Addition of Carbon To The Atmosphere
Addition of Carbon To The Atmosphere
Addition of Carbon To The Atmosphere
Respiration and excretion. Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through respiration. Plants, animals and microbes break down carbon containing compounds to gain energy. When oxygen is present, aerobic respiration occurs, which releases carbon dioxide into the surrounding air or water. C 6H12O6 + 6CO2 6CO2 + 6H2O. And the living things excrete carbon dioxide as waste. Decay. Fungi and bacteria (decomposers) break down the carbon compounds in dead animals and plants (aerobic respiration) or into methane if not. Anaerobic respiration releases methane into the surrounding environment from animals such as sheep and cows. Combustion. If a plants material, for example, wood, is burned, oxygen combines with the stored carbon to release water, carbon dioxide and energy. This reaction is combustion. The burning of biomass can transfer considerable amounts of carbon to the atmosphere; though, burning fossil fuels releases carbon that has been stored in the geosphere for millions of years. Volcanic activity. Volcanic gases are basically water vapour, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. This is where seafloor spreading pushes down in the process of subduction. When rocks containing carbon, such as limestone, are pushed deeper into the earth by tectonic forces they heat up, eventually melt, and can rise back up to the surface, where the carbon is releases as CO 2 and returned to the atmosphere. This return to the atmosphere can occur through volcanic eruptions, or more gradually in vents, and CO2-rich hot springs.
Storage of carbon
Short term storage. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and used to produce food. This is where carbon is locked up in plants short-term, locking up carbon dioxide as sugar which they convert to starch, and animals eat the starch and release the carbon dioxide for plants to use again. A longer cycling of carbon dioxide occurs when the trees lock up carbon dioxide into timber. Some timber is burnt as fuels, but carbon can also be
locked into many trees over a long period of time. And so, when the trees die the carbon dioxide is released by decomposition back into the atmosphere. If the plants matter is turned into coal, however, then it becomes a long-term store of carbon. Long term storage Sediments. In the atmosphere, carbonic acid forms by a reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide and water. As this weakly acidic water reaches the earth as rain, it reacts with minerals at the earths surface, slowly dissolving them through the process of chemical weathering. CaCO3 +2H Ca H2O + CO2 These dissolved substances are carried in streams and rivers, eventually to the ocean, where they precipitate out as minerals like calcite (CaCO3). Carbon is then removed from seawater when the shells and bones of marine animals and plankton collect on the sea floor. As the shelled organisms die, bits and pieces of the shells fall to the bottom of the oceans and accumulate as carbonate-rich sediments. The shells can also become compressed over time as they are buried. After long periods of time, these deposits are physically and chemically altered into the sedimentary rock limestone, which is the largest reservoir of carbon in the carbon cycle. The carbon may stay locked up in limestone sediments for millions of years; and over long periods of time, the sediments may be raised up as land to expose the carbon rich rocks which release the carbon into the atmosphere by weathering and erosion.
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Coal, oil and natural gas: Organic matter can be buried and over time form deposits of the carbon-containing fuels coal, oil and natural gas. It is the non-calcium containing matter, though, that is transformed into fossil fuel. Fossil fuel formation is a long-term sink for atmospheric CO2, and the carbon is said to be fixed in place, essentially locked out of the natural carbon cycle. Coal is an example of long-term storage of carbon because it was formed by the compression of prehistoric plants material millions of years ago that was buried, compressed and transformed. The ancient plants would have originally obtained their carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but this was locked away until exposed by mining or the natural process of mountain uplift. By burning the fossil fuels humans get involved, and carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere. We have burned a lot of these fossil fuels and have consequently released a lot of this long term carbon storage, raising the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at a faster rate that has ever happened in earths geological history. Subduction resulting in carbon-rich metamorphic and igneous rocks: The subduction of sediments and rocks, the formation of magma, and the eruption of volcanoes, can all return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Some of the calcium carbonate (limestone) is converted to marble at the subduction zones, where conversion to silicates can also lead to the release of carbon dioxide. CaCO 3 + SiO2 CO2 +CaSiO3 The sediments may be melted to form magma. Then, as carbon dioxide gas and methane, carbon is released again from volcanoes, which goes back into the atmosphere; and, as we all know it, volcanoes produce very large amounts of carbon dioxide.