Aikawarazu As usual Ai Shiteru = I love you (romantic love) to know love Aisatsu Greeting, salutation Aitai (kata) I wanted to see you. Aiyamaru Apologize Akachan Baby, infant Aka(i) Red Akarui Bright, cheerful Amari - Not very, not much, remainder, rest, remnant Akemashite - omedetou - gozaimasu = Happy New Year Akeru - To open Aki Autumn, fall Akirameru - To give up, to abandon Amerika = America Amerikajin =American (person) Anata = Formal "you", ("beloved, or dearest" if used between a married couple) Aneki = Sister Aneue = Older sister Aniki = Brother, one's senior Aniue = Older brother Anou = Umm Anshin = relief, peace of mind, be at peace, dont worry Ara/are = "Huh? Are = "That [over there]" (not near either person) Arie nai Not possible Arigato = Thank you (informal). Arigato gozaimasu = Thank you very much (formal) Aruki/ku To walk Asa - Morning Asagohan =Breakfast Asappara - In the early morning
Ashi = Leg, foot Ashita Tomorrow Asobu To play, to visit Asoko = [over] There Atama = head Atari - Hit, success, reaching the mark, par Atashi = Informal female "I" Atarashii New Atarimae- Obviously, naturally Ato = later, after Au To meet, to encounter [aitai (I) want to meet (him/her)]
Baai Case, Situation, Kono baai ja nai This is no time to Bacchiri - Perfectly, properly, right on the mark Bakaga = Impossible Bakanisuru To make fun of Bakari - Just, only, merely, nothing but Bakemono = Monster Bangohan = Dinner Banzai- hurray! Batsu Punishment Ben - Speech, dialect Bento = Boxed lunch Bare da Found out, busted Basho Place, location Betsu -Different Betsuni = Nothing, not really, not particularly. (Negative phrase) Bi Beauty Bijin = Beautiful woman Bikkuri To be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened bikkurishita Binbou Poverty, poor destitute Boku = "I" for male youth Boroboro - Worn out, beat up. Boushi Hat Buji Safe, alright, at peace Buki - Weapon Bun Share, part, portion Busai/Busu ugly (Very rude)
Chan = Suffix for familiar person, Its a term to address good friends. (Informal) Chanto Perfectly, properly, exactly Chi = Blood Chibi = Runt, dwarf, little Chichi (ue) = Father Chigau = Different, wrong Chiisai/Chiisana - Small Chikai - Near, close by, short Chikaku - Near, neighborhood, vicinity Chikara = Strength, power Chikoku Tardy, tardiness, being late, lateness. Chikyuu = Earth (planet) Chizu - Map Chotto = A little, a short time, a bit Chotto matte = "Wait a minute!" Wait a bit Chou Butterfly Chou - super-, ultra-, hyperChuugakkou - Middle school, junior high school Chuugaku-sei- Middle school student, junior high school student
Dai Large, big Daigaku = College Daiji- Important, valuable Daijini Take are of yourself<--- (greeting) To treasure, to take care of. Daijoubu = All right, O.K., Dont worry, I'm okay, I'll be all right, etc. Dakara = So, therefore Dake Only, just Dakishimeru - To hug someone close, to hold someone tight Dame = Bad, useless, no good, hopeless, Damaru = To be still, or silent. Damare! = "Shut up! /Silence!" Damasu = To trick, to cheat, to deceive. Dan Group, team, brigade Danna - Master, husband
Dattara If thats the case, if so then Dare = Who (donata is formal) Deau - To meet, to encounter, to run across De gozaimasu Is used at the end of a sentence in place of desu. Dekai Huge Dekakeru To depart, gone out for a while Demo = However, but Denki electricity, light Densetsu = Legend, legendary Densha - Electric train Deru, dete - To leave Deshita = "Was/were Desu = Is/are/am, the verb to be Denwa bango wa nan desu ka = What is your telephone number? Dewa arimasen, ja arimasen = "Isn't/aren't" Dewa arimasen deshita, ja arimasen deshita = "Wasn't, weren't" Doite Move Doke - move! Doji Clumsiness, clumsy Doki-doki - A heartbeat Doko = Where Dokyou - Courage, bravery, nerve, guts Domo arigatou gozaimasu = Thank you (most formal) Dono A suffix that is a step above San, in respect; but not as respectful as Sama Dorobou - Thief Dou How, in what way Doubutsu Animal Dou itashimashite = Your welcome Doushite = Why? Doushitemo No matter what, by all/any means, at any cost Douzo = Feel free, go ahead, please (giving permission) Douzo yoroshiku = Please treat me favorably (well) Doyoubi = "Saturday" (the day of Saturn, "Dosei", planet of the soil)
