24 SUE - Uniq (TS2003)
24 SUE - Uniq (TS2003)
24 SUE - Uniq (TS2003)
Guido Gentile
Referring to additive demand models, the Stochastic User Equilibrium can be formulated in
the reduced space of travel alternative generalized costs as a fixed point problem defined on
ℜ n, where n is the number of travel alternatives minus the number of user classes. Through
the analysis of an equivalent non-linear program, a new sufficient condition for the
uniqueness of the solution to a generic unconstrained fixed point problem is introduced. The
application of this result to the Stochastic User Equilibrium problem permits to derive a
weaker sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the equilibrium than that requiring the
Jacobian of the arc cost function to be positive semi definite. Specifically, it is shown that the
problem admits only one solution also if this Jacobian becomes positive definite when
summed up to the identity matrix multiplied by a positive scalar, whose value is strictly
related to the Jacobian of the demand function. Some elementary cases are presented where
the above condition is employed in order to characterize the equilibrium. This way it is shown
that the lack of definiteness of the arc cost function Jacobian is not a taboo for establishing the
uniqueness of the solution, and the problem of how much this condition may be violated can
and should be addressed with reference to each specific instance of traffic assignment.
With reference to a congested transport network, traffic assignment consists in the seeking of
a cost and flow pattern resulting from a supply-demand equilibrium where users cannot
improve the utility of their individual travel choice by unilaterally changing it. The Stochastic
under the assumption of within-day stationariety, where the demand model is probabilistic,
while the supply model is based on a not necessarily separable arc cost function.
Essentially, two different approaches have been proposed in the literature to formulate the
SUE problem. Here, for the sake of brevity, we recall only some seminal papers, referring for
detailed citations to the books by Sheffi (1985), Patriksson (1994) and Cascetta (2001). The
first approach consists in defining an equivalent non-linear program (Daganzo and Sheffi,
1977; Fisk, 1980; Oppenheim, 1995) in analogy with the “sum integral” model proposed for
the deterministic case in Beckman, McGuire and Winsten (1956), but requires the arc cost
function to have a symmetric Jacobian. The second approach, proposed in Daganzo (1983),
consists in formalizing the equilibrium as a fixed point problem, and permits to address SUE
in a multi-user and multimodal context with elastic demand up to trip generation and
Notoriously, fixed point problems are well suited for the formulation of equilibrium problems,
as they allow for a great flexibility in the definition of the underlying models, while keeping
fixed point problems addresses the issue of the existence of a solution, while few results are
available to discuss its uniqueness. The most well know sufficient condition guaranteeing the
solution uniqueness requires the fixed point function to be a contraction (Bertsekas, 1995, p.
554). However, this result does not apply to the case of traffic assignment, where it is well
acknowledged that, by simply iterating the fixed point function, a bouncing sequence of
points is produced and an equilibrium is usually not attained, so that some averaging process
requiring the monotonicity of the arc cost function have been introduced (Smith, 1979;
Dafermos, 1980). However, these monotonicity conditions are not workable in practice, and
are then usually met by requiring the Jacobian of the arc cost function to be definite.
In many cases of practical relevance, for instance when the aim is to represent congestion in
transit systems and/or the interaction among different transport modes on road links, the
monotonicity condition is not satisfied in general and, to the contrary, it is not difficult to find
examples where the solution is not unique (Bellei, Gentile and Papola, 2003). On the other
hand, it is common belief that the monotonicity condition is excessively restrictive, as, in
most instances of the traffic assignment problem for which this uniqueness condition does not
hold, the fixed point algorithms actually converge to the same equilibrium pattern whichever
starting point is considered for the initialization. The present paper aims then at deriving
weaker sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of the equilibrium, in order to provide a
A new sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the SUE problem has been recently obtained
in Cantarella (2002), by applying the proof of the monotonicity condition given in Cantarella
(1997) to a different fixed point formulation. We will show how this condition can be
To this end, we first derive, through the analysis of an equivalent non-linear program, a new
sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the solution to a generic unconstrained fixed point
problem. In order to exploit this result, with reference to the case where the demand model is
additive (that is, when summing up the same constant to the utility of every travel alternative
of a user does not modify his choice probabilities – the concept of travel alternative will be
introduced in section 2.1), we propose an alternative fixed point formulation of the SUE
problem defined on the reduced space of travel alternative generalized costs (Bellei, Gentile
and Papola, 2002). On this basis, the interpretation of the newly found uniqueness condition
in terms of properties of the supply and demand models is addressed. This permits to derive a
weaker sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the equilibrium than that requiring the
Jacobian of the arc cost function to be positive semi definite (Cantarella, 1997). Thus, the lack
of definiteness is shown to be not a taboo for establishing the uniqueness of the solution, so
that the problem of how much this condition may be violated can and should be addressed
with reference to each specific instance of traffic assignment. A contribution in this direction
has been recently achieved in D’Acierno, Montella and Gallo (2002) with specific reference
to a bimodal transport network with interaction among busses and cars on road links.
