Abstract Submission
1) Contact Information
a) Gaetano A. Morello
b) Dr. Gaetano A. Morello, BSc., ND
c) 2696 Nootka Street, Vancouver,
BC Canada V5M 4V4
d) Day time telephone: 604-421-0777
e) Fax: 604-421-0771
f) Email: [email protected]
**please do not publish personal information
3) Presentation Title: “Cutting Edge Detoxification Strategies: Innovations for Whole Body Renewal”
4) Description: Exposure to a lifetime of toxins from processed foods, chemicals, pollution, pesticides,
and the many food additives can have serious consequences on health. This lecture will focus on
simple, yet effective detoxification strategies that can improve the body’s ability to deal with
increasing toxic burden and restore patient vitality.
5) Abstract: The question of the 21st century is not whether or not we are toxic, but rather HOW TOXIC
ARE WE? Toxic exposure begins in the mother’s womb and continues each day, every day
throughout life. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and World Health Organization (WHO)
have estimated that there are 85,000 different chemicals registered for use; 2,000 new chemicals
introduced each year, yet half of these chemicals never tested for impact on human health.
While the body possesses multiple mechanisms to detoxify these chemicals, the total body burden has
increased dramatically since the advent of the industrial age. Toxic exposure has been implicated in a
wide range of conditions, from headaches, fatigue and weakness, to yeast infections, and even cancer
and cardiovascular disease. Cutting Edge Detoxification Strategies: Innovations for Whole Body
Renewal will discuss an effective and comprehensive protocol for combating this toxic world by
aiding the body’s natural processes, restoring cellular health, and by directly binding and eliminating
toxins. Dr. Gaetano Morello, a naturopathic physician with more than 15 years of experience, will
share how therapeutic cleansing and detoxification can prevent the day-to-day accumulation of
toxicity so patients can live the cleanest, healthiest lives possible.
a) Learning objectives:
• Assess sources of toxic exposure in the modern world and review the role of genetics
(epigenetics) as well as the environment in body burden
• Review disease implications for excessive toxic exposure
• Define the body’s mechanisms for detoxification
• Discuss naturopathic strategies for whole body detoxification; understand the use of
natural supplemental options that improve the body’s ability to detoxify, combat yeast
overgrowth and heavy metal exposure, and improve cellular health
b) Presentation outline:
• Introduction: Naturopathic Strategies for Detoxification
• Toxic Exposure in the Modern World
○ Types of toxins
○ Sources of exposure
○ Risks of exposure
• Toxic Exposure & Disease
○ Research review of prevalent chemicals and body accumulation
○ Role of genetics (epigenetics)
○ Chronic exposure and disease associations
• Mechanisms for Detoxification
○ Liver and phases of detoxification
○ Role of bile
• Detoxification Strategies
○ Minimize toxic exposure
○ Insure optimal diet
○ Optimize bowel health
○ Strengthen antioxidant reserves
○ Improve mitochondrial functionality
○ Enhance Phase I and Phase II mechanisms
○ Enhance heavy metal detoxification
c) Pharmacy discussion will occur during the presentation, but will not include any specific
company branded products or ingredients
For the past 15 years, Dr. Morello has been training and educating physicians, pharmacists and health
experts on the scientific use of natural medicines in the fields of cardiology, immunology,
gastroenterology, anti-aging and detoxification.