Be Not: The Road To Lesser Pounds and Greater Health
Be Not: The Road To Lesser Pounds and Greater Health
Be Not: The Road To Lesser Pounds and Greater Health
All rights reserved.
Chapter One............................................................................................... page 4
Exercises.................................................................................................. page 33
Conclusion............................................................................................... page 39
Be Fit Not Fat
The road to lesser pounds and greater health.
You begin a new book. You wonder if it will meet with your approval. "Is it
honest, understandable and will it help me?" I think you will find it so.
Before proceeding another page, let us settle these things now. In a day of hectic
living when speed seems paramount, is it any wonder that even such
fundamental things as one's weight and shape and silhouette must be made over
immediately? "Make it short and snappy and do not deprive me of anything" is
the demand of women today seeking more slender figures. The demand has been
answered—and how—with shortcuts that do not always lead to happiness. You
are correct in questioning each new method.
This sane and sensible method of gradual reduction will not impair the health or
vitality nor is there any danger of malnutrition or weakness. In fact it will build
efficiency and strength with the added attributes of a better figure.
If you will follow the simple rules governing balanced diets as they appear in the
later chapters, no vital food elements will be omitted.
Therein lies the difference between correct and hazardous reducing methods. So
have no fears.
The fear of ridicule is after all simply a form of inferiority complex. Be yourself
and after two weeks most of the ridicule will have turned to admiration, possibly
envy on the part of some of your friends. You need not broadcast your new
resolve. There are no freak diets or exercises herein. Perhaps the family and
others will not even suspect your foods are different.
Now we come to willpower. Is it, like your bone? Cushioned in fat? Then pledge
yourself now to give it strength. If you make up your mind to be toneless, drab,
fat and friendless, this little book can't help you. But if you want to be different,
alive and vibrant, then carry on.
Willpower like muscle improves with exercise. A little determination and
imagination and will-to-do displayed each day will soon bring you most
gratifying results. Don't, for goodness sake, weaken before you start.
You are off on the road to health and happiness. Your will-power is in high
(mechanically speaking) and you want speed. But the speed must be slow at
first. The basic rule of reducing that must be obeyed and constantly kept in mind
is that the pounds must not melt away too quickly. For as we reduce, we must
always build muscular tissue to replace the fat that is lost.
To do this, it is necessary to exercise as well as diet. Of what use is decreased
weight without increased efficiency? But more of this later.
Sufficient to say that exercise and selective eating should go hand in hand. As
you begin with the diets, turn to the general exercises on the “EXERCISES”
part and adhere to them faithfully.
Now, we're going to discuss diets. But they are not the devils we imagine. They
are only food combinations and most of them are foods we like.
The difficulty is that there are so many foods. With such a variety from which to
choose, we can easily partake too generously of certain foods which especially
oppose any desire we may have to avoid an extra pound or two.
Such foods are known as fuel foods. Science informs us that there really are only
two kinds of food, or rather that all foods fall into two general classes. These are
commonly termed vital foods and fuel foods.
Vital foods are the Life foods. Day in and day out, the various tissues and other
parts of the human body are constantly wearing out.
Vital foods are the ones that renew these elements, build strength and protect
Fuel foods are more difficult to explain in simple terms. One might liken them
to the fires within an incinerator wherein the wastes of the human system are
salvaged or destroyed.
The fuel foods include the fat foods. Fuel foods also build energy, but the
moment we increase our consumption of such foods beyond the natural
requirements of body and mode of living, they are transformed into body fat.
Thus the problem of reducing and diet resolves into a question of the proper
proportion of vital and fuel foods. Being fat, we may be reasonably certain that
our fuel foods must be reduced and our vitality foods increased.
To be perfectly correct, fuel foods and vital foods are combined in varying
proportions in practically all foods that we eat. A lump of butter is a perfect
example of a fuel food. Likewise a head of lettuce is a pure vital food,
containing no fuel food elements. A slice of roast beef or a glass of milk
contains almost an equal proportion of fuel food and vital food values.
We might proceed now with a lengthy discourse on the other elements found in
foods and that are so essential to the human body such as carbohydrates, (sugars
and starches) mineral salts, vitamins and proteins. However, in the balanced
food combinations which will be explained later, these important factors are
given full consideration.
The one important thing which confronts every woman desiring to decrease her
weight or to maintain her present weight is this relation of food to pounds. The
natural assumption is that you are physically well. If not, there may be reasons
for obesity quite apart from selection of foods. You realize then the need of a
physician. But the average woman can control her weight.
This is done by knowing that food has heat properties much the same as coal
and wood and which is released as the food is eaten, digested and distributed to
all parts of the body. These heat properties vary in all foods and the higher the
heat content, the higher that particular food is classed in fuel food or energy
producing values.
Well, now that we know that food has heat and the more heat a food has, the
more energy it will produce, it is reasonable to expect that some means should
be used to determine how much heat a food has. That is what calories are for.
A calorie is a unit of heat measurement of food.
Fattening foods are foods high in caloric value. They are pound-producing foods
only when we are unable to utilize them fully as energy.
