3. Calibration [2.3.] 1. Issues in calibration [2.3.1.] 1. Reference base [] 2. Reference standards [] 2. What is artifact (single-point) calibration? [2.3.2.] 3. What are calibration designs? [2.3.3.] 1. Elimination of special types of bias [] 1. Left-right (constant instrument) bias [] 2. Bias caused by instrument drift [] 2. Solutions to calibration designs [] 1. General matrix solutions to calibration designs [] 3. Uncertainties of calibrated values [] 1. Type A evaluations for calibration designs [] 2. Repeatability and level-2 standard deviations [] 3. Combination of repeatability and level-2 standard deviations [] 4. Calculation of standard deviations for 1,1,1,1 design [] 5. Type B uncertainty [] 6. Expanded uncertainties [] 4. Catalog of calibration designs [2.3.4.] 1. Mass weights [] 1. Design for 1,1,1 [] 2. Design for 1,1,1,1 [] 3. Design for 1,1,1,1,1 [] 4. Design for 1,1,1,1,1,1 [] 5. Design for 2,1,1,1 [] 6. Design for 2,2,1,1,1 [] 7. Design for 2,2,2,1,1 [] 8. Design for 5,2,2,1,1,1 [] 9. Design for 5,2,2,1,1,1,1 [] 10. Design for 5,3,2,1,1,1 [] 11. Design for 5,3,2,1,1,1,1 []
12. Design for 5,3,2,2,1,1,1 [] 13. Design for 5,4,4,3,2,2,1,1 [] 14. Design for 5,5,2,2,1,1,1,1 [] 15. Design for 5,5,3,2,1,1,1 [] 16. Design for 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 weights [] 17. Design for 3,2,1,1,1 weights [] 18. Design for 10 and 20 pound weights [] 2. Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks [] 1. Doiron 3-6 Design [] 2. Doiron 3-9 Design [] 3. Doiron 4-8 Design [] 4. Doiron 4-12 Design [] 5. Doiron 5-10 Design [] 6. Doiron 6-12 Design [] 7. Doiron 7-14 Design [] 8. Doiron 8-16 Design [] 9. Doiron 9-18 Design [] 10. Doiron 10-20 Design [] 11. Doiron 11-22 Design [] 3. Designs for electrical quantities [] 1. Left-right balanced design for 3 standard cells [] 2. Left-right balanced design for 4 standard cells [] 3. Left-right balanced design for 5 standard cells [] 4. Left-right balanced design for 6 standard cells [] 5. Left-right balanced design for 4 references and 4 test items [] 6. Design for 8 references and 8 test items [] 7. Design for 4 reference zeners and 2 test zeners [] 8. Design for 4 reference zeners and 3 test zeners [] 9. Design for 3 references and 1 test resistor [] 10. Design for 4 references and 1 test resistor [] 4. Roundness measurements [] 1. Single trace roundness design [] 2. Multiple trace roundness designs []
5. Designs for angle blocks [] 1. Design for 4 angle blocks [] 2. Design for 5 angle blocks [] 3. Design for 6 angle blocks [] 6. Thermometers in a bath [] 7. Humidity standards [] 1. Drift-elimination design for 2 reference weights and 3 cylinders [] 5. Control of artifact calibration [2.3.5.] 1. Control of precision [] 1. Example of control chart for precision [] 2. Control of bias and long-term variability [] 1. Example of Shewhart control chart for mass calibrations [] 2. Example of EWMA control chart for mass calibrations [] 6. Instrument calibration over a regime [2.3.6.] 1. Models for instrument calibration [] 2. Data collection [] 3. Assumptions for instrument calibration [] 4. What can go wrong with the calibration procedure [] 1. Example of day-to-day changes in calibration [] 5. Data analysis and model validation [] 1. Data on load cell #32066 [] 6. Calibration of future measurements [] 7. Uncertainties of calibrated values [] 1. Uncertainty for quadratic calibration using propagation of error [] 2. Uncertainty for linear calibration using check standards [] 3. Comparison of check standard analysis and propagation of error [] 7. Instrument control for linear calibration [2.3.7.] 1. Control chart for a linear calibration line [] 4. Gauge R & R studies [2.4.] 1. What are the important issues? [2.4.1.]
2. Design considerations [2.4.2.] 3. Data collection for time-related sources of variability [2.4.3.] 1. Simple design [] 2. 2-level nested design [] 3. 3-level nested design [] 4. Analysis of variability [2.4.4.] 1. Analysis of repeatability [] 2. Analysis of reproducibility [] 3. Analysis of stability [] 1. Example of calculations [] 5. Analysis of bias [2.4.5.] 1. Resolution [] 2. Linearity of the gauge [] 3. Drift [] 4. Differences among gauges [] 5. Geometry/configuration differences [] 6. Remedial actions and strategies [] 6. Quantifying uncertainties from a gauge study [2.4.6.] 5. Uncertainty analysis [2.5.] 1. Issues [2.5.1.] 2. Approach [2.5.2.] 1. Steps [] 3. Type A evaluations [2.5.3.] 1. Type A evaluations of random components [] 1. Type A evaluations of time-dependent effects [] 2. Measurement configuration within the laboratory [] 2. Material inhomogeneity [] 1. Data collection and analysis [] 3. Type A evaluations of bias [] 1. Inconsistent bias [] 2. Consistent bias [] 3. Bias with sparse data []
4. Type B evaluations [2.5.4.] 1. Standard deviations from assumed distributions [] 5. Propagation of error considerations [2.5.5.] 1. Formulas for functions of one variable [] 2. Formulas for functions of two variables [] 3. Propagation of error for many variables [] 6. Uncertainty budgets and sensitivity coefficients [2.5.6.] 1. Sensitivity coefficients for measurements on the test item [] 2. Sensitivity coefficients for measurements on a check standard [] 3. Sensitivity coefficients for measurements from a 2-level design [] 4. Sensitivity coefficients for measurements from a 3-level design [] 5. Example of uncertainty budget [] 7. Standard and expanded uncertainties [2.5.7.] 1. Degrees of freedom [] 8. Treatment of uncorrected bias [2.5.8.] 1. Computation of revised uncertainty [] 6. Case studies [2.6.] 1. Gauge study of resistivity probes [2.6.1.] 1. Background and data [] 1. Database of resistivity measurements [] 2. Analysis and interpretation [] 3. Repeatability standard deviations [] 4. Effects of days and long-term stability [] 5. Differences among 5 probes [] 6. Run gauge study example using Dataplot [] 7. Dataplot macros [] 2. Check standard for resistivity measurements [2.6.2.] 1. Background and data [] 1. Database for resistivity check standard [] 2. Analysis and interpretation [] 1. Repeatability and level-2 standard deviations [] 3. Control chart for probe precision []
4. Control chart for bias and long-term variability [] 5. Run check standard example yourself [] 6. Dataplot macros [] 3. Evaluation of type A uncertainty [2.6.3.] 1. Background and data [] 1. Database of resistivity measurements [] 2. Measurements on wiring configurations [] 2. Analysis and interpretation [] 1. Difference between 2 wiring configurations [] 3. Run the type A uncertainty analysis using Dataplot [] 4. Dataplot macros [] 4. Evaluation of type B uncertainty and propagation of error [2.6.4.] 7. References [2.7.]
2.1. Characterization
2.1. Characterization
The primary goal of this section is to lay the groundwork for understanding the measurement process in terms of the errors that affect the process. What are the issues for characterization? 1. Purpose 2. Reference base 3. Bias and Accuracy 4. Variability What is a check standard? 1. Assumptions 2. Data collection 3. Analysis
The continuation of goodness is guaranteed by a statistical control program that controls both q Short-term variability or instrument precision
Long-term variability which controls bias and day-to-day variability of the process
The techniques in this chapter are intended primarily for ongoing processes. One-time tests and special tests or destructive tests are difficult to characterize. Examples of ongoing processes are: q Calibration where similar test items are measured on a regular basis q Certification where materials are characterized on a regular basis q Production where the metrology (tool) errors may be significant q Special studies where data can be collected over the life of the study
The material in this chapter is pertinent to the study of production processes for which the size of the metrology (tool) error may be an important consideration. More specific guidance on assessing metrology errors can be found in the section on gauge studies. Purpose
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.1. Characterization 2.1.1. What are the issues for characterization? Purpose
Purpose is to understand and quantify the effect of error on reported values Important concepts The purpose of characterization is to develop an understanding of the sources of error in the measurement process and how they affect specific measurement results. This section provides the background for: q identifying sources of error in the measurement process q understanding and quantifying errors in the measurement process q codifying the effects of these errors on a specific reported value in a statement of uncertainty Characterization relies upon the understanding of certain underlying concepts of measurement systems; namely, q reference base (authority) for the measurement
q q q
Reported value is a generic term that identifies the result that is transmitted to the customer
The reported value is the measurement result for a particular test item. It can be: q a single measurement q an average of several measurements q a least-squares prediction from a model q a combination of several measurement results that are related by a physical model
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.1. Characterization 2.1.1. What are the issues for characterization?
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.1. Characterization 2.1.1. What are the issues for characterization?
Biased measurements relative to the target Identification of bias Bias in a measurement process can be identified by: 1. Calibration of standards and/or instruments by a reference laboratory, where a value is assigned to the client's standard based on comparisons with the reference laboratory's standards. 2. Check standards , where violations of the control limits on a control chart for the check standard suggest that re-calibration of standards or instruments is needed. 3. Measurement assurance programs, where artifacts from a reference laboratory or other qualified agency are sent to a client and measured in the client's environment as a 'blind' sample. 4. Interlaboratory comparisons, where reference standards or
materials are circulated among several laboratories. Reduction of bias Bias can be eliminated or reduced by calibration of standards and/or instruments. Because of costs and time constraints, the majority of calibrations are performed by secondary or tertiary laboratories and are related to the reference base via a chain of intercomparisons that start at the reference laboratory. Bias can also be reduced by corrections to in-house measurements based on comparisons with artifacts or instruments circulated for that purpose (reference materials). Caution Errors that contribute to bias can be present even where all equipment and standards are properly calibrated and under control. Temperature probably has the most potential for introducing this type of bias into the measurements. For example, a constant heat source will introduce serious errors in dimensional measurements of metal objects. Temperature affects chemical and electrical measurements as well. Generally speaking, errors of this type can be identified only by those who are thoroughly familiar with the measurement technology. The reader is advised to consult the technical literature and experts in the field for guidance. Variability
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.1. Characterization 2.1.1. What are the issues for characterization? Variability
Sources of time-dependent variability Variability is the tendency of the measurement process to produce slightly different measurements on the same test item, where conditions of measurement are either stable or vary over time, temperature, operators, etc. In this chapter we consider two sources of time-dependent variability: q Short-term variability ascribed to the precision of the instrument q Long-term variability related to changes in environment and handling techniques
Depiction of two measurement processes with the same short-term variability over six days where process 1 has large between-day variability and process 2 has negligible between-day variability
Distributions of short-term measurements over 6 days where distances from the centerlines illustrate between-day variability (1 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:11:23 PM] Variability
Short-term variability
Short-term errors affect the precision of the instrument. Even very precise instruments exhibit small changes caused by random errors. It is useful to think in terms of measurements performed with a single instrument over minutes or hours; this is to be understood, normally, as the time that it takes to complete a measurement sequence. Four terms are in common usage to describe short-term phenomena. They are interchangeable. 1. precision 2. repeatability 3. within-time variability 4. short-term variability The measure of precision is a standard deviation. Good precision implies a small standard deviation. This standard deviation is called the short-term standard deviation of the process or the repeatability standard deviation. With very precise instrumentation, it is not unusual to find that the variability exhibited by the measurement process from day-to-day often exceeds the precision of the instrument because of small changes in environmental conditions and handling techniques which cannot be controlled or corrected in the measurement process. The measurement process is not completely characterized until this source of variability is quantified. Three terms are in common usage to describe long-term phenomena. They are interchangeable. 1. day-to-day variability 2. long-term variability 3. reproducibility The term 'reproducibility' is given very specific definitions in some national and international standards. However, the definitions are not always in agreement. Therefore, it is used here only in a generic sense to indicate variability across days. We adopt precise definitions and provide data collection and analysis techniques in the sections on check standards and measurement control for estimating:
q q
Level-1 standard deviation for short-term variability Level-2 standard deviation for day-to-day variability
In the section on gauge studies, the concept of variability is extended to include very long-term measurement variability: q Level-1 standard deviation for short-term variability
q q
Level-2 standard deviation for day-to-day variability Level-3 standard deviation for very long-term variability
We refer to the standard deviations associated with these three kinds of uncertainty as (2 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:11:23 PM] Variability
"Level 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations", respectively. Long-term variability is quantified by a standard deviation The measure of long-term variability is the standard deviation of measurements taken over several days, weeks or months. The simplest method for doing this assessment is by analysis of a check standard database. The measurements on the check standards are structured to cover a long time interval and to capture all sources of variation in the measurement process.
Measurements on the check standard, spaced over time at regular intervals, act as surrogates for measurements that could be made on test items if sufficient time and resources were available. Assumptions Assumptions
Case study: Resistivity check standard Before applying the quality control procedures recommended in this chapter to check standard data, basic assumptions should be examined. The basic assumptions underlying the quality control procedures are: 1. The data come from a single statistical distribution. 2. The distribution is a normal distribution. 3. The errors are uncorrelated over time. An easy method for checking the assumption of a single normal distribution is to construct a histogram of the check standard data. The histogram should follow a bell-shaped pattern with a single hump. Types of anomalies that indicate a problem with the measurement system are: 1. a double hump indicating that errors are being drawn from two or more distributions; 2. long tails indicating outliers in the process; 3. flat pattern or one with humps at either end indicating that the measurement process in not in control or not properly specified. Another graphical method for testing the normality assumption is a probability plot. The points are expected to fall approximately on a straight line if the data come from a normal distribution. Outliers, or data from other distributions, will produce an S-shaped curve. Assumptions
A graphical method for testing for correlation among measurements is a time-lag plot. Correlation will frequently not be a problem if measurements are properly structured over time. Correlation problems generally occur when measurements are taken so close together in time that the instrument cannot properly recover from one measurement to the next. Correlations over time are usually present but are often negligible.
Depiction of schedule for making check standard measurements with four repetitions per day over K days on the surface of a silicon wafer with the repetitions randomized at various positions on the wafer
The values for the check standard should be recorded along with pertinent environmental readings and identifications for all other significant factors. The best way to record this information is in one file with one line or row (on a spreadsheet) of information in fixed fields for each check standard measurement. A list of typical entries follows. 1. Identification for check standard 2. Date 3. Identification for the measurement design (if applicable) 4. Identification for the instrument 5. Check standard value 6. Short-term standard deviation from J repetitions 7. Degrees of freedom 8. Operator identification 9. Environmental readings (if pertinent) Analysis Analysis
Short-term or level-1 standard deviations from J repetitions An analysis of the check standard data is the basis for quantifying random errors in the measurement process -- particularly time-dependent errors. Given that we have a database of check standard measurements as described in data collection where
represents the jth repetition on the kth day, the mean for the kth day is Analysis
An individual short-term standard deviation will not be a reliable estimate of precision if the degrees of freedom is less than ten, but the individual estimates can be pooled over the K days to obtain a more reliable estimate. The pooled level-1 standard deviation estimate with v = K(J - 1) degrees of freedom is
. This standard deviation can be interpreted as quantifying the basic precision of the instrumentation used in the measurement process. Process (level-2) standard deviation The level-2 standard deviation of the check standard is appropriate for representing the process variability. It is computed with v = K - 1 degrees of freedom as:
is the grand mean of the KJ check standard measurements. Use in quality control The check standard data and standard deviations that are described in this section are used for controlling two aspects of a measurement process: 1. Control of short-term variability 2. Control of bias and long-term variability Case study: Resistivity check standard For an example, see the case study for resistivity where several check standards were measured J = 6 times per day over several days. Analysis
In the simplistic illustration of a Shewhart control chart shown below, the measurements are within the control limits with the exception of one measurement which exceeds the upper control limit.
The EWMA control chart (exponentially weighted moving average) is more difficult to implement but should be considered if the goal is quick detection of small changes. The decision process for the EWMA chart is based on an exponentially decreasing (over time) function of prior measurements on the check standard while the decision process for the Shewhart chart is based on the current measurement only. In the EWMA control chart below, the red dots represent the measurements. Control is exercised via the exponentially weighted moving average (shown as the curved line) which, in this case, is approaching its upper control limit.
Artifacts for process control must be stable and available Case study: Resistivity Topic covered in this section>
The check standard artifacts for controlling the bias or long-term variability of the process must be of the same type and geometry as items that are measured in the workload. The artifacts must be stable and available to the measurement process on a continuing basis. Usually, one artifact is sufficient. It can be: 1. An individual item drawn at random from the workload 2. A specific item reserved by the laboratory for the purpose. The topics covered in this section include: 1. Shewhart control chart methodology 2. EWMA control chart methodology 3. Data collection & analysis 4. Monitoring 5. Remedies and strategies for dealing with out-of-control signals.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.2. How are bias and variability controlled?
UCL = Accepted value + k*process standard deviation LCL = Accepted value - k*process standard deviation
where the process standard deviation is the standard deviation computed from the check standard database. This procedure is an individual observations control chart. The previously described control charts depended on rational subsets, which use the standard deviations computed from the rational subsets to calculate the control limits. For a measurement process, the subgroups would consist of short-term repetitions which can characterize the precision of the instrument but not the long-term variability of the process. In measurement science, the interest is in assessing individual measurements (or averages of short-term repetitions). Thus, the standard deviation over time is the appropriate measure of variability.
To achieve tight control of the measurement process, set k=2 in which case approximately 5% of the measurements from a process that is in control will produce out-of-control signals. This assumes that there is a sufficiently large number of degrees of freedom (>100) for estimating the process standard deviation. To flag only those measurements that are egregiously out of control, set k=3 in which case approximately 1% of the measurements from an in-control process will produce out-of-control signals.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.2. How are bias and variability controlled? Shewhart control chart
The EWMA control chart can be made sensitive to small changes or a gradual drift in the process by the choice of the weighting factor, weighting factor of 0.2 - 0.3 is usually suggested for this purpose (Hunter), and 0.15 is also a popular choice. .A
The target or center line for the control chart is the average of historical data. The upper (UCL) and lower (LCL) limits are
where s times the radical expression is a good approximation to the standard deviation of the EWMA statistic and the factor k is chosen in the same way as for the Shewhart control chart -- generally to be 2 or 3. Procedure for implementing the EWMA control chart The implementation of the EWMA control chart is the same as for any other type of control procedure. The procedure is built on the assumption that the "good" historical data are representative of the in-control process, with future data from the same process tested for agreement with the historical data. To start the procedure, a target (average) and process standard deviation are computed from historical check standard data. Then the procedure enters the monitoring stage with the EWMA statistics computed and tested against the control limits. The EWMA statistics are weighted averages, and thus their standard deviations are smaller than the standard deviations of the raw data and the corresponding control limits are narrower than the control limits for the Shewhart individual observations chart.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.2. How are bias and variability controlled?
K days - 4 repetitions 2-level design for measurements on a check standard For J measurements on each of K days, the measurements are denoted by
The check standard value is defined as an average of short-term repetitions Accepted value of check standard
Check standard measurements should be structured in the same way as values reported on the test items. For example, if the reported values are averages of two measurements made within 5 minutes of each other, the check standard values should be averages of the two measurements made in the same manner. Averages and short-term standard deviations computed from J repetitions should be recorded in a file along with identifications for all significant factors. The best way to record this information is to use one file with one line (row in a spreadsheet) of information in fixed fields for each group. A list of typical entries follows: 1. Month 2. Day 3. Year 4. Check standard identification 5. Identification for the measurement design (if applicable) 6. Instrument identification 7. Check standard value 8. Repeatability (short-term) standard deviation from J repetitions 9. Degrees of freedom 10. Operator identification 11. Environmental readings (if pertinent)
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.2. How are bias and variability controlled?
Shewhart control chart of measurements of kilogram check standard showing outliers and a shift in the process that occurred after 1985
EWMA chart for measurements on kilogram check standard showing multiple violations of the control limits for the EWMA statistics
In the EWMA control chart below, the control data after 1985 are shown in green, and the EWMA statistics are shown as black dots superimposed on the raw data. The EWMA statistics, and not the raw data, are of interest in looking for out-of-control signals. Because the EWMA statistic is a weighted average, it has a smaller standard deviation than a single control measurement, and, therefore, the EWMA control limits are narrower than the limits for the Shewhart control chart shown above.
Measurements that exceed the control limits require action Signs of significant trends or shifts
The control strategy is based on the predictability of future measurements from historical data. Each new check standard measurement is plotted on the control chart in real time. These values are expected to fall within the control limits if the process has not changed. Measurements that exceed the control limits are probably out-of-control and require remedial action. Possible causes of out-of-control signals need to be understood when developing strategies for dealing with outliers. The control chart should be viewed in its entirety on a regular basis] to identify drift or shift in the process. In the Shewhart control chart shown above, only a few points exceed the control limits. The small, but significant, shift in the process that occurred after 1985 can only be identified by examining the plot of control measurements over time. A re-analysis of the kilogram check standard data shows that the control limits for the Shewhart control chart should be updated based on the the data after 1985. In the EWMA control chart, multiple violations of the control limits occur after 1986. In the calibration environment, the incidence of several violations should alert the control engineer that a shift in the process has occurred, possibly because of damage or change in the value of a reference standard, and the process requires review.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.2. How are bias and variability controlled?
3. Examine the patterns of recent data. If the process is gradually drifting out of control because of degradation in instrumentation or artifacts, then: r Instruments may need to be repaired r Reference artifacts may need to be recalibrated. 4. Reestablish the process value and control limits from more recent data if the measurement process cannot be brought back into control.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.3. How is short-term variability controlled?
Example of control chart for a mass balance The control limit is based on the F-distribution
where the quantity under the radical is the upper critical value from the F-table with degrees of freedom (J - 1) and K(J - 1). The numerator degrees of freedom, v1 = (J -1), refers to the standard deviation computed from the current measurements, and the denominator degrees of freedom, v2 = K(J -1), refers to the pooled standard deviation of the historical data. The probability is chosen to be small, say 0.05. The justification for this control limit, as opposed to the more conventional standard deviation control limit, is that we are essentially performing the following hypothesis test: H0: 1 = 2 Ha: 2 > 1
where 1 is the population value for the s1 defined above and 2 is the population value for the standard deviation of the current values being tested. Generally, s1 is based on sufficient historical data that it is reasonable to make the assumption that 1 is a "known" value. The upper control limit above is then derived based on the standard F-test for equal standard deviations. Justification and details of this derivation are given in Cameron and Hailes (1974). Run software macro for computing the F factor Dataplot can compute the value of the F-statistic. For the case where alpha = 0.05; J = 6; K = 6, the commands
return the following value: THE COMPUTED VALUE OF THE CONSTANT F = 0.2533555E+01
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.3. How is short-term variability controlled?
where there are J measurements on each of K occasions. The average for the kth occasion is:
The short-term (repeatability) standard deviation for the kth occasion is:
The repeatability standard deviations are pooled over the K occasions to obtain an estimate with K(J - 1) degrees of freedom of the level-1 standard deviation
Note: The same notation is used for the repeatability standard deviation whether it is based on one set of measurements or pooled over several sets. Database The individual short-term standard deviations along with identifications for all significant factors are recorded in a file. The best way to record this information is by using one file with one line (row in a spreadsheet) of information in fixed fields for each group. A list of typical entries follows. 1. Identification of test item or check standard 2. Date 3. Short-term standard deviation 4. Degrees of freedom 5. Instrument 6. Operator
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.3. How is short-term variability controlled?
Control chart for precision for a mass balance from historical standard deviations for the balance with 3 degrees of freedom each. The control chart identifies two outliers and slight degradation over time in the precision of the balance
TIME IN YEARS Monitoring where the number of measurements are different from J
There is no requirement that future standard deviations be based on J, the number of measurements in the historical database. However, a change in the number of measurements leads to a change in the test for control, and it may not be convenient to draw a control chart where the control limits are changing with each new measurement sequence. For a new standard deviation based on J' measurements, the precision of the instrument is in control if . Notice that the numerator degrees of freedom, v1 = J'- 1, changes but the denominator degrees of freedom, v2 = K(J - 1), remains the same.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.2. Statistical control of a measurement process 2.2.3. How is short-term variability controlled?
2.3. Calibration
2.3. Calibration
The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures for calibrating artifacts and instruments while guaranteeing the 'goodness' of the calibration results. Calibration is a measurement process that assigns values to the property of an artifact or to the response of an instrument relative to reference standards or to a designated measurement process. The purpose of calibration is to eliminate or reduce bias in the user's measurement system relative to the reference base. The calibration procedure compares an "unknown" or test item(s) or instrument with reference standards according to a specific algorithm. What are the issues for calibration? 1. Artifact or instrument calibration 2. Reference base 3. Reference standard(s) What is artifact (single-point) calibration? 1. Purpose 2. Assumptions 3. Bias 4. Calibration model What are calibration designs? 1. Purpose 2. Assumptions 3. Properties of designs 4. Restraint 5. Check standard in a design 6. Special types of bias (left-right effect & linear drift) 7. Solutions to calibration designs 8. Uncertainty of calibrated values
2.3. Calibration
Catalog of calibration designs 1. Mass weights 2. Gage blocks 3. Electrical standards - saturated standard cells, zeners, resistors 4. Roundness standards 5. Angle blocks 6. Indexing tables 7. Humidity cylinders Control of artifact calibration 1. Control of the precision of the calibrating instrument 2. Control of bias and long-term variability What is instrument calibration over a regime? 1. Models for instrument calibration 2. Data collection 3. Assumptions 4. What can go wrong with the calibration procedure? 5. Data analysis and model validation 6. Calibration of future measurements 7. Uncertainties of calibrated values 1. From propagation of error for a quadratic calibration 2. From check standard measurements for a linear calibration 3. Comparison of check standard technique and propagation of error Control of instrument calibration 1. Control chart for linear calibration 2. Critical values of t* statistic
The procedures in this Handbook are appropriate for calibrations at secondary or lower levels of the traceability chain where reference standards for the unit already exist. Calibration from first principles of physics and reciprocity calibration are not discussed.
kilogram - mass meter - length second - time ampere - electric current kelvin - thermodynamic temperature mole - amount of substance candela - luminous intensity
These units are maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures in Paris. Local reference bases for these units and SI derived units such as: q pascal - pressure q newton - force q hertz - frequency q ohm - resistance q degrees Celsius - Celsius temperature, etc. are maintained by national and regional standards laboratories. Other sources Consensus values from interlaboratory tests or instrumentation/standards as maintained in specific environments may serve as reference bases for other units of measurement.
What is bias?
Calibration model for eliminating bias requires a reference standard that is very close in value to the test item
One approach to eliminating bias is to select a reference standard that is almost identical to the test item; measure the two artifacts with a comparator type of instrument; and take the difference of the two measurements to cancel the bias. The only requirement on the instrument is that it be linear over the small range needed for the two artifacts. The test item has value X*, as yet to be assigned, and the reference standard has an assigned value R*. Given a measurement, X, on the test item and a measurement, R, on the reference standard,
, the difference between the test item and the reference is estimated by , and the value of the test item is reported as
. Need for redundancy leads to calibration designs A deficiency in relying on a single difference to estimate D is that there is no way of assessing the effect of random errors. The obvious solution is to: q Repeat the calibration measurements J times q Average the results q Compute a standard deviation from the J results Schedules of redundant intercomparisons involving measurements on several reference standards and test items in a connected sequence are called calibration designs and are discussed in later sections.
Outline of section
Assumptions for calibration designs include demands on the quality of the artifacts
The assumptions that are necessary for working with calibration designs are that: q Random errors associated with the measurements are independent. q All measurements come from a distribution with the same standard deviation. q Reference standards and test items respond to the measuring environment in the same manner. q Handling procedures are consistent from item to item. q Reference standards and test items are stable during the time of measurement. q Bias is canceled by taking the difference between measurements on the test item and the reference standard. The restraint is the known value of the reference standard or, for designs with two or more reference standards, the restraint is the summation of the values of the reference standards. Basic requirements are: q The differences must be nominally zero. q The design must be solvable for individual items given the restraint. It is possible to construct designs which do not have these properties. This will happen, for example, if reference standards are only compared among themselves and test items are only compared among themselves without any intercomparisons.
We do not apply 'optimality' criteria in constructing calibration designs because the construction of a 'good' design depends on many factors, such as convenience in manipulating the test items, time, expense, and the maximum load of the instrument. q The number of measurements should be small. q The degrees of freedom should be greater than three. q The standard deviations of the estimates for the test items should be small enough for their intended purpose.
Designs listed in this Handbook have provision for a check standard in each series of measurements. The check standard is usually an artifact, of the same nominal size, type, and quality as the items to be calibrated. Check standards are used for: q Controlling the calibration process
Calibration designs are solved by a restrained least-squares technique (Zelen) which gives the following estimates:
q q q q q
Values for individual reference standards Values for individual test items Value for the check standard Repeatability standard deviation and degrees of freedom Standard deviations associated with values for reference standards and test items
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs?
