RWH in Africa-Final
RWH in Africa-Final
RWH in Africa-Final
Executive Summary
Water is at the heart of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) numbers 1, 3 and 7, and is indirectly associated with the success or otherwise of all the other Goals. But for Africa to meet the MDGs, bold and targeted actions will be required in the water sector. Given that about 300 million people in Africa, a third of the continents population, are living under water scarcity situations, and urgent action is required else 12 more African countries will join water scarce nations by 2025. To address this, the African Water Vision for 2025 has set to develop the full potential of Africas water resources for sustainable growth in the regions economic and social development, of which rainwater harvesting (RWH) and storage forms a major component. Among others, the Vision calls for improving water wisdom, which is to be achieved by establishing an elaborate system of data collection, management, dissemination, including standardization and harmonization of data and information. Towards this end, data sources have been developed such as FAOSTAT, AQUASTAT and Agriculture towards 2015/30. However, continent-wide spatial information on rainwater harvesting potentials in Africa has been lacking. This information is necessary to raise world-wide awareness and guide policy decisions on the contribution of rainwater harvesting (RWH) towards meeting MDGs, the African Water Vision and generally, the water needs of men and women in Africa, for improved livelihoods and ecosystems. This report describes the mapping by GIS (Geographic Information Systems), of the rainwater harvesting potential in Africa. The project provides an advocacy tool, which shows in spatial domains the expansive opportunities for RWH in Africa, and some ten selected countries; Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It produced a GIS database that captures the major factors associated with RWH (rainfall, topography, soils population density, land use). These baseline thematic maps were further combined through spatial analyses to produce composite maps that show attributes or development domains that serve as indicators of suitability for targeted RWH interventions, grouped as; (i) rooftop RWH, (ii) surface runoff from open surfaces with storage in pans/ponds, (iii) flood-flow harvesting from watercourses with storages in sand/subsurface dams and (iv) in-situ soil water storage systems. Consequently, the project produced a total of 73 maps, which comprise 29 thematic base maps, maps covering Africa and 44 composite thematic maps for the ten country case studies. All the maps are presented in Volume II. These maps provide a broad-brush, exploratory scale decision-support tool, since the GIS input data used was of low resolution, continental scales. Noting that the major ingredient in rainwater harvesting is rainfall, and guided by the fact that that if it rains, it can be harvested regardless of the quantities (too little or too much), the authors have therefore avoided labeling areas as either suitable or unsuitable for RWH. The decision of final prioritization is left to the user, after analyses of other factors beyond the GIS database, such as finances, cultural, political and local preferences.
Table of contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................................... II INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 5 WHY FOCUS ON RAINWATER HARVESTING ................................................................................................... 6 RESPONDING TO DEMANDS FOR THEMATIC GEO-SPATIAL DATA IN AFRICA .................................................... 6 PROJECT SCOPE........................................................................................................................................ 7 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................ 7 Specific Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 7 DEVELOPING THE GIS DATABASE ....................................................................................................... 8 CONSULTATIVE MEETINGS & DECISION ON WHAT TO MAP............................................................................ 8 IDENTIFYING MAPPABLE RWH TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................................................. 8 Rooftop rainwater harvesting........................................................................................................ 9 Surface runoff collection from open surfaces into pans/ponds.............................................. 9 Flood flow storages and sand/sub-surface dams...................................................................... 9 In-situ water harvesting................................................................................................................. 10 DEVELOPING CRITERIA FOR MAPPING ATTRIBUTES ...................................................................................... 11 Rainfall data................................................................................................................................... 11 Rainfall/ET index............................................................................................................................. 12 Land slope ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Population density......................................................................................................................... 12 Land use/cover.............................................................................................................................. 12 Ephemeral streams........................................................................................................................ 13 CREATING THE GIS DATABASE .................................................................................................................. 15 Major constrains faced................................................................................................................. 15 GIS DATABASE ON POTENTIAL FOR RAINWATER HARVESTING IN AFRICA .................................... 16 AVAILABLE FORMATS OF THE GIS DATABASE ............................................................................................... 16 CONTENTS OF THE GIS DATABASE ............................................................................................................. 16 GIS DATABASE FOR AFRICA...................................................................................................................... 16 COUNTRY-SPECIFIC GIS DATABASES ......................................................................................................... 