDS AIDS terminal phase

20 1.7 0.08

0.035 0.247 0.801

1,659 306 306

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 133 deaths due to HIV/AIDS and 1,659 incident cases of HIV, as well as 306 cases of AIDS. Most of the burden due to HIV/AIDS was from YLL. HIV/AIDS burden was significantly higher in males, and most of the burden was in those aged 3059.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of HIV/AIDS are limited by the uncertainty arising from only having a single underlying cause of death available in the mortality data available for this study. It is possible that many deaths were attributed to other causes even though those deaths may have been precipitated or hastened by the sequelae of HIV/ AIDS. This limitation is described in greater detail in Chapter 5. Furthermore, although the estimates of HIV and AIDS incidence were based on outputs from mathematical models which may more closely reflect the reality of HIV/AIDS incidence in Ontario, there is still some uncertainty regarding the parameters used in the model and whether the methods used to address missing exposure category information and selection bias associated with HIV testing patterns among individuals at varying risks to HIV infection were completely accurate. We also did not include the burden related to HIV-related malignancies or complications related to long-term antiretroviral therapy (e.g., cardiovascular disease).

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

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Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia) is an obligate intracellular pathogen that causes chlamydia, lymphogranuloma venereum and trachoma. The most common symptoms are painful sexual intercourse, pain/burning during urination, genital discharge and fever, although many people will be asymptomatic. Chlamydial infections can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to infertility, chronic pelvic pain and ectopic pregnancies in women. Men can have urethritis (urethral inflammation), epididymitis (inflammation in the testicles) and prostatitis (prostate inflammation). Potential complications of chlamydia infection in neonates are conjunctivitis (ophthalmia neonatorum) and neonatal pneumonia. C. trachomatis also causes trachoma, a disease that leads to blindness.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Although chlamydia is a reportable disease in Ontario, reported cases were assumed to be a gross underestimate of true disease incidence because the disease is often not confirmed with laboratory testing (especially when treating sexual contacts and recurrent infections). On the other hand, many women are screened for chlamydia and may test positive in the absence of symptoms. Therefore, we used a syndrome-based approach to calculate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes chlamydia most commonly causes and the number of deaths due to chlamydial infection. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from

chlamydial infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to chlamydia (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state. Additionally, we extracted the reported cases of chlamydia in infants (younger than one year) from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) to determine the number of cases of ophthalmia neonatorum and neonatal pneumonia contracted by newborns from an infected mother during delivery.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.23 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia)
Health State Percentage of Syndrome Attributable to Chlamydia Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Pelvic inflammatory disease (females only) Sequelae of PID Ectopic pregnancy


1 week4


60 days


9 (% of PID cases among females of reproductive age)101 11 (% of PID cases among females of reproductive age)101 30102 57

1 month4





Until menopause4




Urethritis (males only) Orchitis/Epididymitis (males only) Cervicitis (females only) Ophthalmia neonatorum (age 01 year)

10 days4 2 weeks

0.039 0.039 0.039 0.147

30 days 30 days 30 days N/A

2,504 10,688 45,167 1

0 0 0 0

16104 15 (% of reported cases of chlamydia in this age group expected to develop this health state)105 16 (% of reported cases of chlamydia in this age group expected to develop this health state)105

10 days4 2 weeks

Neonatal pneumonia (age 01 year)

6 months4



Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of one death and 61,761 health care utilization episodes attributable to chlamydia. The burden of chlamydia was significantly higher in females, and most of the burden affected those aged 1544.
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Limitations These estimates for the burden of chlamydia are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using

attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. The quality of the reportable disease data is another potential limitation.

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Neisseria gonorrhea (gonorrhea) is a gram-negative bacterium that is responsible for the sexually transmitted infection known as gonorrhea. The most common symptoms are foul-smelling genital discharge, burning/painful urination and genital swelling. Although asymptomatic, infection is not uncommon. Gonorrhea is responsible for a host of other diseases, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, urethritis (urethral inflammation), prostatitis (prostate inflammation), orchitis (testicular inflammation) and conjunctivitis in newborns (ophthalmia neonatorum). Complications from gonorrhea can include infertility and ectopic pregnancies. Gonorrhea infections can be treated with antibiotics, and newborns commonly receive prophylactic treatment to prevent conjunctivitis.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Although gonorrhea is a reportable disease in Ontario, reported cases are likely a gross underestimate of true disease incidence because the disease is often not confirmed with laboratory testing (especially when treating sexual contacts and recurrent infections). On the other hand, many women are screened for gonorrhea and may test positive in the absence of symptoms. Therefore, we used a syndrome-based approach to calculate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes gonorrhea most commonly causes and the number of deaths due to gonococcal infection. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting

from gonococcal infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to gonorrhea (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state. Additionally, we extracted the reported cases of gonorrhea in infants (younger than one year) from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) to determine the number of cases of ophthalmia neonatorum.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

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Exhibit 4.24 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Neisseria gonorrhea (gonorrhea)
Health State Percentage of Health State Attributable to Gonorrhea Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Pelvic inflammatory disease (females only) Sequelae of PID Ectopic pregnancy


1 week4


60 days


9 (% of PID cases among females of reproductive age)101 11 (% of PID cases among females of reproductive age)101 70102 34

1 month4





Until menopause4




Urethritis (males only) Orchitis/Epididymitis (males only) Cervicitis (females only) Ophthalmia neonatorum (01 year age group)

10 days4 2 weeks

0.039 0.039 0.039 0.147

30 days 30 days 30 days N/A

5,843 6,375 16,938 1

0 0 0 0

6104 81 (% of reported cases of gonorrhea in this age group expected to develop this health state)106

10 days4 2 weeks

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of one death and 32,234 health care utilization episodes attributable to gonorrhea. The burden of gonorrhea was significantly higher in females, and most of the burden affected those aged 1544.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of gonorrhea are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. The quality of the reportable disease data is another potential limitation.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) are transmitted by close contact of mucosal surfaces (oral or genital), as well as vertical transmission during delivery. HSV-1 generally causes oral herpes (cold sores), and HSV-2 more frequently causes genital herpes (painful, genital ulcers). After initial infection, HSV remains dormant for life within the nerves and periodically activates to cause recurrent infection. More rarely, it can cause life-threatening infections such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). Antiviral medications can decrease the risk of spreading the disease, but there is no cure to eradicate infection.

Data sources and HALY calculation

HSV is not a reportable disease in Ontario (except in neonates) and is often asymptomatic. Most of the burden is expected in the ambulatory setting, but there is no specific diagnostic code for HSV in physician billing claims. For this reason, an agentbased approach was used where incidence estimates were derived from epidemiologic studies. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to anogenital herpes viral infection (herpes simplex) and herpes viral infection. For YERF, we derived age- and sex-specific incidence rates of symptomatic HSV-2 from a seroprevalence study of HSV-2 conducted by Howard et al. in

Ontario.107 Additionally, we extracted the reported cases of neonatal herpes (birth to one year, which was the finest age stratum possible) from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) to account for the burden of herpes due to vertical transmission, with 40% of these reported cases expected to develop longterm sequelae.108 We used health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of encephalitis in Ontario and attributed 20% of these episodes to the herpes virus.109


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.25 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Health State Percentage of Modeled Symptomatic HSV Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Primary genital herpes syndrome First symptomatic episode without primary genital herpes syndrome Recurrent herpes

50108 50108

10.5 days108 4 days 108

0.068 0.023

7,337 7,337

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of seven deaths and 14,677 incident cases attributable to HSV, as well as 224 health care utilization episodes of encephalitis. Disease burden attributed to HSV was relatively similar between males and females. Most of the disease burden was in individuals aged 1444; however, there was also substantial disease burden in neonates. All seven deaths from herpes were due to encephalitis. Limitations These estimates for the burden of HSV are subject to the limitations of the various data sources employed. For genital herpes, there is uncertainty related to estimating incidence by applying mathematical modeling techniques to prevalence estimates. Unfortunately, there is no specific code for genital herpes in the physician billing claims dataset. The estimate for encephalitis is limited by uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. The estimate for neonatal herpes relies on the quality of the reportable disease data. Lastly, we likely underestimated the YERF of HSV by not including mucocutaneous herpes (i.e., cold sores).


87 days (males) 66 days (females)108




N/A (used 20% of encephalitis cases from health administrative data)109 N/A (assumed 40% developed longterm sequelae)108

3 weeks27



Neonatal herpes with long-term sequelae

Half of life expectancy from birth


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Treponema pallidum (syphilis) is a bacterium that causes the disease known as syphilis; it is spread primarily by sexual contact. After a variable incubation of days to months, primary syphilis can develop, which involves a painless genital ulcer that heals spontaneously. However, several weeks later many patients progress to secondary syphilis, which most commonly causes a widespread rash but can also cause inflammation of virtually any organ system. Years to decades later, some patients develop tertiary syphilis. This may result in cardiac complications or, more commonly, in neurosyphilis, which can involve degenerative brain disease and spinal cord problems. Motherto-child transmission can also occur resulting in a congenital syndrome characterized by rash, abnormalities of skull and bone development, liver enlargement and blood cell abnormalities. Syphilis can be treated by antibiotics, and most complications can be prevented if treated in time.

Data sources and HALY calculation

In this study, we generally used an agent-based approach to quantify disease burden where reported disease data were available. However, most epidemiologic studies describing the clinical course of syphilis were several decades old and focused on untreated syphilis, which we assumed would be rare in Ontario. Therefore, we did not use these published transition parameters to estimate cases that would progress to future health states and instead used reportable disease data to directly calculate the disease burden of each health state in the present. For YLL, Ontario vital statistics data were used to determine the number of deaths due to syphilis. For YERF, we determined reported cases of primary, secondary, neurological, and congenital syphilis from Ontario reported disease data (iPHIS). We assumed that all reported cases of secondary syphilis had also recently experienced the primary syphilis health state but were not diagnosed during the primary episode. Therefore, the number of primary

syphilis cases was the sum of the reported number of primary and secondary syphilis cases. There were approximately 80 annual cases of syphilis, unspecified in the reportable disease dataset. We classified these as primary syphilis because that would lead to the most conservative estimate and would proportionately be the most likely state they would represent. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of primary, secondary, neurological and congenital syphilis.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.26 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Treponema pallidum (syphilis)
Health State Disease Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Primary syphilis Secondary syphilis Neurosyphilis Congenital syphilis

14 days4 28 days4 10 years 3 years

4 4

0.017 0.039 0.074 0.139

344* 149 22 1

* Includes 80 cases per year of syphilis, unspecified.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 367 incident cases of syphilis. The entire disease burden was from YERF, with 94% of the burden due to neurosyphilis. The burden was higher in males and in individuals aged 3064. Limitations A major limitation of these estimates of syphilis disease burden is the high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting. The burden of tertiary syphilis is likely from remote and/or imported infection and therefore may not represent the burden expected with a true incidence-based approach (i.e., expected cases of tertiary syphilis in the future arising from current incidence of syphilis infections). The expected burden may be

lower due to improved diagnostic and treatment practices but may be higher if many current cases are undiagnosed or if there are many imported cases in the future. Classifying all syphilis, unspecified cases as primary syphilis may underestimate the burden of syphilis. On the other hand, assuming that all cases initially reported as secondary syphilis had symptomatic primary syphilis may overestimate the burden, because the primary episode in these individuals may have been less severe than for individuals whose primary episodes were diagnosed and reported. Finally, the validity of these estimates is dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data. The limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Infectious agents assigned to this disease group all cause a similar constellation of syndromes (upper respiratory tract infection, acute bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia and otitis media). Excluding influenza, these infectious agents are not reportable diseases. Within this disease group, influenza was calculated to have the highest disease burden, with rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) ranking second and third, respectively (Exhibit 4.27). More than half of the disease burden (53%) was from premature mortality. However, disease burden due to reduced functioning (47%) was more prominent in this disease grouping compared to other groupings (e.g., compared to 11% of the burden from common bacterial infections). The disease burden was generally higher in females, particularly for influenza (Exhibit 4.28).

Exhibit 4.27 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for viral respiratory infections
Agent/Disease Name Influenza Rhinovirus Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza virus Adenovirus Coronavirus HALYs 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000


Exhibit 4.28 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for viral respiratory infections, by sex
Agent/Disease Name Influenza Rhinovirus Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza virus Adenovirus Coronavirus HALYs 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
Male Female

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Influenza is a virus transmitted by respiratory droplets and possibly by airborne spread; it is responsible for seasonal epidemics during the winter months in temperate climates. After a brief incubation period of one to two days, patients typically develop fever, muscle pain, cough and sore throat. In some patients, influenza can progress to produce influenza pneumonia, or can be complicated by secondary bacterial pneumonia. Other complications range from mild otitis media (middle ear infection) to bronchitis and bronchiolitis. Although vaccines are available for influenza, the rapid evolution of these viruses relating to changes in the surface proteins mean that a new vaccine needs to developed prior to each influenza season. Occasionally, a major genetic reassortment between influenza viruses occurs (involving human, bird and/ or swine strains) resulting in a new virus to which the majority of the human population is susceptible. The result is an influenza pandemic, with the potential for very large numbers of cases and deaths.

Data sources and HALY calculation Although influenza is a reportable disease in Ontario, the vast majority of individuals who seek medical attention for an influenza infection do not have samples collected for laboratory testing and confirmation. Therefore, using reported cases of influenza would severely underestimate its burden in Ontario. For this reason, we used a syndromebased approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes influenza most commonly causes. Additionally, the vital statistics data were used to capture the number of deaths coded as influenza. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from influenza infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to influenza (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.

...the vast majority of individuals who seek medical attention for an influenza infection do not have samples collected for laboratory testing and confirmation.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 4.29 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to influenza
Syndrome (health state) Percentage of Syndrome Attributable to Influenza Duration Severity Weight Episode Length (days) Number of Episodes Number of Deaths a


Pneumonia Acute bronchitis Bronchiolitis Otitis media Upper respiratory infection

10110 24 6 5
42 111

2 weeks27 2 weeks 2 weeks 4.5 days

43 112 45

0.136 0.086 0.057 0.052 0.023

30 30 30 30 15

25,247 238,201 526 37,388 319,789

195 3 0 0 0



1 week

a Excludes the 74 deaths per year coded as influenza in the vital statistics data

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 272 deaths and 621,151 health care utilization episodes attributable to influenza. There was a higher burden of influenza in females compared to males. This can most likely be attributed to influenza and pneumonia deaths being more common in the older age groups which have higher numbers of women than men, and perhaps due to sex-specific differences in healthseeking behaviour. In terms of premature mortality, most of the burden was in individuals aged 65 or older, mainly due to a large number of pneumonia and influenza deaths in this age group. In terms of YERF, the burden was relatively equal across age groups as acute bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections comprise the majority of incident cases and they are distributed relatively evenly throughout age groups.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of influenza are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. These limitations are particularly problematic for influenza because the vast majority of influenza cases are not subjected to diagnostic testing, and even among tested cases the sensitivity of detection is quite low. In addition, much of influenzas burden occurs indirectly by aggravation of other comorbidities, such as coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure. Our approach does not capture events that may be attributable to influenza but are coded as conditions other than those included in the above table (e.g., increases in cardiovascular

morbidity and mortality that are associated with influenza activity). Schanzer and colleagues have estimated that nearly 4,000 deaths per year in Canada are attributed to influenza.115 This translates to roughly 1,600 deaths in Ontario. Therefore, our estimate of 272 deaths annually is likely an underestimate of the true burden of influenza. A limitation of our estimate of YERF is that we did not adjust for symptomatic cases that did not seek medical care.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Rhinoviruses refer to a group of viruses that are the main cause of the common cold. They are the most common viral infections in humans. They are spread through droplet transmission, contaminated objects and person-to-person contact. Common symptoms exhibited include runny nose, congestion, cough and sore throat. Patients will frequently experience fatigue, malaise (feeling unwell), myalgias (muscle aches), fever and anorexia (loss of appetite). There is no treatment available for the common cold, and prevention revolves around hand hygiene.

Exhibit 4.30 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to rhinovirus
Syndrome (health state) Percentage of Syndrome Attributable to Rhinovirus Duration Severity Weight Episode Length (days) Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Acute bronchitis Bronchiolitis Otitis media Upper respiratory infection

3342 16 40

2 weeks43 2 weeks

0.086 0.057 0.052 0.023

30 30 30 15

327,526 1,403 7,478 1,279,154

4 0 0 1


4.5 days45 1 week

Data sources and HALY calculation

Rhinovirus is not a reportable disease, therefore we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes rhinovirus most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from rhinovirus infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to rhinovirus (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state. Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of five deaths and 1,615,561 health care utilization episodes attributable to rhinovirus. The burden of rhinovirus was relatively equal between males and females. Most of the disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was relatively equal across age groups, as acute bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections comprise the majority of incident cases, and they are distributed fairly evenly throughout the age groups. However, disease burden diminished over 60 years of age. Limitations These estimates for the burden of rhinovirus are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. A further limitation is that we did not adjust for symptomatic cases that did not seek medical care, so the estimated burden may be an underestimate. Lastly, rhinovirus causes milder disease than other respiratory viruses, so the validity of the assumption of a constant severity weight for all pathogens causing a particular syndrome is uncertain.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is responsible for numerous respiratory infections in the infant population. It is transmitted through droplets in the air, contaminated objects or via person-to-person contact. Outbreaks occur from fall to spring and peak during the winter. For most patients, an RSV infection mimics the common cold with stuffy/ runny nose, cough, low-grade fever and sore throats being common symptoms. However, complications can include bronchiolitis (inflammation of the airways requiring hospitalization) and pneumonia. Treatment of RSV infections is focused on supportive management. Passive vaccination using immunoglobulins is offered to infants at high risk of complications, such as premature babies.

Exhibit 4.31 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Syndrome (health state) Percentage of Syndrome Attributable to RSV Duration Severity Weight Episode Length (days) Number of Episodes Number of Deaths



21 (014 years )117 2 (1564 years)110 5 ( 65 years)118 2.5 (064 years)42 12 ( 65 years)119 64111 15

2 weeks27





Acute bronchitis

2 weeks43




Bronchiolitis Otitis media Upper respiratory infection

2 weeks112 4.5 days


0.057 0.052 0.023

30 30 15

5,613 112,165 159,894

0 0 0

Data sources and HALY calculation

RSV is not a reportable disease, therefore we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes RSV most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from RSV infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to RSV (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.


1 week

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 96 deaths and 341,471 health care utilization episodes attributable to RSV. The burden of RSV was relatively equal between males and females. Most of the disease burden was in children aged from birth to 14 years (with 13% of the burden in children aged from birth to four years) and the elderly aged 65 and older. The high burden in children under the age of 14 years can be attributed to the large proportion of pneumonia (21%) due to RSV in children. The burden of RSV in individuals aged 65 or older was a result of pneumonia deaths in this age group.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of RSV are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. A further limitation is that we did not adjust for symptomatic cases that did not seek medical care, and so we may have underestimated population morbidity. Alternative methods of estimation which make use of the seasonality of the virus might be worth exploring in future analyses.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Parainfluenza is a group of viruses that are responsible for both upper and lower respiratory tract infections in young children. The viruses are spread through droplets in the air, contaminated objects and via person-to-person transmission. Parainfluenza viruses cause the majority of cases of croup, an illness presenting with a bark-like cough, inspiratory stridor (high-pitched sound during inhalation), fever and hoarseness. Severe cases require hospital admission for monitoring and treatment. Complications of parainfluenza infection include acute bronchitis and pneumonia (lung infection). Patients are treated with supportive measures such as oxygen in addition to epinephrine and steroids. The seasonality of parainfluenza is often distinct from other respiratory viruses. There are no vaccines available for parainfluenza infections.

Exhibit 4.32 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to parainfluenza
Syndrome (health state) Percentage of Syndrome Attributable to Parainfluenza Duration Severity Weight Episode Length (days) Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Pneumonia Acute bronchitis Otitis media Upper respiratory infection

3112 3.8

2 weeks27 2 weeks

0.136 0.086 0.052 0.023

30 30 30 15

7,574 37,219 48,605 159,894

59 0 0 0

6.5113 5114

4.5 days45 1 week

Data sources and HALY calculation

Parainfluenza is not a reportable disease, therefore, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes parainfluenza most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from parainfluenza infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to parainfluenza (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 59 deaths and 253,292 health care utilization episodes attributable to parainfluenza. The disease burden of parainfluenza was relatively similar between females and males. There was a greater burden in the older age groups, likely due to pneumonia deaths in the elderly caused by parainfluenza.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of parainfluenza are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. A further limitation is that we did not adjust for symptomatic cases that did not seek medical care, so the estimated burden may be an underestimate. Alternative methods of estimation which make use of the different seasonality of the virus might be worth exploring in future analyses.

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Adenoviruses are involved in numerous infections after being transmitted via droplets, contaminated objects and fecal-oral routes. Infections from adenoviruses can manifest as tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), conjunctivitis (eye infection), otitis media (ear infection), bronchiolitis (infection of the airways) and pneumonia. Treatment is supportive, and uncomplicated adenovirus infections resolve spontaneously. There are no vaccines available for adenovirus infections.

Exhibit 4.33 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to adenovirus
Syndrome (health state) Percentage of Syndrome Attributable to Adenovirus Duration Severity Weight Episode Length (days) Number of Episodes Number of Deaths


Pneumonia Bronchiolitis Otitis media Upper respiratory infection Conjunctivitis

1.5110 7.5

2 weeks27 2 weeks

0.136 0.057 0.052 0.023 0.023

30 30 30 15 15

3,787 658 37,388 79,947 81,613

29 0 0 0 0

5113 2.5

4.5 days45 1 week 2 weeks121

Data sources and HALY calculation

Adenovirus is not a reportable disease; therefore, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes adenovirus most commonly causes. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from adenovirus infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to adenovirus (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state.


Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 29 deaths and 203,393 health care utilization episodes attributable to adenovirus. The burden of adenovirus was relatively equal between males and females. The disease burden was distributed relatively evenly across age groups but was weighted more heavily in those older than 65 because most of the small number of pneumonia deaths due to adenovirus occurred in older individuals.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of adenovirus are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. A further limitation is that we did not adjust for symptomatic cases that did not seek medical care, so the estimated burden may be an underestimate. Lastly, adenovirus may cause milder disease than other respiratory viruses, so the validity of the assumption of a constant severity weight for all pathogens causing a particular syndrome is uncertain.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that are most infamous in Ontario as the causative agent of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), but the usual strains are much less virulent and are an important cause of the common cold. They are spread through droplet transmission, contaminated objects and person-to-person contact. SARS has not circulated since the outbreak in 2003.

Exhibit 4.34 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to coronavirus
Syndrome (health state) Percentage of Syndrome Attributable to Coronavirus Duration (weeks) Severity Weight Episode Length (days) Number of Episodes Number of Deaths

Acute bronchitis Upper respiratory infection

6.342 12.5

243 1

0.086 0.023

30 15

62,031 399,736

1 0

Data sources and HALY calculation

Coronavirus is not a reportable disease; therefore, we used a syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to each of the syndromes coronavirus most commonly causes; although vital statistics data from 2003 were included in this analysis, deaths due to SARS were not included, even though the causative agent was a coronavirus. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of each of the syndromes resulting from coronavirus infection. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of each syndrome attributable to coronavirus (to estimate both deaths and incident cases) and the duration of each health state. Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of one death and 461,767 health care utilization episodes attributable to coronavirus. The burden of coronavirus was relatively equal between females and males. The disease burden was similar across age groups, as acute bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections were evenly distributed throughout age groups. However, disease burden was slightly lower over age 60. Limitations These estimates for the burden of coronavirus are limited by the numerous sources of uncertainty arising from the assignment of non-specific events in Ontario vital statistics and health care utilization data using attributable fractions from various epidemiologic studies. A further limitation is that we did not adjust for symptomatic cases that did not seek medical care, so the estimated burden may be an understated. Coronavirus may cause milder disease than other respiratory viruses, therefore the validity of the assumption of a constant severity weight for all pathogens causing a particular syndrome is uncertain. There is no ICD code for SARS coronavirus, so although we included mortality data from 2003 (when there were known deaths from SARS in Ontario),122 we could not capture those deaths using our methodology.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Infectious agents assigned to this disease group are some of the most common gastrointestinal infections (although two notable omissions are norovirus and rotavirus, both very common causes of viral gastroenteritis). With the exception of Clostridium difficile, all of these intestinal infections are reportable diseases.* However, not all individuals infected with one of these gastrointestinal agents will seek medical care for their symptoms. For this reason, we adjusted for underreporting of cases of intestinal infection where possible. Within this disease group, C. difficile was calculated to have by far the highest disease burden (Exhibit 4.35). C. difficile had a much higher burden because it caused much more premature mortality than the other agents. For most intestinal infections, disease burden was relatively similar between males and females (Exhibit 4.36). However, there were some exceptions as the burden of C. difficile was much higher in females compared to males, and the burden of Shigella and Listeria was much higher in males than females.

Exhibit 4.35 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for intestinal infections
Agent/Disease Name Clostridium difficile Campylobacter Salmonella Listeria Giardia Shigella E. Coli O157 Yersinia Cryptosporidium Cyclosptora HALYs 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000


Exhibit 4.36 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for intestinal infections, by sex
Agent/Disease Name Clostridium difficile Campylobacter Salmonella Listeria Giardia Shigella E. Coli O157 Yersinia Cryptosporidium Clyclospora
Male Female

* Reporting of aggregate counts of C. difficile was mandated by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in August 2008.







Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is an anaerobic bacterium that can produce colitis (intestinal infection) in patients whose normal protective bowel flora has been disrupted (usually due to recent antibiotic use). The organism releases toxins which lead to profuse watery diarrhea, and have the potential to cause bowel distension, perforation, systemic inflammatory response and death. A minority of patients require colectomy (bowel removal) to achieve cure, and the attributable mortality rate of this predominantly hospitalacquired infection is 5%.123

Exhibit 4.37 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Clostridium difficile (C. difficile)
Health State Percentage of C. Difficile Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Enterocolitis Post-colectomy state

100 1

2 weeks124 Lifetime

0.123 0.041

60 days N/A

5,364 54

Data sources and HALY calculation

Unlike most intestinal infections, C. difficile was not a reportable disease in Ontario during the study period, therefore we used health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of enterocolitis due to C. difficile. Once enterocolitis cases attributable to C. difficile were extracted, we used an agent-based approach to determine disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths from enterocolitis due to C. difficile. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of enterocolitis caused by C. difficile. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of C. difficile enterocolitis cases that progressed to a post-colectomy state and the duration of illness for each health state.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 167 deaths and 5,364 incident cases attributable to C. difficile. Most of the burden assigned to C. difficile was due to premature mortality. The burden was much higher in females than males. This may be partially explained by the fact that there are a higher percentage of women in the older age groups and C. difficile risk increases with age. Most of the burden for C. difficile was among individuals aged 65 and older.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of C. difficile likely underestimate the true burden because they only include cases that were severe enough to require hospitalization or a visit to an emergency department. Because there is no diagnostic code in the physician billing claims data for C. difficile, we could not account for individuals with less severe infections presenting only to their family physician. Furthermore, we were unable account for those who did not seek medical care at all. The proportion of deaths attributed to C. difficile is likely underreported due to the presence of comorbid conditions which are more likely to be coded as the cause of death. We also could not distinguish between infections acquired in health care versus community settings. Additional burdens not considered in this study include hospital closures due to outbreaks of C. difficile, which in turn can lead to economic repercussions, interference with health care delivery, undermining of public confidence and litigation.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Campylobacter are spiral, gram-negative bacteria that are spread by contaminated food and water, eating raw meat, drinking raw milk and, rarely, by sexual contact. They infect the intestine and cause gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) with symptoms, including bloody diarrhea, cramps, fever and pain. Occasionally, people can experience immune-mediated complications such as reactive arthritis or Guillain-Barr Syndrome ([GBS] ascending nerve paralysis). Antibiotics can be used to shorten the course of the disease.

Data sources and HALY calculation Since Campylobacter enteritis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to Campylobacter enteritis. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of Campylobacter enteritis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS). Since reported cases underestimate the actual number cases, we used a Canadian study by Thomas et al. that collated data from multiple sources to quantify the underreporting of Campylobacter.126 Using the conservative estimate from this paper, there were 23 Campylobacter cases in the community for every

reported case. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of Campylobacter cases that progressed to the following health states: gastroenteritis mild (did not seek medical care), gastroenteritis moderate (saw a physician), gastroenteritis severe (hospitalized), reactive arthritis, GBS and inflammatory bowel disease. The same denominator (i.e., number of estimated cases adjusted for underreporting) was used for all health states, but we assumed that individuals who had severe gastroenteritis, reactive arthritis, GBS or inflammatory bowel disease had a prior episode of moderate gastroenteritis (i.e., saw a physician). Epidemiologic studies were also used to determine the durations of the health states. Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0.33 deaths and 88,566 incident cases (3,387 before adjustment for underreporting) attributable to Campylobacter enteritis. Most of the disease burden was due to reduced functioning. Disease burden was similar between males and females, and most of the burden was in individuals aged 2064. Limitations Although we were able to adjust for underdiagnosis and underreporting of Campylobacter based on a Canadian study, the validity of these estimates is dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data. Suspected underreporting of Campylobacter deaths in the vital statistics data is another major limitation.


Exhibit 4.38 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Campylobacter
Health State Percentage of Campylobacter Cases in the Community that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Gastroenteritis mild Gastroenteritis moderate Gastroenteritis severe Reactive arthritis Guillain-Barr Syndrome Inflammatory bowel disease

7638 2438 138 1.738 0.1


3.5 days38 9.7 days38 14.5 days38 222 days38 6 months


0.023 0.041 0.086 0.041 0.132 0.039

67,550 21,016 856 1501 89 33



Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Salmonella species are transmitted by contaminated foods such as eggs, cheese, meats and vegetables, as well as by person-to-person transmission through the fecal-oral route. Salmonellosis results in gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) with diarrhea, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. Severe dehydration requiring hospitalization occasionally occurs. Septicaemia (bloodstream infection) occurs in 5% of patients, and infection can more rarely occur in other body sites causing endocarditis (heart valve infection) and osteoarthritis (bone infection). Antibiotics can decrease the severity and length of the disease but may prolong carriage. The burden described in this section is to be distinguished from the burden associated with Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi, the

causes of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever, which are considered separately under imported infections (section 4.9). Those two pathogens are usually transmitted by the fecal-oral route.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since salmonellosis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden by using an agentbased approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to Salmonella. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of salmonellosis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS). Since reported cases may underestimate the actual number of cases, we used a Canadian study by Thomas et al. that used data from multiple sources to quantify the underreporting of Salmonella.126 Using the conservative estimate

from this paper, there were 13 Salmonella cases in the community for every reported case. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of Salmonella cases that progressed to the following health states: gastroenteritis mild (did not seek medical care), gastroenteritis moderate (saw a physician), gastroenteritis severe (hospitalized), and septicaemia. The same denominator (i.e., number of estimated cases adjusted for underreporting) was used for all health states, but we assumed that individuals who had severe gastroenteritis or septicaemia had a prior episode of moderate gastroenteritis (i.e., saw a physician). Epidemiologic studies were also used to determine the durations of the health states. Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of two deaths and 34,693 incident cases (2,711 before adjustment for underreporting) attributable to Salmonella. Disease burden was slightly higher in females. Most of the burden was in individuals aged 2064. Limitations Although we were able to adjust for underdiagnosis and underreporting of Salmonella based on a Canadian study, the validity of these estimates is dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data. The limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. Due to the rarity of the outcomes, burden secondary to endocarditis and osteoarthritis were not included. Suspected underreporting of Salmonella deaths in the vital statistics data is another limitation.

Exhibit 4.39 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Salmonella
Health State Percentage of Salmonella Cases in the Community that Progress to each Health State Duration (days) Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Gastroenteritis mild Gastroenteritis moderate Gastroenteritis severe Septicaemia

8538 1538 238 5128

5.538 10.538 1638 738

0.023 0.041 0.086 0.652

29,732 5,343 635 1,735

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Listeria monocytogenes (Listeria) is a bacterium that causes a food-borne infection; it is found in unpasteurized dairy products and uncooked foods such as deli meats (because its growth is not prevented by refrigeration). After a oneday incubation, it can result in gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) causing fever and diarrhea. Invasive infection can include septicaemia (bloodstream infection), meningitis (cerebrospinal fluid infection) and brain abscess among other sites. These invasive infections are more common in pregnant women, people over 50 years, and those with deficiencies in their immune system. Antibiotic treatment is used as the mainstay of therapy. Given recent outbreaks in Canada, Listeria is routinely tested for at deli meat plants.

Exhibit 4.40 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Listeria monocytogenes (Listeria)
Health State Percentage of Reported Listeriosis Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration (weeks) Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State


Gastroenteritis Septicaemia Bacterial meningitis

100 21 40
129 129

138 1 2
38 35

0.041 0.652 0.652

39 8 16

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of two deaths and 39 incident cases attributable to Listeria. Disease burden was higher in males and among younger age groups.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since listeriosis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to Listeria. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of listeriosis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of gastroenteritis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported listeria cases that progressed to septicaemia and bacterial meningitis and to determine the duration of the health states.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Listeria are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is a high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting, that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. However, because most of the disease burden due to Listeria was from YLL rather than YERF, adjustment for underreporting (which would have changed only the YERF estimate) likely would not have significantly changed the estimate of disease burden. Our methodology could not account for year-toyear fluctuations in listeriosis as exemplified by the province-wide outbreak in 2008, which occurred after our study period. We also did not include adverse pregnancy outcomes due to their relative rarity. Finally, we did not consider the economic impact of outbreaks related to Listeria.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Giardia lamblia (Giardia) is a protozoan parasite which causes giardiasis and is spread through contaminated water systems, fresh water sources, food and the fecal-oral route. The symptoms of Giardia gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) include explosive watery diarrhea, abdominal pains, vomiting and fever. These symptoms can become chronic, and complications such as dehydration, weight loss, anorexia and fatigue can ensue. Antibiotic treatment is commonly prescribed; however, there are an increasing number of treatment-refractory cases.

Exhibit 4.41 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Giardia lamblia (Giardia)
Health State Percentage of Reported Giardiasis Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Infectious episode with acute diarrhea Chronic giardiasis


2 weeks130




1.9 years143



Data sources and HALY calculation

Since giardiasis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to Giardia. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of giardiasis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an infectious episode associated with acute diarrhea. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported Giardia cases that progressed to chronic giardiasis and to determine the duration of the health states.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 1,596 incident cases attributable to Giardia. Since there were no recorded Giardia deaths, the entire disease burden attributed to Giardia was from reduced functioning. Disease burden was relatively similar between males and females and peaked in those aged 3045.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Giardia are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data. There is a high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. However, unlike Listeria, where most of the burden was due to premature mortality, the entire disease burden attributable to Giardia was from YERF. Therefore, adjustment for underreporting would have increased our estimate of YERF. However, 95% of the burden within the YERF calculation was from chronic giardiasis, and given the severity and duration of the symptoms associated with that health state, we expected that most would have been captured in the reported disease database. Adjusting the burden due to acute giardiasis (5% of YERF) would not have made a large difference in the overall HALY calculation.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Shigella are gram-negative bacteria that are spread by contaminated food and water, as well as from person to person. Shigellosis involves gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) with severe diarrhea, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. Profound dehydration, seizures, rectal bleeding, arthritis and kidney failure are potential complications of this disease. Treatment is focused on replacing salts and fluids, and antibiotics are given to severely ill individuals.

Exhibit 4.42 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Shigella
Health State Percentage of Reported Shigellosis Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State




1 week134



Data sources and HALY calculation

Since shigellosis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden by using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to Shigella. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of shigellosis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of gastroenteritis. Because reported cases underestimate the actual number of cases, we used a review article on the burden of shigella in industrialized and developing nations to quantify the underreporting of shigella.133 Using the conservative estimate for industrialized nations from this paper, there were 20 shigella cases in the community for every reported case. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of shigellosis.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0.33 deaths and 5,120 incident cases (256 before adjustment for underreporting) attributable to Shigella. Most of the disease burden was from premature mortality.

Limitations Although we were able to adjust for underdiagnosis and underreporting of Shigella, the data used for the adjustment was not Canadian and may not accurately reflect the current trends of underreporting in Canada/Ontario. Furthermore, the validity of these estimates is dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


4.5.7. E. COLI O157:H7

E. coli O157:H7 is a strain of the bacterium Escherichia coli that causes gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) leading to bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. Transmission occurs from eating contaminated beef, water sources, vegetables and unpasteurized milk, as well as from person to person. It produces a verotoxin that can lead to kidney failure from hemolytic uremic syndrome (loss of red blood cell, platelet and kidney function from toxin damage), which is more common in children and the elderly. Antibiotics do not appear to improve the course of the disease and, in fact, may increase the risk of hemolytic uremic syndrome. In May 2000, 2,500 people in Walkerton, Ontario, were infected with E. coli O157:H7 through the municipal water system.135

The burden of most other strains of E. coli (i.e., non-O157:H7) is described in the common bacterial infections section. The O157:H7 strain differs from other strains in terms of the mode of transmission, potential interventions for prevention, data sources and severity of disease.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since E. coli O157:H7 is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to E. coli O157:H7 and hemolytic uremic syndrome. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of E. coli O157:H7 from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS). Since reported cases may underestimate the actual number cases, we used a Canadian study by Thomas et al. that used data from multiple sources

to quantify the underreporting of E. coli O157:H7.126 Using the conservative estimate from this paper, there were 10 cases of E. coli O157:H7 in the community for every case that was properly diagnosed and reported. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of E. coli O157:H7 cases that progressed to the following health states: non-bloody diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, haemolytic ureamic syndrome and end-stage renal disease. Epidemiologic studies were also used to determine the duration of illness of each of the health states associated with E. coli O157:H7.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 4.43 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to E. coli O157:H7
Health State Percentage of E. coli O157:H7 Cases in the Community that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State


Non-bloody diarrhea Bloody diarrhea Haemolytic ureamic syndrome End-stage renal disease

5438 4638 1.6


3 days38 5 days38 1.5 weeks


0.041 0.086 0.171

1,694 1,492 53


5 years



Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 3,188 incident cases attributable to E. coli O157:H7. Disease burden was relatively equal between males and females and was evenly distributed among age groups. It should be noted that the data collection periods for both mortality and incidence did not coincide with the Walkerton outbreak of 2000. It is also important to clarify that this strain is not responsible for the major population burden of E. coli infection. Instead, it was endogenous E. coli strains (see section 4.1.2.) that were the fifth leading pathogen in Ontario, given that they are a major cause of urinary tract, bloodstream and other invasive bacterial infections.

Limitations Although we were able to adjust for underdiagnosis and underreporting of E. coli O157:H7 based on a Canadian study, the validity of these estimates is dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data. Our methodology could not account for yearto-year fluctuations in infection. Of note, the large outbreak that occurred in Walkerton in 2000 was before our study period.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Yersinia enterocolitica (Yersinia) is a foodborne bacterium that produces gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) causing severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, or less commonly, enlargement of abdominal lymph nodes causing mesenteric adenitis. The pain can be severe enough to mimic appendicitis, and individuals may be operated upon needlessly. Antibiotics are used to decrease the length and severity of the disease. Prevention is focused on hygiene and food safety.

Exhibit 4.44 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Yersinia enterocolitica (Yersinia)
Health State Percentage of Reported Yersinia Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Gastroenteritis Mesenteric adenitis

100 8

17 days139 17 days

0.041 0.086

327 26

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since yersiniosis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to Yersinia. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of yersiniosis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of gastroenteritis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported yersiniosis cases that progressed to mesenteric adenitis and the duration of each of these health states.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 327 incident cases attributable to Yersinia. The entire disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was equally distributed between males and females and was mainly in individuals aged 014.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Yersinia are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is a high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. However, because the HALY estimate for Yersinia was extremely small, adjusting for underreporting is unlikely to have an appreciable impact.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite that dwells in the intestines of humans and other mammals. It is spread by contaminated food and water, as well as person-to-person contact. In normal hosts, it causes self-limited gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) with diarrhea, abdominal pains, fever and cramps. Rarely, bloody diarrhea can occur. In people with pre-existing disease such as HIV, infection can result in pancreatitis (pancreas inflammation), chronic diarrhea, severe weight loss and dehydration. Antibiotics can be used, but most care revolves around symptoms. For HIV-infected patients, cure involves treatment of the underlying HIV. Vaccinations are not available, but urban water treatment plants are able to decrease the spread of disease.

Exhibit 4.45 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Cryptosporidium
Health State Percentage of Reported Cryptosporidium Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State




12 days141



Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 357 incident cases attributable to Cryptosporidium. The entire disease burden attributed to Cryptosporidium was the result of YERF. Disease burden was equally distributed between males and females and most affected the younger age groups (age 014).

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since cryptosporidiosis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to Cryptosporidium. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of cryptosporidiosis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of gastroenteritis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of cryptosporidiosis.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Cryptosporidium are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is a high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. However, because the HALY estimate for Cryptosporidium was extremely small, adjusting for underreporting is unlikely to have an appreciable impact. Note that Cryptosporidium manifestations vary significantly by host status; infection may cause only mild disease in healthy individuals but can cause protracted illness in HIV-affected individuals. Due to their rarity, more severe outcomes were not included. Our methodology is too coarse to differentiate illness according to patient characteristics.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Cyclospora cayetensis (Cyclospora) is a protozoan organism transmitted through contaminated food and water and is endemic in tropical and subtropical countries. Cyclospora infection produces gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) which causes watery diarrhea, cramping, weight loss, abdominal bloating, fever and fatigue. Complications include severe dehydration requiring hospitalization. A seven-day course of antibiotics is given to clear the infection.

Exhibit 4.46 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Cyclospora cayetensis (Cyclospora)
Health State Percentage of Reported Cyclospora Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State



3 weeks142



Data sources and HALY calculation

Since cyclosporiasis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to cyclospora. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of cyclosporiasis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of gastroenteritis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of cyclosporiasis.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 106 incident cases attributable to Cyclospora. The entire disease burden attributed to Cyclospora was the result of YERF. Disease burden was equally distributed between males and females and among all age groups.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Cyclospora are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is a high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. However, because the HALY estimate for Cyclospora was extremely small, adjusting for underreporting is unlikely to have an appreciable impact on disease burden.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Infectious agents assigned to this disease group are diseases that are preventable with routine immunizations. Note that vaccines are routinely given in Ontario for a number of other pathogens that are considered in other sections of this report; they include N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, influenza, hepatitis B and HPV. All of the agents in this section are reportable diseases, but varicella zoster virus (VZV) is grossly underreportedmany cases may not even come to medical attentionand therefore required a different methodological approach. Within this disease group, the VZV accounted for the greatest burden (Exhibit 4.47). Five of the pathogens (mumps, measles, tetanus, rubella and diphtheria) had no appreciable burden, a reflection of the success of vaccination programs. Poliomyelitis was the only disease for which the burden varied by sex, with a much higher relative burden in females; the deaths were from the long-term sequelae of remote polio infection (Exhibit 4.48).

Exhibit 4.47 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for vaccine-preventable diseases
Agent/Disease Name Varicella Pertussis Poliomyelitis Rubella Tetanus Mumps Measles Diphtheria HALYs 0 100 200 300 400 500


Note: YLL for polio were due to long-term complications of polio rather than current infections.