Ideal situation
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs? Elimination of special types of bias
Elimination of left-right bias requires two measurements in reverse direction The value of the test item depends on the known value of the reference standard, R*
The difference between the test and the reference can be estimated without bias only by taking the difference between the two measurements shown above where P cancels in the differencing so that . The test item, X, can then be estimated without bias by
This type of scheme is called left-right balanced and the principle is extended to create a catalog of left-right balanced designs for intercomparing reference standards among themselves. These designs are appropriate ONLY for comparing reference standards in the same environment, or enclosure, and are not appropriate for comparing, say, across standard voltage cells in two boxes. 1. Left-right balanced design for a group of 3 artifacts 2. Left-right balanced design for a group of 4 artifacts 3. Left-right balanced design for a group of 5 artifacts 4. Left-right balanced design for a group of 6 artifacts
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs? Elimination of special types of bias
An example is given by substitution weighing where scale deflections on a balance are observed for X, a test weight, and R, a reference weight.
The drift-free difference between the test and the reference is estimated by
This principle is extended to create a catalog of drift-elimination designs for multiple reference standards and test items. These designs are listed under calibration designs for gauge blocks because they have traditionally been used to counteract the effect of temperature build-up in the comparator during calibration.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs?
Convention for showing the measurement sequence and identifying the reference and check standards
The convention for showing the measurement sequence is shown below. Nominal values are underlined in the first line showing that this design is appropriate for comparing three items of the same nominal size such as three one-kilogram weights. The reference standard is the first artifact, the check standard is the second, and the test item is the third.
1 -
+ -
Convention for showing least-squares estimates for individual items The table shown below lists the coefficients for finding the estimates for the individual items. The estimates are computed by taking the cross-product of the appropriate column for the item of interest with the column of measurement data and dividing by the divisor shown at the top of the table.
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 3 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) R* Solutions for individual items from the table above 1 0 0 0 3 1 -2 -1 1 3 1 -1 -2 -1 3
For example, the solution for the reference standard is shown under the first column; for the check standard under the second column; and for the test item under the third column. Notice that the estimate for the reference standard is guaranteed to be R*, regardless of the measurement results, because of the restraint that is imposed on the design. The estimates are as follows:
Convention for showing standard deviations for individual items and combinations of items
The standard deviations are computed from two tables of factors as shown below. The standard deviations for combinations of items include appropriate covariance terms.
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT 1 1 1 2 1 FACTOR K1 0.0000 0.8165 0.8165 1.4142 0.8165
1 +
1 + + +
+ +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR K2 0.0000 1.4142 1.4142 2.4495 1.4142 1 + 1 + + + + + 1
1 1 1 2 1
Unifying equation
The standard deviation for each item is computed using the unifying equation:
In order to apply these equations, we need an estimate of the standard deviation, sdays, that describes day-to-day changes in the measurement process. This standard deviation is in turn derived from the level-2 standard deviation, s2, for the check standard. This standard deviation is estimated from historical data on the check standard; it can be negligible, in which case the calculations are simplified. The repeatability standard deviation s1, is estimated from historical data, usually from data of several designs. The steps in computing the standard deviation for a test item are: q Compute the repeatability standard deviation from the design or historical data. q Compute the standard deviation of the check standard from historical data.
Locate the factors, K1 and K2 for the check standard; for the 1,1,1 design the factors are 0.8165 and 1.4142, respectively, where the check standard entries are last in the tables. Apply the unifying equation to the check standard to estimate the standard deviation for days. Notice that the standard deviation of the check standard is the same as the level-2 standard deviation, s2, that is referred to on some pages. The equation for the between-days standard deviation from the unifying equation is
. This is the number that is entered into the NIST mass calibration software as the between-time standard deviation. If you are using this software, this is the only computation that you need to make because the standard deviations for the test items are computed automatically by the software. If the computation under the radical sign gives a negative number, set sdays=0. (This is possible and indicates that there is no contribution to uncertainty from day-to-day effects.) For completeness, the computations of the standard deviations for the test item and for the sum of the test and the check standard using the appropriate factors are shown below.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. Calibration designs General solutions to calibration designs
q q
R*= value of the reference standard Y= (mx1) vector of observed difference measurements
The convention for showing the measurement sequence is illustrated with the three measurements that make up a 1,1,1 design for 1 reference standard, 1 check standard, and 1 test item. Nominal values are underlined in the first line .
1 -
+ -
The (mxn) design matrix X is constructed by replacing the pluses (+), minues (-) and blanks with the entries 1, -1, and 0 respectively. The (mxm) matrix of normal equations, X'X, is formed and augmented by the restraint vector to form an (m+1)x(m+1) matrix, A:
where Q is an mxm matrix that, when multiplied by s2, yields the usual variance-covariance matrix. Estimates of values of individual artifacts The least-squares estimates for the values of the individual artifacts are contained in the (mx1) matrix, B, where
where Q is the upper left element of the Ainv matrix shown above. The structure of the individual estimates is contained in the QX' matrix; i.e. the estimate for the ith item can computed from XQ and Yby
test)/(nominal restraint)
We will clarify the above discussion with an example from the mass calibration process at NIST. In this example, two NIST kilograms are compared with a customer's unknown kilogram. The design matrix, X, is
The first two columns represent the two NIST kilograms while the third column represents the customers kilogram (i.e., the kilogram being calibrated). The measurements obtained, i.e., the Y matrix, are
The measurements are the differences between two measurements, as specified by the design matrix, measured in grams. That is, Y(1) is the difference in measurement between NIST kilogram one and NIST kilogram two, Y(2) is the difference in measurement between NIST kilogram one and the customer kilogram, and Y(3) is the difference in measurement between NIST kilogram two and the customer kilogram. The value of the reference standard, R*, is 0.82329. Then
If there are three weights with known values for weights one and two, then r=[1 1 0] Thus
and so
We then compute XQ
The process standard deviation, which is a measure of the overall precision of the (NIST) mass calibrarion process,
is the residual standard deviation from the design, and sdays is the standard deviation for days, which can only be estimated from check standard measurements. Example We continue the example started above. Since n = 3 and m = 3, the formula reduces to:
and Y'(I - XQX')Y = 4.9322 Finally, taking the square root gives s1 = 2.2209 The next step is to compute the standard deviation of item 3 (the customers kilogram), that is sitem3. We start by substitituting the values for X and Q and computing D
Next, we substitute = [0 0 1] and = 0.021112 (this value is taken from a check standard and not computed from the values given in this example). We obtain the following computations
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs?
Historical perspective Assumptions Example of more realistic model Computation of repeatability standard deviations Computation of level-2 standard deviations Combination of repeatability and level-2 standard deviations Example of computations for 1,1,1,1 design Type B uncertainty associated with the restraint Expanded uncertainty of calibrated values
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs? Uncertainties of calibrated values
These assumptions have proved useful but may need to be expanded in the future Example of the two models for a design for calibrating test item using 1 reference standard
These assumptions have proved useful for characterizing high precision measurement processes, but more complicated models may eventually be needed which take the relative magnitudes of the test items into account. For example, in mass calibration, a 100 g weight can be compared with a summation of 50g, 30g and 20 g weights in a single measurement. A sophisticated model might consider the size of the effect as relative to the nominal masses or volumes. To contrast the simple model with the more complicated model, a measurement of the difference between X, the test item, with unknown and yet to be determined value, X*, and a reference standard, R, with known value, R*, and the reverse measurement are shown below. Model (1) takes into account only instrument imprecision so that: (1)
with the error terms random errors that come from the imprecision of the measuring instrument. Model (2) allows for both instrument imprecision and level-2 effects such that: (2)
where the delta terms explain small changes in the values of the artifacts that occur over time. For both models, the value of the test item is estimated as
. Note on relative contributions of both components to uncertainty In both cases, is the repeatability standard deviation that describes
is the level-2 standard the precision of the instrument and deviation that describes day-to-day changes. One thing to notice in the standard deviation for the test item is the contribution of relative to is large relative to , or dominates, the the total uncertainty. If uncertainty will not be appreciably reduced by adding measurements to the calibration design.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs? Uncertainties of calibrated values
for n difference measurements and m items. Typically the degrees of freedom are very small. For two differences measurements on a reference standard and test item, the degrees of freedom is v=1. A more reliable estimate comes from pooling over historical data 2. A more reliable estimate of the standard deviation can be computed by pooling variances from K calibrations (and then taking its square root) using the same instrument (assuming the instrument is in statistical control). The formula for the pooled estimate is
The level-2 standard deviation cannot be estimated from the data of the calibration design. It cannot generally be estimated from repeated designs involving the test items. The best mechanism for capturing the day-to-day effects is a check standard, which is treated as a test item and included in each calibration design. Values of the check standard, estimated over time from the calibration design, are used to estimate the standard deviation. The check standard value must be stable over time, and the measurements must be in statistical control for this procedure to be valid. For this purpose, it is necessary to keep a historical record of values for a given check standard, and these values should be kept by instrument and by design. Given K historical check standard values,
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs? Uncertainties of calibrated values
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs? Uncertainties of calibrated values
1 + + +
1 -
+ + + -
2 1 1 -1 -1 0 4
-2 -1 -1 1 1 0 4
0 -3 -1 -3 -1 2 4
0 -1 -3 -1 -3 -2 4
Factors for computing contributions of repeatability and level-2 standard deviations to uncertainty
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR K1 1 1 1 1 1 0.3536 + 1 0.3536 + 1 0.6124 + 1 0.6124 + 0 0.7071 + -
FACTORS FOR LEVEL-2 STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR K2 1 1 1 1 1 0.7071 + 1 0.7071 + 1 1.2247 + 1 1.2247 + 0 1.4141 + The first table shows factors for computing the contribution of the repeatability standard deviation to the total uncertainty. The second table shows factors for computing the contribution of the between-day standard deviation to the uncertainty. Notice that the check standard is the last entry in each table.
Unifying equation
Standard deviations are computed using the factors from the tables with the unifying equation
The steps in computing the standard deviation for a test item are: q Compute the repeatability standard deviation from historical data.
q q q
Compute the standard deviation of the check standard from historical data. Locate the factors, K1 and K2, for the check standard. Compute the between-day variance (using the unifying equation for the check standard). For this example,
there is no contribution to uncertainty from day-to-day effects.) Locate the factors, K1 and K2, for the test items, and compute the standard deviations using the unifying equation. For this example,
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs? Uncertainties of calibrated values
If k is not reported, then a conservative way of proceeding is to assume k = 2. Situation where the test is different in size from the reference Usually, a reference standard and test item are of the same nominal size and the calibration relies on measuring the small difference between the two; for example, the intercomparison of a reference kilogram compared with a test kilogram. The calibration may also consist of an intercomparison of the reference with a summation of artifacts where the summation is of the same nominal size as the reference; for example, a reference kilogram compared with 500 g + 300 g + 200 g test weights. The type B uncertainty that accrues to the test artifact from the uncertainty of the reference standard is proportional to their nominal sizes; i.e.,
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.3. What are calibration designs? Uncertainties of calibrated values
Expanded uncertainty
where k is either the critical value from the t table for degrees of freedom v or k is set equal to 2. Problem of the degrees of freedom The calculation of degrees of freedom, v, can be a problem. Sometimes it can be computed using the Welch-Satterthwaite approximation and the structure of the uncertainty of the test item. Degrees of freedom for the standard deviation of the restraint is assumed to be infinite. The coefficients in the Welch-Satterthwaite formula must all be positive for the approximation to be reliable. For the 1,1,1,1 design, the standard deviation of the test items can be rewritten by substituting in the equation
so that the degrees of freedom depends only on the degrees of freedom in the standard deviation of the check standard. This device may not work satisfactorily for all designs. Standard uncertainty from the 1,1,1,1 design To complete the calculation shown in the equation at the top of the page, the nominal value of the test item (which is equal to 1) is divided by the nominal value of the restraint (which is also equal to 1), and the result is squared. Thus, the standard uncertainty is
where n - 1 is the degrees of freedom associated with the check standard uncertainty. Notice that the standard deviation of the restraint drops out of the calculation because of an infinite degrees of freedom.
Drift-eliminating designs for gage blocks Left-right balanced designs for electrical standards Designs for roundness standards Designs for angle blocks Drift-eliminating design for thermometers in a bath Drift-eliminating designs for humidity cylinders
Basic requirements are: 1. The differences must be nominally zero. 2. The design must be solvable for individual items given the restraint. Other desirable properties are: 1. The number of measurements should be small. 2. The degrees of freedom should be greater than zero. 3. The standard deviations of the estimates for the test items should be small enough for their intended purpose.
q q
n = number of difference measurements m = number of artifacts (reference standards + test items) to be calibrated
the following information is shown for each design: q Design matrix -- (n x m) q Vector that identifies standards in the restraint -- (1 x m) q Degrees of freedom = (n - m + 1) q Solution matrix for given restraint -- (n x m) q Table of factors for computing standard deviations
Nominal sizes of standards and test items are shown at the top of the design. Pluses (+) indicate items that are measured together; and minuses (-) indicate items are not measured together. The difference measurements are constructed from the design of pluses and minuses. For example, a 1,1,1 design for one reference standard and two test items of the same nominal size with three measurements is shown below:
1 -
1 -
The cross-product of the column of difference measurements and R* with a column from the solution matrix, divided by the named divisor, gives the value for an individual item. For example,
implies that estimates for the restraint and the two test items are:
The factors in this table provide information on precision. The repeatability standard deviation, multiplied by the appropriate factor to obtain the standard deviation for an individual item or combination of items. For example,
, is
Sum 1 1 1 2
1 + +
+ +
The calibrations start with a comparison of the one kilogram test weight with the reference kilograms (see the graphic above). The 1,1,1,1 design requires two kilogram reference standards with known values, R1* and R2*. The fourth kilogram in this design is actually a summation of the 500, 300, 200 g weights which becomes the restraint in the next series. The restraint for the first series is the known average mass of the reference kilograms,
The design assigns values to all weights including the individual reference standards. For this design, the check standard is not an artifact standard but is defined as the difference between the values assigned to the reference kilograms by the design; namely,
The second series is a 5,3,2,1,1,1 design where the restraint over the 500g, 300g and 200g weights comes from the value assigned to the summation in the first series; i.e.,
The weights assigned values by this series are: q 500g, 300g, 200 g and 100g test weights q 100 g check standard (2nd 100g weight in the design) q Summation of the 50g, 30g, 20g weights. Other starting points Better choice of design The calibration sequence can also start with a 1,1,1 design. This design has the disadvantage that it does not have provision for a check standard. A better choice is a 1,1,1,1,1 design which allows for two reference kilograms and a kilogram check standard which occupies the 4th position among the weights. This is preferable to the 1,1,1,1 design but has the disadvantage of requiring the laboratory to maintain three kilogram standards. The solutions are only applicable for the restraints as shown.
1. 1,1,1 design 2. 1,1,1,1 design 3. 1,1,1,1,1 design 4. 1,1,1,1,1,1 design 5. 2,1,1,1 design 6. 2,2,1,1,1 design 7. 2,2,2,1,1 design 8. 5,2,2,1,1,1 design 9. 5,2,2,1,1,1,1 design 10. 5,3,2,1,1,1 design 11. 5,3,2,1,1,1,1 design 12. 5,3,2,2,1,1,1 design 13. 5,4,4,3,2,2,1,1 design 14. 5,5,2,2,1,1,1,1 design
15. 5,5,3,2,1,1,1 design 16. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 design 17. 3,2,1,1,1 design Design for pound weights Designs for increasing weight sets 1. 1,2,2,1,1 design
1. 1,1,1 design 2. 1,1,1,1 design 3. 5,3,2,1,1 design 4. 5,3,2,1,1,1 design 5. 5,2,2,1,1,1 design 6. 3,2,1,1,1 design
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
+ +
+ -
+ +
0 0 0 3
-2 -1 1 3
-1 -2 -1 3
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.8165 + 1 0.8165 + 2 1.4142 + + 1 0.8165 + FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 1.4142 + 1 1.4142 + 2 2.4495 + + 1 1.4142 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
+ + +
+ + + -
+ = 3
2 1 1 -1 -1
-2 -1 -1 1 1
0 -3 -1 -3 -1
0 -1 -3 -1 -3
Y(6) R*
0 4
0 4
2 4
-2 4
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR K1 1 1 1 1 1 0.3536 + 1 0.3536 + 1 0.6124 + 1 0.6124 + 0 0.7071 + -
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR K2 1 1 1 1 1 0.7071 + 1 0.7071 + 1 1.2247 + 1 1.2247 + 0 1.4141 + -
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
OBSERVATIONS OBSERVATIONS 1 1 1 1 1 Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
+ + + +
+ + + + + + -
+ + + +
+ + + + + + -
+ + = 6
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 10 OBSERVATIONS OBSERVATIONS 1 1 1 1 1 Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) R* 2 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 5 1
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) R*
2 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 5
-2 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5
0 -3 -1 -1 -3 -1 -1 2 2 0 5
0 -1 -3 -1 -1 -3 -1 -2 0 2 5
0 -1 -1 -3 -1 -1 -3 0 -2 -2 5
-2 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 5
0 -3 -1 -1 -3 -1 -1 2 2 0 5
0 -1 -3 -1 -1 -3 -1 -2 0 2 5
0 -1 -1 -3 -1 -1 -3 0 -2 -2 5
1 1 1 1 2 3 0
+ + + + + + + +
+ + -
1 1 1 2 3 1
+ + + + + + + +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR K2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.7071 + 1 0.7071 + 1 1.2247 + 1 1.2247 + 1 1.2247 + 2 2.0000 + + 3 2.7386 + + + 0 1.4142 + -
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR K2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.7071 + 1 0.7071 + 1 1.2247 + 1 1.2247 + 1 1.2247 + 2 2.0000 + + 3 2.7386 + + + 1 1.2247 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
X(1) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(10) X(11) X(12) X(13) X(14) X(15)
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + -
+ + = 10
SOLUTION MATRIX (1 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:11:50 PM]
DIVISOR OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) R* 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 6 1 -1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 6 1 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 6
= 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 1 2 1 6
8 1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 -1 1 -1 1 2 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING WT FACTOR 1 1 1 0.2887 + 1 0.2887 + 1 0.5000 1 0.5000 1 0.5000 1 0.5000 2 0.8165 3 1.1180 4 1.4142 1 0.5000
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.7071 + 1 0.7071 + 1 1.2247 + (2 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:11:50 PM]
1 1 1 2 3 4 1
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
+ + +
+ + +
+ +
0 0 0
-1 0 -1
0 -1 -1
-1 -1 0
0 0 0 4
1 1 0 2
0 -1 1 2
-1 0 -1 2
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY WT FACTOR 2 1 1 2 0.0000 + 1 0.5000 + 1 0.5000 + 1 0.5000 2 0.7071 + + 3 0.8660 + + 1 0.5000 +
+ +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 2 1 1 1 2 0.0000 + 1 1.1180 + 1 1.1180 + 1 1.1180 + 2 1.7321 + + 3 2.2913 + + + 1 1.1180 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
+ + + + + + +
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ + +
+ +
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) R*
47 25 3 25 29 29 7 4 4 -18 110
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY WT FACTOR 2 2 1 2 0.2710 + 2 0.2710 + 1 0.3347 + 1 0.4382 1 0.4382 2 0.6066 3 0.5367 + 1 0.4382
+ + + + + + +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 2 2 1 1 1 2 0.8246 + 2 0.8246 + 1 0.8485 + 1 1.0583 + 1 1.0583 + 2 1.5748 + + 3 1.6971 + + + 1 1.0583 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
+ + +
+ + + + -
+ +
Y(1) Y(2)
4 2
-4 -2
0 -6
0 -1
0 -1
-2 2 -2 0 0 8
2 -2 2 0 0 8
-6 -2 -2 4 0 8
-1 -3 -3 -2 8 4
-1 -3 -3 -2 -8 4
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY WT FACTOR 2 2 2 2 0.3536 + 2 0.3536 + 2 0.6124 + 1 0.5863 1 0.5863 2 0.6124 4 1.0000 + 1 0.5863
+ + + + + + +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 2 2 2 1 1 2 0.7071 + 2 0.7071 + 2 1.2247 + 1 1.0607 + 1 1.0607 + 2 1.5811 + + 4 2.2361 + + + 1 1.0607 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
+ + + + +
+ + +
+ + -
+ +
+ + -
+ +
15 5 0 0 -5 5 0 35
-8 -12 2 12 8 12 10 14
1 19 -14 -14 9 -9 0 7
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 2 2 1 1 1 5 0.3273 + 2 0.3854 + 2 0.3854 + 1 0.4326 + 1 0.4645 + 1 0.4645 + 1 0.4645 +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 2 2 1 1 1 5 1.0000 + 2 0.8718 + 2 0.8718 + 1 0.9165 + 1 1.0198 + 1 1.0198 + 1 1.0198 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + -
+ +
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) R*
12 6 6 6 -6 -6 6 0 0 0 30
0 -4 -4 -4 28 -32 8 0 0 0 12
0 -4 -4 -4 -32 28 8 0 0 0 12
-12 2 2 2 10 10 -22 0 0 0 6
0 -12 3 3 -6 -6 -6 15 15 0 6
0 3 -12 3 -6 -6 -6 -15 0 15 6
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 0.3162 + 2 0.7303 + 2 0.7303 + 1 0.4830 + 1 0.4472 + 1 0.4472 + 1 0.4472 + 2 0.5477 + + 3 0.5477 + + + 1 0.4472 +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 1.0000 + 2 0.8718 + 2 0.8718 + 1 0.9165 + 1 1.0198 + 1 1.0198 + 1 1.0198 + 2 1.4697 + + 3 1.8330 + + + 1 1.0198 + (2 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:11:50 PM]
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11)
+ + + + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + -
+ + -
+ -
+ +
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) R*
100 100 100 100 60 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 460
-68 -68 -68 -68 -4 124 124 124 -60 -60 -60 276
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY WT FACTOR 5 3 2 5 0.2331 + 3 0.2985 + 2 0.2638 + 1 0.3551 1 0.3551 1 0.3551 2 0.5043 3 0.6203 1 0.3551
+ + + + + + + + +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 3 2 1 1 1 5 0.8660 + 3 0.8185 + 2 0.8485 + 1 1.0149 + 1 1.0149 + 1 1.0149 + 2 1.4560 + + 3 1.8083 + + + 1 1.0149 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11)
+ + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ +
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) R*
20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
-4 -4 -4 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 12
-16 4 4 0 0 0 0 -4 -4 -4 -4 8
12 -8 2 -5 -5 -10 10 -12 8 3 3 4
12 -8 2 -5 -5 10 -10 8 -12 3 3 4
12 2 -8 -10 10 -5 -5 3 3 -12 8 4
12 2 -8 10 -10 -5 -5 3 3 8 -12 4
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY WT FACTOR 5 3 2 5 0.5000 + 3 0.2646 + 2 0.4690 + 1 0.6557 1 0.6557 1 0.6557 1 0.6557 2 0.8485 3 1.1705 4 1.3711 1 0.6557
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
FACTORS FOR LEVEL-2 STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 5 0.8660 + 3 0.8185 + 2 0.8485 + 1 1.0149 + 1 1.0149 + 1 1.0149 + 1 1.0149 + (2 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:11:51 PM]
2 3 4 1
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12)
+ + + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ +
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) R*
2 0 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 5
0 -6 1 1 1 1 1 1 -2 0 0 0 3
-2 6 -2 -2 -2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
2 -4 0 0 0 -2 -2 -2 2 0 0 0 2
0 -2 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 -4 2 0 -2 1
0 -2 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -4 -2 2 0 1
0 -2 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -4 0 -2 2 1
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY WT FACTOR 5 3 2 5 0.3162 + 3 0.6782 + 2 0.7483 + 2 0.6000 1 0.5831 1 0.5831 1 0.5831 3 0.8124 4 1.1136 1 0.5831
+ + + + + + + + + +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 5 0.8660 + 3 0.8185 + 2 0.8485 + 2 1.0583 + 1 1.0149 + 1 1.0149 + 1 1.0149 + 3 1.5067 + + 4 1.8655 + + + 1 1.0149 + (2 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:11:57 PM]
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12)
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + -
+ +
+ -
Y(1) Y(2)
232 384
325 151
123 401
8 108
-37 73
135 105
-1 101
1 -101
Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) R*
204 -120 234 164 -558 -598 443 194 473 -676 120
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY WT FACTOR 5 4 4 5 1.2095 + 4 0.8610 + 4 0.9246 + 3 0.9204 2 0.8456 2 1.4444 1 0.5975 1 0.5975 4 1.5818 7 1.7620 11 2.5981 + 15 3.3153 + + 20 4.4809 + + + 0 1.1950
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 5 2.1380 + 4 1.4679 + 4 1.4952 + 3 1.2785 + 2 1.2410 + 2 1.0170 + 1 0.7113 + 1 0.7113 + 4 1.6872 + + 7 2.4387 + + + 11 3.4641 + + + + 15 4.4981 + + + + + (2 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:11:57 PM]
20 0
6.2893 1.4226
+ + -
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11)
+ + + +
+ + +
+ + -
+ +
+ + = 4
Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) R*
30 -30 30 0 30 -30 0 0 0 0 60
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING WT FACTOR 5 5 5 0.6124 + 5 0.6124 + 2 0.5431 2 0.5431 1 0.5370 1 0.5370 1 0.5370 1 0.5370 2 0.6733 4 0.8879 6 0.8446 11 1.0432 + 16 0.8446 + + 1 0.5370 FACTORS FOR COMPUTING WT FACTOR 5 5 5 0.7071 + 5 0.7071 + 2 1.0392 2 1.0392 1 1.0100 1 1.0100 1 1.0100 1 1.0100 2 1.4422 4 1.8221 6 2.1726 11 2.2847 +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
16 1
2.1726 1.0100
+ +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
-1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1
-2 -2 2 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
-3 -3 -2 -2 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 -1 -1 -2 -2 3 -2 -2 3
1 1 -1 -1 -2 3 -2 -2 3 -2
1 1 -1 -1 3 -2 -2 3 -2 -2
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY WT FACTOR 5 5 3 5 0.3162 + 5 0.3162 + 3 0.4690 + 2 0.5657 1 0.6164 1 0.6164 1 0.6164 3 0.7874 6 0.8246 + 11 0.8832 + + 16 0.8246 + + + 1 0.6164
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 5 5 3 2 1 1 1 5 0.7071 + 5 0.7071 + 3 1.0863 + 2 1.0392 + 1 1.0100 + 1 1.0100 + 1 1.0100 + 3 1.4765 + + 6 1.9287 + + + 11 2.0543 + + + + 16 1.9287 + + + + + 1 1.0100 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12)
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 6
-1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
0 0 0 -6 0 0 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 -6 0 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 -6 0 0 0 6
-6 0 0 0 0 0 -6 0 0 6
0 -6 0 0 0 0 0 -6 0 6
0 0 -6 0 0 0 0 0 -6 6
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 K1 0.2887 0.2887 0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 0.7071 1.0000 1.2247 1.4142 1.5811 1.7321 0.7071 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + +
+ + +
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 K2 0.7071 0.7071 1.2247 1.2247 1.2247 1.2247 1.2247 1.2247 2.0000 2.7386 3.4641 4.1833 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ +
6 1
4.8990 1.2247
+ +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
+ + + +
+ + +
+ + + -
+ +
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) R*
3 3 3 1 -2 -2 -2 0 0 0 15
-3 -3 -3 -1 2 2 2 0 0 0 10
-4 1 1 -3 -4 -4 1 5 5 0 5
1 -4 1 -3 -4 1 -4 -5 0 5 5
1 1 -4 -3 1 -4 -4 0 -5 -5 5
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 K1 0.2530 0.2530 0.4195 0.4195 0.4195 0.5514 0.6197 0.4195 3 + 2 + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 K2 0.7211 0.7211 1.0392 1.0392 1.0392 1.5232 1.9287 1.0392 3 + 2 + + + + + + + + + + 1 1 1
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Mass weights
+ + + + + +
+ + + + +
Y(1) Y(2)
0 0
-12 -12
-12 -12
-16 -8
-8 -16
0 0 0 0 0 24
-9 -3 -9 -3 6 48
-3 -9 -3 -9 -6 48
-4 4 4 -4 0 24
4 -4 -4 4 0 24
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT 2 2 1 1 4 5 6 1 K1 0.9354 0.9354 0.8165 0.8165 1.7321 2.3805 3.0000 0.8165 1 2 + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1
FACTORS FOR BETWEEN-DAY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT 2 2 1 1 4 5 6 1 K2 2.2361 2.2361 1.4142 1.4142 4.2426 5.2915 6.3246 1.4142 1 2 + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 1
The designs in this catalog are constructed so that the solutions are immune to linear drift if the measurements are equally spaced over time. The size of the drift is the average of the n difference measurements. Keeping track of drift from design to design is useful because a marked change from its usual range of values may indicate a problem with the measurement system. Mechanical measurements on gauge blocks take place successively with one block being inserted into the comparator followed by a second block and so on. This scenario leads to the assumption that the individual measurements are subject to drift (Doiron). Doiron lists designs meeting this criterion which also allow for: q two master blocks, R1 and R2 q one check standard = difference between R1 and R2 q one - nine test blocks The designs are constructed to: q Be immune to linear drift q Minimize the standard deviations for test blocks (as much as possible) q Spread the measurements on each block throughout the design q Be completed in 5-10 minutes to keep the drift at the 5 nm level Because of the large number of gauge blocks that are being intercompared and the need to eliminate drift, the Doiron designs are not completely balanced with respect to the test blocks. Therefore, the standard deviations are not equal for all blocks. If all the blocks are being calibrated for use in one facility, it is easiest to quote the largest of the standard deviations for all blocks rather than try to maintain a separate record on each block.
