Midland Valley Feb 2013
Midland Valley Feb 2013
Midland Valley Feb 2013
Submitted photo Dr. Lloydette Young is happy to present 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Certificates to the following students at Leavelle McCampbell Middle School during the assembly, Friday, February 1, 2013. The students, parents, and guardians were invited to a reception to honor the students following the assembly program. Back Row: Dr. Young, Rhianna Bard, Shaina Murphy, Brenda Martinez, Zury Vargas, Evan Morris, Tanner Boyle and Kiara Gamble. Front Row: Erica Miller, Eneida Rodriguez, Luke Willis, Brianna Hicks, Yansi Zuniga, Kayla McElmurray and Ann Lindell.
Tom Youngs Website: My website can be reached at www. senatortomyoung.com. There are links to a variety of constituent services; the status of sponsored bills; and roll call votes. Please add my web site as a bookmark on your computer. Small Business Help SC Dept. of Commerce: The South Carolina Department of Commerce has helpful information for small business owners and employees. To learn more, go to http:// sccommerce.com/sc-businessnetwork. State House Tours: Tours are available for the S.C. State House by calling (803) 734-2430. If you set a tour between January and June and it is on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, please let me know so I can do my best to see you. Thoroughbred Country-South Carolina Regional Tourism Organization: To learn more about tourism in the four county region of Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell, visit www.tbredcountry.org. Email Updates: If you know of people in or around District 24 who do not receive my updates but they would like to get them, please email their names and email addresses to me. Road Issues: If you see a road problem, call the SCDOT at 6417665 or Aiken County at 642-1532 to report the problem. If you do not get a prompt response, please let me know at TomYoung@scsenate. gov or call me. Generally, most paved roads in the County are maintained by SCDOT and are identified on the road sign poles by a small black and white sign listing the road number, such as S-2-1669. Most unpaved roads in the County are maintained by the County. Please know that I can be reached by telephone (649-0000 or 215-3631); email ([email protected]); regular mail (P.O. Box 651, Aiken, SC 29802); or just pull me aside when you see me. Thank you for the privilege and the opportunity to represent you.
credit monitoring and unlimited fraud resolution provided by Experian. Anyone who filed a South Carolina tax return since 1998 should take the following steps: Call 1-866-578-5422 to enroll in a consumer protection service. (The call center is open 9:00 AM 9:00 PM EST on Monday through Friday and 11:00 AM 8:00 PM EST on Saturday and Sunday.) For any South Carolina taxpayer who wishes to bypass the telephone option, there currently is an online service available at http://www.protectmyid.com/ scdor. Enter the code SCDOR123 when prompted. Experians ProtectMyID Alert is designed to detect, protect and resolve potential identity theft, and includes daily monitoring of all three credit bureaus. The alerts and daily monitoring services are provided for one year, and consumers will continue to have access to fraud resolution agents and services beyond the first year. Complimentary 12-month ProtectMyID memberships available to South Carolina taxpayers affected by the DOR information security breach. GED Classes at Christ Central: If you know of someone who needs to earn their GED, Christ Central in Aiken offers both pre-GED classes and an intensive GED course. For more information, call (803) 564-5902, ext. 0. Speaking with Groups Around the District: Several local groups have invited me to attend one of their meetings to provide a legislative update. If you have a group that would like for me to come to a meeting, please let me know. Report Waste, Fraud and Abuse in State Government: To report waste, fraud and abuse in state government, you can call: 1-855-SC-FRAUD. Facebook: I have a Facebook page for Senator Tom Young. Please like the page to receive updates during the week from me on Facebook.
The Midland Valley Monthly is a free publication provided by the Aiken Standard newspaper. DISTRIBUTION: Around 3800 copies of this section will be distributed each month on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The section will publish inside the Aiken Standard to subscribers in Midland Valley zip codes of 29816 Bath, 29822 Clearwater, 29828 Gloverville, 29829 Graniteville, 29834 Langley, and 29851 Warrenville. Plus copies will also be distributed at strategic rack locations in these areas as well. MAILING ADDRESS: Midland Valley Monthly, c/o Julie Lott, P.O. Box 456, Aiken, SC 29802. SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES OR PICTURES: [email protected] or the above mailing address. UPCOMING DEADLINE: March 1, 2013. NEXT PUBLICATION: March 13, 2013.
session will begin Monday, April 14th and will continue through April 4th, 2013. *This is an ongoing program begin walking with us anytime. Lite-side A seniors class for those who desire a vigorous and fun filled workout. Certified instructor Emily Johnson will demonstrate the latest techniques for health conscious adults. Classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00-10:00 a.m. **free of charge. Karate Karate classes are taught by Brian Randall and are held on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Classes are for ages 5 and older with instruction in tae kwon do and kenpo. Cost is $15.00 per month. Gymnastics Registration fee is $10.00 and cost of instruction is $30.00 per month. Instructor Rhonda Whitley will teach gymnastics for children ages 4 & up on Mondays from 6:00-7:00 p.m FREE blood pressure testing This service is free of charge and is performed by certified nurse, Jeanne Townes. This service is provided the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Line dance Line dancing classes with instructor Cassie Barnhill are taught on Mondays from 7:30 8:45 p.m. Cost is $5.00 per class.
