Deck1 - Introduction
Deck1 - Introduction
Deck1 - Introduction
The material is for the exclusive use in MECN 430 classes at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. No other use is allowed without my permission.
These functions enable businesses to fulfill their primary purpose: delivering and creating value. Is there anything left?
Opportunity cost is what matters
The Cost of Something is what you give up to get it!
Knowledge Prerequisites
Knowledge of microeconomics at the level represented by On-Line Microeconomics Essentials
Probability theory
Probability theory at the level taught in DECS 433 Decision trees Basic familiarity with Excel tools
Grade components
Team and Individual homework exercises 10%
More information on exams will be provided as the date of exams approaches
Kellogg Grading policy guidelines for core courses set by the Deans office: 35-40% As 5-10% Cs
Final course score moves up or (but almost never) down by as much as 10% to reflect class participation and attendance.
What matters for class participation is quality. I am looking for relevant, fact-based comments that move the class forward.. I will cold call on students at random
Course readings:
Case packet with cases and additional readings Optional: Besanko and Braeutigam, Intermediate Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach (3rd edition recommended)
Types of assignments:
Cases Group homework assignments (to be turned in) Exercises for class preparation (not to be turned in) Drill problems (not to be turned in but its important that you do them!)
Classroom etiquette
Please display your nameplate
Do not leave then return except in an emergency Turn off your cell phone Please do not read ahead in the handouts Please do not use laptops in class
Time commitment for the student should be no more than an aggregate of 2-3 hours of the term
Microeconomic analysis
There is no new economy; just the old economy with a new technology
Jack Welch