At the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the first two blocks in the design are NIST masters which are designated R1 and R2, respectively. The R1 block is a steel block, and the R2 block is a chrome-carbide block. If the test blocks are steel, the reference is R1; if the test blocks are chrome-carbide, the reference is R2. The check standard is always the difference between R1 and R2 as estimated from the design and is independent of R1 and R2. The designs are listed in this section of the catalog as: 1. Doiron design for 3 gauge blocks - 6 measurements 2. Doiron design for 3 gauge blocks - 9 measurements 3. Doiron design for 4 gauge blocks - 8 measurements 4. Doiron design for 4 gauge blocks - 12 measurements 5. Doiron design for 5 gauge blocks - 10 measurements 6. Doiron design for 6 gauge blocks - 12 measurements 7. Doiron design for 7 gauge blocks - 14 measurements 8. Doiron design for 8 gauge blocks - 16 measurements 9. Doiron design for 9 gauge blocks - 18 measurements 10. Doiron design for 10 gauge blocks - 20 measurements 11. Doiron design for 11 gauge blocks - 22 measurements
Historical designs for gauge blocks (Cameron and Hailes) work on the assumption that the difference measurements are contaminated by linear drift. This assumption is more restrictive and covers the case of drift in successive measurements but produces fewer designs. The Cameron/Hailes designs meeting this criterion allow for: q two reference (master) blocks, R1 and R2 q check standard = difference between the two master blocks and assign equal uncertainties to values of all test blocks. The designs are listed in this section of the catalog as: 1. Cameron-Hailes design for 2 masters + 2 test blocks 2. Cameron-Hailes design for 2 masters + 3 test blocks 3. Cameron-Hailes design for 2 masters + 4 test blocks 4. Cameron-Hailes design for 2 masters + 5 test blocks
The check standards for the designs in this section are not artifact standards but constructions from the design. The value of one master block or the average of two master blocks is the restraint for the design, and values for the masters, R1 and R2, are estimated from a set of measurements taken according to the design. The check standard value is the difference between the estimates, R1 and R2. Measurement control is exercised by comparing the current value of the check standard with its historical average.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
+ +
+ + + + -
0 0 0
-2 1 1
-1 2 -1
0 0 0 6
2 -1 -1 6
1 1 -2 6
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS NOM FACTOR 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.5774 + 1 0.5774 + 1 0.5774 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
+ + +
+ + + -
+ + + -
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 9 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) R(1) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 -2 -1 -1 2 1 1 2 -1 -1 9 1 -1 1 -2 1 2 -1 1 1 -2 9
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 8 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) R* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 -3 1 1 1 3 -1 -1 -1 8 1 -2 2 2 -2 2 -2 -2 2 8 1 -1 -1 3 -1 1 1 -3 1 8
1 1 1 1 1
+ + + + +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 8 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -2 1 0 2 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 0 1 -1 1 1 1 -1 0 -2 0 -1 1 2 -1 1 -1 2 -1 1 0 1 -1 -1 -2 0 1 1
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS NOM FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.5000 + 1 0.5000 + 1 0.5000 + 1 0.5000 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 90 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) R* 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 1 -50 20 -10 -20 0 -10 10 -20 10 20 90 1 -10 4 -29 5 -18 -11 29 14 11 -5 90 1 -10 -14 -11 5 18 -29 11 -4 29 -5 90 1 -30 30 -15 15 0 -15 15 -30 15 -15 90
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS NOM FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.7454 + 1 0.5676 + 1 0.5676 + 1 0.7071 + 1 0.7454 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 360 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -136 -4 -20 4 -60 20 -76 64 40 72 60 76 1 -96 -24 -120 24 0 120 -96 24 -120 72 0 96 1 -76 -79 -35 -11 75 -55 -61 4 -20 72 15 151 1 -72 72 0 -72 0 0 -72 -72 0 144 0 72 1 -76 11 55 79 -15 35 -151 4 -20 72 -75 61
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS NOM FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.6146 + 1 0.7746 + 1 0.6476 + 1 0.6325 + 1 0.6476 + 1 0.6146 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
PARAMETER VALUES DIVISOR = 1015 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -406 0 0 203 -203 0 203 0 0 203 1 -203 -35 175 -116 -229 -175 -61 305 220 319 1 -203 -210 35 29 -214 -35 -221 90 15 174 1 -203 35 -175 -116 -264 175 -26 130 360 319 1 -203 210 -35 29 -424 35 -11 55 -160 174 1 -203 0 0 -261 -174 0 29 -145 145 464
0 0 0 0 1015
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS NOM FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.6325 + 1 0.7841 + 1 0.6463 + 1 0.7841 + 1 0.6463 + 1 0.6761 + 1 0.6325 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) RESTRAINT
1 +
1 -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) R*
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2852
-1392 60 352 516 -356 92 -148 -416 308 472 476 -104 472 444 104 568 2852
-620 248 124 992 620 0 -992 372 -248 620 -124 -620 620 124 620 -124 2852
-472 -78 -315 470 35 23 335 113 170 955 -191 -150 955 -292 150 -168 2852
-516 96 278 1396 286 -138 -522 190 -648 470 -94 404 470 140 -404 -232 2852
-976 878 255 706 -979 253 -407 995 134 585 -117 -286 585 508 286 136 2852
-824 -112 864 748 -96 -552 -104 16 756 640 -128 4 640 312 -4 -680 2852
-916 -526 289 610 -349 667 -81 177 342 663 -703 -134 663 956 134 -36 2852
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.6986 + 1 0.7518 + 1 0.5787 + 1 0.6996 + 1 0.8313 + 1 0.7262 + 1 0.7534 + 1 0.6986 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) Y(17) Y(18) RESTRAINT
1 +
1 -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 8247 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) 1 0 0 1 -3680 -696 1 -2305 -1422 1 -2084 -681 1 -1175 -1029 1 -1885 -984 1 -1350 -2586 1 -1266 -849 1 -654 1203
Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) Y(17) Y(18) R*
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8247
1375 -909 619 -1596 955 612 1175 199 654 91 2084 1596 175 -654 -420 84 8247
-3139 -222 1004 -417 2828 966 1666 -1276 1194 494 1888 417 950 -1194 -2280 456 8247
196 -1707 736 1140 496 741 1517 1036 711 -65 3224 -1140 -125 -711 300 -60 8247
-491 1962 -329 342 -401 1047 3479 -239 1038 -1394 1517 -342 -1412 -1038 90 -18 8247
-1279 -432 2771 303 971 1434 1756 -3226 1209 887 2188 -303 437 -1209 2250 -450 8247
-1266 675 -378 42 -1689 852 2067 -801 1719 504 1392 -42 2238 -1719 -423 1734 8247
-894 633 -1674 186 -411 2595 2085 -1191 1722 2232 1452 -186 486 -1722 483 -1746 8247
-540 327 -513 57 -525 -1200 1038 -498 2922 684 711 -57 681 -2922 15 -3 8247
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS NOM FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.6680 + 1 0.8125 + 1 0.6252 + 1 0.6495 + 1 0.8102 + 1 0.7225 + 1 0.7235 + 1 0.5952 + 1 0.6680 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) Y(17) Y(18) Y(19) Y(20) RESTRAINT
1 +
1 -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + -
+ + + + -
+ -
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 33360 OBSERVATIONS 1 Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) 0 0 0 1 -15300 1260 -960 1 -9030 1594 -2856 1 -6540 1716 -7344 1 -5970 3566 -2664 1 -9570 3470 -1320 1 -7770 9078 -1992 1 -6510 -5678 -1128 1 -9240 -24 336
Y(4) 0 Y(5) 0 Y(6) 0 Y(7) 0 Y(8) 0 Y(9) 0 Y(10) 0 Y(11) 0 Y(12) 0 Y(13) 0 Y(14) 0 Y(15) 0 Y(16) 0 Y(17) 0 Y(18) 0 Y(19) 0 Y(20) 0 R* 33360
-3600 6060 2490 -2730 5580 1800 3660 -1800 6270 960 -330 2520 -5970 -1260 570 6510 -5730 33360
-1536 306 8207 809 7218 -2012 1506 -3548 -9251 2856 -391 8748 -7579 -7154 2495 9533 85 33360
816 5856 -1596 -906 -8682 -1187 -1494 -869 11412 6102 -408 -148 -3276 774 408 5708 -3534 -1609 7344 2664 186 -2549 3432 1572 -8766 -15281 -1716 1994 9990 -6515 6642 6007 1410 3455 33360 33360
-9120 -1050 1165 -2885 6630 7340 3990 -1780 455 1320 -7925 1380 -9425 2090 -1475 7735 8975 33360
-1632 -978 2769 903 6366 -7524 2382 -9156 -3357 1992 -2457 1476 -9573 7602 -1215 9651 3435 33360
-1728 -2262 2891 6557 5514 -1916 3258 -3644 -3023 1128 1037 -5796 -6007 118 635 15329 1225 33360
-3744 -8376 588 -8844 8472 1872 9144 -1872 516 -336 6996 -48 -6876 24 1260 8772 1380 33360
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS NOM FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.6772 + 1 0.7403 + 1 0.7498 + 1 0.6768 + 1 0.7456 + 1 0.7493 + 1 0.6779 + 1 0.7267 + 1 0.6961 1 0.6772 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Drift-elimination designs for gage blocks
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 55858 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) -17292 Y(2) 1046 0 0 1 1 1 1 -9944 1 1 1 1 1 1
12644 -11757
Y(3) 487
5082 -968
4446 -1935
Y(4) 0 -1060 Y(5) 0 -2848 Y(6) 0 -18413 Y(7) 0 5803 Y(8) 0 12274 Y(9) 0 -2177 Y(10) 0 -11228 Y(11) 0 1741 Y(12) 0 -2566 Y(13) 0 -6346 Y(14) 0 16185 Y(15) 0 10043 Y(16) 0 -10100 Y(17) 0 2023 Y(18) 0 15064 Y(19) 0 -3237 Y(20) 0 3277 Y(21) 0 11160 Y(22) 0 -3836 R* 55858 55858
12757 -11853
-8778 -12065 -11920 -11832 -23589 -15007 -11819 -12555 -11659 11286 1729 -271 -4734 -7354 6785 19965 3048 3471 12510 -1357 -4374 62 -1414 2330 -8580 1376 -1072 9606 -466 -3041 2942 -3919 -14184 11102 2040 -180 -2526 -3871 604 -1162 4680 2904 -1911 -1434 24209 -936 4649 2554
-3608 -13906 -6006 -10794 -9460 5588 -792 -682 10384 1892 5522 1760 -1606 55858 1748 10824 5803 6196 12217 10822 3479
8582 -18954 2450 88 1327 3188 11659 -490 -13 -692 11930 55858 2790 6028 5843
R* = Value of the reference standard FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS NOM FACTOR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.6920 + 1 0.8113 + 1 0.8013 + 1 0.6620 + 1 0.6498 + 1 0.7797 + 1 0.7286 + 1 0.8301 + 1 0.6583 1 0.6920 +
A constant bias, P, does not contaminate the estimates for the individual cells.
Designs are given for the following classes of electrical artifacts. These designs are left-right balanced and may be appropriate for artifacts other than electrical standards. q Saturated standard reference cells
q q q
Left-right balanced designs for comparing standard cells among themselves where the restraint is over all reference cells are listed below. These designs are not appropriate for assigning values to test cells. Estimates for individual standard cells and the bias term, P, are shown under the heading, 'SOLUTION MATRIX'. These designs also have the advantage of requiring a change of connections to only one cell at a time. 1. Design for 3 standard cells 2. Design for 4 standard cells 3. Design for 5 standard cells 4. Design for 6 standard cells
Test cells
Calibration designs for assigning values to test cells in a common environment on the basis of comparisons with reference cells with known values are shown below. The designs in this catalog are left-right balanced. 1. Design for 4 test cells and 4 reference cells 2. Design for 8 test cells and 8 reference cells
Increasingly, zeners are replacing saturated standard cells as artifacts for maintaining and disseminating the volt. Values are assigned to test zeners, based on a group of reference zeners, using calibration designs. 1. Design for 4 reference zeners and 2 test zeners 2. Design for 4 reference zeners and 3 test zeners
Standard resistors
Designs for comparing standard resistors that are used for maintaining and disseminating the ohm are listed in this section. 1. Design for 3 reference resistors and 1 test resistor 2. Design for 4 reference resistors and 1 test resistor
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
CELLS 1 1 1 + + + + + + + + = + 3
1 1 1 0 -1 -1 0 2
P 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) RESTRAINT
1 + +
1 + +
1 + + +
+ + +
+ + + -
1 1 1 0 0
P 1 1 1 1
0 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 1 2
0 0 -1 -1 0 0 1 0 2
1 1 1 0 0 -1 0 0 2
-1 0 0 1 1 1 0 -1 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING STANDARD DEVIATIONS V FACTOR CELLS 1 1 1 1 1 0.3062 + 1 0.3062 + 1 0.3062 + 1 0.3062 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
+ +
+ + + + + + + +
1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 1
-1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 -1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS V FACTOR CELLS 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4000 + 1 0.4000 + 1 0.4000 + 1 0.4000 + 1 0.4000 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15)
1 + +
1 + +
CELLS 1 1 + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + -
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) R*
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 0 0 1
1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 0 1
1 0 -1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 0 -1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 -1 1
P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING STANDARD DEVIATIONS V FACTOR CELLS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.3727 + 1 0.3727 + 1 0.3727 + 1 0.3727 + 1 0.3727 + 1 0.3727 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) RESTRAINT
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +
Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) R*
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3 -3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
-1 3 3 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 -3 -3 1 1 4
3 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -3 -3 1 1 1 1 4
-1 -1 -1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 -3 -3 4
-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 4
0 -4 0 0 -4 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 4
0 0 -4 -4 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING STANDARD DEVIATIONS V FACTORS CELLS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.4330 + 1 0.4330 + 1 0.4330 + 1 0.4330 + 1 0.5000 + 1 0.5000 + 1 0.5000 + 1 0.5000 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) RESTRAINT
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9)
1 8 -8 4 4 0 0 -4 -4 -6
1 2 2 -6 -6 -6 -6 2 2 0
1 -2 -2 -2 -2 6 6 6 6 4
-6 -6 2 2 2 2 -6 2
6 6 6 6 -2 -2 -2 2
2 2 -6 -6 -6 -6 2 2
-2 -2 -2 -2 6 6 6 2
-4 -4 0 0 4 4 -8 2
8 -8 4 4 0 0 -4 2
4 4 -8 8 -4 -4 0 2
0 0 -4 -4 8 -8 4 2
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) R*
1 -7 -7 3 3 1 1 -5 -5 -7 -5 -5 1 1 3 3 -7 2
1 -5 -5 1 1 3 3 -7 -7 7 -3 -3 -1 -1 5 5 7 2
P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR TEST CELLS V FACTORS TEST CELLS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1726 + 1 1.1726 + 1 1.1726 + 1 1.1726 + 1 1.1726 + 1 1.1726 + 1 1.1726 + 1 1.1726 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16)
1 + +
1 -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ -
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) R*
3 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -3 -3 4
-1 -1 3 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 -3 -3 1 1 4
-1 -1 -1 -1 3 3 -1 -1 1 1 -3 -3 1 1 1 1 4
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 3 3 -3 -3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4
-2 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 4
0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING STANDARD DEVIATIONS V FACTORS ZENERS 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 1 0.4330 + 1 0.4330 + 1 0.4330 + 1 0.4330 + 1 0.3536 + 1 0.3536 + 1 0.2500 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
+ + +
+ -
DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 11 (1 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:12:02 PM]
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(14) Y(15) Y(16) Y(17) Y(18) R*
-196 -160 20 143 143 143 53 53 53 17 17 17 -73 -73 -73 56 20 -160 315
196 -20 160 -53 -53 -53 -143 -143 -143 73 73 73 -17 -17 -17 -56 160 -20 315
-56 160 -20 -17 -17 -17 73 73 73 -143 -143 -143 -53 -53 -53 196 -20 160 315
56 20 -160 -73 -73 -73 17 17 17 53 53 53 143 143 143 -196 -160 20 315
70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 0
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS V 1 1 1 2 3 0 K1 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.7071 0.8660 0.5578 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 + + + + + + + + 1
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
1 + + + +
1 -
+ + + + +
DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 3 SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 6 OBSERVATIONS Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) R 1 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 2 1 -2 1 0 0 -1 2 2 1 1 -2 0 0 2 -1 2 1 1 1 -3 3 -1 -1 2
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING STANDARD DEVIATIONS OHM FACTORS RESISTORS 1 1 1 1 1 0.3333 + 1 0.5270 + 1 0.5270 + 1 0.7817 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for electrical quantities
+ + + + -
+ + + +
+ =
+ 4
3 -1 -1
-1 3 -1
-1 -1 3
-1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1
-1 1 1 1 -3 2
-1 1 1 -3 1 2
-1 1 -3 1 1 2
3 -3 1 1 1 2
-1 1 1 1 1 2
FACTORS FOR COMPUTING STANDARD DEVIATIONS OHM FACTORS 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.6124 + 1 0.6124 + 1 0.6124 + 1 0.6124 + 1 0.3536 +
The diagram shows the trace and Y, the distance from the spindle center to the trace at the angle. A least squares circle fit to data at equally spaced angles gives estimates of P - R, the noncircularity, where R = radius of the circle and P = distance from the center of the circle to the trace.
Some measurements of roundness do not require a high level of precision, such as measurements on cylinders, spheres, and ring gages where roundness is not of primary importance. For this purpose, a single trace is made of the workpiece. The weakness of this method is that the deviations contain both the spindle error and the workpiece error, and these two errors cannot be separated with the single trace. Because the spindle error is usually small and within known limits, its effect can be ignored except when the most precise measurements are needed. High precision measurements of roundness are appropriate where an object, such as a hemisphere, is intended to be used primarily as a roundness standard. The measurement sequence involves making multiple traces of the roundness standard where the standard is rotated between traces. Least-squares analysis of the resulting measurements enables the noncircularity of the spindle to be separated from the profile of the standard. A synopsis of the measurement method and the estimation technique are given in this chapter for: q Single-trace method
Multiple-trace method
The reader is encouraged to obtain a copy of the publication on roundness (Reeve) for a more complete description of the measurement method and analysis.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Roundness measurements
equally spaced angles. A least-squares circle fit to the data gives the following estimators of the parameters of the circle.
Noncircularity of workpiece
The deviation of the trace from the circle at angle , which defines the noncircularity of the workpiece, is estimated by:
The weakness of this method is that the deviations contain both the spindle error and the workpiece error, and these two errors cannot be separated with the single trace. Because the spindle error is usually small and within known limits, its effect can be ignored except when the most precise measurements are needed.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Roundness measurements
Measurement method
Method of n traces
The deviation from the least squares circle (LSC) of the workpiece at position is . the The deviation of the spindle from its LSC at the position is .
For the jth graph, let the three parameters that define the LSC be given by
defining the radius R, a, and b as shown in the graph. In an idealized measurement system these parameters would be constant for all j. In reality, each rotation of the workpiece causes it to shift a small amount vertically and horizontally. To account for this shift, separate parameters are needed for each trace. Correction for obstruction to stylus Let be the observed distance (in polar graph units) from the center
of the jth graph to the point on the curve that corresponds to the position of the spindle. If K is the magnification factor of the instrument in microinches/polar graph unit and is the angle between the lever arm of the stylus and the tangent to the workpiece at the point of contact (which normally can be set to zero if there is no obstruction), the transformed observations to be used in the estimation equations are:
. Estimates for parameters The estimation of the individual parameters is obtained as a least-squares solution that requires six restraints which essentially guarantee that the sum of the vertical and horizontal deviations of the spindle from the center of the LSC are zero. The expressions for the estimators are as follows:
Finally, the standard deviations of the profile estimators are given by:
The computation of the residual standard deviation of the fit requires, first, the computation of the predicted values,
Calibration schematic for five angle blocks showing the reference as block 1 in the center of the diagram, the check standard as block 2 at the top; and the test blocks as blocks 3, 4, and 5.
Block sizes
Angle blocks normally come in sets of 1, 3, 5, 20, and 30 seconds 1, 3, 5, 20, 30 minutes 1, 3, 5, 15, 30, 45 degrees and blocks of the same nominal size from 4, 5 or 6 different sets can be calibrated simultaneously using one of the designs shown in this catalog. q Design for 4 angle blocks
q q
The solution to the calibration design depends on the known value of a reference block, which is compared with the test blocks. The reference block is designated as block 1 for the purpose of this discussion. It is suggested that block 2 be reserved for a check standard that is maintained in the laboratory for quality control purposes. A calibration scheme developed by Charles Reeve (Reeve) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology for calibrating customer angle blocks is explained on this page. The reader is encouraged to obtain a copy of the publication for details on the calibration setup and quality control checks for angle block calibrations. For all of the designs, the measurements are made in groups of seven starting with the measurements of blocks in the following order: 2-3-2-1-2-4-2. Schematically, the calibration design is completed by counter-clockwise rotation of the test blocks about the reference block, one-at-a-time, with 7 readings for each series reduced to 3 difference measurements. For n angle blocks (including the reference block), this amounts to n - 1 series of 7 readings. The series for 4, 5, and 6 angle blocks are shown below.
1: 2: 3: 4:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
Equations for the measurements in the first series showing error sources
The equations explaining the seven measurements for the first series in terms of the errors in the measurement system are:
Z11 = B + X1 + error11 Z12 = B + X2 + d + error12 Z13 = B + X3 + 2d + error13 Z14 = B + X4 + 3d + error14 Z15 = B + X5 + 4d + error15 Z16 = B + X6 + 5d + error16 Z17 = B + X7 + 6d + error17
with B a bias associated with the instrument, d is a linear drift factor, X is the value of the angle block to be determined; and the error terms relate to random errors of measurement.
The check block, C, is measured before and after each test block, and the difference measurements (which are not the same as the difference measurements for calibrations of mass weights, gage blocks, etc.) are constructed to take advantage of this situation. Thus, the 7 readings are reduced to 3 difference measurements for the first series as follows:
For all series, there are 3(n - 1) difference measurements, with the first subscript in the equations above referring to the series number. The difference measurements are free of drift and instrument bias. Design matrix As an example, the design matrix for n = 4 angle blocks is shown below. 1 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 1 1 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 1 1 1 0 0 -1 1 1 1 -1 0 0
The design matrix is shown with the solution matrix for identification purposes only because the least-squares solution is weighted (Reeve) to account for the fact that test blocks are measured twice as many times as the reference block. The weight matrix is not shown.
Solutions to the angle block designs are shown on the following pages. The solution matrix and factors for the repeatability standard deviation are to be interpreted as explained in solutions to calibration designs . As an example, the solution for the design for n=4 angle blocks is as follows: The solution for the reference standard is shown under the first column of the solution matrix; for the check standard under the second column; for the first test block under the third column; and for the second test block under the fourth column. Notice that the estimate for the reference block is guaranteed to be R*, regardless of the measurement results, because of the restraint that is imposed on the design. Specifically,
Solutions are correct only for the restraint as shown. Calibrations can be run for top and bottom faces of blocks The calibration series is run with the blocks all face "up" and is then repeated with the blocks all face "down", and the results averaged. The difference between the two series can be large compared to the repeatability standard deviation, in which case a between-series component of variability must be included in the calculation of the standard deviation of the reported average.
Calculation of standard deviations when the blocks are measured in two orientations
For n blocks, the differences between the values for the blocks measured in the top ( denoted by "t") and bottom (denoted by "b") positions are denoted by:
The standard deviation of the average (for each block) is calculated from these differences to be:
Standard deviations when the blocks are measured in only one orientation
If the blocks are measured in only one orientation, there is no way to estimate the between-series component of variability and the standard deviation for the value of each block is computed as stest = K1s1 where K1 is shown under "Factors for computing repeatability standard deviations" for each design and is the repeatability standard deviation as estimated from the design. Because this standard deviation may seriously underestimate the uncertainty, a better approach is to estimate the standard deviation from the data on the check standard over time. An expanded uncertainty is computed according to the ISO guidelines.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for angle blocks
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 24 OBSERVATIONS Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(21) Y(22) Y(23) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2.2723000 9.3521166 2.2723000 -5.0516438 7.3239479 -1.2206578 1 -5.0516438 7.3239479 -1.2206578 -1.2206578 7.3239479 -5.0516438 1 -1.2206578 7.3239479 -5.0516438 2.2723000 9.3521166 2.2723000
0 0 0 1
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS SIZE K1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.9749 + 1 0.9749 + 1 0.9749 + 1 0.9749 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for angle blocks
+ +
SOLUTION MATRIX DIVISOR = 24 OBSERVATIONS Y(11) Y(12) 1 1 3.26463 7.95672 1 -5.48893 5.38908 1 -0.21200 5.93802 1 -1.56370 4.71618
0.00000 0.00000
Y(13) Y(21) Y(22) Y(23) Y(31) Y(32) Y(33) Y(41) Y(42) Y(43) R*
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.
2.48697 -5.48893 5.38908 -0.89818 -0.21200 5.93802 -4.80276 -1.56370 4.71618 -0.78603 1.
-0.89818 -0.21200 5.93802 -4.80276 -1.56370 4.71618 -0.78603 3.26463 7.95672 2.48697 1.
-4.80276 -1.56370 4.71618 -0.78603 3.26463 7.95672 2.48697 -5.48893 5.38908 -0.89818 1.
-0.78603 3.26463 7.95672 2.48697 -5.48893 5.38908 -0.89818 -0.21200 5.93802 -4.80276 1.
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS SIZE K1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.7465 + 1 0.7465 + 1 0.7456 + 1 0.7456 + 1 0.7465 +
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Designs for angle blocks
+ +
= 10
Y(11) Y(12) Y(13) Y(21) Y(22) Y(23) Y(31) Y(32) Y(33) Y(41) Y(42) Y(43) Y(51) Y(52) Y(53) R*
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.
3.2929 6.9974 3.2687 -5.2312 4.6324 -0.7721 -0.7507 4.6495 -5.2098 -0.6445 3.8668 -0.6202 -0.6666 3.8540 -0.6666 1.
-5.2312 4.6324 -0.7721 -0.7507 4.6495 -5.2098 -0.6445 3.8668 -0.6202 -0.6666 3.8540 -0.6666 3.2929 6.9974 3.2687 1.
-0.7507 4.6495 -5.2098 -0.6445 3.8668 -0.6202 -0.6666 3.8540 -0.6666 3.2929 6.9974 3.2687 -5.2312 4.6324 -0.7721 1.
-0.6445 3.8668 -0.6202 -0.6666 3.8540 -0.6666 3.2929 6.9974 3.2687 -5.2312 4.6324 -0.7721 -0.7507 4.6495 -5.2098 1.
-0.6666 3.8540 -0.6666 3.2929 6.9974 3.2687 -5.2312 4.6324 -0.7721 -0.7507 4.6495 -5.2098 -0.6445 3.8668 -0.6202 1.
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS SIZE K1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0000 + 1 0.7111 + 1 0.7111 + 1 0.7111 + 1 0.7111 + 1 0.7111 + 1 0.7111 +
where R1, R2, R3 represent the measurements on the standard resistance thermometer and T1, T2, ... , TK and T'1, T'2, ... , T'K represent the pair of measurements on the K test thermometers. Assumptions regarding temperature The assumptions for the analysis are that: q Equal time intervals are maintained between measurements on the test items. q Temperature increases by with each interval.
A temperature change of is allowed for the reading of the resistance thermometer in the middle of the run.
