Description: Tags: 0307
Description: Tags: 0307
Description: Tags: 0307
tions of women to American recent income tax return and W-2 forms;
ore than $80 billion in federal driver’s license; proof of citizenship; and state- VOL.6, NO.3 MARCH 2007
culture. In light of this year’s
grants, loans and work-study assis- ments verifying family investments and assets.
theme, “Generations of Women tance is available to help students
Moving History Forward,” the
project’s online resource center
pay for postsecondary education. To receive
financial aid for the 2007–08 academic year,
You may use the FAFSA on the Web Work-
sheet to help you organize your data before
entering it online.
President’s Plan Calls for Largest Proposed Budget Invests More
includes links to research about
the Women’s Rights Movement,
students are encouraged to apply as soon as
possible to take advantage of these funds.
Completing the Free Application for Federal
2. Completing the FAFSA. Once you have
gathered the pertinent information, fill out
the financial aid form and submit it. If you do
Pell Grant Increase Since 1974
Into NCLB, Neediest Students
notable Latinas, famous speeches
and biographies of female pio-
neers. Visit
or call 707-636-2888.
Student Aid (FAFSA) at
is the first step in the process. While the appli-
cation is also available in paper form, filing
online eliminates mail delays and identifies
not complete the application all at once, the
system will save your data and allow you to
resume filing later. In addition, once your
FAFSA is processed, the information entered
O n Feb. 5, President Bush revealed his
education budget proposal for fiscal
year 2008, which would provide an
increase in resources to improve the nation’s
public schools overall, promote rigor in high
high schools serving large numbers of students
from low-income families, while continuing to
fund Title I elementary and middle schools;
> $500 million for School Improvement grants
to help states restructure, reform and re-staff 2
or quick answers to frequently additional information from internal 59 percent since 2001—to increase support for > $10.5 billion for the Special Education
Locations and dates include: the commission’s recently asked questions about education, and external sources. In addition, some
aking college > continued on page 2
March 1, Bridgeport, Conn.; education released final report, the U.S. Department of Education answers are available in Spanish. U.S. Department of Education Making History
March 7, Detroit; March 13, more afford- which provides recom- offers an online resource filled with up- Among the questions listed on the site are: 400 Maryland Ave. S.W.
Oklahoma City; and March 20, able and accessible for all
students in today’s global
mendations about how
college can be made more
to-date information on numerous aspects
of federal law, policy and initiatives.
> How do I find out how my child’s school
is performing and if my child is eligible for
Washington, DC 20202
The Achiever is a monthly publication L.A. County School With Disadvantaged Ethnic
Baltimore. Visit
or call 1-800-USA-LEARN.
economy will be the focus
of the March edition of
accessible to and less
costly for students; and
The Web site
answers more than 100 questions related
school choice or supplemental educational
for parents and community leaders from
the Office of Communications and
Outreach, U.S. Department of Education
Populations Scores Record Achievement
Education News Parents explore how the Depart- > What impact does testing have on (ED). Margaret Spellings, secretary.
to topics addressed by the Department, For her first Christmas at Ralph J. Bunche Elementary, an inner-city
April 15–21 Can Use, the Department’s ment, parents, schools children? Comments? Contact Nicole Ashby,
including No Child Left Behind, financial school in Los Angeles County, Principal Mikara Solomon-
monthly television and higher education editor, at 202-401-0689 (fax), or at
National Library Week, an aid, special education, school choice, > I have a child with special needs. How [email protected]. Davis gave the teachers framed inspirational quotes, which
program. institutions together can
observance sponsored by the grants and research. Topics are avail- do I determine if the school is providing they hung in their classrooms. One quotation stood above the
Over a year and a half put the commission’s Address changes and subscriptions?
my child with an appropriate education
American Library Association ago, in recognition of the
emerging demands of the
recommendations into
action to better prepare
able in a fully searchable format that
includes responses with links to and services?