The analysis of the latter problem permits to establish some properties of the solutions to the
fixed point problem. In particular, applying an original result regarding unconstrained non-
linear programs, referred to as the bend down theorem, a new sufficient condition for the
uniqueness of the solution is derived, requiring the Jacobian of the fixed point function minus
In section 2, the new unconstrained fixed point formulation of the SUE problem is presented.
On this basis, it is shown that, in order to guarantee the uniqueness of the equilibrium, the
Jacobian of the arc cost function can actually be positive definite when summed up to the
identity matrix multiplied by a positive scalar, whose value is strictly related to the Jacobian
In section 3, some elementary cases are presented in order to show how the above condition
can be employed to discuss the uniqueness of the equilibrium. We will make specific
reference to the multinomial Logit model, whose choice probabilities are expressed in closed
form, so that the differentiation of the demand function can be performed analytically.
A mathematical appendix is added, where the bend down theorem is established, yielding
constitute a simply connected set. Moreover, some results regarding the relation among
eigenvalues, definiteness and monotonicity are presented, and some well-known properties
are reported just to improve readability. All these propositions are used to prove the new
uniqueness condition.
In this section we establish some properties of the solutions to the following fixed point
S = {x∈ℜ n: x = h(x)}.
We say that two problems are equivalent when they have the same set of solutions. Let d(x)
be the difference between the fixed point function h(x) and the point x∈ℜ at which it is
calculated, i.e.
d(x) = h(x)-x.
Considering, for convenience, the gap function ϕ(x) defined as one half of the square of the
The fixed point problem (1) and the non-linear program (2) are equivalent, i.e.
By definition the norm of a vector is null, if the vector is zero, while it is strictly greater than
proving that the gap function is zero at the solutions to the fixed point problem, while it is
Because h is C1, the vector function d and then the scalar function ϕ are also C1. Therefore,
their gradients (the gradient of a vector function coincides with its Jacobian transposed) exist
and can be expressed as follows (see the differentiation rules 7 in the appendix):
Because the non-linear program (2) is unconstrained, the set X s of its stationary points is the
where N(x, ε) = {y∈ℜn: ||y – x|| ≤ ε} is the closed ball centred at x∈ℜn with a ray of length
1.2 Uniqueness of the solution
In this section we apply the bend down theorem and the implicit function theorem to the non-
linear program (2) in order to establish sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of the solution
To this end, we first establish a condition on the Jacobian of the fixed point function which
implies that the set of the global minima to the non-linear program (2) coincides with that of
its stationary points. The condition is that this Jacobian minus the identity matrix is non-
singular. Moreover, the same condition makes it possible to apply the implicit function
theorem to the fixed point equation. Because the latter ensures local uniqueness, and, based
on the bend down theorem, the set of the solutions is connected, global uniqueness is
With reference to the non-linear program (2), if the Jacobian of the fixed point function minus
then, the set of the global minima coincides with that of the stationary points, i.e.
S = X s.
We first express condition (5) in terms of properties of the eigenvalues (see 8 in the appendix,
where also the notation is introduced) of matrix ∇h(x)-In . Based on properties (53) and (52),
we have that condition (5) is equivalent to requiring that the real eigenvalues of the fixed
Then, we observe that, by combining (3) with (4), the gradient of the objective function of the
non-linear program (2) can be expressed as follows:
Because it is: x∈S → d(x) = 0n , based on (7) we have: x∈S → x∈X s, or equivalently:
S ⊆ X s.
X s ⊆ S,
or, equivalently, that: x∈X → x∈S. Let x∈X s, and by contradiction suppose that x∉S.
Because it is: x∈X s, then we have: ∇ϕ(x) = 0n , which, based on (7), can be expressed as:
∇h(x)⋅d(x) = d(x).
Moreover, because it is: x∉S, we have: d(x) ≠ 0n . Then, based on the above equation, a real
valued eigenvalue of ∇h(x) is equal to 1 and d(x) is the corresponding eigenvector. This
1, the set of the global minima coincides with that of the stationary points.
With reference to conditions (8) and (9), the result follows immediately from the fact that
condition (6) is equivalent to condition (5). With reference to definiteness conditions (10) and
(11), the result follows from (8) and (9), respectively, based on the corollaries 11 and 12 (see
Proposition 4 - uniqueness
With reference to the fixed point problem (1), if the Jacobian condition (5) holds, then there
In order to apply the implicit function theorem to the fixed point equation, we shall first
introduce a parametrization of problem (1). Without loss of generality, we assume that the
fixed point function depends on a vector of parameters b∈ℜp, besides the current variable
x∈ℜ n. Moreover, we assume that h is C1 also with respect to b. Let b*∈ℜp be the reference
Because x*∈S, we have: d(x*, b*) = 0n . Moreover, because (5) holds, based on (3) we have:
|∇x d(x*, b*)| ≠ 0. Then, we can apply the implicit function theorem to the non-linear system
of equations d(x, b) = 0n at point (x*, b*), stating that there exist an open ball centred at b*
and having a ray of length ε > 0 where there can be defined a unique one-valued function ξ
such that d(ξ(b), b) = 0n (Apostol, 1974, p. 374). This implies that x* = ξ(b*) is an isolated
Moreover, because (5) holds, proposition 2 states that: X s = S. Then, because x* is an isolated
Because S is connected and x*∈S is an isolated solution, then x* is the only solution.