Exhibit 4.48 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for vaccine-preventable diseases, by sex
Agent/Disease Name Varicella Pertussis Poliomyelitis Rubella Tetanus Mumps Measles Diphtheria HALYs 0 100 200 300 400 500
Male Female

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Varicella zoster virus (VZV) has a human reservoir and is transmitted by respiratory droplets or airborne spread. After an incubation period of 1021 days, varicella (chickenpox) develops; it is characterized by fever and itchy, fluid-filled blisters. Varicella can occasionally be complicated by pneumonia (lung infection), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or secondary bacterial skin and soft tissue infection such as cellulitis, and more rarely, necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease). The disease is more severe if acquired in adulthood and can result in congenital varicella if acquired in pregnancy. After varicella has resolved, the virus remains dormant for life in the nerve roots and can reemerge to cause herpes zoster (shingles) years later. Zoster is a painful rash in the distribution of a single nerve root and can be complicated by spread to other areas causing

cellulitis, encephalitis, hepatitis (liver inflammation) and pneumonia. Some individuals with zoster will experience lifelong pain known as post-herpetic neuralgia. A vaccine is available to protect against varicella and is typically given at 15 months of age. A new vaccine to prevent zoster was approved for use in Canada in 2009.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Although varicella is a reportable disease in Ontario, physicians usually make a clinical diagnosis of the disease and rarely report it to public health officials. Additionally, zoster is not a reportable disease in Ontario. For these reasons, the burden of varicella zoster was calculated from health care utilization data. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to primary varicella, zoster and congenital varicella. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to

determine the number of episodes of: acute varicella, varicella with complications, acute zoster and zoster with complications. Because we only used health care utilization data to capture cases of varicella and zoster, our data sources were missing cases in the community who did not seek medical attention. To account for this potential underestimation of varicella and zoster cases we adjusted for this underestimate using epidemiologic studies. A Canadian study by Law et al. estimated that only 40% of varicella cases see a doctor for their illness.143 Therefore, for every case of varicella that seeks medical attention, there are actually 2.5 cases of varicella. The majority of zoster cases seek medical care, so this correction factor was not applied for zoster cases. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of illness for each of these health states.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit 4.49 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to varicella zoster virus
Health State Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes


Acute varicella episode Varicella with complications Acute zoster episode Zoster with complications

2 weeks


0.023 0.286 0.052 0.068

3 years 3 years 60 days 60 days

66,055 178 48,284 1,532

4 days145 1 month146 4 months147

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 6 deaths and 116,049 health care utilization episodes attributable to VZV. The burden of VZV was relatively equally distributed between males and females. Disease burden was evenly distributed among age groups, as varicella contributed to burden in the younger age groups and zoster contributed to burden in the middle and older age groups. Limitations A limitation of these estimated burdens of VZV is that not all cases of varicella seek medical attention for their illness. Therefore, using only health care utilization data underestimates the true burden. However, we accounted for this limitation by adjusting for health care seeking behaviour among individuals infected with varicella. The limitations associated with the health care utilization data are

described in greater detail in Chapter 5. Lastly, our data provide a static estimate of varicella zoster burden, but the epidemiology has been changing over time due to approval of varicella vaccines in Canada in 1998 and the implementation of a publicly funded immunization program in Ontario in 2004.148 It is noteworthy that the impact of universal vaccination with poor coverage has the potential to decrease the population burden of VZV but also has the potential to increase the burden of disease in the future in several ways: the average age at infection may increase with an accompanying increase in disease severity; the increased age at infection may increase the number of congenital and neonatal cases of VZV; and, the reduced incidence may increase the burden of zoster through reduced natural boosting of the population.149

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Bordetella pertussis (pertussis) is a gram-negative bacterium that causes pertussis (whooping cough). It is transmitted by respiratory droplets. It causes weeks of paroxysmal cough which can result in vomiting and may have characteristic whooping sound. Complications can include pneumonia (lung infection) and seizures. Mortality rates can be as high as 3% in infancy. Antibiotics can help shorten the disease length, severity, and transmissibility. A vaccine is offered during childhood with a booster in adolescence, and antibiotics are often given to close contacts to prevent infection.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since pertussis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to pertussis. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of pertussis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of pertussis. Since reported cases of pertussis underestimate actual cases of pertussis in the community, we used a Canadian study by Deeks et al. that used community surveys and physician records to quantify the underreporting of pertussis.150 It was estimated that at that time there were 28.3 pertussis cases for every reported case. However, since the

time of that study laboratory methods have become much more sensitive to the detection of pertussis. Based on expert opinion, we estimated that current laboratory methods were three times more sensitive during the ONBOIDS study period than when the aforementioned study was conducted. Therefore, we multiplied reported cases by a factor of 9.4 (28.3 divided by 3) to account for potential underreporting of pertussis. Epidemiologic studies were also used to determine the percentage of reported pertussis cases that progressed to pneumonia and to determine the duration of illness for each of these health states. Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 8,874 incident cases attributable to pertussis. The burden of pertussis was relatively equal between males and females, and most of the burden was in children younger than four years of age. Limitations These estimates for the burden of pertussis are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. In addition to there likely being many symptomatic cases who do not seek medical care, there is a high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we attempted to adjust for using data from a Canadian study. However, it is possible that the extent of underascertainment remains high, particularly in adolescents and adults, as well as vaccinated individuals, for whom the index of suspicion for pertussis infection is generally low. Therefore, these estimates likely underestimate the true burden of pertussis.

Exhibit 4.50 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Bordetella pertussis (pertussis)
Health State Percentage of Reported Pertussis Cases per Year that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Acute infectious episode of pertussis Pneumonia


6 weeks151



13 (infants <1 year old); 3 (all other ages)152 1.5 (infants <1 year old); 0.45 (all other ages)152

2 weeks27



Seizure disorder




Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Poliovirus is the virus responsible for poliomyelitis (also known as polio), and is spread by oral-fecal contact. After an incubation period of days to weeks, most children (95%) develop only asymptomatic infection. Five percent develop a brief episode of fever, headache and sore throat. More worrisome, one in 1,000 patients develops paralysis, with higher proportions in older patients. Many survivors of paralytic polio experience chronic muscle weakness and fatigue. There is no cure. Mass immunization programs have been successful in eliminating polio transmission, and the Americas have been certified as polio-free since 1994. Despite global polioeradication commitment and effort, the disease remains endemic in four countries in the world.

Exhibit 4.51 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to poliomyelitis
Health State Percentage of Reported Poliomyelitis Cases per Year that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State


Acute infectious episode of poliomyelitis Paralysis


10 days153





Data sources and HALY calculation

Since poliomyelitis is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to acute poliomyelitis and sequelae of poliomyelitis. For YERF, we searched for reported cases of poliomyelitis from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of poliomyelitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported poliomyelitis cases that developed paralysis and to determine the duration of illness for each of these health states.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of eight deaths and no incident cases attributable to poliomyelitis. All of the recorded poliomyelitis deaths were due to the sequelae of poliomyelitis and not acute poliomyelitis; therefore, the burden of poliomyelitis is due to the sequelae of remote or imported polio infection. The burden was significantly higher in females; however, it is unknown if there is an epidemiologic reason for this difference or if this was due to chance alone. All of the disease burden affected individuals over the age of 45 and was distributed evenly among the older age groups.

Limitations Since polio was eliminated from Canada in 1994,154 the burden of polio determined in this study is from remote infection among immigrants to Canada, and therefore does not represent the burden expected with a true incidence-based approach (i.e., expected morbidity and mortality from polio in the future arising from current incidence of polio infections).

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


4.6.4. RUBELLA
The rubella virus is responsible for causing rubella (German measles), as well as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in newborns. The virus is transmitted by respiratory droplets or in utero from mother to child. Typically, the infected individual will experience a rash, fever, swollen glands, joint pains, headaches and conjunctivitis. There is no specific treatment available for rubella, but a vaccination series is provided to children. If acquired by newborns during pregnancy, CRS can result, which is associated with defects with the heart, brain, eyes and ears. Pregnant women are also screened for rubella immunity.

Exhibit 4.52 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to rubella
Health State Percentage of Reported Rubella Cases per Year that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Acute infectious episode of rubella Congenital rubella syndrome

100 1.3

10 days28 Lifetime

0.023 0.023

105 1

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since rubella and CRS are reportable diseases in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to rubella and CRS. For YERF, we searched for reported cases of rubella from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of rubella. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported rubella cases that progressed to CRS and to determine duration of illness for an each health state.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 105 incident cases attributable to rubella (including CRS). There were no differences in the burden of rubella between males and females, and most of the disease burden impacted individuals aged 519. The vast majority of rubella cases were due to an outbreak in 2005.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of rubella are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is a high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. However, because the HALY estimate for rubella was extremely small, adjusting for underreporting is unlikely to have an appreciable impact.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

4.6.5. MUMPS
The mumps virus causes fever and parotitis (inflammation of the parotid gland). It can lead to orchitis (inflammation of the testicle) in postpubertal men. It is spread by respiratory secretions from infected individuals. It can cause complications such as infertility, pancreatitis, meningitis (cerebrospinal fluid infection), hearing loss and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). There is no specific treatment, but a series of vaccinations are available in childhood.

Exhibit 4.53 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to mumps
Health State Percentage of Reported Mumps Cases per Year that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State


Acute infectious episode of mumps Orchitis (men only) Meningitis Encephalitis Deafness

100 15156 5

10 days155 1 week 27 2 weeks 3 weeks

27 109

0.023 0.039 0.652 0.502 0.071

26 2 1 0 0

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since mumps is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to mumps. For YERF, we searched for reported cases of mumps from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of mumps. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported mumps cases that progressed to orchitis, deafness, meningitis and encephalitis and to determine the duration of illness for each of these health states.

5 in 1,000 cases (0.5%)156 1 in 20,000 cases (0.005%)157


Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 26 incident cases attributable to mumps. There were no differences in disease burden between males and females, and the vast majority of disease burden affected those aged 1544.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of mumps are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is a high likelihood of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. However, because the HALY estimate for mumps was extremely small, adjusting for underreporting is unlikely to have an appreciable impact. Our methodology is unable to capture the dynamic nature of mumps epidemiology and will underestimate burden as mumps outbreaks continue to occur, the most recent of which occurred in 20092010, outside of the study period.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Clostridium tetani (tetanus) is a rod shaped grampositive bacterium that causes tetanus. Tetanus can occur after bacterial spores enter the body through wounds caused by contaminated objects. They release a toxin in the body that causes muscles to contract in involuntary and prolonged spasms. These actions can compromise the patients airway and blood pressure, and the mortality rate can be higher than 11%. A vaccine series is offered during childhood, and booster vaccines are provided during adulthood or given along with tetanus immunoglobulin after a high-risk exposure.

Exhibit 4.54 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Clostridium tetani (tetanus)
Health State Percentage of Reported Tetanus Cases per Year that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Acute episode of tetanus


5 weeks158


Data sources and HALY calculation

Since tetanus is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to tetanus. For YERF, we searched for reported cases of tetanus from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute episode of tetanus. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of illness for an acute episode of tetanus.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and one incident case attributable to tetanus.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of tetanus are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is the possibility of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with useful empirical data. However, since tetanus is generally a severe infection, the majority of tetanus cases would have sought medical attention and been reported.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

4.6.7. MEASLES
The measles virus (previously called rubeola) causes a respiratory infection that is transmitted by respiratory droplets and airborne spread. It is one of the most infectious of all known pathogens. Measles infection is characterized by cough, fever, red eyes and extensive rash. Complications of the infection include diarrhea, pneumonia and early or delayed encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). There is no cure and treatment is symptomatic, but vaccinations are provided to children during their second year of life.

Exhibit 4.55 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to measles
Health State Percentage of Reported Measles Cases that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State


Acute infectious episode of measles Otitis media Pneumonia Encephalitis

100 6.6159 6.5


10.5 days28 4.5 days45 2 weeks 3 weeks

27 109

0.157 0.052 0.136 0.502

3 0 0 0



Data sources and HALY calculation

Since measles is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to measles. For YERF, we searched for reported cases of measles from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of measles. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported measles cases that progressed to otitis media, pneumonia and encephalitis, and to determine the duration of illness for each of these health states. Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 3 incident cases attributable to measles. There were no differences in disease burden between males and females, and the vast majority of disease burden affected children aged 04 years. Limitations These estimates for the burden of measles are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is the possibility of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. However, because the HALY estimate for mumps was extremely small, adjusting for underreporting is unlikely to have an appreciable impact. Our methodology could not account for year-to-year fluctuations in measles. It should be noted that the most recent measles outbreak in 2008 occurred after our study period.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria) is the bacterium responsible for causing diphtheria. It has a human reservoir and is spread by physical contact or inhaling contaminated droplets. Diphtheria causes a fever and pharyngitis (sore throat); a membrane that forms over the throat and tonsils can make it difficult to swallow. The bacteria can produce a toxin, and complications include nerve paralysis and myocarditis (heart inflammation). Antitoxins are available and a vaccine series to prevent infection is offered in childhood with boosters in adolescence and adulthood.

Exhibit 4.56 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria)
Health State Percentage of Reported Diphtheria Cases per Year that Progress to Each Health State Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Acute infectious episode of diphtheria Neurological complications

100 10

12 days160 6 months

0.041 0.039

0 0

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since diphtheria is a reportable disease in Ontario, we calculated disease burden using an agent-based approach. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to diphtheria. For YERF, we searched for reported cases of diphtheria from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of diphtheria. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported diphtheria cases that would have developed neurological complications and to determine duration of illness for an each health state.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 0 incident cases attributable to diphtheria. Limitations These estimates for the burden of diphtheria are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. There is the possibility of underdiagnosis and underreporting that we were unable to adjust for because we could not find any epidemiologic studies with empirical data. The term diphtheria refers to a specific and severe syndrome. The organism that causes this syndrome

can also cause milder infections which present as a simple pharyngitis. Such infections have been detected in Ontario every couple of years (data from the Ontario Public Health Laboratory) in some communities. These do not represent a significant burden of disease but indicate that the causative organism continues to circulate in a limited way in the population, that we may find more of it if we look harder, and that improvements in coverage in some underimmunized communities may be warranted. The importance of continued vigilance has been shown by the epidemics of diphtheria which occurred in the former USSR in the 1990s.161

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterium transmitted almost exclusively by the airborne route. Primary disease may develop, typically within two years of initial exposure, or post-primary disease may arise years to decades later through reactivation of latent (dormant) infection. An estimated one in three people in the world have latent infection with TB, but only a minority (510%) will go on to develop disease from TB later in life. The most common manifestation is pulmonary (lung) disease, and patients with this form of illness are potentially contagious. However, TB is also capable of causing disease in almost any other organ system (extra-pulmonary). The treatment of TB requires combination anti-tuberculosis drugs for at least six months. Upon diagnosis of pulmonary TB, patients are often placed in isolation for the first several weeks of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment to prevent the spread of infection to others.

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since TB is a reportable disease in Ontario, we used an agent-based approach to calculate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to TB disease, sequelae of TB disease, and congenital TB. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of TB disease from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS). Using the Public Health Agency of Canadas 2006 report Tuberculosis in Canada, TB disease was categorized into three states (pulmonary, extra-pulmonary-nonlymph node, and extra-pulmonary-lymph node).162 Cases with disease at multiple sites (i.e., pulmonary and extra-pulmonary) were considered in pulmonary TB group only, as the most severe health state. The pulmonary TB state was further divided to include: 1) pre-diagnosis and treatment (pre-treatment and contagious); 2) treatment in isolation (ongoing treatment and contagious); and 3) treatment out of isolation (ongoing treatment and not contagious). Individuals with pulmonary TB progressed through each of these states. We used epidemiologic studies to estimate the proportion of TB cases in each of these health states and the average duration of time spent in each state.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit 4.57 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB)
Health State Percentage of Reported TB Cases Per Year by Health State (%I) Duration Severity Weight Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Pulmonary TB Prior to diagnosis and treatment Treatment in isolation Treatment out of isolation Extra-pulmonary TB non-lymph node Extra-pulmonary TB lymph node

58162 50 days 3 weeks 200 days 27162 15162 5 weeks 2 months 0.070 0.175 0.023 0.023 0.086


182 101

Estimated burden Using the methods outlined we calculated 647 YLL and 16 YERF, resulting in 662 HALYs. We estimated annual averages of 673 incident cases of TB and 41 deaths attributable to TB. Most of the disease burden due to TB was from premature mortality. The burden of TB was slightly higher in males, as there were both more TB deaths and incident cases in males. Most of the disease burden due to TB was in individuals over the age of 40 years, where it was fairly evenly distributed by age. Limitations These estimates for the burden of TB are dependent on the quality of the reportable disease data; the
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

limitations of these data are described in greater detail in Chapter 5. Although the possibility of underdiagnosis and underreporting exists, as a provincially reportable disease that typically causes persistent and progressive illness if untreated, it is assumed that most cases of TB disease are eventually detected and reported. It should be noted that for TB more than some other infections the relationship between todays incident cases and future morbidity and mortality is not straightforward, with disease reactivation, the increasing prevalence of immunocompromised individuals, and the emergence of multi-drug resistance impacting future disease burden; these dynamics are not captured in this

cross-sectional analysis. As a majority of TB disease in Ontario occurs in foreign-born persons, future provincial trends will be highly dependent upon immigration patterns and trends. We also did not capture the burden beyond the individuals with TB disease (i.e., the impact on families and/or other contacts who are subjected to contact tracing and investigation). Lastly, TB is an example of a disease which is not evenly distributed around the province. Although a substantial proportion of the TB disease burden in Ontario affects foreign-born and homeless populations living in and around large urban centres, our study methodology does not explicitly define the intra-provincial distribution of TB disease burden.

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Most fungal infections are superficial (limited to outermost layer of the skin and hair) or cutaneous (extend deeper into the epidermis). However, some infections can become invasive and cause serious illness. Infectious agents assigned to this disease group are the most common fungal infections causing invasive disease. None of the mycoses are reportable diseases, so health care utilization data were used to estimate the burden of these agents. Within this disease group, Candida had the highest disease burden followed by Pneumocystis and Aspergillus (Exhibit 4.58). The burden of Candida was slightly higher in females, and the burden of Aspergillus and Blastomyces was much higher in males (Exhibit 4.59).

Exhibit 4.58 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for mycoses
Agent/Disease Name Candida Pneumocystis Aspergillus Blastomyces Histoplasma HALYs 0 50 100 150 200 250


Exhibit 4.59 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for mycoses, by sex
Agent/Disease Name Candida Pneumocystis Aspergillus Blastomyces Histoplasma HALYs 0 50 100 150 200 250
Male Female

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


4.8.1. CANDIDA
Candida is a yeast which is a normal component of skin and gastrointestinal flora. Most infections are endogenous (from the patients own flora) with risk factors including antibiotic use, hospitalization, gastrointestinal surgery, indwelling catheters, prosthetic devices and immunocompromising conditions in the host. Candida can cause mild, non-invasive infections of mucosal surfaces, such as oral thrush, vaginal candidiasis and diaper rash. Semi-invasive syndromes such as esophagitis and enteritis require systemic treatment, and invasive syndromes such as septicaemia, endocarditis and meningitis are relatively rare and are associated with high mortality rates.

Exhibit 4.60 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Candida
Health State Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Cases Expected to Develop Health State

Candidiasis non-invasive Candidiasis semi-invasive Candidiasis invasive

2.5 weeks163 1 week163 40 days163

0.023 0.052 0.652

30 days 3 years 3 years

70,625 815 176

Data sources and HALY calculation

For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to non-invasive candidiasis, semi-invasive candidiasis and invasive candidiasis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of non-invasive, semi-invasive and invasive candidiasis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of illness for each health state.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 7 deaths and 71,616 health care utilization episodes attributable to Candida. The burden of Candida was relatively equal between males and females. It should be noted that there were nearly twice as many incident cases of noninvasive candidiasis in females. However, the increased burden of non-invasive candidiasis cases in females was offset by there being twice as many deaths due to Candida in males. Disease burden was distributed fairly equally among age groups with the exception of the 5-14 age group which had no burden. The burden due to incident cases in younger individuals was balanced by the burden from deaths due to Candida in older individuals.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Candida are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases not seeking medical attention and, therefore, not being captured in the health utilization data, as well as the data quality issues associated with the health care utilization data. Another limitation is that these estimates change over time and there is an increasing incidence of invasive candidial infections.164 This is because invasive disease is most common in immuncompromised individuals and through nosocomial acquisition, two situations which have also been increasing over time.164, 165

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP) was previously believed to be a parasite, but has been reclassified as a fungus. This organism only causes infection among patients with severe deficiencies in cell mediated immunity such as that associated with advanced HIV infection, organ transplantation and high dose steroid therapy. Patients typically present with an insidious onset of fever, shortness of breath and nonproductive cough. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is the treatment of choice, and is also used as prevention in high risk patient populations.

Exhibit 4.61 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Pneumocystis jiroveci
Health State Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes



4 weeks



3 years


Data sources and HALY calculation

For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to pneumocystosis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of pneumocystosis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of illness for pneumocystosis.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of four deaths and 177 health care utilization episodes attributable to Pneumocystis. The vast majority of disease burden attributed to pneumocystis was due to YLL. The burden of Pneumocystis was relatively equal between males and females and distributed fairly evenly among age groups, with the exception of individuals aged 529 who had no disease burden.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Pneumocystis are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases not seeking medical attention and, therefore, not being captured in the health utilization data, as well as the data quality issues associated with the health care utilization data. However, the vast majority of disease burden due to Pneumocystis was from YLL and not YERF. Since adjustment for propensity to seek medical treatment would only affect the YERF calculation, and YERF contributed very little to the overall disease burden, it is unlikely that adjustment would have significantly changed the estimate of disease burden.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Aspergillus is an environmental mold which can occasionally produce disease in normal hosts, but more commonly infects patients with underlying structural lung disease or systemic immunodeficiency associated with hematologic malignancies and chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Lung involvement can be non-invasive, but in immunocompromised patients is usually invasive and associated with mortality rates exceeding 50%. Other invasive syndromes (e.g., central nervous system, sinus disease) are also associated with significant morbidity and mortality.