Contact 1-877-4ED-PUBS, or
[email protected]. Let’s give the rest, becoming a motto for the entire school: “Let’s give the
historians something to write about.”
since 1958. This year’s theme, > What kinds of programs do you have Information on ED programs, resources
Seven years later, following the staff’s innovative and per-
“Come Together @ Your Library,”
global marketplace and the vital role that
colleges play in helping our students meet such
students for college and help them to succeed
once enrolled. to help teachers pay back their loans?
and events? Contact 1-800-USA-LEARN,
or [email protected].
historians sistent efforts to create a culture of excellence, Bunche has
is part of a public awareness Each month, Education News Parents Can Use > How do I determine if a school is accred- made history. In 2006, it became the first school ever in
campaign to promote the value
demands, U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret
Spellings launched the Commission on the showcases: schools and school districts from
across the country; conversations with school
ited by the U.S. Department of Education?
As an added feature, users can submit
The Achiever contains news and information
about and from public and private organizations
for the reader’s information. Inclusion does not
something to the Compton Unified School District to win the esteemed
California Distinguished School Award. It was also the first
Future of Higher Education with a very clear
of libraries and their staffs.
purpose: to launch a healthy, national dialogue
on the vital issues of accessibility, affordability
officials, parents and education experts; and advice
and free resources for parents and educators.
an e-mail inquiry to the Department’s
Information Resource Center, which man-
constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Education of any products or services
offered or views expressed. This publication
write about. in the district to earn the state’s Title I Academic Achieve-
ment Award, an honor it has held for the past three years.
also contains hyperlinks and URLs created
or call 1-800-545-2433. and accountability. (On March 21–22, the secre- To learn about viewing options, including ages the site, and track the responses to all Bunche has merited these recognitions particularly in
and maintained by outside organizations and
tary will hold a Higher Education Summit to webcasts, visit and click on the questions they have submitted through provided for the reader’s convenience. The light of serving mostly disadvantaged African-American
build on the recommendations of the commis- “Parents,” then “News Parents Can Use,” or call Department is not responsible for the accuracy and Latino student populations, of which four in 10 are
the “My Stuff” tab. of this information.
sion.) Guests on the March show will: discuss toll-free 1-800-USA-LEARN
> continued on page 3
page 5 page 6
> continued from page 1 > continued from page 1
Grants to States Program—up 66 percent nonnative English speakers. national corps of teachers that places culture of ‘no excuses,’ which in essence by a panel of faculty and brainstorm about future From left to right: Fourth-grader Alexous stands at the door of the “Princeton
since 2001—to help students with disabili- Proving that neither poverty nor limited recent college graduates in high-need results in a culture of excellence,” she asserted. members and parents and projects for improving student University” classroom; Principal Mikara Solomon-Davis; Interim Principal Amber
ties reach their full potential; English proficiency is necessarily the areas—she set out to unravel the sys- Those who were not committed to the must do a mock lesson to achievement. One extraordinary Young; and Resource Teacher Angella Martinez with fourth-graders Juan and
> $671 million for English Language cause of poor performance, Bunche temic causes of inferior schooling. new changes left that year, thus opening demonstrate their instruc- endeavor borne of these sessions is Alexous. On the cover, first-grader Starr. Photos by Ann Johansson.
Acquisition support—up 50 percent since has doubled overall the percentage of Believing she could effect change better the door for a new crop of teachers. Amber tional skills. the adoption of the College Bound initiative
2001—to help limited English proficient students in grades 2–5 doing math and at the leadership level, she enrolled in Young, another Teach for America place- Given the importance designed to introduce children early on to speak to the parents of fourth- and fifth- this year to where they will attend college.