It can be shown (Cameron and Hailes) that the average reading for a test thermometer is its indication at the temperature implied by the average of the three resistance readings. The standard deviation associated with this indication is calculated from difference readings where
Estimates of drift
The estimates of the shift due to the resistance thermometer and temperature drift are given by:
Standard deviations
. The standard deviation of the indication assigned to the ith test thermometer is
and the standard deviation for the estimates of shift and drift are
List of designs
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.4. Catalog of calibration designs Humidity standards
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10)
+ + -
+ -
+ + + + + -
Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8) Y(9) Y(10) R*
2 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 1 1 5
-2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 -1 -1 5
0 0 2 -3 1 1 2 -1 1 -3 5
0 2 -2 -1 1 3 0 -3 1 -1 5
0 -2 0 -1 3 1 -2 -1 3 -1 5
FACTORS FOR REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS WT 1 1 1 2 3 0 K1 0.5477 0.5477 0.5477 0.8944 1.2247 0.6325 1 1 1 1 + + + + + + + 1 +
The short-term standard deviation from each design is the basis for controlling instrument precision. Because the measurements for a single design are completed in a short time span, this standard deviation estimates the basic precision of the instrument. Designs should be chosen to have enough measurements so that the standard deviation from the design has at least 3 degrees of freedom where the degrees of freedom are (n - m + 1) with q n = number of difference measurements q m = number of artifacts. Measurements on a check standard provide the mechanism for controlling the bias and long-term variability of the calibration process. The check standard is treated as one of the test items in the calibration design, and its value as computed from each calibration run is the basis for accepting or rejecting the calibration. All designs cataloged in this Handbook have provision for a check standard. The check standard should be of the same type and geometry as items that are measured in the designs. These artifacts must be stable and available to the calibration process on a continuing basis. There should be a check standard at each critical level of measurement. For example, for mass calibrations there should be check standards at the 1 kg; 100 g, 10 g, 1 g, 0.1 g levels, etc. For gage blocks, there should be check
Check standard
standards at all nominal lengths. A check standard can also be a mathematical construction, such as the computed difference between the calibrated values of two reference standards in a design. Database of check standard values The creation and maintenance of the database of check standard values is an important aspect of the control process. The results from each calibration run are recorded in the database. The best way to record this information is in one file with one line (row in a spreadsheet) of information in fixed fields for each calibration run. A list of typical entries follows: 1. Date 2. Identification for check standard 3. Identification for the calibration design 4. Identification for the instrument 5. Check standard value 6. Repeatability standard deviation from design 7. Degrees of freedom 8. Operator identification 9. Flag for out-of-control signal 10. Environmental readings (if pertinent)
The control procedure compares each new repeatability standard deviation that is recorded for the instrument with an upper control limit, UCL. Usually, only the upper control limit is of interest because we are primarily interested in detecting degradation in the instrument's precision. A possible complication is that the control limit is dependent on the degrees of freedom in the new standard deviation and is computed as follows:
. The quantity under the radical is the upper percentage point from the F table where is chosen small to be, say, 05. The other two terms refer to the degrees of freedom in the new standard deviation and the degrees of freedom in the process standard deviation. Limitation of graphical method The graphical method of plotting every new estimate of repeatability on a control chart does not work well when the UCL can change with each calibration design, depending on the degrees of freedom. The algebraic equivalent is to test if the new standard deviation exceeds its control limit, in which case the short-term precision is judged to be out of control and the current calibration run is rejected. For more guidance, see Remedies and strategies for dealing with out-of-control signals. As long as the repeatability standard deviations are in control, there is reason for confidence that the precision of the instrument has not degraded. Case study: Mass balance precision It is recommended that the repeatability standard deviations be plotted against time on a regular basis to check for gradual degradation in the instrument. Individual failures may not trigger a suspicion that the instrument is in need of adjustment or tuning.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.5. Control of artifact calibration Control of precision
Run the software macro for creating the control chart for balance #12
let f=sqrt(f) let sul=f*scc plot s scc sul vs t Control chart for precision
TIME IN YEARS Interpretation of the control chart The control chart shows that the precision of the balance remained in control through 1990 with only two violations of the control limits. For those occasions, the calibrations were discarded and repeated. Clearly, for the second violation, something significant occurred that invalidated the calibration results. However, it is also clear from the pattern of standard deviations over time that the precision of the balance was gradually degrading and more and more points were approaching the control limits. This finding led to a decision to replace this balance for high accuracy calibrations.
For a Shewhart control procedure, the average and standard deviation of historical check standard values are the parameters of interest
The baseline is the process average which is computed from the check standard values as
The control limits depend on the tdistribution and the degrees of freedom in the process standard deviation Run software macro for computing the t-factor
If has been computed from historical data, the upper and lower control limits are:
with denoting the upper critical value from the t-table with v = (K - 1) degrees of freedom. Dataplot can compute the value of the t-statistic. For a conservative case with = 0.05 and K = 6, the commands
return the following value: THE COMPUTED VALUE OF THE CONSTANT T = 0.2570583E+01 Simplification for large degrees of freedom The control procedure is invoked in real-time and a failure implies that the current calibration should be rejected It is standard practice to use a value of 3 instead of a critical value from the t-table, given the process standard deviation has large degrees of freedom, say, v > 15.
The control procedure compares the check standard value, C, from each calibration run with the upper and lower control limits. This procedure should be implemented in real time and does not necessarily require a graphical presentation. The check standard value can be compared algebraically with the control limits. The calibration run is judged to be out-of-control if either:
Actions to be taken
If the check standard value exceeds one of the control limits, the process is judged to be out of control and the current calibration run is rejected. The best strategy in this situation is to repeat the calibration to see if the failure was a chance occurrence. Check standard values that remain in control, especially over a period of time, provide confidence that no new biases have been introduced into the measurement process and that the long-term variability of the process has not changed. Out-of-control signals, particularly if they recur, can be symptomatic of one of the following conditions: q Change or damage to the reference standard(s) q Change or damage to the check standard q Change in the long-term variability of the calibration process For more guidance, see Remedies and strategies for dealing with out-of-control signals.
If the tests for control are carried out algebraically, it is recommended that, at regular intervals, the check standard values be plotted against time to check for drift or anomalies in the measurement process.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.5. Control of artifact calibration Control of bias and long-term variability
Run the software macro for creating the Shewhart control chart
let ll=cc-3*sd characters * blank blank blank * blank blank blank lines blank solid dotted dotted blank solid dotted dotted plot y cc ul ll vs t .end of calculations Control chart of measurements of kilogram check standard showing a change in the process after 1985
The control chart shows only two violations of the control limits. For those occasions, the calibrations were discarded and repeated. The configuration of points is unacceptable if many points are close to a control limit and there is an unequal distribution of data points on the two sides of the control chart -indicating a change in either: q process average which may be related to a change in the reference standards or q variability which may be caused by a change in the instrument precision or may be the result of other factors on the measurement process. Unfortunately, it takes time for the patterns in the data to emerge because individual violations of the control limits do not necessarily point to a permanent shift in the process. The Shewhart control chart is not powerful for detecting small changes, say of the order of at most one standard deviation, which appears to be approximately the case in this application. This level of change might seem insignificant, but the calculation of uncertainties for the calibration process depends on the control limits.
Re-establishing the limits based on recent data and EWMA option Run continuation of software macro for updating Shewhart control chart
If the limits for the control chart are re-calculated based on the data after 1985, the extent of the change is obvious. Because the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart is capable of detecting small changes, it may be a better choice for a high precision process that is producing many control values.
Dataplot commands for updating the control chart are as follows: let ybar2=mean y subset t > 85 let sd2=standard deviation y subset t > 85 let n = size y let cc2=ybar2 for i = 1 1 n let ul2=cc2+3*sd2 let ll2=cc2-3*sd2 plot y cc ul ll vs t subset t < 85 and plot y cc2 ul2 ll2 vs t subset t > 85
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.5. Control of artifact calibration Control of bias and long-term variability
The EWMA control chart can be made sensitive to small changes or a gradual drift in the process by the choice of the weighting factor, . A weighting factor between 0.2 - 0.3 has been suggested for this purpose (Hunter), and 0.15 is another popular choice. The target or center line for the control chart is the average of historical data. The upper (UCL) and lower (LCL) limits are
where s is the standard deviation of the historical data; the function under the radical is a good approximation to the component of the standard deviation of the EWMA statistic that is a function of time; and k is the multiplicative factor, defined in the same manner as for the Shewhart control chart, which is usually taken to be 3.
Example of EWMA chart for check standard data for kilogram calibrations showing multiple violations of the control limits for the EWMA statistics
The target (average) and process standard deviation are computed from the check standard data taken prior to 1985. The computation of the EWMA statistic begins with the data taken at the start of 1985. In the control chart below, the control data after 1985 are shown in green, and the EWMA statistics are shown as black dots superimposed on the raw data. The control limits are calculated according to the equation above where the process standard deviation, s = 0.03065 mg and k = 3. The EWMA statistics, and not the raw data, are of interest in looking for out-of-control signals. Because the EWMA statistic is a weighted average, it has a smaller standard deviation than a single control measurement, and, therefore, the EWMA control limits are narrower than the limits for a Shewhart control chart.
Run the software macro for creating the Shewhart control chart
Dataplot commands for creating the control chart are as follows: dimension 500 30 skip 4 read mass.dat x id y bal s ds let n = number y let cutoff = 85.0 let tag = 2 for i = 1 1 n let tag = 1 subset x < cutoff xlimits 75 90 let m = mean y subset tag 1 let s = sd y subset tag 1 let lambda = .2 let fudge = sqrt(lambda/(2-lambda)) let mean = m for i = 1 1 n
let upper = mean + 3*fudge*s let lower = mean - 3*fudge*s let nm1 = n-1 let start = 106 let pred2 = mean loop for i = start 1 nm1 let ip1 = i+1 let yi = y(i) let predi = pred2(i) let predip1 = lambda*yi + (1-lambda)*predi let pred2(ip1) = predip1 end loop char * blank * circle blank blank char size 2 2 2 1 2 2 char fill on all lines blank dotted blank solid solid solid plot y mean versus x and plot y pred2 lower upper versus x subset x > cutoff Interpretation of the control chart The EWMA control chart shows many violations of the control limits starting at approximately the mid-point of 1986. This pattern emerges because the process average has actually shifted about one standard deviation, and the EWMA control chart is sensitive to small changes.
Data collection Assumptions Conditions that can invalidate the calibration procedure Data analysis and model validation Calibration of future measurements Uncertainties of calibrated values
Instrument calibration is intended to eliminate or reduce bias in an instrument's readings over a range for all continuous values. For this purpose, reference standards with known values for selected points covering the range of interest are measured with the instrument in question. Then a functional relationship is established between the values of the standards and the corresponding measurements. There are two basic situations.
The instrument reads in the same units as the reference standards. The purpose of the calibration is to identify and eliminate any bias in the instrument relative to the defined unit of measurement. For example, optical imaging systems that measure the width of lines on semiconductors read in micrometers, the unit of interest. Nonetheless, these instruments must be calibrated to values of reference standards if line width measurements across the industry are to agree with each other.
The instrument reads in different units than the reference standards. The purpose of the calibration is to convert the instrument readings to the units of interest. An example is densitometer measurements that act as surrogates for measurements of radiation dosage. For this purpose, reference standards are irradiated at several dosage levels and then measured by radiometry. The same reference standards are measured by densitometer. The calibrated results of future densitometer readings on medical devices are the basis for deciding if the devices have been sterilized at the proper radiation level.
The calibration method is the same for both situations and requires the following basic steps: q Selection of reference standards with known values to cover the range of interest. q Measurements on the reference standards with the instrument to be calibrated. q Functional relationship between the measured and known values of the reference standards (usually a least-squares fit to the data) called a calibration curve. q Correction of all measurements by the inverse of the calibration curve. A schematic explanation is provided by the figure below for load cell calibration. The loadcell measurements (shown as *) are plotted on the y-axis against the corresponding values of known load shown on the y-axis. A quadratic fit to the loadcell data produces the calibration curve that is shown as the solid line. For a future measurement with the load cell, Y' = 1.344 on the y-axis, a dotted line is drawn through Y' parallel to the x-axis. At the point where it intersects the calibration curve, another dotted line is drawn parallel to the y-axis. Its point of intersection with the x-axis at X' = 13.417 is the calibrated value.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime
Y denotes a measurement on a reference standard X denotes the known value of a reference standard
denotes measurement error.
q q
There are several models for calibration curves that can be considered for instrument calibration. They fall into the following classes: q Linear:
Warning on excluding the intercept term from the model Quadratic model and higher order polynomials
A plot of the data, although always recommended, is not sufficient for identifying the correct model for the calibration curve. Instrument responses may not appear non-linear over a large interval. If the response and the known values are in the same units, differences from the known values should be plotted versus the known values. The power model is appropriate when the measurement error is proportional to the response rather than being additive. It is frequently used for calibrating instruments that measure dosage levels of irradiated materials. The power model is a special case of a non-linear model that can be linearized by a natural logarithm transformation to
so that the model to be fit to the data is of the familiar linear form
where W, Z and e are the transforms of the variables, Y, X and the measurement error, respectively, and a' is the natural logarithm of a. Non-linear models and their limitations Instruments whose responses are not linear in the coefficients can sometimes be described by non-linear models. In some cases, there are theoretical foundations for the models; in other cases, the models are developed by trial and error. Two classes of non-linear functions that have been shown to have practical value as calibration functions are: 1. Exponential 2. Rational Non-linear models are an important class of calibration models, but they have several significant limitations. q The model itself may be difficult to ascertain and verify. q There can be severe computational difficulties in estimating the coefficients. q Correction for bias cannot be applied algebraically and can only be approximated by interpolation. q Uncertainty analysis is very difficult.
An exponential function is shown in the equation below. Instruments for measuring the ultrasonic response of reference standards with various levels of defects (holes) that are submerged in a fluid are described by this function.
A rational function is shown in the equation below. Scanning electron microscope measurements of line widths on semiconductors are described by this function (Kirby).
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime
Rule of thumb
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime
Poor instrument precision or unsuspected day-to-day effects may result in standard deviations that are large enough to jeopardize the calibration. There is nothing intrinsic to the calibration procedure that will improve precision, and the best strategy, before committing to a particular instrument, is to estimate the instrument's precision in the environment of interest to decide if it is good enough for the precision required. Outliers in the calibration data can seriously distort the calibration curve, particularly if they lie near one of the endpoints of the calibration interval. q Isolated outliers (single points) should be deleted from the calibration data. q An entire day's results which are inconsistent with the other data should be examined and rectified before proceeding with the analysis.
It is possible for different operators to produce measurements with biases that differ in sign and magnitude. This is not usually a problem for automated instrumentation, but for instruments that depend on line of sight, results may differ significantly by operator. To diagnose this problem, measurements by different operators on the same artifacts are plotted and compared. Small differences among operators can be accepted as part of the imprecision of the measurement process, but large systematic differences among operators require resolution. Possible solutions are to retrain the operators or maintain separate calibration curves by operator. The calibration procedure, once established, relies on the instrument continuing to respond in the same way over time. If the system drifts or takes unpredictable excursions, the calibrated values may not be properly corrected for bias, and depending on the direction of change, the calibration may further degrade the accuracy of the measurements. To assure that future measurements are properly corrected for bias, the calibration procedure should be coupled with a statistical control procedure for the instrument. An important point, but one that is rarely considered, is that there can be differences in responses from repetition to repetition that will invalidate the analysis. A plot of the aggregate of the calibration data may not identify changes in the instrument response from day-to-day. What is needed is a plot of the fine structure of the data that exposes any day to day differences in the calibration data.
Example of differences among repetitions in the calibration data Warning calibration can fail because of day-to-day changes
A straight-line fit to the aggregate data will produce a 'calibration curve'. However, if straight lines fit separately to each day's measurements show very disparate responses, the instrument, at best, will require calibration on a daily basis and, at worst, may be sufficiently lacking in control to be usable.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime What can go wrong with the calibration procedure
This plot shows measurements made on 10 reference materials repeated on four days with the 4 points for each day overlapping
This plot shows the differences between each measurement and the corresponding reference value. Because days are not identified, the plot gives no indication of problems in the control of the imaging system from from day to day.
REFERENCE VALUES (m) This plot, with linear calibration lines fit to each day's measurements individually, shows how the response of the imaging system changes dramatically from day to day. Notice that the slope of the calibration line goes from positive on day 1 to (2 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:12:15 PM]
negative on day 3.
REFERENCE VALUES (m) Interpretation of calibration findings Given the lack of control for this measurement process, any calibration procedure built on the average of the calibration data will fail to properly correct the system on some days and invalidate resulting measurements. There is no good solution to this problem except daily calibration.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime
F-ratio for judging the adequacy of the model. Coefficients and their standard deviations and associated t values
RESIDUAL STANDARD DEVIATION = 0.0000376353 RESIDUAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 30 Note: The T-VALUE for a coefficient in the table above is the estimate of the coefficient divided by its standard deviation. The F-ratio is used to test the goodness of the fit to the data F-ratio < 1 always indicates a good fit The F-ratio provides information on the model as a good descriptor of the data. The F-ratio is compared with a critical value from the F-table. An F-ratio smaller than the critical value indicates that all significant structure has been captured by the model.
For the load cell analysis, a plot of the data suggests a linear fit. However, the linear fit gives a very large F-ratio. For the quadratic fit, the F-ratio = 0.3482 with v1 = 8 and v2 = 20 degrees of freedom. The critical value of F(8, 20) = 3.313 indicates that the quadratic function is sufficient for describing the data. A fact to keep in mind is that an F-ratio < 1 does not need to be checked against a critical value; it always indicates a good fit to the data. Note: Dataplot reports a probability associated with the F-ratio (6.334%), where a probability > 95% indicates an F-ratio that is significant at the 5% level. Other software may report in other ways; therefore, it is necessary to check the interpretation for each package.
The t-values can be compared with critical values from a t-table. However, for a test at the 5% significance level, a t-value < 2 is a good indicator of non-significance. The t-value for the intercept term, a, is < 2 indicating that the intercept term is not significantly different from zero. The t-values for the linear and quadratic terms are significant indicating that these coefficients are needed in the model. If the intercept is dropped from the model, the analysis is repeated to obtain new estimates for the coefficients, b and c. The residual standard deviation estimates the standard deviation of a single measurement with the load cell.
The residuals (differences between the measurements and their fitted values) from the fit should also be examined for outliers and structure that might invalidate the calibration curve. They are also a good indicator of whether basic assumptions of normality and equal precision for all measurements are valid. If the initial model proves inappropriate for the data, a strategy for improving the model is followed.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime Data analysis and model validation
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime
Y' denotes a future measurement. X' denotes the associated calibrated value.
are the estimates of the coefficients, a,
b, c. b, c.
To apply a correction to a future measurement, Y*, to obtain the calibration value X* requires the inverse of the calibration curve.
Tests for the intercept and slope of calibration curve -- If both conditions hold, no calibration is needed.
Before correcting for the calibration line by the equation above, the intercept and slope should be tested for a=0, and b=1. If both
there is no need for calibration. If, on the other hand only the test for a=0 fails, the error is constant; if only the test for b=1 fails, the errors are related to the size of the reference standards. , is found in the t-table where v is the degrees of The factor, freedom for the residual standard deviation from the calibration curve, and alpha is chosen to be small, say, 0.05. The inverse of the calibration curve for the quadratic model
requires a root
Power curve
where b and the natural logarithm of a are estimated from the power model transformed to a linear function. Non-linear and other calibration curves For more complicated models, the inverse for the calibration curve is obtained by interpolation from a graph of the function or from predicted values of the function.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime
propagation of error
An example of type A uncertainties of calibrated values from a linear calibration curve are analyzed from measurements on linewidth check standards. Comparison of the uncertainties from check standards and
propagation of error for the linewidth calibration data are also illustrated. An example of the derivation of propagation of error type A uncertainties for calibrated values from a quadratic calibration curve for loadcells is discussed on the next page.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime Uncertainties of calibrated values
The calibration data are instrument responses at known loads (psi), and estimates of the quadratic coefficients, a, b, c, and their associated standard deviations are shown with the analysis. A graph of the calibration curve showing a measurement Y' corrected to X', the proper load (psi), is shown below.
Uncertainty of the calibrated value X' can be evaluated using software capable of algebraic representation
The uncertainty to be evaluated is the uncertainty of the calibrated value, X', computed for any future measurement, Y', made with the calibrated instrument where
The analysis of uncertainty is demonstrated with the software package, Mathematica (Wolfram). The format for inputting the solution to the quadratic calibration curve in Mathematica is as follows: In[10]:= f = (-b + (b^2 - 4 c (a - Y))^(1/2))/(2 c)
Mathematica representation
Partial derivatives
The partial derivatives are computed using the D function. For example, the partial derivative of f with respect to Y is given by: In[11]:= dfdY=D[f, {Y,1}] The Mathematica representation is: Out[11]= 1 ---------------------2 Sqrt[b - 4 c (a - Y)]
The other partial derivatives are computed similarly. In[12]:= dfda=D[f, {a,1}]
a, b, c
Out[12]= 1 -(----------------------) 2 Sqrt[b - 4 c (a - Y)] In[13]:= dfdb=D[f,{b,1}]
Out[14]= 2 -(-b + Sqrt[b - 4 c (a - Y)]) a - Y ------------------------------ - -----------------------2 2 2 c c Sqrt[b - 4 c (a - Y)] The variance of the calibrated value from propagation of error The variance of X' is defined from propagation of error as follows: In[15]:= u2 =(dfdY)^2 (sy)^2 + (dfda)^2 (sa)^2 + (dfdb)^2 (sb)^2 + (dfdc)^2 (sc)^2 The values of the coefficients and their respective standard deviations from the quadratic fit to the calibration curve are substituted in the equation. The standard deviation of the measurement, Y, may not be the same as the standard deviation from the fit to the calibration data if the measurements to be corrected are taken with a different system; here we assume that the instrument to be calibrated has a standard deviation that is essentially the same as the instrument used for collecting the calibration data and the residual standard deviation from the quadratic fit is the appropriate estimate. In[16]:= % /. a -> -0.183980 10^-4 % /. sa -> 0.2450 10^-4 % /. b -> 0.100102 % /. sb -> 0.4838 10^-5 % /. c -> 0.703186 10^-5 % /. sc -> 0.2013 10^-6 % /. sy -> 0.0000376353
Simplification of output
Intermediate outputs from Mathematica, which are not shown, are simplified. (Note that the % sign means an operation on the last output.) Then the standard deviation is computed as the square root of the variance. In[17]:= u2 = Simplify[%] u=u2^.5
Out[24]= 0.100102 2 Power[0.11834 (-1 + --------------------------------) + Sqrt[0.0100204 + 0.0000281274 Y] -9 2.01667 10 -------------------------- + 0.0100204 + 0.0000281274 Y -14 4.05217 10 Power[1.01221 10 10 1.01118 10 Sqrt[0.0100204 + 0.0000281274 Y] + 9 -
142210. (0.000018398 + Y) --------------------------------, 2], 0.5] Sqrt[0.0100204 + 0.0000281274 Y] Input for displaying standard deviations of calibrated values as a function of Y' The standard deviation expressed above is not easily interpreted but it is easily graphed. A graph showing standard deviations of calibrated values, X', as a function of instrument response, Y', is displayed in Mathematica given the following input: In[31]:= Plot[u,{Y,0,2.}]
Graph showing the standard deviations of calibrated values X' for given instrument responses Y' ignoring covariance terms in the propagation of error
The propagation of error shown above is not correct because it ignores the covariances among the coefficients, a, b, c. Unfortunately, some statistical software packages do not display these covariance terms with the other output from the analysis. The variance-covariance terms for the loadcell data set are shown below. a b c 6.0049021-10 -1.0759599-10 4.0191106-12
2.3408589-11 -9.5051441-13
The diagonal elements are the variances of the coefficients, a, off-diagonal elements are the covariance terms. Recomputation of the standard deviation of X'
To account for the covariance terms, the variance of X' is redefined by adding the covariance terms. Appropriate substitutions are made; the standard deviations are recomputed and graphed as a function of instrument response. In[25]:= u2 = u2 + 2 dfda dfdb sab2 + 2 dfda dfdc sac2 + 2 dfdb dfdc sbc2 % /. sab2 -> -1.0759599 10^-10 % /. sac2 -> 4.0191106 10^-12 % /. sbc2 -> -9.5051441 10^-13 u2 = Simplify[%] u = u2^.5 Plot[u,{Y,0,2.}]
The graph below shows the correct estimates for the standard deviation of X' and gives a means for assessing the loss of accuracy that can be incurred by ignoring covariance terms. In this case, the uncertainty is reduced by including covariance terms, some of which are negative. Graph showing the standard deviations of calibrated values, X', for given instrument responses, Y', with covariance terms included in the propagation of error
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime Uncertainties of calibrated values
The check standard values are the raw measurements on the artifacts corrected by the calibration curve. The standard deviation of these values should estimate the uncertainty associated with calibrated values. The success of this method of estimating the uncertainties depends on adequate sampling of the measurement process. As an example, consider measurements of linewidths on photomask standards, made with an optical imaging system and corrected by a linear calibration curve. The three control measurements were made on reference standards with values at the lower, mid-point, and upper end of the calibration interval.
Dataplot commands for computing the standard deviation from the control data are: read linewid2.dat day position x y let b0 = 0.2817 let b1 = 0.9767 let w = ((y - b0)/b1) - x let sdcal = standard deviation w Dataplot returns the following standard deviation THE COMPUTED VALUE OF THE CONSTANT SDCAL = 0.62036246E-01
The standard deviation, 0.062 m, can be compared with a propagation of error analysis.
In addition to the type A uncertainty, there may be other contributors to the uncertainty such as the uncertainties of the values of the reference materials from which the calibration curve was derived.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.6. Instrument calibration over a regime Uncertainties of calibrated values
The calibration data consist of 40 measurements with an optical imaging system on 10 line width artifacts. A linear fit to the data using the software package Omnitab (Omnitab 80 ) gives a calibration curve with the following estimates for the intercept, a, and the slope, b: a .23723513 b .98839599 ------------------------------------------------------RESIDUAL STANDARD DEVIATION = .038654864 BASED ON DEGREES OF FREEDOM 40 2 = 38 with the following variances and covariances: a b 2.2929900-04 -2.9703502-05
The propagation of error is accomplished with the following instructions using the software package Mathematica (Wolfram): f=(y -a)/b dfdy=D[f, {y,1}] dfda=D[f, {a,1}] dfdb=D[f,{b,1}] u2 =dfdy^2 sy^2 + dfda^2 sa2 + dfdb^2 sb2 + 2 dfda dfdb sab2 % /. a-> .23723513 % /. b-> .98839599 % /. sa2 -> 2.2929900 10^-04 % /. sb2 -> 4.5966426 10^-06 % /. sab2 -> -2.9703502 10^-05 % /. sy -> .038654864 u2 = Simplify[%] u = u2^.5 Plot[u, {y, 0, 12}] The output from Mathematica gives the standard deviation of a calibrated value, X', as a function of instrument response: -6 (0.00177907 - 0.0000638092 y + 4.81634 10 2 0.5 y )
Graph showing standard deviation of calibrated value X' plotted as a function of instrument response Y' for a linear calibration
Comparison of the analysis of check standard data, which gives a standard deviation of 0.062 m, and propagation of error, which gives a maximum standard deviation of 0.042 m, suggests that the propagation of error may underestimate the type A uncertainty. The check standard measurements are undoubtedly sampling some sources of variability that do not appear in the formal propagation of error formula.
Data collection
If the calibration is perfect, control values will be randomly distributed about zero and fall within appropriate upper and lower limits on a control chart.
The upper and lower control limits (Croarkin and Varner)) are, respectively,
where s is the residual standard deviation of the fit from the calibration experiment, and is the slope of the linear calibration curve. Values t* The critical value, , can be found in the t* table for p = 3; v is the degrees of freedom for the residual standard deviation; and is equal to 0.05. Dataplot will compute the critical value of the t* statistic. For the case where let let let let let = 0.05, m = 3 and v = 38, say, the commands
return the following value: THE COMPUTED VALUE OF THE CONSTANT TSTAR = 0.2497574E+01 Sensitivity to departure from linearity If
the instrument is in statistical control. Statistical control in this context implies not only that measurements are repeatable within certain limits but also that instrument response remains linear. The test is sensitive to departures from linearity.
An example of measurements of line widths on photomask standards, made with an optical imaging system and corrected by a linear calibration curve, are shown as an example. The three control measurements were made on reference standards with values at the lower, mid-point, and upper end of the calibration interval.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.3. Calibration 2.3.7. Instrument control for linear calibration
Dataplot commands for computing the control limits and producing the control chart are: read linewid.dat day position x y let b0 = 0.2817 let b1 = 0.9767 let s = 0.06826 let df = 38 let alpha = 0.05 let m = 3 let zeta = .5*(1 - exp(ln(1-alpha)/m)) let TSTAR = tppf(zeta, df) let W = ((y - b0)/b1) - x let n = size w let center = 0 for i = 1 1 n let LCL = CENTER + s*TSTAR/b1 let UCL = CENTER - s*TSTAR/b1 characters * blank blank blank lines blank dashed solid solid y1label control values xlabel TIME IN DAYS plot W CENTER UCL LCL vs day
The control measurements show no evidence of drift and are within the control limits except on the fourth day when all three control values are outside the limits. The cause of the problem on that day cannot be diagnosed from the data at hand, but all measurements made on that day, including workload items, should be rejected and remeasured.
The strategy is to conduct and analyze a study that examines the behavior of similar gauges to see if: q They exhibit different levels of precision; q Instruments in the same environment produce equivalent results; q Operators in the same environment produce equivalent results; q Responses of individual gauges are affected by configuration or geometry changes or changes in setup procedures. Other goals are to: q Test the resolution of instruments
q q q q q
Other goals
Test the gauges for linearity Estimate differences among gauges (bias) Estimate differences caused by geometries, configurations Estimate operator biases Incorporate the findings in an uncertainty budget
Number of artifacts
Selection of operators
Selection of gauges
If there is only a small number of gauges in the facility, then all gauges should be included in the study. If the study is intended to represent a larger pool of gauges, then a random sample of I (I > 3) gauges should be chosen for the study.
