Flight Mechanics: Flight Performance
Flight Mechanics: Flight Performance
Flight Mechanics: Flight Performance
Outcomes :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Description of airplane, frame of reference & equations of motion. Performance in level flight. Power in flight: thrust required & available. Climbing performance & service ceiling. Turn performance. Fuel consumption. Range & endurance. Take-off & landing. Load factor. Flight envelope.
Airplane is considered as a rigid body on which is exerted four natural forces: lift, drag, thrust, and weight. Aerodynamic details will no longer be a concern but focus will be on the movement of the airplane due to the above forces.
Located at the rear of the fuselage. To provide stability and control of up and down (pitching) motion of the a/c. On fighter a/c, stabilizer and elevator are combined into one large moving surface called stabilator.
The rudder works by changing the effective shape of the airfoil of the vertical stabilizer. Changing the angle of deflection at the rear of an airfoil will change the amount of lift generated by the airfoil. With increased deflection, the lift will increase in the opposite direction. The rudder and vertical stabilizer are mounted so that they will produce forces from side to side, not up to down.
Ailerons: The ailerons are used to bank the aircraft, i.e. to cause one wing tip to move up and the other wing tip to move down. The banking creates an unbalanced side force component of the large wing lift force which causes the aircraft's flight path to curve.
Earth reference system: - X-axis oriented South-North (N) - Z-axis oriented downward (i.e. Earth center) - Y-axis perpendicular to XZ plane (E)
Body reference system: x-axis is longitudinal z-axis is downward y-axis is normal to the symmetry plane yaw attitude (azimuth angle) : a/c heading w.r.t. North (+ve if clockwise) pitch attitude : angle between the longitudinal axis and horizontal plane bank / roll attitude : angle between lateral a/c yaxis and horizontal plane
There are four forces acting on the a/c: 1) Lift, L: perpendicular to the flight path direction. 2) Drag, D: parallel to the flight path. 3) Weight, W: vertically toward the center of earth. 4) Thrust, T: inclined at angle T w.r.t. flight path.
F = ma = m
dV dt
dV F = T cos T D W sin = m dt
F = m
V rc
The above equations are the equations of motion for an a/c in two-dimensional translational motion in accelerated flight.
V2 F = L + T sin T W cos = m r c
The study of a/c performance under unaccelerated flight conditions is called static performance. It leads to calculations of maximum velocity, maximum rate of climb, maximum range, etc. which are vital parameters in a/c design and operation. For an a/c in steady level flight (i.e. flight path along horizontal) at a given altitude and velocity, the equations of motion of a/c can be written as
T =D L =W
T = D = q SC D L = W = q SC L
where, 2 1 q = dynamic pressure = 2 V S = wing area CD = drag coefficient for complete a/c CL = total lift coefficient
where, CD, 0 = parasite drag coefficient at zero lift. 2 C L = drag due to lift = C . D, i
Thus, the thrust required (TR) by the a/c to fly at a given velocity in level, unaccelerated flight is
TR = W W = CL CD L D
Thrust required TR for a given a/c at a given altitude varies with velocity V and can be plotted in the thrust-required curve as shown:
Thrust-required curve
To determine a point in the above curve, the following steps can be used: 1. Choose a value of V . 2. Calculate CL . 3. Calculate CD . 4. Form the ratio CL / CD . 5. Calculate the thrust required.
From the thrust required relation and curve, minimum thrust required will be obtained when the a/c is flying at a velocity where L / D is maximum. L / D is a function of angle of attack, as shown below
For most conventional subsonic a/c, (L / D)max is reached usually on the order of 2o < < 5o . Hence, a relationship can be established between the angle of attack and the thrust required.
From the above figure, moving from right to left of the thrust-required curve, increases. An interesting relation between CD,0 and CD,i can be established from the thrust required study, where
C D , 0 = C D ,i
at minimum TR .
Example 1 (Home Assignment) Two types of a/c will be considered: a) A light single engine, propeller driven, private a/c known as the Cessna Skylane (i.e. CP-1):
Calculate the TR curves at sea level for both the CP-1 and CJ-1 a/c.
Example 2 Consider an a/c patterned after the twin-engine Beechcraft Queen Air executive transport. The airplane weight is 38220 N, wing area is 27.3 m2, aspect ratio is 7.5, Oswald efficiency factor is 0.9 and parasite drag coefficient is 0.03. Calculate the thrust required to fly at a velocity of 350 km/h at a) standard sea level, and b) an altitude of 4.5 km.