students achieve academic success; and reading at grade level—from 39 percent Columbia University’s Teachers College ment, came to the school in fall 2001 and of high-quality teaching to the possibility of higher education. Support graders about various resources for funding The sheets, which are decoratively attached
> $15.4 billion for the Pell Grant Program— in 2003 to 84 percent in 2006, and from in New York City to pursue a master’s stayed well past her two-year pledge. Now student achievement, resource for the initiative is evidenced throughout a college education. to their photos, are posted on the classroom
a 76-percent increase since 2001—to raise the interim principal until Solomon-Davis teacher Angella Martinez says she is the building, with every classroom and Next to improving teacher quality and walls, keeping company with the framed
Grants to States Program—up 66 percent nonnative English speakers. national corps of teachers that places culture of ‘no excuses,’ which in essence by a panel of faculty and brainstorm about future From left to right: Fourth-grader Alexous stands at the door of the “Princeton
since 2001—to help students with disabili- Proving that neither poverty nor limited recent college graduates in high-need results in a culture of excellence,” she asserted. members and parents and projects for improving student University” classroom; Principal Mikara Solomon-Davis; Interim Principal Amber
ties reach their full potential; English proficiency is necessarily the areas—she set out to unravel the sys- Those who were not committed to the must do a mock lesson to achievement. One extraordinary Young; and Resource Teacher Angella Martinez with fourth-graders Juan and
> $671 million for English Language cause of poor performance, Bunche temic causes of inferior schooling. new changes left that year, thus opening demonstrate their instruc- endeavor borne of these sessions is Alexous. On the cover, first-grader Starr. Photos by Ann Johansson.
Acquisition support—up 50 percent since has doubled overall the percentage of Believing she could effect change better the door for a new crop of teachers. Amber tional skills. the adoption of the College Bound initiative
2001—to help limited English proficient students in grades 2–5 doing math and at the leadership level, she enrolled in Young, another Teach for America place- Given the importance designed to introduce children early on to speak to the parents of fourth- and fifth- this year to where they will attend college.
students achieve academic success; and reading at grade level—from 39 percent Columbia University’s Teachers College ment, came to the school in fall 2001 and of high-quality teaching to the possibility of higher education. Support graders about various resources for funding The sheets, which are decoratively attached
> $15.4 billion for the Pell Grant Program— in 2003 to 84 percent in 2006, and from in New York City to pursue a master’s stayed well past her two-year pledge. Now student achievement, resource for the initiative is evidenced throughout a college education. to their photos, are posted on the classroom
a 76-percent increase since 2001—to raise the interim principal until Solomon-Davis teacher Angella Martinez says she is the building, with every classroom and Next to improving teacher quality and walls, keeping company with the framed
Grants to States Program—up 66 percent nonnative English speakers. national corps of teachers that places culture of ‘no excuses,’ which in essence by a panel of faculty and brainstorm about future From left to right: Fourth-grader Alexous stands at the door of the “Princeton
since 2001—to help students with disabili- Proving that neither poverty nor limited recent college graduates in high-need results in a culture of excellence,” she asserted. members and parents and projects for improving student University” classroom; Principal Mikara Solomon-Davis; Interim Principal Amber
ties reach their full potential; English proficiency is necessarily the areas—she set out to unravel the sys- Those who were not committed to the must do a mock lesson to achievement. One extraordinary Young; and Resource Teacher Angella Martinez with fourth-graders Juan and
> $671 million for English Language cause of poor performance, Bunche temic causes of inferior schooling. new changes left that year, thus opening demonstrate their instruc- endeavor borne of these sessions is Alexous. On the cover, first-grader Starr. Photos by Ann Johansson.
Acquisition support—up 50 percent since has doubled overall the percentage of Believing she could effect change better the door for a new crop of teachers. Amber tional skills. the adoption of the College Bound initiative
2001—to help limited English proficient students in grades 2–5 doing math and at the leadership level, she enrolled in Young, another Teach for America place- Given the importance designed to introduce children early on to speak to the parents of fourth- and fifth- this year to where they will attend college.
students achieve academic success; and reading at grade level—from 39 percent Columbia University’s Teachers College ment, came to the school in fall 2001 and of high-quality teaching to the possibility of higher education. Support graders about various resources for funding The sheets, which are decoratively attached
> $15.4 billion for the Pell Grant Program— in 2003 to 84 percent in 2006, and from in New York City to pursue a master’s stayed well past her two-year pledge. Now student achievement, resource for the initiative is evidenced throughout a college education. to their photos, are posted on the classroom
a 76-percent increase since 2001—to raise the interim principal until Solomon-Davis teacher Angella Martinez says she is the building, with every classroom and Next to improving teacher quality and walls, keeping company with the framed
tions of women to American recent income tax return and W-2 forms;
ore than $80 billion in federal driver’s license; proof of citizenship; and state- VOL.6, NO.3 MARCH 2007
culture. In light of this year’s
grants, loans and work-study assis- ments verifying family investments and assets.