2 Stochastic User Equilibrium
The SUE problem is here addressed in a general framework, allowing for multi-user, multi-
modal and elastic demand modelling, and for the use of not necessarily separable arc cost
functions. In this context is introduced a classical fixed point formulation, on which basis the
The users are grouped into a set U of classes. All individuals belonging to a same class are
assumed to be identical with respect to any characteristic influencing travel behaviour and
The multimodal network of infrastructures and services constituting the transport supply is
represented through an oriented graph G = (N, A), where N is the set of the nodes and A is the
The flow of users belonging to the generic class u on the generic arc a is denoted fau, while cau
is the corresponding cost. The arc flow and cost pattern are then expressed, respectively, by
the (l × 1) vectors f and c, where l = |A|⋅|U|. In order to represent congestion, a C1 arc cost
function, expressing the arc costs in terms of the arc flows, is introduced:
The demand model is based on the random utility theory, where the travel behaviour is
represented assuming that each users: a) considers a positive finite number of mutually
exclusive travel alternatives constituting his choice set; b) associates with each travel
alternative of his choice set a utility regarded as a random variable; and c) selects a maximum
utility travel alternative. We assume that the travel choice process can be broken down into a
sequence of mobility choices (e.g. to travel or not to travel, by which transport mode, to
which destination and following which path) represented by a choice tree (Ben Akiva and
Lerman, 1985). A travel alternative is a path on the choice tree, specifying the choice made at
each level, and its utility is the sum of the utilities associated with each arc of this path. In
particular, each travel alternative (except for the not-to-travel alternative, when present) is
associated with one path on the network connecting the origin node of the trip to the
destination node (the paths associated to a given transport mode may be constituted
exclusively by arcs belonging to a specific sub-graph, as in the case of transit, or not, as in the
case of park and ride). On this basis, user’s behaviour is described in terms of the probability
The du > 0 users constituting the generic class u, share: a) the same individual attributes
characterizing the user as a trip consumer (e.g. age, value of time, and purpose of the trip); b)
the same attributes specifying the production of trip externalities, such as congestion and
pollution (e.g. vehicle type and occupancy rate); and c) the same choice set Ju of travel
alternatives. The utility of the generic travel alternative j∈Ju , is given by the sum of a finite
systematic utility term Vju, and a zero mean random residual εju.
The choice model considered in this paper is assumed to satisfy the following properties: 1) the
random residuals have non-zero finite variance and their joint probability density function is
independent of the systematic utilities, continuous, and strictly positive (probabilistic, additive,
continuous and strictly-positive choice model); and 2) the systematic utility of the generic travel
alternative is given by subtracting the generalized cost Cju of the associated path, which is zero
for the not-to-travel alternative, to a constant utility term Xju independent of congestion, i.e.
The generalized cost Cju is assumed to be given by the sum of the costs of the arcs
where δauj = 1, if the path associated with the travel alternative j∈Ju includes arc a, while
δauj = 0, otherwise; δauj is the generic element of the (l × m) arc-alternative incidence matrix Δ,
where m = ∑u∈U |Ju|; C is the (m × 1) vector of the travel alternative generalized costs.
The choice probability Pju of the generic travel alternative is by definition the probability of j
Equation (15) expresses the choice probability of the generic travel alternative as a function of
the systematic utilities of all the travel alternatives of the choice set:
Based on the assumptions 1) and 2), this function can be proved (Gentile, 2000) to be one-
valued and C1. The flow Fju of the travel alternative is given by multiplying its choice
On the basis of (16) and (13), equation (17) defines the demand function, expressing the
where F is the (m × 1) vector of the travel alternative flows. Because the choice probability
function (16) is one-valued and C1, then also the demand function (19) is such; moreover it
takes values on the compact, convex and non-empty set SF = {F∈ℜm: ψ⋅F = d, F ≥ 0m},
where d is the (|U| × 1) vector whose generic component is du and ψ is the (m × |U|) class-
The flow on the generic arc a of users belonging to the generic class u is given by the sum of
the flows of the travel alternatives in the choice set of the class which are associated with a
fau = ∑u∈U ∑ j∈Ju Fju⋅δauj, in compact form: f = Δ⋅F. (20)
Combining (19) and (14) with equation (20) yields the network loading map, expressing the
Because the demand function is one-valued and C1, also the network loading map is such;
moreover it takes values on the set Sf = { f ∈ℜl: f = Δ⋅F, F∈SF}, which is compact, convex
and non-empty as SF .
