In the recent time the market sentiments has completely changed and it has become completely a buyer market. In the F.M.C.G. sector especially there is a lot stress on who provides better services and of course at a better price. Since Indian Market is perhaps very much price conscious market in the world. In the ice-cream sector there are many players that are increasing their market share by boosting their sale and try to get more popular among consumers. Since ice-cream sector is a seasonal business, in this short period of time every player want to earn more profit. The present era is an era of BRAND MARKETING can be compared to the game of chess. In the era of marketing brand name packaging, distribution and advertising plays similar role as that of Pawn on the board of chess. In Haryana region where our markets include Faridabad. We had seen the market share of Amul ice-cream 30% which is highest, the second one is mother dairy,25% and the rest of market share is shared by Kwality Walls, Vadilal, Cream-Bell and other local ice-creams.I hope this report will be special interest to the
marketing students, who are looking out for such real life situation beyond their classroom studies. The Birth of Amul
It all began when milk became a symbol of protest Founded in 1946 to stop the exploitation by middlemen Inspired by the freedom movement
The seeds of this unusual saga were sown more than 65 years back in Anand, a small town in the state of Gujarat in western India. The exploitative trade practices followed by the local trade cartel triggered off the cooperative movement. Angered by unfair and manipulative practices followed by the trade, the farmers of the district approached the great Indian patriot Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel for a solution. He advised them to get rid of middlemen and form their own co-operative, which would have procurement, processing and marketing under their control. In 1946, the farmers of this area went on a milk strike refusing to be cowed down by the cartel. Under the inspiration of Sardar Patel, and the guidance of leaders like Morarji Desai and Tribhuvandas Patel, they formed their own cooperative in 1946. This co-operative, the Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. began with just two village dairy co-operative societies and 247 litres of milk and is today better known as Amul Dairy. Amul grew from strength to strength thanks to the inspired leadership of Tribhuvandas Patel, the founder Chairman and the
committed professionalism of Dr Verghese Kurien,who was entrusted the task of running the dairy from 1950.
The then Prime Minister of India, Lal Bahadur Shastri decided that the same approach should become the basis of a National Dairy Development policy. He understood that the success of Amul could be attributed to four important factors. The farmers owned the dairy, their elected representatives managed the village societies and the district union, they employed professionals to operate the dairy and manage its business. Most importantly, the co-operatives were sensitive to the needs of farmers and responsive to their demands. At his instance in 1965 the National Dairy Development Board was set up with the basic objective of replicating the Amul model. Dr. Kurien was chosen to head the institution as its Chairman and asked to replicate this model throughout the country. The Amul Model The Amul Model of dairy development is a three-tiered structure with the dairy cooperative societies at the village level federated under a milk union at the district level and a federation of member unions at the state level.
Establishment of a direct linkage between milk producers and consumers by eliminating middlemen
Professional management
The Amul model has helped India to emerge as the largest milk producer in the world. More than 13 million milk producers pour their milk in 1,28,799 dairy cooperative societies across the country. Their milk is processed in 176 District Co-operative Unions and marketed by 22 State Marketing Federations, ensuring a better life for millions.
Changing Scenario in the Context of Indian DairyingThe future of Indian dairying depends upon how rapidly dairy cooperatives are enabled to function as genuine member-owned and controlled business enterprises. Therefore, the main challenge before dairy cooperatives is to be able to quickly adapt to a rapidly changing domestic and world economic order, and with the WTO in place, not only hold . Its own in this country but becomes a regional force! Faced with this challenge, NDDB has proactively rethought the strategy of providing a competitive advantage to the Indian farmer, by focusing on strengthening the Marketing, Sales and Distribution of the dairy sector in India and Amul has been identified as the vehicle for driving and realizing this strategy. The strategy is being operationalized through the formation of joint ventures between Amul and the State co-operative federations. The joint venture companies would take on the responsibility of driving the ongoing business of marketing, sale and distribution of the State federation in a more organized, professional and efficient manner. In addition to this, the existing structure of Amul group has been further
restructured to form entities that would exclusively focus on providing effective management support to the joint venture companies and on expanding the sales and distribution of select Amul products at a national level. With these changes, Amul is all set to emerge as one of the largest food and dairy products company in the country in the next few years. The overall approach not only provides the freedom to appoint the requisite professional talent in key positions and to take decisions with the flexibility and speed that is required in an increasingly competitive market, but also helps to introduce elected leaders to the processes of better planning and management. Thus, as the identified change agent for bringing about transformation in the dairy co-operative sector across the country has a tremendously challenging responsibility on its shoulders- considering the complexities of regional and cultural diversity in the country, the magnitude of the change to be managed and the profile of stakeholders who are going to be impacted by this initiative (ranging from the farmers at the grassroots level, the unions at the district level, state run bodies at the federation level to the new age professionals
managing the change initiative). Amul is geared up to meet this challenge, with its entire infrastructure, technological and people resources focused on this single point objective. At Amul we are committed to bring in the required professionalism, dynamism and competitive edge to the dairy sector without losing sight of our underlying vision- the fabric of the co-operative movement and our responsibility towards serving the rural set up in the country. The key to making this initiative a success is the infusion of dynamic professionals who have: The urge to apply their professional talent to make a visible difference to the Indian rural set-up The experience and ability to develop innovative and contemporary solutions to help build competitive organizations, and The capability to initiate, lead and manage change in a highly diverse and challenging environment Besides the tremendous opportunity for personal and professional growth, Amul also provides its employees an unmatched work environment built upon the values of trust, transparency, unquestionable commitment to quality, single-minded focus on excellence and respect for the individual. Innumerable crossfunctional opportunities across the group companies and empowerment of individuals to the lowest level make it a rich ground for acquiring a strong business perspective, developing
Amul at a GlanceAMUL means priceless pure milk ice-cream. The brand name AMUL, from the Sanskrit AMULYA, was suggested by a quality control expert in Anand. Amul products have been in use in million of homes since1946.Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder, Amul Ghee, Amul Spray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Shrikhand , Amul Ice-Cream ,Nutramul, Amul Milk and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India. Today Amul is a symbol of many things. Of high quality products sold at reasonable prices. Of a genesis of a vast co-operative network . Of the triumph of for dairy development. indigenous technology. Of a marketing survey of a farmers organization. And of a proven model AMULS sale figures have jumped from 1000 tones a year in 1966 to over 25000 tons a year in 1997. No other brands come even close to it. In the background of the famous White Revolution, which swept the length and breadth of India
through the spirited and enthusiastic efforts of the Nalimal Dairy Development Board(NDDB) under the pioneering leadership under the
story of the milk union of kaira milk union in Gujarat had shot into limelight because of it creditable and impressive performance in the field of dairy co-operation dairing by 1969 when a discussion was made by the government of india to initiate and gradually accelerate steps to spread the ANAND PATTERN co operations in all parts of the country. A plan was made and systematically executed through them as called OPERATION FLOOD. There where the stages in which the OPERATION FLOOD was carried out.What is known, as OPERATION FLOOD was an extensive programmed comprising 4 activities, they are as follows:(a) Designing of dairy projects. (b) Development of specialized man power. (c) Organization of farmers, and establishment of services for increasing Milk procurement and production.
