A Pollard7c
A Pollard7c
A Pollard7c
N G!f
{;r/( 33[b)( ()
united states must expect some amount of risk
to accrue directly to u.s. persons from the defendants
oncomitant risk with which I,
as Secretary of am particularly concerned, is that
u.s. combat wherever they are deployed in the world,
could be endangered through successful
exploitation of this
24. (U} I have provided the foregoing statements to provide
oso 3.3(b)(l >,(
C;r:;t 3:S(b)( I)
Copy I of 1 Copies
4 ........
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my harm. caused:tO"natlorta.t(security by
.. -,_.
the defendant.: and. as an aid to the Tltef datct'.provided
represents my opinions and conclusions stellll'Rincj. etcim m:t review
, .
of the data compromised, as well as from information obtained
- ' /; ,'
by me in my capacity as secretary of Defense ana as a member of
tt1e National security councl.l. The defendant .. has substantially
harmed the united states, and in my view, his crimes demand
severe punishm*nt. Because it may not be clear to the court
that the defendant's activities have caused damage of the
magnitude realized, I felt it necessary to provide an informed
analysis to the court so that an appropriate sentence could be
fashioned.. My foregoing comments will, I hope, dispel any
presumption that disclosures to an ally are insignificant; to
the contrary, substantial and irrevocable damage has been done
to this nation. Punishment, of course, must be appropriate to
the crime, and in my opinion, no crime is more deserving of
severe punishment than conducting espionage activities against
one's own country. This is especially true when the individual
spy has voluntarily assumed the responsiblity of protecting the
nation's secrets. The defendant, of course, had full knowledge
and understanding of the sensitivities of the information
unlawfully disclosed. To demonstrate that knowledge, I have
attached copies non-disclosure agreements which he
voluntarilY executed. Should. the court. require further
OSD 3.3(b)( {
Copy I of f
Page 45 of 46
informatioit' of anything you
may provide' the bearE:J,i:' of: this document yout, requirements .
.. .
and I will to them.
Under penait:i.es of perjury, I hereby the foregoing
statement& tobe-true and.correct to thebestof my knowledge
oso a.a(b)(l, >tCro)
...... :.:. .
Authorityt EO 13528;
Chief, Records & Declass Dlv, WHS
Date: OCT 2 6 2012
Copy I of ? copies.
Page 46 of 46 Pages.
Authority: EO 13526
. Chief, Records & Declass Div. WHS
Date: OCT 2 6 2012 '
1. TOP SECRET (TS): Information which if inappropriately
disclosed would cause exceptionally grave damage to the
national security of the United States.
2. SECRET (S): Information which if inappropriately disclosed
would cause serious damage to the national security of the
united states.
3. (C): Information which if inappropriately
disclosed would cause damage to the national security of the
united States.
OSD 3.3(b)() )
( ~ )
Authority: EO 13528
Chief, Records & Declass Div, WHS
Date: OCT 2 6 2012