Summer Training Project
Summer Training Project
Summer Training Project
UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF MR. AJAY BHASIN Submitted for the partial completion of the degree of Master of Business Administration at
I , A m a n d e e p K a u r a S t u d e n t o f M B A 2 0 1 0- 1 2 B a t c h , B h a i G u r d a s I n s t i t u t e o f E n g g . & Technology, h e r e by d e c l a r e t h a t t h e p r o j e c t o n Grievance Handling G.S.K. Nabha is my original w or k a n d t h a t i t h a s n o t p r e v i o u s l y f o r me d t h e b a s i s f o r t h e a w a r d o f a n y o t h e r D e g r e e , Diploma, Fellowship or other similar titles. It has been done under the guidance of Mr. Ajay Bhasin. Amandeep Kaur
It has been a great experience to work in this esteemed organization. I pay my special thanks to GSK-CH for their invaluable support and admiral guidance throughout the course of my training. I feel immense pleasure to give the credit of my project work not only to one individual as this work is integrated effort of all those who concerned with it. I want to owe my thanks to all those individuals who guided me to move on the track. I am very much thankful to Mr. Vishal Dhingra, Manager of H.R. Dept. G.S.K. Nabha for taking me capable of conducting such a study. I express my heartiest and sincere thanks to Mr. Ajay Bhasin of H.R. Dept. who has been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement to me in carrying out this study. I owe my special regards to my parents and my elders for their blessings and good wishes. I would also not forget to thank all the workers and staff of G.S.K. for their co-operation and help.
MBA is steeping stone to management career in order to develop healthy, management and administration skills in potential managers. To achieve partial and concrete results, it is necessary that theoretical knowledge must be supplemented with the exposure of real environment. This helps the students to increase their job perspective. A project work programme in industry is to get an overall view and exposure of the industry and its working environment. It enhances the confidence and boosts the morale of the students who go for their project in the industry. These programmes are included in the curriculum of studies for the development of the personality of the students and get a first hand experience about the working of the industry.
1st part of the report contains introduction to GSK, which includes company profile showing t h e c o mp a n y s t a t u s , I S O c e r t i f i c a t i o n e t c . , H i s t o r i c a l b a c k g r o u n d w h i c h s h o w s h o w G S K comes into being? Then various Packaging stations, Manufacturing process which shows how Horlicks is manufactured in company? I t c o n t a i n s t h e br i e f i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h e G S K N a b h a p l a n t l i k e n o . o f e mp l o y e e s , s h i f t timings, milk collection centers etc. After this there is product profile, which shows range of products offered by GSK Consumer Health Care Ltd., Department overview, which shows various departments works for the company, then comes GSK mission which shows companys dedication towards the society 2nd part contains the introduction to topic Grievance handling this includes the i n f o r ma t i o n , a s t o w h a t ar e G r i e v a n c e a l l a b o u t , t h e a s p e c t s o f G r i e v a n c e , its causes, procedure etc, and all this is well supported with the data of GSK. 3rd part contains the Research Methodology, which includes justification about the topic selected, the objective of the study, time period for which the study is conducted. Scope of the study and sources of information (primary as well as secondary). 4th part of this report is about the findings and suggestions for the best results.
The last part of the report is that of Bibliography in which the various books, web sites and articles consulted for the preparation of this report are mentioned.
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. (GSKCH) is an Indian associate of GlaxoSmithKline plc, U.K. GSKCH is one of the largest players in the Health Food Drinks industry in India. The Company, with its manufacturing plants located in Nabha, Rajahmundry and Sonepat, has a total workforce of over 2700 people, each driven by a spirit of enterprise.
Its flagship product, Horlicks, is a highly respected brand, which is over 100 years old in India. The Company also manufactures and markets Boost Viva, Maltova, Biscuits and in addition promotes and distributes a number of products in diverse categories, including prominent brands such as Eno, Crocin and Iodex. GSKCH has a strong marketing and distribution network in India comprising over 1800 wholesalers and direct coverage of over 4,00,000 retail outlets.
