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24v CFL Ballast

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Application Note 13 Issue 2 January 1996

The ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A Low Power IGBTs

A Silicon/ Package Efficient Device for Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) Ballasts and Static Switching David Bradbury

IGBT Characteristics
The N-Type ZCN0545A and P-Type ZCP0545A are Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) available in the E-Line (TO92 compatible) package. The ZCN0545A is a 450V, 2A peak device and the ZCP0545A is a 450V, 0.8A peak device. With these devices Zetex has brought the advantages given by IGBTs to lower power and lower cost applications. (Please refer to Appendix A for summarised datasheet information). IGBTs behave like a Darlington structure, utilising a MOSFET input device followed by a bipolar amplifier. The circuit symbols of the ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A are shown in Figure 1 and a simplified equivalent circuit for each is shown in Figure 2. The most important characteristics of IGBTs are:1) MOSFET type input resistance, ideal for direct drive from microcontrollers. 2) Low RDS(on). For a given chip size and BVDSS the RDS(on) of an IGBT is less than 10% of a standard high voltage MOSFET at high current.

3) Like a bipolar Darlington, the device needs a drain-source voltage of greater than 0.7V before current flows.

ZCN0545 C

ZCP0545 E

Figure 1 IGBT Symbols.


ZCN0545 C

ZCP0545 C


Figure 2 Conceptual Equivalent Circuit of the IGBT.

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4) If the drain-source terminals of an IGBT are reverse biased, the drain-source diode of the input MOSFET cannot conduct since the base-emitter junction of the output bipolar transistor is in series. In many applications this can provide a useful reverse blocking capability. 5) Switching speed is dominated by the characteristics of the bipolar transistor which can be optimised for either speed or saturation voltage. The ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A are designed to be very fast, switching on in less than 20ns, and off in less than 300ns. This makes them suitable for switching applications up to 100kHz. 6) Since their structure includes an SCR, IGBTs have a drain current which if exceeded will cause the device to latch up. This latchup phenomena can lead to device destruction in some applications. Consequently, the Pulsed Drain Current r a ting of the IGB T s hould not be exceeded. This rating is temperature sensitive, falling as temperature increases. The data sheet specifications for the ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A are given for their maximum junction temperature of 125C and so do not require further derating. 7) The equivalent RDS(on) of an IGBT does not change significantly with temperature. In comparison, standard MOSFET resistances double as Tj i s raised from ambient to their upper limit. To summarise, IGBTs combine the superior conduction characteristics given by bipolar Darlingtons with the ease of drive of MOSFETs. Though not quite as fast as MOSFETs, the ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A have been optimised to give very respectable switching speeds. In applications where the drive impedance is high, their low input capacitance can actually make them faster than equivalent current MOSFETs. T he o ut pu t c h a r a c te r i s ti c s o f th e ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A are illustrated in Figures 3 and 4.

Figure 3 N-Type IGBT Vs N-Channel MOSFET saturation comparison.

Figure 4 P-Type IGBT Vs P-Channel MOSFET saturation comparison.

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They show typical ID versus VDS for a logic level gate drive of 5V. To indicate the improvement the IGBT structure gives over standard MOSFETs, a graph of the typical performance of an identical chip size MOSFET has been plotted for comparison. The 300ns turn-off capability of the ZCN0545A would allow operation at up to 100kHz but the working frequency of the design was set at 40kHz to minimise losses and HF interference. By controlling the phase of the current flowing in the IGBTs so that c ros s -condu ction does no t oc cur , switching losses have been virtually eliminated. Also, the low effective RDS(on) of the ZCN0545A keeps conduction losses to around 60mW in each device. Figure 6 shows the voltage and current waveforms of the IGBTs. Figure 7 shows an expanded view of the critical turn-off behaviour of the ZCN0545A. Note in particular that the drain current falls to zero before the drain voltage rises significantly, ensuring low switching losses.

ZCN0545A for Off-Line Fluorescent Lamp Ballast.

