1-2 Concepts of Normality
1-2 Concepts of Normality
1-2 Concepts of Normality
Context also Defines Abnormality Hearing voices in church Hearing voices on the street Both hear voices. Which is Normal?
Models of Abnormal Behavior Statistical Model Physiological or Biological Model Sociological Models Psychological Models
Statistical Model Uses the concepts of Means and Standard Deviations to explain who is normal or abnormal.
Sd-3 Sd-2
Statistical Model
Sd-3 Sd-2 Sd-1 X Sd-1 Sd-2 Sd-3
Statistical Model
Definition of Abnormal Behavior Persons who are greater than two standard deviations away from the mean are considered abnormal.
68% 95%
Abnormal Behavior
Example Intelligence
Problem Persons who are actually normal, can be also considered abnormal. Sports Athletes
Physical prowess is significantly better than normal folk By definition, they are abnormal
Use Intelligence Test WAIS - III, WISC III, Binet Mean = 100 Sd = 15 Scores >130 = Abnormal Scores < 70 = Abnormal
Survey Data indicate most Americans (and others too) believe there are aliens we are not alone. People who do not believe - Abnormal
Most people do not believe we are controlled by aliens. If you believe - Abnormal
Example 3 Hear voices others cannot hear, see things others cannot see. Are they abnormal? Depends on the context
Points to note Can be applied to anything Does work for some things Does not work for others
Physiological, Biological, or Disease Models of Abnormality Abnormal behavior is linked to a disease which:
Has symptoms Classify the symptoms Get a diagnosis From diagnosis Get some therapy After therapy is complete You are cured
Example 1 Symptoms runny nose, cough, temperature, feel achy Get diagnosis Upper respiratory infect. Therapy (Aspirin, bed rest, chicken soup Cured
Classify sympt.
Example 2 Symptoms Diagnosis Therapy Therapy done Feeling down, blue, thoughts of suicide. Depression Drugs, talk therapy, etc Are they cured?
Biological Damage Traumatic Brain Injury (TBA) Strokes Both cause problems with brain functioning. Usually creates specific sets of symptoms Usually damage cannot be reversed Can be helped with certain types of therapy
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Other Biological Disorders Brain diseases can result in changes as well. Parkinsons syndrome Alzheimers Disease Others
Drugs / Medications Can cause a wide variety of psychological problems. Ecstasy destroys serotonin binding sites and presynaptic elements.
Is bad stuff
Medications Can also alter brain functioning Side effects of some drugs can reduce affect
Result walking zombie syndrome.
Genetic Influences in Abnormality One of the hottest areas of research Contends some gene causes you to become ______
Alzheimers Schiophrenic Alcoholic
Problem 60% relationship between monozygotic twins What about the other 40% Result
Diathesis Stress Models Contends the genes are in there but you need the environment to get it out. Problem, many people still do not get the disorder Result
Recessed Genes Contends the problem results from some recessed gene. Thus, is always with you. You will pass it on. Problems
Dont know where they are Dont know which one it is Etc.?
Conclusions about genetic influences Lots of research is needed Human Genome project is just the start. Ethical issues
What do you do if a person has the gene Abort the fetus Test tube babies Genetic manipulation in vivo
Environmental Causes of Abnormality Environment causes you to become abnormal. For some disorders, the cause is clear cut
Mercury and Lead poisoning damages brain tissue Toxic waste causing birth defects. Alcohol consumption in high quantities causes significant prenatal damage
Other Influences More Abstract High-rise buildings causing crime High self-esteem causes good grades _____ food or beverage product causes you to be abnormal. Full moons cause _______ All are correlational
Sociological Models SZAZZ Contends mental illness is a myth Key to mental disorders is the label Without the label No disorder
Mental Illness Mental illness is merely a term we give to people whose behavior is different from the norms of the society. However, the behavior is not criminal, heretical, or revolutionary To account for the deviance, the person must be mentally ill. Mental illness is not a condition: it depends on how the individual is seen by others in the society.
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Example - Nursing home patient Labeled as such. What are your impressions.
Potential Impressions Incompetent to care for themselves Must be under the care of others at all times Cannot think for themselves
Who is in Control? Try to leave without getting staff approval and see what happens.
Impressions Does not pay attention well Always messing around. Cannot sit still Intelligence problems Parents have a variety of characteristics
Drug addicts Poor, Etc.
Who usually applies the label The teacher Why? Cannot control the kid in the classroom
Solution Get kid on drugs What happens if you dont Can be court issues
Custody fight with the state Foster care if you dont Etc.