Chapter 1: - E-Banking
Chapter 1: - E-Banking
Chapter 1: - E-Banking
Chapter 1: - E-Banking
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All the new financial products that have been created in recent years
contribute economic value by unbundling risks and reallocating them
in a highly calibrated manner. The rising share of finance in the
business output of India and other countries is a measure of the
economic value added by the ability of these new instruments and
techniques to enhance the process of wealth creation. The reason of
course, is that information is critical to the evaluation of risk. The less
that is known about the current state of a market or a venture, the less
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the ability to project future outcomes and, hence, the more those
potential outcomes will be discontinued.
1.2 Meaning of E-Banking: -
E-bank is the electronic bank that provides the financial service for the
individual client by means of Internet.
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6. Client service: -
The client can modify the login password, information of
the Credit Card and the client information in e-bank on net.
7. Account management: -
The client can modify his own limits of right and state of
the registered account in the personal e-bank, such as modifying his
own login password, freezing or deleting some cards and so on.
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2. Buying and paying for goods and services using debit cards or
smart cards without having to carry cash or a cheques book;
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11.Customers can Integrate the System with his own ERP: The
customer can download the account statements either as a text
file or as an excel file. The bank can help him in integrating the
account statements and bulk payments files with his ERP
system. The bank may charge a nominal fee depending upon the
nature of work involved.
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13.The Electronic Shopping Mall: The customer can also make his
shopping payment through the Bank’s secure website-so that he
can shop online without any security worries, as the bank can
provide online real time shopping mail services through partner
shopping sites.
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They are:
(1) Convenience.
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(10)Platform Independence.
(12)Remote Authorization.
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a) Introduction: -
ii. In the next level are Simple Transactional Web sites which
allows customers to submit their instructions, applications for
different services, queries in their account balances, etc. but do
not permit any fund-based transactions on their accounts,
iii. The third level of Internet banking service are offered by Fully
Transactional Web sites which allow the customers to operate
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These services are being initiated by banks like ICICI Bank Ltd.,
Citibank, Global Trust Bank Ltd., UTI Bank Ltd., Bank of
Citibank Bank of Madura Ltd., Federal Bank Ltd., etc.
The ‘Infinity’ service of ICICI Bank Ltd. Also allows online real
time shopping all payments to be made by customers.
HDFC Bank Ltd. Has made e-shopping online and real time
with the launch of its payment gateway.
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a) Operational Risk: -
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b) Security Risk: -
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d) Reputational Risk: -
The main reasons for this risk may be system or product not
working to the expectations of the customers, significant
security breach (both due to internal and external attack),
inadequate information to customers about product use and
problem resolution procedures, significant problems with
communication networks that impair customers’ access to their
funds or account information especially if, there are, no
alternative means of account access.
e) Legal Risk: -
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g) Cross-Border Risks: -
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h) Strategic Risk: -
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i) Other Risk: -
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Thus, one can find that along with the benefits internet banking
carries various risks for bank itself as well as banking system as
a whole.
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New Risks: -
Internet banking poses risks that are different from those that
bank supervisors customarily dealt with in assessing credit,
market, or interest rate risk.
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2. Debit Card
3. Smart Card
4. ATM Card
j) Intra-bank and Inter-bank Applications
o The cashier or teller who accepts the cash, keys in the data from
his terminal after receipt of the amount.
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The concept of banking hours has been changed from the fixed 4
hours to 24 hours.
This has been made possible through use of ATMs. Even under
the manual service, the banks have stated to extend the service
from the traditional 4 hours to 5 hours and even up to 12 hours
say from 8 AM to 8 PM.
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The hardware and the proprietary i.e. the software used in one
machine can not be used in one machine.
Banks can have as many ATM as they want and follow some
standards set by the SPNS committee.
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The heart of the network is the Switch and its main components
are: Tandem Mainframe Computer, BASE 24 Software,
Motorola networking equipments and the leased lines.
e) Customer Services: -
f) Telebanking: -
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g) Home Banking: -
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Telephone line
A compatible software for the home PC
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There are four types of plastic cards being used ad media for making
payments. These are:
1. Credit Card
2. Debit Card
3. Smart Card
4. ATM Card
1. Credit Cards: -
2. Debit Card: -
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It may be noted that while through a credit card, the customer first
makes a purchase or avails service and pays later on, but for getting the
debit card, a customer has to first pay the due amount and then make a
purchase or avail the service. For this reason, debit card are not as
popular as credit cards.
3. Smart Cards: -
Smart Cards have a built-in microcomputer chip, which can be used for
storing and processing information. For example, a person can have a
smart card from a bank with the specified amount stored electronically
on it. As he goes on making transactions with the help of the card, the
balance keeps on reducing electronically. When the specified amount is
utilized by the customer, he can approach the bank to get his card
validated for a further specified amount. Such cards are used for
paying small amounts like telephone calls, petrol bills, etc.
4. ATM Cards: -
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to withdraw cash up to the transaction limit for the day. He can also
deposit cash or cheque.
The customer has to enter the card into the machine slot. The
machine first reads for hot carding of the card number, i.e. it
checks whether the card has already been cancelled or placed on
the rejection list.
Rejection can be because of the reason like lost card or stolen
The machine then reads the PIN and asks for the PIN from the
If the PIN matches, it present the main menu on the screen. The
menu contains options from which the withdrawal option is
The ATM then checks whether the amount is under the day limit
magnetically inscribed by the customer. Accordingly, the ATM
dispenses cash. It then releases the card and a printed statement
comes out of the slot.