Through what we call operation flood second, a sustained efforts was made programme was implemented to setup to consolidate the achievements Of the operation flood second a nationwide dairy projects which numbered 155. this was supplemented by expanding dairy & cattle feed plants and encouraging animal husbandry and mixed farming. Another significance feature of the operation flood second was to arrange technical assistance. with the promotion of dairy products in the market. OPERATION FLOOD THIRD started with a program to setup dairies in 190 co-operative unions in 70,000 Indian village and 8 lakh families. In Gujarat, especially for carrying out the operation flood, the Gujarat milk marketing federation was the natural choice because of its well recognized organizational strength & experiencing in dairying. The result was quick modernization, expansion of dairy project, encouragement to the formation of ANAND PATTERN co-operative services throughout the state to promote animal husbandry; artificial insemination, cattle feed production, organization of milk procurement and marketing. It also directed its efforts towards implementing the policy connected
On account of its record of its efficiency & organized work Gujrat co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited started marketing operations to ensure rapid inventory movement through & extensive distribution network. Dairy products are now formed out to 3,500 wholesale dealers 7-5 lakh plus retail outlets over seen by a large number of offices spread over the difference parts of the country. Even outside India the impact of a federations products has been felt. Ghee is now regularly exported outside India, especially to west Asian countries. The federation has succeeded in expanding it export market to different part of the globe. Amul is playing the market leaders role of growing the category, through Ice-Cream segment. The new AMUL brand category includes Pizza ,Traditional Indian Sweets, Confectionery, Baby Foods, Long Life Milk, Curd. Amul is building the plot for future.
Mother Dairy- a short description Mother Dairy - Delhi was set up in 1974 under the Operation Flood Programme. It is now a subsidiary company of a wholly owned company of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB).Mother Dairy sources its entire requirement of liquid milk from dairy cooperatives. Similarly, Mother Dairy sources fruits and vegetables from farmers/growers associations. Mother Dairy also contributes to the cause of oilseeds grower cooperatives that manufacture/ pack the Dhara range of edible oils by undertaking to nationally market all Dhara products. It is Mother Dairy's constant endeavor to (a) ensure that milk producers and farmers regularly and continually receive market prices by offering quality milk, milk products and other food products to consumers at competitive prices and; (b) uphold institutional structures that empower milk producers and farmers through processes that are equitable. At Mother Dairy, processing of milk is controlled by process automation whereby state-of-the-art microprocessor technology is adopted to integrate and completely automate all functions of the milk processing areas to ensure high product quality/ reliability
and safety. Mother Dairy is an IS/ ISO-9002, IS-15000 HACCP and IS-14001 EMS certified organization. Moreover, its Quality Assurance Laboratory is certified by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratory (NABL) - Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Mother Dairy markets & sells dairy products under the Mother Dairy brand (like Liquid Milk, Dahi, Ice Creams, Dairy Whitener and Butter), Dhara range of edible oils and the Safal range of fresh fruits & vegetables, frozen vegetables and fruit juices at a national level, through it's sales and distribution networks, for marketing food items. In times to come, Mother Dairy shall strive to become a leading player in the food industry in India. Mother Dairy is a leading marketer of dairy products and fruit & vegetable products in the Indian sub-continent. Its unwavering commitment to quality, state-of-the-art technology, and the use of superior ingredients enable it to offer a wide range of world-class products.
In addition to its market leadership in India, Mother Dairy is also active in the global arena, exporting its range of dairy products to various international markets. In recent years, the brand's fruit
pulp, pastes, purees and concentrates have evoked tremendous demand across the globe. To cater to this demand, Mother Dairy has set up a 100 per cent Export Oriented Unit with a capacity for processing over 15000 metric tones of fresh produce annually. Moreover, a new state-of-the-art plant with an installed capacity for processing 10 metric tones of fruit per hour is being set up at Bangalore. The units are ISO 9001-2000 and HACCP certified, and the products are Kosher certified.
As another step towards providing quicker and better service to its international customers, Mother Dairy has established a marketing office in Rotterdam. With a view to ensuring world-class quality on a consistent basis, Mother Dairy focuses on delivering value at every stage - right from the farm to the plant. Best ingredients. Streamlined processes. Reliable customer service. These are the aspects that make Mother Dairy an outstanding brand. Real milk. Abundant toppings. And an utterly delectable taste. That's the secret of Mother Dairy's fascinating range of rich and creamy ice creams - a lip-smacking array of ice candies, milk lollies, bars, cones, real fruit ice creams, Sundaes and take-home packs.
