4 Algal Culture Methods Batch and Continuos

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4 Algal Culture Methods

The algal pure strains are kept under standard controlled environment in conditioned rooms or in especially designed incubators, in which routine work can be performed under strict hygienic control. The pure strain cultures are usually kept in small glass containers, such as 10 ml test tubes or 100-ml glass Erlenmeyer flasks - filled with 50 ml culture medium- and closed by a sterile stopper (screw cap or a folded aluminium foil). Under routine conditions, strain cultures are usually renewed every week. In the replication process, an inoculum of 0.1-0.2 ml (from test tubes) or 0.5 to 1 ml (from Erlenmeyer flasks) is taken from the best old culture which is free of contamination, to inoculate three - four new vessels of the same size to start a new strain. The old culture is then either utilized for upscaling (see below), or is discarded. Strain culture vessels should be stirred at least once a day by hand, paying attention not to stir bottom debris up. Protocol for test tubes replication The steps to duplicate algal strains at test tube level are described in the following paragraphs. All required equipment and consumables have to be well cleaned and sterilised in advance. Choose the test tubes that show the best algal populations at naked eye and check under the microscope a sample taken from each of them for contaminant organisms (use a new sterile pipette for each sampling). Then keep only the uncontaminated cultures and put them on a stand avoiding any stirring. For each selected test tube: 1. prepare four sterilized test tubes with cap on a stand; 2. prepare at least 50 ml of sterilized seawater medium, enriched with half dose of the standard nutrients mix. 3. heat necks and caps of all test tubes (new and old vessels) by means of a manually operated burner and let them cool; 4. fill each new test tube with 10 ml of seawater medium taken with a graduated pipette; 5. with a sterile 1 ml-pipette take 0.5 ml of mature culture from near the surface of the selected test tube; 6. inoculate 0.1 ml of the old culture into each new test tube; be careful to make the drops fall freely into the culture medium without touching the tube walls; with one hand open and close the tube cap; with the other hand handle the pipette; do not mix or agitate the tubes; 7. place the used pipettes into the rinser cylinder; 8. after inoculation, heat the upper part of each new test tube thoroughly and cover with its cap, previously flamed; as an alternative, use sterilized hydrophobic cotton or flamed aluminium foil as stopper; 9. discard the old culture, if not needed for other replicas, and clean the empty tube. 10. write date and algal species on all new test tubes with a waterproof marker; 11. place the newly inoculated test tubes on a rack in a shelf reserved to pure strain cultures.


Types of algal culture methods There are two basic methods for culturing algae. One is called a "Batch culture" and the other is called a "Continuous culture". 1. Batch Culture The most common culture system is the batch culture, due to its simplicity and low cost. In this method algal cells are allowed to grow and reproduce in a closed container (i.e. closed system) in which there is no input or output of materials. The algal population cell density increases constantly until the exhaustion of some limiting factor, while other nutrient components of the culture medium decrease over time. When that nutrient is exhausted, their growth stops and eventually they die. These types of cultures typically last for about one week. After that, if you wish to continue the culture you must "subculture" by adding some cells from the old culture into a flask containing fresh growth medium. Any products produced by the cells during growth also increase in concentration in the culture medium. Upscaling algal culture The upscaling of pure strains of selected species of microalgae starts from small containers (0.5 ml) and proceeds through various steps up to the mass production in polyethylene (PE) bags (up to 450l) or tanks (1 000 l and up). Each step involves an increase of the culture volume: when mature (i.e.: in log phase, will be illustrated in the next lab.), the algal population of a smaller volume is sacrificed to replicate the same vessel and to inoculate larger vessels.

Fig 1. A typical scheme of a batch type production

Upscaling protocol for microalgae


The size of the inoculum The volume of the algal inoculum is usually 15 to 20% of the new volume. Smaller up to 2%- or larger inocula could be used to decrease or increase growth rate. In culture upscaling, the new vessels have to be inoculated with a sufficiently high microalgae density in order to ensure a rapid growth and to limit the risk of contamination with different algae or other micro-organisms (protozoa, nematodes, fungi, etc.). Small-medium size (0.5 to 10l) cultures of microalgae are usually kept in borosilicateglass containers with large necks, such as Erlenmeyer flasks or other flat bottom round flasks (balloons) and carboys. The flasks are usually closed with a stopper made of sterilised cotton or of plastic which can stand sterilization in autoclave. All these cultures are provided with a proper medium to support algal growth (treated and fertilized seawater), good aeration supplemented with carbon dioxide (CO2) as an additional carbon source, and a strong light. In this way it is possible to reach quickly the log-phase growth. Aseptic conditions should be maintained to avoid contamination and culture crashes. Inoculation of a PE bag from a flask or from flask or another bag 1. prepare the bag, either suspended to a rack or placing it inside a cylindrical frame made of wire; 2. fill the bag with sterilized water; leaving enough free space for the volume to be inoculated; wait a couple of hours to check for possible leaks; if found, seal them or replace the bag; 3. introduce nutrients and inoculum; 4. fit two PVC tubes for aeration to the bottom of the bag, connect them to an air line and adjust the air flow to a gentle bubbling; 5. add the nutrients using a graduated cylinder at the usual rate of 1 ml/l of each working solution; 6. select a mature culture that will be used as inoculum, either from a large flask or from another bag, and check a sample under the microscope for contaminants; 7. in case a flask is used as inoculum, remove its cap and flame its neck; then close with a flamed aluminium foil stopper and let it cool; 8. then, remove the stopper and pour the algal culture from the flask into the bag. The inoculum should be about 10% of the receiving volume; 9. if the inoculum comes from another bag, with a self-priming plastic pump transfer the inoculum from the old bag into the new one. The volume to be transferred should be about 15-20% of the receiving volume (a bigger inoculum is necessary to compensate for a less dense culture); 10. on each bag mark date, algal species, origin of the inoculum (bag or flask) and the bag serial number. To reduce the risk of contamination, smaller bags are usually inoculated from flasks, whereas larger bags are inoculated from smaller bags.