Combining (12) and (20) with equation (14), yields the supply function, expressing the travel
SUE can be formulated as a fixed point problem, either by combining the demand and the
supply models, or by combining the network loading map and the arc cost function.
By combining the network loading map (21) with the arc cost function (12), SUE is
formulated through the following fixed point problem in the space of arc flows:
By combining the demand function (19) with the supply function (22), the problem is
formulated through the following fixed point problem in the space of travel alternative flows:
Because the demand function and the network loading map are one-valued functions (and not
point-to-set maps, as in the case of the deterministic user equilibrium) problems (23) and (24)
are equivalent, in that the arc flows corresponding through (20) to the solutions in terms of
travel alternative flows of problem (24) solve problem (23) and the travel alternative flows
corresponding through (12), (14) and (19) to the solutions to problem (23) in terms of arc
As an alternative, SUE can be addressed in the space of costs as follows:
yielding another two fixed point problems which are equivalent to (23) and (24), in that the
arc flows corresponding through (21) to the solutions in terms of arc costs of problem (25)
solve problem (23) and the travel alternative flows corresponding through (22) to the
solutions to problem (26) in terms of travel alternative costs solve problem (24).
Because the network loading map (21) and the arc cost function (12) are continuous and the
feasible set Sf is compact, convex and non-empty, based on Brouwer’s theorem (Khamsi and
Kirk, 2001, p. 177) the fixed point problem (23) has at least one solution. This implies the
existence of a solution also for the equivalent problems (24), (25) and (26).
In this section some well known conditions for the uniqueness of the solution to the SUE
With reference to the class of demand models considered here (probabilistic, additive,
continuous and strictly-positive choice models), in Cantarella (1997) it is shown that the
network loading map is quasi strictly monotone decreasing (lemmas 3 and 6):
It follows then that it is sufficient for the SUE problem (23) to have a unique solution that the
It is well known (see proposition 15 in the appendix) that, as Sf is convex, it is sufficient for
condition (28) to hold that the Jacobian of the arc cost function is positive semi definite for all
feasible arc flows, i.e.
However, there is no supply model having practical relevance satisfying condition (28) but
not condition (29). This suggests that the difference between the two conditions is not
substantial. Condition (29) is the one always utilized in practice to discuss the uniqueness of
the equilibrium, while the more general condition (28) has mainly a theoretical relevance.
A different sufficient condition is established in Cantarella (2002) with reference to problem (25):
implies, in fact, that there cannot exist c1 ≠ c2 ∈Sc such that c1 = c(f(c1)) and c2 = c(f(c2)).
Based on proposition 15, a sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the equilibrium is also:
where conv(Sc) denotes the convex hull of Sc. Note that the above condition is slightly more
general than the one resulting from the application of (10) to problem (25):
The result obtained in subsection 1.2, concerning the uniqueness of the solution to a generic
fixed point problem defined on ℜn, could be directly applied to the SUE problem formulated
However, in order to establish a result in terms of properties of the supply and demand
models separately, and not jointly through the fixed point function, we introduce an
alternative fixed point formulation in the reduced space of travel alternatives. The latter is
obtained by eliminating from the formulation one travel alternative for each class. To this end,
we assume that each class has at least two travel alternatives and exploit the following two
properties of the equilibrium model: a) because the demand model is additive, with reference
to each class, it is possible to subtract one component of the travel alternative costs to the
costs of all the travel alternatives of the choice set without modifying the resulting flows; b)
based on the consistency constraint (18), the flow of one travel alternative of the generic class
can be expressed in terms of the flows of all the other travel alternatives of the choice set.
This operation allows to write the Jacobian of the fixed point function as the product of two
matrices strictly related to the Jacobian of the demand function and of the supply function,
respectively, the first one of which is symmetric and negative definite. This way, proposition
14 in the appendix can be applied in order to establish a condition on the supply and demand
models which guarantees that all the eigenvalues of the fixed point function Jacobian have
real part smaller than one. On this basis, proposition 4 can be applied to ensure the uniqueness
of the equilibrium.
Based on which alternatives are chosen for the reduction operation, vector F is consistently
where the matrices I - and I ° are obtained from the identity matrix Im by removing the rows
Č - = Ω⋅C, (32)
In order to express the vectors F ° and F as a function of F -∈SF - = {F -∈ℜn: ψ⋅I - T⋅F - ≤ d, F -≥ 0n},
Recall that, because the demand model is additive, for any C∈ℜm it is:
Based on (30), (36) and (35), the fixed point problem (24) becomes:
based on (32) and (36), the fixed point problem (26) becomes:
Problem (39) is suitable to be analyzed through the methodology defined in section 1 because
the feasible set coincides with the space of reduced cost vectors. Consistently, in the
The SUE problem has thus been reformulated as an instance of the generic fixed point (1).
