Research Methods 2012 Us
Research Methods 2012 Us
Research Methods 2012 Us
Research Methods
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Selected Contents:
1. The Field of Qualitative Inquiry 2. Arguments for the Approach 3. Researcher Responsibilities 4. Participant Rights 5. Setting the Stage for the Study 6. Sampling 7. Data Collection Approaches 8. Techniques for Collecting and Storing Data 9. Primary Research Designs 10. arrative Designs N 11. ield-based Designs F 12. Relational Designs 13. Participatory Designs 14. rounded Design G 15. ynthesis S 16. ata Analysis D 17. ata Interpretation D 18. Ensuring Validity 19. Writing Up, Representing and Reporting Qualitative Information 20. Concluding the Study
Selected Contents:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction Choosing a Research Topic Choosing a Mentor Developing your Writing and Getting things Written Getting Published Applying for Research Funding Becoming a Supervisor Becoming a Teacher in Higher Education 9. Developing your Career 10. Conclusions and Future Direction
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Research Methods
New Titles and Key Backlist 2012
General Research Methods 2 Qualitative Methods 9 Quantitative Methods 13 Issues in Research 15 Academic Writing 21 Action Research 22 Supervising Research 24 Study Guides for Students 25 Backlist Titles 26 Index 29 Order Form Back of Catalog
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NEW IN 2012
NEW IN 2012
Focus Groups
From Structured Interviews to Collective Conversations
George Kamberelis, University of Wyoming, USA and Greg Dimitriadis, SUNY Buffalo, USA
Focus Groups is a conceptual and practical introduction to focus groups As the title indicates, focus groups traditionally encompass a wide range of discursive practices These span from formal structured interviews with particular people assembled around clearly delimited topics to less formal, open-ended conversations with large and small groups that can unfold in myriad and unpredictable ways Additionally, focus groups can and have served many overlapping purposes from the pedagogical, to the political, to the traditionally empirical In this book, focus groups are systematically explored; not as an extension or elaboration of interview work alone, but as its own specific research method with its own particular affordances This book comprehensively explores: the nature of focus groups, politic and activist uses of focus groups, practical ways to run a successful focus group, effective analysis of focus group data, and contemporary threats to focus groups
November 2012: 234 x 156: 192pp Hb: 978-0-415-69226-7: $155.00 Pb: 978-0-415-69227-4: $40.95 For more information, visit:
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Understanding Research
Coping with the Quantitative Qualitative Divide
M.I. Franklin, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
Successfully completing a research project is a major milestone in most university degrees, and the cornerstone of an academic career This textbook is an accessible, real-time guide to conducting academic research in international and cross-cultural settings This text: explores the decision making process at all points of a research project and the implications of these decisions in the longer term; outlines the practical and philosophical conundrums around specific techniques for gathering and analysing data; examines moments of disconnect, overlap, and potentially mutual benefit for researchers working at different points along the quantitative-qualitative divide that underscores popular and scholarly debates about the relevance of academic research; and explains how to cope with a divide that is both real and imagined; in all its experiential, institutional, and conceptual variations
June 2012: 246 x 174: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-49079-5: $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-49080-1: $47.95 For more information, visit:
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Editors: Melanie Nind, University of Southampton, UK, Liz Todd, Newcastle University, UK
