Vintage Petticoat

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a Withandwithout petticoat, Vogue Vintage 2902, MissesTMisses' 6-22. Petite


in had woman a petticoat her Backin the '50severy amount the for lt wardrobe. wasessential getting right faded they Then skirts. full withtheday's circle of flare of With fashion. theresurgencevintage withthe away a is the designs, petticoat onceagain fashion and retro available. widely aren't is The essential. problem thatthey quite to simple are They actually make onel Thesolution: inexpensive. fairly and construct,

How To

Youcan alterthem to suityour lhese directions arefor a basicconcept. givenherearefor a pattern needs, sizeand height. The measurements size10 with a skirtlengthof 21".We madethreetiers,but you can rrakeas manytiersas you wouldlike. YOU W I LL N E ED: Note: yardages approximate will varybasedon your All are and measurements desiredlength. and a IV2yards 72" wide 100% nylonnetting. not usetulle;it'stoo Do of the the Youneeda netting with body.The stiffer netting, fullerthe soft. retticoat. ) Slhyards /2"double-fold tape. bias of r 6 yardsof 5/a" ribbon. widegrosgrain (yourwaist ) I1/zyards 1" widegrosgrain ribbonfor waistband of measurement2"; doubled) + r SkirtHook& Eye


lengthand add 2" for seam from yourwaistto the desired Measure (Example: + 2" = 23') 21" allowances. 23" Divide this numberby 3 (tiers).(Example: / 3 = 7.666[round,to 7-5"1)Ihisis the depthof eachtier. CU TT I NG: usedhereis72"wide,whichis 2 yards. Note: The netting Cutstripsfor tiersthe width of the fabricby the depthneeded. Ihe top tier is 2 yardsx 772"(onestrip) Ihe middletier is 4 yardsx 772"(twostrips) Ihe bottom is B yardsx 7/2" (fourstrips) tier ribbonyourwaist of Waistband: two pieces 1" widegrosgrain Cut + measurement2" CO N ST RU CT ION' o TopTier:Usedouble-fold tapeto cleanfinishthe hvoshort bias on stitches one longedge.(l) ends.Stitchtwo rowsof longgathering Do notgatheryet.Setaside. a Middle at lrer:Joinstrips together shortendsto makea complete to seamallowances one sideand stitchflat.Stitchtwo circle.Press stitches one longedge.Do not gatheryet.Set on rowsof longgathering (2) aside. a BottomTier: at Joinstripstogether shortendsto makea complete to seamallowances one sideand stitchflat. Stitchtwo rows circle.Press longedge, on stitches one longedge.On the opposite of longgathering the bras tapeto cleanfinish.(3) Gather top edge. usedouble-fold edge o Attachthe gathered edgeof the BottomTlerto the unstitched stitches tiers,the gathering of the MlddleJier.Note:Whenattaching (rawedges) be on the RightSideof the skirt. will a Gather top edgeof the MiddleTierand attachto the unstitched the shortedges edgeof the TopTier,makingsureto havethe bias-finished butted together. a Gather top edgeof the TopTierand attachto the ribbon,leaving the ribbonon the otherend %" excess ribbonon one end and IVz"excess (foroverlap). I Press netting the the towardthe ribbon.Place secondpieceof Turnin the the ribbonoverthe firstencasing raw edgeof the netting. of aroundall edges the raw edgedof the ribbonat the ends.Edgestitch Attacha skirthookand eye.(4) ribbon,pivoting corners. at grosgrain a Using5/e" ribbon,coverthe rawedgesof the gathering both'sides the ribbon. of siitches. Edgestitch

of petticoat assembled thebottom (5) The up. depth thetiers from is The tiers. lust 0t, desited length. youcanaddmole depending your on will vary, on tier the rememberdouble cilcumferenceeach youadd. to

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