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF), is India's largest food product marketing organization with annual turnover (2010-11) US$ 2.2 billion. Its daily milk procurement is approx 12 million lit (peak period) per day from 15,712 village milk cooperative societies, 17 member unions covering 24 districts, and 3 million milk producer members. It is the Apex organization of the Dairy Cooperatives of Gujarat, popularly known as 'AMUL', which aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing quality products which are good value for money. Its success has not only been emulated in India but serves as a model for rest of the World. It is exclusive marketing organization
of 'Amul' and 'Sager' branded products. It operates through 47 Sales Offices and has a dealer network of 5000 dealers and 10 lakh retailers, one of the largest such networks in India. Its product range comprises milk, milk powder, health beverages, ghee, butter, cheese, Pizza cheese, Ice-cream, Paneer, chocolates, and traditional Indian sweets; etc GCMMF is India's largest exporter of Dairy Products. It has been accorded a "Trading House" status. Many of our products are available in USA, Gulf Countries, Singapore, The Philippines, Japan, China and Australia. GCMMF has received the APEDA Award from Government of India for Excellence in Dairy Product Exports for the last 13 years. For the year 2009-10, GCMMF has been awarded "Golden Trophy' for its outstanding export performance and contribution in dairy products sector by APEDA. For its consistent adherence to quality, customer focus and dependability, GCMMF has received numerous awards and accolades over the years. It received the Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award in1999 in Best of All Category. In 2002 GCMMF bagged India's Most Respected Company Award instituted by Business World. In 2003, it was awarded the The IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award - 2003 for adopting noteworthy
quality management practices for logistics and procurement. GCMMF is the first and only Indian organisation to win topmost International Dairy Federation Marketing Award for probiotic ice cream launch in 2007. The Amul brand is not only a product, but also a movement. It is in one way, the representation of the economic freedom of farmers. It has given farmers the courage to dream. To hope to live.
GCMMF - An Overview
Year of Establishment Members No. of Producer Members No. of Village Societies Total Milk handling capacity per day Milk Collection (Total 2010-11) Milk collection (Daily Average 2010-11) Milk Drying Capacity Cattlefeed manufacturing Capacity Sales Turnover -(201011)
1973 17 District Cooperative Milk Producers' Unions (13 Members & 4 Nominal Members) 3.03 Million 15,712 13.67 Million litres per day 3.45 billion litres 9.2 million litres (peak 12 million) 647 Mts. per day 3690 Mts. per day Rs. 9774 Crores (US $2.2 Billion)
Sales Turnover
2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Rs (million)
22588 23365 27457 28941 29225 37736 42778 52554 67113 80053 97742
US $ (in millions)
500 500 575 616 672 850 1050 1325 1504 1700 2172
100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 R (m s illion) US$ (in m illions ) 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Our Member Unions 1. Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers' Union Ltd., Anand
Pistachio,Cardamom). Amul Amrakhand Amul Mithaee Gulabjamuns Amul mithaee Kulfi Mix
UHT MILK RANGE: Amul Taza 3% fat milk Amul Gold 4.5 % fat milk Amul Slim and Trim 0% fat milk Amul Chocolate Milk Amul Fresh Cream Amul Taza Double Toned Milk PURE GHEE: Amul Pure Ghee Sugar Pure Ghee Amul Cow Ghee INFANT MILK RANGE: Amul infant milk formula 1(0-6 month) Amul infant milk formula 2(6 months above) Amul spray Infant Milk Food
MILK POWDERS: Amul Full Cream Milk Powder Amul Dairy Whitener Sagar Skimmed Milk Powder
FRESH MILK: Amul Taza Double Toned Milk 3% Fat Amul Gold Full Cream Milk 6% Fat Amul Shakti Standardised Milk 3% Fat CURD PRODUCTS: Amul Masti Dahi Amul Butter Milk
Chocopics, Butterscotch Tutti Fruti) NUT -O- MANIA RANGE ( kaju Drakshi, Kesar Pista , roasted Almond ,Kesar Karniwal) UTSAV RANGE (Anjir ,Roasted Almond) SIMPLY DELCIOUS RANGE( vanilla, Strawberry,Pineapple. NATURES TREAT (Alphanso Mango, Fresh Litchi, Ajir, Fresh Strawbery). SUNDAY RANGE( Mango ,Black Current, Chocolate, Strawbery) MILLENNIUM ICE-CREAM( Cheese With Almond, Dates With Honey). MILK Kulfi). BARS(Chocobar, Mango Dolly,Shahi Badam
COOL CANDIES ( Orange Mango) CASSATA TRICONE CONES (Butter Scotch , Chocolate) MEGABITE ALMOND CONE FROSTIC 3 Layer Chocolate Bar FUNDO RANGE- exclusively for kids SLIM SCOOP FAT FREE FROZEN DESERT ( Vannila ,Bannana ,Mango, Pineapple) CHOCOLATE AND CONFECTIONARY: Amul Milk Chocolates Amul Fruit And Nut Chocolates BROWN BEVERAGE: Nutramul Malted Milk Food
SOUPS: Masti Tomato Soup Masti Hot & Sour Soup AMUL ICE-CREAM is made from milk & milk products.sugars ,stabilizers & emulsifires. COMPOSITIONS Milk Fat 13.5% to 14.5% Total Solids 40% to 41% Sugar 15% Acidity 0.17% to 0.19% Protien 3.9% to 4.1% FOOD ENERGY VALUECalories per 100 ml 196.7 Kcal FLAVOURS: Vanila, Rajbhog, Chocopics, Butterscotch ,Tutti Fruti, kaju Drakshi, Kesar Pista , Anjir , Strawberry,Pineapple Alphanso
Mango, Fresh Litchi, Anjir, Fresh Strawber Mango, Chocolate, Mango, Butter Scotch , Chocolate.