The natural conclusion then is that if we know and watch our calories, we have
learned to control our weight.
Before we talk any more of calories, we will begin our first lesson.
Now get down to brass tacks. Forget your timidity and plunge in. You are going
to appreciate the results. A liquid diet may be a new experience to you, but
nevertheless, you must include it as your initial step toward skinniness.
Liquid diets have been subject to more discussion, pro and con, than any other
phase of reducing. Enthusiasts will swear it is the only method whereby they can
lose pounds and the skeptics contend such a diet is harmful and that the body
will be deprived of nutrition that it needs.
Neither is correct. A liquid diet is only one step towards successful and lasting
weight reduction. And you are not going to starve your body. The liquids will
supply all needed nourishment except fats. Being over-weight, you have built up
a reserve of fat far in excess of your normal requirements. This, you can draw
upon safely for energy during the liquid and reducing menu period.
This sad but true that in adding pounds, we almost invariably over-eat. We
unconsciously increase our food content with the result that our stomachs
receive a share of the abuse. This usually results in an enlarged stomach
Therefore the first thing to be done is to shrink the stomach to a normal food
intake capacity by means of a liquid diet. Do not complain if you should feel
starved for the first day.
Let your stomach grumble. It has been pampered so long with foods both rich
and filling that it feels sadly neglected.
Immediately upon arising each morning,
drink the juice of lemon in a cup of water.
1 cup of milk.
1 grapefruit.
1 slice whole wheat toast, dry.
(After first morning, omit toast.)
10 AM, 12 Noon, 3 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM.
1 cup of the following liquids
1. Tomato Juice.
2. Clam Juice.
3. Sweet Skimmed Milk.
4. Buttermilk.
5. Beef or Vegetable Bouillon (clear).
6. Prune or Apricot Juice.
7. Potassium Broth.
1 bunch of celery.
1 small bunch of parsley.
7 carrots.
10 spinach leaves.
1 large onion.
1 leek.
2 quarts of water.
Dice vegetables and cook slowly 20 to 30 minutes. Strain and drink, hot or
Three days on this liquid diet should reduce your weight 1 to 5 pounds. Five
days of this liquid diet should reduce your weight 4 to 10 pounds. Never extend
this liquid diet beyond five days regardless of how much you desire to lose in
Note: You may vary these liquids daily or in any manner you desire.
THE liquid diet is over and we begin the second part of the reducing program.
But don't you dare back-slide now. For if you do and the scales tell you that your
pounds are soaring in a new "bull market," back you go to another 5 days of
juice and more juice as a penance for your sins.
Of course, if you find that the liquid diet has reduced your weight sufficiently,
you may skip this section. However, the majority of the class will continue by
adhering closely to the 9 day diets which follow.
Naturally the question comes to mind, "How much should I weigh?" We all
differ in general build, but a fairly good rule to follow in determining weight is
as follows:
These estimates are for a person, 5 ft. 4 inches in height and will figure slightly
more or less according to whether you are taller or shorter than this standard.
These 9 day diets have been carefully prepared to insure a further reduction of
your weight. They contain selections of foods correctly balanced for proper
nourishment and health.
Again you must be cautioned against losing weight too rapidly. If you find such
to be the case at the end of the liquid diet or during the 9 day reducing diet, add
to your daily menus, 1200 more calories per day selected from the foods and
liquids listed in the food tables.
At the same time remember your exercises. On the other hand, if you don't lose
any weight in the next 9 days, you are committing the dietetic sins of larger
helpings than average, adding "taboo" foods or cheating between meals.
Nine Day Reducing Menus
Each morning on arising, drink 2 glasses of cold water or 1 cup of hot water
flavored with lemon.
First Day
1/2 Grapefruit.
1 cup of hot milk flavored with coffee.
1 Poached egg on whole wheat toast.
1 Pat of butter.
Green salad, french reducing salad dressing. (*See page 15 for Salad Dressing recipes.)
1 Glass of milk.
Tomato bouillon.
1 Medium baked potato, preferably with jacket.
2 Slices of crisp bacon.
1 Serving of spinach or cauliflower.
6 Sprigs of celery.
Snow pudding (gelatine).
1 Cup coffee or tea. (if you want)
A glass of milk and an egg each day insures against possible protein deficiency.
Second Day
Sliced oranges.
Small dish of flaked cereal with milk.
1 Bran muffin (no butter),
Vegetable plate (4 vegetables).
Lettuce and cottage cheese salad.
Stewed apricots or pears.
1 Glass of milk.
Omelet of 2 eggs.
Asparagus and beets (served hot with butter).
Lettuce and tomato salad (generous portion).
1 Cup of raspberry junket.
1 Cup tea.
A tablespoon of bran or agar-agar should be eaten with the morning and evening
meals if there is any tendency toward sluggishness of colon.
Third Day
4 Prunes with 4 tablespoons of juice (cooked without sugar).
1 Soft boiled egg.
1 Slice whole wheat toast.
Large plate of cooked sour kraut with baked apple.
1 Whole wheat roll toasted crisp.
1 Pat butter.
Orange and pineapple gelatine.
1 Glass of milk.
Vegetable soup.
