The Apocryphon of John Collection
The Apocryphon of John Collection
The Apocryphon of John Collection
John Collection
(The Secret Revelation of
John - The Secret Book of
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By its
own declaration, the Secret Book
of John is a sacred text intended to
be shared only with individuals
properly prepared to receive its
revelation. In second-century
Christian communions circulation
of the text probably remained
restricted. Amazingly, despite
limited circulation and the
effective later efforts by evolving
Christian orthodoxy to destroy all
such “heretical” scriptures, four
separate manuscripts of the SBJ
have survived into our own age.
Three of these were found among
the Nag Hammadi codices
discovered in 1945, while a fourth
copy was independently recovered
fifty years earlier from another
site in Egypt. All four versions
date to the fourth century. Three
of the four appear to be
independently produced Coptic
translations of an original text in
Greek. Two of the four
manuscripts (NHC II and NHC
IV) are so similar that they most
likely represent copies of a single
common source.
• Lecture 2 -- The
Structures of Divine
Consciousness: The
threefold structures of
Divine mind, from whence
all knowledge proceeds.
(43 minutes)
• Lecture 4 -- How
Humanity Began: The
mysterious origins of
human nature, its esoteric
psychology and
philosophy. (79 minutes)