World Conspiracy
World Conspiracy
World Conspiracy
For those who want the real truth about the assassinations of
Abraham Lincoln, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy,
Senator/Attorney General Robert Francis Kennedy and
Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., we now provide all of the
answers in our latest book,
The conspiracy facts are that Elite inner circle members of the
Bilderbergs (BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and
Trilateral Commission (TC) are conspiring to politically and
economically dominate the entire world under their New World
Order, more recently called Globalization, or Global Union,
Global Economy, Global Order, Global Environment, and like
terms. When President G.H.W. Bush used the term New World
Order in several of his speeches, it aroused suspicion and concern
among the public. So, the Elite selected a generic term
"Globalization" to use, and now Americans are no longer
alarmed, because the business world uses this term daily, so it
must not be so frightening. But, you cannot change a tiger's
stripes. We're still talking about the New World Order. If you
don't know about the BB, CFR, and TC, or who are the members
of these secret organizations, then you must have a copy of Who's
Who of the Elite.
American Union
The Elite plan to create the American Union by January, 2005.
This will include all of the nations of North, Central and South
America and the Caribbean Islands, and will function just like
the present European Union. There will be only one monetary
system, one central bank, one (unelected) governing body, one
military force, one judicial system, no borders, and no
Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Elite have invented a new
term for expanded NAFTA, which they now call FTAA, or Free
Trade Area of the Americas. The Council of the Americas, at the
Quebec City conference in March, 2001, stated very clearly that
they plan to complete the FTAA by the year 2005.
Vice President Dick Cheney was thanked for his remarks at the
Council of the Americas conference on May 6, 2002, by founder
and Honorary Chairman, David Rockefeller. Cheney said that
the FTAA would be completed by January, 2005.
(Reference paragraph 18 of Cheney's speech at
CheneySpeech.html and
Chile will be the next nation absorbed by the (soon-to-be)
American Union. It has long had a roundtable in operation, and
it is known as the Chilean Council of Foreign Relations.
Since President Hugo Chavez took office on February 2, 1999, the
common people of Venezuela have backed him and his reforms.
Chavez insists on keeping more of the oil export profits in
Venezuela, so that his nation can recover from its chronic
financial problems. His strong will may just be a stumbling block
to the completion of the American Union. The CIA has backed
coup attempts to oust this "radical" leader, and the public has
turned out by the thousands to protest these attempts. The
petroleum industry strikes are not strikes at all. They are lock-
outs by the oil industry managers, in order to try to embarrass
President Chavez, and to turn the public against him.
On December 13, 2002, Brazilian President Luis Inacio "Lula"
da Silva appointed international financier Hernando Meirelles as
head of the Central Bank of Brazil. Meirelles was the former
president of FleetBoston Financial Corp., and served as a director
of David Rockefeller’s Council of the Americas.
On December 26, 2002, Argentina's Senate approved the
appointment of Alfonso Prat-Gay as president of the Argentina's
Central Bank. Prat-Gay was formerly the head of emerging
market research for J. P. Morgan Chase bank. David Rockefeller
is Chairman of the bank’s International Advisory Committee.
Gun Regulation
Amendment II to the U.S. Constitution
Concentration Camps
The Elite have already established "concentration camps" on
military bases in the U.S. to house the militia members and other
protesting citizens once they have outlawed private ownership of
Los Angeles Times, Wednesday, 14 August, 2002
Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S.
citizens he deems to be "enemy combatants" has moved him from
merely being a political embarrassment to being a constitutional
Martial Law
The Elite cannot accomplish their American Union (New World
Order) without declaring Martial Law. In order to justify such a
drastic measure, there must be a major crisis, such as a violent
and widespread internal dissent or national opposition against a
U.S. military invasion abroad, resistance to the outlawing of
ownership of guns by U.S. citizens, or a major financial crisis. We
are now on the verge of all of the above, with the impending
invasion of Iraq, constant demands for tighter gun control to stop
terrorist acts, and the Wall Street melt down. Opponents of this
action would without doubt file civil action to stop Martial Law
from being enacted, which means that it would doubtlessly end
up in the U.S. Supreme Court. You might surmise then that this
court would rule in our favor, until you learn that three sitting
judges on this court are members of the CFR; Stephen G. Breyer,
Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sandra Day O'Connor. This is not a
majority of the nine justices, so within the next three to twelve
months at least two sitting justices will retire, giving President
Bush the chance to nominate replacements from the CFR. You
might say that the chances of this happening are slim, until you
learn that during the last change in this court, on the short-list of
five candidates, "only" CFR members were considered for the
vacated position.
