Report On Corp Governance

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Dabur India Limited | 45

Report on Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance is commitment to values and ethics in business conduct which stems from the culture, policies, practices, traditions, voluntary adherence to ethical standards and mindset of an organisation. Strong governance standards focusing on fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility are vital not only for the healthy and vibrant corporate sector but also inclusive growth of the economy. The global financial crisis during the recent past along with incidences of some of the large scale corporate failures and frauds have convincingly revealed the importance of good governance in more emphatic context. Dabur continues to focus on good Corporate Governance, in line with emerging local and global standards. It understands and respects its fiduciary role in the corporate world. Besides adhering to the prescribed corporate practices as per clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, it voluntarily governs itself as per highest standards of ethical and responsible conduct of business which not only strengthens its bond of trust with the stakeholders but also creates value for the society at large. This chapter, along with the chapters on Management Discussion and Analysis and Additional Shareholders Information, reports Daburs compliance with Clause 49 of Listing Agreement and highlights the additional initiatives taken in line with international best practices. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PHILOSOPHY As Dabur aspires to achieve its vision its Corporate Governance standards must be globally benchmarked. The Companys philosophy is to constantly improve and create sustainable value through ethical business conduct. It envisages attainment of the highest level of transparency, accountability and equity in all facets of its operations and all its interactions with shareholders, employees, lenders and regulatory bodies. Strong Governance has indeed helped Dabur to deliver wealth to its shareholders in the form of uninterrupted dividends and also bonus issues in the year 2006, 2007 & 2010. The corporate governance structure in the Company assigns responsibilities and entrusts authority among different participants in the organisation viz. the board of directors, the senior management, employees, etc. The companys focus revolves around values based on transparency, integrity, professionalism and accountability. Its initiatives towards this end include: professionalization of the Board; fair and transparent processes and reporting systems; and going beyond the mandated Corporate Governance Code requirements of SEBI. At the highest level the company continuously endeavours to improve upon these aspects on an ongoing basis and adopts innovative approaches for leveraging resources, converting opportunities into achievements through proper empowerment and motivation, fostering a healthy all round growth and development to take the company forward. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Composition of the Board As on March 31, 2011, Daburs Board consists of 12 members. Besides the Chairman, who is a Non-Executive Promoter Director, the Board comprises of three Executive Directors (of whom one is Promoter Director), two Non-Executive Promoter Directors and six Non-Executive Independent Directors. The composition of the Board as on 31st March, 2011 is in confirmity with Clause 49 of the listing agreement, which stipulates that a Company shall have an optimum combination of Executive and Non-Executive Directors, with not less than 50 per cent of the Board comprising of NonExecutive Directors, and where the Chairman being a NonExecutive director is also a promoter of the Company, at least onehalf of the Board should comprise of Independent Directors. Number of Board Meetings Minimum four prescheduled Board meetings are held every year. Additional meetings are held by giving appropriate notice to address specific needs of the Company. In case of any exigency/ emergency resolutions are passed by circulation. The Board of Directors met six times during the year: on April 28, 2010, June 18, 2010, July 26, 2010, October 27, 2010, November 17, 2010 and January 31, 2011. The Company has held at least one Board meeting in every three months. The maximum gap between any two meetings was less than four months, as stipulated under Clause 49. Directors Attendance Record and Directorships held As mandated by Clause 49, none of the Directors are members of more than 10 Board level committees, nor are they Chairman of more than five committees in which they are members.

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Table 1 gives the details of the Board as on March 31, 2011. Table 1: Composition of the Board of Directors of Dabur India Limited
Name of the Directors Category # Attendance Particulars Number of Board Meetings Held Anand Burman (Dr.) Amit Burman Pradip Burman Mohit Burman P D Narang Sunil Duggal P N Vijay S. Narayan (Dr.) R C Bhargava Albert Wiseman Paterson Analjit Singh Ajay Dua (Dr.) Chairman /PD / NED Vice Chairman/ PD / NED PD / ED PD/NED ED ED ID ID ID ID ID ID 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Attended 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 4 2 0 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes 9 5 3 7 4 1 3 6 10 0 14 6 1 1 1 3 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 Last AGM No. of other Directorships and Committee memberships /chairmanships* Other Directorships Committee Committee Memberships Chairmanships

# PD Promoter Director, NED Non-Executive Director, ID Independent Non-Executive Director, ED Executive Director. * 1. Excluding private limited companies, foreign companies and companies under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. 2. Only two Committees viz. the Audit Committee and the Shareholders / Investors Grievance Committee are considered. Details of Other Board Directorships are separately mentioned in Annexure 1 Shareholding of Non-Executive Directors Name of Director Anand Burman (Dr) Amit Burman Mohit Burman R C Bhargava P N Vijay S. Narayan (Dr) Albert Wiseman Paterson Analjit Singh Ajay Dua (Dr) Category PD / NED PD / NED PD / NED ID ID ID ID ID ID No of shares held (Re. 1 paid up) 222000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 executives during the preceding three years of any of the following: Statutory audit firm or the internal audit firm that is associated with the Company, and Legal firm(s) and consulting firm(s) that have a material association with the Company; Are not material suppliers, service providers or customers or lessors or lessees of the Company, which may affect independence of the Director; Are not substantial shareholders of the Company i.e. owning two per cent or more of the block of voting shares; Are not less than 21 years of age.

As mandated by Clause 49, the Independent Directors on Daburs Board: Apart from receiving Directors remuneration, do not have any material pecuniary relationships or transactions with the Company, its promoters, its Directors, its senior Management, its subsidiaries and associates, which may affect independence of the Director; Are not related to promoters or persons occupying Management positions at the Board level or at one level below the Board; Have not been an executive of the Company in the immediately preceding three financial years; Are not partners or executives, or were not partners or

Information Supplied to the Board The Board has complete access to all information with the Company. All Board meetings are governed by a structured agenda which is backed by comprehensive background information. Inter-alia, the following information is regularly provided to the Board, as part of the agenda papers well in advance of the Board meetings, or is tabled in the course of the Board meeting. Detailed Business Review. Annual operating plans and budgets and any update thereof. Capital budgets and any updates thereof. Quarterly results for the Company and its operating divisions and business segments.

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Minutes of the meetings of the Audit Committee and other committees of the Board. Information on recruitment and remuneration of senior officers just below the level of Board, including the appointment or removal of Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary. Materially important show cause, demand, prosecution notices and penalty notices. Fatal or serious accidents, dangerous occurrences, any material effluent or pollution problems. Any material default in financial obligations to and by the Company, or substantial non-payment for goods sold by the Company. Any issue, which involves possible public or product liability claims of substantial nature, including any judgement or order which may have passed strictures on the conduct of the Company or taken an adverse view regarding another enterprise that can have negative implications on the Company. Details of any joint venture or collaboration agreement. Transactions that involve substantial payment towards goodwill, brand equity or intellectual property and any other acquisition. Significant labour problems and their proposed solutions. Any significant development on Human Resources / Industrial Relations front, like signing of wage agreement, implementation of voluntary retirement scheme, etc. Sale of material nature, of investments, subsidiaries, assets, which is not in the normal course of business. Quarterly details of foreign exchange exposures and steps taken by the Management to limit the risks of adverse exchange rate movement, if material. Non-compliance of any regulatory, statutory nature or listing requirements and shareholders service, such as non-payment of dividend, delay in share transfer, etc. Details of investment of surplus funds available with the Company. Minutes of the Board Meetings of the subsidiary companies. Statement showing significant transactions and arrangements entered into by the subsidiary companies. Details of any merger or demerger actions. Details of dealings in companys share by members of board/ senior management. Details of commercial dealings by firms/ companies in which members of the board/ senior management or their relatives hold shares with the company. Details of Inter Corporate Loans, Investments and Guarantees made/ given by the Company. Detailed status on the Business Risks being faced by the Company and their mitigation plan.

Changes in Shareholding Pattern of the Company. Details of transactions with Related Parties.

The Board has an effective post meeting follow up procedure. Action taken report on the decisions taken in a meeting are placed at the immediately succeeding meeting for information of the Board. The Board has established procedures to enable the Board to periodically review compliance reports of all laws applicable to the Company, prepared by the Company, as well as steps taken by the Company to rectify instances of non-compliance. Role of Board Members Dabur India Limited has laid down a clear policy defining the structure and role of Board members. The policy of the Company is to have a Non-Executive Chairman Dr Anand Burman, and a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr Sunil Duggal, a Corporate Affairs Director, two Non-Executive Promoter Directors, one Executive Promoter Director and six Non-Executive independent Directors. There is clear demarcation of responsibility and authority amongst them. The Chairman: His primary role is to provide leadership to the Board in achieving goals of the Company in accordance with the charter approved by the Board. He is responsible for transforming the Company into a world-class, next generation organization that is dedicated to the well-being of each and every household, not only within India but across the globe. Also, as the Chairman of the Board he is responsible for all the Board matters. He is responsible, inter-alia, for the working of the Board and for ensuring that all relevant issues are placed before the Board and that all Directors are encouraged to provide their expert guidance on the relevant issues raised in the meetings of the Board. He is also responsible for formulating the corporate strategy along with the Board of Directors. The CEO and Executive Directors are responsible for implementation of corporate strategy, brand equity planning, external contacts, and other Management matters which are approved by the Board. They are also responsible for achieving the annual business plan. Non-Executive Directors, including Independent Directors, play a critical role in imparting balance to the Board processes by providing an independent judgement on various issues raised in the Board meetings, like performance, business strategies etc. Fees and compensation, if any, paid to any Non-Executive Director, including Independent Director, is fixed by the Board of Directors and is previously approved by the shareholders at the General Body Meeting.