2 Baking powder biscuits.
1 Slice of lamb.
Peas and parsnips (cooked without butter).
Cabbage salad.
1 Baked apple.
1 Cup tea.
Eat slowly, masticate all food thoroughly. Do not allow disturbing thoughts or
people to affect you when eating. It retards digestion.
Fourth Day
1/2 Grapefruit.
Toasted shredded wheat biscuit with milk and a little honey.
Cream of spinach soup (made with skimmed milk).
Baked squash.
2 Slices crisp bacon.
1 Slice whole wheat bread (dry).
3 Figs, 4 dates and 3 walnut meats.
1 Glass milk.
Fruit Cocktail.
Macaroni and cheese.
6 Celery stalks.
Lettuce salad (French Reducing Dressing).
Fresh Fruit.
If the quantity of food suggested is more than your appetite demands, eliminate
the noon meal or any one food. Or reduce the quantities to half portions.
Fifth Day
1 Bran muffin. 1 glass of water.
Vegetable soup. 1 Raw apple or pear.
1 Large portion Combination Salad (5 raw vegetables with French reducing
dressing) .
1 Whole wheat roll. 1 Pat of butter.
The above menu is suggested for the fifth day providing you have eaten more
than average portions of the preceding menus. Otherwise, the next menu will be
in order.
1 Dish of apple sauce. 1 glass of water.
1 Bran muffin.
Vegetable soup. Cottage cheese.
Plain omelet with jelly.
Fruit cocktail.
Roast beef or lamb (2 slices).
String beans, carrot souffle.
Combination lettuce, green pepper and cabbage salad with French reducing
Gelatine dessert.
1 glass of milk.
If you are not especially hungry, try a baked potato, opened, buttered slightly
and into which drop 1 poached egg. With a glass of milk, this combination
makes a well balanced occasional meal.
Sixth Day
1 Glass of orange juice.
1 Dish of corn flakes with milk.
2 Ry-Krisp wafers.
Liver and bacon (2 pcs. of each).
Tomato and lettuce salad.
1 Glass of milk or tea.
1 Glass of tomato juice.
Vegetable plate (4 vegetables).
Lettuce Salad with 1000 Island reducing dressing.
Ginger bread (1 square).
Apple sauce.
Seventh Day
1 Glass grapefruit juice.
1 Bran muffin.
1 glass of hot milk.
Cream of asparagus soup or Oyster stew, made with milk.
Cottage cheese.
1 Whole wheat roll.
Small serving of jelly.
Broiled chicken (white meat, 2 slices).
Egg noodles.
Tomato aspic salad with mayonnaise reducing dressing.
5 Celery stalks and 4 ripe olives.
Fresh fruit.
1 glass of milk.
Don't envy a slender woman. Stick to these menus and be one.
Eighth Day
1/2 Grapefruit.
1 Poached egg.
1 Slice of gluten toast or muffin.
1 Glass milk.
Pea or bean soup.
1 Bran muffin (toasted dry).
1 Cup custard.
1 Slice roast beef.
1 Small baked potato.
Brussel sprouts or cauliflower.
Gelatine dessert, with fruit. No cream.
Simplicity should be adopted in diet as in all other things in life. Rich foods are
tempting but really never satisfy our bodies and the results are ill health, ill
nature or ill habits.
Ninth Day
1/2 Grapefruit.
1 Egg.
1 Slice dry toast.
Baked squash (all you desire).
1 Pat of butter.
1 Glass of milk. Sweet or buttermilk.
1 Slice broiled ham.
2 Pineapple rings.
Cabbage salad.
Celery or radishes.
Tapioca pudding.
Every food has a definite place in the menu. An omission or wrong choice, and
the body pays the penalty.
Beat yolks of eggs thoroughly and add mineral oil slowly drop by drop.
Then add salt and vinegar or lemon to taste.
Keep in a cool place.
To make 1000 Island Dressing, add to mayonnaise dressing, 1/2 cup chopped
pickles, 2 tablespoons chili sauce, dash of paprika or tobasco sauce.
Keep your head cool by temperance.
Your feet warm by exercise.
If you are inclined to obesity, keep your eyes open,
Your mouth shut And your will-power under control.
The liquid and reducing diets have been completed. And the time has come for
self examination. Your weight has been decreased.
Is it not enough, just enough, or too much?
If not enough, do not become discouraged. Pounds lost gradually is the healthy
way to reduce. All you need to do is to plan your meals carefully over an
extended period of time, referring to the calorie tables and choosing such foods
as will not total too high in caloric value.
Do not allow your weight to decrease more than two pounds per week. If the
pounds still refuse to budge, go back to a one day liquid diet and repeat the 10
day reducing diets. This you can safely repeat for 30 and 40 days, if necessary.
If you have lost more pounds than you feel is desirable, add more calories to
your menus. Either in more food or select such foods as are high in caloric
value. If you find your weight exactly to your liking, watch your maintenance
diets very closely so that each day's or week's calorie consumption is fairly
The secret can now be told since, from now on, you must reduce on your own
initiative and knowledge with the assistance of the tables that have been
prepared. You have lost pounds not by starving yourself or your body of any
nutritive food but through indulging in foods of lower caloric value than has
been your custom.