Ee Yes (informal) E - Picture, drawing, painting, sketch Ebi - Lobster, shrimp Eeto... = "Um..." or "erm... Egao Smile Eien Eternity, forever Eiga - Movie, film Eigo = English (language) Engeki - Play (theatrical) Engi - Acting, performance, drama, play
Enryo - restraint, reserve, hold back Erasoni Bossy, acting high and mighty Erabu To choose Erabi chosen Erai great, celebrated
Fuan - anxious, uneasy, nerves Fue- Pipe, flute Fukai Deep, thick Furareru - To dump your boyfriend of girlfriend furareda I was dumped Furigana Small hiragana above kanji Furo = Bath Fushigi = Mysterious Futari - Two people, pair, couple Futaritomo Both (people) Futon - Japanese style bedding Futsuu - Normally, ordinarily, usually Fuu - Method, manner, way Fuuin Seal, sealed Fuyu Winter
Gaijin = Foreigner Gaki = Young, immature person. Gakkari To feel disappointed, to lose heart Gakkou = School Gakusei = Student Gaman - Patience, endurance, perseverance, tolerance Ganbatte ne, ganbaru = To persist, to insist on, to stand firm Do your best! Geki Play, drama Genjitsu Reality Genkai Limit Genkan Japanese entranceway, entry hall Genki = Energy, Health(y), robust, vigor, vitality. Genki da = Cheer up!, be well, take care, etc. Genki desu-ka = How are you? Are you doing well? Getsuyoubi = Monday (the day of the Moon) Ginkou - Bank Girigiri - At the last moment, just barely _____-go = "_____ language
Gochisou Feast, or (treating someone to food) Gochisousama! = I'm finished! Thank you for the meal. It was a feast! Gochisou suru Ill treat you to a meal Gokai Misunderstanding Gokaku You pass; equality, evenness, par, good match Gokigen(yo) Pleasant, Have a pleasant day (Formal) Gomen Kudasai Said when entering a house when you dont see anyone there. Gomen-nasai = Im sorry Gomi Trash, Garbage Guai Condition, duai dou desu ka means, hows your condition (physical) Guzuguzu Slowly, dawdling
Ha = Teeth Hakase Professor (w/ doctorate, PhD) Hakkiri Clearly, bluntly Hako Box Hashi Chopsticks or bridge Hashiru To run Haha (ue) = Mother Hai = Yes (formal) Hairu To enter, to break into, to join, to enroll Hajime = Beginning, start, the first time Hajimemashite = Nice to meet you (for the first time) Han half Ichiji han 1:30. Half past one Oclock Han A suffix that is equal in value as San, used mostly in Kyoto. Hanbun = Half of a portion. Hana = Flower, nose Hanabi Fireworks Hanami - Cherry-blossom viewing, flower viewing Hanashi = News, account, story Hanatsu = to free, to release Hanase = "release me!" or "let me go!" (command) Hanasu = To speak, to talk Hannin - Offender, criminal Hantai - Opposition, resistance Happyou - Announcement, publication Hara Stomach Haru Spring Hastukoi - Puppy love, first love Hatsumimi - Something heard for the first time Hayai = Quick, fast, swift, early. Hayaku = Early, "hurry up" or "quickly" (command) Hazu It should be so Hazukashii Embarrassed, shy, ashamed Hebi = Snake, serpent Heiki Fine, ok Heian Peace, peaceful
Hen = Weird, strange Hen - Area, vicinity Henji - Reply, answer Henshin = Transform, change Heta unskillful, poor (of skill) Hetakuso lousy, bad quality, unskilled Hi = Day, fire, sun Hidari Left Hidarigawa Left hand side Hidoi = severe, mean, cruel, harsh. Hikari = Light, (glare, gleam, ray) Hima - Free time, spare time Himitsu Secret Hime(sama) = Princess Hiragana Japanese symbols used to write Japanese originated words with. Hiroi Spacious, vast, wide. Hirugohan = Lunch Hiyasu/Hiyase- To cool, to cool off, to refrigerate Hito person Hitori One person, alone, unmarried Hitori-bocchi All alone, lonely, solitude Hitori-kko Only child Hitotsu one Hitsuji Sheep, lamb Hitsuyou - Need, needed necessity Hitsuji = Sheep Hiza knee, lap Hoka Other, else Homeru - To praise, to admire, to speak well of, to compliment Hondana Book shelf Hone Bone Honki Serious Honmono Authentic, genuine, the real thing Honno - Slightly, faintly honno sukoshi - Just a little Honoo - Flame, blaze Hontou = Reality, really Horeru - To fall in love, to be in love Hoshi- Star Hoshii - Wanted, wished for, in need of, desired Houhou Way, method, means Hyotto, hyottoshite - Possibly, accidentally, could it be, by any chance.