Exhibit 4.62 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Aspergillus
Health State Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes

Aspergillosis non-invasive Aspergillosis pulmonary invasive Aspergillosis nonpulmonary invasive

3 months


0.136 0.398 0.652

3 years 3 years 3 years

189 23 23

1 year27 1 year27

Data sources and HALY calculation

For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to non-invasive aspergillosis, pulmonary invasive aspergillosis, and non-pulmonary invasive aspergillosis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of non-invasive aspergillosis, pulmonary invasive aspergillosis and non-pulmonary invasive aspergillosis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of illness for each health state.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of three deaths and 235 health care utilization episodes attributable to Aspergillus. Disease burden due to Aspergillus is higher in males, which can be attributed to more recorded Aspergillus deaths among males; however, it is unknown if there is an epidemiologic reason for this difference or if it is due to statistical chance. Most of the disease burden was among individuals over the age of 45.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Aspergillus are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases not seeking medical attention and, therefore, not being captured in the health utilization data, as well as the data quality issues associated with the health care utilization data. However, due to the severity and duration of the symptoms due to aspergillosis, most infected individuals would have sought medical treatment. Fatalities due to Aspergillus will be underestimated because our source of mortality data only listed a single cause of death, and because diagnostic testing for Aspergillus has low sensitivity. Most cases of Aspergillosis occur in patients with severe underlying lung disease or immunodeficiency, and deaths hastened by Aspergillus may have been coded according to the underlying disease which predisposed to Aspergillus infection.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Blastomyces is a dimorphic fungus (mold form in environment, yeast form in human host) which can infect both normal and immunocompromised hosts. It exists in nature in warm moist soil and decaying vegetation, and is endemic in Canadian areas that border the Great Lakes. The infection is usually acquired by inhalation, and the most common manifestation of blastomycosis is chronic pulmonary (lung) infection. However, dissemination can occur to skin, bones, joints, the genitourinary tract and the central nervous system. Treatment requires prolonged antifungal therapy.

Exhibit 4.63 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Blastomyces
Health State Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes


Blastomycosis pulmonary Blastomycosis disseminated

2 months


0.136 0.136

3 years 3 years

46 9

6 months169

Data sources and HALY calculation

For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to pulmonary blastomycosis and disseminated blastomycosis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of pulmonary blastomycosis and disseminated blastomycosis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of illness for each health state.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of two deaths and 55 health care utilization episodes attributable to Blastomyces. The vast majority of disease burden attributed to blastomycosis was from premature mortality. Almost the entire disease burden of Blastomyces was among males as all six observed deaths over the three-year period occurred in males. This is in keeping with a prior epidemiologic study in Ontario that suggested that the majority (2/3) of cases of blastomycosis occurred in males.170 Most of the disease burden was in individuals aged 2549.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Blastomyces are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases not seeking medical attention and, therefore, not being captured in the health utilization data, as well as the data quality issues associated with the health care utilization data. However, the vast majority of disease burden due to Blastomyces was a result of YLL and not YERF. Since adjustment for propensity to seek medical treatment would only affect the YERF calculation, and YERF contributed very little to the overall disease burden, it is unlikely that adjustment would have significantly changed the estimate of disease burden. Moreover, our data are similar to the results of a previous laboratory based surveillance study in Ontario which identified 309 cases over a 10-year period from 19942003.170 Additionally, blastomycosis is an example of a disease which would not be expected to be evenly distributed around the province. Our study methodology has not included an attempt to define the intra-provincial distribution of this disease burden.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Histoplasma is a dimorphic fungus (mold form in environment, yeast form in human host) that can infect both normal and immunocompromised hosts. It exists in nature in soil and in bird and bat guano. Although cases have been reported from every continent, the areas of highest endemnicity include the Ohio and Mississippi river vallies. In Canada, infection is most common in the region of the St. Lawrence River. The infection is usually acquired by inhalation, and the most common manifestation is pulmonary (lung) infection. However, disseminated infection is common in immunocompromised patients.

Exhibit 4.64 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Histoplasma
Health State Duration Severity Weight Episode Length Number of Episodes


2 months



3 years


Data sources and HALY calculation

For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to histoplasmosis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of histoplasmosis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of illness for histoplasmosis.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 245 health care utilization episodes attributable to Histoplasma. Since there were no recorded histoplasma deaths, the entire disease burden attributed to histoplasma was due to YERF. The burden of Histoplasma was relatively equal between males and females and was distributed fairly equally among age groups, peaking in individuals aged 3059.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of Histoplasma are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases seeking medical attention and, therefore, not being captured in the health care utilization data, as well as the data quality issues associated with the health care utilization data. Histoplasmosis is particularly prone to underdiagnosis because most infections are selflimited and not all infections need to be treated. Histoplasmosis is an example of a disease which would not be expected to be evenly distributed around the province. Our study methodology has not included an attempt to define the intra-provincial distribution of this disease burden.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Infectious agents assigned to this disease group are mostly infections that occur outside of Ontario and brought into the province by infected individuals (mainly people travelling to or emigrating from areas where the disease is endemic), with the exception being West Nile virus (WNV), which was introduced to Ontario in 2001. Except for dengue, all the diseases included in this disease group are reportable in Ontario. Within this disease group, West Nile virus (WNV) had the highest disease burden, followed by dengue and malaria (Exhibit 4.65). The burden of malaria and WNV was mostly in males, and the burden of dengue was almost entirely in females, but these proportions must be interpreted with caution given low event rates (Exhibit 4.66).

Exhibit 4.65 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for imported infections
Agent/Disease Name West Nile virus Dengue Malaria Typhoid/Paratyphoid HALYs 0 20 40 60 80 100


Exhibit 4.66 Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs) for imported infections, by sex
Agent/Disease Name West Nile Virus Dengue Malaria Typhoid/Paratyphoid HALYs 0 20 40 60 80 100



Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne virus that is asymptomatic in the majority of cases but results in a febrile illness in 20% of patients and central nervous system involvement in approximately 0.7% of patients. Neurologic involvement can range from meningitis to encephalitis, myelitis and even polio-like syndromes.

Exhibit 4.67 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to West Nile virus (WNV)
Health State Percentage of reported WNV cases per year that progress to health state Duration Severity weight Number of cases expected to develop health state

West Nile fever West Nile neuroinvasive disease West Nile longterm neurological complications

100 40

5 days172 3 weeks

0.023 0.239

50 20

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since WNV is a reportable disease in Ontario, we used an agent-based approach to calculate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to WNV infection. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of WNV illness from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute episode of West Nile fever. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of reported WNV cases that presented with neuroinvasive disease and what percentage of these neurological cases had long-term complications and to determine the duration of illness for each health state.




Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of four deaths and 50 incident cases from West Nile virus. Most of the disease burden attributed to WNV was a result of YLL to premature mortality. The burden of WNV was higher in males, because the majority of WNV deaths occurred in males. Since the majority of WNV deaths occur in the elderly, disease burden mostly affects individuals aged 65 and older. Limitations These estimates for the burden of WNV are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases not seeking medical attention or from physicians failing to consider a diagnosis of WNV among symptomatic cases presenting with fever. There are also data quality issues associated with the reportable disease and laboratory data.

However, the vast majority of disease burden due to WNV was a result of YLL and not YERF. Since adjustment for underreporting would only affect the YERF calculation, and YERF contributed very little to the overall disease burden, it is unlikely that adjustment for underreporting would have significantly changed the estimate of disease burden. WNV exemplifies a major limitation of our methodology, in that we are deriving our data from a relatively brief three year time period, and infectious diseases are dynamic, with burdens that can shift greatly over time. Prior to 2001 WNV was nonexistent in Ontario. After a few summers with many Ontario cases, we have seen far lower disease activity.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

4.9.2. DENGUE
Dengue is a virus transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical climates. After a short incubation period of less than one week, dengue classically induces a febrile illness associated with severe muscle pains. In endemic areas, repeat dengue infection can result in dengue hemorrhagic fever, characterized by fever, bleeding, thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) and shock (but this manifestation is fortunately rare among travelers). Treatment is supportive.

Exhibit 4.68 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to dengue
Health state Duration Severity Weight Episode Length


Dengue fever

1 week 27


3 years

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since dengue is not a reportable disease in Ontario, we used a syndrome-based approach to calculate disease burden where all episodes/deaths of a syndrome were attributed to only dengue and no other pathogen. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to dengue fever (classical dengue) and dengue haemorrhagic fever. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to determine the number of episodes of dengue fever (classical dengue) or dengue haemorrhagic fever. There were so few episodes of dengue haemorrhagic fever that we combined episodes from both syndromes into a single health state called dengue fever. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of dengue fever.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0.33 deaths and 14 incident cases (all cases of dengue fever) from dengue. Since there were so few incident cases of dengue, the vast majority of disease burden attributed to dengue was a result of YLL to premature mortality. However, there was only one death in the entire study period due to dengue. More years of study would need to be added in order to establish age and sex trends of the disease burden of dengue.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of dengue are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases not seeking medical attention and, therefore, not being captured in the health utilization data, as well as the data quality issues associated with the health care utilization data. The symptoms of dengue fever are quite severe, and it was expected the majority of individuals infected would seek medical care. However, many physicians might not order diagnostic serology testing because they do not suspect this agent, or because the results of serology are often delayed (and usually only available after the patients clinical illness has resolved). Dengue also exemplifies the difficulty in precisely estimating disease burden for infections with low case fatality rates. Fatal dengue infections are rare among travelers, and the one fatality present in our data (by chance) gives the impression that dengue disease burden is greater than malaria disease burden, when likely the opposite is true.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


4.9.3. MALARIA
Malaria is a protozoal parasite transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical climates, which infests human red blood cells. The disease is typically characterized by cyclical fever, pain, and anemia. Cases caused by Plasmodium falciparum (one of five malarial species), can produce a range of severe complications including respiratory failure, confusion, seizures, renal (kidney) failure, jaundice, hypoglycemia and shock. However, with effective anti-malarial medications the case fatality ratio remains less than 1% among travelers returning to industrialized countries.

Exhibit 4.69 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to malaria
Health state Percentage of Reported Malaria Cases per Year that Progress to Health State Duration Severity Weight

Plasmodium falciparum positive with non-severe symptoms Plasmodium falciparum positive with severe symptoms Plasmodium falciparum negative


1 week


7 34

18 days 1 week

0.174 0.023

Data sources and HALY calculation

Since malaria is a reportable disease in Ontario, we used an agent-based approach to calculate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to malarial infection and congenital malaria. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of malaria from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS). Data from the Public Health Laboratory of Ontario (where 75% of reported malaria cases in Ontario are confirmed) were used to determine what percentage of reported malarial infections was: P. falciparum positive with non-severe symptoms, P. falciparum positive with severe symptoms, and P. falciparum negative. Expert opinion was used to determine the duration of each type of malaria. Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0.33 deaths and 183 incident cases (108 cases were expected to be P. falciparum positive with non-severe symptoms, 13 were expected to be P. falciparum positive with severe symptoms and 62 were expected to be P. falciparum negative from malaria). The vast majority of disease burden attributed to malaria was a result of premature mortality. However, there was only one death in the entire study period due to malaria. Limitations These estimates for the burden of malaria are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases not seeking medical attention or from physicians failing to consider a diagnosis of malaria or failing to collect specimens for laboratory testing among symptomatic cases. There are also data quality issues associated with the reportable disease and laboratory data. However, the vast majority of disease burden due to malaria was a result of YLL and not YERF. Since adjustment for underreporting would only affect the YERF calculation, and YERF contributed very little to the overall disease burden, it is unlikely that adjustment for underreporting would have significantly changed the estimate of disease burden.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Typhoid/paratyphoid fever are caused by Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi, respectively; these are bacteria spread from human to human via the fecal-oral route (in contrast to other foodborne Salmonella infections; see section 4.5.3 on intestinal infections). Almost all infections are acquired during travel to developing countries, particularly in South Asia. Infection is characterized by unrelenting fever, sweating, headache and diarrhea (typhoid fever). In the absence of antibiotic treatment, bowel perforation can ensue after three to four weeks of illness. Fortunately, the case fatality ratio is less than 1% among travelers returning to industrialized countries.

Exhibit 4.70 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to typhoid/paratyphoid fever
Health state Percentage of Reported Typhoid/ Paratyphoid Fever Cases per Year that Progress to Health State Duration Severity Weight


Acute infectious episode of typhoid/paratyphoid fever


4 weeks175


Data sources and HALY calculation

Since typhoid and paratyphoid fever are reportable diseases in Ontario, we used an agent-based approach to calculate disease burden. For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to typhoid and paratyphoid fevers. For YERF, we extracted reported cases of typhoid and paratyphoid fever from Ontarios reportable disease database (iPHIS) and treated each reported case as an acute infectious episode of typhoid/paratyphoid fever. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the duration of typhoid/paratyphoid fever.

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 133 incident cases attributable to typhoid/paratyphoid fever. Since there were no deaths due to typhoid/ paratyphoid fever, the entire disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was relatively equal between males and females and affected mostly individuals from one to 44 years of age.

Limitations These estimates for the burden of typhoid/ paratyphoid fever are limited by the sources of uncertainty arising from symptomatic cases not seeking medical attention or from physicians failing to consider a diagnosis of typhoid/paratyphoid fever or failing to collect specimens for laboratory testing among symptomatic cases presenting with fever. There are also data quality issues associated with the reportable disease and laboratory data.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 4 / Methods and Results by Infectious Agent

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Strengths and Limitations

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 5 / Strengths and Limitations

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

This study had a number of strengths that distinguish ONBOIDS from previous burden of disease studies.

Use of linkable health care utilization data

Although the use of health care utilization data to supplement reportable disease data in burden of disease studies is not novel, we are not aware of any previous studies that were able to link individuals across datasets. In ONBOIDS, we were able to use linkable health care utilization data to define episodes of care across health care settings for each case of a certain infectious diseases (e.g., a case of pneumonia being treated in both outpatient and inpatient settings), so we were not only assessing health care use. This approach would be further strengthened with the anticipated capacity to link health care utilization data with cause-specific mortality data in Ontario, and eventually with more province-wide microbiology data.

A. OVERALL LIMITATIONS IMPACTING BOTH YLL AND YERF ESTIMATES Static nature of burden of disease methodology
One important assumption common across all studies based on the Global Burden of Disease methodology is that the natural history of a disease and the relationship between incident cases and eventual mortality remain constant over time. This assumption is particularly important for infectious diseases due to their dynamic nature. The burden of infectious diseases may be affected by: 1) long-term changes (e.g., demographic trends, improved public sanitation) and 2) abrupt changes, such as the development of new preventive measures (e.g., vaccines) or therapies (e.g., antibiotics/ antivirals), the occurrence of localized outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics (e.g., influenza) and the emergence of new pathogens or antibiotic resistance among current pathogens. ONBOIDS is limited to a static assessment of the burden of infectious diseases by: using the available Ontario data and epidemiologic studies that are necessarily restricted to a certain point in time (may not always reflect the current situation in Ontario), and not making projections to account for changes in population demographics, trends in disease incidence and mortality, and the full impact of real and potential outbreaks. In order to properly capture these aspects, dynamic mathematical modeling would be required, but this was out of scope of this project. Further studies are required to define how the dynamic nature of infectious diseases can be captured in


Use of the pathogen-based approach

One advance from previous burden of disease studies is that we used the pathogen-based approach to a greater extent than ever before. While we also provided estimates of the burden of selected nonspecific syndromes (e.g., pneumonia, septicaemia, acute otitis media; see Appendix C) to facilitate comparisons with other studies and to assess the potential impact of non-pathogen-specific interventions, the pathogen-based approach allows for the potential impact of interventions that target specific pathogens, such as vaccines.

Comprehensiveness of infectious diseases included

We estimated the burden of 51 distinct infectious agents. To our knowledge, this is the greatest number of pathogens ever included in a burden of disease study. In comparison, a pilot study estimating the burden of infectious diseases in Europe included only seven infectious agents.3 One of the benefits of the methodology used is that it allows for other infectious diseases to be added to the analyses in the future.

Expertise of investigative team

This report benefited from the involvement of numerous experts who contributed wide-ranging content and methodological expertise. The investigative team brought tremendous clinical and public health expertise that covered all the infectious diseases included in this study.

Inclusion of broader range of health states/sequelae of infectious diseases

We included a greater range of health states representing longer-term sequelae of infectious diseases (e.g., HPV-related cancers, sequelae of bacterial meningitis). This allowed us to better elucidate the true burden of these diseases.
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Chapter 5 / Strengths and Limitations

Assumptions need to be made in order to estimate disease burden. The limitations of this study are presented in three sections: those that affected the overall study (i.e., both YLL and YERF estimates); those specific to YLL estimates; and those specific to YERF estimates. Limitations related to data sources used in this study are presented within each of these sections.

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a burden of disease study. However, the current ONBOIDS analysis can provide the framework for future updates and reassessment of the provincial burden of infectious diseases.

Data quality and availability

Another major limitation of burden of disease studies is that the estimates depend greatly on the quality of the available data. In an ideal world, valid, timely and locally-derived data would be available for all required parameters (disease incidence, health state distribution and duration, severity weights, and mortality; all disaggregated by age and sex). In practice, however, burden of disease studies have to use existing data. For ONBOIDS, some data were not timely (e.g., vital statistics), others were not entirely complete (e.g., case counts of certain reportable diseases) or optimally validated (e.g., numbers generated through expert opinion), and a lot of parameters for health state/etiologic agent distribution and disease duration were determined from epidemiologic studies that may not necessarily apply to Ontario. Herein lies one of the major findings of this investigation: improvements in the quality, depth and timeliness of Ontario vital statistics and infectious disease reporting data would permit improved assessments of disease burden. Secondary analysis of administrative data is always likely to have limitations in comparison with primary public health data. We attempted to ensure face validity of our results through review by numerous local experts, but the reader needs to be aware that these

estimates often represent merely informed opinion. Finally, data are not available in Ontario to allow us to examine some important issues such as those related to equity and ethnicity; nor did we attempt to describe intra-provincial variation.

Focus limited to health burden

By focusing on HALYs we considered only premature mortality and year-equivalents of reduced functioning from living with the disease, and we did not take into account other important burdens. For example, there are tremendous direct (health care costs) and indirect economic burdens (work/school absenteeism, industry costs) associated both with infectious diseases and efforts to prevent infectious diseases (e.g., vaccinations, screening for STIs). Other burdens extend to those not directly infected by these pathogens, such as the psychosocial impact of life during an outbreak; fear related to the transmissibility of certain infectious diseases and the erosion of public trust do not get captured in burden of disease studies. In ONBOIDS we were unable to take into account the societal perspective or community burden, which certainly deserves further study.

multiple conditions may co-exist for long periods of time (e.g., diabetes and depression), whereas most infections or sequelae of infectious diseases are relatively short-lived, and therefore the issue of comorbid infections should have a less significant impact relative to primary infections. However, as a consequence of not considering comorbid infections, we may have overestimated or underestimated true disease burden. Co-infection with more than one infectious agent can impact both morbidity and mortality. Not accounting for other comorbidities may have led to overestimating the disease burden if individuals with comorbidities are also those who suffer from infectious diseases, because people with chronic conditions generally have shorter life expectancies than the general population.

Generalizeability of etiologic agent distributions

Use of the syndrome-based approach for redistributing events for which the etiologic agents are often not identified requires knowledge of the distribution of the etiologic agents that cause those events. Often, we were able to identify this distribution for non-fatal cases but not for fatal cases. We made the simplifying assumptions that the distributions do not vary by age or sex, and the distribution for fatal cases was similar to that for nonfatal cases. These assumptions are likely to be invalid for many diseases, and may have led to over- or underestimates of the true burden of certain agents relative to others. For example, S. aureus septicaemia tends to have a worse outcome than septicaemia caused by other gram-positive bacteria,176 and

The impacts of co-morbid infections and other co-morbidities were not considered
We did not examine the impact of co-morbid infections, particularly the interaction between HIV and a variety of other infections including HBV, HCV and tuberculosis. The issue of comorbidity is likely of greater consequence for chronic diseases, where

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S. pneumoniae meningitis has a worse prognosis than that caused by N. meningitidis.35 Furthermore, the distributions obtained from prior epidemiologic studies may not be representative of the distribution in Ontario at the present time, especially if a preventive program has been initiated. We were also often unable to distinguish between infectious diseases acquired in the community from those acquired in health care settings. This is very important because the spectrum of pathogens is very different among patients with infectious syndromes acquired in these settings, and the interventions differ as well. Finally, these distributions are inherently susceptible to bias because the yields of microbiologic testing frequently vary by agent and syndrome.

category of disease in 80%. The physician billing database has been less extensively validated. Other burden of disease studies have raised the concern of junk codes that represent ill-defined conditions (e.g., septicaemia).1 We addressed this in ONBOIDS through our syndrome-based approach to estimate disease burdens of various infectious agents.

syndromes and health states in future analyses. We also did not directly assess the proportion of burden related to antibiotic resistance and health careacquired infections, both of which are important contributors to the burden of infectious diseases.


Use of different time frames for the data sources

As outlined in the Chapter 2, mortality data were from 20032005, whereas the reportable disease, health care utilization and cancer registry data were from 20052007. This was necessary because the availability of the data varied by source. We thought it was more important to use the most recently available data rather than to ensure that the time periods were the same for all the data sources.