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. is a pharmaceutical and healthcare company born out of the merger of two leading international organizations SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome. G S K Consumer Healthcare Ltd and GSK Pharmaceuticals Ltd are the two businesses of GSK in India of which former are headquartered at DLF Gurgaon and the latter at Worli, Mumbai. 1955: Horlicks a milk product manufactured by Horlicks Ltd. Slough, England was being imported, bottled and sold in India. Due to changes in import policy import stopped. 1956-57: A team from the organization visited to explore the possibilities of setting up a plant with the support of Maharaja of Nabha, his highness PRATAP SINGH, and a plant was set up at Nabha. 1958: On May 31, 1958 His highness Pratap Singh laid the foundation stone of the Company at Nabha. 1969: Horlicks Group disposed off their holding in India and U.K. to BEECHAM GROUP OF INDUSTRIES" which is multinational and owns more than 500c o m p a n i e s i n mo r e t h a n 2 0 0 c o u n t r i e s e n g a g e d i n m a n u f a c t u r i n g o f Brylcream, Haircream, Eno Fruit Salt, Toothpaste, etc. Immediately after taking over the management, Beecham Group shifted its head office from Nabha to Delhi. 1979: Beecham India (Pvt.) Ltd. Mumbai merged with Hindustan Milk food Manufacturers Ltd. and the name was changed to H.M.M. Ltd. Beecham Group Plc.
1 9 9 1 : S mi t h K l i n e U . S . A . me r g e d o n S e pt e mb e r 1 6 , 1 9 9 1 t o f o r m S mi t h K l i n e B e e c h a m Consumer Brands, Plc. with its registered office in the U.K. H.M.M. became a part of Smith Kline Beecham Consumer Brands, one of the three sectors of Smith Kline Beecham and its name was changed to SmithKline Consumer Brands Ltd. 1 9 9 4 : T h e n a me w a s c h a n g e d t o S m i t h K l i n e C o n s u me r H e a l t h c a r e L t d . t o r e a s s e r t t h e companys promise of providing Healthcare to consumers. The company d e c i d e d t o d o a w a y w i t h i t s t o i l e t r y p r o d u c t s a n d s o l d i t s br a n d s l i k e Brylcream and Silvikrin to Sara Lee. 2000: The Company acquired MALTOVA and VIVA brands of nutritional from Jagatjit Industries Ltd. A merger took place between Smith Kline Beecham and Glaxo Welcome and the new company Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) was formed on 27-12-00
2002: Change of name took place from 23-04-02. 2004: The Bank of Punjab has tied up with the company for facilitating finance on attractive terms to its milk suppliers. 2005: Deutsche bank has tied up with GSK for facilitating their fund management as well as treasury management on a centralized basis. 2006: Companys packing unit at Excise Free Zone Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) came into existence. 2007: Companys packing unit at Excise Free Zone Gauhati (Assam) came into existence. 2008: Company launched Actibase and Actigrow products Energy drinks. 2009: Commences Albendazole production in Nashik to treat Lymphatic Filariasis. 2010: Andrew Witty dedicates the Albendazole facility at Nashik to WHO to eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis.
The company started packing Horlicks in Kg and 1kg pouches. Packing machines was imported and installed. As the main market for sale of Horlicks was in the South and East India, need was felt for the sale of Horlicks in small units of the country. Therefore were opened at different places. At present Horlicks is dispatched from Nabha in bulk quantity to the following packing stations:
Ballabgarh Mangaldoi (Assam) Kompally Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) Hamira (Punjab) Parson Gauhati(Assam)
T h e ma r ke t i n g o f t h e c o mp a n y ' s p r o d u c t s i s d o n e t h r o u g h v a r i o u s R e g i o n a l S a l e s Offices (RSO) situated at: NORTH (NEW DELHI OFFICE) W E S T (M U M BA I O F F I C E) EAST (KOLKATA OFFICE) SOUTH (CHENNAI OFFICE)
The company has its head office in Gurgaon. Bulk-malted food manufactured in Nabha is dispatched to different packing stations in drums for packing in units container or gusseted.