If the gauges operate at several parameter levels (for example; frequencies), an initial study should be carried out at 1 or 2 levels before a larger study is undertaken. If there are differences in the way that the gauge can be operated, an initial study should be carried out for one or two configurations before a larger study is undertaken.
Time intervals
Simple design for 2 levels of random error Nested design for 2 levels of random error Nested design for 3 levels of random error
In all cases, data collection and analysis are straightforward, and there is no reason to estimate interaction terms when dealing with time-dependent errors. Two levels should be sufficient for characterizing most measurement systems. Three levels are recommended for measurement systems where sources of error are not well understood and have not previously been studied.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.3. Data collection for time-related sources of variability
with the first index identifying the month of measurement and the second index identifying the repetition number.
Analysis of data
The level-1 standard deviation, which describes the basic precision of the gauge, is
with v1 = 2Q degrees of freedom. The level-2 standard deviation, which describes the variability of the measurement process over time, is
with v2 = Q degrees of freedom. Relationship to uncertainty for a test item The standard deviation that defines the uncertainty for a single measurement on a test item, often referred to as the reproducibility standard deviation (ASTM), is given by
There may be other sources of uncertainty in the measurement process that must be accounted for in a formal analysis of uncertainty.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.3. Data collection for time-related sources of variability
Depiction of schedule for making check standard measurements with 4 repetitions per day over K days on the surface of a silicon wafer
K days - 4 repetitions 2-level design for check standard measurements Operator considerations The measurements should be taken with ONE operator. Operator is not usually a consideration with automated systems. However, systems that require decisions regarding line edge or other feature delineations may be operator dependent. Results should be recorded along with pertinent environmental readings and identifications for significant factors. The best way to record this information is in one file with one line or row (on a spreadsheet) of information in fixed fields for each check standard measurement. The check standard measurements are represented by
for the jth repetition on the kth day. The mean for the kth day is
and the (level-1) standard deviation for gauge precision with v = J - 1 degrees of freedom is
Pooling increases the reliability of the estimate of the standard deviation Data analysis of process (level-2) standard deviation
. The level-2 standard deviation of the check standard represents the process variability. It is computed with v = K - 1 degrees of freedom as:
The standard deviation that defines the uncertainty for a single measurement on a test item, often referred to as the reproducibility standard deviation (ASTM), is given by
There may be other sources of uncertainty in the measurement process that must be accounted for in a formal analysis of uncertainty.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.3. Data collection for time-related sources of variability
The following symbols are defined for this chapter: q Level-1 J (J > 1) repetitions q Level-2 K (K > 2) days q Level-3 L (L > 2) runs For the design shown above, J = 4; K = 3 and L = 2. The design can be repeated for: q Q (Q > 2) check standards q I (I > 3) gauges if the intent is to characterize several similar gauges
The design can be truncated at two levels to estimate repeatability and day-to-day variability if there is no reason to estimate longer-term effects. The analysis remains the same through the first two levels.
This design has advantages in ease of use and computation. The number of repetitions at each level need not be large because information is being gathered on several check standards. The measurements should be made with ONE operator. Operator is not usually a consideration with automated systems. However, systems that require decisions regarding line edge or other feature delineations may be operator dependent. If there is reason to believe that results might differ significantly by operator, 'operators' can be substituted for 'runs' in the design. Choose L (L > 2) operators at random from the pool of operators who are capable of making measurements at the same level of precision. (Conduct a small experiment with operators making repeatability measurements, if necessary, to verify comparability of precision among operators.) Then complete the data collection and analysis as outlined. In this case, the level-3 standard deviation estimates operator effect. Be sure that the design is truly nested; i.e., that each operator reports results for the same set of circumstances, particularly with regard to day of measurement so that each operator measures every day, or every other day, and so forth. Randomize with respect to gauges for each check standard; i.e., choose the first check standard and randomize the gauges; choose the second check standard and randomize gauges; and so forth. Record the average and standard deviation from each group of J repetitions by: q check standard q gauge Results should be recorded along with pertinent environmental readings and identifications for significant factors. The best way to record this information is in one file with one line or row (on a spreadsheet) of information in fixed fields for each check standard measurement. A list of typical entries follows. 1. Month 2. Day 3. Year 4. Operator identification 5. Check standard identification 6. Gauge identification 7. Average of J repetitions
Operator considerations
Randomize on gauges
8. Short-term standard deviation from J repetitions 9. Degrees of freedom 10. Environmental readings (if pertinent)
The graph below depicts possible scenarios for a 2-level design (short-term repetitions and days) to illustrate the concepts. Depiction of 2 measurement processes with the same short-term variability over 6 days where process 1 has large between-day variability and process 2 has negligible between-day variability Process 1 Large between-day variability Process 2 Small between-day variability
Distributions of short-term measurements over 6 days where distances from centerlines illustrate between-day variability (1 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:12:30 PM]
An easy way to begin is with a 2-level table with J columns and K rows for the repeatability/reproducibility measurements and proceed as follows: 1. Compute an average for each row and put it in the J+1 column. 2. Compute the level-1 (repeatability) standard deviation for each row and put it in the J+2 column. 3. Compute the grand average and the level-2 standard deviation from data in the J+1 column. 4. Repeat the table for each of the L runs. 5. Compute the level-3 standard deviation from the L grand averages. The measurements from the nested design are denoted by
Equations corresponding to the tabular analysis are shown below. Level-1 repeatability standard deviations, s1lk, are pooled over the K days and L runs. Individual standard deviations with (J - 1) degrees of freedom each are computed from J repetitions as
The level-2 standard deviation, s2l, is pooled over the L runs. Individual standard deviations with (K - 1) degrees of freedom each are computed from K daily averages as
Level-3: A single global standard deviation can be computed from the L-run averages
A level-3 standard deviation with (L - 1) degrees of freedom is computed from the L-run averages as
The standard deviation that defines the uncertainty for a single measurement on a test item is given by
There may be other sources of uncertainty in the measurement process that must be accounted for in a formal analysis of uncertainty.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.4. Analysis of variability
Plot of repeatability standard deviations versus check standard with gauge coded
Typically, we expect the standard deviation to be gauge dependent -- in which case there should be a separate standard deviation for each gauge. If the gauges are all at the same level of precision, the values can be combined over all gauges. Repeatability standard deviations can be pooled over operators, runs, and check standards Basic pooling rules A repeatability standard deviation from J repetitions is not a reliable estimate of the precision of the gauge. Fortunately, these standard deviations can be pooled over days; runs; and check standards, if appropriate, to produce a more reliable precision measure. The table below shows a mechanism for pooling. The pooled repeatability standard deviation, , has LK(J - 1) degrees of freedom for measurements taken over: q J repetitions q K days q L runs The table below gives the mechanism for pooling repeatability standard deviations over days and runs. The pooled value is an average of weighted variances and is shown as the last entry in the right-hand column of the table. The pooling can also cover check standards, if appropriate.
To illustrate the calculations, a subset of data collected in a nested design for one check standard (#140) and one probe (#2362) are shown below. The measurements are resistivity ( readings with six repetitions per day. The individual level-1 standard deviations from the six repetitions and degrees of freedom are recorded in the last two columns of the database.
Run 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Wafer 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140
Probe 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362
Month 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
Day 15 17 18 22 23 24 12 18 19 19 20 21
Op 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
Temp 23.08 23.00 23.01 23.27 23.24 23.13 22.88 22.76 22.79 22.71 22.84 22.94
Average 96.0771 95.9976 96.0148 96.0397 96.0407 96.0445 96.0793 96.1115 96.0803 96.0411 96.0988 96.0482
Stddev 0.1024 0.0943 0.0622 0.0702 0.0627 0.0622 0.0996 0.0533 0.0364 0.0768 0.1042 0.0868
df 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Pooled repeatability standard deviations over days, runs Source of Variability Probe 2362 Degrees of Freedom Standard Deviations Sum of Squares (SS)
run 1 - day 1 run 1 - day 2 run 1 - day 3 run 1 - day 4 run 1 - day 5 run 1 - day 6 run 2 - day 1 run 2 - day 2 run 2 - day 3
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5
dimension 500 30 read mpc411.dat run wafer probe month day op temp avg s1i vi let ssi=vi*s1i*s1i let ss=sum ssi let v = sum vi let s1 = (ss/v)**0.5 print s1 v return the following pooled values for the repeatability standard deviation and degrees of freedom.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.4. Analysis of variability
Run 1 Run 2
0.027280 0.027560
5 5
0.003721 0.003798
Run software macro for computing level-2 standard deviations and pooling over runs
A subset of data (shown on previous page) collected in a nested design on one check standard (#140) with probe (#2362) on six days are analyzed for between-day effects. Dataplot commands to compute the level-2 standard deviations and pool over runs 1 and 2 are:
dimension 500 30 read mpc441.dat run wafer probe mo day op temp y s df let n1 = count y subset run 1 let df1 = n1 - 1 let n2 = count y subset run 2 let df2 = n2 - 1 let v2 = df1 + df2 let s2run1 = standard deviation y subset run 1 let s2run2 = standard deviation y subset run 2 let s2 = df1*(s2run1)**2 + df2*(s2run2)**2 let s2 = (s2/v2)**.5 print s2run1 df1 print s2run2 df2 print s2 v2
Dataplot returns the following level-2 standard deviations and degrees of freedom:
Dataplot output
The level-2 standard deviation is related to the standard deviation for between-day precision and gauge precision by
The size of the day effect can be calculated by subtraction using the formula above once the other two standard deviations have been estimated reliably. Computation of component for days The Dataplot commands:
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.4. Analysis of variability
Advantage of pooling
Example of pooling
Chk std 138 Chk std 139 Chk std 140 Chk std 141 Chk std 142 Sum
1 1 1 1
Pooled value
A subset of data collected in a nested design on one check standard (#140) with probe (#2362) for six days and two runs is analyzed for between-run effects. Dataplot commands to compute the level-3 standard deviation from the averages of 2 runs are:
dimension 30 columns read mpc441.dat run wafer probe mo ... day op temp y s df let y1 = average y subset run 1 let y2 = average y subset run 2 let ybar = (y1 + y2)/2 let ss = (y1-ybar)**2 + (y2-ybar)**2 let v3 = 1 let s3 = (ss/v3)**.5 print s3 v3
Dataplot returns the level-3 standard deviation and degrees of freedom:
Dataplot output
0.2885137E-01 0.1000000E+01
The size of the between-run effect can be calculated by subtraction using the standard deviations for days and gauge precision as
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.4. Analysis of variability
0.48115 Wafer #138 Wafer #139 Wafer #140 Wafer #141 Wafer #142 0.30076 (1 of 2) [7/1/2003 3:12:32 PM]
60 60 60 60 60
Potential problem
Sources of bias
Lack of linearity Drift Hysteresis Differences among gauges Differences among geometries Differences among operators Remedial actions and strategies Resolution
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.5. Analysis of bias Resolution
Resolution Resolution (MSA) is the ability of the measurement system to detect and faithfully indicate small changes in the characteristic of the measurement result. The resolution of the instrument is if there is an equal probability that the indicated value of any artifact, which differs from a reference standard by less than value of the reference. Good versus poor , will be the same as the indicated
A small implies good resolution -- the measurement system can discriminate between artifacts that are close together in value. A large implies poor resolution -- the measurement system can only discriminate between artifacts that are far apart in value.
The number of digits displayed does not indicate the resolution of the instrument. Resolution as stated in the manufacturer's specifications is usually a function of the least-significant digit (LSD) of the instrument and other factors such as timing mechanisms. This value should be checked in the laboratory under actual conditions of measurement. To make a determination in the laboratory, select several artifacts with known values over a range from close in value to far apart. Start with the two artifacts that are farthest apart and make measurements on each artifact. Then, measure the two artifacts with the second largest difference, and so forth, until two artifacts are found which repeatedly give the same result. The difference between the values of these two artifacts estimates the resolution. Resolution
No useful information can be gained from a study on a gauge with poor resolution relative to measurement needs.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.5. Analysis of bias
Y = a + bX + measurement error
where Y is the measurement result and X is the value of the reference standard, produces an estimate of the intercept, a, and the slope, b.
The intercept and bias are estimated using a statistical software package that should provide the following information:
q q q q
Estimates of the intercept and slope, Standard deviations of the intercept and slope Residual standard deviation of the fit F-test for goodness of fit
Tests for the slope and bias are described in the section on instrument calibration. If the slope is different from one, the gauge is non-linear and requires calibration or repair. If the intercept is different from zero, the gauge has a bias. The reference manual on Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) lists possible causes of gauge non-linearity that should be investigated if the gauge shows symptoms of non-linearity. 1. Gauge not properly calibrated at the lower and upper ends of the operating range 2. Error in the value of X at the maximum or minimum range 3. Worn gauge 4. Internal design problems (electronics)
Causes of non-linearity
The requirement of linearity for artifact calibration is not so stringent. Where the gauge is used as a comparator for measuring small differences among test items and reference standards of the same nominal size, as with calibration designs, the only requirement is that the gauge be linear over the small on-scale range needed to measure both the reference standard and the test item. Sometimes it is not economically feasible to correct for the calibration of the gauge ( Turgel and Vecchia). In this case, the bias that is incurred by neglecting the calibration is estimated as a component of uncertainty. Drift
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.5. Analysis of bias Drift
Definition Instruments used as comparators for calibration Drift can be defined (VIM) as a slow change in the response of a gauge. Short-term drift can be a problem for comparator measurements. The cause is frequently heat build-up in the instrument during the time of measurement. It would be difficult, and probably unproductive, to try to pinpoint the extent of such drift with a gauge study. The simplest solution is to use drift-free designs for collecting calibration data. These designs mitigate the effect of linear drift on the results. Long-term drift should not be a problem for comparator measurements because such drift would be constant during a calibration design and would cancel in the difference measurements. Instruments corrected by linear calibration Drift in direct reading instruments and uncertainty analysis For instruments whose readings are corrected by a linear calibration line, drift can be detected using a control chart technique and measurements on three or more check standards.
For other instruments, measurements can be made on a daily basis on two or more check standards over a preset time period, say, one month. These measurements are plotted on a time scale to determine the extent and nature of any drift. Drift rarely continues unabated at the same rate and in the same direction for a long time period. Thus, the expectation from such an experiment is to document the maximum change that is likely to occur during a set time period and plan adjustments to the instrument accordingly. A further impact of the findings is that uncorrected drift is treated as a type A component in the uncertainty analysis.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.5. Analysis of bias
Data collection
Data reduction
Table of biases for probes and silicon wafers ( Wafers Probe 138 139 140 141 142 --------------------------------------------------------1 0.02476 -0.00356 0.04002 0.03938 0.00620 181 182 0.01076 0.01926 0.03944 0.00574 0.01871 -0.02008 -0.01072 0.02458 0.03761 -0.00439
-0.01754 -0.03725
-0.03226 -0.00936
-0.01258 -0.02608
-0.02802 -0.02522
-0.00110 -0.03830
A graphical analysis can be more effective for detecting differences among gauges than a table of differences. The differences are plotted versus artifact identification with each gauge identified by a separate plotting symbol. For ease of interpretation, the symbols for any one gauge can be connected by dotted lines. Because the plots show differences from the average by artifact, the center line is the zero-line, and the differences are estimates of bias. Gauges that are consistently above or below the other gauges are biased high or low, respectively, relative to the average. The best estimate of bias for a particular gauge is its average bias over the Q artifacts. For this data set, notice that probe #2362 is consistently biased low relative to the other probes. Given that the gauges are a random sample of like-kind gauges, the best estimate in any situation is an average over all gauges. In the usual production or metrology setting, however, it may only be feasible to make the measurements on a particular piece with one gauge. Then, there are two methods of dealing with the differences among gauges. 1. Correct each measurement made with a particular gauge for the bias of that gauge and report the standard deviation of the correction as a type A uncertainty. 2. Report each measurement as it occurs and assess a type A uncertainty for the differences among the gauges.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.5. Analysis of bias
An example is given of a study of configuration differences for a single gauge. The gauge, a 4-point probe for measuring resistivity of silicon wafers, can be wired in several ways. Because it was not possible to test all wiring configurations during the gauge study, measurements were made in only two configurations as a way of identifying possible problems. Measurements were made on six wafers over six days (except for 5 measurements on wafer 39) with probe #2062 wired in two configurations. This sequence of measurements was repeated after about a month resulting in two runs. Differences between measurements in the two configurations on the same day are shown in the following table.
Differences between wiring configurations Wafer Day 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 63. 63. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 Probe 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. Run 1 -0.0108 -0.0111 -0.0062 0.0020 0.0018 0.0002 -0.0089 -0.0040 -0.0022 -0.0012 -0.0034 -0.0016 -0.0111 Run 2 0.0088 0.0062 0.0074 0.0047 0.0049 0.0000 0.0075 -0.0016 0.0052 0.0085 -0.0018 0.0092 0.0040
63. 63. 63. 63. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 103. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125.
Test of difference between configurations
3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062.
-0.0059 -0.0078 -0.0007 0.0006 -0.0050 -0.0140 -0.0048 0.0018 0.0016 0.0044 -0.0056 -0.0155 -0.0010 -0.0014 0.0003 -0.0017
0.0067 0.0016 0.0020 0.0017 0.0076 0.0002 0.0025 0.0045 -0.0025 0.0035 0.0099 0.0123 0.0042 0.0098 0.0032 0.0115
Because there are only two configurations, a t-test is used to decide if there is a difference. If
the difference between the two configurations is statistically significant. The average and standard deviation computed from the 29 differences in each run are shown in the table below along with the t-values which confirm that the differences are significant for both runs.
N 29 29
t -4.0 +6.6
The data reveal a wiring bias for both runs that changes direction between runs. This is a somewhat disturbing finding, and further study of the gauges is needed. Because neither wiring configuration is preferred or known to give the 'correct' result, the differences are treated as a component of the measurement uncertainty.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.4. Gauge R & R studies 2.4.5. Analysis of bias
Lack of linearity
Significant differences among gauges/configurations can be treated in one of two ways: 1. By correcting each measurement for the bias of the specific gauge/configuration. 2. By accepting the difference as part of the uncertainty of the measurement process. Differences among operators can be viewed in the same way as differences among gauges. However, an operator who is incapable of making measurements to the required precision because of an untreatable condition, such as a vision problem, should be re-assigned to other tasks.
General guidance
The following sections outline the general approach to uncertainty analysis and give methods for combining the standard deviations into a final uncertainty: 1. Approach 2. Methods for type A evaluations 3. Methods for type B evaluations 4. Propagation of error 5. Error budgets and sensitivity coefficients 6. Standard and expanded uncertainties 7. Treatment of uncorrected biases
Data collection methods and analyses of random sources of uncertainty are given for the following: 1. Repeatability of the gauge 2. Reproducibility of the measurement process 3. Stability (very long-term) of the measurement process
The approach for biases is to estimate the maximum bias from a gauge study and compute a standard uncertainty from the maximum bias assuming a suitable distribution. The formulas shown below assume a uniform distribution for each bias. If the resolution of the gauge is resolution is , the standard uncertainty for
Determining resolution
Determining non-linearity
If the maximum departure from linearity for the gauge has been determined from a gauge study, and it is reasonable to assume that the gauge is equally likely to be engaged at any point within the range tested, the standard uncertainty for linearity is
Hysteresis, as a performance specification, is defined (NCSL RP-12) as the maximum difference between the upscale and downscale readings on the same artifact during a full range traverse in each direction. The standard uncertainty for hysteresis is
Determining drift
Drift in direct reading instruments is defined for a specific time interval of interest. The standard uncertainty for drift is
where Y0 and Yt are measurements at time zero and t, respectively. Other biases Other sources of bias are discussed as follows: 1. Differences among gauges 2. Differences among configurations Case study: Type A uncertainties from a gauge study A case study on type A uncertainty analysis from a gauge study is recommended as a guide for bringing together the principles and elements discussed in this section. The study in question characterizes the uncertainty of resistivity measurements made on silicon wafers.
standard 3. Sensitivity coefficients for measurements with a 2-level design 4. Sensitivity coefficients for measurements with a 3-level design 5. Example of error budget 7. Standard and expanded uncertainties 1. Degrees of freedom 8. Treatment of uncorrected bias 1. Computation of revised uncertainty
2.5.1. Issues
2.5.1. Issues
Issues for uncertainty analysis Evaluation of uncertainty is an ongoing process that can consume time and resources. It can also require the services of someone who is familiar with data analysis techniques, particularly statistical analysis. Therefore, it is important for laboratory personnel who are approaching uncertainty analysis for the first time to be aware of the resources required and to carefully lay out a plan for data collection and analysis. Some laboratories, such as test laboratories, may not have the resources to undertake detailed uncertainty analyses even though, increasingly, quality management standards such as the ISO 9000 series are requiring that all measurement results be accompanied by statements of uncertainty. Other situations where uncertainty analyses are problematical are: q One-of-a-kind measurements q Dynamic measurements that depend strongly on the application for the measurement Directions being pursued What can be done in these situations? There is no definitive answer at this time. Several organizations, such as the National Conference of Standards Laboratories (NCSL) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) are investigating methods for dealing with this problem, and there is a document in draft that will recommend a simplified approach to uncertainty analysis based on results of interlaboratory tests.
Problem areas
2.5.1. Issues
Many laboratories or industries participate in interlaboratory studies where the test method itself is evaluated for: q repeatability within laboratories q reproducibility across laboratories These evaluations do not lead to uncertainty statements because the purpose of the interlaboratory test is to evaluate, and then improve, the test method as it is applied across the industry. The purpose of uncertainty analysis is to evaluate the result of a particular measurement, in a particular laboratory, at a particular time. However, the two purposes are related. If a test laboratory has been party to an interlaboratory test that follows the recommendations and analyses of an American Society for Testing Materials standard (ASTM E691) or an ISO standard (ISO 5725), the laboratory can, as a default, represent its standard uncertainty for a single measurement as the reproducibility standard deviation as defined in ASTM E691 and ISO 5725. This standard deviation includes components for within-laboratory repeatability common to all laboratories and between-laboratory variation. The standard deviation computed in this manner describes a future single measurement made at a laboratory randomly drawn from the group and leads to a prediction interval (Hahn & Meeker) rather than a confidence interval. It is not an ideal solution and may produce either an unrealistically small or unacceptably large uncertainty for a particular laboratory. The procedure can reward laboratories with poor performance or those that do not follow the test procedures to the letter and punish laboratories with good performance. Further, the procedure does not take into account sources of uncertainty other than those captured in the interlaboratory test. Because the interlaboratory test is a snapshot at one point in time, characteristics of the measurement process over time cannot be accurately evaluated. Therefore, it is a strategy to be used only where there is no possibility of conducting a realistic uncertainty investigation.
2.5.2. Approach
2.5.2. Approach
Procedures in this chapter Pertinent sections The procedures in this chapter are intended for test laboratories, calibration laboratories, and scientific laboratories that report results of measurements from ongoing or well-documented processes. The following pages outline methods for estimating the individual uncertainty components, which are consistent with materials presented in other sections of this Handbook, and rules and equations for combining them into a final expanded uncertainty. The general framework is: 1. ISO Approach 2. Outline of steps to uncertainty analysis 3. Methods for type A evaluations 4. Methods for type B evaluations 5. Propagation of error considerations 6. Uncertainty budgets and sensitivity coefficients 7. Standard and expanded uncertainties 8. Treatment of uncorrected bias Specific situations are outlined in other places in this chapter Methods for calculating uncertainties for specific results are explained in the following sections: q Calibrated values of artifacts
From propagation of error From check standard measurements Comparison of check standards and propagation of error
q q q
Gauge R & R studies Type A components for resistivity measurements Type B components for resistivity measurements
2.5.2. Approach
Uncertainty, as defined in the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and the International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology (VIM), is a "parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand."
This definition is consistent with the well-established concept that an uncertainty statement assigns credible limits to the accuracy of a reported value, stating to what extent that value may differ from its reference value (Eisenhart). In some cases, reference values will be traceable to a national standard, and in certain other cases, reference values will be consensus values based on measurements made according to a specific protocol by a group of laboratories. The estimation of a possible discrepancy takes into account both random error and bias in the measurement process. The distinction to keep in mind with regard to random error and bias is that random errors cannot be corrected, and biases can, theoretically at least, be corrected or eliminated from the measurement result. Precision and bias are properties of a measurement method. Uncertainty is a property of a specific result for a single test item that depends on a specific measurement configuration (laboratory/instrument/operator, etc.). It depends on the repeatability of the instrument; the reproducibility of the result over time; the number of measurements in the test result; and all sources of random and systematic error that could contribute to disagreement between the result and its reference value. This Handbook follows the ISO approach (GUM) to stating and combining components of uncertainty. To this basic structure, it adds a statistical framework for estimating individual components, particularly those that are classified as type A uncertainties.
2.5.2. Approach
The ISO approach is based on the following rules: q Each uncertainty component is quantified by a standard deviation. q All biases are assumed to be corrected and any uncertainty is the uncertainty of the correction. q Zero corrections are allowed if the bias cannot be corrected and an uncertainty is assessed. q All uncertainty intervals are symmetric. Components are grouped into two major categories, depending on the source of the data and not on the type of error, and each component is quantified by a standard deviation. The categories are: q Type A - components evaluated by statistical methods q Type B - components evaluated by other means (or in other laboratories) One way of interpreting this classification is that it distinguishes between information that comes from sources local to the measurement process and information from other sources -- although this interpretation does not always hold. In the computation of the final uncertainty it makes no difference how the components are classified because the ISO guidelines treat type A and type B evaluations in the same manner. All uncertainty components (standard deviations) are combined by root-sum-squares (quadrature) to arrive at a 'standard uncertainty', u, which is the standard deviation of the reported value, taking into account all sources of error, both random and systematic, that affect the measurement result. If the purpose of the uncertainty statement is to provide coverage with a high level of confidence, an expanded uncertainty is computed as
Rule of quadrature
where k is chosen to be the critical value from the t-table for
v degrees of freedom.
For large degrees of freedom, it is suggested to use k = 2 to approximate 95% coverage. Details for these calculations are found under degrees of freedom.
2.5.2. Approach
Type B evaluations
Type B evaluations apply to random errors and biases for which there is little or no data from the local process, and to random errors and biases from other measurement processes. Steps Steps
Steps in uncertainty analysis define the result to be reported The first step in the uncertainty evaluation is the definition of the result to be reported for the test item for which an uncertainty is required. The computation of the standard deviation depends on the number of repetitions on the test item and the range of environmental and operational conditions over which the repetitions were made, in addition to other sources of error, such as calibration uncertainties for reference standards, which influence the final result. If the value for the test item cannot be measured directly, but must be calculated from measurements on secondary quantities, the equation for combining the various quantities must be defined. The steps to be followed in an uncertainty analysis are outlined for two situations: A. Reported value involves measurements on one quantity. 1. Compute a type A standard deviation for random sources of error from: r Replicated results for the test item.
r r
Measurements on a check standard. Measurements made according to a 2-level designed experiment Measurements made according to a 3-level designed experiment
2. Make sure that the collected data and analysis cover all sources of random error such as: r instrument imprecision
r r
operator differences. Steps
3. Compute a standard deviation for each type B component of uncertainty. 4. Combine type A and type B standard deviations into a standard uncertainty for the reported result using sensitivity factors. 5. Compute an expanded uncertainty. Outline of steps to be followed in the evaluation of uncertainty involving several secondary quantities B. - Reported value involves more than one quantity. 1. Write down the equation showing the relationship between the quantities. r Write-out the propagation of error equation and do a preliminary evaluation, if possible, based on propagation of error. 2. If the measurement result can be replicated directly, regardless of the number of secondary quantities in the individual repetitions, treat the uncertainty evaluation as in (A.1) to (A.5) above, being sure to evaluate all sources of random error in the process. 3. If the measurement result cannot be replicated directly, treat each measurement quantity as in (A.1) and (A.2) and: r Compute a standard deviation for each measurement quantity. r Combine the standard deviations for the individual quantities into a standard deviation for the reported result via propagation of error. 4. Compute a standard deviation for each type B component of uncertainty. 5. Combine type A and type B standard deviations into a standard uncertainty for the reported result. 6. Compute an expanded uncertainty. 7. Compare the uncerainty derived by propagation of error with the uncertainty derived by data analysis techniques.
Other sources of uncertainty are related to measurement configurations within the laboratory. Measurements on test items are usually made on a single day, with a single operator, on a single instrument, etc. If the intent of the uncertainty is to characterize all measurements made in the laboratory, the uncertainty should account for any differences due to: 1. instruments 2. operators 3. geometries 4. other
Examples of causes of differences within a well-maintained laboratory are: 1. Differences among instruments for measurements of derived units, such as sheet resistance of silicon, where the instruments cannot be directly calibrated to a reference base 2. Differences among operators for optical measurements that are not automated and depend strongly on operator sightings 3. Differences among geometrical or electrical configurations of the instrumentation Calibrated instruments do not normally fall in this class because uncertainties associated with the instrument's calibration are reported as type B evaluations, and the instruments in the laboratory should agree within the calibration uncertainties. Instruments whose responses are not directly calibrated to the defined unit are candidates for type A evaluations. This covers situations in which the measurement is defined by a test procedure or standard practice using a specific instrument type. How these differences are treated depends primarily on the context for the uncertainty statement. The differences, depending on the context, will be treated either as random differences, or as bias differences. Artifacts, electrical devices, and chemical substances, etc. can be inhomogeneous relative to the quantity that is being characterized by the measurement process. If this fact is known beforehand, it may be possible to measure the artifact very carefully at a specific site and then direct the user to also measure at this site. In this case, there is no contribution to measurement uncertainty from inhomogeneity. However, this is not always possible, and measurements may be destructive. As an example, compositions of chemical compounds may vary from bottle to bottle. If the reported value for the lot is established from measurements on a few bottles drawn at random from the lot, this variability must be taken into account in the uncertainty statement. Methods for testing for inhomogeneity and assessing the appropriate uncertainty are discussed on another page.