PACKAGING: 50 ML cup, 100 ml cup, 500ml pack, 4 liter pack, choc-bar, Ice candies, cones & kulfies. SPECIAL FEATURES: Various varieties of ice -cream made from the basic mix by addition of required amount of permissible color & flavors. Dry fruits 7 Nuts would be used for making premium verities of Icecream.
Bread Spreads Amul Butter
Utterly Butterly Delicious
Amul Lite
Low fat, low Cholesterol Bread Spread
Powder Milk Amul Spray Infant Milk Food
Still, Mother's Milk is Best for your baby
Fresh Milk
Gouda Cheese
For Cooking Amul / Sagar Pure Ghee
Made from fresh cream. Has typical rich aroma and granular texture. An ethnic product made by diaries with decades of experience.
Cooking Butter
Mithai Mate
Sweetened Condensed Milk Free flowing and smooth texture. White to creamy color with a pleasant taste.
Masti Dahi
Desserts Amul Ice Creams
Premium Ice Cream made in various varieties and flavours with dry fruits and nuts.
Amul Shrikhand
A delicious treat, anytime.
Amul Chocolates
The perfect gift for someone you love.
Amul Lassee
Amul Basundi
Total ice cream market in our country is of Rs.2000 crores in which branded ice cream market share is of Rs. 650 crores. Amul captures around 27% of total market share of organized sector. In 2003, Amul ice cream sales wet Rs.160 crore, almost three times the Rs.55 crore sales in 1998. The ice cream consumption in Delhi is 20% of the total consumption in our country. Out of which Amul captures around 30% of the Delhi market.
: Kwality Walls, Metro, Tullikas, Rollick. : Vadilal, Dinshaws, Havmor, Pastonji. : Kwality Walls, Mother Dairy, Cream Bell, Vadilal. : Nandini, Joy, Arun.
: Baskin Robbins, Kwality Walls INT.,
ICE CREAM MARKET FEATURES: Ice cream consumption is highest in western India (40%), followed by north (30%), south (20%), and east (10%). Immense opportunity in DELHI and NCR Vanilla account for nearly 60% of the volumes. Ice creams are mainly consumed in evenings. Below 25 years age group account for 80% of consumption. Consumption of ice cream goes down by 40% to 50% in winter.
samples found microbially contaminated, expect Amul, Kwality Walls Max & Havmor.
Amul is considered to be a real ice-cream because it fulfills the definition of the ice- cream which contains:1. Sugar 2. Milk proteins 3. Milk fat (14% min.) 4. Liquid glucose 5. Emulsifying and stabilizing agent Whereas other ice creams considered as frozen desert because they contains: 1.
2. Milk proteins 3. Vegetable fat (14% min.) 4. Liquid glucose 5. Emulsifying and stabilizing agent The federations strategies includes a wide and diverse set of Objectives 1-To establish a strong and extensive marketing system implementingthe policies and allowing member unions to concentrate on procurement processing and packaging. 2-To accept and utilize all the products produced by its producer member creating a basis for a judicious product mix and sustained growth. 3-To establish the income of producer-members round the year, diminishing the ill-effects of seasonally fluctuating milk Collections.
Would otherwise have been possible. 5-To assist its members in developing and standardizing production and processing facilities.
6-To establish norms for uniform quality standards among all the member unions. 7-To co-ordinate the operation of milk guide covering all member unions, and of-setting imbalances between their individual collections and their milk landing capacities. 8- To formulate production priorities and programmes to be followed bythe member-unions. 9- To maintain a highly flexible product mix that would allow greater economy of scale and ensure full utilization of capacity 10- To faster individual skill by providing training development facilities. 11- To develop and maintain communication channels up to the village levels. 12- To ensure greater consumer acceptance of marketed products developing strengthening brand image. Amul Has Focused on These Seven Marketing Plans or Strategies to Emerging his Business In India and Worldwide and
indifference, or confusion are among the top sales killers in the business world. It's up to you to project an image of experience, quality, dependability, excellent customer service, and/or value to your prospective customers in order to win their confidence. If you haven't clearly communicated the advantages and solid reasons for them to do business with you, then they'll be hesitant to commit and the sale will go to your competitor. 2. Penetrate awareness of your target audience by using some form of integrated marketingIn other words, the more ways the public hears about you, the better your chances are for achieving brand recognition, credibility, and greater market share. Effective marketing is partly the result of exposing your target group to your name and your selling points (unique selling proposition) as often as possible(frequency), in as many ways as possible, and as costeffectively as possible.
In both print and in person, is contagious (and I'm not talking about using multiple exclamation points after sentences!!! That's just plain tacky.) If you deeply believe in your products, services, your company, and yourself, then your prospects will pick up on that passionate attitude and feel confident and optimistic about doing business with you.
4. Purchasing is an emotional decision:
Instill in your prospects good feelings about your company, your business relationship with them, and how you can improve their lives or solve their problem. Accomplishing that is at least as important in the sales process as focusing attention on product features and benefits. 5. Dispel Distrust: Gain customer confidence and overcome potential feelings of distrust by offering written guarantees of satisfaction, customer testimonials, references, and by joining respected and well-known professional organizations, such as the Better Business Bureau, Chambers of Commerce, and industry associations. 6. Impose Deadline: Counteract one of the biggest obstacles to closing a sale known to mankind: procrastination. To overcome the
natural human tendancy to deliberate, postpone, and delay, it's often necessary to inject a sense of urgency into your ads, sales presentations, and marketing messages. Whether supplies are limited or prices are going up at the end of the month, some prospects need to have a deadline or an incentive to motivate them to take action now.
opportunities. Your strategic plan should also take into account factors such asyour weaknesses (and possible remedies), external threats (competition, economic factors, etc.), your marketing mix strategy (products/services, promotional goals, pricing strategy, and distribution decisions), media strategy, sales and expense budgets, and target market analysis (know your customers).