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Board Membership Criteria The Nomination Committee works with the entire Board to determine the appropriate characteristics, skills and experience for the Board as a whole, as well as its individual members. The selection of Board members is based on recommendations of the Nomination Committee. The skill profile of Independent Board members are driven by the key tasks defined by the Board, which are broadly based on: Independent Corporate Governance Guiding Strategy and Enhancing Shareholders Value Monitoring Performance, Management Development & Key Skill Area Strategy/Business Leadership Corporate Strategy Consultant Sales and Marketing experience Essential

Compensation Control & Compliance The constitution of the board will be as follows: A Promoter Non Executive Chairman Three Promoters Family members Two executive members Six non executive independent Directors constituting 50% of the board The matrix below highlights the skills and expertise required from established members for the office of independent Directors of the Company. Desirable FMCG experience Basic understanding of Finance Experience with FMCG or other consumer products Experience in trade/ consumer related laws FMCG experience FMCG Experience Basic understanding of finance and business Basic understanding of finance and business

Corporate law Finance Trade Policy & Economics Administration & Government Relations Ayurvedic specialist

2-3 years experience as a CEO, preferably of an MNC in India Consultant/Academician with experience in FMCG Industry and business strategy. At least 10 years experience in sales and marketing; Good understanding of commercial processes; 2-3 years as head of sales or marketing. Expert knowledge of Corporate Law At least 5 years as a CFO or as head of a merchant banking operation Expert Knowledge of Trade & Economic Policies Retired bureaucrat Ayurvedic doctor with a minimum of 20 years experience as a practitioner/researcher

Other directors could be based on the Companys priority at a particular time viz: - Knowledge of export markets that Dabur is focusing on; - Expertise in commodity procurement. Remuneration paid to Directors Table 2 gives details of remuneration paid to Directors for the year 2010-11 Name of the Director Pradip Burman Anand Burman (Dr.) Amit Burman P D Narang Sunil Duggal Mohit Burman P N Vijay S Narayan (Dr) R C Bhargava Analjit Singh Albert Wiseman Paterson Ajay Dua (Dr) Total Sitting Fees 0 150000 135000 0 0 75000 345000 195000 165000 0 30000 225000 1320000 Salary and Perquisites 12 0 0 39636416 39725974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79362402 Superannuation Fund 0 0 0 2154211 2013381 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4167592 Stock Option 0 0 0 67847707 67847707 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28712379 Commission 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 12 150000 135000 109638334 109587062 75000 345000 195000 165000 0 30000 225000 220545408

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Report on Corporate Governance

During 2010-11, the Company did not advance any loans to any of its Directors. Mr P.D. Narang and Mr Sunil Duggal were issued 2001697 and 2001697 Stock Options respectively during the year, having vesting period spread from 1 to 4 years and exercisable over a period of three years after vesting. The Options are exercisable at par. Pursuant to the approval of shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on September 9, 1998 and subsequently on September 5, 2002, July 13, 2007 and August 31, 2010 in addition to the above remuneration, certain Directors are entitled to post separation fee, as contained in the resolution passed in the aforesaid meeting, on cessation of their employment and directorship with the Company. The notice period for the three Executive Directors, namely Mr. Pradip Burman, Mr. P.D. Narang and Mr. Sunil Duggal, is three months. CODE OF CONDUCT Commitment to ethical professional conduct is a must for every employee, including Board members and senior Management of Dabur. The Code is intended to serve as a basis for ethical decisionmaking in conduct of professional work. The Code of Conduct enjoins that each individual in the organization must know and respect existing laws, accept and provide appropriate professional views, and be upright in his conduct and observe corporate discipline. The Code of Conduct is available on the website of the company All Board members and senior Management personnel affirm compliance with the Code of Conduct annually. A declaration signed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to this effect is enclosed at the end of this report. COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD Dabur has four Board level committees: Audit Committee, Remuneration cum Compensation Committee, Shareholders/Investors Grievance and Share Transfer Committee, and Nomination Committee. The Board is responsible for constituting, assigning, co-opting and fixing the terms of reference for members of various committees. Details on the role and composition of these committees, including the number of meetings held during the financial year and the related attendance, are provided below:

Meetings The Audit Committee held seven meetings during 2010-11: on April 28, 2010, June 18, 2010, July 26, 2010, September 22, 2010, October 27, 2010, January 31, 2011 and March 11, 2011. The time gap between any two meetings was less than four months. Attendance Record The details of attendance of the Audit Committee meetings are given in Table 3: Table 3: Attendance record of Audit Committee
Name of Members (Category) Mr. P N Vijay (ID) Mr. R C Bhargava (ID) Dr. S Narayan (ID) Dr. Ajay Dua (ID) Status Chairman Member Member Member No. of Meetings Held Attended 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 6

The Director responsible for the finance function, the head of internal audit and the representative of the statutory auditors, internal auditors and cost auditors are permanent invitees to the Audit Committee. Mr. A K Jain, General Manager (Finance) & Company Secretary, is the Secretary to the Committee. All members of the Audit Committee have accounting and financial management expertise. The Chairman of the Audit Committee attended the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on August 31, 2010 to answer shareholders queries. The functions of the Audit Committee include the following: Oversight of the Companys financial reporting process and disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct, sufficient and credible. Recommending to the Board the appointment, re-appointment and, if required, the replacement or removal of the statutory auditor and the fixation of audit fees. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any other services rendered by the statutory auditors. Reviewing, with the Management, the annual financial statements before submission to the Board for approval, with particular reference to: Matters required to be included in the Directors Responsibility Statement to be included in the Boards report in terms of clause (2AA) of section 217 of the Companies Act, 1956. Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same. Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by the Management. Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings. Compliance with listing and other legal requirements relating to financial statements. Disclosure of any related party transactions. Qualifications in the draft audit report.

a) Audit Committee
Composition As on March 31, 2011, the Audit Committee comprises of four Independent Directors. They are Mr. P N Vijay (Chairman), Mr. R. C. Bhargava, Dr. S. Narayan and Dr Ajay Dua.

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Reviewing, with the Management, the quarterly financial statements before submission to the Board for approval. Reviewing with the Management, the financial statements of subsidiaries and in particular the investments made by each of them. Reviewing, with the Management, the statement of uses/ application of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/ prospectus/notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of the proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter. Reviewing, with the Management, performance of statutory and internal auditors, adequacy of the internal control systems. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function, if any, including the structure of the internal audit department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure coverage and frequency of internal audit. Discussion with internal auditors any significant findings and follow-ups there on. Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the internal auditors into matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board. Discussion with statutory auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern. To look into the reasons for substantial defaults in payment to the depositors, debenture holders, shareholders (in case of nonpayment of declared dividends) and creditors. To review the functioning of the Whistle-Blower mechanism, in case the same is existing. Approval of appointment of CFO (i.e. the whole time Finance Director or any other person heading the finance function or discharging that function) after assessing the qualifications, experience and background, etc. of the candidate. Carrying out any other function as is mentioned in the terms of reference of the Audit Committee.

Internal audit reports relating to internal control weaknesses. Appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of the Chief Internal Auditor. The uses/applications of funds raised through public issues, rights issues, preferential issues by major category (capital expenditure, sales and marketing, working capital, etc), as part of the quarterly declaration of financial results (whenever applicable). On an annual basis, statement certified by the statutory auditors, detailing the use of funds raised through public issues, rights issues, preferential issues for purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice (whenever applicable).

The Audit Committee is also presented with the following information on related party transactions (whenever applicable): A statement, in summary form, of transactions with related parties in the ordinary course of business. Details of material individual transactions with related parties, which are not in the normal course of business. Details of material individual transactions with related parties or others, which are not on an arms length basis, along with the Managements justification for the same. Audit Committee Report for the year ended March 31, 2011 To the Board of Directors of Dabur India Limited, Each member of the Audit Committee is an Independent Director, according to the definition laid down in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the relevant stock exchanges. The Management is responsible for the Companys internal controls and financial reporting process. The independent auditors are responsible for performing an independent audit of the Companys financial statements in accordance with the Indian GAAP and IFRS and for issuing a report thereon. The Committee is responsible for overseeing the processes related to financial reporting and information dissemination. In this regard, the Committee discussed with the Companys internal auditors and independent auditors the overall scope and plan for their respective audits. The Committee also discussed the results of their examinations, their evaluation of the Companys internal controls and the overall quality of financial reporting. The Management also presented to the Committee the Companys financial statements and also represented that the Companys financial statements had been drawn in accordance with the Indian GAAP and IFRS. Based on its review and discussions conducted with the Management and the independent auditors, the Audit Committee believes that the Companys financial statements are fairly presented in conformity with Indian GAAP and IFRS in all material aspects. The Committee has also reviewed the internal controls put in place to ensure that the accounts of the Company are properly maintained and that the accounting transactions are in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations. In conducting such reviews, the

The Audit Committee is empowered, pursuant to its terms of reference to: Investigate any activity within its terms of reference and to seek any information it requires from any employee. Obtain legal or other independent professional advice and to secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise, wherever considered necessary. Dabur has systems and procedures in place to ensure that the Audit Committee mandatorily reviews: Management Discussion and Analysis of financial conditions and results of operations. Statement of significant related party transactions (as defined by the Audit Committee), submitted by Management. Management letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors.