The ten day diets have not contained more than 1200 to 1400 calories per day.
You are ready to prepare your own diets. And three things will be necessary to
1. Balanced meals.
2. Caloric value of foods.
3. Exercise.
These are proteins for building and repair, fats and carbohydrates for energy and
heat, mineral salts for bone structures and teeth and vitamins for sustaining the
many and diverse needs and functions of the body as outlined in any treatise on
these new and most interesting discoveries of biologic science.
Reams might be written on correct food combinations, showing how each of the
above substances play their part in building up and protecting health. But I
wonder if it is necessary. Such things have possibly not bothered you to any
great extent in the past. Most of us know that we must eat a variety of foods in
so-called "mixed diets" in order to remain well. Your problem is pounds, only.
So do not change your food selections now.
The thing I wish to impress upon you is that you must not arbitrarily choose
foods of one class simply because they contain a minimum of calories and
refrain from partaking of others because they contain more calories. That is not
right. Balance your meals just as you have done in the past with your meats,
salads, vegetables and fruits.
Simply choose such of each food as in a total with average less calories than has
been your custom before reading this book.
Reference has been made before to the fact that food not expended in energy is
stored up as fat. The foods highest in calorie or energy value are the
carbohydrates (sugars and starches). If we are careful with our pastries and
sugars, our desserts, rich sauces and dressings in addition to things any woman
knows contain fats, our intake of other vital foods like proteins and bulky foods
as fruits and vegetables may be increased, thus supplying all the food you need
and desire.
For your guidance, proteins occur abundantly in meat, eggs, milk, cheese and
nuts, to a lesser degree in most other foods. Carbohydrates are sugars of all
kinds and starches of all kinds. Examples of foods high in carbohydrates are
concentrated sugars, syrups, baked beans, potatoes, bananas, macaroni and
cereals. Fats are both animal and vegetable and are found in butter, bacon,
chocolate, cream, fat meat, oils and nuts. Mineral salts include iron, calcium,
etc. There are a number of minerals that are absorbed by the body from the
foods we eat. If our selection of foods is not limited, we receive our needed
supply of mineral salts. As far as reducing is concerned, minerals are not of such
vast importance.
Maintenance diets are correctly named. Maintenance diets are those which meet
the individual's exact requirements and which cause neither loss nor gain when
once the ideal weight is reached.
Many women will make a great effort to reduce but find disappointment in the
fact that they soon begin adding pounds again. This is due to the fact that they
have not understood how to plan and use maintenance diets.
Maintenance diets are normal meals including all sorts and kinds of foods with
this one exception. You must learn the average number of calories that you
require daily to maintain your weight at a certain given figure.
An absolute rule as to the number of calories you should acquire through your
daily meals is impossible to make. There are too many varied factors that must
be considered. Your size and height, your mental and physical activities, your
mode of living and your age are enough to mention to prove this point.
Thus it resolves itself into a personal problem, to be solved by experiment. One
helpful hint or suggestion can be made which should help you, It is generally
agreed among students of dietetics that for each pound of bodily weight one
should have 15 to 20 calories per day. In other words, if you weigh 130 pounds,
your calorie intake per day should be somewhere between 2000 to 2600 calories.
Now sit down and see how many calories you think is correct for you. Then
make up your meals accordingly from the calorie and food tables. If you lose,
add more calories. If you gain, cut down on calories. If you stay just right, then
stay with your calories as you have them.
Use common sense at all times. Don't diet strenuously or exercise vigorously.
But don't loaf, either. Strike a happy medium and use your head.
There is not much more to be said. An effort has been made to include in the
calorie tables all the foods that the average person commonly eats. Some one
might say that there are no forbidden foods and therefore are disappointed.
There are none. Look at the calorie values and let your figure be your guide. It
will tell you, better than this book can, what you should do.
The complaint most women make regarding diets and calorie tables is that there
is so much difficulty in figuring them out for their individual needs. Various
methods have been used as, for instance, showing 100 calorie portions.
Other tables show weights in ounces and grams. An effort has been made in this
book to supply you with the calorie value of average portions and, where
necessary, using cup and spoon measurements. In all instances, simplicity has
been the watchword.
Foods and varieties of dishes have been included in these tables which perhaps
have never appeared before in calorie tables. All foods are presented in the
calorie values which they possess when ready to serve.
Calorie tables are never absolute. Only when foods are taken in their natural
state and absolute weight and measurement strictly adhered to is there any
agreement among dieticians.
When one stops to consider the many ways in which any one simple food may
be prepared, as for instance bread made with water or bread made with milk, it
is easy to see how calorie values vary with the ingredients. Therefore, the values
shown in the following tables can only be approximate. But they will guide you
in the making up of menus and the variance in calories will not be sufficient to
alter the results.
It will be very simple for you to prepare your maintenance diets from these
Three examples of daily menus are given selected from the food tables to guide
you. An active woman will find that her daily food requirements will average
somewhere between 2200 and 2600 calories. A less active individual will need
somewhere between 1800 and 2300 calories. A woman of very restricted
opportunities for physical activities will find that she can maintain a normal
weight on as little as 1400 to 1800 calories.