Amul Concentrate on Public Relations MarketingPublic Relations involves a variety of programs designed to maintain or enhance a company's image and the products and services it offers. Successful implementation of
an effective public relations strategy can be a critical component to a marketing plan. A public relations (PR) strategy may play a key role in an organization's promotional strategy. A planned approach to leveraging public relations opportunities can be just as important as advertising and sales promotions. Public relations is one of the most effective methods to communicate and relate to the market. It is powerful and, once things are in motion, it is the most cost effective of all promotional activities. In some cases, it is free. The success of well executed Public Relation plans can be seen through several organizations that have made it a central focus of their promotional strategy. Paul Newman's Salad Dressing, The Body Shop, and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream have positioned their organizations through effective Public Relation strategies. Intel, Sprint and Microsoft have leveraged public relations to introduce and promote new products and services. Similar to the foundational goals of marketing, effective public relations seeks to communicate information to: 1. Launch new products and services.
2. Reposition a product or service. 3. Create or increase interest in a product, service, or brand. 4. Influence specific target groups. 5. Defend products or services that have suffered from negative press or perception. 6. Enhance the firm's overall image. 7. The result of an effective public relations strategy is to generate additional revenue through greater awareness and information for the products and services an organization offers. Some other valuable points which can help in making relationship to their customers
Goals and Objectives Good strategy begins with identifying your goals and
stating your objectives. What are the goals and objectives beh your public relations strategy and can they be measured and quantified? Each of these areas may reflect the goals your public relations campaign may seek to accomplish. Press relations Communicating news and information of interest about organizations in the most positive light.
Product and service promotion Sponsoring various efforts to publicize specific products or services. Firm communications Promoting a better and more attractive understanding of the organization with internal and external communications. Lobbying Communicating with key individuals to positively influence legislation and regulation. Internal feedback Advising decision makers within the organization regarding the public's perception and advising actions to be taken to change negative opinions.
During making strategies company should also Concentrate on Various Important Points 1. Company should to know how to develop a results-driven marketing plan. 2. Proven methods for performing low-cost market research that generates repeat business. 3.How to create a profit-producing marketing budget. 4. Planning of their advertising budget. 5.Launching a retail advertising program. 6.Choosing advertising media and determining which will produce the most cost-effective results. 7.Create advertising that builds product awareness among the peoples. 8. Time to time evaluating advertising results.
9. Locating and acquiring new customers. 10.How to expand their market. 11. Develope and quantify sales goals and sale projections. 12. How to get valuable free publicity with press releases. 13. Using signage as an effective marketing tool, selling on consignment, selling through mail order, selling through independent sales agents. 14.Company should to know how to set their optimal, competitive prices .Because price setting is very important factor.
: Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited
hail rented office at ANAND in Gujarat. 1974 : GCMMF commenced the marketing of milk and other dairy products from April. This year also witnessed the launch of Amul Milk Chocolates, a quality product. 1976 : An important step was taken in establishing A National Milk Grid. It also saw a successful launch Malted Cocoa Beverage- Natural.
1978-79 : Federation crossed the border of Rs.100 crores in sales,
reaching a turnover of Rs. 107.45 crores. I n July 1978, the federation was recognized as an implementing agency of the programmes under operation flood second in October 1979, milk highly perishable commodity was transported to calcutta by rail tankers from ANAND .GCMMFs head office was shifted to its own building on amul dairy road, ANAND. 1981-82 : The sales turnover of the federation crossed Rs.
163.65 crores. 1982 1983 : Amul Shrikhand was introduced in febuary. : Indias first homogenized UHT milk in laminated
The federations sales turnover crossed Rs. 250 : Federation launched Amul an instant milk powder
and Amul Elaichi Shake and Amul Choc Shake flavored milk was launched in 200 ml tetra packs 1988 1995 launched. 1996 : Federation entered the Ice-Cream business. : Amul Cheese was launched in selected markets. : Amul Lite a low fats, low cholesterol Cheese was
cream market with in a three years. Finding out the reason why amul is the big competitors to others Ice-cream companies like mother dairy, vadilal, kwality walls, dairy farm, dinshaw etc.
What is research?
Marketing research play an important role in the process of marketing. Starting with market component of the total marketing talks. It helps the firm to acquire a batter understanding of the consumers, the competition and marketing environment. Definition Marketing research is a systematic, gathering, recording and analysis marketing problem to facilitate decision making.
Marketing research is a systematic problem analysis , model building and fact finding for the purpose of important decision making and control in the marketing of goods and services.
MAIN STEPS INVOLVED IN MARKETING RESEARCH Defining the marketing problem to be talked and identifying the market research problem involved in the task.
Define the problem and its objectives. Identify the problem. Determine the information needed. Determine the sources of information. Decide research method collecting data.
These are generally published sources, which have been collected originally for some other purpose. Sources are internal company records, government publication, report & journals, professional and business associates publication &report. DECIDE RESEARCH METHOD FOR COLLECTING DATA Survey method Observation method Experimentation method
Survey method In this method, information gathered directly from individual respondents, either through personal interviews or through mail questionnaires or telephone interviews. Observation method The research data are gathered through observing and recording their actions in a marketing situation. This technique is highly accurate. It is rather an expensive technique. Experimentation method
This method involves carrying out a small scale trial solution to a problem while at the same time, attempting to control all factors relevant to the problem .The main assumption hear is that the test condition are essentially the same as those that will be encountered later when conclusion derived from the experiment are applied to a broader making area. Sample size: This research is designed to assist the decision makers in determining, evaluating and selecting a course of action to enhance the sales of Amul product in fridabad city. To have an insight of the problems faced by Amul retailer in NCR regarding sales, a research is being conducted by us. For it a sample size of 135 was taken across different categories of retailers in the area of: NCR ( Faridabad Harayana ) It consists of personal interviews with the retailers to generate maximum insight. The findings of our research should be regarded as tentative or as input for further research. This research could be followed by further conclusive research.