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Committee found no material discrepancy or weakness in the Internal Control Systems of the Company. The Committee has also reviewed Statement of contingent liabilities, Management Discussion and Analysis, financial statements of subsidiary companies, Statement of Significant Related Party Transactions, Directors Responsibility Statement, compliance relating to financial statements and draft auditors report. The Committee also affirms that in compliance with the Whistle-Blower Policy no personnel had been denied access to the Audit Committee. The Committee is recommending to the Board the re-appointment of M/s G Basu & Co., Chartered Accountants, as statutory auditors of the Company, to carry out audit of the accounts of the Company for the financial year 2011-12. In conclusion, the Committee is sufficiently satisfied that it has complied with the responsibilities as outlined in the Audit Committees responsibility statement. New Delhi 27th April 2011 Signed P N Vijay Chairman, Audit Committee

on remuneration of Executive Directors, including ESOP, pension rights and any compensation payment. Considering, approving and recommending to the Board changes in designation and increase in salary of the Executive Directors. Ensuring that the remuneration policy is good enough to attract, retain and motivate the Directors. Bringing about objectivity in determining the remuneration package, while striking a balance between the interests of the Company and the shareholders. Framing the ESPS/ESOS and recommending the same to the Board/shareholders for their approval and implementing the Scheme approved by the shareholders. Suggesting to Board/shareholders changes in the ESPS/ESOS. Deciding the terms and conditions of Employees Share Purchase Scheme (ESPS) and Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) which, inter-alia, include the following: Quantum of options to be granted under the Scheme per employee and in aggregate; Vesting Period; Conditions under which option vested in employees may lapse in case of termination of employment for misconduct; Exercise period within which the employee should exercise the option and that option would lapse on failure to exercise the option within the exercise period; Specified time period within which the employee shall exercise the vested options in the event of termination or resignation of an employee; Right of an employee to exercise all the options vested in him at one time or at various points of time within the exercise period; Procedure for making a fair and reasonable adjustment to the number of options and to the exercise price in case of rights issues, bonus issues and other corporate actions; Grant, vest and exercise of option in case of employees who are on long leave; Procedure for cashless exercise of options; Forfeiture/cancellation of options granted; All other issues incidental to the implementation of ESOS. To issue grant/award letters. To allot shares upon exercise of vested options.

b) Remuneration cum Compensation Committee

Composition As of March 31, 2011, the Remuneration cum Compensation Committee comprises of Mr. P. N. Vijay (Chairman) and Dr. S. Narayan, being independent Directors and Dr Anand Burman, a Non-Executive Promoter Director. Meetings The Remuneration cum Compensation Committee held four meetings during 2010-11: on April 28, 2010, May 20, 2010, July 26, 2010 and October 27, 2010. Attendance Record The details of attendance of the Committee Meetings are given in Table 4 below: Table 4: Attendance details of Remuneration cum Compensation Committee Name of Members (Category) Status No. of Meetings Held Attended 4 4 4 4 3 4

Mr P N Vijay (ID) Chairman Dr S. Narayan (ID) Member Dr Anand Burman (PD/NED) Member

Remuneration Policy The remuneration paid to the Directors of the Company is approved by the Board of Directors on the recommendations of the Remuneration cum Compensation Committee. The Companys remuneration strategy is market-driven and aims at attracting and retaining high calibre talent. The strategy is in consonance with the existing industry practice and is directed towards rewarding performance, based on review of achievements, on a periodical basis. As per the shareholders

The Remuneration cum Compensation Committee of the Company, inter-alia, evaluates, recommends to the Board and approves the Executive Directors compensation plans, policies and programmes of the Company. This Committee also has the responsibility for administering Employee Stock Option Scheme of the Company. The responsibilities of the Committee include: Framing and implementing, on behalf of the Board and on behalf of the shareholders, a credible and transparent policy

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approval obtained at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on July 13, 2007, commission is paid at a rate not exceeding one per cent of the net profits per annum of the Company, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Sections 198, 349 and 350 of the Companies Act, 1956. 1. Non-Executive Chairman Besides sitting fees, the Non-Executive Chairman is also entitled to commission out of the profits of the Company, as approved by the Board and within the overall limits prescribed by the Companies Act, 1956. 2. Independent Directors Non-Executive Independent Directors are entitled to sitting fees for attending meetings of the Board of Directors and committees thereof within the prescribed limits. 3. Executive Directors Remuneration of the Executive Directors consists of a fixed component and a variable performance incentive. The Remuneration cum Compensation Committee makes annual appraisal of the performance of the Executive Directors based on a detailed performance evaluation, and recommends the compensation payable to them, within the parameters approved by the shareholders, to the Board for their approval. Remuneration cum Compensation Committee Report for the year ended March 31, 2011 To the Board of Directors of Dabur India Limited, The Remuneration cum Compensation Committee comprises of two Independent Directors and one Non Executive Promoter Director. The main responsibility of the Remuneration cum Compensation Committee is to incentivize and reward executive performance that will lead to long-term enhancement of shareholder performance. During the year the Committee framed & implemented the Vision III and Top Up Plan for grant of stock options to employees of the Company. The year 2009-10 being the 125th Anniversary year of the Company, the Committee approved the grant of 125 Stock options to each employee of the Company. The Committee reviewed and approved the stock options payable to all Executive Directors, within the overall limits approved by shareholders. The Committee also reviewed and approved the stock options of all members of the Management team for the year 201011. In addition, the Committee reviewed the grant of sign-on and regular stock options to various other employees of the Company during the year. The Committee also reviewed and approved the revision in remuneration of Mr. P. D. Narang and Mr. Sunil Duggal, Executive Directors. The Committee was also provided information on appraisal systems, the outcome of performance assessment programmes, compensation policies for employees and the information to decide on grant of options to various employees.

New Delhi 27th April, 2011

Signed P N Vijay Chairman, Remuneration cum Compensation Committee

c) Nomination Committee
Composition Daburs Nomination Committee consists of Dr Anand Burman, NonExecutive Promoter Director, as Chairman, Mr. Pradip Burman, Executive Promoter Director and Mr Amit Burman, Non-Executive Promoter Director. Meetings The Nomination Committee did not meet during the year. The primary role of this Committee is to make recommendations on appointments to the Board. The functions of the Nomination Committee include: To identify and recommend suitable candidates to the Board of Directors for appointment as members of the Board. To engage the services of consultants and seek their help in the process of identifying candidates for appointments to the Board. To decide the remuneration of consultants engaged by the Committee.

d) Shareholders/Investor Grievance and Share Transfer Committee

Composition As on March 31, 2011, the Committee consists of four members, Mr. P. N Vijay, Independent Director as Chairman, Dr Ajay Dua, Independent Director, Mr. Amit Burman, Non Executive Promoter Director and Mr. P. D. Narang, Executive Director. Meetings The Committee met four times in the year under review, on April 28, 2010, July 26, 2010, October 27, 2010 and January 31, 2011. Attendance Record The details of attendance of the Committee meetings are given in Table 5 below: Table 5: Attendance Details of Shareholders/Investor Grievance and Share Transfer Committee Name of Members Mr. P N Vijay (ID) Mr. P D Narang (ED) Mr. Amit Burman (PD/NED) Dr. Ajay Dua (ID) Status Chairman Member Member Member No. of Meetings Held Attended 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Mr. A. K. Jain, General Manager (Finance) and Company Secretary, is the Compliance Officer.