Evaluation depends on the context for the uncertainty Uncertainties due to inhomogeneities
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.3. Type A evaluations Type A evaluations of random components
Measurements on test item are used to assess uncertainty only when no other data are available A check standard is the best device for capturing all sources of random error
Repeated measurements on the test item generally do not cover a sufficient time period to capture day-to-day changes in the measurement process. The standard deviation of these measurements is quoted as the estimate of uncertainty only if no other data are available for the assessment. For J short-term measurements, this standard deviation has v = J - 1 degrees of freedom. The best approach for capturing information on time-dependent sources of uncertainties is to intersperse the workload with measurements on a check standard taken at set intervals over the life of the process. The standard deviation of the check standard measurements estimates the overall temporal component of uncertainty directly -- thereby obviating the estimation of individual components. A less-efficient method for estimating time-dependent sources of uncertainty is a designed experiment. Measurements can be made specifically for estimating two or three levels of errors. There are many ways to do this, but the easiest method is a nested design where J short-term measurements are replicated on K days and the entire operation is then replicated over L runs (months, etc.). The analysis of these data leads to: q = standard deviation with (J -1) degrees of freedom for
Nested design for estimating type A uncertainties Case study: Temporal uncertainty from a 3-level nested design
short-term errors = standard deviation with (K -1) degrees of freedom for day-to-day errors = standard deviation with (L -1) degrees of freedom for very long-term errors
The computation of the uncertainty of the reported value for a test item is outlined for situations where temporal sources of uncertainty are estimated from: 1. measurements on the test item itself 2. measurements on a check standard 3. measurements from a 2-level nested design (gauge study) 4. measurements from a 3-level nested design (gauge study)
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.3. Type A evaluations Type A evaluations of random components
Next, evaluate whether or not there are differences Plan for collecting data
To evaluate the measurement process for instruments, select a random sample of I (I > 4) instruments from those available. Make measurements on Q (Q >2) artifacts with each instrument.
For a graphical analysis, differences from the average for each artifact can be plotted versus artifact, with instruments individually identified by a special plotting symbol. The plot is examined to determine if some instruments always read high or low relative to the other instruments and if this behavior is consistent across artifacts. If there are systematic and significant differences among instruments, a type A uncertainty for instruments is computed. Notice that in the graph for resistivity probes, there are differences among the probes with probes #4 and #5, for example, consistently reading low relative to the other probes. A standard deviation that describes the differences among the probes is included as a component of the uncertainty. Given the measurements,
for each of Q artifacts and I instruments, the pooled standard deviation that describes the differences among instruments is:
A two-way table of resistivity measurements ( with 5 probes on 5 wafers (identified as: 138, 139, 140, 141, 142) is shown below. Standard deviations for probes with 4 degrees of freedom each are shown for each wafer. The pooled standard deviation over all wafers, with 20 degrees of freedom, is the type A standard deviation for instruments.
------------------------------------------------------1 281 . 283 2062 2362 95.1548 95.1408 95.1493 95.1125 95.0928 99.3118 99.3548 99.3211 99.2831 99.3060 96.1018 96.0805 96.0417 96.0492 96.0357 101.1248 101.0747 101.1100 101.0574 101.0602 94.2593 94.2907 94.2487 94.2520 94.2148
Std dev DF
0.02643 4
0.02612 4
0.02826 4
0.03038 4
0.02711 4
DF = 20
Silicon wafers are doped with boron to produce desired levels of resistivity ( Manufacturing processes for semiconductors are not yet capable (at least at the time this was originally written) of producing 2" diameter wafers with constant resistivity over the surfaces. However, because measurements made at the center of a wafer by a certification laboratory can be reproduced in the industrial setting, the inhomogeneity is not a factor in the uncertainty analysis -- as long as only the center-point of the wafer is used for future measurements.
Random inhomogeneities
Random inhomogeneities are assessed using statistical methods for quantifying random errors. An example of inhomogeneity is a chemical compound which cannot be sufficiently homogenized with respect to isotopes of interest. Isotopic ratio determinations, which are destructive, must be determined from measurements on a few bottles drawn at random from the lot. The best strategy is to draw a sample of bottles from the lot for the purpose of identifying and quantifying between-bottle variability. These measurements can be made with a method that lacks the accuracy required to certify isotopic ratios, but is precise enough to allow between-bottle comparisons. A second sample is drawn from the lot and measured with an accurate method for determining isotopic ratios, and the reported value for the lot is taken to be the average of these determinations. There are therefore two components of uncertainty assessed: 1. component that quantifies the imprecision of the average 2. component that quantifies how much an individual bottle can deviate from the average. Systematic inhomogeneities require a somewhat different approach. Roughness can vary systematically over the surface of a 2" square metal piece lathed to have a specific roughness profile. The certification laboratory can measure the piece at several sites, but unless it is possible to characterize roughness as a mathematical function of position on the piece, inhomogeneity must be assessed as a source of uncertainty. In this situation, the best strategy is to compute the reported value as the average of measurements made over the surface of the piece and assess an uncertainty for departures from the average. The component of uncertainty can be assessed by one of several methods for evaluating bias -- depending on the type of inhomogeneity.
Best strategy
Systematic inhomogeneities
Best strategy
Standard method
The simplest approach to the computation of uncertainty for systematic inhomogeneity is to compute the maximum deviation from the reported value and, assuming a uniform, normal or triangular distribution for the distribution of inhomogeneity, compute the appropriate standard deviation. Sometimes the approximate shape of the distribution can be inferred from the inhomogeneity measurements. The standard deviation for inhomogeneity assuming a uniform distribution is:
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.3. Type A evaluations Material inhomogeneity
where the k index runs over bottles and the j index runs over repetitions within a bottle. Analysis of measurements The between (bottle) variance is calculated using an analysis of variance technique that is repeated here for convenience.
If this variance is negative, there is no contribution to uncertainty, and the bottles are equivalent with regard to their chemical compositions. Even if the variance is positive, inhomogeneity still may not be statistically significant, in which case it is not required to be included as a component of the uncertainty. If the between-bottle variance is statistically significantly (i.e., judged to be greater than zero), then inhomogeneity contributes to the uncertainty of the reported value.
The purpose of assessing inhomogeneity is to be able to assign a value to the entire batch based on the average of a few bottles, and the determination of inhomogeneity is usually made by a less accurate method than the certification method. The reported value for the batch would be the average of N repetitions on Q bottles using the certification method. The uncertainty calculation is summarized below for the case where the only contribution to uncertainty from the measurement method itself is the repeatability standard deviation, s1 associated with the certification method. For more complicated scenarios, see the pages on uncertainty budgets. If If sreported value , we need to distinguish two cases and their interpretations: 1. The standard deviation
leads to an interval that covers the difference between the reported value and the average for a bottle selected at random from the batch. 2. The standard deviation
allows one to test the instrument using a single measurement. The prediction interval for the difference between the reported value and a single measurement, made with the same precision as the certification measurements, on a bottle selected at random from the batch. This is appropriate when the instrument under test is similar to the certification instrument. If the difference is not within the interval, the user's instrument is in need of calibration.
When the standard deviation for inhomogeneity is included in the calculation, as in the last two cases above, the uncertainty interval becomes a prediction interval ( Hahn & Meeker) and is interpreted as characterizing a future measurement on a bottle drawn at random from the lot.
The best strategy is to correct for bias and compute the uncertainty of the correction
However, suppose that it is possible to make comparisons among, say, only two instruments and neither is known to be 'unbiased'. This scenario requires a different strategy because the average will not necessarily be an unbiased result. The best strategy if there is a significant difference between the instruments, and this should be tested, is to apply a 'zero' correction and assess a type A uncertainty of the correction. The discussion above is intended to point out that there are many possible scenarios for biases and that they should be treated on a case-by-case basis. A plan is needed for: q gathering data q testing for bias (graphically and/or statistically) q estimating biases q assessing uncertainties associated with significant biases. caused by: q instruments q operators q configurations, geometries, etc. q inhomogeneities Measurements needed for assessing biases among instruments, say, requires a random sample of I (I > 1) instruments from those available and measurements on Q (Q >2) artifacts with each instrument. The same can be said for the other sources of possible bias. General strategies for dealing with significant biases are given in the table below. Data collection and analysis for assessing biases related to: q lack of resolution of instrument
q q
are addressed in the section on gauge studies. Sources of data for evaluating this type of bias Databases for evaluating bias may be available from: q check standards
q q
Strategies for assessing corrections and uncertainties associated with significant biases
Type of bias 1. Inconsistent Examples Sign change (+ to -) Varying magnitude Instrument bias ~ same magnitude over many artifacts Type of correction Zero Uncertainty Based on maximum bias
Bias (for a single Standard instrument) = difference 2. Consistent deviation of from average over several correction instruments 3. Not correctable because Limited testing; e.g., only Standard of sparse data - consistent 2 instruments, operators, Zero deviation of or inconsistent correction configurations, etc. Lack of resolution, Based on 4. Not correctable non-linearity, drift, Zero maximum consistent bias material inhomogeneity Strategy for no significant bias If there is no significant bias over time, there is no correction and no contribution to uncertainty.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.3. Type A evaluations Type A evaluations of bias
The equation for estimating the standard deviation of the correction assumes that biases are uniformly distributed between {-max |bias|, + max |bias|}. This assumption is quite conservative. It gives a larger uncertainty than the assumption that the biases are normally distributed. If normality is a more reasonable assumption, substitute the number '3' for the 'square root of 3' in the equation above. The results of resistivity measurements with five probes on five silicon wafers are shown below for probe #283, which is the probe of interest at this level with the artifacts being 1 wafers. The bias for probe #283 is negative for run 1 and positive for run 2 with the runs separated by a two-month time period. The correction is taken to be zero.
Table of biases ( for probe 283 Wafer Probe Run 1 Run 2 ----------------------------------11 26 42 131 283 283 283 283 0.0000340 -0.0001000 0.0000181 -0.0000701 -0.0001841 0.0000861 0.0000781 0.0001580
208 Average
283 283
-0.0000240 -0.0000284
0.0001879 0.0000652
A conservative assumption is that the bias could fall somewhere within the limits a, with a = maximum bias or 0.0000652 The standard deviation of the correction is included as a type A systematic component of the uncertainty.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.3. Type A evaluations Type A evaluations of bias
Computation of bias
on Q artifacts with I instruments, the average bias for instrument, I' say, is
Computation of correction
The correction that should be made to measurements made with instrument I' is
The type A uncertainty of the correction is the standard deviation of the average bias or
Example of consistent bias for probe #2362 used to measure resistivity of silicon wafers
The table below comes from the table of resistivity measurements from a type A analysis of random effects with the average for each wafer subtracted from each measurement. The differences, as shown, represent the biases for each probe with respect to the other probes. Probe #2362 has an average bias, over the five wafers, of -0.02724 If measurements made with this probe are corrected for this bias, the standard deviation of the correction is a type A uncertainty.
Table of biases for probes and silicon wafers ( Wafers Probe 138 139 140 141 142 ------------------------------------------------------1 0.02476 -0.00356 0.04002 0.03938 0.00620 181 0.01076 0.03944 0.01871 -0.01072 0.03761
Average bias for probe #2362 = - 0.02724 Standard deviation of bias = 0.01171 with 4 degrees of freedom Standard deviation of correction = 0.01171/sqrt(5) = 0.00523 Note on different approaches to instrument bias The analysis on this page considers the case where only one instrument is used to make the certification measurements; namely probe #2362, and the certified values are corrected for bias due to this probe. The analysis in the section on type A analysis of random effects considers the case where any one of the probes could be used to make the certification measurements.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.3. Type A evaluations Type A evaluations of bias
An example is given of a study of wiring settings for a single gauge. The gauge, a 4-point probe for measuring resistivity of silicon wafers, can be wired in several ways. Because it was not possible to test all wiring configurations during the gauge study, measurements were made in only two configurations as a way of identifying possible problems. Measurements were made on six wafers over six days (except for 5 measurements on wafer 39) with probe #2062 wired in two configurations. This sequence of measurements was repeated after about a month resulting in two runs. A database of differences between measurements in the two configurations on the same day are analyzed for significance. A plot of the differences between the 2 configurations shows that the differences for run 1 are, for the most part, < zero, and the differences for run 2 are > zero. The following Dataplot commands produce the plot:
Run software macro for making plotting differences between the 2 wiring configurations
dimension 500 30 read mpc536.dat wafer day probe d1 d2 let n = count probe let t = sequence 1 1 n let zero = 0 for i = 1 1 n lines dotted blank blank characters blank 1 2 x1label = DIFFERENCES BETWEEN 2 WIRING CONFIGURATIONS x2label SEQUENCE BY WAFER AND DAY plot zero d1 d2 vs t
A t-statistic is used as an approximate test where we are assuming the differences are approximately normal. The average difference and standard deviation of the difference are required for this test. If
the difference between the two configurations is statistically significant. The average and standard deviation computed from the N = 29 differences in each run from the table above are shown along with corresponding t-values which confirm that the differences are significant, but in opposite directions, for both runs.
- 0.00383 + 0.00489
Std dev
0.00514 0.00400
29 29
- 4.0 + 6.6
let dff = n-1 let avgrun1 = average d1 let avgrun2 = average d2 let sdrun1 = standard deviation d1 let sdrun2 = standard deviation d2 let t1 = ((n-1)**.5)*avgrun1/sdrun1 let t2 = ((n-1)**.5)*avgrun2/sdrun2 print avgrun1 sdrun1 t1 print avgrun2 sdrun2 t2 let tcrit=tppf(.975,dff) reproduce the statistical tests in the table. PARAMETERS AND CONSTANTS-AVGRUN1 -- -0.3834483E-02 SDRUN1 -- 0.5145197E-02 T1 -- -0.4013319E+01 PARAMETERS AND CONSTANTS-AVGRUN2 -SDRUN2 -T2 -Case of inconsistent bias
The data reveal a significant wiring bias for both runs that changes direction between runs. Because of this inconsistency, a 'zero' correction is applied to the results, and the type A uncertainty is taken to be
Even if the bias is consistent over time, a 'zero' correction is applied to the results, and for a single run, the estimated standard deviation of the correction is
For two runs (1 and 2), the estimated standard deviation of the correction is
Sources of uncertainty that are local to the measurement process but which cannot be adequately sampled to allow a statistical analysis require type B evaluations. One technique, which is widely used, is to estimate the worst-case effect, a, for the source of interest, from q experience q scientific judgment q scant data A standard deviation, assuming that the effect is two-sided, can then be computed based on a uniform, triangular, or normal distribution of possible effects. Following the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty of Measurement (GUM), the convention is to assign infinite degrees of freedom to standard deviations derived in this manner.
The triangular distribution leads to a less conservative estimate of uncertainty; i.e., it gives a smaller standard deviation than the uniform distribution. The calculation of the standard deviation is based on the assumption that the end-points, a, of the distribution are known and the mode of the triangular distribution occurs at zero.
The normal distribution leads to the least conservative estimate of uncertainty; i.e., it gives the smallest standard deviation. The calculation of the standard deviation is based on the assumption that the end-points, a, encompass 99.7 percent of the distribution.
Degrees of freedom
In the context of using the Welch-Saitterthwaite formula with the above distributions, the degrees of freedom is assumed to be infinite.
Exact formula
Goodman (1960) derived an exact formula for the variance between two products. Given two random variables, x and y (correspond to width and length in the above approximate formula), the exact formula for the variance is:
X = E(x) and Y = E(y) (corresponds to width and length, respectively, in the approximate formula) V(x) = variance of x and V(y) = variance Y (corresponds to s2 for width and length, respectively, in the approximate formula) Eij = {( x)i, ( y)j} where x = x - X and y=y-Y
q q
To obtain the standard deviation, simply take the square root of the above formula. Also, an estimate of the statistic is obtained by substituting sample estimates for the corresponding population values on the right hand side of the equation. Approximate formula assumes indpendence Disadvantages of propagation of error approach The approximate formula assumes that length and width are independent. The exact formula assumes that length and width are not independent.
In the ideal case, the propagation of error estimate above will not differ from the estimate made directly from the area measurements. However, in complicated scenarios, they may differ because of: q unsuspected covariances q disturbances that affect the reported value and not the elementary measurements (usually a result of mis-specification of the model) q mistakes in propagating the error through the defining formulas Sometimes the measurement of interest cannot be replicated directly and it is necessary to estimate its uncertainty via propagation of error formulas (Ku). The propagation of error formula for
Y = f(X, Z, ... )
a function of one or more variables with measurements, X, Z, ... gives the following estimate for the standard deviation of Y:
where (2 of 3) [7/1/2003 3:12:48 PM]
is the standard deviation of the X measurements is the standard deviation of Z measurements is the standard deviation of Y measurements is the partial derivative of the function Y with respect to X, etc. is the estimated covariance between the X,Z measurements
q q
Covariance terms can be difficult to estimate if measurements are not made in pairs. Sometimes, these terms are omitted from the formula. Guidance on when this is acceptable practice is given below: 1. If the measurements of X, Z are independent, the associated covariance term is zero. 2. Generally, reported values of test items from calibration designs have non-zero covariances that must be taken into account if Y is a summation such as the mass of two weights, or the length of two gage blocks end-to-end, etc. 3. Practically speaking, covariance terms should be included in the computation only if they have been estimated from sufficient data. See Ku (1966) for guidance on what constitutes sufficient data. The partial derivatives are the sensitivity coefficients for the associated components.
Examples of propagation of error that are shown in this chapter are: q Case study of propagation of error for resistivity measurements
Comparison of check standard analysis and propagation of error for linear calibration Propagation of error for quadratic calibration showing effect of covariance terms
Specific formulas
Formulas for specific functions can be found in the following sections: q functions of a single variable
q q
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.5. Propagation of error considerations
Function Notes
is an average of N measurements
Note: we need to assume that the original data follow an approximately normal distribution.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.5. Propagation of error considerations
Note: this is an approximation. The exact result could be obtained starting from the exact formula for the standard deviation of a product derived by Goodman (1960).
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.5. Propagation of error considerations
if all covariances are negligible. These formulas are easily extended to more than three variables. Software can simplify propagation of error Example from fluid flow of non-linear function Propagation of error for more complicated functions can be done reliably with software capable of algebraic representations such as Mathematica (Wolfram).
For example, discharge coefficients for fluid flow are computed from the following equation (Whetstone et al.)
Out[1]= 4 d Sqrt[1 - ---] m 4 D ----------------------2 d F K Sqrt[delp] Sqrt[p] Partial derivatives first partial derivative with respect to orifice diameter Partial derivatives are derived via the function D where, for example,
D[Cd, {d,1}]
indicates the first partial derivative of the discharge coefficient with respect to orifice diameter, and the result returned by Mathematica is Out[2]= 4 d -2 Sqrt[1 - ---] m 4 D -------------------------3 d F K Sqrt[delp] Sqrt[p]
2 d m -----------------------------------4 d 4 Sqrt[1 - ---] D F K Sqrt[delp] Sqrt[p] 4 D First partial derivative with respect to pressure Similarly, the first partial derivative of the discharge coefficient with respect to pressure is represented by
D[Cd, {p,1}]
with the result Out[3]=
4 d (Sqrt[1 - ---] m) 4 D ---------------------2 3/2 2 d F K Sqrt[delp] p Comparison of check standard analysis and propagation of error The software can also be used to combine the partial derivatives with the appropriate standard deviations, and then the standard deviation for the discharge coefficient can be evaluated and plotted for specific values of the secondary variables.
v1 v2 v3 v4
The sensitivity coefficient shows the relationship of the individual uncertainty component to the standard deviation of the reported value for a test item. The sensitivity coefficient relates to the result that is being reported and not to the method of estimating uncertainty components where the uncertainty, u, is
This section defines sensitivity coefficients that are appropriate for type A components estimated from repeated measurements. The pages on type A evaluations, particularly the pages related to estimation of repeatability and reproducibility components, should be reviewed before continuing on this page. The convention for the notation for sensitivity coefficients for this section is that: 1. refers to the sensitivity coefficient for the repeatability standard deviation, 2. 3. refers to the sensitivity coefficient for the reproducibility standard deviation, refers to the sensitivity coefficient for the stability standard deviation, with some of the coefficients possibly equal to zero.
Even if no day-to-day nor run-to-run measurements were made in determining the reported value, the sensitivity coefficient is non-zero if that standard deviation proved to be significant in the analysis of data. Procedures for estimating differences among instruments, operators, etc., which are treated as random components of uncertainty in the laboratory, show how to estimate the standard deviations so that the sensitivity coefficients = 1.
Sensitivity coefficients for other type A components of random error Sensitivity coefficients for type A components for bias Sensitivity coefficients for specific applications
This Handbook follows the ISO guidelines in that biases are corrected (correction may be zero), and the uncertainty component is the standard deviation of the correction. Procedures for dealing with biases show how to estimate the standard deviation of the correction so that the sensitivity coefficients are equal to one. The following pages outline methods for computing sensitivity coefficients where the components of uncertainty are derived in the following manner: 1. From measurements on the test item itself 2. From measurements on a check standard 3. From measurements in a 2-level design 4. From measurements in a 3-level design and give an example of an uncertainty budget with sensitivity coefficients from a 3-level design.
Sensitivity coefficients for type B evaluations Case study-sensitivity coefficients for propagation of error
The majority of sensitivity coefficients for type B evaluations will be one with a few exceptions. The sensitivity coefficient for the uncertainty of a reference standard is the nominal value of the test item divided by the nominal value of the reference standard. If the uncertainty of the reported value is calculated from propagation of error, the sensitivity coefficients are the multipliers of the individual variance terms in the propagation of error formula. Formulas are given for selected functions of: 1. functions of a single variable 2. functions of two variables 3. several variables
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.6. Uncertainty budgets and sensitivity coefficients
and the reported value is the average, the standard deviation of the reported value is
The sensitivity coefficient is . The risk in using this method is that it may seriously underestimate the uncertainty.
If possible, the measurements on the test item should be repeated over M days and averaged to estimate the reported value. The standard deviation for the reported value is computed from the daily averages>, and the standard deviation for the temporal component is:
Even if no day-to-day nor run-to-run measurements were made in determining the reported value, the sensitivity coefficient is non-zero if that standard deviation proved to be significant in the analysis of data.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.6. Uncertainty budgets and sensitivity coefficients
with degrees of freedom check standard database. Standard deviation from check standard measurements Sensitivity coefficients
The computation of the standard deviation from the check standard values and its relationship to components of instrument precision and day-to-day variability of the process are explained in the section on two-level nested designs using check standards.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.6. Uncertainty budgets and sensitivity coefficients
See the relationships in the section on 2-level nested design for definitions of the standard deviations and their respective degrees of freedom. Problem with estimating degrees of freedom If degrees of freedom are required for the uncertainty of the reported value, the formula above cannot be used directly and must be rewritten in terms of the standard deviations, and .
Sensitivity coefficients
; a2 =
Specific sensitivity coefficients are shown in the table below for selections of N, M.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.6. Uncertainty budgets and sensitivity coefficients
See the section on analysis of variability for definitions and relationships among the standard deviations shown in the equation above. Problem with estimating degrees of freedom If degrees of freedom are required for the uncertainty, the formula above cannot be used directly and must be rewritten in terms of the standard deviations , , and .
Sensitivity coefficients
Specific sensitivity coefficients are shown in the table below for selections of N, M, P. In addition, the following constraints must be observed: J must be > or = N and K must be > or = M
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.6. Uncertainty budgets and sensitivity coefficients
If the purpose of the uncertainty statement is to provide coverage with a high level of confidence, an expanded uncertainty is computed as
where k is chosen to be the critical value from the t-table with v degrees of freedom. For large degrees of freedom, k = 2 approximates 95% coverage. The expanded uncertainty defined above is assumed to provide a high level of coverage for the unknown true value of the measurement of interest so that for any measurement result, Y,
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.7. Standard and expanded uncertainties
A case study of type A uncertainty analysis shows the computations of temporal components of uncertainty; instrument bias; geometrical bias; standard uncertainty; degrees of freedom; and expanded uncertainty.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.5. Uncertainty analysis 2.5.8. Treatment of uncorrected bias
If no correction is made for the bias, the uncertainty interval is contaminated by the effect of the bias term as follows:
and can be rewritten in terms of upper and lower endpoints that are asymmetric around the true value; namely,
The definition above can lead to a negative uncertainty limit; e.g., if the bias is positive and greater than U, the upper endpoint becomes negative. The requirement that the uncertainty limits be greater than or equal to zero for all values of the bias guarantees non-negative uncertainty limits and is accepted at the cost of somewhat wider uncertainty intervals. This leads to the following set of restrictions on the uncertainty limits:
If the bias is not known exactly, its magnitude is estimated from repeated measurements, from sparse data or from theoretical considerations, and the standard deviation is estimated from repeated measurements or from an assumed distribution. The standard deviation of the bias becomes a component in the uncertainty analysis with the standard uncertainty restructured to be:
. Interpretation The uncertainty intervals described above have the desirable properties outlined on a previous page. For more information on theory and industrial examples, the reader should consult the paper by the authors of this technique (Phillips and Eberhardt).
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.1. Gauge study of resistivity probes
Database of measurements
The 3-level nested design consisted of: J = 6 measurements at the center of each wafer per day q K = 6 days q L = 2 runs To characterize the probes and the influence of wafers on the measurements, the design was repeated over: q Q = 5 wafers (check standards 138, 139, 140, 141, 142) q I = 5 probes (1, 281, 283, 2062, 2362) The runs were separated by about one month in time. The J = 6 measurements at the center of each wafer are reduced to an average and repeatability standard deviation and recorded in a database with identifications for wafer, probe, and day.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.1. Gauge study of resistivity probes Background and data
Measurements on the check standards are used to estimate repeatability, day effect, and run effect
Run Wafer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138.
Month 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
Day 15. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16.
Op 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1.
Temp 22.98 23.02 22.79 23.17 23.25 23.20 22.99 22.97 22.83 23.28 23.14 23.16 22.95
Average 95.1772 95.1567 95.1937 95.1959 95.1442 95.0610 95.1591 95.1195 95.1065 95.0925 95.1990 95.1682 95.1252
Std Dev 0.1191 0.0183 0.1282 0.0398 0.0346 0.1539 0.0963 0.0606 0.0842 0.0973 0.1062 0.1090 0.0531
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 15. 17. 17. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 22. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 23. 16. 17. 18. 18. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 15. 17.
1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1.
23.08 23.13 23.28 23.36 22.97 22.97 22.98 23.16 23.16 23.28 23.19 23.08 23.01 22.97 23.23 23.28 23.10 23.01 23.00 23.01 23.20 23.22 23.22 22.95 22.98 22.86 23.17 23.10 23.14 22.94 23.09 23.11 23.25 23.36 23.18 22.94 23.08 23.15 23.18 23.27 23.23 23.08 23.02 22.93 23.29 23.25 23.05 23.07 23.08
95.1600 95.0818 95.1620 95.1735 95.1932 95.1311 95.1132 95.0432 95.1254 95.1322 95.1299 95.1162 95.0569 95.0598 95.1487 95.0743 95.1010 99.3528 99.2940 99.2340 99.3489 99.2625 99.3787 99.3244 99.3378 99.3424 99.4033 99.3717 99.3493 99.3065 99.3280 99.3000 99.3347 99.3929 99.2644 99.3324 99.3254 99.2555 99.1946 99.3542 99.2365 99.2939 99.3234 99.2748 99.3512 99.2350 99.3574 96.1334 96.1250
0.0998 0.1108 0.0408 0.0501 0.0287 0.1066 0.0415 0.0491 0.0603 0.0561 0.0349 0.0480 0.0577 0.0516 0.0386 0.0256 0.0420 0.1424 0.0660 0.1179 0.0506 0.1111 0.1103 0.1134 0.0949 0.0847 0.0801 0.0630 0.1157 0.0381 0.1153 0.0818 0.0972 0.1189 0.0622 0.1531 0.0543 0.1024 0.0851 0.1227 0.1218 0.0818 0.0723 0.0756 0.0475 0.0517 0.0485 0.1052 0.0916
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1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 22. 22. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 15. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 22. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 16. 17.
1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1.