The scope of study is to understand the problem faced by the company while increasing the retail outlets. With the help of this project GCMMF can increase their outlets by analyzing the feedback given by the interviewer (including existing and non existing outlets). GCMMF can also analyze the pricing strategy followed by the rivals. By this study company will get the information about current competitive position of the Amul ice cream in the market. LIMITATION Due to unavailability of proper conveyance facility, it was really hard to cover the market under a scorching sun. In many residential blocks shops located in corners of by lanes were difficult to locate. The time duration of two months was short for the completion of all activities.
Being a perishable product no sample could be shown as demanded by many prospecting clients.
AMUL focus would be more on widening its distribution network & grabbing consumers attention through competitive pricing & positioning of its products. In the take away segment amul are offering a 1.25 litre party pack for Rs. 65, where as kwality walls is changing the same for a 750 ml pack . companies are listed below :Price comparison
product Amul(Rs./Qty) KW(Rs./Qty) Vadilal(Rs./Qty) Mother Dairy(Rs./Qty) Chocobar 15 (60ml) Frostic Orange Candi Cone Vanilla Pack 20(120ml) 75(1.25ml) 25(125ml) 99(1150ml) 20(110ml) 75(1 ltr) 25(115ml) 99 (1.25ml) 20(70ml) 5(60ml) 15(60ml) 20(75FD) 5(45ml) 15(60ml) 15(60FD) 5(60ml) 15(60ml) 18(60FD) 5(55ml)
Survey on PUSH CART SALES at Faridabad Region. This survey was just a part of project under which we tired to collect the information of all the companies operating Push Carts in Faridabad region. The objective of the survey was to find out the answers of the following question:
To find out how many push charts are operating in faridabad region?
What are their Daily Average Sales? What is their Margin and on what basis they get commission? Various schemes offered by them? Time period of operation of Push Charts? What is their time duration of sales?
Mother Dairy 23
Kwality walls 20
Cream Bell 12
4 pm to 11 pm.
A product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need. The product can be classified according to the basis of characteristics; durability, tangibility and use. Amul ice cream comes under the heading of non durable goods which are tangible, which can normally consumed in one or few uses like Vegetables and Milk. As ice cream is also consumer goods, we can further classify it under the sub heading of convenience, shopping, specialty & cons ought goods. In this classification ice cream comes under the heading of convenience goods.
Convenience goods are those the customer usually purchases frequently, immediately and with a minimum effort. Convenience goods can be further divided. Staples are goods consumers purchase on a regular basis. Like toothpaste, soaps etc. impulse goods are purchased without any planning or search effort like ice cream, magazines etc. Emergency goods are purchased when a need is urgent like umbrellas during rains
Product Mix
A product mix is the set of all products and items that a particular seller offers for sale. As Amul has its product mix like icre cream, milk, butter cheese, chocolate, dairy whiteners, pizzas, infant milk. A companys product mix has a certain width, length & depth. The width of a product mix refers to how many different product lines the company carries. The length of a product mix refers to the total no. of items in the mix. The depth of a product mix refers to how many variants are offered of each product in the line.
Product-Mix Width
Ice cream, cheese, milk, chocolate, butter, infant milk, dairy whiteners.
Product-Line Analysis
Product line managers need to know the sales and profits of each item in their line in order to determine which items to build, maintain, harvest or divert they also need to understand each product lines market profile.
Today there is a new view of communications as an interactive dialogue between the company and its customers that takes place during the pre-selling, selling, consuming & post consuming stages. Companies must ask not only How can we reach our customers but also How can our customers reach us. In reference with Amul, it always tries to communicate some current topic in its hoardings (road side) and also on T.V. advertisements. Amul Promotional Mix Advertising TV compaign Sigh alges Shop painting Posters & stickers Pamphlets Wall painting
Public Relations Sales Promotion
Press campaign
Advertising: Any said form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. Sales promotion: AA variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchaser of a product or service. Public relations and publicity: A variety of programs designed to promote or protect a companys image or its individual products. Personal selling: Face to face interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations answering questions and procuring orders.
Direct marketing: Use of mail, telephone, fax, email or internet to communicate directly with or; lkkk response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects.
Awareness: If most of the target audience is unaware of the product, the communicators task is to build awareness, perhaps just name recognition, with simple messages repeating the product name. For eg. Real Milk Readl Icre Cream for Amul Ice Cream. Knowledge: The target audience might have product awareness but not know much more. For e.g. everybody knows Amul is manufacturing butter & milk products, but many of us dont know Amul also supplies Frozen Pizzas and Infant Milk, Health drinks. Conviction: A target audience might prefer a particular product but not develop a conviction about buying it. For e.g. Amuls Tricome & k/w Cornetto are the supplementary products. Purchase: Finally, some members of the target audience might have conviction but may not quite get around to making the purchase. They wait for more information or
plan to act later. The communicate must lead these customers to take the final step, perhaps by offering the product at a low price, offering a premium or letting consumers try it out. In case of Amul icre cream, it is offering the discount on Tricone Rs. 3/- off and on Brick One+One scheme. Factors in setting the promotional mix: Companies must consider several factors in developing their promotion mix: types of product market, consumers readiness to make a purchase and stage in the product life cycle. Also important is the companys market rank. Market leaders derive more benefits from advertising than from sales promotion. Conversely, smaller competitors gain more by using sales promotion in their promotional mix. Type of product market: As Amul is more into the consumer market, it spends on sales promotion advertising personal selling and public relations. For Business market it spends on personal selling, sales promotion, advertising and public relations. Buyer-readiness stage: Promotional tools vary in cost effectiveness at different stages of buyer readiness. Advertising & publicity play the most important roles in the awareness building
advertising and personal selling. Customer conviction is influenced mostly by personal selling. Closing the sale in influenced mostly by personal selling and sales promotion. Reordering is also affected mostly by personal selling and sales promotion and some what by reminder advertising. PLC Stage: Promotional tools also vary in cst-effectiveness at different stages of the product life cycles. In the introduction stage, advertising & publicity have the highest cost effectiveness, followed by personal selling to gain distribution coverage and sales promotion to induce trial. In the growth stage, demand has its own momentum through the word of mouth. In the maturity stage, sales promotion advertising and personal selling all grow more important. In the decline stage sales promotion continues strong, advertising and publicity are reduced and sales people give the product only minimal attention.