Ichiban = #1, first, the best, favorite, etc. Ichi nen sei First year student Ii = Good Iie = No Ijiwaru meanie (person), Ijiwarui (object) Iikagen Right iikagen ni shiro means act right/proper Ii kimi! Serves you right! You got what you deserved! Ika nakucha - I have to go. Ikenai = Oh no! Must not do, dont do it. Iki Breath Ikinari - Abruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden Ikiru To live Iku, ikuzo, ikimashou, ikou, iki = To go, "let's go", Shall we go? , lets go. Ikura How much Ima = Now Imasara - Now, at this late hour Imi Meaning Imouto = younger sister Inochi = Life. Inori Prayer, supplication Inu = Dog, dogs say wan wan Iranai I dont want it, I dont need it. Iro Color Iro iro Various things Irrashaimase! = Welcome! Iru present, presence Dare ka Iru? (Who is there?). Formal is imasu Ishi Will Issho With, together Isshoukenmei - Eagerly, with utmost effort, very hard Istumo = Always, constantly, ever, etc Itachi = Wease Itadakimasu = Let's eat! (Formal) [A saying before you eat] Literally - to receive Itadaku - To receive, to take food or drink Itai = ouch! Itami Pain Itoko cousin Itsu = When Itsudemo Anytime Ittai What in the world. Itte-kimasu = "I'm taking off!" or "I'm leaving now! Ittekuru I go, I come
Isoide- in a hurry, hasten; hurry up with haste Isu Chair Iu To say Iwa nai I wont say it
Jama Hindrance, in the way. -Janai/-nai = a suffix, makes a word negative Ja ne = Cya later Janken = "Rock, paper, scissors, the complete phrase is "Janken, Pon!" Jibun = Self, yourself Jigoku Hell Jiji - Grandfather, old man Jiko - Accident, incident, trouble, circumstances Jujitsu - Fact, truth, reality Jikan - Time (Ji Hour) -jin = "[country] person" Amerika jin (American person) Jinsei - This world, life Jishin Confidence Jishin - earthquake Jishin- Ones self, personally Jitensha bicycle Jitsu wa = "Actually..." Josei Woman, lady Joudan - Joke Joudan janai ="This is no joke!" or "you've got to be kidding! etc. Joudeki Good performance Jouhou Information Joukyou - Circumstances, situation Jouken - Conditions, terms Jouzu Very good (best) Joou-sama Queen Jugyou - Lesson, class work Junbi - Preparation, arrangements, provision, reserve Juubun - Plenty, enough, sufficient, satisfactory
Kaban - Bag, briefcase Kaeru To come back, to return, to go back Kagami - Mirror Kage Shadow
Kaieru Frog, frogs say kero kero Kaijuu Monster Kaimashita/ Kaimono- Shopping Kaite write kaku to write Kakkoii! = "Cool! handsome Kako - the past Kakugo - Readiness, preparedness Kakurenbo(u) Hide and seek (Game) Kakureru - To hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself Kamaimasen, kamawanai It doesnt matter Kamau - To mind, to care about, to be concerned about (kamaimasen) - I dont mind. Kamen Mask Kami = God Sama Kami - Hair Kami - Paper Kamo/ kamoshitenai Maybe Kanaeru - To grant (request, wish) Kanarazu Diffidently Kangaeru To Think, thoughts, ideas Kanji Characters used in Japanese writing that are very complex, and often constructed with many strokes. There are over 5,000 kanji. Kanji originated in China. Kanjiru - to feel, to sense Kankei Relation, connection kankei nai = Nothing to do with (me) Kakkou - Shape, form, posture Kana - Japanese writing style consisting of Hiragana and katakana Kanben - Pardon, forgiveness, forbearance Kanben-shite (kure) Give me a break (slang?) Kanbyou - Nursing (a patient) Kanchigai - Misunderstanding, wrong guess Kangeki - Deep emotion, impression, inspiration, touching Kani Crab Kanojo - Girl friend Kanousei - Potentiality, likelihood, possibility Kanpai cheers! (A toast) Kansei - Complete, completion Kanzen - perfection, completeness Kao face Kaori - Fragrance, nice smell