Photos of Large volume cultures


2. Continuous Culture This method of culturing algae differs from the batch culture method in that fresh medium is added to the culture at a constant rate and old media (and some of the algae cells) is removed at the same rate. The culture therefore never runs out of nutrients. As you can imagine the glassware and tubes for this type of system are much more complex than the simple batch culture. For most classroom exercises the batch culture system should do the job, however if you should ever need a constant supply of cells this system is the best. Parts of a Continuous Culture System. The diagram below show the parts of a continuous culture system.
2 air 3

air 4 clamp

6 1 7

outflow media

Sample port

Algal culture


First, fresh growth medium is stored in the large vessel (1). Air (2) is pumped into the airspace in this medium vessel. This air pressure will push the medium through a tube which is connected to the culture vessel. By opening and closing the clamp (3) on this medium line one can add medium to the culture vessel. Air (4) is also pumped into the culture vessel through a sterile filter. This air passes down a long glass tube to the bottom of the culture and bubbles up (5). This bubbling air has three effects: it supplies CO2 to the culture, aids in circulation and agitation of the cultures, and pressurizes the head space of the culture vessel so as to provide the force to "remove" an amount of media (and cells) equal to the volume of inflowing media. The air flowing into the culture vessel flows out through an outflow tube (6). As fresh medium is added to the culture vessel the level of the liquid in the culture vessel rises. When that level reached the bottom of the outflow tube old medium and cells flow out of the culture vessel into a waste flask (7). There is one other glass tube in the culture vessel, the sample port (8). When you need a sample of cells from the culture vessel you open up the clamp on the sample port and medium and cells flow out. When you have enough you re-close the sample port. 16

Setting up the Continuous Culture system Make up about 6-7 litres of algal growth medium in the large medium vessel. If your culture flask is 500mL then adding 100 mL of fresh medium each day will give you a 20% dilution rate, and six to seven litters should last about two weeks. The bung in the top of the medium vessel has two glass tubes in it. One short one through which the air enters (through a filter to keep the medium sterile). And a second long glass tube extends down to the bottom of the vessel. This long tube is the one through which the medium will flow out to the culture vessel. Since you are pressurizing the airspace above the medium this bung would blow off if it were not secured. The bung in the culture vessel has 4 tubes in it. They are; 1. the air inflow tube which caries air to the bottom of the flask, 2. the medium inflow tube which allow medium to drip into the culture vessel, 3. An outflow tube which is adjusted to the level that corresponds to the volume you wish the culture to remain at, and finally 4. A sample port through which you sample the culture. Air is pumped into the culture vessel through a sterile filter. This bubbling air has three effects: it supplies CO2 to the culture, aids in circulation and agitation of the cultures, and pressurizes the head space of the culture vessel so as to provide the force to "remove" an amount of media (and cells) equal to the volume of inflowing media. Batch and continuous culture systems differ in that in a continuous culture system, nutrients are supplied to the cell culture at a constant rate, and in order to maintain a constant volume, an equal volume of cell culture is removed. This allows the cell population to reach a steady state (ie. growth and cell division where the growth rate and the total number of cells per milliliter of culture remains constant). In many continuous culture systems, the nutrient medium is delivered to the culture at a constant rate by a peristaltic pump. The rate of media flow can be adjusted, and is often set at approximately 20% of culture volume per day. A truly continuous culture will have the medium delivered at a constant volume per unit time. However it has been this researcher's experience that delivery systems such as 17

peristaltic pumps or any other device are inherently unreliable. It is difficult to adjust such systems to deliver equal amounts of medium to several cultures simultaneously. In order to deliver exactly the same amounts of medium, a semi-continuous approach can be taken. In a semi-continuous system the fresh medium is delivered to the culture all at once, by simply opening a valve in the medium delivery line. Fresh medium flows into the culture vessel, and spent culture flows out into a collecting vessel. Once the required medium has entered the culture, the valve is closed, and the culture is allowed to grow for 24 hours, when the procedure is repeated.


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