Now, you are going to say that I've really gone crazy! But, what if
the Elite invented a very small robot, or nanobot, and injected it
into your bloodstream when you get your next injection, and
when the time is right, they send a signal to your body activating
these little devils to do their programmed duty? This duty could
be either beneficial or detrimental - who knows? There are
frequent scares about anthrax and other biological agents
threatening our lives. Could this be an opportunity to inject these
nanobots into your bloodstream? Now if you don't believe me, do
a web search on Nanobots, or check out one of these sites:
( or
( or
Bohemian Club
Many of the Elite leaders are members of the Bohemian Club,
who meet annually at the Bohemian Grove in Northern
California, where they worship their Moloch, in the form of a
giant concrete owl, as they march around the sacrificial table in
their medieval robes, uttering their pagan chants. Alex Jones
secretly took a video camera into one of the Bohemian Grove
meetings, and recorded a very disturbing ritual. Check it out at:
The war in Bosnia was simply to gain a possible route for an oil
and/or gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea oil fields to the West to
a salt water port.
The war in Afghanistan was simply to establish a route for oil
and/or gas from the Caspian Sea oil fields through Pakistan to a
salt water port to the South, and oil and/or gas pipelines from
these same fields to China.
The current plans are to invade Iraq sometimes during February,
2003, simply to gain control of its massive oil reserves and Iraq's
Central Bank. When Sadam Hussein says this, the Elite's puppet
news media scoff at him, and keep on demanding that the reason
is to destroy his weapons of mass destruction.
Is it a coincidence that President Bush I and II, and Vice
President Cheney are from the oil industry? In fact, Bush I was
partners with Saddam Hussein in the oil business before the Gulf
Voting Scams
Our current voting procedures are a sham. In an effort to speed
up the vote counting process (or so "they" would like you to
believe), they have, in most instances, gone to computer assisted
voting. Once the votes have been digitized, they are easily
manipulated, and in most cases a recount is impossible. Is this
how the Elite have swung the 2002 Federal elections to favor the
Republicans? Now they control the White House, The Senate and
the House of Representatives. Is this by accident, or was this
accomplished by rigging the voting process?
Legislative Oversight
3. The Vietnam War – The U.S. State Dept. said that at 3:40 a.m.
EDT (3:40 p.m. Saigon time), August 2, 1964, the destroyer
Maddox, on patrol in the Gulf of Tonkin, reported that it was
"being approached by high speed craft with apparent intention of
torpedo attack. Intend open fire in necessary self defense."
(Message 020740Z to Commander Seventh Fleet; Department of
State, Vietnam Working Group Files: Lot 72 D 219, DeSoto
Patrols, August) Twenty-seven minutes later, the Maddox
reported that it was being attacked by three North Vietnamese
patrol craft and had opened fire. (Message 020807Z to
Commander Seventh Fleet; ibid.) In the ensuing engagement, the
Maddox and aircraft from the U.S.S. Ticonderoga damaged two
of the patrol craft, which retreated to the North, and left one dead
in the water. Reports on the incident reached Washington shortly
after 4 a.m. U. S. military escalation was justified on the basis of
the Gulf of Tonkin attack against U. S. ships. We know today that
this incident was fabricated purely to deceive the American
people in order to win their support for additional military
action. Expert witnesses – 1970–1971 Emmy Award winning,
CBS’s "60 Minutes" anchor, Morley Safer and his producer, Joe
Wershba, blew the whistle on the phony Gulf of Tonkin attack
tale, the start of the domino effect in Vietnam.
13. The Secret Elite have taken over the U.S. – Members of the
Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral
Commission have quietly taken over almost all key positions
within our government, the news media, the Labor Unions,
academia, banking, foundations, and industry. Their goal is to
subvert the Bill of Rights and Constitution, to destroy the
sovereignty of this nation, and to bring it under the control of the
Global Union. Those who participate in this conspiracy are
committing Treason. Expert witness – Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.,
author of "Who’s Who of the Elite".
The definition of Treason is: The offense of attempting to
overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes
allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign
Before the federal elected officials take office, they must first
swear the following oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I
will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United
States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and
defend the constitution of the United States.
Therefore, anyone who is a federally elected official, and who
violates this oath is very simply committing absolute TREASON.
Then, if all of the above is true, then we have hundreds within our
federal government who are very clearly committing treason.
Why is nobody charging them with treason? Why don't you ask
your elected officials this question.
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and
causes me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations
have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the
money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by
working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is
aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed. The
Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency,
and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the
Government, and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption
of these principals, the taxpayers will be saving immense sums of
interest. Money will cease to be master, and become the servant of
humanity. - Abraham Lincoln
We the people are the rightful masters of Congress and the courts,
not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who
pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln
The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of
mankind into small states, and all national isolation, not only to
bring the nations closer to each other, but also to merge them. The
merging of states is inevitable.
- Lenin in his Imperialism and the Right to Self-determination