Karada - Body, health Karai Spicy, salty Karasu Crow Kare He Kashu - Singer Kata Shoulder Kata - Person Katakana Japanese symbols used to write foreign words with. Katte - One's own convenience, one's way Katteni - willfully, as one pleases (katteni shiro Do what ever you want) Katsu To win Kawa - River Kawaii = Pretty, cute, lovely, charming, Kawai sou (ni) = "How sad", poor thing Kawaru, kawata To change Kawatta - Particular, unusual, different Kayoubi = "Tuesday" (the day of Mars, "Kasei", planet of the fire) Kaze = Wind, cold (illness) Kazoku - Family Kechi - Cheap, stingy Kedo = Although it is, but, however. Keiji - Detective (police) Keisatsu - Police Ke-ki = Cake Kekkou - splendid, nice, wonderful Kekkyoku - After all, eventually, in the end. Kenka(i) Fight, argue, quarrel Kesa This morning Kibishii - Severe, strict, stern, intense (cold) Kibou - Hope, wish, aspiration (strong desire, longing) Kibun - Feeling, mood Kieru, kieta To disappear, to vanish Ki-ga-suru To have a hunch, to feel a certain way Kiken Danger Kikoeru To hear, to be heard Kiku = To listen, to ask Kimeru, kimeta To decide
Kimi = Standard "you" Kimochi = Feeling, sensation, mood Kinchou - Tension, mental strain, nervousness Kininaru - To be on one's mind, to worry one, to feel uneasy Kinishinaide/Kinisuruna Dont worry about it. Ki-no-sei My imagination Kinyoubi = "Friday" (the day of Venus, "Kinsei", planet of the metal) Kioku Memory, recollection, remembrance Kirei = Pretty, lovely or clean, neat, pure Kireru - To cut well, to be sharp, to break, to snap Kiri Mist, fog Kiri - Limits, end, bounds Kiri to cut Kiseki Miracle Kisetsu - Season Kitanai - Dirty, unclean, filthy Kitsune = Fox Kitto = Surely, undoubtedly Kiosukete = Be careful Kizu = Wound (physical cut) Kizuite To notice Kochirakoso - It is I who should say so, the pleasure is all mine. Kodomo = Child Ko-hi- = Coffee Koi! = "Come here! or "Come on!" Koi Love, carp Koibito = Beloved, lover, sweetheart, Dear, wanted, beloved, darling ect. Koi Shiteru I love you (romantic love) Koitsu This guy koko = "Here" (near speaker) Kokoro = Heart, mind, soul Kokuhaku - Confession, acknowledgement Komaru To be troubled, to be worried, to be bothered Konbanwa = Good evening (after 5pm) Koneko = Kitten Konnichiwa = Hello, good afternoon. Konyakusha - Fiance Koori - Ice, shaved ice Kore = "This" (near the person speaking) Kore wa nan desu ka. = "What is this?" Korosu - to kill Koshi = Back Kotaeru/ kotaete! = to answer, (answer me!) Kotoba - Words
Kotowaru - to refuse, to decline Kouban - Police box Koubutsu - Favorite dish, favorite food Daikoubutsu Most favorite food Kouei - Honor, privilege Kougeki - Attack, strike, offensive Koukai - Regret, repentance Kou kou High school Kou kou-sei High school student Kowai = Scared, scary, fear, afraid, frightening Kowareru To break, to be broken Kowasu - To break, to break down Kubi = Neck Kubi - Fired (from a job) Kuchi Mouth Kudasai = Please Kui- to eat, Kuimono = food (guy words) Ku-ki = Cookie Kun = It is used for under classman by upperclassman, you can also use this with a boy in your own class. Teachers use it to students, used with boys and girls. Kuni Country Kurai Dark, dim, dull Kurai Amount, about, around Kurashi (place of ) living Kuroi - Black Kuru = To come Kurushii - Painful, difficult, Kusai - Stench Kusuri = Medicine Kuuki- Air, atmosphere Kuwashii - Knowing very well, detailed kuyashii - Regrettable, mortifying, frustrating Kyoiku- Education major Kyoku - Tune, piece of music Kyonen Last year Kyou = Today Kyoudai Siblings Kyoukai Church Kyoukasho Text book Kyoushi Teacher, instructor, professor Kyoumi Interest, (kyouminai means not interested) Kyuukei - Rest, break, recess, intermission
Maa maa = so-so, average/ or "Now, now; a phrase used to placate someone. ;_; Maboroshi = Illusion Mabushii Radiant, bright Machigainai = There's no mistake; machigai alone means mistake. Machi-nasai Wait (formal) Mada (not) yet, still Mado Window Mahou = Magic Mae before, past Mai Every Maigo - Lost Mainichi = "Everyday" Maita! This is bad, Im in a pinch, Im beat Maitta Things are bad, Im in a pinch. Majime/maji Serious, diligent, honest. Makaseru = To entrust to another, to entrust to, to leave to, to count on. Makeru = To lose, to be defeated Mama At this rate, as it is now Mamoru = to protect, to guard, to obey Manga = Japanese comic book Mangetsu full moon Mani-atta On time, in time Maru Circle, correct Marude Its almost like, as if Masaka = Can it be? It can't be! Masugu -Straight, straight ahead, direct, upright Mata Again Matashita = See you tomorrow Matsuri - Festival Matta ne = See you later Mattaku = Its a General _expression of annoyance. Matte! = Wait! Mazu - First (of all), to start with Mazui -Bad, awkward, unwise Me = Eye Mecha - Extremely (Kansai dialect) Mechakucha - Messed up Megumi, megumu To bless, blessing, grace