Then, in order to apply proposition 4, we now differentiate equation (40) using the derivation
rules 7 in the appendix. Differentiating equations (22), (34) and (35) yields, respectively:
which, based on (41), can be also expressed as:
If, at each feasible arc flow f∈Sf , the Jacobian of the arc cost function summed up to the
Equation (45) becomes: ∇h(x) = A⋅B. Moreover, it is proved in Gentile (2002) that A is
symmetric and negative definite. Based on (46), we then have that α is positive.
let g = Δ⋅ΩT⋅e / ||Δ⋅ΩT⋅e ||, with e∈ℜn: ||e|| = 1, ||Δ⋅ΩT⋅e || > 0, and f = Δ⋅F(I - T⋅x)∈Sf .
If ||Δ⋅ΩT⋅e || = 0, then: eT⋅B⋅e = 0; while, because A < 0, based on (58), it is: eT⋅(-A-1)⋅e > 0.
On these bases, we have:
Then, based on proposition 14, all eigenvalues of A⋅B have real part smaller than one. On this
basis, condition (8) holds, so that, based on corollary 3 and proposition 4, the equilibrium is
3 Numerical applications
In the elementary cases presented in the following the demand model is multinomial Logit.
The advantage of using this model lays in the fact that its choice probabilities are expressed in
closed form, so that the demand function Jacobian is obtained analytically when calculating
exp (V ju θu )
P (V : k ∈ J u ) =
u u
, (49)
∑ exp (V θu )
j k u
k∈J u
δhj δhk
⋅ exp (V j θu ) ⋅ ∑ exp (Vk θu ) − ∑ ⋅ exp (Vku θu ) ⋅ exp (V ju θu )
u u
∂ Puj (Vku : k ∈ J u ) θu k∈J u k∈J u θu
= =
∂Vhu ⎛ ⎞
⎜ ∑e k
Vu θu
⎝ k∈Ju ⎠
⎛ ⎞
1 exp (V ju θu ) ⎜ j exp (Vhu θu ) ⎟ 1
= ⋅ ⋅ δh − ⎟ = θ ⋅ Pj ⋅ ( δh − Ph ) , (50)
u j u
Consider the elementary network consisting of a single arc that connects one o/d couple.
Users choose whether making a trip (travel alternative 1) or staying at home (travel alternative
2). Suppose that the congestion on the network is represented through the following BPR arc
cost function:
c( f ) = L⋅[1+γ⋅( f /k)4],
where L is the zero-flow travel time, k is the arc capacity, while γ is a constant parameter
determining how much the arc cost increases (γ > 0), or decreases (γ < 0), with the flow. The
The demand flow d travelling between the o/d couple is split between the two travel
alternatives on the basis of the Logit formula (49), where we assume: V1 = X-c and V2 = 0,
implying that making the trip yields, besides the travel cost, a utility X, while staying at home
maximum value 0.25 at P1 = P2 = 0.5. Moreover, it is: Δ = (1, 0) and Ω = (-1, 1), so that we
We then have:
When γ > 0, the uniqueness of the equilibrium is guaranteed regardless the congestion level;
on the contrary, when γ < 0, the sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the equilibrium,
d 1 θ
< 4 ⋅ .
k −γ L
Figure 1 below shows that, when the network tends to be congested (that is, the demand is
high with respect to the arc capacity) and the choice model tends to be deterministic (that is,
the standard deviation of random residuals is low with respect to the travel cost), the
d 1 θ
1.6 < 4 ⋅
k −γ L
d /k
0.8 is guaranteed
0 2 4 6 8 10
θ /L
Figure 1. Field of values of the ratios d/k and θ/L where the uniqueness of the equilibrium is
d/k = 0.9 1
d/k = 1.3
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
d/k = 1.5 1
d/k = 1.8
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 2. Fixed points in terms of f1 /d for different values of the ratio d/k. With reference to
each diagram, the intersections between the thick line and the thin line represent the
equilibrium flow patterns. The case θ /L = 2 has been considered, where for d/k < 1 the
Consider a network consisting of two arcs (travel alternatives 1 and 2) that connect the same
o/d couple. Suppose that these arcs terminate with an actuated traffic light operating with the
minimum cycle T = k⋅L /(k-f1-f2), where L is the lost time and k is the arcs’ capacity. The cost
0.5 ⋅ L ⎛ −2 ⋅ k + 2 ⋅ f 1 + f k− f ⎞
∇c ( f ) = ⋅⎜ ⎟ .
(k − f1 − f 2 ) k − f1 − 2 ⋅ k + 2 ⋅ f 2 + f1 ⎠
The demand flow d < k travelling between the o/d couple is split between the two travel
alternatives on the basis of the Logit formula (49), where we assume: V1 = -c1 and V2 = -c2.