Monday and Wednesday Lite-Side Exercise (Seniors) 9:00-10:00 a.m. Instructor Emily Johnson teaches the latest steps and techniques that are fun and healthy. Monday and Wednesday Cardio/ Weight Class 4:30-5:30 p.m. A 30/30 Cardio and Weight Class consisting of a cardio workout and followed by light weights for toning and abdominal work. Instructor: Becky Geeting Wednesday ZUMBA 5:45-6:30 p.m. Come check out the Zumba Party on Wednesday afternoons with Instructor Becky Geeting. This class is for any level of participation and provides a non-intimidating opportunity for new exercisers. Tuesday and Thursday ZUMBA CLASSES 5:45-6:45 p.m. Party yourself into shape! Join the ZUMBA PARTY with Certified Instructor Tasha Hammell . WALKING IS E-A-S-Y!! Earn a free t-shirt after just completing (16) walk times/20 minutes or more and begin seeing results for a healthier you! Sign in at the front desk and start the new year off with a bang!! Our new
Closet Christians
By Pastor Lynn Kirkland Recently, after spending several days at the Hippodrome during the Augusta Futurity, a couple of the guys that attend COWBOY CHURCH regularly were discussing the number of people that either came to our services or stopped by to talk to us to encourage us in the work we were doing. Their final assessment was that there is a large number of Closet Christians that need to come out of the closet and take a stand for Jesus Christ. I believe that we have a great number of people that, for whatever reason, have not made a commitment to Jesus Christ. Even though they occasionally attend church and know all the Christian lingo they are actually seekers. They have something missing and are still seeking it. Lets take a look at John 14: 5 & 6 and Romans 1:16 to see what I am talking about. John 14:5 Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where you are going; so how can we know the way to get there? John 14:6 Jesus answered him, I am the way, the truth, and the
that believes. Today many educated people reject and condemn the Gospel. Political Correctness demands a strange sort of tolerance these days. You can pray to a universal god, but not Jesus. (Listen up School Board). We must be tolerant of Allah and universal god but no one must be tolerant of believers in the Good News of Jesus Christ. In Romans 1:16 Paul says that The Good News is the power to save us from our lostness. He says that it is just-as-if we never sinned. This is Good News! This is the power of God! I hope somebody is shouting and saying Amen right now! Acts 1:8 declares that we will be witnesses when the power of the Holy Spirit comes on us! We will not be ashamed of the Gospel. Where do you stand today? Are you a seeker that thinks church membership is going to take you to Heaven? Or, are you a closet Christian that needs to grow up in Christ? Or, do you realize that you are lost, dying,
and going to Hell? In either case call me: Dr. Lynn Kirkland EVANGELIST / REVIVALIST Impact Ministries International, Inc. COWBOY CHURCH P O Box 5431, Aiken, SC 29804 OFFICE PHONE: 803-400-3609 http://www.ImpactMinistriesInt.org Sign up to receive our monthly E~NEWS: www.tinyurl.com/4enews Cowboy up for Jesus!
There are NINE things different in the picture. Can you locate the differences?
Submitted photo While studying functions (domain, range, input, output, etc) in Ms. Harleys Algebra I class, the students at LBC Middle School were instructed to create 3D function machines. Each machine was required to have function statements that entered and exited the machine. The students really enjoyed this project!
1. Red flag changed to blue 2. Girl is missing earring 3. Star missing from rocket 4. Green block is missing 5. Handle missing from bucket
6. Dirt missing from shovel 7. Wheel missing from truck 8. Flower in girls hair changed to orange 9. Sand castle is missing
Leavelle McCampbell Middle Schools Spelling Bees were held January 8 and 9. The winners of the grade level Spelling Bees were: 6th grade: Sylker Kernagan 1st place, Zachary Widener 4th place, Devon DiCarlo 3rd place. 7th grade: Josi Ready 1st place, Kiana Hood 2nd place, Jayshon Johnson 3rd place. 8th grade: Shaina Murphy 1st place, Grant Wilson 2nd place, Lauren Brown 3rd place. The school-wide winners were Josi Ready 1st place, Omar McKie 2nd place and Kiana Hood 3rd place. They will represent Leavelle McCampbell Middle School at the Group I Spelling Bee Monday, January 14, at South Aiken Elementary School.
Submitted photo
2013 College Goal at Aiken Technical College Saturday, February 23, 2013
Financial aid information and FAFSA assistance for students and parents. See http://www.collegegoalsundayusa.org for more details.
All students and parents are encouraged to attend. Financial aid sessions are open to the public, regardless of choice of college, even if out of state.