Meieri Order Meiwaku trouble, annoyance Mendou Trouble, difficulty, care, attention Mendoukusai - Bother to do, tiresome, troublesome Meshi Meals, food. Also slang for meal Mezasu/ Mesashite To aim at, striving for Mezurashii Rare, unusual. Mezawari - Obstructing a view, eyesore (unpleasant sight) Michi - Road, street, way, method Migi(gawa) Right hand side Migoto splendid, magnificent Migurushi disgraceful, ugly, unsightly Mikata - Fiend, ally, supporter Mimi = Ear Minna = Everyone Miru = "To see/watch" Mise - Store, shop Mitai! = Look! Mizu = Water Mizugi Womens bathing suit. Mizuumi Lake Mochiron = Of course, without a doubt, certainly Modore, modote, modoru To turn back, to return Modosu To restore, to put back. Mokuteki - Purpose, goal, aim, objective, intention Mokuyoubi = "Thursday" (the day of Jupiter, "Mokusei", planet of the tree) Mondai Problem, question Monku- Complaint Mono Thing, object Monshou Crest Mottainai Wasteful Motte Carrying, with, by, by means of, because, in view of Mori = Forest Moshi = If, supposing Moshikashite what if, Maybe Moshi moshi = Hello, on the phone. Moto Original Motomoto - Originally, by nature, from the start Motto = More
Mou ii = A phrase, means "no more" or "that's enough!" Moushi-wake (gozaimamen) Apologies Mucha Over do, over work Muda Futile, uselessness Mukae - Meeting, to pick up someone. Mukashi old Mukatsuku - To feel irritated, to get pissed off Mune Chest, breast Murasaki - Purple color, violet Muri Impossible, unreasonable, overdoing it. Musekinin - Irresponsible person Mushi Insects, bugs Mushi - Disregard, ignore Musume Daughter Muteki (ni) - Invincible, unrivaled, matchless Myouji Last name, family name
Na, namae = Name Naisho = Secret (between friends) Naka = Inside Naka relation, relationship Nakama partner, associate, companion Nakanai = Don't cry Naka yoshi/yoku Friendly, get along well. Naku To Cry Nakunaru To die, to disappear, to get lost Nandemo what ever, anything. Nanimo = Nothing Nanimokamo - Anything and everything Naosu To heal, to cure, to fix, to correct Nantoka - Somehow Nantonaku - Somehow, for some reason or another Nara If, in that case Naruhodo Said when someone comes to an understand of some thing, I get it I see
Nasakenai Pathetic, miserable, pitiable, shameful Natsu Summer Natsukashi- Nostalgic Natsu yasumi Summer vacation Naze = Extreme why Nazo/Nazonazo- Riddle, puzzle Ne = Right (as in "correct") or hey! Nebokeru To be half asleep Negai - Desire, wish, request, prayer, petition Neko = Cat (a cat says nyaa nyaa) Nemui- Sleepy Nen year Nenrei Age Neru To sleep Nensei Year in school; Ichi nensei First year. Ni nensei second year. Etc Netsu Fever, temperature Nezumi = Mouse, rat Niau- to suit, to match: That dress looks good on you Nichiyoubi = "Sunday" (the day of the Sun) <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]--> Nigeru, nigero = To flee, to escape, to run away Nihon = Japan Nihonjin = "Japanese (person)" Niku = Meat Nikuman = Pork buns Nikushi(mi) Hatred Nin Person Ningen Human Ningyou- Doll, puppet, figure Ninki - Popular Nioi Smell Nira leek, scallion Nisemono Imposter, fake, false Niteru Looks like, similar in looks Nodo = Throat Nomimono = "Drink(s) Nomu = "To drink" Noni - Although, even though, in spite of Noroi a curse, cursed Nozomi - Wish, desire
Obasan = Aunt Obaasan = Grandmother Oboeru, oboeta, oboetaru = To remember Ocha = "Green tea" Ochikomu/Ochikonde To feel down (sad) Ochitsuite- Calm down Odorokasu- To surprised Ohayou-gozaimasu = Good morning Ohisashiburi = It's been a long time or "long time no see" Oishii = Tasty, Delicious Oshiire Japanese style closet Ojisan = Uncle, or "mister" Ojiisan Grandfather Ooji-sama = Prince Okaasan = Mother. Okage(de) Backing, assistance, thanks to you, because of, thanks to Okami (sama) Hostess, God Okane - Money Okashi = Candy, sweets Okashii Strange, weird, funny Okaeri nasai = Welcome home Okawari = Second helping Okiru = To get up Okotteru- angry Okyakusan = Guest Omae = (Casual men's "you") Omedetou- gozaimasu = Congratulations Omedetou = Congratulations! An auspicious occasion! Omiyage Souvenir (Generally food) Omoi- Heavy Omoi - Thought, feelings, emotion Omoidasu to remember, to recall Omoikiri With all one's strength (heart) Omoshiroi - Interesting, amusing Onaji Same identical, equal Onaka ga suita Im hungry Onegai-shimasu = Please, pretty please (formal) Onee-san = Older sister Ongaku- Music Oni - Ogre Onigiri= Rice ball Onii-Chan = Older brother Onna Woman Ookami = Wolf