Figure 5 shows the circuit of an 11W off-line fluorescent lamp ballast using two ZCN0545A IGBTs. The efficiency of the circuit is such that it allows the E-Line IGBTs to replace the TO220 / TO126 bipolar or MOSFET transistors commonly used in this application. This both lowers component costs and gives a reduction in circuit size - critical in integral lamp/ballast designs.

C3 47n 400V C7 470pF

ZCN 0545A

R3 3K3 R5 470K

C5 4n7 240V AC T1 10T/10T F1 0.2A D1-D4 1N4008 C6 10n VDR1 Z7L271 L1 11W C4 2n2

D5 UF4004 TH1 PTC S1380 R1 8.2


T2 25T D9 1N4008

T2 10T L1


Q2 ZCN 0545A
D8 R4 3K3 D6 UF4004


T1. 10T+10T, FX3311 Toroid. T2. 10T+25T+25T, FX3311. FX3311 Toroid. L1. 240T, 0.25mm wire, FX3439 cores, 0.32mm gap. C1 10F 400V C2 47n 400V


1N4148 R2 8.2

ZD1 BZX 55C10 T2 25T ZD2 BZX 55C10

C8 22n

Figure 5 11W Off-line Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) Ballast.

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the circuit, and transformer T1 and voltage dependent resistor VDR1 c o n tr o l lin e bor ne trans ients an d interference. Two strike circuits can be used. The simplest (and lowest cost) is to use a single capacitor which gives the circuit an instant start characteristic. However, this has the disadvantage that the lamp strikes before the heaters warm fully, leading to tube end blackening and some reduction of tube life when the unit is switched on and off frequently. An improved mode of operation comes from using a two capacitor/PTC starter combination. At turn-on, a 10nF capacitor forces a high heater current to flow until the series connected PTC warms. The resistance of the PTC increases rapidly, causing the voltage across the tube to rise until it strikes. Since the tube strikes only after its heaters reach working tem per ature, the ope rating life i s extended. However, this starter option is more expensive and gives a noticable turn-on delay (typically around 0.5-2 seconds).


0V 200mA

0mA 0s




Figure 6 IGBT Voltage and Current Waveforms within 11W ballast Circuit.



0V 200mA

0mA 0s






Figure 7 Turn-off Characteristic of IGBT within 11W Ballast Circuit. The gate drive for the IGBTs comes from a current transformer connected in series with the ballast inductor. This transformer controls the switching frequency of the circuit, and zener diodes ZD1 and ZD2 set gate drive voltages for both IGBTs. A diac is used to give an initial CR timed pulse to start

ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A for Telephone Hook and Earth Recall Switches
To withstand normal telephone line operating voltages and lightning induced transients, transistors with breakdown voltages in the range of 250-400V are needed for Hook switches, Earth Recall switches, Dialling and other telephone circuit functions. Normal operating currents are up to 150mA, but line transients can cause much higher currents.

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Figure 8 shows the line interface section of a feature phone. In this circuit Q1, a ZCN0545A, is being used as an earth recall switch. Under the direction of a function c ontr oll er this transistor grounds the negative supply rail of the telephone circuit, requesting a special switchboard service. Normally, N-channel MOSFETs are used for earth recall switches since the phone power supply is shorted during recall operation so low drive power is mandatory. The ZCN0545A IGBT however provides the s a m e h i g h i n p ut i m p e d a n c e a s a MOSFET, but also gives lower on-voltage drops at the high supply currents that can occur with short telephone lines. Q2, a ZCP0545A, is used as an electronic hook switch as needed in some feature phones. Its gate drive is controlled by a ZTX457 bipolar transistor wired as a

current source to limit drain current when the circuit is operating during a line transient. The P-type hook switch function is normally achieved using an expensive P-channel MOSFET or a PNP/NPN quasi-Darlington arrangement, but the ZCP0545A IGBT provides a lower cost and or reduced component count solution for this application. T o a v o i d r i n g - t r i p p r o b l e m s , th e transient suppressors used to protect telephone handsets must not conduct for input voltages below 200V. Tolerancing on these components leads to the selection of suppressors that under worst case conditions will allow peak voltages of over 270V during a tr ans ient. The 450V BVDSS o f th e ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A eases the design of the transient protection circuit, normally a tight balance between ring-trip problems and adequate

ZCP 0545A Q2

D5 D1-D4



C1 L1 BD1 D7 D6 C2 R4


Q3 ZTX 457

E ZCN 0545A
Figure 8 Telephone Line Interface Circuit.