MENU No. 1
1/2 Grapefruit................100 c.
Omelet (1 egg)..............100
Bran muffin................. 50
Butter—1 pat..............100
Creamed dried beef on toast.... 225
Fruit salad, French dressing.... 185
1 French roll................100
Butter—1 pat...............100
Fresh fruit..................100 810 c.
Cream of tomato soup........150
Lamb—2 med. slices..........150
Small baked potato...........100
1 Pat of butter……............100
3 Olives—3 sprigs of celery.... 60
Baked apple................100
1 Glass of milk..............150 810 c.
MENU No. 2
1/2 Canteloupe............... 50 c.
1 Cup corn flakes with sugar and milk ...................150
1 Piece. whole wheat toast.......100
1 Tsp. marmalade...........100
Egg and tomato salad with boiled dressing..........135
Bran muffin................ 50
1 Pat of butter…...........100
1 Dish stewed fruit........... 100
Tea—clear with sugar........ 35 420 c.
Liver and bacon, 2 pcs. each. . . .250
1/2 Cup of noodles............ 60
Lettuce and tomato salad with French dressing..........110
1 Caramel custard............150
1 Glass of milk...............150 720c.
Low Calorie Value
Apples—raw ........1 medium 50 c.
baked ...........1 100
sauce............4 tblsp. 100
Apricots—fresh......3 60
canned ..........5 with juice 100
stewed ..........9 with juice 100
Bananas ............1 medium 100
Blackberries ........1 cup 90
Blueberries..........1 cup 110
canned..........1/2 cup 100
Cantaloupe..........1 medium 100
Citron—dried.......1 medium piece 100
Crab Apples—spiced.. 1 50
Cranberries—cooked 1/2 cup 100
Cherries............1 cup 100
canned.......... 1/2 cup 100
Currants—cooked ....5/2 cup 100
Gooseberries—cooked . 1/2 cup 100
Grapefruit.......... 1/2 large 100
Loganberries........ 1 cup 90
canned .......... 1/2 cup 100
Lemon .............1 av. size 33
Loquats ............2 33
Honey Dew.......1/6 50
Persian.........1/6 50
Orange.............1 av. size 75
Peach..............1 40
canned..........2 halves w. juice 100
spiced...........1 150
Pear ...............1 50
canned..........2 halves w. juice 100
spiced...........1 150
Pineapple—fresh.....1 slice 50
canned ..........1 slice with juice 100
Pomegranate ........1 50
Raspberries .........1 cup 100
canned ..........1/2 cup 100
Strawberries.........1 cup 66
Tangerines..........1 50
Watermelon .........1 large slice 15
Low Calorie Value
Bran Flakes..........1 cup 100 c.
Corn Flakes.......... 1 cup 100
Puffed Rice..........1 cup 50
Puffed Wheat........ 1 cup 50
Rice—cooked........ 1 cup 120
Triscuit............ 1 cup 30
Low Calorie Value
Biscuit—plain.......1 100 c.
Bran Muffins.........1 50
French Hard Roll.....1 100
Graham Bread.......1 med. slice 100
Gluten Bread........1 med. slice 30
Melba Toast.........1 thin slice 25
Parker House Roll......1 100
Rusk...............1 50
Ry-Krisp............3 squares 50
Rye Bread...........1 med. slice 75
Swedish Health Br.....1 square 35
White Bread.........1 med. slice 100
Whole Wheat Br......1 med. slice 85
Zwieback...........1 piece 50
Baking Powder Bisc.., . 1 large 100
Blueberry Muffins ....1 110
Boston Br, Bread.....1 med. slice 100
Cinnamon Roll.......1 120
French Toast.......1 slice 130
Ginger Bread........1 slice 150
Raisin Bread........ 1 slice 110
Scones..............1 130
Sweet Rolls..........1 120
Pop-Overs...........1 80
Graham ..........1 50 c.
Oatmeal..........1 25
Oyster............6 25
Saltine ...........1 double 50
Soda.............1 25
Pancake—French .... 1 average size 200
Waffles.............1 regular 400
Brie..............1 cube 100
Camembert .......1 tblsp. 200
Cream............1 tblsp. 100
Cottage...........1 tblsp. 50
Edam ............1 scoop 150
Liederkranz.......1 tblsp. 200
Limburger.........1 cube 150
Neufchatel........1 tblsp. 50
Roquefort.........1 cube 200
Swiss................1 cube 100
Swiss Petite Gruyer. 1 section 150
Low Calorie Value
Artichoke...........1 50 c.