Thrust required TR is dictated by the aerodynamics and weight of the a/c. Thrust available TA is associated with the engine of the a/c: propulsive thrust provided by the a/c engine. Commonly used power plants for a/c are (a) reciprocating engine propeller and (b) turbojet engine.
The maximum velocity Vmax that an a/c can flies at a given altitude is obtained when the TR curve and the maximum TA curve intersect each others:
Power exerted on a moving object (i.e. block) at constant velocity V under the influence of constant force F as shown below
F V F d t1 t2 V
is given as
d force distance Power = = F t t = FV time 2 1
For an a/c in level, unaccelerated flight at a given altitude and with velocity V. The corresponding power required PR is therefore
At the velocity for minimum power required, the a/c is flying at the angle of attack which corresponds to a maximum CL 3/2 / CD. Similarly, at minimum power required, the following aerodynamic condition prevails:
C D , 0 = 1 C D ,i 3
Point 1 in the previous figure corresponds to minimum TR, where CD,0 = CD,i. V for minimum PR is less than V for minimum TR. The point on the PR curve that corresponds to the minimum TR is easily obtained by drawing a line through the origin and tangent to the PR curve.
Example 4 Calculate the power required curves for the a) CP-1 at sea level, and b) CJ-1 at an altitude of 6.5 km.
Power required, PR characteristic of aerodynamic design and weight of the a/c. Power available, PA characteristic of the power plant of the a/c.
Reciprocating Engine-Propeller Piston engine generates power by burning fuel in cylinders to move pistons, which in turn deliver power to the rotating crankshaft.
The power deliver via the crankshaft to the propeller is defined as the shaft brake power P. Power available PA to drive the airplane is related to the shaft brake power P via
PA = P
where, is the propeller efficiency, < 1. All piston engines are rated in terms of horsepower instead of watts (SI), hence 1 horsepower = 746 W It is also common to use shaft brake power bhp in place of P, and horsepower available hpA in place of PA.
hp A = (bhp )
The power available curve for a typical piston engine can be sketched as
Power available curve for piston engine.
Jet Engine For jet engine, the thrust is generated by combusting incoming stream of air and then exhausting this hot air at high velocities through a nozzle. The power available PA from jet engine is expressed as
The power available curve for a typical jet engine can be sketched as
The maximum flight velocity Vmax is determined by the intersection of the maximum PA and the PR curves.
Piston engine
Jet engine
Example 5 Calculate the maximum flight velocity for the CP-1 at sea level and CJ-1 at altitude of 6.5 km.
Power required curve at varying altitudes can be obtained easily via these simple ratio relations:
Valt = V0 0 alt
1/ 2
PR ,alt = PR , 0 0 alt
1/ 2
Geometrically, these equations allow us to plot a point on the PR curve at altitude from a given point on the sea level curve.
Corresponding points on sea level & altitude power required curve.
Using this method, the complete PR curve at altitude can be obtained from the sea level curve:
With regard to PA, the lower air density at altitude causes a reduction in power for both the reciprocating and jet engines. Hence, PA and TA are assumed to be proportional to ambient density: TA, alt alt PA, alt alt
TA , 0 =
, and
PA, 0
Vmax varies with altitude, i.e. decreasing. The minimum velocity of an airplane is dictated by the stall velocity Vstall or the low speed intersection between the power required & power available curves.
Hence, Vmin = Vstall , if Vstall > Vintersection. Vmin = Vintersection , if Vintersection > Vstall.
Example 6 Plot the power required curve for the CJ-1 airplane at 6.5 km. Then, using the method in this section, obtain the CJ-1 power required curve at sea level. Compare the maximum velocities at both altitudes.
Rate of Climb
When an airplane climbs, it is important to know how fast and how long does it take to reach a certain altitude? Consider an airplane in steady, unaccelerated, climbing flight as shown below:
Under this flight condition, the thrust T is not only working to overcome the drag, but also to support a component of weight.
The above equations are the equations of motion for steady, unaccelerated, climbing flight. Multiply the thrust equation by V and rearranging:
TV DV = WV sin
TV = power available DV = power required, if < 20o WV sin = excess power
The vertical velocity of the airplane is called the rate of climb R/C:
R / C = V sin = excess power TV DV = W W
The excess power is different at different values of V . There will be a point in which the excess power will be maximum and at this point, the R/C will be maximum:
( R / C ) max = (excess power) max W
The maximum R/C can be determined via graphical method by plotting R/C vs.V :
Another approach to determine the maximum R/C is the hodograph diagram, which is a plot of the a/c vertical velocity Vv vs. horizontal velocity Vh.