Oosawagi - Clamour, a loud uproar, noisy commotion Ore = (Informal men's "I", very manly) Oroka Foolish Osewaninarimasu To be indebted Osoraku - Perhaps Otanjoubi- omedetou- gozaimasu =Happy birthday Oto Sound Otoko = Man Otousan = Father Otouto = Younger brother Ouen - Support, assistance, help, reinforcement, rooting Ou-sama king Owari = "The end", finished, done Oyabun Boss, chief, head, The big guy in charge -^_^Oyaji = "Old man", as in your dad Oyasumi nasai = Good night formally Oyomesan - Wife
Pan = Bread Peko-peko To be very hungry Pera-pera Fluent Pengin = Penguin Pika-pika Glittering, sparkling Pittari - Exactly, neatly, perfectly Pun Minute
Raku - Comfort, ease Rakuen Paradise Rakushou Easy victory, A piece of cake Rai shuu Next week Ra-shii Like something, seems so, appears like
Rei Spirit, soul, departed soul, ghost Rei Zero, naught Rei - expression of gratitude Rei o agemasu I give my thanks
Renraku - Communication, connection Renshuu Practice Rippa Splendid, fine, elegant, Grand Risu Squirrel Riyuu Reason Roumanji Arabic characters used to describe Japanese words, which follow the pronunciation pattern of Japanese. Ryou Dormitory Ryoukai - A message is received and understood-"Roger!" Ryoushin Both parents Ryu = Dragon
Saboru- To be lazy, to be truant, to be idle Sabori Skipping class Sai Years old, age Saifu Purse, wallet Saigo Last Saikyo Strongest, best Saiminjutsu Hypnotism Saisho Beginning, first Sagaru/Sagate - To fall, to fall back, stand back, decrease Sagasu To search Sagate Stay back, step back Sakana = Fish, fish say paku paku Saki Ahead, first---- Saki ni ikimas = Im going ahead first. Sakki Some time ago, before, that time.
Sakura = Cherry blossom Sakusen Strategy, plan Saikin- Lately Sainou - Talent, ability Saitei The worst, last, scum Sama = It is a suffix which is used to address someone of a high status whom you show a lot of respect for. Sama would also be used toward royalty, as in Van Sama thats like lord van or a butler would say Matthew Sama it like Master Matthew Samashite- Hang in there! Me o samashite Samui Cold (weather, feeling cold) San =Mr. or Mrs. (suf) it is used with a person you dont really know; or an older person whom you show respect. When meeting someone new in Japan its important to show respect, so using san even if you dont know them well is good. When you get to know them better then you could call them kun Chan of maybe even there name with out a suffix but you would need permission. Sansei - Approval, agreement, support, favor Sassato Quickly, hurry up and Sasuga As expected Sato - Village Saware naide! Dont touch me! Sawaru - To touch, to feel Sayonara = Good bye, farewell Sekai World Sei holy Seifuku - Uniform, regulation dress Seigi - Justice, right, righteousness Sei-ippai To the fullest, with all ones might. Seikai Correct, right Seikou Success Sei no! Heave ho! Sei rei sama Holy spirit Seisei-doudou Fair and square Seito Student (High school and below only) Seiyuu = Voice actor/actress Sekai World
Seki seat Sekinin Responsibility Sekkaku - with trouble, at great pains, long-awaited, at great expense or trouble Semai - Narrow, confined, small Semete At least Sempai = An older person whom you look up to. (A role model) Senior (at work or school): superior, elder upperclassmen, predecessor. (Essentially someone who has studied or been there before you) Senkou Major (in collage) Sensei = Teacher, doctor, or a person skilled in their field. Senshi Soldier, warrior Serifu - Speech, words, one's lines, remarks Shaberu = to talk, to speak, to chat, to chatter Shachou - Company president, manager, director Shi city Shiawase = happiness, good fortune Shiburaku A little while Shigoto - Work, occupation, employment Shi ka Nothing but. Shikari-shite = "hang in there! Or "snap out of it! Shikashi = However, but, Shikata ga nai = "No help for it," "No way to avoid it," "Nothing left but to deal with it." Shiken - Examination, exam, test Shimei - Mission, errand Shin-jin New person Shinjiru, shinji = to believe, to have faith, to trust Shinka Evolve Shinpai = Worry, concern Shinpan = Judgment Shippo Tail Shiroi - white Shiru To know, to understand Shishou Master, teacher Shita - Under, below, beneath Shitsukoi - Insistent, obstinate, persistent, stubborn Shitsumon Question, inquiry