Asparagus—fresh .... 8 stalks 50
canned ...........6 stalks 50
(Hollandaise Sauce).! tblsp. 60
Beans—String.......1 cup 25
Wax .............1 cup 25
Beets—buttered....... 1/2 cup 50
Pickled...........6 slices 25
Broccoli ............Av. portion 25
Brussel Sprouts.......6 25
Cabbage............1 cup 35
cooked ...........1 cup 25
fr. grated..........1 cup 20
raw..............4 medium 30
Cauliflower—plain ... 1 cup 50
Celery............. . 4 large pcs. 20
Cucumbers..........12 slices 10
Egg Plant—fried.....1 slice 50
Endive .............5 pcs. 35
Kohlrabi ...........1 cup 50
Leek...............1 10
Lettuce............. 1 head 15
Mushrooms.........1 cup 25
Okra...............7 pods 25
Onions—green ......1 small bunch 25 c.
Spanish ...........1 medium 50
stewed..............1/2 cup 50
1 bunch Parsley............. 25
Pumpkin ...........1 cup 50
Radishes............1 bunch 25
Rutabagas ......... 1/2 cup 50
Sauerkraut..........1 cup 40
Spinach—plain ...... 1 cup 30
creamed .......... 1/2 cup 65
Sweet Pepper—green.. 1 25
Swiss Chard..........1 cup 20
Tomato—raw .......1 25
canned........... 1 cup 50
stewed............... 1/2 cup 65
Turnips—mashed ...... 1/2 cup 50
Watercress ..........1 bunch 25
Succotash............. 1/2 cup 150
Tomato and Lettuce. .Av. Helping 35 c.
Tomato—stuffed cottage cheese......Av. Helping 75
crab..............Av. Helping 105
shrimp ...........Av. Helping 85
lobster............Av. Helping 90
Waldorf........... .Av. Helping 100
Avocado Pear......Av. Helping 110
Chicken ..........Av. Helping 130
Boiled..............1 tblsp. 50 c.
Cream..............1 tblsp. 50
French .............1 tblsp. 75
Mayonnaise .........1 tblsp. 100
Thousand Island.....1 tblsp. 175
Roquefort ..........1 tblsp. 250
French Reducing Dr... 1 tblsp. 25
Chicken a la King.....4 tblsp. 300 c.
Creamed Asparagus. . .4 tblsp. 100
Codfish___.......4 tblsp. 200
Crab Meat.........4 tblsp. 150
Dried Beef.........4 tblsp. 125
Mushrooms ...... .4 tblsp. 125
Oysters...........4 tblsp. 150
Salmon...........4 tblsp. 200
Shrimps ..........4 tblsp. 100
Sweetbreads.......4 tblsp. 150
Lobster a la Newburg.4 tblsp. 300
Welsh Rarebit........4 tblsp. 400
(Pastry Shell, med, size, add...............150 c.)
(Toast, add.............................100 c.)
Oyster.............. cocktail 100
Shrimp............. sauce 100
Fruit............... ½ cup 80
6 Blue Points on half shell with sauce......75
6 Cherrystone clams, half shell with sauce... 75
Sand Dabs...........2 50 c.
Scallops ............6 100
Smelts..............2 50
Sole................1 av. portion 100
Trout—Brook.......2 75
CAKE (with Icing)
Angel Food..........Regular slice 150 c.
Caramel............Regular slice 275
Chocolate...........Regular slice 200
Cocoanut...........Regular slice 250
Devils Food..........Regular slice 250
Fruit....................Regular slice 350
Pound.................Regular slice 175
Nut..................Regular slice 250
Sponge.............Regular slice 100
Sunshine............Regular slice 100
Washington Cream ... Regular slice 200
Fruit Gelatine........1/2 cup 60 c.
Jello—all flavors......1 cup 75
Junket ............. 1/2 cup 100
Plum without sauce... 1/2 cup 350
Prune Whip......... 1/2 cup 125
Rice ___...........1/2 cup 200
Tapioca ............ 1/2 cup 200
Raspberry Ice........1 100
Plain Vanilla.........Av. portion 100 c.
New York...........Av. portion 125
Chocolate........... Av. portion 200
Strawberry ,.........Av. portion 150
Almonds—plain .....10-12 100 c.
salted ............8 100
Brazil ..............2 100
Cashew.............7-10 100
Chestnuts...........7 100
Cocoanut—shredded . , 3 tblsp. 100
Filbert .............8-10 100
Hazel ..............10-12 100
Hickory ............12-14 100
Peanuts.............1042 double 100
Peanut butter........1 tsp. 50
Pecans..............12 meats 100
Pistachio............12 meats 100
Pine ...............1244 100
Walnuts............1042 100
Apple Butter........1 tsp. 75 c.
Jams...............1 tsp. 100
Jellies..............1 tsp. 100
Marmalades.........1 tsp. scant 100
Preserves ...........1 tsp. 200
BonBons............1 100 c.
Candied Cherries.....5 50
Candied Fruits.......1 50
Caramels—plain.....1 70
Caramels—Chocolate .1 100
Chocolate bar, plain... 5c size 200
Chocolate bar, nut... .5c size 250
Chocolate Creams .... 1 med. 100
Chocolate Fudge.....1 med. 100
Divinity Fudge.......1 med. 100
Ginger—crystallized . .2 pcs. 33
Peanut Brittle........1 pc. med. 50
Pralines ............1 300
Marshmallows.......1 25
Mint Patties—plain... 1 med. 50
Nougats ............1 50 c.