Determination of maximum R/C via hodograph.
horizontal tangent to the hodograph defines the point of maximum R/C. line through the origin and intersecting the hodograph defines the climb angle . tangent line to the hodograph and through the origin defines the maximum climb angle max.
Example 7 Calculate the rate of climb at sea level for (a) CP-1: At velocity 46 m/s. (b) CJ-1: At velocity 152 m/s.
Gliding Flight
Consider an a/c flying at steady, unaccelerated, descending flight with no power, i.e. gliding flight:
Example 8 The maximum lift to drag ration for CP-1 is 13.6. Calculate the minimum glide angle and the maximum range measured along the ground covered by the CP-1 in a power-off glide that starts at an altitude of 3 km.
The effects of altitude on PA and PR were discussed earlier. Similarly, altitude also has an effect on the excess power:
Effect of altitude on excess power.
When this occurs: Excess power = 0 W Max. R/C = 0 m/s The altitude at which the maximum R/C is zero is defined as the absolute ceiling. A more useful quantity is the service ceiling, defined as the altitude where the maximum R/C = 100 ft/min (30.48 m/min). Hence, the service ceiling represents the practical upper limit of steady, level flight.
The absolute and service ceilings can be determined as follows: 1. calculate values of maximum R/C for a number of different altitudes. 2. Plot altitude vs. maximum R/C. 3. Extrapolate the curve to 100 ft/min and 0 ft/min to find the service and absolute ceilings, respectively.
Example 9 Calculate the absolute and service ceilings for CP-1 & CJ1 using the steps explained beforehand.
Time to Climb
The time for an a/c to climb to a given altitude is a n important design consideration: fighter a/c: to engage the advancing enemy a/c. commercial a/c: to minimize discomfort, risks & air traffic. R/C is defined as time rate of change altitude, or
R/C = dh dt
Rearranging in terms of time differential dt and integrating from one altitude h1 to another altitude h2:
h2 h1
dh R/C
The time to climb t, is usually considered from sea level, where h1 = 0, hence:
h2 0
dh R/C
The above result shows that if curve of (R/C)-1 vs. h is plotted, the time to climb is equal to the area under the curve from h = 0 to h = h2.
Range : the total distance (measured w.r.t. the ground) traversed by the a/c on a tank of fuel. Endurance : the total time that an a/c stays in the air on a tank of fuel. The parameters that maximize range are different from those which maximize endurance. They are also different for propeller- and jet-powered a/c.
Propeller-powered airplane : One of the critical factors influencing range and endurance is the specific fuel consumption (SFC). SFC : weight of fuel consumed per unit power per unit time. Maximum endurance for a propeller-driven a/c occurs when the a/c is flying at minimum power required. Maximum range for a propeller-driven a/c occurs when the a/c is flying at minimum thrust required.
Conditions of maximum range and endurance.
Mathematical formulation: Assume: c = SFC (N/W/s) P = engine power (W) dt = small increment in time (s) Hence, cPdt = differential change in the weight due to fuel consumption over the period dt (N) cPdt = - dW If, W0 = gross weight of a/c (empty weight + full fuel + payload) W1 = weight of a/c without fuel
Integrating between time t = 0, where W = W0, and time t = E, where W = W1, yields :
E =
W1 W0
dW cP
In the above equation, E is the endurance in seconds. To obtain an analogous expression for range R, the relation for endurance is multiplied with V :
EV = R = V dW W0 cP
A simpler but approximate analytic expressions for R and E are provided by Breguet formulas : Assumptions, level unaccelerated flight PR = D V to maintain steady flight PA = PR = D V P = shaft brake power of propeller engine PA = P hence,
Substituting the above result into the relation for range yields :
R =
L dW
c D W
Assuming that , L / D and c are constant throughout the flight. The above relation can be integrated to yield
c CD
W0 W1
Similar formula can be obtained for endurance by applying the same approximations used to get the range relation. Hence,
E =
L dW
c DV W
Since L = W =
1 2
V2 SC L , then V = 2W / SC L
E =
c CD
2 W 3/ 2
Similarly, assuming that CL, CD, , c, and are all constant. Integrating the above equation yields :
3 CL / 2
c CD
From the Breguet relations, it is observed that endurance depends on altitude, whereas range is independent of altitude.