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Ideally placed to offer guidance to developing researchers, this text draws together the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of effectively using video across the social sciences This book concentrates on how researchers can benefit from the use of video in their own research, whether it is: video as representation, video as an aid to reflection, video that generates participation, video, voice and articulation, or video that acts as a provocation In turn each of these five central functions is discussed in relation to different stages of the research process, consisting of: research design, fieldwork and data collection, analysis of data and findings, and dissemination
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Qualitative Research
The Essential Guide to Theory and Practice
Maggi Savin-Baden, University of Coventry, UK and Claire Howell Major, University of Alabama, USA
Qualitative research can be a difficult area to initially feel competent in This book provides beginning researchers with both an overview of qualitative research and practical advice and guidance about how to conduct a qualitative study It is split into five main sections which cover: making a case for qualitative research, managing roles and responsibilities, selecting a research design, analyzing and interpreting data, and managing the findings A Practical Introduction to Qualitative Research takes an innovative approach to explaining qualitative research methods
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Teachers as Researchers urges teachers as both producers and consumers of knowledge to engage in the debate about educational research by undertaking meaningful research themselves Now re-released to introduce this classic guide for teachers, the classic edition of Teachers as Researchers now also includes an introductory chapter by Shirley R Steinberg, McGill University, that sets the book within the context of both the subject and the historical perspective In addition, she also provides information on some key writing that extends the bibliography of this influential book thereby bringing the material fully up to date with current research
February 2012: 234 x 156: 320pp Hb: 978-0-415-68656-3: $155.00 Pb: 978-0-415-68657-0: $48.95 eBook: 978-0-203-80155-0 For more information, visit:
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2nd Edition
Ethnographic Methods
Karen OReilly, Loughborough University, UK
This textbook guides the reader from the initial design and planning stages through to the analysis and writing-up It explores the historical and philosophical foundations of ethnographic research and goes on to cover a range of relevant topics such as participant observation, qualitative interviews, (focus) group interviews and visual data collection and analysis The second edition includes new discussions of emerging practices such as reflexive ethnography and autoethnographic accounts, as well as an entire chapter dedicated to new directions in the field including virtual, mobile, multi-sited and global ethnography
November 2011: 234 x 156: 272pp Hb: 978-0-415-56180-8: $140.00 Pb: 978-0-415-56181-5: $45.95 eBook: 978-0-203-86472-2 For more information, visit:
2nd Edition
June 2011: 234 x 156: 264pp Hb: 978-0-415-57501-0: $145.00 Pb: 978-0-415-57502-7: $44.95 eBook: 978-0-203-81682-0 For more information, visit:
Telling Lives
Exploring Dimensions of Narratives
Marianne Horsdal, University of Southern Denmark
Telling Lives: Exploring Dimensions of Narratives, illustrates as many facets as possible of the stories people tell about their lives Horsdal demonstrates the interconnectedness between engagements in narrative research and shows that the theoretical understanding of the nature of narrative is bound up with the methods for biographical narrative research Through a combination of three independent, connected narrative dimensions, an embodied, a cognitive and a socio-cultural narrative, the author focuses on life story narratives as symbolic expressions where cultural constructions allow for interpersonal interaction This book also outlines the influence cultural and social environments have upon our own unique narrative memories coupled with our own physical movements in space The author concludes that the telling and exchanging of human narratives is the primary way of making sense and creating meaning of our own being
July 2011: 234 x 156: 184pp Hb: 978-0-415-68023-3: $150.00 Pb: 978-0-415-68024-0: $39.95 eBook: 978-0-203-80504-6 For more information, visit:
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Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice
Editors: Greetje van der Werf, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, Keith Morrison, Macau University, China
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Introductory Statistics
A Guided Tour
Edited by William B. Ware, University of North Carolina, USA, John M. Ferron, University of South Florida, USA and Barbara M. Miller, Elon College, USA
This comprehensive and uniquely organized text is aimed at undergraduate and graduate level statistics courses in education and psychology The focus throughout is more on conceptual understanding and attainment of statistical literacy and thinking than on learning a set of tools and procedures An organizational scheme built around common issues and problems rather than statistical techniques allows students to understand the conceptual nature of statistical procedures and to focus more on cases and examples of analysis Whenever possible, presentations contain explanations of the underlying reasons behind a technique Importantly, this is the first statistics text in the social sciences using R as the principal statistical package SAS and SPSS are included at the end of chapters as backup programs
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August 2011: 297 x 210: 56pp Pb: 978-0-415-56347-5: $28.95 For more information, visit:
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Involving Children and Young People in Health and Social Care Research
Edited by Jennie Fleming and Thilo Boeck, both at De Montfort University, UK
Divided into five parts, this practical book begins by considering what research with young people is and why we should do it, before leading the reader into how to undertake it This book provides practical examples of action and finishes with reflections about the whole process by bringing together a variety of experienced researchers, from a wide range of backgrounds in health and social care Involving Children and Young People in Health and Social Care Research includes issues on: understanding the reasons and processes for involving children and young people in research, making sure that involvement is meaningful and not merely tokenistic, developing research methods that are commensurate with different ages and abilities, ensuring adequate training and preparation, for children, young people and adults to make involvement meaningful, power and relationships between young people researchers and adult researchers, sustaining young peoples interest and motivation, and addressing ethical issues that arise throughout the research journey
May 2012: 234 x 156: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-66349-6: $125.00 For more information, visit:
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Educational Action Research
Editors: Marie Brennan, Victoria University, Australia, Dawn Hillier, Anglia Ruskin University, UK, Colleen McLaughlin, Cambridge University, UK, Julienne Meyer, City University, London, UK, Carol Munn-Giddings, Anglia Ruskin University, UK, Patricia Thomson, University of Nottingham, UK, Andrew Townsend, University of Nottingham, UK
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3rd Edition
Academic Writing
A Handbook for International Students
Stephen Bailey, University of Nottingham, UK
Academic Writing has been fully revised to help students reach this goal Clearly organised, the course explains the writing process from start to finish Each stage is demonstrated and practised, from selecting suitable sources, reading, note-making and planning through to re-writing and proofreading The book is divided into short sections which contain examples, explanations and exercises for use in the classroom or self-study Cross-references allow easy access to relevant sections, and a full answer key is included The third edition has been developed in response to suggestions from both students and teachers Featuring a new Companion Website, there is increased coverage of plagiarism, argument, cause and effect, comparison, definitions and academic style Different forms of writing, including reports and literature reviews, are also covered
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2010 2010
qUalitative Methods