Salt Water Taffy......3 pc. 50
Sour Balls...........2 25
Peppermint Sticks. ... 1 125
Toffee—coffee.......3 pc. 50
English...........1 25
Turkish Delight......1 pc. 15
Pop Corn—plain.....1 cup 65
Pop Corn balls.......1 med. 125
Cracker Jack.........1 box 250
Ale ................1 glass 100c
Beer ...............1 glass 75
Brandy.............2 tsp. 100
Cognac.............2 tsp. 100
Creme de Menthe.....1 tsp. 100
Creme de Coca.......1 tsp. 200
Champagne .........1 glass 200
Gin................2 tsp. 70
Kummel............1 tblsp. 75 c.
Rum, Jamaica........2 tblsp. 150
Whiskey—Bourbon ..2 tblsp. 100
Rye..............2 tblsp. 100
Scotch............2 tblsp. 90
Wine—Sour.........2 tblsp. 25
Sweet ............2 tblsp. 35-50
Tom & Jerry.........1 glass 200
Gin Ricky...........1 glass 125
Gin Buck............1 glass 200
Manhattan Cocktail. . .1 glass 125
Martini Cocktail......1 glass 75
Bronx Cocktail.......1 glass 150
Exercises do for the body what cosmetics do for the face. They enhance the
natural possibilities of attractiveness.
1. Stand erect, heels together, chest out, chin up, hands on hips. Without
moving, simulate walking by raising the knees as high as the chest with each
step. Raise first the right knee, 5 to 15 times, and then the left. Practice these
exercises slowly at first, increasing the number of steps as the muscles gain
2. Take position with the feet about 7 inches apart. Arms at the side. On the
count "One”, bend backward as far as you can and at the same time thrust the
arms forward, palms down. Back to position on the count of "Two”, Relax
the neck and face muscles as you bend backward. Do this exercise slowly at
3. Heels together, chest out, arms horizontal, level with shoulders. On count
"One"—swing forward and downward from the waistline and touch the left toe
with the right hand and throwing your left arm upward and backward as far as
you can. Each movement to be executed in a vigorous and decisive manner.
Then reverse the exercise.
4. Take position—heels together, chin up, right hand on hip and the left hand
holding a chair for support if necessary. On the count "One" raise the right leg
straight forward, toes extended. Do not bend the knee. On the count "Two" and
"Three"—swing backward and forward in a sweeping movement sideways of
the body. Back to position on the count of "Four." Reverse.
1. Lying flat on the floor, hands clasped behind the head, elevate the legs to a
perpendicular position, heels close together. Lower slowly and count 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 while so doing.
At the count of 7 the legs should be about 14 inches from the floor. Put the
brakes on at this point so that the feet are slowly brought to the ground at the
count of ten. You will feel the control through the thighs, lower part of the spine
and the hips.
Relax completely between each exercise. Five to ten times is the average
number of times for this exercise.
2. Lying flat upon the floor, turn over upon the right side, right arm under the
head and left arm alongside of the body. On the count of "One" raise the left leg
and left arm as high as possible. Down to the original position, leg upon leg on
the count "Two." After five to ten times, turn on the other side and repeat.
Watch carefully that each movement is done correctly and with precision.
3. Down upon the floor on hands and knees, with chest out, chin up. On the
count "One", with right leg, kick outward and upward.
Reverse position kicking outward and upward with left leg. Repeat the exercise
about ten times.
4. Take position—arms at side of body, chest out, chin up and out. On the count
"One", throw the arms above the head and rise upon the toes. On the count
"Two" and "Three", bend the knees and squat, coming downward within 12 to
14 inches of the floor. On the count "Four", up again to the starting position.
5. Take position bending forward from the hips and hips only. On the count
"One", swing the arms together first to the right side and then to the left. The
motion of the arms is similar to that used in skating. Get as much action into the
arms as possible. Be sure that feet do not turn in sympathy with the movement
of the body. Repeat five to ten times and increase as muscles become
6. Heels together, hands on hips (thumbs backward). On the count "One" bend
forward (keeping the chin up) and rotate the body from the waistline only. Do
not move the feet.
After rotating from right, back, left, front, reverse the motion. This pivot
exercise is excellent for hips.
7. Take position, heels together, chest out, arms at the side. On the count of
"One", raise the right leg to the right of the body and raising the right arm to the
shoulder level. Do this "wooden soldier" exercise with marked military
precision. Reverse the movements raising left leg and arm.
Note: All the above exercises in which you raise the knees or bend downward
from the waistline are of especial value for reduction of the buttocks.
Swing right arm in a complete big circle. Swing left arm in complete big circle.
Then both arms in a circle in front of the body as well as to the side of the body.
Be sure you do not break the circle.
6. With feet apart, raise arms to side horizontal position. On count "One" move
right arm forward and upward and the left arm downward and backward. On the
count "Two" return arms to first position straight out from shoulders. Reverse
position moving left arm forward and right arm backward. The head is always
turned towards the upper hand.