22.77 23.18 23.20 23.21 22.94 22.99 22.91 23.15 23.33 23.19 22.89 23.07 23.07 23.24 23.34 23.19 22.95 22.97 23.15 23.14 23.32 23.17 23.08 23.00 23.01 23.27 23.24 23.13 23.01 23.08 22.75 23.21 23.25 23.19 22.93 23.00 22.90 23.19 23.18 23.17 22.85 23.09 23.08 23.27 23.34 23.00 22.97 22.96
96.0665 96.0725 96.1006 96.1131 96.0467 96.1081 96.0578 96.0700 96.1052 96.0952 96.0650 96.0870 95.8906 96.0842 96.0189 96.1047 96.0379 96.0671 96.0206 96.0207 96.0587 96.0903 96.0771 95.9976 96.0148 96.0397 96.0407 96.0445 101.2124 101.1018 101.1119 101.1072 101.0802 101.1350 101.0287 101.0131 101.1329 101.0562 101.0891 101.1283 101.1597 101.0784 101.0715 101.0910 101.0967 101.1627 101.1077 101.0245
0.0836 0.0620 0.0582 0.1757 0.0565 0.1293 0.1148 0.0495 0.1722 0.1786 0.1301 0.0881 0.1842 0.1008 0.0865 0.0923 0.2190 0.0991 0.0648 0.1410 0.1634 0.0406 0.1024 0.0943 0.0622 0.0702 0.0627 0.0622 0.0900 0.0820 0.0500 0.0641 0.0704 0.0699 0.0520 0.0710 0.0800 0.1594 0.1252 0.1151 0.0990 0.0810 0.0460 0.0880 0.0901 0.0888 0.0970 0.1210
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2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
18. 18. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 15. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 14. 18. 18.
1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
23.19 23.18 23.34 23.21 23.08 23.01 23.05 23.22 23.29 23.15 23.02 23.04 22.73 23.19 23.25 23.21 22.98 23.00 22.88 23.28 23.07 23.12 22.92 23.08 23.09 23.29 23.34 22.92 22.96 22.95 23.16 23.11 23.31 23.24 23.08 23.00 22.99 23.26 23.27 23.08 23.12 22.73 22.76 22.73 22.73 22.93 22.46 22.80 22.77
100.9650 101.0319 101.0849 101.1302 101.0471 101.0224 101.0702 101.0904 101.0626 101.0686 94.3160 94.2808 94.2478 94.2862 94.1859 94.2389 94.2640 94.3333 94.2994 94.2873 94.2576 94.3027 94.2846 94.2197 94.2119 94.2536 94.2280 94.2944 94.2238 94.3061 94.1868 94.2645 94.3101 94.2204 94.2437 94.2115 94.2348 94.2124 94.2214 94.1651 95.1996 95.1315 95.1845 95.1359 95.1435 95.1839 95.2106 95.2505 95.2648
0.0700 0.1070 0.0960 0.0505 0.0320 0.1020 0.0580 0.1049 0.0702 0.0661 0.1372 0.0999 0.0803 0.0700 0.0899 0.0686 0.0862 0.1330 0.0908 0.0846 0.0795 0.0389 0.1021 0.0627 0.0785 0.0712 0.0692 0.0958 0.0492 0.2194 0.0474 0.0697 0.0532 0.1023 0.0503 0.0919 0.0282 0.0513 0.0627 0.1010 0.0645 0.1192 0.0452 0.1498 0.0629 0.0563 0.1049 0.0771 0.1046
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281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362.
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20. 20. 21. 18. 13. 18. 19. 21. 21. 15. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 14. 15. 18. 20. 20. 21. 13. 18. 18. 19. 21. 21. 14. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19.
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22.80 22.87 22.95 22.83 23.17 22.67 23.00 22.91 22.96 22.64 22.67 22.99 22.75 22.84 22.92 22.74 22.75 22.88 22.73 22.86 22.94 23.14 22.77 22.80 22.68 22.78 22.93 23.05 22.71 22.79 22.74 22.91 22.92 23.11 22.84 22.76 23.03 22.87 22.98 22.43 22.70 22.97 22.77 22.79 22.94 22.82 22.77 22.82
95.2197 95.2003 95.0982 95.1211 95.1327 95.2053 95.1292 95.1669 95.1401 95.2479 95.2224 95.2810 95.1869 95.3053 95.1432 95.1687 95.1564 95.1354 95.0422 95.1354 95.1075 99.3274 99.5020 99.4016 99.3181 99.3858 99.3141 99.2915 99.4032 99.4612 99.4001 99.3765 99.3507 99.3848 99.4952 99.3220 99.4165 99.3791 99.3985 99.4283 99.4139 99.3813 99.4314 99.4166 99.4052 99.3408 99.3116 99.3241
0.1779 0.1376 0.1611 0.0794 0.0409 0.1525 0.0655 0.0619 0.0831 0.2867 0.1945 0.1960 0.1571 0.2012 0.1532 0.0785 0.0430 0.0983 0.0773 0.0587 0.0776 0.0220 0.0997 0.0704 0.1245 0.0903 0.0255 0.0859 0.1322 0.1765 0.0889 0.1041 0.0717 0.0792 0.1122 0.0915 0.0503 0.1138 0.0661 0.0891 0.2147 0.1143 0.1685 0.2080 0.2400 0.1279 0.1131 0.0519
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
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2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
19. 20. 21. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 15. 14. 18. 20. 20. 21. 13. 18. 18. 19. 21. 21. 15. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 15. 14. 18. 20. 20. 21. 13. 18. 18. 19.
1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
22.74 22.88 22.94 23.10 22.75 22.78 22.70 22.75 22.93 22.71 22.49 22.81 22.78 22.89 22.91 23.22 22.85 22.78 23.01 22.91 22.94 22.60 22.66 22.96 22.75 22.82 22.92 22.88 22.76 22.79 22.71 22.84 22.94 23.07 22.72 22.75 22.69 22.83 22.93 22.72 22.40 22.78 22.73 22.86 22.94 23.26 22.85 22.76 22.82
99.2991 99.3049 99.2782 96.0811 96.1460 96.1582 96.1039 96.1262 96.1478 96.1153 96.1297 96.1233 96.1731 96.0872 96.1331 96.1135 96.1111 96.1221 96.1063 96.1155 96.1308 95.9767 96.1277 96.1858 96.1912 96.1650 96.1603 96.0793 96.1115 96.0803 96.0411 96.0988 96.0482 101.1984 101.1645 101.2454 101.1096 101.2066 101.0645 101.1615 101.1650 101.1815 101.1106 101.1420 101.0116 101.1554 101.1267 101.1227 101.0635
0.0903 0.0783 0.0718 0.0463 0.0725 0.1428 0.1056 0.0672 0.0562 0.1097 0.1202 0.1331 0.1484 0.0857 0.0944 0.0983 0.1210 0.0644 0.0921 0.0704 0.0258 0.2225 0.1792 0.1312 0.1936 0.1902 0.1777 0.0996 0.0533 0.0364 0.0768 0.1042 0.0868 0.0803 0.0914 0.1109 0.1376 0.0717 0.1205 0.1272 0.0595 0.1393 0.1189 0.0713 0.1088 0.0429 0.0751 0.0826 0.1715
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283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
21. 21. 15. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 14. 18. 18. 20. 20. 21. 13. 18. 18. 19. 21. 21. 14. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21.
2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 1.
22.89 22.96 22.65 22.68 22.95 22.77 22.87 22.94 22.83 22.83 22.91 22.71 22.87 22.94 23.07 22.73 22.77 22.67 22.80 22.93 22.90 22.83 22.80 22.76 22.88 22.92 23.25 22.85 22.67 22.80 22.91 22.95 22.49 22.69 22.94 22.76 22.74 22.94 22.86 22.83 22.85 22.75 22.86 22.93
101.1264 101.0853 101.1332 101.1487 101.1778 101.0988 101.1686 101.3289 101.1353 101.1201 101.0946 100.9977 101.0963 101.0300 94.3049 94.3153 94.3073 94.2803 94.3008 94.2916 94.2557 94.3542 94.3007 94.3351 94.3406 94.2621 94.3124 94.3680 94.3442 94.3391 94.2238 94.2721 94.2915 94.2803 94.2818 94.2227 94.4109 94.2616 94.2052 94.2824 94.2396 94.2087 94.2937 94.2330
0.1447 0.1189 0.2532 0.1413 0.1772 0.0884 0.2940 0.2072 0.0585 0.0868 0.0855 0.0645 0.0638 0.0549 0.1197 0.0566 0.0875 0.0376 0.0703 0.0604 0.0619 0.1027 0.1492 0.1059 0.1508 0.0946 0.0534 0.1643 0.0346 0.0616 0.0721 0.0998 0.2189 0.0690 0.0987 0.2628 0.1230 0.0929 0.0813 0.0605 0.0882 0.0702 0.0591 0.0556
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.1. Gauge study of resistivity probes
Probe 2362.
Run 1 0.0658
DF 150
Run 2 0.0758
DF 150
Pooled 0.0710
DF 300
Averages of the 6 center measurements on each wafer are plotted on a single graph for each wafer. The points (connected by lines) on the left side of each graph are averages at the wafer center plotted over 5 days; the points on the right are the same measurements repeated after one month as a check on the stability of the measurement process. The plots show day-to-day variability as well as slight variability from run-to-run. Earlier work discounts long-term drift in the gauge as the cause of these changes. A reasonable conclusion is that day-to-day and run-to-run variations come from random fluctuations in the measurement process.
Level-2 (reproducibility) standard deviations computed from day averages and pooled over wafers and runs
Level-2 standard deviations (with K - 1 = 5 degrees of freedom each) are computed from the daily averages that are recorded in the database. Then the level-2 standard deviations are pooled over: L = 2 runs for L(K - 1) = 10 degrees of freedom q Q = 5 wafers for QL(K - 1) = 50 degrees of freedom as shown in the table below. The table shows that the level-2 standard deviations are consistent over wafers and runs.
DF 5 5 5 5 5
Run 2 Average Stddev 95.1243 99.3098 96.0765 101.0790 94.2438 0.0453 0.0215 0.0276 0.0537 0.0370
DF 5 5 5 5 5
2362. 95.0928 2362. 99.3060 2362. 96.0357 2362. 101.0602 2362. 94.2148 2362. Pooled
0.0333 25
0.0388 25 0.0362 50
(over 2 runs)
Level-3 (stability) standard deviations computed from run averages and pooled over wafers
Level-3 standard deviations are computed from the averages of the two runs. Then the level-3 standard deviations are pooled over the five wafers to obtain a standard deviation with 5 degrees of freedom as shown in the table below.
Run 1 Average
DF 1 1 1 1 1 5
2362. 95.0928 2362. 99.3060 2362. 96.0357 2362. 101.0602 2362. 94.2148 2362.
A graphical analysis shows the relative biases among the 5 probes. For each wafer, differences from the wafer average by probe are plotted versus wafer number. The graphs verify that probe #2362 (coded as 5) is biased low relative to the other probes. The bias shows up more strongly after the probes have been in use (run 2). Biases by probe are shown in the following table.
Differences from the mean for each wafer Wafer Probe Run 1 Run 2 138. 1. 138. 281. 138. 283. 138. 2062. 138. 2362. 139. 1. 0.0248 0.0108 0.0193 -0.0175 -0.0372 -0.0036 -0.0119 0.0323 -0.0258 0.0561 -0.0507 -0.0007
139. 281. 139. 283. 139. 2062. 139. 2362. 140. 1. 140. 281. 140. 283. 140. 2062. 140. 2362. 141. 1. 141. 281. 141. 283. 141. 2062. 141. 2362. 142. 1. 142. 281. 142. 283. 142. 2062. 142. 2362.
How to deal with bias due to the probe
0.0394 0.0057 -0.0323 -0.0094 0.0400 0.0187 -0.0201 -0.0126 -0.0261 0.0394 -0.0107 0.0246 -0.0280 -0.0252 0.0062 0.0376 -0.0044 -0.0011 -0.0383
0.0050 0.0239 0.0373 -0.0657 0.0109 0.0106 0.0003 0.0182 -0.0398 0.0324 -0.0037 -0.0191 0.0436 -0.0534 0.0093 0.0174 0.0192 0.0008 -0.0469
Probe #2362 was chosen for the certification process because of its superior precision, but its bias relative to the other probes creates a problem. There are two possibilities for handling this problem: 1. Correct all measurements made with probe #2362 to the average of the probes. 2. Include the standard deviation for the difference among probes in the uncertainty budget. The better choice is (1) if we can assume that the probes in the study represent a random sample of probes of this type. This is particularly true when the unit (resistivity) is defined by a test method.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.1. Gauge study of resistivity probes
Run 1 Graph of repeatability standard deviations for probe #2362 -- 6 days and 5 wafers showing that repeatability is constant across wafers and days
Run 2 Graph of repeatability standard deviations for probe #2362 -- 6 days and 5 wafers showing that repeatability is constant across wafers and days
Run 1 Graph showing repeatability standard deviations for five probes as a function of wafers and probes
Run 2 Graph showing repeatability standard deviations for 5 probes as a function of wafers and probes
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.1. Gauge study of resistivity probes
Wafer 139
Wafer 140
Wafer 141
Wafer 142
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.1. Gauge study of resistivity probes
Run 1 Graph of differences from wafer averages for each of 5 probes showing that probes #2062 and #2362 are biased low relative to the other probes
Run 2 Graph of differences from wafer averages for each of 5 probes showing that probe #2362 continues to be biased low relative to the other probes
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.1. Gauge study of resistivity probes
1. and 2. Interpretation: The plots verify that, for both runs, the repeatability of probe #2362 is not dependent on wafers or days, although the standard deviations on days D, E, and F of run 2 are larger in some instances than for the other days. 3. and 4. Interpretation: Probe #2362 appears as #5 in the plots which show that, for both runs, the precision of this probe is better than for the other probes.
5. Interpretation: There is a separate plot for each wafer. The points on the left side of each plot are averages at the wafer center plotted over 5 days; the points on the right are the same measurements repeated after one month to check on the stability of the measurement process. The plots show day-to-day variability as well as slight variability from run-to-run. Table of estimates for probe #2362 1. Level-1 (repeatability) 2. Level-2 (reproducibility) 3. Level-3 (stability)
1., 2. and 3.: Interpretation: The repeatability of the gauge (level-1 standard deviation) dominates the imprecision associated with measurements and days and runs are less important contributors. Of course, even if the gauge has high precision, biases may contribute substantially to the uncertainty of measurement. 1. and 2. Interpretation: The graphs show the relative biases among the 5 probes. For each wafer, differences from the wafer average by probe are plotted versus wafer number. The graphs verify that probe #2362 (coded as 5) is biased low relative to the other probes. The bias shows up more strongly after the probes have been in use (run 2).
Bias estimates 1. Differences among probes - run 1 2. Differences among probes - run 2
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.1. Gauge study of resistivity probes
Plot of wafer and day effect on repeatability standard deviations for run 2
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 label size 3 read mpc61.dat run wafer probe mo day op hum y sw y1label title GAUGE STUDY lines blank all let z = pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 for I = 1 1 300 let z2 = wafer + z/10 -0.25 characters a b c d e f X1LABEL WAFERS X2LABEL REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS BY WAFER AND DAY X3LABEL CODE FOR DAYS: A, B, C, D, E, F TITLE RUN 2 plot sw z2 day subset run 2
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 label size 3 read mpc61.dat run wafer probe mo day op hum y sw y1label title GAUGE STUDY lines blank all let z = pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 for I = 1 1 300 let z2 = wafer + z/10 -0.25 characters 1 2 3 4 5 X1LABEL WAFERS X2LABEL REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS BY WAFER AND PROBE X3LABEL CODE FOR PROBES: 1= SRM1; 2= 281; 3=283; 4=2062; 5=2362 TITLE RUN 1 plot sw z2 probe subset run 1
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 label size 3 read mpc61.dat run wafer probe mo day op hum y sw y1label title GAUGE STUDY lines blank all let z = pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 for I = 1 1 300 let z2 = wafer + z/10 -0.25 characters 1 2 3 4 5 X1LABEL WAFERS X2LABEL REPEATABILITY STANDARD DEVIATIONS BY WAFER AND PROBE X3LABEL CODE FOR PROBES: 1= SRM1; 2= 281; 3=283; 4=2062; 5=2362 TITLE RUN 2 plot sw z2 probe subset run 2
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 read mpc61a.dat wafer probe d1 d2 let biasrun1 = mean d1 subset probe 2362 print biasrun1 title GAUGE STUDY FOR 5 PROBES Y1LABEL OHM.CM lines dotted dotted dotted dotted dotted solid characters 1 2 3 4 5 blank
xlimits 137 143 let zero = pattern 0 for I = 1 1 30 x1label DIFFERENCES AMONG PROBES VS WAFER (RUN 1) plot d1 wafer probe and plot zero wafer Plot of differences from the wafer mean for 5 probes - run 2
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 read mpc61a.dat wafer probe d1 d2 let biasrun2 = mean d2 subset probe 2362 print biasrun2 title GAUGE STUDY FOR 5 PROBES Y1LABEL OHM.CM lines dotted dotted dotted dotted dotted solid characters 1 2 3 4 5 blank xlimits 137 143 let zero = pattern 0 for I = 1 1 30 x1label DIFFERENCES AMONG PROBES VS WAFER (RUN 2) plot d2 wafer probe and plot zero wafer
Plot of averages by day showing reproducibility and stability for measurements made with probe #2362 on 5 wafers
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 300 50 label size 3 read mcp61b.dat wafer probe mo1 day1 y1 mo2 day2 y2 diff let t = mo1+(day1-1)/31. let t2= mo2+(day2-1)/31. x3label WAFER 138 multiplot 3 2 plot y1 t subset wafer 138 and plot y2 t2 subset wafer 138 x3label wafer 139 plot y1 t subset wafer 139 and plot y2 t2 subset wafer 139 x3label WAFER 140 plot y1 t subset wafer 140 and plot y2 t2 subset wafer 140 x3label WAFER 140 plot y1 t subset wafer 141 and plot y2 t2 subset wafer 141 x3label WAFER 142 plot y1 t subset wafer 142 and plot y2 t2 subset wafer 142
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.2. Check standard for resistivity measurements
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.2. Check standard for resistivity measurements Background and data
Crystal Waf Mo Da Hr Mn Op Hum Probe Temp Avg Stddev DF 51939 137 03 24 18 01 drr 42 2362 23.003 97.070 0.085 5 51939 137 03 25 12 41 drr 35 2362 23.115 97.049 0.052 5 51939 137 03 25 15 57 drr 33 2362 23.196 97.048 0.038 5 51939 137 03 28 10 10 JMT 47 2362 23.383 97.084 0.036 5 51939 137 03 28 13 31 JMT 44 2362 23.491 97.106 0.049 5 51939 137 03 28 17 33 drr 43 2362 23.352 97.014 0.036 5 51939 137 03 29 14 40 drr 36 2362 23.202 97.047 0.052 5 51939 137 03 29 16 33 drr 35 2362 23.222 97.078 0.117 5 51939 137 03 30 05 45 JMT 32 2362 23.337 97.065 0.085 5 51939 137 03 30 09 26 JMT 33 2362 23.321 97.061 0.052 5 51939 137 03 25 14 59 drr 34 2362 22.993 97.060 0.060 5 51939 137 03 31 10 10 JMT 37 2362 23.164 97.102 0.048 5 51939 137 03 31 13 00 JMT 37 2362 23.169 97.096 0.026 5 51939 137 03 31 15 32 JMT 35 2362 23.156 97.035 0.088 5 51939 137 04 01 13 05 JMT 34 2362 23.097 97.114 0.031 5 51939 137 04 01 15 32 JMT 34 2362 23.127 97.069 0.037 5 51939 137 04 01 10 32 JMT 48 2362 22.963 97.095 0.032 5 51939 137 04 06 14 38 JMT 49 2362 23.454 97.088 0.056 5
51939 137 04 07 10 50 JMT 34 2362 23.285 97.079 0.067 5 51939 137 04 07 15 46 JMT 33 2362 23.123 97.016 0.116 5 51939 137 04 08 09 37 JMT 33 2362 23.373 97.051 0.046 5 51939 137 04 08 12 53 JMT 33 2362 23.296 97.070 0.078 5 51939 137 04 08 15 03 JMT 33 2362 23.218 97.065 0.040 5 51939 137 04 11 09 30 JMT 36 2362 23.415 97.111 0.038 5 51939 137 04 11 11 34 JMT 35 2362 23.395 97.073 0.039 5
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.2. Check standard for resistivity measurements
The control chart for monitoring the precision of probe #2362 is constructed as discussed in the section on control charts for standard deviations. The upper control limit (UCL) for testing for degradation of the probe is computed using the critical value from the F table with numerator degrees of freedom J - 1 = 5 and denominator degrees of freedom K(J - 1) = 125. For a 0.05 significance level,
The control chart shows two points exceeding the upper control limit. We expect 5% of the standard deviations to exceed the UCL for a measurement process that is in-control. Two outliers are not indicative of significant problems with the repeatability for the probe, but the probe should be monitored closely in the future. The control limits for monitoring the bias and long-term variability of resistivity with a Shewhart control chart are given by
UCL = Average + 2*s2 = 97.1234 Centerline = Average = 97.0698 LCL = Average - 2*s2 = 97.0162
The control chart shows that the points scatter randomly about the center line with no serious problems, although one point exceeds the upper control limit and one point exceeds the lower control limit by a small amount. The conclusion is that there is: q No evidence of bias, change or drift in the measurement process. q No evidence of long-term lack of control. Future measurements that exceed the control limits must be evaluated for long-term changes in bias and/or variability.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.2. Check standard for resistivity measurements Analysis and interpretation
0.0625 30 df 0.0139 5 df
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.2. Check standard for resistivity measurements
Control chart for probe #2362 showing violations of the control limits -all standard deviations are based on 6 repetitions and the control limits are 95% limits
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.2. Check standard for resistivity measurements
Shewhart control chart for measurements on a resistivity check standard showing that the process is in-control -all measurements are averages of 6 repetitions
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.2. Check standard for resistivity measurements
The precision control chart shows two points exceeding the upper control limit. We expect 5% of the standard deviations to exceed the UCL even when the measurement process is in-control.
Control chart for check standard Control chart for check standard #137 Computations: 1. Average check standard value 2. Process standard deviation 3. Upper and lower control limits The Shewhart control chart shows that the points scatter randomly about the center line with no serious problems, although one point exceeds the upper control limit and one point exceeds the lower control limit by a small amount. The conclusion is that there is no evidence of bias or lack of long-term control.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.2. Check standard for resistivity measurements
Normal probability plot for check standard #137 to test assumption of normality Control chart for precision of probe #2372 and computation of control parameter estimates
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 skip 14 read mpc62.dat crystal wafer mo day hour min op hum probe temp y sw df normal probabilty plot y
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 skip 14 read mpc62.dat crystal wafer mo day hour min op hum probe temp y sw df let time = mo +(day-1)/31. let s = sw*sw let spool = mean s let spool = spool**.5 print spool let f = fppf(.95, 5, 125) let ucl = spool*(f)**.5 print ucl title Control chart for precision characters blank blank O lines solid dashed blank y1label x1label Time in days x2label Standard deviations with probe #2362 x3label 5% upper control limit let center = sw - sw + spool let cl = sw - sw + ucl plot center cl sw vs time
Shewhart control chart for check standard #137 with computation of control chart parameters
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 skip 14 read mpc62.dat crystal wafer mo day hour min op hum probe temp y sw df let time = mo +(day-1)/31. let avg = mean y let sprocess = standard deviation y let ucl = avg + 2*sprocess let lcl = avg - 2*sprocess print avg print sprocess print ucl lcl title Shewhart control chart characters O blank blank blank lines blank dashed solid dashed y1label x1label Time in days x2label Check standard 137 with probe 2362 x3label 2-sigma control limits let ybar = y - y + avg let lc1 = y - y + lcl let lc2 = y - y + ucl plot y lc1 ybar lc2 vs time
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.3. Evaluation of type A uncertainty
Day-to-day effects Run-to-run effects Bias due to probe #2362 Bias due to wiring configuration
The certification measurements themselves are not the primary source for estimating uncertainty components because they do not yield information on day-to-day effects and long-term effects. The standard deviations for the three time-dependent sources of uncertainty are estimated from a 3-level nested design. The design was replicated on each of Q = 5 wafers which were chosen at random, for this purpose, from the lot of wafers. The certification measurements were made between the two runs in order to check on the long-term stability of the process. The data consist of repeatability standard deviations (with J - 1 = 5 degrees of freedom each) from measurements at the wafer center.
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.3. Evaluation of type A uncertainty Background and data
Measurements on the check standards are used to estimate repeatability, day effect, run effect
Run Wafer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138.
Month 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
Day 15. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23.
Operator 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1.
Temp 22.98 23.02 22.79 23.17 23.25 23.20 22.99 22.97 22.83 23.28 23.14 23.16
Standard Average Deviation 95.1772 95.1567 95.1937 95.1959 95.1442 95.0610 95.1591 95.1195 95.1065 95.0925 95.1990 95.1682 0.1191 0.0183 0.1282 0.0398 0.0346 0.1539 0.0963 0.0606 0.0842 0.0973 0.1062 0.1090
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 140.
283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 15. 17. 17. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 22. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 23. 16. 17. 18. 18. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 15.
1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1.
22.95 23.08 23.13 23.28 23.36 22.97 22.97 22.98 23.16 23.16 23.28 23.19 23.08 23.01 22.97 23.23 23.28 23.10 23.01 23.00 23.01 23.20 23.22 23.22 22.95 22.98 22.86 23.17 23.10 23.14 22.94 23.09 23.11 23.25 23.36 23.18 22.94 23.08 23.15 23.18 23.27 23.23 23.08 23.02 22.93 23.29 23.25 23.05 23.07
95.1252 95.1600 95.0818 95.1620 95.1735 95.1932 95.1311 95.1132 95.0432 95.1254 95.1322 95.1299 95.1162 95.0569 95.0598 95.1487 95.0743 95.1010 99.3528 99.2940 99.2340 99.3489 99.2625 99.3787 99.3244 99.3378 99.3424 99.4033 99.3717 99.3493 99.3065 99.3280 99.3000 99.3347 99.3929 99.2644 99.3324 99.3254 99.2555 99.1946 99.3542 99.2365 99.2939 99.3234 99.2748 99.3512 99.2350 99.3574 96.1334
0.0531 0.0998 0.1108 0.0408 0.0501 0.0287 0.1066 0.0415 0.0491 0.0603 0.0561 0.0349 0.0480 0.0577 0.0516 0.0386 0.0256 0.0420 0.1424 0.0660 0.1179 0.0506 0.1111 0.1103 0.1134 0.0949 0.0847 0.0801 0.0630 0.1157 0.0381 0.1153 0.0818 0.0972 0.1189 0.0622 0.1531 0.0543 0.1024 0.0851 0.1227 0.1218 0.0818 0.0723 0.0756 0.0475 0.0517 0.0485 0.1052
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141.
1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 22. 22. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 15. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 22. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 16.
1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1.
23.08 22.77 23.18 23.20 23.21 22.94 22.99 22.91 23.15 23.33 23.19 22.89 23.07 23.07 23.24 23.34 23.19 22.95 22.97 23.15 23.14 23.32 23.17 23.08 23.00 23.01 23.27 23.24 23.13 23.01 23.08 22.75 23.21 23.25 23.19 22.93 23.00 22.90 23.19 23.18 23.17 22.85 23.09 23.08 23.27 23.34 23.00 22.97
96.1250 96.0665 96.0725 96.1006 96.1131 96.0467 96.1081 96.0578 96.0700 96.1052 96.0952 96.0650 96.0870 95.8906 96.0842 96.0189 96.1047 96.0379 96.0671 96.0206 96.0207 96.0587 96.0903 96.0771 95.9976 96.0148 96.0397 96.0407 96.0445 101.2124 101.1018 101.1119 101.1072 101.0802 101.1350 101.0287 101.0131 101.1329 101.0562 101.0891 101.1283 101.1597 101.0784 101.0715 101.0910 101.0967 101.1627 101.1077
0.0916 0.0836 0.0620 0.0582 0.1757 0.0565 0.1293 0.1148 0.0495 0.1722 0.1786 0.1301 0.0881 0.1842 0.1008 0.0865 0.0923 0.2190 0.0991 0.0648 0.1410 0.1634 0.0406 0.1024 0.0943 0.0622 0.0702 0.0627 0.0622 0.0900 0.0820 0.0500 0.0641 0.0704 0.0699 0.0520 0.0710 0.0800 0.1594 0.1252 0.1151 0.0990 0.0810 0.0460 0.0880 0.0901 0.0888 0.0970
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138.
2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
17. 18. 18. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 15. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 23. 23. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 16. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 15. 17. 18. 22. 23. 24. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 14. 18.
1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2.
