REDEMPTIVE GIFTS - Romans CH 12 v6-8

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REDEMPTIVE GIFTS - Romans ch 12 v6-8 Redemptive Gift Prophecy Biblical Examples John/Baptist Naomi Peter Caleb Jonathan Ezekiel

Miriam Esther Timothy Joseph(foJ) Barnabus Ananias Behavioural Patterns High in Righteousness: Truth: Black & White: Idealist: Principled: Independent: Ideas person: R&D type: Fire in his belly: Fearless: Assess things quickly. Like new things. Verbal expressive: opinionated: Generous: Creative; Competitive: Honest: Open hearted: High faith level: Proactive: activate change; Sees & meets needs: sees best in people: loyalty to family high: Competitive streak: Understands the Fear of the Lord: honest: : Helpful: without guile: Able to keep from evil: Counsellor: Obedience comes easy: Diligent: No enemies: Protective: Armour bearer: No enemies : Team player: good with hard cases Need to validate truth: Accuracy vital: processes slowly: Safe: kind: researchers Priestly anointing: puts all effort into work: does not reject things: steady: reliable: Patient: Reason : explain: cautious: Explain everything thro' wordsNeeds to see big picture first : procrastinate Behavioural Vulnerabilities Up & down : Difficulty with timing: Difficulty in forgiving himself: Poor at maintaining excellence Hates status quo: needs vision; Hard on himself. Weak with horizontal relationships Creation (Gen Ch 1) 1st Day: "light" Natural Laws Established Always works from these first principles: understands the mind of God Names of God Jirah: Provider Understands God's grace to restore and release (Gen22v14)

Page 1 of 2 Tabernacle Redemptive Gift Prophecy

Brazen Alter:Sacrifice for sin & Thanks (Extremes) Understands the pain of extremes:


Victim spirit (Exploited): Can't say No: struggles with self worth: Must learn to empower not enable Need affirmation: makes excuses for others: attract dishonour: unglamorous taken for granted: Must learn to deal with disappointment Indecisive: poor at handling money: Can't cope with non-biblical experiences: impractical: Immature teachers with an undeveloped character can be self-centred: ministry centred: poor at handling time: Finds it difficult to purge sin in the camp faith an issue: Carnal(attuned to feelings) disobedient prefer people: Poor control of time: Must spend time with God to get anointing Need to prioritize best abilities Rule by relationship : can be manipulative Independence from God: faith risk big issue - Abraham good Jacob - disobedient-couldnt receive Job-mental ascension: protective: lack of holiness: Security in money/family: Aggrandisement error Vulnerable to weakness on Moral Authority: Ends justify means: Will not volunteer: Independent: Empire Builder: lack of integrity: Overlooking character faults in others Hates confrontation: protects people from pain: Love alone will nor suffice: avoids issues: Heart person: reconciler Indecisive on right/wrong Issues: Avoids warfare: can be violent if pushed exploited: quick to blame themselves. difficulty explaining feelings Diagnostic questions can help. Born with some easy characteristics free grace - but they are not an excuse for character building and pursuing the fruits of the Holy Spirit

2nd day: "atmosphere" prefer not to be visible: works in background: air, vital to life:

Raffa:- " who heals" (Moses-bitter water) keep people whole: cleansing: deliverance: (Ex:15v26)

Washings:cleanse sinners: help leadership: Will not die. (Ex: 30v19-21)



Levi Samuel Luke Ezra Mary (moJ) Isaiah

3rd day dry ground: see good: slow process-foodhealing-liferedemptive- increase passive

Nisi: banner (I come in the name) (Moses - Amelikites) Use against predator /victim spirit: uncomfortable against extending principles: (Ex:17v15) Shalom:- peace With God: must have vertical relationship to be relational with people few are forced into it: (Num:6v26) Roi:- shepherd provision/safety/ blessing/holiness: Downfall relationship with God: No warfare : (Psa: ch 23v1) Tsidkenu:

Table of showbread bring out the old/new: prefers old: need fresh bread every week - holypresence : Relationship with God not ability: Prefers knowledge to intimacy. (Ex 25v23-30) Lampstand:sheds light: helps giver & teacher to experiential level: (Ex 25v31-40)



Paul Moses Jeremiah Gideon Lydia

horizontal: straight to the point: makes instant relationships & witness: Evangelist:: natural leaders Need people around them: high energy: Persuasive : good communicator: people person: loves change: Knowledge of God main function " I am" -who God is : inclusive/unity : shrewd : inspirational : perceptive: Diverse: flexible: don't fit easily in structures: private : Generational world view: Long term: attracts success: wise: creative: supernatural timing: chameleon : resource provider: careful with money: frugal: likes information: A Networker: Able gifted: Over enthusiasm can cause confusion Implementer: Administrator: leader: loves being under pressure: loyalty important :reliable : stand alone on principles: skilled in time management : Reads people well : not into detail: 80% :Team builder : Good with imperfect people: Does not accept or apportion blame : thinks big : strategist : rarely have enemies: easy: safe person: discern people: transcends soul contact: Trait for physical touching: slow emotional process: knows God's heart: Couldn't disappoint God: Enabler of peoples pleasure: compassionate : Compliant : Intuitive : Loves worship/enters in easily: safe : Attract counsel: has few close friends: 3. 4.