A firm must set a price for the first time when it develops a new product, when it introduces its regular product, when it introduces its regular product into a new distribution channel or geographical
Area, the firm must decide where to position its product on quality & price. Setting pricing policy: 1. Selecting the pricing objective 2. Determining demand 3. Estimating cost 4. Analyzing competitors cost, prices & offers 5. Selecting a pricing method 6. Selecting the final price
where it wants to position its market offering. The clearer a firms objective the easier it is to set price. A company can pursue and of five major objectives through pricing: survival, maximum current profit, maximum market share, maximum market skimming or product-quality leadership. Amuls objective is to maximize their market share in the ice cream industry. They believe that a higher sales volume will lead to lower unit cost and higher long run profit. They set the lowest price, assuming the market is price-sensitive. The following conditions favors setting a lower price.
The market is highly price-sensitive and a low price. Production & distribution costs fall with accumulated production experience and
level of demand and therefore have a different impact on a companys marketing objectives. In the normal case, demand and price are inversely related: the higher the price, the lower the demand. Ice cream today has become the sweet dish earlier it was considered as luxurious commodity. 3. Estimating costs: Demand sets a ceiling on the price the company can charge for its product. Costs set the floor. The company wants to charge a price that covers its costs of producing, distributing and selling the products, including a fair return for its effort and risk.
Amul is offering its retail chain differentiated marketing offers in which it is trying to adopt their offers and terms to different buyers. Thus a manufacturer will negotiate different terms with different retail chain. One retailer may want daily delivery to keep the stock lower while another may accept twice a week delivery in order to get a lower price. The manufacturers cost will differ with each chain and so will its profits. Recently Amul is offering its retail chain a scheme called Bulk order purchase in which a retailer gets additional profit margin of 19% on the purchase of Rs. 1900/or more.
Analyzing competitors cost, prices & offers: Within the range of possible prices determined by
market demand and company costs, the firm must take the competitors cost, prices and possible price reactions into account. For e.g. On Amul Bricks 2 L schemes are offered (1) 25% extra & (2) 1+1 free. 5. Selecting a pricing method: Given the three Cs the customers demand schedule, the cost function and competitors
prices, the company is now ready to select a price. There are seven price setting methods: market up pricing, target return pricing, perceived-value pricing, value pricing, going-rate pricing, auctiontype pricing and group pricing. Amul has adopted value pricing in which they with loyal customers by charging a fairly low price for a quality offering. In case of Amul it is offering Real Milk Real Ice Cream and several other schemes like 1+1 on Bricks (on 750ml Brick) and 25% extra on 1ltr Brick of Vanila. Selecting the final price: Pricing methods narrow the range from which the company must select its final price. In selecting that final price the company must consider additional factors, including psychological pricing, gain & risk-sharing pricing, the influence of other marketing mix elements on price, company pricing policies and the impact of price on other parties. In case of Amul the influence of other marketing mix elements set the final price, the final price must take into account the brand quality and advertising relative to competition.
As most of the services are provided by people, the selection, training and motivating employee can make a huge difference in customer satisfaction. Ideally employees should exhibit competence, a caring attitudes, responsiveness, initiative, problem solving ability and goodwill. These days Amul also has started taking employees having these qualities in them to achieve their objectives.
Companies also try to demonstrate their services quality through physical evidence and presentation. In this training we were given dsds of opportunity to demonstrate & give presentation of the HADF scheme offered by the Amul.
The marketer does not create the segments, the marketers task is to identifying the segments and decide which one(s) to target. For e.g.: There are people who like to have only candies or milk bars or cones or cups or bricks. Amul Ice Cream is creating a more five-tuned product or service offering and pricing it appropriately for the target segment. Patterns of Market Segmentation Here we will consider segment-centered marketing. Marketing segments can be built up in many ways. One way is to identify preference segments. Suppose ice cream buyers are asked how much they value sweetness and creaminess as two product attributes. Three different patterns can emerge:
Homogeneous preference:
Shows a market where all the consumers have roughly the same preferences.
be scattered throughout the space, indicating that consumers vary greatly in their preferences.
In reference with Amul Ice Cream, the pattern of market segmentation creaminess. is Homogeneous preference as they are manufacturing Ice Cream in best proportion of sweetness &
Market Targeting Once the firm has identified its market-segment opportunities, it has to decide how many and which ones to target.In evaluating different market segments, the firm must look at two factors: the segments overall attractiveness and the companys objectives & resources. Does a potential segment have characteristics that make it generally attractive such as size, growth, profitability, scale economies and low risk? Does investing in the segment make sense given the firms objectives, competencies and resources? Some attractive segments may not mesh with the companys long-run objectives, or the company may lack one or more necessary competencies to offer superior value. \ Having evaluated different segments, the company considers five patterns of target market selection. 1. Single-segment concentration 2. Selective specialization
3. Product specialization 4. Market specialization 5. Full market coverag In reference with Amul Ice Cream, it has selected to go for product specialization. The firm is making certain product that it can be sold to several segments. Ice Cream 4 4 4 4 4 Candies Cones Cups Bricks Kulfi
What Amul Ice Cream is positioning? Positioning is not what you do to a product, positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect that is you position the product in the mind of the prospect. For eg: Real Milk Real Ice Cream.