Shitsurei Rude Shitsureishimasu Excuse me Shiwaza doing, act, action, deed Shizuka - Quiet, peaceful Shizukani stite Be quiet Shokuji Meal Shougakkou Elementary school Shougaku-sei - Elementary school student Shou ga nai is an abbreviated form Shoujiki- Honestly Shoujo = Little girl, daughter, young lady Shoukai Introduction. Shoukai suru To introduce (someone). Shokuryou - food Shounen = Young boy Shourai Future Shugyou Training, practicing martial arts Shujutsu - Surgical operation Shukudai Homework Shumi - Hobby, tastes, preference Shuu State Shuu - week Shuumastu - weekend Shuuchuu - Concentration, focusing the mind Soba(ni) - Near, close, beside Soko = "There [near you]" Sonna = That can't be!" or "no way!" Sono koto yori More importantly, instead of that. Sora Sky Sora mimi Hearing things Sore = "That [near you]" (near the person being spoken to) Sore ni besides, moreover Soro soro = Soon Soretomo Or, or else
Saseru/Sasete do cause someone to do/feel something. Soshite And Soto - Outside Sou desu ne = Yes it is; "sou sou" can mean "oh yeah", and "sou" on its own can also mean, "yes". Sou nan da is an informal way of saying it. "That's right." or "Let's see... Souji - Cleaning, sweeping Sou ka = Is that so? Sou ieba = Remembering a certain fact from memory. Now that you mention it Subarashii = Wonderful, splendid, magnificent Subete All, the whole, entirely Sugi Over doing it, too much, too. Sugoi = Terrific, amazing, great, wow, terrible, Sugoku Very Sugu Straight Suguni Right away, immediately Suiyoubi = "Wednesday" (the day of Mercury, "Suisei", planet of the water) Suki = To like, to love, to be fond of Sukinishite/sukinishiro Do whatever you want. Sukkari - All, completely, thoroughly Sukoshi = A bit, few, slight, little, some, small quantity "to a small degree". Sukui/sukue- Help, assist, aid. Sukunakutomo At least Sumanai Im sorry, (guys word, Informal) Sumimasen = Excuse me! Excuse me Suna Sand Sunao Obedient, honest Suru = To do Suzu - Bell (shimasu)
Tabemono = "Food(s)" Taberu = To eat Tabun = Probably, perhaps Tachi - Quality, nature (of person) Tadaima = I'm home, I'm back Tadashii However, but Tai V.S., verses, ageist. Taichou - Captain, leader, commanding officer Taihen = Awful, dreadful, terrible Taido Attitude, manner Taisetsu = Important
Taishita (koto) - Great, important, significant, a big deal, considerable Takai = Tall, high, expensive Tako Octopus Takuramu/takuranderu - To scheme, to plan, to play a trick Takusan many, a lot, much Tama- A generic name for a cat. Tamago = Egg Tamani Occasionally, once in while Tamashii - Soul, spirit Tamatama - Casually, unexpectedly, accidentally, by chance Tameni - For the sake of, to one's advantage (good, benefit) Tani Valley Tanomu To request, to beg, to ask Tansu Chest of drawers Taosu- To throw down, to beat, to bring down Tashika - Certain, sure, definite Tashikameru/tashikamete To make certain, to confirm Tashikani - Surely, certainly Tasukeru, tasukete = To help, to save, to rescue, to give relief to Tatakai - Fight, battle, struggle, conflict Tatoe - If, even if, though, although Tatoeba - For example Tatsu/tate to Stand Te = hand Tegami Letter Teki Enemy, rival Tekkiri Thinking certainly that something was true but wasnt. Ten Heaven, sky Ten Points, mark, score, grade Tengoku - Heaven, Kingdom of Heaven, paradise Tenkousei Transfer student Tennyo = Heavenly nymph, celestial maiden Tensai Genius Tenshi = Angel Tereru - To be shy, to feel awkward Tezukuri Handmade To = And Toboke - To play innocent, to feign ignorance Tanomi Request