At GlaxoSmithKline, we recognize that there is no achievement without integrity. As we chase our business goals and our daily task lists, we are guided by the GSK Spirit. The GSK Spirit is a set of values and operating principles, shared by employees across the company, that form the basis of the GSK culture.
The Great Family Nourisher' Horlicks is the leading Health Food Drink in India and as the 'Most Trusted Drinks Brand' (Economics Times Survey, 2004) in India enjoys more than half of the Health Food Drink market.
'Specially formulated for preschool children So along with DHA, Junior Horlicks 1-2-3TM provides essential nutrition, which as part of daily diet helps complete A to Z Nutrition.
Mother's Horlicks, launched in 1997, is a superior nutritional supplement with 26 vital nutrients that is scientifically designed keeping the nutritional needs of the pregnant and breast feeding women in mind. An attempt to
enhance nutritional superiority saw the launch of its new variant in May 2004 - Mother's Horlicks fortified with DHA.
Horlicks Lite & Lite Bite' A nutritional drink & snack specially formulated for all health conscious adults and is also suitable for use by people with diabetes. Horlicks Lite health food drink and Lite Bite biscuits was launched in the market in Sep 05. This range of products have been specially formulated keeping in mind nutritional needs of adults and is also suitable for use by people with diabetes.
'With the Power of Calcium!' Horlicks Biscuits has been growing in popularity ever since it was launched in 1992. Extending the benefits of Horlicks to 'solid' nourishment, Horlicks Biscuits is a favourite among parents and children. Each pack contains the 'Power of Calcium' providing 100% RDA of calcium (as per Codex Ailementarius Commission of 1995). Horlicks Biscuits are available in two flavours - Standard & Elaichi - and live up to the Horlicks promise of 'great taste' and 'nourishment'.
'Boost is the secret of winning energy!' Boost is India's leading malt-based Health Food Drink in a chocolate flavour. It was developed by the company's R&D team in 1974 and launched in 1975-76. Its success characterizes the manner and skill with which GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare has responded to the changing contours of this product segment in recent times. MALTOVA:
The yummy choco-malt drink' Maltova, a chocolate Health Food Drink, was acquired from Jagatjit Industries Limited in Feb 2000. To kids Maltova is the fun health drink, which is extremely tasty, and makes nourishment truly enjoyable and exciting.
`The yummy choco-malt drink' Maltova, a chocolate Health Food Drink, was acquired from Jagatjit Industries Limited in Feb 2000. To kids Maltova is the fun health drink, which is extremely tasty, and makes nourishment truly enjoyable and exciting.
'Your trusted paracetamol' Crocin has been a trusted family name for over three decades and enjoys a strong medical heritage. An effective remedy for fever and mild-to-moderate pain, Crocin is an over-the-counter drug and does not require a doctor's prescription to buy it.
Eno... gets to work in 6 seconds' A 100 year old global brand, Eno enjoys a presence in 34 countries, with India being its second largest market after Brazil. The leading antacid taken for providing instant relief from acidity, gastric discomfort and heart burn, Eno gets you back on track instantly, as it begins to work in six seconds - faster than other tablet and liquid antacids. Eno is available in Regular & Lemon flavours, in both sachets and bottles.
'Pain should not come in the way of your life.' A trusted brand in India since 1919, Iodex continues to be amongst the top brands in the country, it competes in the topical balms segment, giving quick relief from back pains, waist pains, joints pains and sprains. It is available in 10g, 20g and 50g bottle sizes.