AMUL feels that its share in the ice-cream market nationwide certainly estimated at 18 million tones. GCMMF has beaten KWALITY WALLS in ice-cream market .GCMMF ice cream business has sold 16 million cities growing at arround 50% . AMUL claims it has inched closer to market share. Amul share was 30% while that of Mother Dairy was 25%. AMUL simply means VALUE FOR MONEY and QWALITY . Amul means a range of superior products consumed by every age group and a favrite in every part of the country. AMUL lack in their distribution network and promotional strategies as their competitors are strong among in this area like
mother dairy, kwality walls, they have to take strong step in this regard. AMUL has the good potential market with competitive pricing policy. AMUL has the threat with other competitors in respect of verities and pricing.
According to my survey, I observed that 27% customers thinking that amul product has good product range available in the market.
According to my survey, I observed that 45% of amul product customer is satisfied with the quality of product.
According to my survey, I observed that 45% of customer is satisfied with the price of amul product.
According to my survey, I observed that 27% of amul product are available in the market.
According to my survey, I observed that 27% of amul product are available in the market.
Amul is pure in quality as well as fresh also. Amul has good quality comparatively to Mother Dairy, but its service is not satisfactory. Service is mostly not on time in evening.
Amuls non availability of push cart is effecting the sale, because when someone want to purchase it they do not get it
near their house and push cart also affect the retailer sells. The retailer also complain about the promise of the company. According to them they are not getting timely replacement which decrease their fate on the company. Due to fear of malting they do not store it. And because of this reason the retailers take limited ice cream so that they could sell it in the night only. So provide timely replacement we can motivate them to stock the ice cream in bulk which can be use when supply will be late. Mostly distributor use 2-3 people for these type of work which is not sufficient for such kind of work. Try to better the performance of the product. Advertisement should be proper, specifically in NCR, to create more awareness. Improve the availability / service in the local market. Amul All ice-cream product rage is not available in summer time so other company ice cream sale more than. we have request company focus the product rage. Ice-cream packaging boxs less county item. That time summer season but not given the sachem company
Company hoding broad ,advertisement item ,is not enough so please company focus the publicity . There are retailer is a told amul ice-cream sale is good by other company point of view.
Amul is a famous and old brand and its products are preferable by all over India. It has Brand Equity. Quality of Amul is high class and each product is made from best resources. Amul is a symbol of a proven model for dairy products.
Distribution channel of Amul ice-cream is weak and not effective in most of the parts of NCR. Late delivery of icecream and other products are not supplied properly like Butter, Mattha etc.
Lack of product availability, which is in demand. Late supply of ice-cream is a great obstacle in its success.
Amul ice-cream packing creates confusion to the mind of consumer like some packet contenting manufactured by mother dairy. Actually the mother dairy is the plant of amul which is in Gujarat.
Amul has great market potential in the near future because of its brand name, quality and its capability to supply uninterrupted ice-cream. Demand could be increased by improving quality and providing supply in the evening and also improving the service in morning. Advertisements are required to create awareness about Amul ice-cream.
The biggest threat is its biggest competitor, Mother Dairy, which has a good market share and also famous among local retailers and consumers, being a local brand. There is also the threat of upcoming competitor kawlity walls.
Company should develop a results-driven marketing plan.
Company should launch a retail advertising program. Company should choose a excellent advertising media and determining which will produce the most cost-effective results, creating advertising that builds product awareness. Company should evaluate time to time advertising results, locating and acquiring new customers. Company should expand their market and quantify their sales goals and sales projections. Company should know how to get valuable free publicity with press releases, using signage as an effective marketing tool, Amul should invest more on advertisement for ice-cream on T.V. Amul should allot some more distributors because the market has a large potential but due to lack of distribution, some retailers are dis-satisfied.
It should give advertisement on T.V. , Radio & News Paper. It should provide pushcarts near schools & markets for easy availability of ice-cream. They can give some road shows related to importance of amul ice-cream i.e. how it is better from other ice-creams. Amul should provide some gifts to those retailers who selling more ice-cream. Ice-cream can be advertised in bus stops, movie theaters during the interval session. Company should give special offers to retailers frequently. Company should expand their business throughout the small towns.
Company should open exclusive amul parlors and outlets in big shopping malls for promotion in higher segment.
From the above research it can be concluded that amul is a biggest brand in ice-cream since its inception in 2010 due to its marketing strategies in rural and urban sectors.
It is a privilege to dealers to keep amul ice cream in their outlets. The punch line- THE TASTE OF INDIA has created a great impression to the consumer in rural and urban sector as well.
Kotler P., (2000), Marketing Management, Millenium Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
The Economic Times, 23rd Dec., 2006. The Business Standard, 27th Nov., 2006. The Hindustan Times, 15th Nov., 2006.
Online Sources
Which company has a good product range? Amul Mother Dairy Other
2 Are you satisfied with the quality of product? Yes No cant say
3 Are you satisfied with the price of product? Yes No cant say
Flavors Problem
Other Problem
Amul 8
mother dairy
kwality walls
Which brand ice- cream you like most ? Amul mother dairy vadilal. Kwalitywalls
9 Which company product easily available in the market? Amu Mother Dairy
vadilal Kwalitywalls