theme, “Generations of Women tance is available to help students
Proposed Budget Invests More
You may use the FAFSA on the Web Work-
Moving History Forward,” the pay for postsecondary education. To receive sheet to help you organize your data before President’s Plan Calls for Largest
project’s online resource center financial aid for the 2007–08 academic year, entering it online.
includes links to research about
the Women’s Rights Movement,
students are encouraged to apply as soon as
possible to take advantage of these funds.
Completing the Free Application for Federal
2. Completing the FAFSA. Once you have
gathered the pertinent information, fill out
the financial aid form and submit it. If you do
Pell Grant Increase Since 1974
Into NCLB, Neediest Students
notable Latinas, famous speeches
and biographies of female pio-
neers. Visit
or call 707-636-2888.
Student Aid (FAFSA) at
is the first step in the process. While the appli-
cation is also available in paper form, filing
online eliminates mail delays and identifies
not complete the application all at once, the
system will save your data and allow you to
resume filing later. In addition, once your
FAFSA is processed, the information entered
O n Feb. 5, President Bush revealed his
education budget proposal for fiscal
year 2008, which would provide an
increase in resources to improve the nation’s
public schools overall, promote rigor in high
high schools serving large numbers of students
from low-income families, while continuing to
fund Title I elementary and middle schools;
> $500 million for School Improvement grants
to help states restructure, reform and re-staff 2
or quick answers to frequently additional information from internal 59 percent since 2001—to increase support for > $10.5 billion for the Special Education
Locations and dates include: asked questions about education, and external sources. In addition, some
aking college the commission’s recently > continued on page 2
March 1, Bridgeport, Conn.; education released final report, the U.S. Department of Education answers are available in Spanish. U.S. Department of Education Making History
March 7, Detroit; March 13, more afford- which provides recom- offers an online resource filled with up- Among the questions listed on the site are: 400 Maryland Ave. S.W.
Oklahoma City; and March 20, able and accessible for all
students in today’s global
mendations about how
college can be made more
to-date information on numerous aspects
of federal law, policy and initiatives.
> How do I find out how my child’s school
is performing and if my child is eligible for
Washington, DC 20202
The Achiever is a monthly publication L.A. County School With Disadvantaged Ethnic
Baltimore. Visit
or call 1-800-USA-LEARN.
economy will be the focus
of the March edition of
accessible to and less
costly for students; and
The Web site
answers more than 100 questions related
school choice or supplemental educational
for parents and community leaders from
the Office of Communications and
Outreach, U.S. Department of Education
Populations Scores Record Achievement
Education News Parents explore how the Depart- > What impact does testing have on (ED). Margaret Spellings, secretary.
to topics addressed by the Department, For her first Christmas at Ralph J. Bunche Elementary, an inner-city
April 15–21 Can Use, the Department’s ment, parents, schools children? Comments? Contact Nicole Ashby,
including No Child Left Behind, financial school in Los Angeles County, Principal Mikara Solomon-
monthly television and higher education editor, at 202-401-0689 (fax), or at
National Library Week, an aid, special education, school choice, > I have a child with special needs. How [email protected]. Davis gave the teachers framed inspirational quotes, which
program. institutions together can
observance sponsored by the grants and research. Topics are avail- do I determine if the school is providing Address changes and subscriptions? they hung in their classrooms. One quotation stood above the
Over a year and a half put the commission’s
my child with an appropriate education
American Library Association ago, in recognition of the
emerging demands of the
recommendations into
action to better prepare
able in a fully searchable format that
includes responses with links to and services?
