13.02.10 Springfield Roundshaw
13.02.10 Springfield Roundshaw
13.02.10 Springfield Roundshaw
We do hope you can join us for our two prayer walks this evening at 6.30pm. One will start at the Phoenix Centre, covering sites in Roundshaw and the surrounding area: the other starts at Wallington Library. If we want to see our community impacted with the good news of Jesus, then we need to start with prayer. Prayer walks help us to see and feel our community and to pray over & into all the places around us.
10th February Morning Worship The Saints Ephesians 1: 15-23 17th February Grace and good works Ephesians 2: 1-10
Alpha Course
Our next Alpha Course is starting with a meal on Wednesday 27th February. Alpha is a great place to ask questions and to explore the Christian faith. Whether you are thinking about Christianity or would like a re-fresher or know someone who is interested, we would love to have you join the course. Please see Nigel if you are interested
A very warm welcome to cafe church, especially if you are here for the first time We are delighted that you have joined us this morning. Refreshments are available throughout the service- please do help yourself
February 11th 10.30 - 12.00 caf connect Shotfield Library Caf February 11th @ 2.30 pm Nigel Hallett Prayer Meeting 20, Chandler Court February 11th @ 7.45 pm Loneliness Ministry Meet 14 Elystan Close facilitator Ann Nicholls February 12th @ 8.30 pm Youth Ministry Meet 1, Kingswood Way facilitator Becca Watkins February 14th @ 7.45 pm Young family Ministry Meet 14 Holmwood Gardens facilitator Chris White February 16th @ 4.00 pm Footsteps @ HighView February 17th @ 7.00 pm Lent Course St Pauls, Roundshaw February 24th @ 7.00 pm Lent Course St Pauls, Roundshaw
Encounter Day
After a brilliant weekend away for Emerge with some anointed teaching by Donna we are making it available to everyone in an Encounter Day on Saturday 9th March. Her theme is Breaking the spell: unlocking an inspired imagination It totally gripped our young adults, and we believe that it will do the same for you as well. Book space in your diary now
Holiday Club
Space Academy will shortly be recruiting a team to work with a new intake of 5-11 year olds signing up for a week of astronaut training. It will be on the mornings of August 5th - 9th at HighView school Get your team helper sign up sheet today
Please pray for: Pat Savin following her return from hospital, that she makes a good recovery and settles back home well. All those exploring ideas for new ministries and engagement with our community as they meet together over the next few days
Vision Day
Imagine church for those who dont do church This March, there is a vision day on the 23rd March exploring new ways of building Christian community: It will be a great time for all those who are looking into our new river ministry initiatives to find out more about Fresh Expressionswhat it might mean for us at Springfield
The next meeting of Footsteps on 16th February, where families come for craft, a bible story, worship and to share a hot meal, is on February 16th at HighView Primary School. Do pray for this ministry and for the people that are part of this expression of church, that they may deepen their knowledge of God as they come to know more of Him.