What Are The Basic Requirements of A Carburetor
What Are The Basic Requirements of A Carburetor
What Are The Basic Requirements of A Carburetor
(a) Reliable, durable and simple in maintenance and repair (b) Smooth operation at varying load (c) Good acceleration (d) Must be able to give full immediately after starting (e) Sufficient at high speeds (f) Good fuel economy (g) Even at low temperature, ease of starting (h) Steady operation at low idling speeds 2. What is the use of throttle valve in the carburetor? The throttle valve is operated by an accelerator pedal used to regulate the flow of air and fuel (petrol) mixture in the petrol engine to control the speed of engine 3. What is choke? When it is used? The choke is a butterfly valve in a carburetor, which is used to close the flow of air filter to carburetor in the petrol engine to produce rich mixture when starting of the engine 4. Name the different circuits of solex carburetor (a) Starting circuit (b) Idle and low speed circuit (c) Normal running circuit (d) Acceleration circuit (e) Float circuit 5. What are the objectives of the fuel injection system? (a) Fuel injection system must deliver the exact quality of fuel at the correct time for a wide range of loads and speeds (b) The metered quantity of fuel injected should be constant from cycle to cycle of operation in each cylinder (c) Injection of fuel should be at the desired rate so as to control the combustion and pressure rise (d) Atomization of the fuel should be to the required degree (e) Fuel distribution should be uniform throughout within the combustion chamber (f) Beginning and closing of injection should be sharp 6. What is mono/ single point fuel injection system (SPFI)? Electromagnetic fuel injector which injects appropriate quantity of fuel immediately into the intake manifold at a central point ahead of the throttle valve called central fuel injection (CFI)/ throttle body injection (TBI)/ Mono-jetronic (Bosch system)/ mono point fuel injection system/ single point fuel injection system (SPFI) 7. What is multi point fuel injection system (MPFI)? Injects the fuel on the induction stroke of each cylinder in the engine firing order is called MPFI
Ans. According to portion of injector we can classify it into there ways. (i) Location of injector. (ii) Timing and duration of fuel injectors. (iii) Control method. (i) Location of injector: Which is further divided into three types: (a) Direct method : This systems is directly placed into the cylinder. It is totally outdated method because fuel injector has to work against high pressure of cylinder.
(ii) Timing and duration of fuel injector: (a) Continuous type : In this system continuous flow of fuel takes place. It is controlled by fuel pressure. (b) Intermitent: This system works only when there is requirement of fuel. It is also called jerk system.
(c) Sequential type: It is most advanced system used recently in vehicle. In which each injector is operated by separate circuit. it supplies exact quantity of fuel at right time. (iii) Control method: (a) Mechanical : It is old fashioned system in which governors are used to supply fuel in cylinder with the help of distributor. (b) Electronic : In this system we used electronic circuit for supplying fuel.