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would indeed be surprisingand would constitute a weighty, but not a decisive argument. It would not be decisive, because the philosophically important issue is concerned with the nature and order of the activities involved, not with the allocation of English words to these activities. of University Leicester.
By G. E. M.
twenty shillings make a pound, or to matters of fact, as that you have delivered me a quarter of potatoes; from this you can see that the term does not apply to such a proposition as that I owe you so much for the potatoes. You really must not jump from an 'is '-as, that it really is the case that I asked for the potatoes and that you delivered them and sent me a bill-to an owes ' Does my owing the grocer in this case consist in any facts beyond the ones mentioned? No. Someone may want to say: it consists in these facts in the context of our institutions. This is correct in a way. But we must be careful, so to speak, to bracket that analysis correctly. That is, we must say, not: It consists in these-facts-holding-in-the-context-of-our-institutions, but: It consists in these facts-in the context of our institutions, or: In the context of our institutions it consists in these facts. For the statement that I owe the grocer does not contain a description of our institutions, any more than the statement that I gave someone a shilling contains a description of the institution of money and of the currency of this country. On the other hand, it requires these or very similar institutions as background in order so much as to be the kind of statement that it is. Given this background, these facts do not necessarily amount to my owing the grocer such-and-such a sum. For the transaction might have been arranged as part of an amateur film production. Then perhaps I have said to the grocer " Send so many potatoes " and he has sent them, and he has sent a billbut the whole procedure was not a real sale but a piece of acting;
Hume I might say to my grocer: " Truth FOLLOWINGagreement either to relations of ideas, as that in consists
even though it so happens that I then eat the potatoes (not as part of the film): for perhaps the grocer has said I can keep them; or has said nothing but doesn't care, and the question never comes up. Thus the fact that somethingis done in a society with certain institutions, in the context of which it ordinarily amounts to such-and-sucha transaction,is not absolute proof that such-and-sucha transactionhas taken place. Is it intention that makes the difference Not if we think of ? intentionas purelyinterior. What is true is this: what ordinarily amounts to such-and-such a transaction is such-and-such a transaction,unless a special context gives it a differentcharacter. But we should not include among special contexts the circumstance that I am suddenly deprived of all my goods and put in prison (through no fault of my own, if you like)-so that I can't pay the grocer. For in those circumstancesit is still true to say that I owe him money. Nor is there ordinarilyany need to look about for a special context so as to make sure there is none that makes a radical difference. Ordinarilythere is not; or if there is it usually comes very readily to light, though not always: which is why it is true to say that deception is always possible. But it is not theoreticallypossible to make provision in advance for the exception of extraordinarycases; for one can theoretically always suppose a further special context for each special context, which puts it in a new light. Let us return to the move of saying: " Owing the grocer consists in these facts, in the context of our institutions". We ought to notice that exactly the same holds for the facts themselves as we described them. A set of events is the ordering and supplying of potatoes, and something is a bill, only in the context of our institutions. Now if my owing the grocer on this occasion does not consist in any facts beyond the facts mentioned, it seems that we must say one of two things. Either (a) to say I owe the grocer is nothing but to say that somesuchfacts hold, or (b) to say I owe the grocer adds something non-factualto the statementthat some such facts hold. But of course, if this is a valid point, it holds equallyfor the descriptionof a set of events as: the grocer's supplyingme with potatoes. And we should not wish to say either of these things about that. The grocer supplies me with a quarterof potatoes: that is to say, he (1) brings that amount of potatoes to my house and (2) leaves them there. But not any action of taking a lot of
potatoes to my house and leaving them there would be suppl)hig me with them. If for example,by the grocer'sown arrangement, someone else, who had nothing to do with me, came and took them away soon afterwards,the grocer could not be said to have supplied me.-When, one might ask, did he supply me? Obviously, when he left the potatoes; it would be absurd to add " and also when he did notsend to take them away again ". There can be no such thing as an exhaustive description of a/l the circumstances which theoretically could impair the descriptionof an action of leaving a quarterof potatoes in my house as " supplying me with a quarterof potatoes ". If there were such an exhaustivedescription,one could say that" supplyleaving them at my ing me with a quarterof potatoes " means with the absenceof any of those circumstances. house, together As things are, we could only say " It means leaving them ... together with the absence of any of the circumstanceswhich would impair the description of that action as an action of supplying me with potatoes "; which is hardlyan explanation. But I can know perfectly well that the grocer has supplied me with potatoes; asked what this consisted in, I say there was nothing to it but that I had orderedthem and he brought them to my house. Every description presupposes a context of normal procedure, but that context is not even implicitly described by the description. Exceptional circumstancescould always make a difference, but they do not come into consideration without reason. As comparedwith supplying me with a quarterof potatoes we might call carting a quarter of potatoes to my house and leaving them there a " brute fact ". But as comparedwith the fact that I owe the grocer such-and-sucha sum of money, that he supplied me with a quarterof potatoes is itself a brute fact. In relation to many descriptions of events or states of affairs which are assertedto hold, we can ask what the " brute facts " in were; and this will mean the facts which held, ?a.nd virtue of which, in a proper context, such-and-sucha description is true or false, and which are more " brute " than the alleged fact answeringto that description. I will not ask here whether there are any facts that are, so to speak, " brute " in comparisonwith leaving a quarterof potatoes at my house, On the other hand, one could think of factsin relationto which my owing the grocer such-and-sucha sum of money is " brute "-e.g. the fact that I am solvent.
We can now state some of the relationswhich at least sometimes hold between a description,say A, and descriptions,say xyz, of factswhich arebrutein relationto the fact describedby A. of (1) There is a range sets of such descriptionsxyz such that some set of the range must be trueif the descriptionA is to be true. But the range can only ever be roughly indicated,and the way to indicate it is by giving a few diverse examples. (2) The existence of the description A in the language in which it occurs presupposesa context, which we will call " the institution behind A "; this context may or may not be presupposed to elements in the descriptions xyz. For example, the institution of buying and selling is presupposed to the description" sending a bill ", as it is to " being owed for goods received ", but not to the description" supplyingpotatoes ". (3) A is not a descriptionof the institution behind A. (4) If some set holds out of the range of sets of descriptions some of which must hold if A is to hold, and if the institution " behind A exists, then " in normal circumstances A holds. " The meaning of " in normal circumstances can only be indicated roughly, by giving examplesof exceptionalcircumstances in which A would not hold. (5) To assert the truth of A is not to assert that the circumstanceswere " normal "; but if one is asked to justify A, the truth of the description xyZ is in normal circumstancesan adequatejustification: A is not verified by any furtherfacts. cannot (6) If A entails some other descriptionB, then ?xyZ generally be said to entail B, but xyZ together with normality of circumstances relativelyto such descriptionsas A can be said to entail B. For example: " Hie supplied me with potatoes " entails " The potatoes cameinto my possession ". Further," He had the potatoes brought to my house and left there" is in normal circumstancesan adequatejustificationfor saying " IHe suppliedme with potatoes "; askedwhat his action of supplying me with potatoes consisted in, one would normally have no further facts to mention. (One cannotmention all the things that were not the case, which would have made a differenceif they had been.) But " He had potatoes carted to my house and left there" does notentail " The potatoes came into my posseshad sion ". On the other hand " I-He potatoes cartedto my house and left there and the circumstances were just the normal circumstancesas far as concerns being supplied with goods" does entail " The potatoes came into my possession " University Oxford. of