Example 10 Estimate the maximum range and maximum endurance for the CP-1. Given, (CL / CD)max = 13.62, (CL 3/2 / CD)max = 12.81, weight of aviation gasoline = 25.1 N/gallon, specific fuel consumption = 0.00268 N/W/hr, and fuel tank capacity = 65 gallons.
Jet-powered airplane : For jet a/c, the specific fuel consumption (SFC) is defined as the weight of fuel consumed per unit thrust per unit time. It differs from the propeller a/c where thrust is used for the jet a/c instead of brake power. The maximum endurance for jet a/c occurs when the a/c is flying at minimum thrust required. The maximum range for jet a/c occurs when the a/c is flying at a velocity such that CL / CD is maximum.
Points of maximum range and endurance.
Mathematical formulations : Assumptions, ct = thrust specific fuel consumption (N / N /s) dt = small increment in time (s) TA = thrust available of a/c (N) Hence, ct TA dt = elemental change in weight of the a/c due to fuel consumption ct TA dt = - dW If, W0 = gross weight of a/c (full fuel + payload) W1 = weight of a/c without fuel
Applying the approximate relations under Breguet : level unaccelerated flight TR = D L =W to maintain steady flight TA = TR = D
E = 1 L dW W0 c D W t
The corresponding relation for range can be obtained by multiplying the endurance relation with velocity :
R = V E = V dW W0 c T t A
Example 11 Calculate the maximum range and endurance for the CJ-1 with the following information : fuel tank capacity = 1119 gallons of kerosene weight of aviation kerosene = 29.7 N/gallon, thrust specific fuel consumption = 0.6 N of fuel/(N of fuel)/hr, and cruising altitude = 7000 m. (CL / CD)max = 16.9 (CL 1/2 / CD)max = 23.4
Various aspects of the performance of a/c depend on the aerodynamic ratios (CL / CD), (CL / CD), and (CL 3/2 / CD). Where, - for C L , C D ,0 = C D ,i
C D max
1 C L/ 2 - for , C D ,0 = 3C D ,i CD max 3 CL / 2 C D , 0 = 1 C D ,i 3 - for , CD max
The maximum value for the various aerodynamics ratios can be calculated as follows : - CL
C D max
(C = ( =
- C C D max
1/ 2 L
1 3
- C
3/ 2 L
CD max
(3C =
eAR )3 / 4 D,0
4C D , 0
Calculate the aerodynamics ratio for the following airplanes: - For CP-1:
CL C D max
3 CL / 2 CD max
- For CJ-1:
CL C D max
1 C L/ 2 CD max
Takeoff Performance
Past discussions of a/c performance assumed that acceleration is zero. For the remainder of this chapter, several aspects of a/c performance that involve finite acceleration, i.e. takeoff, landing, and turning are considered. An important parameter related to takeoff flight is the running length along the ground by a/c to lift from ground. This length is defined as the ground roll or lift-off distance, SLO. Consider the following body :
Vm F
This equation gives the distance required for a body of mass m to accelerate to velocity V under the action of a constant force F. For an a/c during its ground roll, the F.B.D. is given as
From the above relation: W is constant T is reasonably constant (for jet engine) r is coefficient of rolling friction, from 0.02 to 0.1 L & D varies with velocity:
L = 1 V2 SC L 2
2 CL D = 1 V2 S C D , 0 + 2 eAR
where, accounts for the reduced drag in the presence of ground effect.
(16h / b )2 = 2 1 + (16h / b )
where, h = height of wing above ground, and b = wingspan. Hence, the variation of these forces with distance along the ground during takeoff can be sketched as follows:
A simple but approximate expression for the lift-off distance SLO can be obtained as follows: assume T is constant assume average value for drag & resistance force summation: [D + r (W L)]ave Due to these assumptions:
F = T [D + r (W L)]ave = const
This result is fairly reasonable as shown by the difference between the thrust curve and the dashed line in the Force vs. SLO figure. Using the above result, the lift-off distance SLO can be determined from this relation:
V 2m s= 2F
Which yields,
s LO =
2 {T [D + r (W L )]ave }
(V )(W / g )
2 LO
Shevell suggests that the lift L and drag D forces appearing in the SLO relation is to be calculated at a velocity
V = 0.7VLO
Further simplification: Assume T >> D and T >> R during takeoff Ignore D and R in the SLO relation Hence,
s LO 1.44W 2 = g SC L ,maxT
3. Increase wing area S, CL, max, or T then SLO will decrease and vice-versa. The total takeoff distance as defined by FAR is the sum of SLO and the distance (along the ground) to clear a 35 ft (civilian jet transports a/c) or 50 ft (other a/c) height obstacle.