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The Committee ensures cordial investor relations and oversees the mechanism for redressal of investors grievances. The Committee specifically looks into redressing shareholders and investors complaints/ grievances pertaining to share transfers, non-receipt of annual reports, non-receipt of dividend and other allied complaints. The Committee performs the following functions: Transfer/Transmission of shares. Split-up/Sub-division and Consolidation of shares. Dematerialization/ Rematerialization of Shares. Issue of new and duplicate share certificates. Registration of Power of Attorneys, Probate, Letters of Transmission or similar other documents. To open/close bank account(s) of the Company for depositing share/debenture applications, allotment and call monies, authorize operation of such account(s) and issue instructions to the Bank from time to time in this regard. To look into redressal of shareholders and investors complaints, like transfer of shares, non-receipt of balance sheet, non-receipt of declared dividends etc. Any allied matter(s) out of, and incidental to, these functions and not herein above specifically provided for.

per case and for dematerialization upto a maximum of 20000 shares per case, jointly to any two of Mr. A K Jain, General Manager (Finance) and Company Secretary, Mr. Praveen Mudgal Joint Company Secretary and Mrs. Sarita Agrawal - Manager (Secretarial). Shareholders/Investors Grievance and Share Transfer Committee Report for the year ended March 31, 2011 To the Board of Directors of Dabur India Limited, The Shareholders/Investors Grievance and Share Transfer Committee comprises of four members. The main responsibility of the Committee is to ensure cordial investor relations and supervise the mechanism for redressal of investor grievances pertaining to transfer of shares, non-receipt of balance sheet, non-receipt of declared dividends etc. It performs the functions of Transfer/ Transmission/ Remat/ Demat/ Split-up/Sub-division and Consolidation of shares, issue of new and duplicate share certificates and allied matter(s). The Committee approved 2276 cases of transfer, 40 cases of rematerialisation, 3 case of sub-division, 1 case of consolidation and 9 cases of issue of duplicate share certificates. The Committee also approved allotment of equity shares pursuant to amalgamation of Femcare Pharma Limited with the Company and also the allotment of Bonus Shares. The Committee reviewed the status of investors grievances on quarterly basis. As at the close of the Financial Year

Details of queries and grievances received and attended by the Company during the year 2010-11 are given in Table 6.

Table 6: Nature of complaints received and attended to during 2010-2011. Nature of Complaint 1. 2. 3. 4. Transfer / Transmission / Duplicate Non-receipt of Dividend Dematerialization /Rematerialization of shares Others (Non receipt of bonus shares/ POA/ change of signatures/ address etc.) 5. Complaints received from: - Securities and Exchange Board of India - Stock Exchanges - Registrar of Companies/Ministry of Corporate Affairs Total Pending as on 1st Apr10 Nil Nil Nil Nil Received during the year 1 7 0 2 Disposed during the year 1 7 0 2 Pending as on 31st March, 2011 0 0 0 0

Nil Nil Nil Nil

15 5 1 31

15 5 1 31

0 0 0 0

There were no complaints which were pending as on March 31, 2011. The company has obtained certificate from BSE & NSE on quarterly basis about pending complaints against the Company. As per these certificates as on 31.03.2011 there were no pending complaints against the company. In order to provide efficient services to investors, and for speedy redressal of the complaints, the Board of Directors has delegated the power of approving transfer and transmission of shares and other matters like split up / sub-division, and consolidation of shares, issue of new certificates on re-materialization, sub-division, consolidation and exchange, subject to a maximum of 5000 shares

there were no complaints pending for redressal. New Delhi 27th April, 2011 Signed P N Vijay Chairman, Shareholders/Investor Grievance and Share Transfer Committee

MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES The Company has constituted separate Management Committees to look after the operations of each of its Divisions. The Charter of each Management Committee has been clearly defined. The Committees are broadly responsible for implementing the overall

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business strategy approved by the Board, identifying areas of further value creation, new initiatives for enhancing business competitiveness and implementing the business plans as approved by the Board of Directors. SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES - MONITORING FRAMEWORK The Company monitors performance of its subsidiary companies, inter alia, by the following means: i) The Audit Committee reviews Financial Statements of the subsidiary companies, along with investments made by them, on a quarterly basis. ii) The Board of Directors reviews the Board meeting minutes and statements of all significant transactions and arrangements, if any, of the subsidiary companies. Under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, a material non-listed Indian subsidiary shall mean an unlisted subsidiary, incorporated in India, whose turnover or net worth (i.e. paid up capital and free reserves) exceeds 20% of the consolidated turnover or net worth respectively, of the listed holding company and its subsidiaries in the immediately preceding accounting year. Dabur does not have a material non-listed Indian subsidiary. MANAGEMENT Management Discussion and Analysis The Annual Report has a detailed Chapter on Management Discussion and Analysis, which forms a part of this report. DISCLOSURES Related Party Transactions Disclosures on materially significant related party transactions i.e. transactions of the Company of material nature, with its promoters, the Directors or the Management, their subsidiaries or relatives, etc. that may have potential conflict with the interests of the Company at large. The Senior Management personnel make disclosures to the Board periodically regarding their dealings in the Companys share; and all material financial and commercial transaction with the Company; where they have personal interest, stating that the said dealings and transactions, if any, had no potential conflict with the interests of the Company at large. The material, financial and commercial transactions where Key Management Personnel have personal interest forms part of the disclosure on related parties referred to in Note in Schedule P to Annual Accounts, which was reported to the Board of Directors. Significant related party transactions (having value of Rs.1.00 crore & above) are summarised herein below:-


Subsidiaries: Equity contribution of Rs.1.00 crore has been given by the Company to H & B Stores Ltd. Loan of Rs.10.50 crore has been given by the company to H & B stores Limited. Loan of Rs.268.54 crore has been given by the company to Dabur International Limited which has been repaid during the year. Interest amount of Rs.2.46 crore on Loan given to Dabur International Limited has been received by the Company. Goods worth Rs.6.51 crores were sold to Dabur International Limited. Goods worth Rs.2.41 crore were purchased from Dabur International Limited. Collateral and guarantees amounting to Rs.450.36 crores have been given on behalf of Dabur International Limited. Stock options worth Rs.1.89 crore have been granted to employees of Dabur International Limited. Equity contribution of Rs.2.26 crore has been given by the Company to Dermoviva Skin Essentials Inc. Repayment of Loan of Rs.3.90 crore (earlier given by amalgamated Company Fem Care Pharma Limited) has been received from Dermoviva Skin Essentials Inc. Collateral and guarantees amounting to Rs.452.59 crores have been given on behalf of Dermoviva Skin Essentials Inc. Fellow Subsidiaries (subsidiary of a subsidiary): Goods worth Rs.1.87 crores were sold to Asian Consumer Care Private Limited. Goods worth Rs.1.37 crores were sold to Dabur Nepal Pvt Ltd. Goods worth Rs.2.93 crores were sold to Dabur Egypt Ltd. Goods worth Rs.4.21 crores were sold to Weikfield International (UAE) LLC. Goods worth Rs.6.61 crores were sold to African Consumer Care Limited. Goods worth Rs.8.69 crores were sold to Naturelle LLc. Goods worth Rs.3.84 crores were sold to Asian Consumer Care (Pakistan) Pvt. Limited. Goods worth Rs.217.19 crores were purchased from Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Collateral and guarantees amounting to Rs.14.92 crore have been given on behalf of Dabur Egypt Limited, Joint Ventures & Associates General expenses amounting to Rs.4.52 crore have been paid to Forum I Aviation Limited Goods worth Rs.2.64 crores were purchased from Sanat Products Ltd. Key Management Personnel & their Relatives: For transactions with Key Management Personnel being Mr. P D Narang, Mr. Sunil Duggal and Mr. Pradip Burman, kindly refer to Table 2 of this report.




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There were no relatives of key Management personnel who were paid remuneration / pension of Rs.1 crore or more during the year.

of complaints received under this policy on a quarterly basis. The Committee has, in its Report, affirmed that no personnel have been denied access to the Audit committee. Dividend Policy To bring transparency in the matter of declaration of dividend, and to better protect the interests of investors, Dabur has adopted a Dividend Policy which has been displayed on the Companys website, CEO/ CFO certification The CEO and CFO certification of the financial statements and the cash flow statement for the year is enclosed at the end of the report. Risk Management Dabur has established comprehensive risk assessment and minimization procedures, which are reviewed by the Board periodically. At Dabur, we have a structure in place to identify and mitigate the various risks faced by the Company from time to time. At every Board meeting, the risk register is reviewed by the Board, new risks are identified, the same are then assessed, controls are designed, put in place and enforced through the process owner, and a fixed timeline is set for achieving the same. The Company has adopted COSO framework for internal control. Under this framework, risks are identified as per each process flow, and control systems instituted to ensure that the risks in each business process are mitigated. The Chief Risk Officer (CRO) is responsible for the overall risk governance in the Company and reports directly to the Management Committee (MANCOM), which consists of various functional heads. The Board provides oversight and reviews the Risk Management Policy on a quarterly basis. Legal Compliance Reporting: The Board of Directors reviews in detail, on a quarterly basis, the reports of compliance to all applicable laws and regulations. The Company has developed a very comprehensive Legal Compliance Manual, which drills down from the CEO to the executive-level person (who is primarily responsible for compliance) within the Company. The process of Compliance Reporting is fully automated, using the e-nforce Compliance Tool. System-based alerts are generated until the user submits the monthly Compliance Report, with provision for escalation to the higher-ups in the hierarchy. Any non-compliance is seriously taken up by the Board, with fixation of accountability and reporting of steps taken for rectification of non-compliance. SHAREHOLDERS Reappointment/Appointment of Directors As per the Articles of Association of Dabur, one-third of its Directors retire every year and, if eligible, offer themselves for re-election at every Annual General Meeting. Consequently, Mr. Mohit Burman, Mr. Sunil Duggal, Mr. R C Bhargava and Mr. P N Vijay would retire this year and, being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment in accordance with the provisions of the Companies