Contact 1-877-4ED-PUBS, or
[email protected]. Let’s give the rest, becoming a motto for the entire school: “Let’s give the
historians something to write about.”
since 1958. This year’s theme, > What kinds of programs do you have Information on ED programs, resources
Seven years later, following the staff’s innovative and per-
“Come Together @ Your Library,”
global marketplace and the vital role that
colleges play in helping our students meet such
students for college and help them to succeed
once enrolled. to help teachers pay back their loans?
and events? Contact 1-800-USA-LEARN,
or [email protected].
historians sistent efforts to create a culture of excellence, Bunche has
is part of a public awareness Each month, Education News Parents Can Use > How do I determine if a school is accred- made history. In 2006, it became the first school ever in
campaign to promote the value
demands, U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret
Spellings launched the Commission on the showcases: schools and school districts from
across the country; conversations with school
ited by the U.S. Department of Education?
As an added feature, users can submit
The Achiever contains news and information
about and from public and private organizations
for the reader’s information. Inclusion does not
something to the Compton Unified School District to win the esteemed
California Distinguished School Award. It was also the first
Future of Higher Education with a very clear
of libraries and their staffs.
purpose: to launch a healthy, national dialogue
on the vital issues of accessibility, affordability
officials, parents and education experts; and advice
and free resources for parents and educators.
an e-mail inquiry to the Department’s
Information Resource Center, which man-
constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Education of any products or services
offered or views expressed. This publication
write about. in the district to earn the state’s Title I Academic Achieve-
ment Award, an honor it has held for the past three years.
also contains hyperlinks and URLs created
or call 1-800-545-2433. and accountability. (On March 21–22, the secre- To learn about viewing options, including ages the site, and track the responses to all Bunche has merited these recognitions particularly in
and maintained by outside organizations and
tary will hold a Higher Education Summit to webcasts, visit and click on the questions they have submitted through provided for the reader’s convenience. The light of serving mostly disadvantaged African-American
build on the recommendations of the commis- “Parents,” then “News Parents Can Use,” or call the “My Stuff” tab. Department is not responsible for the accuracy and Latino student populations, of which four in 10 are
toll-free 1-800-USA-LEARN of this information.
sion.) Guests on the March show will: discuss > continued on page 3
page 5 page 6
Calendar March
National Women’s History
Month, an observance sponsored
by the National Women’s History
Project to recognize the contribu-
QA & How do I apply for student financial aid?
Meanwhile, assemble the documents needed
to fill out the FAFSA, including: your most
P.O. BOX 1398
JESSUP, MD 20794-1398
tions of women to American recent income tax return and W-2 forms;
ore than $80 billion in federal driver’s license; proof of citizenship; and state- VOL.6, NO.3 MARCH 2007
culture. In light of this year’s
grants, loans and work-study assis- ments verifying family investments and assets.
theme, “Generations of Women tance is available to help students
Proposed Budget Invests More
You may use the FAFSA on the Web Work-
Moving History Forward,” the pay for postsecondary education. To receive sheet to help you organize your data before President’s Plan Calls for Largest
project’s online resource center financial aid for the 2007–08 academic year, entering it online.
includes links to research about
the Women’s Rights Movement,
students are encouraged to apply as soon as
possible to take advantage of these funds.
Completing the Free Application for Federal
2. Completing the FAFSA. Once you have
gathered the pertinent information, fill out
the financial aid form and submit it. If you do
Pell Grant Increase Since 1974
Into NCLB, Neediest Students
notable Latinas, famous speeches
and biographies of female pio-
neers. Visit
or call 707-636-2888.
Student Aid (FAFSA) at
is the first step in the process. While the appli-
cation is also available in paper form, filing
online eliminates mail delays and identifies
not complete the application all at once, the
system will save your data and allow you to
resume filing later. In addition, once your
FAFSA is processed, the information entered
O n Feb. 5, President Bush revealed his
education budget proposal for fiscal
year 2008, which would provide an
increase in resources to improve the nation’s
public schools overall, promote rigor in high
high schools serving large numbers of students
from low-income families, while continuing to
fund Title I elementary and middle schools;
> $500 million for School Improvement grants
to help states restructure, reform and re-staff 2
or quick answers to frequently additional information from internal 59 percent since 2001—to increase support for > $10.5 billion for the Special Education
Locations and dates include: asked questions about education, and external sources. In addition, some
aking college the commission’s recently > continued on page 2
March 1, Bridgeport, Conn.; education released final report, the U.S. Department of Education answers are available in Spanish. U.S. Department of Education Making History
March 7, Detroit; March 13, more afford- which provides recom- offers an online resource filled with up- Among the questions listed on the site are: 400 Maryland Ave. S.W.