Tobokenaide Dont play dumb Todana Cabinet, cupboard Toire - Toilet Toki = Time, or occasion Toki doki = Sometimes, from time to time Tokorode By the way Tokubetsu Special Tomodachi = Friend Tomeru Stop Tooi Far away, distant Tora = Tiger Tori Bird, Birds say pii pii or piyo piyo Toriko Captive, slave Torimodosu - To take back, to regain Totemo = Very Totsuzen - Abruptly, suddenly, all at once Touzen - Naturally, obviously Tsubasa = Wings Tsugi = Next Tsukai To use Tsukamaeru/ tsukamaeta To catch, caught, to hold on to Tsukare - Tiredness, fatigue Tsumaranai - Insignificant, boring Tsumari In other words Tsumetai Cold (object) Tsumi Sin, crime Tsumori Intension, plan, meaning Tsurai Painful, heart-breaking Tsureru/tsurede To bring with Tsuyoi Strong, powerful Tsuzuku - To be continued Tsuzukeru - To continue on
Uwasa Rumor, gossip, common talk Uchi = House Ue - Above, over, on top of, up, upper part, summit. Ugoku- To move, to stir, to shift, to shake Uma = Horse Umai = Yummy, delicious, good
Umarekawari - rebirth, reincarnation Umarekawaru - To be born again, to make a fresh start in life Umareru To be born Umeboshi - dried plum (pickled) Un Yes (informal) Unmei = Fate Uragiru - To betray, to turn traitor to, to double-cross Urami - Grudge, malice, bitterness Urayamashii Envious Ureshii = Happy, glad, pleasant. Urusai = Noisy, loud, fussy. The command means, "Be quiet" Usagi = Rabbit Ushi = Cow Uso = A lie, falsehood, incorrect fact. Usotsuki- A person who lies, a liar. Utsukushii Beautiful Uzai Annoying
Wai! = Yay! Waga my, our Wagamama Selfishness Wakaru/wakatta/wakarimashita = To understand", "I understand, I know, I get it" Wakaranai = "I don't understand, I don't get it Wakare - Parting, separation, farewell Wake - Meaning, reason, circumstances Wakuwaku - Tremble, get nervous, to be excited Wana = Trap Wanko- Puppy (This word is not used much, Ko-inu is more common) Warai smile, laugh Ware - I, me, oneself, self Wareware - We Warui = Bad, inferior Wasureru/wasereta- To forget, I got. Watakushi = Formal "I" Watashi = Standard "I" Watasu/watase To pass over, to hand over Waza - Deed, act, work, performance Wazato On purpose Wazawaza - Expressly, specially
Yabai = Miserable, dangerous, "This is bad!" Yakamashii Noisy, shut up! Ya-kimochi Jealous Yakusoku = Promise, oath Yama Mountain Yameru, yamete/yamero! = To stop, -----Stop! Yappari = As expected (Yahari is formal) Yarinaosu - To do over again, to redo, to start over Yarou Bad person, rascal, scoundrel, mischievous, no principles Yaru To do it Yasashii - Nice, gentle Yasui - Cheap, inexpensive Yatta! ="Hooray!"" "I did it!" and "Yay!" Yatto At last, finally Yesu sama Jesus Yokatta = An _expression of relief, "I'm so glad" or "thank goodness!" Yokattara If youd like, if its OK Yokei - Too much, unnecessary yokei nokoto Yoku Good, well, properly, skilled in, nicely, properly Yokunai Not good Yonde Read, speak aloud yomu to read
Yorokobu/bi - Joy, delight, pleasure Yorokonde = With pleasure Yoroshii good, all right, fine, good, very well Yoru - Evening, night Yoshi! = An exclamation used when readying oneself to take an important action. "Here I come!" "All right (, then)!" all right, let's go, let's do it! You - Task, business, use Youji - Tasks, things to do Youkoso welcome! You se! Stop! Yowai Weak Yuki = Snow Yudan - Negligence, careless ease, unprepared Yudan shinaide Dont let your guard down, dont be careless
Yuu Evening Yuube Last night Yuubinkyoku - Post office Yuuenchi Amusement park Yuuhan Evening meal (supper) Yuujou Friendship Yuuki Courage Yuumei Famous Yuusha - Hero, the brave, man of velour, superior individual Yuushou Win, overall victory, championship Yukuri slowly, at ease Yume = Dream Yurusu = To permit, to allow, to approve, to forgive, pardon Yusha Hero Yuurei Ghost
Zannen Too bad, bad luck, disappointment. Zehi Certainly, without fail Zenzen = Wholly, entirely, completely, not at all (neg v) Zettai! = Absolutely! Definitely! Surly! 1 = ichi 2 = ni 3 = san 4 = shi/yon 5 = go 6 = roku 7 = shichi/nana 8 = hatchi 9 = kyuu/ku 10 = juu Numbers 11-19 are done by juu + [the one's digit 11: juuichi 12: juuni Regarding umbers greater than 19, it's the number in the tens digit, then "juu", Followed by the next number; 20 = nijuu <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> <!--[endif]-->