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Application Note 13 Issue 2 January 1996

protection. Transient protection for the design in Figure 8 is provided by D5 and BD1.


ZCN0545A for Automotive Lamp and Relay Drivers.

Automotive lamp and relay drivers have to withstand extreme operating conditions. Behind an instrument panel temperatures can vary from a low of -40C to over +85C. Such drivers may have to withstand reverse battery connection, 24V rapid battery charging, a 100-240V 0.5J +ve transient, an 80V 50J load dump transient, and a number of other lower energy supply transients. The driver device will pass many times the normal load current if enabled during a supply transient. Consequently few driver transistors can be used without extensive transient and reverse supply protection. The ZCN0545A is an ideal driver for low power automotive lamps and relays. Its high BVDSS rating allows it to withstand all standard positive transients without further protection, and a 30V BVS D capability ensures survival of reverse battery connection without protection. Figures 9 and 10 show all that is required to drive lamp and relay loads direct from 5V logic using the ZCN0545A. Although the on-voltage drop of the IGBT may at first seem high compared with a standard bipolar or MOSFET solution, when the losses caused by series connected reverse supply protection diodes and other suppressors are allowed for, the drops are com pa r ab le . In t h e E -Lin e (TO92 compatible) package the ZCN0545A will switch lamps and relay loads up to 180mA.

Lamp +5V


ZCN 0545A


Figure 9 Simple IGBT Bulb Driver. In Figure 10, a high value low power resistor is connected across the relay coil to suppress transients generated by the relay during turn-off. Apart from this, no protection components are required for either circuit. This greatly reduces the cost of the driver circuits and saves on board space.


R1 470



ZCN 0545A


Figure 10 Simple IGBT Relay Driver.

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Application Note 13 Issue 2 January 1996

Appendix A ZCN0545A and ZCP0545A Summary Data-Sheet

PARAMETER Forward Drain-Source Voltage Reverse Drain Source Voltage Continuous Drain Current Pulsed Drain Current Gate-Source Voltage Power Dissipation Operating and Storage Temperature Range @ Tamb=25C @ Tamb=125C SYMBOL V DS VSD ID IDMR IDM VGS Ptot Tj:Tstg
ZCN0545A 450 30 0.32 2 1 20 0.6 -55 to +125 ZCP0545A -450 -20 -0.32 -0.8 -0.4 UNIT V V A A A V W C

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Application Note 13 Issue 2 January 1996

ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (at Tamb = 25C unless otherwise stated)

ZCN0454A ZCP0545A MIN. -450 MAX. UNIT V

PARAMETER Forward Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage Reverse Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage (4) Gate-Source Threshold Voltage Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Drain Source Saturation Voltage (1) Static Drain-Source On-State Resistance (1) Input Capacitance (2) Switching Times (2)(3)










3 10 400 3 3 6


-3.5 -20 -2000


ID =1mA, VDS= V GS VDS=450V, VGS=0V VDS=360V, VGS=0V, T=125C (2) ID=500mA, V DS=10 V ID=250mA, V DS=5 V VGS=10V,ID=0.5A


-3 -3



Ciss ton toff

90 150 300

120 150 350

pF ns ns

VDD 25V, VGS=0V, f=1MHz VDD 25V, VGEN=10V ID=1A, RGS=50

1) Measured under pulsed conditions. Pulse width=300s. Duty cycle 2% (2) Sample test. (3) Switching times measured with 50 source impedance and <5ns rise time on a pulse generator. (4) One minute maximum duration. Exceeds common international automotive reverse battery test specifications. Please refer to datasheets for full device characterisation.

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