Oklahoma City; and March 20, able and accessible for all
students in today’s global
mendations about how
college can be made more
to-date information on numerous aspects
of federal law, policy and initiatives.
> How do I find out how my child’s school
is performing and if my child is eligible for
Washington, DC 20202
The Achiever is a monthly publication L.A. County School With Disadvantaged Ethnic
Baltimore. Visit
or call 1-800-USA-LEARN.
economy will be the focus
of the March edition of
accessible to and less
costly for students; and
The Web site
answers more than 100 questions related
school choice or supplemental educational
for parents and community leaders from
the Office of Communications and
Outreach, U.S. Department of Education
Populations Scores Record Achievement
Education News Parents explore how the Depart- > What impact does testing have on (ED). Margaret Spellings, secretary.
to topics addressed by the Department, For her first Christmas at Ralph J. Bunche Elementary, an inner-city
April 15–21 Can Use, the Department’s ment, parents, schools children? Comments? Contact Nicole Ashby,
including No Child Left Behind, financial school in Los Angeles County, Principal Mikara Solomon-
monthly television and higher education editor, at 202-401-0689 (fax), or at
National Library Week, an aid, special education, school choice, > I have a child with special needs. How [email protected]. Davis gave the teachers framed inspirational quotes, which
program. institutions together can
observance sponsored by the grants and research. Topics are avail- do I determine if the school is providing Address changes and subscriptions? they hung in their classrooms. One quotation stood above the
Over a year and a half put the commission’s
my child with an appropriate education
American Library Association ago, in recognition of the
emerging demands of the
recommendations into
action to better prepare
able in a fully searchable format that
includes responses with links to and services?
Contact 1-877-4ED-PUBS, or
[email protected]. Let’s give the rest, becoming a motto for the entire school: “Let’s give the
historians something to write about.”
since 1958. This year’s theme, > What kinds of programs do you have Information on ED programs, resources
Seven years later, following the staff’s innovative and per-
“Come Together @ Your Library,”
global marketplace and the vital role that
colleges play in helping our students meet such
students for college and help them to succeed
once enrolled. to help teachers pay back their loans?
and events? Contact 1-800-USA-LEARN,
or [email protected].
historians sistent efforts to create a culture of excellence, Bunche has
is part of a public awareness Each month, Education News Parents Can Use > How do I determine if a school is accred- made history. In 2006, it became the first school ever in
campaign to promote the value
demands, U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret
Spellings launched the Commission on the showcases: schools and school districts from
across the country; conversations with school
ited by the U.S. Department of Education?
As an added feature, users can submit
The Achiever contains news and information
about and from public and private organizations
for the reader’s information. Inclusion does not
something to the Compton Unified School District to win the esteemed
California Distinguished School Award. It was also the first
Future of Higher Education with a very clear
of libraries and their staffs.
purpose: to launch a healthy, national dialogue
on the vital issues of accessibility, affordability
officials, parents and education experts; and advice
and free resources for parents and educators.
an e-mail inquiry to the Department’s
Information Resource Center, which man-
constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Education of any products or services
offered or views expressed. This publication
write about. in the district to earn the state’s Title I Academic Achieve-
ment Award, an honor it has held for the past three years.
also contains hyperlinks and URLs created
or call 1-800-545-2433. and accountability. (On March 21–22, the secre- To learn about viewing options, including ages the site, and track the responses to all Bunche has merited these recognitions particularly in
and maintained by outside organizations and
tary will hold a Higher Education Summit to webcasts, visit and click on the questions they have submitted through provided for the reader’s convenience. The light of serving mostly disadvantaged African-American
build on the recommendations of the commis- “Parents,” then “News Parents Can Use,” or call the “My Stuff” tab. Department is not responsible for the accuracy and Latino student populations, of which four in 10 are
toll-free 1-800-USA-LEARN of this information.
sion.) Guests on the March show will: discuss > continued on page 3
page 5 page 6