17 Botswana ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Ethiopia ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Kenya .............................................................................................................................................. 18 Malawi............................................................................................................................................. 18 Mozambique.................................................................................................................................. 18 Tanzania.......................................................................................................................................... 18 Uganda ........................................................................................................................................... 18 Zambia ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Zimbabwe....................................................................................................................................... 19 COST ESTIMATES OF RWH INTERVENTIONS ................................................................................................. 19 WHAT THE GIS DATABASE MAY NOT SHOW .............................................................................................. 19 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................................. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................. 22 ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................................... 24 ANNEX 1. SOURCES OF SPATIAL DATA ........................................................................................................ 24 ANNEX 2. TYPES OF GIS DATA FOR MAPPING OF RWH POTENTIAL IN AFRICA ............................................... 25 ANNEX 3. TYPES OF GIS DATA FOR GIS MAPPING OF RWH POTENTIAL FOR COUNTRIES................................. 26 ANNEX 4. AVAILABLE GIS INPUT DATA FOR COUNTRY CASE STUDIES............................................................. 27 ANNEX 5: PROJECT TEAM ...................................................................................................................... 27
List of Tables
List of Synonyms ACZ ADB AMCOW AWTF ASAL CAADP ECA ET FAO GIS GPS GWP GWP/AP ICRAF IWRM MDG NEPAD NGO RELMA RWH SEARNET UNEP WSSD Agro-climatic zone African Development Bank African Ministerial Council on Water African Water Task Force Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Programme Economic Commission for Africa Evapo-transpiration Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Geographical Information System Geographic Positioning System Global Water Partnership Global Water Partnership-Associated Programme International Centre for Research in Agroforestry / World Agroforestry Centre Integrated Water Resource Management Millennium Development Goals New Partnership for Africas Development Non Governmental Organization Regional Land Management Unit Rainwater Harvesting Southern and Eastern Africa Rainwater harvesting Network United Nations Environmental Programme World Summit for Sustainable Development
At the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002, water and sanitation were recognized as inextricably linked to the eradication of poverty and to the achievement of sustainable development. Water was identified by the Secretary General as one of the five WEHAB specific areas (Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture and Biodiversity) in which concrete results are both essential and achievable. That water is required to address all of them need not be emphasized. The WSSD further reiterated the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target to halve by 2015, the proportion of people lacking safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Further deliberations on water have continued to dominate international forums, as at the Third World Water Forum in Kyoto, 2003, the International Conference on Water for the Poorest in Stavanger, Norway and the annual Stockholm Water meetings. The UN General Assembly in late 2003 adopted a resolution that proclaimed the period 2005-2015 as the International Decade for Action-Water for Life. The resolution emphasized that water is critical for sustainable development, including environmental integrity and eradication of poverty and hunger, and is indispensable for human health and well-being. However, estimates show that two out of every three people in the world will live in water-stressed areas by the year 2025, while the number of people without access to clean water on the continent will also increase from 100 million to 400 million. This is an uphill task which requires concerted effort to resolve, and should involve all stakeholders. Within Africa, about one third of the population lacks safe drinking water, and it is estimated that 25 countries will be experiencing water by the year 2025. Africa has 3991 km3/year of renewable freshwater resources, yet the continent continues to suffer from water scarcity, a situation attributed to poor temporal and spatial distribution rather than absolute lack of water. To address this, there has been renewed focus on water issues in Africa, particularly through the African Ministerial Council on Water (AMCOW), the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the African Water Task Force (AWTF) and partners such as the UN-Water, UNEP, UN-Habitat and the African Development Bank (ADB) among others. An important component towards meeting the African Water Vision is the need for managing rainwater resources for drought proofing communities subject to regular climatic variability and uncertainty. Rainwater harvesting and storage has been recognized as one way of achieving this. At the Pan-African Conference on Water in Addis Ababa, 2003, and at the African MDGs on Hunger meeting in 2004, rainwater harvesting was identified as among the important interventions necessary towards meeting the MDGs in Africa. Moreover, NEPADs, Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Programme (CAADP) recognizes land and water management as one of three pillars that can make the earliest difference to Africas agricultural crises. In total, 874 million hectares of land in Africa could benefit from increased agricultural production by increasing the managed use of water, which also includes rainwater harvesting and storage. Given that 40 billion working hours are lost each year in Africa carrying water, causing water poverty which affects mostly women, this can be reversed by supplying water close to home. In areas with dispersed populations and where the costs of developing surface or groundwater resources are high, rainwater harvesting and storage have proved a more affordable and sustainable intervention. However,
despite its proven uses for domestic, agricultural, commercial and environmental purposes, rainwater has not been fully utilized in Africa.