The food powder (HORLICKS & BOOST) is manufactured in Nabha. The requirement of workforce changes with change in production policy. The plant at present employs a work force varying from 1500to 2000out of which approximately 1100 are permanent. There is a staff and management of about 145persons. There is a wage agreement for 3 years. The workers also getting weekly off according to Labors Act. The plant runs 365 days a years in 3 shifts daily which work from 5.15 a.m. to 1.15 p.m., 1.15 9.15 p.m. & 9.15 p.m. to 5.15 a.m. The office opens 6 days a week. About 8 Milk collection centers w e r e o p e n e d a t a r a d i u s o f a b o u t 40km around Nabha, to meet the requirement of 10 tones of Milk per day. The main purpose of opening collection centers at village level was to get good quality of Milk directly from the producer and pay them good price, thus, raising their standard of living. Nabha and Sonepat production facility has already been certified for HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point for Food Safety).
The various departments in GSK Ltd. Nabha are:
1. Human Resources and Administration Department 2. Manufacturing Department 3. Procurement Department 4. Quality Assurance Department 5. Total Quality Management Department 6. Information Resources 7. Finance Department 8. Warehouse Supply Chain Management 9. Engineering Department 10.Environment, Health and Safety Department
WELFARE ACTIVITIES: The HR Department is involved in various welfare activities for the employees Which are: Cultural programs, farewell parties etc. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS: The HR Department monitors the discipline of all workmen. Rules for all workers are displayed in the restroom in the form of standing orders. ATTENDANCE RECORDSAND DEVELOPMENT: Time office maintains attendance records of all the workers with the aid of Duty Passes. It is supported by a software package that can be accessed to any point of time by the department to check the status. WAGES AND SALARIES ADMINISTRATION: The minimum wage for the temporary workers is deducted by the state company. The permanent workers get another benefits like Dearness Allowance, House rent Allowance, Leave Travel Allowance etc.
This department consists of two units: Spray Dryer Central Dairy
The quality assurance department is responsible for ensuring the safety quality of products, adoption of environment protection measures and compliance of food and health laws through reliable and constantly improved process.
This section provides support to factory. Its main function is maintenance of all equipment, technical up gradation, energy conservation and implementation of projects.
The Manufacturing process for Horlicks is as Follows: 1. The First step in the production process involves the mixing of wheat flour with Malted Barley. 2. In the Second step water is added to the above mixture and the material is mashed thoroughly, as a result of which the outer cover of malted barley is moved and remains after it is called Husk. 3. After mashing the material it becomes thick slurry in which the solid content is above 50%. 4. The fourth step involves the adding up of water to the above mixture. 5. The next stage is the stage of evaporation in which the material is evaporated and the result is thick slurry of the material in which the solid content is around 80%. 6. After evaporated comes the step of spreading out of material in plates and keeping them in the oven for about half an hour 7. Once the material is completely dried, the plates are taken out from the oven and the food item is scrapped out, which comes out in the form of thin layers. Then the vitamins and other essential nutrients are added to the food items which is then ground and the result is our final product HORLICKS.
A Grievance refers to any form of dissatisfaction with any respect of the organization. When an employee feels that something is unfair in the organization, he is said to have a grievance. An organization is a joint place where various character people work under a common roof. Difference of opinion is a common subject in such a scenario. Superiors may impose certain regulation on subordinates One employee intension may hurt the other. One persons words may be interpreted by other in a wrong sense. Satisfaction of job may be low. Many such differences may be quoted. Grievance is one emotion that plays a vital role in such an environment. Grievance is any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not, whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the company which an employee thinks, believes and even feels to be unfair, unjust or inequitable. In employment law, a grievance is a formal, itemized complaint to management that it has treated one or more employees unfairly or has violated the contract or collective bargaining agreement. According to Jucius Any discontent or dissatisfaction, whether expressed or not, whether valid or not, arising out of anything connected with the company which an employee thinks, believes or even feels to be unfair, unjust or inequitable.