Neck Exercises
The neck like every other part of the body should have a full muscular
development with just enough fatty tissue present to make it softly rounded and
pleasing in contour. An erect position of the head and neck must be maintained
at all times. Slumping of the neck is not only ungraceful but it shortens and
thickens the line of the neck and is a great contributing factor to the unwelcome
bump of fat on the back of the neck.
1. Position: Heels together, toes out, chin up. On count "One" lower head
forward to chest.
Up again on count "Two”, Do not let the head go back beyond the shoulders on
second count. As you do this you will seem to be moving the chin up and down.
And feel the muscles pulling through the back of the neck and shoulders. Relax
your neck muscles entirely in this exercise.
2. On count "One", turn head to right as far as you can. Keep feet and body still.
Then to the left, right, left. Undoubtedly there will be a creaking but do not be
alarmed. There will be no cracking. And you should feel the muscles at the top
of the spine pull as you do this exercise.
3. Lower the head on the chest and relax. Picture yourself as a "wilted drooping,
lifeless sunflower." Now start rolling the head around and round in a complete
circle. Do it slowly at first. You may feel dizzy after this exercise but shake your
head left to right a few times and this will remedy it.
These three exercises will help your neck line greatly. And don't forget to hold
your head up and shoulders back.
Double Chin
The double chin detracts so much from the face and neck that one should work
faithfully to prevent it or remove it.
First of all learn to hold the chin up and the head erect. Observe this rule
especially when working or reading.
1. Stand erect with shoulders well back. Tilt the head as far back as possible and
go through an exaggerated chewing motion while counting up to 100, Bring the
head slowly back to normal position and turn it slightly to the right.
Tilt it back a little and repeat the chewing motion. Then to the left and repeat.
When I suggest exaggerated chewing motion, I mean exactly that. Force the chin
up, tense the muscles and chew hard.
2. Place the back of the left hand under the chin with the tips of the fingers
touching the lobe of the right ear. Draw the hand firmly to the left until the
fingers touch the lobe of the ear. Then repeat the same movement with the right
hand from left ear to right. Alternate the hands in this fashion until each one has
passed under the chin at least ten times. Twenty times will be better.
Do not overdo these exercises for the first couple of weeks as the tissues are
quite flabby and cannot contract easily or quickly. Dip a cloth in cold water and
apply to the chin for a few minutes. Always bathe neck in same fashion
whenever possible. It acts as a tonic in contracting tissue.
Ankle and Calf
The old saying is “It takes one generation to make a wrist and hand but two to
make a trim ankle”. A neat foot and ankle perhaps distinguishes one more, in the
summing up of attractiveness, than the perfection of any other part of the figure.
The manner in which a woman handles her feet has much to do with her
1. Every day, for five minutes, sit with the legs thrust straight out before you.
Slowly move the feet up and down until there is a distinct strain in the ankles
and calves. After this exercise massage each ankle until it tingles with renewed
2. Lie face downward upon the floor, stretched full length, with hands folded
under chin and elbows out. Fling heels up and back as far as possible, even if
they touch the body. Then back into position with toes touching floor, pressing
down with them and at the same time forcing the knees up a little from the floor.
Just enough to stretch well the ligaments behind the knees. Do not try to raise
the hips. Do this exercise rather rapidly.
Breathing Exercises
Breathing is such an integral part of our daily life that we are apt to feel there is
nothing to it. Yet proper breathing is very important and its benefits are many.
Do you know that most women do not know how to breathe correctly?
In order to breathe deeply, one must learn to breathe with the diaphragm. Such
breathing, aside from being correct, will strengthen the abdominal muscles, aid
in slenderizing the waist and will wonderfully stimulate the activities of the
intestinal tract.
1. Place feet firmly upon the floor, body erect, chest high. Hands on hips. Now
inhale with the idea of forcing the air as far down into the abdomen as possible.
If done correctly, there will be no movement of your chest and your fingers will
feel the expansion of the waistline.
2. If you have difficulty in acquiring the diaphragm control in the first exercise,
try this. Lie flat in bed and raise your abdomen as you breathe. Place your hands
upon your stomach and press as you exhale.
Good Posture Grace, or the want of it, plays a part in nearly everything we do—
but its chief manifestations are in walking and sitting.
Place a cane across the lower back and within the hollow of the arms. This
draws back the shoulders, raises the chest and makes a stooping, careless posture
impossible. Now walk.
Stand with right arm forward at shoulder level. Swing right leg forward and
upward without bending. Try to touch toes to hand. Repeat ten times with each
leg. Then try same exercise kicking backwards.
After re-reading this little book on weight reduction and exercises, I feel, as
probably many writers have before me, that I want to write it all over again with
less said about some things and more of others. However, if in its present form it
has helped you out of the low gear of corpulency, my efforts have been worth
But should you be disappointed or if your will-power has skidded into the ditch
of defeat, get the bugaboo idea out of your head that all is lost. Scramble out of
it and start all over again. Like Rome, pounds were not built in a day. Be patient
and you will conquer them.
Good luck to you. And let me repeat what I wrote in the beginning. "Reducing is
a simple thing to achieve if you know what to do, why to do it and how to do it.
I know, for I have done it."
Chaker Saaf