reason that this GIS database was developed to meet the demands of spatiallyrelevant tools for advocacy and decision support.
Project Scope
UNEP and ICRAF are members of the Rainwater Partnership whose objective is to promote the use of rainwater by mainstreaming the resource into Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). To meet the growing demand for broad scale spatial data on rainwater harvesting in Africa, UNEP and ICRAF embarked on a project to develop GIS thematic data of the potential for RWH in Africa in spatial domains. Developed for continental and country scales, it offers broad-brush development domains associated with rainwater harvesting potentials for Africa, and some ten selected countries; Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. As the major ingredient in rainwater harvesting is rainfall, and knowing that if it rains, it can be harvested regardless of the quantities (too little or too much), the database does not label any areas as either suitable or unsuitable for RWH. The final prioritization should be made after more detailed analyses that should include other factors beyond the GIS database, such as finances, cultural, political and local conditions. The GIS database developed here is for awareness creation at international forums to illustrate the potential contribution of RWH in meeting MDGs 1, 3 and 7, and for decision support targeting decision makers, donors and governments working with rainwater harvesting projects.
Project Objectives
The main objective of this project is to demonstrate in spatial domains, the huge potential for rainwater harvesting in Africa, and thereby provide a tool for advocacy and decision support, for RWH in Africa and some selected African countries.
Specific Objectives
Development of GIS database of rainwater harvesting potential in Africa, for selected rainwater harvesting technologies (rooftop RWH, surface runoff into ponds/pans, sand/subsurface dams and in-situ RWH) Provide country level GIS databases showing development domains of rainwater harvesting potential for Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, for the same RWH interventions.
these RWH interventions, the critical values for mapping used (Table 1) and criteria for mapping specific RHW interventions were derived as follows.
population density. Thus, in this database, the potential for sand/subsurface dams was shown by a combination of Rainfall/ET index (<60%) and presence of ephemeral rivers. It was noted that much smaller streams did not show on the database due to scale limitations. This mapping also generally depicts the potential for flood runoff harvesting from watercourses by any other type of storage, including weirs, small earthen dams and ponds in the dry areas. At the Africa scales, data were available for ephemeral rivers for some of the countries, although it does not distinguish which ones may be sand rivers. At country scale, the maps for Kenya and Tanzania when queried were found to represent sand rivers relatively well on removing humid areas. However, for Ethiopia, some of the ephemeral rivers lie above 2000 m.a.s.l, and may not be sand rivers. It was not possible to use soil maps to identify sandy soils as suitable catchments, and therefore areas likely to host sand dams as this was found to be unreliable. This is because the sand in a sand-river is the product of a long journey along the river profile and may not necessarily come from the surrounding land. The idea to use sub-basins to identify areas suitable for sand dams had been suggested by some members of the team. However, it should be noted that sub-basins simply comprise smaller basins containing the full lengths of rivers that drain to a major river. Many sub-basins emanate from the head-waters, usually at mountain water towers, and therefore, a sub-basin would include from top to bottom of a given river/stream, including areas where river profile does not contain sand. Consequently, use of subbasins would inadvertently introduce errors and was abandoned, in favour of the rainfall/ET index to delineate ASAL areas.