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A) Intra-Bank Applications: -
i. Funds transfer and payment message
ii. Banks owned ATM/Credit Card and other application on the
corporate network
iii. Inter-Branch Reconciliation
iv. Quick disposal of loan/investment proposal
v. Funds information from clearing centers to the fund
management office for optimal allocation of funds.
vi. Cash Management Product
vii. Treasury Management
viii. Any Branch Banking
ix. Asset Liability Management
x. E-mail
xi. Software distribution in the bank
xii. Organizational bulletin boards may contain the following:
a. Circulars
b. News letters, phone and address directories
c. Undesirable parties
d. Missing security items
e. Confidential circular on attempted frauds.
xiii. Human Resources Development and Personnel Administration
xiv. Auditing and Inspecting computerized branches using the
xv. Organizational database may include
a. Statutory returns
b. Control returns
c. Standardized returns
xvi. Management Information Systems
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a. Borrower’s profile
b. Branch profile
c. Employee analysis
d. Product/service profile
e. Business profile of branches.
xvii. Apart from providing efficient service to customers the
financial network will also fulfill the following objectives:
a. Timely information to top management
b. Helping in development of new products
c. Speedy communication among branches and with the
controlling offices.
B) Inter-Bank Applications: -
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Meaning: -
Defrauder: -
The defrauder has been slow to exploit the credit card, for making a
fast buck. In USA, he made 15 million dollars. through the cards, in
1981. in 1982 his earning through the card, rose to 50 million dollars.
in 1983, the fraudulent card brought over 100 million dollars to its
creators. The fraudulent card industry is rising higher and higher to
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dizzy height every year. Like other countries if the genuine credit card
has come in India, the fraudulent credit card cannot be far behind.
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Duplicate Card: -
The duplicate fraudulent credit cards are those where the defrauders
have made sincere efforts to duplicate the original cards through photo-
mechanical processes.
White Plastic: -
Banker’s Role: -
The credit card industry is one of the fastest growing activities of the
banking industry. The artist has to be there (where the money is). The
banks have to suffer losses.
Cyber Laws: -
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Internet Relays: -
Monitoring Deposit: -
Risk Management: -
To meet the menace one of the top card companies has imitated risk
management service to identify these high risk centers where daily all
the inter-change transactions of the areas are scrutinized and the credit
card number are checked against those which have been declared
fraudulent, stolen or lost.
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There should be a joint list of credit card holders on central basis with
their addresses and other details, if any. New applicants to any bank for
credit cards should be checked: -
• If he is holding card from other issuers.
• If he has held a card at other times. If so, when? Why did he
• If he has applied to more than one credit card issuers
• The new card holder’s business transactions should be watched
for some time.
It must be prevented.
Fraud Consciousness: -
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Proper training in the check up of the credit card in its various aspects
has no substitute and in view of the huge issues the same is
Physical Evidence: -
How to accept: -
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Real Threats: -
Online: -
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histories, and they continue to do the rest of their business at the ATM
or the teller window.
A vicious offering increase the banks’ total costs. This makes the banks
reluctant to make further large investments in the online channel,
which thus, does nothing to move customers away from tellers and
In fact, consumers didn’t stop using tellers to the extent that banks has
hoped, but they also used ATMs so frequently that the reduction in cost
per use was more than offset by the higher volume of transactions.
Sharing of Data: -
The data base store data and information extracted from selected
operational and external databases. The database has most needed
information by a manager or any end users. This database can be
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will take years to mature, and the rate of adoption – even if companies
deliver a huge value equation improvement – will be gradual because it
requires system and individuals to act in fundamentally new ways.
B-B has been happening all through and a new channel has been
opened with the advent of the Internet. Obviously organizations will
switch over to this channel for the cost – effectiveness it provides. The
market is emerging in the country and it will be a boom time in the
next year.
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The benefits which the user would get by using the Internet payment
gateway are
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Risk of Gateways: -
• The dust is yet to settle in the B2C payment gateways, but action
is already heating up in the business to business (B2B) arena.
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Recommendations: -
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• Thus, the computer now has the ability to retrieve data or update
files instantaneously. Subsequently with the development in
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Suggestions: -
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The first and most obvious step they should take is to see to it
that the basic problem fueling dissatisfaction have been
Conclusion: -
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The major driving force behind the rapid spread of e-banking is its
acceptance as an extremely cost effective delivery channel. But on the
flipside, it is associated with risks such as reputation risk, security risk,
cross-border risk and strategic risk, which are unique to e-banking.
Banks need to have an effective disaster recovery plan along with
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gives a brief report of the tug of war between the two major Indian e-
banking players.
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Banks now have come under great pressure to reduce operational costs
to safeguard their bottom lines. With banking tuning more and more
customer-centric with every passing day, technology as an enabler has
helped banks to launch a whole array of customer-centric products
such as ATMs, Debit Cards, 24 hour Anywhere Banking. The
nomenclature ‘Banking Accounts’ have also yielded to more
sophisticated term ‘banking relationship’. Customer Relations
Management is now a very potent and potential concept. E-Banking
also has a role to play in ensuring a fair return to shareholders, by
facilitating in ensuring greater profits to the banking sector. The recent
emerging trends in self-service channels, namely ATM,s, Call-centers,
Internet and mobile banking would increase the use of E-banking as
this offer the twin benefit i.e convenience to the customers and
reduction and cost of operation to the banks. E- banking can increase
the easy access of internet facilities among the masses which would
rise the comfort level for transacting via the web. The popularity of
internet banking likely depends upon inculcating in customers about
their security and personal privacy of their money and assests.
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