Differential inclusion of morbidity and mortality from other ICD chapters

Our estimates of pathogen-attributable burden may be biased because we included attributable morbidity and mortality for certain non-traditional infectious causes (e.g., anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers for HPV), but not for other well-established links between infectious and chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular events precipitated by influenza infections.

Validity of disease codes

All of the YLL estimates and most of the YERF estimates depended on disease codes defined by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). These codes are assigned to deaths or hospitalizations by trained abstractors, and by physicians for the purposes of billing the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (for office visits), but their accuracy for infectious diseases is, for the most part, uncertain. The validity of the hospitalization database was recently tested via abstraction of 14,500 charts from 18 Ontario hospitals.179 Procedure codes matched exactly in 88% of cases, of which the stem of the procedure code (which assembles closely related procedures) matched in 94%. Most responsible diagnoses matched exactly in 74% of cases, and in

Sensitivity of the time frame studied

Estimates of the incidence of several disease pathogens were influenced by the time frame chosen for analysis. There are several diseases which generated outbreaks in Ontario either before data collection began (e.g., E. coli O157:H7) or after the data collection ended (e.g., Listeria). Their burden would have been significantly higher had another time frame been used. Moreover, several of these diseases are undergoing or may undergo significant shifts in disease incidence due to recent or ongoing preventive measures (e.g., HPV vaccination campaign), environmental patterns (e.g., West Nile virus), or demographic trends (e.g., herpes zoster). The results here may be limited in the future for interpretation of disease burden.

Exclusion of certain important infectious agents, syndromes and health states

Due largely to lack of readily available data (i.e., disease is not reportable and is difficult to assess using health administrative data), as well as the timescale of the project, we did not include certain important infectious diseases (e.g., Helicobacter pylori, non-tuberculosis mycobacteria, norovirus, rotavirus, Epstein-Barr virus and Lyme disease), syndromes (e.g., surgical site infections) and health states (e.g., amputation as a consequence of an infection). However, our methodology provides a useful framework for the addition of these pathogens,

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Arbitrary assignment to disease groups

The results by disease groups should be interpreted with caution because the list of infectious agents included in ONBOIDS could be divided many different ways. Some infectious agents could be considered under more than one disease grouping (e.g., S. pneumoniae was included in the Common Bacterial Infections group and hepatitis B was included with viral hepatitis, but both could have been included in the Vaccine-Preventable Diseases group). Similarly, many of the burdensome intestinal infections are caused by bacterial pathogens, and so could have reasonably been included under the Common Bacterial Infections group.

than just the underlying cause of death would permit more detailed analyses to be performed; multi-causal models may be superior.178 Another problem specific to Ontario data is the lack of timeliness of the causespecific mortality data. As of summer 2009 when the mortality data were compiled, the most recently available data were from 2005. Fortunately, the availability of more timely, detailed and linkable data is anticipated in the near future.

be more substantial (e.g., viral upper respiratory tract infections, gastroenteritis). This limitation would also affect diseases where physicians fail to consider the diagnosis, even if the burden may be substantial (e.g., pertussis). Missing asymptomatic cases is acceptable because they do not contribute YERFs, since the severity weight is or approximates zero. Unfortunately, we were able to adjust for underreporting for only a small number of diseases.

Use of Ontario life expectancy

Although it has been recommended that national burden of disease studies use the standard life table for computing YLL in order to facilitate international comparisons, it was a deliberate decision by the ONBOIDS Advisory Committee to use the Ontario life table to reflect the local burden. We conducted a sensitivity analysis using DALYs that incorporates the standard GBD life expectancy (Appendix B). Despite the methodological differences, it was reassuring to find that the results were relatively similar.

Disease incidence vs. prevalence

We assumed that reported cases of reportable diseases and cases defined by health care interactions represented incident cases. Most infectious diseases are of short duration, so most instances of reportable diseases and health care encounters represent incident cases; however, it is possible that some cases may be prevalent rather than incident cases. For the subset of infectious diseases with chronic courses (e.g., HIV, HCV, HBV), we used modeling studies to obtain estimates of incidence; for HPV infection we considered the full spectrum of disease outcomes (aside from recurrent respiratory papillomatosis), including cancer outcomes. Focusing on incident cases of blood-borne viruses underestimates the impact of prevalent cases differentially in some groups, such as immigrants.

B. LIMITATIONS SPECIFIC TO YLL ESTIMATES Mortality data quality and availability

Estimating YLL in most burden of disease studies relies on the use of vital statistics data, and in Ontario only a single underlying cause of death was available for this study. Consequently, many deaths are attributed to non-infectious causes even if some of those deaths may have been precipitated or hastened by an infectious agent. This may occur due to failure to consider an infectious etiology, incomplete investigation for diagnosing infectious diseases or misattribution of the cause of death. Although it is fair in some cases to attribute the death to the underlying illness (e.g., cancer), because infections often hasten death, we could be missing substantial YLL in the population. Access to more information
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C. LIMITATIONS SPECIFIC TO YERF ESTIMATES Burden of undiagnosed/ underreported cases

Our estimates generally do not include cases that had symptoms but did not seek medical attention and/or were not diagnosed and reported, although we attempted to adjust for underreporting and underdiagnosis when possible. While this limitation is unlikely to have a major impact for uncommon diseases that cause severe illness, the impact for common diseases that cause minor illnesses may

Health care utilization data quality

Health care utilization data in Ontario are collected primarily for the purposes of administering the health care system, and are used secondarily for research purposes. Therefore, the validity (i.e., sensitivity and specificity) of diagnostic (ICD and OHIP) codes for ascertaining disease, especially for

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many infectious diseases, is uncertain. For example, sometimes a diagnostic code for a certain disease might be used for a physician billing claim for a visit where a physician suspects and/or is testing for the presence of a disease, but the disease may not actually be present. Additionally, the codes are not comprehensive, with some diseases lacking codes. Another limitation is that some infections may lead to multiple health care encounters (sometimes across multiple settings). We attempted to minimize the impact of double-counting repeat encounters by linking individuals across datasets and defining episodes of care; however, if different diagnoses were coded for the different encounters that actually comprised the same illness, then these instances would be counted under each condition separately (e.g., diagnosis of acute bronchitis in physician office and then a subsequent diagnosis of pneumonia for the same instance of a lower respiratory tract illness). For the hospitalization data, we counted all diagnoses recorded for each admission; while multiple infections may occur during the same hospitalization, we were unable to determine whether the infections occurred concomitantly or sequentially. Multiple codes were also considered for the emergency department data, although it is unlikely that multiple infections occur sequentially in that setting. Counting multiple infections separately that actually occurred concurrentlymay lead to overestimating the burden (e.g., a case of pneumonia with septicaemia is likely to account for less burden than temporally separate cases of pneumonia and septicaemia in the same individual).
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For the physician claims data, only a single diagnostic code is associated with each visit; this may lead to underestimating the incidence of infectious diseases if physicians submit a claim with a patients preexisting chronic diseases instead of an acute illness.

Reportable disease data quality and availability

Cases of reportable diseases recorded in Ontarios iPHIS must adhere to established case definitions; however, if cases definitions are too specific (e.g., to meet the definition of a confirmed case), some cases of true disease may be missed. The sensitivity and specificity of the case definitions used in iPHIS have not been fully assessed. Other limitations include: the possibility of duplicates; the symptom onset date may not be available so the date recorded in iPHIS may be the specimen collection date, the lab test date or the reported date; and missing data. Lastly, due to the lengthy data cleaning process, timeliness of the data may be a concern.

Laboratory data availability

Laboratory confirmation of infectious agents is generally viewed as being the gold standard for making diagnoses of infections. However, laboratory data were not directly used for ONBOIDS for a number of reasons. First, many infections are diagnosed on clinical grounds (e.g., chickenpox) and no laboratory confirmation is sought. Laboratory confirmation is more frequently performed for more serious infections, such as those present in normally sterile sites (e.g., blood, cerebrospinal fluid), therefore laboratory data will underestimate the burden of less

severe infections. Second, microbiological testing is conducted across a range of laboratories (i.e., public health, hospital, and commercial laboratories). Laboratory data are not readily available from all providers of laboratory services. Although some data from Ontarios public health laboratory system are currently available, they are generally not comprehensive because the same tests may be conducted by the other types of laboratories. For diseases for which only public health laboratories perform testing (e.g., parasitic infection), the data were not easy to extract and/or the reportable disease data were felt to be equivalent or more complete. However, laboratory data were indirectly incorporated in this report, as the estimation of the burden of some diseases (e.g., HIV) relied on laboratory data for generating the incidence estimates through modeling techniques. In the future, the Ontario Laboratory Information System may permit improved capture of laboratory data of public health importance.


Use of fixed disease duration estimates and severity weights

Due to limitations in data availability, we assumed that the durations of syndromes (e.g., septicaemia) and the severity weights did not vary by age, sex or agent (when using the syndrome-based approach for estimating disease burden). The validity of these assumptions is uncertain, and for some pathogensyndrome combinations it is known that this assumption is incorrect.

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Reliance on epidemiologic studies and expert opinion

Many of the parameters used in this study are not based on empirical Ontario data, which would have been more ideal than relying on: 1) epidemiologic studies that may not be representative of presentday Ontario; and 2) expert opinion, which may be susceptible to referral/spectrum bias. As these epidemiologic studies may or may not have been conducted within Ontario or even Canada, their generalizability to the Ontario population may be limited. This may be especially true if the studies were carried out in countries with different health care systems (e.g., the United States).

Differential burden in population subgroups

We were unable to take into account the differential burden that would be expected for certain population subgroups, such as more severe infections among people with impaired immune function or different infectious disease risks among new immigrants to Ontario. Therefore, we may have underestimated the burden of diseases that commonly occur among such subpopulations.

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Conclusions and Recommendations

The Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study sought to estimate the burden of a wide range of infectious diseases in order to determine the relative contributions of various pathogens and inform priority setting, planning and decision-making in this area.
We adapted the Global Burden of Disease Study and the Population Health Impact of Disease in Canada methodologies and used a range of local data sources and epidemiologic studies to estimate, as comprehensively as possible, the disease burden associated with 51 distinct infectious pathogens. To our knowledge, this represents the most thorough examination of the burden of infectious diseases to date.

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Some of the major findings included the following: Each year in Ontario, there are over seven million infectious disease episodes and nearly 4,900 deaths from infectious diseases. Infectious diseases accounted for 82,881 HALYs, comprising 68,213 YLL and 14,668 YERF; more than 80% of the disease burden associated with infectious diseases is from premature mortality rather than from disease-associated morbidity. The 10 most burdensome infectious agents are hepatitis C virus (HCV), Streptococcus pneumoniae, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), Escherichia coli, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS), Staphylococcus aureus, influenza, Clostridium difficile and rhinovirus; nearly 50% of the total burden of infectious diseases could be attributed to the top five pathogens. Among selected infectious syndromes, the five most burdensome are pneumonia, septicaemia, urinary tract infections, acute bronchitis and endocarditis. There is a dramatic range in the severity of infections, from the common cold to terminal AIDS; and duration of illness, from days (e.g., for cystitis and upper respiratory tract infections) to decades (e.g., for HIV and the sequelae of bacterial meningitis). A large proportion of the burden can be attributed to a small number of pathogens and syndromes for which highly effective targeted interventions
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(e.g., pneumococcal, HBV and HPV vaccines) and non-specific interventions (e.g., hand washing, male and female condoms) already exist, so the future burden of some of these infectious agents and syndromes may be dramatically reduced with greater uptake of available interventions. The mortality and morbidity due to most illnesses that can be prevented by childhood vaccination (e.g., measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, polio and diphtheria) have been largely eliminated as a result of the success of routine childhood vaccination programs. These remain priorities to ensure that control is sustained. A significant burden associated with infections is caused by pathogens that constitute the human bodys normal microbiological flora (e.g., E. coli, S. aureus). These infections often take place in health care settings; addressing this burden will require interventions that minimize transmission of these pathogens to normally sterile body sites, and emphasize the ongoing need to strengthen infection prevention programs in health care settings. Although the overall burden was similar between males and females, marked differences in sexspecific burden were noted for certain pathogens (HCV, HBV, HPV and HIV/AIDS) and syndromes (e.g., urinary tract infections). The burden of infectious diseases often correlates poorly with public perception, media attention and resource allocation; many of the pathogens ranked among the top 20 receive little recognition as significant contributors to disease burden in the population.

The total burden of infectious diseases was equivalent to roughly 25% of the burden of all cancers. The ranking of infectious diseases was similar to that reported in a European pilot study that assessed the burden of only seven pathogens, and the magnitude of the burden was comparable to a previous Australian study for some infectious diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS, chlamydia) but not others (e.g., HCV, tuberculosis). This provides some validation of our methods. These results provide a crude ordering of infectious diseases that can be used to guide planning and policy related to public health and clinical services, as well as future research across the spectrum from basic sciences to clinical services to epidemiology and population health. Although the limitations related to the data sources and parameters required in generating these estimates precludes a greater level of precision and certainty, these results provide a reasonably robust sense of relative importance of most of the infectious diseases studied (i.e., a pathogen is in the first vs. second decile). Less important than the precise position on the list is the fact that the top 10 or 20 causes capture such a large proportion of the total burden, and that some high profile infections do not appear at all. Such information is very useful for priority setting.

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Future planning, decision-making, policy development and research would benefit tremendously from improvements in data availability and quality. A top priority should be to improve the data infrastructure required for surveillance, high-quality research and program evaluation by expanding on linking data sources already in existence. With Ontarios relatively large population size (over 13 million representing approximately 40% of the Canadian population) and the preexistence of numerous population-based data sources, realizing the linkage of individual-level data spanning laboratory, public health surveillance, health care utilization and mortality datasets would lead to an extremely rich resource for future high-quality research and robust public health action in infectious diseases. This could be attained with relatively minimal investment of resources. Efforts are also required to validate and improve the quality of existing data sources. With these enhancements to the data infrastructure in Ontario, future burden of disease studies will be able to take advantage of more timely and locally-relevant estimates of disease incidence, mortality and health state distribution. Initiatives such as the Ontario Laboratory Information System, Panorama (a new reportable disease and immunization information system) and the availability of linkable cause-specific mortality data are hoped to improve the availability of information in the future.

Topics for future surveillance and/or research studies could include the following: The burden of important pathogens that were not included in this report (e.g., H. pylori, norovirus, rotavirus, non-tuberculosis mycobacteria, EpsteinBarr virus, Lyme disease). The burden of infectious diseases accounting for comorbid conditions (infectious and otherwise) and a greater range of health states/conditions (e.g., cardiac mortality for influenza). The change in burden of infectious disease over time with respect to preventive efforts, outbreaks, environmental changes (e.g., West Nile virus) or changes in population level risk factors (e.g., safesex practices, intravenous drug use). The burden of infectious disease that is attributable to different places of acquisition such as health care-associated infections or specific geographic locations in Ontario. The burden averted through preventive efforts such as immunization programs, screening programs or antibiotic prophylaxis. The burden attributable to risk factors relevant to infectious diseases (e.g., unsafe sexual practices, poor hand hygiene). The relationship between infectious diseases and socio-demographic factors such as age, ethnicity and socio-economic status.

The distribution of the burden of disease in different groups within Ontario (e.g., new immigrants, the homeless). The economic burden of infectious diseases and outbreaks (i.e., direct and indirect costs related to their prevention and management). The societal-level impacts of infectious disease outbreaks (e.g., macroeconomic, psychological). Refining the methodology of estimating the burden of infectious disease. In addition to future research, we recommend action in the following areas: Enacting policies and enhancing knowledge exchange and dissemination to further increase the uptake of existing evidence-based interventions (e.g., pneumococcal, hepatitis B, influenza and HPV vaccines, hand hygiene, antibiotic stewardship, needle exchange programs, education to encourage safe sexual behaviours, injection drug harm reduction programs) among public health agencies, clinicians, patients and the public. Continuing and increasing investments for the development of new interventions targeting infectious diseases (e.g., new vaccines, new antimicrobial agents).


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Screening among immigrants for a broader range of infectious diseases than those currently required under federal regulations (i.e., HIV/ AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis). The results of this report indicate that hepatitis B and C are among the 10 most burdensome infectious diseases in Ontario. Many incident infections afflict immigrants from certain parts of the world and occur prior to immigration to Canada. Efforts to identify individuals with hepatitis B and C prior to entry, and to support them and their contacts after arrival, would facilitate prevention of a substantial portion of the burden of viral hepatitis.

The estimated burden of a disease is only one of a multitude of considerations for setting priorities for appropriate future action. A critical evaluation of the effectiveness of available interventions is another important component that will influence priority setting, and economic, political and ethical considerations need to be incorporated as well. Efforts such as ONBOIDS serve to inform decisionmaking, identify areas of future research and action, and highlight gaps in data availability and quality. We hope that planners, decision-makers, practitioners and researchers will use these findings in their efforts to improve the health of Ontarios population.

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Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study References

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177. Health Results Team for Information Management. Reabstraction Study of the Ontario Case Costing Facilities for Fiscal Years 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. Toronto: Canadian Institute for Health Information; 2005. Accessed on September 13, 2010 at http://www.health.gov.on.ca/transformation/ providers/information/data_quality/reabstraction_study.pdf. 178. Rothman KJ, Greenland S, Lash TL. Modern Epidemiology. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2008. 179. Feeny D, Furlong W, Torrance GW, et al. Multiattribute and single-attribute utility functions for the health utilities index mark 3 system. Med Care 2002; 40(2):11328. 180. Ware JE, Jr. SF-36 health survey update. Spine 2000; 25(24):31309. 181. Rabin R, de Charro F. EQ-5D: a measure of health status from the EuroQol Group. Ann Med 2001; 33(5):33743. 182. Dolan P, Gudex C, Kind P, Williams A. Valuing health states: a comparison of methods. J Health Econ 1996; 15(2):20931. 183. World Health Organization. Health Statistics and Health Information Systems. National Tools. National Burden of Disease Supplementary Files. Accessed on September 13, 2010 at http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_ burden_disease/tools_national/en/index.html. 184. Muller MP, Low DE, Green KA, et al. Clinical and epidemiologic features of group a streptococcal pneumonia in Ontario, Canada. Arch Intern Med 2003; 163(4):46772. 185. Noel GJ, Bush K, Bagchi P, Ianus J, Strauss RS. A randomized, double-blind trial comparing ceftobiprole medocaril with vancomycin plus ceftazidime for the treatment of patients with complicated skin and skin-structure infections. Clin Infect Dis 2008; 46(5):64755.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study References

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Appendix A
Detailed Description of the Development of the Severity Weights Using the CLAMES Methodology
Details of the CLAssification and MEasurement System of Function Health (CLAMES) methodology have been described previously.8 In brief, investigators at Statistics Canada adapted and combined the Health Utilities Index Mark III (HUI3),179 the Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 36 (SF-36),180 and the European Quality of Life Five Dimensions Index Plus (EQ-5D),181 to create a new instrument (CLAMES) containing 11 health status attributes with the theoretical capacity to describe 10,240,000 possible health states. A subset of 238 health states was selected in order to develop a scoring function or algorithm. A total of 14 lay panels consisting of 811 participants each were assembled for preference measurement exercises in nine communities across Canada. The investigators used the standard gamble (SG) technique* to elicit participants preferences for sets of health states that were blinded to minimize participant biases.182 The investigators generated the scoring function by fitting these preferences scores with a log-linear model. Previous Canadian studies have used the CLAMES approach to develop preferences scores for health states related to cancer and diabetes.5 Due to potential differences in contexts and included health states the ONBOIDS Advisory Committee felt that developing a locally relevant set of severity weights using CLAMES was preferable to combining disability weights from various prior studies.
* In the standard gamble technique, preferences for a given health state are assessed in terms of participants willingness to undergo a specific treatment, which has a probability of either restoring them to full health or causing death.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix A

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


This new set of severity weights for the health states considered in ONBOIDS was generated by a severity weights subcommittee. The subcommittee comprised two physicians with expertise in both public health and primary care, one infectious diseases physician, one general internist (who subsequently sub-specialized in infectious diseases), a member of the original CLAMES development team from Statistics Canada and the ONBOIDS project manager/epidemiologist. After undergoing a training session to review the CLAMES methodology, the subcommittee developed new classifications for the majority of health states. For each health state, the subcommittee assigned a level for each attribute based on consensus. Attribute levels generated by the subcommittee were compared with examples from other diseases to achieve consistency. Severity weights for some health states related to infectious diseases had been previously developed by Statistics Canada, and these were used for ONBOIDS after review and confirmation of appropriateness. The overall set of severity weights (Exhibit A.1) was reviewed by the broader ONBOIDS team as a crude check of face validity.