Robinson, Talynn Corinna Saxer, Lauren Taylor Shoup, Destiny KiArre Williams and Andrew Seth Wright. A/B Honor Roll 8th Grade: Justin Bailey Adams, Mallory Claire Alverson, Tannar Dylan Batchelor, Jace Kaylee Bennefield, Bethany Noelle Boatwright, Brooke Alexis Byrd, Brandon DeAndrZ Colden, Jaxen Thomas Coleman, Kaley Jane Deese, Ethan Robert Ennis, Erica Renae Faircloth, Haylie McKenzie Fittery, Gunner Avery Harris, Justin Todd Harsey, Haven Mackenzie Huckabee, Dianna Hart Mathis, Hunter Tracy Morris, Christopher Charles Moyer, Savanna Alexis Moyer, John Vincent Niechniedowicz, Mallary Nichole Owensby, Makayla Marie Pardue, Karlee Anna Robinson, Paige Deann Roof, Ella Elizabeth Ryder, Preslee Elizabeth Sikes, Jada Marie Simpson, Emily Elizabeth Sloan, Timothy Garan Toole, Sarah Soonok Turner, Diego Alexander Villalobos, and Matthew Christopher Wright. 7th Grade: Jeffrey Maze Adams, Austin Dakota Banks, Macey Leanne Barton, Cierra Danielle Alexus Darville, Kenneth Reed
1st Grade: Shantel Butler, Emalee Densmore, Kyler Drabb, Destiny Duffie, Daniel LaFavor, Sara Montgomery, Aydan Nichols, Evan Smith, Morgen Tanner, Taylor Tolen, Symia Wheeler, Haley Young, Matthew Campbell, Kyera Corley, Arieonna Jones, Justiana Melo, McKinley Morton, Gracie Prine, Kaylyn Baskett, Eric Boivin, Kaleb Burton, Billy Fonseca, Ally Gordon, Sandra Lawton, Peyton Owenby, Keiry Rios Perez, Destiney Perkins, Kaylee Sharp, Christopher Stephenson, Victor Westbrook, Avery Widner, Gracie Barton, Hunter Bell, Gracey Chafin, Ellie Chambers, Rashad Daniel, Katie Downs, Aaron Garland, Dilan Interiano, Cayla Jacobs, Chloe Mays, Judy Osorio, Kendale Pearson, Joey Phegley, Gabriel West, Luke Sansom, Kaylan Crawford, Kaleb Herring, Janae Holt, Kyra Johnson,
Florane Lachance, Bryan Lopez, Addisyn Lowe, Ramsess Moreno, Evan Phillips, James Rushton, Christopher Snellings, Kelsey Trull, JaNiya Woods-Smith, Antrone Butler, Geraldine Falcon, Isaiah Freeman, Jordyn Haaf, Marcellius Hall, Gavin Ivey, Madison Krueger, Holly Miles, Daniel Sanchez, Alexandria Williams and Miles Willing. 2nd Grade: Cytlalic Alarcon, Katie Bales, Lindsay Bowie, Dashaun Brown, Jayda Curry, Dylan Flynn, Heather Fore, Brizeida Jacobo, Morgan Jeffcoat, Marino Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Michael Lopez, Deana Martin, Tremain McElmurray, Haylee Perry, Marianna Rodriguez, Grayson Weathers, Anna Bowers, Amber Busbee, Rachel Cisneros, Haley Ergle, Joshua Espinosa, Axcell Espinoza, Claira Gay, Madison Lilly, Sierra Mabry, Brandy Santos, Mallory Taylor, Jeremiah Trull, Jennifer Vazquez, Reese Wilson, Lily Boswell, Paige Davis, Aiesha Francis, Madison Green, Kadience McLester, Kaley Randall, Yair Cano-Cortez, Desmond Evans, Nicarie Freeman, Kayla Gomillion, Kenniante Jackson, Kyle Mosley, Benjamin Olivera-Silva, Ella Page, Calvin Stokes, Isaiah Trull, Audrey Bennett, Katie Combs, Austin Davis, Bruce Diaz-Leon, Lily Gainey, Caleb Gomillion, Zachery Good, Maria Gutierrez, Isaiah Hutton, Izhariyah Jenkins, Brandon Johnson, Kareem Nelson, Cheyene Speh, Eddie Wilson, Gaige Yaun, Karen Askren, Clare Balsam, Braylon Barton, Raekwon Brightharp, Kylee Fonseca, Savanna Kaney, Mariah Ligon, Kaia McMullen, Terrell Nelson, Luke Preissler, Carmen Reyes, Tristin Stokes, Maritza Truijillo, Nathan Vandegrift, Joshua VeraDuran, Shayna Autwell, AaShira Bostick, Amanda Busbee, Ayonna Butler, Ender Cano-Cortez, Lane Dunagan, Julia Edmondson, Fawn Hasley, Justin Joiner, Arowyn Jones, Gavin Presley, Seth Randall and Mercedes Sullivan.