Also in this case it is: n = 1. Moreover, it is: Δ = I2 and Ω = (-1, 1), so that we have:
Then, the first inequality of equation (48), which is a sufficient condition for the uniqueness
d ( 3 + 8 ⋅ θ L ) − 9 + 16 ⋅ θ L
< .
k (4 + 8 ⋅ θ L)
Figure 3 below shows again that, when the network tends to be congested and the choice
model tends to be deterministic, the uniqueness of the equilibrium may result unguaranteed.
Actually, as it is shown in figure 4, high congestion may yield multiple equilibrium solutions.
d ( 3+8⋅θ L ) − 9 +16⋅θ L
0,9 <
k ( 4 +8⋅θ L )
d /k
0,4 is guaranteed
0 2 4 6 8 10
θ /L
Figure 3. Field of values of the ratios d/k and θ/L where the uniqueness of the equilibrium is
d/k = 0.5 1
d/k = 0.8
0,9 0,9
0,8 0,8
0,7 0,7
0,6 0,6
0,5 0,5
0,4 0,4
0,3 0,3
0,2 0,2
0,1 0,1
0 0
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
d/k = 0.9 1
d/k = 0.95
0,9 0,9
0,8 0,8
0,7 0,7
0,6 0,6
0,5 0,5
0,4 0,4
0,3 0,3
0,2 0,2
0,1 0,1
0 0
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Figure 4. Fixed points in terms of f1 /d for different values of the ratio d/k. With reference to
each diagram, the intersections between the thick line and the thin line represent the
equilibrium flow patterns. The case θ /L = 2 has been considered, where case for d/k < 0.63
With reference to a generic fixed point problem defined through a C1 function on ℜn,
bend down theorem), a new sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the solution is derived,
requiring the Jacobian of the fixed point function minus the identity matrix to be non-singular.
In order to exploit this result, referring to the case where the demand model is additive, an
alternative fixed point formulation of the SUE problem defined on the reduced space of travel
alternative generalized costs has been proposed. On these bases, we have derived the
following sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the equilibrium: the Jacobian of the arc
cost function plus the identity matrix multiplied by a positive scalar, whose value is strictly
related to the Jacobian of the demand function, is positive definite; which is weaker than
requiring the Jacobian of the arc cost function to be positive semi definite.
I could not write this work without the active support of Professor Natale Papola and of
Professor Giulio Erberto Cantarella. In particular, the bend down theorem is to be considered
a joined achievement.
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Metodi e tecnologie dell’ingegneria dei trasporti. Seminario 2000, G. Cantarella and F. Russo
(eds), Franco Angeli, Milan, Italy (2002).
E. Cascetta, Teoria e metodi dell’ingegneria dei sistemi di trasporto, UTET, Turin, Italy
42-54 (1980).
C. F. Daganzo, “Stochastic network equilibrium with multiple vehicle types and asymmetric,
elastica, Ph.D. thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy (2000).
G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, Matrix computations. 3rd edition, Johns Hopkins University
M. A. Khamsi and W. A. Kirk, An introduction to metric spaces and fixed point theory, John
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M. Patriksson, The traffic assignment problem: models and methods, VSP, Utrecht, The
Netherlands (1994).
W. B. Powell and Y. Sheffi, “The convergence of equilibrium algorithms with predetermined
It is here established a new sufficient condition for the existence of a global minimum to an
unconstrained non-linear program whose objective function is C1. The condition is that at
least one stationary point exists, at least one among all the connected components of the set of
the stationary points is bounded, and each stationary point is a local minimum. In other words,
this implies that the function is bounded from below and attains its minimum at some finite
Moreover, the same condition is proved to ensure that all local minima belong to a simply
The name of the theorem is meant to recall the base idea: in a neighborhood of an isolated
local minimum the objective function increases; then, in order to decrease so having the
possibility of yielding another non-connected local minimum, being C1 it has to pass first
through a stationary point, which is not a minimum, where it can bend down. In the case
where n = 1, the assertion is trivial. But in the more general case where n > 1 it is not
immediate. On the contrary, at a first glace it seams that a surface can increase and decrease
X s be the set of the stationary (null-gradient) points, i.e. X s = {x∈ℜ n: ∇ϕ(x) = 0n},
X m be the set of the local minima, i.e. X m = {x∈ℜ n: ∃ ε > 0 | ϕ(x) ≤ ϕ(y), ∀y∈N(x, ε)}
where N(x, ε) = {y∈ℜn: ||y – x|| ≤ ε} is the closed ball centred at x∈ℜn with a ray of length ε > 0,
S be the set of the global minima, i.e. S = {x∈ℜ n: ϕ(x) ≤ ϕ(y), ∀y∈ℜ n}.
i) is non-empty, i.e. S ≠ ∅,
Consistently with a) and b), let X* ⊆ X s be a bounded and connected set of stationary points
which is separate from any other stationary point. Based on c) the points of X* are all local
minima. Then, they all have the same value of objective function: ϕ(x) = ϕ*, ∀x∈X*.