TITle An Introduction to Qualitative Research Synthesis: Managing the Information Explosion in Social Science Research Developing Cultural Capability in International Higher Education: A Narrative Inquiry Ethnography in Social Science Practice AuThor Claire Howell Major and Maggi Savin-Baden Sheila Trahar DATe 2010 FormAT & ISBN Hb: 978-0-415-56285-0 eBook: 978-0-203-49755-5 Hb: 978-0-415-57238-5 Pb: 978-0-415-57239-2 eBook: 978-0-203-83400-8 Hb: 978-0-415-54347-7 Pb: 978-0-415-54349-1 eBook: 978-0-203-87630-5 Hb: 978-0-415-49642-1 Pb: 978-0-415-49644-5 eBook: 978-0-203-85837-0 Hb: 978-0-415-57240-8 Pb: 978-0-415-57241-5 eBook: 978-0-203-84987-3 PrIce $14000
Exploring Learning, Identity and Power Ann-Marie Bathmaker and through Life History and Narrative Research Penelope Harnett New Approaches to Qualitative Research: Wisdom and Uncertainty Maggi Savin-Baden and Claire Howell Major
qUantitative Methods
TITle Methodological Advances in Educational Effectiveness Research Regression Analysis for the Social Sciences The Reviewers Guide to Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences Social Statistics: The Basics and Beyond AuThor Bert PM Creemers, Leonidas Kyriakides and Pam Sammons Rachel A Gordon Gregory R Hancock and Ralph O Mueller Thomas J Linneman DATe FormAT & ISBN 2010 Hb: 978-0-415-48175-5 Pb: 978-0-415-48176-2 eBook: 978-0-203-85100-5 Hb: 978-0-415-99154-4 Hb: 978-0-415-96507-1 Pb: 978-0-415-96508-8 eBook: 978-0-203-86155-4 Hb: 978-0-415-80501-8 Pb: 978-0-415-80502-5 eBook: 978-0-203-84167-9 PrIce $15500 $5695 $13595 $22500 $6995 $9595 $8995
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TITle Actor-Network Theory in Education AuThor Tara Fenwick and Richard Edwards DATe FormAT & ISBN 2010 Hb: 978-0-415-49296-6 Pb: 978-0-415-49298-0 eBook: 978-0-203-84908-8 PrIce $13500 $4195
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Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Teacher Education and Development: Learning Teaching Developing Research in Teacher Education Hermeneutics, History and Memory
Viv Ellis, Anne Edwards and Peter Smagorinsky Ian Menter and Jean Murray Philip Gardner
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2010 2010
Mobile Methods
Monika Bscher, John Urry and Katian Witchger Christopher B Barrett and Jeffrey Cason Robert McCormick, Alison Fox, Patrick Carmichael and Richard Procter Anne McDougall, John Murnane, Anthony Jones and Nick Reynolds Rosemary Webb Barbara Bintliff and Duncan Alford
Researching and Understanding Educational Networks Researching IT in Education: Theory, Practice and Future Directions Researching Primary Education: Methods and Issues Teaching Legal Research
Using Analytical Frameworks for Classroom Susan Rodrigues Research: Collecting Data and Analysing Narrative Using Educational Research to Inform Practice: A Practical Guide to Practitioner Research in Universities and Colleges Visual Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Awakening Visions Lorraine Foreman-Peck and Christopher Winch Stephen Spencer
action ReseaRch
TITle Action Research and Reflective Practice: Creative and Visual Methods to Facilitate Reflection and Learning 2nd Edition, Becoming a Teacher through Action Research: Process, Context, and Self-Study Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods: Connecting People, Participation and Place Responding to Diversity in Schools: An Inquiry-Based Approach Small-Scale Research in Primary Schools: A Reader for Learning and Professional Development Using Effectiveness Data for School Improvement: Developing and Utilising Metrics AuThor Paul McIntosh DATe FormAT & ISBN 2010 Hb: 978-0-415-46901-2 Pb: 978-0-415-46902-9 eBook: 978-0-203-86011-3 Hb: 978-0-415-80105-8 Pb: 978-0-415-80106-5 eBook: 978-0-203-86177-6 Pb: 978-0-415-59976-4 PrIce $14000 $4595 $14000 $4495 $4295
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Kimberly Safford, Mary Stacey and Roger Hancock Anthony Kelly and Christopher Downey
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sUPeRvising ReseaRch
TITle Practitioner Research at Doctoral Level: Developing Coherent Research Methodologies The Routledge Doctoral Students Companion: Getting to Grips with Research in Education and the Social Sciences AuThor Pat Drake and Linda Heath DATe FormAT & ISBN 2010 PrIce Hb: 978-0-415-49021-4 $13000 Pb: 978-0-415-49022-1 $3895 eBook: 978-0-203-84100-6 Hb: 978-0-415-48411-4 $15500 Pb: 978-0-415-48412-1 $5495 eBook: 978-0-203-85224-8 Hb: 978-0-415-48413-8 $15500 Pb: 978-0-415-48414-5 $5495 eBook: 978-0-203-85176-0
The Routledge Doctoral Supervisors Melanie Walker and Pat Thomson Companion: Supporting Effective Research in Education and the Social Sciences