Exhibit A.1 List of severity weights (SW) and Classification and Measurement System of Function Health (CLAMES) attributes for the health states used in ONBOIDS, in descending order of severity
CLAMES Attributes Health State SW PD PF EM FA TH SR AN SP HE VI HF

Terminal care phase for cancer (last month of life) AIDS (terminal) Necrotizing fasciitis Tetanus Neonatal herpes with long-term sequelae Septicaemia Bacterial meningitis Candidiasis (invasive) Aspergillosis (invasive non-pulmonary) Decompensated cirrhosis Palliative care phase for cancer (last five months before terminal care phase) Encephalitis Ectopic pregnancy Aspergillosis (invasive pulmonary) Hepatocellular cancer Dengue fever Varicella with complications Surgery (post operative, in patient) End stage renal disease (dialysis) Receiving chemotherapy (mild toxicity) AIDS

0.821 0.801 0.729 0.724 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.628 0.516

4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3

4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3

4 2 2 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 2

4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 4

3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3

0.502 0.448 0.398 0.357 0.348 0.286 0.268 0.260 0.250 0.247

3 4 4 3 4 1 2 3 2 2

4 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2

1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3

3 1 4 3 2 1 3 3 3 3

4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2

3 1 1 2 1 4 3 3 3 3

1 3 3 4 1 1 3 3 3 2

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix A

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit A.1 (CONTINUED) List of severity weights (SW) and Classification and Measurement System of Function Health (CLAMES) attributes for the health states used in ONBOIDS, in descending order of severity
CLAMES Attributes Health State SW PD PF EM FA TH SR AN SP HE VI HF


West Nile virus Neurological Manifestations (WNNM) (acute) Receiving radiotherapy (curative) Cancer diagnosis (poor prognosis) Tuberculosis (TB): pulmonary infection (treated, in isolation) Endocarditis (acute) Malaria: P. falciparum (severe) Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Measles Ophthalmia neonatorum Cancer diagnosis (fairly good prognosis) Congenital syphilis Hepatitis A: prolonged episode Pneumonia Neonatal pneumonia Pneumocystosis Aspergillosis (non-invasive) Blastomycosis (pulmonary) Blastomycosis (disseminated) Histoplasmosis Guillain-Barr syndrome Enterocolitis Hepatitis B: acute symptomatic episode

0.239 0.219 0.191 0.175 0.174 0.174 0.171 0.157 0.147 0.147 0.139 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.136 0.132 0.123 0.121

3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2

1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 2 2 3 4 3 3 1 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

3 3 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix A

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit A.1 (CONTINUED) List of severity weights (SW) and Classification and Measurement System of Function Health (CLAMES) attributes for the health states used in ONBOIDS, in descending order of severity
CLAMES Attributes Health State SW PD PF EM FA TH SR AN SP HE VI HF

Hepatitis C: acute symptomatic episode WNNM (long-term sequelae) Infertility Cancer diagnosis (very good prognosis) Septic arthritis Poliomyelitis Bronchitis (acute) Bronchiolitis Pelvic inflammatory disease Gastroenteritis (severe) Mesenteric adenitis

0.121 0.111 0.109 0.109 0.108 0.093 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086

3 3 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1

2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2

1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2

1 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

Acute intestinal infection with bloody 0.086 diarrhea TB: extra-pulmonary infection, non-lymph node Neurosyphilis Deafness Pyelonephritis Cellulitis TB: pre-diagnosed pulmonary infection (contagious) Primary genital herpes syndrome Zoster with complications Motor deficits 0.086 0.074 0.071 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.068 0.068 0.062

Hepatitis A: uncomplicated episode 0.070

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix A

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit A.1 (CONTINUED) List of severity weights (SW) and Classification and Measurement System of Function Health (CLAMES) attributes for the health states used in ONBOIDS, in descending order of severity
CLAMES Attributes Health State SW PD PF EM FA TH SR AN SP HE VI HF


Post liver transplant Otitis media Pharyngitis Acute zoster episode (shingles) Typhoid/paratyphoid fever Candidiasis (semi-invasive) Osteomyelitis Gastroenteritis (moderate) Post-colectomy state Reactive arthritis Chronic giardiasis Acute intestinal infection with non-bloody diarrhea Pertussis Diphtheria Prostatitis (acute) Seizure disorder Secondary syphilis Urethritis Cervicitis Epididymitis/orchitis/prostatitis Irritable bowel syndrome Neurological complications from diphtheria Chronic hepatitis (B and C) HIV

0.057 0.052 0.052 0.052 0.052 0.052 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.035 0.035

2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix A

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit A.1 (CONTINUED) List of severity weights (SW) and Classification and Measurement System of Function Health (CLAMES) attributes for the health states used in ONBOIDS, in descending order of severity
CLAMES Attributes Health State SW PD PF EM FA TH SR AN SP HE VI HF

Cancer remission (after all forms of treatment) Cystitis (bladder) Upper respiratory tract infection Conjunctivitis Symptomatic herpes without PGHS Recurrent genital herpes Trichomoniasis Gastroenteritis-mild TB: pulmonary infection (treated, not in isolation) TB: extra-pulmonary infection, lymph node Mumps Rubella Congenital rubella syndrome Malaria: P.falciparum (not severe) Malaria: non-P. falciparum malaria West Nile fever Candidiasis (non-invasive) Primary syphilis HPV - anogenital warts

0.035 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Acute varicella episode (chickenpox) 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.017 0.017

PD = pain or discomfort (maximum value, 4) PF = physical functioning (maximum value, 4) EM = emotional state (maximum value, 5) FA = fatigue (maximum value, 4) TH = memory and thinking (maximum value, 4) SR = social relationships (maximum value, 5) AN = anxiety (maximum value, 4) SP = speech (maximum value, 4) HE = hearing (maximum value, 4) VI = vision (maximum value, 4) HF = use of hands and fingers (maximum value, 5)

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix A

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Appendix B
Comparison of the Burden of Infectious Diseases Using the Standard Global Burden of Disease (GBD) and Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS) Methodologies
As mentioned in section 2.1, the methodology used to estimate the burden of infectious diseases in this study differed from methods used to estimate disease burden in previous studies such as the GBD and Australian Burden of Disease and Injury studies. Specifically, those other studies used disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), an outcome measure that differed from ours in four important aspects (Exhibit B.1).

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix B

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit B.1 Differences between health-adjusted life years (HALYs), used in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS), and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), used in the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study
Health State HALYs (ONBOIDS) DALYs (GBD)

Life expectancy table

Ontario, 2001 Life expectancy at birth: 82 years for females, 77.4 years for males) Uniform age weights (i.e., no age-weighting) No discounting Severity weights (CLAMES instrument see Appendix A)

GBD standard Life expectancy at birth: 82.5 years for females, 80 years for males Differential age-weights (more weight for working age adults) Discount rate of 3% Disability weights (from previous studies)


Discounting Health state valuation

We conducted a sensitivity analysis to facilitate comparisons between our study and the infectious disease section of other burden of disease studies, as well as to evaluate the robustness of our pathogen rankings using another outcome measure. We used the standard DALY methodology (using the standard GBD life expectancy for years of life lost [YLL] calculation, applying age-weights, discounting at a rate of 3%, and using disability weights) to estimate the burden of the top 20 pathogens (accounting for approximately 75% of the burden calculated in our primary analysis). In order to conduct this analysis, we obtained the DALY template worksheets from the WHO website and inputted our incidence and mortality counts.183 We used previously published burden of disease studies to obtain disability weights for our health states. When there was a health state in our study that was not reported in any other burden of disease study, we approximated its disability weight using the weights of other related conditions as reference points. The overall ranking of pathogens was relatively consistent between the two methodologies (Exhibits B.1, B.2 and 3.5). For instance, the top six pathogens were the same regardless of the methodology, and nine out of the top 10 pathogens using the ONBOIDS method were also ranked in the top 10 using the GBD method (the exception was Clostridium difficile which fell from ninth to twelth position and was replaced by chlamydia in the top 10).

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix B

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit B.2 Burden of disease ranking of the top 20 pathogens using Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS) and Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study methodologies
Ranking # Pathogen ONBOIDS Methodology YLL YERF HALYs Pathogen GBD Methodology YLL YLD DALYs


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Hepatitis C virus Streptococcus pneumoniae Human papillomavirus Hepatitis B virus Escherichia coli Ex HIV/AIDS Staphylococcus aureus Influenza Clostridium difficile Rhinovirus Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza virus Group B streptococcus Group A streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Tuberculosis Legionella Chlamydia Adenovirus Gonorrhea Total

7,729 6,475 6,167 6,698 6,430 4,929 3,320 2,548 1,721 95 914 581 700 574 628 647 570 28 287 27 51,069

983 1,601 1,418 86 341 1,312 400 1,076 107 1,615 397 259 123 216 125 15 40 442 150 371 11,078

8,713 8,076 7,585 6,785 6,771 6,242 3,720 3,624 1,828 1,710 1,310 840 823 791 754 662 609 470 437 398 62,147

HIV/AIDS Streptococcus pneumoniae Hepatitis C virus Human papillomavirus Hepatitis B virus Escherichia coli Influenza Staphylococcus aureus Rhinovirus Chlamydia Respiratory syncytial virus Clostridium difficile Adenovirus Gonorrhea Group A streptococcus Parainfluenza virus Group B streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Tuberculosis Legionella Total

2,676 2,506 3,657 2,869 3,107 2,462 952 1,343 40 13 337 635 110 13 232 222 293 242 287 217 22,213

6,731 3,309 2,042 1,704 143 550 1,678 789 2,047 883 547 169 676 736 410 376 270 241 42 94 23,437

9,407 5,815 5,699 4,573 3,250 3,012 2,630 2,132 2,087 896 884 804 786 749 642 598 563 483 329 311 45,650

YLL = years of life lost due to premature mortality; YERF = year-equivalents of reduced functioning; HALY = health-adjusted life years; YLD = years of life lived with disability; DALY = disability-adjusted life years

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix B

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit B.3 Burden of disease ranking for the top 20 pathogens, based on years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), years of life lived with disability (YLD) and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs)
Pathogen HIV/AIDS Streptococcus pneumoniae Hepatitis C virus Human papillomavirus Hepatitis B virus Escherichia coli Influenza Staphylococcus aureus Rhinovirus Chlamydia Respiratory syncytial virus Clostridium difficile Adenovirus Gonorrhea Group A streptococcus Parainfluenza virus Group B streptococcus Haemophilus influenzae Tuberculosis Legionella HALYs 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000

Note: See Exhibit 3.5 for a comparison of the disease burden for the top 20 pathogens based on years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and health-adjusted life years (HALYs)

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix B

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Despite the similarities in the top five and top 10 rankings of the two approaches, some important differences merit discussion. First and foremost, the use of age-weighting and discounting substantially diminishes the mortality component for infectious diseases that predominantly cause death in older age groups. C. difficile and E. coli are examples of pathogens for which death occurred most commonly in elderly individuals, and the application of ageweighting and discounting halved the burden attributable to those diseases. Second, disability weights tended to be higher in magnitude than the severity weights derived for ONBOIDS. This meant that pathogens associated with common conditions or long-term sequelae had increased burden. For instance, the ascension of rhinovirus in the ranking was the result of a number of common syndromes (e.g., upper respiratory tract infection, acute bronchitis) for which the disability weights were higher than the ONBOIDS severity weights, resulting in a higher estimate of YLD compared to YERF. Similarly, the HIV/AIDS health states had higher disability weights than severity weights, as did infertility for chlamydial- and gonococcal-associated pelvic inflammatory disease and the chronic carrier state of hepatitis C. These differences resulted in large increases in the morbidity components for these pathogens.

Consequently, while the ranking of the top pathogens was relatively unchanged using the summary measure, the relative contributions of the mortality and morbidity components changed substantially. Using the ONBOIDS methodology, YLL accounted for 82% of the HALYs for the top 20 pathogens, whereas the GBD approach led to YLL accounting for only 49% of DALYs for those pathogens (Exhibit B.2). Because the differences between the methodologies essentially amount to value judgments, it is not possible to definitively determine which approach is more valid, but the differences may influence the choice of interventions to address the burden of a particular disease (i.e., whether to target mortality vs. morbidity). In summary, despite the important methodological differences between the standard GBD method and the approach used in ONBOIDS, it is reassuring that the rankings of the pathogens using the two methods are relatively similarleading to the same general conclusions for informing policy and decision-making. Although the relative contributions of mortality and morbidity vary depending on the methodology, there is uncertainty regarding which should be considered the gold standard.


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix B

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Appendix C
Burden of Selected Syndromes
As mentioned in Chapter 2, when reportable disease data were unavailable and/or were identified as being insufficiently comprehensive (e.g., diseases where only invasive infections were reported), health care utilization data were used to estimate disease incidence. Episodes of common syndromes (e.g., pneumonia, otitis media) were identified using physician services, emergency room and hospitalization data. Estimates from the literature were used to attribute proportions of that syndrome to specific infectious agents. Appendix C provides a brief description of each syndrome considered in ONBOIDS, outlines the attributable fractions (i.e., proportions used for each syndrome to assign episodes/deaths to specific infectious agents) and characterizes the burden of each syndrome in Ontario.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung, which can result from infection from a wide variety of organisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Individuals with pneumonia often have a cough producing greenish or yellow sputum and a high fever with accompanying chills. Chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue and nausea are other common symptoms of pneumonia. Pneumonia can lead to additional complications such as respiratory and circulatory failure. Systemic antibiotics are used to treat bacterial pneumonia; there are fewer treatment options for viral pneumonia. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to pneumonia. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for pneumonia. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of pneumonia caused by various pathogens and the duration of illness that pneumonia typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.1 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to pneumonia
Infectious Agent Percentage of Pneumonia Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Pneumonia Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Pneumonia Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent


Streptococcus pneumoniae Influenza Other gram-negative bacteria Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) E. coli H. influenzae Legionella Parainfluenza virus S. aureus Adenovirus Group A streptococcus Other pathogens

3039 10110 10

75,742 25,247 25,247 18,687

586 195 195 95

2 (1014 years)117 2 (1564 years)110 5 ( 65 years)118 3.648 373 339 3

110 39

9,089 7,574 7,574 7,574 7,574 3,787 2,525 61,852

70 59 59 59 59 29 20 529

1.5110 1184 24.4

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 1,954 deaths and 252,473 health care utilization episodes for pneumonia. Most of the disease burden was from YLL. Disease burden was slightly higher in females and mainly affected individuals aged 65 or older.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Septicaemia is an inflammatory state characterized by the presence of pathogenic organisms in the bloodstream that can lead to sepsis. Septicaemia leads to acute inflammation throughout the entire body and is frequently associated with fever or lowered body temperature. If severe sepsis develops, septic shock can occur, as well as organ dysfunction/ failure and death. Septicaemia is usually treated with intravenous fluids and antibioticsand possibly intensive careincluding medications that support blood pressure and organ perfusion. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to septicaemia. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for septicaemia. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of septicaemia caused by various pathogens and the duration of illness that septicaemia typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.2 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to septicemia
Infectious Agent Percentage of Septicaemia Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Septicaemia Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Septicaemia Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent

Other gram-positive bacteria E. coli Other gram-negative bacteria S. aureus S. pneumoniae Group B streptococcus Group A streptococcus H. influenzae Other pathogens

24.557 2437 22.1


3,817 3,723 3,443 2,415 748 156 94 62 966

171 167 155 109 34 7 4 3 50

15.537 4.837 1
57, 58 66 72




Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 700 deaths and 15,578 health care utilization episodes for septicaemia. The vast majority of disease burden was from YLL. Disease burden was slightly higher in women. Approximately 50% of the disease burden affected individuals aged 65 or older. Disease burden was also high in those aged 4064 and in children from birth to four years of age.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) include bladder infections (cystitis) and kidney infections (pyelonephritis). E. coli is the most common etiologic agent causing cystitis and pyelonephritis. Symptoms of these infections include frequent urination, pain/ discomfort during urination and cloudy urine; pyelonephritis may additionally present with flank pain or fever. In most cases, cystitis is easily treated with a short course of antibiotics; pyelonephritis is treated more aggressively with a longer course of antibiotics or intravenous antibiotics and is more likely to require hospitalization. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to UTIs. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for UTIs. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of UTIs caused by various pathogens and the duration of illness that UTIs typically cause with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.3 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to urinary track infections
Infectious Agent Percentage of UTIs Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of UTI Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of UTI Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent


E. coli Other gram-negative bacteria Other gram-positive bacteria Other pathogens

8049 1049 3.877 6.2

438,438 54,805 20,826 33,979

362 45 17 28

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 452 deaths and 548,047 health care utilization episodes for UTIs. Most of the disease burden was from YLL and occurred in individuals aged 65 or older. Disease burden attributable to UTIs for females was twice the burden for males.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Bronchitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the airways (bronchi) that carry oxygen from the trachea to the lungs. Acute bronchitis typically results from infection with a viral respiratory pathogen but may also occur from a bacterial infection. Acute bronchitis is characterized by chronic cough, excessive production of sputum, sore throat, runny nose, low-grade fever and fatigue. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestants and cough suppressants may be used to treat the symptoms of acute bronchitis, but the majority of cases resolve themselves. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to acute bronchitis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for acute bronchitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of acute bronchitis by various pathogens and the duration of illness that acute bronchitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.4 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to acute bronchitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Acute Bronchitis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Acute Bronchitis Episodes Attributable to Anfectious Agent Number of Acute Bronchitis Deaths attributable to Infectious Agent

Rhinovirus Influenza Streptococcus pneumoniae Coronavirus Parainfluenza Respiratory syncytial virus Other pathogens

3342 24 6.25 3.75


327,526 238,201 198,501 62,031 37,219 45,122 83,914

4 3 3 1 1 1 0

42 42 42

064 years: 2.5 65 years: 12119

064 years: 10.5 65 years: 1

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 13 deaths and 992,503 health care utilization episodes for acute bronchitis. Most of the disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was similar between males and females and across age groups.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Endocarditis involves inflammation of the inner layer of the heart (endocardium)in particular the heart valves. Certain bacteria have a capacity to adhere to clot on damaged heart valves, resulting in the growth of a nidus of infection, called a vegetation. The effector cells of the immune system cannot penetrate this vegetation, and so this infection was uniformly fatal in the pre-antibiotic era. Treatment requires prolonged intravenous antibiotics and potentially heart valve replacement. Mortality rates are still significant and complications include congestive heart failure and embolism (including stroke). Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to endocarditis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for endocarditis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of endocarditis by various pathogens and the duration of illness that endocarditis typically causes with successful treatment.

Exhibit C.5 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to endocarditis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Endocarditis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Endocarditis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Endocarditis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent


Other gram-positive bacteria S. aureus Other gram-negative bacteria Other pathogens

4276 2652 2

539 334 26 385

74 46 4 52


Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 175 deaths and 1,284 health care utilization episodes for endocarditis. Most of the disease burden was from YLL. Disease burden was equal among males and females and mainly affected individuals aged 40 or older.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Acute upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) included: rhinitis (inflammation of nasal mucosa), epiglottitis (inflammation of the superior portion of the larynx), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) and tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea). Pharyngitis, which is often considered a URTI, was considered as a separate syndrome in this report. URTIs are typically caused by viruses, particularly rhinovirus. The common symptoms of URTIs are cough, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. Fever and fatigue are less common symptoms. There is no standard treatment for URTIs, but some medication may be taken for symptom relief. Bacterial complications of viral URTIs, such as otitis media or sinusitis, may be treated with antibiotics. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to URTIs. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for URTIs. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of URTIs by various pathogens and the duration of illness that URTIs typically cause with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.6 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs)
Infectious Agent Percentage of URTIs Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of URTIs Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of URTIs Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent

Rhinovirus Coronavirus Influenza Respiratory syncytial virus Parainfluenza Adenovirus Other pathogens

40114 12.5114 10
114 114

1,279,154 399,736 319,789 159,894 159,894 79,947 799,472

1 0 0 0 0 0 1

5 2.5



Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of two deaths and 3,197,886 health care utilization episodes for URTIs. Most of the disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was slightly higher in females and the burden was skewed toward the younger age groups.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Bacterial meningitis is the inflammation of the protective membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord caused by a bacterial infection. The most common symptoms of bacterial meningitis are headache, neck stiffness, fever, rash, nausea and impaired level of consciousness. Bacterial meningitis can lead to long-term complications, such as hearing loss, seizure disorders and neurological/motor deficits. The treatment of bacterial meningitis is complicated and generally involves empiric antibiotic treatment (given before the causative agent is known), followed by more specific antibiotic treatment once the exact pathogen has been identified. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to bacterial meningitis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for bacterial meningitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of bacterial meningitis by various pathogens, the percentage of bacterial meningitis cases that proceeded to certain sequelae (seizure disorders, motor deficits and hearing loss) and the duration of illness that bacterial meningitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.7 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to bacterial meningitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of URTIs Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of URTIs Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of URTIs Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent


Streptococcus pneumoniae

32 (04 years) 45 (514 years) 51 ( 15 years) 33, 34 25 (04 years) 35 (514 years) 37 ( 15 years) 33, 34 22 (04 years) 6 (514 years) 1 (15+ years) 33, 34 7 (014 years) 1 ( 15 years) 33, 34 4 (014 years) 2 ( 15 years) 33, 34 3 (014 years) 1 ( 15 years) 33, 34 7 (04 years) 0 (514 years) 7 ( 15 years) 33, 34


Neisseria meningitidis


Group B streptococcus


E. coli H. influenzae Other gram-negative bacteria Other pathogens

10 9 5 22

0 0 0 1

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 19 deaths and 324 health care utilization episodes for bacterial meningitis. The disease burden from YLL and YERF was relatively even. Disease burden was equal between males and females and most of the disease burden occurred in children from birth to 14 years and adults aged 3064. It is important to note that Listeria is an important cause of bacterial

meningitis.34 However, since the disease burden for Listeria was not calculated using the syndromebased approach, it does not appear in the above table. From Exhibit 4.41, it can be seen that 16 meningitis cases per year are expected to develop from Listeria infection. These 16 cases would likely correspond to a large proportion of the 22 cases of meningitis we expect from other pathogens.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Cellulitis is inflammation of the dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin that can be caused by normal skin flora or by exogenous bacteria. Cellulitis often occurs in areas where skin breakdown (wound, catheter insertion, etc.) facilitates bacterial entry, or impaired lymphatic drainage (following surgery, radiation, venous insufficiency, etc.) prevents bacterial clearance. The infected area is often reddish in colour, warm to the touch and tender. Oral or intravenous antibiotics can be given for treatment depending on the severity of the inflammation. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to cellulitis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for cellulitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of cellulitis by various pathogens and the duration of illness that cellulitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.8 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to cellulitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Cellulitis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Cellulitis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Cellulitis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent

S. aureus Group A streptococcus Group B streptococcus Other pathogens

5054 28.554 2

142,293 81,107 5,692 55,494

30 17 1 12


Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 60 deaths and 284,585 health care utilization episodes for cellulitis. The disease burden from YLL and YERF was relatively even. Disease burden was slightly higher in females, and mainly affected individuals aged 40 or older.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Encephalitis is acute inflammation of the brain. Encephalitis is generally caused by viruses, with herpes simplex virus (HSV) the most common cause, but can also be caused by bacteria. Patients with encephalitis often present with fever, headache and drowsiness and may also have sensitivity to light. Seizures can also occur in patients with encephalitis. Treatment is usually focused on minimizing the symptoms of encephalitis, such as corticosteroids to reduce brain swelling and inflammation, and anticonvulsants to prevent seizures. Antivirals are given when the causative agent has been shown to respond to treatmentprimarily acyclovir for herpes simplex virus. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to encephalitis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for encephalitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of encephalitis caused by various pathogens and the duration of illness that encephalitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.9 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to encephalitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Encephalitis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Encephalitis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Encephalitis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent


HSV Other pathogens

20109 80

224 898

4 13

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 17 deaths and 1,122 health care utilization episodes for encephalitis. Most of the disease burden was fro m YLL. Disease burden was slightly higher among females and was distributed relatively equally among age groups.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Otitis media is the inflammation of the middle ear, which is usually caused by respiratory viruses but can also result from bacterial infection. Cases of otitis media are often accompanied by upper respiratory tract infections. The most common symptoms of otitis media are earache and fever. Most otitis media is caused by viruses and will resolve without treatment, although analgesics may be used to treat the pain. Acute bacterial otitis media may be treated with antibiotics if symptoms do not dissipate after three days. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to otitis media. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for otitis media. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of otitis media by various pathogens and the duration of illness that otitis media typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.10 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to otitis media
Infectious Agent Percentage of Otitis Media Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Otitis Media Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Otitis Media Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent

S. pneumoniae Respiratory syncytial virus H. influenzae Parainfluenza Influenza Adenovirus Rhinovirus Other pathogens

2645 15113 13 6.5

44 113

194,420 112,165 97,210 48,605 37,388 37,388 7,478 213,114

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5113 5



Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 747,768 health care utilization episodes for otitis media. The entire disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was equal between males and females and affected mostly children from birth to 14 years.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Osteomyelitis is the infection and subsequent inflammation of the bone and/or bone marrow. Bone infections can develop from microorganisms carried through the bloodstream or contiguous spread from wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers, surgery or trauma. The symptoms of osteomyelitis can sometime be difficult to recognize or distinguish from other health conditions. Generally, there will be pain in the area of infection, as well as swelling, warmth and redness over the area of infection. Osteomyelitis can also lead to reduction in the use of the extremity where the infection has occurred. Osteomyelitis is treated with a long course of antibiotics, sometimes lasting months, and some cases may require surgical debridement of damaged tissue. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to osteomyelitis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for osteomyelitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of osteomyelitis by various pathogens and the duration of illness that osteomyelitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.11 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to osteomyelitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Osteomyelitis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Osteomyelitis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Osteomyelitis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent


S. aureus Group B streptococcus Other pathogens

5055 255 48

4,575 183 4,392

18 1 18

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 37 deaths and 9,150 health care utilization episodes for osteomyelitis. Most of the disease burden was from YLL. Disease burden was slightly higher in females and mainly affected individuals aged 65 or older.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Necrotizing fasciitis, or flesh-eating disease, is a rare infection of the fascial plane, which includes the deepest layers of skin and subcutaneous tissue. The infection normally starts at the site of trauma and progresses rapidly. The patient will experience intense pain, and the skin will become red and swollen. Skin colour will progress to a violet colour with the necrosis of surrounding subcutaneous tissue. Patients commonly experience diarrhea, vomiting and fever. In most cases, necrotizing fasciitis will lead to death without medical intervention. Intravenous antibiotics should be started as soon as the condition is suspected but changed once the causative agent is determined. Urgent surgical debridement of damaged tissue is crucial, and amputation may be necessary in some cases. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, Ontario vital statistics data were used to determine the number of deaths due to necrotizing fasciitis. For YERF, Ontario health care utilization data were used to identify the number of episodes of care for necrotizing fasciitis. Epidemiologic studies were used to determine the percentage of necrotizing fasciitis by various pathogens and the duration of illness that necrotizing fasciitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.12 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to necrotizing fasciitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Necrotizing Fasciitis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Necrotizing Fasciitis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Necrotizing Fasciitis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent

Group A streptococcus Other pathogens

2264 78

54 191

4 15

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 19 deaths and 245 health care utilization episodes for necrotizing fasciitis. Most of the disease burden from YLL. Disease burden was slightly higher in females and was distributed relatively evenly among age groups.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Pharyngitis is inflammation of the throat (pharynx). It is the most common cause of sore throat and can also be accompanied by a cough and/or fever. Chronic infection can lead to inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, which causes breathing and swallowing difficulty. Treatment for pharyngitis typically involves reducing the symptoms associated with infection, although antibiotics may be given if a bacterial etiology such as Group A streptococcus is established/suspected. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to pharyngitis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for pharyngitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of pharyngitis by various pathogens and the duration of illness that pharyngitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.13 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to pharyngitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Pharyngitis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Pharyngitis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Pharyngitis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent


Group A streptococcus Other pathogens

22.5 (014 years) 7.5 ( 15 years) 68 77.5 (014 years) 92.5 ( 15 years)

34,647 221,030

0 1

Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of one death and 255,677 health care utilization episodes for pharyngitis. Most of the disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was slightly higher in females, and most of the burden occurred in individuals aged 044 years.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



Septic arthritis is an infection of the joint that causes local inflammation which produces arthritis symptoms. Infection of the joint may occur when pathogens circulating in the bloodstream or from nearby infected tissue reach the joint space. Acute onset of intense joint pain and swelling and loss of mobility of the joint are the cardinal symptoms, and cases may also present with fever. Intravenous antibiotics are normally used to treat joint infections. Frequent aspiration or surgical intervention is often required to remove infected synovial fluid. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to septic arthritis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for septic arthritis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of septic arthritis by various pathogens and the duration of illness that septic arthritis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.14 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to septic arthritis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Septic Arthritis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Septic Arthritis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Septic Arthritis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent

S. aureus Group A streptococcus Group B streptococcus Other gram-positive bacteria H. influenzae S. pneumoniae Other pathogens 10

3740 16 5
40 60, 61 40

1,299 562 351 176 35 35 1,053

6 3 2 1 0 0 5

140 1


Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 17 deaths and 3,511 health care utilization episodes for septic arthritis. Most of the disease burden was from YLL. Disease burden was equal between males and females, and mainly affected individuals aged 65 or older.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Conjunctivitis involves acute inflammation of the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid (conjunctiva). The inflammation can be the result of an allergic reaction or a viral or bacterial infection. Redness, irritation and watering of the eyes are all common symptoms of conjunctivitis. Cases of infective conjunctivitis typically resolve without treatment, although if no improvement is seen after three days, antibiotics may be prescribed if a bacterial cause is suspected. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to conjunctivitis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for conjunctivitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of conjunctivitis by various pathogens and the duration of illness that conjunctivitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.15 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to conjunctivitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Conjunctivitis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Conjunctivitis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Conjunctivitis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent


Adenovirus Streptococcus pneumoniae Other pathogens

2046 12

81,613 48,968 277,484

0 0 0


Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 408,064 health care utilization episodes for conjunctivitis. The entire disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was slightly higher in females and distributed relatively evenly among age groups.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Bronchiolitis is the inflammation of the bronchioles the small branches of the bronchi that lead to the air spaces. Bronchiolitis is usually caused by viruses and mainly affects infants and young children. Cough, wheezing and difficulty breathing are typical symptoms of bronchiolitis, and in serious cases, the infants/childs skin may turn bluish due to the lack of oxygen (cyanosis). There is no treatment for bronchiolitis, but supportive treatment may be given to ensure adequate oxygen and hydration. Data sources and HALY calculation For YLL, we used Ontario vital statistics data to determine the number of deaths due to bronchiolitis. For YERF, we used Ontario health care utilization data to identify the number of episodes of care for bronchiolitis. We used epidemiologic studies to determine the percentage of bronchiolitis caused by various pathogens and the duration of illness that bronchiolitis typically causes with adequate treatment.

Exhibit C.16 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to bronchiolitis
Infectious Agent Percentage of Bronchiolitis Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Bronchiolitis Episodes Attributable to Infectious Agent Number of Bronchiolitis Deaths Attributable to Infectious Agent

Respiratory syncytial virus Rhinovirus Adenovirus Influenza Other pathogens

64111 16 6

5,613 1,403 658 526 570

0 0 0 0 0



Estimated burden We estimated annual averages of 0 deaths and 8,770 health care utilization episodes for bronchiolitis. The entire disease burden was from YERF. Disease burden was slightly higher in males and only affected children aged from birth to four years.

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix C

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Appendix D
International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Codes Used to Extract Data from Health Care Utilization and Mortality Databases

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.1 International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description

Acute bronchitis

466 J200 J201 J202 J203 J204 J205 J206 J207 J208 J209 J22

Acute bronchitis Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae Acute bronchitis due to Haemophilus influenzae Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus Acute bronchitis due to echovirus Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms Acute bronchitis, unspecified Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection Other pulmonary aspergillosis Aspergillosis, unspecified Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis Tonsillar aspergillosis Disseminated aspergillosis Candidiasis: non-invasive 112 Bronchiolitis Blastomycosis: pulmonary Bacterial meningitis

B448 G000 G001 G002 G003 G008 G009 G01 B400 B401 B402 B409 Blastomycosis: disseminated B403 B407 B408 J210 J218 J219 B370 B371 B372

Other forms of aspergillosis Haemophilus meningitis Pneumococcal meningitis Streptococcal meningitis Staphylococcal meningitis Other bacterial meningitis Bacterial meningitis, unspecified Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere Acute pulmonary blastomycosis Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified Blastomycosis, unspecified Cutaneous blastomycosis Disseminated blastomycosis Other forms of blastomycosis Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified Candidiasis Candidal stomatitis Pulmonary candidiasis Candidiasis of skin and nail

Aspergillosis: non-invasive Aspergillosis: invasive pulmonary Aspergillosis: invasive nonpulmonary

B441 B449 B440 B442 B447

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description


B373 B374 B3782 B3783 B3788 B379 Candidiasis: semi-invasive Candidiasis: invasive B3780 B3781 B375 B376 B377 Cellulitis 682 L0300 L0301 L0310 L0311 L032 L0330 L0331 L0332 L0333 L0334 L0335 L0336
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Candidiasis of vulva and vagina Candidiasis of other urogenital sites Candidal cheilitis Candidal otitis externa Candidiasis of other sites Candidiasis, unspecified Candidal esophagitis Candidal enteritis Candidal meningitis Candidal endocarditis Candidal septicaemia Cellulitis Cellulitis of finger Cellulitis of toe Cellulitis of upper limb Cellulitis of lower limb Cellulitis of face Cellulitis of chest wall Cellulitis of abdominal wall Cellulitis of umbilicus Cellulitis of groin Cellulitis of back [any part except buttock] Cellulitis of buttock Cellulitis of perineum Dengue fever Encephalitis 062 Conjunctivitis 372 Cervicitis 616

L0339 L038 L039 L089

Cellulitis of trunk, unspecified Cellulitis of other sites Cellulitis, unspecified Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified Cervicitis Inflammatory disease of cervix uteri Conjunctivitis Mucopurulent conjunctivitis Acute atopic conjunctivitis Other acute conjunctivitis Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified Blepharoconjunctivitis Other conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis, unspecified Conjunctivitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere Dengue fever [classical dengue] Dengue haemorrhagic fever Encephalitis, viral, mosquito-borne


H100 H101 H102 H103 H105 H108 H109 H131

H191 H192

A90 A91

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description

323 A811 A830 A831 A832 A833 A834 A835 A836 A838 A839 A840

Encephalitis Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis Japanese encephalitis Western equine encephalitis Eastern equine encephalitis St. Louis encephalitis Australian encephalitis California encephalitis Rocio virus disease Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis [Russian springsummer encephalitis] Central European tick-borne encephalitis Other tick-borne viral encephalitis Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified Enteroviral encephalitis Adenoviral encephalitis Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified Other specified viral encephalitis Histoplasmosis 115 Endocarditis

A86 G040 G041 G042

Unspecified viral encephalitis Acute disseminated encephalitis Tropical spastic paraplegia Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other diseases classified elsewhere Acute and subacute infective endocarditis Acute endocarditis, unspecified Endocarditis, valve unspecified Endocarditis, valve unspecified, in diseases classified elsewhere Histoplasmosis

G048 G049 G050



A841 A848 A849 A850 A851 A852 A858

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D


I330 I339 I38 I398

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description


B390 B391 B392 B394 B395 B399 B393 Necrotizing fasciitis M7260 M7261 M7262 M7263 M7264 M7265 M7266 M7267 M7268 M7269 Orchitis/Epididymitis 604

Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified Histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified Histoplasmosis duboisii Histoplasmosis, unspecified Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati Necrotizing fasciitis, multiple sites Necrotizing fasciitis, shoulder region Necrotizing fasciitis, upper arm Necrotizing fasciitis, forearm Necrotizing fasciitis, hand Necrotizing fasciitis, pelvic region and thigh Necrotizing fasciitis, lower leg Necrotizing fasciitis, ankle and foot Necrotizing fasciitis, other site Necrotizing fasciitis, unspecified site Orchitis Osteomyelitis 730


Disorders of testis and epididymis in diseases classified elsewhere Epididymitis with abscess Orchitis with abscess Epididymo-orchitis with abscess Epididymitis Orchitis Epididymo-orchitis Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis of vertebra, multiple sites in spine Osteomyelitis of vertebra, thoracolumbar region Osteomyelitis of vertebra, sacral and sacrococcygeal region Osteomyelitis of vertebra, unspecified site Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, multiple sites Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, shoulder region Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, upper arm Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, forearm Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, hand

N4500 N4501 N4502 N4590 N4591 N4592 M4620 M4625 M4628 M4629 M8600 M8601 M8602 M8603 M8604

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description


Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, lower leg Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, ankle and foot Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, other site Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, unspecified site Other acute osteomyelitis, multiple sites Other acute osteomyelitis, shoulder region Other acute osteomyelitis, upper arm Other acute osteomyelitis, forearm Other acute osteomyelitis, hand Other acute osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh Other acute osteomyelitis, lower leg Other acute osteomyelitis, ankle and foot Other acute osteomyelitis, other site Other acute osteomyelitis, unspecified site

M8620 M8621 M8622 M8623 M8624 M8625 M8626 M8627 M8628 M8629 M8630 M8631 M8632 M8633 M8634 M8635

Subacute osteomyelitis, multiple sites Subacute osteomyelitis, shoulder region Subacute osteomyelitis, upper arm Subacute osteomyelitis, forearm Subacute osteomyelitis, hand Subacute osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh Subacute osteomyelitis, lower leg Subacute osteomyelitis, ankle and foot Subacute osteomyelitis, other site Subacute osteomyelitis, unspecified site Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, multiple sites Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, shoulder region Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, upper arm Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, forearm Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, hand Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh

M8606 M8607 M8608 M8609 M8610 M8611 M8612 M8613 M8614 M8615 M8616 M8617 M8618 M8619

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description


M8636 M8637 M8638 M8639 M8640 M8641 M8642 M8643 M8644 M8645

Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, lower leg Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, ankle and foot Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, other site Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, unspecified site Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, multiple sites Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, shoulder region Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, upper arm Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, forearm Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, hand Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, pelvic region and thigh Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, lower leg Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, ankle and foot Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, other site Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, unspecified site

M8650 M8651 M8652 M8653 M8654 M8655

Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, multiple sites Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, shoulder region Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, upper arm Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, forearm Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, hand Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, lower leg Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, ankle and foot Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, other site Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis, unspecified site Other chronic osteomyelitis, multiple sites Other chronic osteomyelitis, shoulder region Other chronic osteomyelitis, upper arm Other chronic osteomyelitis, forearm Other chronic osteomyelitis, hand

M8656 M8657 M8658 M8659 M8660 M8661 M8662 M8663 M8664

M8646 M8647 M8648 M8649

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description

M8665 M8666 M8667 M8668 M8669 M8680 M8681 M8682 M8683 M8684 M8685 M8686 M8687 M8688 M8689 M8690 M8691

Other chronic osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh Other chronic osteomyelitis, lower leg Other chronic osteomyelitis, ankle and foot Other chronic osteomyelitis, other site Other chronic osteomyelitis, unspecified site Other osteomyelitis, multiple sites Other osteomyelitis, shoulder region Other osteomyelitis, upper arm Other osteomyelitis, forearm Other osteomyelitis, hand Other osteomyelitis, pelvic region and thigh Other osteomyelitis, lower leg Other osteomyelitis, ankle and foot Other osteomyelitis, other site Other osteomyelitis, unspecified site Osteomyelitis, unspecified, multiple sites Osteomyelitis, unspecified, shoulder region Otitis media 381 382

M8692 M8693 M8694 M8695 M8696 M8697 M8698 M8699

Osteomyelitis, unspecified, upper arm Osteomyelitis, unspecified, forearm Osteomyelitis, unspecified, hand Osteomyelitis, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh Osteomyelitis, unspecified, lower leg Osteomyelitis, unspecified, ankle and foot Osteomyelitis, unspecified, other site Osteomyelitis, unspecified, unspecified site Otitis media, serous Otitis media, suppurative

H650 H651 H652 H653 H654 H659 H660 H661

Acute serous otitis media Other acute nonsuppurative otitis media Chronic serous otitis media Chronic mucoid otitis media Other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media Nonsuppurative otitis media, unspecified Acute suppurative otitis media Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description


H662 H663 H664 H669 H670 H671 H678 Pelvic inflammatory disease 614 615 N700 N701 N709 N710 N711 N719 N741 N742

Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media Other chronic suppurative otitis media Suppurative otitis media, unspecified Otitis media, unspecified Otitis media in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere Otitis media in other diseases classified elsewhere Acute or chronic salpingitis or oophoritis or abscess Acute or chronic endometritis Acute salpingitis and oophoritis Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis Salpingitis and oophoritis, unspecified Acute inflammatory disease of uterus Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus Inflammatory disease of uterus, unspecified Female tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease Female syphilitic pelvic inflammatory disease Pneumocystosis Pneumonia 486 Pharyngitis 034

N743 N744 N748

Female gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease Female chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease Female pelvic inflammatory disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere Streptococcal sore throat, scarlet fever

J020 J028 J029 J030 J038 J039 B59 J100 J110 J120 J121 J122 J128 J129

Streptococcal pharyngitis Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms Acute pharyngitis, unspecified Streptococcal tonsillitis Acute tonsillitis due to other specified organisms Acute tonsillitis, unspecified Pneumocystosis Pneumonia, all types Influenza with pneumonia, influenza virus identified Influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified Adenoviral pneumonia Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia Parainfluenza virus pneumonia Other viral pneumonia Viral pneumonia, unspecified

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description

J13 J14 J150 J151 J152 J153 J154 J155 J156 J157 J158 J159 J160 J168 J170 J171

Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus Pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B Pneumonia due to other streptococci Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli Pneumonia due to other aerobic gram-negative bacteria Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae Other bacterial pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified Chlamydial pneumonia Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms Pneumonia in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere Pneumonia in viral diseases classified elsewhere Septic arthritis 711

J172 J173 J178 J180 J181 J182 J188 J189 M0000 M0001 M0002 M0003 M0004 M0005

Pneumonia in mycoses Pneumonia in parasitic diseases Pneumonia in other diseases classified elsewhere Bronchopneumonia, unspecified Lobar pneumonia, unspecified Hypostatic pneumonia, unspecified Other pneumonia, organism unspecified Pneumonia, unspecified Pyogenic arthritis Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, multiple sites Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, shoulder region Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, upper arm Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, forearm Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, hand Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, pelvic region and thigh Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, lower leg Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, ankle and foot

M0006 M0007

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description


M0008 M0009 M0010 M0011 M0012 M0013 M0014 M0015

Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, other site Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, unspecified site Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, multiple sites Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, shoulder region Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, upper arm Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, forearm Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, hand Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, pelvic region and thigh Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, lower leg Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, ankle and foot Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, other site Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, unspecified site Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, multiple sites Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, shoulder region Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, upper arm

M0023 M0024 M0025

Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, forearm Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, hand Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, pelvic region and thigh Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, lower leg Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, ankle and foot Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, other site Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis, unspecified site Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, multiple sites Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, shoulder region Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, upper arm Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, forearm Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, hand

M0026 M0027 M0028 M0029 M0080

M0016 M0017 M0018 M0019 M0020 M0021 M0022





Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description


Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, pelvic region and thigh Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, lower leg Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, ankle and foot Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, other site Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents, unspecified site Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, multiple sites Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, shoulder region Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, upper arm Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, forearm Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, hand Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, pelvic region and thigh Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, lower leg Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, ankle and foot

M0098 M0099 M0100 M0101 M0102 M0103 M0104 M0105 M0106 M0107 M0108 M0109 M0110 M0111 M0112 M0113 M0114 M0115 M0116

Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, other site Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified, unspecified site Meningococcal arthritis multiple sites Meningococcal arthritis, shoulder region Meningococcal arthritis, upper arm Meningococcal arthritis, forearm Meningococcal arthritis, hand Meningococcal arthritis, pelvic region and thigh Meningococcal arthritis, lower leg Meningococcal arthritis, ankle and foot Meningococcal arthritis, other site Meningococcal arthritis, unspecified site Tuberculous arthritis, multiple sites Tuberculous arthritis, shoulder region Tuberculous arthritis, upper arm Tuberculous arthritis, forearm Tuberculous arthritis, hand Tuberculous arthritis, pelvic region and thigh Tuberculous arthritis, lower leg