4thday: diversity-stars-large expanse-galaxies beyond knowledgegoverns passively (sun)



Abraham Jacob Job Matthew Joanna

5th day: Fruitful & increase generational anointing: 1st blessing Nurturing

Alter incense:intercession/worship; Challenge to have a relationship with God Cain - religion (Ex 30v1-10) Ark Covenant :Ten Commandments (moral law); Budding Rod( life/Sov.Authority) Manna(Sup.provision) (Ex 25v10-15) Mercy seat Intimacy: Heart of God's presence Sanctified everything Fulfilment of spiritual matters. (Ex 25v17-22



Noah Joseph Solomon Boaz Nehemiah Sarah Adam Ruth John David

6thday: Have dominion/rule


righteousness: Give people freedom not oppression: (Jer 23v6)


7 th day:

rested Highest blessing: Draws from others: complex: sensitive: enjoys reflection: savour creation Holiness/time sanctified

Shammah: Lord is present: (Ezk 48v35)


Notes :-


Seeking God's face common factor: 2.. How do I discover my gifting ? One you find easiest to do. The one you love to do The one you have been attacked on Spiritually) your weak point

The purpose of knowing your gifting :Finding your Birthright Knowing and understanding yourself and others better Enables you to better fulfil your calling On Principles of Life & Truth - You will have to fight on this battle to win through to fulfil your birthright

7 8 9 10

Character problems must be removed Brokenness and woundedness will affect your ab All the "sevens" in scripture parallel the gifts Knowing your gift ing and receiving it will increase on the individual and consequently in the Church of JESUS into the body, so He can build His chur

page 2 of 2 Word of Jesus on the Cross "Forgive them" Must learn to receive forgiveness: (Luke 23v34) Seven Churches (Rev ch 2,3) Ephesus:Forsaken 1st love: Deep desire for intimacy with God; hard worker ; restorer. Pillars of Truth-Prov 9v1 Design Spiritual Authority Over :Poverty spirit in the soul Birthright Demonic Strongholds Fractured Relationships (never have enough time) Root Iniquity The rights of individuals (at the expense of the corporate benefit) Essential Virtues Being a rebuilder (learn team synergy) Curses on Birthright Aramean (can't get justice) Blessings needed for effectiveness John the Baptist Favour in the home

Appendix 3 Invoked blessing to establish First fruits Multiplication (Gen 1v22;27)

Inspire people & envision them: Enables people fulfil their birthright

"today you will be with me in paradise" believes calling unto death: Must maintain dignity. (Luke 23v43)

Smyrna:Basic integrity: Unselfish; Faithful; Persevere. (death x3)


To:1-Help leaders 2-restore family 3-reach difficult people 4-over death spirit 5- restore blessing to the land etc. Release blessing into generations thro' teaching. Over predator spirit.

Release others into Ministry

Victim Spirit (people take advantage of)

Peace at any cost

Walking in dominion (battle for the mind) (delegate)

Moabite (No help getting started)

Esther Secure borders support from others

Time & space to reflect and rest (Gen 2v3..)

"This is your mother" Jesus made a decision for his mother to help her. He knew she would have struggled to make a decision and take the responsibility. (John19v26,27) "why have you forsaken me" Are you willing to take pain & suffering (Mat 27v46)

Pergamun can't practise what he teaches: Unable to impose on others: Unwillingness to take responsibility in all areas: Feeds mind not heart rehma not given Thyatira :hallmarks love/faith unwilling to confront wounded people who have succumbed to Jezebel spirit ; struggle/rejection. Sardis:distinguish between religion & heart relationship with God:


Feed blessing (generational) If they fail it will result in a curse and mind decay. a Great responsibility. Intimacy with God. Reveal a knowledge of God to the people

Religious Spirit (Ritualism ; stale bread) live in the past

Selective responsibility

Sanctifying his family (putting theory into practise)

Philistine (Lacks key resources)

Daniel Supernatural strategies

Corporate special blessing (Numbers 6v22)

Sowing & Reaping

Over disunity & and ability to bring restoration

The cult of comfort (too busy enjoying what they do)


Embracing the pain (discipline)

Canaanite Oppressive workload

Moses Time to develop finest abilities

Covenant (Duet 11v15; 27v28)

"I thirst" willingness to be needy: (John 19v28)


Strong authority against a devouring spirit

Bring life & health and preservation of new birth

Ownership (own agenda)

Control (don't like boundaries)

Walking by faith

Midianite (Seasonal devouring of money & family relationships Jotham's (Betrayal from within)

Job Accruing capital

Lovingkindness (Ruth..)

"it is finished" Holiness Moral excellence freedom from sin (John 19v30)

Philadelphia:Rule righteously


Authority over spiritual Issues

Releasing & restoring spiritual generational blessing

Predator Spirit (attacked by)

Exploitation (of others)

Being life giving

Nehemiah Synergistically life-giving institutions

Righteousness (Mat 5v)

"Father into thy hands I commit my spirit." dying to self: total committal: (Luke 23v46)

Laodicea:Dominion given to Adam (mercy man) fathering issue unresolved; precedes God's presence. people pleaser.


Over Time (sanctify it) Bring holiness into situations

To release God's manifest presence

Selfgratification (reflective self indulgence)


Pleasing God not man

Ammonite (Barrenness : Mediocrity)

John possessing your birthright

Heavenly (Eph 1v3)

Character problems must be removed Brokenness and woundedness will affect your ability to fulfil your gift All the "sevens" in scripture parallel the gifts Knowing your gift ing and receiving it will increase the anointing on the individual and consequently in the Church. It brings more of JESUS into the body, so He can build His church.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Concentrate on positives eliminate negatives. Reference: Bill Gothard & Arthur Burk To be effective need to win the demonic struggle Wired to resist demonic strongholds Scriptures 1 Corn 12v6; 1 Peter 4v10; 2 Tim 1v6,14


Generally you will be 80% of one of these seven Gifts and 20% of the others. One of them will be dominant.

SN July 2005

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