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Academic Writing 25 Academic Writing for International Students of Business 28 Action Research and Reflective Practice 27 Actor-Network Theory in Education 26 Advancing Qualitative Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice 11 Advancing Quantitative Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice 14 Ainscow, Mel 27 Aitchison, Claire 28 Alford, Duncan 27 Applied Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences 13 Applied Statistics for the Social and Health Sciences 13 Armour, Kathleen 8
Creating Meaningful Inquiry in Inclusive Classrooms 22 Creemers, Bert PM 26 Cullen, Fin 6 Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Teacher Education and Development 27 Curriculum, Pedagogy and Educational Research 18
Exploring Learning, Identity and Power through Life History and Narrative Research 26
Facer, Keri 15 Facilitating Practitioner Research 16 Farrell, Lesley 19 Fenwick, Tara 4, 19, 26 Ferron, John M 13 Fielding, Michael 15 Fleming, Jennie 17 Focus Groups 2 Foreman-Peck, Lorraine 27 Foundations of Sport Management (series) 2 Fox, Alison 27 Franklin, Marianne 3 Frierson-Campbell, Carol 16 Froehlich, Hildegard 16
Dai, David Yun 18 Dainty, Andrew 9 Danby, Susan 24 Democracy, Education and Research 15 Design Research 26 Design Research on Learning and Thinking in Educational Settings 18 Developing Cultural Capability in International Higher Education 26 Developing Inquiry for Learning 4 Developing Narrative Theory 9 Developing Research in Teacher Education 27 Dimitriadis, Greg 2 Dodd, Sarah-Jane 6 Doing Qualitative Research in TESOL 9 Downe, Soo 11 Downey, Christopher 27 Drake, Pat 28 Dykes, Fiona 11
Brenholdt, Jrgen Ole 26 Bailey, Stephen 25, 28 Barker, Jamie 8 Barrett, Christopher B 27 Basics (series) 26 Bathmaker, Ann-Marie 26 Becoming a Successful Early Career Researcher 2 Becoming a Teacher Researcher in Literacy Teaching and Learning 22 Becoming a Teacher through Action Research 27 Beginning Interpretative Inquiry 3 Biggs, Catherine 2 Bintliff, Barbara 27 Blackmore, Jill 15 Boeck, Thilo 17 Bradford, Simon 6 Bresler, Liora 20 Burns, Anne 9 Bscher, Monika 26, 27
Gardner, Philip 27 Glenn, Mairin 23 Goodson, Ivor F 9, 15 Gordon, Rachel A 13, 26 Graue, Elizabeth 10 Groundwater-Smith, Susan 16
Early Childhood Teacher Research 23 Educational Psychology Series (series) 18 Edwards, Allan 2 Edwards, Anne 5, 27 Edwards, Richard 4, 26 Egerton, Jo 22 Elementary Statistics Tables 14 Eley, Adrian Richard 2 Elliott, John 18 Ellis, Viv 27 Emerging Approaches to Educational Research 4 Enhancing Practice through Classroom Research 23 Epstein, Irwin 6 ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series (series) 9 Ethics and Academic Freedom in Educational Research 19 Ethnographic Methods 11 Ethnographic Research in the Construction Industry 9 Ethnography in Social Science Practice 26
Hadfield, Mark 8 Hammond, Michael 3 Hancock, Gregory R 26 Hancock, Roger 27 Harcourt, Deborah 20 Harnett, Penelope 26 Haw, Kaye 8 Hawkins, Cyndy 4 Heath, Linda 28 Hermeneutics, History and Memory 27 Horsdal, Marianne 12 Howell Major, Claire 9 Hunsinger, Jeremy 18
Carmichael, Patrick 27 Carr, Kevin 27 Cason, Jeffrey 27 Castle, Kathryn 23 Changing Schools Through Systematic Inquiry 15 Cohen, Louis 7 Companions for PhD and DPhil Research (series) 28 Conducting Educational Design Research 15 Contemporary Sociological Perspectives (series) 26 Copes, Heith 11
Improving Learning (series) 5 Improving Research through User Engagement 5 Inquiry in Music Education 16 Interpretive Research Design 5 Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis in Education, An 11 Introduction to Qualitative Research Synthesis, An 26 Introductory Statistics 13
i n dex
Involving Children and Young People in Health and Social Care Research 17
Jones, Anthony 27 Jones, Ken 20 Jones, Marc 8 Jones, Phyllis 22
Morehouse, Richard E 3 Morrison, Keith 7 Mueller, Ralph O 26 Murnane, John 27 Murray, Jean 27
Neave, Henry R 14 New Approaches to Qualitative Research 26 New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction (series) 27 Norris, Nigel 18
Kakabadse, Andrew P 17 Kakabadse, Nada K 17 Kamberelis, George 2 Kamler, Barbara 21, 28 Kelly, Anthony 27 Kesby, Mike 27 Kincheloe, Joe L 10 Kindon, Sara 27 Knowledge Mobilization and Educational Research 19 Krotoski, Aleks 18 Kyriakides, Leonidas 26