Maintaining quality of work life for its employees is an important concern for the any organization. The grievance handling procedure of the organization can affect the harmonious environment of the organization. The grievances of the employees are related to the contract, work rule or regulation, policy or procedure, health and safety regulation, past practice, changing the cultural norms unilaterally, individual victimization, wage, bonus, etc. Here, the attitude on the part of management in their effort to understand the problems of employees and resolve the issues amicably have better probability to maintain a culture of high performance. Managers must be educated about the importance of the grievance process and their role in maintaining favorable relations with the union. Effective grievance handling is an essential part of cultivating good employee relations and running a fair, successful, and productive workplace. Positive labor relations are two-way street both sides must give a little and try to work together.
In order to handle the grievances efficiently, it is necessary to find and analyze the grievances of the subordinates. If a grievance is found to be genuine or real (factual), the corrective action should be taken immediately. But if the grievance arises due to imagination or disturbed frame of mind of the worker, then it is necessary to explain and clear up the matter. Before dealing with the grievances, their causes must be diagnosed. But when the grievances are not given expression by the subordinates, it is managers job to detect the possible grievances and their causes. He may realize the existence of grievances because of high turnover, high rate of absenteeism and poor quality of work. These problems will go on multiplying if the causes of grievances are not cured. The causes of grievances may be broadly classified into the following categories: (1) Grievances resulting from working conditions (i) Improper matching of the worker with the job. (ii) Changes in schedules or procedures. (iii) Non-availability of proper tools, machines and equipment for doing the job. (iv) Unreasonably high production standards. (v) Poor working conditions. (vi) Bad employer employee relationship, etc. (2) Grievances resulting from management policy (i) Wage payment and job rates.
(ii) Leave. (iii) Overtime. (iv) Seniority and Promotional. (v) Transfer. (vi) Disciplinary action. (vii) Lack of employee development plan. (viii) Lack of role clarity. (3) Grievances resulting from personal maladjustment (i) Over ambition. (ii) Excessive self-esteem or what we better know as ego. (iii) Impractical attitude to life etc
Work with Grievance Verbal Referring Immediate Superior Time limit for answering 48 hrs Time limit for answering 3days Time limit for answering 7 days Union may ask for voluntary arbitration
Department Head
Grievance Committee
Voluntary Arbitration
1. An aggravated employee shall just present his grievance verbally in person to the officer designated and the answer should be given within 48hrs. 2. If the worker is not satisfied with the answer, he along with one department representative will present the grievance to the departmental head. He will give his judgment in 3 days or state the reason for delay. 3. If he is not satisfied yet, then he may be requested to refer the case to the grievance committee. The grievance committee will make recommendation within seven days. Management has to implement it, 4. If even then he remains unsatisfied, he can report to the higher tier of the management for revision. 5. If the worker is still not satisfied with the decision then the union may ask for voluntary arbitration and the decision of which will be binding on both the parties.
Diagrammatic Procedure:
Voluntary Arbitration Higher Management Grievance Committee Department Head Officer Designated
and you share it with the authorities. You will also expect immediate action taken to take care of your problem.
All grievances should be put into writing. Some proofs required as well. Relevant facts about the grievance must be gathered. The management should not haste! Decision taken to redress the grievance of the worker must be communicated to him. Follow up action should be taken to know the response of the forced employee. This is to make sure that he is happy or not! At the end of the day the satisfaction of the aggrieved party is necessary.