The detailed related party transactions can be referred to in Notes in Schedule P to Annual Accounts. Disclosure of accounting treatment in preparation of financial statements Dabur has followed the guidelines of accounting standards laid down by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in preparation of its financial statements. Details of non-compliance by the Company Dabur has complied with all the requirements of regulatory authorities. No penalties/strictures were imposed on the Company by stock exchanges or SEBI or any statutory authority on any matter related to capital market during the last three years. Code for prevention of insider-trading practices In compliance with the SEBI regulation on prevention of insider trading, the Company has formulated a comprehensive Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading, for its Management and staff. The Code lays down guidelines advising them on procedures to be followed and disclosures to be made while dealing with the shares of Dabur, and cautioning them of the consequences of violations. The General Manager (Finance) and Company Secretary has been appointed as Compliance Officer. Whistle-Blower Policy The Company promotes ethical behaviour in all its business activities and in line with the best international governance practices, Dabur has established a system through which employees and business associates may report unethical business practices at work place without fear of reprisal. The Company has set up a direct touch initiative, under which all employees / business associates have direct access to the Chairman of the Audit Committee, and also to a three-member direct touch team established for this purpose. The direct touch team comprises one senior woman member so that women employees of the Company feel free and secure while lodging their complaints under the policy. The Whistle-Blower Protection Policy aims to: Allow and encourage employees and business associates to bring to the Management notice concerns about unethical behavior, malpractice, wrongful conduct, actual or suspected fraud or violation of policies. Ensure timely and consistent organizational response. Build and strengthen a culture of transparency and trust. Provide protection against victimization. The above mechanism has been appropriately communicated within the Company across all levels and has been displayed on the Companys intranet as well as on the Companys website The Audit Committee periodically reviews the existence and functioning of the mechanism. It reviews the status

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Act, 1956. Their brief CVs are given below: Mr. Mohit Burman: Graduate from Richmond College, London and MBA from Babson Graduate School of Business Wellesley, was born in 1968 and joined the Board in 2007. Currently he has no shareholding in the Company. Mr. P N Vijay: M.Sc, IIT Chennai. He is a leading expert in stock market. He is a regular columnist in leading newspaper and financial journals. He is actively involved in educating investors through various channels. Currently, he has no shareholding in the Company. Mr. R C Bhargava: MA in Development Economics, MS in Mathematics, IAS Retd. was born in 1934 and joined the Board in 2005. He is Non-Executive independent Director of the Company. Currently he has no shareholding in the Company. Mr. Sunil Duggal: MBA (IIM, Kolkata) He served as General Manager - Sales & Marketing in Wimco Ltd, then moved to Pepsi Foods Ltd in 1994 as General Manager Sales & Marketing, before joining Dabur in1995. He played a key role in redefining Sales and Marketing functions at Dabur, making them more efficient. His current holding in the Company is 29,10,000 shares. None of the Directors of the Company are related inter-se, in terms of section 2(41) and section 6 read with schedule IA of the Companies Act, 1956. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION WITH SHAREHOLDERS Financial Results: Dabur recognizes communication as a key element of the overall Corporate Governance framework, and therefore emphasizes on prompt, continuous, efficient and relevant communication to all external constituencies. - Quarterly: The quarterly financial results are normally published in The Economic Times/ Times of India /Mumbai Mirror/Mint and Navbharat Times newspapers. Table 7 below gives details of the publication of the financial results in the year under review. - Half-Yearly Report: Audited half-yearly financial statements, including summary of significant events and MD&A, for the halfyear ended September 30, 2010 was sent to the households of all shareholders. - Annual Report: Annual Report of the Company containing, interalia, Audited Accounts, Consolidated Financial Statements, Directors Report, Report on Corporate Governance, Auditors Report and other important information is circulated to the members and others entitled thereto for each financial year. The Management Discussion and Analysis Report forms part of the Annual Report. Table 7: Publications of the financial results during 2010-2011 Description Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 Audited Financial Results for the half year ended on September 30, 2010 Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter / Date July 28, 10 October 29, 10 February 02, 11

Nine months ended December 31, 2010 Unaudited Financial Results for the Financial year ended on March 31, 2011

April 29, 11

News Releases/ Presentations: Official press releases, presentations made to the media, analysts, institutional investors, etc. are displayed on the Companys website Webcasting: Daburs quarterly results presentations are webcast. Webcasts are left on corporate website for upto 1 month. Website: The Companys website contains a separate section Investors Relations for use of investors. The quarterly, half yearly and annual financial results, official news releases and presentations made to institutional investors and to analysts are promptly and prominently displayed on the website. Annual/ Half-Yearly Reports, Quarterly Corporate Governance Report and Shareholding Pattern are also available on the website. Annual Report of subsidiary companies is also posted on the website. Corporate filing and dissemination system: The Company has been complying with SEBI regulations for filing of its financial results under the Corp filing system. These are available on the website Exclusive email ID for investors: The Company has designated the email id [email protected] exclusively for investor servicing, and the same is prominently displayed on the Companys website INVESTOR RELATIONS At Dabur, we continually strive towards improving quality of our financial information and dialogue with investors. As the requirements of disclosure, transparency and corporate governance continue to grow and become more and more challenging, the role of IR (Investor Relations) is becoming increasingly critical in helping companies to manage the flow of information and to communicate more effectively with the investment community. Investor Relations (IR) is a strategic management responsibility that integrates finance, communication, marketing and compliance to enable the most effective two-way communication between a company, the financial community, and other constituencies, which ultimately contributes to a companys securities achieving fair valuation. The key objective of IR is to develop and implement a financial communication program that effectively communicates a companys long-term strategic vision and aids in shaping perceptions that accurately reflect the companys performance, corporate reputation, goals and strategies. The IR function plays a pivotal role by acting as the bridge between the Company and its stakeholders. While IR enables the financial community to appraise a company effectively it also enables the Company to understand the perspective and concerns of the investors and factor them into its strategy and risk mapping. The IR programme at Dabur aims at achieving best in class standards in terms of disclosures, transparency and consistency. The IR team

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works very closely with top management to implement programs that are consistent with its corporate objectives. IR preserves the veracity, relevance and quality of the information distributed to the market through a periodic, structured and consistent presentation of the information. The IR function provides support and transparency to retail and institutional shareholders in order to enable them to take informed decisions. The corner stone of Daburs IR policy is to disclose all relevant information to the investors which provides a fair and correct assessment of the companys business situation at any given time. IR at Dabur is not just a one way communication but the company welcomes feedback, criticism and suggestions from investors. Therefore the investor meetings and interactions act as a channel of two way communication and the investors feedback is given due consideration by the management of the company. In FY 2010-11, the IR department at Dabur, took care to reinforce and enhance the information provided to shareholders and multiplied the opportunities for meetings and exchanges with the financial community. The Annual Report, the Reference Document and Letters to Shareholders were regularly improved by enriching their content and extending their circulation, particularly with the increase in the number of shareholders holding shares. Some of the responsibilities held by the Investor Relations team at Dabur are as under: 1. Disseminate authentic and correct information to the stakeholders and potential investors. 2. Manage Shareholder queries, feedback and opinions and inform the management regarding the same. 3. Develop and implement investor materials and events including presentations, releases, fact sheets, investor events, conferences, and web events. 4. Develop and distribute analyst materials including data, press clippings, fact sheets, and other relevant information. 5. Provide inputs on the FMCG market, performance of other players, economic environment, latest developments in industry and economy and general market intelligence. Table 8: Location and time of the last 5 General Body Meetings. Financial Year 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 Category * AGM EGM (Court Convened Meeting) AGM AGM AGM EGM (Court Convened Meeting) AGM


Analysing and understanding the companys changing shareholder profile and underlying trends. 7. Track shareholder ownership and contacts with major/ important shareholders. 8. Track and analyze analysts reports, models, and projections. 9. Communicate important corporate developments such as mergers and acquisitions with appropriate details in order to give a complete perspective to investors. 10. Building Investor Confidence through regular, structured and accurate communications. At Dabur, we have various avenues to ensure that investors get a good understanding of the company and its strategies. In order to achieve this Dabur holds the following activities: 1. 2. One-on-one meetings are held with investors to brief them about the Company and answer their queries. Post the quarterly and annual results, a webcast and conference call is arranged to discuss highlights of the companys performance with the management. All members of the financial community are invited for the same and an opportunity is provided to each one to participate in the Q&A. Archived copy of the webcast and transcript is provided on the Companys website. The company holds Analyst Meetings from time to time to share our vision and plans at a strategic level with the analysts and fund managers. The company participates in investor conferences organized by leading institutional brokerage houses. During 2010-11 we attended, to name a few, conferences hosted by Goldman Sachs, DSP Merrill Lynch, UBS, CLSA, Deutsche Bank and HSBC. During these conferences, the management had the opportunity to share their strategy with a number of institutional investors - both Domestic and Foreign. Such events provide an effective forum for investors to meet the Company and understand its strategy and operations and enable the Company to imbibe the perspective and views of its financial stakeholders.



GENERAL BODY MEETINGS Table 8 gives the details of the last five General Body Meetings.

Location of the meeting Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110 010. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above FICCI Auditorium. Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi-110001 Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110 010.