Classes of Rainfall Desert 0 - 200 mm Low 200-400 Rainfall in sufficient Medium 400-1200 amount >200mm & High > 1200mm
Sand/subsurface dams
Population Population density Low - < 10 >10/km Medium 11-100 High > 100 Rainfall Rainfall > 200 mm Desert 0 - 200 mm Low 200-400 Slope <2% Medium 400-1200 May include areas High > 1200mm with low population for livestock/wildlife Flat :Slope < 2% Undulating 2-8% Steep > 8 % Require ephemeral Ephemeral rivers sand-river bed Drylands P/ET < 60 Wet areas P/ET > 60% Suited to drylands Agric lands- Yes Other land No Rainfall Desert - 0-200 Low 200-750 Medium 750-1200 mm High >1200
5. In-situ systems Agricultural lands (all types of on- Rainfall farm systems; macro & micro catchments)
Hoogeveen 2000 FAO 1983 Sombroek et al, 1982 Global Land Cover & FAO, WB 2001 FAO, Africover project Hai, 1998 2003.
6. Underground Not to be mapped tanks 7. Rock Not to be mapped catchments 8. Small dams & Not to be mapped weirs
Not mapable at country scale Not mapable at country scale Lack of good resolution data
Rainfall data
Rainfall is the main ingredient in RWH. Ideally, seasonal rainfall would have been more useful but due to the heterogeneity of the continent, available continent-wide spatial data was on mean annual rainfall, which was utilized. In terms of classification, annual rainfall below 200 mm shows deserts with low population and high risks of production. Due to the need to target areas where there is huge incremental benefit in RWH, areas receiving 400-1200 mm are considered most 11
optimal. Above 1200 mm, RWH for crop production is not a necessity except for drinking water.
Rainfall/ET index
Agro-climatic zone (ACZ) maps give an indication of the inherent risks to rainfed crop production and therefore provide some basis for setting criteria for mapping insitu RWH systems, sand dams, and even pans/ponds. This is because ACZ maps have been created by combining important climatic variables (rainfall, relief, temperatures). However, this database could not obtain reliable ACZ maps for Africa except for some of the countries and only ET digital data were available for Africa scale. Thus Rainfall/ET were calculated and used. By setting Rainfall/ET of 60% as threshold for wet areas, this index was used in delineating areas considered too wet to contain sand rivers, and hence used in delineating areas suitable for sand/sub-surface dams.
Land slope
The slope of land is important in site selection and implementation of all groundbased RWH systems, especially ponds, pans, weirs and in-situ RWH. Due to the need for continent-wide and country scales of the mapping, 90-m resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) obtained from SRTM were used. Slope steepness was also determined in GIS analyses and used for showing areas preferable for runoff harvesting from open areas.
Population density
Africa-wide digital data on population were obtained from FAOSTAT (resolution 5 km), and a classification scheme was developed that allowed a minimum of one household per sq. km as the minimum population density for RWH. This decision was arrived at after several trials with higher values. It was noted that the nature of population density in Africa is such that with the exception of mining and urban areas, population in the rural areas is concentrated in the wetter, better agriculturally endowed areas in most countries. Wet areas are also likely to be well served with basic infrastructure, including piped water, and irrigation schemes. On the contrary, it is the drier areas, where perennial rivers are scarce and far between, ground water is usually expensive or difficult to exploit (usually saline too), and where the most viable source of water becomes RWH, but where population density is sometimes lowest. The nature of ASALs is such that settlements are scattered, each holding only a small population and therefore, supply of piped water can be uneconomical and difficult- the very reason RWH becomes the most viable alternative. ASALs also hold large numbers of livestock that require watering, and this may not be evident from the human population statistics. There are limitations in using population density to prioritize areas for RWH interventions because the areas with the lowest population (ideally the lowest priority) tend to be the most disadvantaged and where RWH would have the greatest impact.
Land use/cover
It was not possible to get full coverage at good resolution for land use/cover for full Africa coverage, but Africover data were available for some of the countries. Land use/cover maps were used for delineating agricultural areas and those areas used for special purposes, e.g. forests. This layer was used in developing domains for in-situ RWH. Africover data was used for individual country maps.
