Pange Lingua
Pange Lingua
Pange Lingua
P Ange lingua glo-ri- -si Crpo-ris myst-ri- um,
Sangui-nsque pre-ti- -si, Quem in mundi pr- ti- um
Fructus ventris gene-r-si Rex eff-dit gnti- um.
2. Nobis da-tus, nobis na-tus Ex intcta Vrgi-ne, Et in
mundo convers-tus, Sparso verbi smi-ne, Su- i mo-ras
inco-l-tus Mi-ro clausit r-di-ne.
3. In suprm nocte cn Re-cmbens cum frtri-bus,
Observ-ta le-ge ple-ne Ci-bis in le-g- libus, Ci-bum
turb du- odn Se dat su- is m- ni-bus.
4. Verbum ca-ro, panem ve-rum Verbo carnem ffi-cit:
Fitque sanguis Christi me-rum, Et si sensus d-fi-cit, Ad
firmndum cor sinc-rum So-la fi-des sffi-cit.
Hymn before Benediction
5. TANTUM ERGO Sacramntum Vene-rmur crnu- i:
Et antquum do-cumntum Novo cedat r-tu- i: Prstet
fi-des supplemntum Sensu- um de- fctu- i.
6. Ge-ni-t-ri, Ge-ni-tque Laus et ju-bi-l-ti- o, Sa- lus,
ho-nor, virtus quoque Sit et bene-dcti- o: Procednti
ab utrque Compar sit lau-d- ti- o. A- men.
Sing, my tongue, the mystery of the glorious Body and of the precious Blood,
which, fruit of the blessed womb, He the King of nations gave to ransom the
world. 2. Given to us, born for us of a spotless virgin, He dwelt on earth,
sowing the seed of His word, till with a wonderful rite He closed his life. 3. In
the night of the last supper, seated with the brethren, having fulfilled all the
law required, to the twelve with His own hands as food He gives Himself.
4. Word made flesh, by his word He changes bread into his Body and wine
becomes the Blood of Christ. If our senses fail us, faith alone will make a true
heart firm. 5. Bowing low then let us worship so great a Sacrament. The old law
gives place to a new rite, faith supplies the lack of sight. 6. To the Father and to
the Son be praise and glory, salvation, honor, power and blessing; to Him Who
from both proceeds be the same worship.