Date July 8, 2006 July 8, 2006 July 13, 2007 July 10, 2008 July 15, 2009 February 1, 2010 August 31, 2010

Time 9.30 AM 11.00 AM 11.00 AM 11.00 AM 11.00 AM 12.00 noon 11.00 AM

*AGM - Annual General Meeting, EGM - Extraordinary General Meeting

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The following Special Resolutions were taken up in the last three AGMs, and were passed with requisite majority. July 10, 2008 Appointment of Mr. Mohit Burman as Director of the Company. Appointment of Mr. Amit Burman as Whole-Time Director in Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company. Appointment of Mr.Gaurav Burman as Whole-Time Director in Dabur International Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company. Payment of remuneration to Mr. Sidharth Burman, as WholeTime Director in Dabur International Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company. Alteration of object clause of Memorandum of Association of the Company. Keeping of Register of members and other statutory records of the Company at a place other than the registered office. Variation in the terms and conditions of remuneration of Mr. Pradip Burman, Whole-Time Director of the Company. Variation in the terms and conditions of remuneration of Mr. Amit Burman, as whole time Director in Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company. Variation in the terms and conditions of remuneration of Mr. Chetan Burman, as Executive Director in Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company. Appointment of Mr. Aditya Burman as Whole-Time Director in Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company and further variation in terms and conditions of his remuneration. Variation in the term and condition of remuneration of Mr. Mohit Burman as Whole-Time Director of Dabur International Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company. Variation in the term and condition of remuneration of Mr. Sidharth Burman as Whole-Time Director of Dabur International Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company. Variation in the term and condition of remuneration of Mr. Gaurav Burman as Whole-Time Director of Dabur International Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company. Approval for Increase in number of shares to be issued to employees of the company under Employee Stock Option scheme of the company. Approval for Commencing and carrying on of new business as specified under clause 7 of the other objects clause of Memorandum of Association of the company.

Authority to the Board to borrow money for the business purposes of the company, for an aggregate amount of upto Rs.20,00,00,00,000/-. Capitalization of a sum of Rs.87,01,29,834/- out of general reserves of the Company for allotment of fully paid up bonus shares to shareholders of the Company in the ratio of 1:1. Increasing of Authorised Share Capital of the Company from Rs.1,45,00,00,000/- divided into 1450000000 Equity shares of Re.1/- each to Rs.2,00,00,00,000/- divided into 2000000000 Equity shares of Re.1/- each Alteration in the Article 4 of the Articles of Association of the Company regarding the increase in Authorised Share Capital from Rs.1,45,00,00,000/- to Rs.2,00,00,00,000/-.

Postal Ballot During the year under review, no resolutions were passed through postal ballot. COMPLIANCE Mandatory requirements Compliance Report of Dabur with the applicable mandatory requirements of Clause 49 is as under. Table 9: Compliance Report
Particulars Clause of listing agreement Compliance status

July 15, 2009

I. Board of Directors 49 I Yes (A) Composition of Board 49(IA) Yes (B) Non-executive Directors Compensation & Disclosures 49 (IB) Yes (C) Other provisions as to Board and Committees 49 (IC) Yes (D) Code of Conduct 49 (ID) Yes II. Audit Committee 49 (II) Yes (A) Qualified & Independent Audit Committee 49 (IIA) Yes (B) Meeting of Audit Committee 49 (IIB) Yes (C) Powers of Audit Committee 49 (IIC) Yes (D) Role of Audit Committee 49 (IID) Yes (E) Review of Information by Audit Committee 49 (IIE) Yes III. Subsidiary Companies 49 (III) Yes IV. Disclosures 49 (IV) Yes (A) Basis of related party transactions 49 (IV A) Yes (B) Disclosure of Accounting Treatment 49 (IV B) Yes (C) Board Disclosures 49 (IV C) Yes (D) Proceeds from public, rights, preference issues etc 49 (IV D) Not Applicable (E) Remuneration of Directors 49 (IV E) Yes (F) Management 49 (IV F) Yes (G) Shareholders 49 (IV G) Yes V. CEO/CFO Certification 49 (V) Yes VI. Report on Corporate Governance 49 (VI) Yes VII. Compliance 49 (VII) Yes

August 31, 2010 Appointment of Dr. Ajay Dua as Director of the Company. Revision in terms of remuneration and reappointment of Mr. Sunil Duggal as Whole-Time Director, designated as Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Revision in terms of remuneration of Mr. P D Narang, WholeTime Director of the Company. Authority to the Board to mortgage and/or create charge over assets of the company for an aggregate amount of upto Rs.20,00,00,00,000/-.

ADOPTION OF NON-MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS a) Maintenance of the Chairmans office The Company maintains the office of the Non-Executive Chairman and provides for reimbursement of expenses incurred in performance of his duties. b) Tenure of Independent Directors No specific tenure has been specified for the Independent Directors.

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Remuneration Committee Dabur has Remuneration cum Compensation Committee that comprises three members, two members being Independent Directors and one being Non-Executive Director. The Chairman of the Committee is an Independent Director.

Venue: Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park, New Delhi - 110010 Financial Calendar Financial year: April 1 to March 31 For the year ended March 31, 2011, results were announced on: July 26, 2010: First Quarter October 27, 2010: Half Yearly January 31, 2011: Third Quarter April 27, 2011: Fourth Quarter and Annual For the year ending March 31, 2012, results will be announced by: July 27, 2011 (tentative): First Quarter October 31, 2011 (tentative): Half Yearly January 31, 2012: (tentative): Third Quarter April 30, 2012 (tentative): Fourth Quarter and Annual Book Closure The dates of Book Closure are from the 1st day of July, 2011 to the 8th day of July, 2011, inclusive of both days. Dividend Payment Interim dividend of Re.0.50 per equity share was paid on November 10, 2010 for the financial year 2010-11. Dates of Transfer of Unclaimed Dividend Pursuant to section 205A of the Companies Act, 1956, unclaimed dividend for Financial Year(s) upto 2002-03 (Final) and 2003-04 (interim) have been transferred to the General Revenue Account of the Central Government/ Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) established by the Central Government. The dividends for following years, which remain unclaimed for seven years, will be transferred to IEPF in accordance with the schedule given below. Shareholders who have not enchased their dividend warrants relating to the dividends specified in Table below are requested to immediately send their request for issue of duplicate warrants. Once unclaimed dividend is transferred to IEPF, no claim shall lie in respect thereof either with the Company or IEPF.


Half-Yearly Declaration Dabur has a practice of preparing audited half-yearly report of financial statements, including a section on Management Discussion and Analysis, since last seven years, which is sent to all shareholders. The half-yearly report for the year 2010-11 was sent to all shareholders on November 25, 2010.


Audit Qualifications The Auditors have raised no qualification on the Financial Statements of the Company.


Mechanism for evaluation of Non-Executive Directors The performance evaluation of Non-Executive Directors is done through a peer-to-peer performance evaluation of the Board of Directors. The Directors are marked on a scale of 1 to 5, with respect to three broad parameters namely guiding strategy, monitoring Management performance and development /compensation and statutory compliance & Corporate Governance.


Whistle-Blower Policy Dabur has a Whistle-Blower policy in place. The details with regard to the functioning of this policy have been mentioned earlier in this report.

ADDITIONAL SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION Annual General Meeting Date: July 15, 2011 Time: 11:00 am Table 10: Dividends declared in the past Financial Year 2003-2004 2004-2005 2004-2005 2005-2006 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 2007-2008 2007-2008 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 2010-2011 Type of Dividend Final Interim Final Interim Final Interim Interim Interim Final Interim Final Interim Final Interim

Dividend rate % 140 100 150 150 100 100 75 75 75 75 100 75 125 50

Date of Declaration 06/07/2004 27/10/2004 15/07/2005 24/10/2005 08/07/2006 31/10/2006 13/03/2007 24/10/2007 10/07/2008 28/01/2009 15/07/2009 26/10/2009 31/08/2010 27/10/2010

Due Date for transfer to IEPF 12/08/2011 03/12/2011 20/08/2012 30/11/2012 08/08/2013 04/12/2013 16/04/2014 30/11/2014 16/08/2015 05/03/2016 21/08/2016 02/12/2016 05/10/2017 02/12/2017