M0090 M0091 M0092 M0093 M0094 M0095 M0096 M0097

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description


M0117 M0118 M0119 M0120 M0121 M0122 M0123 M0124 M0125 M0126 M0127 M0128 M0129 M0130

Tuberculous arthritis, ankle and foot Tuberculous arthritis, other site Tuberculous arthritis, unspecified site Arthritis in Lyme disease, multiple sites Arthritis in Lyme disease, shoulder region Arthritis in Lyme disease, upper arm Arthritis in Lyme disease, forearm Arthritis in Lyme disease, hand Arthritis in Lyme disease, pelvic region and thigh Arthritis in Lyme disease, lower leg Arthritis in Lyme disease, ankle and foot Arthritis in Lyme disease, other site Arthritis in Lyme disease, unspecified site Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, shoulder region


Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, upper arm Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, forearm Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, hand Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, pelvic region and thigh Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, lower leg Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, ankle and foot Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, other site Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified site Rubella arthritis, multiple sites Rubella arthritis, shoulder region Rubella arthritis, upper arm Rubella arthritis, forearm Rubella arthritis, hand Rubella arthritis, pelvic region and thigh








M0140 M0141 M0142 M0143 M0144 M0145


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description

M0146 M0147 M0148 M0149 M0150

Rubella arthritis, lower leg Rubella arthritis, ankle and foot Rubella arthritis, other site Rubella arthritis, unspecified site Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, shoulder region Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, upper arm Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, forearm Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, hand Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, pelvic region and thigh Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, lower leg Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, ankle and foot Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, other site Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified site

M0160 M0161 M0162 M0163 M0164 M0165 M0166 M0167 M0168 M0169 M0180

Arthritis in mycoses, multiple sites Arthritis in mycoses, shoulder region Arthritis in mycoses, upper arm Arthritis in mycoses, forearm Arthritis in mycoses, hand Arthritis in mycoses, pelvic region and thigh Arthritis in mycoses, lower leg Arthritis in mycoses, ankle and foot Arthritis in mycoses, other site Arthritis in mycoses, unspecified sites Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, multiple sites Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, shoulder region Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, upper arm Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, forearm Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, hand


M0152 M0153 M0154 M0155


M0156 M0157


M0158 M0159



Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description



Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, pelvic region and thigh Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, lower leg Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, ankle and foot Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, other site Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified site Salmonella septicaemia Anthrax septicaemia Erysipelothrix septicaemia Listerial septicaemia Acute meningococcaemia Chronic meningococcaemia Meningococcaemia, unspecified Septicaemia due to streptococcus, group A Septicaemia due to streptococcus, group B Septicaemia due to streptococcus, group D Upper respiratory tract infection 460

A403 A408 A409 A410 A411 A412 A413 A414 A4150 A4151 A4152 A4158 A4180 A4188 A419 A427 B377

Septicaemia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae Other streptococcal septicaemia Streptococcal septicaemia, unspecified Septicaemia due to Staphylococcus aureus Septicaemia due to other specified staphylococcus Septicaemia due to unspecified staphylococcus Septicaemia due to Haemophilus influenzae Septicaemia due to anaerobes Septicaemia due to Escherichia coli Septicaemia due to Pseudomonas Septicaemia due to Serratia Septicaemia due to other gram-negative organisms Septicaemia due to Enterococcus Other specified septicaemia Septicaemia, unspecified Actinomycotic septicaemia Candidal septicaemia Acute nasopharyngitis, common cold






A021 A227 A267 A327 A392 A393 A394 A400 A401 A402

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.1 (CONTINUED) International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) and Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) codes used to identify episodes of health care utilization
Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description Syndrome OHIP Code ICD-10 Code Description

464 J00 J040 J041 J042 J050 J051 J060 J068 J069 Urethritis 597 N340 N341 N342 N370 Urinary tract infections 590 595 601 N10 N12

Acute laryngitis, tracheitis, croup, epiglottitis Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold] Acute laryngitis Acute tracheitis Acute laryngotracheitis Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] Acute epiglottitis Acute laryngopharyngitis Other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified Nonspecific urethritis Urethral abscess Nonspecific urethritis Other urethritis Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere Acute or chronic pyelonephritis, pyelitis, abscess Cystitis Prostatitis Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic Zoster: acute Zoster with complications 053 Varicella: acute Varicella with complications 052

N151 N300 N308 N309 N410 N412 N413 N510 N390

Renal and perinephric abscess Acute cystitis Other cystitis Cystitis, unspecified Acute prostatitis Abscess of prostate Prostatocystitis Disorders of prostate in diseases classified elsewhere Urinary tract infection, site not specified Chickenpox Varicella without complication Varicella meningitis Varicella encephalitis Varicella pneumonia Varicella with other complications Herpes zoster, shingles Zoster without complication Zoster encephalitis Zoster meningitis Zoster with other nervous system involvement Zoster ocular disease Disseminated zoster Zoster with other complications

B019 B010 B011 B012 B018

B029 B020 B021 B022 B023 B027 B028

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.2 ICD-10 codes used to identify infectious disease deaths in the vital statistics data
Infectious Agent ICD-10 Code Infectious Agent ICD-10 Code


Adenovirus Upper respiratory tract infection Otitis media Bronchiolitis Pneumonia Conjuncitivitis Aspergillus Aspergillosis Blastomyces Blastomycosis Campylobacter Campylobacter enteritis Candida Canadidiasis Chlamydia Sexually transmitted chlamydial disease Pelvic inflammatory disease Urethritis Cervicitis Epididymitis/orchitis Ophthalmia neonatorum Clostridium difficile Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile Coronavirus Upper respiratory tract infection Acute bronchitis Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidiosis
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Cyclospora See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 A04.5 See Exhibit D.1 A55, A56 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 P39.1 A04.7 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 A07.2 Other specified protozoal infestinal diseases Dengue Dengue fever and dengue heamorrhagic fever Diphtheria Diphtheria Escherichia coli Bacterial meningitis Urinary tract infections Septicaemia Pneumonia E. coli O157 Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli infection Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome Giardia Giardiasis Group A streptococcus Bacterial meningitis Septic arthritis Pharyngitis Cellulitis Necrotizing fasciitis Septicaemia Pneumonia Group B streptococcus Bacterial meningitis Septicaemia Septic arthritis See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 A07.1 A04.3 D59.3 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 A36 See Exhibit D.1 A07.8

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.2 (CONTINUED) ICD-10 codes used to identify infectious disease deaths in the vital statistics data
Infectious Agent ICD-10 Code Infectious Agent ICD-10 Code

Cellulitis Osteomyelitis Sepsis of the newborn Gonorrhea Sexually transmitted gonococcal disease Pelvic inflammatory disease Urethritis Cervicitis Epididymitis/orchitis Ophthalmia neonatorum Haemophilus influenzae Bacterial meningitis Septic arthritis Septicaemia Pneumonia Otitis media Hepatitis A Acute hepatitis A Hepatitis B virus Acute hepatitis B Chornic viral hepatitis B Unspecified viral hepatitis Congenital viral hepatitis Hepato-cellular carcinoma Hepatic failure Chronic hepatitis, unspecified Other and unspecified cirrhosis of the liver
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 P36

Portal hypertension or hepatorenal syndrome Esophageal varices Hepatitis C virus Acute hepatitis B

K76.6, K76.7 I85 B17.1 B18.2 B19 P35.3 C22 K72 K73.9 K74.6 K76.6, K76.7 I85 A60 B00 P35.2 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 B20B24 C53 C52 C51 C60 C21

A54, excluding A54.3 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 A54.3 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 B15 B16, B17.0 B18.0, B18.1 B19 P35.3 C22 K72 K73.9 K74.6

Chornic viral hepatitis B Unspecified viral hepatitis Congenital viral hepatitis Hepato-cellular carcinoma Hepatic failure Chronic hepatitis, unspecified Other and unspecified cirrhosis of the liver Portal hypertension or hepatorenal syndrome Esophageal varices Herpes virus Anogenital herpesviral infection Herpesviral infection Neonatal herpes Encephalitis Histoplasma Histoplasmosis HIV/AIDS Human immunodeficiency virus disease Human papillomavirus Cervical cancer Vaginal cancer Vulval cancer Penile cancer Anal cancer

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

Exhibit D.2 (CONTINUED) ICD-10 codes used to identify infectious disease deaths in the vital statistics data
Infectious Agent ICD-10 Code Infectious Agent ICD-10 Code


Oropharyngeal cancer

C01, C024, C051, C052, C09, C10 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 J10.1, J10.8, J11.1, J11.8 See Exhibit D.1 A32 B50B54 P37.3, P37.4 B05 B26

Pneumonia Pertussis Whooping cough Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumocystosis Poliomyelitis Acute poliomyelitis Sequelae of poliomyelitis Respiratory syncytial virus Upper respiratory tract infection Otitis media Bronchiolitis Acute bronchitis Pneumonia Rhinovirus Upper respiratory tract infection Otitis media Bronchiolitis Acute bronchitis Rubella Rubella (German measles) Congenital rubella syndrome Salmonella Salmonellosis Shigella Shigellosis Staphylococcus aureus Endocarditis

See Exhibit D.1 A37 See Exhibit D.1 A80 B91 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 B06 P35.0 A02 A03 See Exhibit D.1

Influenza Otitis media Upper respiratory tract infection Pneumonia Acute bronchitis Bronchiolitis Influenza Legionella Pneumonia Listeria Listeriosis Malaria Malarial disease Congenital malaria Measles Measles Mumps Mumps Neisseria meningitidis Bacterial meningitis Parainfluenza virus Upper respiratory tract infection Otitis media Acute bronchitis
Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Exhibit D.2 (CONTINUED) ICD-10 codes used to identify infectious disease deaths in the vital statistics data
Infectious Agent ICD-10 Code Infectious Agent ICD-10 Code

Septicaemia Pneumonia Septic arthritis Osteomyelitis Cellulitis Streptococcus pneumoniae Bacterial meningitis Septic arthritis Septicaemia Pneumonia Acute bronchitis Otitis media Conjuncitivitis Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) Congenital syphilis Early syhpilis Late syphilis Syphilis, unspecified

See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 A50 A51 A52 A53.9

Tetanus Tetanus neonatorum Obstetrical tetanus Other tetanus Tuberculosis Tuberculosis Sequelae of tuberculosis Congenital tuberculosis Typhoid/Paratyphoid Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers Varicella Varicella (chickenpox) Zoster (herpes zoster) Congenital varicella West Nile virus West Nile virus infection Yersinia Enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica A04.6 A92.3 See Exhibit D.1 See Exhibit D.1 P35.8 A01 A15A19 B90 P37.0 A33 A34 A35

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Appendix D

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


Acronyms, Exhibits, Authors and Acknowledgements

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Acronyms, Exhibits, Authors and Acknowledgements

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


List of Acronyms
AIDS CIHI CLAMES DAD DALY GBD HALYs HAV HBV HCV HPPA HIV HPV ICD ICES iPHIS LE NACRS OAHPP Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Canadian Institute for Health Information Classification and Measurement System of Functional Health Discharge Abstract Database Disability-adjusted life years Global Burden of Disease study Health-adjusted life years Hepatitis A virus Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus Health Protection and Promotion Act Human immunodeficiency virus Human papillomavirus International Classification of Diseases Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences integrated Public Health Information System Life expectancy National Ambulatory Care Reporting System Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion QALY RDIS RSV SARS SW SDS TB VZV WHO WNV YERF YLL YLD PHI OCR OHIP ONBODS ONBOIDS Ontario Cancer Registry Ontario Health Insurance Plan Ontario Burden of Disease Study Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Population Health Impact of Disease in Canada Quality-adjusted life years Reportable Disease Information System Respiratory syncytial virus Severe acute respiratory syndrome Severity weight Same-day surgery Tuberculosis Varicella zoster virus World Health Organization West Nile virus Year-equivalents of reduced functioning Years of life lost to premature mortality Years of life lived with a disability

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Acronyms, Exhibits, Authors and Acknowledgements

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

List of Exhibits
Exhibit 2.1 List of infectious diseases and associated health states included in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS) Data sources used to estimate disease incidence for each infectious agent in the Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study (ONBOIDS) Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs), by disease group Health-adjusted life years (HALYs), by disease group and sex Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs), by infectious disease syndrome Health-adjusted life years (HALYs), by infectious disease syndrome and sex Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for the top 20 pathogens, ranked by disease burden Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF), number and percentage of total annual healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for each pathogen, ranked by disease burden Exhibit 4.3 Exhibit 3.7 Exhibit 3.8 Number and percentage of average annual deaths for each pathogen Number and percentage of average annual estimated incident cases for each pathogen Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for common bacterial infections Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for common bacterial infections, by sex Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Streptococcus pneumoniae Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Escherichia coli (E. coli) Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Staphylococcus aureus Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Group B streptococcus Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Group A streptococcus Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Haemophilus influenzae Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Legionella Parameters for estimating disease burden due to Neisseria meningitidis Exhibit 4.19 Exhibit 4.11 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to other gram-negative bacteria Parameters for estimating disease burden due to other gram-positive bacteria Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for common bacterial infections Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for common bacterial infections, by sex Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to hepatitis C virus Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to hepatitis B virus Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to hepatitis A virus Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for sexually transmitted infections Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for sexually transmitted infections, by sex


Exhibit 4.12

Exhibit 2.2

Exhibit 4.1

Exhibit 4.13

Exhibit 3.1

Exhibit 4.2

Exhibit 4.14

Exhibit 3.2 Exhibit 3.3

Exhibit 4.15 Exhibit 4.16 Exhibit 4.17 Exhibit 4.18

Exhibit 4.4 Exhibit 4.5 Exhibit 4.6 Exhibit 4.7 Exhibit 4.8 Exhibit 4.9 Exhibit 4.10

Exhibit 3.4 Exhibit 3.5

Exhibit 3.6

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Acronyms, Exhibits, Authors and Acknowledgements

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion


List of Exhibits (CONTINUED)

Exhibit 4.20 Parameters for estimating disease burden due to human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancers Parameters for estimating the disease burden of various health states of human papillomavirus (HPV) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Neisseria gonorrhea (gonorrhea) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to herpes simplex virus (HSV) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Treponema pallidum (syphilis) Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for viral respiratory infections Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for viral respiratory infections, by sex Exhibit 4.29 Exhibit 4.30 Exhibit 4.31 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to influenza Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to rhinovirus Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to parainfluenza Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to adenovirus Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to coronavirus Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for intestinal infections Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for intestinal infections, by sex Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Campylobacter Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Salmonella Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Listeria monocytogenes (Listeria) Exhibit 4.45 Exhibit 4.46 Exhibit 4.41 Exhibit 4.42 Exhibit 4.43 Exhibit 4.44 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Giardia lamblia (Giardia) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Shigella Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to E. coli O157:H7 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Yersinia enterocolitica (Yersinia) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Cryptosporidium Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Cyclospora cayetensis (Cyclospora) Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for vaccinepreventable diseases Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for vaccinepreventable diseases, by sex Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to varicella zoster virus Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Bordetella pertussis (pertussis) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to poliomyelitis Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to rubella

Exhibit 4.21

Exhibit 4.22

Exhibit 4.32 Exhibit 4.33 Exhibit 4.34 Exhibit 4.35

Exhibit 4.23

Exhibit 4.24

Exhibit 4.47

Exhibit 4.25

Exhibit 4.26

Exhibit 4.36

Exhibit 4.48

Exhibit 4.27

Exhibit 4.37

Exhibit 4.49 Exhibit 4.50

Exhibit 4.28

Exhibit 4.38 Exhibit 4.39 Exhibit 4.40

Exhibit 4.51 Exhibit 4.52

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Acronyms, Exhibits, Authors and Acknowledgements

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

List of Exhibits (CONTINUED)

Exhibit 4.53 Exhibit 4.54 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to mumps Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Clostridium tetani (tetanus) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to measles Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for mycoses Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for mycoses, by sex Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Candida Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Pneumocystis jiroveci Exhibit 4.66 Exhibit 4.62 Exhibit 4.63 Exhibit 4.64 Exhibit 4.65 Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Aspergillus Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Blastomyces Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to Histoplasma Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for imported infections Years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL), year-equivalents of reduced functioning (YERF) and healthadjusted life years (HALYs) for imported infections, by sex Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to West Nile virus (WNV) Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to dengue Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to malaria Parameters for estimating the disease burden due to typhoid/paratyphoid fever


Exhibit 4.55 Exhibit 4.56

Exhibit 4.57

Exhibit 4.58

Exhibit 4.67 Exhibit 4.68 Exhibit 4.69 Exhibit 4.70

Exhibit 4.59

Exhibit 4.60 Exhibit 4.61

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Acronyms, Exhibits, Authors and Acknowledgements

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion



The completion of ONBOIDS was dependent on the collaboration and contribution of many individuals from multiple research and governmental agencies across Ontario.

Executive group
Jeffrey C. Kwong, MD, MSc, CCFP, FRCPC Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Natasha S. Crowcroft, MB BS, MRCP, FFPH, MSc, MD(Cantab) Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Michael A. Campitelli, MPH Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Sujitha Ratnasingham, MSc Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Nick Daneman, MD, MSc, FRCPC Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Shelley L. Deeks, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, FAFPHM Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Douglas G. Manuel, MD, MSc, FRCPC Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Other authors/contributors
Vanessa Allen, MD, FRCPC Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Camille Achonu, MHSc Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Ahmed Bayoumi, MD, Msc, FRCPC St. Michaels Hospital Paul Bunce, MA, MD, FRCPC Department of Medicine, University of Toronto Aamir Fazil, MSE EnvE Public Health Agency of Canada David Fisman, MD, MPH, FRCPC Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Andrea Gershon, MD, MSc, FRCPC Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Wayne Gold, MD, FRCPC University Health Network Effie Gournis, MSc, MPH Toronto Public Health Jenny Heathcote, MD, FRCP, FRCPC University Health Network Frances Jamieson, MD, FRCPC Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Prabhat Jha, MD, DPhil Centre for Global Health Research, St. Michaels Hospital

Kamran Khan, MD, MPH, FRCPC St. Michaels Hospital Shannon Majowicz, PhD University of Guelph Tony Mazzulli, MD, FRCPC, FACP Mount Sinai Hospital Allison McGeer, MD, MSc, FRCPC Mount Sinai Hospital Matthew Muller, MD, PhD, FRCPC St. Michaels Hospital Elizabeth Rea, MD, MSc, FRCPC Toronto Public Health Abhishek Raut, MD, CCFP Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Robert S. Remis, MD, MPH, FRCPC Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Rachel Savage, MSc Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Rita Shahin, MD, MHSc, FRCPC Toronto Public Health Morris Sherman, MB BCh, PhD, FRCPC University Health Network Alissa Wright, MD Department of Medicine, University of Toronto Brandon Zagorski, MSc Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences

Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Acronyms, Exhibits, Authors and Acknowledgements

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion

We wish to thank the following individuals for providing assistance with data collection or report preparation or for sharing helpful comments on earlier drafts of the report:
Tina Badiani Lisa Barbera Julie Bernier Shirin Chalk Kevin Cherry Bernard Cummings Valerie Davidson Darlene Frampton Cecilia Fung Cory Gosnell Astrid Guttmann Valerie Hopson Karen Johnson Murray Krahn Andrew Lefebvre Gillian Lim Vincent Lin Juan Liu Stanley Liu Nancy MacCallum Carol Major Dean Middleton Joan Murphy Dylan Pillai Ian Poon Susan Richardson Sean Rourke Juliana Ruzante Charles Sagoe Beate Sander Richard Schabas Liane Sharkey Susan Shiller Wilson Suraweera Gillian Thomas Michael Whelan Robin Williams David Wong Kenny Wong Sean Zhang


Ontario Burden of Infectious Disease Study Acronyms, Exhibits, Authors and Acknowledgements


The Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (OAHPP) is an armslength government agency dedicated to protecting and promoting the health of all Ontarians and reducing inequities in health. As a hub organization, OAHPP links public health practitioners, front-line health workers and researchers to the best scientific intelligence and knowledge from around the world. OAHPP provides expert scientific and technical support relating to infection prevention and control; surveillance and epidemiology; health promotion, chronic disease and injury prevention; environmental and occupational health; health emergency preparedness; and public health laboratory services to support health providers, the public health system and partner ministries in making informed decisions and taking informed action to improve the health and security of Ontarians. OAHPPs mission is to support health-care providers, the public health system and partner ministries in making informed decisions and taking informed action to improve the health and security of all Ontarians, through the transparent and timely provision of credible scientific advice and practical tools. To enable this, the focus is on three key goals: Information: Provide timely, relevant and reliable information for better public health decisions and actions Knowledge: Generate and accelerate the uptake and application of current evidence-based knowledge in public health decisions and actions Support: Provide high-quality support to the Ontario public health system in its daily business and enhance capacity in emergencies


The Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) is an independent, non-profit organization that produces knowledge to enhance the effectiveness of health care for Ontarians. Internationally recognized for its innovative use of populationbased health information, ICES evidence supports health policy development and guides changes to the organization and delivery of health care services. Key to our work is our ability to link population-based health information, at the patient-level, in a way that ensures the privacy and confidentiality of personal health information. Linked databases reflecting 13 million of 33 million allow us to follow patient populations through diagnosis and treatment, and to evaluate outcomes. ICES brings together the best and the brightest talent from across Ontario. Many of our scientists are not only internationally recognized leaders in their fields but are also practicing clinicians who understand the grassroots of health care delivery, making the knowledge produced at ICES clinically-focused and useful in changing practice. Other team members have statistical training, epidemiological backgrounds, project management or communications expertise. The variety of skill sets and educational backgrounds ensures a multi-disciplinaryapproach to issues and creates a real-world mosaic of perspectives that is vital to shaping Ontarios future health care system. ICES receives core funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. In addition, our faculty and staff compete for peer-reviewed grants from federal funding agencies, such as the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and project-specific funds are received from provincial and national organizations. These combined sources enable ICES to have a large number of projects underway, covering a broad range of topics. The knowledge that arises from these efforts is always produced independent of our funding bodies, which is critical to our success as Ontarios objective, credible source of Evidence Guiding Health Care.

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