In the trivial case where X* = ℜn, it is: S = X*, and the results i), ii) and iii) follow. In the
To this end it is useful to define by Xℓ , with ℓ ≥ 0, a set having the following properties:
4) at its boundary ∂Xℓ the objective function has a same value ℓ+ϕ*, while at the complement
of X* with respect to its interior Xℓ° the objective function has a value belonging to the
open interval (ϕ*, ℓ+ϕ*), i.e.
Clearly, if such a set exists, it is unique: in fact, if by contradiction there were two such sets,
at the boundary of their intersection minus the intersection of their boundaries, which is not
empty because the interiors of both sets contain X*, the value of the objective function would
be ℓ, despite these points are internal to one of the two sets, so that such value should be
smaller than ℓ.
In the following we will define an expansion operation on Xℓ yielding a set Xℓ+Δℓ with the
same properties of Xℓ but with a higher value of objective function at the boundary. On this
basis, we will build starting from X* = X0 a sequence of sets, where the interior of each set
contains the previous ones, until we get the whole space ℜn, thus proving the theorem.
With reference to a point x∈∂Xℓ , for each direction y∈Yx pointing outwards from Xℓ , i.e.
let αx y be the maximum value of α, bounded to a fixed value αM > 0, such that the function
ϕ(x+β⋅y) is strictly monotone increasing with respect to β∈(0, α); formally, it is:
As ϕ is C1, we have that αxy > 0 both for ℓ = 0, because any x∈∂X* is a local minimum (the
directional derivative is positive right out of X* and its sign holds for a finite step), and for
ℓ > 0, because based on 5) and 4), respectively, the gradient ∇ϕ(x) at any point x∈∂Xℓ is non-
null and points outwards from Xℓ (the positive sign of the directional derivative holds for a
finite step). Note that the bound αM is introduced in order to avoid that αxy → ∞. Then,
besides the case αxy = αM , at the point x+αxy ⋅y the gradient becomes perpendicular to the
direction y , while based on c) it cannot be null. Let now αx be the infimum of αxy with
On this basis we can define the set Aℓ = Xℓ ∪ x∈∂Xℓ N(x, αx), as the union of Xℓ and of the
closed balls N(x, αx) centred at the points of the boundary of Xℓ with a ray αx . By
construction, Aℓ is closed, bounded, connected and its interior Aℓ° contains Xℓ; moreover Aℓ
does not contain other stationary points besides X*, as at any point of (Aℓ \ Xℓ) ϕ is strictly
The expansion of Xℓ can be then achieved as follows. Let Δℓ = 0.5 ⋅ min{ϕ(z)-ℓ: z∈∂Aℓ}.
Because ϕ is continuous and ∂Aℓ is closed and bounded, Δℓ is well defined. Now, for each
point z∈∂Aℓ , consider the projection p(z) of z on Xℓ: p(z) = argmin{||z-x||: x∈Xℓ}; clearly it is:
p(z) ≠ z. Because ϕ(p(z)+β⋅(z-p(z))) is strictly monotone increasing with respect to β∈(0, 1),
that is along the segment connecting p(z) to z itself, at each z∈∂Aℓ we have: ϕ(z) > ℓ. This
implies that Δℓ is strictly positive and that there is a point p(z)+ηz⋅(z-p(z)) , with ηz ∈(0, 1), at
which the value of the objective function is ℓ+Δℓ, i.e. ϕ(p(z)+ηz⋅(z-p(z))) = ℓ+Δℓ. The set
Xℓ+Δℓ is defined as the union of Xℓ with all the segments, for each z on the boundary of Aℓ ,
Consider now all possible ℓ ≥ 0 for which there exist a set Xℓ , and let:
λ = sup{ℓ ≥ 0: ∃ Xℓ},
Zλ = lim ℓ → λ Xℓ .
Clearly Zλ does not satisfy some of the properties 1) - 5), otherwise the expansion operation
Two cases may occur: λ = ∞ , λ < ∞.
In the case λ = ∞, if by contradiction Zλ ⊃ ℜn, then the points of ∂Zλ would be infinite points.
In the case λ < ∞, because by construction the limit set Zλ satisfies properties 2) - 4), then it
does not satisfy either 1) or 5). Based on 4), the latter possibility contradicts hypothesis c),
Because in both cases Zλ = ℜn, by construction there is no other stationary point in ℜn besides
X*, i.e. X s = X*. Then, if X* is simply connected, the results i), ii) and iii) follow immediately.