Ephemeral streams
The coverage on ephemeral streams was used for mapping sand/sub-surface dams. Ephemeral streams can range in size from small streams not captured in countryscale maps to large valleys. For GIS mapping, it would require high resolution data, e.g. from satellite imagery such as Quickbird, SPOT or Landsat TM, which are capable of showing sand in sand-rivers in dry areas. Lacking this level of resolution, this study adopted available thematic data on ephemeral streams (1:5 million). However, the low resolution of these data means that most small ephemeral streams are not depicted. However, as a broad-brush overview, this layer provided a relatively good representation of areas that could benefit from sand dams. The available DEM of 90 m resolution was too coarse for this project since it weeded out large areas known to be suitable for sand dams when a 2% slope was used as the lower limit. It and thus slope classification was abandoned.
Table 2Characteristics of input data for GIS mapping of RWH potential in Africa
Criteria annual RWH for crops is practiced under mean annual rainfall= 150 mm (max 300, min 50 mm) Shallow soil depth <50 cm Low slope < 4% Population Population density ranges 10-60 per km2 In India it is 200 persons/km2 WH using negarims has been done in areas with 200-250 mm rain Rainfall Low RWH priority for 200-400 & high>1200 mm High RWH priority medium rainfall 4001200mm Topography FAO classification: 0-2% Flat; 2-8% Undulating; 8-16% Rolling; 16-30% Hilly; > 30% Mountainous Growing Period (days) Tropics Length of 75-119 Semi arid zone Growing period 120-269 Savanna Zone 270-365 Rainforest zone (LGP) Maize crop
FAO 1987
Minimum rainfall 300-400 (<300) FAO 1983 Relative ET deficit should not be < 0.4 Sombroek et al, (same as the 60% we adopted for P/ET) 1982 Salinity : EC should not > 8 ms/cm Alkalinity ESP should not > 35% pH >4.5, (Best suited pH 5.5-7.0) Critchley and Crop water Maize 500-800 Siegert, 1991 requirements for Sorghum/millet-450-650 Soybean 450-750 Growing periods Maize 80-180 days of some crops Sorghum 120-130 days Millet, 105- 160 days Beans 75-110 days Jaetzold and Millet -250-450 mm Millet -70 days Growing periods Schmidt, 1983 Sorghum 200-500 Sorghum 75 & Groundnuts 180-550 Groundnuts 50 Rainfall Katumani maize Katumani maize 260- Hai, 1998 requirements 85 Dryland maize 450 Beans 230-450 75 Cowpeas 180-320 Beans 70 Cassava 500-1000 Cowpeas 60 Domestic water demands Daily consumption (litres) for rainfall different zones User High Medium Low Unclassified Human 20 15 10 Barnes et al, 1983 Dairy cattle 50 50 50
17 4
17 4
17 4
GIS Database on Potential for Rainwater Harvesting in Africa Available formats of the GIS database
As a GIS project, the products of this work are best viewed and accessed in soft formats in an interactive GIS environment, where the reader can zoom in, overlay other factors and query the database for specific questions. These products are available at the GIS laboratory at ICRAF, and on CD-ROMs, which can be obtained on request from ICRAF. For general circulation, the data has been converted into ESP, pdf and JPEG formats and can therefore be loaded onto any computer and viewed using MS office software. In addition, posters have been produced for display at meetings, conferences and for awareness creation. Bulletins will soon be developed and this report also contains in and second volume the full range of all the GIS products developed, in hard copy A-4 formats.
