Application For POSB Loan Assist Plus: Eligibility Important Information To Take Note
Application For POSB Loan Assist Plus: Eligibility Important Information To Take Note
Application For POSB Loan Assist Plus: Eligibility Important Information To Take Note on:
For Commissioned or Variable Income Earners NRIC (front and back), AND either a OR b OR c a latest 12 months' CPF Contribution History Statement^ b latest 3 months computerised payslips c latest 6 months bank statement reflecting salary credited to bank account For Self- Employed NRIC (front and back), AND a latest 2 years' Income Tax Notice of Assessment **
** You can now print your Income Tax Notice of Assessment at myTax Portal with your SingPass or IRAS PIN. The service is free. Log on to for more details.
My Personal Details
Title: Name (as in NRIC): Dr Mr Mrs Miss Mdm
My Work Details
Company Name:
Company Address (Please do not give a P.O. Box or foreign address): NRIC No.: Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy) Nationality: Marital Status: / Gender: / Postal Code Current Position:
04 30 06 32 10
Unit #
Single Divorced
Married Others
05 28 31
19 27 33 09
05 08
Technical Primary
Correspondence Address:
Job Status:
Employee Others
Self - Employed
Residential Address (Please do not give a P.O. Box or foreign address): Block Unit #
Variable/Commission Earner
05 29 23
Postal Code Home Tel: Mobile No: Email: Residential Status: Self-Owned Rent Employers
02 11 27
Residence Type:
I agree not to terminate any GIRO facility or such other payment facility during the tenure of the loan. However should there be such cancellation, I hereby consent to you reinstating my GIRO facility or such other payment facility, without notice or liability to any party. Notwithstanding that my primary account may be operated by way of thumprint, by submission of this application form via mail, fax or other such approved modes of communication, I hereby authorise you to act upon my instructions in such application. I agree to abide and be bound by your Standard Terms and Conditions Relating to POSB Loan Assist Plus granted by DBS Bank Ltd. as may be amended and supplemented from time to time ("Terms"). A copy of the Terms is available from any POSB/DBS branch or by calling telephone number (65) 6339 6666. A copy of the Terms, together with the Approval Letter, will be sent to me and constitute the whole agreement between us in relation to the loan if this application is approved. I instruct and authorise you, upon approval of this application, to:-
My Financial Commitment
Other Financial Institution 1. Type of loan: Security: 2. Type of loan: Security: Loan Amount: Monthly Repayment: Loan Amount: Monthly Repayment:
a) deduct upfront from the loan, upon disbursement, a processing fee of 3% of the approved loan amount and the insurance premium of 1% of the approved loan amount payable for my comprehensive life, or total and permanent disability insurance coverage; b) credit the net proceeds of the loan to my designated account which I maintain with DBS Bank; and c) debit the monthly instalment amounts and accrued interest and all other monies due and payable by me to DBS Bank from such account as may be designated by me or any other account(s), which I maintain with DBS Bank singly or jointly with any other person on a joint alternate basis, without prior notice to me. Applicants Signature Please sign as per your POSB/DBS account
(for thumbprint account, please visit any POSB/DBS branch to have your signature verified):
My Loan Request
Loan Amount Required: S$
(POSB Loan Assist Plus - min. loan amount: S$3,000)
The bank may grant a lower limit which may differ from what is requested.
Please refer to Loan Tenure Table for the minimum and maximum loan tenure with each corresponding loan amount required. Loan Tenure:
36 mths (C70011)
Sign here
(POSB Loan Assist Plus: min. loan tenure 12 mths and max. loan tenure 60 mths)
Please provide your POSB/DBS bank account for crediting of your loan amount and debiting of monthly instalment. For Bank Use 7171
Code: 05-LPB9SN3300-V
CMS411 00
Oct 09 POSB Biz Reg. No. 52880148A
I understand that where I nominate my joint-alternate account to facilitate the crediting/debiting of my loan, any funds within the account for this purpose may be accessible and/or withdrawn by the other account holder(s) without my consent, and DBS shall not be liable for such access/withdrawal. I understand that in the event of my loan is not approved, I may choose to close the account that was opened solely to facilitate the crediting and debiting of the loan amount. I understand that you reserve the right to decline this application without giving any reason whatsoever. I hereby declare and warrant that the information given in this application and all documents submitted to you are complete, true and accurate and belong to you absolutely and that I have not wilfully withheld any material fact. If any of the information given herein changes or becomes inaccurate in any way, I shall immediately notify you of any such change and/or inaccuracy. I hereby authorise and give you consent to conduct credit checks on me including but not limited to checks with any credit bureau recognised as such by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and obtain and verify and/or to disclose or release any information relating to me and/or any of my account(s) with you from or to any other party or source as you may from time to time deem fit at your own discretion and without any liability or notice to me. I agree that you may send to me by ordinary mail or such other means at my sole risk the Approval Letter, and all other documents and communications addressed to me to any of my address(es) on DBS Bank's records as DBS Bank may at its sole discretion select.
3) Seal all 3 sides with glue, encasing your supporting documents and mail.
Postage will be paid by addressee, For posting in Singapore only.
DBS Bank Ltd Bedok Central Post Office Locked Bag Service No.1 Singapore 914686
DBS Bank Ltd Bedok Central Post Office Locked Bag Service No.1 Singapore 914686
DBS Bank Ltd Bedok Central Post Office Locked Bag Service No.1 Singapore 914686
DBS Bank Ltd Bedok Central Post Office Locked Bag Service No.1 Singapore 914686