Suppose that by contradiction X* is not simply connected. Clearly through the expansion
operations its holes tend to reduce to single points. However, this can happen, neither for a
finite ℓ, as this implies that a local maximum is achieved, nor for ℓ → ∞, as this implies the
40 40
30 30
∂X30 x*
20 10
X30 10 20
x 1 xs x* ∂X30
30 s
a) b)
Figure 5. In the two examples above λ = 30 because for X30 (grey areas), while properties
1)-4) hold, property 5) does not, due to the existence of a stationary point xs on ∂X30. This
allows for the existence of another local minimum x1, separated from x* = X*, but having the
same value of objective function. However, based on property 4) in the proof, xs is not a local
are local minima constituting a bounded set. These functions share the fundamental property
ϕ(x1) ≥ ϕ(x2); that is, if the function increases locally in some direction at x1, it increases
globally in that direction): local minima are guaranteed to be global and are connected among
50 70
30 20 10 60
a) x2
Figure 6. a) Example of a function which is not pseudo-convex (for instance, see direction
x2-x1 at x1) yet belongs to the class of C1 functions whose stationary points are local minima.
Eigenvalues and definiteness of real matrices
Referring to a generic square matrix A∈ℜn×n, let λj(A) = λjR(A) + i⋅λjC(A) be the j-th of its n
eigenvalues and λ(A) be the associated diagonal matrix. Recalling that a complex valued
eigenvalue always occurs jointly with its complex conjugate, let IR(A) be the set of indices
individuating the real valued eigenvalues, and IC(A) be a set of indices individuating complex
valued eigenvalues such that there is one index for each conjugated couple of eigenvalues.
λ(b⋅A + c⋅In) = b⋅λ(A) + c⋅In , for any b∈ℜ and c∈ℜ, (52)
For further details see Golub and Van Loan (1996), p. 310.
Referring to a generic square matrix A∈ℜn×n, for shortness we denote definiteness as follows:
A ≥ 0 ≡ xT⋅A⋅x ≥ 0, ∀x∈ℜn.
A > 0 → W⋅A⋅W T > 0, for any W∈ℜn×n: |W | ≠ 0, (56)
Moreover, if the matrix at hand is symmetric, i.e. A T = A, the following properties hold:
For further details see Golub and Van Loan (1996), p. 141, Bertsekas (1995), p. 545, Ayres
(1962), p. 134.
Proposition 10
A real matrix B∈ℜn×n that when summed up to a real matrix A∈ℜn×n yields a positive (semi)
definite real matrix, has generic eigenvalue with real part (equal to or) greater than
Let λj(B) = λjR(B) + i⋅λjC(B) be the generic eigenvalue of B and z = (zR +i⋅zI) ≠ 0 a
Left-multiplying the two equations of the above system by zRT and zIT, respectively, we
greater than -zR T⋅A⋅zR and -zI T⋅A⋅zI . Moreover, because it is: (zR + i⋅zI) ≠ 0, in the case where
A+B is positive definite at least one of them is strictly greater. Then, their sum, which is equal
Corollary 11
A real matrix B∈ℜn×n that when summed up to the identity matrix yields a positive (semi)
definite real matrix, has all eigenvalues with real part (equal to or) greater than minus one.
Corollary 12
A positive (semi) definite real matrix B∈ℜn×n has all eigenvalues with (null or) positive real
Proposition 13
The product of a symmetric positive definite real matrix A∈ℜn×n and of a positive (semi)
definite real matrix B∈ℜn×n, not necessarily symmetric, has all eigenvalues with (null or)
positive real part (it is well known that the product of two definite matrices is not definite).
Because A is a symmetric positive definite real matrix, based on proposition (59) there exist a
non-singular real matrix W∈ℜn×n such that A = W⋅W T. Left-multiplying by W -1 and right-
multiplying by W both sides of the relation A⋅B = W⋅W T⋅B yields: W -1⋅A⋅B⋅W = W T⋅B⋅W.
Because B is positive (semi) definite, based on propositions (56) and (57) also W T⋅B⋅W is
such. Then, based on corollary 12, all the eigenvalues of W T⋅B⋅W have positive real part, and
Proposition 14
The product of a symmetric negative definite real matrix A∈ℜn×n and of a real matrix
B∈ℜn×n, not necessarily symmetric, that when summed up to -A-1 yields a positive definite
real matrix, has all eigenvalues with real part smaller than one.
Following the same reasoning developed in the first part of the proof of proposition 13, we
Because B -A-1 is positive definite, based on (56) also W T⋅(B -A-1)⋅W = W T⋅B⋅W + In is such,
where it is: -A-1 = W T-1⋅W -1. Then, based on corollary 11, all the eigenvalues of W T⋅B⋅W
have real part greater than minus one, so that, based on (52), all the eigenvalues of the product
Proposition 15
Let f : X⊆ℜn → ℜn, be a C1 function defined on a convex set X. If its Jacobian ∇f(x)T is
positive definite (semi positive definite) for each x∈X, then the function is strictly monotone
∇f(x) > 0, ∀x∈X → [f(x 1) -f(x 2)] T⋅(x 1-x 2) > 0, ∀x 1, x 2∈ℜn, x 1≠ x 2,