60 | Annual Report 2010-11

Listing At present, the equity shares of the Company are listed on Mumbai Stock Exchange (BSE), and the National Stock Exchange (NSE). The annual listing fees for the financial year 2011-2012 to NSE and BSE has been paid. Table 11: Daburs Stock Exchange codes ISIN No: Mumbai Stock Code: National Stock Code: Bloomberg Code: Reuters Code: Equity Evolution during the year As on March 31, 2010 the paid up Equity Share Capital of the Company was Rs. 867,585,830/- consisting of 867,585,830 equity shares of Re.1/- each. The table below gives details of equity evolution of the Company during the year under review: Table 12: Shares allotted during 2010-11 Date April 22, 2010 May 20, 2010 July 22, 2010 August 23, 2010 September 14, 2010 Stock Market Data Table 13 and Chart A & B give details of stock market data. Table 13: High, Low and Volume of Daburs shares for 2010-11 at BSE and NSE. BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. Month April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 High (Rs.) 90.38 94.30 104.88 106.68 105.18 111.30 110.25 102.15 101.95 103.05 100.05 172.80 Low (Rs.) 79.13 88.70 91.78 98.18 97.95 104.10 99.60 92.45 95.30 91.10 90.50 158.60 Volume (No. of shares) 2405098 1229710 1696784 5023056 3069199 4249397 2934226 5709830 5239459 3502839 3649600 2297274 NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LTD. High (Rs.) 90.68 94.33 105.30 107.05 104.93 111.30 110.25 102.00 101.90 103.15 100.15 173.00 Low (Rs.) 79.38 88.58 92.05 98.23 98.03 103.95 99.30 92.60 95.25 90.80 90.75 158.80 Volume (No. of shares) 22947466 20094380 22507302 59956394 39385372 39393799 30671920 40504425 35161214 46582406 30523644 15976589 Particulars Allotment pursuant to exercise of Stock Options Allotment pursuant to exercise of Stock Options Allotment of shares pursuant to merger of Fem Care Pharma Limited with the company. Allotment pursuant to exercise of Stock Options Allotment of Bonus Shares in the ratio of 1:1 Issued No. of equity shares of Re.1 each during the year 955240 204144 1384620 232065 870361899 Cumulative 868541070 868745214 870129834 870361899 1740723798 INE016A01026 500096 DABUR DABUR IB DABU.BO

Note: The value of Daburs share has been adjusted to of its market price from April, 2010 to September, 2010 to give effect to Bonus issue of 1:1 allotted on 14.09.2010.

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Chart A: Daburs Share Performance versus BSE Sensex

Chart B: Daburs Share Performance versus Nifty

Note: The charts have share prices and indices indexed to 100 as on the first working day of 2010-11. Distribution of Shareholding Tables 14 and 15 list the distribution of the shareholding of the equity shares of the Company by size and by ownership class, as on March 31, 2010. Table 16 lists the top 10 shareholders of the Company. Table 14: Shareholding pattern by size Number of equity shares held PHYSICAL FORM No. of share holders up to 5000 5001 10000 10001 and above Total 7914 1735 107 9756 No. of shares 2548769 10445462 1746012 14740243 DEMATERIALISATION FORM No. of No. of share shares holders 114855 43881784 3199 20214303 1068 1661887468 119122 1725983555 Total number of share holders 122769 4934 1175 128878 % of share holders Total number of shares % of share holding

95.26 46430553 3.83 30659765 0.91 1663633480 100.00 1740723798

2.67 1.76 95.57 100

Table 15: Shareholding Pattern by ownership Particulars No. of share Holders Directors, promoters 27 and family members FIIs 203 Mutual Funds 33 Financial Institutions/ 21 Banks/ Insurance companies NRIs 3343 Corporates 1582 Individuals 123669 Total 128878 As on 31st March 2011 % of share Holders No. of shares held % of share Holding 68.74% 17.22% 1.10% 5.95% 0.48% 0.78% 5.73% 100.00% No. of share Holders 27 187 35 21 2597 1268 85312 89447 As on 31st March 2010 % of share Holders 0.03% 0.21% 0.04% 0.02% 2.90% 1.42% 95.38% 100% No. of shares held 598347925 124052133 16368256 70255377 3998040 8835174 45728925 867585830 % of share Holding 68.97 14.30 1.89 8.10 0.46 1.02 5.27 100.00

0.02% 1196638850 0.16% 0.03% 0.02% 299725779 19234087 103512996

2.59% 8394755 1.23% 13505855 95.96% 99711476 100.00% 1740723798

62 | Annual Report 2010-11

Table 16: Top ten shareholders as on 31/03/2011 Name Chowdry Associates Vic Enterprises Private Limited Gyan Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Puran Associates Private Limited Ratna Commercial Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Milky Investment and Trading Company Burmans Finvest Pvt. Ltd. Genesis Indian Investment Company Limited - General Sub Fund LIC of India Money Plus Dematerlization of Shares and Liquidity Trading in equity shares of the Company in dematerialized form became mandatory from May 31, 1999. To facilitate trading in demat form, in India, there are two depositories i.e. National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL). Dabur has entered into agreement with both these depositories. Shareholders can open their accounts with any of the Depository Participant registered with these depositories. As on March 31, 2011, 99.15% shares of the Company were held in dematerialized form. The equity shares of the Company are frequently traded at Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. No. of shares held 217934000 217734000 202237980 189212000 154960930 106040970 53012986 40666346 30654126 % of shareholding 12.52 12.51 11.62 10.87 8.90 6.09 3.05 2.34 1.76

than one folio in the same order of names, are requested to consolidate their holdings under one folio. Members may write to the Registrars indicating the folio numbers to be consolidated along with the original shares certificates to be consolidated. Unclaimed/ Undelivered share Certificates As per the provisions of clause 5A of the Listing Agreement (SEBI circular dated 16/12/2010), the unclaimed shares lying in the possession of the company are required to be dematerialized and transferred into a special demat Account held by the Company. Shareholders who have not yet claimed their shares are requested to immediately approach the Registrar & Transfer Agents of the company by forwarding a request letter duly signed by all the shareholders furnishing their complete postal address along with PIN code and a copy of PAN card & proof of address to enable the company to despatch the said share certificate(s) to the rightful owner. It may also be noted that all the corporate benefits accruing on these shares like bonus, split etc. also will be credited to the said special demat account and the voting rights on these shares shall remain frozen until the rightful owner has claimed the shares. Service of documents through Email Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA") has vide Circular No.17/ 2011 dt. 21.4.2011 allowed the service of documents on members by a company through electronic mode. Accordingly the company proposes to send documents like Shareholders Meeting Notice/ other notices, audited financial statements, directors' report, auditors' report or any other document, to its members in electronic form at the email address provided by them and/or made available to the Company by their Depositories. Members who have not yet registered their email id (including those who wish to change their already registered email id) may get the same registered/ updated either with their Depositories or by writing to the company (by filling & sending the prepaid inland letter attached with the Annual Report).

Dematerialization of Shares: For convenience of shareholders, the process of getting the shares dematerialized is given hereunder: a) b) c) d) Demat Account should be opened with a Depository Participant (DP). Shareholders should submit the Dematerialization Request Form (DRF) along with share certificates in original, to their DP. DP will process the DRF and will generate a Dematerialization Request Number (DRN). DP will submit the DRF and original share certificates to the Registrar and Transfer Agents (RTA), which is Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd. RTA will process the DRF and confirm or reject the request to DP/ Depositories. Upon confirmation of request, the shareholder will get credit of the equivalent number of shares in his Demat Account maintained with the DP.

e) f)

Consolidation of folios and avoidance of multiple mailing: In order to enable the company to reduce costs and duplicity of efforts for providing services to investors, members who have more

Dabur India Limited | 63

Report on Corporate Governance

Outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants/Options The Company has 19627230 outstanding Options as on March 31, 2011, with vesting period from 1 to 5 years from the date of grant. Details of Public Funding Obtained in the last three years Dabur has not obtained any public funding in the last three years. Registrar and Transfer Agent Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), through its circular No.DandCC/FITTC/CIR-5/2002 dated December 27, 2002, has made it mandatory for all work related to share registry, both in physical and electronic form, to be handled either wholly in-house by companies or wholly by a SEBI-registered external registrar and transfer agent. Dabur had appointed MCS Limited as its registrar and transfer agent in 1994 for both segments, much before this was mandated by SEBI. During the year 2007-08, the Company appointed Karvy Computershare Private Limited as its Registrar. Details of the Registrar and Transfer Agent are given below1. Karvy Computershare Private Limited Unit: Dabur India Limited 305, New Delhi House, 27, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001. Phone No.: 011- 43681700, Fax No. : 011-43681710 Website:, Email id: [email protected] Karvy Computershare Private Limited Unit: Dabur India Limited Plot No. 17-24, Vithalrao Nagar Madhapur, Hyderabad- 500081 Phone No.: 040- 44655000, Fax No. 040-23420814 Email id: [email protected]

of compliance with the share transfer formalities as required under clause 47 of the listing agreement, and files a copy of the same with the Stock Exchanges. Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Aggarwal & Ahluwalia, an independent firm of practicing Chartered Accountants, carries out the Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit as mandated by SEBI, and reports on the reconciliation of total issued and listed Capital with that of total share capital admitted / held in dematerialized form with NSDL and CDSL and those held in physical form. This audit is carried out on quarterly basis and the report thereof is submitted to the Stock Exchanges, where the Companys shares are listed and is also placed before the Shareholders and Investors Grievances Committee of the Board. Compliance with Secretarial Standards The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, a statutory body, has issued Secretarial Standards on various aspects of corporate law and practices. Though these standards are recommendatory in nature, the Company has voluntarily complied with each one of them. Companys Registered Office Address: 8/3, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi-110002 Ph: 011-23253488. PLANT LOCATIONS Sahibabad Unit I & II, Plot No. 22, Site IV, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad-(U.P.) 201010, Ph 0120- 3008700 (30 Lines), Fax - 0120- 2779914 / 4376924 Baddi Hajmola Unit, 109, HPSIDC Industrial Area, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205, Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090 Chyawanprash Unit, 220-221, HPSIDC Industrial Area, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205, Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090 Amla/Honey Unit, Village Billanwali Lavana, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205, Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090 Glucose Unit, Plot No. 12, Industrial Area, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205 Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090 Shampoo Unit, Village Billanwali Lavana, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205 Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090 Toothpaste Unit, Village Billanwali Lavana, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205 Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090 Honitus/Nature Care Unit, 109, HPSIDC Industrial Area, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205, Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090