harvesting based on rooftop RWH, surface runoff into pans/ponds, sand/subsurface dams and in-situ RWH. In terms of extent, rooftop RWH covers the largest areas, because it is potentially possible to harness rain water at home in all rural and urban settlements. However, lack of spatial data on which settlements already have other forms of water supply, e.g. piped water, means that these were not weeded out and users of the database must be made aware of this. Surface runoff harvesting is a site specific intervention and therefore potentially possible almost anywhere so long as it rains. In that case, the map shows that all areas receiving more than 200 mm have the potential for runoff harvesting, albeit the necessity for the intervention reduces as rainfall increases. One interesting observation is that the areas predicted as suitable for sand/subsurface dams are also the driest. For in-situ RWH, the need to be inclusive meant that even relatively wet areas, such as the Congo basin, have been retained as potentially useful for green water harvesting, but the priority increases for conservation increases as the water deficit increases. Africas semi-humid and semi-arid areas suffer erratic and highly variable rainfall interspersed with long dry spells for which conventional water sources become inadequate. Thus, rainwater harvesting offers great scope for improving water supply, especially to communities in isolated settlements, and also for droughtproofing crop production. Generally, the FAO has recommended medium rainfall areas for the development of rainwater harvesting technologies, albeit lower rainfall areas are more critical, by consideration of the greater vulnerability of these areas. Higher rainfall areas sometimes also require RWH due to costs associated with centralized large schemes, which are unaffordable in some countries and communities.
Botswana is generally an arid and semi-arid country, having few surface water resources, a generally flat to undulating topography and a low human population density. These form a combination of factors that favour RWH as the intervention to reach especially scattered small settlements. The entire country receives less than 1200 mm of rainfall making RWH a necessity. Due to lack of land use data, in-situ RWH was not mapped.
Ethiopia is a heterogeneous country with sharp gradients in rainfall, topography, population density, land uses and soils. Development domains for RWH therefore vary accordingly. However, the need for RWH has been expressed almost for the whole country and it was not easy to delineate areas more needy than others. For
instance rooftop and runoff RWH is potentially applicable throughout the country, while in-situ RWH is applicable in most of the country.
Kenya is a relatively dry country with population concentrated around the wetter central highlands and the Rift Valley. Development domains for RWH in Kenya reveal the same pattern, especially for roof top and runoff harvesting. Sand dams are predicted to be potentially applicable in the dry areas while due to land use patterns, in-situ RWH is predicted to be applicable to the central areas.
Malawi is a relatively wet country, although medium rainfall range (400-1200) covers the largest area. It has a high population density which means that rooftop RWH is applicable throughout the country. Due to lack of a streams file, sand dams were not mapped, but the country has great scope for in-situ RWH.
Mozambique has variable climate and topography, albeit relatively well endowed with rainfall since no area receives less than 400 mm. The spatial distribution of the settlements indicates that rooftop RWH is required throughout the country. Due to lack of a streams file, sand dams ere not mapped but in-situ RWH is applicable over large areas. Rwanda It was not easy to map Rwanda because of lack of country-scale data and only the available global databases were used. Rwanda is an equatorial country with high rainfall, high population densities and steep slopes. Due to socio-economic reasons, rooftop RWH is necessary in Rwanda as the rural areas do not have piped water systems. Sand dams may not be a priority in Rwanda but runoff harvesting is feasible, especially in the drier south western areas.
Tanzania is one country where runoff and in-situ RWH have been widely adopted, and therefore it provided a good testing case for the reliability of the database. Tanzania has large areas having medium rainfall, well distributed population and gently undulating topography suited to RWH. The maps obtained show that all types of RWH are potentially applicable throughout most of the country with the exception of protected areas and high altitude mountains.
Uganda combines high rainfall with high population and large areas prone to wetland conditions, yet RWH is an important source of water due to poor state of development of centralized systems. In addition, the cattle corridor comprising north eastern to western Uganda is a relatively dry zone where RWH is necessary even for crop production. Thus, most of the country could benefit from roof runoff harvesting, while about half of the area requires runoff and in-situ RWH.
Zambia offers a relatively homogenous topography, land use and rainfall patterns. The entire country does not have arid region (rainfall < 400 mm) and all types or RWH have great potential in Zambia especially in the central and southern regions. With 18
the exception of protected areas, settlements are scattered throughout the country offering great potential for rooftop RWH. Sand/subsurface dams were not mapped due to lack of a file on ephemeral rivers.