22.96 23.19 23.18 23.34 23.21 23.08 23.01 23.05 23.22 23.29 23.15 23.02 23.04 22.73 23.19 23.25 23.21 22.98 23.00 22.88 23.28 23.07 23.12 22.92 23.08 23.09 23.29 23.34 22.92 22.96 22.95 23.16 23.11 23.31 23.24 23.08 23.00 22.99 23.26 23.27 23.08 23.12 22.73 22.76 22.73 22.73 22.93 22.46 22.80
101.0245 100.9650 101.0319 101.0849 101.1302 101.0471 101.0224 101.0702 101.0904 101.0626 101.0686 94.3160 94.2808 94.2478 94.2862 94.1859 94.2389 94.2640 94.3333 94.2994 94.2873 94.2576 94.3027 94.2846 94.2197 94.2119 94.2536 94.2280 94.2944 94.2238 94.3061 94.1868 94.2645 94.3101 94.2204 94.2437 94.2115 94.2348 94.2124 94.2214 94.1651 95.1996 95.1315 95.1845 95.1359 95.1435 95.1839 95.2106 95.2505
0.1210 0.0700 0.1070 0.0960 0.0505 0.0320 0.1020 0.0580 0.1049 0.0702 0.0661 0.1372 0.0999 0.0803 0.0700 0.0899 0.0686 0.0862 0.1330 0.0908 0.0846 0.0795 0.0389 0.1021 0.0627 0.0785 0.0712 0.0692 0.0958 0.0492 0.2194 0.0474 0.0697 0.0532 0.1023 0.0503 0.0919 0.0282 0.0513 0.0627 0.1010 0.0645 0.1192 0.0452 0.1498 0.0629 0.0563 0.1049 0.0771
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139.
281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
18. 20. 20. 21. 18. 13. 18. 19. 21. 21. 15. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 14. 15. 18. 20. 20. 21. 13. 18. 18. 19. 21. 21. 14. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18.
2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2.
22.77 22.80 22.87 22.95 22.83 23.17 22.67 23.00 22.91 22.96 22.64 22.67 22.99 22.75 22.84 22.92 22.74 22.75 22.88 22.73 22.86 22.94 23.14 22.77 22.80 22.68 22.78 22.93 23.05 22.71 22.79 22.74 22.91 22.92 23.11 22.84 22.76 23.03 22.87 22.98 22.43 22.70 22.97 22.77 22.79 22.94 22.82 22.77
95.2648 95.2197 95.2003 95.0982 95.1211 95.1327 95.2053 95.1292 95.1669 95.1401 95.2479 95.2224 95.2810 95.1869 95.3053 95.1432 95.1687 95.1564 95.1354 95.0422 95.1354 95.1075 99.3274 99.5020 99.4016 99.3181 99.3858 99.3141 99.2915 99.4032 99.4612 99.4001 99.3765 99.3507 99.3848 99.4952 99.3220 99.4165 99.3791 99.3985 99.4283 99.4139 99.3813 99.4314 99.4166 99.4052 99.3408 99.3116
0.1046 0.1779 0.1376 0.1611 0.0794 0.0409 0.1525 0.0655 0.0619 0.0831 0.2867 0.1945 0.1960 0.1571 0.2012 0.1532 0.0785 0.0430 0.0983 0.0773 0.0587 0.0776 0.0220 0.0997 0.0704 0.1245 0.0903 0.0255 0.0859 0.1322 0.1765 0.0889 0.1041 0.0717 0.0792 0.1122 0.0915 0.0503 0.1138 0.0661 0.0891 0.2147 0.1143 0.1685 0.2080 0.2400 0.1279 0.1131
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
139. 139. 139. 139. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141.
2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
19. 19. 20. 21. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 15. 14. 18. 20. 20. 21. 13. 18. 18. 19. 21. 21. 15. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 15. 14. 18. 20. 20. 21. 13. 18. 18.
2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.
22.82 22.74 22.88 22.94 23.10 22.75 22.78 22.70 22.75 22.93 22.71 22.49 22.81 22.78 22.89 22.91 23.22 22.85 22.78 23.01 22.91 22.94 22.60 22.66 22.96 22.75 22.82 22.92 22.88 22.76 22.79 22.71 22.84 22.94 23.07 22.72 22.75 22.69 22.83 22.93 22.72 22.40 22.78 22.73 22.86 22.94 23.26 22.85 22.76
99.3241 99.2991 99.3049 99.2782 96.0811 96.1460 96.1582 96.1039 96.1262 96.1478 96.1153 96.1297 96.1233 96.1731 96.0872 96.1331 96.1135 96.1111 96.1221 96.1063 96.1155 96.1308 95.9767 96.1277 96.1858 96.1912 96.1650 96.1603 96.0793 96.1115 96.0803 96.0411 96.0988 96.0482 101.1984 101.1645 101.2454 101.1096 101.2066 101.0645 101.1615 101.1650 101.1815 101.1106 101.1420 101.0116 101.1554 101.1267 101.1227
0.0519 0.0903 0.0783 0.0718 0.0463 0.0725 0.1428 0.1056 0.0672 0.0562 0.1097 0.1202 0.1331 0.1484 0.0857 0.0944 0.0983 0.1210 0.0644 0.0921 0.0704 0.0258 0.2225 0.1792 0.1312 0.1936 0.1902 0.1777 0.0996 0.0533 0.0364 0.0768 0.1042 0.0868 0.0803 0.0914 0.1109 0.1376 0.0717 0.1205 0.1272 0.0595 0.1393 0.1189 0.0713 0.1088 0.0429 0.0751 0.0826
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142.
283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 281. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 283. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2062. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
19. 21. 21. 15. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21. 13. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. 14. 18. 18. 20. 20. 21. 13. 18. 18. 19. 21. 21. 14. 15. 19. 19. 21. 21. 12. 18. 19. 19. 20. 21.
2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 1.
22.82 22.89 22.96 22.65 22.68 22.95 22.77 22.87 22.94 22.83 22.83 22.91 22.71 22.87 22.94 23.07 22.73 22.77 22.67 22.80 22.93 22.90 22.83 22.80 22.76 22.88 22.92 23.25 22.85 22.67 22.80 22.91 22.95 22.49 22.69 22.94 22.76 22.74 22.94 22.86 22.83 22.85 22.75 22.86 22.93
101.0635 101.1264 101.0853 101.1332 101.1487 101.1778 101.0988 101.1686 101.3289 101.1353 101.1201 101.0946 100.9977 101.0963 101.0300 94.3049 94.3153 94.3073 94.2803 94.3008 94.2916 94.2557 94.3542 94.3007 94.3351 94.3406 94.2621 94.3124 94.3680 94.3442 94.3391 94.2238 94.2721 94.2915 94.2803 94.2818 94.2227 94.4109 94.2616 94.2052 94.2824 94.2396 94.2087 94.2937 94.2330
0.1715 0.1447 0.1189 0.2532 0.1413 0.1772 0.0884 0.2940 0.2072 0.0585 0.0868 0.0855 0.0645 0.0638 0.0549 0.1197 0.0566 0.0875 0.0376 0.0703 0.0604 0.0619 0.1027 0.1492 0.1059 0.1508 0.0946 0.0534 0.1643 0.0346 0.0616 0.0721 0.0998 0.2189 0.0690 0.0987 0.2628 0.1230 0.0929 0.0813 0.0605 0.0882 0.0702 0.0591 0.0556
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.3. Evaluation of type A uncertainty Background and data
Description of database
Wafer Probe Config A-run1 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 138. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 139. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 95.1162 95.0569 95.0598 95.1487 95.0743 95.1010 99.2939 99.3234 99.2748 99.3512 99.2350 99.3574 0.0480 0.0577 0.0516 0.0386 0.0256 0.0420 0.0818 0.0723 0.0756 0.0475 0.0517 0.0485
Config B-run1 95.0993 95.0657 95.0622 95.1625 95.0599 95.0944 99.3018 99.3488 99.3571 99.3512 99.2255 99.3605 0.0466 0.0450 0.0664 0.0311 0.0488 0.0393 0.0905 0.0350 0.1993 0.1286 0.0738 0.0459
Config A-run2 95.1687 95.1564 95.1354 95.0422 95.1354 95.1075 99.3408 99.3116 99.3241 99.2991 99.3049 99.2782 0.0785 0.0430 0.0983 0.0773 0.0587 0.0776 0.1279 0.1131 0.0519 0.0903 0.0783 0.0718
Config B-run2. 95.1589 95.1705 95.1221 95.0513 95.1531 95.1537 99.3637 99.3881 99.3737 99.3066 99.3040 99.3680 0.0642 0.0730 0.0695 0.0840 0.0482 0.0230 0.1025 0.0451 0.0699 0.0709 0.0744 0.0470
140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 140. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 141. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142. 142.
2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362. 2362.
96.0771 95.9976 96.0148 96.0397 96.0407 96.0445 101.0471 101.0224 101.0702 101.0904 101.0626 101.0686 94.2437 94.2115 94.2348 94.2124 94.2214 94.1651
0.1024 0.0943 0.0622 0.0702 0.0627 0.0622 0.0320 0.1020 0.0580 0.1049 0.0702 0.0661 0.0503 0.0919 0.0282 0.0513 0.0627 0.1010
96.0915 96.0057 96.0244 96.0422 96.0738 96.0557 101.0241 101.0660 101.0509 101.0983 101.0614 101.0811 94.2088 94.2043 94.2324 94.2347 94.2416 94.2287
0.1257 0.0806 0.0833 0.0738 0.0800 0.1129 0.0670 0.1030 0.0710 0.0894 0.0849 0.0490 0.0815 0.1176 0.0519 0.0694 0.0757 0.0919
96.0793 96.1115 96.0803 96.0411 96.0988 96.0482 101.1353 101.1201 101.0946 100.9977 101.0963 101.0300 94.2052 94.2824 94.2396 94.2087 94.2937 94.2330
0.0996 0.0533 0.0364 0.0768 0.1042 0.0868 0.0585 0.0868 0.0855 0.0645 0.0638 0.0549 0.0813 0.0605 0.0882 0.0702 0.0591 0.0556
96.1041 96.0774 96.1004 96.0677 96.0585 96.0062 101.1156 101.1077 101.0455 101.0274 101.1106 101.1073 94.2487 94.2886 94.2739 94.2023 94.2600 94.2406
0.0890 0.0983 0.0758 0.0663 0.0960 0.0895 0.1027 0.1141 0.1070 0.0666 0.0788 0.0663 0.0719 0.0499 0.1075 0.0416 0.0731 0.0651
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.3. Evaluation of type A uncertainty
Symbol s1 s2 s3
DF 300 50 5
Calculation of the standard deviation of the certified value showing sensitivity coefficients
The certified value for each wafer is the average of N = 6 repeatability measurements at the center of the wafer on M = 1 days and over P = 1 runs. Notice that N, M and P are not necessarily the same as the number of measurements in the gauge study per wafer; namely, J, K and L. The standard deviation of a certified value (for time-dependent sources of error), is
Standard deviations for days and runs are included in this calculation, even though there were no replications over days or runs for the certification measurements. These factors contribute to the overall uncertainty of the measurement process even though they are not sampled for the particular measurements of interest. The equation must be rewritten to calculate degrees of freedom Degrees of freedom cannot be calculated from the equation above because the calculations for the individual components involve differences among variances. The table of sensitivity coefficients for a 3-level design shows that for N = J, M = 1, P = 1 the equation above can be rewritten in the form
Then the degrees of freedom can be approximated using the Welch-Satterthwaite method. Probe bias Graphs of probe biases A graphical analysis shows the relative biases among the 5 probes. For each wafer, differences from the wafer average by probe are plotted versus wafer number. The graphs verify that probe #2362 (coded as 5) is biased low relative to the other probes. The bias shows up more strongly after the probes have been in use (run 2).
Probe #2362 was chosen for the certification process because of its superior precision, but its bias relative to the other probes creates a problem. There are two possibilities for handling this problem: 1. Correct all measurements made with probe #2362 to the average of the probes. 2. Include the standard deviation for the difference among probes in the uncertainty budget. The best strategy, as followed in the certification process, is to correct all measurements for the average bias of probe #2362 and take the standard deviation of the correction as a type A component of uncertainty.
Biases by probe and wafer are shown in the gauge case study. Biases for probe #2362 are summarized in table below for the two runs. The correction is taken to be the negative of the average bias. The standard deviation of the correction is the standard deviation of the average of the ten biases.
Estimated biases for probe #2362 Wafer Probe 138 139 140 141 142 2362 2362 2362 2362 2362 Run 1 -0.0372 -0.0094 -0.0261 -0.0252 -0.0383 Run 2 -0.0507 -0.0657 -0.0398 -0.0534 -0.0469 -0.0513 -0.0393 0.0162 All
Measurements on the check wafers were made with the probe wired in two different configurations (A, B). A plot of differences between configuration A and configuration B shows no bias between the two configurations.
This finding is consistent over runs 1 and 2 and is confirmed by the t-statistics in the table below where the average differences and standard deviations are computed from 6 days of measurements on 5 wafers. A t-statistic < 2 indicates no significant difference. The conclusion is that there is no bias due to wiring configuration and no contribution to uncertainty from this source.
DF 29 29
t 1.9 1.7
The error budget showing sensitivity coefficients for computing the standard uncertainty and degrees of freedom is outlined below. Error budget for resistivity ( Standard Type Sensitivity Deviation A A A A A a1 = 0 a2 = a3 = 1 a4 = a5 = 1 0.0710 0.0362 0.0197 0.0162 0
DF 300 50 5 5 --
Standard uncertainty includes components for repeatability, days, runs and probe
The degrees of freedom associated with u are approximated by the Welch-Satterthwaite formula as:
The critical value at the 0.05 significance level with 42 degrees of freedom, from the t-table, is 2.018 so the expanded uncertainty is
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.3. Evaluation of type A uncertainty Analysis and interpretation
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.3. Evaluation of type A uncertainty
Database of measurements with probe #2362 1. The repeatability standard deviation is 0.0658 for run 1 and 0.0758 for run 2. This represents the basic precision of the measuring instrument. 2. The level-2 standard deviation pooled over 5 wafers and 2 runs is 0.0362 This is significant in the calculation of uncertainty. 3. The level-3 standard deviation pooled
over 5 wafers is 0.0197 This is small compared to the other components but is included in the uncertainty calculation for completeness. Database of measurements with 5 probes 1. The plot shows that probe #2362 is biased low relative to the other probes and that this bias is consistent over 5 wafers. 2. The bias correction is the average bias = 0.0393 over the 5 wafers. The correction is to be subtracted from all measurements made with probe #2362. 3. The uncertainty of the bias correction = 0.0051 is computed from the standard deviation of the biases for the 5 wafers. Database of wiring configurations A and B 1. The plot of measurements in wiring configurations A and B shows no difference between A and B. 2. The statistical test confirms that there is no difference between the wiring configurations. Elements of error budget 1. The uncertainty is computed from the error budget. The uncertainty for an average of 6 measurements on one day with probe #2362 is 0.078 with 42 degrees of freedom.
Bias due to probe #2362 1. Plot biases for 5 NIST probes 2. Compute wafer bias and average bias for probe #2362 3. Correction for bias and standard deviation
Bias due to wiring configuration A 1. Plot differences between wiring configurations 2. Averages, standard deviations and t-statistics
2. Measurement Process Characterization 2.6. Case studies 2.6.3. Evaluation of type A uncertainty
Reads data and plots repeatability standard deviations for probe #2362 and pools standard deviations over days, wafers -run 2
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 label size 3 set read format f1.0,f6.0,f8.0,32x,f10.4,f10.4 read mpc633a.dat run wafer probe y sr retain run wafer probe y sr subset probe 2362 let df = sr - sr + 5. y1label characters * all lines blank all x2label Repeatability standard deviations for probe 2362 - run 2 plot sr subset run 2 let var = sr*sr let df11 = sum df subset run 1 let df12 = sum df subset run 2 let s11 = sum var subset run 1 let s12 = sum var subset run 2 let s11 = (5.*s11/df11)**(1/2) let s12 = (5.*s12/df12)**(1/2)
print s11 df11 print s12 df12 let s1 = ((s11**2 + s12**2)/2.)**(1/2) let df1=df11+df12 . repeatability standard deviation and df for run 2 print s1 df1 . end of calculations Computes level-2 standard deviations from daily averages and pools over wafers -- run 1
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 rows label size 3 set read format f1.0,f6.0,f8.0,32x,f10.4,f10.4 read mpc633a.dat run wafer probe y sr retain run wafer probe y sr subset probe 2362 sd plot y wafer subset run 1 let s21 = yplot let wafer1 = xplot retain s21 wafer1 subset tagplot = 1 let nwaf = size s21 let df21 = 5 for i = 1 1 nwaf . level-2 standard deviations and df for 5 wafers - run 1 print wafer1 s21 df21 . end of calculations
Computes level-2 standard deviations from daily averages and pools over wafers -- run 2
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 rows label size 3 set read format f1.0,f6.0,f8.0,32x,f10.4,f10.4 read mpc633a.dat run wafer probe y sr retain run wafer probe y sr subset probe 2362 sd plot y wafer subset run 2 let s22 = yplot let wafer1 = xplot retain s22 wafer1 subset tagplot = 1 let nwaf = size s22 let df22 = 5 for i = 1 1 nwaf . level-2 standard deviations and df for 5 wafers - run 1 print wafer1 s22 df22 . end of calculations
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 label size 3 set read format f1.0,f6.0,f8.0,32x,f10.4,f10.4 read mpc633a.dat run wafer probe y sr retain run wafer probe y sr subset probe 2362 sd plot y wafer subset run 1 let s21 = yplot let wafer1 = xplot sd plot y wafer subset run 2 let s22 = yplot retain s21 s22 wafer1 subset tagplot = 1 let nwaf = size wafer1 let df21 = 5 for i = 1 1 nwaf let df22 = 5 for i = 1 1 nwaf let s2a = (s21**2)/5 + (s22**2)/5 let s2 = sum s2a let s2 = sqrt(s2/2) let df2a = df21 + df22 let df2 = sum df2a . pooled level-2 standard deviation and df across wafers and runs print s2 df2 . end of calculations
Computes level-3standard deviations from run averages and pools over wafers
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 rows label size 3 set read format f1.0,f6.0,f8.0,32x,f10.4,f10.4 read mpc633a.dat run wafer probe y sr retain run wafer probe y sr subset probe 2362 . mean plot y wafer subset run 1 let m31 = yplot let wafer1 = xplot mean plot y wafer subset run 2 let m32 = yplot retain m31 m32 wafer1 subset tagplot = 1 let nwaf = size m31 let s31 =(((m31-m32)**2)/2.)**(1/2) let df31 = 1 for i = 1 1 nwaf . level-3 standard deviations and df for 5 wafers print wafer1 s31 df31 let s31 = (s31**2)/5 let s3 = sum s31 let s3 = sqrt(s3) let df3=sum df31 . pooled level-3 std deviation and df over 5 wafers print s3 df3 . end of calculations
Plot differences from the average wafer value for each probe showing bias for probe #2362
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 read mpc61a.dat wafer probe d1 d2 let biasrun1 = mean d1 subset probe 2362 let biasrun2 = mean d2 subset probe 2362 print biasrun1 biasrun2 title GAUGE STUDY FOR 5 PROBES Y1LABEL OHM.CM lines dotted dotted dotted dotted dotted solid characters 1 2 3 4 5 blank xlimits 137 143 let zero = pattern 0 for I = 1 1 30 x1label DIFFERENCES AMONG PROBES VS WAFER (RUN 1) plot d1 wafer probe and plot zero wafer let biasrun2 = mean d2 subset probe 2362 print biasrun2 title GAUGE STUDY FOR 5 PROBES Y1LABEL OHM.CM lines dotted dotted dotted dotted dotted solid characters 1 2 3 4 5 blank xlimits 137 143 let zero = pattern 0 for I = 1 1 30 x1label DIFFERENCES AMONG PROBES VS WAFER (RUN 2) plot d2 wafer probe and plot zero wafer . end of calculations
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 label size 3 set read format f1.0,f6.0,f8.0,32x,f10.4,f10.4 read mpc633a.dat run wafer probe y sr set read format . cross tabulate mean y run wafer retain run wafer probe y sr subset probe 2362 skip 1 read dpst1f.dat runid wafid ybar print runid wafid ybar let ngroups = size ybar skip 0 . let m3 = y - y feedback off loop for k = 1 1 ngroups let runa = runid(k) let wafera = wafid(k) let ytemp = ybar(k)
let m3 = ytemp subset run = runa subset wafer = wafera end of loop feedback on . let d = y - m3 let bias1 = average d subset run 1 let bias2 = average d subset run 2 . mean plot d wafer subset run 1 let b1 = yplot let wafer1 = xplot mean plot d wafer subset run 2 let b2 = yplot retain b1 b2 wafer1 subset tagplot = 1 let nwaf = size b1 . biases for run 1 and run 2 by wafers print wafer1 b1 b2 . average biases over wafers for run 1 and run 2 print bias1 bias2 . end of calculations
Compute correction for bias for measurements with probe #2362 and the standard deviation of the correction
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 label size 3 set read format f1.0,f6.0,f8.0,32x,f10.4,f10.4 read mpc633a.dat run wafer probe y sr set read format . cross tabulate mean y run wafer retain run wafer probe y sr subset probe 2362 skip 1 read dpst1f.dat runid wafid ybar let ngroups = size ybar skip 0 . let m3 = y - y feedback off loop for k = 1 1 ngroups let runa = runid(k) let wafera = wafid(k) let ytemp = ybar(k) let m3 = ytemp subset run = runa subset wafer = wafera end of loop feedback on . let d = y - m3 let bias1 = average d subset run 1 let bias2 = average d subset run 2 . mean plot d wafer subset run 1 let b1 = yplot let wafer1 = xplot
mean plot d wafer subset run 2 let b2 = yplot retain b1 b2 wafer1 subset tagplot = 1 . extend b1 b2 let sd = standard deviation b1 let sdcorr = sd/(10**(1/2)) let correct = -(bias1+bias2)/2. . correction for probe #2362, standard dev, and standard dev of corr print correct sd sdcorr . end of calculations Plot differences between wiring configurations A and B
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 30 label size 3 read mpc633k.dat wafer probe a1 s1 b1 s2 a2 s3 b2 s4 let diff1 = a1 - b1 let diff2 = a2 - b2 let t = sequence 1 1 30 lines blank all characters 1 2 3 4 5 y1label x1label Config A - Config B -- Run 1 x2label over 6 days and 5 wafers x3label legend for wafers 138, 139, 140, 141, 142: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 plot diff1 t wafer x1label Config A - Config B -- Run 2 plot diff2 t wafer . end of calculations
Compute average differences between configuration A and B; standard deviations and t-statistics for testing significance
reset data reset plot control reset i/o separator character @ dimension 500 rows label size 3 read mpc633k.dat wafer probe a1 s1 b1 s2 a2 s3 b2 s4 let diff1 = a1 - b1 let diff2 = a2 - b2 let d1 = average diff1 let d2 = average diff2 let s1 = standard deviation diff1 let s2 = standard deviation diff2 let t1 = (30.)**(1/2)*(d1/s1) let t2 = (30.)**(1/2)*(d2/s2) . Average config A-config B; std dev difference; t-statistic for run 1 print d1 s1 t1 . Average config A-config B; std dev difference; t-statistic for run 2 print d2 s2 t2 separator character ; . end of calculations
Compute standard uncertainty, effective degrees of freedom, t value and expanded uncertainty
reset data reset plot control reset i/o dimension 500 rows label size 3 read mpc633m.dat sz a df let c = a*sz*sz let d = c*c let e = d/(df) let sume = sum e let u = sum c let u = u**(1/2) let effdf=(u**4)/sume let tvalue=tppf(.975,effdf) let expu=tvalue*u . . uncertainty, effective degrees of freedom, tvalue and . expanded uncertainty print u effdf tvalue expu . end of calculations
= Xo.Ka.Ft .t.Ft/s
with explanations of the quantities and their nominal values shown below:
= resistivity = 0.00128 X = voltage/current (ohm) t = thicknesswafer(cm) = 0.628 cm Ka = factorelectrical = 4.50 FF = correctiontemp Ft/s = factorthickness/separation 1.0
Type A evaluations The resistivity measurements, discussed in the case study of type A evaluations, were replicated to cover the following sources of uncertainty in the measurement process, and the associated uncertainties are reported in units of resistivity ( q Repeatability of measurements at the center of the wafer
q q q q
Day-to-day effects Run-to-run effects Bias due to probe #2362 Bias due to wiring configuration
Not all factors could be replicated during the gauge experiment. Wafer thickness and measurements required for the scale corrections were measured off-line. Thus, the type B evaluation of uncertainty is computed using propagation of error. The propagation of error formula in units of resistivity is as follows:
Standard deviations for the type B components are summarized here. For a complete explanation, see the publication (Ehrstein and Croarkin).
There are two basic sources of uncertainty for the electrical measurements. The first is the least-count of the digital volt meter in the measurement of X with a maximum bound of
a = 0.0000534 ohm
which is assumed to be the half-width of a uniform distribution. The second is the uncertainty of the electrical scale factor. This has two sources of uncertainty: 1. error in the solution of the transcendental equation for determining the factor 2. errors in measured voltages The maximum bounds to these errors are assumed to be half-widths of
sx = 0.0000534/
= 0.0000308 ohm
The standard deviation for thickness, t, accounts for two sources of uncertainty: 1. calibration of the thickness measuring tool with precision gauge blocks 2. variation in thicknesses of the silicon wafers The maximum bounds to these errors are assumed to be half-widths of
Temperature correction
The standard deviation for the temperature correction is calculated from its defining equation as shown below. Thus, the standard deviation for the correction is the standard deviation associated with the measurement of temperature multiplied by the temperature coefficient, C(t) = 0.0083. The maximum bound to the error of the temperature measurement is assumed to be the half-width
a = 0.13 C
of a triangular distribution. Thus the standard deviation of the correction for is
Sensitivity coefficients for translating the standard deviations for the type B components into units of resistivity ( from the propagation of error equation are listed below and in the error budget. The sensitivity coefficient for a source is the multiplicative factor associated with the standard deviation in the formula above; i.e., the partial derivative with respect to that variable from the propagation of error equation.
a6 = ( /X) = 100/0.111 = 900.901 a7 = ( /Ka) = 100/4.50 = 22.222 a8 = ( /t) = 100/0.628 = 159.24 a9 = ( /FT) = 100 a10 = ( /Ft/S) = 100
Sensitivity coefficients and degrees of freedom Error budget showing sensitivity coefficients, standard deviations and degrees of freedom Sensitivity coefficients for the type A components are shown in the case study of type A uncertainty analysis and repeated below. Degrees of freedom for type B uncertainties based on assumed distributions, according to the convention, are assumed to be infinite. The error budget showing sensitivity coefficients for computing the relative standard uncertainty of volume resistivity ( with degrees of freedom is outlined below. Error budget for volume resistivity ( Standard Type Sensitivity Deviation A A A A A B B B B a1 = 0 a2 = a3 = 1 a4 = a5 = 1 a6 = 900.901 a7 = 22.222 a8 = 159.20 a9 = 100 0.0710 0.0362 0.0197 0.0162 0 0.0000308 0.000227 0.00000868 0.000441
DF 300 50 5 5 --
Repeatability Reproducibility Run-to-run Probe #2362 Wiring Configuration A Resistance ratio Electrical scale Thickness Temperature correction
a10 = 100
The degrees of freedom associated with u are approximated by the Welch-Satterthwaite formula as:
This calculation is not affected by components with infinite degrees of freedom, and therefore, the degrees of freedom for the standard uncertainty is the same as the degrees of freedom for the type A uncertainty. The critical value at the 0.05 significance level with 42 degrees of freedom, from the t-table, is 2.018 so the expanded uncertainty is
2.7. References
2.7. References
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Thomas E. Hockersmith and Harry H. Ku (1993). Uncertainties associated with proving ring calibrations, NBS Special Publication 300: Precision Measurement and Calibration, Statistical Concepts and Procedures, Vol. 1, pp. 257-263, H. H. Ku, editor. J. Stuart Hunter (1986). The Exponentially Weighted Moving Average, J Quality Technology, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 203-207. K. B. Jaeger and R. S. Davis (1984). A Primer for Mass Metrology, NBS Special Publication 700-1, 85 pages.
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Sally T. Peavy, Shirley G. Bremer, Ruth N. Varner, David Hogben (1986). OMNITAB 80: An Interpretive System for Statistical and Numerical Data Analysis, NBS Special Publication 701, US Deptartment of Commerce.
2.7. References
Uncertainties for uncorrected bias Calibration of roundness artifacts Calibration designs for angle blocks SI units
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Charles P. Reeve (1979). Calibration designs for roundness standards, NBSIR 79-1758, 21 pages.
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Uncertainties for calibrated values Example of propagation of error for flow measurements Mathematica software
2.7. References
Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty of Measurement (1993). ISBN 91-67-10188-9, 1st ed. ISO, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland, 101 pages. ISO 5725: 1997. Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement results, Part 2: Basic method for repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method, ISO, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland. ISO 11095: 1997. Linear Calibration using Reference Materials, ISO, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland.
ISO 11095 on linear calibration MSA gauge studies manual NCSL RP on uncertainty analysis ISO Vocabulary for metrology Exact variance for length and width
Measurement Systems Analysis Reference Manual, 2nd ed., (1995). Chrysler Corp., Ford Motor Corp., General Motors Corp., 120 pages. Determining and Reporting Measurement Uncertainties, National Conference of Standards Laboratories RP-12, (1994), Suite 305B, 1800 30th St., Boulder, CO 80301. International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology, 2nd ed., (1993). ISO, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Genve 20, Switzerland, 59 pages. Leo Goodman (1960). "On the Exact Variance of Products" in Journal of the American Statistical Association, December, 1960, pp. 708-713.
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