11. Be aware of the staff member's potential concerns to the possible repercussions of raising a grievance. 12. Don't become angry, belligerent, or hostile during grievance handling
procedure. 13. Do listen for the main point of arguments and any possible avenue to resolve the grievance. 14. Listen and respond sensitively to any distress exhibited by the employees. 15. Eliminating the source of the irritation or discomfort being complained of. 16. Ensure effective, sensitive and confidential communication between all involved. 17. Take all possible steps to ensure that no victimization occurs as a result of the grievance being raised. 18. The investigator or decision maker acts impartially, which means they must exclude themselves if there is any bias or conflict of interest. 19. All parties are heard and those who have had complaints made against others are given an opportunity to respond. 20. Try to look upon the problem on different angles for appropriate understanding. 21. Ensuring that there is proper investigation of the facts and figures related the problem under concern. 22. Consider all relevant information in the investigation process.
23. Ask the staff member their preferred resolution option, although it is important to make it clear that this may not be a possible outcome. 24. Be aware of the limits of authority of the person who involved in the grievance handling procedures.
25. If the manager feels that he/she is not the appropriate person (senior manager) to deal with the issue refer the complainant to the appropriate person as soon as possible. 26. Try to get a better idea of whether the alleged discrimination or harassment happened or didn't happen. 27. Tell them exactly what they are supposed to have done, to whom and explain why this may be seen as discrimination/harassment or as inappropriate. 28. Grievances are preferably to be settled informally at the level of the employee's immediate supervisor. 29. Try the level best to involve team members to resolve the crisis at unit level itself. 30. Avoid as far as possible the union involvement in conflict resolution situation process. 31. Follow documentation the procedures, of all necessary steps taken to resolve the problem/complaint.
Objectives of the Study: The main objectives of the study are listed below: To study the causes of the grievances. To study the grievance position in GSK.
To study the grievance handling procedure.
To study the Human Resource activity of the company. To study the working of HR department of the company.
Research Design: A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. -JOHN W. BEST Descriptive Research Design: Descriptive research designs are those studies, which are concerned with describing the character of the group.
The researcher makes a plan of the study for his research work, that will enable the researcher to save and resources such a plan of study.
Data Collection: The study was based on the questionnaire method. The study was about the Grievance Handling. There are two types of data collection: o Primary Data o Secondary Data Primary Data: The primary data are those which are a fresh and for the first time happen to be original in character. It has been collected through: o Questionnaire o Personal Interview Secondary Data: Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through stratified process. It has been collected through: o Books o Journals o Internet Data Sampling:
Sample Size: 30 workers working in GSK-CH Sampling Technique: Random Sampling Period of Study: The study was conducted for the period of 45 days. Tools Used For Analysis: Sample percentage analysis: Formula: Sample Percentage = No. of respondents Total no. of sample size
Management has to take care about the working condition of the workers and has to check the rules and regulations criteria time to time in company itself. Opinion surveys are the best technique to know and rectify any grievance handling in company. Organization should have a well defined procedure to grievance handling. Organization should review the grievance procedure from time to time. Management should show positive attitude towards the worker in grievance handling.
Secondary Data: The main sources of secondary data are: Previous records of the company. Interaction with the concerned authorities.
Primary Data: The main sources of primary data are: Questionnaire Personal Interview
Name: Gender: Educational qualification: 1. Do you understand the instructions given by your supervisor? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ] 2. Does your supervisor tell you about your work? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ] 3. Whether your supervisor guides or warns you when you have done a mistake? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ] 4. Did you get job according to your qualification? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ] 5. Are you satisfied with the working conditions given to you? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ]
6. Do your co-workers help you when you need their help in your work? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ]
7. Do proper action taken by management when you complaint about something? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ] 8. Is there a positive and friendly approach during grievance handling? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ] 9. Is importance given to what is right rather than who is right? i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ] 10. Are you constantly informed on what is being done about your grievance? i. Very often being informed [ ] ii. Seldom being informed [ ] iii .Does not inform at all [ ] 11. How do you feel about the decision given corresponding to your grievance? Is it i. Highly satisfactory [ ] ii. Moderately satisfactory [ ] iii .No satisfaction[ ] 12. Is there regular follow up to ensure that the right decision has ended up in satisfaction? i. Yes [ ] ii .No [ ]