Most of the land in Zimbabwe is semi-arid to sub-humid with rainfall ranging 200-1200 mm. Thus, RWH is required almost throughout the country. Population is sparsely distributed throughout the country meaning there are many disjointed settlements. These can benefit from rooftop RWH. Runoff harvesting from open surfaces is predicted to be potentially applicable throughout the country but it was not possible to depict the potential areas for sand/subsurface dams.
NB I (BM) find these costs to be rather high compared with my own experiences and those from literature. For instance, according to Nissen-Peterssen (2000), subsurface dams in Machakos District of Kenya cost the community about 0.2-0.3$ per m3 of water.
This report forms part of a larger project to show through a Geographic Information System (GIS) that Africa has a huge untapped potential for rainwater harvesting. This information is required for awareness creation and as a decision support tool for targeting RWH plans and investments at sub-regional scales. The reason for using GIS for this type of advocacy is due to the versatility of the tools in developing visual messages that cover the whole continent, and can also be made for country case studies. GIS products are easy to show through posters, reports, briefs or internet, and can be easily updated if new information comes. GIS can also be used to show multiple variables. Since the database covers the entire African continent, it is relevant to a wider audience. The GIS database was developed by a multi-disciplinary team of hydrologists, engineers, socio-economists and GIS experts, with regular peer reviews by selected 20
professionals from participating countries. The actual mapping involved data collation from GIS laboratories (particularly ILRI and ICRAF), and non-spatial data from libraries, local and international organizations, individuals and the internet. The major RWH interventions identified for mapping were; (i) rooftop RWH, (ii) surface runoff from open surfaces with storage in pans/ponds, (iii) flood-flow harvesting from watercourses with storages in sand/subsurface dams, and (iv) in-situ soil water storage systems. The major variables used in the mapping were rainfall, population, land use, DEM, slope, soils and ephemeral streams. These variables were reclassified and through GIS map analyses (map calculator), development domains to suit each of the RWH were developed. A total of 73 thematic maps were developed in this project. These comprise 29 thematic maps of rainwater harvesting potential in Africa and 44 composite maps for the ten country case studies covering Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. These generally show areas that could benefit from each intervention. At continental and country scales, it was not possible to do detailed mapping, but have a broad-brush firstbet scenarios, containing classified composite attributes (legends) called Development Domains, which tell the user what to find where, and thus provide a decision support tool. Since the major ingredient in rainwater harvesting is rainfall, and based on the fact that if it rains, it can be harvested regardless of the quantities (too little or too much), and the no areas were labeled as either suitable or unsuitable for RWH. Even with the constraints associated with the GIS database developed in this project, it still provides a strong case from a spatial perspective, for advocating for rainwater harvesting as an important contribution towards meeting the MDGs target on water and the African Water Vision.
Barnes, D., Bliss, P.J., Gould, B.W. and Valentin, H.R. 1983. water and wastewater engineering systems. Pitman, London. Corbett J. 2002. The Spatial Characterization Tool-Africa v3.5. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station,Texas A&M University, Blackland Research Center Report 2002 Cosgrove, W.J and F.R. Rijsberman, 1998. Creating a vision for water, life and the environment. Water Policy 1(1) 115-22. Critchley, W. and Siegert, K. 1991. Water Harvesting. A manual for the design and construction of water harvesting schemes for plant production. AGL/MISC/17/91. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome. Desta, L, Carucci, V, Wendem-Agenehu, A, Abebe, Y (2005) Community based participatory watershed development: a guideline, part 1. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia FAO, 1983. Guidelines: Land Evaluation for Rainfed Agriculture. FAO Soils Bulletin, No 52. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome. FAO, 1987. Soil and Water Conservation in Semi-arid Areas. FAO Soils Bulletin, No 57. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1970-78, Soil map of the world, scale 1:5,000,000, volumes I- X: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Paris. FAO, World Bank 2001. Farming System and poverty; Improving farmers livelihood in a changing world. Hall, M (ed). FAO. 2002. TERRASTAT, Global land resources GIS models and databases for poverty and food insecurity mapping (double CD-ROM). FAO Land and Water Digital Media Series FAO, 2003. Africover project FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), 2001. FAOSTAT Agriculture data. FAO (2002) TERRASTAT, Global land resources GIS models and databases for poverty and food insecurity mapping (double CD-ROM). FAO Land and Water Digital Media Series Global Land Cover 2000 database. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, 2003." Gould, J & Nissen-Petersen, E (1999) Rainwater catchment systems for domestic supply. IT Publications, London
Hai, M. T. 1998. Water Harvesting. An illustrative manual for development of microcatchment techniques for crop production in dry areas. Regional Management Unit (RELMA). Technical Handbook No.16. Hoogeveen J. 2000. Rivers of Africa. FAO-UN AGLW 2000 ;
International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) and Kenya Soil Survey (KSS), 1995 Jaetzold , R. and Schmidt, H. 1983. Agroclimatological crop list of Kenya. In: Farm Management Handbook of Kenya Natural Management Information, Vol. 2A. Western Kenya. MOA/GTZ. 34-40. Lenton, R., Wright, A.M. and Lewis, K. 2005. Health, dignity and development: what will it take? UN Millennium Project Task Force on Water and Sanitation. New York Nega, H. and Kimeu, P.M. (2002) Low-cost methods of rainwater storage. Results from field trials in Ethiopia and Kenya. Technical Report No.28. RELMA, Nairobi. Nissen-Petersen, E. 2000. Water from sand rivers. A manual on site survey, design, construction and maintenance of seven types of water structures in riverbeds. RELMA. Technical Handbook No. 23. Nairobi. Oweis, T., Prinz, P. and Hachum, A. 2001. Water Harvesting. Indigenous knowledge for the future of the drier Environments. International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). Aleppo, Syria. SEDAC/CIESIN 1999- 2000 Gridded Population of the World V2. Senay, GB & Verdin, JP (2004) Developing index maps of water harvest potential in Africa. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, vol. 20(6): 789-799 Sombroek, W.G., Braun H.M.H. and Van der Pouw, B.J.A. 1982 The explanatory soil map and agro-climatic zone map of Kenya. Report No. E.I, Kenya Soil Survey, Nairobi. SRTM 90 meter DEM CIAT and USGS HYDRO1K digital elevation model, 2000 UNEP (2002) Vital Water. Accessed 30/03/2005 UNESCO (2003) World Water Development Report
Country boundary
Continental (Shapefile)
All All
Rivers Lakes
Continental (5km x 5km) Continental (Shapefile) Continental (shapefile) Global 5km) Global 5km) (5km x
Countrie s Countrie s
Global (90m)
Ministry of Agriculture and National dataset Ethiopia Mapping Authority (shapefile) (EMA), 1992, Land use and cover types
Global Land Cover 2000 database FAO-UN AGLW 2000 Gridded Population of the World 1999- 2000 nomad FAO, World Bank 2001.
Annex 3. Types of GIS Data for GIS mapping of RWH potential for countries
Criteria Description Source Basin and sub- The layers are dealt with at the FAO-UN AGLW basin watershed level as a hydrological unit 2000 Rainfall Rainfall is the main factor to implement RWH. There is low potential for 200400mm, and hihgh potential for rains above 1200 mm. The range 4001200mm is considered of medium potential. A classification of slopes has been done derived from the FAO classification: 0-2% Flat; 2-8% Undulating; 8-16% Rolling; 16-30% Hilly; > 30% Mountainous Evaporation rates have been considered to differentiate open to closed storage systems. E-R>1000mm switches to closed systems Soil types have been useful to determine suitability of rock catchments and of sand dams; The land cover is mostly used to identify forests where some technologies are not relevant Seasonal streams and permanent rivers could be differentiated Ministry of Water
USGS, 2000
Corbett, 2002
Land cover
Corbett, 2002
It has been possible to pull household data Land use They helped determine agricultural ISRIC and KSS, areas from others 1995 Hydrogeology Gives idea of conventional water JICA, 1992 supply Districts or Corbett, 2002 Countries