Example 12 Estimate the lift-off distance for the CJ-1 at sea level. Assume paved runway (r = 0.02). Also, during the ground roll, the angle of attack of the airplane is restricted by the requirement that the tail not drag the ground, and therefore assume that CL,max during ground roll is limited to 1.0. Also, when the airplane is on the ground, the wings are 1.83 m above the ground.
Landing Performance
When an a/c is landing and has touched the ground, the F.B.D. during the ground roll is exactly the same as takeoff. However, to minimize the distance required to come to a complete stop. T is assumed to be zero, i.e. T = 0. The resulting equation of motion is
F = D r (W L ) = m dV dt
where, SL = ground roll distance between touchdown at velocity VT & complete stop From Newtons 2nd law of motion, the ground roll distance for landing is given by
V 2m SL = 2F
To develop an approximate expression for SL, the following assumptions are made: V = VT F = constant deceleration force given by the a/cs equation of motion
F = [D + r (W L )]ave
Lift L and drag D are evaluated at V = 0.7 VT m =W / g Upon substitution of the above assumptions, SL becomes
VT2 (W / g ) SL = 2[D + r (W L )]ave
1.69W 2 SL = g SC L ,max [D + r (W L )]ave
During landing, brakes are applied which leads rolling friction coefficient r = 0.4 for paved surface. For modern jet transports, thrust reversal TRV is utilized during landing. Hence, SL is modified according to
1.69W 2 SL = g SC L ,max { RV + [D + r (W L )]ave } T
Another method to decrease SL is to destroy the lift generated by the wing via spoilers. The total landing distance as defined by FAR is equal to the sum of the ground roll distance SL plus the distance to achieve touchdown in a glide condition from a 50 ft height.
Example 13 Estimate the landing ground roll distance at sea level for the CJ-1. No thrust reversal is used; however, spoilers are employed such that L = 0. The spoilers increase the parasite drag coefficient by 10%. The fuel tanks are essentially empty, so neglect the weight of fuel carried by the a/c. The maximum lift coefficient, with flaps fully employed at touchdown is 2.5.
So far, a/c performance considerations are limited to rectilinear (translational) motion only. Flight cases which involve curved (curvilinear) flight path are i) level turn ii) pull up iii) pull down
The wings are banked through angle , causing the lift to incline at angle to vertical.
From the force diagram: L cos = W Resultant force, Fr = (L2 - W2)1/2 The resultant force is perpendicular to the flight path and cause the a/c to turn in a circular path with a radius R. Introducing a new term, i.e. load factor n:
n= L W
Load factor is usually quoted in terms of g. Rewriting the resultant force Fr, yields
Fr = W n 2 1
The radial acceleration for the a/c moving at V is From Newtons 2nd law:
V2 R
V2 W V2 = Fr = m R g R
The angular velocity or the turn rate of the a/c is given as 2 For the maneuvering performance of a/c, it is desirable to have the smallest R and the largest as possible.
d V g n 1 = = = dt R V
The flight path is curved in the vertical plane, with a turn rate = d / dt. From the force diagram, the resultant force Fr is
Fr = L W = W (n 1)
Similarly, the flight path is curved in the vertical plane, with a turn rate = d / dt. Using similar analysis as pull up maneuver, the following results are obtained:
V2 R= g (n + 1)
d V g (n + 1) = = dt R V
V-n Diagram High performance fighter a/c is designed to operate at high load factors, typically from 3 to 10. Reason lower R and higher . If n is large, then n+1 n and n-1 n, hence
V2 R= gn
gn V
CL n 2 W and = g CL g S 2(W / S )
where the factor W / S is known as wing loading. The above results show the following conditions for getting smaller turn radii and larger turn rate: small wing loading CL = CL,max n = nmax At low speeds, nmax is a function of CL,max because
nmax = V
1 2 2
(W / S )
C L ,max
At high speeds, nmax is limited by the structural design of the a/c, i.e.V-n diagram.
point 1: CL < CL,max, hence n < nmax point 2: CL = CL,max, hence, n = nmax point 3: unattainable because of stall V* = corner velocity
For V < V*: nmax is limited by the CL,max for V > V*: nmax is limited by structural limit, i.e. positive & negative load factor of a/c. CD: high speed limit point B: known as maneuver point where both CL & n are at maximum value for a given a/c. The corner velocity is given by
V* = 2nmax W C L ,max S