ODonoghue, Peter 14 OReilly, Karen 11 Ovens, Peter 4 Overseas Research II 27
Pain, Rachel 27 Pappas, Christine C 22 Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods 27 Perry, Bob 20 Perry, Jr, Fred L 7 Petscher, Yaacov 13 Phillips, Donna Kalmbach 27 Philosophy for Management Research 17 Pink, Sarah 9 Piper, Heather 19 Pitts, Stephanie 2 Ponte, Petra 16 Practice-Based Research in Social Work 6 Practitioner Research at Doctoral Level 28 Pratt, Travis C 14 Procter, Richard 27 Psychoanalysis in Social Research 6 Publishing Pedagogies for the Doctorate and Beyond 28
Lapping, Claudia 6 Learning and Research in Virtual Worlds 18 Lee, Alison 24, 28 Lee, Anne 24 Linneman, Thomas J 26 Lomas, Robert 25
Macdonald, Doune 8 MacPhail, Ann 17 Major, Claire Howell 26 Manion, Lawrence 7 Mastering Your Business Dissertation 25 Mazzei, Lisa A 12 McCarthy, Paul 8 McCormick, Robert 27 McDonagh, Caitriona 23 McDougall, Anne 27 McIntosh, Paul 27 McKenney, Susan 15 Menter, Ian 27 Method in Social Science 26 Methodological Advances in Educational Effectiveness Research 26 Miles, Susie 27 Miller, Barbara M 13 Mitchell, Jane 16 Mobile Methods 27 Mockler, Nicole 16 Moran, Aidan 8
Qualitative Research 9 Qualitative Research in Midwifery and Childbirth 11 Qualitative Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health 10 Quantitative Methodology Series (series) 26
Research and Practice in Physical Education 17 Research and Research Methods for Youth Practitioners 6 Research in Applied Linguistics 7 Research Methods for Sport Management 2 Research Methods in Education 7 Research Methods in Physical Education and Youth Sport 8 Research Methods: The Basics 26 Research Methods: The Key Concepts 3 Researching and Understanding Educational Networks 27 Researching Creative Learning 26 Researching IT in Education 27 Researching Primary Education: Methods and Issues 27 Researching Young Childrens Perspectives 20 Reshaping Doctoral Education 24 Responding to Diversity in Schools 27 Reviewers Guide to Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, The 26 Reviewing Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences 10 Reynolds, Nick 27 Rickinson, Mark 5 Roche, Mary 23 Rodrigues, Susan 27 Rogers, Rebecca 11 Ronnerman, Karin 16 Routledge Advances in Sociology (series) 9 Routledge Doctoral Students Companion, The 28 Routledge Doctoral Supervisors Companion, The 28 Routledge Education Classic Edition Series (series) 10 Routledge International Handbook of Creative Learning, The 20 Routledge International Handbooks of Education (series) 20 Routledge Key Guides (series) 3 Routledge Series on Interpretive Methods (series) 5
Safford, Kimberly 27 Sammons, Pam 26 Savin-Baden, Maggi 9, 26 Sawchuk, Peter 4 Sayer, Andrew 26 Schatschneider, Christopher 13 Scheuer, John Damm 26 Schostak, Jill 21 Schostak, John 15, 21 Schwartz-Shea, Peregrine 5 Scott-Jones, Julie 26
Reeves, Thomas C 15 Regression Analysis for the Social Sciences 26
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Sebba, Judy 5 Sefton-Green, Julian 20, 26 Sikes, Pat 19 Simonsen, Jesper 26 Single-Case Research Methods in Sport and Exercise Psychology 8 Skinner, James 2 Smagorinsky, Peter 27 Small-Scale Research in Primary Schools 27 Smith, Brett 10 Social Statistics 26 Sparkes, Andrew 10 Spencer, Stephen 27 Stacey, Mary 27 Statistics for Sport and Exercise Studies 14 Successful Research Supervision 24 Sullivan, Bernie 23
Webb, Rosemary 27 Wellington, Jerry 2 Wellington, Jerry 3 Wells, Frances 4 Whitehurst, Teresa 22 Winch, Christopher 27 Witchger, Katian 27 Writing for Peer Reviewed Journals 21 Writing Research Critically 21
Yanow, Dvora 5 Youngblood Jackson, Alecia 12
Tannehill, Deborah 17 Teachers as Researchers (Classic Edition) 10 Teaching Legal Research 27 Telling Lives 12 Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research 12 Thomson, Gill 11 Thomson, Pat 15, 20, 21, 26, 28 Trahar, Sheila 26 Trainor, Audrey A 10 Tucker-Raymond, Eli 22 Tutt, Dylan 9
Understanding Research 3 Urry, John 27 Using Analytical Frameworks for Classroom Research 27 Using Educational Research to Inform Practice 27 Using Effectiveness Data for School Improvement 27
Varshney, Rachel 9 Video in Social Science Research 8 Visual Research Methods in the Social Sciences 27
Walker, Melanie 28 Waller, Tim 20 Walliman, Nicholas 26 Wallis, Patricia 4 Ware, William B 13 Watt, Sal 26
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