Share Transfer System All share transfer and other communications regarding share certificates, change of address, dividends, etc should be addressed to Registrar and Transfer Agents. Shareholders/Investor Grievance and Share Transfer Committee is authorized to approve transfer of shares in the physical segment. The Shareholders/ Investor Grievance and Share Transfer Committee has delegated the authority for approving transfer and transmission of shares and other related matters to the officers of the Company. Such transfers take place on fortnightly basis. A summary of all the transfers/ transmissions etc. so approved by officers of the Company is placed at every Committee meeting. All share transfers are completed within statutory time limit from the date of receipt, provided the documents meet the stipulated requirement of statutory provisions in all respects. The Company obtains from a Company Secretary in practice half yearly certificate

64 | Annual Report 2010-11

Food Supplement Unit, 221, HPSIDC Industrial Area, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205, Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795244090 Oral Care Unit, 601, Malku Majra, Nalagarh Road, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205, Tel : 01795-246363 Dabur India Limited - Green Field Unit, Village Manakpur, Tehsil Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 174 101, Tel : 01795-244385 Air Freshener Unit, Village Billanwali Lavana, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205 Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090 Toothpowder Unit, Village Billanwali Lavana, Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 173 205 Tel: 01795-244385, Fax : 01795-244090 Skin Care Unit, Village Manakpur, Tehsil Baddi, Distt Solan, H.P. - 174 101 Tel : 01795-244385 Pantnagar Unit I and Unit II, Plot No.4, Sector-2, Integrated Industrial Estate Pantnagar, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar Uttarakhand - 263146, Tel: 05944-398500; 9760013990, 991, 992, Fax: 05944 - 250064 Jammu Unit I, II & III, Lane No.3, Phase II, SIDCO Indl. Complex, Bari Brahmna, Jammu, Tel: 01923 - 220123,221970, 222341, Fax: 01923 - 221970 Katni 10.4 Mile Stone, NH -7, Village Padua KATNI, (M.P.) - 483442 Tel: 07622 - 262317, 262297, Fax: 07622 - 262297 Alwar SP-C 162, Matsya Industrial Area, Alwar - 301 030, Rajasthan Tel: 0144 - 2881319 / 2881217 / 2881542, Fax : 0144 - 2881302 / 2881341 Pithampur 86-A, Kheda Industrial Area Sector-3, Pithampur - 454774 Distt. - Dhar (M.P.), Tel : 07292 - 400046 to 51, Fax : 400112 Narendrapur 9, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road, P.O.

NARENDRAPUR Kolkata - 700103, West Bengal Tel: 0332477 2324 - 26, 2477 2620, 2477 2738, 2477 2740 (033)32919827/28, M - (0)9331048165, Fax : 033- 2477 2621 Silvassa Unit - I & II, Survey No. 225/4/1, Village Saily, Silvassa 396230, Dadra & Nagar Haveli (UT of India) Tel 02602681071/72/73/74 ; Fax - 0260 - 2681075 Newai G 50-59, IID Centre, NH-12 Road No.1, Newai - 304020 Distt. Tonk (Rajasthan) 304020, Tel: 01438 -223342, 222859, 223783, 223893, Fax No.01438- 223783 Jalpaiguri Kartowa, P.O. Mahanvita, P.S. Rajganj Distt. Jalpaiguri (West Bengal) Pin 735135, Tel: 09800008457, 9800008456, 09933399800 Nashik D-55, MIDC, Ambad, Nashik 422 010 (M.S.) India Tel. Nos. : 0253- 6623222, Fax : 0253- 2383146, 2383577 ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE For share transfer / dematerialisation of shares, payment of dividend and any other query relating to the shares : Karvy Computershare Private Limited, 305, New Delhi House, 27, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110001 Phone: 011-43681700, Fax: 011-43681710 For queries of Analysts, FIIs, Institutions, Mutual Funds, Banks and others : Mrs Gagan Ahluwalia, Dabur India Limited, Punjabi Bhawan, 10 Rouse Avenue, New Delhi 110002, Tel: 011-42786000; Fax: 011-23222051 For investors assistance : Mr. A K Jain, General Manager (Finance) & Company Secretary, Dabur India Limited, Punjabi Bhawan, 10, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi 110002. Tel: 011 42786000, Fax: 011 23222051

Dabur India Limited | 65

Report on Corporate Governance

Certification by Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the Company
We, Sunil Duggal, Chief Executive Officer and S Raghunathan, Chief Financial Officer of Dabur India Limited, to the best of our knowledge and belief certify that: 1. 2. We have reviewed the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 11 and its entire schedule and notes on accounts, as well as the Cash Flow Statement. To the best of our knowledge and information: a. b. 3. 4. These statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit to state a material fact or contains statement that might be misleading; These statements together present a true and fair view of the Companys affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.

We also certify, that based on our knowledge and the information provided to us, there are no transactions entered into by the company, which are fraudulent, illegal or violate the companys code of conduct. The companys other certifying officers and we are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and procedures for the Company, and we have evaluated the effectiveness of the Companys internal controls and procedures pertaining to financial reporting. The Companys other certifying officers and we have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation, wherever applicable, to the Companys auditors and through them to the Audit Committee of the Companys Board of Directors: a. b. c. d. All significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls, which we are aware and have taken steps to rectify these deficiencies; Significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the year; Any fraud, which we have become aware of and that involves Management or other employees who have a significant role in the Companys internal control systems over financial reporting; Significant changes in accounting policies during the year and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. Sd/Sunil Duggal CEO, Dabur India Limited Sd/S Raghunathan CFO, Dabur India Limited


New Delhi 27th April, 2011

Certification by Chief Executive Officer of the Company

I declare that all board members and senior management have affirmed compliance with the code of conduct for the current year. New Delhi 27th April, 2011 Sunil Duggal CEO, Dabur India Limited

66 | Annual Report 2010-11

Annexure 1 - Details of other Directorships held

Name of the Director Dr Anand Burman Status CHAIRMAN/ PD/NED Directorships Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Ltd. Fresenius Kabi Oncology Ltd. Dabur Pharmaceuticals Limited H & B Stores Ltd., Hindustan Motors Limited Althea Lifesciences Ltd., Hero Honda Motors Ltd Dabur Research Foundation, Ester Industries Limited Amit Burman PD/NED H & B Stores Limited Q H Talbros Limited, Jetage Infrastructure Ltd. Talbros Automative Components Ltd. Micromax Informatics Ltd. Ayurvet Limited Sanat Products Limited Dabur Research Foundation Aviva Life Insurance Co. India Ltd. Dabur Ayurvedic Specialities Limited India Co Ventures Limited Mahindra Forgings Limited H & B Stores Limited, Dabur Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Limited H& B Stores Ltd. Jetage Infrastructure Ltd. Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd. Dabur Research Foundation H& B Stores Ltd. Reed Relay & Electronics India Limited India Mart Intermesh Ltd., One97 Communications Limited Godrej Properties Limited Apollo Tyres Ltd. Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd., Seshasayee Paper and Board Ltd. Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd. Teesta Urja Limited Idea Cellular Ltd. ILFS Limited Polaris Software Lab Ltd. Grasim Industries Limited Optimus Global Services Ltd. Maruti Suzuki India Limited Thomson Press (India) Ltd. UltraTech Cement Co. Ltd. Aditya Birla Sunlife Asset Management Co. Limited Taj Asia Limited Albert Wiseman Paterson ID Analjit Singh ID Nil Nil Nil Max India Limited, IDBI Limited Hero Honda Motors Ltd., Tata Tea Limited Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd Max Healthcare Institute Limited Indus Towers Limited, Vodafone Essar Limited Malsi Hotels Limited, Malsi Holdings Limited Malsi Estates Limited, Max Neeman Medical International Ltd Max Bupa Health Insurance Limited Max Speciality Products Limited Areva T&D India Ltd. Aviva Life Insurance Co.India Ltd. J K Lakshmi Cement Ltd. HSBC Invest Direct Ltd. HSBC Invest Direct Securities Ltd. HSBC Invest Direct Finance Ltd. Audit Committee Shareholders Grievance Committee Audit Committee Shareholders Grievance Comm. Audit Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee Shareholders Grievance Committee Audit Committee Audit committee Audit Committee Committee Membership Shareholders & Investors Grievance Committee Committee Chairmanship

Pradip Burman


Audit Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee

Mohit Burman


P D Narang


Sunil Duggal P N Vijay Dr. S Narayan


R C Bhargava


Audit Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee Shareholders Grievance Committee Shareholders Grievance Committee Audit Committee Audit committee

Dr Ajay Dua


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